Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

Post on 03-Oct-2021






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Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

LI: Use a number of techniques to apply paint

to a surface to create texture.

Child A

I can show in my work that I have some control

of the materials I use.

Child B

I can select and apply paint to at least two

different surfaces.

Child C

I can manipulate a wide range of materials and

techniques with skill to create different

textured outcomes.

Keep all experiments with paint

textures, even if you are not happy with

the results. This can be evidence for

AQA awards.

Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

Artists Who Use Textured Surfaces Painting or drawing onto a

textured surface is as old as

painting itself. Ancient people

used the natural contours of cave

walls to help them recreate the

animals that were so vital to their


Tombs, temples and

churches were decorated

by artists who painted

onto plaster and wood.

Marcia Gygli King, The Family, from The Culture Series, 2005

Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889





Rising From

An Industrial


Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques



Valery paints

grand formal

architecture on a

large scale. He

uses roughly torn

cardboard boxes,

dripping paint and

fast vigorous

mark making.

Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

The easiest way to create texture when painting is to simply use more paint on

your brush than needed. When doing this the bristles of the brush leave marks in

the paint giving you beautiful texture marks in the final artwork. The texture you

want, the rougher the brush you use, the more height you want, the more paint you

use. Here are a few ideas more ideas:

Splattering Flick the brush or drip paint

Random lines Brush down the page or in random directions.

Resist Mixing acylic paint and watery paint or ink or wax crayon and watery paint

Dragging Use two or more colours and use a brush, piece of cardboard, lolly stick etc to drag the colours down the surface

Use tools to apply the paint-you do not have to use a brush. Use a cotton bud or a hairbrush (remember to wash it when it is wet). You can cut small triangles or square from the edge of a piece of a cardboard to make a comb. Use it to drag paint over the surface.

Add materials to the surface. Add textured fabric or paper to paper

Add materials to the paint- e.g. sand, saw dust or pencil shavings

Unified Academy Y9 ART Spring1 Wk5 Paint Techniques

If you complete work which can be used to evidence the highlighted boxes keep the work safe.

Write your name and the date on the work and hand it in to your class teacher or take a photo and email it to


AQA Award Level - Pre-Entry Level


demonstrated the ability to Evidence Date


1 select, with assistance, at least two different types of surface to produce work on, eg canvas, card, cartridge paper

2 use at least two different pieces of equipment to apply media to

the surface, eg sponge, paintbrush, cloth, glue gun, hair dryer to melt wax

3 produce at least two different surfaces using a variety of media

effects and finishes on paper, card or canvas

4 produce a final piece of work using the techniques learned

5 participate in clearing up after the session.

AQA Award Level -Entry Level


In successfully completing this unit the Learner will have experienced:

Evidence Date


1 using at least two painting techniques to produce pictures, eg splatter painting with cotton buds and/or colour combing

*Completed Work showing texture

2 using at least two materials to produce prints, eg leaves, fabric.

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