UTRGV-EHS-CCP Program Toddlers: Remote Teaching ...

Post on 09-Jun-2022






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Toddlers: Remote Teaching Instructional Guide Week of: April 5th-9th, 2021

Classroom Teachers and Room Number:

Director or Center Manager Approval: Date:

Parent Acknowledgement: Date:

Learning Outcomes: These next week’s children will be learning about rhymes. This week we will be focusing on two favorites “Humpty Dumpty” and “Hey Diddle,


Learning Goals:

(B.3.c.) Develops an increasing awareness of the impact and consequences of their actions.

(B.4.c.) Recognizes and responds to the feelings and emotions of others and begins to show concern.

(B.4.f.) Develops emerging skills in caring and cooperation.



Dr. Bailey’s


e Discipline



Morning Song:

Good Morning to you.

Hello Friends!


Ask the children to lie on their backs

and put their two hands on their little

belly. Ask them to take a deep breath

until they fill their lungs with air and

their abdomen expands. Then ask them to

exhale and relax their little belly to the normal


Repeat several times.


Invite the children to act on the rhyme Humpty

Dumpty and Randall Candall" (p. 45) as you read

it. Feel two children sit in chairs and pretend they

are sitting on a wall. Have a third child to help

each friend stand up from the chair by offering

them a hand.

Discuss being helpful and using helpful hands.


Remind child that

they are safe with

family that loves


Morning Message Sentences: Ask child to listen to the following sentences throughout the week. When you meet with family members and children seize

the opportunity to recite the rhymes “Humpty Dumpty” and “Hey Diddle, Diddle” and repeat the words of the week Eggs and Cats. This will open the conversation

to use the vocabulary of the week. Let parents/guardians know that these will be statements and words that you would like them to use during the week to

encourage language and conversations.

1. Humpty Dumpty is an egg. 2. The cat plays the violin.

*Modify the sentences as needed to scaffold according to child.


Theme: 7

Week : 1

Readiness Skill

Literacy Must Do’s: Sing the ABC Song





Enrichment Activities 1 Parent Tip, 1 Milestone, 1

Special Needs Adaptations


Words of the


- Egg



(Use sign

language for



Use your


mascot to



and language


as you interact

with the


Readiness Skill:

Title of Story:

“Humpty Dumpty’s New Ears”

Read A Loud Tips:

Use an enthusiastic voice and change

your tone of voice when reading a book.


We will focus on Humpty Dumpty’s new

ears. Ask the child how do you think

Humpty Dumpty looks better, with ears or

without ears?

Learning Outcomes:

This week children will begin their study on

nursery rhymes by focusing on one of the

favorite rhymes "Humpty Dumpty."

Learning Goals:

(A.3.c) Coordinate the movement of the

eyes and the hand.

(C.3.a) Show interest in songs, rhymes, and


(C.3.c) Engages with stories and books.

(D.1.c) Shows interest in colors, shapes,

patterns, and images.


• Emotion cards

• Humpty Dumpty’s new ears

Family Connection

Parents as Partners Letters

(Planning and Assessment

CD): Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

Coloring easter eggs


• Water

• 1tsp vinegar

• Food coloring

• Hard eggshells

• Cups

• Slotted spoon or tongs.


1. Mix 1/2 cup boiling

water, 1 teaspoon


2. add 10 to 20 drops

food color in a cup to

achieve desired colors.

3. Repeat for each color.

Nursery Rhyme/s:

Humpty dumpty

Entrance Song:

ABC Song

Closing Song:

See you later,


Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

The Goose That Laid

Golden Eggs


• The book The

Goose That Laid

Golden Eggs


1. Read the book of

The Goose that laid

golden eggs.

2. As you are going

over the story, ask

the child questions

on what is


1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1 Special

Needs Adaptations

Tips for parents: use

simple and clear


Milestone: say

multiple individual


Adaptation: read the

book in parts

because the child's

attention span is short.


1. We will welcome the child and using

the emotion faces, we will ask the

child to identify how they feel today?

2. We will sing the song of "A, B, C".

3. We will present the book "The new ears

of Humpty Dumpty" and we will

explain the parts of the book (cover,

back cover, and spine) and the name

of the author and illustrator.

4. Now we will read the book and ask

questions during the reading.

Questions (Before, During, After):

1. Before: How do you feel today? Have

you ever seen an egg, where do you

think they come from? What do you

think the book Humpty Dumpty’s New

Ears is about?

2. During: Who tried to help Humpty

Dumpty when he fell down the wall?

What do you think of Humpty

Dumpty’s new ears? What is Humpty

Dumpty’s great illusion?

3. After: How do you think he looks

better, with ears or without ears? Did

you have fun reading the book, what

was your favorite part? What did you

learn today?

English Video: Teacher Erica

Spanish Video: Teacher Evelyn

4. Dip hard-

cooked eggs in dye for

about 5 minutes.

5. Use a slotted spoon,

wire egg holder or

tongs to add and

remove eggs from dye




Words of the


- Rhyme

- Moon



(Use sign

language for



Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

“Hey Diddle Diddle”

Learning Goals:

(D.1.h.) Matches items that go together.

(D.3.d.) Develops and demonstrates the

ability to remember and connect new and

known experiences and information.

Learning Outcomes:

This week we will be learning about nursery



• 2 Imprints of the different forms of the

moon (you may draw the moons)

• Scissors

• Emotion Cards


1. The teacher will recognize the child’s

emotions using the emotion cards, asking

the child “How are you feeling today

(happy, sad, angry or excited)?” ……… I


2. The teacher will talk about Nursery

Rhymes, describe what they are, and will

introduce the rhyme “Hey Diddle


3. The teacher will encourage the child to

repeat the rhyme.

4. The teacher will show the moon and will

explain that the moon does not always

look the same.

5. The teacher will start by showing an

imprint of the different forms of the moon

and explain that they will be cut out.

(Images may be drawn)

Family Connection

Parents as Partners Letters

(Planning and Assessment


Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

“One Plate for Every



• 2 to 3 plates

• 2 to 3 spoons


1. Parents put the plates

and spoons on the


2. Parent will

demonstrate to the

child what the activity

will be about by

matching the plate to

the spoon and will say

“One plate for every

spoon and one spoon

for every plate.”

3. The parent will

encourage the child

Nursery Rhyme/s:

The moon song

Entrance Song:


Closing Song:

Goodbye friends

Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

“Egg Puzzle”


• Humpty dumpty puzzle

• Scissors


1. Parents print out the

puzzle from the link


2. Parents show the

child the puzzle. (All


3. Explain that you will

be cutting the

puzzle into 4 pieces.

4. Scramble the

pieces and

demonstrate how

the puzzle will be

put together.

5. Invite the child to

work on the 4-piece

egg puzzle on their

own, help the child

only if they ask for


6. Have Fun!!!

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1

Special Needs


Parent Tip: It is

important to

model activities

for small

children. If the

activity is too

difficult for the

child, make the

activity easier.

Children should

have activities

that challenge

them, but

activities that

they will be able

to complete on

their own.

Milestone: At the

age of 2 children

begin to


sentences and

rhymes in

familiar books.

Adaptation: Encourage

children to

match the

moons on their

own. If a child

needs help with

matching the

forms, parents

match the

difficult ones

6. The teacher will explain that the other

imprint will not be cut out, it will be used

to match the forms that have been cut


7. The teacher will encourage the child to

help her out in matching the moons.

8. The teacher will repeat the nursery rhyme

once more.

9. Have Fun!!!

Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: What is a nursery rhyme? Where

have you heard a nursery rhyme? Where do

you see a moon?

During: What shape is the moon? What

other things do you see in the sky? What do

you think happens to the moon when the sun

comes out?

After: What did you think of the activity?

What was the nursery rhyme about? What did

we learn today and why is it important?

English Video: Teacher Priscilla

Spanish Video: Teacher Sarahi

to match one plate

with each spoon.

4. Then have the child

say, “One plate for

every spoon and one

spoon for every


5. Have Fun!!!

and let the child

match the easier

ones. You may

also be able to

take out some of

the forms and

when the child

begins to

understand the

activity you may

add the forms

taken out little

by little.

Pretend and Learn Wonderful Words

of the Week:





(Use sign

language for

vocabulary words)

Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

Taking Care of Humpty Dumpty

Learning Goals:

(D.4.b.) Uses imitation in pretend play to

express creativity and imagination.

Learning Outcomes:

Children will begin their study of nursery

rhymes focusing on two favorites,

“Humpty Dumpty”, and “Hey Diddle,



• Feeling faces

• puppet

• egg cut out

• medical supplies (bandages, empty

syringes, cotton)

• construction paper

• tape

• Humpty Dumpty Rhyme


1. Teacher will recognize the child’s

emotions using the emotion faces.

2. *Teacher will introduce material

needed for the activity.

3. Teacher will introduce the rhyme

“Humpy Dumpty”


Family Connection

Parents as Partners

Letters (Planning and

Assessment CD): Theme

7 Week 1

Family Game:

Spring Flowers


• Fruit loops cereal

• construction paper

• glue

• paint


1. In the construction

paper paint a leave

and stem with your


2. Place the glue on


3. Then place the

cereal in a circle to

create the flower.

Nursery Rhyme/s:

Old McDonald

Entrance Song:

Hello Song

Closing Song:

See you soon!

Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

Pretend and Move


• None


1. Recall some of your

child’s experiences to

recreate them with

pretend play.

2. For example, if you have

recently read a book

about giants, invite your

child to stomp around or

use a deep voice like a


3. If you have a pet cat,

encourage your child to

stretch like a cat. Draw

upon your child’s

experiences and look for

ways to add new

experiences that will

encourage more

pretend play fun!

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1 Special

Needs Adaptations

Parent Tips: If you are

familiar with rhymes

from other cultures,

be sure to introduce

them to children.

Milestones: Plays

simple make-believe


Adaptations: Explain

what is happening

using simple


5. Teacher will explain how to take

care of “Humpty Dumpty” after he


6. The teacher will explain how they

are going to do to put it together,

then what they are going to use to

heal Humpty Dumpty. Get the

cotton first to clean the wound, and

then we are going to place the

band-aid and finally we will give him

the medicine so that Humpty

Dumpty can be feel better after the


Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: What do you think we, are going

to talk about this week? Do you know

any nursery rhyme? Which rhyme do you


During: What happened to Humpty

Dumpty? What do you think we are

going to use to put him back together?

What do you think we are going to use


After: Do you remember who help pick

up Humpty Dumpty? What part of the

activity did you like more? Do you

remember how to make the sign for

egg? What did we learn today?

English Video: Teacher Rosa

Spanish Video: Teacher Cristina

Art/Creativity Station

Wonderful Words of the







Enhancement: (Use sign

language for

vocabulary words)

Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

Hey Diddle diddle

Learning Goals:

(D.5.a) Develops skill and

confidence in art processes

such as drawing, collage,

painting, and construction.

(D.5.b) Develops the ability to

be creative and expressive

through a variety of activities,

such as simulation games, art,

and music.

Learning Outcomes:

This week the children will learn

rhymes about each of these

characters egg and cat.


• Paper plate

• Construction paper

• Googly eyes

• Black Markers

• Scissors

• Glue

• Emotional Faces


1. The teacher will recognize

the emotions of the child

using the faces of emotions.

2. Trim paper with the help of

an adult.

Family Connection

Parents as Partners Letters

(Planning and Assessment CD):

Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

Spring Flower Collage


• Petals and Flower

• Paper

• Scissors

• Glue


1. Once you have collected

all your petals and flowers.

2. Fix your petals on paper.

3. Once you are happy with

your arrangement.

4. Paste all parts to the paper.

5. Once everything is glued,

seal the entire collage with

a thin layer of transparent

glue or acrylic sealant.

Nursery Rhyme/s:

Hey Diddle, Diddle

Entrance Song:

Hello, hello

Closing Song:

Bye, bye goodbye

Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

Cat Puppet


• Brown paper bag

• Scissors

• Glue

• Construction paper

• Colors

• Clean Pipes


1. First, cut a piece of

construction paper to

fit the entire length and

width of the paper


2. Then, cut the

construction paper at

the place where the

bag’s “face” moves.

You’ll also need

triangles (ours were

curved at the tips) for

the ears in the primary

color of the cat and

smaller triangles in pink

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1

Special Needs


Parent Tips: A

great activity to

get kids to learn

the rhyme, Hey

Diddle diddle.

Art gives the

child the

opportunity to

discover and



Trim larger

pictures if the

child has

trouble handling

small pictures.



rhymes are

important for


acquisition and

help with



3. Paste the pieces of paper

into the plate.

4. Stick your eyes, nose, and


Questions (Before, During,


1. Before: Have you heard the

Rhyme Hey diddle diddle?

What rhymes have you

heard of? What do you

think rhyme is about?

2. During: Would you like to

make a cat? What do you

think we are going to do

first? What color are you

making your cat?

3. After: Where do you think

the plate and spoon went?

What was your favorite part

of the rhyme? Do you

remember what pet we

talked about?

English Video: Teacher Karla

Spanish Video: Teacher Adriana

or another accent


3. Finally, work on the face.

Add the pipe cleaners

first to make whiskers.

Tape them down to

secure them, and then

glue cotton balls on top

to hide the tape and

create a fuzzy face

look. Add the nose and

tongue on either side of

the cotton balls.

STEAM Building Structures Wonderful Words of the


- Rhyme

- Egg

Language Enhancement:

(Use sign language for

vocabulary words)

Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

Humpty Dumpty ‘s Fall

Learning Goals:

(D.1.b.) Uses senses to investigate

environment to discover what objects

and people (do, how things work, and

how they can make things happen

(D. 1.d) Makes things happen and

watches for results and repeats


(D.2.a) Experiments with different uses

for objects

Learning Outcomes:

This week children will learn rhymes,

Humpty Dumpty and The Cat and the



• Emotional Cards

• 2 Eggs (boiled eggs)

• Ziploc bags

• Cotton ball, beans, or feathers

• Marker


1. Start by hard boiling 2 eggs and

set them aside to cool.

2. After they cooled down, use a

permanent marker to draw faces

on them to represent Humpty


3. Then gather 2 Ziploc bags and fill

them one with beans and the

other with cotton balls or feathers.

Family Connection

Parents as Partners

Letters (Planning and

Assessment CD):

Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

Flower Hop Color


• Sidewalk Chalk


1. Use different

colors to make

different flowers

on the sidewalk or


2. Then select the

color of the flower

you want the kids

to hope to.

Nursery Rhyme/s:


Entrance Song:

Hello, hello

Closing Song:

Bye, bye goodbye

Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

Deviled Eggs


• eggs

• sweet relish

• mayonnaise


1. Boil a couple of eggs

and cool down.

2. Have the children

peel the eggs.

3. Have an adult cut

then in half.

4. Have the children

remove the yolk and

smash them.

5. Help the children add

a touch of sweet

relish and

mayonnaise and

then stuff their egg

white with the


6. Serve for snacks.

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1 Special

Needs Adaptations

Parent Tip: A great

activity for helping kids

memorize the Humpty

Dumpty Nursery Rhyme.

Science gives the child

opportunity to discover

and explore through

simple problem solving

and trial and error.

Milestone: Enjoys taking

things apart and

experiment with how

they work.

Adaptations: If you

notice the child feels

frustrated with the

activity, redirect

him/her to something

that is less stressful.

4. Now feel all the materials in the

bags and discuss if they are soft or

hard, heavy, or light, etc.

5. Then, have the child make its

prediction whether the egg would

crack when dropped in the

different bags.

6. Put the eggs into the bags and as

you repeat the nursery rhyme,

have your child drop a bag from

the table when Humpty

Dumpty falls off the wall.

7. Repeat with every bag.

Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: Who or What is Humpty

Dumpty? What happens to Humpty

Dumpty in the nursery rhyme? Why do

you think Humpty Dumpty fell?

During: How does it Feel? Do you think

the egg will crack when dropped?

What happened to the egg in the


After: Why do you think this happened

in this bag and not the other bag?

What surprised you the most? Where

you surprise? Did you enjoy the


English Video: Teacher Anna

Spanish Video: Teacher Diana

Social Emotional Development Wonderful Words of

the Week:




Enhancement: (Use

sign language for

vocabulary words)

Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

“Humpty Dumpty Fall”

Learning Goals:

(B.2.e.) Begins to develop and

demonstrate a positive sense of self.

(B.2.i.) Develops a comfort level in

taking on different roles in their

environment (Helping others).

Learning Outcomes:

Children will begin their study of

nursery rhymes focusing on the

favorites, “Humpty Dumpty”’ and

“Hey, Diddle, Diddle.”


• Feeling faces.

• puppet

• ’Humpty Dumpty” rhyme


1. Teacher will recognize the

child’s emotions using the

emotion faces.

2. Teacher will introduce the

rhyme “Humpty Dumpty.”

3. Teacher with children about

how it feels to fall.

4. Teacher will emphasis on the


Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: What do you think we are

going to talk about this week? Do

you know any nursery rhyme?

Which rhyme do you know? Do you

Family Connection

Parents as Partners Letters

(Planning and Assessment CD):

Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

“I am A Sunshine”

(positive Self Talk for coping



• construction paper yellow

and orange

• markers

• glue

• scissors

• Ruler


1. Cut 8 triangles with the

orange construction


2. Now, cut one big circle

with the yellow paper.

3. In the Triangle write and

discuss positive self-talk

example: calm, beautiful,

strong, brave, kind,

talented, capable,


4. In the circle write I Am.

5. Then talk to your child

about what this word


Nursery Rhyme/s:

Boo Boo Song

Entrance Song:

Hello Song

Closing Song:

See you soon

Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

Talk About It


• None


1. Listen to your child

when you can see

that she is worried,

fearful, or frustrated.

2. Do not dismiss her

feelings by saying,

“You’re fine.” Ignoring

your child’s feelings

sends the message

that you do not care

or that her feelings

are unimportant or

not accurate.

3. Instead, show your

child you understand

by saying, for

example, “You seem

scared. What are you

worried about?” Talk

about your child’s

emotions and work

together to find


1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1 Special

Needs Adaptations

Parent Tips: Most

nursery rhymes are

filled with sill words or

silly things that

happen. Laugh at

the silliness and help

children enjoy the


Milestones: Gets

excited when with

other children


Celebrate/praise the

child often when he

or she manages to

do something new or

stays focused on

activity for a certain

period of time.

know how to make the sign for


During: What happened to

“Humpty Dumpty”? What happens

if you get hurt? Who takes care of


After: What part of the activity did

you like more? Do you remember

how to make the sign for egg?

What did we learn today?

English Video: Teacher Mayra

Spanish Video: Teacher Nancy

Physical Development Wonderful Words

of the Week:





(Use sign

language for

vocabulary words)

Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

Humpty Dumpty Egg

Learning Goals:

(A.3. b.) I develop control of small muscles

for manipulation and exploration.

(A.3.c) Coordinate the movements of the

eyes and hands.

Learning Outcomes:

This week children will learn about nursery

rhymes by focusing on "Mr. Egg" and "Hey



• Plastic eggs

• Faces of emotions.


1. The teacher will recognize the child's

emotions using the emotion faces,

asking how do you feel today (happy,

sad, angry, excited)? I feel…

2. The teacher will talk about the nursery

Rhyme “Humpty Dumpty”

3. The teacher will ask about eggs and

where we see them.

4. The activity will begin by showing the

plastic eggs.

5. The teacher will open the plastic eggs

and then fit them back together, so

each half is a different color.

Family Connection

Parents as Partners

Letters (Planning and

Assessment CD):

Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

Jumping over puddles


• Chalk


1. Talk about puddles

2. Support the

jumping child

3. Draw puddles on

the floor with Chalk.

4. Jump over the


1. 5. Have fun!

Nursery Rhyme/s:

Surprise Egg

Entrance Song:


Closing Song:


Enrichment Activities

Activity Title:

Egg Towers


• Plastic Eggs

• Straws

• Boxes


1. Using the box, make a

hole to place straws

2. Put the eggs on top of

the straws

3. Support the child to

make a tower.

4. Have fun!

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1

Special Needs


Parent Tip: Fine

motor skills are

developed using

the fingers and

hands. Provides

opportunities for

the child to use

their hands and


Milestones: You

can put small

objects in a small




Younger children

will enjoy playing

with the eggs. Give

them a box to lay

their eggs on and

then allow them to

drop them down

and pick them up


6. Teacher will explain that these eggs can

open and close.

7. The teacher will reassemble the eggs by

matching the top and bottom half


8. Teacher will encourage child to do it at

home and use his or her fingers and


9. It will be explained that using the fingers

and hands fine motor is developed.

10. Have fun!

Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: Which nursery rhyme is your favorite?

Where have you seen eggs? What part of

the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty is your favorite?

During: How do you open the plastic egg?

Why do you think that Humpty Dumpty fell?

“If Humpty Dumpty would have fallen on a

trampoline, do you think he would have

broken (Why)?

After: What did you think of the activity?

What nursery rhyme did we sing today?

What did we learn today and why is it


English Video: Teacher Nadine

Spanish Video: Teacher Norma

Music and Movement Wonderful Words of

the Week:




(Use sign language

for vocabulary


Readiness Skill:

Title of Activity:

The Three Kittens

Learning Goals:

(A.3.c) Coordinate’s eye and

hand movement

(C.3.a) Shows interest in songs,

rhymes, and stories.

(D.1.c) shows interest in colors,

shapes, patterns, and pictures.

Learning Outcomes:

This week children will learn about

rhymes focused on two shapes.


• Facial expressions.

• The song of the three kittens

• A pair of socks

• Three little kittens



1. We will welcome children. We

will ask them how they are

today using the facial


2. We will tell the children that

today we will sing the nursery

rhyme of the three kittens and

briefly tell what the song is


3. We will recite the song and

invite the children to sing

along with us and do the

movements with their hands

and facials.

Family Connection

Parents as Partners Letters

(Planning and Assessment

CD): Theme 7 Week 1

Family Game:

Ring around the Rosie song


• Song of ring around the


• Three or more family



1. Go out and hold hands.

2. Recite the following

verse while hopping,

hopping, walking, or just

goofing around in a

circular direction:

“Ring a ring o’ roses (Ring

Around the Rosie)

A pocketful of posies

a-tishoo, a-tishoo

We all fall.

The King has sent his


To fetch a pail of water

Nursery Rhyme/s:

Three little kittens

Entrance Song:

Hello, hello

Closing Song:

See you later,


Enrichment Activities

Activity poem:

I Know A Cat


• Rhyme I know cat


1. 1.Sing the song to the beat

of “B-I-N-G-O.”

2. Clap your hands to the

beat of the song.

3. Clap your hands on each

letter of the word K-I-T-T-Y.


(Sung to “Bingo”)

I Know a cat with perky ears,

And KITTY is her name -o.

K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y,

And Kitty is her name -o.

She makes a sound and its


And Kitty is her name -o.

K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y, K-I-T-T-Y,

And Kitty is her name -o.

1 Parent Tip, 1

Milestone, 1 Special

Needs Adaptations

Tip for parents:


empathy. For

example, when the

child sees another

child who is sad,

encourage him to

hug you or gently

pat the child.

Milestone: Enjoy

playing with musical


Adaptation: Help

the child by holding

his hands to do the



Three little kittens, they lost their

mittens, and they began to cry,

(the children with their gloves on

will take them off and hide them

behind them)

“oh, mother dear, we sadly fear

we have lost our mittens.” (We will

move our hands from side to side)

What! Lost your mittens? You

naughty kittens! (we can put our

hands on our waist)

Then you shall have no pie.” (we

will raise our finger and move from

side to side saying no)

“Meow, meow, meow, meow (x2)

(they will bring their hands to their

eyes with their fists closed and

pretending they are crying)

No, you shall have no pie (x2) (say

no with your finger)

The three little kittens they found

mittens, and they began to cry,

(you will take your gloves and they

will put them on, and they will

move their hands from side to


“Oh, mother dear, see here, see

here, we have found our mittens.”

(We will move our hands from

hand to hand)

Put on your mittens, you silly kitties

and you shall have some pie.”

(move hands side to side)

“Meow, meow, meow (x2) Brush

your hair up and down to the side

a-tishoo, a-tishoo

We all fall.

with your hand close pretending a

cat movement.

Now let us have some pie.”x2

(then we will pretend to eat pie.)

Questions (Before, During, After):

Before: How are you feeling

today? What nursery rhyme is your

favorite? Do you like kittens, why?

During: How many kittens are in

our nursery rhyme? What did the

kittens do when they lost their

gloves? What did the three kittens


After: What sound do kittens make

when they cry? What did we learn

today? Did you like the activity

and which part was your favorite?

English Video: Teacher Crysel

Spanish Video: Teacher Rosalba

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