User Experience Research in Healthcare - HXR 2014 - Dan Berlin

Post on 07-Apr-2017






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UX Research in Healthcare is Easier Than You Think!

Dan Berlin

Experience Research Director, Mad*Pow




What is user experience (UX) research?

What have we learned from usability research?

How you can get started… soon!


What Is UX Research?


What does a usability study look like?


What does a usability study look like?


Device that I can’t show you


There’s a wide variety of user experience methods


What does ethnography look like?


Moderators observe behaviors and ask the right questions


UX Research is Typically Qualitative


UX Research is Typically Directional


Users do strange things


Who knows more about the healthcare needs of the elderly?


Who knows more about the healthcare needs of the elderly?


What happens when you don’t get input from actual users?


UX Research studies aren’t…






A Marketing Focus Group is NOT User Experience Research


Don’t need significant numbers to make a significant difference



Usability studies are qualitative Posi*ve:  Users  were  able  to  find  the  “Buy  Now”  bu?on.  

3  out  of  8  par*cipants  men*oned  that  the  picture  had  no  relevance  to  them.  Consider:  replacing  this  with  an  infographic  or  another  picture  that  may  draw  in  users.  

6  out  of  8  par*cipants  men*oned  that  the  text  in  the  bu?ons  was  hard  to  read.  Consider:  increasing  the  contrast  of  the  text  to  ease  readability.  


Finding   Recommenda-on  Par*cipants  said  that  the  text  was  hard  to  read   Increase  the  contrast  of  the  text  

Par*cipants  were  unable  to  locate  the  product;  they  said  they  expected  it  under  Products  &  Services  

Move  XYZ  product  to  the  Product  &  Services  area  

Par*cipants  were  unable  to  discern  the  top  from  the  bo?om  of  the  vial  

Include  a  visual  cue  as  to  which  is  the  top  and  bo?om  of  the  vial  

Par*cipants  were  able  to  figure  out  how  to  use  the  insulin  pump,  but  said  that  the  instruc*ons  were  very  hard  to  follow  

Add  detail  throughout  the  instruc*on  manual  

Typical Usability Study Results


Incremental Usability vs. For FDA Submission


Incremental Usability vs. For FDA Submission

• Small studies throughout the product lifecycle

• Qualitative; 5-8 participants per demographic

• Learn user needs and expectations and use these to guide design

• Fewer, larger studies closer to product launch

• Quantitative and qualitative; >30 participants

• Validate that the product is indeed usable for the target audience


There’s a wide variety of user experience methods


Conducting user research WILL inform you about: How users think about your product

How users expect to interact with your product


What have we learned during usability studies?


Make information pop


Make information pop


Make information pop


Make information pop






Mobile First, Where Appropriate


Mobile First, Where Appropriate


Mobile First, Where Appropriate



Companies ask their users to do weird things






Make information pop

Mobile first, where appropriate

Companies ask their users to do weird things


How you can get started… SOON!


Greatest Myth in UX Research for Healthcare


Conduct iterative research


User Experience Research in the Project Lifecycle

Formative Interviews, call center, ethnography

Summative Usability, diary studies, online assessments

Evaluative Usability, card sorts, workshops, guerilla


Bolster Qualitative with Quantitative at the End


Build Empathy for Your Users/Patients/Customers/Clients/Stakeholders


Consider the $300,000,000 button.

Why should you do this?


Just get your product in front of customers and watch them use it… You may be surprised at what you see!


Thank you! Dan Berlin @banderlin

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