
Unique Value Proposition. Every one of us here today has pieces of different puzzles, each piece is NOT unique. The novelty comes from the combination of all the right pieces put together in one big awesome artwork.

Do not go after the UNIQUE part, look for the VALUE in existing systems and see how you can do it better.

White space as a business concept in 2001, is not directly applicable to startups today. BUT, we can take the definitionand apply it to the broader picture of entire industries and networks of industries to find and create the value.

Better is better only because it is measured.

You have to be able to definte the different factors that are perceived to create the value in an existing ecosystem. Different people will have different assigned values to these factors.

Hashtag method

Twitter method

Anchoring method: The uber for everything else.

Click-bait method: What hapens next made me smile.

Message map from Carmine Gallo. How to pitch in 15 seconds.

Elevator pitch from Adeo Ressi.

Whether you have a puzzle piece, a lego brick, or a minecraft block, the value comes from putting it all together with other collaborators with the same vision.

And, keep in mind that better is only better because it is #measured.

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