Using Computers and Technology in Classroom for Disabled or At-Risk Students

Post on 25-Jan-2015






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Danielle Renner

Educ Q200


AutismPro Teachers & Technology: June Weston Atomic Learning Conclusion


Every 21 minutes is the rate of a new diagnosis for autism.

Autism is the fast-growing developmental disorder here in the U.S.

AustismPro is a customizable package of tools, content, and programming designed to help school facilities to improve the learning and help students with autism using effective technologies.

AutismPro continued

Is a web-based package that is divided into two sections: Workshops and Resources

Workshops is designed for general education teachers to learn and apply teaching strategies and instructions that are proved to be effective when helping students with autism.

Resources gives special education teachers and staff the access to a database that has more than 5,000 lesson plans, teaching strategies and behavioral support to help need these students’ needs.

Reflective Thoughts on AutismPro I think this program is a great way for

special and general education teachers to work with students who have autism.

This program is about helping teachers to help students with autism in succeeding in school.

If I have students who have autism in my classroom, I would gladly use this program to help me to help my students.

Teachers & Technology: June Weston

Teachers & Technology is a regular column that reflects on teachers who share technologies and strategies that have made positive influences and differences in their students’ lives.

June Weston is a high school teacher who got the opportunity to work with a program that is designed to meet the special education students’ needs back in 2000.

Teachers & Technology: June Weston continued

June Weston started teaching in1975 and is working with 9th-12th grades at Westside Alternative School in Midwest City, OK.

She works with students who have special needs by using assistive technology and computers.

She also had to find ways to teach all grade and ability levels in the same room, so she needed a modern one-room school.

Instead of using books, she uses computers by using a system called A+nywhere Learning System.

The program that she developed is called Special Needs Alternative Program (SNAP) has now been around for seven years now. It supposes to help students to get back on the right track, both academically and behaviorally

Reflective Thoughts on Teachers & Technology: June Weston

I really thought that this article was very helpful for me because of what I went through when I was in school.

June Weston has really step up to the plate of helping students in needs and really made a differences in these students’ lives

I really hope I could be a special education teacher like her or somewhat like her helping students who have special needs.

Atomic Learning: New Series Atomic Learning is a provider of Web-

based technology training and support. Atomic Learning has launched a new

series of online training materials of assistive technologies used in education by special education teachers, parents, and other people involved: “Assistive Technology Collections”.

Atomic Learning: New Series continued

“Assistive Technology Collection” provides training on assistive devices and specialized softwares.

The technologies covered all of the softwares that are being used in classrooms

It’s being offered through a supplemental subscription of the company’s tutorial library or as a resource for students, educators, parents, and organizations.

Reflective Thoughts on Atomic Learning: New Series

This new series is a great way for educators to learn about the assistive technologies used in classrooms because some of the students have disabilities and the teachers need to learn how to use or how to teach assistive technologies to those kinds of students.

I would definitely use this for my classroom if I have any students who have disabilities.


In conclusion, all of these three articles had really opened my eyes to see what’s out there for these students such as new technology, software, and techniques of helping and teaching these kids.

I hope I can take all of these three articles and implement them into my lesson plans and my teaching to teach my students when I become a special education teacher in the future.

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