Uncanny Valley treatment

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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DURATION7-8 min.


FORMATShort Film


STYLELive Action + 3D

AUGUST 28, 2013

“We start pulling back, while Leo moves frantically around, launching �re stones at the dragons as they keep attacking the temple, all at once“

Concept art:LEO'S WORLD

Concept art:THE OTHER SIDE

“The slums used to be loud and noisy, now everything’s quiet. The government gives us enough and we stay inside."

“Leo starts walking back in shock. The world around him is too strange, too real. Just like the body in the ground.“

Concept art:REVELATION

ACT THREERevelación

“The alien lifts his hand slowly, holding a gun. IT’s Leo! He’s lifting his hand up slowly, but there’s no gun in his hand, Leo’s calling out for help.“


Sketch:Leo calling for help in the hallway

Sketch:P.O.V player seeing an Alien

The following is a brief overview of the set up, characters and con�ict of the movie. It contains a global reference for the whole story telling, as a general introduction for the �lm concept.


Smart cities have a mind of their own. A series of green buildings have been developed. Their architecture combine organic and inorganic matter. They build themselves following the principles of nature. No urban planning needed either. Roads, tunnels and sewers, all of them are suggested by the �awless math of the system. Branching out exponentially, smart cities are changing the facade of the planet by breaking into deserted territories and turning them habitable, green and ef�cient.Matter-Printers are the evolution of 3d printers. Now a city can bring anything to existence, it doesn't matter how big or

Uncanny Valley: feature �lm descriptive treatment

REF: Matter printers create objects at a subatomic level

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complex. This is a key element in the rapid expansion of smart cities.Everybody has a Matter-Printer at home. Food, clothes or any consumer product are purchased online and printed. In this world people are given a chance to perform the tasks most suited for their capabilities. From that point on, it's up to you.Having a healthy social life is easy now. Thanks to the online reality you can explore an endless variety of worlds. Not being restrained by the physics of reality, the online world allows people to freely interact through the network.

This virtual world is the �nal frontier in entertainment.Extreme sports in zero gravity, real chat rooms, alternative worlds simulators, etc. There’s no limit to what the online reality has to offer. A regular person rewards itself with a few hours online after their day's work in the real world. Some people even have a more active role inside the second reali-ty. In some cases, they are employed within the network and spend most of their time online.Some people have renounced to the commodities given by progress. They refuse to take part in the online world. These

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3D Protorype of Breather: Device used for full inmersion

into the online network

individuals live in colonies, apart from the city, where they recreate the lifestyle of older gener-

ations. They are socially respected for choosing a different way of life.

There are also those who no longer care about the outside world.They choose to drift perpetually in fantasy worlds within the network, coming out from time to time to eat and keep the physical body

alive. These people rest inside the network since it guaran-tees a quiet and nice sleep.The government supplies them with enough credit to eat as long as they don't mess with anybody.

And usually they don't. They just stay online.


He lives mostly inside the network. Whatever chance he had to become part of outer society is now gone. But he’s the best at certain online wargames.

While playing, Leo makes important decisions in less than a second and hardly ever misses. Other players follow him instinctively.

The willpower he lacks in the real world, shows up when he's playing online.

He lives in the suburbs occupying an old abandoned building, outside and disconnected from the smart city. The area is almost uninhabitable. People who live in the neighborhood are in a similar condition: marginals who don’t care about the outside world. Leo's apartment is just a place to leave his body when he goes online.

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Leo is a master of the online war gaming community. There is one kind of game in which players are allowed to play on a total level of realism. This games can even in�ict you the same pain of being shot in real life. Those are the most challenging ones. Leo’s gaming ranks are enough to be an army general.

REF: The Alien jungle

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At some point inside the game, while battling against Aliens, someone sneaks up on Leo and nails a strange device to the back of his head. Leo suffers great pain and discovers the whole place transforming in front of him.

The level is no longer a jungle but a desert. The human players are not players any more. They are robots. And the enemy alien forces are now defenseless human beings slaughtered by a robotic army.

These people are a desert tribe, occupying territory where a smart city is scheduled to be built. The onliners are being deceived to remotely operate a mission.

Leo turns against the robots and starts shooting at the matter printers from where they emerge. He blows up what looks like a power plant. Suddenly, the rest of the soldiers can see what's really going on. All players get disconnected from the game.

REF: Alien Soldier body structure


Leo and the rest of the gamers are now marked men. They've seen a truth that mustn't be told. The group has to run for survival through the real world. The same kind of robots they were operating are now chasing them.

Some onliners don’t make it very far. Others can’t help to go back online, and get killed in their sleep. Most of the players suffer a great addiction to the gaming environment. The group of survivors hide away in the suburbs.

Leo establishes contact with some of the fugitives. He starts to create an alliance to survive the robot’s offensive. The group uses guerrilla tactics to in�ltrate the online world and divulge what's happening to other users. Some members of the resistance are well experienced programmers, and they �nd a way to gain control over some robots.

Leo himself is dealing with a serious case of onliner's addiction. The real world has rules he forgot already. His body and mind are strongly resisting to remain in the outer world for such a long period.

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Leo, leader of the resistance, declares war on the group of eleven. The battle�eld is the Smart City itself.

By stealing and recycling components, the group of rene-gades manage to create a series of robots to mirror and sabo-tage the city’s technology. The arti�cial intelligence system decides to isolate itself to contain the war, closing all the exits and communications. The Smart City goes of�ine.

The group of eleven has lost control over that part of the system. The renegade alliance tries to communicate the truth to the citizens, while the whole area is in chaos.

The group of eleven is discovered to be the one behind the plan to use gamers in human battles. As the Smart City is of�ine in the network, the truth remains captive there. The enemies will have to win the war if they want to prevent it from reaching the whole community, even if that means destroying the city.

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An anonymous gentleman known as Shawn is set loose to track down Leo's group. Shawn is a brilliant strategist. Somebody with a strong deductive mind and a taste for silent murder. He com-mands an extremely resourceful robot team called ENMCO.

Shawn has a set of robotic parts implanted in his body. It allows him to stay connected online while aware of the real world.

He responds to a larger organization, the group of eleven, of which there is little knowledge about. It is a stock hold-ing ghost association which control most of the online world platform and other business. It is said that they can alter the smart cities functions as well.


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