
"Strength in Numbers Creates Wealth"

Business Presentation


An extraordinary investment opportunity for the small scale investor

Headoffice – Stockholm - Sweden

• Viral Angels Credit Union

• Created in June 2012

• Business operations in 17 countries.

• Members in +70 countries


The Concept

• Members only Private Equity club

• Specialized in small and medium size companies, takes equity stake in some of those companies

• Assists them with public floatation – IPO

• Members can sell their shares in stock market

Founders of Viral Angels have experience with many IPOs in several exchanges: • AIM and Plus Markets (London)

• Deutsche Boerse (Frankfurt, Berlin and Stuttgart)

• Aktietorget and NGM (Stockholm)

• NASDAQ (New York) and several others

How it works

• VA selects companies under-valued or under-utilized

• Takes strong position, sets an agenda and executes a plan

• Viral Angels receives shares • 20% Viral Angels• 80% Members


Benefits: Members

• Information about non listed companies

• Getting knowledge

• Weekly FREE share allocations

• Share portfolio value increase

• Trading on VA/X

• Broker

• VISA T24 prepaid card (excl. Silver)

How it works


Private EquityMembers Club



How it works


Private EquityMembers Club




€ %

How it works


Private EquityMembers Club




€ %


% €

How it works


Private EquityMembers Club


Main Exchanges




€ %


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How it works


Private EquityMembers Club


€Main Exchanges






€ %


% €

How it works


Private EquityMembers Club


€Main Exchanges







€ %


% €

Share Allocations 2012/14

Allocated Shares Company Value

78.656.105 Trig Media Group AB €524.374

49.799.439 Cellpoint Connect AB €331.996

19.842.550 Syst. Kap. Rval. Sve. AB €352.756

5.315.848 Artemis Acq. Corp. €199.344

2.149.201 Auragenix NV €214.920

1.384.635 Enwire AB €1.384.635

795.535 Eurobrands Corp. PLC €318.214

530.829 IQ Money PLC €471.848

421.472 Millioo AB €585.378

197.489 New Motor Media N.V. €197.489

Total Value: €4.583.858


• Portfolio Value: +€36.000

• Investment: approx €5.000

• 5 May 2014

• Main Exchange

• May 2014

€39 per monthAccess VA/XCrowd fundingWeekly allocations (25%)

€89 per monthSilver plus...Weekly Gold allocationsT24 Payvault (prepaid)

€145 per month €295 per month

€420 per month €585 per month €750 per month €990 per month

Gold plus...Weekly Platinum allocationsOptions Pool

Platinum plus...Weekly RubyAllocationsUnderwriting Pool

Ruby plus...Weekly Sapphire allocationsPerformance Pool

Sapphire plus...Weekly Emerald allocationsIndex Pool

Emerald plus...Weekly Diamond allocationsT24 Black Card(Replaces Payvault)

Diamond plus...Weekly Black Diamondallocations


Special Promotion

• Upgrades and New signups in February

• Weekly regular allocations

• Plus 1 monthly allocation exclusive Trig

Build YOUR Business!

• Direct & Network bonus (5 levels)

• Leadership Bonus

• Monthly Bonus

• Quarterly Bonus

• Yearly Bonus

• Special Promotions

Bonus paid in real time. Can be transferred to paypal, T24 or your bank account.

The Money

The Bonus

Silver Gold Platinum Ruby Sapphire Emerald Diamond BlackDiamond

Memb. €39 €89 €145 €295 €420 €570 €750 €990

Direct €1 €10 €15 €30 €45 €60 €80 €105

L2 €1 €3 €6 €10 €13 €18 €23 €30

L3 €1 €2 €3 €6 €8 €12 €16 €20

L4 €1 €2 €3 €6 €8 €12 €16 €20

L5 €2 €4 €6 €12 €16 €18 €23 €30

below % % % % % % % %

Members Gold Platinum Ruby Sapphire Emerald

Frontlines 6 €60 €90 €180 €270 €360

L2 36 €108 €216 €360 €468 €648

L3 216 €432 €648 €1.296 €1.728 €2.592

L4 1.296 €2.592 €3.888 €7.776 €10.368 €15.552

L5 7.776 €31.104 €46.656 €93.312 €124.416 €139.968

Total 9.330 €34.296 €51.498 €102.924 €137.250 €159.120

The Residual Income

Example 6 x 2

Team Gold Platinum Ruby Sapphire Emerald

Frontlines 6 €60 €90 €180 €270 €360

L2 12 €36 €72 €120 €156 €216

L3 24 €48 €72 €144 €192 €288

L4 48 €96 €144 €288 €384 €576

L5 96 €384 €576 €1.152 €1.536 €1.728

Total 186 €624 €954 €1.884 €2.538 €3.168

Example 6 x 3

Team Gold Platinum Ruby Sapphire Emerald

Frontlines 6 €60 €90 €180 €270 €360

L2 18 €54 €108 €180 €234 €324

L3 54 €108 €162 €324 €432 €648

L4 162 €324 €486 €972 €1.296 €1.944

L5 486 €1.944 €2.916 €5.832 €7.776 €8.748

Total 726 €2.490 €3.762 €7.488 €10.008 €12.024

Career Ladder

Position Frontlines 4Levels

Leadership Bonus

Member Yes - -

Trader Yes 2 -

ST - Senior Trader Yes 3 -

ET - Executive Trader Yes 4 -

M - Manager Yes 4 -

SM - Senior Manager Yes 4 -

EM - Executive Manager Yes 4 Yes

D - Director Yes 4 Yes

SD - Senior Director Yes 4 Yes

ED - Executive Director Yes 4 Yes

President Yes 4 Yes

Career Ladder

Position Frontlines 4Levels

Leadership Bonus

Member Yes - -

Trader Yes 2 -

ST - Senior Trader Yes 3 -

ET - Executive Trader Yes 4 -

M - Manager Yes 4 -

SM - Senior Manager Yes 4 -

EM - Executive Manager Yes 4 Yes

D - Director Yes 4 Yes

SD - Senior Director Yes 4 Yes

ED - Executive Director Yes 4 Yes

President Yes 4 Yes

Career Ladder

Position Frontlines 4Levels

Leadership Bonus

Member Yes - -

Trader Yes 2 -

ST - Senior Trader Yes 3 -

ET - Executive Trader Yes 4 -

M - Manager Yes 4 -

SM - Senior Manager Yes 4 -

EM - Executive Manager Yes 4 Yes

D - Director Yes 4 Yes

SD - Senior Director Yes 4 Yes

ED - Executive Director Yes 4 Yes

President Yes 4 Yes

Career Ladder

Position Frontlines Team Monthly Team


Lines Qualification

Member - - - - -

Trader 3 - - - -

ST - Senior Trader 5 10 €1.150 1 Trader

ET - Executive Trader 6 20 €2.300 2 Trader

M - Manager 8 40 €4.500 2 Sen. Trader

SM - Senior Manager 10 80 €9.000 2 Exec. Trader

EM - Executive Manager 12 150 €17.000 2 / 1 ET / M

D - Director 14 300 €35.000 2 / 1 M / SM

SD - Senior Director 15 500 €58.000 1 / 2 / 1 ET / SM / EM

ED - Executive Director 16 1.000 €115.000 1 / 2 / 1 M / EM / D

President 16 2.000 €230.000 1 / 2 / 1 SM / D / SD

Monthly Bonus

Position Monthly Bonus

Senior Manager €300

Executive Manager €500

Director €750

Senior Director €1.000

Executive Director €1.000

President €1.000

•The monthly bonus is payable by the 15th of the month following the qualification month.

Leadership Bonus

Position Leadership Bonus*

Executive Manager 0,5% on turnover from L6

Director 1% on turnover from L6

Senior Director 1,5% on turnover from L6

Executive Director 2% on turnover from L6

President 2,5% on turnover from L6

*See terms on website

Onetime Quarterly Bonus*

*On team turnover for 3 months following qualification. See terms on website

Position MinimumBonus

Director €5.250

Senior Director €8.700

Executive Director €17.250

President €34.500

Yearly Bonus

Position Yearly Bonus*

Director 0,25% on yearly turnover

Senior Director 0,25% on yearly turnover

Executive Director 0,50% on yearly turnover

President 1% on yearly turnover

*See conditions on website

Luxury Trip – Director

Position Time ShareBonus*


Trader 7 days €100 -

Senior Trader 30 days €500 -

Executive Trader 60 days €1.000 -

Manager 90 days €2.500 -

Senior Manager 120 days €5.000 €3.600

Executive Manager 180 days €10.000 €7.200

Director 1 year €16.000 €12.000

Total: €35.100 €22.800

Quick Start Bonus*See terms on website. Valid until 31 March 2014

Gift Cards

•1 month => 1 week extra share allocation

•3 months => 3 weeks extra share allocations

•6 months => 1 month & 1 week extra share allocations

•1 year => 2 months & 1 week extra share allocations

Valid until 14/12/2014 – see other conditions on

Payment by Bitcoin






Approx. 200 new companies per month

VA Open Market

• Private companies• Non Euroclear• Unregulated• Anyone can trade/invest in these companies• Companies pitch their product/services• VA members vote which companies to move up to VA Prime

VA Prime

• Public companies• Euroclear• Unregulated• Closed market. Only active VA members can trade/invest in these companies

MTF – Multilateral Trading Facilities

• Public companies• Euroclear• Open & regulated market

Main Stock Exchanges

• Public companies• Euroclear• Open & regulated market• Bigger cap companies


• Options

• Underwriting

• Performance

• Index

Webinars – 8 languages

• Monday• 21.00 Estonian

• 21.00 French – Business Presentation & Training

• Tuesday• 20.00 Swedish

• 22.00 Spanish

• 22.00 Portuguese

• Wednesday • 21.00 Estonian – Training

• 22.00 Spanish – Training

• 22.00 Portuguese – Training

• Thursday• 19.00 Russian – CET time

• 20.00 Swedish

• 21.00 Danish

• Sunday • 20.00 English – UK time

1st Global Convention

Algarve, Portugal – 4/6 April 2014


Join Now!

One year from now, you’d wish you had started TODAY!

Thank You Very Much!

An extraordinary investment opportunity for the small scale investor

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