Untitled Presentation

Post on 02-Dec-2014



Entertainment & Humor



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Welcome to The Knomancy. 

As you can see my founder is settling into her new home.

This is Daisy Knomance. Her personality is 6/5/4/7/3. Her LTW is to have 20 lovers. Heh, might happen, you never know. She is a fiesty young lady who just wants to have fun.

Don't you just love those boots. Daisy settles into founder living quickly.

After another bout of butterfly hunting the paper girl arrives.

Daisy found the job she want straight of the top. She starts tomorrow morning as a golf caddy on the Slacker career track.

Ah the beauty of founders and their lack of stuff."I'm bored," said Daisy to no one in particular.

"Hi Bored, I'm Jayd!""Ahh, did that butterfly just talk to me."

"Um... Yes, I'm a magical talking butterfly.""Do I get a wish?"

"No, but you can have a bookcase."

Daisy goes to inspect her new bookcase, muttering about sarcastic butterflys.

"Hmm this Pills and Moon is nice and all but I find reading a bit boring."

I decided to be nice and deleted the book case. I replaced it with a table, chair and the computer that Roddy dropped off.

Enter the random visitors. They are all residents of my Aistrigh Legacy neighbourhood. The Fellow with the tats is Anthony who is currently imprisoned by the local deities, although it

seems he escapes to join welcoming gangs. The redhead in the dress is the current graveyard keeper, Kate Bassett. I like collecting ghosts but I'd rather not have many in my normal plots.

The other guy is nobody interesting.

"OH MAN THIS IS SO FUN!!!"Yes, Daisy has found her Hobby.

Nobody Interesting is wondering if the toilet is art.

Eventually Daisy gets hungry hungry hippos, so I get her a fridge. Kate enjoys the wildlife.

Daisy greets a few more passersby.


Finally everyone goes away and Daisy goes to bed.

Daisy is not so sure if this outside living arangment is such a good idea.

"Maybe if I just ignore it, it will go away. Oh hey its my carpool, I've never been so happy to go to work."

Daisy got a promotion so she decided to go downtown and peruse the local bars for a dna donor.

I dont care what you people think, I like Brandon Lillard and his man skirt. Grant he isnt the most pretty man on the block, but he has a kilt for scots sake.

Anyway Daisy thinks he is the shit and brings him home. 

"... and then I was like naneeernerner and it was like whoa and do you like my pj's?"

In case you cant tell this is the rare slow dance twirl. I love seeing this so much that I go into shock and forget to press pause. Their last date went well so a few days later Daisy invites him

over again.


"Please, call me Jayd. Do you think you could do that again? I didn't hear a lullaby.""Sure! Wait lullaby?"

"Oh don't you worry your shiny hair about that, just have fun."

"That was my first time, it was fun, can we again."Brandon frowned, "were you just talking to a butterfly?"

"Yes, its a magical sarcastic butterfly.""Oh cool, just wondering."

That's the sound I was looking for.

Cute couple?

Daisy popped while hanging out with Komei."Oof, what the hell?"

"Ahah," laughs Komei, "you are totally preggas. Nice pants, real sexy""That's weird, I wasn't sick or anything."

" What the hell, Komei! Im pregnant, I need this money to buy a crib.""Tough luck babe, I'm a bad guy."

Finally she had enough to build a small cabin. Just in time for winter.

She spent the entire pregnancy playing Sims 3 and drinking "Instant Meal". It was all very boring. Lets get to the good bit eh?

Daisy has her baby making face on.

Introducing Fern, the first in game born Knomance. She has her mums black hair and mint green eyes and a skin tone somewhere between both parents.

Aw she is so cute clinging onto her mums hair.

"Hey so im off to work, hopefully I will get a promotion today. If I do and my child is still alive when I get home I promise to give you a tip."

 We can only hope. I once had a nanny that set a house on fire, saved the kids, then ran back in

to dance around in the flames till she died.

Ah well this is to be expected.

Punch air "YES". She just totaly changed a nappy, that rocks.

Daisy came home with a promotion to boot. I just got Open For Business so we decided to have a home business. I have never tried it so it should be fun. Right now all she has is two

dart boards.

But hey, who wouldnt wanna play darts with a chick in really short shorts in the middle of winter..

Ferns birthday has come around and Daisy buys her a cake. Her customers help her celebrate.

Arg cake glitch.

After buying more cake and retreiving the floating baby we are ready to go again.

"Ah crap, sparkles in my eyes."

Aw look at the lil kiddling, she has her daddys nose.

Fern grows up into a sweet little girl with a passion for cleanliness.Her personality is 10/2/2/7/7.

She has only one toy, her pink rabbit that matches her jumpsuit.

"Up you get Fern my little noseless one, time for glowing milk and learning to walk. The you can meet your noseless daddy."

"Mum got pretty hairs."

"Daisy, why am am holding this while you flirt with that chick.""I've just spent the winter cooped up inside looking after her and working. That's not fun, 1st

dates are fun. Play with your daughter Brandon.""Fine, " he grumbles looking at Fern dubiously, "hey kid, sup?"

Fern giggled and reached out for a hug.

Brandon barely notices his Daisy as he gets to know his little girl.

As Fern becomes more independant, Daisy takes some time of her own to work on her LTW. Peter Ottomas is quiet happy to help out.

As the lovers came up for air, Daisy noticed two things, a familier lullaby and a woman seaking around from behind her cabin.

 If you have not figured by now, I have ACR and that lullaby was my second ever accidental

conception. Sadly the kids gunna be illegitimate becos Peter is a playable.

Daisy shrugged the lulluby from her mind when she saw what the woman had left her. Peter knew all to well what that sound meant, it would be his 9th child so far, he was just releaved he didnt have to raise this one too. Time had been hard on him since his wife died and Grim the Reaper thought it would be funny to impregnate him with twins as he came for Peters wife.

Daisy sold the hottub and used the money to extend the family busines.

The house got bigger too, now they have a bathroom and a bedroom.

Peter Ottomas you dog you.

Since Fern is a bit shy, they celebrated her next birthday privetely."Ok dear, blow out the candles."

"I want cake.""You can have cake when you Grow Up."

"I can Grow Up now?"

"Wow, this will make things easier, now let me at that cake."

Daisy watched in amazement as the cake disappeared."Mum, I really like food."

Daisy shrugged, "whatever floats your boat dear."

Fern let her mum curl her hair and changed into a cute skirt and then went back for more cake.

"This really cake really does float my boat mum."

Daisy got back from work that a few nights later with a bump. The nanny was waiting for her ride when she popped.

"Oh look at that, another darling bastard for me to look after, " she chuckled."Yup, you off now? Bye bye, " said Daisy cheerfully.

Fern gets up early most mornings before school and makes lemonade. She loved to see people enjoy something she made and she wanted to help out with the business.

She was friendly with all the customers and never let her shyness get in the way when talking. She learnt her conversation skills from her mother though and often shocked people by

comeing out with some odd things.

"When I'm grown up I'm going to have two girl friends like you. Your girlfriends are sisters right? Do you have to make sure you take turns at kissing them?"

Comes from having to share a room with this hussy.

When she got an a plus at school daisy got her a play oven as a reward.

Oh I like this kid. Yeah she got it right first time.

Again Daisy gets through her pregnancy by sculling down the "Instant Meals".

And the occasional revitalizing electrical current.

Baby making face.

"Fern come meet you little brother, Socrates.""Hello, Socrates, I'm your big sister, I'm going to look after you and make you muffins and hug

you lots okay."

Its not long before Socrates grows up.

The Ottomas genetics are strong in this one.

The Knomancy family gets a Photo booth. Fern is the first to give it a whirl.

Ferns best friend is Am from my other legacy, they both share a weird obsession for clean hands.

Becos the business is open pretty much 42/7 Fern meets all sorts of people to have inappropriate conversations with, even before school.

Just one of those families.

"Are you my daddy?""Yes, but don't be expecting much attention from me kid, I barely interact with the kids I live


Finally its time for Ferns birthday, whoever is hanging around the house helps celebrate.

So the hair is not very flattering but I think she is pretty.

"Finely I'm old enough to cook real food. Not more cereal."

"The cash is really rolling in now, Peter, I think we should have enough for a total rebuild next chapter."


I leave you with a gorgeously made over Fern going hard on Sims 3.

"Oi! Magical Sarcastic Butterfly! Your in my way.""Gees sorry, And my name is Jayd."

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