V. Dispensation: Presentation and Elation

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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In Part V, I connect the previously-studied two towers of Genesis and Revelation with a timeline made up of the commonly recognized dispensations, so called. (In the movie, The Road, Viggo Mortenson son walked an essentially dark and dead-end road. Our Holy Highway starts and ends in God's grace and in the light of His boundless mercy. Take a look at the map here!)



Step-stones of grace and faith

A Production of

the skOG



Here we get down into the weeds a bit, looking closely at the ‘roadway’ which connects the bridge’s two towers.

One may productively see God working with mankind in a number of distinct ways and not necessarily encumber oneself with all the trappings of a a devout Dispensationalist.

Here’s how . . .

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necessity. I’m NOT sleeping but performing a premeditated act

of kitty cuteness.

EMAIL: leonard.hoy@gmail.com

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Prophecy Series 30 Presentation Set

Table of ContentsIMAGES:

By Subscription: http://www.instonebrewer.com/bpg2009/frames.htm?members/member_page.php

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The cat in the sink has signed all necessary waivers, disclaimers and miscellaneous legal debris in order to appear in that sink.


“God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us through His Son.”

Scholars typically note seven or eight ‘ways’ and ‘portions’ in the biblical record.


“He (God) made known to us the mystery of His will . . . with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ . . .”

Each ‘way’ of dealing with man sees God as that ‘way’s’ ultimate ‘Administrator’ and Architect.

Paul Describes Our Dispensation

EPHESIANS 1:10 (cont’d)

Each ‘way’ of dealing with man sees God as the ultimate ‘Administrator’

As Administrator, God crafted different ‘kinds’ of ways to administer human affairs.

We have two English words to translate the Greek and Latin terms for ‘administration’:




“To me, the very least of all the saints, this grace was given to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things . . .”


“. . . in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”

“This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord!”

Paul describes our own familiar ‘administration’ or ‘dispensation’ or ‘economy’ in these terms:

1. A mystery for a time2. Intended for revelation at a ‘suitable’ time. 3. Connected to God’s Christ-centered, eternal

and redemptive purpose.4. A display of God’s ‘manifold’ wisdom.5. I believe all 7 traditionally seen dispens-

ations share in these characteristics.

Paul David Nevin’sDefinition of Dispensation

1.A Dispensation is God’s distinctive method of governing mankind or a group of men during a period of human history.

2.A dispensation is marked byA crucial eventA testA failureA judgmentA gracious rescue

Paul David Nevin’sDefinition of Dispensation

1.From God’s standpoint, a dispensation is a distinct stewardship or rule of life for managing God’s affairs in His ‘household’2.From Man’s standpoint, a dispensation presents a unique responsibility to live up to.3.From History’s standpoint, a dispensation is a clearly delineated stage in God’s revelation of Himself to Mankind.

Redemption’s Roadway:

from Adam’s Fall . . .

to Christ’s Coronation


Man’s Journey Begins:The Dispensation of Innocence

Adam’s race starts with a clean slate.



At the flood, this population comesto a full stop!

Man Out Into the World:The Dispensation of Conscience



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t

The dispensation ‘ends’,yet its population continues . . .

Mankind Begins Afresh:The Dispensation of Human Government



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t Promise

God Separates Outthe Family of Abraham

God Calls Faithful Abraham:The Dispensation of Promise



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t Promise

The broken boundary lines indicate people can move in and out either as converts or apostates.


Moses’ Law regulates Israel’s moral, civil and religious life.

God Gives Moses His Laws:The Dispensation of Law



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw


Christ, through His shed blood, freely offers us a saving grace.

The Law showed us our need of grace;

Christ Fulfills the Law:The Dispensation of Grace

How shall I depict the seven year period of time known

generally as The Tribulation?

Post-Tribulationists see the Tribulation as the final act of the Church Age, as part of that age!

Pre-Tribulationists see the Tribulation beyond the Church Age, a separate “dispensation” to itself !

I shall give each viewpoint its due in the next two slides.



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw


The Tribulation PeriodAs a the final 7 years of the Church Age

Notice that the Age of Grace doesn’t CLOSE with ahard barrier finish but CONTINUES into . . . . . The Tribulation

The Church Age ends after the Tribulation!



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw


The Tribulation PeriodAs a Termination to the Church Age

Notice that here the Age of Graceends at the edge of the Tribulation

which now must become a separate event.The Tribulation



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw



The MillenniumChrist’s 1000 Year Reign on Earth:

The Church rules and reigns with Christ!

Israel enjoys at last allshe has been promised by God!



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw



Eternity: New Heaven and a New Earth

The Eternal State:Innocence Reclaimed and Secured

for Eternity



G oH vu em ra nn m e n t PromiseMosaicLaw



Eternity: New Heaven and a New Earth

God’s Gracious Redemptive Plan:

An Unbroken Expression of GraceFrom the Garden

to the Eternal City

God’s Dispensational Plan

Allows us humans to learn about ourselves and

Our inability to secure our redemption.

Our unwillingness to please God.

The very real penalties of rebellion

Our need of God’s grace (unmerited favor)

God’s Dispensational Plan

Provides every imaginable avenue for humanity to reconnect with God

Innocence-communion with God a given

Conscience-follow your inner guide

Government-society as a hedge against sin

Promise-small group trust in God’s covenanted word

God’s Dispensational PlanEvery possible opportunity (cont’d)

Law-clear code, clear consequences, national scope

Cross- free pardon and indwelling for all humanity

Hell on Earth-7 year free home trial of Hell

Millennium- forced at last to enjoy the fruits of righteous living and worship

Satan released- OK, one more time! Who do you choose?

God’s Dispensational PlanGod reveals his character progressively

God shows Himself to be just, loving and merciful.

God reveals the varying roles that grace plays in any person’s redemption in all dispensations.

God, in the crucified and risen Jesus Christ, EARNS the right to judge and forgive His Creation in righteousness and strength.

(see www.lennyhoy.com)

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