USAID/PHILIPPINES BASA PILIPINAS · K–12 Kindergarten to Grade 12 ... MT mother tongue MTB-MLE Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education

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JANUARY 1, 2015- DECEMBER 31, 2015

This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC).


JANUARY 1, 2015- DECEMBER 31, 2015

Program Title: USAID/Philippines Basa Pilipinas Program

Sponsoring USAID Office: USAID/Philippines - Office of Education

Contract Number: AID-492-C-13-00004

Contractor: Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)

Date of Publication: January 30, 2016

Author: Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)

The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

USAID/Philippines Basa Pilipinas Program

USAID Contract No. AID-492-C-13-00004



Launched in January 2013, Basa Pilipinas, USAID’s flagship basic education project has reached 1.1 million early grade pupils and strengthened reading instruction for 12,995 teachers and 3,414 school heads and administrators in select school divisions in Regions 1 and 7. Basa continues to help build the capacity of the Department of Education (DepEd) to effectively implement the Language and Literacy component of its curriculum reforms. To date, close to 5 million teaching and learning materials have been distributed to schools in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Cebu, Bohol and the cities of Mandaue, San Fernando and Tagbilaran. ARTWORK BY: VANESSA PAMITTAN/USAID/BASA PILIPINAS



Contents ......................................................................................... 6

List of Tables .................................................................................. 7

List of Annexes .............................................................................. 8

Acronyms ....................................................................................... 9

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................ 11

RESULT BY RESULT ANALYSIS ............................................. 21

IR 1. Improved Reading Instruction .................................... 24

IR 2. Improved Reading Delivery Systems ......................... 31

IR 3. Improved Access to Quality Reading Materials ....... 35

Cross-Cutting Components ................................................. 40

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) ................................. 40

Gender Awareness and Disability Inclusion ................. 41

Outreach and Communications (O&C) ........................ 43

Strategic Partnerships .................................................... 49

Program Support and Administration .......................... 50

Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Disaster Education Recovery Assistance ........................................................ 53

Challenges and Opportunities ............................................ 56

CORRELATION TO CONTRACT MONITORING PLAN (CMP) ............................................................................................ 60


FINANCIAL SUMMARY ............................................................ 67

CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 68

ANNEXES .................................................................................... 69



Table 1. Highlights of Basa Year 3 Accomplishments ............................................................................................. 11  

Table 2. Year 3 Key Results per IR (January 1-December 31, 2015) ................................................................. 21  

Table 3. IR 1 Key Accomplishments ........................................................................................................................... 24  

Table 4. Online Course Grades, by School Division .............................................................................................. 28  

Table 5. IR 2 Key Accomplishments ........................................................................................................................... 32  

Table 6. IR 3 Key Accomplishments ........................................................................................................................... 36  

Table 7. Updates on Corporate Partnerships .......................................................................................................... 39  

Table 9. Key Accomplishments on Monitoring and Evaluation ............................................................................ 40  

Table 10. Basa GPS Data Collection .......................................................................................................................... 41

Table 11. Gender Awareness Trainings Attended by Teacher Training Participants ..................................... 42  

Table 12. Information on Children with Disabilities and Disability Inclusion Programming in Schools (Based on Participants Profile Form from Teacher Mass Trainings) ................................................................... 42  

Table 13. Type of Disabilities of School Children (G1-3) (Reported by Teachers who Attended the Basa Mass Trainings) ................................................................................................................................................................ 43  

Table 14. Key Accomplishments on Outreach and Communications ................................................................ 43  

Table 15. Key Accomplishments on Strategic Partnerships .................................................................................. 50  

Table 16. Key Accomplishments on Program Support and Administration ..................................................... 51  

Table 17. Basa Year 3 Technical Assistance ............................................................................................................. 52  

Table 18. Key Accomplishments on Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Disaster Education Recovery Assistance ......................................................................................................................................................................... 55  

Table 19. Annual Progress per PMP Indicators ........................................................................................................ 63  

Table 20: Project Spending Summary thru Year 3 .................................................................................................. 67  

Table 21. Projected Expenditures for Quarter 1, Year 4 ...................................................................................... 67  



Annex A: List of Basa-DepEd Trained Lead Instructors and Co-Facilitators

Annex B: Presentation on the Results of Online Course Implementation

Annex C: Scaled-down SCOPE for Literacy Tool

Annex D: List of Basa-developed Teaching and Learning Materials (Grades 1–3)

Annex E: Presentation on Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Materials

Annex F: Basa School GPS Coordinates

Annex G: Basa Project Staff Directory

Annex H: Trip Report of Bill Potter

Annex I: List of School Recipients of USAID Post-typhoon Yolanda Disaster Education Recovery Assistance



AWP Annual Workplan

BEST Basic Education Sector Transformation Program

BBF Brother’s Brother Foundation

COP Chief of Party

CDI Cities Development Initiative

CSST Comprehensive School Safety Training

CMP Contract Monitoring Plan

DQA data quality assessment

DepEd Department of Education

DCOP Deputy Chief of Party

DRRM distaster risk reduction and management

EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment

EDC Education Development Center, Inc.

EdGE Education Governance Effectiveness Project

FLRT Frontline Responder’s Training

GPS Global Positioning System

IMCS Instructional Materials Council Secretariat

IR intermediate result

K–12 Kindergarten to Grade 12

LAPG Language Assessment for Primary Grades

LAC Learning Action Cell

LRMDS Learning Resources Management and Development System

MT mother tongue

MTB-MLE Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education

M&E monitoring and evaluation

NBSF National Book Store Foundation


NRM National Reading Month

NTM National Teachers’ Month

O&C outreach and communications

PMP Performance Monitoring Plan

PBSP Philippine Business for Social Progress

PFA Psychological First Aid

PMC Program Management Committee

SIAB school-in-a-box

SCOPE Standard Classroom Observation Protocol in Education in Language and Literacy


Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Educational Innovation and Technology

TLM teaching and learning material

TLS temporary learning space

USAID United States Agency for International Development



he Education Development Center (EDC), together with its partners Save the Children, SEAMEO-INNOTECH, and Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) are pleased to

submit the third Basa Pilipinas Annual Progress Report to USAID Philippines. This report covers program activities from January 1 to December 31, 2015 and provides an overview of the main accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned associated with the implementation of Basa’s approved Year 3 Annual Workplan. During its third year of implementation, the project has mainly focused on deepening and expanding its comprehensive support to Basa-assisted DepEd divisions through continued delivery of intensive teacher professional development, through direct face to face training as well as post-training support through Literacy Learning Action Cells (LAC). To strengthen the role of school heads in providing continuing support for classroom transformation, Basa provided a round of training for school heads on facilitation skills and use of Basa-provided LAC materials. The project also continued the development and provision of critically needed teaching and learning materials in Filipino and English for Grade 3 teachers and pupils. Finally, Basa and the Department of Education (DeEd) focused their efforts on sustainability and institutionalization of Basa approaches beyond the life of the project.

A summary of Basa’s Year 3 highlight accomplishments for each quarter is provided in the table below.




January - March

• 1,405,920 units Q4 TLM for Grade 1 and 2 teachers and pupils delivered to all Basa-supported public schools

• 419 Grade 3 teachers trained on 14 domains of literacy and reading-writing connection in Ilocos Norte and Tagbilaran city DepEd division

• Midline EGRA Filipino/English data collection conducted with over 1,600 Grade 2 pupils in Cebu, Mandaue City, Bohol, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union DepEd divisions

• Basa supported DepEd with EGRA assessments in 4 mother tongues – Iloko, Sinugbuanong Binisaya, Hiligaynon and Maguindanaoan – a joint activity of DepEd, Basa Pilipinas and RTI

• National LAC Policy Workshop conducted in January in collaboration with DepEd central to draft a DepEd Order to reinvigorate and institutionalize the LACs as a K-12 professional development tool

• 5th Basa Project Management Committee (PMC) conducted, co-chaired by Dr. Dina Ocampo, DepEd’s Undersecretary for Programs and Mr. Lee Marshall, USAID Deputy Director, Office of Education to validate Basa Year 3 activities

• Basa actively engaged in preparations for the Ceremonial Signing of the Bilateral Assistance Agreement for Basic Education between DepEd and USAID, a half-day event at DepEd headquarters, which also included an exhibit on USAID’s basic education





projects implemented in the Philippines


April - June

• 4,115 Grade 3 teachers in all Basa divisions and 205 Grades 1-2 teachers in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions trained in May on effective literacy instruction

• 174 DepEd trainers and facilitators trained by Basa in preparation for the Grade 3 mass teacher training

• 51 school heads trained during School Heads Orienation and LAC Training in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions

• Early grade reading benchmarks in Filipino and English set for Basa-assisted divisions in Regions 1 and 7

• DepEd’s Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN) Program announced in April to target the most challenging 100 schools in each of the 17 DepEd divisions for which Basa provided read aloud books, training videos, and TOT trainers

• Submission of the Evaluation Report for SY 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 with results of EGRA administered to a sample of Grade 2 pupils and SCOPE Literacy observations which measure changes in teaching practice

• Ceremonial handover of close to 700,000 units of Basa TLMs and supplementary reading materials in Bohol. The handover was led by Mr. John Spears, USAID/Washington Senior Advisor and Ms. Gloria Steele, USAID/Philippines Mission Director

• 523,238 units of Basa TLMs printed and distributed to all Basa-assisted schools. An additional 99,562 units of high-quality supplementary reading materials in English delivered to Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur divisions

• As part of Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) disaster education recovery assistance, 48 DepEd Cebu province administrators and district supervisors trained on Frontline Response; 11,300 school supplies kits; 11,288 units of school furniture; and 75 units of School-in-a-Box (SIAB) procured and delivered to northern Cebu Basa-assisted schools


July - September

• 218 DepEd trainers and supervisors trained in the TOT for Learning Action Cells (LAC) Refresher training

• 2,172 school heads participate in LAC Refresher Training in all Basa divisions. Trainings conducted at the cluster level

• 90 new K-Grade 3 teachers enrolled in the pilot online teacher training course

• 1,700 schools reached with ELLN training. Basa field staff conducted observation and validation visits to 7 out of 17 regions. The estimated 500,000 K-Grade 3 pupils whose teachers received ELLN training are direct project beneficiaries partly funded by USAID

• 6th Basa Project Management Committee (PMC) conducted to update DepEd on progress to date, introduce new USAID leadership and discuss activities scheduled for the remainder of 2015

• Early Grade Reading Summit facilitated jointly by Basa and RTI under close coordination with USAID and DepEd to share the results of early grade reading assessments, gather




feedback, interpreations and reflections on assessment results, and develop recommendations for next steps to improve literacy instruction

• Basa leveraged resources over $5 million USD from corporate partners, exceeding its 10% target of the total project value. Basa’s major partners are US-based Brother’s Brother Foundation, and two Philippine-based organizations: the National Bookstore Foundation and the Petron Foundation

• At least 800,000 units of Grade 3 Q2 TLMs procured and distributed to Basa-assisted public schools

• Approximately 75,000 copies of high-quality supplementary English reading materials donated by BBF and 31,708 of back-to-school supply kits (Project Aral) donated by NBSF for K-Grade 3 pupils distributed in Ilocos Norte

• Hosted a visit from representatives from USAID/Nepal, Government of Nepal and RTI visit Basa schools in Bohol and held discussion with Basa and DepEd counterparts to share lessons learned from the implementation of MTB-MLE in the early grades in the Philippines


October - December

• 200 Grade 1 and 2 teachers trained on Effective Literacy Instruction in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions

• More than 1.4 million units of teaching and learning materials distributed to all Basa divisions

• Over 485,000 copies of high-quality supplementary English reading materials donated by BBF distributed through book-shopping activities to 758 schools in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and San Fernando city

• Completion of the pilot on-line training course on effective literacy instruction for new K-Grade 3 teachers in Regions 1 and 7, with 83% pass rate

• 7th Basa Project Management Committee (PMC) focused on Basa updates from Q3 and validated the proposed focus on Year 4 workplan

• Approximately 4,500 read alouds and 433,133 leveled readers distributed to 106 teachers who participated in the second round of ELLN training in Cebu, Region 7

• Commenced formatting and uploading of Basa-developed teaching and learning materials to LRMDS learning portal as an effort to scale up the availability of materials outside current Basa-assisted divisions

• Basa Pilipinas and EdGE collaboration in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions to strengthen the home-school-community connection

• DepEd’s National Reading Month supported through various events in Basa-assisted divisions

Highlights from Year 3 accomplishments for each Intermediate Result (IR) include the following:


IR I: IMPROVED READING INSTRUCTION By the end of Year 3 program implementation, more than 12,000 Grade 1-3 teachers across all Basa-assisted divisions have received Basa’s 2-year professional development delivery cycle of comprehensive teacher training on effective literacy instruction and orientation to Basa-developed teaching and learning materials. The Basa transformative teacher training program has been designed in close coordination with central DepEd to ensure alignment with K-12 curriculum and the Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) context.

TEACHER TRAINING In May 2015, 4,115 Grade 3 teachers were trained on effective literacy instruction across all Basa divisions and 205 Grade 1 and 2 teachers were trained in San Fernando and Tagbilaran, Basa expansion divisions.

Grade 1 and 2 teachers in Basa expansion divisions received 6 days of face-to-face trainings during the school breaks in April and October 2015. The training design was very similar to the training delivered to Grade 1 and 2 teachers in CY2014.

Grade 3 teachers received a comprehensive 3-day training with the focus on how to use Basa-developed materials, including two levels of leveled readers. The training also focused on the 14 Domains of Literacy, Listening Stories, Writing, Grouping and Differentiated Learning, Bridging and LAC support.

DEPED CORPS OF TRAINERS AND FACILITATORS Through rigorous training from 2013 to 2015, an expanded group of almost 500 DepEd trainers and facilitators, coached by Basa senior TA, became experts in training on transformational practices in teaching reading and writing. During the 7th Program Management Committee (PMC) meeting, held on December 1, 2015, Basa handed over to DepEd Central a detailed directory of DepEd facilitators and trainers who are equipped to serve as additional resources for future DepEd-led teacher trainings. This level of capacity building was aligned with sustainability initiatives launched by Basa and DepEd in Year 3 and which will become our central focus in Year 4.


Following DepEd’s request to revitalize the Learning Action Cells (LACs) as a mechanism to sustain in-service literacy support for teacher professional development, Basa provided a refresher training on LAC support to 2,172 school heads at the cluster level during August-September 2015.

The training was designed to help LAC facilitators to implement content-based coaching to support teacher implementation of the new practices they learn from the face-to-face training. The training focused on the Basa-developed LAC Facilitator’s Guide and trigger videos – short videos that match topics outline in the facilitator’s guide.

PILOT ONLINE INDUCTION COURSE In response to DepEd’s request for assistance with the online training modules for newly hired or transferred early grade teachers, Basa, in close collaboration with SEAMEO-INNOTECH, designed and launched a pilot online course for 90 teachers across Basa divisions in Regions 1 and 7. The focus of the rigorous and intensive nine-week course is to give teachers a practical understanding of effective literacy instruction as outlined in the new K-Grade 3 curriculum. This is a hybrid course combining both facilitated and self-paced activities, taught by Basa mentors and co-mentors selected from DepEd personnel with previous exposure to Basa technical approaches. Course participants receive assignments and must participate in chat sessions with their learning mentors. The participants are able to test new teaching techniques in class with their students


because the course takes place during the school year and the chat sessions allow teachers to ask questions, clarify content and discuss issues. The initial draft of the report on the implementation and lessons learned from this pilot will be submitted by February, and data from the classroom observations will be added by the end of March 2016.

OBSERVATION AND VALIDATION OF DEPED K-GRADE 3 EARLY GRADE LANGUAGE LITERACY AND NUMERACY TRAINING (ELLN) Over the course of 2014-2015, Basa supported DepEd’s efforts to target 100 priority schools across 17 regions as part of the DepEd-initiated K-Grade 3 Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Training (ELLN). Basa’s assistance included technical support to the Training of Trainers (ToT), provision of Basa TLMs and other direct technical assistance. In addition, DepEd requested Basa program staff to participate in the observation and validation of the training in 7 out of 17 regions. Basa’s assistance to ELLN training contributed to an additional estimated 500,000 K-Grade 3 pupils who are direct project beneficiaries, due to ELLN activities being partially funded by USAID resources managed by Basa. IR 2: IMPROVED READING DELIVERY SYSTEMS

Basa’s technical assistance to DepEd throughout Year 3 included training and classroom materials, support to other initiatives such as development of benchmarks, LAC sustainability at division and district levels, replication of Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in four mother tongues, and research on developmental reading trajectories within the MTB-MLE framework.

CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR LEARNING ACTION CELLS (LACS) In response to DepEd’s request to revitalize LACs in Regions 1 and 7 and ensure their sustainability, Basa with close coordination from DepEd, co-facilitated a national-level 3-day LAC Policy Workshop in January 2015. The workshop achieved its goal to draft a DepEd order to reinvigorate and institutionalize LACs as a K-12 professional development mechanism. This was followed up by the LAC Implementation Planning Workshop in May 2015, hosted by the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and the Basic Education Sector Transformation Program (BEST). A Senior Basa TA was invited to present at the workshop which concluded that LAC should become the vehicle to complement teacher training on K-12 curriculum and become a primary professional development support mechanism for the teachers. It also called for the LAC policy to be open for various topics, but at the initial stages should focus on K-12 issues and process monitoring rather than evaluation of the LACs. To date, the draft national LAC policy memo is still under review by DepEd central. Basa will continue monitoring the progress and update USAID.

At the program level, Basa’s support for Literacy LACs focused on providing a training of trainers for DepEd staff and a refresher LAC training for school heads on facilitation skills and supporting teachers in effective classroom management and differentiated grouping for effective literacy instruction. To further support DepEd’s efforts to assist school heads and supervisors as instructional leaders, Basa designed a scaled down version of the Standard Classroom Observation Protocol in Education in Language and Literacy (SCOPE for Literacy) tool which was handed over to DepEd Central at the 5th PMC on March 18, 2015. Initial feedback from DepEd is that the draft tool will require additional modification to make it more user-friendly and ensure that is aligned with DepEd’s emerging policies on assessment and supervision. Basa will continue to engage with DepEd, as they further refine their assessment practices and policies, to determine how we can further assist in modifying the tool for their needs.


ESTABLISHING BENCHMARKS IN MT, FILIPINO, AND ENGLISH IN REGIONS 1 AND 7 Basa’s commitment to collaborative work with DepEd to develop benchmarks in MT, Filipino and English in Regions 1 and 7 resulted in the Benchmarking Workshop that was held in May 2015. Based on the review of the EGRA assessment and subsequent discussions, the participating DepEd representatives from Regions 1 and 7 recommended reading benchmarks in select Mother Tongues (Ilokano and Sinugbuanong Binisaya), Filipino and English in Grades 1-3.

EGRA SURVEY IN FOUR MOTHER TONGUES Per USAID guidance in early 2015, Basa directly supported an EGRA assessment and classroom observation/assessment in four mother tongues (Ilokano, Sinugbuanong Binisaya, Hiligaynon and Maguindanaon) following a similar assessment conducted by RTI International in 2014. The main goal of the 2015 replication activity was to gauge progress compared to 2014 in early grade reading performance in four MTs. The EGRA assessment was designed and implemented in close collaboration with DepEd and was increasingly viewed by USAID and DepEd as a capacity building exercise to implement early grade reading diagnostic tools and improve DepEd’s capacity to track nationwide trends in early grade reading performance.

Basa commissioned a third party contractor, Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) to lead data collection activities in the field while making every effort to capacitate and transfer knowledge to designated DepEd personnel for future implementation without outside assistance. Based on TNS assessment, DepEd now has the capacity to plan and conduct the EGRA assessment from training to data collection. Of important note, however, is DepEd personnel were not involved in data analysis and interpretation, nor did they program the tablets or analyzed data during training sessions to ensure inter-rater reliability. These tasks were undertaken by RTI, and subsequent results were shared during the Early Grade Reading Summit in August 2015.

TNS has recommended further training for DepEd staff on the EGRA software, adherence to standard protocols and procedures and pilot testing of the instruments to troubleshoot issues or problems prior to the field testing.

RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENTAL READING TRAJECTORIES AS RELATED TO MTB-MLE Basa’s Year 3 research plan was designed to respond to DepEd’s request for classroom-level data to further understand student developmental trajectories and teacher practice over the course of the school year in non-Basa and Basa classrooms. The data collection on children’s development and the linguistic landscape in which MTB-MLE is being implemented aims to provide a better understanding of how children transition from MT to Filipino and English and the successes and challenges teachers face adapting MTB-MLE to their context. The first round of data collection was conducted in February-March 2015 and an executive summary of the key findings was included in the third quarterly report. The second round of data collection will be completed by the second week in February , and an executive summary of key findings will be submitted by the first week in March, followed by the full report by the end of April.

EARLY GRADE READING SUMMIT As requested by USAID, Basa coordinated and co-facilitated with RTI International an Early Grade Reading (EGR) Summit on August 14 to bring key stakeholders to share results of recent assessments in early grade literacy. The event was planned with close coordination from USAID and DepEd. The participants of the EGR summit shared the results, gathered feedback, interpretations and reflections on various early grade reading assessments: Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG), Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), and Basa research. The representatives from DepEd Central, Regions 1, 6 and 7, and USAID developed recommendations for next steps to improve literacy instruction in the Philippines.


IR 3: IMPROVED ACCESS TO QUALITY READING MATERIALS Building on the successes of Year 2 in the development and provision of early grade reading materials critical to effective oral language, reading and writing instruction, Basa has focused on developing Filipino and English materials following Basa’s expansion to Grade 3 and the need to increase the depth of teaching and learning materials in classrooms. This has been achieved through introduction of one leveled reader in Filipino and English for each week of the school year (36 in total). The complexity of the leveled readers increases with lengthier text in Filipino with a content focus on civics. The complexity of the text in English also increases and the topics are science-related. The intended effect is to streamline the curriculum and have pupils engage in the text at a much deeper level. It is estimated that by the end of 2015 Basa will distribute more than 2 million copies of TLMs. This will also include materials for Grade 1 and 2 teachers at 1:1 ratio for Basa expansion divisions of San Fernando (La Union) and Tagbilaran (Bohol). In addition, Basa also distributed Quarter 1 teaching notes for Grade 1 and 2 teachers that were approved by DepEd’s Instructional Materials Council Secretariat.

To ensure better access to Basa-developed materials, the project has begun consultations with USAID and DepEd on the process of uploading teaching and learning materials to DepEd’s Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS) online portal. This uploading has begun during the fourth quarter of 2015 and will continue into the first two quarters of 2016.

MONITORING AND EVALUATION Key Basa M&E accomplishments for Year 3 included the submission of the Evaluation Report for SY 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 in May of this year to USAID and sharing of this report with DepEd. The report details the results of EGRA administered to a sample of Grade 2 pupils as well as the results of the SCOPE Literacy observations which measure changes in teaching practice. Overall, the results of EGRA showed that students are making significant progress as a result of Basa intervention.

Basa has closely worked with USAID to update the Contract Monitoring Plan (CMP), which included revising targets for indicators, adding a custom indicator and removing an indicator that is no longer applicable. USAID and DepEd greatly appreciate that Basa has been able to dramatically increase student reach targets from 1,282,750 to 3,316,449 and increase numbers of teachers trained from 9,000 to 12,894, while boosting the distribution of teaching and learning materials from just over 2 million to over 5 million. The revised CMP plan was approved in October 2015.

During the first quarter of 2015, Basa conducted midline EGRA assessment in Filipino and English for Grade 2 students in Cebu, Mandaue, Bohol, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union divisions.

Basa’s M&E Advisor, Dr. Elena Vinogradova, visited the Philippines early this year to share results with USAID on the Rapid EGRA assessment conducted in December 2014 and to discuss Basa’s ongoing M&E workplan for the rest of Year 3. She also conducted a full review of Basa M&E systems and made recommendations for further improvements which were subsequently implemented throughout the year.

OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS During Year 3, Basa has revised and updated its Branding and Marking Plan with official guidance from USAID regarding the branding and marking of reprinted and/or modified version of original materials produced by Basa. This covers both printed and electronic copies of all materials that will be made available online through DepEd’s LRMDS portal. USAID has granted permission to reprint, adapt and/or modify Basa materials for educational and non-commercial purposes provided that a written request is submitted to and officially approved by Basa. DepEd also received permission to adapt/modify Basa-developed


curriculum materials for use in other school divisions. A standard disclaimer should be used in all modified materials.

In 2015, Basa supported several high visibility events, such as Ceremonial Signing of the Bilateral Assistance Agreement for Basic Education between DepEd and USAID in January and the handover of 700,000 Basa-produced TLMs to schools in Bohol and Tagbilaran led by Mr. John Spears, USAID Senior Advisor to the Administrator and Ms. Gloria Steele, USAID/Philippines Mission Director. Basa invited local media outlets to cover the event which was also covered by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA-Region 7) and The Bohol Tribune.

Additionally, the O&C team prepared a two-page briefer, capturing mid-project evaluation results on EGRA assessments and SCOPE-Literacy observations tailored for technical and non-technical audiences. The USAID Mission cleared release and printing of the briefer for dissemination during the USAID Global Education Summit held in Washington, D.C. in November 2015. Basa also produced three success stories during Year 3 that have been submitted to USAID for possible publication.

Basa’s O&C team has also actively supported Basa division-level activities during the National Reading Month as well as other DepEd-led initiatives (International Literacy Day and the National Teacher’s Month).

STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Basa’s active engagement with USAID and DepEd has continued into Year 3. The program has further strengthened its working relationship with DepEd at all levels. The Program Management Committee (PMC) co-chaired by DepEd Undersecretary for Programs, Dr. Dina Ocampo was established by USAID and DepEd to facilitate high linkages between Basa, DepEd and USAID leadership and ensure project alignment with DepEd priorities and recommendations. As stated in our Year 3 target, Basa met its target to conduct three PMC meetings in March, August and December of 2015 in order to continually update Basa’s ongoing work and gather high-level feedback and recommendations from DepEd and USAID. This close collaboration and regular meetings with DepEd and USAID ensured clear alignment between Basa and DepEd expected outcomes.

Basa’s corporate partners – Petron Foundation, National Bookstore Foundation and Brother’s Brother Foundation – provided leveraged non-USAID resources estimated at more than $5 million (over three years). This amount of leveraged resources far exceeds Basa’s target of at least 10% of the total contract amount. Leveraged resources ranged from cash contributions to in-kind donations, such as back-to-school supplies for K-Grade 3 pupils and high-quality supplementary English language books for early grades.

POST-TYPHOON HAIYAN (YOLANDA) DISASTER EDUCATION RECOVERY ASSISTANCE The typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) caused extensive damage to schools and loss of school equipment and teaching and learning materials. USAID/Philippines allocated special assistance funds to Basa to provide education recovery assistance to 17 school districts within Basa-assisted divisions in the north of Cebu province. This special assistance was designed as a 12-month effort that was implemented jointly by EDC and Save the Children. By the end of 2015, the project has accomplished the following results:

• 22,092 units of classroom furniture (Grade 1-6 student tablet chairs, teacher desk/chair sets and blackboards) procured and distributed;

• 11,300 kits containing teacher instructional supplies and K-Grade 6 student school supplies;


• 75 school-in-a-box sets (SIAB) and 12 temporary learning spaces (TLS);

• 48 DepEd administrators and district supervisors trained in Frontline Responders Training (FLRT) in May 2015;

• 260 DepEd officials, administrators, school heads and DRR focal points trained in Comprehensive School Safety Training (CSST) during July-August 2015;

• 275 teachers trained in the Psychological First Aid Training (PFA);

• 1,600 Be Ready! Classroom materials for Grades 3-6 developed and approved by Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) division of DepEd and IMCS and will be distributed during the fourth quarter of 2015.

In accordance with USAID’s approval of EDC’s extension request for Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) education recovery assistance, Basa will procure and distribute to typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) affected Basa schools approximately 2,180 student tablet armchairs to meet additional validated needs. Further, Basa will procure 250 copies of the Be Ready! Grade 3—6 emergency readiness posters that were earlier developed and distributed by Basa for typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) affected schools. As earlier arranged, DepEd will leverage its own resources to cover the distribution of armchairs from district offices to the recipient schools. And these posters will be provided to other typhoon Haiyan affected schools to be determined by USAID. These activities (procurement and distribution) will be completed within the period specified by USAID’s approval for the extension of Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) education recovery assistance in 2016.




During the year, Basa’s technical team and international TA worked to design and deliver technical program approaches and activities, with substantive involvement from DepEd Central and Regional teams. EDC also coordinated important technical program contributions from its Basa implementation partners, Save the Children, SEAMEO INNOTECH, and PBSP through a series of facilitated Basa coordination meetings to fully develop implementation strategies and activities. The key Year 3 results for each intermediate result are highlighted in the table below.



• 419 Grade 3 teachers trained in Ilocos Norte and Tagbilaran city divisions on the 14 Domains of Literacy and Reading-Writing Connection

• Revised training design for Grade 1 and 2 teacher trainings in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions – Basa expansion sites completed

• Training design for May 2015 Grade 3 mass teacher training completed

• 12 DepEd trainers and facilitators trained in School Heads Orientation and LAC training in San Fernando and Tagbilaran cities

Jan to Mar ‘15


• 4,115 Grade 3 teachers trained during a 3-day Teacher Training on Effective Literacy Instruction in all Basa divisions

• 205 Grade 1 and 2 teachers trained on Effective Literacy Instruction in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions

• 174 DepEd trainers and facilitators trained in preparation for Grade 3 Mass Teacher Training scheduled for May 2015

• 51 school heads trained during School Heads’ Orientation to Basa and LAC Training in San Fernando (La Union) and Tagbilaran (Bohol) divisions

Apr-Jun ‘15


• 218 DepEd trainers/supervisors trained during TOT for Learning Action Cells (LAC) Refresher Training

• 2,172 school heads participate in LAC Refresher Training in all Basa divisions at the cluster level

• 90 new K to Grade 3 teachers enrolled in the pilot online teacher induction course on effective literacy instruction

• 1,700 public schools reached through DepEd’s ELLN training with direct assistance from Basa

Jul-Sep ‘15


• Training of Trainers for DepEd trainers and Basa consultants on Grade 1 and 2 teacher training on Effective Literacy Instruction in Basa expansion sites – San

Oct-Dec ‘15



Fernando (La Union) and Tagbilaran (Bohol)

• 200 Grade 1 and 2 teachers trained on Effective Literacy Instruction in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions

• The 9-week pilot online induction course on Effective Literacy Instruction for new 90 K-Grade 3 teachers in Regions 1 and 7 completed in November, followed up with participant verification process in December



• National LAC Policy Workshop conducted in Manila

• First round of SCOPE and EGRA data collection for Basa’s MTB-MLE research conducted

• Basa supports DepEd with EGRA assessment in 4 mother tongues

• LAC monitoring conducted in 28 schools

Jan to Mar ‘15


• Early grade reading benchmarks for Filipino and English set for Basa-covered divisions in Regions 1 and 7 during the Benchmarking Workshop with DepEd

• Basa’s proposal for the facilitated pilot online teacher training module for induction of new K-Grade 3 teachers endorsed by DepEd

• Training design for LAC refresher training completed

Apr-Jun ‘15


• Early Grade Reading Summit facilitated by Basa Pilipinas and RTI International with close coordination from DepEd and USAID/Philippines

• Basa’s presentation at DepEd’s Superintendents’ Leadership training in Antipolo

• Technical assistance to DepEd central on selecting Read Alouds and leveling process for Leveled Readers

Jul-Sep ‘15


• LAC data collection in Cebu and Mandaue divisions

• Basa Pilipinas and EdGe collaborate in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions to strengthen the home-school-community connection

• DepEd’s National Reading Month supported through various events in Basa-assisted divisions

Oct-Dec ‘15



• Collaborative review of Grade 3 Q1 Basa-developed materials with external content and language experts, DepEd’s BEE and IMCS

• Delivery and distribution of 1,405,290 Q4 TLM to Grade 1 and 2 teachers in Basa-assisted schools

• Php 2,000,000 pledged by Petron Foundation to Basa Pilipinas for 2015/2016 activities

Jan to Mar ‘15


• 523,238 Basa-developed TLM for Grade 3 Q1 delivered and distributed to all public schools in Basa divisions

Apr-Jun ‘15



• 99,562 high-quality English reading materials donated by BBF, delivered to Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur field offices for futher distribution to publich schools

• Collaborative review of Grade 3 Q2 materials with external content and language experts, DepEd’s BEE and IMCS completed

• 6 reading corners donated by PBSP corporate members to Pudoc Elementary School in La Union


• At least 800,000 Grade 3 Q2 TLMs procured for delivery and distribution to all Basa divisions

• Around 75,000 supplementary high-quality English reading materials distributed in Ilocos Norte

• 31,708 back-to-schook supply kits donated by NBSF for K-Grade 3 pupils in Ilocos Norte

• Collaborative review of Grade 3 Q3-4 Basa-developed materials with DepEd and external content and language experts

• Basa leverages over $5 million USD, exceeding 10% of the total project cost leverage goal

Jul-Sep ‘15


• Over 1.4 million units of teaching and learning materials distributed to all Basa divisions

• Close to 486,000 copies of high-quality supplementary English reading materials donated by BBF distributed through book-shopping activities to 758 schools in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and San Fernando city

• Around 4,500 read alouds and 433,133 leveled readers distributed to 106 teachers who participated in the second round of ELLN training in Cebu, Region 7

Oct-Dec ‘15




In 2015, Basa has continued delivering intensive teacher trainings that balance the direct instruction on foundational literacy competencies and classroom strategies that emphasize gradual release of responsibility whereby pupils take ownership of their own thinking and work. This approach was paired with the provision of critically needed appropriate reading materials and ongoing school-based support, through Reading Learning Action Cells (LAC) based at the school or district level. In the Reading LACs, teachers share their experiences using Basa materials in the classroom, and reflect on their practices. In so doing, they deepen their understanding and application of concepts and teaching strategies introduced in the 3-day training sessions.

Basa’s Year 3 accomplishments towards Improved Reading Instruction against the expected outputs from Basa’s Year 3 Work Plan are summarized in the table below.



An expanded group of 300 Basa national corps of trainers and facilitators coached by Basa senior TA to become experts in training on transformational practices in teaching reading and writing

Basa trained a corps of 500 DepEd trainers and facilitators, coached by Basa Senior Technical Programs Director, became experts in training on effective literacy instruction

Comprehensive and distinct training plans that include accompanying training design, videos and materials for each of the following group of target beneficiaries: regional master trainers, supervisors, school heads, and grade 1, 2 and 3 teachers

Comprehensive training plans and associated videos and materials for trainers, school heads/supervisors, and grade 1-3 teachers designed, validated and refined

An estimated 12,894 grade 1-3 and Multigrade teachers trained in Regions 1 and 7, including the expansion areas of San Fernando and Tagbilaran, on reading and writing in Mother Tongue, Filipino and

A total of 12,921 early grade and Multigrade teachers trained in Regions 1 and 7, including San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions, on effective literacy instruction in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English




2,061 supervisors and school heads/master teachers trained for up to 3 days in Regions 1 and 7 on supporting and sustaining Basa initiatives at the division, district and school level

2,172 supervisors and school heads/master teachers from all Basa divisions trained in August-September 2015

Online modules in reading and writing to support the induction of new teachers and professional development of in-service teachers

The pilot online induction course for 90 new K-Grade 3 teachers on effective literacy instruction endorsed by DepEd, implemented in Regions 1 and 7

SUB IR 1.1. IMPROVED ABILITY OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS TO TEACH EARLY GRADE READING, TO CONDUCT DIAGNOSTICS, AND TO IMPLEMENT READING RECOVERY PROGRAMS By the end of Year 3 program implementation, Basa has completed its 2-year professional development delivery cycle of comprehensive teacher training on effective literacy instruction and orientation to Basa-developed teaching and learning materials for more than 12,000 Grade 1–3 teachers across all Basa-assisted divisions. The Basa transformative teacher training component was designed in close partnership with DepEd and local experts within the framework of the K–12 curriculum and the Mother Tongue-based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) context.

TEACHER TRAINING PLANNING AND DESIGN During the first quarter of 2015, Basa technical team planned and designed a three-day module for May 2015 Grade 3 teacher trainings. The goal of the training was two-fold: 1) to increase teacher’s pedagogical knowledge around reading instruction in the early grades within the K-12 Curriculum and the MTB-MLE context; 2) to familiarize teachers with the Basa teaching materials and to provide them with support in their initial implementation of the materials. The Grade 3 training design introduced Q1 materials and also delved into Q2–4 materials as teachers use easier and harder versions on leveled readers in differentiated group learning. The rigorous planning process involved the design, review and revisions to the training outlines, the instructor’s guide, as well as script writing and shooting of videos with assistance from SEAMEO Innotech staff. After training materials underwent the external review on April 28, 2015. Basa core consultants worked with Basa technical team to further refine the materials in preparation for the training of instructors and the mass teacher training.

Basa followed a similar process for the revision of Grade 1 and 2 training materials based on feedback from debrief meetings with Basa lead instructors and facilitators in May 2014. The revisions included improvements in the instructor’s guide as well as accompanying videos.

GRADE 3 TEACHER TRAINING IN ALL BASA DIVISIONS On May 5-7, Basa conducted a training of trainers in Manila for the fourteen Basa consultants, who were then deployed to Vigan (Region 1), Bohol and Cebu (Region 7) from May 14-16 to deliver the training to 174 DepEd trainers and facilitators in preparation for mass teacher training implementation. Finally, from May 18-30, Basa staff and consultants in collaboration with a cohort of DepEd trainers and facilitators trained 4,115 Grade 3 teachers on effective literacy instruction across all Basa divisions. The comprehensive 3-day


training focused on Basa-developed teaching materials, including two levels of leveled readers, as well as the 14 Domains of Literacy, Listening Stories, Writing, Grouping and Differentiated Learning, Bridging, and LAC support.

GRADE 1 AND 2 TEACHER TRAINING IN SAN FERNANDO AND TAGBILARAN Grades 1 and 2 teachers in Basa expansion divisions received 6 days of face-to-face trainings and the complete package of Basa teaching and learning materials. The training plan was similar to the training delivered for Grades 1 and 2 teachers in Year 2 with slight revisions in the instructor’s guide and training videos to delve more deeply into bridging of languages, guided reading, differentiated learning and Learning Action Cells. The training of trainers was delivered in March, followed up with a 3-day teacher training for close to 200 teachers in San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions. The second round of teacher training for Grades 1 and 2 teachers took place in October with an emphasis on increasing the capacity of teachers to effectively use leveled readers in their classrooms and to provide additional support to teachers in the areas of classroom management and writing instruction.

OBSERVATION AND VALIDATION OF DEPED K-GRADE 3 EARLY GRADE LANGUAGE LITERACY AND NUMERACY TRAINING (ELLN) Over the course of 2014-2015, Basa supported DepEd’s efforts to target 100 priority schools across 17 regions as part of the DepEd-initiated K-Grade 3 ELLN training. Basa’s assistance included technical support to the Training of Trainers (ToT), provision of Basa TLMs and other direct technical assistance. In addition, DepEd requested Basa program staff to participate in the observation and validation of the training in seven out of 17 regions. Basa’s assistance to ELLN training contributed to an additional estimated 500,000 K-Grade 3 pupils who are direct project beneficiaries, due to ELLN activities being partially funded by USAID resources managed by Basa.

SUB-RESULT 1.2. IMPROVED CAPACITY OF ADMINISTRATORS AND SCHOOL HEADS TO SUPERVISE EARLY GRADE READING INSTRUCTION, EARLY GRADE READING DIAGNOSTICS, AND INITIATE READING RECOVERY PROGRAMS DepEd’s Learning Action Cells have been in practice for more than 25 years. In Year 2, Basa provided two rounds of training to school heads, supervisors and master teachers in order to reinvigorate LACs in early grades, which DepEd views as a key long-term strategy for continuous professional development. During 2015, Basa provided an additional training to DepEd trainers and school heads in all Basa divisions on effectively facilitating the Reading LACs to maintain the momentum for classroom transformation.


Following DepEd’s request to revitalize the LACs as a mechanism to sustain in-service literacy support for teacher professional development, Basa provided four two-day training of trainers for Basa consultants and DepEd supervisors in July and early August, followed up with a one-day refresher training on LAC support to 2,172 school heads at the cluster level during August-September 2015.

The training was designed to help LAC facilitators to implement content-based coaching to support teacher implementation of the new practices they learn from the face-to-face training. The refresher training focused on the Basa-developed LAC Facilitator’s Guide and trigger videos—short videos that match topics outlined in the facilitator’s guide.

School heads from Tagbilaran City practice their facilitation skills using the Basa Literacy LAC guide.


A total of 2,172 school heads and master teachers participated in the LAC refresher training at the cluster level in all 8 Basa divisions. The participants were able to share experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of their action plans from LAC training conducted in November 2014. They were also able to discuss strategies on classroom management and grouping to support their teachers. The participants found simulation exercies designed to help school heads strengthen their facilitation skills and supervisors refine ways to support school heads to be instructive and practical.


DEPED CORPS OF TRAINERS AND FACILITATORS Through rigorous training from 2013 to 2015, an expanded group of almost 500 DepEd trainers and facilitators, coached by Basa senior TA, became experts in training on transformational practices in teaching reading and writing. Prior to any mass teacher or school head training, DepEd lead instructors have received an intensive training to strengthen their knowledge and practical understanding of effective literacy instruction. Each DepEd lead instructor has received a package of materials that include a detailed instructor’s guide linked to a set of PowerPoint presentations, videos and handouts. The DepEd facilitators were also trained to support the lead instructors during small group discussions and activities. This process leads to better quality teacher trainings with a high level of fidelity.

Analysis of participants’ feedback from the last Grade 3 teacher training conducted in May 2015 suggests that Basa’s continued engagement of DepEd trainers has improved their competence and confidence in delivering the content, facilitating activities, and managing training clusters. This contributed greatly to the effectiveness of the training.

During the 7th PMC meeting, held on December 1, 2015, Basa handed over to DepEd Central a detailed directory of DepEd facilitators and trainers who are equipped to serve as additional resources for future DepEd-led teacher trainings. This level of capacity building was aligned with sustainability initiatives launched by Basa and DepEd in Year 3 and which will become our central focus in Year 4. The detailed list of DepEd corps of trainers and facilitators coached by Basa throughout 2013-2015 is included as Annex A.

PILOT ONLINE INDUCTION COURSE During the final quarter of Year 3, 90 teachers underwent a nine-week online induction course in Effective Literacy Instruction for New K-3 Teachers. The course gives an overview of the different domains, or sub skills, required for pupils to master reading and provides teachers with strategies for teaching these skills. Teachers learn how to effectively use Basa-produced materials like Read Alouds and Teachers’ Guides. Because the course takes place during the school year, teachers have the opportunity to try out new techniques immediately with their students and then discuss the results in online chat sessions with their Learning Mentors, Co-Mentors and peers.

DepEd Curriculum Chief Rosalina Villaneza addresses the new Kinder to Grade 3 teachers who will undergo the nine-week Basa online training.


Participants were selected from Basa divisions, but had not participated in previous Basa face-to-face trainings either because they were newly hired or newly transferred to an early grade.

Participants took the course in cohorts of 15, with one Learning Mentor and Co-Mentor. They were grouped by division, for ease of monitoring by Co-Mentors, but each cohort included participants teaching different grades. Overall, about one third of participants (31%) reported teaching first grade. The second largest group was second grade teachers (23%), and then an equal percentage of grade three (16%) and multigrade teachers (16%). There were also 12 kindergarten teachers who participated, representing 14% of the total participants. Interestingly, five percent of the multigrade teachers also taught kindergarten; these are included in the figures above as multigrade teachers.

Of the 90 teachers who began the course, only one dropped out because she had a baby and was unable to keep up with the coursework. The majority of participants successfully completed the course. Seventy four out of 90, or 82%, received an A or B in the course and successfully passed an oral validation process to ensure that they were the ones who completed the work submitted. This entitled them to receive an international certificate of recognition from SEAMEO-INNOTECH.



Bohol 7 16 7 30

Cebu 4 17 8 29

Ilocos Norte 3 10 2 15

Ilocos Sur 1 5 1 7

La Union 0 4 4 8

Total 15 52 22 89

Fifteen participants, or 17%, did not pass, or received a C in the course. These participants received an acknowlegment of participation, but no international certificate.



Grades were assessed by the course Learning Mentors, as per a grading rubric where A equals excellent, B equals satisfactory and C equals not satifactory or not completed. Grades were assessed to both the written assignments (six) and chat sessions (four), as outlined in the Learner’s Guide which was reviewed during orientation.

The distribution of grades is similar to what one might expect from a standard classroom; that is, there is a “bell curve” where the majority of participants fall in the middle of the curve while a smaller number fall on either side. The curve is slightly skewed to the right, demonstrating that slightly more participants excelled than did not pass.

A full report on the course will be available next quarter. Annex B contains a Powerpoint presentation with preliminary results from the participant survey which were presented for discussion with course Learning Mentors in January.1 Below are a few key highlights:

• The majority of partipants, 82%, used their own personal computers to access the course content on USBs. Those who did not have personal computers most often used computers in internet cafés or borrowed a friend’s computer. Twenty five percent of those who used their own computers, mostly from Region 7, purchased them for this course.

• 70% of participants reported that they experienced some difficulties accessing the internet for chat sessions due to poor connectivity. The problem was most severe in Bohol where 81% reported difficulties, of whom 14% reported they had difficulties “very often.” Participants in Cebu were the only other group to report difficulties “very often.” In contrast, only 53% of participants in Ilocos Norte reported difficulties “sometimes” or “once in a while.”

• Despite the issues with connectivity, participation in the chat sessions was high. Only five participants ever received a grade of C for no or low participation during a chat session.

1 Survey results are based on 85 responses



• The most popular place to access the internet was from home, with 45% of participants reporting that is where they accessed the internet for chat sessions. The second most popular place was an internet café, with 27% of participants reporting they had accessed the internet at a café. Participants from Bohol reported the most variety of locations from which they accessed the internet, often citing 3 or 4 different locations. This is consistent with the finding that participants from Bohol had the most difficulty with connectivity.

• About one quarter of the participants said they did not have strong computer skills before the course, but all except one person said that their computer skills improved due to the course.

• While connectivity was a problem for some, it did not appear to affect success in the course. Of the 14 people (all of whom were in Bohol or Cebu) who reported that their internet connection was not good enough for them to participate fully in the course, 3 got As, 8 got Bs and 3 x got Cs. That is, the distribution of their grades mirrored the bell curve distribution of the other participants.

• Participants rated the course content and facilitation highly, with the majority of participants rating the readings, videos, assignments, quality of chat sessions with peers, content knowledge and faciliatation skills of the Learning Mentors and Co-Mentors “excellent.”

• Overall, participants reported that they learned information that they didn’t know before, as well as teaching strategies that they were able to immediately apply in their classroom.

These preliminary results are very positive, and indicate that the online format could be a very viable tool for conducting teacher training. The results of the participant survey will be analyzed further, and will be complemented by pre and post test results as well as classroom observations for a sample of teachers.

Following the data analysis, we will discuss the results with DepEd and make recommendations for consideration if DepEd wishes to expand the use of this or similar online courses in the future.




During Year 3, Basa stepped up its technical assistance to DepEd through training and classroom materials and support to other important initiatives, such as the development of benchmarks in Basa divisions, facilitation of the EGRA summit and the national LAC policy workshop, EGRA ‘follow-on’ replication of student assessment in four Mother Tongues, and presentations at DepEd events and trainings.

Basa’s Year 3 accomplishments towards Improved Reading Delivery Systems against the expected outputs from the Year 3 Work Plan are summarized in the next below.



Ongoing support for DepEd professional development at the national level as demonstrated through technical assistance, provision of training and classroom materials, multi-media (video and on-line training module)

Basa consulted DepEd central on the process of read alouds selection, the leveling process for leveled texts, and specifications for procurement of read alouds and leveled readers. All copies of Basa-developed materials regulary submitted to DepEd. Storied from leveled readers adapted and included in DepEd Learner’s Material

Continued support for LACs and contribution to the strengthening of district-level LACs to ensure sustainability

Basa co-facilitated national LAC policy workshop with an expressed goal to draft a DepEd order to reinvigorate and institutionalize the LACs as K-12 professional development tool; conducted LAC training of trainers and refresher training for DepEd trainers, school heads/supervisors; conducted LAC monitoring at select schools in Basa divisions

Refined SCOPE-Literacy tool to support school head and supervisor classroom observations

The prototype scaled-down SCOPE-Literacy tool has been presented to DepEd at the 5th Basa Project Management Committee (PMC) meeting on March 18 co-chaired by DepEd Undersecretary, Dr. Ocampo

Early grade reading benchmarks in Iloko, Sinugbuanong Binisaya, Filipino and English for Basa-assisted divisions developed in partnership with the Department of

Grades 1-3 reading benchmarks in Iloko, Sinugbuanong Binisaya, Filipino and English for Basa-assisted divisions developed in partnership with DepEd in May 2015




Research on pupil developmental reading trajectories in MT, Filipino and English to inform the ongoing implementation of MTB-MLE in the K to 12 curriculum

Final report on the first round of data collection conducted in February-March 2015 has been finalized

An active national and regional reading campaign fully supported by both public and private partners

Basa actively engaged in support of DepEd’s National Reading Month campaign


ESTABLISHING BENCHMARKS IN MT, FILIPINO, AND ENGLISH IN REGIONS 1 AND 7 Basa’s commitment to collaborative work with DepEd to develop benchmarks in MT, Filipino and English in Regions 1 and 7 resulted in the Benchmarking Workshop that was held in May 2015. Based on the review of the EGRA assessment and subsequent discussions, the participating DepEd representatives from Regions 1 and 7 recommended reading benchmarks in select Mother Tongues (Ilokano and Sinugbuanong Binisaya), Filipino and English in Grades 1–3.

SUB IR 2.2. STRENGTHENED CAPACITY OF DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND/ORG TEACHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS TO IMPLEMENT SOUND EARLY GRADE READING DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS IN ENGLISH, FILIPINO, AND SELECTED MOTHER TONGUES EGRA SURVEY IN FOUR MOTHER TONGUES Per USAID guidance in early 2015, Basa directly supported an EGRA assessment and classroom observation/assessment in four mother tongues (Ilokano, Sinugbuanong Binisaya, Hiligaynon and Maguindanaon) following a similar assessment conducted by RTI International in 2014. The main goal of the 2015 replication activity was to gauge progress compared to 2014 in early grade reading performance in four MTs. The EGRA assessment was designed and implemented in close collaboration with DepEd and was increasingly viewed by USAID and DepEd as a capacity building exercise to implement early grade reading diagnostic tools and improve DepEd’s capacity to track nationwide trends in early grade reading performance.

Basa commissioned a third party contractor, TNS to lead data collection activities in the field while making every effort to capacitate and transfer knowledge to designated DepEd personnel for future implementation without outside assistance. Based on TNS assessment, DepEd now has the capacity to plan and conduct the EGRA assessment from training to data collection. Of important note, however, is DepEd personnel were not involved in data analysis and interpretation, nor did they program the tablets or analyzed data during

DepEd Regions 1 and 7 officials review reading benchmarks during a workshop with Basa.


training sessions to ensure inter-rater reliability. These tasks were undertaken by RTI, and subsequent results were shared during the Early Grade Reading Summit in August 2015.

TNS has recommended further training for DepEd staff on the EGRA software, adherence to standard protocols and procedures and pilot testing of the instruments to troubleshoot issues or problems prior to the field testing.

EARLY GRADE READING SUMMIT As requested by USAID, Basa coordinated and co-facilitated with RTI International an Early Grade Reading (EGR) Summit on August 14 to bring key stakeholders to share results of recent assessments in early grade literacy. The event was planned with close coordination from USAID and DepEd. The participants of the EGR summit shared the results, gathered feedback, interpretations and reflections on various early grade reading assessments: Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG), Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), and Basa research. The representatives from DepEd Central, Regions 1, 6 and 7, and USAID developed recommendations for next steps to improve literacy instruction in the Philippines.


RESEARCH ON DEVELOPMENTAL READING TRAJECTORIES AS RELATED TO MTB-MLE Basa’s Year 3 research plan was designed to respond to DepEd’s request for classroom-level data to further understand student developmental trajectories and teacher practice over the course of the school year in non-Basa and Basa classrooms. The data collection on children’s development and the linguistic landscape in which MTB-MLE is being implemented aims to provide a better understanding of how children transition from MT to Filipino and English and the successes and challenges teachers face adapting MTB-MLE to their context. The first round of data collection was conducted in February-March 2015 and an executive summary of results was included in the third quarterly report. The second round of data collection will be completed by the second week in February , and an executive summary of key findings will be submitted by the first week in March, followed by the full report by the end of April.


CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR LEARNING ACTION CELLS (LACS) In response to DepEd’s request to revitalize LACs in Regions 1 and 7 and ensure their sustainability, Basa with close coordination from DepEd, co-facilitated a national-level three-day LAC Policy Workshop in January 2015. The workshop achieved its goal to draft a DepEd order to reinvigorate and institutionalize LACs as a K–12 professional development mechanism. This was followed up by the LAC Implementation Planning Workshop in May 2015, hosted by the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and the Basic Education Sector Transformation Program (BEST). A Senior Basa TA was invited to present at the workshop which concluded that LAC should become the vehicle to complement teacher training on K–12 curriculum and become a primary professional development support mechanism for the teachers. It also called for the LAC policy to be open for various topics, but at the initial stages should focus on K–12 issues

Education policymakers look at various assessment data presented at the summit as they reflect on key challenges on early grade education.


and process monitoring rather than evaluation of the LACs. During the 3rd Quarter of 2015, at the DepEd’s central request, Basa’s Senior TA also presented on LACs at the Superintendents’ Leadership Program in Antipolo. Basa’s presentation introduced the project’s approach to LACs, highlighted implications for the Schools Division Office and presented views from the field. Two school heads from Region 1 and 7 were invited by Basa to share their views from the field about how LACs work int their respective schools. To date, DepEd has not finalized and released the LAC policy.

At the program level, Basa’s support for Literacy LACs focused on providing a training of trainers for DepEd staff and a refresher LAC training for school heads on facilitation skills and supporting teachers in effective classroom management and differentiated grouping for effective literacy instruction. To further support DepEd’s efforts to assist school heads and supervisors as instructional leaders, Basa designed a scaled down version of the SCOPE Literacy tool (see Annex C) which was handed over to DepEd Central at the 5th PMC on March 18, 2015.

PROMOTION OF READING AWARENESS During Year 3, Basa has been actively engaged in support of DepEd’s efforts promoting reading awareness during the National Teacher’s Month and the National Reading Month at the national and regional levels. A more detailed account of promotion campaigns is included in the O&C section of the annual progress report. Basa team also produced a Results Briefer approved by USAID dissemination among technical and non-technical audiences as well as project success stories to illustrate the transformative change in Philippine classrooms owing to USAID assistance.


During 2013-2014, Basa has invested considerable resources in Mother Tongue materials for Grade 1 and 2 classrooms, i.e. leveled readers were procured at 1:1 ratio. As students progressed in their reading development, Basa prioritized Filipino and English language materials. The development of new materials for Grade 3 has been a major thrust of Year 3 program implementation. The newly developed Grade 3 materials critical to effective oral language, reading and writing instruction have also responded to the need to increase

Education officials discuss the implementing guidelines that will be part of the National Policy on Learning Action Cells (LACs).


the depth of materials in classrooms. A total of 4,118,263 copies of Basa TLMs were printed and distributed to all Basa schools during Q1–4 of 2015.

Basa’s Year 3 accomplishments towards Improved Access To Quality Reading Materials against the expected outputs from Basa’s Year 2 Work Plan are summarized in the next table.



Teacher guides, read alouds and leveled readers for grade 1 and 2 teachers in San Fernando and Tagbilaran divisions

All Grade 1 and 2 teachers in San Fernando and Tagbilaran provided with a complete set of materials. The revised teacher guides include Q1 revisions following DepEd’s IMCS review. Leveled readers provided at 1:1 ratio

Teacher guides and leveled readers for grade 3 teachers in all 8 divisions

Basa developed teacher guides and leveled readers designed, produced and distributed following DepEd’s BEE and IMCS review and approval

Not originally included in Year 3 AWP Basa developed, printed and distributed teaching notes and outlines for Multigrade teachers in all divisions. All MG outlines have undergone rigorous DepEd review by BEE, IMCS and external experts

SUB IR 3.1. INCREASED AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO AGE AND GENDER APPROPRIATE, CULTURE SPECIFIC EARLY GRADE READING MATERIALS IN ENGLISH, FILIPINO AND AT LEAST FOUR MOTHER TONGUES Building on the successes of Year 2 in the development and provision of early grade reading materials critical to effective oral language, reading and writing instruction, Basa has focused on developing Filipino and English materials following Basa’s expansion to Grade 3 and the need to increase the depth of teaching and learning materials in classrooms. This has been achieved through introduction of one leveled reader in Filipino and English for each week of the school year (36 in total). The complexity of the leveled readers increases with lengthier text in Filipino with a content focus on civics. The complexity of the text in English also increases and the topics are science-related. The intended effect is to streamline the curriculum and have pupils engage in the text at a much deeper level. By the end of Year 3, Basa has distributed more than 4.1 million copies of TLMs. This also includes materials for Grade 1 and 2 teachers at 1:1 ratio for Basa expansion divisions of San Fernando (La Union) and Tagbilaran (Bohol). In early 2015, Basa also distributed IMCS approved Quarter 1 teaching notes for Grade 1 and 2 teachers in all Basa divisions.

To ensure better access to Basa-developed materials, the project has begun consultations with USAID and DepEd on the process of uploading teaching and learning materials to DepEd’s LRMDS online portal. This uploading has begun during the fourth quarter of 2015 and will continue into the first two quarters of 2016. The list of all teaching and learning materials produced for Grades 1–3 can be found on Annex D.

DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS FOR ELLN TRAINING IN REGION 7 During the fourth quarter of 2015, Basa’s Cebu field office team distributed 4,500 Read Alouds and 433,133 copies of Leveled Readers to 106 teachers who participated in the second round of the regional training on Early Language, Literacy, and Numeracy in Cebu City.



By the end of Year 3 of program implementation, Basa has leveraged resources with the total value over $5 million USD, considerably exceeding the stated goal of 10% of the total project cost. The majority of leveraged resources was donated by the Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF)—this long-standing Basa partner provided around 800,000 high-quality supplementary early grades English reading materials. During Year 3, Basa distributed over 560,000 BBF books in Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur divisions. The National Book Store Foundation has donated over 37,000 back-to-school kits for K–Grade 3 pupils of Ilocos Norte division. Finally, Petron has allocated an additional Php 2,000,000 for 2015 program activities. The detailed leverage report was included in the Basa 2015 Q3 QPR .

LEFT: Pupils from Ilocos Norte receive school supplies from Basa implementing partner, National Book Store Foundation. CENTER: Grade 3 teachers shop for new books donated by Brother’s Brother Foundation.









Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF)

Close to 486,000 books distributed through bookshopping activities in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and San Fernando (La Union)

• Delivery of at least 2 million supplementary reading books

• 561,000 supplementary early grade reading materials distributed in Basa divisions

National Book Store Foundation

No updates during this quarter • Procurement of supplemental reading materials in Filipino and English

• Support to supplies provision at training activities

• Contribute to reading awareness campaign activities

• 37,000 back-to-school kits for K-Grade 3 pupils distributed in Ilocos Norte as part of NBSF’s Project Aral

• Ongoing discussions on further coordination of activities with NBSF in Year 4, such as provision of reading corners and additional back-to-school kits

Petron Corporation

Over 390,000 copies of Grade 3 Q4 LRs in Filipino and English printed with Petron funds handed over to Basa at the DepEd Region 7 meeting with Basa on December 14, 2015

• Procurement of read alouds for grade 3 teachers

• Support to visibility and incentives through purchase of t-shirts and tokens for facilitators

• Sponsored the printing of more than 390,000 copies of Filipino and English leveled readers. These are distributed in all Basa schools in eight school divisions

• Cebu field office distributed around 6,000 copies of Big Books funded by Petron at the DepEd Region 7’s meeting for K-Grade 3 teachers attending the second batch of the ELLN in December



MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) Key Basa M&E accomplishments for Year 3 included the submission of the Evaluation Report for SY 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 in May of this year to USAID and sharing of this report with DepEd. The report details the results of EGRA administered to a sample of Grade 2 pupils as well as the results of the SCOPE Literacy observations which measure changes in teaching practice. Overall, the results of EGRA showed that students are making significant progress as a result of Basa intervention.



Midline data for comparison and intervention sample schools gathered, evaluated, and disseminated

Midline EGRA Filipino and English data collected, analyzed and shared with key stakeholders for a sample of over 1,600 second graders in Bohol, Cebu, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union

Replication of EGRA assessment in four MT implemented in close collaboration with DepEd based on similar assessment conducted by RTI in 2014

EGRA assessment in four Mother Tongues conducted, analyzed and disseminated in close collaboration with DepEd and RTI

Presentation of the Midline Evaluation Report to USAID and DepEd

Midline Evaluation Report distributed to USAID and DepEd, and results presented in PMC meetings as well as in division level meetings and at Early Grade Readiing Summit

Ongoing tracking of training participants and materials distributed as well as completion of DQA activities

Tracking of training participants and materials distribution conducted during training and/or distribution, and verification of their use in classrooms during periodic DQAs throughout the year

Completion of GIS mapping of Basa supported schools and turnover of data to DepEd and USAID

Basa GIS mapping of almost 3,000 schools completed

System in place and tool developed to monitor and track LAC activities in the schools

LAC activity monitoring system developed and implemented during the year, with final report of results due next quarter

System and tool for monitoring of fidelity of training implementation strengthened

Tool for monitoring fidelity of training implementation modified and implemented, and results reported in quarterly reports

Mid-project EGRA results show improvements in early grade children’s reading skills.


Basa has closely worked with USAID to update the Contract Monitoring Plan, which included revising targets for indicators, adding a custom indicator and removing an indicator that is no longer applicable. The revised CMP plan was approved in October 2015.

During the first quarter of 2015, Basa conducted Time 2 Cohort 2 (longitudinal) EGRA assessment in Filipino and English for Grade 2 students in Cebu, Mandaue, Bohol, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union divisions and Time 3 Cohort 1 (cross sectional) EGRA assessment in Filipino for La Union and Cebu.

Basa’s M&E Advisor, Dr. Elena Vinogradova, visited the Philippines early this year to share results with USAID on the Rapid EGRA assessment conducted in December 2014 and to discuss Basa’s ongoing M&E workplan for the rest of Year 3. She also conducted a full review of Basa M&E systems and made recommendations for further improvements which were subsequently implemented throughout the year. Her key recommendation was to improve the database tracking system for TLMs. A PowerPoint presentation on the TLM tracking system, which was used for staff training purposes, is in Annex E.

TAGGING OF SCHOOL GPS COORDINATES Basa, in coordination with DepEd has completed the GPS (Global Positioning System) tagging of all 2,955 elementary schools in Basa-assisted divisions. The full list of schools with GPS coordinates is included on Annex F. During the second quarter of 2016, Basa also trained DepEd’s ICT (information communication technology) coordinators on how to collect GPS coordinates of schools so they can conduct GPS tagging in other schools not covered by Basa.







Bohol 931 931 100% 0

Cebu 893 893 100% 0

Ilocos Norte 344 344 100% 0

Ilocos Sur 449 449 100% 0

La Union 311 311 100% 0

Mandaue City 27 27 100% 0

TOTAL 2,955 2,955 100% 0

GENDER AWARENESS AND DISABILITY INCLUSION Basa continues to integrate gender and disability considerations into program monitoring noting how Basa activities have benefited men and women using custom gender-sensitive performance indicators that have been included of the Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP). Basa training data are disaggregated by gender and information on gender awareness and special education training attended by teachers and number and type of of pupils with disabilities are routinely collected, tracked, and included in Basa progress reports.








Region I San Fernando City

Grade 1 50 83% 10 17% 60

Grade 2 29 88% 4 12% 33

Grade 3 47 89% 6 11% 53

Total 126 86% 20 14% 146

Region VII Tagbilaran City

Grade 1 18 36% 32 64% 50

Grade 2 18 43% 24 57% 42

Grade 3 9 18% 41 82% 50

Total 45 32% 97 68% 142

GRAND TOTAL 171 59% 117 41% 288








Region I San Fernando City 12 16

Region VII Tagbilaran City 13 24

TOTAL 25 40




Region School

Division Grade level Visual % Audio % Mental % Physical % Total

Region I San Fernando City

Grade 1 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 100% 1

Grade 2 3 25% 3 25% 4 33% 2 17% 12

Grade 3 1 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1

Total 4 29% 3 21% 4 29% 3 21% 14

Region VII Tagbilaran City

Grade 1 0 0% 1 20% 4 80% 0 0% 5

Grade 2 2 50% 0 0% 2 50% 0 0% 4

Grade 3 0 0% 1 100% 0 0% 0 0% 1

Total 2 20% 2 20% 6 60% 0 0% 10

GRAND TOTAL 6 25% 5 21% 10 42% 1 13% 24

OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS (O&C) Basa made incredible headway in Year 3 with the implementation of key technical activities and concurrent production of Grade 3 and multigrade teaching and learning materials. Basa also teamed up with DepEd and other local partners to conduct outreach activities for National Teachers’ Month (NTM) and National Reading Month (NRM) during the last quarter of the year. Throughout this period, the project’s Outreach and Communications unit provided adequate support in branding and documenting Basa activities, from high-level Mission visits to division- and school-level training and LAC sessions and reading promotional events.



Updated Branding and Marking Implementation Plan

Revised branding and marking implementation plan approved by USAID on June 16, 2015, granting permission to DepEd and other education partners to reprint, adapt, and/or midify Basa-produced materials for educational and non-commercial purposes

Social media content and marking plan Preliminary social media plan drafted but implementation was deferred to prioritize work on materials development

Development of teacher aids and campaign collaterals to support reading

Supported production of revised Grades 1–2 and Grade 3 teaching and learning materials consisting of teacher’s guides, leveled readers, and supplementary teaching guides for multigrade and combination classes

Reading campaign activities in conjunction Coordinated the program’s participation in DepEd’s annual



with existing DepEd initiatives such as Brigada Eskwela, National Reading Month, and International Literacy Month

celebration of National Teachers’ Month in September together with other education stakeholders

Supported local activities to promote messages around reading during read-along, book shopping, and materials distribution events with Basa-trained teachers, school heads, and pupils during Brigada Eskwela

Good practices and success stories produced for wider dissemination (at least one per quarter)

Produced and submitted three success stories for USAID approval and publication

Developed the project results briefer distributed during the USAID Global Education Summit 2015

Functional program information system for commonly shared reports, templated, and multimedia products (photos and videos)

With the IT/MIS Manager, established and populated the project centralized system to facilitate file sharing among staff

Support to Basa visibility events through planning, signage and production of collateral materials

Organized Mission visits to Basa-assisted areas

Worked with DepEd and USAID in the conduct of the Ceremonial Signing of the Bilateral Assistance Agreement for Basic Education and the Early Grade Summit

Produced banners and collaterals used during training, workshops, and high-level events

Enhanced staff capacity in communication areas

Provided regular updates to program staff on branding and communication requirements

Trained field focal staff on capturing and developing success stories as a springboard for telling the Basa story. Training introduced the different success story formats, including the guidelines for writing them, and described the process of identifying and developing success stories from the field.

SUPPORT TO MISSION VISITS AND PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Throughout the year, Basa actively supported various Mission visits and program activities, enabling the project to gain greater visibility with key stakeholders in DepEd and USAID. At the start of Year 3, Basa became heavily involved with preparations for the Ceremonial Signing of the Bilateral Assistance Agreement for Basic Education between DepEd and USAID held on January 30. Basa’s Outreach and Communications (O&C) unit worked closely with USAID and DepEd to organize the half-day event, which included an exhibit of USAID’s basic education projects.

O&C also supported Basa’s presentation and exhibit display during the 2015 Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) Summer Literacy Forum held on May 9 at Miriam College, Quezon City. The activity gave Basa the opportunity to connect with local reading and education experts and showcase our instructional materials to a wider public.

As with previous years, Basa joined DepEd’s nationwide community mobilization campaign, Brigada Eskwela, that engages community volunteers to clean, repair, and refurbish school facilities in time for the school


opening. In La Union and San Fernando City, Basa turned over supplementary books to Grade 3 teachers last May 18. In Sogod district, part of the Brigada Eskwela culmination activity was the Basa handover of teaching and learning materials, school furniture, and supplies to Yolanda-hit schools on May 22.

On June 18, 2015, USAID Senior Advisor to the Administrator John Spears and USAID/Philippines Mission Director Gloria Steele led the handover of 700,000 Basa-produced teaching and learning materials to schools in Bohol and Tagbilaran City. Schools Division Superintendents, Wilfreda Bongalos and Evangel Luminarias, Tagbilaran City Mayor John Geesnell Yap, principals, teachers, and students participated in the event. Meanwhile, in San Francisco Central School in Camotes island, north of

Cebu, USAID’s Partner Vetting Specialist Janice Schluter visited teachers and students to hand over USAID’s post-typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) assistance to Northern Cebu schools. The assistance consisted of 11,300 student backpacks with supplies, teacher kits, and school furniture, including 1,178 blackboards, 1,414 sets of teacher’s tables and chairs, and 19,500 student armchairs for Kinder to Grade 6 students. To date, over

102,000 elementary school children and 4,000 teachers across 258 schools in Yolanda-affected areas in Northern Cebu have benefited from USAID assistance.

Together with DepEd and RTI, a USAID contractor, Basa organized the first ever Early Grade Reading Summit on August 14, where Basa presented emerging results from its mid-project early grade reading assessment (EGRA) and research on student developmental trajectories in reading. The summit brought to the fore critical issues on early grade education, and enabled policy- and decision-makers to begin looking at how data can inform solutions to early grade literacy challenges. Aside from helping structure the design of the summit, Basa provided secretariat and production support for the event.

In September, Basa celebrated National Teachers’ Month for the third consecutive year. Basa, a member of the National Teachers’ Month Coordinating Council spearheaded by DepEd and Metrobank Foundation, attended the coordination meeting on July 16, and before DepEd Secretary Armin Luistro presented Basa’s activities for Teachers’ Month.

• Marking the end of the first quarter of the school year and to kick off Basa’s celebration of National Teachers’ Month and International Literacy Day, USAID Office of Education Deputy Director Erica Rounsefell, with support from Basa implementing partners, Brothers’ Brother Foundation and National Book Store Foundation turned over about 300,000 brand new supplementary English books and 50,000 school kits to DepEd Ilocos Norte Division. The assistance benefited 318 public elementary schools and 58,800 students in Ilocos Norte. Basa also treated 346 Grade 3 teachers in Ilocos Norte to a one-day book distribution event where they shopped for new supplementary English textbooks, storybooks, decodable readers, etc. to use for classroom instruction on September 12.

• Recognizing teachers’ role as one of the frontliners in the community during disasters, Basa trained 265 DepEd teachers, guidance counselors, and coordinators on psychological first aid for children in distress. The training targeted schools in Northern Cebu that were affected by Typhoon Yolanda.

Basa hosts visits of USAID officials in Ilocos Norte and Tagbilaran City.


• Another treat for new K–3 teachers was the launch of the nine-week online effective literacy as part of their pre-service training and induction. Modules were based on DepEd’s K–12 MTB-MLE Language Arts and Literacy curriculum.

• Capping off the month-long celebration for teachers, Basa donated 500 English supplementary books as teacher tokens for World Teachers’ Day on October 5.

By November, Basa-supported school divisions in Ilocos Sur, Bohol, Tagbilaran City, Cebu, and Mandaue City kicked off the celebration of National Reading Month (NRM), through storytelling workshops and reading caravans, read-a-thon contests, book distribution, read and play activities, and kids’ reading camp. These events enabled Basa to mobilize literacy support at the community-level; more specifically teach parents

about their role in nurturing their children’s love for books and reading. The NRM celebration also highlighted Basa’s partnership with local education partners, namely U.S. Peace Corps, Resource Room, Philippine Business for Social Progress, Jose Aboitiz Foundation, Metro San Fernando Rotary Club, Synergeia Foundation, and World Vision in helping push

reading up even higher in the agenda of DepEd and local communities.

• Eighty volunteer storytellers participated in storytelling workshops conducted in Bohol and Cebu. The trained storytellers were then deployed to different schools as part of Basa’s reading caravans. In Cebu, five schools in Consolacion, Oslob, Balamban 1, Asturias, and Barili II districts hosted the storytelling sessions. A creative writing workshop with 50 parents and community members were also conducted with support from US Peace Corps.

• In Caba, La Union, Basa helped DepEd facilitate fun-filled pre-, during, and post-reading activities with 130 Kinder to Grade 3 pupils of

Wenceslao Elementary School.

• The first ever reading camp for kids happened in Busiing Elementary School, San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur last November 24. More than 150 Grades 1–3 students were treated to different reading and writing activities and a book shopping where they got the chance to shop for new books to read and bring at home.

• Basa supported the division-wide read-a-thon contests in Bohol and Tagbilaran City as well as the NRM culmination activity with the handover of teaching and learning materials to the seven library hubs in Bohol.

• Basa donated 100 supplementary English storybooks from Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF) to support DepEd Central’s Culminating Activity for National Reading Month. DepEd distributed the books during the sustained silent reading activity of more than 100 teachers and students held on November 27, 2015 at Quirino Memorial Medical Center, Quezon City.

Basa supports local celebration of DepEd for National Reading Month.


Before the close of its third year, Basa partnered with DepEd San Fernando City Division and USAID’s Education Governance Effective (EdGE) last December 13, 2015 in conducting “Fostering Effective Home-School-Community Collaboration,” a parents’ training aimed at educating parents on the importance of reading to children. More than 150 parents, mostly members of the Federated Parent-Teacher Association (FPTA) participated in the one-day training, where they were taught techniques and activities to do to encourage their children to read at home. Basa provided parents with storybooks to get them started reading to their kids.

As the project heads into its fourth year of implementation, Basa will continue to use these outreach events as a vehicle to disseminate relevant program messages and boost Basa’s visibility, while strengthening the USAID brand with DepEd, key reading partners, and the community at large.

REVISED PROJECT BRANDING AND MARKING GUIDELINES Basa updated its branding and marking plan to more broadly align the project to the government’s language and literacy program and firm up guidelines on the adoption of Basa materials, ahead of its eventual transfer to DepEd. Basa sought official guidance from USAID in May regarding the branding and marking of reprinted and/or modified version of original materials produced by Basa that will be made available online through the DepEd Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) portal and other educational websites.

In a letter to EDC dated June 16, 2015, USAID has granted permission to reprint, adapt, and/or modify Basa materials for educational and non-commercial purposes provided that a written request is submitted to and officially approved by Basa. Institutions may co-brand with USAID and DepEd following the standard language/disclaimer in the approved guidelines. As Basa’s government partner, DepEd may also adapt and/or modify curriculum materials for use in other school divisions. Modification may include but is not limited to translating or contextualizing text into other languages, using portions of the material in other publications, or adapting stories, activities or other content developed by Basa.

Since Basa launched its post-typhoon Yolanda education recovery assistance in Cebu in January 2015, Basa worked with implementing partner, Save the Children to ensure that all procurement of school furniture, including teacher’s tables and chairs, blackboards, student tablet armchairs; supplies like teacher’s kits and student backpacks; and pre-positioned items like temporary learning spaces (tents) and school-in-a-box are properly marked in accordance with USAID guidelines. Basa also briefed DepEd officials from Cebu Province Division on the proper care and maintenance of USAID-donated items.

Mother Begins Nightly

Reading Habit with Her Son

Rizza, a 26-year old stay-at-home mom, is one of the participants who attended the panrents’ training jointly conducted by the DepEd, Basa Pilipinas, and EdGE project last December 14 in San Fernando City. Her son, Prince Paolo is a Grade 1 pupil at Catbangen Elementary School. “I was not supposed to join since I had a lot of house chores to finish. It was my friends from the PTA who convinced me to attend the training,” she admits. She said she had no regrets in joining the training as it has helped her gain a deeper understanding on the importance of fostering the love of reading to her son. Rizza also appreciated the Read Aloud Book and Leveled Readers she received from USAID’s Basa Pilipinas. “He is very excited for the storybook. He is looking forward that I read it to him tonight,” she shares. Rizza hopes that these new reading materials will help her establish a nightly reading session with her son.



EMERGING IMPACTS: TELLING THE BASA STORY Apart from regularly reporting on the program’s highlights and technical reports, Basa produced key pieces of work this year that demonstrate how the project is helping improve teachers’ instructional practices and children’s performance in reading. Highlighting results of the mid-project early grade assessment and SCOPE observations, Basa developed a two-page technical briefer used in meetings and consultations with DepEd, and was later popularized for wider dissemination. The Mission cleared release and printing of the briefer and was even distributed during the Global Education Summit in Washington, D.C. in November 2015.

Furthermore, Basa has stepped up efforts to document and share lessons learned and good practices through USAID’s success stories. Three were submitted for possible publication to USAID. For Year 4, Basa intends to deepen its approach in capturing and translating knowledge and stories of individuals and communities on the cusp of significant breakthroughs, and to do so in a compelling and effective way, across a variety of platforms and audiences for increased project visibility.

DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS Part of Basa’s technical assistance to DepEd is ensuring accessibility of appropriate reading materials in all Basa-supported schools. Throughout this process, Basa’s Outreach and Communications unit has provided a steady support in the production of all materials, from design and layout to branding and marking to ensure compliance with USAID and DepEd standards.

Over the course of the year, Basa has produced and distributed a full set of teaching and learning materials, comprising revised teacher’s guides and leveled readers for Grade 3 teachers and supplementary teaching guides for teachers handling multigrade and combination classes. In addition, the Be Ready! Disaster preparedness posters were developed in partnership with Anvil Publishing, to aid Kinder to Grade 6 teachers in teaching students how to be better prepared before, during, and after disaster strikes. Basa also provided new Kinder to Grade 3 teachers who were trained via the online platform with interactive course readings.

With the production of materials completed, Basa is looking to scale up adoption and use of the materials to other school divisions through DepEd’s online portal, LRMDS. This will be part of Basa’s sustainability measures to ensure accessibility of materials to more teachers and school administrators as it enters its fourth and final year of implementation.

INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Key project data, documents, and images have been migrated onto EDC’s shared, centralized cloud-based storage set up for staff use. Since the system is password protected, the site remains private and will not be searchable online. The inventory of teaching and learning materials in Pasig and all field offices has also been set up and is periodically shared with program staff for easy reference and access. O&C unit is helping keep track of all print and digital copies of Basa TLMs produced and distributed to partners and schools.

STAFF TRAINING ON OUTREACH AND COMMUNICATIONS As Basa interventions continue to get traction with DepEd, the project has begun to distill lessons from the field, capturing stories of individuals and communities in transformations as a result of USAID assistance.

Three separate training sessions were conducted with project staff on May 13, July 21, and October 1–2, respectively in identifying and developing success stories as a springboard for telling the Basa story. The training introduced the different success story formats, including the guidelines for writing them, and described the process of identifying and developing success stories from the field. Project staff were also given tips for improving their writing techniques and taking quality photos to enhance impact of success stories. Field teams were encouraged to collaborate with their local DepEd counterparts and research


beneficiary-level stories that were later developed into full-blown success stories and submitted to USAID for possible publication.

STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Basa’s corporate partners – Petron Foundation, National Bookstore Foundation and Brother’s Brother Foundation – provided leveraged non-USAID resources estimated at more than $5 million (over three years). This amount of leveraged resources far exceeds Basa’s target of at least 10% of the total contract amount. Leveraged resources ranged from cash contributions to in-kind donations, such as back-to-school supplies for K-Grade 3 pupils and high-quality supplementary English language books for early grades.

COORDINATION WITH OTHER USAID PROGRAMS Throughout 2015, Basa continued to identify opportunities to closely cooperate with other USAID programs for greater combined impact as a product of synergy and improved delivery, as well as leverage its work through partnerships with corporate partners to improve reading in the Philippines.

Basa collaborated with USAID’s EdGE project in the fourth quarter of 2015 to conduct a joint one-day training for parent-officers of the Federation of Parents, Teachers and Community Association (PTCA) in San Fernando city, La Union. Specifically, our La Union field office team conducted a training on Bringing the Reading Instruction in Classrooms to Homes and distributed a set of read alouds and leveled readers to 157 parents. It should be noted that San Fernando city is Basa’s newest site and a member of the Cities Development Initiative (CDI) supported by USAID.

The collaboration between Basa and EdGE in Tagbilaran city (Bohol), another CDI member-city also focused on promoting reading awareness and culminated during the National Reading Month (NRM) celebration in November 2015. Basa, through it’s subcontractor Save the Children, has conducted a one-day TOT storytelling workshop on November 7. Following the workshop, EdGE trainers incorporated storytelling discussions using Read Alouds during three Parent-Teacher seminars in Maribojoc district.

In June 2015, Basa met with Resources for the Blind, an organization that is implementing an All Children Reading project to improve reading for visually impaired students. With USAID’s approval, we provided e-copies of all of the leveled readers produced by Basa so that they could be made available to students with visual impairment, either through re-formatted large print or via Braille. Basa also shared the Cebuano version of the EGRA that we used for research, provided a list of recommended EGRA assessors with whom we’d worked, and participated in a workshop to adapt the EGRA for use by visually impaired students.

CORPORATE PARTNERS Basa has maintained strong partnerships with its corporate donors, the US-based Brother’s Brother Foundation and the National Book Store Foundation and Petron, both affiliated with Philippine companies. Basa’s coporate partners contributed valuable and financial support to program interventions and towards Basa’s stated goal of leveraging corporate resources equal to 10% of the total project cost. By the end of 2015, Basa is proud to report $5,294,822 in leveraged resources ranging from in-kind contributions such as supplementary high-quality English reading materials imported from the US, back-to-school supplies, discounts for training supplies to cash donations for reading materials procurement. The detailed leverage report is included in QPR for Q3 2015.

Basa partners with EdGE project in training parents on the importance of home-school collaboration for reading.


Unfortunately, in 2015 BBF formally notified EDC that Pearson Education, one of the major US publishers of early grade reading books, has ended its collaboration with BBF. Since the overwhelming majority of supplementary materials donated to Basa are published by Pearson Education, this change will have a major impact on future book donations to EDC. However, both BBF and EDC are determined to collaborate in the future to identify alternative publishers interested in donating high-quality English reading materials to Basa Pilipinas.

Basa will engage the National Book Store Foundation and Petron in further discussions in 2016 on such joint initiatives as donation of library corners, back-to-school supply kits and procurement of teaching and learning materials to Basa-assisted schools.



Renewed partnership agreement secured with Petron Foundation for procurement of Filipino and English reading materials

Php2,000,000 pledged for 2015/2016 program activities

Up to 200,000 books delivered to classrooms in Basa areas with support from Brothers Brother Foundation and other corporate partners

Over 561,000 supplementary books in English donated by BBF distributed in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and La Union during bookshopping activities.

Not originally included in Year 3 annual workplan

31,708 units of back-to-school supplies donated by NBSF for K-Grade 3 pupils in Basa-assisted schools of Ilocos Norte

PROGRAM SUPPORT AND ADMINISTRATION In February 2015, Basa hired a Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) for Programs to provide additional program leadership support to Basa’s ramped up program implementation in Year 3. This new position has become critical to the project owing to DepEd’s increased requests to intensify the level of Basa technical assistance to enable the rollout of project approaches and materials to areas beyond Basa’s current geographic scope. The DCOP for Programs is primarily responsible for oversight and support the technical side of the program, including Monitoring and Evaluation.

STAFFING Basa recruited additional staff in Pasig office to focus on LACs and Basa’s research on pupil developmental reading trajectories in MT, Filipino and English, and to inform the ongoing implementation of the MTB-MLE policy in the K–12 curriculum framework. The following technical positions have been filled: Senior Program Officer for LACs, Research Manager and a part-time Research Associate. Also, to facilitate the implementation of Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Education Recovery Assistance, Basa hired three staff specifically for this special assistance: Progrem Officer, Administrative and Logistics Officer and Procurement Assistant. These three positions have been filled through December 2015. The detailed staffing list is included in Annex G.

EXPANSION AREAS During the third quarter of 2014, Basa has included into its coverage San Fernando (La Union) and Tagbilaran (Bohol) city divisions. The decision to include these two cities came at USAID’s request as part of its strategy to assist both cities in achieving inclusive and resilient growth. Furthermore, both cities are part of


USAID’s Cities Development Initiative (CDI) project to advance the development of second-tier cities as engines of growth that is inclusive, environmentally sustainable and resilient. Over the course of 2015, both DepEd divisions received targeted assistance, including six days of face-to-face teacher training (three-day training in May with focus on Q1–2 materials and another 3-day training delivered in October with focus on Q3–4 materials) for Grade 1-3 teachers. Grade 1–3 teachers also received a full package of Basa-developed teaching and learning materials. DepEd trainers/facilitators, school heads and supervisors received the same comprehensive training and orientation package on Basa effective literacy instruction and LAC as their colleagues in other DepEd divisions.

PROGRAM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES Basa has contined its practice of holding regular consultations with DepEd and USAID through the Program Management Committee (PMC). The PMC co-chaired by DepEd Undersecretary for Programs, Dr. Dina Ocampo was established by USAID and DepEd to facilitate high linkages between Basa, DepEd and USAID leadership and ensure project alignment with DepEd priorities and recommendations. As stated in our Year 3 Annual Workplan, Basa met its target to conduct three PMC meetings in March, August and December of 2015 in order to continually update Basa’s ongoing work and gather high-level feedback and recommendations from DepEd and USAID. This close collaboration and regular meetings with DepEd and USAID ensured clear alignment between Basa and DepEd expected outcomes.

CONSULTATION WITH USAID Basa held regular discussions with USAID both in Basa Pasig office and at USAID/Philippines mission to coordinat the program’s implementation and address any emerging technical issues. USAID has been a supportive stakeholder throughout our relationship building processs with DepEd.



Posting of Deputy Chief of Party for Programs

Dr. Lisa Hartenberger-Toby posted in the Philippines as Deputy Chief of Party for Programs as of February 15, 2015

Basa program expansion to San Fernando City and Tagbilaran City divisions to cover additional 311 teachers and 11,536 pupils in grades 1-3

Basa successfully expands to San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions to assist Grade 3 teachers and pupils by offering the same high-quality professional development package and Basa teaching and learning materials

At least three Program Management Committees conducted

Three Program Management Committee meetings were held in 2015: on March 18, August 13 and December 1. All three PMC co-chaired by DepEd and USAID.

New USAID Office of Education Director Brian Levey joins DepEd Undersecretary Dina Ocampo in facilitating the Basa Program Management Committee Meetings.


TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Basa’s international TA has been essential in order to ramp up technical activities for the new cohort of Grade 3 teachers, the ongoing delivery of technical assistance to Grade 1 and 2 teachers, as well as critical M&E activities scheduled for 2015.

A summary table of technical provided to Basa Pilipinas over the course of the year is below, with notes on the purpose and outcomes of each.



Elena Vinogradova, M&E Technical Advisor

January 10-17, 2015 • Met with USAID to share results of the Rapid EGRA assessment conducted in December of 2014 and update them on the upcoming assessment plan and reporting timeline. An agreement was reached that EDC will submit draft EGRA assessment report and the dataset within 60 days of the completion of data collection

• Conducted a full review of Basa M&E system and proposed recommended revisions. Met with Basa management to discuss vulnerabilities of the M&E system and steps to address them.

• Met with Basa research team to discuss what support they might need from the EDC home office and proposed recommendations

• Reviewed EGRA assessment procedures for use by TNS during February/March EGRA assessment

Suzanne Simard, Senior Technical Advisor

February 16-March 10, 2015

• Finished Grade 3 Q1 English Teacher’s Guide

• Participated in Grade 3 materials review and revisions

• Developed detailed (almost totally scripted) master plans for all videos for the Grade 3 mass teacher training

• Based on Grade 3 initial training outline, fleshed out training guide

• Met with technical team to examine and develop Scope and Sequence and Instructional Sequence for Grade 3, Q2

• Scope and Sequence for Grade 3 Q2 and Q3 in English finalized

Bill Potter, Project Director

June 8-19, 2015 • Met with DepEd Usec Dr. Dina Ocampo. Was informed that DepEd plans to roll-out Basa approaches and materials nationwide; received feedback on the Impact Evaluation design; secured DepEd agreement with the pilot on-line induction course module

• Met with Basa Senior Management Team to identify




priority work in Year 4 within current budget

• Participated in Basa M&E Call with EDC Home Office (Elena Vinogradrova) and Basa team (Marcial, Lisa and Nancy)

• Held meeting with USAID – the new COR, Ms. Reyes-Hayes and OEd Director, Robert Burch. Agenda items included discussion on F-indicator, i.e. counting of grade 2 students fluency and compreshension. Will need a follow up discussion. Agreed that 1 million count methodology will come from USAID/Washington (Ben Sylla)

Bill Potter, Project Director

November 30-December 11, 2015

• Met with Basa COP and Senior Management Team to review and finalize Basa’s Year 4 Work Plan, attended Basa Annual Year 4 Planning Workshop

• Attended the Basa Program Management Committee meeting, co-hosted by USAID and the Philippine Department of Education on December 1, 2015

• Met with new USAID Office of Education Director, Brian Levey, OEd Deputy Director, Erica Rounsefell, and Basa COR, Ms. Reyes-Hayles

Trip report for the support visits that took place in quarter four are included in this report as Annex H.

POST-TYPHOON HAIYAN (YOLANDA) DISASTER EDUCATION RECOVERY ASSISTANCE During the last quarter of 2014, USAID has awarded $1.75 million USAID to Basa Pilipinas for the implementation of the 12-month Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) special assistance for Basa-assisted school districts in northern Cebu. Basa conducted several coordination meeting with DepEd Cebu province to identify existing needs and finalize the allocation of furniture by the manufacturer to school districts. DepEd leveraged its own resources to further distribute much needed school chairs for pupils, teacher’s furniture and blackboards from districts to targeted schools.

The allocation of school furniture to school districts was finalized at the Basa-DepEd coordination meeting on March 2015 attended by district supervisors and district property custodians. They were tasked with allocating furniture down to the school level. School heads made decisions where to allocate the furniture by section or grade level. This process was entirely owned by DepEd at the district and school level.

USAID turns over new school furniture and teaching and learning materials to schools affected by Typhoon Yolanda.


Throughout 2015, EDC has provided essential school furniture, such as 19,500 tablet chairs for Grade 1-6 pupils, 1,414 teacher’s tables and chairs and 1,178 blackboards for K–Grade 6 classrooms. The project also procured 10,400 back-to-school kits for K-Grade 6 pupils and 900 teacher kits with school supplies. Basa has closely coordinated all aspects of this special assistance with DepEd Cebu province.

Basa’s partner Save the Children, has also procured and delivered emergency prepositioning equipment consisting of 12 temporary learning spaces (TLS) and 75 school-in-a-box (SIAB) kits to the DepEd of Cebu province. Save the Children has also delivered three training modules as part of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management component, specifically: 1) Frontline Responders Training (FLRT) for 48 DepEd Cebu province division and district administrators and officials; 2) Comprehensive School Safety Training (CSST) for 260 DepEd officials, administrators, school heads and DRR focal points; and 3) Psychological First Aid (PFA) for approximately 265 school guidance counselors, teachers and coordinators.

Basa has also procured 1,600 Be Ready! emergency preparedness materials in English for Grade 3-6 classrooms from Anvil Publishing. This classroom material has been revised following DepEd’s IMCS and DRR Office rigorous review and approval process. The front pages include disaster preparedness illustrations, while the reverse pages include lesson plans for teachers.

Based on monitoring visits conducted during Q4 jointly with DepEd and EDC/Save the Children field teams, the following observations were noted:

1. Classroom furniture provides a more conducive learning environment for students. Students can now sit and write comfortably, and their attention has improved. Left-handed students are better equipped for writing activities.

2. Back-to-school kits provided to students, helped poor families to save money on school supplies. School supply kits provided to teachers, helped them create innovative, effective and learner-centered visual aids that promote better learning experience for every student.

3. School principals and teachers were excited about Be Ready! flipchart posters as they can be used for additional teaching activities to increase students’ engagement, and used as advocacy materials in Disaster Risk Reduction and School Safety Plans.

By the end of the fourth quarter of 2015, all components of the Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) special assistance have been completed. Since EDC identified some modest savings, we will request an approval from USAID for a no-cost extension to procure and deliver additional school furniture and Be Ready! classroom materials. The list of schools-recipients of the post-typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) special assistance is provided as Annex I. Basa will comple validation of reported assistance by school during the first quarter of 2016 and will provide the complete list of school-recipients in the next quarterly progress report.




Procure and distribute school furniture, including 26,000 desks/chairs for students, 1,885 table/chair sets for teachers and 1,570 blackboards for K-Grade 6 classrooms

Basa procured and distributed 19,500 tablet chairs, 1,414 teacher’s tables and chairs and 1,178 blackboards for K-Grade 6 classrooms.

Procure and distribute teacher/student back-to-school kits to 25,858 students and 2,550 teachers in grades K-6

Basa procured and distributed 10,400 back-to-school student kits and 900 teacher kits with school supplies for grades K-6

Education in Emergencies (EiE) training implemented by Save the Children to assist DepEd/schools in Basa areas of northern Cebu province impacted by Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) to plan and preposition educational response to emergencies

Basa procured and distributed 1,600 Be Ready! emergency preparedness classroom materials in English for Grade 3-6 classrooms. Save the Children implemented three modules: 1) Frontline Responders Training (FLRT) for 48 DepEd Cebu province administrators and officials; 2) Comprehensive School Safety Training (CSST) for 260 DepEd officials, administrators, school heads and DRR focal points; and 3) Psychological First Aid (PFA) for approximately 265 school guidance counselors, teachers and coordinators



CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES The Year 3 program implementation has been highly productive for Basa, but there are a few challenges within the past year that are worth noting:

SCHEDULING OF ACTIVITIES WITH DEPED In some cases, Basa field teams had difficulty finalizing activity schedule and ensuring complete attendance due to multiple DepEd activities. They also had to be acquainted with the new structure and protocols resulting from DepEd’s rationalization plan. Basa field teams continued to coordinate closely with DepEd to discuss activities with a view of finding mutually acceptable arrangements.

MOBILITY OF TEACHERS We have reports, where teachers were moved to a different grade level and the actual number of teachers per grade level was not accurately reflected in DepEd records. Basa field teams coordinated closely with DepEd (from division to school level) to gather accurate information for training preparations and materials distribution.

NEW UNTRAINED TEACHERS IN BASA DIVISIONS This category includes newly hired teachers, teachers who transferred from non-Basa to Basa divisions, and teachers from higher grades transferred to early grades. One option to resolve this issue is for Basa to provide technical assistance to DepEd by sending trainers, sharing available training materials to DepEd-hosted and funded teacher trainings.

REPLACEMENT OF BASA DEVELOPED MATERIALS The project has engaged DepEd in discussions on how to assist divisions where schools reported damaged/lost TLMs due to natural disasters. In some instances, Basa was able to provide lacking copies by transferring TLMs from those Basa divisions with excess copies. However, if the number of damaged materials continues to increase, Basa materials should be available for upload from LRMDS website or procured directly by DepEd.



The main programmatic thrusts for Year 4 of Basa Pilipinas implementation incorporate the findings and recommendations from a series of planning consultations and validation meetings with the Department of Education (DepEd) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) during October- November of this year, and the 7th Program Management Committee (PMC) meeting focused on sustainability and institutionalization, held on December 1, 2015.

The main thrusts and activities for 2016 are highlighted as follows.

1. Basa will coordinate with DepEd at the division and national level to ensure sustainability plans are developed which include strategies for continuous professional development through LACs, face-to-face and/or online teacher training. In addition, these plans should include a strategy for managing current inventory of materials, and accessing new materials for replacement or new classes.

2. The project will coordinate with DepEd to ensure that over 200 titles of Basa-produced teaching and learning materials (teachers’ guides, leveled readers, multigrade outlines, training and LAC materials) uploaded to DepEd’s LRMDS website.

3. Comprehensive report on literacy LACs will be finalized and shared with DepEd and USAID.

4. Comprehensive report on results and recommendations for scaling up online training course on Effective Literacy Instruction for New K–3 Teachers analyzed and shared with DepEd and USAID.

5. Complete sets of training materials, including videos, provided to each Basa division.

6. Basa will organize two Regional and one National Workshops to disseminate key assessment results and lessons learned.

7. An early grade reading assessment tool for Kindergarten will be developed, tested and finalized. Results from a comprehensive Kindergarten baseline research study will be analyzed, reported and shared with DepEd and USAID.

8. Phased closeout starting with completion of subcontracts and re-posting of some expatriate staff, followed by field office then central office closeout and disposition of equipment to approved stakeholders.

9. Basa will conduct an endline data collection on student achievement in reading in Filipino and English for approximately 2,000 Grade 2 and 3 students. The capacity of DepEd counterparts in EGRA administration will be further strengthened during the endline data collection. EGRA data results will be gathered, evaluated, and disseminated to DepEd and USAID.

10. The results of Basa research on developmental trajectory of reading in MTB-MLE will be analyzed and the final report shared with DepEd and USAID.

A Basa-trained Kinder teacher during her storytelling class in Maribojoc, Bohol.


11. Basa will be actively engaged in reading campaign activities in conjunction with existing DepEd initiatives such as Brigada Eskwela, National Reading Month, and International Literacy Month.

12. Our O&C team will step up its efforts to Project lessons learned, good practices, and success stories produced for wider dissemination (at least one per quarter). Project knowledge products mapped and stored in central project database/repository.

Basa’s technical support in Year 4 will mainly focus on continued capacity building and collaboration with DepEd at the national and division levels to consolidate and sustain the transformational classroom practices and student learning gains made by Basa to date. DepEd has requested assistance in institutionalizing key Basa approaches, monitoring tools and techniques, teaching and learning materials, and training approaches within the educational system.

Due to several unplanned activity requests and consequential financial demands placed on Basa by USAID and DepEd, the project will expend its resources approximately three months prior to the December 31, 2016 project end date. EDC will submit a phased closeout plan to USAID where field offices and staff will be released at the end of August and Manila office will close down at the end of September 2016. However, EDC will have fully met all its contractual deliverables and targets prior to an early project closure.




PROGRAM MANAGEMENT MEETINGS Basa conducted regular project management meetings during this past year, as part of an ongoing planning process and to inform the implementation of activities within the given quarter. The Basa program management team comprises the Program Director, the Chief of Party (COP), the Deputy Chief of Party for Programns (DCOP/Programs), the Deputy Chief of Party for Operations (DCOP/Operations), and the Senior Technical Programs Director. In-person meetings or weekly calls were held throughout Year 3 with the Program Director (based in Jakarta with semi-annual trips to the Philippines), with more frequent planning sessions held between the Manila-based management team. Quarterly in-person meetings and weekly calls are held between Basa Team Leaders in our field offices and the Field Programs Manager for


updates on DepEd relations and to follow up on task management. Separate planning meetings were held within various Basa units.

COORDINATION MEETINGS WITH IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS Basa held regular coordination and planning meetings with implementing partners throughout Year 3 as the program evolved in discussions with DepEd and USAID. Bi-monthly meetings were held with Save the Children for operations and administrative discussions, as well as larger technical implementation conversations. Planning meetings with PBSP were also held, focused on operationalizing LAC refresher training and monitoring of LAC sessions. Several sessions were held with SEAMEO Innotech to review video shoots for Grade 3 teacher training and the piloting of the on-line induction course for new K–Grade 3 teachers in Basa divisions and the related follow-up activities.

SAVE THE CHILDREN Regular bi-monthly joint meetings were conducted by EDC and Save the Children (STC) to review the progress of technical activities, conduct planning and to coordinate program implementation at the field level. These coordination meetings were attended by the Save the Children Director of Operations, as well as the Country Director, when possible.

Save the Children is charged with Basa program implementation and DepEd coordinatio in Bohol and Tagbilaran city divisions with the fully-staffed field office based in Tagbilaran city. Save the Children provided technical assistance by participating in the development of Grade 3 teaching and learning materials, such as Teacher’s Guides and Leveled Readers in Filipino. Ms. Sierra Parann, Senior Program Officer is a permanent Basa’s technical team member involved in the TLM development. Ms. Ermelinda Bahatan, Program Coordinator is also a full-time Basa staff responsible for program coordination at the Basa national level.

Save the Children has been an essential partner during the implementation of the Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Disaster Education Recover Assistance. The SC has procured and delivered 12 temporarly learning spaces and 75 school-in-a-box kits as prepositioning for DepEd Cebu province. In addition, the subcontractor delivered three training modules to DepEd administrators, officials, DRR focal points, teachers and school guidance counselors as part of the Disaster Risk and Reduction component.

Lastly, with Save’s assistance, specifically its Bohol field office team, Basa was able to successfully host several USAID and foreign government dignitaries and delegations to demonstrate Basa’s ongoing program implementation in Bohol and hand over teaching and learning materials to public schools.

PHILIPPINE BUSINESS FOR SOCIAL PROGRESS (PBSP) The main role of PBSP during Year 3 has been assisting Basa with the implementation of LAC trainings and monitoring in all Basa divisions, including San Fernando and Tagbilaran city divisions. PBSP also finalized and submitted the final LAC monitoring report for 2014 following the first round of LAC refresher trainings.

However, the main accomplishment of PBSP during 2015 has been the successful delivery of the regional LAC training of trainers and the subsequent LAC training rollouts in Basa clusters during the third quarter of 2015 has been PBSP’s main accomplishment. The rollout of LAC trainings at the district level required a high-level of coordination from PBSP field teams and Basa team leaders including dissemination of information to DepEd district offices on LAC refresher courses, and negotiating training schedules. Basa technical team regularly met with PBSP Manila staff to refine the training design and schedule, while PBSP and EDC field staff managed the operational and logistical side of the training implementation plan. Basa has


also tasked PBSP with conducting LAC monitoring and data collection throughout the fourth quarter of 2015.

SEAMEO INNOTECH SEAMEO significantly contributed to Basa’s Year 3 workplan implementation through participating in the training design of LAC refresher trainings, production of new video and editing current video clips for Basa teacher trainings, and the pilot on-line training module for new teachers. SEAMEO Innotech also served as a host of the Early Grade Reading Summit co-chaired by DepEd central and USAID and facilitated by Basa Pilipinas. The culminating activity for SEAMEO during this year has been the design, implementation and post-training support for the pilot on-line training course for 90 new K-Grade 3 teachers on effective literacy instruction in Basa divisions, which is viewed by DepEd as a potential platform for the induction of new teachers. This important activity was implemented at DepEd’s request building on SEAMEO’s subject matter expertise and experience in the Philippine context.

REGULAR MONITORING OF PMP DATA Basa’s Contract Monitoring Plan and Monitoring and Evaluation Guide detail the methods for collection, storage and verification of data, as well as rationale for the process. The M&E team manages all data collection activities, with analysis done in partnership with our home office M&E Advisor and full-time Basa technical team.



Indicator type Indicator description

LoP Target

2013 2014 2015 LOP



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

Custom: Proportion of students who, by the end of three grades of primary schooling, demonstrate they can read and understand the meaning of grade-level text (Type: Outcome)2

Proportion of students who, by the end of three grades, demonstrate they can read and understand the meaning of grade-level text

65% - - - - To be reported in 2016, following data collection and analysis at the end of school year 2015/16.

Benchmark per DepEd is 40 wcpm and 60% comprehension in Filipino.

F-Indicator 3.2.1-27: Proportion of students who, by the end of two grades of primary schooling, demonstrate they can read and understand

Proportion of students who, by the end of two grades, demonstrate they can read and understand the meaning of grade-level text

50%3 - 45% - 45% This indicator is reported annually, usually in Q2, following data collection and analysis at the end of the school year.

2 New custom indicator, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.

3 Revised LOP target, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.



Indicator type Indicator description

LoP Target

2013 2014 2015 LOP



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

the meaning of grade-level text (Type: Outcome)

F-Indicator 3.2.1-14: Number of learners enrolled in primary schools and/or equivalent non-school based settings with USG support (Type: Output) and

F-Indicator 3.2.1-35: Number of learners receiving reading interventions at the primary level

1.1 Number of students enrolled in primary schools reached by the Basa program (direct: fully and partially funded)


(720,434 fully funded

and 588,000 partially funded)

159,846 303,773 1,966 (fully


129,849 (fully


497,313 (partially funded)

- 629,128

(131,815 fully funded + 497,313 partially funded)

1,092,747 Q3 figures are K-3 students in schools whose teachers received Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy training from DepEd, with Basa-provided training and reading materials.

2015 figures are based on available enrollment data and will be revised when DepEd releases final enrollment data for SY2014/15.


1.1.1 Number of students enrolled in primary schools reached by the Basa

2,000,0005 - - - - Assumes DepEd will procure and distribute grade one TLMs, which have been revised using Basa materials.

4 Revised LOP target, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.

5 Revised LOP target, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.



Indicator type Indicator description

LoP Target

2013 2014 2015 LOP



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

(Type: Output) program (indirect)

F-Indicator 3.2.1-31: Number of teachers who successfully completed in-service training or received intensive coaching or mentoring with USG support (Type: Output)

1.2 Number of teachers who successfully completed enhanced Basa training

12,8946 4,493 7,682 419 314 13 - 746 12,921 San Fernando City G1&G2 Training (new teachers) Grade 1 – 8 Grade 2 – 5

F-Indicator 3.2.1-3: Number of administrators and officials

1.3 Number of school heads and supervising teachers who

3,4147 1,146 2,205 12

51 - (LAC data c/o PBSP

63 3,414 No LAC data yet

6 Revised LOP target, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.

7 Revised LOP target, as per approved revised CMP October 2015.



Indicator type Indicator description

LoP Target

2013 2014 2015 LOP



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

successfully trained with USG support (Type: Output)

successfully completed Basa training



The program’s 2015 major expenditures were driven by mass Grade 1–3 teacher trainings and LAC-related activities, significant investments in materials development and distribution, and the implementation of the Post-Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) disaster education recovery assistance. Basa has carefully monitored its expenses to identify areas for higher efficiency, which resulted in a balance of Year 1-3 awarded amount carried forward to Year 4 budget. Our projections for Q1 Year 4, include expenses for the endline EGRA data collection, M&E research activities and payments to subcontractors for expenses carried over from the last quarter of Year 3.

The first table below provides a summary of Year 3 spending, while the second table projects spending for the first quarter of project Year 4.


Category Total

Approved Budget

Total Actual Expenses thru


Total Actual Expenses thru


Balance for Year 4

Direct Labor Salaries &Wages, Fringe Benefits, Travel and Transportation, Allowances, Activities and Other Direct Costs

$9,995,202 $5,600,964 $8,906,306 $1,088,896

Consultants/Subcontracts $6,871,364 $3,137,621 $5,918,669 $952,695

Equipment and Supplies $1,431,865 $209,094 $1,288,445 $143,420

Special Activities Costs $1,930,963 $352,526 $1,711,367 $219,596

Indirect Cost $3,275,367 $1,501,786 $2,716,312 $559,055

Fixed Fee $1,175,239 $540,100 $1,033,694 $141,545

TOTAL $24,680,000 $11,342,091 $21,574,793 $3,105,207


January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 Total for Q1/2016

Cumulative Total

Total $644,505 $460,390 $394,685 $1,499,580 $23,074,373



As we move ahead to our fourth and final year, basa will consolidates the gains and lessons learned from three years of robust project implementation and will focus on three strategic objectives and opportunities:

1. Complete the final M&E and research tasks, i.e., data collection, analysis and interpretation, and disseminate the findings and results to deped and other key stakeholders;

2. Plan and implement with deped counterparts at national and regional/division levels an effective adaptation and handover plan for all basa-developed approaches, tlms and other materials, directory of counterpart deped trainers and facilitators by category of expertise (i.e., egra implementation, materials development, training facilitation, lac facilitation); and

3. Conduct national and field dissemination events on key lessons learned.

At the national level, Basa will work with DepEd to make all Basa-produced teacher guides, leveled readers, multigrade outlines, LAC facilitator guides, LAC trigger videos, teacher training guides and handouts, as well as disaster preparedness classroom materials available nationwide through DepEd’s LRMDS portal. We will also continue to provide DepEd with the information required for them to select and procure Read Alouds and leveled readers for schools nationwide, either by buying directly from publishers or by re-printing Basa-produced materials.

At the division level, we will work with DepEd to create sustainability plans or “road maps” that will outline how each division plans to conduct continued professional development for new teachers, likely through a combination of literacy LACs, face-to-face and online training. We will also discuss strategies for ensuring access to literacy materials, including strategies for protecting materials from disasters such as typhoons, floods, and fires; procedures for managing their current inventory of Basa-provided TLMs; as well as accessing new copies via the LRMDS.



Basa Pilipinas Trainings2013-2015

Code Training Title Bohol, Cebu, Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, and La Union San Fernando City and Tagbilaran CityMass Training Mass Trainign for School Heads and Grades 1&2 Teachers August/September 2015 (CEB)G1 ELI Effective Literacy Instruction for Grade 1 Teachers April/May 2014 and October 2014 April 2015 and October 2015G2 ELI Effective Literacy Instruction for Grade 2 Teachers April/May 2014 and October 2014 April 2015 and October 2015

G3 RWC Reading and Writing Connection for Grade 3 Teachers December 2013 (LU)/February 2014 (CEB&MAN)/ December 2014 (BOH&IS)/January 2015 (IN)

December 2014 (SFC)/February 2015 (TAG)

G3 ELI Effective Literacy Instruction for Grade 3 Teachers May 2015 May 2015SHOr School Heads' Orientation July/August 2014 and November 2014 April 2015LAC Strengthening School-Based LAC Sessions in Reading November 2014 April 2015LAC Ref LAC Refresher Training August/September 2015 August/September 2015

Division Number of TrainersBohol and Tagbilaran 121Cebu and Mandaue 145Ilocos Norte 54Ilocos Sur 72La Union and San Fernando 106TOTAL 498

Month/Year and Division

List of DepEd TrainersLa Union Division (93)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearAbellera Joaquin PSDS Aringay and Caba Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Abello Myrna MT1 Ter-Con ES G2 ELI 2014Acosta Charito T3 Don Jose B. Bernal ES G2 ELI 2014Agbunag Donna MT1 Sto. Rosario ES G3 ELI 2015Agcaoile Salvacion Gonzales ES G2 ELI 2014Albay Danilo PSDS Agoo East and West and Tubao Districts SHOr 2014Annague Maricel MT3 Aringay CES G1 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Apilado Florie T1 Bauang North CS Gr 2 ELI 2014Aquino Belen EPS Schools Division Office SHOr 2014Aromin Lorna P1 Cubas ES LAC 2014Bacani Fely Juana TIC Nadsaag ES LAC 2014Balderas Blinda HT3 San Jose-San Joaquin ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Bassig Gemma P1 Guinabang ES G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Bayani Lodivina EPS Schools Division Office SHOr 2014Berganio Romnel HT2 Arosip ES G3 ELI 2015Bugnosen Maribel P4 Saytan Integrated School G3 ELI 2015Cabanela Lilibeth MT1 Lubing ES G2 ELI 2014Cacas Anthony T1 San Manuel Norte ES G2 ELI 2014Cacdac Edna Lioac ES G2 ELI 2014Calica Manuela MT1 Calumbaya ES G3 ELI 2015Calpo Arlene T3 Aringay CES G3 ELI 2015Cañero Evangeline P2 Apatut ES G3 ELI 2015Caoile Glenn T3 Aringay CES G1 ELI 2014Castillo Maribel P1 Ag-na ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Casuga Claribelle T1 Cupang ES G3 ELI 2015Corpuz Evelyn T3 Sudipen ES G1 ELIDacayanan Gina P2 Naguilian CES G2 ELI, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015de Sesto Alejo PSDS Sto. Tomas, Pugo and Rosario Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Dela Peña Brenda T1 Antonino Memorial ES G1 ELI 2014Deleña Reed PSDS San Juan and Bacnotan Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Dulnu-an Analyn HT3 San Cornelio ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Duran Imelda T3 San Joaquin ES G3 ELI 2015Eslabra Jimmy P1 Sto. Tomas CS LAC 2014Estacio Gemma P2 Namboongan ES G2 ELI, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC 2014-2015Esteban Ruth TIC Sapdaan ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Estepa Flordeliza T3 Tumapoc ES G1 ELI 2014Evangelista Perlita P1 San Agustin ES LAC 2014Florendo Joseph HT1 Cadumanian ES G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Florendo Artemio, Jr. PSDS Naguilian and Bagulin Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Gaetos Wilma MT2 Zaragoza ES G1 ELI 2014Ganggangan Mary Jane MT1 Mamat-ing Sur ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014

List of DepEd TrainersLa Union Division (93)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearGarcia Francisca T1 San Nicolas ES G1 ELI 2014Haloot Rowena T2 Agoo East CS G3 ELI 2015Ledda Alice MT1 Balaoan CES G1 ELI 2014Ledda Henry PSDS Bauang North and South Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Licudine Catherine T3 Liguay ES G1 ELI 2014Lomboy Bryan Joy T1 Sta. Rita ES G2 ELI 2014Madayag Lailanie T2 San Juan CS G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Madayag Jennifer MT1 Bacnotan CS G2 ELI 2014Maganis Cristina T1 Caggao ES G1 ELI 2014Maglaya Mary Ann T2 San Cornelio ES G1 ELI 2014Marilao Milagros MT1 Francia Sur ES G1 ELI 2014Mariñas Melinda P1 Cabaritan ES LAC 2014Mazon Winda P3 Bauang North CS G2 ELI, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Mejia Rosalina T2 Damortis ES G1 ELI 2014Molina Priscilla MT1 Pugo CS G1 ELI 2014Moyano Eddy EPS Schools Division Office SHOr 2014Navalta Divina MT2 Luna CS G1 ELI, LAC 2014Nayal Ma. Luisa MT1 Darigayos ES G1 ELI 2014Niñalga Corazon Genoveva T3 Agoo East CS G1 ELI 2014Niro Artemio, Jr. HT3 Sto. Domingo ES LAC Ref 2015Nisperos Marilou T3 Payocpoc ES G2 ELI 2014Nuesca Aidena P1 Sudipen ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Olarte Felecitas MT1 Tubao CES G3 ELI 2015Openado Marijo P1 Maño ES LAC 2014Ordinario Lorna T1 Bungol ES G2 ELI 2014Orencia Perla T1 Damortis ES G2 ELI 2014Orfiano Marciano PSDS Luna I and Santol Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Paculan Myrna T1 Macalva ES G2 ELI 2014Palabay Daisy T3 Saytan Integrated School G2 ELI 2014Pamaqued Remedios PSDS San Gabriel and Burgos Districts SHOr and LAC Refresher 2014-2015Paneda Mario P1 Maoasoas ES LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Panelo Myrna T1 San Nicolas ES G2 ELI 2014Pascua Cathy P1 Cabalitocan ES LAC Ref 2015Pascua Mario PSDS Luna II and Bangar Districts LAC Ref 2015Patacsil Adelina T3 Caba ES G2 ELI 2014Ramos Cristina T1 Bauang North CS G2 ELI 2014Ramos Anna Marie Almelyn P1 Cuenca ES LAC 2014Ramos Ernesto P1 Castro ES LAC 2014Sagapan Carol P1 Tagudtud ES LAC 2014Santiago Melagros MT2 Bagulin CS G2 ELI 2014Somera Charito P1 Pudoc ES LAC 2014

List of DepEd TrainersLa Union Division (93)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearSumao-i Cindy TIC Padang Primary School LAC Ref 2015Tam-og Arlene T1 Tavora ES G2 ELI 2014Tangonan Jane T1 Bauang North CS G2 ELI 2014Toledo Felipe P1 RUS ES LAC 2014Ubungen Remely MT1 Oaqui ES G2 ELI, LAC 2014Valdez Florence T1 Busel-Busel ES G1 ELI 2014Valdez Evelyn P1 Butubut Norte ES G2 ELI, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Vergara Clemencia P1 San Gabriel CS LAC 2014Viduya Mildred P4 Leones ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref2014-2015Villanueva Marjorie P1 Ambitacay ES LAC 2014Zaratan Elma P3 Bilis ES G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015

List of DepEd TrainersSan Fernando City Division (13)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearApilado Renalyn T3 Catbangen CS G1 ELI 2015Boado Gina P1 Sagayad ES G2 ELI 2015Calibuso Rosalina T1 Lingsat ES G3 ELI 2014-2015Caluza Jeannette P2 Lingsat ES G3 ELI 2014-2015Duclayan Victoria P2 Paudpud ES G3 ELI 2014Enriquez Jonilyn T2 Sibuan-Otong ES G3 ELI 2014-2015Gurtiza Elizabeth P1 Canaoay ES G1 ELI 2015Lopez Mary Jane T1 Mameltac ES G2 ELI 2015Lorena Catherine T1 Catbangen CS G1 ELI 2015Nerona Ma. Cristina HT3 Sibuan-Otong ES LAC, LAC Ref 2015Rombawa Bernardo P3 San Fernando South CS LAC, LAC Ref 2015Salvador Rowena P3 Ilocano ES LAC, LAC Ref 2015Villanueva Carol T3 Dallangayan ES G2 ELI 2015

List of DepEd TrainersIlocos Norte Division (54)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office District Basa Training Year LI/Trainer Notes

Abrogena Remelin EPS DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/A 2015Served as interim Basa Coordinator

Participant in SHOr and LAC, then served as interim Basa

Acacio Bryan Teacher II F. Camaquin IS Vintar 2 G3 ELI 2015 TrainerAcang Estrelita Master Teacher I Paoay CES Paoay G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerAcojido Oferosal PSDS DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/A SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015 LI / Trainer

Aguada Leonora School Principal I Pandan IS SarratG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015 Trainer

Alabanza Marilou School Principal II San Marcelino ES Dingras 1 G1/2 ELI, SHOr 2014 TrainerAleta Susanah School Principal II Burgos CES Burgos G1/2 ELI, SHOr 2014 Trainer

Aquino Lydia School Principal IIBarikir ES, Garnaden ES, Naguilian ES, Nueva Era CES

Nueva Era G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Bagay Vilma School Principal I Pagudpud CES Pagudpud G1/2 ELI, SHOr 2014 TrainerBaxa Rogelio School Principal II San Agustin ES Bacarra 2 LAC Ref 2015 TrainerBoromeo Leny Master Teacher I Sarrat North CS Sarrat G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerBuenaobra Zenaida Master Teacher II San Antonio ES Sarrat G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015 TrainerCayaban Myrna Master Teacher I Ab-abut ES Piddig G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015 TrainerCochiasue Monina Master Teacher II Tabucbuc ES Marcos G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Corpuz Jennifer School Principal-I Manalpac ES SolsonaG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI, LAC) / Trainer

Cortez Lorelyn School Principal I Saguigui ES, Subec ES PagudpudG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015 LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct, LAC) / Trainer

Daquioag Pepita Master Teacher I Ar-Arusip ES Badoc G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerDela Cruz Noralyn School Principal I Imelda ES, Mabuti ES Marcos G1/2 ELI, SHOr 2014 Trainer

Delos Santos Imelda School Principal I Dingras CES Dingras 1G1/2 ELI, SHOr, G3 RWC, G3 ELI

2014-2015 Trainer/Trainer

Domingo Walter Master Teacher I Luzong ES Pagudpud G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerDorupan Jimmy PSDS DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/A SHOr 2014 LIDomingo Flordeliza School Principal 1 Parparoroc ES Vintar 2 G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Edra Jenalyn Master Teacher I Sarrat North CS Sarrat G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-May) / Trainer

Fermin Rosmarie Head Teacher I Bagbago ES SolsonaG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct) / Trainer

Gervacio Karen Head Teacher ICarusikis ES, Madalayap ES, San Juan ES, Tadao ES

Pasuquin G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct, LAC) / Trainer

James Barbara School Principal I Sarrat CES Sarrat G1/2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015 TrainerLagutan Nancy School Principal I Binaratan ES, San Andres ES Sarrat G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Lamug Rosario ***Retired (EPS-Filipino) ***Retired N/A G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015Served as Basa Coordinator (BC) / Consultant

**BC for Period: April 2014 - February 2015

Leano Lea Master Teacher II Taguipuro ES Bangui G1/2 ELI, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2014-2015 Trainer

Lutap Liza Head Teacher I Cabayo ES, Lipay ES, Saricao ES Vintar 2G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct) / Trainer

List of DepEd TrainersIlocos Norte Division (54)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office District Basa Training Year LI/Trainer Notes

Mabanag Editha EPS - Filipino DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/AG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI

2014-2015Basa Coordinator / Trainer

**BC for Period: September 2015 until Present

Magadia Dolena School Principal II Darat ES Pinili LAC Ref 2015 TrainerMagaoay Noemi Head Teacher III Calioet ES, Casilian PS, Pungto PS Bacarra 2 G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerMayos Victoria Master Teacher I Sarrat North CS Sarrat G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerMayubay Pacita Master Teacher I Aring ES Badoc G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerMiguel Maybel Master Teacher I Tabtabagan ES Banna G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerMollenido Emerita Master Teacher II San Nicolas ES San Nicolas G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Nagtalon Regina Principal 1 Vintar CES Vintar 1G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI, LAC) / Trainer

Transferred to DepEd Laoag City Division October 2015 as EPS

Notarte Gloria School Principal II Piddig South CES PiddigG1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015 Trainer

Paguirigan Gloria Master Teacher II Bacarra CES Bacarra 1G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct) / Trainer

Pagurayan Delia Head Teacher IIIAlao-ao PS, Paddagan PS, San Isidro ES

BanguiG1/2 ELI, SHOr, G3 RWC, G3 ELI

2014-2015 Trainer

Pascua Ursino PSDS DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/A SHOr 2014 LI

Pascua Ely School Principal I Cabaroan ES / Sto. Tomas ES Pinili G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC 2014LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct, LAC) / Trainer

Pascua Romualdo School Principal II Dingras West CES Dingras 2G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC Ref

2014-2015LI (G1/2 ELI-Oct, LAC) / Trainer

Pascual Magelyn Master Teacher I Elizabeth ES Marcos G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerReyes Josephine Master Teacher I Margaay PS Vintar 1 G1/2 ELI 2014 Trainer

Rico Epifanio PSDS DepEd Ilocos Norte Division Office N/A G1/2 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015LI (SHOr, LAC) / Trainer

Ronabio Elena Master Teacher I Calambeg ES Piddig G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerRosqueta Ruena School Principal I Marcos CES Marcos G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerTacang Evangeline Master Teacher I Isic-Isic ES Vintar 2 G1/2 ELI, SHOr 2014 TrainerTaculma Nelia Master Teacher I Bimangga ES Currimao G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerVilla Leilanie Genie Master Teacher I Pagudpud CES Pagudpud G1/2 ELI 2014 TrainerVilla Vincent Head Teacher I Mabusag Sur ES, Madupayas ES Badoc LAC Ref 2015 Trainer

Visaya Nelia Master Teacher I Bacarra CES Bacarra 1 G1/2 ELI 2014LI (G1/2 ELI-May) / Trainer

List of DepEd TrainersIlocos Sur Division (72)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearAbero Ma. Salome CID-Chief/Basa Coordinator Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Aglibut Madeline PSDS San Juan & Santa G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Alamani Elsie P1 Basug Community Sch, Santa G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Alsong Rowena P1 Sugpon CS, Alilem-Sugpon G1 ELI, G2 ELI,LAC 2014Amilao Estrella PSDS Cervantes & Quirino SHOr 2014Amilao Mary Ann P3 Cervantes CS,Servantes G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Aquino James PSDS San Vicente & Sta. Lucia SHOr 2014Arucan Lourdez P3 Sulvec Integrated Sch, Narvacan North G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Battad Victoria PSDS Sto. Domingo & Sn Ildefonso SHOr 2014Belloza Gaudencia P2 San Emilio West CS, San Emilio G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Brillantes Perlita PSDS Bantay & Sta. Cruz G1 ELI, G2 ELI, SHOr, LAC 2014Bueno Jose Jr. EPS Ilocos Sur SHOr 2014Cabello Freda PSDS Narvacan North & Burgos-Sn Esteban SHOr 2014Cabunoc Mary Jane P1 Callaguip ES, Caoayan G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Calpito Rose Vitchie HT 1 Barbarit ES, Magsingal G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Canonizado Benilda P1 Lagatit ES,Sto. Domingo G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Castro Marites P1 Lubing ES,Burgos-San Esteban G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Cortez Ernalyn P2 Taguiporo ES,Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Dasalla Ayrene Grace P1 Cabigbigaan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, LAC 2014Datu Marides P1 Puro ES, Magsingal G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014De Castro Jovita P3 Mabilbila Integrated Sch, Santa G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Doctolero Arnel P4 Sta. Maria East CS, Sta. Maria G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Dulatre Maria Teresa P2 Anonag-Naguilian ES,Caoayan G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Fagel Wilma EPS- ALS Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Gapate Ma. Teresita EPS- Science Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Gatdula Avelina PSDS Caoayan & Sta. Maria SHOr 2014Giron Diane May HT1 Banaoang ES,Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Guillermo Florabel MT Sta. Maria East CS, Sta. Maria G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Haluber Cristine P3 Sta. Lucia South CS,Sta. Lucia District G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Heraña Nestor P2 Santiago CS, Santiago G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Hernando Cherry May P1 Las-ud ES, Tagudin G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Jacosalem Gemmalyn P3 Sta. North CS, Sta. Lucia G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Jimeno Fatima P4 Sta. Cruz CS,Sta. Cruz G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Lacasandile Cristina P2 Tagudin CS,Tagudin G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Lazo Magdalena P3 Magsingal South CS, Magsingal G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Lazo Salvador P2 Banaoang Community Sch, Santa G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Lopez Gilda HT 3 San Julian ES, Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Medrano Buenafe PSDS Salcedo & Tagudin SHOr 2014Mendoza Delia retired SH Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015

Molina Alegria PSDS Sta. Catalina & Narvacan South-Nagbukel G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Molina Larnie P2 Narvacan North CS,Narvacan North G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC 2014-2015

List of DepEd TrainersIlocos Sur Division (72)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title School/Office Basa Training YearNavarro Jocelyn P1 Naglao-an ES, Sto. Domingo G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Nolasco Walter HT 3 Paratong ES & Mapisi PS,Narvacan South G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Oril Marissa MT 2 Caoayan CS, Caoayan G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Pasion Marilyn PSDS Santiago & Banayoyo-Lidlidda SHOr 2014Peneyra Corazon P2 Sunggiam ES,San Juan G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Peralta Joel Senior EPS Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC,LAC, 2014Peredo Maria Teresita P2 Paing ES,Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Peredo Zenaida T 3 Bantay East CS, Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Quiba Primitiva PII Pandan ES, Caoayan G1 ELI, G2 ELI , LAC 2014-2015Quinto Perlita P1 relocated to the US G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, LAC 2014Rafanan Sheree PSDS-resigned Sta.Maria G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Ramirez Nancy MT 2/TIC Macatcatud PS, Magsingal G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014-2015Ramos Emilia P1 Lao-ingen ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Ranchez Angelita P2 Cabittaogan ES,Sta. Catalina G1 ELI, G2 ELI , LAC 2014-2015Reintegrado Judith P1 Bulag ES, Bantay G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Riego Agrifina HT 3 Busiing ES,Sto. Domingo-Sn Ildefonso G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Rigunay Elsie EPS-LRRMS Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, SHOr, LAC 2014-2015Riotoc Beatriz P2 San Vicente Integrated Sch, San Vicente G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Robiñol Nelson P1 Pudoc ES,San Vicente G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC 2014-2015Rumias Concesa PDSD Magsingal & Cabugao SHOr 2014Sanidad Wilfredo Jr. P4 Narvacan South CS, Narvacan South G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, LAC 2014-2015Siding Fian PSDS Alilem-Sugpon SHOr 2014Siruno Estrella P2 Cabugao North CS, Cabugao G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI,LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Taal Maribeth HT 3 Nagtupacan ES, San Vicente G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Tabilang Alma EPS- Values Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Taloza Marlon EPS- English Ilocos Sur G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015

Tom-en Abraham P1San Esteban South CS, San Esteban District G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, G3 ELI, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015

Tumacdang Feliciano PSDS-On Sick leave Galimuyod SHOr 2014Valdez Federico PSDS Suyo & San Emilio SHOr 2014Villahermosa Criselda P2 Don F. Quilala Memorial Sch,San Juan G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Vilog Veronica P2 Calaoan ES, Sta. Cruz G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 RWC, SHOr, LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015

List of DepEd TrainersCebu Province Division (126)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District School Basa Training YearAbdon Rosemarie MT I Carmen Cantumog ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Abordo Susana PI Barili II Kagay ES LAC 2014Acaso Richard PSDS Compostela LACRef 2015Acebedo Raquel PI San Francisco San Isidro ES LAC 2014Adonay Willie District OIC Argao 1 Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2013-2014Alguno Fe Belyn TII Barili I Barili CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2015Alin Angeli TI Consolacion Consolacion CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Almacen Josefina PII Minglanilla II Tubod ES Mass Training, G3 ELI 2013-2015Alob Anabelle OIC/PII Bantayan I Kabangbang CES Mass Training, G3WRC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, SHOr, LACRef 2013-2015Alocillo Delia PSDS Alegria Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Alvarado Mercedita HT Cordova Catarman ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Añasco Teresita PI San Francisco Sta. Cruz ES LAC 2014Andan Pamela PI Ronda Sta. Cruz ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Anore Nicandro PSDS Alcoy LACRef 2015Aragon Beltran PSDS Dalaguete I LACRef 2015Arcilla Lani OIC San Remegio II LACRef 2015Arquillano Mercedita PII San Francisco LAC, Gr3 ELI, LACRef 2014-2015Artiaga Jennifer MTI Sogod Sogod CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2015Avila Catalina PII/OIC PSDS Pinamungajan II Tajao CES LACRef 2015Bacaltos Maribeth MTI Dumanjug I Candabong ES Mass Training 2013Baga Felipe PI/OIC PSDS Moalboal LACRef 2015Baladjay Fe PI Consolacion Jugan ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2013-2015Balagtas Gladys PSDS Barili II Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2013-2015Balang Evelyn EPS Cebu Prov Div G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Baliling Merlene TIII Balamban II Buanoy CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Bancog Gilda PII Tuburan I Putat ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Basalo Anita OIC PSDS Minglanilla I LACRef 2015Batucan Winfiel Maria TIII Cordova Bangbang ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Baylosis Marissa TI Consolacion Consolacion CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2015Borgonia Luthgarda TIC Balamban 1 Vito ES Mass Training 2013Bugtai Angeles PII Compostela Compostela CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Buot Fredrick PI Carmen Carmen CES LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Cabahug Araceli Division Coordinator Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Cacanog Prescilla PII Liloan Yati ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Camongay Glicerio PSDS Liloan Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2014Cañete Dominga PSDS Moalboal LAC, Gr3 ELI, LACRef 2014-2015Carmelotes Ely OIC/PII Balamban II Buanoy CES LACRef 2015Cartilla Cecilia PSDS Sibonga Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Catubig Rosemarie PII Ginatilan Ginatilan CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, G3 ELI 2014-2015Cayon Virginia PSDS Oslob Mass Training, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Cobrado Janette PI Liloan Sta. Cruz ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Compuesto Arnulfo PSDS Bantayan I LACRef 2015Dela Torre Josephine PI Barili II Giloctog ES/Hilagasan ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Diñoso Marjorie PI Sta. Fe Marikaban IS Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, G3 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Dizon Lorenzo ASDS, Naga City Tabuelan Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Doña Teotimo PSDS Tabuelan LACRef 2015Doronio Teresita PSDS Tabogon LACRef 2015

List of DepEd TrainersCebu Province Division (126)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District School Basa Training YearDungog Rowena PII Tabogon Daantabogon ES LAC, G3 ELI 2014-2015Escorido Erika PSDS Tudela LACRef 2015Esmero Doris PSDS Tuburan I Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Flores Mary Ann Education Program Supervisor Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Garrucha Chloe OIC/PII Madridejos Madridejos CES Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Gealon Imelda PI Argao II Taloot CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Gella P PI Argao II Malalag ES G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Gerodias Erlinda OIC Samboan LACRef 2015Godinez Rosanna PSDS Medellin Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, LACRef 2013-2015Gonzaga Violeta PSDS Consolacion Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Gurrea Jane Education Program Supervisor Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Ilagan Maria Rosamel T Ronda Ronda CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Jo Petronia PI Balamban I Balamban CES LAC 2014Jugan Lynlie MT I Asturias San Isidro ES Mass Training 2013Labang Florencia OIC PSDS Pinamungajan I Pinamungajan CES LACRef 2015Lasala Eduardo PI Barili II Gibuangan CES LAC 2014Leones Eliseo Jr. HTIII Asturias Bag-o ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Leyson Joel PI Consolacion Bagong Lipunan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Lumapay Artudio PSDS Badian LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Lumayag Eduardo PSDS Argao 2 Mass Training, G3 RWC 2013-2014Luna Salud Retired Division Office Mass Training 2013Lupo Remedios PSDS Alcantara LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Managaytay Rena PII Aloguinsan Aloguinsan CES LACRef 2015Mangubat Novie Education Program Supervisor Mass Training, G3 RWC, G3 ELI 2013-2015Manguilimotan Danilo PSDS Aloguinsan Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Maningo Liza PSDS Cordova Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2015Mantos Gerardo Division Coordinator Division Office Mass Training, G3 RWC 2013-2014Mapula Analiza Tuburan 2 Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Miranda Hermogena Division Coordinator Mass Training, LAC 2013-2014Modequillo Rachel TIC Sogod Tangke ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Molde Nestor PSDS Sogod LAC 2014Mondejar Mary Grace T Sogod Mohon ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Monisit Teresita PI Catmon Catmon IS LACRef 2015Montejo Marivic PI Argao I Bogo ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2013-2015Montolo Juvimar PSDS Sta. Fe Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Narciso Roselyn TII Cordova Cordova CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Niere Ma. Socorro PI Alcoy Alcoy CES LACRef 2015Noveras Leah SDS, Talisay City Division Office SHOr 2014Ocampo Cristina PI Asturias Asturias CES LAC 2014Oliverio Rosemary Division Coordinator G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Orongan Maria Fe T Consolacion Consolacion CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Osores Maxima HTIII Oslob Daanlungsod ES LACRef 2015Otadoy Nida Retired Mass Training 2013Pacaldo Jocelyn OIC/PI Argao I Argao CES SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Paras Maria Elena Education Program Supervisor Mass Training, G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2013-2015Pepito Grace OIC Poro LACRef 2015Piodos Christopher PSDS Balamban I LAC, LACRef 2014-2015

List of DepEd TrainersCebu Province Division (126)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District School Basa Training YearPlarisan Glenna Division Office Mass Training, G3 RWC 2013-2014Pulvera Marieber PI Sogod Calumboyan ES G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Pumar Corazon Division Coordinator G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Quijano Elizabeth PSDS Ronda Mass Training, LACRef 2013 & 2015Redula Clover OIC Ginatilan LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Revilla Pedro Jr. PSDS Dumanjug II LACRef 2015Rodemio Pamela Education Program Supervisor Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Romanillos Oscar PSDS San Remegio I LACRef 2015Salvador Annalee PI San Remegio II Tacup ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2014Sanchez Jovencia PII Argao I Langtad ES G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Sarnillo Myrna TII Santander Santander CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Soco Lorna P Consolacion Consolacion CES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Sol Omega PSDS Catmon Mass Training, LAC, G3 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Solis Raquel P Cordova Day-as ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Suquib Judilyn PI Balamban I Nangka ES LAC 2014Tahanlangit Glenn Division Coordinator Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2013-2015Tolomia Vicente PI/OIC PSDS Malabuyoc LACRef 2015Toong Maritess HTIII Liloan Tayud ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Trinidad John Jennis PI Barili I Maghanoy ES LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Tuling Pableo PSDS Daanbantayan II LACRef 2015Umbay Joel PII San Fernando San Fernando CES Mass Training, G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2013-2015Valparaiso Dulcesima Retired Mass Training 2013Victoria Efleda District MTB Coordinator Daanbantayan Daanbantayan CES Mass Training 2013Villamor Abegail MT Consolacion Mass Training 2013Villanueva Maylah TII Carmen Carmen CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Villarin Analiza PII Barili II Malolos ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LAC 2014-2015Villarin Josephine PI Pinamungajan I Guimbawi-an ES Mass Training, G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2013-2014Villordon Ivo Adam PSDS Minglanilla II LACRef 2015Wagas Isaiah Division Coordinator Mass Training, G3 RWC 2013-2014Yabo Celieta PSDS Santander G3 ELI, LAC, LACRef 2014-2015Yuson Juan Jr. PSDS Carmen LACRef 2015Zozobrado Minerva PSDS Dumanjug I LACRef 2015

List of DepEd TrainersMandaue City Division (19)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District School Basa Training* YearAlao Maria PIII Central MCCS G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC 2013-2014Bardoquillo Alma PII North Subangdaku ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Ceniza Bonibelle TIII West I Cabancalan I ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Codiñera Jean PII North Basak ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Colipapa Claribel P South Banilad ES G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Colonia Hyacinth MT West II MCSFA G3 RWC 2014Flores Ma. Divina PI West I Cabancalan I ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2014Gila Chona MTI North Basak ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Gonzales Rosalina PSDS Central LACRef 2015Llego Raul PSDS West II LACRef 2015Maroliña Mirasol T Central MCCS G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Nuñez Imelda TIII South Subangdaku ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2013-2014Raffiñan Giovanna Division Coordinator G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LACRef 2013-2015Razon Richel TIII West II Canduman ES G3 RWC, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Reyes Teofila MTI North Paknaan ES G3 RWC 2014Ceniza Cirila PSDS North/South G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Seno Rowena T North Paknaan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 203-2014Yosores Ma. Corazon PI North Opao ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2013-2014Zanoria Belen EPS Division Office G3 RWC, SHOr, G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014

List of DepEd TrainersBohol and Tagbilaran Divisions (121)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District/School Basa Training YearAguilar Martina School Head Dauis CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Aguiman Ma. Lourdes PSDS District of Ubay 3 LAC 2014Amistoso Aimee School Head Tagbilaran City Central ES G3 ELI, G3 RWC 2015Anunciado Francisca Teacher G3 ELI 2015Aspilla Marlou Joan School Head G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Aton Danilo PSDS District of Duero LAC Ref 2015Avenido Edilberto PSDS District of Ubay 1 LAC Ref 2015Ayenza Juvy School Head Concepcion ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Balduman Rowena PSDS District of Loboc LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Barajan Estrellita PSDS District of Batuan LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Bautista Victor PSDS District of Bien Unido LAC 2014Bautista Emma Teacher Antequera Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Bernante Corsina Teacher Cabangahan PS G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Bigcal Elena School Head Rizal ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Boaquin Lolito HT G3 ELI 2015Boyles Zenaida School Head Biabas Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Boyonas Lino School Head San Vicente ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Bual Ma. Cleofe School Head Candijay Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Budiongan Luz G3 ELI 2015Buga Mildred School Head Carmen West CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Bulambot Gemma Teacher Bungahan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Busano Maura PSDS District of Anda G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC Ref, G3 ELI 2014-2015Busano Vivian G3 ELI 2015Caberte Casiana Chief of Curriculum Division of Bohol Province LAC, G3 ELI 2014-2015Calalin Estrella School Head Division of Tagbilaran City G1 ELI 2015Calamba Renato PSDS District of Pilar LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Calape Felipeneri PSDS District of Inabanga North G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Canda Evangeline School Head Ubujan ES SHOr, LAC, G2 ELI 2015Casquejo Joel School Head Balintawak ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Castillo Generosa PSDS District of Baclayon LAC 2014Castolo Elizabeth PSDS District of Sikatuna LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Celocia Raphael School Head Inabanga South CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Cenita Ma. Pamela School Head Division of Bohol Province G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Codilla Isidora PSDS District of Bilar G1 ELI, G2 ELI, LAC Ref, G3 ELI 2014-2015Cosap Felix PSDS District of Tubigon East LAC Ref 2015Credo Amelita PSDS District of Trinidad LAC Ref 2015Cresencio Nemia G3 ELI 2015Cuanan Davilin School Head Pres. C.P. Garcia CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Dador Laureana PSDS District of Sevilla LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Degamo Emerson PSDS District of Sagbayan LAC Ref 2015dela Torre Elisea Chief of Curriculum Division of Tagbilaran City LAC Ref, G3 ELI, G3 RWC 2015

List of DepEd TrainersBohol and Tagbilaran Divisions (121)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District/School Basa Training YearEscabarte Milueda PSDS District of Tubigon West LAC Ref 2015Estoce Margarito PSDS District of Loon South LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Flor Agea School Head San Miguel Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Flor Fidelita MT G3 ELI 2015Flor Wilfreda EPS Division of Bohol Province LAC 2014-2015Florita Virginia PSDS District of Cortes G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Fostanes Bonifacio LAC 2014Galo Beverly MT Tugas ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Galo Philip Nelson PSDS District of President C. P. Garcia G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Getigan Ma. Flor School Head Division of Tagbilaran City SHOr, LAC, G2 ELI 2015Goti-ay Marilyn School Head Tagbilaran City Central ES - SPED SHOr, LAC, G1 ELI 2015Gracio Hermenilda LAC 2014Guarin Reuel HT Marcelo ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Incog Beatriz EPS Division of Tagbilaran City SHOr, LAC, G1 ELI, LAC Ref 2015Infiesto Glicerio School Head Sevilla Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Inson Ma. Madeleine G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Intong, Jr. Clemente School Head Sikatuna CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Kibir Lolita PSDS District of Valencia LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Ladaran Ma. Zena School Head Buenavista CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Ladroma Gemma PSDS District of Danao LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Lafuente Juanita School Head Cogon ES G3 ELI, G3 RWC 2015Lenogao Abraham School Head Bugang ES G3 ELI 2015Lofranco Virgilia HT Hibale ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Lofranco Tomas Teacher Cambuhat ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Luga Beatrice Kindergarten and Private School Coordinator Division of Tagbilaran City G1 ELI 2015Maboloc Jupiter PSDS District of Alburquerque LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Maboloc Rufa Teacher San Pascual ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Magalona Gina School Head Tambongan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Mangaron Alberto PSDS District of Clarin LAC Ref 2015Mante Regie School Head G3 ELI 2015Membreve Rowena G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Mendez Dave Teacher Bayongan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Mendez Grace PSDS District of Panglao LAC 2014Morgia Susan School Head Division of Bohol Province G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Niñeza Alma School Head Mandaug ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Nioda Mary Ann Teacher Rufo Hill ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Ocio Ma. Petra PSDS District of Guindulman LAC, LAC Ref, G3 ELI 2014-2015Ojendras Rene School Head Dagnawan Integrated School G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Orcullo Ma. Daisy School Head G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Orendain Cirilo HT G3 ELI 2015Oscares Virginia G3 ELI 2015

List of DepEd TrainersBohol and Tagbilaran Divisions (121)

Last Name First Name Current Job Title District/School Basa Training YearPalban Elsa Principal Cabawan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Palmera Flora Head teacher G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Palmero Flora School Head Camanaga ES G3 ELI 2015Pareja Higina Teacher Tunaan-Daku ES G3 ELI 2015Patayon Jona Teacher Sto. Niño ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Patulin Alberta PSDS District of Loon North LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Piollo Rechie Teacher Zamora ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Pogoy Miguel PSDS District of Inabanga South G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Polinar Ma. Jeanna Head teacher G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Puagang Erlinda EPS Division of Tagbilaran City SHOr, LAC, G2 ELI, LAC Ref 2015Ranque Sergio PSDS District of Jagna LAC 2014Reloba Letecia School Head Biabas Central ES G3 ELI 2015Restificar Carmela EPS Division of Bohol Province LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Saballones Raquel Teacher G3 ELI 2015Sajol Zenaida Teacher Matin-ao ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Salise Nida School Head Valencia Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Sosoter Nicasio Teacher Nueva Montaña ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Suarez Harsal Teacher Baud ES G3 ELI 2015Surigao Cathylou Teacher Bien Unido Cental ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Tan Rosa PSDS District of Loay LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Tianan Milagros Head teacher Hagbuyo ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Timbal Bonifacio PSDS District of Ubay 2 LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Tingson Sue Anne Teacher Duero Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Toradio Cristita MT Upper dela Paz PS G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Toradio Faustino PSDS District of Balilihan LAC 2014Torregosa Longina School Head Salog ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Torres Percy PSDS District of Talibon 1 LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Tradio Elmer G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Tumalon Ma. Maya PSDS District of Mabini LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Tuñacao Marivi MT Rizal ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Turco Isidrita MT Maribojoc CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Vallentos Julieta Teacher G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Valmoria Anamarie School Head Bien Unido CES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Vigonte Enriqueta PSDS District of Corella LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Villaber Eugenia PSDS District of Catigbian LAC Ref 2015Villalon Pablito EPS Division of Bohol Province LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015Yamuta Paulina Teacher San Miguel Central ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI, G3 ELI 2014-2015Yap Marciana Teacher Katipunan ES G1 ELI, G2 ELI 2014Yecyec Cesaria PSDS District of Garcia-Hernandez LAC, LAC Ref 2014-2015


Basa Pilipinas

Preliminary Results of Online Course

Revised 22 January 2015

Basa Pilipinas


I.  Demographic info II. Access to technology/internetIII. Participant survey responsesIV. GradesV.  LM and CM survey responsesVI. Discussion, conclusions and recommendations per



Basa Pilipinas

Participants by Gender

Basa Pilipinas

Participants by Length of Service


Basa Pilipinas

Participants by Grade Taught

Basa Pilipinas

Educational Attainment, Prior Experience

•  Most with BAs (92%), with a few MAs (7%) and 1 PhD(1%)

•  96% have not participated in an online course before (only 1 in Bohol, 1 in Cebu and 1 in La Union)

•  89% did not take a course in college to teach reading anwriting to K-3 (only 2 in Bohol, 1 in Cebu and 6 in IlocosNorte said Yes)


Basa Pilipinas

Q10: Did you use your own personal computer to access the USB with course content? Division Yes No % Yes % No Bohol 23 5 82% 18% Cebu 21 6 78% 22% Ilocos Norte 13 2 87% 13% Ilocos Sur 5 2 71% 29% La Union 8 0 100% 0%

Total 70 15 82% 18%

Basa Pilipinas

If No… If Yes…

•  If not personal computer, most used either a friend (5) orinternet café (6). Other responses were school (3),neighbor (2) or central school (1)

•  If yes, 25% purchased a personal computer for this course. Mostly in Region 7– 10 in Bohol, 5 in Cebu, 1 in IlocosNorte and 1 in La Union


Basa Pilipinas

Q11: Where did you access the internet for when you participated in the chat/class forum? Division Home School Café Central

School Division/ District


Bohol 10 8 10 11 6 2 Cebu 12 4 8 4 1 Ilocos Norte 9 1 1 1 8 0 Ilocos Sur 2 1 2 0 1 0 La Union 5 2

Total 38 14 23 16 15 3 45% 17% 27% 19% 18% 4%

Basa Pilipinas

Q12: Did you experience any problems accessing the internet during the chat/ class forum sessions? Division Yes No % Yes % No Bohol 22 5 81% 19% Cebu 18 8 69% 31% Ilocos Norte 8 7 53% 47% Ilocos Sur 4 3 57% 43% La Union 6 2 75% 25%

Total 58 25 70% 30%


Basa Pilipinas

Q12: If yes, how often?

Division Very often Sometimes Once in a while

Bohol 14% 62% 24% Cebu 12% 53% 35% Ilocos Norte 0% 57% 43% Ilocos Sur 0% 0% 100% La Union 0% 50% 50%

Total 9% 54% 37%

Basa Pilipinas

Statements on Technology

Statement Strongly agree

Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


My internet connection was good enough to fully participate

26 45 12 2

I was able to easily find and access materials on USB

62 18 3 1 1

I was able to easily log into chat sessions

61 22 1 1

I was able to easily upload assignments

46 32 6 1


Basa Pilipinas

Statements on Computer Skills and Workload

Statement Strongly agree

Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


Before this course, I had strong computer skills

24 39 21 1

This course helped me improve my computer skills

60 23 1 1

The workload was reasonable

63 19 1 2

I had sufficient time to complete weekly readings, videos, assignments

26 49 9 1

Basa Pilipinas

Statements on Utility and Relevance of Course

Statement Strongly agree

Agree Disagree Strongly disagree


I learned information and strategies I didn’t know before

73 11 1

I have a better understanding of how pupils learn to read

72 12 1

I feel confident I have better skills

59 26

I was able to immediately apply in my classroom

47 38

I’d recommend course 74 8 3


Basa Pilipinas

Ratings of Course Materials

Item Excellent Very good

Satisfactory Poor N/R

Readings 75 9 1 Videos 66 18 1 Assignments 62 21 1 Quality of discussion with peers during chat sessions

66 15 3 1

Basa Pilipinas

Ratings of Facilitation and overall course Item Excellent Very

good Satisfactory Poor N/R

Content knowledge of LM and CM

78 6 1

Ability of LM and CM to provide timely feedback on assignments

70 13 1 1

Ability of LM and CM to facilitate online chat sessions

78 6 1 1

Overall quality and relevance of course content

74 10 1


Basa Pilipinas

Percent of A, B, C and dropped

•  82% passed(74 out of 90 got an A/B)

•  17% didn’t pass(15 out of 90 got a C)

•  1% dropped(1out of 90)

Basa Pilipinas

Distribution of As, Bs and Cs


Basa Pilipinas

Number of A, B, C, dropped by division

Division C B A Dropped Bohol 7 16 7 0 Cebu 4 17 8 1 Ilocos Norte 3 10 2 0 Ilocos Sur 1 5 1 0 La Union 0 4 4 0

Total 15 52 22 1

Basa Pilipinas

Distribution of Cs across assignments

Tasks Total # of Cs Assignment 1 (video reflection) 3 Assignment 2 (video reflection) 4 Chat 1 0 Assignment 3 (reflection on lesson plan) 10 Chat 2 3 Assignment 4 (video reflection) 9 Assignment 5 (video reflection) 7 Chat 3 2 Assignment 6 (reflection on lesson plan) 17 Chat 4 0

*Pupils have an ample supply of high-quality reading and writing materials (e.g.paper&pencils).

Varied books (read-alouds, levelled readers& textbooks) and environmental print can be found in the

classroom. (*This item is more a classroom environment item rather than pupil and teacher actions.)

5 4 3 2 1

Learners follow and understand rules & routines. Teacher intervention is calm, non-threatening and

effective when there is conflict/noncompliance.

5 4 3 2 1

All pupils participate (e.g. boys &girls, special needs pupils, pupils from different language and cultural

backgrounds), not just hand-raisers. Teacher circulates and uses wait time effectively .

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils work in skillfully designed groups; they cooperate and collaborate with one another. Teacher

actively monitors groups/pairs.

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils understand what they have to do. Teacher follows lesson plan/TG and teaches skills and con-

cepts in an appropriately sequenced manner.

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils use what they already know about written words (prefix, suffix, root word, sound-letter associ-

ations) to en/decode new words. Teacher clearly explains how sounds and letters are related

(including rhyme recognition, breaking words into syllables, etc.).

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils have varied opportunities to read aloud (e.g. choral reading, repeated readings, readers’ thea-

tre). Teacher models fluent reading and points out features of fluency (like pausing & punctuation).

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils use context clues for meanings of unknown words and uses the new words in multiple contexts.

Teacher selects appropriate words to unlock; she models and encourages the use of new words.

5 4 3 2 1

...continued at the back...

Classroom Literacy Observation Tool

5 There is compelling evidence.

4 There is ample evidence.

3 There is some evidence.

2 There is limited evidence.

1 There is minimal or no evidence.

*0 Not observed as this was not part

of the lesson.

Pupils understand what they read (i.e. they are able to answer a variety of questions). Teacher em-

ploys an integrated set of before, during, and after reading instructional strategies.

5 4 3 2 1

Pupils engage in authentic writing. Teacher provides brief, focused writing lessons—-afterwards, she 5 4 3 2 1

When observing a language class,

1) ...observe unobtrusively for an entire period (40-50 minutes).

2) ...write the sequence of activities and the pupil and teacher actions you

observe; you can think of the scores after you observe.

3) ...make notes on the materials in the classroom and how they are used.

Date: Time Start: Time End:

Name of teacher observed:

Topic/week + day in TG:

No. of pupils present:





Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Ilokano)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Ilokano Quarter 1


RA Ti Agmalem ni Bong 1

RA Dakayo kadi ti Nanangko? 2

LR Ageskuelaakon! 3

RA Nanumo a Kalapaw 4

LR Naimas Dagiti Prutas 5

RA Maysan ti Tawen ni Beth 6

LR Ditoy Taltalon 7

RA Maysa, Dua, Tallo … Addan Isagutko! 8

LR Ti Pamiliak 9

Grade 1 – Mother Tongue

(Sinugbuanong Binisaya)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 1


RA Ang Adlaw ni Bong 1

RA Ikaw Ba ang Akong Inahan? 2

LR Nag-eskuyla na Ko! 3

RA Payag nga Nipa 4

LR Lami nga mga Prutas 5

RA Usa Ka Tuig ni Beth 6

LR Sa Bukid 7

RA Usa, Duha, Tulo … Aduna koy Regalo! 8

LR Ang Akong Pamilya 9

Grade 2 – Mother Tongue (Ilokano)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 1


LR Agtawenakon iti Pito! 3

LR Ni Lolang 5

LR Inkiwar 7



LR Paria 9

Grade 2 – Mother Tongue

(Sinugbuanong Binisaya)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 2 Sinugbuanong Binisaya Quarter 1


LR Pito na Ko Ka Tuig! 3

LR Si Lola Minda 5

LR Biko 7

LR Paliya 9

Grade 2 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikalawang Baitang Unang Markahan


RA Asul na Araw 1

RA Ang Kamisetang Dilaw 2

LR Taguan 3

RA Tiktaktok at Pikpakbum 4

LR Ang Alaga Kong si Mong 5

RA Haluhalo Espesyal 6

LR Sina Estella at si Lisa 7

RA Kain, Kumain, Kinain 8

LR Isang Linggo sa Klase ni Ginang Reyes 9

Grade 2 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 2 English Quarter 1


RA Tuko, the Tenor Wannabe 1

RA The Little Red Hen 2

RA 1-2-3 … I Have a Gift! 4

RA Mario’s Special Day 6

RA Alamat ng Ampalaya 8

Grade 3 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikatlong Baitang Unang Markahan


LR Maligayang Pagdating sa Baguio! | Punta Tayo sa Argao!


LR Kuwento ng Magkapatid na Daga: Si Kiko at si Tomas | Kuwento ng Magkapatid na Daga: Pakikipagsapalaran sa Siyudad




LR Si Maya sa Himpapawid | Si Maya sa Davao 5-6

LR Ang Pagyanig | Anong Nangyari kay Greg? | Ang Matapang sa Gitna ng Bagyo


Grade 3 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 3 English Quarter 1


LR Mr. Particular 1 - 2

LR The Stranger / Town of Makinang 3 - 4

LR Mrs. Post’s Science Class 5 - 6

LR Problems at the Restaurant 7 - 9

Multigrade (Grades 1 and 2)

MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 1 (Odd Cycle)

MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 1 (Even Cycle)


MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 1 (Odd Cycle)


MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 1 (Even Cycle)


MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 English Quarter 1 (Even Cycle)


Multigrade (Grades 2 and 3)

MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 1 (Odd Cycle)


MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 1 (Even Cycle)




Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Ilokano)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 2


RA Apay Nga Awan Pay ni Nanang? 11-12

RA Ni Kuton ken ni Dudon 13-14



RA Ti Paria iti Pinggan ni Peepo 15-16

RA Kallugong nga Awan ti Akinkukua 17-18

RA Agyamanak, Apo! 19

LR Kitaen Dakami 12

LR Sadino ti Ayan ti Tarsier? 14

LR Nasustansia kadi ti Haluhalo? 16

LR Ti Datdatlag a Karton ni Nona 18

Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong


TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 1


RA Nganong Dugay ang Mokuha Nako? 11-12

RA Si Humilgas ug si Apan 13-14

RA Ang Ampalaya sa Pinggan ni Peepo 15-16

RA Kalo nga Walay Tag-iya! 17-18

RA Salamat! 19

LR Tan-awa Kami 12

LR Hain ang Tarsier? 14

LR Sustansiyado ba ang Haluhalo? 16

LR Ang Kahibulongang Kahon ni Nona 18

Grade 1 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Unang Baitang Yunit 2


RA Sampung Magkakaibigan 11-12

RA The Tale of Lady Cabbage 13-14

RA Ang Kamatis ni Peles 15-16

RA Si Pilong Patago Tago 17-18

RA Ma Me Mi Mu Mu 19

Grade 2 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 2 English Quarter 2


RA But That Won't Wake Me Up 11-12

RA Why Do Birds Build their Nest 13-14

RA Sandwich to the Moon 15-16

RA Ang Bago Kong Kalaro 17-18



RA Magic Mat 19

Grade 2 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikalawang Baitang Yunit 2


RA Mahabang Mahabang Mahaba 11-12

RA Si Emang Engkantanda at ang Tatlong Haragan


RA Ang Pambihirang Sombrero 15-16

RA Hating Kapatid 17-18

RA Ang Matsing at ang Pagong 19

LR Nagsimula sa Parisukat! 12

LR Si Roko, Ang Matakaw na Aso 14

LR Bagyo! 16

LR Ang Bagong Kapitbahay 18

Grade 3 – Filipino


Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikatlong Baitang Ikalawang Markahan


LR Si Chico | Si Hasmin (:) 11-12

LR Kabang: Asong Bayani | Kahanga-hangang mga Lumba-lumba (:) 13-14

LR Ang Idolo ni Beatrice | Ang mga Bayaning Babae ng Bansa (:) 15-16

LR Misteryo sa Villa Soledad (:) 17-19

LR Si Chico | Si Hasmin (.) 11-12

LR Kabang: Asong Bayani | Kahanga-hangang mga Lumba-lumba (.) 13-14

LR Ang Idolo ni Beatrice | Ang mga Bayaning Babae ng Bansa (.) 15-16

LR Misteryo sa Villa Soledad (.) 17-19

Grade 3 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher's Guide Grade 3 English Quarter 2


LR The Five Sisters (:) 11-12

LR Loro Gets Stuck (:) 13-14

LR Neighbors (:) 15-16

LR Let's Learn About Ecosystems (:) 17-19



LR The Five Sisters (.) 11-12

LR Loro Gets Stuck (.) 13-14

LR Neighbors (.) 15-16

LR Let's Learn About Ecosystems (.) 17-19

Multigrade (Grades 1 and 2)

MG Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 2 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 2 (Even Cycle)


Multigrade (Grades 2 and 3)


Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 2 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 2 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 2 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 2 (Even Cycle)




Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Ilokano)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 3


RA Nagpasiar ni Mousie iti Vigan 21-22

RA Ti Bulan a Gayyemko 23-24

RA Nagbalin nga Agkitkitikit ni Wigan 25-26

RA Ni Hugo, Ni Hugo, Ti Mangisarsark a Bannagaw


RA Apay nga Agipugso Dagiti Laki iti Tinta? 29

LR Siak ken ti Bantay 21-22

LR Ti Ullaw 23-24

LR Malong 25-26



LR Aldo, ti Superhero 27-28

Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong


TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 3


RA Miadto si Mousie sa Vigan 21-22

RA Higala Nako ang Bulan 23-24

RA Nahimong Magkukulit si Wigan 25-26

RA Si Hugo, Ang Makalagot nga Ibid 27-28

RA Nganong Mobugwak og Ata ang Nukos 29

LR Ang Bungtod ug Ako 21-22

LR Ang Tabanog 23-24

LR Malong 25-26

LR Aldo, ang Superhero 27-28

Grade 1 Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Unang Baitang Yunit 3


RA Arroz Caldo ni Lolo Waldo 21-22

RA Araw sa Palengke 23-24

RA Si Nina sa Bahay ng Daldalina 25-26

RA Ako’y Isang Mabuting Pilipino 27-28

RA Si Aling Oktopoda at ang Walong Munting Pugita


Grade 1 English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 English Quarter 3


RA Sampung Magkakaibigan 21-22

RA The Tale of Lady Cabbage 23-24

RA Ang Kamatis ni Peles 25-26

RA Si Pilong Patago-tago 27-28

RA Ma Me Mi MuMu! 29

Grade 2


TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikalawang Baitang Yunit 3


RA Ang Lumang Aparador ni Lola 21-22

RA Anong Gupit Natin Ngayon? 23-24



RA Sandosenang Sapatos 25-26

RA Ang Mahiyaing Manok 27-28

RA Si Pilandok, ang Bantay ng Kalikasan 29

LR Pista ng Pahiyas 21-22

LR Sorpresa Kay Lola 23-24

LR Ang Meryenda 25-26

LR Ang Hangin at ang Saranggola 27-28

Grade 2


TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 2 English Quarter 3


RA Pipo, the Clown 21-22

RA Titoy’s Magic Chair 23-24

RA Go! 25-26

RA Tight Times 27-28

RA Bakawan 29

LR Animal Band 21-22

LR The Bird Flies 23-24

LR Fruits and Trees 25-26

LR Today is Moving Day 27-28

Grade 3 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikatlong Baitang Yunit 3


LR Si Maria Makiling (:) 21-22

LR Ang Dula (:) 23-24

LR Ang Pamamasyal ni Korina (:) 25-26

LR Sina Bong, Buboy, at ang mga Katutubong Pangkat (:) 27-29

LR Si Maria Makiling (.) 21-22

LR Ang Dula (.) 23-24

LR Ang Pamamasyal ni Korina (.) 25-26

LR Sina Bong, Buboy, at ang mga Katutubong Pangkat (.) 27-29

Grade 3 – English TG

Basa Pilipinas Teacher's Guide Grade 3 English Quarter 3




LR The Scavenger Hunt (:) 21-22

LR The Magic Show (:) 23-24

LR Para, the Brave and Beautiful (:) 25-26

LR Great Inventors, Inspiring Inventions (:) 27-29

LR The Scavenger Hunt (.) 21-22

LR The Magic Show (.) 23-24

LR Para, the Brave and Beautiful (.) 25-26

LR Great Inventors, Inspiring Inventions (.) 27-29

Multigrade (Grades 1 and 2)


Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 English Quarter 3 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 English Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 3 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)


Multigrade (Grades 2 and 3)


Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 3 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 3 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 3 (Even Cycle)





Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Ilokano)

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 4


RA Nagtimbukel nga Itlog 31-32

RA Ni Inggolok Ken Ti Planeta Pakaskas 33-34

RA Ni Monica Tarradek 35-36

RA Adda Papananmi Ken Tatang 37-38

RA Signal Number 3 39

LR Ti Mapukpukaw a Sipa 31-32

LR Aldo, Superhero ti Nakaparsuaan 33-34

LR Agmulatayo iti Balatong! 35-36

LR Ti Lamok 37-38

Grade 1 – Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong


TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 4


RA Lingin nga Itlog 31-32

RA Si Inggolok ug ang Planeta Pakaskas 33-34

RA Si Monica Danghag 35-36

RA May Lakaw Mi Ni Papa) 37-38

RA Signal Number 3 39

LR Ang Nawagtang nga Sipa 31-32

LR Aldo, Superhero sa Kalikopan 33-34

LR Mananom Ta og Mungos! 35-36

LR Ang Lamok 37-38

Grade 1 Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Unang Baitang Yunit 4


RA Si Dindo Pundido 31-32

RA Si Bing, ang Munting Butanding 33-34

RA Handog kay Isabella 35-36

RA Dagdagan lang ng Dumi 37-38

RA Si Noah at ang Malaking Baha 39

Grade 1 TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 1 31-39



English English Quarter 4

RA Arroz Caldo ni Lolo Waldo 31-32

RA Araw sa Palengke 33-34

RA Si Nina sa Bahay ng Daldalina 35-36

RA Tutulili 37-38

RA Si Aling Oktopoda at ang Walong Munting Pugita


Grade 2 – Filipino

TG Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikalawang Baitang Yunit 4


RA Bru-ha-ha-ha-ha, Bru-hi-hi-hi-hi 31-32

RA Munting Patak-Ulan 33-34

RA Papel de Liha 35-36

RA The Boy Who Ate Stars 37-38

RA May Alaga Akong Butanding 39

LR Ang Pagong at ang Kuneho 31-32

LR Bangui Wind Farm ng Ilocos 33-34

LR Isang Kakaibang Araw 35-36

LR Alamin Natin ang mga Anyong-Tubig sa Pilipinas!


Grade 2 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 2 English Quarter 3


RA The Black Kitten 31-32

RA Pipit and the Kamagong Tree 33-34

RA Whuush! 35-36

RA Fruits 37-38

RA Message in the Sand 39

LR Do Your Chores 31-32

LR Making a Fire 33-34

LR The End of the World 35-36

LR Animals Here, Animals There 37-38

Grade 3 – Filipino TG

Basa Pilipinas Gabay sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino Ikalawang Baitang Yunit 4




LR Ang mga Pambansang Produkto (:) 31-32

LR Ang mga Pambansang Produkto (.) 31-32

LR Sina Nina at Nonoy (:) 33-34

LR Sina Nina at Nonoy (.) 33-34

LR Mga Bayani sa Komunidad (:) 35-36

LR Mga Bayani sa Komunidad (.) 35-36

LR Sa Kalye Sarado (:) 37-39

LR Sa Kalye Sarado (.) 37-39

Grade 3 – English

TG Basa Pilipinas Teacher’s Guide Grade 3 English Quarter 4


LR Benjie's Long Trip (:) 31-32

LR Benjie's Long Trip (.) 31-32

LR Bounty in Our Hands (:) 33-34

LR Bounty in Our Hands (.) 33-34

LR The Biggest Storm (:) 35-36

LR The Biggest Storm (.) 35-36

LR Wonders in the Sky (:) 37-39

LR Wonders in the Sky (.) 37-39

Multigrade (Grades 1 and 2)


Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 English Quarter 4 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 English Quarter 4 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 4 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Filipino Quarter 4 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Ilokano) Quarter 4 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 1 and 2 Mother Tongue (Sinugbuanong Binisaya) Quarter 4




(Even Cycle)

Multigrade (Grades 2 and 3)


Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 4 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 English Quarter 4 (Even Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 4 (Odd Cycle)



Multigrade Supplementary Outlines for Grades 2 and 3 Filipino Quarter 4 (Even Cycle)


LEGEND: RA = Read Aloud; LR = Leveled Reader; TG = Teacher’s Guide; MG = Multigrade Supplementary Outlines



USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

TLM Monitoring System

USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

Tracking the Data

Vendor Contract

Delivery Receipt

Acknowledgement Receipt Reports


USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

Tracking the Data

Vendor Contract

Delivery Receipt

Acknowledgement Receipt

VC 001

DR 001

DR 251

DR 004

AR-District X

AR-School A

AR-District Y

AR-School B

AR-School A

AR-School B

AR-District X

AR-District Y

IN Whse 20%


Cebu Whse

Bohol Whse


To be delivered 20%






Contract: 500,000 Delivered:400,000 Pending: 100,000

Cebu Whse On Hand: 75,000 IN Whse On Hand: 62,200 Bohol Whse On Hand: 100,000

Received 400,000

Dispatched 162,800

On Hand 237,200= +

USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

The System will keep track of the following

VENDOR • Total TLM delivered based on the contract• TLM to be delivered (pending)WAREHOUSE • Total TLM received from the Vendor• Total TLM dispatched• TLM On-hand


USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program


•  Data encoding will be done centrally in Pasig office –  Admin will provide scanned copy of Vendor Contract –  Warehouse administrator will provide us a scanned copy of

Delivery Receipts –  M&E Officers will send a scanned copy of all Acknowledgment


•  Audit –  All data encoded will have a scanned copy of the document

(Contract, DR, and AR) –  Every single entry to the system will have a corresponding

scanned document linked to that data

USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

Next Steps

•  System rollout to Operations, M&EOs, ALO (Whse), POs and TLs (for the distribution)

•  Agreement of minimum document requirements (serialized Contracts, DRs and complete AR info)

•  Agreement on how TLM will be counted, unit of measure should be in PIECES in Contracts, DRs and ARs

•  Backlog data collection –  Need the help of OM on Contracts and DRs –  M&EOs on scanning all the ARs from field offices –  We need one data encoder in encoding backlog data and one for

the current


USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program


USAID/Basa Pilipinas Program In Support of DepEd’s National Reading Program

Thank you!

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude100216 Ab-Abut ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.168875 120.6953917100043 Abaca ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.531941 120.75589100554 Abaccan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.029457 120.581772100307 Abkir ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.24726389 120.6519389100100 Ablan Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.531789 120.615402100217 Abucay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.158582 120.761857100907 Acao Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.52405833 120.3498100139 Acnam-Caray ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.944346 120.706324100160 Adams CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE ADAMS Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.462302 120.901845100700 Ag-agrao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.388542 120.517357100762 AG-AGUMAN ELEM. SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.92255 120.471161100891 Ag-Na Elem.School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.895148 120.415846100101 Agaga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.451498 120.646098100161 Aggasi PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.549522 120.813145100801 Agoo East CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.325118 120.369534100809 Agoo West CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.322479 120.365878100932 Agpay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.50558 120.45142100325 Aguiwas PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.900171 120.516514100970 Al-Alinao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.50344444 120.4227111100495 Alangan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.673464 120.372894100044 Alao-Ao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.498073 120.718856100308 Alejo Malasig ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.21735 120.6379333

100555 Alfonso PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.170385 120.608887

100858 Alibangsay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.617427 120.469452100326 Alilem Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.888429 120.527193100872 Almeida ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.80886 120.331698100288 Alsem ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.292255 120.685276100462 Aluling ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.976835 120.762573101116 Amallapay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.327825 120.4086639100664 Amarao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.0662 120.464188100763 Ambalayat IS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.917856 120.490578100996 Ambalite ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.29780278 120.4760111100997 Ambangonan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.297641 120.476231100971 Ambaracao Sur Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.474287 120.406436100802 Ambitacay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.297354 120.395324101089 Ambitacay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.29741667 120.3950528100628 Ambucao Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.300068 120.423714100513 Ambulogan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.47143889 120.4916528100327 Amilongan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.86434 120.583907101005 Amlang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.236115 120.432341101047 Amontoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.656877 120.46581100701 Ampuagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.354984 120.501755100328 Anaao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.874024 120.545729101117 Anduyan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.345462 120.4428100972 Angcaoay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.503621 120.42252100453 Anonang-Naguilian Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.553747 120.394497100386 Ansad ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ESTEBAN Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.326105 120.46196100514 Anteng PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.480219 120.498047100686 Antero P. Hermosura ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.106812 120.436333101048 Antonino Memorial ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.706074 120.444625100001 Apaleng-Libtong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.253666 120.60618100329 Apang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.86433 120.583875100387 Apatot Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ESTEBAN Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.319288 120.428497100873 Apatut ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.793583 120.413207100330 Apaya ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.881414 120.582586100515 Aquib PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.439852 120.489388100874 Ar-arampang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.792491 120.429684


ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


100024 Ar-Arusip ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.91098 120.512094100399 Aragan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.78082778 120.4981306100556 Arangin-Dinaratan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.112816 120.528694100496 Arinaya PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.700535 120.412659150001 Aring ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.93538 120.465391100819 Aringay Central Elem.. School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.395755 120.355723100400 Arnap ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.77487 120.48912100841 AROSIP ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.736312 120.414428100591 Asilang PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7112 120.484100251 Asuncion ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.1725 120.596100957 Ayaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.818039 120.365846100089 Baay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.11621389 120.5723694100859 Baay Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.582373 120.483894100463 Bab-asig PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.11298 120.733864100702 Babal-lasioan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.385208 120.539345100665 Babayoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.053984 120.464821100002 Bacarra CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.25096389 120.6089583100908 Baccuit Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.541075 120.3204778101060 Bacsayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.682407 120.397385100666 Bacsayan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.069323 120.459503100592 Bacsil Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.72257778 120.4517861100128 Bacsil ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.115053 120.679993100803 Bacsil ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 17.066486 120.473091100045 Bacsil PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.529562 120.771858100180 Bacsil PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.088902 120.499749101104 Badang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.8505567 120.4911737100234 Badio ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.953787 120.509575100025 Badoc North Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.930471 120.476138100026 Badoc South Central School SPED Center Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.925448 120.474966100274 Bagbag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.127123 120.738945100917 Bagbag ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.46850833 120.3351722100275 Bagbago ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.123229 120.753603150502 Bagbagotot PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.245134 120.469627100454 Baggoc-P. Quitiquit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.541159 120.37426100289 Bago ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.32569 120.683176100860 Bagulin CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.607548 120.438223150013 Bagut ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.134628 120.708555101090 Bail ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.27090278 120.4192889100368 Balaleng ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.5867 120.385100743 Balangsay PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.950903 120.490944100875 Balaoan CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.823649 120.400512101091 Balaoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.28570833 120.3598556100162 Balaoi PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.602379 120.873711100810 Balawarte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.31980833 120.3407583101061 Balballosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.639166 120.421358100973 Balecbec ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.48226 120.446086100090 Baligat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.093132 120.560977100909 Ballay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.52162778 120.372825100557 Baluarte ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.099878 120.520927100618 Banaoang Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.54869722 120.4539472100369 BANAOANG PRIMARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.565559 120.462601150503 Banay PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.096588 120.508797100346 Banayoyo CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.236158 120.479569100046 Banban Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.510655 120.725456101076 Banbanaba ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.738172 120.453985100974 Bancagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.550803 120.380392100533 Bandril PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.416143 120.517036100331 Banga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.8500004 120.5166702

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


100464 Bangaan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.881514 120.58474100892 Bangaoilan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.900142 120.447589100893 Bangar CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.895733 120.424144100744 Bangcag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.964787 120.608086100516 Banglayan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.461996 120.510284100058 Bangsar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.953871 120.642383100013 Bangsirit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.27523889 120.6031028100047 Bangui CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.5384267 120.7631564101006 Bani ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.220011 120.412787100347 Banlo Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.220154 120.501457100059 Banna CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.981601 120.655282150519 Banoen PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.159246 120.678215100370 Bantay East CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.580377 120.390582100371 Bantay West Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.581355 120.387946100534 Bantugo-Mission ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.433914 120.514462100348 Banucal ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR LIDLIDDA Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.2855 120.55150010 Baoa East ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.06882 120.621743100091 Baoa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.06999444 120.5950111100252 Barabar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.155081 120.620766100639 Baracbac -Nagongburan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.838235 120.489243100764 Baracbac Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.917957 120.490669100558 Baracbac PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.18133 120.543899100140 Barangobong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.828968 120.523658100975 Baraoas Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.545046 120.389576100910 Baratao Primary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.516752 120.366335100593 Barbar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.71721389 120.4969083100235 Barbar PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.924574 120.524296100060 Barbarangay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 18.015372 120.635931100497 Barbarit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.710491 120.446396100276 Barcelona ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.106111 120.7675100118 Baresbes ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.059918 120.747165100640 Barikir PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.879204 120.456604150018 Barikir PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.92514 120.672568100745 Baringcucurong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.963385 120.470642100976 Bariquir Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.541967 120.418667100119 Barong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.068578 120.720968100842 Baroro Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.710225 120.340486100950 Barrientos ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.847222 120.368611100048 Baruyen Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.5169238 120.7078501100820 Basca ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.4553 120.45101105 Basig ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.5841493 120.2984459100619 Basug Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.52469722 120.44475100332 Batbato ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.912952 120.565044100746 Batiangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.958412 120.56707100977 Bato ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.51872778 120.4043417100911 Bauang North CS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.52813611 120.3335639100912 Bawanta ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.559244 120.33923100349 Bay-asan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.270027 120.502029101077 Bay-o ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.739228 120.513029101049 Bayabas PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.659308 120.545837100811 Baybay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.285967 120.348546100559 Baybayading PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.116737 120.571068100465 Baybayatin PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.093336 120.674683100102 Bayog ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.509601 120.591278100613 Bayubay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN VICENTE Ilocos Sur San Vicente 17.584122 120.379799100667 Bayugao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.062605 120.455589100765 Becques Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.988525 120.453781100088 Benigno Macadaeg Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.054953 120.588051

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100350 Bequi-Walin ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR LIDLIDDA Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.285309 120.529383100657 Bernardo P. Ragasa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.59844167 120.3613861100668 Besalan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.099613 120.476807100388 Bessang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.29318889 120.535375100703 Bia-o ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.38304167 120.4556083100236 Bicbica PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.929964 120.612007100560 Bidbiday ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.180401 120.51181100141 Biding ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.045498 120.686042100913 Bigbiga ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.52798 120.33401100092 Bil-loca ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.08862778 120.5676917100933 Bilis ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.523519 120.455639100766 Bimmanga Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.950022 120.437599100110 Bimmanga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 18.037877 120.482521100979 Bimmotobot 2 Upper PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.578537 120.456579100641 BINACUD INTEGRATED SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.872626 120.484606100719 Binalayangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.64225 120.375404100261 Binaratan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.175 120.654444100253 Bingao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.1355582 120.5827773100093 Biningan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.023541 120.643649100194 Binsang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.297869 120.59406100767 Bio ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.922373 120.461678100466 Bissayot PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.970213 120.74823100821 Bitag ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.439699 120.451101100768 Bitalag Elementary Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.964367 120.460684100843 Bitalag Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.752507 120.375596150520 Bito PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.986532 120.51564100561 Bitong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.192383 120.517616150514 Biwak PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.958342 120.656609100103 BLISS PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.501323 120.630895100104 Bobon ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.5059858 120.5861168100562 Boguibog ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.072374 120.533066100061 Bomitog ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.944145 120.615635100918 Boy-utan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.51570833 120.3433694100218 Boyboy ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.139937 120.719278100237 Buanga PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.969751 120.566058100620 Bucalag-Tabucolan Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.4909 120.428100163 Bucarot PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE ADAMS Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.462088 120.903605100919 Bucayab ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.50912222 120.3562528100467 Bucnit PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.104696 120.706085100062 Bugasi ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.988309 120.692184150019 Bugayong Elementary Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.932548 120.607643101062 Bugbugcao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.648668 120.380446100254 Bugnay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.12549722 120.591625100372 Bulag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.59082222 120.4255889100563 Bulala-Leguey PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.130239 120.575478100822 Bulalacao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.46752 120.458919100517 Bulanos PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.426145 120.458956100876 Bulbulala ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.813611 120.418889100238 Bulbulala PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.946922 120.50697150005 Bulbulala PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.216528 120.692525100687 Buliclic PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.133928 120.49196101050 Bumbuneg ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.673773 120.412496100877 Bungol ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.77138889 120.4069444100401 Bungro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.812111 120.447739100720 Bungro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ILDEFONSO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.622179 120.43029100958 Bungro-Sucoc Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.832617 120.361876100164 Burayoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.580725 120.782875100105 Burgos Central Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.51241445 120.643843

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100389 Burgos Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.33367 120.494194100934 Burgos CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.518942 120.442231100959 Busel-Busel ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.84666667 120.3911111100721 Busiing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ILDEFONSO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.610025 120.388603

100564 Bussot PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.13592 120.614738

100747 Butac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.952042 120.601578

100565 Butarag PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.15152 120.597549

100704 Butir ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.37459 120.50843100629 Butol ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.24187778 120.4247028100878 Butubut ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.792854 120.44441100879 Butubut Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.804933 120.440538100003 Buyon ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.234599 120.616037100722 C. Rabanal Mem. PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.658909 120.384811101063 Caagraoan PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.657018 120.426242100940 Caba CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.43120833 120.3457361100195 Cababaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.36207222 120.6041528100920 Cabalayangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.49833889 120.3712028100960 Cabalitocan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.811197 120.359799100291 Cabangaran ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.344636 120.741889100642 Cabarambanan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.885239 120.494697100723 Cabaritan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.64711111 120.3972167100980 Cabaritan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.52494167 120.3811389100688 Cabaritan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.108452 120.483056100239 Cabaroan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.954798 120.555867100705 Cabaroan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.368654 120.498005100844 Cabaroan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.736773 120.364299101064 Cabaroan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.666092 120.389484150517 Cabaroan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.425934 120.459335100014 Cabaruan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.265891 120.585823101092 Cabaruan Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.269927 120.36036100309 Cabayo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.39581 120.752119100390 Cabcaburao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.337103 120.509079100724 Cabigbigaan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.651712 120.384537100310 Cabisculan-Columbia ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.266595 120.6459144100658 Cabittaogan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.577967 120.360695100142 Cabittauran ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.944295 120.706478100748 Cabugao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.957354 120.487755100402 Cabugao North Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.79384722 120.4569167100403 Cabugao South Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.78885833 120.4579972100769 Cabugbugan Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.941383 120.465446100015 Cabulalaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.27624167 120.5874333100770 Cabulanglangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.928953 120.469307100262 Cabuloan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.136488 120.676358100659 Cabuloan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 18.1192 120.652100630 Caburao Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.237778 120.456551100373 Cabusligan-Quimmarayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.611149 120.428535100143 Cacafean ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.991738 120.734439100535 Cadacad ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.475843 120.562386150511 Cadacad PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.481406 120.561874100643 Cadanglaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.858961 120.504995100894 Cadapli ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.887505 120.44823100016 Cadaratan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.29059 120.599082101007 Cadumanian ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.256191 120.470397100404 Caellayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.80701667 120.4967833100063 Caestebanan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.9791 120.655100536 Cagayungan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.40299722 120.4919639

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100895 Caggao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.898443 120.418617100455 Cal-laguip ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.5474 120.378100219 Calambeg ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.187956 120.724914100669 Calaoaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.080715 120.477097100981 Calaungan PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.590077 120.430072100660 Calawaan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.594046 120.350174100725 Calay-ab ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.647753 120.368453100566 Calimugtong E/S Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.186572 120.483574100017 Calioet ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.286113 120.585398100333 Calipayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.8833332 120.5333328100880 Calliat ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.82305556 120.4405556100921 Calumbaya ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.51061667 120.3310944100621 Calungboyan Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.49590278 120.4178917100094 Camandingan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.070324 120.619828100027 Camanga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.907565 120.570869100594 Camanggaan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.718855 120.482399100518 Camarao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.4594 120.464100861 Cambaly ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.584501 120.450188100595 Camindoroan Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.748592 120.434853100823 Camusing ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.41483 120.422025100292 Canaam Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.304391 120.788569100351 Cangao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.190569 120.619957100961 Cantoria CS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.84271 120.402643100456 Caoayan CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.5501445 120.385173150506 Caoayan CS Annex Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.547047 120.396957100334 Caoayan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.8500004 120.5166702101118 Caoigue ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.330375 120.4296861100374 Capangdanan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.601889 120.414963150507 Caparacadan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.542643 120.361427100670 Capariaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.024906 120.452712100165 Caparispisan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.60462 120.803637100804 Capas Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.310422 120.414501100129 Capasan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.118985 120.674329150516 Caraisan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.706583 120.458763100028 Caraitan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.904863 120.474986100220 Carasi ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CARASI Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.16684444 120.7333472100845 Carcarmay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.774664 120.352912100862 Cardiz ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.623338 120.486065100064 Caribquib ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 18.002026 120.667481100596 Caronoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.752489 120.467079100196 Caruan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.38205556 120.598925101008 Carunoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.2567228 120.4616785100197 Carusikis ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.33685556 120.6825861100405 Carusipan Primary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.774122 120.497566100406 Caset PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.834417 120.521324100352 Casilagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.235868 120.471115100519 Casilagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.461538 120.553688100982 Casilagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.47165 120.3495861101009 Casilagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.25181445 120.484788101093 Casilagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.265054 120.409625100922 CASILAGAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.471742 120.349604100018 Casilian PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.2683468 120.5724862150023 Casilian PS - Taguipuro Annex Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.273272 120.575401101106 Castro ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.879319 120.47227100065 Catagtaguen ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.964673 120.660013101010 Cataguingtingan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.223722 120.450059

100075Catalino Acosta Mem. ES, Special Education Center Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.19537222 120.5928889

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100277 Catangraran ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.084231 120.811286100407 Catucdaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.79755833 120.5081472100255 Catuguing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.15312778 120.5955222100166 Caunayan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.619241 120.837178100259 Cayetano Bumanglag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.160616 120.575756100468 Cayus ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.152145 120.668373100846 Central ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.722586 120.353324100469 Cervantes CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.983448 120.719706100537 Codoog ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.442678 120.512405100076 Colo-Mabaleng ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.039817 120.555657150016 Columbia PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.262721 120.663401100111 Comcomloong-Anggapang PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 17.986285 120.509604100470 Comillas North ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.95212 120.749496100471 Comillas South ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.936337 120.745377

100567 Concepcion ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.137602 120.61512

100689 Conconig PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.11853 120.472939101078 Corrooy ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.792964 120.444441100066 Crispina ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 18.001967 120.66741100408 Cuantacla -Sagsagat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.7666 120.495100812 Cubal ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.34593056 120.359225100998 Cuenca ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.249626 120.493929100568 Culiong PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.123848 120.507439100077 Cumcumraas PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.013746 120.602173101095 Cupang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.26052778 120.3959667100644 Curtin PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.849231 120.460077100409 Daclapan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.798594 120.417074100498 Dacutan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.680504 120.40757100198 Dadaeman Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.302596 120.616162100645 Dadalaquiten ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.892644 120.445388100049 Dadaor PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.506866 120.712524100335 Daddaay Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.909247 120.601318100749 Dadtuco ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.944956 120.607239101119 Daeng ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.386079 120.457941150509 Dagdag Primary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.914445 120.592827100472 Dagman PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.11021 120.671471100863 Dagup Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.608334 120.439445100473 Daing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.004795 120.719284100336 Dalawa Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.916443 120.519879150505 Daligan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.06649 120.473083100690 Damacuag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.107679 120.465645100622 Dammay PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.51028056 120.4057389101096 Damortis ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.244172 120.404964100167 Dampig ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.540082 120.820842100631 Dan-ar Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.24517778 120.4459694100337 DANAC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.2568813 120.3938261100293 Danao Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.344626 120.741853100706 Danuman ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.375586 120.467163

100569 Dapdappig Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.140667 120.616066

100983 Daramuangan Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.54219444 120.3751639100597 Darao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.73895 120.4772111100278 Darasdas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.111465 120.778675100240 Darat Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.951598 120.489182100598 Dardarat E/S Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.770693 120.424583100410 Dardarat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.7783 120.425100951 Darigayos ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.820556 120.335556100095 Dariwdiw ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.093611 120.586667

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100311 Dasar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.398314 120.774204100538 Dasay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.417261 120.502327101065 Dasay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.657148 120.407363100199 Davila ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.4680592 120.5783665100646 Dean L. Yabes Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.828616 120.45941101079 Deccan PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.2576166 119.9033525100935 Delles ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.554049 120.477383100200 Dilanis ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.310309 120.642457100201 Dilavo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.431357 120.588234100671 Dili ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.033161 120.453697100294 Dimamaga Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.326301 120.732744100520 Dinalaoan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.428965 120.484955100120 Dingras Central ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.11721944 120.7022694100130 Dingras West CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.11721944 120.7022694100474 Dinwede ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.905495 120.604218100295 Dipilat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.302752 120.718887100599 Don F. Quilala Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7361 120.454575101011 Don Jose Bernal ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.223617 120.469471100241 Don Mariano Marcos Mem. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.95106 120.525894100691 Don Pedro Festejo Mem. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.13823 120.462856100984 Don Tomas R. Mendoza ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.51502222 120.4200556100941 Doña Antonia Maglaya ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.422819 120.377093100112 Dona Josefa Marcos ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 18.02006 120.487751100985 Dr. Hermogenes T. Belen ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.53246667 120.3915556100824 Dulao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.365025 120.3420194100050 Dumalneg ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DUMALNEG Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.51252 120.735395100707 Dunglayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.33649 120.470867100221 Dupitac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.180652 120.764238101107 Duplas ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.827041 120.495579100256 Eladio V. Barangan Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.17462222 120.5888028100144 Elizabeth ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.008592 120.726016150017 Elizabeth ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.063604 120.73091100121 Elizabeth-Lanas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.068146 120.72091100145 Escoda ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.1082 120.695100296 Esperanza Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.326309 120.732749100131 Espiritu ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.087184 120.680219100222 Estancia ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.207455 120.728201100297 Ester ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.225293 120.706162

151009EULOGIO CLARENCE M. DE GUZMAN Jr. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.5123768 120.3295605

100181 Evangelista ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.054271 120.518215100312 F. Camaquin Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.227198 120.644997100146 F. Daquioag Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.027748 120.676979100147 Ferdinand ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.983421 120.721263101097 Fernando ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.250075 120.4304528100257 Filipinas East Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.1577 120.62150022 Filipinas West ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.170774 120.602783100726 Flora ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.6543 120.396100148 Fortuna ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.014748 120.674324101120 Francia Sur ELementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.339186 120.422492100122 Francisco ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.040179 120.775738100457 Fuerte Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.53487222 120.3676

100570 G. del Pilar Central Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.149834 120.610924

100202 Gabaldon ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.32625278 120.6125361100632 Gabao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.25818333 120.4189361100029 Gabut ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.964347 120.474283100571 Galimuyod CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.18221944 120.4693472

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100825 Gallano ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.4367 120.469100847 Galongen ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.755857 120.339594100168 Gamaban ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.609091 120.868073100004 Ganagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.25001389 120.5871694100771 Garitan Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.950781 120.461716100149 Garnaden ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.895437 120.571569100223 Gayamat PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.16748333 120.7335583100896 Gen. Prim ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.898974 120.438721150011 Godogod Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.92036 120.584775100263 Golgol ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.13788333 120.6609528101121 Gonzales PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.3254 120.369100298 Gubang Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.324732 120.792704100923 Guerrero ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.495952 120.330034100986 Guesset ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.50676667 120.4096556100339 Guilong PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.901874 120.516982100375 Guimod ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.601 120.3928167100848 Guinabang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.757326 120.388424100881 Guinaburan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.794322 120.430356100242 Gulpeng PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.967139 120.493947101012 Gumot ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.209884 120.442461100708 Gusing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.38375278 120.531125100987 Gusing ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.56175278 120.4035333101122 Halog East ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.3642 120.422751101123 Halog West ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.36266389 120.4136944100132 Hilaria Salvatierra Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.1324 120.683100096 Hilario Valdez Mem. Elem. School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.06357222 120.5627889100750 Ida Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.986469 120.524399100067 Imelda ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.939142 120.639227100150 Imelda ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.058901 120.670431100826 Immalog ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.436522 120.468739101013 Inabaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.2684 120.476072100313 Isic-Isic ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.399364 120.762971100475 Iteb PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.167542 120.670311100521 Kakaldingan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.47960278 120.4888639100353 Kalumsing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.283422 120.561424100647 Katipunan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.864424 120.445175100338 Kiat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.872787 120.521918100751 Kiblongan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.96026 120.5588100572 Kilang PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.174711 120.52684100753 Kinapian ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.988256 120.504959150521 KINAYAD PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.049564 120.555206100573 Kinmarin PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.038567 120.541222100752 Kinpatubbog PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.94495 120.565643

151008 La Union Special School for Culture and Arts Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.6278162 120.3231856100942 Labbon ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.44047778 120.3959667100600 Labnig ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7597 120.463100030 Labut ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.895171 120.512365101051 Lacong Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.738172 120.453985151005 Lacong ES-Annex Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.6755613 120.4008646100068 Lading ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.949127 120.686059100224 Lagandit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.205951 120.688796100727 Lagatit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.6298 120.444100476 Lamag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.145384 120.725494100477 Lamagan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.990841 120.699875100051 Lanao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.526055 120.795997100354 Lancuas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.251509 120.59137100113 Langayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 18.018016 120.517053

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


100522 Lanipao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.482901 120.525055100672 Lantag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.083286 120.464912100728 Laoingen ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.652365 120.455571100539 Lapting ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.472544 120.575127100772 Las-ud Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.939029 120.440808100031 Lasien School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.904961 120.531886100709 Laslasong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.387926 120.495018101066 Legleg ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.699939 120.377246101124 Leones ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.362938 120.389106151001 Lettac Norte Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.783597 120.446566100478 Libang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.045933 120.685677100864 Libbo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.570025 120.524387100225 Libnaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.205931 120.723299100773 Libtong Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.965812 120.444215100936 Libtong Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.49469722 120.4562306100340 Licungan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.708932 120.564981100355 Lidaoan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.212126 120.662361100356 Lidlidda North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR LIDLIDDA Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.268846 120.520487100357 Lidlidda South CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR LIDLIDDA Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.253819 120.520646101080 Liguay ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 17.253819 120.520646100243 Liliputen ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.940556 120.5825101125 Linapew ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.3088 120.452100673 Linggawa PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.058981 120.501633100376 Lingsat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.62150278 120.4614167100937 Linuan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.546307 120.482968100988 Lioac ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.54888611 120.3995694100279 Lipay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.139403 120.82074100314 Lipay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.341977 120.731263101052 Lipay Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.706063 120.44462100411 Lipit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.771118 120.481575100479 Liqueo PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.997244 120.675278100943 Liquicia Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.437263 120.406366101126 Lloren ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.32785 120.4496528101053 Lon-oy ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.690353 120.504519100754 Longboy ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.955437 120.559425100978 Lower Bimmotobot ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.590125 120.430072100870 Lower Wallayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.574344 120.492851100692 Luba ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.130296 120.436733100391 Lubing Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.313145 120.537529101067 Lubing ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.653679 120.346788100315 Lubnac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.220935 120.670725100755 Lubnac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.989744 120.537079100574 Lucbuban PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.129349 120.543388100952 Luna Central School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.855 120.376389100392 Luna Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.31555278 120.5095694100523 Lungog IS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.46103611 120.4765417100729 Lussoc Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.6481 120.442100169 Luzong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.572393 120.809644100897 Luzong Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.870727 120.445028100898 Luzong Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.860249 120.437807100170 Luzuyo PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.576687 120.795032100899 Ma. Cristina ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.891761 120.431032150020 Maab-abaca PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.18636111 120.7091278100280 Maananteng ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.10115 120.811302100499 Maas-asin ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.6883 120.472150014 Mabanbanag PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.213716 120.728236100849 Mabanengbeng Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.764253 120.35137100623 Mabilbila IS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.51050833 120.4424417

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


100575 Mabileg PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.033562 120.582848150021 Mabino ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.053524 120.774909150002 Mabusag Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.934326 120.465952100032 Mabusag-Napu ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.938704 120.49207100151 Mabuti ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.071702 120.682979100827 Macabato ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.414712 120.402788100805 Macalva ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.342375 120.3874139100393 Macaoayan Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.325245 120.494926100500 Macatcatud PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.701286 120.471245100069 Macayepyep ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.940556 120.658056100005 Macupit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.29399444 120.6410194100203 Madalayap Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.333322 120.616675100576 Madarang PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.159151 120.578651100033 Madupayas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.905916 120.547813100316 Magabobo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.393671 120.788693100114 Maglaoi ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 17.975661 120.483863100079 Magnuang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.014248 120.538304100501 Magsingal North Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.690641 120.428481100502 Magsingal South Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.69021111 120.4282278100080 Maipalig-Quiom ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 17.979732 120.588486150007 Malaggao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.458749 120.905469100182 Malaguip Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.075647 120.492134100601 Malamin ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7432 120.4969833100317 Malampa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.285395 120.660165100480 Malaya ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.974178 120.699692101108 Maliclico ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.827016 120.495582100481 Malideg ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.160582 120.679047100377 Malingeb ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.60644444 120.4252306100989 Mamat-ing ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.58046667 120.4095639100394 Mambug PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.35027222 120.4870639100756 Man-atong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.95384 120.612556100281 Manalpac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.090682 120.793668100318 Manarang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.30658 120.671373100133 Mandaloque ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.124075 120.69944100828 Manga ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.426122 120.440707101081 Mangaan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.750271 120.465802151006 Mangcaeng PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.559685 120.429223100503 Manzante ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.68903056 120.3977694100999 Maoasoas ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.276889 120.489678151007 Maoasoas ES- Annex Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.295177 120.484286100540 Mapisi PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.447704 120.537453100412 Maradodon ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.832705 120.520363100504 Maratudo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.683979 120.488091100152 Marcos Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.04386 120.674628101014 Marcos ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.280167 120.44314100299 Margaay PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.223016 120.666711

100078Mariano Marcos Memorial Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.053173 120.564826

100648 Marnay PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.880205 120.496926100524 Marozo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.467344 120.530258100226 Maruaya PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.19079 120.737743100649 Masadag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.85508 120.482892100300 Masadsaduel Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.29965 120.758445100052 Masikil PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.533951 120.766407100358 Masiosioay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.239191 120.644852100882 Masupe ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.80138889 120.4186111150504 Matallucod PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.027777 120.581345100359 Matibuey ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.220285 120.677864

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100577 Matue PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.161627 120.602081

100710 Maynganay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.38124444 120.4821222100578 Mckinley PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.209145 120.49791100123 Medina Parado ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.077419 120.70426100900 Mindoro Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.91 120.4075100505 Miramar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.709621 120.420662100183 Monte PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.03431 120.508156100360 Montero ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.220928 120.490822100034 Morong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.914267 120.455271100184 Mumulaan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.100452 120.5081144150510 Muraya PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.735432 120.471512101068 Nadsaag ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.663487 120.376918100204 Nagabungan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.4792647 120.5754394100341 Nagawa Elem. School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.7666715 120.4478082100097 Nagbacalan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.091546 120.595096100185 Nagbacalan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.1211189 120.5572808150003 Nagbacalan West PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.115299 120.519076100053 Nagbalagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.5330694 120.7792913100730 Nagbettedan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.616941 120.452736100541 Nagbukel CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.443886 120.524612100731 Naglaoa-an ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.6331 120.374100205 Naglicuan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.314524 120.603358100624 Nagpanaoan Community Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.540531 120.412186100070 Nagpatayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.966985 120.638862100282 Nagpatpatan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.065626 120.7797100035 Nagrebcan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.908667 120.524145100962 Nagrebcan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.83585 120.390236100602 Nagsabaran Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7178 120.467100883 Nagsabaran Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.778543 120.384226100206 Nagsanga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.34759167 120.6144861100413 Nagsantaan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.8237 120.486100711 Nagsayaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.38931111 120.4657361100990 Nagsidorisan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.514176 120.403924100414 Nagsincaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.753557 120.50174100603 Nagsuputan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.726742 120.470634100106 Nagsurot ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.505337 120.676568100693 Nagtablaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.120695 120.499977100674 Nagtenga ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.051123 120.459373100244 Nagtrigoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.973371 120.544496100614 Nagtupacan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN VICENTE Ilocos Sur San Vicente 17.607325 120.356461100732 Nagtupacan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.65758333 120.4463861100991 Naguilian CS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.534632 120.393602100153 Naguilian ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.906381 120.633069100361 Naguimba ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANAYOYO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.24214 120.488319100081 Naguirangan-Capacuan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.041563 120.586874101069 Naguituban ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.645286 120.422962100482 Naiba Ps Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.9589392 120.6556406100186 Nalasin ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.071556 120.522663100712 Nalvo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.366457 120.453201100953 Nalvo Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.845556 120.355556100963 Nalvo Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.833034 120.351383150513 Namaligan Primary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.03911 120.703064100506 Namalpalan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.677477 120.386681100733 Nambaran Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.626415 120.432465100006 Nambaran ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.266611 120.645922101098 Namboongan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.29350278 120.3809556100483 Namitpit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.107655 120.698898

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100301 Namoroc-Mabanbanag ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.211869 120.715261100415 Namruangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.80283889 120.4261306100850 Nangalisan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.43410278 120.479775100542 Nanguneg East Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.3942 120.482100543 Nanguneg West PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.394695 120.465607100187 Nanguyudan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.121111 120.557222100342 Naonao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.90463 120.587769100507 Napo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.662025 120.4299389101099 Narvacan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.258938 120.363781100525 Narvacan North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.42527 120.473961100544 Narvacan South CS (SPED Center) Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.417656 120.477379101054 Nayba ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.642738 120.546997100829 New Bern (Alaska) ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.364874 120.342132100154 Nueva Era Central Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.91663 120.662997100964 Oaqui ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.849981 120.418208101109 Old Sudipen ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.9016 120.49017100633 Olo-olo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.27416667 120.4474972100378 Ora East ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.596485 120.421852100379 Ora West ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.594046 120.415077100526 Orence ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.42194444 120.49100851 Ortega ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.776236 120.395128100852 Oya-oy ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.773563 120.372848100082 P. Q. Pimentel ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 17.995392 120.523747100458 P. Tamurong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.528497 120.406108101082 Paagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.810895 120.449671100484 Paang PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.948933 120.708031100107 Paayas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.495325 120.571014100774 Pacac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.933117 120.433808100155 Pacifico ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.05468 120.714912101055 Padang PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.678638 120.436097100675 Padaoil Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.094055 120.518166100395 Padayao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.302408 120.49144100054 Paddagan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.486912 120.719716100734 Padu Chico ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.647198 120.387543100579 Pagangpang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.189293 120.501892100508 Pagsanaan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.70228611 120.4216278100036 Pagsanahan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.917105 120.439914100171 Pagudpud Central Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.564082 120.787051100172 Pagudpud South CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.558056 120.784554100115 Paguludan PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 18.057964 120.487562100380 Paing ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.57930278 120.4506139100694 Palali ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.123817 120.482659100343 Palasipas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR ALILEM Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.931972 120.520118101000 Palina ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.342535 120.493935151003 Palina ES - Annex Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.331333 120.485102100302 Pallas Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.21405168 120.6995747100775 Pallogan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.927492 120.483604100037 Paltit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.913799 120.485522100362 Paltoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.228289 120.570923100363 Paltoc ES - Annex Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.205687 120.554955100509 Panay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.6695 120.398100173 Pancian ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.5645382 120.7877657100264 Pandan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.089849 120.630356100459 Pandan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.53765 120.3705556100661 Pangada-Cabaroan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.58460278 120.3707528100830 Pangao-aoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.37325278 120.3949778151004 PANGAO-AOAN WEST ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.375226 120.387561100116 Pangil ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 18.038591 120.482404

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


100207 Pangil ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.295455 120.631631100019 Paninaan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.249988 120.620114100885 Pantar Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.838752 120.414872100886 Pantar Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.829248 120.427581150508 Pantay Quitiquit PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.543343 120.368118100545 Pantoc Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.410645 120.460597100188 Paoay CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.06041667 120.5205306100189 Paoay East Central ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.059256 120.524984100695 Paoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.134209 120.524651100865 Papayo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.62755 120.475888100020 Parang E/S Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.27909444 120.6131083100265 Parang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.150816 120.679838100083 Parangopong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.054583 120.587888100887 Paraoir ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.801445 120.328682100735 Paras-Parada ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.653523 120.417815101015 Parasapas ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.28013333 120.4430528100546 Paratong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.418188 120.471764100662 Paratong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.58548 120.351242100853 Paratong ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.72027778 120.3419444100901 Paratong ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.892137 120.405873100924 Parian Este ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.51360556 120.3225222100925 Parian Oeste ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.505919 120.319734100914 Paringao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.56214722 120.3221694100527 Parparia ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.4465 120.497100319 Parparoroc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.229757 120.676245100320 Parut ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.227703 120.626765100174 Pasaleng ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.548666 120.936376100190 Pasil ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.10002222 120.5395583100007 Pasiocan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.23464722 120.6084333100258 Pasion Barangan Mem. ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.160075 120.627602100038 Pasuc-Parang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.925736 120.498321100208 Pasuquin Central Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.33387222 120.6180167101100 Patac Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.27480278 120.3935361100396 Patac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BURGOS Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.29728333 120.518525100580 Patac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR GALIMUYOD Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.17805556 120.4858333100266 Patad ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.158 120.6333833100485 Patiacan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.111416 120.74469100757 Patoc-ao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.983177 120.541649100510 Patong ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.6731 120.45100888 Patpata ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.81379 120.419157100676 Pattiqui-Gabur Sur Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 16.992298 120.454041100486 Patungcaleo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.127945 120.699501150518 Pautan Primary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.989159 120.678246100084 Payao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.008637 120.57441100927 Payocpoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.49776111 120.3294100926 Payocpoc Este ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.488036 120.368543100134 Peralta ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.109771 120.694409100581 Pias ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.128618 120.520231100117 Pias-Gaang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 17.991057 120.502738100227 Piddig CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.16816 120.719368100228 Piddig South CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.167419 120.719744101127 Pideg ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.311407 120.431146100416 Pila ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.775469 120.44458100866 Pila ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.596565 120.457342100965 Pila ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.828826 120.347189100677 Pilar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.075859 120.444789100487 Pilipil PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.939577 120.757431100678 PINIPIN ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.06149 120.445245

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101083 Pisnadan PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.1754403 119.9454361100966 Pitpitac ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.814694 120.344879101056 Polipol ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.684393 120.466437101101 Pongpong ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.29376389 120.4161417101110 Porporiket ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.881531 120.51106100776 Pudoc East Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.921679 120.429741100615 Pudoc Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN VICENTE Ilocos Sur San Vicente 17.60436389 120.3675111100902 Pudoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.908408 120.431001100929 Pudoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.51343 120.314415100777 Pudoc West Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.924962 120.421902100417 Pug-os ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.81862778 120.456375100245 Pugaoan-Bungro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.92757 120.534678101001 Pugo Central School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.32077778 120.4685806100915 Pugo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.527436 120.322281100008 Pulangi ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.27008889 120.627225100021 Pungto PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.290778 120.607285100246 Puritac-Dalayap ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.965833 120.528611100460 Puro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.508337 120.401558100511 Puro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.4723 120.558517100209 Puyupuyan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.334417 120.60742100247 Puzol ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.938676 120.514779100071 Quiaoit Memorial ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.922717 120.636039100085 Quiling ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.05967 120.557294100736 Quimmarayan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.64136667 120.4263111100528 Quinarayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.44487222 120.471675151002 Quinavite ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.53776 120.329477100488 Quinayad PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.971542 120.726448100679 Quinsoriano PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.098125 120.45787100489 Quirino CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.137096 120.676346100854 Quirino ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.763968 120.337587101084 Ramot PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.732254 120.493639100625 Rancho Community School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.500307 120.410706100098 Rayuray ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.07277222 120.5823167100604 Refaro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.76319444 120.449175100418 Reppaac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.81871445 120.471665100954 Rimos del Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.875461 120.39381100955 Rimos ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.868818 120.391972100903 Rissing ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.852391 120.429042100547 Rivadavia ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.417015 120.489502101128 Rizal ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.365739 120.440091100696 Ronda PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.103167 120.449471101016 Rosario Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.22947 120.488324100267 Ruiz ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.166668 120.65001100904 RUS ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.89263 120.428168100419 Sabang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.79344 120.403038100605 Sabangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.73721667 120.4367833100634 Sabangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.28691944 120.4370861100650 Sabangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.856497 120.448681100009 Sabas-Sagisi Memorial Elem. School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.244167 120.593333100697 Sabuanan Elementary School SPED Center Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.147132 120.43857100248 Sacritan Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.953886 120.52695100626 Sacuyya Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.53678889 120.4499861100680 Sagat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.05666667 120.4552778100420 Sagayaden Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.76724167 120.454575100303 Sagpat ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.284635 120.707659100136 Sagpatan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.10965278 120.7184722100268 Sagpatan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.15399444 120.6651278100737 SAGSAGAT ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ILDEFONSO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.62628056 120.3851139

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100175 Saguigui ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.559927 120.824533100249 Salanap ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.939739 120.525407100421 Salapasap ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.811102 120.435448100191 Salbang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.06441 120.527582100582 Salcedo CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 15.855166 120.600662100855 Salincob ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.737983 120.380504100635 Salincub ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.26081667 120.4660972100381 Sallacong Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.552488 120.487938100422 Salomague ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.781529 120.420515100321 SALPAD INTEGRATED SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.242191 120.662971100322 Salsalamagui Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.269533 120.666749100124 Saludares-Cali ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.07219722 120.6862917100831 Samara ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.40798889 120.33265100022 San Agustin ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.25608611 120.6057889100916 San Agustin ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang North 16.5428 120.344747150015 San Andres Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.175251 120.654674100229 San Antonio ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.160044 120.825491100269 San Antonio ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.19310278 120.6017611100548 San Antonio ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.4088 120.477100832 San Antonio ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.399375 120.398768100992 San Antonio ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.56923 120.422671100833 San Benito ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.41268889 120.3528278100270 San Bernabe ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.10217 120.619734100944 San Carlos ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.437118 120.335678100945 San Cornelio ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.44870278 120.3582333100583 San Elias ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.030771 120.583923100364 San Emilio East CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.225906 120.618683100365 San Emilio West CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.235783 120.578323100135 San Esteban ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.127966 120.72081100397 San Esteban North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ESTEBAN Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.335 120.4444444100398 San Esteban South CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ESTEBAN Ilocos Sur Burgos-San Esteban 17.329812 120.445771100834 San Eugenio ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.3702 120.356101070 San Felipe ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.688018 120.387792101111 San Francisco ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.827811 120.454518101057 San Gabriel CS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.674336 120.411681100584 San Gaspar PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.148935 120.529305100946 San Gregorio ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.32183333 120.3467028100738 San Ildefonso CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN ILDEFONSO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.627172 120.399117100055 San Isidro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.52885 120.828084100606 San Isidro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.71756111 120.4239917100993 San Isidro ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.455294 120.450027150008 San Isidro PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.315077 120.61528100813 San Joaquin ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.299301 120.356606100681 San Jose ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.096834 120.493361100806 San Jose ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.31238 120.370541100947 San Jose ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.42747 120.391646101112 San Jose ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.3303588 120.3789143100807 San Jose-San Joaquin ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.31222222 120.3705556101071 San Juan CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.667623 120.339288100210 San Juan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.331308 120.664456100283 San Juan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.10619 120.760947100490 San Juan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.984871 120.722786100835 San Juan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.41283333 120.3892139100607 San Juan North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.746561 120.456406100608 San Juan South CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.742 120.4554306100382 San Julian ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.576826 120.408485100814 San Julian ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.321683 120.346886101002 San Luis ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.276833 120.489998

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100815 San Manuel Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.3093 120.34386100125 San Marcelino ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.03472 120.761859100137 San Marcos ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.11924444 120.6519028100099 San Mateo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac II 18.051049 120.596428100778 San Miguel ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.926388 120.449402100260 San Nicolas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SAN NICOLAS Ilocos Norte San Nicolas 18.1727983 120.5946157100816 San Nicolas ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.30969444 120.3438100549 San Pablo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.44129 120.510002100779 San Pedro Comm. Sch. Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.955376 120.440742100550 San Pedro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.398159 120.462967150009 San Pedro PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.066008 120.663979100636 San Roque PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.27741111 120.4246528100616 San Sebastian ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN VICENTE Ilocos Sur San Vicente 17.622396 120.365623100836 San Simon ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.388538 120.388437100617 San Vicente IS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN VICENTE Ilocos Sur San Vicente 17.593118 120.374131100808 San Vicente-San Agustin ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo East 16.336375 120.3613861100817 Sanijubar ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.32449444 120.3558917100627 Santa CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA Ilocos Sur Santa 17.489725 120.436161100818 Santa Rita ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION AGOO La Union Agoo West 16.38470833 120.3528278100156 Santiago ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.007962 120.698604100284 Santiago ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.09572 120.769521100930 Santiago ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.48083889 120.3308806100637 Santiago North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.29796 120.443474100638 Santiago South Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTIAGO Ilocos Sur Santiago 17.294205 120.446373100948 Santiago Sur Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.407429 120.335436100011 Santo Cristo Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.25004167 120.6199444100157 Santo Nino ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.98181 120.730754101085 Santol Central School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.771449 120.458935100609 Saoang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.727737 120.42878100491 Saoil PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.139084 120.673309100108 Saoit ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.534696 120.626201101086 Sapdaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.735101 120.536807101017 Sapilang ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.21351111 120.4289111100651 Sapriana ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.888252 120.480637100323 Saricao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.381886 120.735741100529 Sarmingan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.457224 120.529999100271 Sarrat CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.1546168 120.6445555100272 Sarrat North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.1609881 120.6484196100512 SARSARACAT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR MAGSINGAL Ilocos Sur Magsingal 17.679352 120.470276101087 Sasaba PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.7666715 120.4478082100039 Saud ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.929377 120.456097100176 Saud ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.589308 120.786438101003 Saytan Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.234901 120.507863101113 Sengngat ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.879355 120.472286100682 Sevilla ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.008099 120.456202100366 Sibsibbu ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN EMILIO Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.29777 120.573074100683 Sidaoen Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.070486 120.457451100192 Sideg PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.038162 120.535705100585 Sigay Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.032742 120.583488100713 Silag-Pacang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.359894 120.508583100383 Silang ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.58535 120.4050639100867 Sinabugan Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.594271 120.513821100652 Sinait East CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.863648 120.458227100653 SINAIT WEST CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.864464 120.456572100072 Sinamar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.97585 120.706483100905 Sinapangan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.851847 120.443214100889 Sinapangan Norte ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.82705 120.453736100890 Sinapangan Sur ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BALAOAN La Union Balaoan 16.832206 120.436876

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100610 Singson Verzosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.72075 120.4416139101058 Sisi ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.67885 120.512724100423 Sisim ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.78795833 120.4884139100739 Sived ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.6603 120.374101059 Siwsiwan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN GABRIEL La Union San Gabriel 16.6755613 120.4008646100611 Solotsolot ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7560461 120.4252436100285 Solsona Central ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.091164 120.769748100586 Sorioan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.12254 120.536362100010 SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTER Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.25187 120.611381100530 St. Gregory E/S Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.448477 120.46312100286 Sta. Ana ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.100004 120.766672100663 Sta. Catalina CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CATALINA Ilocos Sur Sta. Catalina 17.587426 120.362877100211 Sta. Catalina ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.296563 120.641922100837 Sta. Cecilia ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.388722 120.398166100684 Sta. Cruz CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.083818 120.454641100856 Sta. Cruz Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.740711 120.346175100040 Sta. Cruz ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.90599 120.467228100654 Sta. Cruz ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.893076 120.466972100838 Sta. Lucia ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.402814 120.335173100698 Sta. Lucia North CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.117696 120.449857100699 Sta. Lucia South CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA LUCIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Lucia 17.115194 120.447365100714 Sta. Maria East CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.366838 120.4823100230 Sta. Maria ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.16666667 120.733325100715 Sta. Maria West CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.365094 120.476747100931 Sta. Monica ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAUANG La Union Bauang South 16.471109 120.372727100839 Sta. Rita ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.353227 120.345054100273 Sta. Rosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SARRAT Ilocos Norte Sarrat 18.124094 120.628192101072 Sta. Rosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.68441445 120.358137101129 Sta. Teresa ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.362571 120.413694100956 Sto. Domingo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna I 16.864666 120.388366100740 Sto. Domingo North Central School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.638746 120.410713100741 Sto. Domingo South CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.635909 120.406573100587 Sto. Rosario ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SIGAY Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.025642 120.580315100840 Sto. Rosario ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ARINGAY La Union Aringay 16.386597 120.343345101073 Sto. Rosario ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.681524 120.352481101094 Sto. Tomas CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.281287 120.381647100742 Sto. Tomas Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTO DOMINGO Ilocos Sur Sto. Domingo-San Ildefonso 17.638582 120.439651100250 Sto. Tomas ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.954753 120.555899100492 Suagayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR QUIRINO (ANGKAKI) Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 17.095161 120.674469100193 Suba ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAOAY Ilocos Norte Paoay 18.120045 120.516062100177 Subec ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.577154 120.816328100551 Sucoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.397081 120.517586100967 Sucoc Norte PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.839439 120.367959101114 Sudipen Central School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.904175 120.462348100344 Sugpon CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.8500004 120.5166702100994 Suguidan Integrated School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.507398 120.384673100212 Sulbec PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.33332222 120.616675100126 Sulquiano ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.11721944 120.7022694100531 Sulvec IS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.44753333 120.451425100086 Sumader ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.024833 120.580337100612 Sunggiam ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SAN JUAN (LAPOG) Ilocos Sur San Juan 17.7557 120.438100213 Surong PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.321622 120.642277100716 Suso ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.35957778 120.4571861100758 Suyo CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.983545 120.516441100138 Suyo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras II 18.130686 120.683548100968 Suyo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.851547 120.405382100759 Suyo Proper ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.965094 120.540802100056 Suyo PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.520547 120.705082

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101074 Taboc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.687013 120.340668100073 Tabtabagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.996002 120.676418100158 Tabucbuc ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE MARCOS Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 18.007917 120.698588100087 Tabug ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CITY OF BATAC Ilocos Norte Batac I 18.033589 120.548261100214 Tabungao PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.313755 120.623758100215 Tadao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PASUQUIN Ilocos Norte Pasuquin 18.333843 120.615435100552 Tadao ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.456772 120.55304100493 Tagpeo PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.937828 120.626816100780 Tagudin CS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.932961 120.447318100868 Tagudtud ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.579933 120.472434100384 Taguiporo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.57891111 120.4296861100057 Taguipuro ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANGUI Ilocos Norte Bangui 18.522769 120.710679100553 Taleb ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NAGBUKEL Ilocos Sur Narvacan South-Nagbukel 17.437956 120.558609100781 Tallaoen ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.950422 120.442802100969 Tallaoen ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION LUNA La Union Luna II 16.828553 120.383976100287 Talugtog Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE SOLSONA Ilocos Norte Solsona 18.116005 120.807945100012 Tambidao Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra I 18.258417 120.605722100304 Tamdagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.304434 120.7394100782 Tampugo ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR TAGUDIN Ilocos Sur Tagudin 16.976027 120.452377100109 Tanap ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BURGOS Ilocos Norte Burgos 18.494408 120.668138100231 Tangaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.178558 120.69683100717 Tangaoan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.33846667 120.4801194100345 Tangilig ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUGPON Ilocos Sur Alilem-Sugpon 16.8500055 120.5144815101018 Tanglag ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.24072222 120.4552083100179 Tarrag PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PAGUDPUD Ilocos Norte Adams-Pagudpud 18.545472 120.790514101004 Tavora ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION PUGO La Union Pugo 16.317214 120.45732100367 Tay-ac Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR LIDLIDDA Ilocos Sur Banayoyo-Lidlidda-San Emilio 17.235602 120.578373100385 Tay-ac ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR BANTAY Ilocos Sur Bantay 17.60978333 120.4460639100655 Teppeng ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.842903 120.455744100906 Ter-Con Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BANGAR La Union Bangar 16.89702 120.423018100718 Tinaan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA MARIA Ilocos Sur Sta. Maria 17.37626111 120.4912917100869 Tio-angan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.593889 120.513611101102 Tococ ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.28882222 120.3713833100232 Tonoton ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.14919722 120.7019417101088 Tubaday PS Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTOL La Union Santol 16.746577 120.53496

100588 Tubalina PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.17918 120.642052

101130 Tubao CES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION TUBAO La Union Tubao 16.346569 120.410677100023 Tubburan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BACARRA Ilocos Norte Bacarra II 18.28996389 120.6277639100656 Tubigay ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SINAIT Ilocos Sur Sinait 17.838456 120.47586100995 Tuddinggan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION NAGUILIAN La Union Naguilian 16.574816 120.413282100938 Tumapoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.550397 120.461994100324 Tungel ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar II 18.408264 120.785408100041 Turod ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.93343 120.466619100424 Turod ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CABUGAO Ilocos Sur Cabugao 17.789774 120.432228100532 Turod ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR NARVACAN Ilocos Sur Narvacan North 17.418978 120.461449101103 Ubagan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SANTO TOMAS La Union Sto. Tomas 16.26695833 120.3848917100589 Ubbog PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.139755 120.558319101019 Udiao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.217909 120.50273100159 Uguis ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE NUEVA ERA Ilocos Norte Marcos-Nueva Era 17.921131 120.585175

150515 Ul-oling PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SURGREGORIO DEL PILAR (CONCEPCION) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.145396 120.607701

101115 Up-uplas ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SUDIPEN La Union Sudipen 16.881559 120.511075150004 Upon PS Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PINILI Ilocos Norte Pinili 17.960946 120.540223100939 Upper Tumapoc ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BURGOS La Union Burgos 16.539301 120.459356100871 Upper Wallayan ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BAGULIN La Union Bagulin 16.582246 120.484019101075 Urbiztondo ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION SAN JUAN La Union San Juan 16.661625 120.330569100760 Urzadan ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.977222 120.523964

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100761 Uso ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SUYO Ilocos Sur Suyo 16.971025 120.541122100074 VALDEZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BANNA (ESPIRITU) Ilocos Norte Banna (Espiritu) 17.98321445 120.712341100127 Ver ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE DINGRAS Ilocos Norte Dingras I 18.15751389 120.6458139100590 Victory ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SALCEDO (BAUGEN) Ilocos Sur Salcedo-Galimuyod-Sigay-Del Pilar 17.165323 120.528458101020 VILA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION ROSARIO La Union Rosario 16.24014 120.470476100685 Villa Hermosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR SANTA CRUZ Ilocos Sur Sta. Cruz 17.095707 120.43736100461 Villamar ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CAOAYAN Ilocos Sur Caoayan 17.525892 120.38485100305 Vintar CES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.257139 120.65746100233 Virbira-Angset ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE PIDDIG Ilocos Norte Piddig 18.16666667 120.7333417100042 Virgen Milagrosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE BADOC Ilocos Norte Badoc 17.904291 120.442252100306 Visaya ES Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE VINTAR Ilocos Norte Vintar I 18.254394 120.689796100949 Wenceslao ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION CABA La Union Caba 16.45281111 120.3329194150012 Wilbur C. Go Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS NORTE CURRIMAO Ilocos Norte Currimao 17.997692 120.499936100857 Zaragosa ES Region I - Ilocos Region LA UNION BACNOTAN La Union Bacnotan 16.705407 120.372572100494 Zigzag Pines Elementary School Region I - Ilocos Region ILOCOS SUR CERVANTES Ilocos Sur Cervantes-Quirino 16.984264 120.685555118744 A.P. Gurrea Mem. ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.13967 124.312005118510 Abaca ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864 124.524002118673 Abachanan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.799161 124.372954118511 Abad Santos PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864185 124.524023118630 Abehilan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.835319 123.927189117951 Abihid ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.772374 124.55008118108 Abihilan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.836781 124.469334118303 Abijilan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.664223333 124.3077778119311 Ablayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.839698 123.466515118696 Abucay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIKATUNA Bohol Sikatuna 9.685791 123.970321119030 Abucayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.489057 123.711998119703 Abugon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.0563261 123.6247326118801 Achila ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.075379 124.447143119577 Adela ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.679215 10.679215118846 Adlawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.61611 124.192089118532 Agahay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.751196 123.84099118455 Agape ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.610701 124.02329119489 Agbalanga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.92007 123.448219118964 Agbanga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.600155 123.810608118490 Agsoso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.79597282 123.8186227119204 Agsuwao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.68151031 10.68151031118965 Agtugop ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.565563 123.715981

118586 Aguining ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.086866 124.593096

118512 Aguipo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864032 124.524033119277 Agujo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.267643 124.008781119525 Agutay Elem. School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.530459 123.362556118939 Alambijud ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.953083 9.953083118880 Alangasil ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.77527 9.77527187008 Alawijao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.834016 123.403145117929 Alburquerque Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.611111 123.956963118866 Alcantara Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.974531471 123.4047483118872 Alcoy Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.706477 123.509628118881 Alegria Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.732554 123.340919118130 Alegria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.850080833 124.1334453118162 Alegria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.833333 124.033333118443 Alegria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.604936 123.9802254119251 Alegria ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.25694444 123.9602778118282 Alejawan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.68745 124.400063117936 Alicia Central Elem. Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.88857 124.44485186507 Alicia CES Annex Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.88417 124.43676118533 Aliguay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.750382 123.839472117952 Almaria PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.769415 124.536647

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119526 Alo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.498241 123.402405118900 Aloguinsan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.217446 10.217446119578 Altavista ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.649247 10.649247118321 Alumar ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.19197 124.206159119136 Amancio Sepulveda MES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.8607 10.8607119205 Amancion PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.63722193 10.63722193119825 Amatugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.67589291 10.67589291118163 Ambuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.805996 124.023085119291 Amonsao Elem. School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.751323 123.425552118940 Anajao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.98582841 9.98582841119398 Anao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.604984573 9.604984573119670 Anapog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.006578 123.918854119206 Anapog PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 9.799568 123.479805118847 Anas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.61429 124.224418117953 Anda Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.745229 124.572393118901 Angilan Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.22474 10.22474117967 Angilan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.780453 123.934567118283 Angilan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.72048 124.38555118674 Anibongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.8068 124.315582118284 Anibongan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.72683 124.38895119552 Anislag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.2717967 10.2717967186511 Anislag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.688668 123.913972118882 Anislag PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.732693 9.732693118109 Anoling ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.839302 124.438279118365 Anonang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.034115 124.131181118848 Anonang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.679276 124.192489118059 Anonang PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.05306 124.175703119553 Anopog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.29847831 10.29847831118849 Anoyon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.668784 124.211372117968 Antequera Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.784135 123.896349118304 Antipolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.642222222 124.3177778119452 Antipolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.183433 123.948341119826 Antipolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.66842093 10.66842093119465 Antonio M. Pantaleon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.091432 123.967278118456 Antonio-Felipa PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.633298 124.026525119805 Apalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.753042 10.753042118941 Apo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.9886127 9.9886127187020 Arbor PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.645642 123.484566118917 Argao I Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.877003856 123.6032443119659 Argawanon Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.070058 123.957283119437 Armena ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.6572 9.6572119031 Arpili ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.457639 123.688789118066 Asinan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.087379 124.114979118966 Asturias Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.565632 123.715971119059 Atop-atop ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.277407 123.74073118788 Atty. Maximo C. Lasco Mem. ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.952 123.961998118565 Aurora ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.82105 124.320545118770 Avelino Chagas MES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.924442436 123.9366671118164 Baang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.85454 124.045572118218 Babag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.91672778 124.3334311119312 Babayongan Elem School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.837885 123.492226118184 Bacani ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.962 124.024002119472 Bacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.239053 123.792831119126 Baclayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.652692 123.487953117983 Baclayon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.6226516 123.9116847117954 Bacong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.736289 124.558676119207 Bactas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.68151031 10.68151031118491 Badbad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.80400244 123.8164852

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118994 Badian Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.859275 123.394531117955 Badiang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.792908 124.586719118697 Badiang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIKATUNA Bohol Sikatuna 9.792222234 124.5869444118391 Badiang PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.00102079 124.0679832119704 Bae PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.00479 10.00479186512 Bagacay Annex ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.120978 124.282808118471 Bagacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.857916 123.862195118566 Bagacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.803459 124.361401118733 Bagacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.123343 124.28298119137 Bagacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.88275 10.88275119725 Bagakay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10046.908 10046.908119208 Bagalnga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.71784151 10.71784151119223 Bagalnga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.46897 10.46897119806 Bagasawe ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.76354 10.76354119261 Bagay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.19723931 11.19723931118060 Bago ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0525613 124.1633071118967 Bago ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.626561 123.772812119234 Bagong Lipunan Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.38611111 123.9563889118771 Bagongbanua ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 10.055463 123.900029118165 Bagtic ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.848958 124.061365119671 Bagtik ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.069911 123.957428118366 Baguhan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.038097 124.071378118567 Bagumbayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.853187 124.341488118457 Bagumbayan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.656976 124.034192118392 Bahan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.95420303 124.094361119705 Bahay-Bagacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 9.991181 9.991181117930 Bahi PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.612313175 123.9442493119060 Baigad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.185506 123.779663118968 Bairan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.566739 123.820702119262 Bakhawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.20673799 11.20673799120008 Bakilid ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.33833335 123.9336111119827 Bakyawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.63959728 10.63959728119490 Bala ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.951944456 123.4513889118942 Balaas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.87709523 9.87709523119491 Balabagon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.918998 123.402962119018 Balamban Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.506655 123.714442119072 Balao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.065673 123.512489119383 Balaygtiki ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.05237632 10.05237632118883 Balha-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.80132 9.80132118553 Balicasag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.58247 123.755322119686 Balidbid ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.178665 123.784645118411 Balili ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.667088 124.354732117995 Balilihan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.756388901 123.9672222118850 Balingasao-Loctob ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.646785 124.208626118717 Balintawak ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.114218 124.315285119061 Balintawak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.184167 123.715278118918 Balisong-Casay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.840099 9.840099118061 Baluarte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053071 124.175789119617 Balud Elementary Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.74873 10.74873119292 Balud ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.753269 123.522026119618 Balungag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.19371 10.19371118322 Banacon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.200404 124.167093118393 Banahao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.97161265 124.0912142118919 Banahao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.859926 9.859926118267 Banban ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.602866 124.138112118969 Banban ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 12.23083333 12.23083333119660 Bancasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11002.558 11002.558119527 Bancogon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.459296 123.377342

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119252 Bangbang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.25868497 123.9441291119828 Bangkito PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.60144228 10.60144228118285 Bangwalog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.74557 124.35707118995 Banhigan Elem. School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.854497 123.390671119313 Banhigan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.795931 123.533424120004 Banilad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City South District 10.34682977 123.9120754118513 Banlas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.863847 124.524548118088 Banlasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.898819 123.929774118745 Banlasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.06529 124.326096118772 Banlasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.901111123 123.9422222119706 Banlot ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.041194 10.041194119048 Bantayan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.168056 123.723611117969 Bantolinao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.792489 123.937806118062 Bantuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.062333 124.180513119062 Baod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.21177 123.700188118367 Baogo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.03765 124.113654119073 Barili I Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.115105 123.5112118458 Bartolome Doria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.642532 124.005692118631 Baryong Daan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.890706 123.956493118492 Basac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.823111111 123.8033611118996 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 10.2901044 123.8657914119209 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.63555306 10.63555306119224 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.49029 10.49029119604 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.524483 9.524483119619 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.18362 10.18362119707 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.041041 10.041041119998 Basak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.3540026 123.95009118997 Basangpangpang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.765904 123.43689118493 Basdacu PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.781388889 123.7866111118346 Basdio ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.732068 124.518646118472 Basdio PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.848787 123.788019119492 Basdiot ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.946533 123.373718

118587 Basiao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.072432 124.553325

118998 Basiao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.822049 123.407272119672 Batad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.01662333 11.01662333119493 Batadbatad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 10.227086 123.593445118028 Bilangbilangan Daku ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.1334318 124.3837878119263 Bateria ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.14134806 124.0256186118347 Bato ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.766666 124.48333118999 Bato ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.850544 123.378159118063 Bato PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.068238 124.1079846118012 Batuan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.779618 124.146847118013 Batuan Central ES - Annex Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.782184 124.152355117996 Baucan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.745962 123.994246

118588 Baud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.060046 124.550574

118268 Bauhugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.6081324 124.1604173118632 Baunos PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.80982 123.951962119726 Bawo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 11.2525 124.2497118802 Bay-ang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 10.0174052 124.4301379118534 Bayacabac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.750141 123.856914118660 Bayawahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.735694 124.059944118514 Baybayon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.86427 124.524002118970 Baye PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.601415 123.822014118065 Buenavista CES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053076 124.175441118348 Bayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.82105 124.417709118568 Bayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.831537 124.360714

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119032 Bayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.520084 123.793037118275 Dimiao Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.6072874 124.1613221119127 Becerril ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.642777789 123.4072222118014 Behind The Clouds PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.808322 124.144815118803 Benliw ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.02388889 124.5083333118093 Bentig - Calunasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.899779 123.901111118349 Biabas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.804474 124.40329119019 Biasong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.532397 123.745659118473 Biasong PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.831411 123.810408119541 Biasong PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.755025 10.755025117970 Bicahan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.792385 123.92223118131 Bicao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8169261 124.2500761118027 Bien Unido Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.1429129 124.3766143118255 Biking ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.600087 123.843918118554 Bil-isan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.594958 123.762676118774 Bilang-Bilangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.987762 123.882431118291 Duero Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.7200991 124.4006164118029 Bilangbilangan East PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.244021 124.462997118041 Bilar Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.719611 124.1107119138 Bili ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.83986111 10.83986111119554 Binabag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.95500001 123.9611111118256 Bingag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.613956 123.80484118943 Binlod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.913611111 123.6047222119210 Binongkalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 11.2297 124.2175117971 Bitaugan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.760519 123.911089119384 Bitoon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.081284 10.081284119264 Bitoon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.23367605 11.23367605117997 Boctol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.754833 123.971085118412 Boctol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.680373 124.363337118971 Bog-o PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.599828 123.769203118902 Bogo Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.171348 10.171348

118589 Bogo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.078981 124.543233

118920 Bogo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.858083 9.858083118185 Bogtongbod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.935394 124.056179118132 Bohog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7335892 124.2169094118903 Bojo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.198563 10.198563119128 Boljoon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.62696 123.480026119074 Bolocboloc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.11468667 10.11468667187028 Bolocboloc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.72954 10.72954118555 Bolod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.5684763 123.7884308119453 Bomedco ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.111493 123.963654118089 Bonbon - Catmonan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.886971 123.886916118186 Bonbon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.963333285 124.0172222118904 Bonbon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.232271 10.232271

118590 Bonbonon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.125464 124.578683

118746 Bongbong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.035795 124.330702118805 Bongbong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9892007 124.445572118166 Bongbong PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.835427 124.018621119139 Bongdo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.86222224 123.9583333119767 Bongon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.8 10.8119140 Bongoyan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.85916667 10.85916667119211 Bongyas Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.65716322 10.65716322118015 Bonifacio ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.80606 124.143423118042 Bonifacio PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.771125 124.1162722118433 Bonkokan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.599722 124.133333118064 Bonotbonot ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053076 124.175441

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118187 Bontud PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.946955 124.035322118806 Bood ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.04201 124.472318118535 Bood PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.744047378 123.8318094119141 Borbon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.83514297 124.0255677119049 Botigues ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.104167 123.672222118444 Botoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.59718 124.038194118851 Botong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.707703 124.1990144118110 Boyoan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8179624 124.4991445117998 Boyog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.795382 124.030573118188 Buacao PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.951943 124.00116119253 Buagsong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.24899245 123.9396216118189 Buangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.962 124.024002119033 Buanoy Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.467071 123.700356118286 Buayahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.73921 124.42404119075 Budbud ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.08679833 10.08679833118569 Buenasuerte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.878048 124.368296117956 Buenasuerte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.790617 124.540568118499 Lintuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.8000002 123.8000031118133 Buenavista ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.850179722 124.2872222118459 Buenavista ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.637962 124.038134118807 Buenavista ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 10.0026789 124.3821135119854 Buenavista ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.657869 124.46563118134 Buenos Aires ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7835608 124.1501744118776 Buenos Aires ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.901808 124.00798118921 Bug-ot ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.875173 9.875173118067 Buga-ong PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.06387 124.1149282118043 Bugang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.761730556 124.211118643 Bugang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 10.00931 124.3801118368 Bugang PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.041296 124.069989119000 Bugas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.900698 123.406937118460 Bugho ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.655714 124.04812119494 Bugho ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.942669313 123.412957119620 Bugho ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.22585088 123.671649118494 Bugho PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.792722222 123.8383333118675 Bugsoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.787494 124.270316119089 Bugtong Kawayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.14433333 10.14433333119495 Buguil ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.943584 123.458641119034 Buhing-Tubig ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.459622 123.723389187011 Buhingtubig PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.29287018 10.29287018119314 Bulak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.853611111 123.4963889119385 Bulak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.04083828 10.04083828118873 Bulalacao Elem School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.727161 123.445473119605 Bulangsuran ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.528513 9.528513118944 Bulasa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.931374801 123.6177692118350 Bulawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.779988 124.470027118515 Bulawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864048 124.524141118808 Bulilis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9831237 124.4105343119372 Bullogan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.017175 123.463188187018 Buluang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.47788 10.47788119807 Bulwang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.74085 10.74085118777 Bunacan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.926124 124.012792119424 Bunakan IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.273872 123.718925118413 Bunga Ilaya PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.65503 124.363378118414 Bunga Mar ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.652238 124.364472117972 Bungahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.775401 123.916864119696 Bunlan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.436950336 9.436950336118718 Burgos ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.116667 124.283333118734 Busalian ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.16944174 124.3516072

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118536 Busao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.75282 123.902424119496 Busay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 10.36031313 123.8835419119555 Busay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.221521 123.620865119673 Busogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.96760167 10.96760167118500 Loon South Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.7947618 123.792098118945 Butong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.91025634 9.91025634119594 Butong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.999926 123.430832118323 Buyog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.144402 124.175457118415 Buyog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.664444 124.352586119020 C. Pepito ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.515546 123.825775119556 Caba-asan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.23988 123.611801118016 Cabacnitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.754337 124.175493118044 Cabacnitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.7569475 124.133001186504 Cabacungan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.874875 123.767034117999 Cabad-Candasig ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.752392 123.950678118867 Cabadiangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.95403675 123.4705574119225 Cabadiangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.45441403 123.9765568118269 Cabagakian Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.7002929 124.1791964119021 Cabagdalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.527149 123.802238119727 Cabalawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10043.318 10043.318120009 Cabancalan I ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.34698231 123.9275135120005 Cabancalan II ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City South District 10.345704 123.926502118661 Cabancalan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.695944 124.055361119235 Cabangahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.40361111 123.9244444119728 Cabangahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.78194444 10.78194444118644 Cabangahan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.994601 124.319382118351 Cabantian ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.73275 124.457584118633 Cabanugan IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.889344 123.969669118324 Cabasakan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129675 124.175189119035 Cabasiangan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.533557 123.81395117937 Cabatang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.92106 124.43178119621 Cabatbatan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.21429 10.21429118234 Cabatuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.978318 124.159901118537 Cabawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.738698 123.882337118090 Cabayugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.8027 123.87415119090 Cabcaban ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.13638331 10.13638331187012 Cabiangon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.306018 123.586288118516 Cabidian ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864079 124.524045187003 Cabil-isan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.978972 9.978972118474 Cabilao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.884722235 123.7822222118190 Cabog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.915928 124.04945119638 Cabonga-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.687514 124.34481118191 Caboy ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.945286 124.053515118091 Cabudburan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.828272 123.901228118495 Cabug PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.769972222 123.8021111118352 Cabugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.799399 124.433502118068 Cabul-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.1572549 124.0452911118778 Cabulijan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.950622688 123.978962119212 Cabunga-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.66702133 10.66702133118416 Cabungaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.712628 124.363873187015 Cabutongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.467692171 9.467692171118270 Cadap-agan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.616662 124.166632118111 Cadapdapan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.823757 124.430967119144 Cadaruhan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.85152778 10.85152778119747 Caduawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.9281 10.9281119473 Cadulawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.27346 123.774185118219 Cagawasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.93348611 124.2835544118394 Cagawasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.0052758 124.0612812

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118570 Cagawasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.839318 124.307842118325 Cagawasan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.130037 124.174344119708 Cagay Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.027572 10.027572118884 Cagay-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.716503 9.716503118369 Cagayan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.036556 124.071434119579 Cagcagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.705266 10.705266117938 Cagongcagong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.86325 124.39871118809 Cagting ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.056 124.473999118305 Cagwang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.695 124.2858333118676 Cahayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.755331 124.292064118779 Cahayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.918611123 123.9258333118874 Caidiocan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.720576 123.481926118634 Caimbang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.848715 123.972017118395 Cainsican PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.00213284 124.0850261119129 Caipilan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.616766 123.459312119142 Cajel ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.82500001 123.9741667118417 Calabacita ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.739868 124.311688119373 Calaboon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.05675 123.421249118946 Calagasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.90070993 9.90070993119474 Calajoan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.239511 123.802918119674 Calambua Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.89425523 123.9499079118609 Calangahan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.918126 124.07819119001 Calangcang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.807508 123.400269118810 Calanggaman ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.013482 124.453891118092 Calape Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.893139 123.876889119265 Calape ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.17531118 124.0334978118905 Calape PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.19202 10.19202119438 Calatagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.683295953 9.683295953118135 Calatrava ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.9001275 124.1500119118475 Calayugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.84659 123.803387119481 Calbasaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.307054 70.307054119293 Caleriohan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.769381513 123.4325971119410 Calero ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.36334973 123.9983359118811 California ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9870338 124.4371499118662 Calingaan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.719667 124.053583118663 Calinginan Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.75325 124.039639118664 Calinginan Sur PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.722941 124.037107119294 Caliongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.773475 123.465408119439 Calipay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.6361 9.6361118502 Napo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.8970056 124.4408121119855 Calmante Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.645008 124.487877118220 Caluasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.8835625 124.2835383118645 Caluasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.981194 124.317745119729 Calumboyan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10047.524 10047.524118461 Calunasan Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.62642 124.021653118434 Calvario PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.591667 124.072778118812 Camambugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.058001 124.423298118646 Camanaga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.999185 124.308823118017 Cambacay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.797623 124.13705119036 Cambagocboc Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.453777 123.78846119399 Cambagte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.5796303 9.5796303118665 Cambagui ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.734283 124.037095118167 Cambailan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.826632 124.044027117984 Cambanac PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.637351 123.942018118112 Cambane ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.826801 124.45533118647 Cambangay Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.99546 124.35983119213 Cambangkaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.6529598 10.6529598119386 Cambanog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 9.99955893 9.99955893

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118635 Cambansag PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.847694 123.940334117939 Cambaol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.90335 124.45076118476 Cambaquiz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.887812 123.768922119639 Cambat-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.679502 124.363945118271 Cambayaon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.609382 124.159065187027 Cambigong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.532985 9.532985118045 Cambigsi ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.743388889 124.159625118370 Cambitoon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 9.95906619 124.1307492119374 Camboang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.035399 123.424606118698 Cambuac Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIKATUNA Bohol Sikatuna 9.690867 123.987315118699 Cambuac Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIKATUNA Bohol Sikatuna 9.683333 123.966667118418 Cambugason ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.711232 124.3625118069 Cambuhat ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0700187 124.1138504118885 Cambunoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.445508 9.445508118070 Cambus-oc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.083292 124.1341118306 Cambuyo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.696028 124.261967118094 Camias PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.852112 123.889725119748 Camoboan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.95478 124.033945119482 Camp 7 ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.23396 70.23396119483 Camp 8 ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.37066 70.37066118046 Campagao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.7376626 124.1225575

118593 Campamanog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.1151635 124.529998

118326 Campao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129881 124.175521118327 Campao Occ. PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.12967 124.176251118496 Campatud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.813944444 123.8778889119400 Campisong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.60679206 9.60679206119640 Campo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.650655 124.338287119143 Campusong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.80666668 124.03119557 Camugao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.28915834 10.28915834119595 Can-abujon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.977875 123.454872119709 Can-aga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 9.997132 9.997132119214 Can-ibuang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.7107587 10.7107587118419 Can-ipol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.663766 124.363121118115 Can-olin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8056144 124.5267798118222 Can-oling ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.91683223 124.1669225186502 Can-omay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.781712 123.906442187019 Canamucan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.46746 10.46746119528 Cañang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.506291 123.355179119529 Canangcaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.578196 123.415344118200 Canangcaan IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.6828826 123.9216901119749 Canaocanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.89889 123.99897118201 Canapnapan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.688541 123.923494118113 Canawa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.816667 124.5118307 Canayaon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.622777778 124.3186111118922 Canbantug ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.874915 9.874915118923 Canbanua ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.88474 9.88474187010 Cancabalong PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.806102 123.474991118202 Cancatac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.686404 123.925157117957 Candabong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.733489 124.533349118462 Candabong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.6654461 124.0694827118868 Candabong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.962490618 123.4155603119710 Candaguit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.0423359 123.6216337118538 Candavid ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.791676 123.858023118221 Candelaria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.86675834 124.2834678119002 Candiis ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.804305 123.408348119558 Candiis ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.264465 10.264465118114 Candijay Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.81735 124.49536

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118924 Candolonon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.854553 9.854553118445 Candontol PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.609355 123.998681118852 Canduao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.612196 124.194921118308 Candulao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.634161 124.299456120010 Canduman ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.3684167 123.9349659118636 Candungao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.885577 123.917139118071 Cangawa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0553827 124.1147579118886 Cangcalape PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.776865 9.776865118328 Cangmundo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129134 124.175446118095 Canguha ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.833082 123.89198119454 Canhabagat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.117796 123.996628118477 Canhangdon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.83564 123.811824118353 Canhaway ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.749859 124.470802118272 Canhayupon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.614691 124.158718118478 Canigaan-Ubojan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.877461 123.8522329187035 CANINGAG PRIMARY SCHOOL Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.46887 123.722061118420 Canjulao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.657859 124.362727117973 Canlaas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.807193 123.879002118273 Canlambong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.616112 124.167265118677 Canlangit ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.792802 124.282408119315 Canlawilao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.825168 123.472327117931 Canlimpong PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.653461 123.958433118396 Canlinte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.9837341 124.1024824118479 Canmaag PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.840326 123.835051

118594 Canmangao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.093056 124.569934

118610 Canmano ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.901047 124.12574118611 Canmaya Centro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.932668 124.081966118612 Canmaya Diot ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.916667 124.099998119401 Canorong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.54610529 9.54610529119606 Cañorong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.542735 9.542735119580 Cansabusab PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.666793 10.666793119236 Cansaga Elementary Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.78794444 10.78794444118637 Cansague Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.8392 123.963486118638 Cansague Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.832366 123.95942119530 Cansaloay Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.615644 123.394402119596 Cansalonoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.996233 123.466133119711 Cansantic ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.022064 10.022064119597 Cansayahon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 10.013059 123.428261118865 Cansibao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.617802 124.214209117974 Cansibuan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.802867 123.874447118354 Cansiwang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.747633 124.430412119037 Cansomoroy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.473802 123.762703118288 Cansuhay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.70365 124.37742118925 Cansuje ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.924602 9.924602118047 Cansumbol PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.73517468 124.1291902118571 Cansungay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.853525 124.388523118421 Cantagay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.654406 124.365382118000 Cantalid PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.731687 123.972234118480 Cantam-is ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.846884 123.825479118481 Cantaongon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.840622 123.827048118678 Cantaub PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.751778 124.349742119038 Cantibas Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.46268667 10.46268667118018 Cantigdas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.789366 124.140324117932 Cantiguib PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.656994 123.970556187001 Cantolaroy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.003446 10.003446118001 Cantomimbo PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.801625 123.975922118482 Cantomucad PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.8647654 123.8425272

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118072 Cantores PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053041 124.175446118192 Cantoyoc PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.965681 124.05064118073 Cantuba ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0516195 124.1136144118235 Cantubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.974134 124.211462119185 Cantucong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.616371 123.986969119186 Cantumog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.60443464 123.9880576118422 Cantuyoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.651 124.366997118423 Canuba ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.635543 124.344335118648 Capayas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.962289 124.273527119455 Caputatan Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.16464695 123.9740506119456 Caputatan Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.12367 123.968407118236 Carbon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.964286 124.165909119829 Caridad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.66300741 10.66300741119830 Carmelo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.70528038 10.70528038119187 Carmen Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.58757453 124.0144787118154 Carmen East Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8184968 124.1959676118780 Carmen Mellijor PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.911586 123.935185118136 Carmen West Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.816826667 124.1835667119278 Carnaza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.508033 124.098118813 Casate ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 10.0501511 124.4591846119316 Casay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.821695 123.550232118355 Casbu ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.799737 124.461315117958 Casica PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.757042 124.571117118679 Casilay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.773898 124.288416119237 Casili Elem. School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.37867727 123.9356804119039 Casili ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.536895 123.816986120011 Casili ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.3333 123.933118736 Cataban Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.228891 124.383408118572 Catagdaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.848113 124.37067119295 Catambisan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.820749 123.465246118926 Catang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.896885 9.896885187025 Catarman Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.249939 123.950012118257 Catarman ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.603018 123.860664119411 Catarman ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.389838 124.006737118169 Catigbian Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.857602 124.003216118074 Catigbian ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053036 124.176307118170 Catigbian West Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.851025133 123.9982337119215 Catmon Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.72843593 124.0126396119216 Catmondaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.68570414 124.0146135119296 Catolohan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.749431 123.426109118747 Catoogan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.059966 124.374304118274 Catugasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.606259 124.159353118356 Catungawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.7811445 124.445862118371 Causlan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.02016 124.106323118171 Causwagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.882106 124.029436118639 Causwagan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.878507 123.967806118075 Cawag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.05306 124.175693118906 Cawasan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.176203 10.176203119317 Cawayan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.80478 123.534637118397 Cawayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.99141907 124.0828529118517 Cawayanan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864122 124.524217118781 Cawayanan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.867222234 124.5305555119542 Cawit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.732251 10.732251117940 Cayacay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.8926 124.47375118309 Cayam ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.608652 124.284753119440 CerdeÑa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.670314092 9.670314092119994 Cesar M. Cabahug ES (Looc) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City Central District 10.322354 123.952381118193 Clarin Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.961899604 124.0251987

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118435 Cogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.598343 124.123889119254 Cogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.26549457 123.9512883119375 Cogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.035764 123.452202118498 Cogon Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.80319444 123.80025119808 Cogon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.712681 10.712681118002 Cogon-Tagustusan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.783836 124.033742118116 Cogtong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.836019 124.530373187024 Colase ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.496826 9.496826118947 Colawin ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.97217297 9.97217297119831 Colonia Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.65546442 10.65546442119226 Compostela Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.45591 10.45591118887 Compostela ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.783711 9.783711118927 Conalum ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.909694 9.909694118237 Concepcion ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.92768 124.254843118446 Concepcion ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.622224 123.996248118680 Concepcion ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.822208 124.301696119238 Consolacion Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.372758 123.953873119297 Consolacion ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.747285 9.747285119641 Consuelo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.631928 124.299828118649 Corazon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 10.00008 124.387083119255 Cordova Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.25422474 123.9499932118203 Corella Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.688033 123.919278119040 Cornelio C. Melgar Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.493255 123.716805119318 Coro ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.788911 123.531921119188 Corte Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.602815 123.981422118330 Corte-Baud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129815 124.175364118206 Cortes Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.719586 123.87703119376 Cotcoton ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.012143 123.450714118372 Cuaming ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.03398 124.064919119484 Cuanos ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.26435 70.26435120012 Cubacub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.371058 123.939255118972 Cubong Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.585243 123.766289119457 Curva ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.139019 124.003471118814 Cuya Elem School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.973715 124.566208119642 Daan Montealegre ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.657487 124.347298119581 Daan Paz PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.694535 10.694535119856 Daan Secante ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.659944 124.487701119266 Daanbantayan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.25033519 11.25033519119458 Daanlungsod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.147101 123.954025119531 Daanlungsod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.509995 123.418854119809 Daanlungsod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.73317856 10.73317856119750 Daantabogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.91649977 124.034077119730 Daat Primary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10047.816 10047.816119003 Dagatan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.869597 123.408768118398 Dagnawan E/S Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.939492 124.0900644118223 Dagohoy Central Elementary Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.88352666 124.2667589118048 Dagohoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.764925 124.1039167118238 Dagohoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.970668 124.220474118399 Dagohoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.99366644 124.0744268118076 Dait Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.060642 124.103107118373 Dait Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.004807 124.137021119076 Dakit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.108124 123.556969119298 Dalaguete Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.758246 123.533447119607 Dalahikan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.489946 9.489946118928 Dalas-ag PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.843961 9.843961119768 Dalid ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.81666667 10.81666667119267 Dalingding ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.20079118 11.20079118119459 Dalingding Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.175252 123.983849

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119731 Damolog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.76895489 124.0041115118194 Danahaw IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.916528 124.026786118239 Danao Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.946667 124.222222118289 Danao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.74504 124.41196118556 Danao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.56027779 123.7583333118853 Danao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.654231 124.199699118240 Danao Gamay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.976205 124.219745117975 Danao PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.800382 123.911613119643 Danao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.647618 124.370125117933 Dangay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.653951 123.968858119239 Danglag Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.394735 123.955566118681 Danicop ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.76362 124.298119118258 Dao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.672719 123.87049119227 Dapdap ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.49336 10.49336119543 Dapdap ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.785813 10.785813119644 Dapdap ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.591518 124.286957119661 Dapdap ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.1492 124.7558117993 Dasitam ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.655976 123.911931118003 Datag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.720499 123.979422118310 Datag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.726074 124.294962118374 Datag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.004807 124.137021118259 Dauis Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.623809 123.857644119189 Dawis Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.57665974 124.0179568119190 Dawis Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.471607 123.947754119256 Day-as ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.25444444 123.9438889119460 Dayhagon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.079761 123.974556118518 Del Mar ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864085 124.524269117941 Del Monte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.87986 124.42504118573 Del Pilar ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.835597 124.304953118207 Dela Paz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.700976352 123.8678374118748 Diis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.037486 124.311647118506 Ticugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.800698 123.7995418118539 Dipatlong PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.746829 123.840677119077 Dita PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.08619667 10.08619667119387 Doldol ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.0556131 10.0556131118522 Marcelo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.8640003 124.5240021120018 Don Calixto C. Yongco, Sr. ES (Tawason ES) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.378375 123.932071119145 Don Gregorio Antigua ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.84072222 10.84072222118973 Don M. Estrella Mem. ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.626819 123.758064119461 Don Virgilio ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.105552 123.998482119146 Doña Mary R. Osmeña Mem. Elem. Sch. Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.86786111 10.86786111119050 Doong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.078056 123.641944118004 Dorol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.772500012 123.9608333119147 Do¤a Milagros Osme¤a ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.85419444 10.85419444119041 Duangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.466976 123.72155119559 Duangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.261222 123.634094118290 Duay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.73312 124.41237118557 Doljo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.5870478 123.7325147119299 Dugyan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.763853 123.420044118888 Dugyan Primary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.756256 9.756256119319 Dumalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.822804611 123.4827136119377 Dumanjug Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.051845 10.051845118682 Dusita ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.767794 124.308647119217 Duyan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.71787318 10.71787318119130 El Pardo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.661085 123.491135118137 El Progreso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.866815 124.2335392118138 El Salvador ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.850025 124.2502072119191 Elpidio I. De Dios ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.58465146 124.0164281

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


119409 Ernesto V. Veloso ES (Cabadiangan ES) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.441089 123.9851118907 Esperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.19296 10.19296119544 Esperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.800616 10.800616119582 Esperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.701955 10.701955119645 Esperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.69578 124.314766118224 Estaca ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.90022639 124.2000878118311 Estaca ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.6675 124.275118574 Estaca ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.845237 124.315953119228 Estaca ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.43738 10.43738118666 Ewon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.68 124.049722118208 Fatima ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.718571 123.928284118815 Fatima ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.05531 124.478809118375 Fatima PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.067672 124.07557119082 Federico & Solidad Villaflor ES (Luhod ES) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.08010884 10.08010884119832 Fortaliza PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.665707 10.665707119192 Francisco S. Villamor Sr.elementarys School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.606127 124.00045119833 Gaang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.61310879 10.61310879119042 Gaas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.42201 123.785713118816 Gabi ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9934529 124.4342859119257 Gabi ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.26242978 123.9610238118650 Garcia ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.982377 124.324998118719 Garcia Park ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.134982 124.31753118019 Garcia PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.794916 124.148532118312 Garcia-Hernandez Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.613888 124.294444119240 Garing ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.41474258 123.9474091

118595 Gaus ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 9.796606 124.242157

119662 Gawaygaway ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 10.96600167 10.96600167119532 Gawi ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.579714 123.466469119857 General PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.64501307 10.64501307118483 Genomoan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.83984 123.847325118782 Genonocan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.930479 123.959286118331 Getafe Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.145818 124.152617119462 Gibitngil IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.179533 123.922455119091 Giloctog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.151561 123.516869119258 Gilutongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.206312 123.988213119834 Gimama-a ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.68745185 10.68745185119218 Ginabukan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.67041205 10.67041205119402 Ginatilan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.563855077 9.563855077118854 Ginopolan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.704996 124.219955118463 Gon-ob PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.620767 124.034536118464 Gotozon E/s Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.650682 124.028999118817 Gov. Boyles ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9929793 124.4129482119131 Granada ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.599131 123.475708119622 Greenhills ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.16239 10.16239119022 Gregoria Milan Mem. ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.515851 123.727226118139 Guadalupe ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8001178 124.2001711118889 Guadalupe ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.731476 9.731476118292 Guba ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.75715 124.38708119092 Guibuangan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.115327 123.495834119712 Guimbangcoan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.034448 10.034448119560 Guimbawi-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.251274 123.641914119279 Guimbitayan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.343728 124.110535118974 Guinabasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.629756 123.746811119043 Guinabinhan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.445927 123.691223118357 Guinacot ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.741569 124.46342118737 Guindacpan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.225914 124.281994118276 Guindaguitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.610601 124.143577

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119475 Guindarohan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.267482 123.756828118358 Guindulman Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.769117 124.483235118667 Guinob-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.687833 124.048361118749 Guinobatan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.072643 124.343361119268 Guinsolungan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.21457922 11.21457922118293 Guinsularan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.72364 124.42235118818 Guintaboan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.997121 124.567529118359 Guio-ang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.793309 124.511406118875 Guiwang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.687975 123.503433119063 Guiwanon Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.199746 123.708072117986 Guiwanon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.6270036 123.8906816118783 Guiwanon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.938754 123.951571118948 Guiwanon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.962222222 123.6194444119403 Guiwanon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.602096588 9.602096588118540 Guiwanon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.736298 123.813036119078 Gunting ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.08904833 10.08904833118949 Gutlang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.9673254 9.9673254118172 Hagbuaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.813439 124.048834118651 Hagbuyo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 10.00449 124.34759119687 Hagdan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.347431 123.894196119533 Hagdan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.50167 123.407188119193 Hagnaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.575994 123.993759119663 Hagnaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.09274898 123.9431523118173 Haguilanan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.797877 123.986694118005 Haguilanan Grande ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.794518 123.978226118819 Hambabauran ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 10.003952 124.4147808118376 Hambongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.033653 124.064972118332 Handumon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.173103 124.185273118006 Hanopol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.784936 124.046617118241 Hibale ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.929962 124.214317119688 Hilantagaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.192725 11.192725119093 Hilasgasan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.16119444 10.16119444119051 Hilotongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.146706 123.642143119646 Himangkungan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.607295 124.298889119647 Himensulan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.603836 124.283607119023 Hingatmonan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.518404 123.766693118030 Hingotanan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.24027779 124.4863889118750 Hinlayagan Ilaud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.040528 124.343061118751 Hinlayagan Ilaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.042388 124.335852118820 Humayhumay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.073 124.4183119259 Ibabao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.27146542 123.9554116119996 Ibabao-Estancia ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City Central District 10.33510997 123.9435663118575 Ilaud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.808533 124.350758119623 Ilaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.19686 10.19686118377 Ilaya PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.024611 124.137735118821 Ilihan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9226269 124.4307072119751 Ilihan IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.902562 123.9674118400 Ilihan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.96466073 124.0754974118784 Ilijan Sur PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.90962 123.951755118822 Imelda ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.024281 124.508523118378 Inabanga North IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.033333 124.066666118401 Inabanga South Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.796609 124.242157118576 Inaghuban ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.833 124.333118890 Inghoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.750266 123.424332119732 Inocoyan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10045.127 10045.127119194 Ipil ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.63916667 10.63916667117959 Ipo PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.72596 124.513581118775 Isaac Lopoz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.935096 123.998072

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118287 Itum PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.72505 124.43198119835 Jagbuaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.68910644 10.68910644118424 Jagna Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.654093434 124.371103118333 Jagoliao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.199467 124.164894118436 Jambawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.602222 124.145277118950 Jampang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.911111111 123.5933333118334 Jandayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.169559 124.174076118335 Jandayan Sur PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.159755 124.173428118541 Jandig ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.751196 123.840968118020 Janlud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.792643 124.137985118738 Jao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.17241633 124.3668953119094 Japitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.12725038 10.12725038118465 Jimili-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.638788 124.028295119300 Jolomaynon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.765249 123.501579118929 Jomgao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.890827 9.890827118785 Jose Boja ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.930734 123.932577119024 Jose Chona Jo ES (Cambuhawe) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.499833 123.718895119752 Jose Malazarte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.89903 10.89903118823 Juagdan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.98595 124.5639119412 Jubay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.41873201 123.9956107119280 Jubot PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 10.414594 123.947334119241 Jugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.37941482 123.9721635119608 Jumangpas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.507476 123.333252119064 Kabac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.23705167 11.23705167119378 Kabalaasnan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.005357 123.480789119769 Kabalawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.76666667 10.76666667119065 Kabangbang Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.209327 123.720862119836 Kabangkalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.66137789 10.66137789

118596 Kabangkalan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.102048 124.601105

118613 Kabasacan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.874158 124.104454119404 Kabatuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.57135248 9.57135248119810 Kabkaban ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.708503 10.708503118652 Kagawasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.97592 124.259301186514 Kagawasan ES Annex Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.995055 124.250023118614 Kagawasan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.938586 124.088489118225 Kagawitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.90017972 124.2667561119095 Kagay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.13607 123.541992119837 Kagbao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.63491942 10.63491942119405 Kagsing ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.581216387 9.581216387119753 Kal-anan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.936 10.936119811 Kalangahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.7279997 10.7279997119609 Kalatagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.493383 9.493383118975 Kaluangan I PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.516782 123.888382118976 Kaluangan II ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.520585 123.86367119838 Kalunsing ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.61865081 10.61865081119839 Kamansi ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.6451408 10.6451408119610 Kamburoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.496828 9.496828119066 Kampingganon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.226141 123.721893119812 Kampoot PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.4637 10.4637119840 Kan-an PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.59434592 10.59434592119675 Kanagahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.94629167 10.94629167119697 Kandamiang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.455844841 9.455844841118908 Kandingan Elementary Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.203561 10.203561119096 Kandugay Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.14185167 10.14185167119379 Kang-actol ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.022505 123.476997118174 Kang-iras ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.859613 124.068918119079 Kangdampas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.0587631 10.0587631

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187006 Kanghalo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.022641 10.022641119388 Kanghumaod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.06999926 10.06999926119425 Kangwayan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.256026 123.732407119771 Kanlim-ao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.85 10.85119772 Kanluhangon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.86666667 10.86666667119773 Kanluma ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.78333333 10.78333333119774 Kanlungcab PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.76666667 10.76666667119775 Kansaguibo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.86666667 10.86666667119841 Kansi ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.61839212 10.61839212118909 Kantabogon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.18785 10.18785187016 Kantangkas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.037982 123.464226119776 Kantubaon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.86666667 10.86666667119389 Kanyuko PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.09100259 10.09100259119426 Kaongkod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.282457 123.74614119842 Kaorasan PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.62069698 10.62069698119301 Karatagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.788996 123.472382118824 Katarungan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.038468 124.483582117942 Katipunan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.87865 124.37916118140 Katipunan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.83335 124.20024118615 Katipunan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.933513 124.134495117943 Katipunan ES Annex Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.87113 124.37627118752 Kauswagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.039176 124.269733119463 Kawit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.18694446 123.9452778119664 Kayam ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11002.587 11002.587118096 Kinabag-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.905444 123.815595118425 Kinagbaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.680826 124.347114118753 Kinan-oan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.05 124.349999119689 Kinatarcan Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.32959 123.893509119676 Kinawahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.7681 124.7558119427 Kodia Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.247271 123.715836118226 La Esperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.90022639 124.2000878117944 La Hacienda ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.88431 124.3948118141 La Libertad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8001675 124.183505118142 La Paz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8002094 124.1668353118143 La Salvacion ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.78337 124.216835118577 La Suerte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.899863 124.355221118117 La Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8448557 124.4831349118683 La Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.8017746 124.255672118754 La Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.065544 124.363317118144 La Victoria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.866818056 124.1168631118755 La Victoria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.084136 124.34907118855 La Victoria ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.715487 124.218582119148 Laaw ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.84358333 10.84358333119754 Labangon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.91635 10.91635119999 Labogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.3519 123.953119441 Labrador PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.630531667 9.630531667118097 Labu-on ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.87704 123.868806118668 Lagtangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.709083 124.04275118542 Lagtangon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.751 123.841003118195 Lajog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.952989 124.009241118876 Lalin Primary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.702744 123.493294119242 Lamac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.385591 123.965126119561 Lamac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.2709 123.667938119713 Lamacan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.027153 10.027153119080 Lamak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.074806 10.074806187007 Lamak PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.02718047 10.02718047119004 Lambug ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.854836 123.385002119677 Lambusan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.99742833 10.99742833

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119025 Lamesa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.514396 123.790794119464 Lamintak Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.10274933 123.966968118977 Lanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.581051 123.733475119281 Lanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.247734 124.027107119320 Lanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.802277 123.511803119497 Lanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.953211 123.418343119545 Lanao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.759963 10.759963119598 Langin ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.976057 123.489822119302 Langkas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.785808 123.458221118294 Langkis PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.72017 124.42235118930 Langtad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.888893392 123.6049118616 Langtad PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.933006 124.122135118951 Langub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.97335387 9.97335387118978 Langub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.59083333 10.59083333119690 Langub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.333293 123.902092119195 Lanipga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.579031 123.997238119243 Lanipga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.45373 123.936745118856 Lantang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.711764 124.211372119733 Lantawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10047.103 10047.103119624 Lantawan IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.158573 123.667427118077 Lapacan Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053134 124.175822118931 Lapay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.886923 9.886923

118597 Lapinig ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.109936 124.58606

118277 Lapsaon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.615754 124.167254186513 Lapu-lapu ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.850239722 124.1502553118426 Larapan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.659019 124.392947118447 Las Salinas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.600168 124.027576118684 Lataban ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.741331 124.33001119413 Lataban ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.432907 123.962585118869 Lawaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.963761315 123.437379119380 Lawaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.02562 123.436211118379 Lawis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.035205 124.0663416118484 Lawis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.8532 123.827105119665 Lawis ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.05693667 11.05693667117987 Laya ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.618027 123.929116118891 Legaspi Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.70923 9.70923118952 Lengigon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.978343248 9.978343248120000 Leonard Wood ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.3645528 123.9559215118892 Lepanto ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.701473 9.701473119734 Lib-og ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10044.508 10044.508118558 Libaong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.598729 123.79858119678 Libaong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.92796167 10.92796167117988 Libertad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.650031 123.894236118313 Libertad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.621845 124.282018118786 Libertad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.899233 123.985365119583 Libertad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.628744 10.628744118175 Libertad PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.877709 124.00094119269 Libertad PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.20244985 11.20244985118031 Liberty PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.111345 124.377769119755 Libjo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.93756 10.93756118893 Libo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.714351 9.714351119714 Libo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.034434 10.034434119303 Libo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.756187 123.430313119813 Libo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.700177 10.700177119599 Liboo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.98749 123.419571118176 Liboron ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.86489 124.047117119625 Liburon Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.18181 10.18181

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118669 Licolico ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.699167 124.061694119026 Liki ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.527834 123.788818119735 Liki ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10048.395 10048.395118437 Lila Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.5925 124.101434119414 Liloan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.402148 123.997795119698 Liloan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.422082779 9.422082779118380 Liloan Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.0148639 124.1051888118381 Liloan Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.012502 124.095768118278 Limokon Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.662494 124.174122118857 Limokon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.649154 124.18631117960 Linawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.779993 124.588354118543 Lincod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.728303 123.864423119715 Lindogon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 9.978457 9.978457119044 Lingatong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.484394 123.75824118894 Lingatong PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.721069 9.721069

118591 Bayog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.061514 124.5347232

118953 Linut-od ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.8870093 9.8870093119485 Lipata Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.25484 70.25484

118598 Lipata ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.140042 124.603072

119052 Lipayran ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.05856753 123.6339595119699 Liptong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.438901131 9.438901131119283 Lo-oc PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.262045 124.03157118670 Lobgob PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.693583 124.029667118756 Loblob ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.04898 124.306812118466 Loboc Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.637633 124.031595118295 Lobogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.74244 124.42362119282 Logon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 10.35394805 123.9575245118825 Lomangog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9916314 124.4477499119442 Lombo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.681231667 9.681231667118360 Lombog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.788911 124.39093118402 Lomboy PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.96972576 124.1059628117961 Londag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.761994 124.522088118427 Lonoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.712628 124.363873118403 Lonoy PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.01303792 124.083557118559 Looc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.592118 123.755665119443 Looc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.615272988 9.615272988119534 Looc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.540558 123.444344119666 Looc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.285 124.7447118979 Looc Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.570499 123.727364187026 Looc PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.421050862 9.421050862118485 Loon North Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.8448702 123.8200112

118592 Butan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 9.8448702 123.8200112

119756 Loong Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.93543895 123.999691118209 Loreto ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.740050939 123.9072024118210 Lourdes ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.700330556 123.8928083118560 Lourdes ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.596772 123.794117119476 Lower Tunghaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.246109 123.778564119081 Loyo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.0902 10.0902118118 Luan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8330373 124.449189118078 Lubang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.057811 124.194535119736 Lubo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.80516443 123.9686932119655 Lucio O. Arquillano Memorial School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.646268 124.380943119304 Lugsangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.807392 123.438797119321 Lumbang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.822385 123.53775118578 Lumbay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.827478 124.335995

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118980 Lunas I ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.626698 123.797981118981 Lunas II ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.638932 123.776459118579 Lundag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.800414 124.372387118021 Lungsod-Daan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.789958 124.142706118119 Lungsodaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.816667 124.5118519 Lungsodaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.86408 124.524186119132 Lunop ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.628666 123.427269119229 Lupa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.48927 10.48927118085 Lusong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.049171 124.179565119814 Lusong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.756006 10.756006119562 Lut-od ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.275115 123.614098118404 Lutao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.033333 124.066666119196 Luyang Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.60083335 124.0222222119679 Luyang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.91533 123.899071118405 Luyo PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.0218025 124.0680766187017 Luyongbaybay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.085283 123.652245118827 Luz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 10.0116701 124.4107814119083 M. H. Paras MES (Campangga ES) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.10457084 10.10457084118382 Ma. Rosario PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 9.9638673 124.1183271119428 Maalat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.277407 123.72657118954 Mabasa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.93152286 9.93152286118520 Mabini Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.866045 124.523382119584 Mabini PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.62861111 124.4202778118758 Mabuhay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.045768 124.344435118406 Mabuhay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.97497154 124.0766122119757 Mabuli ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.94889 10.94889119778 Mabunao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.83333333 10.83333333119219 Macaas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.6961627 124.0118081118438 Macalingan P/S Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.591667 124.088333119585 Mactang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.684774 10.684774119815 Macupa PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.75132646 10.75132646119600 Madanglog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.973125 123.476578119429 Madridejos Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.295377 123.733047118895 Madridejos ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.788327 123.349733118296 Madua Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.6947 124.40206118297 Madua Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.69125 124.3988119816 Mag-agta PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.752921 10.752921119843 Mag-alwa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.63651651 10.63651651119844 Mag-antoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.62923621 10.62923621119845 Mag-atubang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.65828597 10.65828597119230 Magay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.47165716 124.018791119648 Magay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.618388 124.343605119716 Magcagong PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.009628 10.009628118982 Magcalape ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.562077 123.794983119149 Magdolinog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.84072222 10.84072222119846 Maghan-ay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.62890868 10.62890868119084 Maghanoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.10937233 10.10937233118079 Magkaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.05306 124.175446118671 Magsaysay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.755889 124.054306118685 Magsaysay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.77855 124.302322118721 Magsaysay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.124062 124.305317119626 Magsico ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.20562454 123.6778729118007 Magsija-Maslog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.741965 123.950005118242 Magtangtang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.948646 124.195105120013 Maguikay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.34111113 123.9361111118759 Mahagbu ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.058445 124.372072118336 Mahanay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.192883 124.238664118739 Mahanay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.194573 124.236603

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118120 Mahangin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.788333346 124.4777778119444 Mahanlud ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.631791268 9.631791268119466 Maharuhay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.18507 123.948807117945 Mahayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.86511 124.4377118521 Mahayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864973 124.525485118653 Mahayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.93516667 124.3166118177 Mahayag Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.834582 124.067202118227 Mahayag PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.91688417 124.3001183118178 Mahayag Sur PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.829677 124.065313117962 Mahayahay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.78137 124.573862119085 Maigang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.09052833 10.09052833119535 Mainit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.454713 123.375275118179 Maitum ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.866378 124.060507119005 Malabago PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.825194 123.377411119445 Malabuyoc Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.654594158 9.654594158118932 Malacorong PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.916402 9.916402118955 Malalag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.946694 9.946694118211 Malayo PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.725015 123.891223119270 Malbago ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.15768788 124.0239571119430 Malbago ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.290874 123.743652118428 Malbog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.666211 124.359559119006 Malhiao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.885270927 123.4038943118314 Malinao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.609587 124.275147118439 Malinao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.604166 124.151944118032 Malingin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.161185 124.442497119045 Malingin ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.409556 123.765472119271 Malingin ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.21606515 11.21606515118228 Malitbog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.91673834 124.2835975119097 Malolos ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.130755 123.579102119322 Malones ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.820743333 9.820743333119323 Maloray ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.860448 123.461891119053 Mambacayao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.032769 123.589226118298 Mambool ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.6895 124.38535119150 Managase ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.84072222 10.84072222119737 Manahaw PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10045.883 10045.883119324 Manangal ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.779951 123.52462119717 Manatad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.014687 10.014687187029 Mancilang Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.295251 123.736908119997 Mandaue City CS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City Central District 10.32579473 123.9444562189001 Mandaue City CS SPED Center Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City Central District 10.325754 123.944345120014 Mandaue City School For The Arts Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.379736 123.932417118098 Mandaug ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.905471 123.90972118099 Mandaug-Gamay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.903061 123.925172118033 Mandawa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.133229 124.384399118956 Mandilikit ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.95254 9.95254119486 Manduang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 70.27784 70.27784119007 Manduyong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.89601 123.420587118870 Manga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.95308165 9.95308165119406 Mangaco ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.558312544 9.558312544119738 Mangadlao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10044.578 10044.578119847 Mangga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.71035761 10.71035761119563 Mangoto PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.252533 123.595131118983 Manguiao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.576041 123.775246119718 Mangyan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.052207 10.052207119758 Manlagtang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.957271 123.995895119325 Manlapay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.87276846 123.475475119390 Manlapay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.05156918 10.05156918119536 Manlum PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.552804 123.378609

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119667 MaÑo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.128611 124.739166118617 Mantalongon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.939769 124.105656119098 Mantalongon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.126422 123.578232119305 Mantalongon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.810499 123.461523118180 Mantasida ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.884643 124.044886118100 Mantatao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.942193 123.855848119086 Mantayupan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.106527 123.521004119611 Manuel L. Quezon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.532321 123.305527118757 Manuel M. Roxas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.041542 124.364147118034 Maomawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.175563 124.460524118760 Maonglinis PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.041542 124.264584119779 Maravilla ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.900816 123.892272118642 Bayongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.9991899 124.3066339118544 Maribojoc Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.737463573 123.8500661119691 Marikaban Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.152172 123.765396118260 Mariveles ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.617506 123.844599119848 Marmol ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.69398509 10.69398509119391 Masa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.0066544 10.0066544119858 Maslog PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.693165 124.481621118640 Masonoy PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.87746 123.93615119392 Matalao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.03888531 10.03888531118196 Mataub PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.953719 124.050143118145 Matin-ao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.883426944 124.1500794118686 Matin-ao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.744271 124.300754119817 Matnog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.798898 10.798898119046 Matun-og ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.512307 123.850761119008 Matutinao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.810394 123.369209119284 Maya ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.274377 124.060364118261 Mayacabac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.6157 123.864708118429 Mayana ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.738013 124.3506118896 Mayana ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.73779 9.73779

119995Mayor A.S. Fortuna Memorial Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City Central District 10.3283 123.935

118361 Mayuga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.799061 124.423546119859 McArthur ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.652178 124.507629119468 Medellin Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.128556 123.9607415119469 Medellin National Sci. & Tech. Sch. Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.136777 123.959328119586 Mercedes ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.668853 10.668853186515 Merryland PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.075266 124.101557117989 Miguel Oppus MES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.629045 123.905206119446 Mindanao Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.64528054 9.64528054119477 Minglanilla Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.244298 123.798191118523 Minol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864048 124.524002119099 Minolos ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.10106 123.47229119546 Moabog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.73833333 124.5205556119498 Moalboal Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.938628 123.393265119054 Moamboc ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.152718 123.731628118789 Mocaboc PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 10.071357 123.927752118486 Mocpoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.863628 123.79068119739 Mohon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10048.019 10048.019119055 Mojon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.166201 123.755806119849 Molobolo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.69218512 10.69218512118957 Mompeller PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.7767116 9.7767116118212 Monserrat PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.734565 123.922602117990 Montaña PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.624921093 123.921715119447 Montañeza ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.684695 9.684695119818 Montealegre ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.717076 10.717076118146 Montehermoso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7501961 124.2168669

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118147 Montesuerte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.866768056 124.2167903118148 Montesunting ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7833661 124.2001161119612 Monteverde ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.500488 9.500488118149 Montevideo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7668506 124.2002639118897 Montpeller ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.717944 9.717944119547 Montserrat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.753779 10.753779119759 Muabog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.89676298 124.0449097119231 Mulao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.47551 10.47551119415 Mulao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.46591 123.967278119777 Naanao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.83333333 10.83333333118430 Naatang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.680652 124.394608118383 Nabuad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.027682 124.08675118440 Nagsulay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.5999231 124.1335532118501 Nagtubo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.799833333 123.8438889118197 Nahawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.970784 124.044334118243 Nahud ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.942475 124.185062119740 Nahus-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10041.504 10041.504119306 Nalhub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.767564 123.451385118687 Nan-od ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.744715 124.265156119027 Nangka ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.533114 123.719223119133 Nangka ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.688223 123.426567119244 Nangka ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.37216877 123.959157117946 Napo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.88202 124.46115118384 Napo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.029378 124.067322118735 Calituban ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.2433329 124.292778118337 Nasingin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.180355 124.134781119197 Natimao-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.73444444 10.73444444118826 New Los Angeles ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9911408 124.4477499118213 New Lourdes ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.707500105 123.9077784118740 Nocnocan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.245907 124.404823119537 Nueva Caceres ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.567489 123.443283118035 Nueva ESperanza ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.126596 124.363945118036 Nueva Estrella ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.133333 124.383331118150 Nueva Fuerza ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.833446944 124.1666678118080 Nueva Granada ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053065 124.175467118081 Nueva Montaña ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0005388 124.131726118487 Nueva Vida ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.851721 123.843592118151 Nueva Vida Este ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7502189 124.1834711118152 Nueva Vida Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7834183 124.1834464118153 Nueva Vida Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7667581 124.1669181118877 Nug-as ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.7175 123.4369444118958 Nug-as ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.920556 9.920556118279 Oac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.616892 124.166665119326 Obo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.739798333 9.739798333119056 Obo-ob IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.158079 123.743712119307 Obong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.739914 123.510941117976 Obujan-Tagubaas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.786395 123.881673118431 Odiong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.71001 124.363022119692 Okoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.171497 123.794456118910 Olango ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.184966 10.184966119780 Olivo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 11.531666 124.478055119499 Omay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.905792 123.444084118858 Omjon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.742219 124.207252118385 Ondol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.035523 124.065745119564 Opao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.21569 123.60154120001 Opao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.33207765 123.9542946119548 Opao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.77305556 124.5152778119538 Oslob Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.524618 123.433853

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118082 Overland ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.055279 124.175664118049 Owac ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.71528 124.11118984 Owak ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.538831 123.717865118083 P. Tirol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0638603 124.1144247118732 P/Lt. Eugenio B. Artiaga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.116667 124.283333119381 Paculob ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 10.04733333 10.04733333118828 Pag-asa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9977486 124.4341029118121 Pagahat ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8566526 124.4913318186501 Pagahat ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.86201 124.44997118545 Pagnitoan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.757615 123.847583118280 Pagsa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.616667 124.166664119587 Pagsa PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.65712 10.65712120015 Pagsabungan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.356708 123.940413119272 Pajo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.23622757 11.23622757120002 Paknaan Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.345813 123.960475187004 Palanas Elementary Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.985017 9.985017119407 Palanas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.581877 123.32016119448 Palaypay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.69514212 9.69514212118580 Pamacsalan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.820374 124.330502117991 Pamilacan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.493723 123.924545118122 Panadtaran ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8566526 124.493318119627 Panadtaran ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.75238 10.75238118761 Panaghi-usa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.066727 124.324007119327 Panaguikan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.77325 123.530807119220 Panalipan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.64926041 124.0234973119232 Panangban ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.4707126 123.9665508118123 Panas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.819782 124.552589119245 Panas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.447679 123.937881119328 Panas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.832806 123.523918119087 Pancil PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.07656 10.07656119565 Pandacan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.292757 123.586281118790 Pandan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.930131 123.924735118338 Pandanon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.177863 124.082075186510 Pandol PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.683333 123.916664119273 Pangadlawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.19600565 11.19600565118101 Pangangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.895721 123.827247118791 Pangapasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.997956 123.941305118084 Panghagban ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.053361 124.175387118859 Pangian ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.721578 124.236091118561 Panglao Central East ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.58247 123.755332118562 Panglao Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.625563 123.86206118124 Pangpang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8160172 124.2567798118829 Pangpang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.099388 124.404452119088 Pangpang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili I 10.052015 10.052015119393 Panlaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.063505 10.063505119246 Panoypoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.417876 123.928879119741 Pansoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.7329208 123.969236119285 Pantao PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.518041 124.091431119470 Panugnawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.15361151 124.0047814119719 Papan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.014265 10.014265118524 Paraiso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.866553 124.534368119100 Paril ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.15525833 10.15525833119700 Pasil ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 10.29045009 123.8944232118878 Pasol-Pugalo IS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.728303 123.508904118315 Pasong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.681944444 124.2661111119009 Patong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.782398 123.443497118214 Patrocinio ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.729458 123.940997119101 Patupat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.126982 123.52401

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


119850 Paulo Gallarde Sr. PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.70242607 10.70242607119394 Pawa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.02405328 10.02405328117992 Payahan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.63673 123.908999118299 Payao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.73208 124.40314119274 Paypay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.21581694 11.21581694119649 Paypay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.644581 124.31395119588 Paz ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.706887 10.706887118503 Pig-ot ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.770277778 123.787285118581 Pilar Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.833334 124.33001119549 Pilar Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.806956 10.806956119431 Pili ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.278249 123.737473119260 Pilipog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CORDOBA Cebu Cordova 10.26626696 123.9462211118037 Pinamgo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.133671 124.38332119566 Pinamungajan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.2717967 10.2717967118792 Pinayagan Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.952 123.961998118793 Pinayagan Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.930959 123.946344119628 Pitalo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.1763 10.1763119743 Poblacion ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.76929444 10.76929444118871 Polo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 9.963502 9.963502119247 Polog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.406833 123.943573119134 Pondohan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.627648877 123.4083184118488 Pondol ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.871016 123.8375064119693 Pooc Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.153477 123.797844

118599 Popoo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.06115 124.53774

117963 Porcenas PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.758883 124.576535119589 Poro Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.62916667 124.4111111

118600 Pres. C. P. Garcia Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.121367 124.552494

117947 Progreso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.90393 124.43437119198 Puente ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.60934 124.026001118038 Puerto San Pedro PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.151141 124.368065119860 Puertobello ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.681726 124.490211118911 Punay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.200933 10.200933119567 Punod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.27806582 10.27806582118546 Punta Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.736721 123.797451119668 Punta ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11005.907 11005.907119286 Purgason PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.259225 124.056503119819 Putat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.78483 10.78483119067 PUTI-AN ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.224373 123.709442118086 Putingbato ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0661737 124.1158874117948 Putlongcam ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.873 124.44857118022 Quezon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.764382 124.16237118050 Quezon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.705 124.104117977 Quinapon-an ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.813636 123.885451118467 Quinoguitan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.66547 124.042596118023 Quirino PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.789514 124.136708118244 Remedios ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.970922 124.221461118051 Riverside PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.71861 124.11139118386 Riverside PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.007683 124.135923118024 Rizal ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.811944 124.144165118582 Rizal ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.847774 124.304409118722 Rizal ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.079065 124.227018119568 Rizal ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.30018105 10.30018105119590 Rizal ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.684342 10.684342118052 Rizal PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.6617 124.124118181 Rizal PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.867055 123.995619119601 Ronda Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.996492 123.409447

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119467 Rosalino L. Arreglado ES (Mahawak ES) Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.174331 123.944908118215 Rosario PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.744535 123.927664118025 Rosariohan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.811303 124.094178118245 Rowena Heights PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.990322 124.170029118316 Roxas Park ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.629166667 124.3058333118053 Roxas PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.7220662 124.1134336118959 Rrcy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.908129153 9.908129153118087 Rufo Hill ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BUENAVISTA Bohol Buenavista 10.0661531 124.1152801119199 S. Duterte ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.56367 123.997772119500 Saavedra ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.979924 123.377495119680 Sab-a ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.91538833 10.91538833119720 Sabang ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.031665 10.031665119200 Sac-on ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.602815 123.974251118317 Sacaon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.639112 124.298481119329 Sacsac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.779671 123.506508119569 Sacsac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.236976 123.585991187033 Sacsac ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.397199 123.92852118741 Sag ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.210271 124.351994118008 Sagasa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.792733 123.988721118039 Sagasa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.203566 124.415695118618 Sagbayan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.914575 124.0950144118619 Sagbayan Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.899863 124.085056118448 Sagnap ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.604177 123.989704118339 Saguise ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129322 124.175687

118601 Saguise ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.128915 124.588573

118912 Saksak PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.174583 10.174583118985 Saksak PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.531305 123.88092118009 Sal-ing ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.77956 123.976941119760 Salag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.999996 124.041344187002 SALAGMAYA ELEM SCHOOL Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCANTARA Cebu Alcantara 10.04188049 123.3984375119408 Salamanca ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU GINATILAN Cebu Ginatilan 9.612936221 123.348999119151 Saling-it PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.85080556 10.85080556119449 Salmeron ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.65772756 9.65772756118340 Salog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129577 124.175189119330 Salug ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.850655 123.477669118688 Salvador ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.808611 124.290558119761 Sambag Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.951 10.951119570 Sambagon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.237905 123.612625119613 Samboan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.546414 9.546414118204 Sambog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.683333 123.916664119308 Sampig ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.814623 123.455269118102 Sampoangon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.836732 123.914422118318 Sampong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.640954 124.281819118879 San Agustin Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALCOY Cebu Alcoy 9.69303 123.475555118620 San Agustin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.916667 124.099998118689 San Agustin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.822784 124.277794118723 San Agustin ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.093684 124.31665119432 San Agustin ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.262676 123.744934118621 San Antonio ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.912884 124.06789119135 San Antonio ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BOLJOON Cebu Boljoon 9.675479 123.413315118246 San Carlos ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 10.011961 124.218094118583 San Carlos ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.835597 124.376163119629 San Fernando North Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.16424 10.16424119650 San Francisco Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.627415 124.361755118742 San Francisco ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.1437249 124.3212555118830 San Francisco ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9355464 124.4216842118641 San Isidro Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN ISIDRO Bohol San Isidro 9.86027779 123.9561111

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118103 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.904059 123.877182118125 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.828831 124.4865118262 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.588611123 123.8288889118300 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.69747 124.38552118387 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.039409 124.085064118584 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.869423 124.348011118654 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.965332 124.362018118690 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.762394 124.260135118724 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.145438 124.329269118762 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.045937 124.316368118831 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.063136 124.507967118986 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.53972222 10.53972222119631 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.17235 10.17235119651 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.609994 124.340691119762 San Isidro ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.967 10.967118622 San Isidro IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.922438 124.116576118010 San Isidro PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.778719 123.968564118547 San Isidro PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.769203 123.856674119550 San Isidro PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.769948 10.769948118341 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129802 124.175602118388 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 9.94564688 124.1528535118525 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864037 124.524118

118604 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.110442 124.561728

118691 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.795466 124.26846119068 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.222015 123.697502119152 SAN JOSE ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.87161111 10.87161111119591 San Jose ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.685293 10.685293118247 San Jose PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.989476 124.189611118655 San Jose PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.978319 124.328109118692 San Juan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.811578 124.258761119551 San Juan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PILAR Cebu Pilar 10.776506 10.776506119820 San Juan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.723406 10.723406118656 San Miguel Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.986851 124.339305118229 San Miguel ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.88341777 124.31671119681 San Miguel ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.8899 10.8899118248 San Miguel PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.954987 124.266502118832 San Pascual ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9795853 124.442407118301 San Pedro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.71114 124.39404118725 San Pedro ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.161364 124.292107186505 San Rafael PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864206 124.523927118623 San Ramon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.922184 124.102737119669 San Remigio Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio I 11.08131 123.937718118216 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.724 123.882004118527 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.927431 124.538488118548 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.754524 123.874747118726 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.082741 124.318283118987 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.604247 123.744392119416 San Roque ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.427998 123.957779118011 San Roque IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BALILIHAN Bohol Balilihan 9.761756 123.970542118624 San Roque PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.864349 124.093124119614 San Sebastian ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.481064 9.481064118230 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.86685473 124.2501678118585 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PILAR Bohol Pilar 9.822404 124.383373

118602 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.111572 124.548892

118763 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.072305 124.3295118833 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.97472 124.5127778

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


119763 San Vicente ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.9571 10.9571118625 San Vicente Norte PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.901554 124.108745118549 San Vicente PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.748987 123.857009118657 San Vicente PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.97326 124.3533118626 San Vicente Sur PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.889547 124.116127119821 Sandayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.70784585 10.70784585119632 Sangat ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.13301765 123.6884092119010 Sanlagan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.80515 123.405434118249 Santa Ana PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.937064 124.265644118550 Santa Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.739613 123.84414119694 Santa Fe Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.153393 123.805649118250 Santa Fe PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.96809 124.20858119701 Santander Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.417185911 9.417185911119861 Santander PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.651018 124.475151119652 Santiago ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.591434 124.308586119011 Santicon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.871621 123.469803119201 Santikan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.593116 123.950157118251 Santo Niño PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.949914 124.206692187014 Sapak Ext. Sch. Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.46 10.46119721 Sayao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.059897 10.059897119102 Sayaw ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.11041833 10.11041833119862 Secante Bag-o PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.673271 124.487106118834 Sentinela ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.065776 124.505929118672 Sevilla Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SEVILLA Bohol Sevilla 9.701528 124.045944119571 Sibago ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.26276452 10.26276452119722 Sibonga Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 10.0315524 123.6182886118693 Sierra Bullones Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.806398 124.293091118700 Sikatuna Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIKATUNA Bohol Sikatuna 9.688921 123.973411118727 Sikatuna ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.130948 124.308586119069 Sillon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.196968 123.771111119723 Simala ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 9.9717904 123.6210931118860 Simang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.628507 124.207252119417 Simeon Ayuda Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.39922181 123.9760731118182 Sinakayanan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.806165 123.988582118835 Sinandigan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.0318888 124.534625119028 Singsing PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.516416 123.743996119202 Siotes ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.629661 123.963966119822 Siotes PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10740248 10740248119742 Sogod Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10045.561 10045.561119012 Sohoton ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.874602 123.433327118104 Sohoton PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.860431 123.914601119275 Somimbang Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.21712593 11.21712593119764 Somosa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.969 10.969118489 Sondol PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon North 9.8839051 123.8669594118263 Songculan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.627299 123.835548119653 Sonog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.694261 124.337852118764 Soom IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.049994 124.403687119450 Sorsogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.67517 9.67517119630 South Poblacion Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.16239 10.16239118449 SPP Jose A. Clarin Memorial School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.600483 124.012838118627 Sta. Catalina ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.885489 124.074928118026 Sta. Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BATUAN Bohol Batuan 9.798574 124.150612118231 Sta. Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.86678139 124.2667095119418 Sta. Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.400196 123.964745119602 Sta. Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 10.012325 123.412704119654 Sta. Cruz ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.672754 124.369186118628 Sta. Cruz PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.920831 124.074413118694 Sta. Cruz PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.804389 124.303093

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118898 Sta. Filomena ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.75326 9.75326118988 Sta. Lucia ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.641937 123.753275118989 Sta. Rita ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.641681 123.753235119592 Sta. Rita PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.23109 123.622581118504 Sto. Niño Dela Paz ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.7552256 123.7869705118342 Sto. Niño ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.125202 124.163924118728 Sto. Niño ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.147846 124.271328119451 Sto. NiÑo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MALABUYOC Cebu Malabuyoc 9.64493924 9.64493924118389 Sto. Niño PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 10.035623 124.06567118658 Sto. Niño PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.927341 124.309589119851 Sto. NiÑo PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.69102104 10.69102104

118603 Sto. Rosario Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.112457 124.597917

117978 Sto. Rosario ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.75209 123.90487118407 Sto. Rosario ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.98782373 124.0642938118913 Sto. Rosario ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.189388 10.189388118765 Sto. Tomas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.047289 124.323235118960 Sua ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.94093979 9.94093979118390 Sua PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga North 9.962247 124.135923119419 Suba ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.3984537 124.0013695119615 Suba ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.548928 9.548928186509 Suba PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.750027 124.579598120006 Subangdaku ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City South District 10.32235216 123.9231476118054 Subayon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.66084 124.05083117949 Sudlon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.86648 124.41028119057 Sulangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.13917 11.13917118961 Sumaguan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.97239 9.97239119852 Sumon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.65903904 10.65903904119058 Sungko ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan I 11.15189 123.729942119047 Sunog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban II 10.453777 123.8265119765 Taba-ao Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.895 10.895119433 Tabagak Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.267138 123.718246118264 Tabalong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.622843 123.819757118933 Tabayag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.891053 9.891053119221 Tabili Elem. Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.6957079 10.6957079119636 Tabionan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.78706 10.78706119420 Tabla ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.4482293 123.9443489119766 Tabogon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABOGON Cebu Tabogon 10.94103348 124.0281449120016 Tabok Elementary School I Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.34622232 123.940957118252 Tabok ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.992519 124.202228120017 Tabok ES II Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.3333 123.933119309 Tabon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.792222222 123.4511111118319 Tabuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.66749999 124.281906117979 Tabuan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.812448 123.91865119781 Tabuelan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 11.394166 124.495833119153 Tabunan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BORBON Cebu Borbon 10.87111112 124.0463889118362 Tabunoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.764213 124.417366118528 Tabunoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.941296 124.548101119744 Tabunok ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10.78208837 124.0180629119782 Tabunok ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.83333333 10.83333333186508 Taculing ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.719209 124.225792119682 Tacup ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.97763011 123.9304315118990 Tag-amakan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.536281 123.810448119233 Tag-ubi ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.48889 10.48889118155 Tagaonan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.833493333 124.1835597119287 Tagasa PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.282373 124.058388117934 Tagbuane ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.608596 123.975134118991 Tagbubonga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.539163 123.84024

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119203 Taguini ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CARMEN Cebu Carmen 10.622469 123.947693118766 Tagum Norte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.075854 124.367094118767 Tagum Sur ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.06933 124.376929119572 Tajao Central School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.31300993 123.5840646119745 Takay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 11.438888 124.760555187013 Tal-ot Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.14812066 10.14812066118934 Talaga ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.849914 9.849914119434 Talangnan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.293105 123.727295119013 Talayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.855766 123.415215118935 Talaytay Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.892911 9.892911118794 Talenceras ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.93667 123.981614118729 Talibon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.149156 124.323885118743 TALIBON II CENTRAL ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon II 10.1437245 124.3212576119288 Talisay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.245209 124.063087119702 Talisay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTANDER Cebu Santander 9.451076584 9.451076584117964 Talisay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.762906 124.593339119695 Talisay PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SANTA FE Cebu Santa Fe 11.165892 123.805122118962 Taloot Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.95416994 9.95416994118450 Tambangan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.61484 124.003994118363 Tambis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.797707 124.411529118468 Tambis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.654862 124.004042118529 Tambo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864238 124.524034118156 Tamboan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8001172 124.1502394118126 Tambongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.836631 124.451764119683 Tambongon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.010802 123.92683118408 Tambooc PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.022661 124.0695689119070 Tamiao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.218795 123.76339187022 Tamiao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.4381 10.4381118253 Taming ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.940784 124.174334118914 Tampaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.213806 10.213806118795 Tan-awan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.915399 123.97457119539 Tan-awan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.461322 123.377701119633 Tananas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.18269 10.18269117985 Tanday ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.657171 123.927675118205 Tanday ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORELLA Bohol Corella 9.688541 123.918205119616 Tangbo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAMBOAN Cebu Samboan 9.510304 9.510304118451 Tangcasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.631025 123.989524118730 Tanghaligue ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.148691 124.259906119395 Tangil Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.07221678 10.07221678119746 Tangke PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SOGOD Cebu Sogod 10047.249 10047.249118530 Tangkigan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864365 124.524152118563 Tangnan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.610833345 123.7808333118505 Tangnan PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.7627 123.7868733118281 Tangohay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DIMIAO Bohol Dimiao 9.613487 124.177866119573 Tangub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.217335 123.608673119574 Tanibag ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 2 10.31988725 10.31988725117965 Tanod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.796647 124.556724118836 Tapal IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.058065 124.515563119289 Tapilon Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.278038 124.030952118837 Tapon ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.0595 124.47119382 Tapon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug I 9.95262 123.370972119435 Tarong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.28372 123.725105118441 Taug PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.5916923 124.0730074118861 Tausion ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.693152 124.211029118564 Tawala ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL PANGLAO Bohol Panglao 9.561325 123.7775946118127 Tawid ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.82458 124.517682118452 Tayong ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.597181 124.067521118302 Taytay Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DUERO Bohol Duero 9.76142 124.35434

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118343 Taytay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.130138 124.175274118862 Taytay ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.695182 124.236435119014 Taytay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.858514 123.402901119421 Tayud Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.38089931 123.9956274119248 Tayud ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.36265524 123.981821119593 Teguis ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PORO Cebu Poro 10.647922 10.647922118773 Batasan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.9519997 123.961998118863 Ticum ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.704319 124.225792118469 Tigbao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.661342 124.029388119015 Tigbao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.898182 123.424324119783 Tigbawan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 10.86666667 10.86666667118936 Tiguib Elem Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.872353 9.872353118442 Tiguis ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LILA Bohol Lila 9.592222 124.0975

118605 Tilmobo PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.122508 124.64305

119422 Tiltilon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.433835 123.996567119222 Tinabyonan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CATMON Cebu Catmon 10.68630407 10.68630407118265 Tinago ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.608758 123.825649118796 Tinangnan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.952929 123.969471119471 Tindog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MEDELLIN Cebu Medellin 11.1245685 124.0126027120019 Tingub ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City West District 10.335936 123.933237118105 Tinibgan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.889 123.883003118551 Tinibgan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.751 123.841003118838 Tintinan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.961647 124.570968119276 Tinubdan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan I 11.18726252 11.18726252119634 Tinubdan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.17058 10.17058118839 Tipolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.04833333 124.4955556120007 Tipolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City South District 10.33250001 123.9275118507 Tiwi PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.782972222 123.8100833118453 Tocdog ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.596434 124.050064118320 Togbongon PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GARCIA HERNANDEZ Bohol Garcia-Hernandez 9.668055556 124.3038889119249 Tolotolo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.38928466 123.9417286119290 Tominjao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DAANBANTAYAN Cebu Daanbantayan II 11.2276079 124.0430115119823 Tominjao ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.72916295 10.72916295118659 Tomoc ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAN MIGUEL Bohol San Miguel 9.981194 124.317745187005 Tomonoy ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.931283 123.399734119853 Tomugpa PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan II 10.62735732 10.62735732119635 Tonggo ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.16977 10.16977118198 Tontunan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.947209 124.044815119684 Toong ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 11.02750667 11.02750667117935 Toril ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALBURQUERQUE Bohol Alburquerque 9.633394 123.953601118552 Toril PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MARIBOJOC Bohol Maribojoc 9.75609 123.894268118266 Totolan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAUIS Bohol Dauis 9.628147 123.849503118798 Ubay PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.7966061 124.242157118768 Trinidad Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.0811896 124.3441453118769 Trinidad Central ES - Annex Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TRINIDAD Bohol Trinidad 10.07315 124.339628118364 Trinidad ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL GUINDULMAN Bohol Guindulman 9.783329 124.483312118183 Triple Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.623102 124.027512118470 Triple Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOBOC Bohol Loboc 9.6231 124.027448118157 Tuan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8834275 124.2166769119331 Tuba ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete II 9.83266 123.540306118992 Tubigagmanok ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.609733 123.745842187023 Tubigan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU COMPOSTELA Cebu Compostela 10.4756 10.4756118787 Tubigon East CES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.947499955 123.9911115118797 Tubigon West Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.94781 123.964119501 Tuble ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.957016 123.379898118128 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.845322 124.454142119016 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.828329 123.401329

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119103 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.11729 10.11729119310 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DALAGUETE Cebu Dalaguete I 9.746589 123.470398119487 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 10.255175 123.798775119637 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FERNANDO Cebu San Fernando 10.213 10.213119724 Tubod ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SIBONGA Cebu Sibonga 9.994998 9.994998118432 Tubod Monte IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JAGNA Bohol Jagna 9.676671 124.361663118199 Tubod PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.923833 124.041903119396 Tubod-Bitoon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.07439609 10.07439609119397 Tubod-Dugoan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU DUMANJUG Cebu Dumanjug II 10.025083 10.025083118508 Tubodacu ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.80962668 123.8249839118509 Tubodio ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOON Bohol Loon South 9.795944444 123.8030278118841 Tubog IS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.032499 124.41835118842 Tuboran ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.0367 124.426118040 Tuboran PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BIEN UNIDO Bohol Bien Unido 10.132976 124.380173119824 Tuburan Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUBURAN Cebu Tuburan I 10.722904 123.824783119863 Tudela Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.637047 124.467789118129 Tugas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CANDIJAY Bohol Candijay 9.8114501 124.5001723118344 Tugas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.129802 124.175446

118606 Tugas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.150425 124.61742

119436 Tugas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MADRIDEJOS Cebu Madridejos 11.284309 123.735062119250 Tugbongan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU CONSOLACION Cebu Consolacion 10.36342393 123.9611835

118607 Tugnao ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.110164 124.579676

118345 Tulang ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL JETAFE Bohol Getafe 10.149029 124.203503119656 Tulang Integrated School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.722261 124.320435118963 Tulang PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao II 9.960833 9.960833118937 Tulic ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.874723464 123.5956789118106 Tultugan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.889 123.883003119540 Tumalog ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU OSLOB Cebu Oslob 9.482419 123.361618186506 Tunaan-Daku ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.115401 124.233742119502 TUNGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MOALBOAL Cebu Moalboal 9.953837751 123.400216117994 Tunga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BACLAYON Bohol Baclayon 9.642598 123.932191119488 Tungkil ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla II 10.240616 123.812332119478 Tungkop ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.240075 123.782433118409 Tungod PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 10.03472222 124.0592117980 Tupas ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.758001 123.916507119575 Tupas ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.206713 123.625481119603 Tupas PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU RONDA Cebu Ronda 9.980352 123.426048119576 Tutay ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU PINAMUNGAHAN Cebu Pinamungajan 1 10.247748 123.577858118915 Tuyokon PS Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.154475 10.154475118410 U-og Ubujan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL INABANGA Bohol Inabanga South 9.98153659 124.0579955118843 Ubay Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.051808 124.472176118804 Ubay II Cental ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 9.982116 124.533916118840 Tres Reyes ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay I (Northeast) 10.0913343 124.5050847118993 Ubogon ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ASTURIAS Cebu Asturias 10.547343 123.791283118629 Ubojan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SAGBAYAN (BORJA) Bohol Sagbayan 9.88329 124.092781118799 Ubojan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.952 123.961998118107 Ulbujan ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CALAPE Bohol Calape 9.876388901 123.8733333120003 Umapad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MANDAUE CITY Mandaue City Mandaue City North District 10.33466144 123.9609891119657 Unidos ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.595652 124.317169118844 Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay II (East) 10.056 124.473999119658 Union ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN FRANCISCO Cebu San Francisco 10.67027778 124.3266667117950 Untaga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ALICIA Bohol Alicia 9.89464 124.41878118217 Upper Dela Paz PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CORTES Bohol Cortes 9.709752 123.869826119479 Upper Tunghaan ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.246798 123.782928118938 Usmad ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ARGAO Cebu Argao I 9.909577 9.909577118531 Valaga ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL MABINI Bohol Mabini 9.864079 124.524184

ID School Name Region Province Municipality Division District latitude longitude


118864 Valencia Central ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL VALENCIA Bohol Valencia 9.611476 124.212776118899 Valencia Elem. School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALEGRIA Cebu Alegria 9.7637 9.7637118168 Valeriano Segura Memorial ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CATIGBIAN Bohol Catigbian 9.833333 124.033333118158 Vallehermoso ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.7835847 124.2334575119685 Victoria ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU SAN REMIGIO Cebu San Remegio II 10.936209 123.910924117981 Viga PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.766094 123.929764118254 Villa Anunciado PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DANAO Bohol Danao 9.93047 124.173733118233 Villa Aurora ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL DAGOHOY Bohol Dagohoy 9.90021167 124.1833972117982 Villa Aurora PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANTEQUERA Bohol Antequera 9.775009 123.885076118055 Villa Aurora PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.67972 124.0925118695 Villa Garcia ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL SIERRA BULLONES Bohol Sierra Bullones 9.79904 124.291161

118608 Villa Milagrosa ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOLPRES. CARLOS P. GARCIA (PITOGO) Bohol Pres. C. P. Garcia 10.089755 124.554913

118056 Villa Suerte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.702552778 124.1769389118845 Villa Teresita ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL UBAY Bohol Ubay III (Southwest) 9.9291789 124.395321118159 Villaflor ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.833589167 124.1335297186503 Villaflor PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CLARIN Bohol Clarin 9.945497 124.057871118160 Villafuerte ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.8667125 124.1668186119784 Villahermosa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TABUELAN Cebu Tabuelan 11.41666667 11.41666667119864 Villahermosa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU TUDELA Cebu Tudela 10.67637 124.51017118454 Villalimpia ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL LOAY Bohol Loay 9.602567 124.002964118800 Villanueva PS Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TUBIGON Bohol Tubigon 9.907325 123.932602118161 Villarcayo ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL CARMEN Bohol Carmen 9.816915833 124.1669272117966 Virgen ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL ANDA Bohol Anda 9.734047 124.549502119029 Vito ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BALAMBAN Cebu Balamban I 10.511083 123.74678119071 Vito ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BANTAYAN Cebu Bantayan II 11.208292 123.749146119104 Vito ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BARILI Cebu Barili II 10.17819647 10.17819647119480 Vito ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU MINGLANILLA Cebu Minglanilla I 10.244654 123.771973118057 Yanaya ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.7009106 124.1084315119423 Yati ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU LILOAN Cebu Liloan 10.39270321 123.9824791118058 Zamora ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL BILAR Bohol Bilar 9.7209332 124.1132609118731 Zamora ES Region VII - Central Visayas BOHOL TALIBON Bohol Talibon I 10.135341 124.312065118916 Zaragosa Elementary School Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU ALOGUINSAN Cebu Aloguinsan 10.168491 10.168491119017 Zaragosa ES Region VII - Central Visayas CEBU BADIAN Cebu Badian 9.881599 123.379555


Pasig OfficeName Position

Allan Manalese Driver-ManilaBonita Marie Cabiles Senior Program OfficerCarolynn Fruto Senior Operations ManagerCezar Golendez Finance OfficerConnie Astillero Finance AssistantChristine Dianne Ruba Monitoring & Evaluation and Research SpecialistErin Lyson Sowers Research AssociateEleanore " Glenda" Espiritu Administrative Assistant-PasigHarry James Creo Communications OfficerIlya Son Deputy Chief of Party/OperationsJonathan Masalonga Senior MIS & IT ManagerKhristine Sucgang Senior Communications OfficerLisa Hartenberger-Toby Deputy Chief of Party/ProgramsLoreta Villones Senior Finance ManagerMaria Beatriz Davalos Program OfficerMarcial Salvatierra Chief of PartyNancy Clark-Chiarelli Senior Technical DirectorOphelia Armilla Administrative & Logistics OfficerRosalynn "Dove" Estor Field Programs ManagerSharon Dela Pena HR and Admin OfficerSierra Mae Paraan Senior Program Officer-Save the Children

La Union OfficeName Position

Adelia Licos Proram Team LeaderCzar Odell Bohol Finance OfficerMarianne Basoyang Program OfficerOma Janessa Guatno M&E OfficerRafael Padilla Driver-La UnionRamil Billodo Admin & Logistics Officer

Bantay, Ilocos Sur OfficeName Position

Diana Bagagnan Program OfficerJovilyn Balacdao Program Team LeaderMichael Garcia Administrative AssistantJayson Estavillo Finance Assistant

Cebu OfficeName Position

Angeli Ludovico Program OfficerCatherine Cabondocan Finance OfficerEmmelyne Baroza Admin & Logistics OfficerFlora Mae Acosta Finance AssistantGenevieve Acio Admin & Logistics OfficerLeo Dimaunahan Driver-CebuMelanie Sebial Program Team LeaderRiva Valles Program OfficerValeriano Clamonte M&E OfficerVictor Ybanez Program Officer

Name PositionLaoag, Ilocos Norte Office

Name PositionChristopher Odiver Finance OfficerElisa Benafin Program Team LeaderJerruin Maturan Admin & Logistics OfficerJodel Ampil Program OfficerRoselyn Tomas M&E OfficerFlorencio Pascua Driver- Ilocos Norte

Tagbilaran, Bohol Office (managed by Save the Children)Name Position

Beau Ideal Florenosos Regional Program OfficerCatherine Q. Cruz Logistics & Admin AssistantDave Pipon M&E OfficerErmelinda K. Bahatan Program CoordinatorWilliam Leguip Admin & Logistics AssistantAbegail Faye V. Pascual Regional Program OfficerLoucille Alcala-Dabhi Program Team LeaderRex Dotusme Finance OfficerRuel Salem Driver-Bohol



________________________________________________________________ In his capacity as Project Director, Bill Potter travelled to the Philippines (from his home base in Jakarta, Indonesia) for a two-week work trip focused on supporting EDC’s two current USAID/Philippines projects: Basa and MYDev. According to an approximated 50/50 division in LOE between the Basa and MYDev projects, Bill’s Basa related tasks were the following: • Participate in the annual Basa planning workshop focused on developing the Basa Year 4

Work Plan • Participate in the Basa Program Management Committee meeting, co-hosted by USAID and

the Philippine Department of Education • Together with EDC’s International Development Division Director and Vice President, Dr.

Steve Anzalone, attend introductory meetings with the new USAID Mission Director, Dr. Brems, new USAID Office of Education Director, Brian Levey, and Deputy Director for the Office of Education,

• Meet with EDC’s sub grant partners SEAMEO INNOTECH and PBSP. Within his trip schedule, Bill undertook the following Basa-related activities. Date Main Activities Undertaken Nov 30 • Arrived in Manila – Briefings with COP Dec 1 • 10am—12noon: Basa Project Management Committee Meeting

• Basa Senior team meeting in afternoon

Dec 2 • Final preparations for annual planning workshop • Depart for annual planning workshop venue in Clark (2 hour drive

from Manila) Dec 3-4 • 2-day Basa Staff Annual Planning Retreat Dec 7 • Meeting with SEAMEO INNOTECH Dec 9 • 7AM: to USAID for 8:30 meet with USAID Education Office Director,

Brian Levey and USAID Education Office Deputy Director, Erica Rounsefell

• 10am meeting with USAID Mission Director, Dr. Brems Dec 10 • Meetings with COP and DCOPs

• Meeting with PBSP Dec 11 • Basa senior staff meeting

• Departed for Jakarta on evening flight



Daanbantayan I 2,322 48 48 40 30 837 118Daanbantayan II 1,285 93 93 78 59 771 102San Remigio I 1,051 39 39 32 25 447 73San Remigio II 730 68 68 56 43 487 79

Tabuelan 1,446 65 65 54 42 432 81Medellin 1,484 88 88 74 56 994 127Madridejos 1,360 68 68 57 43 710 99Bantayan I 1,386 262 262 220 168 830 115Bantayan II 811 80 80 67 51 692 108Santa Fe 1,822 73 73 61 47 624 77Tabogon 345 62 62 52 40 645 106Borbon 1,090 86 86 71 54 609 107Sogod 1,301 67 67 55 42 504 95San Francisco 1,400 124 124 103 79 1,059 139Tudela 284 29 29 24 18 167 41Pilar 541 40 40 33 25 192 45

Poro 842 122 122 101 78 402 68

Total 19,500 1,414 1,414 1,178 900 10,402 1,580

Blackboard Teacher's Kits Learner's Kits Disaster Education


District Tablet Armchairs Teacher's Table Teacher's Chair



No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education


1 Daanbantayan Central School 580 12 12 8 25 203 149 262 Calape ES 162 4 4 2 1 20 15 83 Malingin Elem. School 92 2 2 2 1 20 10 44 Pajo Elem. School 115 2 2 2 1 20 10 55 Paypay Elem. School 116 2 2 2 1 20 15 76 Tinubdan Elem School 100 4 4 2 1 20 10 47 Bateria Elem. School 185 2 2 2 1 20 15 98 Bitoon Elem. School 162 2 2 2 1 20 15 89 Dalingding ES 46 2 2 1 1 20 10 4

10 Bakhawan Elem. School 92 2 2 1 1 20 15 811 Pangadlawan Elem. School 0 2 2 1 1 20 10 412 Guinsologan ES 46 2 2 1 1 20 10 413 Somimbang Elem. School 186 2 2 1 1 20 10 414 Libertad Elem. School 46 2 2 1 1 20 10 415 Bagay Elem. School 162 4 4 1 1 20 15 816 Malabago Elem. School 232 2 2 1 1 20 15 11

TOTAL 2322 48 48 30 40 503 334 1181 Guimbitayan ES 30 6 6 2 5 35 22 42 Pantao PS 30 6 6 2 5 35 22 03 Jubot PS 31 6 6 0 5 35 22 04 Tagasa ES 52 6 6 0 5 36 22 45 Lo-oc PS 50 6 6 0 5 36 22 46 Purgason PS 56 7 7 0 5 36 22 47 Tominjao ES - 90 7 7 0 6 36 22 108 Talisay ES 89 7 7 0 6 36 22 99 Maya ES 100 7 7 0 6 36 22 16

10 Logon ES - island 59 7 7 27 6 0 22 1211 Lanao ES 100 7 7 0 6 36 22 912 Carnaza ES - island 93 7 7 28 6 36 22 713 Agujo ES 96 7 7 0 6 36 22 914 Tapilon CS 409 7 7 0 6 34 22 14

TOTAL 1285 93 93 59 78 463 308 1021 Lawis ES 30 3 3 1 2 18 10 4






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



2 Gawaygaway ES 50 3 3 1 2 20 10 43 Looc ES 60 3 3 2 2 20 10 44 Kayam ES 40 3 3 1 2 18 10 45 Dapdap Elem. School 91 3 3 2 2 20 10 46 Mano ES 150 4 4 2 3 30 20 97 Hagnaya ES 150 4 4 4 5 32 25 108 Argawanon IS 150 4 4 4 5 32 25 109 San Remegio Central School 150 5 5 4 5 32 25 12

10 Banlasan ES 30 3 3 1 2 17 8 411 Punta ES 150 4 4 3 2 30 25 8

TOTAL 1051 39 39 25 32 269 178 731 Tambongon IS 250 11 11 4 27 68 44 72 Victoria ES 30 5 5 2 0 15 10 43 Anapog IS 50 5 5 4 2 15 10 64 Batad ES 40 4 4 2 2 15 10 45 Calambua IS 50 2 2 4 1 15 10 56 Kanagahan ES 40 4 4 2 3 15 10 47 Bagtik ES 30 4 4 2 3 15 10 48 Busogon IS 15 4 4 4 2 15 10 49 TACUP ES 40 2 2 2 3 15 10 5

10 Kinawahan ES 30 4 4 4 0 15 10 411 Libaong ES 30 4 4 2 6 15 10 412 Sab - a ES 40 4 4 2 2 15 10 413 Toong ES 30 4 4 2 2 15 10 414 Lambusan ES 15 2 2 2 0 15 10 815 San Miguel ES 40 4 4 2 3 15 10 516 Luyang ES 0 5 5 3 0 15 10 7

TOTAL 730 68 68 43 56 293 194 791 Tabuelan CES 446 15 15 11 14 60 41 172 Maravilla ES 95 6 6 3 3 15 10 63 Tabunok ES 95 6 6 3 3 15 10 74 Tigbawan ES 85 5 5 3 3 15 10 45 Olivo ES 85 5 5 3 3 15 10 5






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



6 Dalid ES 75 5 5 3 3 15 10 47 Kanluhangon ES 60 3 3 2 3 15 10 48 Mabunao ES 65 2 2 2 3 15 10 49 Kanluma ES 65 2 2 2 3 15 10 4

10 Kanlim-ao ES 65 2 2 2 3 15 10 411 Kantubaon Es 65 3 3 2 3 15 10 412 Bongon ES 45 3 3 1 2 9 6 413 Kanlungcab ES 40 2 2 1 2 9 6 414 Villahermosa ES 50 2 2 1 2 11 6 415 Kabalawan ES 50 2 2 1 2 9 6 416 Kansaguibo PS 40 1 1 1 1 6 4 117 Naanao PS 20 1 1 1 1 5 4 1

TOTAL 1446 65 65 42 54 259 173 811 Medellin Central 344 12 12 7 17 45 18 142 Antipolo ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 83 Daanlungsod ES 60 4 4 0 3 29 20 64 Gibitngil IS 60 4 4 0 3 29 20 65 Caputatan Sur 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 56 Panugnawan 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 87 Maharuhay ES 60 4 4 0 3 29 20 48 Tindog ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 89 Dayhagon ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 4

10 Don Virgilio ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 411 Dalingding Sur 60 4 4 0 3 29 20 412 Kawit ES 60 4 4 7 3 29 20 1713 Rosalino L. Arreglado ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 614 MNSTS 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 415 Antonio Pantaleon ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 416 BOMEDCO 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 417 Lamintak Norte 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 518 Canhabagat 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 419 Curva ES 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 820 Capt. Norte 60 4 4 3 3 29 20 4





No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



TOTAL 1484 88 88 56 74 596 398 1271 Madridejos Central ES 255 16 16 17 18 75 50 232 Bunakan IS 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 83 Mansilang ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 64 TUGAS 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 55 Tabagak ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 56 Kodia IS 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 47 Maalat ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 48 Kangwayan ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 49 Kaongkod ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 9

10 Pili ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 611 San Agustin ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 812 Tarong ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 613 Talangan ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 514 Malbago ES 85 4 4 2 3 27 18 6

TOTAL 1360 68 68 43 57 426 284 991 Lipayran ES 60 9 9 5 9 17 15 102 Doong ES 120 17 17 15 17 51 30 93 Hilotogan IS (Elem) 60 10 10 5 10 17 15 64 Moamboc ES 60 9 9 5 9 17 15 55 Bantayan CES 486 128 128 79 91 192 152 416 Botigues ES 60 12 12 6 12 34 15 97 Oboob IS (elem) 120 16 16 10 16 34 15 68 Mambacayao ES 60 7 7 7 7 17 15 49 Luyongbaybay PS 60 6 6 6 6 17 0 4

10 Mojon ES 60 11 11 8 11 34 15 611 Sulangan ES 180 22 22 10 17 34 15 612 Sungko ES 60 15 15 12 15 34 30 9

TOTAL 1386 262 262 168 220 498 332 1151 San Jose ES 140 20 20 10 12 45 30 172 Atop Atop ES 70 5 5 4 4 35 26 103 Sillon ES 100 11 11 4 7 35 26 114 Vito ES 37 2 2 3 3 35 20 4






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



5 Tamiao ES 45 3 3 3 3 30 20 66 Baigad ES 35 2 2 2 3 25 15 47 Kabangbang CES 85 6 6 6 7 35 29 88 Kabac ES 107 15 15 8 10 35 28 169 Kampingganon ES 35 3 3 2 4 25 15 5

10 Baod ES 45 5 5 3 4 30 20 911 Guiwanon ES 37 3 3 2 4 30 15 612 Puti-an ES 35 2 2 2 3 25 15 413 Balintawak ES 40 3 3 2 3 30 18 8

TOTAL 811 80 80 51 67 415 277 1081 Hagdan ES 350 14 14 7 8 60 40 92 Langub ES 95 5 5 3 5 25 18 53 Kinatarcan ES 90 5 5 3 5 20 15 44 Santa Fe CES 350 9 9 8 9 75 47 165 Hilantagaan ES 260 13 13 7 8 50 35 106 Marikaban IS 165 7 7 5 6 35 25 107 Okoy ES 250 7 7 6 7 40 25 98 Balidbid ES 90 5 5 3 5 25 15 49 Pooc ES 100 5 5 3 5 30 20 6

10 Talisay ES 72 3 3 2 3 14 10 4TOTAL 1822 73 73 47 61 374 250 77

1 Samosa ES 30 3 3 2 4 19 13 82 Canaocanao ES 30 3 3 2 2 19 13 53 Ilihan IS 30 4 4 2 4 19 13 124 Manlagtang ES 30 3 3 2 4 19 13 45 Tabogon Central 30 4 4 2 4 19 13 96 Loong 30 3 3 2 2 20 13 47 Labangon ES 30 3 3 2 2 20 13 58 Daantabogon ES 30 3 3 2 4 19 13 89 Kal-anan ES 30 3 3 2 2 20 13 4

10 Muabag ES 0 3 3 2 4 19 13 511 San Vicente ES 30 3 3 2 2 20 13 412 San Isidro EIS 15 3 3 2 2 20 13 4






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



13 Caduawan ES 0 3 3 2 2 19 13 614 Camoboan 0 3 3 2 2 19 13 415 Libjo 0 3 3 2 2 20 12 416 Sambag ES 0 3 3 2 2 20 12 417 Salag EIS 30 3 3 2 2 19 13 418 Mabuli EIS 0 3 3 2 2 19 13 419 Jose R. Malazarte ES 0 3 3 2 2 19 13 420 Tabanao ES 0 3 3 2 2 19 13 4

TOTAL 345 62 62 40 52 387 258 1061 Don G. Antigua ES 80 6 6 4 4 20 15 102 Amancio Sepulveda ES 60 4 4 2 4 20 13 43 Dona Milagros ES 60 5 5 3 4 20 14 54 Bagacay ES 60 4 4 2 4 20 13 45 San Jose ES 60 4 4 2 4 20 13 46 Borbon CES 100 8 8 8 4 25 15 147 Bili ES 60 4 4 2 4 20 13 48 Bongdo ES 80 5 5 3 4 20 14 79 Cadaruhan ES 60 5 5 3 4 20 13 4

10 Bongoyan ES 0 5 5 3 4 20 13 411 Cajel ES 60 5 5 2 4 20 13 412 Campusong ES 80 5 5 3 4 20 14 913 Laaw ES 80 5 5 3 4 20 14 1014 Managase ES 70 5 5 3 4 20 13 415 Magdolinog ES 60 4 4 3 4 20 13 416 Tabunan ES 80 5 5 3 4 20 15 1117 Saling-it PS 40 2 2 2 3 20 13 118 Dona Mary ES 0 5 5 3 4 20 13 4

TOTAL 1090 86 86 54 71 365 244 1071 Manahaw PS 8 1 1 1 1 5 4 12 Daat PS 30 1 1 1 2 10 7 1






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



3 Lib - og ES 30 1 1 2 2 12 8 24 Nahus-an ES 40 1 1 2 2 20 12 45 Inocoyan 9 1 1 1 2 5 4 16 Mangadlao ES 80 2 2 2 3 20 12 47 Damolog ES 120 3 3 2 4 20 12 58 Sogod Central 264 39 39 9 10 30 38 129 Bawo ES 80 2 2 2 3 20 12 4

10 Lantawan ES 40 1 1 2 3 15 7 411 Lubo ES 40 1 1 2 3 20 12 412 Liki ES 120 3 3 4 4 20 12 813 Calumboyan ES 80 2 2 2 3 25 12 514 Bagakay ES 40 1 1 2 2 20 12 215 Tabunok ES 120 3 3 4 4 20 12 816 Pansoy ES 80 2 2 2 3 20 12 417 Poblacion ES 120 3 3 2 4 20 14 6

Cabalawan ES 4Cabangahan ES 4Mohon ES 4Takay ES 4Tangke ES 4TOTAL 1301 67 67 42 55 302 202 95

1 San Francisco CES 265 20 20 16 29 135 124 142 Paypay ES 100 3 3 3 3 20 15 43 Tulang IS 50 3 3 3 3 20 15 44 Cambat-an ES 50 4 4 4 3 25 10 65 Himensulan ES 50 6 6 4 3 25 10 86 Lucio O. Arquillano MS 50 6 6 3 4 30 20 77 Himangkungan PS 15 1 1 1 3 20 10 08 Dapdap ES 50 2 2 2 3 20 10 49 Magay ES 50 3 3 3 3 20 10 4

10 Santiago ES 50 3 3 3 3 20 10 411 San Isidro ES 100 8 8 4 5 30 20 912 Danao PS 20 1 1 1 2 20 10 0





No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



13 Sta. Cruz ES 100 9 9 4 5 30 20 1014 Union ES 100 9 9 4 5 30 20 1415 Unidos ES 50 3 3 3 3 20 10 416 Daan Montealegre ES 50 4 4 3 3 25 15 417 Sonog ES 50 9 9 4 5 30 20 1018 Consuelo ES 50 9 9 4 5 30 20 919 Esperanza ES 100 9 9 4 5 30 20 920 Campo ES 50 7 7 3 5 30 20 921 Cabonga-an ES 0 5 5 3 3 25 15 6

TOTAL 1400 124 124 79 103 635 424 1391 Puertobello ES 55 6 6 3 4 20 12 102 Villahermosa ES 30 3 3 2 2 15 8 43 MC Arthur ES 30 3 3 2 3 15 8 44 Secante Bag-o PS 15 1 1 1 1 5 3 25 Tudela CS 54 6 6 3 4 20 12 86 Calmante ES 30 3 3 2 3 15 8 47 Buenavista ES 25 2 2 1 2 5 5 48 Secante Daan 15 2 2 1 2 5 5 49 Santander PS 10 1 1 1 1 0 2 1

10 General PS 10 1 1 1 1 0 2 011 Maslog PS 10 1 1 1 1 0 2 0

TOTAL 284 29 29 18 24 100 67 41Biasong PS 20 3 3 3 2 6 0 2Cawit ES 94 5 5 2 4 15 12 7Dapdap ES 40 3 3 2 2 10 8 4Esperanza ES 40 5 5 2 4 10 8 4Lanao ES 40 3 3 2 2 12 8 4Moabog ES 40 3 3 2 4 12 10 4Montserrat ES 93 4 4 2 4 12 10 4Opao ES 20 3 3 3 2 6 0 2Pilar CES 94 5 5 2 5 15 12 8San Isidro PS 20 3 3 3 0 6 0 2San Juan ES 40 3 3 2 4 12 8 4






No. of Student


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Teacher's


No. of Blackboard

No of Student Learning Kits (K-3)

No of Student Learning Kits (4-6)

Disaster Education



TOTAL 541 40 40 25 33 116 76 451 Esperanza ES 80 14 14 10 10 45 25 82 Poro CS 52 15 15 13 12 11 17 93 Libertad ES 48 6 6 2 5 13 8 44 Mercedes ES 41 13 13 10 10 6 15 85 Paz ES 58 6 6 10 6 23 8 46 Cagcagan ES 55 12 12 10 10 20 12 87 Rizal ES 47 5 5 1 5 12 7 38 Adela ES 47 14 14 10 10 12 14 69 Santa Rita PS 43 3 3 1 3 8 5 1

10 San Jose ES 47 7 7 2 6 12 9 411 Mactang PS 48 3 3 1 3 13 5 112 Cansabusab PS 42 2 2 1 1 7 4 113 Daan Paz PS 45 3 3 1 3 10 5 114 Mabini PS 45 2 2 1 2 10 4 115 Pagsa PS 47 3 3 1 3 12 5 216 Altavista ES 47 7 7 2 6 12 9 317 Teguis ES 50 7 7 2 6 15 9 4

TOTAL 842 122 122 78 101 241 161 6819500 1414 1414 900 1178 6242 4160 1580GRAND TOTAL


top related