UltraSpectra Internet Marketing & SEO Services

Post on 10-May-2015






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UltraSpectra is a full-service online company dedicated to providing the services of internet marketing and IT solutions to professionals and businesses looking to fully leverage the internet.With a team of competent and self-driven professionals, we help you shape your ideas into workable and profitable output. In a broader term, we fulfill your need to brand yourself and strengthen your presence in the virtual world. UltraSpectra provide a range of services like web design and development, internet and e-marketing, SEO/SEM, blogging, content writing, event management and knowledge management.We at UltraSpectra offer you a unique blend of opportunities in order to help you discover your passion and leverage your brand to its optimum position.With our range of services, we instill in our members the driven ability to apply their expertise and passion to bring a difference for others. The diverse expertise of our people, when combined, gives us an edge to grasp your needs better and respond quickly. We work through the infinite possibilities, so we can deliver predictable results using custom-built solutions.Ultraspectra’s client methodology is designed to create confidence and trust along with promoting the clients corporate portfolio. We have strategically applied the modern methodologies of customer care to eliminate risk & unpredictability, leaving our individual and corporate clients with a clear understanding of the results before they occur. Customer satisfaction is at the very heart of our methodology. Our team has always been striving for the best and that’s what we offer to our clients.


/’ Ul-tra-Spec-tra /

Defined as a group of bright colors of spectrum. In its

literal meanings it is a hub of people from varied skills

and educational backgrounds


Brand Yourself!

Location UltraSpectra has a good presence in multiple coutries across the globe. Headquarted

in Islamabad, it has its outlets in Canada, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and Denmark. Who We Are UltraSpectra (Pvt.) Ltd. provides IT,

web design and development, e-marketing and SEO, blogging and

content writing, event and

knowledge management services. With a team of competent and

energetic profess-ionals, we help

you develop and implement your idea, products and services. We

have internationally acclaimed

trainers providing you with the

best social media and IT trainings.

UltraSpectra has taken the concept of web entrepreneurship to the next

level & provides knowledge services in all spheres of web. In a broader term, we fulfill your need to brand yourself and strengthen your presence

in the virtual world. We have been providing IT solutions and e-marketing

services to various industries including CPG/ Manufacturing; Energy/ Utilities; Agriculture and Livestock; Financial Services; Healthcare; Higher

Education; Hospitality; Insurance; Retail; Travel/Entertainment; and various

Emerging Markets.


Consumer and Brand Marketing Practice understand that today's world is

consumer-centric and that relevant

brands exist to provide their consumers with memorable experiences and a sense

of community. Ultimately, brands are extensions of consumer aspirations and

desires. That's why, whether our client's

business goal is to increase mind-share among consumers or drive trial and

repeat of products, our team creates unique, fully integrated programs—

programs that capitalize on brand equity

as well as leverage strategic partnerships and the interactive nature of today's

consumer to broaden reach and stimulate demand.

UltraSpectra understands the power of brands. Hence, our approach enables us

to create strategic, integrated programs

for both leading and burgeoning brands. We follow a step-by-step roadmap to

make an authority brand online i.e. discover your passion; discover the need;

test your market; focus your efforts; and

be a brand.

Companies spend millions of dollars on

their offline marketing campaigns and advertisements in order to brand their

products and businesses. In this context, a

good online strategy is one that can easily be incorporated with the offline strategy

and go parallel with it. With our Online PR Management & Social Media Solution,

your company will have an added benefit

of an overall integrated solution for all their marketing efforts; online plus offline.

How our Social Media strategy

fits in with

other Media (Electronic & Print)

We attract the

brightest minds. And by working

alongside us, so can you.

Company Values At UltraSpectra's we are committed to building great brands. These are the shared values, principles and behaviour that we follow in providing quality

services worldwide.

Reasons To Invest

In Our Internet

Marketing Strategy When you work with UltraSpectra to develop and execute your Internet marketing

strategy, you’ll be joining the long list of companies that has experienced exactly

what the web can do, with our help.

Enhanced Image Social media is currently the most effective way of reaching the to the target audience i.e. primarily the youth. With the blend of services UltraSpectra offers, your company not only gets to engage with its audience but also, enhance its image as a trendy, up-to-date and a creative company that the audience can relate to with ease.

Differentiating From Competition People who get heard in the online world are the ones who command greater presence. As your company gets more socially popular, it can have an authority over the audience. This, in turn, can give Telenor a major competitive edge in the online world.

Creating Positive Publicity In the online world, it is always the passive companies that get the most ragging from the users. With a combination of various techniques used, your company will have the opportunity to become active and attentive on the web. This will give news-savvy bloggers something to write

about. As a result, Telenor will have an increased publicity via word-of-mouth.

Driving Sales The ultimate purpose of any strategy is to drive sales. With its active participation in the online community, your company would be bound to attract prospects who are always hungry for a fresh change. We increase your website’s return on investment comes from conversions: sales, leads, or blog subscriptions to encourage future sales and leads.

Client Conversion A typical Internet marketing agency will focus on increasing the number of visitors to your site. UltraSpectra isn’t a typical Internet marketing firm. While increasing the number of visitors to your site is important, it shouldn’t be your only goal. We at UltraSpectra, focus on increasing both the number of visitors and conversions of our clients’ website.

Increased Website Traffic If your website isn’t listed at the top of the search engines for your market's keywords, your competitors are taking away a big chunk of your profits. UltraSpectra can create the online buzz about your company, its products and services that brings in the visitors. A successful and relevant viral social media post implemented by a cutting-edge Internet marketing agency like UltraSpectra can drive thousands and thousands of visitors to your website.

Marketing Consultancy We analyze your company, including your goals, customer-base, competition, industry, and budget. Then we build a personalized, detailed Internet marketing consulting that will take your company from where it is today to where you want it to be. We’ll work with you to

tweak this game plan to perfection.

Evaluation Of Performance We monitor your results and optimize your Internet marketing strategy as needed, so you’re always getting the most from the web.

Client Satisfaction As a direct result of producing real, bottom-line results, we continue to grow at a record pace. We enjoy a nearly 100% renewal rate with all our clients.

Accountability & Measurable ROI

Everything we do is 100% measurable and we are accountable to our clients for producing a profitable ROI.

One stop solution for Internet marketing If you had thought that your job is done once your website is made and you can sit back and watch it work wonders for your business, you have never been more wrong. This myth is one of the main reasons why a website fails - and because it is not maintained, you gradually find the information on it becoming out of date and irrelevant to your business. That brings you to the dilemma of who is going to do regular updating and changes that will be required, and that too when you have no clue of the technicalities that lie behind it. That is where UltraSpectra can help make your lives easier; by developing an Internet Marketing strategy just for you.

No matter what your business, we all want more traffic, and more importantly, we want that traffic to turn into customers. With this common goal in mind, UltraSpectra

is dedicated to providing our clients with the tools and feedback to make your website and services successful. Our Services

Our Internet Marketing & PR Management Plan encompasses the key aspects related to specific PR-related information flow, content creation and channels used to promote your brand. As a result of UltraSpectra’s strong existence in print media as well as on the internet, we offer your company extensive benefits of wide press coverage in all UltraSpectra news channels; third-party PR agencies; and various distribution options; in

Internet Marketing & PR

Management Plan

Search Engine Optimization


The foundation of any profitable internet marketing campaign is a fundamentally- sound and optimized website. Search engine optimization is by far the best way to maintain a stream of free, qualified traffic flowing to your website. Search engines are the

gateway through which potential customers find your product.

addition to a team of professional writers to create the press releases specific to your company and industry. We have combative and preventive reputation management plans along with complete crisis management strategy to help protect your company’s reputation.

Others Provide Services; UltraSpectra Builds and Executes Your Personalized Internet Marketing Strategy

Chances are, you’re looking for a company that can provide you with the Internet marketing services you need to increase your

online presence and extend your company’s reach over the marketplace. That’s what sets UltraSpectra apart from the sea of

firms that call themselves Internet marketing providers.

The end result of PR Strategy is a comprehensive, personalized PR campaign to boost effective, long-run public relations of your company with your stakeholders. For online PR management we use various tools including the Social Media and SEO. We help our clients get prominent in its niche. Following services explains all the components which we use for Online PR and Reputation Management.

Keyword Reseach &


The most relevant and specific key-phrases are selected, based on your existing analytics data (if available), competitor’s meta tags, and keyword discovery tools. UltraSpectra then chooses the best key-phrases relevant to the competitiveness of your search market. Ideal key-phrases range from extremely general (more competitive) to very specific (less competitive). Specific key-phrases do not necessarily mean fewer conversions: The more specific the keyword, the more focused the traffic.

Pay Per Click Management

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is the most accountable form of advertising. You can set an exact budget and only pay when a visitor clicks on your ad to visit your site. We make graphically sound adds for you according to different resolutions and sizes and then select and paste them on the best websites, blogs, social media sites according to your niche market. It has so many advantages over traditional marketing campaigns.

Placement in the top ten rankings for relevant keywords is crucial for any business wishing to continue being competitive in

the 21st century.

Social Media Networking

UltraSpectra can help your company take advantage of this audience. We have developed a system to make the most of the outstanding traffic possibilities from social media. We create the official groups and fan pages for your college on more all the major social media networking sites and then carry on the campaign on these sites to build a strong fan following for you. In this way you become popular among the masses and become the most talked about institution in your niche market. As your social media firm, we'll help you define which kind of user you should be targeting and which channels to use to maximize your traffic and social media conversions.

Link Building

Developing an effective link building strategy is essential to your website's success on the Internet. Link building campaigns make a website more relevant, translating into higher rankings in search engines. The success or failure of a link building campaign largely rests on knowing where to obtain links that maximize your site's search engine relevancy. We review your company, your goals and your site to develop a plan that is right for you. We utilize many different resources, from directory submissions and article submissions to social media bookmarking and forum profiles.

Electronic Newsletter


An email newsletter offering your customers value-added information is a great way to make the most of an opt-in mailing list. Once we establish your email list through sign-ups on your website, your emails would be sent on a regular (but not too frequent) schedule and provide your recipients with valuable content. Successful email marketing campaigns include announcements of sales and products.

Competitior’s Analysis

At UltraSpectra, our highly professional team prepares a Competition and Ranking Gap Analysis Report in comparison to your competitors. This is done after careful examination of the Page Rank, link-backs, and SEO levels of your competitors. We analyze the possible reasons of the gap and recommend and implement possible solutions to

make a stronger online presence for you.

Lead Generation Lead generation is increasingly becoming popular with all businesses, especially because the results are productive and encouraging. UltraSpectra advertises and promotes your goods or services on many popular websites and provide you with quality leads. Since the leads we provide

Corporate Blogging The current revolution in personal writing and instant publishing is called blogging. A business blog is an informal, easily maintained way to regularly communicate with your customers and employees. Unlike traditional media that require lead time for publishing, blogs are

to you are just suitable for your products and services the chances of converting them into sales are almost certain. This

service allows you to make sales in the most cost and time effective manner.

frequently updated, often daily, online journals of opinions, information and links to interesting content online. Blogging

matters to business because blogging can represent your company in a positive light. Blogs can help you do market research. Blogging Trainings: We provide blogging trainings and conduct blogging workshops regularly and can provide it to

your company employees to maximize the engagement of your brand family in blogging and thus creating an environment of

interaction and loyalty.

What You Gain? This training will enable you to understand the following blogging concepts:

Step wise procedure of setting up a blog

Performance check

Tools and SEO strategies

Meeting the professional bloggers from your own city

Why a blog is important and how to do one for


How to manage your Facebook profile

What is twitter and LinkedIn and how to use it for

business and work

How to create your own YouTube channel and do

video editing

How to bring a culture of innovation in your life and


Webdesign & Development


We all understand that the new media presents a huge opportunity. The challenge is to cut through the clutter and get the customer to visit you. A bigger challenge is to sustain his interest, convert it into desire and then propel him to take a decision - in your favor.

We set the stage and delight your customers through an artful and contemporary presentation of your website. The most important facet of the AIDA model (Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action) is action. All our efforts are directed towards making the customer act through our innovative and top class website designs.

How Will A Website Benefit Your Business? Having a web site is an inexpensive and effective advertising tool. A web site will expand your client base worldwide because it allows your customers to visit your business and gather information about your products and services when it is convenient for them. Having a web site turns your business from local to international. Imagine a storefront with its door open to every country, every city, every home, and every business! Think about that for a minute. Having an electronic storefront (a web site) costs only a fraction of what a "brick and mortar" storefront would cost your company.

My Competitors Have Website, Should I Worree? Yes! Everyone has noticed the recent abundance and popularity of a company web site. If your competitor has (or doesn't have) a web site your company definitely needs one! Your new web site will enable you to compete on an advanced, professional, and

technological level with your competitors.

Does My company Really Need A Website? Only if you want your company to grow. Your company can sell products or services worldwide directly to customers, and encourage them to obtain information about your company while they shop/visit your web site. Consider this scenario: a customer walks into your business, but is hastily browsing. He doesn't have much time, but would love to see more. He stops by the customer service desk and asks, "Do you have a web site?" The clerk smiles proudly and hands him a business card with the company's web address boldly printed in large letters. "Please visit our web site whenever you like, sir." At minimum four things just

happened in this scenario:

The customer feels as though your company sees

his time as valuable

The customer will look at your products online with

a more relaxed and ready to purchase approach

You did not lose a customer - he went to your

electronic storefront and your company maintained

this customer because of the availability of your

web site!

Your employee knows that the company she is

working for is serious about staying competitive

and successful

E-Commerce Enabled Websites The site will be optimized according to the international standards of e-commerce website. The subscriber will be able to make a personal account

on the portal and maintain it.

Standard Web Applications The most common web application you must be using almost every day is an e-mail like hotmail, yahoo etc. Other web-based application that are used frequently to interact with clients, partners and other businesses are:

Customer Relationship Management

End-to-end web based recruitment

Online customer support software

Online product database development

Online ordering systems

Secure client areas

Web Content Management Systems

Data Management System Data Management Solutions offers multiple alternatives to meet your data entry needs, with a 99% accuracy. Samples of some services include, but are not limited to:

Customized database design to house your data entry needs

Next-day return services of project materials

Report generating

Electronic data transfer

Label/Envelope production

Meeting daily deadlines

Embedded Blogging Mechanism Blogging solution will be another feature that will be embedded in the system in-order to capture the attention and get maximum subscribers through the word spread through the embedded blog.

Web Portal Mentoring & Support This phase will include all the initial training related to portal, its handling, e-commerce and the blogging training as well. Our correspondent will train step by step systems about the portal.

Website Maintanence Service Your new website design and development is live!

Now you need a way to keep your site updated with

fresh, accurate content. By regularly updating your

site, you’ll improve your search engine rankings,

increase your number of visitors, and strengthen

your company’s online presence. A website

maintenance plan is key to the ongoing success of

your website. As Internet trends and technologies

are constantly evolving, and your business is

growing, UltraSpectra website maintenance plans

ensure your site evolves with the changing


Website Copywriting Service The best website copywriters don't write. They

speak. Their words jump off the page and into your

ear; they talk right to you. They can weave a web of

intricate information for the informed investigator,

or just sit and chat. They don’t write to be read, they

write to be heard.

No matter what your business, we all want more traffic, and more importantly, we

want that traffic to turn into customers. With this common goal in mind, UltraSpectra is dedicated to providing our clients with the tools and feedback to make your

website and services successful. Our Services

We provide a complete software solution package for companies and professionals. Our services fall under following 5 categories:

Online PR & eMarketing

PCC & SEO Social Media Marketing Branding & Promotions Video/Audio Podcasting Print & Graphic Design Corporate Identities Professional Blogging

IT Solutions

Web Design & Development Software Product Development Software Product Maintenance System Integration Data Entry Graphics Designing

Technical Writing & Copywriting Surveys Including Employee/Customer Satisfaction Feasibility Reports Content Writing for Websites Article Writing

Training Programs

Social Media Marketing Knowledge Management Productions & Graphics Event Management

Professional Blogging

Blog Awareness Programs Trainings & Seminars Blog Consulting Blog Design Custom Newsletter Design

Blog Branding & Identity

Our Product FranDesk™ – Franchise Management Solution From restaurant chains to financial institutions, and industrial supply chain management; our sofware solution “FranDesk” offers the most high-tech Processes Management, Franchising, and Communication Solution with a wide range of functionalities to the clients. Our highly optimized solutions have been accredited worldwide and we have a diverse

clientèle in all time zones.


Social Media Add-ons

Social Media ROI calculation Social Media Applications Mobile Applications

Highly Motivated All UltraSpectra's executives and employees receive comprehensive training

and remain in constant contact with their colleagues all over the world.

Support At Personal Level

ZunNurain Khalid

Executive Director +92 332 5141048


Twitter: @zunnurain

Zulkifl Khalid

Director Operations +1 647 7708615


Twitter: @zulkifl

Qazi Saleem Director Projects

+92 321 5021298 qazisaleem@ultraspectra.com

Twitter: @qazisaleem

Muhammad Saqib Director IT

+92 321 5270610

saqib@ultraspectra.com Qazi Shahbaz Director Media & HR

+92 333 5338211 kazishahbaz@ultraspectra.com

Asma Chang

Director Marketing asma.chang@ultraspectra.com

Twitter: @asmachang

Interested? Contact us to find out how we can help you increase

your online visibility and brand presence.

Simply visit www.UltraSpectra.net to find out the best

internet marketing solutions available on the internet

or email at support@ultraspectra.com If you are interested in our services and products

and/or want to know more about UltraSpectra, do not hesitate to contact us:

UltraSpecrta (Pvt.) Ltd. Plot# 61, Office# 10 GF, Justice Arcade, I&T center, G-10/1 Islamabad Tel. +92-333-5 422 422



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