
Vaastu Remedies while Decorating Your House

Experience the Best in Astro-Consulting with Astro-Architect Neeta Sinha

Decorating your home is one of the first and most important things that you will do. Decor does not only serve an ornamental purpose but is also

crucial for the positivity it can bring to the occupants of your house.

Decor for Positivity

So, the next time you are planning to make changes to your décor, remember to increase as much positive energy as you can for your

house. This ensures a better well-being for you and your loved ones.

Attracting Positivity

For this, the practice of Vaastu Shastra can prove to be highly beneficial. With Vaastu, it’s also possible to make minor arrangements or changes in your décor, ensuring maximum benefit with just a few effective remedies.

Vaastu Shastra

While choosing colours for your walls, it is important to note that these colours can significantly affect your mood. So, to feel calm and relaxed, avoid using dark colours and opt for blue, yellow, dark green and white.

Ideal Colours for Walls

It is crucial to remember that cactuses or other thorny plants shouldn’t be a part of your décor. Also, bonsai trees or plants bearing red flowers are not considered advisable.

The Effect of Thorny Plants

When you’re looking for a peaceful ambience in your house, it’s a great idea to incorporate paintings of soothing scenes and nature. Paintings with Swastika and Om are also helpful in warding off the ‘evil eye’.

Paintings for Peace

If your space is free from clutter, it enables free movement of positive energy around your house. This will get rid of negative energies and keep you healthy and calm. So look after your home and it will look after you!

Clutter-Free Energy

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