UNIT 12 人员销售 Personal Selling. Contents Section I Special Terms 1 Section II Text Study 2 Section III Situational Dialogues 3 Section IV Tasks 4.

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Personal Selling


Section I Special Terms1

Section II Text Study2

Section III Situational Dialogues3

Section IV Tasks4

Section I Special Terms

Personal Selling

It refers to selling that involves a face-to-face interaction

with the customer.



Section II Text Study

Pre-reading questions

1. What is personal selling?

2. In what situation is personal selling most appropriately used?

3. What are the advantages of personal selling?

Section II Text Study

Personal selling occurs where an individual salesperson

sells a product, service or solution to a client. It is most

appropriately used in situations where the target market is

concentrated, where products are high in value or orders are

large, when the product is technically complex, or when the

differential advantage is difficult to explain.

Personal selling is unique because it involves personal

contact. It is a two-way marketing communication. It follows

the AIDA model, which defines the stages a receiver would

go through. The steps in AIDA are to gain the receiver’s

attention, to create and hold the receiver’s interest, to arouse

desire, and to motivate a desired action.

Personal SellingText A

Section II Text Study

Personal selling is the tool that most often brings the buying

decision process to a satisfactory conclusion for both buyer and seller.

The strength of personal selling is that it is flexible and provides

immediate feedback. The salesperson can ask questions to determine

the prospect’s level of interest and react quickly to the prospect’s wants.

The sales presentation can be personalized based upon those wants.

Many customers don’t know what they want, and part of the

salesperson’s responsibility is to help them find out how the product can

solve their problems or satisfy their wants.

Section II Text Study

New Words and Expressions


vt. ……使 个人化


vt. 激发 , 促成



vt. 汇集,集中


adv. 技术上


adj. 复杂的n. 优势


adj. 有差别的

differential arouse

vt. 激起 , 引起

n. 反馈

Exercise 1 Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the above text.

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[ ]T

Section II Text Study


1. Personal selling targets rich people.

2. Personal selling is a two-way marketing communication.

3. Salespersons must have a good knowledge of the products.

4. Customers often visit salespersons.

5. Many customers have little knowledge about their demand.

Exercise 2 Match the words in the table below with their correct Chinese equivalents.

Section II Text Study

1. occur

2. appropriately

3. complex

4. personalized

5. conclusion

6. differential

7. feedback

8. react

A. 结论

B. 反馈

C. 使……个人化

D. 发生

E. 反应

F. 适当地

G. 复杂的

H. 有差别的

Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in brackets.

Section II Text Study

A salesperson personally (communicate)

with the prospect to make the sale and build a relationship. The job

of a salesperson (range) from order takers ( 接受者 ) to

order (get) ( 获得者 ).




Section II Text Study

Smith has been using the same car for ten years. Many salesmen have

visited him, persuaded him to change a new one.

One salesman said, “This car can easily get involved in traffic

accidents. You should change a new one as soon as possible. I would like

to recommend one suitable for you.” Smith was unhappy to hear that

because he has never had an accident before.

Another salesman visited him the next month. “The repair fee should

be very high as the age of your car is over ten years. Once there is a

problem, it might cause inconvenience.” He said. Smith didn’t agree with

him because he can repair the car by himself.

Different Selling LanguagesText B

Section II Text Study

The third salesman came to his house. “Oh, Smith, your car is out of

fashion, just like your house...” Smith drummed him out ( 赶走 ) angrily.

Section II Text Study

A few days later, Smith drove his car to a car market. A middle-aged

sales manager got close to his car. He said, “Well, it was one of the best

selling cars several years ago. I used to drive this. It has a sound reputation

for performance.” Smith was very happy to hear that. Nobody praised his

car for a long time. Almost all people persuaded him to buy a new one. “I

think it is a pity to change it right now. It will still work well for at least half a

year.” The man talked to Smith. In fact, Smith wanted to change his car.

“But I want to change a new one now. Do you have any new model of this

brand?” Smith said decidedly ( 坚决地 ).

Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the above text.

[ ]







Exercise 4

Section II Text Study

1. Smith couldn’t afford to buy a new car.

2. Smith’s car always got something wrong.

3. Smith decided to buy a new car finally.

Section III Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Liu is a new employee of ABC Company. Today he has a talk with

Steven, the marketing manager.

Liu: Hello, Steven. May I ask you some questions about personal selling?

Steven: Sure!

Liu: What are the advantages of personal selling?

Steven: Buyer and seller can talk freely together. That is a key point.

Liu: It’s helpful to set up a direct and friendly relationship. Am I right?

Steven: Yes. The salesperson may view the motivation ( 动机 ) and the

attitude of the customers.

Advantages of Personal Selling

Section III Situational Dialogues

Liu: The salesperson can explain and solve some problems right away.Steven: It’s hard for the salesperson to visit each of the potential customers. He could choose some people he is willing to visit.

Liu: I am always confused about finding the suitable customers.

Steven: The salesperson can target some valuable customers but not every

one. By the way, it also depends on how you define the “suitable”.

Liu: Advertising and other promotion means can not achieve this. What

about other advantages?

Steven: The salesperson can do many jobs, including looking for customers,

contact with them, negotiation, and closing the sale.

Section III Situational Dialogues

Liu: I agree. Customers feel it convenient if the business is done between

two persons.

Steven: What’s more, experienced salespersons can easily establish good

relationship with customers, not just a one-shot deal.

Section III Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 2 Selling Life Insurance

Espen: Good evening, Sir. I am from the Peace Insurance Company.

Here is my business card.

Jack: You are selling insurance! Oh, I am afraid that I am a bit tired today.

Espen: Am I bothering (打扰 ) you? I hope what I’ll offer you may make

up for it.

Jack: Oh, no, no! What do you want to sell?

Espen: Have you ever talked with any salesperson of insurance recently?

Jack: No.

Espen: Have you bought any insurance?

Jack: No.

Espen is a life insurance salesman. He pays a visit to Jack’s house in the evening.

Section III Situational Dialogues

Espen: May I ask you a private (私人的 ) question?

Jack: Mm.

Espen: Do you have any children?

Jack: Yeah.

Espen: Who loves your wife more? You or your kid?

Jack: Interesting question. Both!

Espen: Women’s Day is coming. Do you want to give your wife a gift?

Jack: What is your advice?

Espen: I don’t know what gifts you want to buy, but I bring a gift for you,

an apple. I hope you like it.

Jack: Thank you! Why do you give me this?

Section III Situational Dialogues

Espen: An apple is not only a favorite fruit. But I also want to mention

something else. As the story tells us, a falling apple hit Newton on the

head, which encouraged him to find out the gravity theory ( 引力理论 ). I hope the apple will also help you find out the best way to ease

the gravity (严重性 ) of your family’s insecurity.

Jack: Sounds interesting. Well, this is a good gift. Would you please

explain the details of your product?

Espen: Of course.

Answer the following questions according to the dialogues.

Exercise 5

Section III Situational Dialogues

He is a new employee of ABC Company.

Yes. Because the salesperson cancommunicate with customers face to face.

2. Is personal selling helpful to set up a direct relationship with customers.

1. Who is Liu?

Answer the following questions according to the dialogues.

Exercise 5

Section III Situational Dialogues

Life insurance.

He is an excellent salesperson, verypersuasive.

He is a life insurance salesman.

5. What gift will Jack finally buy for his family?

3. Who is Espen?

4. What do you think about Espen?

Section III Situational DialoguesExercise 6 Translate the following five stages of personal selling into Chinese.

Personal selling involves five stages as follows:

Marketing Skills

Section III Situational Dialogues

Understand your customers, and learn to be a good listener.

读懂你的客人,学会聆听别人。 你生活的周围,都能成为你的营销范围。在你选定目标客户之前,多方搜集客户的信息,如职业、收入、文化程度,嗜好等。对其有初步的了解后,再制订工作方案,如见到客户时先讲什么?后讲什么?如何向他销售? List all thequestions you want to ask your

customers before your meeting.

生意谈成前,争取让他 / 她连续说几个“是”或“对”。那么,当你问最后一个问题时: Shall we sign the contract now? And the most likely answer is: Yes!

成功的销售可以在几分钟内敲定。 A good deal can be fixed within minutes. 但是 It will

be very tough afterward. 要做好应有的心理准备。 谈话的时候,注意要聆听客户的意见。 Learn to be a good listener.

Section IV Tasks

Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with the proper words given in the box.

Run Into a Client

Zhang runs into an old business friend, Steven, in the street.

Zhang: Hi, Steven, long time no see! 1) .

Steven: Good morning, Mr. Zhang. Nice to see you here! How is your

business? Are you still selling...?

Zhang: Steven, I am very glad to 2) . I have changed my

job. Now I am a sales manager of a multinational company. Here is my

business card.

meet you again your company makes each otherSurprised to meet you here in recent years

meet you again

Surprised to meet you here

Section IV Tasks

Steven: (looking at the business card) Oh, Mr. Zhang, you are really very

successful. Let me know what products 3) .

Zhang: Well, sporting goods. To my knowledge, you are a wholesaler of

sporting goods.

Steven: Yeah. We have opened many new shops 4) .

Zhang: Shall we have a cup of coffee? Steven, I want to show you the


Steven: Why not?

Zhang: How about the White Swan Hotel? The first time we got to know

5) .

Steven: Good idea.

your company makes

in recent years

each other

Section IV Tasks

Exercise 8 Complete the following dialogue.

Buying Souvenirs

Ann will leave for America tomorrow. Miss Zeng accompanies her to buy

some souvenirs.

Ann: ( 你好 ! 曾小姐 ), Beijing

is really a shopping paradise! I have no idea

what souvenirs I shall buy for my colleagues.

Zeng: To my knowledge, Chinese arts and

crafts, textiles, pottery and porcelain ( 陶瓷 )

are very popular to foreign tourists.

Hi! Miss Zeng

Section IV Tasks

Ann: Those are really excellent gifts. It is easy to find something for my

colleagues, but ( 一点儿也不容易 ) for my manager.

Zeng: Is your boss male or ( 女性 )?

Ann: A young lady.

Zeng: She might like jewelry. Come on, this way.

Ann: Wow, look at this jewelry. They look ( 真不错 )!

Zeng: You may buy this for your boss.

Ann: ( 你开玩笑吧 )! That’s far beyond my budget.

How much is this necklace?

Salesgirl: Three hundred.

not quite so


so nice

Are you kidding

Section IV Tasks

Ann: I think three hundred dollars is still a bit too ( 昂贵 ).

Salesgirl: Three hundred Yuan each.

Ann: 300 RMB each? ( 是真品吗 )?

Salesgirl: They are copies ( 复制品 ).

Ann: But I can’t recognize that at all. Ha! Ha! Only experts could judge

that. My boss will be very happy to receive this gift. Well. I will take it!


Are they real

Section IV Tasks

Exercise 9 Imagine you are a salesperson of a gym club. How can you sell the gym membership card?

I will sell the gym card in the following ways:

1. I will target the white-collar people. They work very hard. Gym

exercise is necessary to them.

2. I will go to the office districts to sell the gym cards. The period

from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. should be a convenient time to meet

my prospects.

Section IV Tasks



I will also sell the cards in front of the

shopping centers. It is always crowded


I will wear sport suits and gym shoes when

I sell the cards. Professional wearing will

help me promote these products.

Section IV Tasks





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