Unit 1 The Restrictive and Non- Restrictive Attributive Clause.

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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The Restrictive and

Non- Restrictive Attributive Clause


What happened to the Amber Room?

First it was made by F the first, which was designed for his palace. However, F W the first gave it to P as a gift, which serve as a small reception hall. Later, C added more details to it and moved it from Czar’s winter palace to a palace where she spent

summers. During world War II, theNazi

Army stole it and put it on a train for K.

After that, what happened to the Amber

Room remains a mystery. Recently, it

has been rebuilt to celebrate the 300th

birthday of St P.

1. The eyewitness, _____ was questioned by the police again and again, got a little upset.

2. The artist, _______ this painting belongs, is considered to be best one this year.


to whom

3. The speech, ______ bored everyone,went on and on.

4. The supermarket has little parking space, ________is really a problem.



5. The boy, _________ handwriting is the best in his class, is rewarded with a dictionary.

6. I don’t like the cars_________owners park too close to me.



7. He has been working in Beijing University for 5 years, ________he has devoted himself to language research.

8. I am seeing the manager tomorrow, _______he will be back from New York.



Ex. 3 (P4)

1. Here are the farmers. They discovered

the underground city last month.

Here are the farmers who discovered

the underground city last month.

Attributive Clause

2. Hangzhou is a famous city in China. Many people come to buy tea in that city.

Hangzhou is a famous city in China in which/where many people come to buy tea.

3. She got so angry. I don’t know the reason.

I don’t know the reason why she got so angry.

4. The old man saw some Germans

taking apart the Amber Room and

removing it. You are talking to an old


The old man (who / whom / that ) you

are talking to saw some Germans

taking apart the Amber Room and

removing it.

5. The woman remembered the day.

She saw Nazis burying something

near her home.

The woman remembered the day

when she saw Nazis burying

something near her home.

6. St Petersburg is a very beautiful city. It was once called Leningrad.

St Petersburg is a very beautiful city, which was once called Leningrad.

7. I remember the soldier. He told me not to tell anyone what I had seen.

I remember the soldier, who told me not to tell anyone what I had seen.

8. The soldiers moved the boxes to a mine. They wanted to hide them.

The soldiers moved the boxes to a mine, where they wanted to hide them.

9. Xi’an is one of the few cities with walls. Its walls remain as good as before.

Xi’an is one of the few cities in which/where walls remain as good as before.

10. Shaanxi Province is a place with

many cultural relics. Its cultural rel

ics are well looked after.

Shanxi Province is a place where c

ultural relics are well looked after.

(1) What surprised me was not what he

said but the way _______________

he said it.

(2) We’re just trying to reach a point _

____ both sides will sit down togeth

er and talk. (2006 山东)

(that / in which)



(3) ___ is often the case, we have

worked out the production plan.

(4) This is the very house _____ he lived.

(5) Next winter, _____ you will spend in

Harbin, I’m sure, will be another

exciting holiday.

(6) That’s the reason ____ he was late.





(7) The pictures brought the days back to

the old _____ they swam in the river.

(8) Robert and his songs ____ were famous

in the U. S. are also popular in China.

(9) They are always smoking, _____ of

course, will do harm to their health.

(10) The situation _____ you use the

words is very clear in fact.





1. The reason why he explained at the

meeting surprised us.

2. I can remember the days when we

spent together.


when—(that / which)

Correct the mistakes

3. The way in which you talked about

is very important for us.

4. Put the book in which you can it eas


in which—(which / that)

in which—where

1 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _____, of course, made the others envy ( 嫉妒 ) him. (2004 天津 )

A. who B. that

C. what D. which

2 There were dirty marks on her trousers _______ she had wiped her hands. (2004 全国 )

A. where

B. which

C. when

D. that

3 The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ________ are sold abroad. (2004 辽宁 )

A. of which

B. which of

C. of them

D. of that

4 The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. (2004 全国 )

A. for which

B. at which

C. in which

D. on which

5 I have many friends, some _______ are

businessmen. (2005 全国 )

A. why   B. from which

C. who of   D. of whom

6 If a shop has chairs _______ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop. (2005 上海 )

A. that

B. which

C. when

D. where

7 Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer what it was 20 years ago, ______ it was so poorly equipped. (2005 安徽 )

A. when

B. which

C. what

D. that

8 Jim passed the driving test, _______ surprised everybody in the office.

( 2005 浙江) A. which

B. that

C. this

D. it

9 It is reported that two schools, _____ are bei

ng built in my hometown, will open next year.

( 2007 四川) A. they both

B. which both

C. both of them

D. both of which

10 By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, ___ can be very eye-opening and rewarding. ( 2007 湖南)

A. who

B. which

C. what

D. that

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