
Universal AnalyticsAnton Popov

Google Analytics

No sense!!!

Real Situation

Hours of Researching 5 Minutes Purchase

Problem of Cookies

From Visits to Visitors!

Google Analytics Cookie (UTM_a)

Universal Analytics Cookie (User ID) _ga=1.2.838838867.1359565579161

User ID

The whole path and it’s value


What Happens After Visit?

Conversion Starts Online, But Finishes Offline

In-store transactions

Use of discount cards

Catalogue subscriptions

Customer support calls

Received parcels

Custom Dimensions and Metrics

Standard GA Metrics

• Bounce rate• Conversion• Traffic Sources

New Relevant Custom Metrics and Dimensions

Google Analytics

Universal Analytics

• Phone number• Promo code• Card number• Cash

Measurement protocol

User ID

UID cookies

Client ID Offline conversions

Step 1

Step 2

Client ID

Universal Analytics

Thank you!

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