Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


    Udtdg tBudg Bk t Pt

    The MaTerials science o earTh Processes

    lg-rg Pg hg-Pu G WkpM 24, 2009, Tmp, az



    Outer Core

    Inner Core



    Transition Zone

    384 136

    6370 2890


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


    Prepared by the Writing Group or Long-Range

    Planning or High-Pressure Geosciences

    Quentin Williams, Editor

    J. Michael Brown, Workshop ri-Chair

    James yburczy, Workshop ri-Chair

    James van Orman, Workshop ri-Chair

    Pamela Burnley

    John Parise

    Mark RiversRenata Wentzcovitch

    Robert Liebermann

    Tis report is drawn rom the many presentations and

    discussions at the Long-Range Planning or High-

    Pressure Geosciences (LRPHPG) Workshop held in

    empe, Arizona, on March 24, 2009. Te workshop

    was attended by 87 members o the mineral phys-

    ics and geophysics research communities rom 39

    institutions. Initial drats o this report were openly

    available and the high-pressure geosciences commu-

    nity commented on them.

    Te participant list or the LRPHPG Workshop

    can be ound at: http://www.compres.us/index.



    Financial support or the LRPHPG Workshop

    was provided by the National Science Foundation

    (NSF) Division o Earth Sciences. Logistical sup-

    port or the LRPHGP Workshop was provided by

    the School o Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) o

    the Arizona State University and the Consortium or

    Materials Properties Research in the Earth Sciences

    (COMPRES). COMPRES also provided support or

    the preparation and dissemination o this report.Geo Prose provided editing and design assistance.

    Tis nal report is being submitted to NSF and other

    ederal agencies.

    PreerreD ciTaTion

    Williams, Q., ed. 2010. Understanding the Building

    Blocks o the Planet: Te Materials Science o Earth

    Processes. Report to the National Science Foundation.

    COMPRES Consortium, 68 pp.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


    Udtdg tBudg Bk t Pt

    T Mt s et P

    lg-rg Pg hg-Pu G WkpM 24, 2009, Tmp, az

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    exutv summy .......................................................................................................................................................................1

    cpt 1 | itdut..............................................................................................................................................................3

    cpt 2 | et hbtb su: a cqu t Pt it ...............................................................8

    Key Questions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

    cpt 3 | T Mgt d, et c, d t Dp Mt................................................................................ 13

    Te Magnetic Field and the Habitability o Earths Surace............................................................................................... 13

    Iron AlloysTe Phase Relations o Earths Innermost Interior: Constraints on emperature,Composition, and Phase .................................................................................................................................................... 14

    ransport Properties o Iron Alloys: Implications or the Sustainability and Energetics o the Geodynamo ........ 16

    Te Deepest Mantle: Te Container o Earths Core .......................................................................................................... 18

    Key Questions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 21

    cpt 4 | T Td Dm Pt Tt........................................................................................................... 22

    Termoelasticity and Seismic Mapping o the Planet ........................................................................................................ 22

    Te ransition Zone and Mantle Phase ransitions ........................................................................................................... 24

    Deeper ransitions? ................................................................................................................................................................... 26

    Termal and Electrical Conductivity o Mantle Minerals: How Does the Mantle Homogenizeand ransport Heat and Electrons? ................................................................................................................................. 27

    Chemical Diusivity and Viscosity: How Does the Mantle Mix and Flow?................................................................... 29

    Properties o Planetary FluidsMagmas and Metasomatism ......................................................................................... 30

    Linkages Between the Deep Earth and the Lithosphere: Deeply Derived Magmas,

    Heat Sources, and Metamorphism .................................................................................................................................. 32

    Key Questions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 34

    cpt 5 | ot Pt, ot it ............................................................................................................................ 35

    errestrial Planets and Large Moons ..................................................................................................................................... 35

    Solar System Satellites and Minor Planets ............................................................................................................................ 38

    Large Planets: H-rich Systems at Ultra-Extreme Conditions ........................................................................................... 39

    Exoplanets: New Frontiers o Size, Termal Regime, and Composition ........................................................................ 40

    Key Questions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 41

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


    cpt 6 | T ivb t: ctg t cdt et d Pty it.................................... 42Static, High-Pressure echniques ........................................................................................................................................... 43

    Shock-Loading echniques ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

    Teoretical Approaches to High-Pressure Geosciences .................................................................................................... 48

    Key echnique-Oriented Goals............................................................................................................................................... 51

    cpt 7 | Bd impt: nw d cmpx Mt t hg Pu............................................................... 52

    Ultra-Hard Materials ................................................................................................................................................................. 52

    Radioactive Waste Immobilization ........................................................................................................................................ 53

    Energy Storage and Climatic Issues........................................................................................................................................ 54

    Key Prospects .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56

    cpt 8 | utu t d: Budg u cmmuty ................................................................................................. 57

    Recommendations or New Community Experimental and Computational Inrastructure ..................................... 57

    Maintaining and Enhancing Access to State-o-the-Art Beamlines ................................................................................ 60

    Improving Educational Materials and Community Outreach/Recruitment ................................................................. 64

    Future Educational Directions................................................................................................................................................. 65

    Future Community-Building Goals ........................................................................................................................................ 66

    r.................................................................................................................................................................................... 67

    aym ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 68

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Te eld o high-pressure geosciences is dedicated toincreasing our knowledge o the materials that make

    up the overwhelming majority o planet Earththose

    that reside below the surace and are compressed by

    the overlying burden. It is rom the interior that the

    planets atmosphere and hydrosphere were originally

    degassed, and melting processes at depth created

    (and continue to create) our ocean basins and conti-

    nents. Tus, the starting points or Earths habitable

    environmentits atmosphere, its suraceoriginate

    rom our planets voluminous interior. Te deepinterior produces the orces that generate virtually all

    non-weather-related natural hazards: earthquakes,

    volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. Its impact on the

    surace is, perhaps, best illustrated by the annihila-

    tion ~251 million years ago o ~90% o Earths lie

    due to the environmental consequences o a mas-

    sive volcanic eruption whose outpourings covered a

    sizable raction o Asia. In short, the planets interior

    has been an integral and controlling inuence on

    Earths evolutionand its eects are dictated bythe physical and chemical properties o the mate-

    rials o the interior, which are the domain o the

    high-pressure geosciences.

    Te challenges associated with simulating Earths

    interior through both experiment and theory are

    ormidable. Probing and synthesizing materials at

    the conditions o the interior, which are critical or

    understanding the properties o materials at depth,

    require extraordinarily high pressures and tempera-

    tures. Correspondingly, state-o-the-art approaches

    are necessary to theoretically calculate material

    properties under these conditions. Te high-pressure

    geosciences community has spearheaded the develop-

    ment o new techniques to probe materials at high

    pressures (and has seen its techniques adopted by a

    broad range o other scientic disciplines), deployed

    emergent technologies, including those developed

    at national acilities, and conveyed this high-levelexpertise to new generations o students. From mak-

    ing better and larger diamonds to understanding the

    physical properties o hydrocarbon clathrates (which

    may make up the largest natural gas reservoirs o the

    planet), the high-pressure geosciences community

    has also played a key role in developing and under-

    standing materials o direct societal importanceand

    particularly those materials that have required high

    pressures to manuacture.

    A 2009 workshop on rontiers in high-pressuregeosciences, unded by the National Science

    Foundation (NSF), considered promising research

    directions in this eld over the next decade. Tis

    two-day workshop eatured nine plenary talks and

    breakout discussion sessions on our themes:

    1. Te Deeper Reaches o the Planet: Properties o

    Iron and its Alloys and the Novel Materials o the

    Deepest Mantle

    2. Te Dynamic Ceramic Mantle

    3. Mineral Physics and Society4. Enabling Cutting-Edge Science: ools and the

    Accomplishments Tey Will Drive in the Next

    Decade o Discovery.

    Workshop participants reviewed the impact

    the eld o high-pressure geosciences has had on

    other subdisciplines o the earth sciences, including

    seismology, geodynamics, and petrology. Tey also

    discussed the uture o high-pressure geosciences:

    what are the next major breakthroughs o our com-

    munity, and what inrastructure will be necessary to

    achieve them? Tis COMPRES workshop was the

    second one ocusing on long-range plan or high-

    pressure earth sciences. Te rst, A Vision or High-

    Pressure Earth and Planetary Sciences Research: Te

    Planets rom Surace to Center, was held on March

    2223, 2003 in Miami, Florida, and led to the 2004

    exutv summy

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Report on Current and Future Research Directionsin High-Pressure Mineral Physics (oten called

    the Bass Report).

    Tis report describes what the high-pressure geo-

    sciences community does, the broad rationales or the

    science done by the eld, the technical developments

    that the discipline has made, and where the uture

    directions o the eld likely lie. Predicting the uture

    is dicult or this vibrant and ast-moving eld: the

    last decade has seen new and unexpected discoveries

    that have changed the views o the deep reaches oour planet, including the recognition o novel elec-

    tronic and structural properties o Earth materials at

    the extreme conditions o the interior. With new and

    improved techniques and inrastructure, the com-

    munity is poised over the next decade to continue to

    produce dramatic new discoveries and truly engender

    a proound understanding o the deep Earths critical

    role in producing our habitable planet.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    When viewed rom the perspective o Earths interior,our planet is overlain by a vanishingly thin atmo-

    sphere, and covered by an ocean that is tiny relative to

    the massive rocky interior. Indeed, the habitable zone

    o the planet occupies only the thinnest o veneers

    at the surace o our planetand, like all veneers, its

    existence and viability depend directly on what lies

    beneath. Te discipline ohigh-pressure geosciences

    is concerned with the properties o the part o our

    planet that lies beneath the surace, o which almost

    none is accessible to direct sampling via drilling(which is able to scratch only the uppermost ~0.2% o

    the planet), and which is compressed to extraordinary

    pressures by the burden o many kilometers o overly-

    ing rocks. Why are geoscientists concerned with this

    vast yet inaccessible region? It is the deep materials

    o the planet that drive the ows that produce plate

    tectonics. Our ocean and atmosphere originated rom

    degassing o the deep planet and they continue to be

    cycled through the interior, and the core-generated

    magnetic eld protects our surace rom energeticparticle bombardment. In short, the habitable envi-

    ronment o Earths surace is a direct consequence

    o phenomena directly associated with Earths deep

    interiorindeed, it is not an exaggeration to say that

    our hydrosphere, and hence our biosphere, exists by

    permission o the planets interior.

    Beyond the importance o the interior to the evolu-

    tion o the surace environment, the extreme pressure

    and temperature conditions within the planet give

    rise to a suite o phenomena that impact the dynamics

    and structure o the planet that can only be under-

    stood through high-pressure experiments and theory.

    Materials transorm to ar denser structures under the

    pressures and temperatures o the interior, including

    producing economically important compounds like

    diamond. Te solid interior is able to ow, generating

    plate tectonics, our continents, and the topography o

    the planet. Volcanism originating rom deep withinEarth is responsible or giant eruptions in Earths

    history, including the massive volcanic outpourings

    in Siberia 251 million years ago that killed 95% o the

    planets lie and undamentally changed the nature

    o the planets biota. And, our deep interior likely

    contains ar more water, carbon, and certainly sulur

    than exists at Earths surace. Te exchange between

    the surace and interior reservoirs o volatile compo-

    nents undamentally impacts our climate over short

    (as was seen late last century by the eruption o Mt.Pinatubo and the associated decline in planetary aver-

    age temperature o about 1C) and long time scales

    (as illustrated by our planets likely uctuations rom

    largely iced over to temperate ~750 million years ago),

    and moderates the volume o our ocean.

    Tus, the vast bulk o our planet has a proound

    eect on our surace environment. It is the principal

    goal o the high-pressure geosciences community to

    probe the properties and processes deep within our

    planet. Te knowledge that is garnered rom suchstudies o the interior has applicability across not only

    the geosciences, but also through much o the physi-

    cal sciences. Tese impacts extend to the neighboring

    earth science disciplines o seismology, geodynam-

    ics, geomagnetism, and geochemistry, and also more

    broadly to materials science, condensed matter

    physics, and solid-state chemistry. For example,

    geoscientists are now able, using constraints on sound

    speeds in Earth materials, to interpret the images o

    wavespeed variations in Earths interior generated by

    seismologists; the knowledge o how solid rock ows

    at extreme conditions is crucial or the geodynamic

    understanding o how our silicate mantle convects;

    and comprehensive studies o iron and its alloys at

    high pressures have illuminated the major driving

    orces or the magnetic-eld-producing geodynamo

    o Earths core. In short, the entire discipline o high-

    cpt 1 | itdut

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    pressure geosciences is motivated by an overarch-

    ing goal o understanding the ongoing physical and

    chemical evolution o our planet. Notably, the eects

    o the high-pressure geosciences community are notisolated within disciplines o the earth and planetary

    sciences. Many o the tools developed in the high-

    pressure geosciences to examine materials at extreme

    pressures have been adopted in wholesale ashion

    across the scientic community as the techniques

    or probing matter and synthesizing new materi-

    als at extreme conditions. Hence, the high-pressure

    geosciences community already exemplies one o

    the primary recommendations o the 2009 NSF-GEO

    Vision Report: to Reach out in bold new directions,

    engaging and incorporating other disciplines.

    Why have the experimental and theoretical tech-

    niques o the high-pressure geosciences community

    proven so valuable? Simply put, their measure-

    ments and calculations are extremely challenging,

    and high-pressure geoscientists have pushed the

    rontiers o technique development or synthesis

    and characterization o materials at extreme condi-

    tions. Te vast bulk o the planet is at enormously

    high pressures, and the goals o the community have

    been to not only create apparatuses that simulatethe conditions o having tens, hundreds, and thou-

    sands o kilometers o rock piled on our samples as

    overburden (generally at extremely high tempera-

    tures), but also make meaningul measurements on

    samples under these conditions. Because pressure is

    orce per unit area, pressures can be maximized by

    making samples smallin the high-pressure com-

    munity, millimeter-sized samples are considered

    large-volumeand inerring the properties o a

    complex aggregate o materials (sometimes called

    rocks) at the multiple-micron scale under extreme

    conditions requires intense and oten highly ocused

    probes. Facilities at the o Department o Energys

    national laboratories have enabled microsamples to

    be examined with light ranging rom x-rays to the

    ar-inrared, as well as intense streams o neutrons.

    Alternatively, high-velocity bullets can be shot at

    gu 1.1. smt t

    et t, uttg mp-

    t, dpt g, d pu

    dt y. Dym tu

    uttd, udg

    ubdutg t (

    bu), d upwg pum (

    d). it utt t yt

    tutu t p

    ky t b pt t

    . rvt tmptu t

    dt dpt 2000 K

    t t 670-km dpt m d-

    tuty, 4000 K t t pt

    -mt budy (cMB), d

    ugy 6000 K t t t. cuty

    J.. l, Uvty Tx t aut.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    larger samples and the properties o the shock-com-

    pressed target measured very, very quickly, beore

    the sample catastrophically decompresses. Here, the

    challenges are primarily related to the microsecond or

    lessand sometimes substantially lesstime scales

    o the experiment. Finally, theoretical treatments oEarth materials require calculations on systems that

    are both chemically and structurally complex, and

    which oten possess dierent structures that lie close

    in energy to one another. Hence, rigorous, accurate,

    and oten very-large-scale theoretical calculations

    are required or the systems o interest in the high-

    pressure geosciences.

    Te high-pressure geosciences community has

    deployed its techniques to generate a broad suite

    o new and unanticipated results over the lastdecade that have both illuminated the processes

    and properties o materials that occur within the

    planets interior, and provided insights into the

    complex interactions between our surace environ-

    ment and the deep planet. Te communitys recent

    achievements include:

    Discovered undamental pressure-induced changes

    in the electronic properties o iron, one o our

    planets most abundant elements; at extremeconditions, its electronic conguration shits

    rom high spin to low spin. Tis shit results in

    paradigm-changing eects on the density, seismic

    velocity, and viscosity o the materials in Earths

    deep mantle.

    Constrained water and carbon sequestration deep

    within the planet, with relevance to the genesis o

    our planets ocean, atmosphere, and climate.

    Identied a transition to a previously undiscovered

    post-perovskite phase at the deepest depths oour silicate mantlea phase whose presence likely

    modulates the heat ow out o Earths core and,

    hence, controls the energy that produces Earths

    magnetic eld.

    gu 1.2 (t) smt dmd v . Tw gm-quty

    dmd tutd t t tp, d mpd tgt

    t mt gkt tt t mp. T d vt

    utt tt t mp b pty d by vb gt,

    pbd by . Vt t ptu ppxmty

    8 mm. T typ pptu pb gtg pu

    tt p mt t dpt t pt. img uty hw ittut Gpy. (gt) Vw g t x

    tug t dmd mp (m bk wt t mp

    mb, w umtd by tmttd gt, fd wt

    tpt pu mdum, d uudd by mt gkt).

    Dm t mp mb ~0.1 mm. img uty

    J. Jk, ct.

    gu 1.3. (t) lg-vum p mby. T mp -

    td wt u mby t t t t umbd

    tugt bd ub; t dmd-pd g gktg.

    a d t ub td tp t mby p t

    mp, d t utt ub pptu t ydu-

    y mpd. Dm t dg t bk

    ~3.5 m. P t mp, d t bk pd tp t mby. su mb uty d-

    t tt pd t ~700-km dpt t pt. o t

    g u mmuty t ubtty xtd t ut

    pu g t pptu. Pt uty M Py

    ittut, sty Bk Uvty. (gt) smt ty

    dgd g-vum p mby (d D-Dia-30), dgd

    ptuy dmt xpmt t g pu. T

    ub mby td t t t pt t pptu,

    d td dt t t mp b g-

    td tug dpdt mt t ydu m. Vt

    dm t pptu ppxmty 1 m. img uty

    Y. Wg, Uvty cg.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Determined the viscosity o solid rocks in situ

    at high pressures and temperatures, providing

    undamental experimental constraints on the

    vigor o mantle convection and, hence, on plate

    tectonics itsel.

    Established the chemical systematics neces-sary to recognize rocks rom the deepest depths

    ever observed, ollowed rapidly by the discovery

    o such rocks.

    One o the primary ocuses o the high-pressure

    geosciences community lies in understanding the

    complex structures o Earth and planetary materi-

    als that occur at both moderate and extreme condi-

    tions. Such materials oten have technologic uses

    or are valuable analogues or technologic materialsand, thereore, the high-pressure geosciences com-

    munity maintains a signicant materials-oriented

    component. Recent economically relevant

    achievements include:

    Probed the properties o clathrates and hydrogen-

    rich materials. Te ormer is likely one o the pri-

    mary reservoirs o subsurace natural gas, and the

    latter have major implications or energy storage.

    Synthesized large diamonds at low pressure using

    chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology.Tis accomplishment builds on the long-standing

    impact o our discipline on the synthesis o ultra-

    hard materials, which has had a proound eect on

    the industrial abrasives industry, and is the result

    o the need or large, pure, low-cost diamonds or

    high-pressure experiments. It will have applica-

    tions or coatings, electronic devices, and many

    other industrial applications.

    Examined the capability o novel oxide structures

    as media or the long-term connement o nuclear

    waste. Te recognition that some minerals can

    eectively retain radionuclides or long periods is

    venerable, but characterizing the roles o chemis-

    try, pressure, temperature, and radiation damage

    on the inertness o possible conning materials has

    allowed the tuning o material properties to maxi-

    mize their retention ability.

    Tese discoveries, which are both interdisciplinary

    in their impact and which hinged on experimental

    and theoretical innovations, are illustrative o a range

    o uture goals o the high-pressure geosciences com-

    munity. Specically, generating our science increas-

    ingly requires improved collaboration, synergies,organization, and access to community acilities. Our

    discipline has produced highly successul enterprises

    designed to acilitate cutting-edge experimental sci-

    ence or individual investigators at national par-

    ticle accelerator acilities. Tese groups include the

    NSF-unded COnsortium or Materials Properties

    Research in the Earth Sciences (COMPRES) and, at

    the Advanced Photon Source APS), portions o the

    GeoSoilEnviro Consortium or Advanced Radiation

    Sources (GSECARS), the High-Pressure CollaborativeAccess eam (HPCA), and the High-Pressure

    Synergetic Center (HPSynC). o successully sustain

    our community into the uture, we anticipate that

    ensuring general access to state-o-the-art computa-

    tional acilities will be a priority, as will exploring new

    models or ensuring successul utilization and access

    gu 1.4. (t) Pt-yd-typ pptu. T gt but

    1.5 m d t mp, w typy w mmt

    d, td wt t t gd-d um. T

    pptu v typ pu mt tt pd t 100-kmdpt t pt, d v b xtvy ud t t

    mgm mt d ud-k tt t uppmt

    g t pt. img uty rkd r. (gt)

    a k wv gu. T gu gt ~15 m. i t, t p

    qupmt tt f g-dv pjt t

    mp, d t mp tvy mtd w t m-

    pd t g pu dug t k vt. Pu tt

    p et tty b d by k-wv tqu.

    Pt uty s. stwt, hvd Uvty.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    to national acilities and experimental, computational,

    and analytic inrastructure that are necessary but

    beyond the scope (and desirability) o a single princi-

    pal investigator to maintain.

    Our collective ocus on the behavior o materi-

    als that make up Earth and other planets leads toan intrinsic interdisciplinarity and broadly interac-

    tive character o our eld within the earth sciences.

    For example, seismology, with its ocus on aulting

    and wave speeds, depends upon our studies o the

    mechanics o ailure and the elastic properties o

    materials; geodynamics hinges on our characteriza-

    tions o the viscous ow o materials; geomagnetism

    depends on our determinations o the electromag-

    netic properties o materials; petrology relies on char-

    acterizations o mineral/melt equilibria; planetary sci-ence incorporates the equations o state and behavior

    under shock-loading that we determine in modeling

    the interiors and impact-history o planets; and,

    ultimately, the planets climate is controlled by the

    exhalations rom its interior that, modulated by the

    surace environment, have generated our atmosphere.

    Although we could view our discipline as central to

    each o these areas o inquiry, a more accurate por-

    trayal is that we provide an overarching rameworkor

    how the planets materials behave, a ramework that

    supports all o our adjoining disciplines within the

    earth sciences.In this report, we describe both our recent achieve-

    ments and the areas that we see as ripe or our com-

    munity to make the next generation o advancements

    in our understanding o the interiorthe very guts

    o Planet Earth. Te degree o diculty associated

    with probing Earth materials at pressures correspond-

    ing to those generated by tens, hundreds, or thou-

    sands o kilometers o piled rock, and particularly at

    simultaneous temperatures o thousands o degrees

    Kelvin, is extraordinary. Over the last several decades,our community has marshaled a combination o

    orces, rom our innovative and continuously devel-

    oping high-pressure and high-temperature experi-

    mental technologies, to state-o-the-art theoretical

    approaches, to the ormidable strength o national

    particle accelerator acilities, to accomplish our goals

    o improving understanding o

    our planet. Although we have

    made enormous progress, many

    o the discoveries produced newquestions that we could not

    have anticipated a decade ago,

    and many pivotal issues remain

    unsolved or controversial. Our

    view is that with an integrated

    approach coupled with techni-

    cal advances, we can see our

    way toward truly enhancing our

    understanding o the deep Earth,

    and ensuring that we undamen-

    tally understand our piece o

    the complex interrelationships

    that govern the evolution o our

    planets habitable environment.gu 1.5. smt kg btw g-pu g d gbg

    dp. dp, t dt/ut pmy tt d vp m

    g-pu g bd. at lbm (2005). og dg by

    a. lttm, sty Bk Uvty, dw by J. adm, G P.

    Petrology Seismology

    Planetary Science

    Geochemistry Geodynamics




    Phase Equilibria,Magma Formation


    Interior Chemistry,Partitioning,


    Thermal andRheologicalProperties

    Superhardand NovelMaterials

    Elastic andAnelastic


    Chemistry/Physicsof Interiors, Impact


    Electromagneticand Iron Alloy


    High Pressure Geosciences

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Te ocean basins and continents, overlain by the

    ocean and atmosphere, are undamental characteris-

    tics o Earths suracethey are eatures that set Earth

    apart rom the other terrestrial planets. Indeed, each

    o these eatures is crucial to the habitability o the

    planets surace, and the deep Earth has controlled

    their genesis. In the case o the ocean basins, their

    depths are a result o the greater density o the oce-anic crust relative to continental crust. Te oceanic

    basaltic crustal layer is produced through upwell-

    ing and melting o dense mantle beneath mid-ocean

    ridges. Correspondingly, the lower-density conti-

    nental crust is predominantly generated by entrain-

    ment o water-rich rocks o the ocean oor to depth

    through subduction, ollowed by the release o water,

    and comparatively low-temperature generation o

    silica- and water-rich melt above the subducted slab.

    It is this type o water-assisted melting that not only

    generates continental crust, but also the explosive

    volcanism o the Ring o Fire surrounding the Pacic.

    Above the crust are the ocean and atmosphere

    crucial to our planets habitability, with their exis-

    tence likely being a direct consequence o degassing

    o volatile materials rom Earths interior. Volcanic

    degassing, which is well known to impact the sulur

    content o the atmosphere on monthly and annualtime scales, has been a primary contributor to our

    ocean and atmosphere. Hence, the linked processes

    o silicate melting, volcanism, and volatile degassing

    have played a principal role in producing the habit-

    able environment o Earths surace.

    Te continent-ocean basin dichotomy o Earths

    surace hinges on both the melting processes that

    occur at depth within the planet, and the ability o

    Earths interior to retainand, under some circum-

    stances, releasewater. Indeed, despite our planets

    cpt 2 | et hbtb su:a cqu t Pt it

    gu 2.1. ud dym md t

    tm gtu mt upwg

    m t -mt budy, w

    ud b td t d bt g-

    t. T pt tmptu

    bv t t uudg mt.

    h, t pt dm xpd

    mutp 2885 km, t tk

    t mt. T pdut d

    bt wud u t g pumd pp et u (t 2.2

    t vt x). m g-pu g-

    pptv, t ky u t

    qutty d tu t mt gtd

    t dt dpt t ut dt

    tmptu wt tm upwg.

    rptd by pm m Mm

    Pub ltd: Nature, l d v Kk

    (2005), pygt 2005.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    average land-surace elevation o over 2 km below sea

    level, there is an abundant portion o the planet that

    sits above the waterline. Tus, the principal topo-

    graphic eatures o our planetour high-standing,

    exposed continentsare generated by deep melting

    o the planet. Te eects o melting on the suraceenvironment are not solely conned to the generation

    o continents and ocean basins. Dramatic volcanic

    events that involve immense outpourings o magma

    rom Earths mantle have occurred sporadically in

    Earth history; perhaps the best-known o these ood

    basalts are the Siberian raps. Tis set o erup-

    tions ~251 million years ago released ~4 million

    cubic kilometers o basaltic magma onto the planets

    surace, a volume more than sucient to cover the

    combined areas o Alaska, exas, and Caliornia withlava to depths o more than a kilometer. Te eects

    o such a massive eruption on the surace environ-

    ment are still poorly understood, but a clear indica-

    tion o its impact is derived rom the synchronous

    extinction o 95% o marine species and 70% o all

    terrestrial vertebrate species. Te mechanism or the

    extinctions likely resides in the voluminous amount o

    gasesprincipally sulur- and carbon-bearingthat

    would have accompanied such an eruption. Beyond

    atmospheric climatic changes, a large inux o suchgases to the atmosphere would have also probably

    acidied the near-surace ocean. Te Siberian raps,

    which came as close as any known event in Earth

    history to destroying lie on the planet, may appropri-

    ately be viewed asDeath rom the Deep Earthand

    understanding o the physical and chemical processes

    that give rise to deeply derived magmatism is thus o

    major interest. Indeed, melting is the primary means

    not only by which the planets crust ormed, but also

    by which the planet segregated into dierent compo-

    sitional layers. Hence, understanding the process and

    eects o melting at depth within the planet is one o

    the key goals and major recurrent themes o the high-

    pressure geosciences community.

    With respect to the ocean and atmosphere, both

    water and carbon dioxide share a common trait : each

    can be stably bound into rocks and thus transported

    into, or retained within, the planet. In the case o

    water, a broad suite o hydrated phases, rom low-

    pressure clays and layered structures such as talc and

    micas, to more exotic hydrated phases stable only at

    high pressures, and even water stably dissolved into

    the structure o normally water-ree phases, each can

    provide stable, solid hosts or water over a range o

    pressure and temperature conditions. Te recogni-tion that amounts o water equivalent to that o the

    ocean or more could be sequestered in nominally

    water-ree minerals within Earths deep interior

    represents an unexpected discovery o the high-

    pressure community.

    Te amount o atmospheric carbon dioxide repre-

    sents the main dierence between the atmospheres

    o Mars, Earth, and Venus. Venus has an atmosphere

    that is ~96% carbon dioxide and a suocating atmo-

    spheric pressure o about 93 atmospheres, while Mars

    has about the same percentage o atmospheric carbon

    dioxide, but a pressure o only ~0.007 atmospheres.

    For comparison, Earth has an atmospheric partial

    pressure o carbon dioxide o about 0.0004 atmo-

    spheres. Te contrasts between the terrestrial planets

    indicate that they have markedly dierent degrees to

    which carbon dioxide is retained within, and cycled

    gu 2.2. d bt xpu t t sk rv cy, Wa,

    wg qut v w mpd v but 1 km vt-

    . T t bt w pt t cumb rv

    Bt, w wdy tugt t v b pdud by t

    m mt upwg tt uty pdu t ubt

    t t Ywt g. Pt uty V. cmp, s

    Dg stt Uvty.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    into, each planets interior. Tese dierences among

    planetary carbon cycles exercise a undamental

    control on the atmosphere, climate, and habitability

    o each o the terrestrial planets, and probing the por-

    tions o the carbon cycle that reside within the solid

    portion o the planets represents a primary goal o thehigh-pressure geosciences community.

    In contrast to the many possible orms in which

    water can be stored at depth, carbon dioxide may be

    sequestered at depth within the planet primarily as

    CO3-bearing carbonatesin essence, the equivalent

    o deep-Earth limestones. Te ambiguity that emerges

    with carbon storage at depth involves the degree o

    oxidization o the planets interior. Te existence o

    diamonds and (possibly) abiogenic methane within

    Earths mantle each show that the degree o oxidationo the mantle undamentally inuences how carbon

    is stored deep within the planet. Te usual viewpoint

    is that zones that have been aected by subduction

    (and hence that have indirectly interacted with the

    surace) are likely more oxidized, while regions that

    retain a chemical signature o core ormation are

    more reduced. Hence, the oxidation state o a par-

    cel o material in Earths mantle likely reects the

    processes and chemical interactions to which it has

    been exposedand producing means or determiningthe oxidation state at depth could provide a valuable

    orensic tool to illuminate the chemical history o

    our planets interior. Indeed, the oxidation state o

    dierent mantle regions likely controls the genesis o

    perhaps our planets most aesthetic major economic


    Te precise amounts o water that are retained

    at depth is uncertain but, as long as the eects o

    water on mineral properties are well characterized,

    they can be inerred or dierent regions based on

    observations o seismic wave velocities or electrical

    conductivity at depth. Indications are that at least the

    equivalent o an ocean o water is likely sequestered

    at depth within the planet, and perhaps substantially

    more. Because the ocean accounts or only ~0.025%

    o Earths mass, even a relatively small amount o

    water retention at depth within solid crystalline

    phases can yield a reservoir that dwars our near-sur-

    ace hydrosphere. Te net observation here is that the

    deep Earths likely storage capacity or water is large

    relative to the size o the ocean.

    Deriving constraints on how water can be stored

    within Earths mantle, through both theory andcrystallographic and spectroscopic experiments on

    materials synthesized in wet environments at the con-

    ditions o Earths interior, has been an area o major

    advances or the high-pressure geosciences commu-

    nity over the last decade. Te key unknown param-

    eters have been the amounts o water delivered to the

    surace (through volcanism) relative to rewatering o

    the interior (through subduction o water-rich mate-

    rials) throughout Earth history. Te balance between

    these two uxes exercises a undamental control onthe volume o water at the surace, and determina-

    tion o their relative rates is crucial or understanding

    the geologic history o water at the planets surace.

    Hence, our community is producing data that address

    one o the most long-standing questions o not simply

    science, but also humanity: why do we have an ocean?

    As with water, the amount o carbon present at

    depth is dicult to determine, but is certainly ar

    greater than the modest amount present within our

    atmosphere. Te carbon dioxide reservoir o thenear surace is dominantly sequestered in carbonate

    rocksrocks that have taken up the slowly released,

    over geologic time, voluminous amount o volcanic

    carbon dioxide degassing rom the planets interior.

    Te interest in this slow bleed o carbon dioxide rom

    the interior is not casual: it is the steady accumula-

    tion o deep-Earth-generated carbon dioxide within

    the atmosphere ~750 million years ago that pushed

    Earth out o the so-called snowball Earth climate

    that appears to have produced global glaciations,

    including sea ice at equatorial latitudes. Hence, the

    deep Earth carbon reservoir has been responsible

    or keeping our planet rom remaining an iced-over

    planet with lie conned to small and peculiar niches.

    Te Cambrian evolutionary explosion o multicel-

    lular organisms 540 million years ago was likely made

    possible by the equable climate produced by steady

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    greenhouse degassing. Among the most critical roles

    played by the surace environment (when it is noticed over) has been the sequestration o degassed

    carbon dioxide rom the interior, and the conver-

    sion o a small portion to atmospheric oxygen (and

    complementary organic carbon). In this sense, there

    is a direct eed-through o deep Earth carbon into the

    planets biosphere and, ater decay, eventually back

    into the rock record.

    Te eects o the planets interior on lie, and

    surace habitability, are clear. Yet, the issue o to what

    depth lie can exist within Earths interior is an area o

    active inquiry. Lie has long been known to persist to

    the pressures present in the deepest ocean: at the base

    o the Marianas rench, pressures exceed 0.1 GPa

    (1 kbar), but lie appears to thrive at these depths.

    Te question that we pose is how deeply might lie

    extend to substantially greater pressures within the

    solid Earth in places such as between grains, or in

    ractures. Te techniques developed by the high-pres-

    sure geosciences communitywhich include opti-cal access to high-pressure cells and spectroscopic

    techniques that can detect metabolic productshave

    proved particularly valuable in this quest or the

    deepest possible organism. Although lie clearly can-

    not exist at the temperatures and pressures present

    in the vast majority o the planet, there are indica-

    tions that some single-celled organisms can survive

    and even conduct metabolic processes at pressures

    corresponding to depths o ~30 km. Te ability o lie

    to persistand perhaps thriveat moderately high

    pressures also has implications or the possibility that

    lie could exist in protected locations in other parts

    o the solar system. Possible locales include the water

    layer that lies beneath the ice o the Jovian moon

    Europa, or within deep aquiers on Mars. Te study

    o lie under such extreme conditions hence incorpo-

    rates not only geobiology, but also planetary science.

    gu 2.3. cyt tutu t tw yt p tt ky t b t gt t wt

    d b dxd pt et. (t) cyt tutu ydu-(Mg,)2so

    4-wdyt, w t

    dmt p wt et mt btw 400- d 520-km dpt. lg b pt dt

    xyg t, d d d g td typy upd by mgum t, w bu

    ttd t . Pk b w t pb t ydg ubttut t p. T

    p w pdtd t b mj wt tt gud tw dd g, wt t pd-

    t ubquty bg vfd by xpmt; t mut t tu t b ddtd tpbg t ppt t mt. (gt) cyt tutu Mgco

    3-mgt. T gy b dt

    b, d t td pt mgum tt tdy dtd by xyg. T

    p , wt dmd (w pt ud -xdzg dt), t pbb t b

    m w dpt t 2000-km dpt wt et mt. rt wk dt tt t

    dpt, mgt tm t d p tt t b wt u gbg xyg; t

    gf t tmt t pt b budgt tp tv quy. img u-

    ty J. smyt, Uvty cd.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Te high-pressure geosciences community has been

    critically concerned with how carbon (in its many pos-

    sible chemical orms) is retained and processed within

    the deep Earth. Among the primary results is that,

    under oxidizing conditions, carbon can be retained

    in carbonate phases throughout the depth range oEarths mantle, while more reducing conditions result

    in diamonds. Te widespread appreciation that deep

    carbon represents a major (and, by mass, the domi-

    nant) player in our planets carbon cycles represents

    one o the true achievements o our feld. But, the

    chemistry and phase equilibria o carbon at depth are

    complex, and we have not yet approached a ull under-

    standing o this critical carbon reservoir.

    Key Questions

    How has Earths interior controlled the sur-

    ace budget o carbon and water through the

    planets history?

    Are there hidden reservoirs o hydrogen and car-bon at depth?

    What is the oxidation state o Earths interior?

    What are the properties o the molecular u-

    ids CO2, H

    2O, and CH

    4at high pressures and


    What are the melting relations and phase equi-

    libria o hydrated and carbonated materials at all

    mantle conditions?

    How does carbon behave over a wide range o deep

    Earth conditions, including as a unction o pres-sure, temperature, and oxidation?

    o what depths within the planet can single-celled

    lie persist, and to what conditions can it thrive?

    gu 2.4. Tw pb w qut gt wb et mgt v ud btw

    716.5 d 620 m y g. i t tp , g mp bt t p d mt t

    uptt rd tw t , wt tt (d mty -) pd wg t g pd. i t

    w , vg fd t t qut tt d t p g dug t dt

    pd. i t , - d uu-m m v vt gt ttp mt g,

    w g-tm umut b dxd m v dgg utmty pdu uft gu

    wmg t dt t pt. cdt: Z Dtky, nt s udt.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    T Mgt d d thbtbty et su

    Earths magnetic eld is oten thought o simply as a

    navigational tool, producing reliable compass direc-

    tions at the planets surace. However, the eects o

    the presence o a magnetic eld on biologic systems

    are proound. Te energetic cosmic ray ux at Earths

    surace is dramatically reduced by having a eldandEarths is the strongest among the terrestrial planets.

    Tis reduction in energetic particle ux decreases

    the mutation rate rom charged particles that are

    deected by the planets dipolar magnetic eld. Tus,

    the magnetic eld contributes signicantly to the

    habitability o the planets surace, and has or at least

    the last 3.5 billion years. From a technologic perspec-

    tive, the magnetic eld provides protection rom what

    can be an electromagnetically harsh solar environ-

    ment. Frequently, the eects o solar ares disruptthe Canadian and Scandinavian electrical distribution

    systemsa direct consequence o the orientation o

    eld lines near Earths poles. But, such disruptions

    are minor compared to more extreme solar events.

    For example, the largest coronal mass ejection on

    record, the 1859 Carrington event, was suciently

    severe that it generated auroras at the equator and

    induced res in telegraph oces. Te magnetic eld

    acts as a protector against both major and minor solar

    events, with their prospectively proound eects on

    our electrical inrastructure. Indeed, the magnetic

    elds eect on extraterrestrial energetic particles can

    be viewed as similar to that o the ozone layers role in

    screening damaging ultraviolet radiation.

    It has long been appreciated that the magnetic eld

    is generated by uid motion within Earths electri-

    cally conductive, iron-rich liquid outer core (conven-

    tional solid-state erromagnets are annihilated at the

    high temperatures o the core). Although the dipolar

    character o the eld is clearly produced by the eects

    o rotation on the uid core, rotation alone is insu-

    cient to drive a long-term magnetic eld. Improving

    our insights into the composition and dynamics o

    Earths core, and hence the energetics and drivers o

    Earths geodynamowhich includes how our mag-

    netic eld is producedis among the primary goals o

    high-pressure geosciences.

    cpt 3 | T Mgt d,et c, d t Dp Mt

    gu 3.1. cmpt utt t tt -

    m jt wt et mgt fd. T tt

    u jt wt et fd dpd t pty tv t

    tt et, d pt dt t fd by pvu -

    gt vt. Dt t t . cuty s. h, nasa.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    i ayT P rt et imt it: ctt Tmptu, cmpt, d P

    Te properties o Earths core materials are pivotal in

    understanding the magnetic eld generation pro-

    cess. Seismologic observations yield a strong start-ing point or inerences about the state o material

    within the planets core. Te recognition o the core

    as being composed o a central solid inner core and

    liquid outer core provides a compelling case that

    liquid-solid phase equilibria are critical or the cores

    evolution. Moreover, the combination o high-

    pressure measurements o elastic properties and

    densities, the velocities o seismic waves and densi-

    ties in the core, and the cosmochemical abundance

    o elements leads to the robust conclusion that thecore is an iron-nickel alloy. Yet, it is an impure alloy,

    with about 10 wt% o a lighter alloying component in

    the outer core and roughly 5 wt% o a lighter mate-

    rial in the solid inner core. Te precise identity o

    these lighter alloying components has been a major

    unsolved question in geophysics, as well as one o the

    primary sources o uncertainty in our knowledge o

    the bulk composition o our planet. Te most likely

    major components o the light-alloying component

    are sulur, oxygen, silicon, carbon, and hydrogen,

    with minor roles likely being played by elements suchas phosphorus and nitrogen. Moreover, i elements

    with long-lived radioactive isotopes (potassium is

    the most common suggestion) are present in even

    minor abundance in the core, then the magnetic

    dynamo could be partially driven by radioactive

    heating. Our knowledge o the elastic and chemical

    properties o alloys o each o these elements with

    iron has mushroomed over the last decade, but these

    properties are oten characterized at pressures and/

    or temperatures that all substantially short o thosepresent within the core. Indeed, measurements o

    properties at the extraordinary pressures and tem-

    peratures o Earths core remain among the scarcest

    and most challenging experiments and calculations

    in the earth sciences.

    Even knowledge o the temperature o

    Earths core remains uncertain. Although the

    top o Earths core is generally thought to be

    around 4500 K with the central temperature

    o the planet near 6000 K, these values hingeon both the identity o the lighter alloying

    component(s) and the melting relations o

    this composition at Earths core conditions,

    and might dier by ~1000 K rom these

    estimates, generating a large uncertainty in

    our knowledge o the overall heat budget o

    our planet. In concept, the interace between

    the solid inner core and liquid outer core

    should represent a xed point in pressure

    and temperature spacebut the location o

    that xed point depends on the composition

    o the coexisting liquid outer and solid inner

    core, and hence the compositional uncer-

    tainty associated with the core maps directly

    into a range o possible temperatures or this

    solid-liquid interace. Tus, our constraints

    on the thermal state o this region o the

    gu 3.2. iutt t qumt gt yg m-

    pt wt bt t ut d . Bw pt

    t tmtd dty xgy -pkd t dt

    tmptu, d t bu d d dt w t my dvd

    (Pmy r et Md, PreM) tt dty

    wt t d ut . ioB dt -ut

    budy. m: gu 2 qut t . (2008); pdud wt

    pm m t Mg sty am.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Tpt Ppt i ay:impt t sutbty degt t Gdym

    Te power requirement to produce our planetary-

    scale magnetic eld is about 1 erawatt (or about

    a actor o ten less than that o all power used byhumans on Earth). Tis gure is a lower bound, as the

    eciency o the generation process is ill constrained.

    Te energy required to run the geodynamo has

    several likely sources: (1) outer core uid ow driven

    by cooling rom the mantle above; (2) presuming

    that the solid inner core is growing with time, release

    o latent heat o usion at the inner core-outer core

    boundary; (3) exclusion o a light alloying compo-

    nent during solidication o the iron-enriched inner

    core, and buoyant rise o the light material; and (4)heat generated by any radioactive elements dissolved

    within the core (with 40K being the most commonly

    suggested candidate).

    Te rst o these sources, heat ow out o the

    top o the core, is largely controlled by the thermal

    conductivity o the core and mantlein essence, the

    rate at which heat can be delivered into the overlying

    mantle rom the core. Not only does this core-

    derived heat help drive the geodynamo, but it also

    plays a key role in driving mantle convection (and

    hence plate tectonics), through heating the convect-

    ing mantle rom below. Moreover, the magnitude

    o irons thermal conductivity controls the sustain-ability o Earths magnetic eld given that uid ow

    is required to generate the geodynamo. Termal

    conductivity, while a conceptually simple parameter,

    is dicult to measure at extreme conditions. One o

    the goals o the high-pressure community over the

    next decade is to improve our ability to both measure

    and theoretically calculate this parameter at deep-

    Earth-relevant conditions.

    wo o the other possible energy sources or the

    geodynamo, latent heat release and buoyant rise ocrystallization-excluded lighter-alloying enriched

    material, each depend on the growth o the solid

    inner core with time. Seismologic studies have

    demonstrated that the material o the inner core is

    textured, and may be zonally heterogeneous. How

    such structures might arise hinges both on the physi-

    cal and chemical processes occurring during core

    crystallization, and on any convective stirring that

    occurs in the solid inner core. Te ormer processes

    depend entirely on the phase equilibria o the corealloy (which in turn is dictated by its composition),

    and on the nucleation and growth o iron crystallites

    at the ultra-high pressure and temperature condi-

    tions o Earths inner core. In comparison, inner core

    convection is controlled by the competing transport

    properties o viscosity and thermal conductivity o

    solid iron alloys at core conditions.

    Tus, we see that the thermal conductivity o core

    materialshow eciently these iron-rich materi-

    als conduct heatis crucial or constraining a range

    o broad-reaching problems, including Earths heat

    ow budget, the convective vigor in the outer and

    inner cores, and the timing o the ormation o the

    inner core. Measurements o thermal conductivity at

    extreme conditions are very challenging. Although

    a ew measurements have been conducted using

    the coupling o light with thermal waves within the

    gu 3.4. iutt t tm d m

    buyy t vt. cuty

    B. Butt, Uvty c t Bky.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    sample (such as impulsive stimulated scattering), a

    range o other time-resolved measurements, includ-

    ing time-domain thermoreectance and emtosecond

    broadband optical spectroscopy, will likely be increas-

    ingly deployed over the next several years. Te stakes

    in accurately constraining thermal conductivity arehigh. From the perspective o the history o Earths

    magnetic eld, the key question that will be deter-

    mined by accurate thermal conductivity measure-

    ments is: how long has Earth had a solid inner core?

    Because the inner core plays a key role in determining

    the convective style o the core and in generating the

    driving orces o the geodynamo, its growth history is

    critical or understanding how our magnetic eld has

    evolved through time. Our present uncertainty o a

    actor o two or three in the thermal conductivity atcore conditions (which, in light o the extreme condi-

    tions and diculty o the measurement, is an excel-

    lent achievement) causes undamental dierences in

    our models o the evolution and timing o inner core

    ormation, with estimates varying between ages o

    ~1.5 billion years to ~4 billion years or the onset o

    inner core crystallization.

    Te possible presence o radioactive elements

    (especially potassium-40, but less plausibly uranium

    and/or thorium) within the core, whose decay wouldgenerate heat that would contribute to the geody-

    namo, also lies in the rmly testable domain. Both

    experiments and theory have provided some tanta-

    lizing hints that, in marked contrast to their lower-

    pressure behavior, radioactive elements may dissolve

    in iron alloys at high pressures. I this is the case, then

    the undamental process o radioactive decay o long-

    lived radionuclides may play a key role in producing

    Earths magnetic eld. Te presence (or absence) o

    radioactive elements within the core may ultimately

    be observationally determined through a ortuitous

    synergy between the elds o astrophysics and geo-

    physics. Radioactive decays produce neutrinos, thus,

    neutrino detectors, which are usually deployed within

    mines near Earths surace, should be able to resolve

    whether there is a signicant source o geoneutri-

    nosand hence radioactive elementswithin Earths

    deepest interior.

    Te need or more inormation on the properties o

    iron alloys at core conditionstheir phase equilibria,

    their melting (and crystallization) behavior, their solid

    and liquid viscosities, and their thermal and electrical

    conductivitiesis thus driven by a desire to under-

    stand the chemical and physical properties o Earths

    core, and hence the planets geodynamo. Signicantnew constraints on core alloys have emerged over the

    last decade, but the underpinning questions require

    suites o experiments and complex calculations at the

    conditions o Earths deepest interiorand these are

    among the most challenging o enterprises.

    It is not solely with an eye to constraining the

    genesis o Earths magnetic eld that the physical and

    chemical properties o the outer core are o interest.

    Te chemistry o the core likely reects the manner in

    which the earliest Earth accreted rom smaller bodies.

    Te key questions here include: (1) how much did

    Earths core material react with the silicate portion o

    the planet? and (2) what raction o the bodies that

    accreted to orm the bulk o Earth were themselves

    dierentiated into core and mantle? In this sense,

    gu 3.5. (t) su gut t t Kmd ut

    dtt Kmk, Jp (dd dt tt g

    ux ut dttd m t g), juxtpd

    wt mg my gtd dp et tutu (gt).

    rptd by pm m Mm Pub ltd: Nature,ak t . (2005), pygt 2005.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    the composition o Earths core may provide one o

    the ew records o the long-ago objects that merged

    together to orm our current planet.

    Te reaction o iron-rich material with the silicate

    mantle would cause water within the silicates to react

    with iron, orming rust at low pressure, and iron oxideand iron hydride at higher pressures. Each o these

    processes would lead to water loss rom the silicate

    Earth-ocean-atmosphere-climate system, either

    through hydrogen release and escape rom the atmo-

    sphere, or through sequestration o hydrogen within

    Earths core. Hence, the process o core ormation

    controlled the water budget that the earliest Earth

    retained, and thus the reservoir o water available or

    ormation o the planets ocean.

    T Dpt Mt:T ct et c

    Te composition o Earths core may also evolve

    through time by interactions with the mantle. In

    eect, the mantle acts as a ceramic thermos around

    the corebut the degree to which the ceramic

    interacts with the molten iron o the core is unclear.

    Certainly, the lowermost ~300 km o the mantle is

    among its most structurally complex regions, andhence, mirrors the complexity o the uppermost ew

    hundred kilometers (which are aected both by plate

    tectonics and the deep roots o continents). Because

    o its distinctive and complex character, this zone

    is distinguished rom the overlying mantle, and is

    reerred to as the D (D double-prime) layer. Te ea-

    tures that are likely present in the lowermost mantle

    include a new high-pressure silicate phase known as

    post-perovskitea phase that only becomes stable

    within the deepest lowermost mantle, and whose

    existence may explain a long-enigmatic discontinu-

    ity in seismic wave velocities a ew hundred kilome-

    ters above the core-mantle boundary. Additionally,

    the crystal structure o this phase could explain the

    robust anisotropy o seismic wave propagation (in

    which waves propagating with dierent orientations

    travel with dierent velocities) observed within D.

    Although weve come a long way in our under-

    standing o the deep mantle, major issues remain. Te

    current estimates o the dependence o the pres-

    sure/depth o the phase transition on temperature

    indicate that in hot regions, this transition may not

    occur, and lower-density perovskite could be juxta-posed with cooler post-perovskite. Such a scenario

    explains the regionally variable character o the

    seismic discontinuity that has been associated with

    the post-perovskite transition; but it also poses a suite

    o dynamical issues. In particular, the role that hot

    regions containing the less-dense perovskite phase

    play in driving mantle upwellings is a topic o intense

    scrutiny. Moreover, the temperature at the top o the

    outer core could be suciently high that a lens o

    perovskite may exist directly above the core, under-lying the denser post-perovsite phase. Te dynamic

    implications o such an inverted-density scenario

    are also complex, and their exploration will require a

    cross-disciplinary eort that incorporates improved

    constraints on the conditions under which this transi-

    tion might occur within the planet.

    gu 3.6. cyt tutu t (Mg,)so3-pvkt d

    pt-pvkt p. T bu tm , w t d

    d yw pyd t xyg gb t mgum

    , d t d tm pt-pvkt xyg. Wt

    pt-pvkt, m wv ppgt m pdy g t

    dt dfd by t y yw pyd, d m

    wy ppdu t t y. rptd by pm m

    Mm Pub ltd: Nature, Duy (2008), pygt 2008.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Te discovery o this new phase ranks as one o the

    major advances in the high-pressure geosciences over

    the last decade. Its discovery has galvanized interest

    across the elds o geodynamics, seismology, and the

    high-pressure geosciences community. Te synergies

    that have arisen between these elds in conjunctionwith the possible presence o the post-perovskite

    phase o (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3

    has provided constraints

    on the possible heat ow out o the core (and thus the

    driving orce or the geodynamo), as well as produc-

    ing new paradigms or how mantle plumesthe

    isolated upwellings that give rise to non-tectonic vol-

    canic eatures such as the Hawaiian Islandsmightorm in the lowermost mantle.

    gu 3.7. Dgm t pb t vb tmptu t u t pt-pvkt p

    tt. (tp) Tt p budy btw pvkt d pt-pvkt, mpd t t tmp-

    tu dtbut m, vtg mt (mt dbt). T tm budy y t -mt

    budy pdu t, dwwd dt t budy, w d g w b td wt

    upwpd budy (gt d t p w fgu). i t gt p t w fgu, t d, gd d

    bu pt t, m d d tmptu dtbut t dp mt, d t bk p-

    t t pu-tmptu p t pvkt t pt-pvkt tt. nt tt bu t tp t

    ut y tm, t pbty xt tt t y pvkt pt v t t u

    t -mt budy. Tp fgu m: ly t . (2005). Bttm p m: gu 5 sm (2008).




    Outer Core

    Inner Core



    Transition Zone

    384 136 23.5 13.5 0


    Pressure (GPa)

    6370 2890 660 410 Depth (km)

    Core-Mantle Boundary

    D Layer





    PvLower Mantle







    Outer Core












    70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150Pressure (GPa)

    Hill Top

    Error ~ 5 GPa

    7.5 MPa/K






    ~ 8 GPa

    ~ 250 km


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    However, the post-perovskite phase, and its likely

    seismic signature, is ar rom the only anomalous

    eatures near the base o the mantle. For example,

    two large, low-shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs)lie in almost antipodal positions beneath Arica and

    the Southwest Pacic. Tese eatures, which extend

    ~1000 km above the core-mantle boundary are zones

    characterized by seismic shear wave velocities that are

    a ew percent lower than the surrounding normal

    mantle. Teir compressional velocities are slightly

    depressed as well, but are ar short o their shear

    velocity anomaly. Te current understanding o the

    change o seismic velocities with temperature implies

    that, i we attribute the shear wave velocity depression

    o these eatures simply to them being hotter than

    their surroundings, then their temperature would

    be elevated by order 1000 K. Not only would such a

    dramatic temperature anomaly be expected to have

    a larger signature within the compressional wave

    velocity o these eatures, but i LLVSPs were purely

    thermal eatures, they would be expected to dominate

    mantle convective ow, producing massive upwellings

    and perhaps associated volcanism. Rather, it seems

    that these eatureseach roughly the size o the larg-

    est asteroid, Ceresdier in composition rom their

    surrounding material. Indeed, current indications

    are that they are may be slightly denser than theirsurroundings. Tis dierence in composition is con-

    sistent with the seismic observation that the sides o

    these eatures, where they can be interrogated, appear

    to be airly sharp, a probable signature o a chemical,

    rather than solely thermal, dierence. But, we do not

    yet understand either the chemistry o these eatures,

    or how they might have arisenand these are major

    challenges or our community to constrain. Are they

    primordial, dating rom Earths earliest ormation, or

    have they been generated over time by a yet-unrec-ognized deep Earth process? And, however they were

    generated, what does their presence imply or our

    canonical view o mantle convection?

    Not all velocity changes near the core-mantle

    boundary span such large regions. Ultra-low velocity

    zones (ULVZs) are ound in the lowermost 1025 km

    o the mantlethese regions involve decreases in

    seismic velocity o 1030%. Such strongly depressed

    velocities are ound essentially nowhere else in Earths

    mantle (indeed, they are comparable to the dierencein velocity between Earths highly silicic, buoyant

    crust and its underlying mantle), and our community

    has aggressively launched eorts to explain ULVZs.

    wo primary options exist: these zones could be areas

    o partial melting o the mantle, or they could be

    areas where the iron content is dramatically increased

    above that o normal mantle. In the ormer case, these

    regions would represent the largest silicate magma

    chambers on the planet, existing directly above the

    core, and characterized by melts that, unlike near-sur-

    ace magmas, are so dense that they sink rather than

    rise. In the case o iron enrichment, ULVZs would be

    eatures that are transitional in composition between

    the core and mantle. It has long been appreciated that

    chemical reactions occur between silicates and mol-

    ten iron, but the length scale over which these reac-

    tions operate is uncertain, and hinges on the diusion

    gu 3.8. ctud mg m vty m t

    wmt mt; t d g t g, w- vty

    pv (llsVP) bw t ct Pf, d t bu g my t z tt my b td wt t ubdu-

    t ut. T w t g udyg

    b. T yw pt pt tvd by tquk wv

    m -u u (d dt) tt tgt t llsVP.

    cuty e. G, az stt Uvty.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    rates at this hot, ceramic-molten metal interace. Our

    community is addressing these challenges through

    a tandem approach using both high-level theory

    and state-o-the-art high-pressure experiments. Te

    goal is to determine both the behavior o iron within

    silicates at extreme conditions and the properties osilicate liquids at ultra-high pressure conditions.

    Ky Qut

    What are the light-alloying components o

    Earths core?

    What is the temperature o Earths core?

    What are the transport properties (particularly

    thermal conductivity and viscosity) o iron alloys

    at core conditions, and hence what is the likely ageand growth rate o the inner core?

    What are the magnitudes o dierent heat sources

    within Earths core, including its radioactive ele-

    ment content?

    gu 3.9. (tp) ctud gb

    m vty m.nt t g, w- v-

    ty pv (llVsP) tu bt

    t sut Pf d a. cuty

    c. hu, Uvty c,

    st cuz. (bttm) c t

    tug m tmgp

    md (gt) d tptv dw-

    g pb tu pt,

    w ud llsVP, pt-pvkt

    t b t mt (pPv),

    t ut-w vty z (UlVZ),

    d t p-tt z

    (sTZ). m: gu 1

    G d Mnm(2008). rptd

    wt pm

    m aaas.

    How do variations in chemistry and tempera-

    ture aect the depth (or pressure), thickness, and

    amplitude o the post-perovskite transition in the

    lowermost mantle?

    What are the temperatures and chemistries o the

    two large, low-shear velocity provinces in the deepmantle?

    With respect to ultra-low velocity zones, what

    are the properties o silicate melts at core-mantle

    boundary conditions, and how, and at what level,

    can the core enrich the mantle in iron at Earths

    core-mantle boundary?

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Development o the plate tectonic paradigm is surely

    the prime achievement o the geosciences in the

    20th century. It provides a comprehensive understand-

    ing o how the surace o our planet evolves, and

    explains processes ranging rom the driving orce

    o seismic ailure, to mountain building, to most

    volcanism. Te surcial lateral motion o plates is

    well understood rom a wide range o geodetic andgeologic measurements. What remains an enigma,

    however, is the third dimension o plate tectonics.

    Tis third dimension includes the ultimate ate o

    subducting slabs, eatures that exert a downward pull

    that translates to lateral orces, and their interaction

    with Earths internal system. By the same token, the

    manner in which upwellingsmid-ocean ridges and

    non-tectonic volcanismare sourced rom great

    depths lies also at the cutting edge o our understand-

    ing o the deep planet. Moreover, how the planetprogressed rom having an early, likely largely molten

    uppermost ew hundred kilometers (or more) o the

    mantle 4.5 billion years ago to its current, gener-

    ally well-characterized near-surace system in which

    plates overlie a mostly solid (but actively convect-

    ing) mantle remains raught with uncertainties.

    Hence, deriving constraints on how the interaction

    between the deep Earth and the plate tectonic system

    has evolved throughout Earth history represents

    one o the high-pressure geoscience communitys

    principal challenges.

    In tandem with seismic probes o the planets

    interior, geochemical examination o rocks gener-

    ated at and extracted rom depth, and geodynamic

    simulations, the tasks or the eld o high-pressure

    geosciences involve constraining the composition,

    minerals, viscosity, density, and temperature at

    depth, which in turn map into the buoyancy orces

    that drive upwellings and downwellings within the

    planet. Ultimately, the most basic reason that cold

    slabs sink and hot materials rise involves the ther-

    mal expansion o Earth materialstheir decrease in

    density with increased temperature. Te rate at which

    they move is, in turn, also controlled by the viscos-

    ity o the material through which the upwellings anddownwellings migrate. But, temperature is not the

    only property that produces positive and negative

    buoyancy. Compositional shits, such as iron enrich-

    ment or depletion, and changes in phase (which are

    oten correlated with composition) can also control

    whether material is buoyant. A classic example o

    such eects involves the mineral garnet. At pressures

    corresponding to depths o ~50 km, this mineral

    becomes abundant within subducted oceanic crust,

    at which point this ormerly buoyant crustal mate-rial becomes denser than its surrounding mantle

    an eect produced by the abundance o aluminum

    within basaltic oceanic crust.

    Tmtty d smMppg t Pt

    Te primary evidence that can be brought to bear

    to understand the nature o the mantle convection,

    which ultimately drive plate tectonics, involves varia-

    tions in seismic wave velocities, and discontinuities

    in seismic wave velocities within Earths interior.

    Such seismic data on Earths interior usually include

    the velocity o both compressional and shear waves

    (so-called body waves, as opposed to surace waves,

    which primarily sample the uppermost ew hun-

    dred kilometers o the planet). Compressional waves

    cpt 4 | T Td Dm Pt Tt

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    have particle motions in the same direction as wave

    propagation (akin to sound waves), while shear waves

    have particle motions perpendicular to the direction

    o propagation.

    One o the major challenges or high-pressure

    geosciences involves determining the dependenceo seismic wave velocity on pressure, temperature,

    composition, requency, and even crystal orienta-

    tion o the materials o Earths interior. Seismic waves

    typically have requencies o about 1 Hertz and

    wavelengths on the order o kilometers, ar in excess

    o the dimensions o high-pressure samples. Hence,

    experiments that directly

    constrain wave velocities

    are conducted using either

    ultrasonic sound waves (otenin the megahertz range), or

    laser light (Brillouin spectros-

    copy, usually in the gigahertz

    range). But, velocities also

    depend on the elastic proper-

    ties o Earth materialshow

    materials respond to com-

    pression or shearing while

    held at high pressures. So,

    measurements o density asa unction o pressure and/

    or temperature (under static,

    or zero requency conditions)

    can yield elastic moduli that

    can be compared with either

    seismic measurements or

    the results o high-requency

    experiments. Tus, such

    experiments can be used to

    validate that high-requency

    results can be extrapolated to

    seismic requencies.

    In instances where there

    is a requency dependence o

    velocity (i.e., dispersion), or

    where attenuation o waves

    can be measured, then these

    provide prima acie evidence that anelastic behavior

    is occurring within the materialthat is, a portion

    o the energy o the waves is being absorbed as they

    travel through the material. Such anelasticity can be

    constrained in the seismic requency band rom the

    attenuation o seismic waves, and strong attenuationprovides an indication that grain size or partial melt

    eects are present within the mantle. Evaluating the

    relative magnitude o these dierent eects requires

    a sequence o challenging measurements, oten in a

    range that approaches the low requency o seismic

    waves. While progress has been made in this area,

    gu 4.1. (t) lty vgd dty (r),

    vty (V), d mp wv

    vty (Vp) ut dpt wt

    et. P tt pdu t dt-

    ut bvd w t 700-km dpt.cuty J.M. Jk, ct. (gt) T

    ptt vty vt et

    mt t qu x dpt, m jut

    bw t ut (125 km) t jut bv t

    -mt budy (2850 km). T d -

    pt w vt t t v-

    g, w t bu t. T mxmum

    vt 4% dpt xpt

    t wt dpt, w t vt

    15%. m: rtm t . (2004).

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    the ability to ully interpret seismic maps o mantle

    attenuation remains incomplete, and a primary uture

    goal is to better constrain anelastic eects within

    Earths mantle.

    Within the elastic regime, the challenges are to

    map out the relative variations o compressional andshear wave velocity so that, or example, regions in

    the planet o higher temperature (and hence lowered

    wave velocities) can be distinguished rom zones

    with enriched iron contents (which would also be

    characterized by lower wave velocities, but oten

    have dierent ratios o shear to compressional wave

    velocity depression). Obviously, tradeos exist with

    respect to enrichments in other elements as well

    (e.g., water content), and distinguishing dierent

    compositional signatures rom one another and romthe characteristics o thermal anomalies represents

    a primary challenge. In this sense, the overall eld o

    thermoelasticity provides the basis or determining

    what the complex variations in seismic velocities in

    the deep Earth mean, and how they map into varia-

    tions in temperature or chemistry at depth. Tis

    eectively provides the means by which the charac-

    teristics o rockswhat types o rocks they might be

    and how hot they arecan be determined remotely

    through a combination o seismic observations andhigh-pressure measurements and calculations. It is

    this ability to meaningully probe and interpret results

    rom regions o the planet that we can never view

    or sample that has enabled high-pressure geoscien-

    tists to geologically map the third dimension o plate

    tectonics, resolving the motion o solids at depth

    that drives our plate tectonic system, and composi-

    tional variations that have a complex interplay with

    the uid dynamics o the deep Earth system. Te

    capability to describe the orces that drive mantle

    convection allows the time dependence o mantle

    ow to be addressed, and hence permit constraints

    on the likely history (or ourth dimension) o plate

    tectonics on Earth. Indeed, the results that we derive,

    which can constrain both the chemical and thermal

    buoyancy (whether positive or negative) o regions o

    the deep Earth, ultimately eed directly back into our

    understanding o the history and dynamics o Earths

    interiorthe dynamics that, rom beneath, continue

    to drive our plate tectonic engine.

    T Tt Z dMt P Tt

    Earths mantle is divided into two main parts: the

    upper mantle, extending down to ~400-km depth,

    and the lower mantle, which begins near 700-km

    depth. Te transition zone lies between these two

    depths. Te samples that we have rom these regions

    decrease progressively in abundance with depth.

    From the upper mantle, we have abundant samples

    that were entrained in volcanic upwellings, while

    rom the massive lower mantle, there might exista ew isolated samples o a ew tens o microns in

    dimensions embedded within diamonds. From the

    transition zone, occasional rock ragments have made

    their way to Earths surace. Within the transition

    zone, the common minerals o the upper mantle

    olivine (also known as the gemstone peridot) and

    pyroxenesconvert to a suite o spinel- and garnet-

    related as well as more complex crystal structures

    (dubbed ringwoodite, majorite, and wadsleyite,

    respectively) beore ultimately converting to silicateperovskites and a simple magnesium-iron oxide at the

    top o the lower mantle. Te pressures at which these

    transitions initiate, and the width o the pressure

    interval required or them to proceed to completion,

    depend on both temperature and, to a lesser extent,

    composition. Tereore, seismic characterizations

    o the depth and sharpness o these discontinuities

    can, when coupled with accurate laboratory mea-

    surements o these transitions, provide a particularly

    accurate gauge o the temperature and composition

    through this critical region o the planet. It is in the

    transition zone region that downwelling slabs can

    be markedly deected, with some even becoming

    nearly horizontal, and where their seismic signature

    appears to dramatically broadena likely indicator o

    increased viscosity at depth.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding the Building Blocks of the Planet: The Materials Science of Earth Processes



    Te underpinning causes o deep earthquakes,

    those that occur between ~350- and 684-km depth

    (the depth o the deepest earthquake ever recorded),

    may well be connected to the phase transitions that

    occur within the transition zone. Tese events are

    always associated with ancient subducted material.However, they occur at depths below which the nor-

    mal brittle racture that generates near-surace seismic

    events is likely completely suppressed by pressure.

    Tereore, mechanisms dierent rom standard low-

    pressure aulting are likely required to explain why

    these deep events occur. Te idea that these events are

    associated with how phase transitions proceed within

    subducted slabs (with the transitions likely impeded

    by the low temperatures present in these environ-

    ments) has provided a possible suite o solutions tothis long-standing dilemma (aulting within meta-

    stable material that is converting to its high-pressure/

    temperature phases). Hence, exploration o the link-

    ages between phase transitions and seismic ailure is

    motivated by the importance o understanding the

    deeper portion o the planets seismicity.

    Although the general nature o the transitions that

    give rise to the seismic discontinuities within the

    transition zone are known, their precise tempera-

    ture and composition dependences remain areas o

    extraordinarily active inquiry. Future progress on

    this topic awa

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