United Kingdom communication, negotiations and cultural background By Adam Kowol and Edyta Szumieł.

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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United Kingdom

communication, negotiations and cultural background

By Adam Kowol and Edyta Szumieł


Presentation outline Cultural background Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Practical tips for negotiators


Dimensions of culture Universalism (versus particularism)

Individualism (versus communitarianism)

Specificity (versus diffuseness)

Status by achievement (versus ascription)

Sequential (versus synchronic)


Universalism Universalist approach:

„What is good and right can be defined and always applies”

Implications: contracts are very important, always in writing, „a deal is a

deal” (unwilling to renegotiate deals) lawyers are introduced into the process of negotiation personal relationship often ignored, negotiators tend to get

down to business quickly rational and professional arguments uniform procedures imposed by the head office transparency and consistency


Individualism People regard themselves primarily as

individuals rather than as part of a group Implications:

more frequent use of "I" form a single representative feels comfortable taking decisions personal responsibility, no need to consult with superiors consensus is not deemed necessary (no need to convince everyone) the decision-making process is short risk: delays in the implementation phase, disparity between decision

and implementation during negotiations the translator is supposed to be neutral


Specificity Low-context culture:

not much background information is required for effective communication

Implications: not afraid of losing face do not take things personally straightforward communication, open criticism work and private life are sharply separated don't mix business with pleasure personal questions are not welcome they get straight to the point (from specific to general) importance of specific, measurable objectives meetings have clear structure (timing, agendas) only relevant titles and skills are worth mentioning


Achievement-oriented culture You are judged on what you have

accomplished:status is not attributed by birth, kinship, connections, gender or age

Implications: the first question is likely to be "What did you study?", not

"Where did you study?" academic titles are often considered irrelevant in business

environment importance of data and technical considerations


Time as sequence Time is a series of passing events

Implications: importance of schedules preference for following initial plans it is rude to be even a few minutes late time is money


A commanding social presence Desired qualities of a gentleman:

grace good style sense of humour eloquence composure


Other cultural characteristics the British prefer talking over doing form is very important they pay more attention to numbers

(e.g. financial data) than material products

preoccupied with abstract ideas public debates and discussions are

out of touch with reality


Verbal communication Content Form


Content Low-context:

concentrate on the subject matter Topics:

the English are generally open-minded welcome topics:

the weather, sports, current affairs, British history, culture and popular music

avoid personal questions and topics such as politics or religion


British humour Often used to release emotions General features:

puns nonsense smut and innuendo black humour eccentricity satire and sarcasm understatement and irony


Form Do not interrupt anybody Speak in complete sentences Avoid sloppy language Phrase sentences correctly


Non-verbal communication Kinesics Oculesics Haptics Proxemics Paralanguage Object communication


Kinesics Gestures:

British gestures are restrained excessive gesticulation can come across as

aggressive behaviour Facial expressions:

emotional displays, positive or negative, are frowned upon

the British "keep a stiff upper lip" facial expressions are kept to a minimum


Oculesics Prolonged eye-to-eye contact can be

interpreted as impolite behaviour


Haptics Touching is avoided, only handshake

is acceptable Backslapping and hugging are not



Proxemics Do not intrude into their personal

space Keep your interlocutor at arm’s

length Stand next to each other rather than



Paralanguage Definition

part of nonverbal communication how something is said rather than what

is said Talk in a monotone Speak in low, measured tones

without raising the voice


Object communication Clothing

conservative dress is the norm a dark suit is recommended extremely informal clothing is not

considered appropriate


Practical tips Make appointments a few days in advance Exchange business cards Be polite and friendly, even under stress "How do you do?" is a greeting, not a question Smile a lot Make sure you have clean shoes and fingernails Remember names Do not overstay your welcome

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