Unit 1 : Person to person New Vocabulary · rude impolite shy quiet sympathetic understanding reliable dependable punctual on time Word partners : best friend next door neighbor brother

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Cairo Governorate Department : English

Nozha Directorate of Education Grade : 3rd


Nozha Language Schools Poetry


Unit 1 : Person to person New Vocabulary:

moan to make a complaint esp. about something which doesn't

seem important to other people

to ban to forbid

complicated difficult

to give a buzz to phone someone

invaluable extremely useful

risk ( an example of ) danger of loss or harm

trend a general development or change in a situation or in the way

that people are behaving

get on my nerves to make you nervous , worried or angry

gadgets small devices or machines with a particular purpose .

payphone a public phone where you can make calls that you pay for by

using coins , a credit card or phone card .

save up to keep ( something , esp. money ) for use in the future .

document a paper or set of papers with written or printed information ,

esp. , of an official type .

an attachment something that is fastened , joined or connected to something

or a place or fixed in position .

minority a smaller number or part .

irritating making you feel annoyed .

custom a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for

a long time .

ceremony a set of formal acts , often fixed and traditional , performed

on important social or religious occasions .

penalty a punishment for doing something that is against the law.

proposal a suggestion , sometimes a written one or an offer of

marriage .


proposition a suggestion or statement offered for consideration .

suits a piece of clothing to be worn in a particular situation .

costume the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of

history , or suitable for a particular activity .

congregation a group of people who have come together in a religious

building for worship and prayers .

anniversary the day on which an important event happened in a

previous year .

memorial an object , often large and made of stone , which has been

built to honour a famous person or event .

veil a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or

head .

consent permission or agreement .

cattle cows and bulls that are kept for their meat or milk .

utensils tools with a particular use specially in a kitchen or a house .

obligation the fact that you must do something .

apart separated by distance , or less commonly , by time .

prohibited officially refused or prevented .

toast a short speech in honour of someone in a celebration of

something , followed by everyone present taking a drink .

verbal spoken

whopping huge

wonder surprise

indicate show

universal worldwide

observed noticed

manner way

out of sight not seen


Communication :

wave to make a movement with your hand to greet someone

or tell someone to do something .

frown to bring your eyebrows together to show that you are

angry , annoyed or worried .

shake your head to move your head from side to side to express

disagreement , sadness or that you don't want or believe

something .

nod to move your head down and then up to show

agreement , approval or greeting .

raise your eyebrows to move your eyebrows upwards to show surprise .

sniff to take air in quickly through your nose , usually to stop

the liquid inside the nose from flowing out .

sigh to breathe out slowly and noisily , expressing tiredness ,

sadness , pleasure , ........................ etc.

yawn to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into the

lungs and slowly send it out usually when tired or bored


Phrasal verbs :

get across to manage to make someone understand or believe

something .

stand for to represent

make up to invent something , such as an excuse or a story , often in

order to deceive .

come out with to say something suddenly and unexpectedly .

bring up to start to talk about a particular subject .

talk sb. into to persuade someone to do something .

get on well with to have a good relationship .

chat with to talk to someone in a friendly , informal conversation .

argue with to show disagreement in talking or discussing . Or to give

the reasons for your opinion , idea or belief .


confide in to share your feelings and secrets with whom you trust not

to tell anyone else .

gossip with an informal talk or a talk about other people's private lives

which is usually unkind , not true or disapproving .

get on your nerves make you worried , angry or nervous .

cheer sb. up to cause someone to feel encouraged and happier .

let sb. down to cause someone disappointment , often by failing to do

what you have promised .

put you in a good / a

bad mood

to cause to be in the stated condition or situation .

stand up for you To defend and fight for you

Character adjectives :

outgoing sociable

talkative chatty

rude impolite

shy quiet

sympathetic understanding

reliable dependable

punctual on time

Word partners :

best friend next door neighbor

brother in-law only child

twin sister great grandmother

single parent extended family


Word patterns :

say to pronounce words or sounds , to express a thought ,

opinion or suggestion .

tell to say something to someone , often giving information

or instructions

speak to say words or use the voice or to have a conversation

with someone .

say sorry – a prayer – what you think

tell the time – someone off – a story – the truth – a joke

speak a language – your mind – up

say sorry – a prayer – what you think

tell the time – someone off – a story – the truth – a joke

speak a language – your mind – up

Grammar : - present simple and present continuous

- state verbs

- present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

Refer to student's book P. 138 Refer to student's book P. 138 Refer to student's book P. 138 Refer to student's book P. 138 –––– 139139139139 Writing : a letter of application Refer to student's book P. 160

Refer to student's book P. 160


* Complete the following text with present simple , present continuous,

present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in

brackets :

Wikipedia started in 2001 and since then it (become) ............................ one of the

most popular sites on the internet . Today , Wikipedia (help) .......................... to change the

way people look for information . Millions of people (use) ........................ it every day and

the site (have) .................... over 15 million pages in 272 languages . Anyone can write on

Wikipedia and because of that a few people (add) ...................... false information over the

years . However, most of the information on Wikipedia is correct , and at present

Wikipedia (look) ....................... for new ways to make sure it is all correct . And although

encyclopedias are better , it seems that for the moment , the world still prefers Wikipedia

* Complete the sentences below using the simple or continuous form of the verbs in the box :

see – smell – taste – think – weigh

1 - This cheese .............. terrible but it ............... delicious ! Can I have some more , please ?

2 – James ......................... the soup now if it needs more salt .

3 – I can't talk to you right now . I ....................... the doctor . I'm in the consultation room .

4 – It's just my opinion , but I ....................... this holiday package is too expensive .

5 – If you look very closely , you can just ............................ the tower in the distance .

6 – The grocer ..................... my vegetables now and then I'll be ready to pay and leave .

7 – They ....................... of going on a cruise , but they haven't made a decision about it yet .

8 – My suitcase ..................... over 20 kilos . I might have to pay an excess luggage charge .

* Choose the correct word(s) in brackets :

1 - The new job will provide you with (value – invaluable- the value of- values)

experience .

2 - Jack ( yawned – nodded – waved – frowned ) as he heard the instructions , as if he

was puzzled .


3 - Have you seen this handy little ( gadget – gaffer – gallows – gaggle ) ? It's for

separating egg yolks from whites .

4 - We tried to get our point ( cross – on – across – with ) , but he just wouldn't listen .

5 - She ( said – told – spoke – asked ) good bye to all her friends and left .

6 - Jack and Mary are ( enchanted – engaged – encountered – engorged ) to be married

in June .

7 - The vicar asked the (congregation – congratulations – confrontation – contributor)

to kneel .

8 - You can only come on the trip if your parents give their ( confess – consent – custom –

connection ) .

9 - After the ceremony , the bride lifted up her ( reel – velvet – vein – veil ) to kiss her

husband .

10- The government introduced a law to ( provoke – permit – prohibit – support )

Tobacco advertisements on TV as they have a bad effect on youth .

11- Ted raised his glass and proposed a ( toast – taste – toad – token ) to his absent friends.

12- Smoking is ( bared – banned – bordered – banged ) in this restaurant .

13- When I suggested a walk , Ellen ( frowned – sniffed – yawned – nodded )

enthusiastically .

14- I made ( in – up – with – on ) an excuse about having to look after the kids .

15- My niece is so ( rude – shy – hopeless – outgoing ) that she doesn't dare speak in class .

16- Sam ( has been trying – is trying – has tried – tries ) to book concert tickets all day but

the lines are always busy .

17- ( Are you getting – Do you get – Have you got – Have you been getting ) a new suit for

my brother's wedding ? - Yes . (Are you knowing – Do you know – Have you known –

Have you been knowing) where I can buy a cheap one ?

18- What ( usually happens – is usually happening – has usually happened – has been

usually happening ) at big birthday celebrations in your country ?

19- U2 ( put – are putting – have put – have been putting ) on a concert next year .

Have you bought any tickets yet ?


20- Is this the first time ( you will have – you've been having – you have – you've had ) a

misunderstanding with your boss ? " - Neither the first nor the last .

21- Max ( talks me into – has been talking me into – is talking me into – has just talked

me into ) buying a new mobile . I don't know what's wrong with the one I have .

22- Casper ( has sent – is sending – sends – has been sending ) me a message . His plan

is not arriving un9l 8 pm.

23- Why ( do you use – have you used – are you using – have you been using ) this

camera ? It doesn't belong to you .

24- This film ( is given – has given – has been giving – gives ) me a headache . I'm going

to bed .

25- I ( follow – am following – have followed – have been following ) the same route

to work every day . I'm always punctual .

26- My brother ( always takes – is always taking – has always taken – has been always

taking ) my toys . He gets on my nerves .

27- Don't forget ! The film ( starts – is starting – has started – has been star9ng ) at 6

o'clock .

28- Parking in the city centre ( is getting – gets – has got – has been getting ) more and

more difficult .

29- We ( don't decide – aren't deciding – haven't been deciding – haven't decided ) on

the food for the party yet . What do you think; pizza or sandwiches ?

30- Over years , we ( become – are becoming – have become – have been becoming )

suspicious of emails from unknown organizations .

* Rewrite these sentences using word(s) in brackets :

1 - I met my wife Sara in 2005 . ( since )


2 - Sam isn't enjoying this wedding reception at all . ( like )


3 - Is that nice holiday home yours ? ( own )


4 - It's the fifth time he's told that joke this morning . ( been )



5 - Our English teacher always arrives on time for the lesson . ( late )


6 - Ted comes out with strange comments all the time . It' s disturbing . ( coming )


7 - What time is your meeting with Mr. Grimes tomorrow ? ( are )


8 - This is the first time I've driven a car . ( never )


9 - Sally started cooking at 3 o'clock . ( been )


10- What are their plans for the next holiday ? ( they )


11- My uncle left for Alex a short time ago . ( just )


12- Dad bought his third car last year . ( three )


13- Do these glasses belong to her ? ( hers )


14- Dan is in the habit of biting his nails when he is nervous . ( always )


15- Ahmed convinced me of selling my old car . ( into )


16- We've never complained about service in the this hotel . The whole staff is wonderful .

( moan )


17- My uncle is always on time . He is never late . ( punctual )


18- My cousin has no brothers or sisters . He feels lonely . ( only )


19- You're not allowed to smoke on a plane . ( prohibited )


20- Jack managed to persuade me to buy the blue car . ( talk ......into )



Sample TestSample TestSample TestSample Test I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1 - Did you ( say – tell – speak – do ) anyone that you were coming to see me ?

2 – She's always ( talking into – making up – standing for – bringing up ) her health

problems whenever she meets her old friends .

3 – You'll have to wait till the policeman ( waves – nods – frowns – yawns ) the line of

traffic on .

4 – The statue was erected as a / an ( anniversary – ceremony – memorial –

congregation ) to those who died in the war .

5 – I'm afraid Greta's performance this year was ( unsuitable – unsatisfactory –

unbelievable – unsympathetic ) . She will have to re-sit some of her exams .

6 – My sister ( is always bossing me – is always boss me – bosses me always – always

bosses ) around . I can't stand it anymore .

7 – ( Are you come – Will you coming – Are you coming – Do you come ) to the

wedding reception on Saturday ? – No, I'll just make it to the marriage service .

8 – I ( have tried – have been trying – try – am trying ) to contact you all morning .

9 – I need to go out more . I ( spend – have spent – have been spending – am spending )

too much time on my own recently .

10 – Lara ( doesn't think – isn't thinking – hasn't thought – hasn't been thinking )

violence can ever be justified .

II - Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1 - 1999 was the last time I saw my grandpa . ( since )


2 - Dan and Julia have been married for 20 years . They are planning a big celebration

on this occasion . ( anniversary )


3 - It's our family's habit to have breakfast at 7 o'clock . ( every day ) ------------------


4 - Mum started cooking at 1 o'clock . Now it's 4 o'clock . She hasn't finished yet . ( for ) -


5 - Sorry, you can't talk to Tom now . He's at the market . ( been )



B - Language Functions III - Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

Receptionist : Hilton hotel , ----------------------------------------- ?

Adel : Yes, please . ------------------------------------------ .

Receptionist : Single or double ?

Adel : ------------------------ , please . I'm coming on myself .

Receptionist : When are you arriving ?

Adel : ------------------------------------------------------ .

Receptionist : How long will you stay ?

Adel : For 3 days . I'm leaving on Thursday . -----------------------------?

Receptionist : Sorry , you have to pay in cash .

Adel : OK , thank you .

Receptionist : You're welcome .

C - Reading Comprehension IV - Read the following passage then answer the questions below: The healing power of plants

Some of the best known medicines come from a plant . People have used plants to

treat , illness for thousands of years , and scientists today are searching in jungles and

tropical rain forests for plants that may help to cure cancer and other serious diseases .

The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates recorded the use of the bark of the willow tree as

an effective remedy for pains , headaches and fever . Willow bark had been used in this

way in many cultures for centuries . In 1829 , German scientist Johann Buchner

identified the specific pain – relieving substance of willow bark . He found that its

special ingredient was an acid , which was extracted and used as a medicine .

Unfortunately , the acid upset the stomach , and doctors found that many of their

patients couldn't tolerate it . In 1853 , a French chemist was able to neutralize the acid by

adding an ingredient that reduced the irritation caused by the acid without diminishing

its healing power . Unfortunately , he had no interest in marketing his discovery . Later

in 1899 , a German chemist Felix Hoffmann convinced his employer , Bayer , to market

the acid . Bayer agreed , and in 1900 , aspirin was patented and sold to the public .


Another example is one of the most important heart medications which is made from a

common flower called foxglove . In 1775 , an English doctor called William withering

heard that a peasant woman was curing the swelling associated with heart problems

using the foxglove flower . The woman had no idea why foxglove worked, but it was

clear that it relieved the swelling . Withering began studying foxglove . Through trial

and error , he learned that an effective medicine could be made by crushing the plants

dried leaves which were picked just before the plant produced flowers . He also

discovered that foxglove could be lethal if the patient was given too much . In spite of his

warning about beginning with a low dose , many doctors prescribed the medicine in

amounts that were too large and many people died . Today , the medicine , known as

digitalis , has been researched very carefully and doctors are knowledgeable about the

correct doses .

A A A A ---- Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions:

1 – Why wasn't the willow bar used widely at the beginning ?


2 – How could Charles Frederic overcome the willow bark's disadvantage ?


3 – Some doctors misused withering researches . Explain


B - Choose the correct answer: Choose the correct answer: Choose the correct answer: Choose the correct answer:

1 – The underlined word , "patented" means . ( removed or reduced pain –

stopped something from having an effect – obtained exclusive rights to use –

affected by something without being harmed )

2 – William withering discovered that foxglove ( could be poisonous –

gave the most effective medicine – could be used to treat swelling caused by

heart problems – grows best in people's gardens )


- Writing V - You have seen this advertisement in the Daily Star and you would like to apply for the job . Write your letter of application . You should write 120-180 words .

The Wireless We need Saturday staff for a new Internet café opening in June . The ideal

candidate should have experience of working in a café, but should also have a good

knowledge of working with PCs and doing Internet research . Write to Bob Gill bin at . The

Wireless 29 The Reef Sea front Brighton

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E – Literature : The Novel : A Tale of Two Cities VII - A - Comment on only TWO of the following quotations :

1 - " Tellson's Bank has done a good job." Comment

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2 - " Jerry , say that my answer was Recalled to life ."

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3 - " My mother lived for only two years after my father's death ." Comment

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B - Answer THREE questions only :

1 - Why did the driver of the coach and the guard beside him think that it was a good

night for robbery ?

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2 - Who was the message for ?

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3 - What did the guard warn the horse rider not to do ? Why ?

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4 - Where did Mr. Lorry take Miss Manette ? Why ?

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F – Poetry : The Rainbow

VII - Answer the following questions :

1 - What is the rhyme scheme of the following lines :

My heart leaps up when I behold .

A rainbow in the sky :

So was it when my life began ; So is it now I am a man ;

So be it when I shall grow old ,

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2 - Mention the personification in the poem .

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Unit 2 : 24/7

New Vocabulary :-


a short performance that an actor , musician ,

dancer , etc. gives in order to show they're suitable

for a particular play , film , show , etc. ............. .

lengthy continuing for a long time .

venue the place where a public event or meeting happens .

lucrative producing a lot of money .

official relating to a position of responsibility .

change to get or give ( money ) in exchange for money ,

either because you want it in smaller units or

because you want the same value in foreign money .

mature to become completely grown physically .

astound to surprise ( someone ) so much that it shocks them

, esp. , with ( news of ) something completely

unexpected .

dishonorable embarrassed and losing people's respect .

stern severe or showing disapproval .

anxious feeling uncomfortable or nervous about something

that is happening or might happen .

fragrant pleasant smelling

impressive something that causes you to feel admiration , often

because it looks special or important or because you

feel that it is an achievement


Phrasal verbs : bring out

produce a new product and start to sell it .

sell out sell everything there is of something .

busker a musician or performer who plays music or sing in

public places for money .

live off to use someone or something to provide the money or

food you need to live .

licences an official document from the government , court , etc. ,

that gives you permission to do , have or own something

rival a person or group competing with others for the same

thing or in the same area .

panel of ( judges ) a small group of people chose to give advice , make

decision , or publicly discuss their opinions as

entertainment .

nerve-racking something that is difficult to do and causes a lot of

worry for the person involved in it .

negotiate to have formal discussion with someone in order to

reach an agreement .

try on wear to see if something fits .

set up start a business

run out of not have any more of

look round look at the things in a shop

Word patterns : do

homework – a job – housework – one's best – the ironing

– ( someone ) a favour – damage ( to something ) .

make dinner – a living – money – an offer the most 9 of

something ) – an effort – up one's mind .


Shops and Services :Shops and Services :Shops and Services :Shops and Services :

antique shop a place where you can buy old and valuable things

( furniture )

art gallery a place where you can see an exhibition

charity shop a place where you can buy second hand clothes

chemist's a place where you take a prescription for some medicine

department store a place where you can buy lots of different things .

estate agency a place where you can arrange to buy or rent a house .

florist's a place where you can send a bouquet of flowers to someone

garage a place where you can have your car serviced .

hairdresser's a place where you can have a cut and blow-dry

internet café a place where you can send an email .

launderette a place where you can wash and dry your clothes .

library a place where you can borrow a book .

newsagent's a place where you can buy a magazine and some sweets .

Shops and ServicesShops and ServicesShops and ServicesShops and Services ::::

antique shop a place where you can buy old and valuable things

( furniture )

art gallery a place where you can see an exhibition

charity shop a place where you can buy second hand clothes

chemist's a place where you take a prescription for some medicine

department store a place where you can buy lots of different things .

estate agency a place where you can arrange to buy or rent a house .

florist's a place where you can send a bouquet of flowers to

someone .

garage a place where you can have your car serviced .

hairdresser's a place where you can have a cut and blow-dry

internet café a place where you can send an email .

launderette a place where you can wash and dry your clothes .

library a place where you can borrow a book .

newsagent's a place where you can buy a magazine and some sweets .


Work and jobsWork and jobsWork and jobsWork and jobs : : : : - bank manager - travel agent

- surgeon - ballet dancer

- midwife - architect

- reporter - solicitor

- civil engineer - holiday rep

- judge - script writer

- TV presenter - accountant

Adjectives and cAdjectives and cAdjectives and cAdjectives and characters :haracters :haracters :haracters : - easy going - energetic

- exceptional - hard

–working - optimistic

- determined - likeable

- tactful - respectful

- responsible - well presented

- persuasive - enthusiastic

- adaptable – charming

Easily confusEasily confusEasily confusEasily confused words :ed words :ed words :ed words :

employer anyone who gives you a job .

manager someone who tells you what to do when you've got a

job .

a job anything you do for money .

a profession an area of work such as journalism and teaching .

a friend anyone you're close to

a colleague someone you work with .

a wage the money paid to you weekly or daily .

a salary the amount of money paid monthly .

a part-time job a job that might be for one day a week or a few hours a


a full – time job a job that is a round 40 hours a week .


working nine to five a normal working day in an office .

working shifts shifts that cover all the hours in 24 hour period .

working for a company they are the only ones who pay you .

working freelance you work for several companies .

being unemployed you haven't got a job .

being on strike you have a job but you don't go because you're

unhappy with some conditions .

resigning you choose to leave your job .

retiring you have worked enough years to stop working

winning money someone gives you money because you won a

competition or a prize .

earning money someone gives you money because you have worked

for that money .

one's in come the money coming into one's home .

one's expenses the things on has to pay for

being made redundant to lose your job because your company decides to save

money by getting rid of your job .

getting the sack your boss tells you to leave your job because you did

something wrong .

Grammar : - Past simple and Past continuous

- Used to and World

- Past perfect simple and Past perfect continuous

Refer to student's book P. 139 Writing :

A story Refer to student's book P. 161


* Complete the following text with past simple , past continuous , past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets:

We (climb) .......................... all day when we decided it was time to stop and rest for

the night . We were all hungry because we (not eat) ......................... since breakfast . Kevin

took out the camping stove and the matches and then (cook) ..................... dinner . He

(give) ........................... everyone a plate of food and we ate in silence . We (eat) .....................

when suddenly we (hear) ........................... a strange noise . Was it the wind ? Time passed ,

but then there (be) ........................... another strange noise . It was exactly the same as the

one we (hear) .......................... earlier . We had never heard a noise like that before and we

(be) ...................... all very frightened .

* Choose the correct answer :

When we were children , we (would – used to) live in London . However in the

summer we (used to – always) went to Ireland for the summer holidays . Every year we

(would – always) spend two weeks in the same place , a seaside town called Tramore .

Our grandparents (used to – would) have a house there . Our grandmother made us a

big breakfast every morning and then she (used to – would) go to the beach except when

the weather was bad . It (would – often) rained . I also remember that my brother and I

(would – always) have swimming competitions to see who was the fastest swimmer . He

(used to – would) be a better swimmer than me and he would always win .

* Choose the correct word(s) in brackets : 1 - His ( occasion – auction – audience – audition ) went well and he's fairly hopeful

about getting the part .

2 – The stadium has been specifically designed as a ( venue – vein – venal –

veil ) for European cup matches .

3 – The merger proved to be very ( luxurious – lucrative – luscious – ludicrous ) for

both companies .

4 – Mentioning his baldness wasn't very ( tactful – assertive – adaptable – optimistic ) .

5 – They have learned to live ( on – with – off – of ) the land .

6 – The bank will insist you get a driving ( licence – licensee – lieutenant – audition ) or

a passport as a form of ID .

7 – The competition will be judged by a ( banner – panel – penalty – pillar ) of experts .

8 – The Companies produce ( riven – rifle – trifle – rival ) versions of the toy .


9 – My parents want me to get a ( profession – work – job – career ) as soon as I finish

university , but I want to travel .

10 – When you work in medicine , you can't avoid ( nine to five / shift / part-time / full-

time ) work .

11 – I'll pay for the coffees . I can hand in the receipt with my ( income – salary – wages

– expense ) and get the money back .

12 – Let's look ( round – about – through – over ) the department store before going

for lunch .

13 – It takes years of practice and a steady hand to become a top ( architect – lawyer –

engineer – surgeon ) .

14 - I don't usually ask people to ( do – make – use – offer ) me favours , but could you

collect my car from the garage ?

15 – It's possible to get a bank loan in order to ( start on – create – set up – employ ) a

new business .

16 – I've been in New York for a year now and I ( used to live – am used to living – use

to live – would live ) in a busy city .

17 – Dan ( used to – would – uses to – use to ) have long hair when he was a teenager .

18 – Our teacher ( had been taking – took – has taken – was taking ) the register when

the head teacher entered the classroom .

19 – Dad and mum ( were meeting – met – had been meeting – had met ) each other

when they were working at the same hospital .

20 – I saw the film of the book last night . I ( read – have read – had been reading – was

reading ) the book last year .

21 – When we left the house , the sun ( had shone – shone – had been shining – was

shining ) and the birds were singing .

22 – We finally saw the top of the mountain after we ( climbed – had climbed – had

been climbing – were climbing ) for two days .

23 – Sara ( got – had got – had been getting – was getting ) up and then she went for

a run .

24 – I ( have had – had had – had – had been having ) these shoes for a week .

25 – We were studying when Sara's mobile ( was ringing – rang – had rung –

had been ringing ) .

26 – Sara ( went – had gone – had been going – was going ) to work for a newspaper .

She had studied English at university .


27 – The headmaster ( saw – was seeing – had seen - had been seeing ) me leaving

school early .

28 – Mum ( has been learning – had learnt – learnt – was learning ) to play the piano

for ten years .

29 – They ( were still discussing – had still discussed – had been still discussing – still

discussed ) the plan at midnight .

30 – She missed the end of the film because she ( had fallen – had been falling – was

falling – fell ) asleep.

* Rewrite these sentences using word(s) in brackets : 1 - I don't have any money . I can't buy this cell phone . ( run out )


2 - Samy has decided to stop smoking following his doctor's advice . ( made his mind )


3 - It's very difficult to operate this device . ( complicated )


4 - The supermarket at the end of the street doesn't have any sugar . I have to go to another one . ( sold out ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - Bloominbergs are looking for person with very good ideas for the job . ( creative ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - In the past , men wore a kind of short skirts . ( used to / would ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - I made a sandwich and then I watched the film . ( already ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - Dad had a moustache when he was younger . ( used to ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 - I studied for three hours until mum came . ( studying ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

10- Dad got home . Then , we had lunch . ( after ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

11- When Max arrived at the party no one was there . ( left ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12- Jack and Sara have known each other since secondary school . ( met ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


13- My sister hated riding bikes . ( use to ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

14- We usually spend our summer holiday in Athens . ( last summer ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

15- Nora had studied English at 3 o'clock . Now , it's 7 o'clock and she is watching TV. ( ago ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

16- Ahmed drove fast . He had an accident . ( While ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

17- My mother was cooking lunch when the lights went out . (While ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

18- My neighbour bought his new car after he had won the prize . ( before ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

19- Dad drove for 3 hours when he discovered it was the wrong way . (After ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

20- I've never eaten crabs and I don't like them . ( used ) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Sample Test 2

I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1 - Sally arrived late this morning . She (had got – got – did get – would get) caught in a

terrible traffic jam .

2 – Mark was climbing the sixth flight of stairs when the alarm ( was

sounding – sounded – had been sounding – sounds ) .

3 – You probably ( don't work – didn't used to work – aren't used to working – wouldn't

work ) so late ? – It's no problem . I've worked a night shift before .

4 – The heavy rain has ( created – done – made – caused ) a lot of damage to this year's

crops .

5 – Bands who post their music on You Tube can be offered very ( expensive – financial

– monetary – lucrative ) recording contracts .

6 – My grandfather ( retired – resigned – got sacked – was made redundant ) when he

was 65 , but he found it difficult to fill his time . It's a good idea to take up a hobby .

7 – We were ( fined – paid – charged – applied ) sixty Euros for parking with one wheel

on the pavement .

8 – Jasmine really ( never did – wasn't doing – hadn't been doing – did ) her best at

school . She could have got into university but she didn't use to make any effort .

9 – When I was 15 , I ( used to work – was working – am used to working –

use to work ) in a clothes shop on Saturday .

10 – Sugar cane ( had just brought – brought – had just been bringing –

were bringing ) out a new CD when the lead singer decided to leave the band .

II - Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets:

1 - Ahmed and Ali went to the same secondary school . ( would )


2 - Sam is really perfect to work in tourism . He spends a lot of time running around and

sorting out problems . ( energetic )


3 - Jennifer still hasn't decided what to study at university . ( up )


4 - I was at the library for hours so I got a headache . ( reading )



5 - Sara went to the market . On her way, she met her old friend , Jessica . ( While )


B - Language Functions III - Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue :

Optician : ---------------------------------------------------- ?

Jack : I can't see things clearly and I always get headaches .

Optician : Let me examine your eyes . ----------------------------------- ?

Jack : Since I bought my laptop , about two months ago .

Optician : How many hours do you use your laptop every day ?

Jack : ------------------------------------------------------- .

Optician : Oh , I'm afraid you'll need glasses .

Jack : I don't like them . ---------------------------------------- ?

Optician : Of course , but they need due care .

Jack : --------------------------------------------------------- ?

Optician : They are 600 pounds .

C - Reading Comprehension

IV - Read the following passage then answer the questions below: A tiny step to save the environment

In 1997 , American university professor Jay Shafer did something most people

found unimaginable . He moved into a home that was smaller than 9 square metres . Many

flats contain one room that is larger than that , but professor Shafer was undaunted by the

thought of getting rid of many of his personal belongings so that he could live full-time in

such a small home . He donated some of his clothes and books to charity and moved into

his first tiny home , which he called Tumbleweed . A house is classified as a tiny home if

its living spaces less than 13 square metres . Although these tiny homes are small , they

are made of quality materials . They can withstand freezing temperatures and storms .

Moreover , they're portable as they are constructed on wheels . Because of this , their

owners often move them to different locations Professor Shafer has lived in the middle of

an apple orchard , beside a lake in the mountains , and in the Red wood forest of

California . People choose to live in tiny houses for a variety of reasons , apart from being

cheap . The owners share a concern of the environment and a desire to reduce

consumption of material goods . Shafer recalls growing up in his parents ' huge home ,


annoyed by the exorbitant heating and cooling bills . A tiny home can be heated for an

entire winter in a snowy climate for less than £70 . This also includes the cost of heating

water for showers and washing up . Moreover , tiny home residents can save money as

they cannot buy something unless they truly need it due to space limitations . However ,

a tiny home still contains modern conveniences such as a fridge , a toaster oven or a

portable TV . Electricity is supplied through solar panels or wind powered generators .

The tiny house can be connected to a public water service via a tube .

A A A A ---- Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions:

1 – Tiny homes help people save money . Explain

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

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2 – What is most of the tiny homes' owners common belief ?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

3 – What is the disadvantage of living in a tiny home ?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

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B B B B ---- Choose the correct answerChoose the correct answerChoose the correct answerChoose the correct answer:

1 - The electricity in tiny house comes from (the wind or the sun – a power appliance–

a power connection via a tube – the consumption of material goods ) .

2 - The underlined word " undaunted" means ( provided with enough space to live –

still enthusiastic despite difficulties – very or too expensive – strong enough not

to be damaged ).


D - Writing V - You have been asked to enter a story - writing competition for a teen magazine . Write a story ending with the words : " It had all been a terrible misunderstanding ." Wr ite your story in 120 – 180 words . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----

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E – Literature : The Novel : A Tale of Two Cities VII - A - Comment on only TWO of the following quotations :

1 - " Do you make a show of M. Manette , sir ?" Comment

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- 2 - " Are you the jailer's daughter ? " Comment ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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3 - " I've come to tell you that your pain is over ." Comment ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- B - Answer THREE questions only : 1 - Why did M. Defarge lock the door of the man's room ? ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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2 - What was Mme Defarge doing in her husband's small shop ? ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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3 - Where did M. Defarge and Mr. Lorry take Miss Manette to ? Who did they meet ? ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 4 - What was the man in the room look like what was he doing ? ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

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F – Poetry : The Rainbow VII - Answer the following questions :

1 - Paraphrase the following lines :

And I could wish my days to be .

Bound each to each by nature piety .

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2 - What is the poet moved by through the poem ?

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