U.S. STUDIES NEWS September 2015 Mr. Litz’s Email: rlitz@spfk12.org Class Website: Please also visit your Google Classroom.

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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U.S. STUDIES NEWSSeptember 2015

Mr. Litz’s Email: rlitz@spfk12.orgClass Website: http://mrlitz.wikispaces.com/

Please also visit your Google Classroom for additional documents.

Welcome to 7th Grade U.S. Studies

Week 1 Week 3Week 2


Welcome Back!• Class Introduction• Getting to KnowClassroom Procedures First Five! Punch In for Class No Hands Class Jobs Teacher Website • Setting up yourInteractive Notebook• Remembering 9/11

Building a Collaborative

Classroom• Tinfoil Challenge• Characteristics of

“group work”• Classroom Bill of

Rights• History Alive!

Textbook(schedule subject to change)

Materials and Interactive Notebook

Volume 1 Issue 1

This year in U.S. Studies we are focusing on United States history from the American Revolution up until the Civil War. Throughout each unit, students will acquire knowledge and understanding of the social sciences: geography, civics, economics, and law. Additionally, an integral part of the course is learning more about our government structure and functions.

Topics of Study• Colonial Experience• Revolutionary War• Articles of Confederation and the Constitution• Constitution- FoundingPrinciples, Structure,Legislative, Executive, andJudicial Branch• Election process and role asan active citizen

• Service Learning• Early United States- Political& Economic identity, George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency• Industrialization• Expansion West (ManifestDestiny- my favorite!)• Divisions prior to Civil War

Materials: What do I need for

class?• Interactive

Notebook: This is the NUMBER ONE item to bring to class each day.

• 3 ring binder section: At times there will be handouts that you need to keep. Please reserve a section of your binder for these handouts.

• Blue/black ink pens, sharpened pencils, and highlighters (I will also provide highlighters, crayons, and colored pencils but if you have your own, please bring them)

Handouts: How do I organize

them?• Most handouts will

be inserted (stapled, taped, or glued) into your notebook.

• If a handout is hole punched, keep it and place it in your binder unless directed otherwise.

U.S. Studies Skills for Success

• Annotating Texts• SGQs: Student Generated Questions• Introducing Class Discussions• Socratic Circle• U.S. Studies’ Essential Questions

U.S. STUDIES NEWSMr. Litz’s Email: rlitz@spfk12.org

Class Website: http://mrlitz.wikispaces.com/Please also visit your Google Classroom for additional

documents. 7th Grade U.S. Studies Expectations

I missed class. What should I do?

If you are in school and miss class (band, chorus, nurse, doctor, late) on a given day, stop by my classroom (Room 206) before/ after school, during S.T.A.R. or during lunch to find out what you need to complete. If you choose not to, your work is subject to deduction of points for lateness.

If you missed class because you were absent from school, you can obtain classwork and homework assignments by emailing me or by visiting the class website/ Google Classroom. You will have one additional day to make up work for each day absent.

When you return to school, visit the Missed Work folders and take the papers labeled with your name.

Considerations are made for make-up work due to extended and excused absences for prolonged illness.

How will I be graded this year in U.S. Studies?

Volume 1 Issue 1

Expectations1. Be prepared with all materials and homework each day.If homework is not handed in at the beginning of class, it can be handed in one day late but is subject to half the points. After one day, the homework can no longer be handed in and is given a zero. *Exceptions will be made for short term and long-term projects.* It is the student’s responsibility to have Mr. Litz check in late homework or absentee work.

2. Bring your Interactive Notebook to class everyday!  3. First Five! At the beginning of each class, students are to “Punch In” by taking their Punch Card from their assigned numbered slot in the room. Next, students are to copy down homework into their planners, leave their notebook on their desks, and place all remaining items beneath their desk. Then follow directions on the board/ projector. At times, students will complete a Think and Reflect (“Do Now”) that asks them a question about present day events or homework. In the last three minutes of class, hand in any assigned work, update your agenda book, and return your “Punch Card” back to their assigned number slot.  3. Participation: You are expected to participate everyday in class. Our class thrives on the students’ opinions and thoughts. Discussions take place daily in a variety of ways. We hold discussions as a whole class, in small groups, pairs, and through writing. Additionally, you will receive grades on specific discussions such as a Socratic Circle and also through a Participation Punch Card. *You will earn a participation score every two weeks!

In U.S. Studies, the grade you earn is based on the four types of assessments below: 1. Journals/ Participation- 10% of grade- consists of Think and Reflect (do-nows), self-assessments, and bi-weekly participation score 2. Homework – 20% of grade – consists of independent practice outside of class3. Summative Assessments – 30% of grade – may include major projects (end of a unit), minor projects (projects completed in the beginning or middle of a unit), and notebook tests (at least two days notice). There will be a minimum of 2 summative assessments per quarter.4. Formative Assessments – 40% of grade –classwork (EVERYDAY), daily and weekly assignments, participation, quizzes, writing assignments, and closure activities (end of class assessment)

* Extra credit will be given at Mr. Litz’s discretion.

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