Useless Information Quiz By: Emily Sorensen. On average, 100 people per year choke to death on what? Spiders Ballpoint Pens French Fries Shoe Laces.

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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Useless Information Quiz By: Emily Sorensen

On average, 100 people per year choke to death on what?

• Spiders

• Ballpoint Pens

• French Fries

• Shoe Laces

You Are Correct!

• 100 people per year choke to death on ball point pens!

A snail can sleep for

• 26 hours

• 17 days

• 68 minutes

• 3 years

You are Correct!

• A snail can sleep for 3 years.

The most money paid for a cow at an auction is

• $5 million

• $768,250

• $2 million

• $1.3 million

You are Correct!

• The most a cow has sold for on auction is $1.3 million!

What kind of animal has over 27,000 taste buds?

• Tiger

• Catfish

• Golden Retriever

• Horse

• A catfish has over 27,000 taste buds!

You are Correct!

You burn more calories sleeping than you do…

• Walking around the block

• Watching TV

• Reading your Facebook newsfeed

• Playing a board game

You are Correct!

• You burn more calories sleeping than you do while watching TV

How many ways are there to make change for a dollar?

• 123

• 56

• 293

• 311

You are Correct!

• There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

How much pizza do Americans eat on average per day?

• 14,000 slices

• 18 acres worth

• 46,000 pizzas

• 96 football fields worth

You are Correct!

• On average, Americans consume 18 acres worth of pizza per day!

What was the original name for the butterfly?

• Flutterby

• Flying Painting

• New Caterpillar

• Um.. Its always been the butterfly

You are Correct!

• The butterfly was originally the flutterby!

A cat has how many muscles in each ear?

• 26

• 92

• 54

• 32

You are Correct!

• A cat has 32 muscles in each ear!!

A dime has how many ridges around the outside?

• 94

• 118

• 106

• 63

You are Correct!

• A dime has 118 ridges on the outside of it!

• Thanks for taking my useless information quiz!!

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