Using Twitter For Marketing And Outreach

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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ALA Techsource Workshop presented on Thursday, August 8, 2:30pm Eastern


  • 1. Andy Burkhardt @vonburkhardt

2. Build it, and they will come only works in the movies. Social Media is a build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay. -Seth Godin 3. So Ive got a Twitter account... now what 4. What this workshop will cover Measuring and sharing success 2 3 4 1 Why tweet? Social media dashboards! What and how to tweet 5. Detritus Hashtag - #utfmao @vonburkhardt 6. 1 2 3 4 7. Helpful Questions Who is my community? What social media tools do they use? What are our goals? 8. Reflect: #utfmao 9. Communication 10. Respond to Positive and Negative Feedback 11. Marketing 12. Learn about users 13. Reflect: #utfmao 14. 1 2 3 4 15. Twitter = firehose 16. Dashboards Manage multiple social networks Allow scheduling of updates Build awareness of conversations Track streams that are important to you 17. Hootsuite 18. Multiple Social Networks 19. Create columns 20. Multiple streams of info 21. Location based searches! 22. Location based searches! search-twitter-by-location/ 23. POSting 24. Post from multiple accounts 25. Schedule poSts! 26. Autoschedule 27. $ - Analytics & collaboration 28. Share: #utfmao 29. 1 2 3 4 30. how 31. ` Add value 32. Be social 33. Just be nice, take genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you." Guy Kawasaki 34. BE Unique, Fun, Playful 35. Tweet regularly 36. Be timely 37. tweriod 38. Share: #utfmao 39. what 40. News & Events 41. Updates & closings 42. ASK questions 43. Answer questions 44. Promote your Library and build awareness 45. images 46. Retweet, Share others content 47. Share: #utfmao 48. 1 2 3 4 49. Goals determine success Regularly engage users Increase awareness of library resources and services Support users by paying attention to and fixing issues Learn and improve twitter content over time Some samples 50. Twitter analytics! 51. Tell stories 52. Storify 53. Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell. -Seth Godin 54. REflect: #utfmao 55. What this workshop covered Measuring and sharing success 2 3 4 1 Why tweet? Social media dashboards! What and how to tweet 56. How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable? -Seth Godin 57. Best time to post to social media Search Twitter by location Maximizing your tweets infographic champlib/favorites Champlain College ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Application References & Resources 58. CREDITS Flickr/busy mind/sarah G Flickr/*twitter*/anokarina Flickr/thumbs up/anthony kelly Flickr/Buy Now/edkohler Flickr/Superbokehtheorie/eriwst Flickr/DSCF0678/KellyK Flickr/db9_dash/Matthew Hine Flickr/Contando Dinheiro/Jeff Belmonte Flickr/ After the divorce, all I was left with was this pot to 'p' in/Matthew Powell Flickr/Calendar*/Dafne Cholet Flickr/time/Jnos Balzs Flickr/ // /romana klee Flickr/Winston retrieves the news/carterse Flickr/CLOSED/Ben Husmann Flickr/HA1-000602/Highways Agency Flickr/Frequently Asked Questions (Self-Portrait #41)/Taber Andrew Bain Flickr/The Colorful Library of an Interaction Designer (Juhan Sonin)/See-ming Lee Flickr/Slapsticks/FaceMePLS Flickr/Picture Frames at Photo LA/Ricardo Diaz Flickr/Fortune cookie says: To succeed, you must share/ Flickr/Abacus/Sami Flickr/Ruler/Scott Akerman Flickr/Bag Piper/Thomas Leuthard

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