Ultraselective Sorbents Task 2: Molecularly Imprinted ... · Task 2: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)/Stabilized Antibody Fragments (STABs) Final Report FY 2004 S.D. Harvey September

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Ultraselective Sorbents Task 2: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)/Stabilized Antibody Fragments (STABs) Final Report FY 2004 S.D. Harvey September 2004 Prepared for the National Nuclear Security Administration Office of Nonproliferation Research and Engineering, NA-22 U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830

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Ultraselective SorbentsTask 2: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers(MIPs)/Stabilized Antibody Fragments (STABs)Final Report FY 2004

Scott D. Harvey

September 2004

Prepared for the National Nuclear Security AdministrationOffice of Nonproliferation Research and Engineering, NA-22U.S. Department of Energyunder Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830

Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryRichland, WA 99352Operated for the U.S. Department of Energyby Battelle Memorial Institute



Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Nonaqueous Immunochromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Compared to Immunosorbents. . . . . . . . . . 9Research Progression and Report Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Explosive-specific MIPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Research Rationale and Preparation of Explosive-specific MIPs . . . . . . . . . 11

Proposed Scaffold Imprinting for Explosive-specific MIPs . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Novel MIP-based Instrumentation for Analysis of Aqueous Samples . . . . . . . . . . 14Synthesis of the G-series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Compounds . . . . . . . . . 14

Novel MIP-based Instrument for the Analysis of G-series Nerve Agent

Hydrolysis Products and Related Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Interfacing MIP Separations with Ion Mobility Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Research Contribution Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Tangible Project Accomplishments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Appendix 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1Appendix 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1

Appendix 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.1Appendix 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.1



1. Proposed formats for implementing selective sorbent sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . 62. Flowchart for MIP-based aqueous analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3. Photograph of MIP-based instrument for aqueous analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164. Chromatograms for DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate before (top) and after

(bottom) MIP clean-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5. Photograph of manual injection into IMS instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196. IMS plasmagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

7. On-line MIP/IMS interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

8. Contour plot for on-line separation of DIMP on the MIP/IMS instrument . . . . . . . 21



Trace analysis of signature compounds is usually accomplished by concentrating the targetsignature compound from a large volume environmental sample on an appropriate sorbent.Unfortunately, the organic matrix components also become concentrated, which necessitates separatingthe signature compound from this complex mixture in sufficient purity to allow identification andquantification. Due to the complexity of the mixture, sophisticated, laboratory-based multidimensionalinstrumentation often is required to provide adequate separation.

The goal of this task is to develop highly selective sorbents that will allow collection ofrelatively pure analyte fractions during the sampling step. Due to the high purity of the initial fraction,subsequent analytical steps leading to high integrity identifications at trace concentrations can begreatly simplified. The required analytical instrumentation can reflect this simplification by beingmade more compact, lightweight, and field portable. This advancement is made possible by the highdegree of matrix discrimination accomplished during the sampling step.

Two different selective sorbents were developed and evaluated in this task. Both sorbents mustbe capable of operation in nonaqueous environments to protect hydrolytically sensitive analytes duringanalysis. The approaches investigated were 1) nonaqueous immunochromatography featuring the useof stabilized antibody fragments (STABs) and 2) molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Bothapproaches were pursued in FY 2003, during the course of which, it became clear that the MIPsapproach had clear advantages over STABs. Further research efforts during FY 2004 focusedexclusively on the development of MIPs.

A major emphasis of FY 2004 studies was the preparation of MIPs specific toward explosives.Our strategy utilized two functional monomers known to have specificity toward nitro-containingexplosives. The monomers were previously incorporated into polymers; however, the polymers havenever been prepared in an imprinted format. The monomers, vinyl pyrrolidone and styrylhexafluorodimethylcarbinol, were incorporated into a styrene divinylbenzene polymer matrix.Polymers imprinted with RDX and corresponding nonimprinted control polymers were prepared.When tested by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) relative to the control, the MIPswere expected to show selective retention of RDX as a result of interaction between the analyte and thespecific molecular imprint cavities contained within the polymer. Surprisingly, however, theexperiments showed that RDX was retained more strongly on the control polymer than the MIP. Aftervarious causes for the results were considered, we concluded that the presence of the explosive in theMIP reaction mixture interfered with the polymerization process, giving rise to a polymer that was notas highly cross-linked as the control. This arises because the nitro groups contained in the explosivequench free radicals that are used to initiate polymerization. Since the template is not present in thecontrols, these materials polymerize more completely. (See Appendix 1.)

Alternative strategies for preparing MIPs that were independent of free radical initiation (or forthat matter, polymerization) were devised. We proposed to continue preparing imprinted variants ofpolymers that contained either vinyl pyrrolidone or styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol as the functional


monomer. The new strategy involved incorporating the monomers into a polymer that is soluble indimethyl sulfoxide. For the MIP “reaction”, the solubilized polymer is allowed to pre-associate withan explosive in solution. Then, the polymer is precipitated by exposure to water. This precipitation“freezes” the polymer into a configuration that recognizes the explosive. The control polymer isformed the same way, except that RDX is not present and the resulting polymer precipitate is notlocked into an imprinted configuration. The beauty of the approach is that the polymer already isformed before exposure to the template and, therefore, the template cannot interfere with thepolymerization. The approach also offers significant advantages for imprinting labile analytes sincethe conditions are extremely mild. (See Appendix 2.)

MIPs specific toward the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis products were prepared during FY2004. MIP preparation first required preparation of several half–acid ester hydrolysis products bycustom organic synthesis. Synthesis was required because most of these compounds are notcommercially available. We devised a simple novel synthesis that was capable of preparing gramquantities of pure (>95 percent) G-series nerve agent hydrolysis products within a day withoutspecialized equipment or glassware. This approach was a significant improvement over morecomplicated and time-consuming literature procedures. The manuscript resulting from our syntheticwork has been accepted for publication in the journal, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Silicon (See Appendix3). The half-acid ester hydrolysis products produced by these synthetic methods were used astemplates for preparing MIP stationary phases. MIPs specific towards isopropyl methylphosphonate(IMP), pinacolyl methylphosphonate (PMP), and cyclohexyl methylphosphonate (CMP) wereprepared. In addition, we prepared a MIP with specificity toward bis(2-ethylhexyl)hydrogenphosphate, an organic signature compound associated with uranium processing. Althoughthis compound is not a methylphosphonate, the chemical structure is similar to the nerve agenthydrolysis half-acid ester compounds.

Evaluation of the nerve agent half-acid ester MIP sorbents is described in detail in the inventiondisclosure contained in Appendix 4. This invention disclosure describes a novel MIP-based instrumentthat is capable of performing analysis of aqueous samples. Although the instrument has generalapplicability for water-soluble compounds that have hydrophobic properties, the specific example usedfor the proof-of-principle experiments is an analysis for the nerve agent hydrolysis compound, PMP.The instrument also is expected to be applicable to bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate as well asother water-soluble organic compounds that have some lipophilic character.

The instrument is designed to use two stages of nonspecific trace enrichment. The first stage isachieved by skimming the aqueous surface microlayer. This layer often contains concentrationenhancements of approximately three orders of magnitude relative to the bulk solution concentration.In the second enrichment stage, the lipophilic contents are concentrated by passing the skimmedsurface layer through an octadecyl silica (C-18) sorbent. Water is then removed by a stream of dry gasfollowed by transfer of the organics from the C-18 to the MIP sorbent with acetonitrile. The targetcompound is selectively sorbed on the MIP from the acetonitrile mobile phase, whereas the otherorganics pass through the MIP as waste. The final step is to elute the target compound from the MIPwith water and detect it using conductivity.

In preliminary studies with PMP, the instrument performed well. The actual prototypeinstrument did not contain the surface microlayer sampler but the component could be added later.


Detection limits were estimated from 20-µL aqueous sample injections onto the C-18 stage. Afterreasonable concentration values are chosen for the surface microlayer enhancement and the C-18preconcentration stages, detection estimates are in the part-per trillion (ng/L) range. Lower detectionlimits would be possible with alternative sensitive detection strategies (such as an enzyme-basedamperometric detection).

The final studies in this report expand on previous MIP studies by interfacing MIP separationswith ion mobility spectrometric detection. In FY 2003, MIPs specific toward tributyl phosphate (TBP)and diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP) were synthesized. Evaluation by HPLC showed theseMIP sorbents were active. Further studies challenged the MIPs with complex mixtures that containedthe target compounds. Examination of the retained MIP fractions showed enormous matrixdiscrimination with near-quantitative recovery of the target in a relatively clean fraction. These studieswere described in the FY2003 NA-22 Final Report and in a manuscript that was submitted to Journalof Separation Science.

Research conducted in FY 2004 expanded the MIP studies by interfacing the separation withion mobility spectrometry (IMS). The research showed that IMS is extremely compatible with theseseparations and that the MIP/IMS combination has great potential for providing highly selectiveanalysis of trace signature compounds. At present, this research is considered high priority and isbeing actively pursued by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Our preliminary MIP/IMS studiesare presented in the last section of this report.





Several approaches are available for analyzing ultratrace concentrations of signaturecompounds in complex environmental samples. Analysis often involves initial concentration of thesignature compounds on a sorbent. The sorbent usually collects and concentrates other organic matrixcomponents along with the target species, resulting in a concentrated complex organic mixture thatrequires further separation to isolate the target species in a pure enough form for identification andquantification.

The concentrated organic matrix mixtures can be extremely complex. Single separation stagesmay not provide adequate separation power to resolve the target compound from the matrixbackground, even under ideal high-resolution conditions. For this reason, complex multidimensionalinstruments that combine two or more high-resolution separations may be necessary for successfulanalysis [1]. As the effective peak capacity is multiplicative rather than additive for multidimensionalsystems, the separation power is extremely high. However, these instruments are large, complex, andlaboratory based. Although they can provide impressive separations, multidimensional systems tend tobe unreliable, and require a skilled chromatographer to maintain efficient operations.

The goal of this research is to significantly improve the present state-of-the-art by applyinghighly selective sampling of signature compounds from the environment rather than by relying ontraditional nonspecific sorbent sampling. The pure fraction that results will lower the subsequentanalytical requirements for determining signature compounds at trace concentrations.

The highly selective sorbents developed during this research should provide enormous matrixdiscrimination such that only the signature compound of interest is collected during sampling while theinterference compounds pass through the sorbent and become waste. Accordingly, a large volumeenvironmental sample can be processed resulting in a pure and concentrated zone of signaturecompound that is retained on the sorbent. If the high degree of matrix discrimination can be obtained,the subsequent analysis steps leading to high-confidence identifications at trace concentrations can begreatly simplified. It should be possible to construct more compact, lighter-weight and field-portablesystems that provide similar performance as the nonselective sampling approach combined withlaboratory-based multidimensional separations. The long-term goal of this research, therefore, will bethe development of a selective sorbent-based instrument that, due to highly selective sampling, willfeature streamlined analysis and enable high-confidence identification at ultratrace concentrations in afield-portable format.

Due to the hydrolytic sensitivity and limited aqueous solubility of many signature compounds, asystem that operates with nonaqueous mobile phases is highly desirable. Such a system can transferanalytes using organic solvents or supercritical fluids. These mobile phases promote stability ofhydrolytically sensitive signature compounds, e.g., many of the nerve agents. Unfortunately, whilefostering target compound integrity, the requirement of operating in a nonaqueous environment placessevere restrictions on the types of molecular recognition mechanisms that can be explored.


Ideally, large volume environmental samples could be directly sampled on the selective sorbent.However, this may not be practical for gas-phase sampling since many organics will interact bynonspecific mechanisms or be collected as part of the aerosol particulates. If direct sampling with theselective sorbents proves unfeasible, the selective sorbent can be positioned immediately behind a moretraditional air sampling sorbent such as XAD-2 or Tenax GC. The atmospheric organics in thisarrangement generally will be collected on the traditional nonspecific sorbent during sampling. Thesorbed organics will then be transferred as a complex organic mixture that contains the signaturecompound from the traditional sorbent to the selective sorbent with an organic solvent or a supercriticalfluid mobile phase. During this process, the signature compound is retained on the selective sorbentwhile the matrix organics pass through this sorbent unhindered. Figure 1 illustrates formats where theselective sorbent is incorporated as a primary or a secondary sampling sorbent.

Figure 1. Two proposed formats for implementing selective sorbent sampling. The selective sorbentcan be used as A) a primary air sampling sorbent or B) a secondary sorbent situatedimmediately behind a traditional nonspecific air sampling sorbent.

The sorbent in our system will operate on one of two different selective molecular recognitionmechanisms. Our studies will focus on immunorecognition (antibodies or antibody fragments) ormolecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). Sorbents based on these recognition mechanisms have thepotential to provide highly selective sampling. These two approaches are described below.

Nonaqueous Immunochromatography

The antibody/antigen interactions are strongest under physiological conditions[2-4], which is understandable given the evolutionary origins of the immune system. Therefore,antibody/antigen interactions are optimal within defined limits of ionic strength, pH, and temperature.Immunointeractions tend to be strongest for large polar molecules. In fact, a molecule must be largerthan the critical size of approximately 2500 Daltons to illicit an immune response, otherwise it must beconjugated to a large protein carrier molecule before an immune response is observed [5,6].Antibodies can be covalently immobilized on chromatographic stationary supports to yield stableimmunosorbents. Covalently immobilized antibodies are more stable when exposed to extremeconditions than the free antibody.

Supercritical fluidand/or organic


Simplified analyticalsystem for high-confidence

identification at traceconcentrations


Supercriticalfluid and/or

organic solvent

Simplified analyticalsystem for high -

confidence identificationat trace concentrations



Loaded selectiveair sampling


Loadednonselectiveair sampling

sorbent (XAD-2)


Analysis based on antibody/antigen interaction in aqueous buffers is well established. Many ofthese assays have reached a high degree of sophistication. For example, miniaturized mosaicimmunoassays have been described that use microfluidics to pattern lines of antigen on a surface andthen flow antibodies at 90° in another microfluidic network across the antigens. This allows reliablecombinatorial antibody screening at high sensitivity in a highly miniaturized format that exhibitsminimal reagent consumption [7]. Gas-phase analytes are usually sampled by an impinger and trappedin an aqueous buffer. The analytes are then determined by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay orother immunochemical technique [8]. Immunochromatographic preconcentration has been extensivelydescribed for aqueous systems [9,10].

A handful of studies exist that describe active antibody/antigen interactions in organic solventsor in the gas phase [11-15]. Much of the interest in nonaqueous immunointeraction was prompted bythe unique attributes observed for enzymatic catalysis performed in organic solvents [16-21]. Guilbaultand Luong and Ngeh-Negwainbi et al. described antibody-coated piezoelectric sensors that selectivelydetect analytes in the gas phase [11-12]. In contrast, Rajakovic et al. failed to demonstrate selectiveimmunochemical binding in the gas phase [13]. In an extensive study conducted by Russell et al. [14],antibody/antigen binding was characterized using radiolabeled analytes in anhydrous organic solvents.The authors reported that immunoassociation in organic solvents can be strong and highly specific.The work of Pinalva et al. also reported immunointeractions in organic solvents, a finding that isconsistent with the research of Russell et al. [14,15]. Many authors, however, find that theantibody/antigen interactions diminish with increasing organic content of the surrounding media [2,3].One study showed that antibodies can function in alcohol concentrations of up to 50 percent [2].Higher concentrations are thought to potentially denature the antibody resulting in diminishedimmunointeractions.

A convincing demonstration of analytically useful nonaqueous immunochromatography wouldbe a novel development that would allow selective preconcentration of hydrophobic analytes, e.g.,compounds that display limited aqueous solubility or analytes that might be hydrolytically sensitive(including many of the nerve agents). Additionally, novel instrument designs that feature nonaqueousimmunoconcentration could be developed possibly for gas-phase collection or in a format whereanalytes are collected on a nonselective preconcentration stage and then transferred to animmunosorbent by using either organic solvents or supercritical fluids. Progress along these lineswould necessitate definitively resolving the literature contradictions regarding nonaqueous antibodyactivity.

One drawback of the immunochromatographic approach is the limited number of antibodiesspecific toward small molecules that are commercially available. Even when commercially available,the antibodies must be purified from animal serum before sorbent preparation can commence. For ourstudies, however, custom antibody preparation is required since antibodies toward relevant signaturecompounds are not commercially available.

Custom antibody production using traditional methods involves hapten complex synthesis, animmunization protocol, titer monitoring, animal bleeding, and antibody purification [22]. Thisapproach is time consuming and may take up to a year before the antibody is available. Alternatively,one may create a hybridoma cell line from the immunized animal or use an existing hybridoma cellline. Hybridoma cell lines produce monoclonal antibodies by either tissue culture or ascites production


techniques [23]. The tissue culture approach yields approximately 20 to 50 mg of monoclonal antibodyper liter of medium [22]. Ascites production yields about 0.9 to 9 mg antibody per milliliter of ascitesfluid, with each mouse yielding approximately 3 mL of ascites fluid. Collection of ascites can occurabout four weeks after inoculation [22].

Methods based on genetic engineering are gaining favor in recent studies. For example, a yeastdisplay library can be used to produce single-chain antibodies for a wide variety of relevant antigens[24]. Clones selected from the yeast display library are capable of producing 1 to 10 mg of antibodyper liter of culture media under ideal conditions. In another approach, genetically engineeredorganisms are designed to produce stabilized antibody fragments (STABs) [3, 25-27]. These fragmentsare similar to single-chain antibody fragments except an additional inter-chain disulfide linkage isincluded to provide additional stability. Literature reports describe STABs as having exceptionalstability toward exposure to organic solvents [3]. Production techniques giving rise to STABs yieldedonly microgram quantities of material [27].

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers

The concept of molecular imprinting dates back to experiments conducted by Dickey where asilica surface was imprinted with an organic dye molecule [28]. Studies of the imprinted silicarevealed an enhanced binding capability on an unmodified silica surface. Work by Gunter Wulff in1972 was the first to imprint an organic polymer [28]. These studies incorporated a template moleculethat would undergo a reversible covalent interaction with the polymer monomers. Several examplesinclude 1) boronic acid ester formation by reaction between a vicinal diol and boronic acid, 2) Schiff'sbase formation by reaction of an amine and an aldehyde, 3) ketal formation by reaction of a diol and aketone, and 4) acetal formation by reaction of a hemiacetal and an alcohol [29,30]. These phases,although extremely useful for many purposes, had limited use for chromatography due to slowtemplate binding kinetics [31].

A seminal development in molecular imprinting was the advent of noncovalent molecularimprinting techniques introduced by Mosbach in 1988 [28,29]. This approach was based on anoncovalent association between a monomer and the template. During polymerization, a rigid polymerformed around the noncovalently bound template. The polymer was then grounded, sized, and thetemplate removed by extensive extraction. Template removal resulted in a complementary molecularimprint in the polymer that was ideal for future recognition of the template molecule. The advantage ofthis approach over the covalent interaction approach was that imprinted polymers could be formed,with simple polymerization systems that are specific toward diverse templates, without having to planspecific covalent binding strategies. Importantly, the association/dissociation kinetics were fast makingthese molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) fully compatible with chromatographic separations [30].The relative ease of preparation placed the synthesis of custom imprinted polymers within the reach ofmost research laboratories.

A control polymer is always prepared along with an imprinted polymer using identical reagentsand reaction conditions except the template is not added to the control reaction mixture. The resultingpolymers are identical except the control material is not imprinted. Comparison of thechromatographic behavior of the two polymers provides evidence for the imprinting effect. Often,


despite extensive washing, the template molecule cannot be entirely removed from the imprintedpolymer and will diffuse into the mobile phase during analysis [31]. This can become problematic ifthe polymer is used for trace analysis. A possible solution is to imprint with a structural analog anddepend on analyte cross-reactivity for analysis [31]. More complete removal of the template from theimprinted polymer may be possible by extracting the template from the polymer with supercriticalfluids rather than organic solvents. The enhanced matrix permeability of, and analyte diffusion in,supercritical fluids should allow more complete removal of the template resulting in less template bleedfrom the polymer.

Bulk cast polymers that are grounded and sieved result in irregular particles having a range ofsizes. These particles are not ideally suited for chromatographic applications. Several methods areavailable to form monodisperse spherical particles that are ideal for chromatographic studies [32]. Thisdevelopment represents a significant advancement in MIP technology. Various other approaches havebeen described including imprinting of membranes [33] and sol-gels [34], as well as the formation ofmonolithic imprinted polymers [33,34,36], and imprinted polymer films that can be deposited onsurfaces [33,37].

A diverse number of MIP applications have been reported for a wide range of chemical classesincluding carbohydrates, peptides, proteins, xanthines, vitamins, nucleotides, steroids, pesticides,herbicides, drugs, and antibiotics [28,29,38]. A particular area of interest is the use of MIPs forenantiomeric separations since MIPs offer predicable elution of antipodes (the enantiomer used for thetemplate will be retained more strongly on the column) [28,39,40]. MIPs also exhibit sufficient samplecapacity for preparative separations [41].

Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Compared to Immunosorbents

Antibodies and MIPs can be used in similar analytical formats. MIPs are sometimes referred toas antibody mimics or "plastic antibodies" [31]. Both terms emphasize the similarity betweenantigen/antibody affinity and the attraction of a template for its imprinted polymer. MIPs andantibodies can be used in competitive binding assays [42] and incorporated in sensors and membranes[33]. However, important differences exist between MIPs and antibodies. MIPs operate optimally innonpolar organic solvents although there are also examples of MIP-based separations that operateefficiently in aqueous systems [43]. Antibody interactions, on the other hand, are optimal in aqueousbuffers. As only a handful of studies report antibody activity in nonaqueous media, the area ofnonaqueous immunochromatography remains controversial. MIPs is ideally suited for recognition ofsmall organic or inorganic templates, although MIPs also can be prepared for large proteins as well.Antibodies are most suited for recognition of relatively large molecules; however, many examples alsoexist of antibody affinity toward small organic molecules. MIP technology has an undeniableadvantage over antibody techniques in the ease of sorbent preparation [33,44]. As previouslymentioned, custom antibody production may take up to a year using traditional methods. On the otherhand, it is reasonable for a custom MIP to be synthesized, its affinity toward the template verified, andthe selective polymer incorporated into experimental protocols within several weeks.




From the experimental results obtained during FY 2003, it became clear that MIPs was showingmore promise than the STABs approach. Accordingly, our FY 2004 resources were allocated toadvance the MIPs research. The decision was reinforced during the academic project review held atPNNL in May 2004, in which the review committee recommended that resources be focusedexclusively on the MIPs approach. Therefore, the research described for FY 2004 will only discussMIPs. The three areas we emphasized in 2004 were 1) the preparation of MIPs toward explosives, 2)the development of an instrument for the analysis of the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds,commonly referred to as the half-acid esters, and 3) preliminary interfacing of MIP separations withion mobility spectrometry (IMS).

The following pages provide brief descriptions of the above topics. The first topic fordiscussion is the preparation of explosive-specific MIPs, and includes the general research strategy andinitial results that were obtained, and the synthetic strategies that we believe hold a high probability ofsuccess for preparing MIPs imprinted with explosives. The second topic is the construction of MIP-based instrumentation for analysis of the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis products and chemicallyrelated compounds. The third section describes interfacing MIP separations with ion mobilityspectrometry (IMS) detection. Finally, several concluding paragraphs will describe tangible projectaccomplishments and research acknowledgements.

Each of the first two major sections will refer to material that is contained in one of fourappendices. These appendices contain detailed information regarding the rationale for the experimentsand sufficient experimental details to reproduce the studies. Since the appendices contain all thedetailed information, this section comprises the bulk of this report; whereas the front text serves as abrief synopsis and orientation. The first two appendices contain PNNL invention disclosures thatdescribe explosive-specific MIPs. The second of these invention disclosures describes phase-inversionprecipitation techniques that we feel hold the most potential for success in this endeavor. Appendix 3is a manuscript that has been recently accepted for publication in Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Silicon. Thismanuscript describes a novel synthesis of the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds. We usedthese techniques to produce signature compounds that are not commercially available for use as imprinttemplates. Appendix 4 describes the design, construction, and evaluation of a novel MIP-basedinstrument that analyzes aqueous solutions for trace quantities of G-series nerve agent hydrolysiscompounds.


Research Rationale and Preparation of Explosive-specific MIPs

Past research on preparing MIPs that are specific toward explosives has been limited. Althoughtwo strategies have been presented in the literature, neither the manuscript nor patent publications giveexperimental evidence that these strategies actually work. Most work related to the topic originatedfrom George Murray’s group at Johns Hopkins University. The group created imprinted sensor


coatings specific for certain explosives. These coatings incorporated both molecular recognitioncapabilities and a transduction mechanism to detect explosives. Murray’s group proposed twoapproaches. The first approach, described in the peer-reviewed literature, is based on formation of acharge-transfer complex between a tertiary amine functional monomer unit and a nitroaromaticexplosive. The second approach is only described in the patent literature and involves interaction of anitroaromatic explosive with a porphyrin functional monomer. Both techniques detect the explosivebased on an absorption wavelength shift that occurs upon interaction with the explosive. Theapproaches are limited in scope since they apply only to nitroaromatic compounds. Nitroaromaticscomprise only a small proportion of the explosives class.

We propose a more general approach that targets nitro-containing explosives, a class that is farmore extensive than the nitroaromatics targeted by Murray. A broader approach is possible withchromatographic studies since downstream detection is allowed rather than sensor transduction. Ourapproach is based on the demonstrated selective sorption of explosives on either Porapak R or stronghydrogen bond acidic polymers. Extensive work has been done with polymers based on thesefunctional monomers; however, imprinted variants of these polymers have not been described. Thenew imprinted polymers should have significantly higher selectivity than the nonimprinted variants.

The functional monomers investigated were 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (used in Porapak R) andstyryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol (a strong hydrogen bond acidic functional monomer). Themonomers were incorporated into a styrene/divinylbenzene polymer matrix. Other types of polymers,such as acrylate-based materials, were avoided since the hexafluorodimethylcarbinol functionalmonomer would preferentially interact with the carbonyl group in the acrylate rather than anyexplosive, thereby preventing effective imprinting. Polymers were prepared using standard 2,2’-azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) free radical initiation techniques. RDX was included in the imprintreaction mixtures as the explosive template, whereas the control reaction mixtures did not contain anexplosive. A high concentration of divinylbenzene crosslinker (9-12 percent) was required to prepareimprinted polymers.

The resulting polymers were carefully evaluated by HPLC with an acetonitrile mobile phase.Retention of RDX on the various columns was referenced to a dead volume marker to correct for anysmall differences in column packing efficiencies. The results obtained were surprising. The 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone- and the styryl hexafluorodimethycarbinol-based MIPs displayed lower retention for RDXcompared to the appropriate control polymers. The result was exactly opposite from what wasexpected.

Several possible explanations were proposed to account for the unusual results. The mostprobable explanation is that free radical quenching properties of nitro groups contained in the templateexplosive inhibited the polymerization process for the MIP polymers. Radical quenching by nitrogroups is a known phenomenon. This led to less efficient polymerization for the MIPs compared to thecontrols. This also fit the experimental observation that unusually high crosslinking was required toobtain brittle polymers for the explosive-templated MIPs.

Detailed results of our studies up to this point are presented in Appendix 1. Clearly, to obtainconsistent polymers between controls and explosive-templated MIPs, free radical initiationmechanisms cannot be used. At the end of Appendix 1 we propose a few ideas, based on Lewis acid


initiated polymerization, that deviate from the free radical polymerization approach. During ouracademic project review, we reviewed the MIP work up to this point and discussed possible solutionsto the polymerization consistency issue. The alternative approaches that emerged are discussed below.

Proposed Scaffold Imprinting for Explosives-specific MIPs

In planning alternative approaches, we felt that our choice of functional monomers wasscientifically sound and, therefore, this aspect of the strategy was retained. Alternate methods for MIPpreparation could not involve free radical initiation for reasons discussed above and, ideally, would notinvolve polymerization at all. In a procedure termed phase-inversion polymerization, a preformedpolymer is dissolved in solution and allowed to associate with a template. After association, anothersolvent is added that causes precipitation of the polymer. If a template is present, the precipitatedpolymer is locked into a specific configuration. Once the template is washed out of the polymermatrix, a MIP is created that contains a complementary cavity that will recognize the template. Thecontrol polymer is prepared from the same dissolved polymer solution, except the template is notadded. In this case, precipitation results in a randomly oriented polymer that is not imprinted.Consistency is not an issue since there is no polymerization in the presence of the template.

This technique is advantageous for our studies since we can synthesize a polymer that containsour specialized functional monomers using standard free radical initiation techniques. Typically, thespecialized monomers would be co-polymerized with acrylonitile monomer units. The resultingpolymer would be prepared in a solvent like dimethyl sulfoxide under conditions where polymerizationis limited and the relatively low molecular weight (roughly 1.5 x 105 Da) polymer product remains insolution. The polymer-containing solution would then be used for preparation of both the MIP and thecontrol polymers. Since polymerization has already occurred, the control and MIP polymers will beconsistent. Additionally, this is an extremely mild technique since there is a complete absence ofcovalent reaction chemistry. Because conditions are so mild, extremely labile analytes may beimprinted using these methods.

The invention disclosure in Appendix 2 describes the phase-inversion imprinting technique indetail. In addition to this approach, other techniques based on scaffold imprinting are presented aspossible approaches that would result in explosive-specific MIPs. Some of these approaches dependon condensation polymerization and other approaches consist of hybrids between phase inversionprecipitation and condensation polymerization.

During the academic project review, the committee suggested that we focus more strongly onorganic signature compounds and, due to the difficulty associated with the explosive-specific MIPwork, that we curtail research in this area. The research we have conducted in this area has resulted intwo invention disclosures and numerous proposals and white papers to user agencies and clientsincluding the Department of Homeland Security and the Defense Intelligence Agency. We areconfident that the advancements made possible through this project have provided a sufficientfoundation for further successful research under user agency funding.



Synthesis of the G-series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Compounds

Improved synthetic methodologies are needed for G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds.Only one of these compounds, pinacolyl methylphosphonate (PMP), is available commercially. Theother related compounds, isopropyl methylphosphonate (IMP) and cyclohexyl methylphosphonate(CMP), are accessible only through synthetic methodologies that are described in the literature;however, these syntheses are complicated, time consuming, and require specialized facilities andglassware, e.g., for vacuum distillation. Gram quantities of these pure compounds are needed astemplates for MIP preparation and for use as analytical standards. Our initial objective was to define asynthetic strategy that would rapidly provide a highly pure product in gram quantities and be simpleenough to perform in most research laboratories. Such a methodology would greatly facilitateanalytical research aimed at developing trace analysis strategies for the relatively stable environmentalhydrolysis products of the G-series nerve agents.

Our procedure involved addition of an equivalent molar amount of alcohol (cyclohexanol orisopropanol) to methylphosphonic dichloride in toluene at 105°C. After 15 minutes of reflux, thereaction mixture was cooled to 80°C, and two equivalents of water were added. The mixture was thenrefluxed for an additional 10 minutes. After cooling, the reaction consisted of a yellow organic phaseand a denser aqueous layer. The principal reaction products were dialkyl methylphosphonate (mostlyin the toluene layer) and a mixture of methylphosphonic acid and the desired monoalkylmethylphosphonate (located primarily in the aqueous layer). The product was purified by removing thetoluene layer, and hence the dialkyl methylphosphonate. Next, the desired product was extracted fromthe acidic aqueous layer into chloroform. Washing the chloroform layer several times with watercompletely removed the methylphosphonic acid. Evaporation of the chloroform left the pure product(98+ percent). Synthesis was rapid and the product was pure enough that vacuum distillation was notnecessary. The reaction and purification procedures gave the desired product with yields greater than30 percent. Our studies characterized the methyl and trimethylsilyl ester derivatives by capillary gaschromatography. Temperature programmed retention indices and mass spectral data for the derivativesare presented to aid other researchers.

See Appendix 3 for a detailed description of this synthesis. This manuscript has been acceptedfor publication in the journal, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Silicon.

Novel MIP-based instrument of the analysis of G-series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Productsand Related Compounds

MIP sorbents operate at peak efficiency in nonaqueous environments. Water usually competeswith the template recognition mechanisms and, therefore, is considered a strong mobile phase for thesesorbents. A current research trend is the development of methodologies to create MIPs that directlycapture analytes from aqueous solution. The research is driven by the need for economical and stableantibody alternatives. Usually MIPs that operate successfully in aqueous solutions have stronginteractions between the functional monomers and the template.


An alternate approach for performing MIP-based aqueous analysis is to first non-specificallyconcentrate the lipophilic organics by traditional techniques. One such approach involves capturinganalytes on an octadecyl silica (C-18) sorbent bed. The water then can be removed from the system bya stream of dry gas, leaving the lipophilic components sorbed to the dry C-18 material. The enrichedcomponents then can be transferred to a MIP sorbent using an organic solvent as a mobile phase. Thisallows introduction of the target analyte to the MIP in a solvent that will optimize the selectiveinteraction of the target with the MIP.

MIPs were prepared for our studies by advanced suspension polymerization techniques usingmethacrylic acid as the functional monomer. Reagents were added to a perfluoro solvent, which is apoor solvent for the reactants. Upon mixing, a stable emulsion is formed. The size of the emulsiondroplets is precisely controlled by the quantity of a special fluorinated surfactant that is added to thesystem. Once the emulsion is formed, polymerization is initiated. The advantage of this technique isthat spherical, homogenous, macroporous beads are produced that are easily isolated by filtration. Thesize of the beads is readily controlled by the amount of surfactant added. The properties of these beadsare quite different from the 4-vinylpyridine-based bulk polymers described in our previous work (MIPsspecific toward TBP and DIMP) because of the different functional monomer. For suspensionpolymerization polymers described in this section, acetonitrile rather than pentane was used as theorganic mobile phase.

When designing the MIP-based instrument for the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds,we adhered to the analysis progression given in the flowchart shown in Figure 2. The instrument wasconstructed to be compatible with a surface microlayer sampler. This skimmer provides the first stageof nonspecific trace enrichment. The surface microlayer often concentrates analytes relative to the bulkaqueous concentration. Concentration factors of 103 are common, although this is highly dependent onthe specific compound. The next stage of the instrument provides further nonspecific enrichment bypassing the surface microlayer aqueous sample through an octadecyl silica (C-18) sorbent. The C-18sorbent retains all components that have a lipophilic character. Although the nerve agent hydrolysiscompounds and bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate are reasonably polar phosphoric acid derivatives,the alkane chains on the ester portion of these molecules impart sufficient lipophilic character that thecompounds are captured by the C-18 sorbent. Next, all traces of water are removed from the systemwith a flow of dry inert gas, which leaves the organic compounds adsorbed on the dry C-18 sorbent.The organics then are transferred using acetonitrile to the MIP where the target compound is selectivelycaptured while the matrix components pass through the sorbent unaffected. The final step is to transferthe half-acid ester to a conductivity detector with a water mobile phase. Details of the suspensionpolymerization preparation of MIP sorbents, instrument construction, valving, and timing diagrams arepresented in Appendix 4. A photograph of the instrument used to collect data presented in Appendix 4is shown in Figure 3. The instrument sits in a cart to emphasize its portability; however, many of thecomponents could easily be made much smaller. A simple improvement would be to substitute smallerHPLC pumps, such as the pump shown in Figures 5 and 7.


Figure 2. Flowchart showing the steps for analyzing an aqueous sample on the MIP-based system.

Figure 3. The MIP-based instrument was developed for the analysis of G-series nerve agent hydrolysiscompounds.

1) Nonselective concentration of lipophilic organics (including target) from skimmedwater sample on octadecyl silica (C-18) sorbent

2) Removal of water from C-18 with a stream of dry gas

3) Elution and transfer of lipophilic components from C-18 to the MIP sorbent withacetonitrile. MIP selectively captures only the target compound from the elutionmixture while the other components pass through as waste

4) Nerve agent hydrolysis target compound (half-acid ester) is eluted from the MIPwith water and transferred to the detector


Performance of this instrument using conductivity detection without nonspecific traceenrichment showed the feasibility of easily detecting low microgram quantities of PMP. Given theenormous preconcentration of the two nonspecific enrichment stages, the overall instrument detectionlimits are projected to be in the part-per-trillion (ng/L) concentration range.

In our design, we used a conductivity detector for analyte detection. Other, potentially moresensitive detection techniques are highly desirable and are being considered. For example, it should bepossible to use an enzyme to cleave the ester bond and detect the resulting alcohol electrochemically.The attractive attributes of this detection technique is its applicability towards phosphate ester analytes,including bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate, the G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds, andcompounds like tributyl phosphate. One approach proposed in the past was to use an enzyme calledorganic phosphate hydrolase (OPA). Our preliminary studies showed that OPA did not hydrolyzeeither tributyl phosphate or diisopropyl methylphosphonate. The result was not surprising, as OPA isknown to cleave the halogen off nerve agents, leaving the half-acid ester product that contains theintact ester bonds.

Researchers elsewhere are investigating the use of enzymes to cleave the ester bonds ofmethylphosphonate esters using the enzyme phosphonate ester hydrolase (PEH). Ilya Elashvili andJoseph DeFrank at Army ECBC have demonstrated that cell-free extracts from Burkholderiacaryophilli (strain PG2982) cleave ester bonds from the hydrolysis products of G- and V-series nerveagents resulting in the formation of an alcohol and methylphosphonic acid. More recently, methods forthe partial purification of PEH have been described. Immobilization of PEH on an electrode wouldallow electrochemical detection of the alcohol liberated from the half-acid esters, resulting in highlyselective and sensitive detection. This detection mode would significantly enhance the performance ofthe MIP-based half-acid ester instrument described above. It is possible that this, or a related enzyme,would allow similar detection of nuclear signature compounds such as tributyl phosphate or bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate.

Proof-of-principal experiments (See Appendix 4) were performed using PMP standards inwater. The actual instrument performance with real samples depends on how effectively the MIPsorbent discriminates against complex matrices. We are presently conducting matrix challengeexperiments with the PMP-specific MIP. We are examining the MIP’s ability to selectively retainPMP from complex acetonitrile soil extracts. The soil extract matrix is more highly complex than themixture transferred to the MIP in the actual instrument since the C-18 will retain only the lipophiliccomponents from the soil extract. This challenge, therefore, is quite realistic and rigorous because thechallenge mixture is more complex than is likely to be encountered under actual operation.

This instrumentation development was originally intended for the analysis of bis(2-ethylhexyl)hydrogenphosphate. However, the initial evaluation of the MIP specific toward this compoundindicated that it was not active. Later, this same MIP sorbent was retested using a more sensitive andstable refractive index detector. The repeated studies showed the bis(2-ethylhexyl)hydrogenphosphate-specific MIP to have moderate activity; however, the activity of MIPs specifictoward G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds proved to be much higher. We proceeded withproof-of-principal experiments using the PMP-specific MIP for this reason. Preparation of MIPshaving higher activity toward bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate would allow analysis of this


compound as well. As this instrument stands, it is a general methodology that allows MIP-basedanalysis of compounds out of aqueous samples at extremely trace concentrations. Therefore, theanalysis technique is generally applicable to a wide range of anaytes in a broad cross section ofdisciplines.

Interfacing MIP Separations With Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Research conducted in FY 2003 synthesized MIPs that are specific toward tributyl phosphateand diisopropyl methylphosphonate. High-performance liquid chromatographic evaluation of thesesorbents using a pentane mobile phase showed selective retention of the target compounds relative to anonimprinted control polymer. These sorbents displayed preferential retention toward their intendedtarget and gave little retention for gasoline, diesel fuel, or air extract concentrate matrices. Whencomplex matrices containing target compound spikes are introduced to the appropriate MIP columns,the retained fraction exhibits excellent matrix discrimination, is relatively clean, and gives near-quantitative recovery of the target analyte. The research formed the basis for a manuscript submittedfor publication in the Journal of Separation Science.

An example of the matrix discrimination obtained by the MIP separation is presented in Figure4. The top portion of this figure shows a capillary gas chromatogram of a large-volume air extractconcentrate that has been spiked with diisopropyl methyphosphonate (DIMP), a Sarin surrogate. Whenthis complex mixture is applied to the DIMP-specific MIP, DIMP is selectively retained on the sorbent,and the vast majority of the matrix components pass through unaffected. A chromatogram of theretained MIP fraction is shown in the bottom chromatogram in Figure 4. This chromatogram illustratesthe enormous matrix discrimination that is achieved on the MIP stage, as well as the near-quantitativerecovery for DIMP. Further discrimination can be obtained using larger MIP columns, if desired.

Gas chromatographic analysis was used to demonstrate the composition of the retained MIPfraction. For field-portable instrumentation, we wish to incorporate simpler and more compactdetection devices. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has many desirable characteristics for integratingwith MIP separations. To probe the utility of IMS, we challenged an IMS instrument with the samecomplex DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate sample as profiled in the top of Figure 4. To frame thisexperiment in a meaningful context, DIMP standards and MIP fractions also were analyzed. Sampleswere introduced directly to the IMS by use of a microliter syringe (Figure 5). Figure 6 presents theresults from this experiment. The top IMS plasmagram (light blue trace) is the instrument backgroundsignal. The signal at 7.8 msec is due to ammonia reagent gas that is added to suppress interferences.The second plasmagram (red trace) results from an injection of a DIMP standard. This spectrum showsthe 13.2 msec IMS drift time for DIMP at a signal intensity that represents 100 percent recovery. Thebottom trace (dark blue) shows a direct introduction of the DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate; thesame complex sample that was profiled in the top chromatogram of Figure 4. IMS analysis of thiscomplex sample is inadequate due to the attenuated DIMP signal, the ion clustering indicated by longerdrift times, and complete suppression of the reagent gas signal. In short, direct IMS analysis is notcapable of providing adequate analysis for a sample of this complexity. The green trace represents an


Figure 4. Capillary gas chromatograms illustrating the total DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate (top)compared to the retained fraction from the DIMP-specific MIP (bottom).

Figure 5. Off-line introduction of standards and MIP fractions into IMS instrument.



Figure 6. From top to bottom, IMS plasmagrams showing instrument background, DIMP standard,retained MIP fraction of DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate, and DIMP-spiked air extractconcentrate without chromatographic processing. See text for discussion.

analysis of the retained MIP fraction from the DIMP-spiked air extract concentrate. Although a fewextraneous signals can be seen in this plasmagram (consistent with the chromatogram in the bottom ofFigure 4), the analysis is acceptable and further shows that the majority of DIMP was recovered in theretained MIP fraction. This set of experiments emphasizes the value added for combining MIPseparations with IMS detection.

Manual introduction of samples to the IMS is useful for demonstrating the utility andlimitations of this detection technique. However, what is needed is an on-line feed of the MIP columneluate into the IMS detector. The instrument shown in Figure 7 shows a simple interface between aMIP column and an IMS. The interface consists of a flow splitter that reduces the pentane flow from0.5 mL/min at the end of the MIP column down to 20 µL/min for introduction to the IMS. The reducedflow is directed through a capillary that is positioned directly in the throat of the heated IMS inlet. Thissimple interface proved adequate to perform on-line experiments with DIMP standards. A contour plot(Figure 8) shows the on-line chromatogram of a DIMP standard using IMS detection. The DIMP peakelutes around scan number 232 and has the characteristic IMS drift time of roughly 13 msec. IMS hassome desirable characteristics for these studies. Insensitivity of the IMS toward the pentane mobilephase allows a relatively large amount of this mobile phase solvent to be introduced without perturbingthe signal baseline. Also, IMS is extremely sensitive toward the types of compounds we wish to detect.


Typically, low picogram to high femtogram quantities of the phosphate, phosphonate, organic nitro,organic nitrate, and halogenated alkane compounds can be detected.

Figure 7. Photograph of on-line interface between the MIP separation and IMS detection.

Figure 8. Contour plot showing an on-line separation of a DIMP standard. DIMP signal is at theintersection of the characteristic retention time (scan number 230) and IMS drift time (13msec).


This work is being expanded to address real-world analysis problems such as the analysis ofTBP in complex environmental extracts. The Raid-M Basic (Brucker Daltonics, Billerica, MA, USA)was used for the MIP/IMS DIMP analysis proof-of-principal experiments. One limitation of this IMSinstrument is that inlet heating has a temperature limit of about 60°C. Higher interface temperatureswould enable analysis of semivolatile analytes, such as TBP and explosives. Recently, we gainedaccess to several IMS instruments that are on loan from the Transportation SecurityAdministration–two Plastec Explosives Detector instruments (Graseby Security, Hertfordshire,England) and an Ionscan instrument (Barreinger Instruments, Warren, NJ, USA). One of theseinstruments, depending on which proves most suitable for the studies, will be dedicated to the MIP-IMS interface studies. Although not as portable as the instruments shown in Figures 5 and 7, the TSAspectrometers are capable of operating at elevated temperatures, making them suitable for TBP studies.We are presently incorporating the spectrometers with LabView software to allow instrument controland data acquisition. The advancement of the MIP/IMS interface and a meaningful demonstration withTBP are a top priority activity.


Several researchers provided significant input to the studies. Gary M. Mong’s contributions tothe synthetic preparations of styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol and the G-series nerve agent hydrolysisproducts, as well as general problem solving discussions, helped advance many of the studies. MindiYan, Portland State University, provided insights during the academic project review that led directlyto the proposal to use the phase inversion precipitation approach for synthesizing explosive-specificMIPs. Richard N. Lee is currently contributing to matrix challenge experiments using the G-seriesnerve agent hydrolysis instrument. Finally, David A. Atkinson’s contribution to the MIP/IMS interfacestudies is appreciated.


Below is a list of publications, presentations, and invention disclosures that have resulted fromTask 2 of the Ultraselective Sorbent Project:

Harvey, SD, GM Mong, JS McLean, JK Fredrickson, SM Goodwin, DA Atkinson, NB Valentine, andCE Petersen. Imprinted Media for Highly Selective Capture of Chemical, Biological, and OrganicNuclear Signature Threats, a poster presented at the Detector/Sensor Research and Technology forHomeland and National Security Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN, September 14-16, 2004.

Mong, GM, SD Harvey, and JA Campbell. 2004. Simplified Synthesis and Purification of the G-SeriesNerve Agent Hydrolysis Products: Cyclohexyl Methylphosphonic Acid and Isopropyl MethylphosphonicAcid, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon (in press).

Harvey, SD. 2003, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Analysis of Chemical WarfareSurrogate and Nuclear Signature Compounds in Complex Matrices, J. Sep. Sci., (submitted October) .

Skaggs, R, T Straub, B Wright, C.Bruckner-Lea, and S Harvey. 2004. Development of the Next


Generation Microbial and Chemical Detection Capabilities for Water Supplies, Chapter 18, WaterSupply Systems Security, Larry Mays, Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, pp.18.1-18.21.

Harvey, SD and M Yan. 2004. Scaffold Imprinting for Preparing Polymers Imprinted with Nitro-containing Explosives, Invention Disclosure #14482-E, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,WA.

Harvey, SD. 2004. Novel Trace Enrichment Instrument Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers(MIPs) for Analysis of G-series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Compounds (and Related Phosphoric Acid Half-acid Esters) in Aqueous Samples, Invention Disclosure #14442-E, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,Richland, WA.

Harvey, SD and GM Mong. 2004. Preparation and Use of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)and Related Sorbents With Specificity Toward Nitro-containing Explosives, Invention Disclosure#14397-E, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA .




1. Harvey, SD and BW Wright. 1993. Multidimensional chromatography of 2,2'-thiodiethanol, 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide, and methamidophos chemical warfare surrogates in environmentalmatrices, PNL-8433, Prepared for the Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation.

2. Krull, IS, BY Cho, R Strong, and M Vanderlaan. 1997. Principles and practice ofimmunodetection in fluorescent immunoassay and HPLC analysis, LC-GC, 15:620-629.

3. Strachan, G, JA Whyte, PM Molloy, GI Paton and AJR Porter. 2000. Development of robust,environmental, immunoassay formats for the quantification of pesticides in soil, Environ. Sci.Technol., 34:1603-1608.

4. Janeway, CA Jr. and P Travers. 1997. Immunobiology: The immune system in health and disease,Third Edition, Garland Publishing, New York, p. 3:10.

5. Janeway, CA Jr. and P Travers. 1997. Immunobiology: The immune system in health and disease,Third Edition, Garland Publishing, New York, pp. 2:2-2:4.

6. Scouten, WH. 1981. Affinity chromatography: Bioselective adsorption on inert matrices, JohnWiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 275-276.

7. Bernard, A, B Michel and E Delamarche. 2001. Micromosaic immunoassays, Anal. Chem., 73:8-12.

8. Ziegler, T, O Eikenberg, U Bilitewski, and M Grol. 1996. Gas phase detection of cocaine bymeans of immunoanalysis, Analyst, 121:119-125.

9. Guzman, NA. 2000. Determination of immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hormone inserum and urine by on-line immunoaffinity capillary electrophoresis coupled to massspectrometry, J. Chromatogr. B, 749:197-213.

10. Bouzige, M, V Pichon, and MC Hennion. 1999. Class-selective immunosorbent for trace-leveldetermination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in complex sample matrices, used in off-lineprocedure or on-line coupled with liquid chromatography/fluorescence and diode array detectionsin series, Environ. Sci. Technol., 33:1916-1925.

11. Guilbault, GG and JH Luong. 1988. Gas phase biosensors, J. Biotechnol., 9:1-10.

12. Ngeh-Ngwainbi, J, PH Foley, SS Kuan, and GG Guilbault. 1986. Parathion antibodies onpiezoelectric crystals, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 108:5444-5447.

13. Rajakovic, L, V Ghaemmaghami, and M Thompson. 1989. Adsorption on film-free and antibody-coated piezoelectric sensors, Anal. Chem. Acta, 217:111-121.


14. Russell, AJ, LJ Trudel, PL Skipper, JD Groopman, SR Tennenbaum, and AM Klibanov. 1989.Antibody-antigen binding in organic solvents, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 158:80-85.

15. Penalva, J, R Puchades, and A Maquieira. 1999. Analytical properties of immunosensors workingin organic media, Anal. Chem., 71:3862-3872.

16. Klibanov, AM. 1997. Why are enzymes less active in organic solvents than water?, TrendsBiotech., 15: 97-101.

17. Krishna, SH. 2002. Developments and trends in enzyme catalysis in nonconventional media,Biotech. Adv., 20:239-267.

18. Klibanov, AM. 1986. Enzymes that work in organic solvents, Chemtech, 16:354-359.

19. Iwuoha, EI and MR Smyth. 1996, volume date 1997. Organic phase enzyme electrodes: kineticsand analytical applications, Biosens. Bioelectron., 12:53-75.

20. Ducret, A, M Trani, and R Lortie. 1998. Lipase-catalyzed enantioselective esterification ofibuprofen in organic solvents under controlled water activity, Enzyme Microb. Technol., 22:212-216.

21. Broos, J, AJWG Antonie, JFJ Engbersen, W Verboom, A van Hoek, and DN Reinhoudt. 1995.Flexibility of enzymes suspended in organic solvents probed by time-resolved fluorescenceanisotropy. Evidence that enzyme activity and enantioselectivity are directly related to enzymeflexibility, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117:12657-1266.

22. Harlow, E and D Lane. 1988. Antibodies: A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,New York, pp. 149 and 271.

23. Campbell, AM. 1991. Monoclonal antibody and immunosensor technology, Elsevier, New York.

24. Feldhaus, MJ, RW Siegel, LK Opresko, JR Coleman, JM Feldhaus, YA Yeung, JR Cochran, PHeizelman, D Colby, J Swers, C Graff, HS Wiley, and KD Wittrup. 2003. Flow-cytometricisolation of human antibodies from a nonimmune Saccharomyces cerevisiae surface displaylibrary, Nature Biotech., 21: 163-170.

25. Harris, B. 1999. Exploiting antibody-based technologies to manage environmental pollution,Trends Biotechnol., 17:290-296.

26. Dooley, H, SD Grant, WJ Harris, and AJ Porter. 1998. Stabilization of antibody fragments inadverse environments, Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem., 28:77-83.

27. Molloy, P, L Brydon, AJ Porter, and WJ Harris. 1995. Separation and concentration of bacteriawith immobilized antibody fragments, J. Appl. Bacteriology, 78:359-365.


28. Wulff, G. 1995. Molecular imprinting in cross-linked materials with the aid of moleculartemplates - a way towards artificial antibodies, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 34:1812-1832.

29. Remcho, VT and ZJ Tan. 1999. MIPs as chromatographic stationary phases for molecularrecognition, Anal. Chem., 71:248A-225A.

30. Steinke, J, DC Sherrington, and IR Dunkin. 1995. Imprinting of synthetic polymers usingmolecular templates, Adv. Polym. Sci., 123:81-125.

31. Cormack, PAG and K Mosbach. 1999. Molecular imprinting: recent developments and the roadahead, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 41:115-124.

32. Mayes, AG and K Mosbach. 1997. Molecularly imprinted polymers: useful materials foranalytical chemistry?, Trends Anal. Chem., 16:321-332.

33. Bruggemann, O, K Haupt, L Ye, E Yilmaz, and K Mosbach. 2000. New configurations andapplications of molecularly imprinted polymers, J. Chromatogr. A, 889:15-24.

34. Dickert, FL and O Hayden. 2002. Bioimprinting of polymers and sol-gel phases. Selectivedetection of yeasts with imprinted polymers, Anal. Chem., 74:1302-1306.

35. Matsui, J, T Kato, T Takeuchi, M Suzuki, K Yokoyama, E Tamiya, and I Karube. 1993.Molecular recognition in continuous rods prepared by a molecular imprinting technique, Anal.Chem., 65:2223-2224.

36. Matsui, J, Y Miyoshi, R Matsui, and T Takeuchi. 1995. Rod-type affinity media for liquidchromatography prepared by in-situ-molecular imprinting, Anal. Sci., 11:1017-1019.

37. Mathew-Krotz, J and KJ Shea. 1996. Imprinted polymer membranes for the selectivetransportation of targeted neutral molecules, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118:8154-8155.

38. Mosbach, K, K Haupt, XC Liu, PAG Cormack, and O Ramstrom. 1998. Molecular Imprinting:Status Artis et Quo Vadere?, in: Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers, R.A.Bartsch and M. Maeda, Eds., Chapter 3, American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.

39. Nilsson, S, L Schweitz, and M Petersson. 1997. Three approaches to enantiomer separation of b-adrenergic antagonists by capillary electrochromatography, Electrophoresis, 18:884-890.

40. Kempe, M. 1996. Antibody-mimicking polymers as chiral stationary phases in HPLC, Anal.Chem., 68:1948-1953.

41. Piletsky, SA, S Alcock, and APF Turner. 2001. Molecular imprinting at the edge of the thirdmillennium, Trends Biotechnol., 19:9-12.

42. Surugiu, I, L Ye, E Yilmaz, A Dzgoev, B Danielsson, K Mosbach, and K Haupt. 2000. Anenzyme-linked molecularly imprinted sorbent assay, Analyst, 125:13-16.


43. Major, RE. 2001. Selective sorbents for solid-phase extraction based on molecularly imprintedpolymers, LC:GC, 19:942-954.

44. Kris, D, O Ramstrom, and K Mosbach. 1997. Molecular Imprinting. New possibilities for sensortechnology, Anal. Chem., 69:345A-349A.


PNNL Invention Disclosure #14397-E

Preparation and Use of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) and RelatedSorbents With Specificity Toward Nitro-containing Explosives

Inventors: Scott D. Harvey and Gary M. Mong, Witnesses: Bob W. Wright and David A. Nelson,Submitted on 5-11-2004.

A. 2

A. 3

Preparation and Use of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) and Related Sorbents WithSpecificity Toward Nitro-containing Explosives

Scott D. Harvey and Gary M. Mong

Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryP.O. Box 999

Richland, WA 99352

Invention Summary:

A variety of important applications depend on the selective concentration and detection ofexplosives. This invention describes preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers that are capable ofhighly selective capture of nitro-containing explosives. The novel polymers developed in this inventionreport are based on polymer coatings or sorbents that are known to exhibit selectivity toward explosives;however, materials described here are prepared for the first time as imprinted polymers. These polymersare imprinted with a specific explosive and are expected to have an affinity for the target explosive beyondthat exhibited by the nonimprinted polymer. The exceptional affinity of the imprinted polymer will allowselective retention of specific explosives from strong organic solvents. The non-imprinted polymers willdisplay only minimal retention under these conditions. Therefore, a novel property of the imprintedpolymers described here is the ability to capture explosives with exceptional selectivity directly fromorganic extracts (or organic eluates from traditional sorbent clean-up columns) that originate from complexenvironmental or biological samples.

A secondary area that is conceptually addressed in this invention report (without experimentalinvolvement) is the extension of functional monomers we propose to incorporate into MIPs (or slightchemical variations thereof) for surface derivatization of self-assembled monolayers on mesoporoussupports (SAMMS). These materials should exhibit selectivity toward explosives; however, the selectivitywill not be as high as the MIPs since the SAMMS materials are not imprinted. SAMMS are characterizedby an extremely high surface area (700 m2/g), associated high sample capacities, and low sorbent bedpressure drops. All these properties make SAMMS ideal for moderately selective large-volume airsampling [1-3].

A. 4

Although we anticipate performing proof-of-principle experiments on chromatographic sorbentbeds using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the materials described in this invention canalso be used as sensor coatings [i.e., surface acoustic wave (SAW) or microcantilever sensors].

Proof-of-principle experiments for the MIPs will demonstrate selective retention of the explosiveRDX on two different MIPs relative to the nonimprinted control polymers. RDX is used as arepresentative nitro-containing explosive. One of the polymers is based on a strong hydrogen bond acidicfunctional monomer unit that has been incorporated into a styrene/divinylbenzene copolymer. The otherpolymer is based on the chromatographic sorbent Porapak R. Porapak R is a styrene/divinylbenzenecopolymer that also contains 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone as a functional monomer.

Intended Use:

As further described below, the intended use for these high affinity materials will be either as

selective sampling sorbents or as selective coatings for sensors. Both approaches have numerousapplications that are summarized below.

If implemented as a selective sampling sorbent, the MIP can be used for direct air sampling or,alternatively, as a secondary sorbent to be situated immediately behind a more traditional nonselective

air sampling sorbent (such as XAD-2 resin) [4]. In the latter case, the trace explosive, along with the

organic matrix interferences from the air sample, are transferred to the MIP using an organic solvent ora supercritical fluid. In this case, selective capture of the target explosive occurs on the secondary MIP

stage. In either arrangement, the matrix interferences are not retained on the MIP and can be divertedto waste. The end result is that enormous matrix discrimination takes place on the MIP resulting in a

highly purified sample. The high purity of the sample allows simplification of subsequent analytical

instrumentation required to perform high integrity analyses at extremely low detection limits. Theenormous matrix discrimination, obtained up-front during sampling or immediately thereafter, makes

possible the construction of compact field-portable instrumentation.

Once selective capture has been accomplished, the explosive is released from the MIP sorbent andeither directly detected or processed first through a single-stage chromatographic column, if required, toseparate out minor impurities before being detected. Suitable detectors will have a selectivity that isorthogonal to the MIP, have a rapid response time, and be highly sensitive toward the explosive. Possible

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detectors include ion mobility spectrometry, electron capture, mass spectrometry, electrochemical, orthermal energy analysis detection.

The two functional monomers used for MIP preparation, or close structural analogs, could also

be used for preparation of self-assembled monolayers on mesoporous supports (SAMMS). Surfacefunctionalization requires that the monolayers self assemble (usually thorough van der Waals forces)

and have the necessary functionalization to form covalent bonds with surface silanol groups on theSAMMS. Therefore, structural analogs of the MIP functional monomers described above, that contain

an appropriate reactive group for covalent attachment to the SAMMS surface, could be used. Silane

functionalities have been used for covalent bonding through hydrosilylation reactions [2], although adiverse repertoire of well-defined surface chemistries designed for preparation of silica-based bonded

HPLC supports would also be applicable. The combination of a SAMMS primary air sampling stagewith a MIP secondary stage would be expected to be particularly powerful since this instrumental

arrangement exploits the high sample capacity and low pressure drop of SAMMS sorbents with the

enormous selectivity of the MIPs stationary support.

Alternatively, the polymers can be placed on the sensor surfaces to allow selective detection of

specific explosives. Possible sensors include SAWs or microcantiliever devices [5,6]. These devices

may be most effective when operated as part of a sensor array that contains other coatings havingdiffering selectivity toward the target analyte [7].

This invention addresses numerous applications that are critical for national and homeland security.One of the high priority applications is to exploit the high selectivity of these materials for developingbomb detection instrumentation. This instrumentation could be used for detecting explosives in luggage,cargo holds, and shipping containers. Additional applications involve detection of unexploded ordnance inmine fields and artillery ranges.

Environmental applications involve analysis of vegetation and crops that have been exposed tomunitions [8,9,10]. Plant exposure occurs through growth in munitions-tainted soil or by irrigation

with munitions-contaminated aquifer water. Plant uptake can result in bioaccumulation of the parent

explosive and/or possible formation of toxic metabolites. Detection of trace level munitions in plantsrequires selective separations due to the extreme complexity of the biological matrix. MIPs should be

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particularly suited for isolating explosives from complex plant extracts due to their high selectivity.

For example, one would expect to obtain selective retention of explosives even in extremely strongmobile phases that will not allow retention of most organic compounds. This provides an effective

strategy to clean up highly complex samples that contain RDX; one simply needs to inject the sampleand collect the retained fraction that will contain all the RDX and very little matrix background

interferences. Explosive-specific MIPs would also be useful for the monitoring pollution plumes of

explosives in aquifers at ultratrace concentrations [11]. Additional applications would exploit the highsample capacity of SAMMS for environmental remediation of explosives from soil or water streams.

Current State-of-the-art and Approach:

Very little research has focused on preparing MIPs that are specific toward explosives. Mostwork related to this topic has originated from George Murray’s group at Johns Hopkins University

[12,13]. This group created imprinted sensor coatings specific for certain explosives. These coatings

incorporated both molecular recognition capabilities and a transduction mechanism to serve as a basisfor detection. Murray’s group has proposed two approaches. The first approach is described in the

peer-reviewed literature and is based on formation of a charge-transfer complex between a tertiary

amine functional monomer unit and a nitroaromatic explosive [12]. The second approach is onlydescribed in the patent literature and involves interaction of a nitroaromatic explosive with a porphyrin

functional monomer [13]. Both techniques detect the explosive based on an absorption wavelengthshift that occurs upon interaction with the explosive. These approaches are very limited in scope since

they apply only to nitroaromatic compounds. Nitroaromatics comprise only a small proportion of the

explosives class.

Our approach will not be as restrictive as Murray’s due largely to our chromatographicemphasis that allows for downstream detection. In other words, our polymers do not need toincorporate a concurrent transduction mechanism. Therefore, we have more flexibility in the design ofthe imprinted polymers. A significant advantage over Murray’s work is that our polymers are designedto generally recognize nitro-containing explosives (i.e., aliphatic and aromatic nitramines,nitroaromatics, aliphatic nitro compounds including polynitro cyclical cage explosives, and organicnitrates). As previously mentioned, this is a much broader group than the narrowly focusednitroaromatic explosives that Murray’s work addresses. Our approach is based on the demonstrated

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selective sorption of explosives on either Porapak R or strong hydrogen bond acidic polymers.Extensive work has been done in both these areas [11,14-17]; however, imprinted variants of thesepolymers have not been described. The new imprinted polymers will have significantly higherselectivity than the nonimprinted variants. This enhanced selectivity can be exploited for designingcompact field-portable analytical instrumentation for highly selective trace analysis.

Synthesis of Polymers:

For every MIP prepared, a control polymer is made in parallel at the same time using the samereagents. The difference between the control and the MIP is that the control reaction mixture lacks theexplosive template molecule and, therefore, the resulting control polymer cannot be imprinted. Since boththe control and the MIP contain the same polymer matrix, any differenced in analyte interaction should bedue to the presence of the imprint on the MIP.

Strong hydrogen bond acidic polymer

Styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol synthesis: This functional monomer material was preparedaccording to the methods described by Snow et al. [15]. Briefly, a Grignard reagent was prepared fromchlorostyrene in tetrahydrofuran and then reacted with hexafluoroacetone gas. This reaction wasconducted under reflux conditions using a cryogenic condenser held at –78°C. The product was purifiedfrom the reaction mixture by adding hydrochloric acid and extracting the product-containing oil intochloroform. Next, the sodium salt of the product was formed by adding sodium hydroxide. The organicsolvents were then stripped from solution by rotary evaporation. At this point the product was thenprotonated by making the solution strongly acidic (HCl added until pH < 3.0) and the product extractedinto chloroform. Crude product was obtained after removal of chloroform by rotary evaporation. The laststep of purification involved vacuum distillation. Unreacted chlorostyrene starting material distilled firstfollowed by the styryl hexaflurodimethylcarbinol product (68°C at 2 torr). Purity of the final product wasestimated at 99% by GC/MS.

Several polymer synthesis reagents required purification before use. RDX was used as the templateexplosive. This material was obtained from a standard military source and purified by severalrecrystallizations from acetone. Since three functional monomer units are expected to interact with eachmolecule of RDX, the quantity of explosive was one-third the molar amount of the stryrylhexafluorodimethylcarbinol. 2,2’-Azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) was used as the polymerization initiatorand was recrystallized from methanol prior to use. Polymerization inhibitors were removed from styrene

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and divinylbenzene by passing through a commercially available column designed for this purpose.Inhibitor was removed from 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone by vacuum distillation.

Polymer synthesis: Initial attempts at making polymers used a 3% weight of divinylbenzene crosslinker with 8.6% weight of styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol functional monomer. The resulting RDX-imprinted and control polymers were rubbery. From literature references [10,15], as well as the knownproperties of Amberlite ion-exchange resins, one would expect a brittle polymer using 3% cross-linking.We hypothesize that the styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol has a lower polymerization reactivity comparedto styrene due to the fluorine electron withdrawing properties that leave comparatively little electrondensity in the vinyl functionality. Therefore, the styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol functional monomerunit may not be as readily incorporated into the polymer. To compensate for this possible lower reactivity,we increased the cross linking to 12% by weight.

For the MIP polymer the following reagents were added to a reaction tube: 1) 131 mg RDX

[0.590 mmole], 2) 485 mg styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol [0.353 ml or 1.80 mmole], 3) 4.5 gstyrene [4.97 ml or 43.2 mmoles], 4) 680 mg divinylbenzene [0.744 ml or 5.22 mmole], 5) 5.0 ml of

acetonitirile, and 6) 60 mg AIBN. The control reaction mixture contained all the materials listed aboveexcept the RDX template. After thoroughly mixing, the solutions were purged with nitrogen for 5 min,

the tube sealed, the mixture subjected to ultrasonic agitation for several hours, and polymerization

performed by heating at 60°C for 24 hours.

Porapak R based MIP

Because we did not expect to have the same reactivity problems with the vinylpyrrolidone polymer,we dropped the crosslinking to 9% divinylbenzene by weight. Again, due to the expected interactionstoichiometry, a 3:1 functional monomer to RDX molar ratio was used for the imprinted polymer.

For the MIP polymer the following reagents were added to a reaction tube: 1) 131 mg RDX [0.590mmole], 2) 200 mg 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone [0.192 ml or 1.80 mmole], 3) 4.5 g styrene [4.97 ml or 43.2mmoles], 4) 465 mg divinylbenzene [0.508 ml or 3.57 mmole], 5) 5.0 ml of acetonitirile, and 6) 60 mgAIBN. Again, the control contained all the materials except the RDX template. Polymerization wasaccomplished at 60°C as described in the previous section.

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Sorbent Preparation and HPLC column preparation

Polymers that contained 9 to 12% divinylbenzene cross linker were very hard materials that werenot rubbery. The bulk polymers were processed to sorbents by freezing in liquid nitrogen to make brittleand then grinding in a mortar and pestle. These materials were difficult to grind and, because of materialloss associated with extended processing and manual manipulation, polymers for proof-of-principleexperiments were ground only to relatively large particles (dp < 210 µm). In contrast, we normally preferto continue the grinding until the sorbent particles pass a 80-µm screen sieve. Once sorbent particles lessthan 210 µm were obtained, they were repetitively washed with acetone and the fines decanted to waste.The particles were then dried under house vacuum (approximately 100 torr) for several days, again sievedthrough a 210-µm sieve, and sent to Higgins Analytical (Mountain View, CA) to be packed into 30-mm x4.6-mm i.d. columns.

HPLC Evaluation:

Columns were installed on an HPLC system that utilized an Intelligent pump (Model 301-S,Japan) to deliver pure acetonitrile mobile phase at flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. An RDX standard (23 ppm)was introduced to the columns through a Rheodyne (Model 7125, Alltech, Deerfield, IL) injectionvalve (24.3 µl) and RDX detected by UV absorption at 254 nm (Isco Model CV4 Detector, Lincoln,NE). Chromatograms were recorded on a HP-3390A (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA) integrating recorder.

Chromatographic comparison of a MIP and its corresponding control sorbent should be astraightforward experiment. Assuming that uniform polymerization takes place in the formation of boththe MIP and control polymers, differences between target compound retention can be attributed solely tothe imprint retention mechanism. Figure 1 presents chromatograms of RDX on the strong hydrogen bondacidic control and MIP columns. The retention time of RDX is 40.0 and 55.3 seconds on the control andMIP columns, respectively. The presence of an additional 15.3 seconds of retention on the MIP providesapparent evidence for an active imprint retention mechanism. However, several inconsistencies were notedduring this experiment including difficulties in packing the columns and a broader RDX peak at lowerretention time on the control compared to the MIP column (see Figure 1). These inconsistencies prompteda more thorough evaluation of RDX using k’ values. The advantage of using k’ is that these values areindependent of column packing efficiencies. The k’ value is calculated by subtracting the column deadtime (determined by injections of 1,1,2-trifluortrichloroethane) from RDX retention and dividing this valueby the dead time.

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The k’ values are listed in Table 1. This experiment yielded several important and interestingresults. First, the positive k’ values for RDX on the control sorbents (about 0.3 for both columns) indicatean active retention mechanism for both polymers relative to a non-retained compound. Given that theexperiments were conducted in an extremely strong mobile phase, these values indicate a substantialinteraction between RDX and the functional monomer units. This experiment also gave the surprisingresult that the MIPs retain RDX less than the corresponding control sorbents. Several possibleexplanations have been proposed to account for these results including the question of whether 1,1,2-trifluorotrichloroethane is an appropriate non-retained dead volume marker. Since this Freon exhibited theleast retention out of a series of additional compounds tested (including toluene, chloroform, and 1-chlorooctane) it appears it is an appropriate marker. Another possibility was that the template may nothave been completely removed from the MIP and, therefore, the MIP sorbent had recognition cavities thatwere obscured and unavailable for interaction. This explanation is unlikely since both acetone, used toremove the fines during sorbent processing, and the acetonitrile mobile phases are both excellent solventsfor RDX. Yet another possibility is that pre-association of the template and the functional monomer coulddecrease the reactivity of the vinyl group, resulting in less efficient incorporation of the monomer into theMIP polymer compared to the control. This explanation is not likely, as this specific interaction would beexpected to increase, not decrease, the vinyl reactivity, (if it alters vinyl reactivity at all). The finalexplanation is based on the fact that nitro groups are known to quench free radicals. Since polymerizationwith AIBN is based on a free radical mechanism, it seems likely that the presence of RDX in the MIPreaction inhibits polymerization resulting in a polymer that has less efficient incorporation of the functionalmonomer, and a different overall structure, than the control.

Several solutions to the MIP polymerization problem are being considered. One possible approachis to use an initiator that is not based on free radicals. Since initiation using gamma irradiation proceedsmostly by a free radical mechanism, this approach was not considered a viable alternative. One possibilityis to initiate polymerization with a Lewis acid (boron trifluoride diethyl etherate), an approach that is usedin the commercial polymerization of polystyrene. The presence of nitro groups does not affect this Lewisacid initiation mechanism, and both the template and reagents should be chemically stable in the presenceof this acid. The end result should be a uniform polymerization achieved between the control and MIPpolymer. One concern, that at present remains unresolved, is that interactions between the Lewis acid andthe basic nitro groups may diminish pre-association of the functional monomer with the explosive. Otherapproaches are also under consideration. Given the strong interactions achieved between the functionalmonomer units and RDX (see Table 1), we feel confident that a uniformly polymerized and imprintedmaterial will offer selectivity above that available from the control materials.

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Extensions of Invention:

Strong hydrogen bond acidic polymers are capable of selectively interacting with analytes that

have a basic character [7,15-17,19]. This compound category includes organic compounds thatcontain nitro, nitrate ester, phosphoral, or ketone groups. It is anticipated that compounds that contain

these functionalities can be imprinted using the techniques described herein. The phosphoral group isof particular importance to national security as this encompasses the nerve agent and insecticide classes

of compounds. Further work is planned to prepare and evaluate imprinted polymers specific towards

the G-series nerve agents based on the strong hydrogen bond approach. Other compounds that containbasic functionalities likewise have fundamental importance to national security. It is also anticipated

that other strong hydrogen bond acidic functional monomer units, besides styrylhexafluorodimethylcarbinol, would be useful for preparing imprinted polymers toward basic analytes


Research in our group has demonstrated that Porapak R has selectivity toward nitro groups [11,20],as well as nitroso and nitrosamine functionalities [21,22]. It has also been hypothesized that thisrecognition mechanism would be active for organic nitrate and nitrite ester compounds [23]. It is expectedthat many of these compounds could be imprinted with the techniques described in this invention report byusing vinylpyrrolidone as the functional monomer.

Funding Support and Division of Intellectual Property:

These intellectual property (IP) concepts were developed entirely through DOE funding.Specific project support for this IP was partly through the Imprinted Media project (F52301) funded by

internal laboratory-level Laboratory Directed Research and Development funds (10%) as well as

through the Ultraselective Sorbents (F45028) NA-22 project (90%). Scott D. Harvey is the PrincipalInvestigator of both these projects. IP contributions to the concept are divided as follows: Scott D.

Harvey (80%) and Gary M. Mong (20%).

Concept Origin Information:

Concept origin can be traced to inclusion in two different proposals written by S.D. Harvey.The first is the Imprinted Media FY04 LDRD proposal for the Homeland Security Initiative that

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proposes creation of an imprinted variant of Porapak R, using 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone as the functionalmonomer, for selective isolation of explosives. This proposal was submitted on July 11, 2003. Thegeneral idea of using Porapak R based sorbents came from a series of previously submitted inventionreports [17-20] and a literature publication [8]. The general concept of making explosive-specificMIPs was again mentioned in the Task 2 portion of the FY04 NA-22 Lifecycle plan for theUltraselective Sorbents project. The specific concept for preparing explosive-specific MIPs usingstrong hydrogen bond acidic functional monomer units was first detailed in an e-mail to Jay Grate onOctober 17, 2003 (memo is attached). This memo also discusses the Porapak R approach. Bothimprinted polymer designs were further elaborated during an on-site NA-22 project review presentationgiven by S.D. Harvey to Les Pitts on January 20, 2004. Numerous PNNL staff members were inattendance for this presentation including Robert Clemmer, Jay Grate, and Thomas Zemanian. A hardcopy of the 1/20/04 PowerPoint presentation is attached to document the level of conceptualdevelopment. The first formal written description of this invention is this invention report. The firstexperimental data that provides support for the concepts presented herein are signed and datedchromatograms collected by S.D. Harvey on 3/8/04.


1. M.C. Bruzzoniti, E. Mentasti, C. Sarzanini, B. Onida, B. Bonelli, and E. Garrone, Anal. Chim. Acta,422:231-238 (2000).

2. X. Feng, G.E. Reyxell, L.-Q. Wang, A.Y. Kim, J. Liu, and K.M. Kemner, FunctionalizedMonolayers on Ordered Mesoporous Supports, Science, 276:923926 (1997).

3. T.S. Zemanian, G.E. Fryxell, J. Liu, S. Mattigod, J.A. Franz, and Z. Nie, Deposition of Self-Assembled Monolayers in Mesoporous Silica from Supercritical Fluids, Langmuir, 17:8172-8177(2001).

4. S.D. Harvey, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Analysis of Chemical WarfareSurrogate and Nuclear Signature Compounds in Complex Matrices, J. Separ. Sci., submitted(October 2003).

5. E.J. Houser, T.E. Mlsna, V.K. Nguyen, R. Chung, R.L. Mowery, and R. A. McGill, RationalMaterials Design of Sorbent Coatings for Explosives: Applications With Chemical Sensors, Talanta,54:469-485 (2001).

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6. M. Spaniak, P. Datskos, N. Lavrik, and C. Tipple, Microcantilever Transducers: A new Approach inSensor Technology, Anal. Chem., 74:568A-575A (2002).

7. J.W. Grate, S.J. Patrash, and S.N. Kaganove, Hydrogen Bond Acidic Polymers for Surface AcousticWave Vapor Sensors and Arrays, Anal. Chem., 71:1033-1040 (1999).

8. S.D. Harvey, R.J. Fellows, D.A. Cataldo and R.M. Bean. 1990. “Analysis of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene(TNT) and Its Transformation Products in Soils and Plant Tissues by High-performance LiquidChromatography”, J. Chromatogr., 518:361-374 (1990).

9. S.D. Harvey, R.J. Fellows, D.A. Cataldo, and R.M. Bean, “Fate of the Explosive Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in Soil and Bioaccumulation in Bush Bean Hydroponic Plants”,Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 10:845-855 (1991).

10. S.D. Harvey, H. Galloway, and A. Krupsha, “Trace Analysis of Military High Explosives (TNT andRDX) in Agricultural Crops”, J. Chromatogr. A, 775:117-124 (1997).

11. S.D. Harvey and T.R.W. Clauss, “Rapid On-line Chromatographic HPLC Determination of Trace-level Munitions in Aqueous Samples”, J. Chromatogr. A, 753:81-89 (1996).

12. B.R. Arnold, A.C. Euler, A.L. Jenkins, O.M. Uy, and G.M. Murray, Progress in the developmentof molecularly imprinted polymer sensors, Johns Hopkins Apl. Tech. Digest, 20:190-198 (1999).

13. G. Murray, B.M. Arnold, and D.S. Lawrence, Molecularly imprinted polymeric sensor for thedetection of explosives, International Patent Application Number PCT/US01/11562, ApplicationDate 4/10/2000, International Publication Number WO 01/77664 A2, International PublicationDate 10/18/2001.

14. E.S.P. Bouvier and S.A. Oehrle, Analysis and Identification of Nitroaromatic and nitramineExplosives in Water using HPLC and Photodiode-Array Detection, LC/GC, 13:120-130 (1995).

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15. A.W. Snow, L.G. Sprague, R.L. Soulen, J.W. Grate, and H. Wohltjen, Synthesis and Evaluation ofHexafluorodimethylcarbinol Functionalized Polymers as Microsensor Coatings, J. App. Polymer Sci.,43:1659-1671 (1991).

16. R.A. McGill, T.E. Mlsna, R. Chung. V.K. Nguyen, and J. Stepnowski, The Design of FunctionalizedSilicone Polymers for Chemical Sensor Detection of Nitroaromatic Compounds, Sensors andActuators B, 65:5-9 (2000).

17. J.W. Grate, S.N. Kaganove, and D.A. Nelson, Carbosiloxane Polymers for Sensors, Chem. Innov.,30:29-37 (2001).

18. S.Y. Bae, G.L. Southard, G.M. Murray, Molecularly Imprinted Ion Exchange Resin for Purification,Preconcentration and Determination of UO2

2+ by Spectrophotometry and Plasma Spectrometry, Anal.Chim. Acta, 397:173-181 (1999).

19. S.D. Harvey, D.A. Nelson, B.W. Wright, and J.W. Grate, "Selective Stationary Phase for Solid-phaseMicroextraction (SPME) Analysis of Sarin (GB)", J. Chromatogr. A, 954:217-225 (2002).

20. S.D. Harvey and Therese R.W. Clauss, "Rapid On-line Determination of Trace-level Munitions inAqueous Samples", Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, #E-1414 (1995).

21. S.D. Harvey, “Method and Apparatus for the Trace Determination of Nitroso and NitrosamineCompounds in Aqueous Matrices”, Invention Disclosure #E-1516, Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory, Richland, WA (1996).

22. S.D. Harvey, "Method and Apparatus for the Trace Determination of Tobacco-SpecificNitrosamines", Invention Disclosure #B-1520, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland,WA (2000).

23. S.D. Harvey and T.R.W. Clauss, “On-line Determination of Aliphatic Nitro, Organic Nitrite Esterand Nitroso Compounds in Nuclear Defense Waste”, Invention Disclosure #B-1351, PacificNorthwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA (1995).

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Table 1. k’ values for RDX on the MIP and control columns using acetonitrile as a mobile phase.

Polymers k’ for RDXVinylpyrrolidone

Control 0.275 ± 0.006 RDX-specific MIP -0.0050 ± 0.0001Hexafluorodimethylcarbinol

Control 0.318 ± 0.005 RDX-specific MIP 0.177 ± 0.002

Figure1. Chromatograms of RDX on a column packed with a styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol-basedMIP imprinted with RDX (top) compared to the corresponding nonimprinted control polymer (bottom).Mobile phase was pure acetonitrile delivered at 0.5 ml/min. RDX was detected by UV absorbance at254 nm. Similar selective retention of RDX relative to the corresponding control was observed on adifferent RDX-specific MIP that was based on a vinylpyrrolidone functional monomer (see text fordetails).

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PNNL Invention Disclosure #14482-E

Scaffold Imprinting for Preparing Polymers Imprinted with Nitro-Containing Explosives

Inventors: Scott D. Harvey and Mingdi Yan, Witnesses: Michael A. Lind and Bob W.Wright, Submitted on 8-13-2004.

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Scaffold Imprinting for Preparing Polymers Imprinted with Nitro-Containing Explosives

Scott D. Harvey1 and Mingdi Yan2

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory1 and Portland State University2


Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) display highly selective interactionstoward their templates that can rival antibody/antigen interactions [1,2]. In many waysthe MIP/template interaction is complementary to antibody/antigen interactions. Whileantibodies operate best in aqueous buffers, MIPs display optimal efficiency innonaqueous solvents [3,4]. The relative ease of preparation and the storage stability ofMIPs are distinct advantages of using MIPs over antibodies. This invention reportfocuses principally on non-covalent imprinting techniques for chromatographic analysis.Imprinting using reversible covalent recognition is also possible although this approach israrely used for chromatographic studies due to the sluggish association/disassociationkinetics. An extension of the work presented below would include covalent or hybridcovalent/non-covalent recognition mechanisms for applications that do not require fastkinetics.

Several publications describe preparation of MIPs towards explosives; however,no experimental data has been presented [5,6]. Definitive proof-of-principle experimentsmust demonstrate enhanced capture of the target explosive relative to a non-imprintedcontrol polymer. The conceptual approaches developed in the literature have exclusivelytargeted the nitroaromatic group of explosives, a small proportion of the entire explosivesclass.

Previous work at PNNL focused on preparing imprinted variants of polymers known tohave selectivity toward explosives [7(PNNL Invention Report #14397-E)]. Two types ofpolymers were prepared, one was based on Porapak R (a styrene/divinyl benzenepolymer that contains vinylpyrrolidone), and a second polymer that consisted of astyrene/divinylbenzene polymer that contained a strong hydrogen bond functionalmonomer (styryl hexafluorodimethylcarbinol). MIPs imprinted toward RDX and thecorresponding controls were synthesized. Chromatographic evaluation of these sorbentsgave the surprising result that the MIPs actually provided less retention than the controls.

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This phenomenon was traced to the free radical quenching properties of the nitro group inthe template that resulted in less efficient polymerization in the MIPs compared to thecontrol polymers.

The purpose of this invention report is to explore alternative polymerizationmethodologies for synthesizing MIPs that will yield uniform polymers between the MIPand control. We feel the choice of functional monomers used in previous work wasscientifically sound and, provided that consistent polymerization could be achieved, weare confident that MIPs prepared with these monomers would display selective captureover the control polymers. Toward this end, we propose to explore other scaffoldimprinting techniques to achieve consistent polymerization between the MIP and controlpolymers.

As discussed above, consistent polymerization between MIPs imprinted withnitro-containing explosive templates and controls cannot be based on free radicalinitiation. A previous invention report addresses this issue and suggests polymerizationof the vinyl functionalities using Lewis acid initiation as a possible solution [7]. Thepresent invention report describes other methods based on the use of preformed polymersas scaffolds. Chemical condensation cross-linking methods may be used in concert withthis approach. One resounding advantage for the preformed polymer approach is thatexplosives are not subjected to free radical initiation or the harsh chemical conditionsassociated with polymerization. As an example of the preformed polymer imprintingtechnique, we will discuss at length the phase inversion polymerization methodology.This discussion is intended as a specific example of a much broader approach that utilizespreformed polymers. Specific additional approaches will be discussed in the end of the“Concept Extension” section of this disclosure. Besides the preformed polymerapproach, another emphasis of this disclosure deals with preparation of polymers usingcondensation polymerization reactions. As this technique can be used to cross-linkexisting polymer chains to give an insoluble polymer, condensation reactions can serve ahybrid function within the preformed polymer approach context. Chemical condensationcross-linking methods provide an alternative to the free radical initiation; however,success with this technique depends on the reaction conditions being sufficiently mildthat the template explosive is not chemically altered.

A good example of how the preformed polymer approach can be implemented isgiven by the phase inversion precipitation methodology. In this approach, a relatively

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low molecular weight polymer (about 1.5 x 105 Da) is synthesized using standard freeradical initiation techniques in dimethy sulfoxide (DMSO) [8-12]. Initial descriptions ofthis work focused on co-polymerization of acrylonitrile with acrylic acid [8]. Later workdemonstrated the feasibility of substituting vinylpyridine isomers or styrene for theacrylic acid functional monomer [9]. Inclusion of polyacrylonitrile in these polymerspromotes polymer cohesion through the strong dipole interactions between the nitrilegroups. Once formed, the polymer was split into two portions, one served as the control,and the other was allowed to pre-associate with a template. Both polymers were thenplaced into a water environment to induce precipitation. Precipitation essentially lockedthe MIP into a preconfigured confirmation dictated by association with the template,whereas the control, since no template was present, was not locked into a specificconformation. The template was removed leaving behind specific recognition sites in theMIP that had high specificity and affinity toward the compound used to imprint. Thechemical, physical, and mechanical properties of the films produced by this technique arehighly dependent on the original molecular weight of the polymer.

Proposed Approach and Concept Extension:

Early research demonstrated the use of preformed biological polymers formolecular imprinting [13,14]. These studies showed that proteins [13] and dextrans [14]can be imprinted with target molecules by lyophilizing in the presence of template.Freeze drying locks the conformation of the biological polymer such that it selectivelyrecognizes the template. This conformation is stable provided that the polymer is notexposed to water. Water causes the polymer to revert to the preferred configurationnormally exhibited in aqueous solution. More recently, imprinted biological polymershave been prepared that have a stable imprint configuration in water. These polymers areformed by associating the template with chitosan followed by cross-linking withglutaraldehyde [15].

Preformed polymers have other advantages in addition to avoiding complicationsof polymerizing in the presence of template. Multiple template binding sites are availableresulting in stronger interactions than is possible using a traditional functional monomer.Although each of the individual interactions may be fairly weak, the overall interactionobtained with multiple recognition sites can be quite strong. Synthetic polymers offeradvantages over biological polymers due to the greater diversity and flexibility ofrecognition entities that can be design into a synthetic polymer.

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Other examples of imprinting with preformed synthetic polymers are givenbelow. A variety of MIPs have been prepared with cross-linked poly(allylamine) [16,17].For example, an oral pharmaceutical designed to capture bile acids is based on imprintedpoly(allylamine) [16]. Polymers capable of recognizing glucose have also been preparedwith this technique [17]. Synthetic hydrogen-bonded networks of synthetic polyamidescan be used for imprinting [18]. Yet another example is an imprinted polyethersulfonepolymer that recognizes templates through the formation of donor-acceptor complexes[19]. Further examples exist; however, free radical cross-linking of vinyl groups isrequired and, therefore, these approached are probably not appropriate for preparation ofexplosive-specific MIPs.

Under certain circumstances, chemical condensation cross-linking may bedesirable. For example, one approach involves preassociation of a template with amacromolecular monomer in DMSO followed by cross-linking with diisocyanate withsubsequent precipitation of the resulting polymer from acetone [20]. This example ispresented because it involves a hybrid methodology featuring initial template associationwith a multifunctional macromolecular monomer, cross-linking to form a polymer insolution, followed by phase inversion precipitation to yield the MIP. In addition todiisocyanate, glutaraldehyde, diisocyanate, and epichlorohydrin crosslinkers have allbeen used in similar applications.

We propose to use similar techniques as described above to overcome polymerizationconsistency problems encountered with our previous work [7]. Initial studies willcontinue to probe vinylpyrrolidone or hexafluordimethylcarbinol (or other stronghydrogen bond acidic monomers) as functional monomers that are copolymerized withacrylonitrile. Advantages of the phase inversion precipitation technique stem from thefact that polymerization occurs before the imprinting step. This temporal separationbetween polymerization and imprinting steps assures that the control and MIP polymerswill be uniform. The presence of nitro-containing groups in the template will have nobearing on the preformed polymer. Also, the method is extremely mild since thetemplate is not exposed to harsh thermal or irradiation (ultraviolet or gamma initiation)conditions associated with initiation, or to chemically reactive species duringpolymerization. This curtails problems with template chemical transformation that areoften countered when using traditional imprinting techniques. This attribute will allowimprinting of additional labile compounds such as nerve agents.

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Intended Use:

The intended use for these high affinity materials will be either as selective

sampling sorbents or as selective coatings for sensors. Both approaches have numerousapplications that are summarized below.

If implemented as a selective sampling sorbent, the MIP can be used for direct airsampling or, alternatively, as a secondary sorbent to be situated immediately behind a

more traditional nonselective air sampling sorbent (such as XAD-2 resin) [21]. In the

latter case, the trace explosive, along with the organic matrix interferences from the airsample, are transferred to the MIP using an organic solvent or a supercritical fluid. In

this case, selective capture of the target explosive occurs on the secondary MIP stage. Ineither arrangement, the matrix interferences are not retained on the MIP and can be

diverted to waste. The end result is that enormous matrix discrimination takes place on

the MIP resulting in a highly purified sample. The high purity of the sample allowssimplification of subsequent analytical instrumentation required to perform high integrity

analyses at extremely low detection limits. The enormous matrix discrimination,

obtained up-front during sampling or immediately thereafter, makes possible theconstruction of compact field-portable instrumentation.

Once selective capture has been accomplished, the explosive is released from the MIPsorbent and either directly detected or processed first through a single-stage chromatographiccolumn, if required, to separate out minor impurities before being detected. Suitabledetectors will have a selectivity that is orthogonal to the MIP, have a rapid response time, andbe highly sensitive toward the explosive. Possible detectors include ion mobilityspectrometry, electron capture, mass spectrometry, electrochemical, or thermal energyanalysis detection.

The phase inversion precipitation typically results in a polymer membrane depositedon a glass surface. Thickness of the film varies depending on conditions but is on the orderof roughly 50 µm. This format is ideal for preparing certain sensor surfaces including SAWs[22]. Modification of methods cited in the literature can be expected to provide sub-micron

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layer deposition for use with microcantilevers [23]. Both these sensor devices may be mosteffective when the MIP portion is operated as part of a sensor array that contains othercoatings having differing selectivity toward the target analyte [24]. Additional sensorapproaches can be envisioned for selective capture of the nitro-explosive followed by opticalor photoacoustic detection of the explosive directly on the MIP polymer. Forchromatographic studies, the polymer material can be removed from the glass surface andprocessed into a sorbent. Alternatively, precipitation could be performed directly on glassbeads and the coated beads used as a chromatographic packing material.

This invention addresses numerous applications that are critical for national andhomeland security. One of the high priority applications is to exploit the high selectivity ofthese materials for developing bomb detection instrumentation. This instrumentation couldbe used for detecting explosives in luggage, cargo holds, and shipping containers. Additionalapplications involve detection of unexploded ordnance in mine fields and artillery ranges.

Environmental applications involve analysis of vegetation and crops that have

been exposed to munitions [25-27]. Plant exposure occurs through growth in munitions-tainted soil or by irrigation with munitions-contaminated aquifer water. Plant uptake can

result in bioaccumulation of the parent explosive and/or possible formation of toxicmetabolites. Detection of trace level munitions in plants requires selective separations

due to the extreme complexity of the biological matrix. MIPs should be particularly

suited for isolating explosives from complex organic plant extracts due to their highselectivity. For example, one would expect to obtain selective retention of explosives

even in extremely strong mobile phases that will not allow retention of most organiccompounds. This provides an effective strategy to clean up highly complex samples that

contain explosives; one simply needs to inject the sample and collect the retained fraction

that will contain all the explosive and very little matrix background interferences.Explosive-specific MIPs would also be useful for the monitoring pollution plumes of

explosives in aquifers at ultratrace concentrations [28]. This analysis could proceed

using a novel analytical approach that permits general MIP analysis of aqueous samples[29]. This development is significant since water is typically considered an incompatible

matrix for most MIP sorbents.

B. 9

Current State-of-the-art and Approach:

Very little research has focused on preparing MIPs that are specific toward

explosives. Most work related to this topic has originated from George Murray’s groupat Johns Hopkins University [5,6]. This group created imprinted sensor coatings specific

for certain explosives. These coatings incorporated both molecular recognitioncapabilities and a transduction mechanism to serve as a basis for detection. Murray’s

group has proposed two approaches. The first approach is described in the peer-reviewed

literature and is based on formation of a charge-transfer complex between a tertiaryamine functional monomer unit and a nitroaromatic explosive [5]. The second approach

is only described in the patent literature and involves interaction of a nitroaromaticexplosive with a porphyrin functional monomer [6]. Both techniques detect the explosive

based on an absorption wavelength shift that occurs upon interaction with the explosive.

These approaches are very limited in scope since they apply only to nitroaromaticcompounds. Nitroaromatics comprise only a small proportion of the explosives class. It

is important to note that although these concepts have been developed by Murray and co-

workers, neither their literature publication nor patent applications present experimentaldata indicating success with these techniques.

Our approach will not be as restrictive as Murray’s due largely to ourchromatographic emphasis that allows for downstream detection. In other words, ourpolymers do not need to incorporate a concurrent transduction mechanism. Therefore,we have more flexibility in the design of the imprinted polymers. A significantadvantage over Murray’s work is that our polymers are designed to generally recognizenitro-containing explosives (i.e., aliphatic and aromatic nitramines, nitroaromatics,aliphatic nitro compounds including polynitro cyclical cage explosives, and organicnitrates). As previously mentioned, this is a much broader group than the narrowlyfocused nitroaromatic explosives that Murray’s work addresses.

Polymers we propose to prepare are based on Porapak R or strong hydrogen bondacidic polymers. Extensive work has been done in both these areas [28,30-33]; however,imprinted variants of these polymers have not been described. Research in our group hasdemonstrated that Porapak R has selectivity toward nitro groups [28,34], as well as nitroso

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and nitrosamine functionalities [35,36]. It has also been hypothesized that this recognitionmechanism would be active for organic nitrate and nitrite ester compounds [37]. It isexpected that many of these compounds could be imprinted with the techniques described inthis invention report by using vinylpyrrolidone as the functional monomer. Anotherapproach would be to utilize strong hydrogen bond acidic monomers, such as styrylhexafluorodimethylcarbinaol, that are capable of selectively interacting with analytes thathave a basic character [28,30-33,38]. This compound category includes organic compoundsthat contain nitro, nitrate ester, phosphoral, or ketone groups. It is anticipated thatcompounds that contain these functionalities can be imprinted using the techniques describedherein. The phosphoral group is of particular importance to national security as thisencompasses the nerve agent and insecticide classes of compounds. It is anticipated thatother strong hydrogen bond acidic functional monomer units, besides styrylhexafluorodimethylcarbinol, would be useful for preparing imprinted polymers toward basicanalytes [28,30-33,38]. Since template molecules are not subject to a harsh chemicalreaction environment, the preformed polymer imprinting approach would be advantageousfor imprinting nerve agents and other hydrolytically labile and otherwise unstablecompounds.

Funding Support and Division of Intellectual Property:

This intellectual property (IP) was developed entirely through DOE funding.

Specific project support for this IP was partly through the Imprinted Media project(F52301) funded by internal laboratory-level Laboratory Directed Research and

Development funds (50%) as well as through the Ultraselective Sorbents (F45028) NA-22 project (50%). Scott D. Harvey is the Principal Investigator of both these projects. IP

contributions to the concept described in this invention report are equally divided as

follows: Scott D. Harvey, PNNL (50%) and Mingdi Yan, PSU (50%).

Concept Origin Information:

Concept origin can be traced to an NA-22 project review of the UltraselectiveSorbent project that was held at PNNL on May 25, 2004. Dr. Scott Harvey, the PI for theMIP half of the project, summarized work conducted on this project toward preparingexplosive-specific MIPs. Progress toward this goal is also documented in a previous

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PNNL invention report (#143797-E). Mingdi Yan was serving as an independentacademic reviewer at this NA-22 review. Dr. Yan suggested that approaches similar tothose described by Kobayashi and co-workers might avoid some of the polymerconsistency problems that were encountered. This suggestion led to the preparation ofthis joint invention report.


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18. P.S. Reddy, T. Kobayashi, M. Abe, N. Fujii, Molecularly imprinted nylon-66 as arecognition material of amino acids, Euro. Polymer J., 38:521-526 (2002).

19. T. Kobayashi, P.S. Reddy, M. Abe, M. Ohta, and N. Fujii, Molecularly imprintedpolysulfone membranes with acceptor sites for donor dibenzofuran as novel membraneadsorbents: Charge transfer interaction for recognition origin, Chem. Mater., 18:2866-2872 (2002).

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21. S.D. Harvey, Molecularly imprinted polymers for selective analysis of chemicalwarfare surrogate and nuclear signature compounds in complex matrices, J. Separ.Sci., submitted (October 2003).

22. E.J. Houser, T.E. Mlsna, V.K. Nguyen, R. Chung, R.L. Mowery, and R. A. McGill,Rational materials design of sorbent coatings for explosives: Applications withchemical sensors, Talanta, 54:469-485 (2001).

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24. J.W. Grate, S.J. Patrash, and S.N. Kaganove, Hydrogen bond acidic polymers forsurface acoustic wave vapor sensors and arrays, Anal. Chem., 71:1033-1040 (1999).

25. S.D. Harvey, R.J. Fellows, D.A. Cataldo and R.M. Bean, Analysis of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and its transformation products in soils and plant tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr., 518:361-374 (1990).

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26. S.D. Harvey, R.J. Fellows, D.A. Cataldo, and R.M. Bean, Fate of the explosivehexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in soil and bioaccumulation in bushbean hydroponic plants, Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 10:845-855 (1991).

27. S.D. Harvey, H. Galloway, and A. Krupsha, Trace analysis of military high explosives(TNT and RDX) in agricultural crops, J. Chromatogr. A, 775:117-124 (1997).

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29. S.D. Harvey, Novel trace enrichment instrument based on molecularly imprintedpolymers (MIPs) for analysis of G-series nerve agent hydrolysis compounds (andrelated phosphoric acid half-acid esters) in aqueous samples, PNNL-14442-E,Submitted 6-30-2004.

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Manuscript Accepted for Publication

Simplified Synthesis and Purification of the G-Series Nerve AgentHydrolysis Products: Cyclohexyl Methylphosphonic Acid and

Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid

Manuscript by Gary M. Mong, Scott D. Harvey, and James A. Campbell, accepted forpublication in Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon

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C. 3

REVISEDSynthesis of Alkyl Methylphosphonic Acid Esters

G.M. Mong, S.D. Harvey, and J.A. CampbellPacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA, USA 99352

Simplified Synthesis and Purification of the G-Series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Products:Cyclohexyl Methylphosphonic Acid and Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid.

Keywords: Cyclohexyl methylphosphonic acid; Isopropyl methyphosphonic acid;Methylphosphonic dichloride


A synthesis and isolation scheme is described for producing mono alkyl esters ofmethylphosphonic acid based upon stoichiometric addition of alcohol tomethylphosphonic dichloride. Solvent extraction applied to the reaction mixture toseparates the mono alkyl esters in reasonable yield from dialkyl methylphosphonateand unsubstituted methylphosphonic acid. The singly alkylated materials areimportant hydrolysis products of the G-series nerve agents, and are not generallyavailable from chemical suppliers.


The development of analytical techniques for the detection and analysis of G-series nerve agent hydrolysis products (alkyl methylphosphonic acid esters) is hamperedby the lack of available reference materials. With the exception of pinocolylmethylphosphonic acid ester, these materials are not commercially available (1). Therapid environmental hydrolysis of the G-series nerve agents produces a relativelypersistent alkyl methylphosphonic acid ester as the primary product (2). Furtherhydrolysis affords methylphosphonic acid. The goal of this work is to devise a simplesynthesis and separation for G-series nerve agent hydrolysis products that can beperformed in most research laboratories, which results in material suitable for use inchemical warfare analysis methodologies.

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Several published reports describe the synthesis of alkyl methylphosphonic acidesters. Chittenden et al. described a synthetic path to these compounds through methylphosponothioic acids (3). This procedure is complex and requires the synthesis ofstarting materials. Timperly et. al. detailed their production through an Arbuzovsynthesis (4). A direct route from partial hydrolysis of methylphosphonic dichloride hasbeen successfully employed (5,6), with overall yields in the 12% to 47% range (5). Thislatter procedure requires the reaction of methylphosphonic dichloride with water resultingin a hydrolytically unstable, glassy anhydride that is used as a starting material foresterification. This method, as well as that of Timperly et al., apparently requiresvacuum distillation to obtain pure product.

The synthesis and extraction techniques developed in this study can be appliedusing commonly available equipment and materials to rapidly produce high purity(98+%) alkyl methylphosphonic acid esters. An additional advantage of the methoddescribed here is that vacuum distillation is not required to obtain pure product.

Our approach is based on the direct reaction of alcohols (isopropanol and

cyclohexanol) with methylphosphonic dichloride (Figure 1) in toluene solvent, followedby hydrolysis of the mono-chloride to produce the desired alkyl methylphosphonic acids.

The desired product is isolated from other products by solvent extraction. The overallsynthetic approach, combined with solvent extraction-based purification, results in gram

quantities (typical yield of >30%) of high-purity (98+%) product. Inherent to the

reaction is the production of transient pyrophosphonate species (Figure 2) which areeasily hydrolyzed to the suite of idealized products shown in Figure 1.

Since the alkyl methylphosphonic acids are not amenable to direct gas-

chromatographic (GC) analysis, reaction aliquots and samples from extractions were

treated with ethereal diazomethane to create methyl derivatives (7) prior to analysis bygas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). This technique has been applied to

acidic phosphate-related components in nuclear defense wastes (8). Many of the alkyl

organophosphous compounds have relatively straightforward mass spectral fragmentationpatterns (8). As analytical methylation and silylation are likely to be used by other

C. 5

researchers for analysis of monoalkyl methylphosphonic acid esters, GC and MS data for

the compounds synthesized in this work is provided in Tables 1 and 2.

Figure 1 at bottom of text

Figure1. Reaction between methylphosphonic dichloride and alcohol resulting in astatistical production of products.

.Figure 2 at bottom of text

Figure 2. Pyrophosphonate artifacts.

Results and Discussion

Attempts to form mono-alkyl phosphonic esters from direct reaction of alcoholswith methylphosphonic dichloride creates a mixture of products. Upon hydrolysis of

these mixtures, depending upon conditions, a statistical mixture of methylphosphonic

acid, dialkyl methylphosphonates, and the desired mono alkyl methylphosphonic esterresults (Figure 1). Linear alkyl pyrophosphonates of the type shown in Figure 2 were

found when hydrolysis was done at ambient temperature. The linear pyrophosphonates

either form during hydrolysis of the phosphoryl chlorides or result from in situ sidereactions involving the alcohols which generate water. Pienaar (5) and Petrov (6) report

that the reaction of water with methylphosphonic dichloride initially results in a cyclicdimer. In our approach, the alkyl ester is formed first, allowing alkylated linear species

to form upon hydrolysis. The pyrophosphonate dimers are readily hydrolyzed by

quenching the reaction with water at toluene reflux temperature.

The mixture of products (Figure 1) is purified by first partitioning the highlyacidic aqueous phase from the toluene. The dialkyl methylphosphonate ester, as well as

C. 6

most of the unreacted alcohol, is extracted into the toluene layer. The desired product

and methylphosphonic acid form a separate layer.

An approach fashioned after the work of Hardy and Seargill (9) was used toremove methylphosphonic acid,. These authors found that dibutyl phosphate could be

isolated from technical butyl phosphate mixtures by extracting with carbon tetrachloride.

We have found that the difference in polarity between methylphosphonic acid and mono-alkyl methylphosphonic acid esters can be exploited in a similar fashion. Extracting the

aqueous mixture with chloroform, and subjecting it to successive partitions with wateraffords a clean separation of the monoalkylester. The extracted mono-alkylated

materials were nearly colorless and displayed GC traces in which >98% of the peak area

was product, suggesting that further purification of these materials for use as analytical orexperimental standards was not necessary. The overall levels of byproducts found in the

extracts were comparable to that found in samples of previously available(1) commercial

isopropyl methyphosphonic acid (<2%). Examination of the GC-MS trace for thecyclohexyl analogue afforded similar impurity levels; however no standard material was

available for comparison. Finally, distillation under vacuum afforded only one fraction,with very little residue left in the distillation pot. GC-MS traces of this distillate were not

markedly different from the extracts.

The solvent extraction efficiency was investigated by diazomethanederivatization and GC-MS analysis of each step. Initial removal of dialkyl

methylphosphonates by toluene was found to be very efficient. Nearly all of themethylphosphonic acid remains in the aqueous phase upon partitioning with chloroform;

however, the last traces of methylphosphonic acid were removed by back-extracting the

chloroform with water. Isopropyl methylphosphonate has a moderate extractiondistribution from chloroform to water, so two only two back extractions with water were

done. The cyclohexyl compound did not exhibit significant loss during this step andthree back extractions were done to remove methylphosphonic acid from the chloroform.

In both cases, the end products were found to be 98+% mono-alkyl methylphosphonates

in terms of the total peak area in the GC-MS traces; it is recognized, however, that ionproduction mechanisms in the mass spectrometer are very different for the components;

C. 7

therefore TIC areas cannot be used for precise quantitation. The isopropyl

methylphosphonate obtained from this procedure, when derivatized, exhibited a GC tracevirtually identical to that obtained from the commercial sample.

Table 1 exhibits the GC, electron ionization (70 eV) mass spectrometry (EI-MS)data, and chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CI-MS) data for the methyl and

trimethylsilyl derivatives of isopropyl and cyclohexyl methylphosphonates. Table 2

addresses the EI-MS and CI-MS data obtained for selected pyrophosphonates. The MSions are listed in relative abundance to the base ion. Authentic isopropyl

methylphosphonate (1), was used for GC-MS comparisons. We noted a discrepancybetween previously reported data (5) for isopropyl methyl methylphosphonate and that

which we obtained using diazomethane for derivatizing our isopropyl methylphosphonate

product. In light of our experience in interpreting mass spectra of these types ofcompounds, the presence of readily interpretable fragment ions, and the verification of

molecular weight by CI-MS, we believe the data reported in Table 1 and Table 2 to be


Table 1. GC and GC-MS Data for Derivatives of Cyclohexyl and IsopropylMethylphosphonic Acids.

Compound(R1O)(R2O)P(O)CH3 GC Index EI-MS m/z (Relative Intensity) MW (CI)R1 = CH3 , R2 =isopropyl

982 93(100), 111(97), 137(38), 79(21) 152

R1 = TMS, R2 =isopropyl

1107 153(100), 169(20), 75(18), 195(8)

R1 = CH3, R2 =cyclohexyl

1383 111(100), 93(27), 79(9) 192

R1 = TMS, R2 =cyclohexyl

1492 153(100), 169(43),75(11)

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Table 2. GC and GC-MS Data for Pyrophosphonate Methyl Derivatives.

Pyrophosphonate Compounds(R1O)P(O)(CH3)OP(O)(CH3)(OR2) EI-MS m/z (Relative Intensity) MW (CI)R1=R2= CH3 157(100), 93(52), 172(22), 89(11), 202(9), 187(8) 202R1= CH3, R2=isopropyl

171(100), 189(84), 111(88), 93(80),157(44), 79(30) 230

R1=R2=isopropyl 175(100), 157(95), 97(44), 79(33), 143(22), 201(16) 258R1= CH3,R2=cyclohexyl

189(100), 111(80), 93(31), 157(28),171(16), 211(8)

Based on our studies of isopropyl methylphosphonic acid and cyclohexylmethylphosphonic acids, we believe this synthesis would be generally applicable forproducing alkyl methylphosphonic acid esters from other unhindered alcohols in the C4-C7 range.


Alkyl methylphosphonic acid esters were prepared as follows. Alcohol [16.5mmol of either cylcohexanol (1.64 g) or isopropanol (0.992 g)] was dissolved in 2.0 ml ofdry toluene and placed in an addition funnel that had been swept with dry nitrogen.Methylphosphonic dichloride (2.18 g, 16.5 mmol), dissolved in 2.0 mL of drytoluene,was placed into a dried 100-mL round-bottomed flask maintained under drynitrogen and equipped with a reflux condenser. Alcohol was added dropwise to theround-bottomed flask at ambient temperature. The reaction was stirred for 15 minutesbefore bringing to reflux at 105°C for 2 hours.

The reaction mixture was quenched while still warm (ca. 80°C) with twoequivalents of water (0.60 mL), and then refluxed for an additional 10 minutes. Thereaction was cooled and the organic phase (approximately 4.0 mL of yellow liquid) wasseparated from the denser aqueous layer.

Methylphosphonic acid was removed by adding 5.0-mL chloroform to the acidic

extract and back-extracting the chloroform two times (isopropyl synthesis) or three times

C. 9

(cyclohexyl synthesis) with 3.0-mL portions of water. The chloroform extracts were

dried over sodium sulfate followed by quantitative removal of the chloroform undervacuum. Overall yields of purified extracted product were 38% for isopropyl

methylphosphonic acid and 31% for cyclohexyl methylphosphonic acid (based on theweight of purified product remaining after removal of chloroform).

The temperature programmed GC retention indices for methyl derivatives andtrimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives were determined by a linear interpolation between

bracketing n-alkanes on a capillary column coated with a 1.0 µm film of poly(5%diphenyl/95% dimethylsiloxane). Trimethylsilyl derivatives were created using bis-

(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) (10). GC-EI-MS data (70 eV) was collected

using a Hewlett-Packard Model 5890 GC (Agilent, Palo Alto, CA, USA) interfaced witha Hewlett-Packard 5972 mass spectrometer through a heated transfer line (280°C).

Splitless sample introduction (injection port at 250°C) was followed by separation on a

Restek (Bellefonte, PA, USA) Rtx-5 capillary column [30-m x 0.25-mm i.d., df = 0.25mm film of bonded poly(5% diphenyl/95% dimethylsiloxane) stationary phase]. After an

initial hold at 45°C for 2 min, the column was programmed to 250°C at 8°C/minute and

held at this final temperature for 5 min. This program was adequate to elute all expectedproducts and dimers from the chromatographic system. GC-CI-MS data was determined

using a Hewlett-Packard Model 5890 GC interfaced with a JEOL SX102/SX102 mass

spectrometer (Peabody, MA, USA) operated in the CI mode (source temperature 190°C,source pressure 2 x 10-4 torr) using isobutane reagent gas to observe M+1 ions. The

JEOL instrument used a column identical to that used to collect EI-MS data.

AcknowledgementsThis work was partially funded by the Laboratory Directed Research and

Development program at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Additional funds wereprovided by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration,Office of Nonproliferation and Engineering, NA-22. Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory is a multiprogram national laboratory operated by Battelle Memorial Institutefor the Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-76RLO 1830.

C. 10

References and Notes1. Isopropyl methylphosphonic acid was, at one time, available as Aldrich Chemical

Company product number 45,874-0. This product has since been discontinued.2. N. B. Munro, S. S. Talmage, G. D. Griffin, L. C. Waters, A. P. Watson, J. F. King,

and V. Hauschild, Environmental Health Perspectives 107, 933-974 (1999),3. R. A. Chittenden, C. R. Hall, T. D. Inch, N. H. Nicholson, C. Pottage, Tetrahedron

Letters, 37, 3557-3560 (1979).4. C. M. Timperley, M. Bird, I. Holden, R. M. Black, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 1,

26-30 (2001).5. A. Pienaar, C. M. Erasmus, M. Wentzel, E. H. Cowley, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and

Silicon, 148, 149-159 (1999).6. K. A. Petrov, R. A. Baksova, L. V. Korkhoyanu, L. P. Sinogeikina, T. V. Skudina,

Journal of General Chemistry of the USSR, 35, 723-726 (1965).7. The method of Fieser using N-methyl-N-nitrosourea was employed (L.F. Fieser and

M. Fieser, Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Vol.1 ,192, John Wiley and Sons, 1967).Solutions of diazomethane are prepared by simply decanting the ethereal reagentfrom aqueous base.

8. G. M. Mong and J. A. Campbell, J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 241, 2,297-306 (1999).

9. C. J. Hardy, D. Seargill, J. Inorg. Nuclear Chem., 10, 323-325 (1959).10. Use of BSTFA can be found in : D. R. Knapp, Handbook of Analytical

Derivatization Reactions, (John Wiley and Sons, 1979).

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Un-embedded figures

Figure 1 - Caption in text

Figure 2 – Caption in text



1) ROH, D

2) H2O






+ +




R = H, Isopropyl, or Cyclohexyl

C. 12

D. 1


PNNL Invention Disclosure #14442-E

Novel Trace Enrichment Instrument Based on MolecularlyImprinted Polymers (MIPs) for Analysis of G-series Nerve AgentHydrolysis Compounds (and Related Phosphoric Acid Half-acid

Esters) in Aqueous Samples

Inventor: Scott D. Harvey, Witnesses: Bob W. Wright and Michael A. Lind, Submitted on 6-30-2004.

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D. 3

Novel Trace Enrichment Instrument Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs)for Analysis of G-series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Compounds (and Related Phosphoric

Acid Half-acid Esters) in Aqueous Samples

Scott D. Harvey, Ph.D.

Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryP.O. Box 999

Richland, WA 99352

Invention Summary:

A variety of important applications depend on the selective concentration anddetection of half-acid esters of alkylphosphonic or phosphoric acids. The G-series nerveagents hydrolyze in the environment rapidly to form the relatively stable half-acid esters ofmethylphosphonic acid. Detection of these compounds provides indirect evidence for nerveagent use and is often preferred over analysis of the parent nerve agent due to the higherstability of the half-acid ester in the environment. Other compounds of interest to nationalsecurity fall into this general category of compounds. For example, bis(2-ethylhexyl)hydrogenphosphate is a half-acid ester of phosphoric acid that is a nuclear signaturecompound associated with uranium reprocessing.

This invention report describes a novel on-line analysis technique that will

concentrate and selectively analyze target half-acid esters of methylphosphonic andphosphoric half acid esters from aqueous media. In this approach, the target compound is

first concentrated from water on a traditional nonselective sorbent (reversed-phase orpossibly ion-exchange supports). Water is then removed from the sorbent by a stream of

dry gas before the sorbent is eluted with an organic solvent. The eluted fraction is

directed to a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) sorbent where the target compound isvery selectively sorbed while the interfering compounds pass through the sorbent to

waste. The final sep in analysis is to elute the target compound from the MIP using awater-containing (or possibly an alcohol-containing) mobile phase followed by detection

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of the half-acid ester. A variety of detection devices can be used including conductivity,

potentiometric, mass spectrometric, or electrochemical.

Because of the moderate degree of selectivity obtained on the first capture stagecombined with highly selective capture of the target by the MIP phase, this analysis can beexpected to display extreme selectivity. Because of this exceptional selectivity,requirements for detection can be relaxed which allows development of simplifiedlightweight field-portable instrumentation. In common with all on-line instruments, sampleutilization is highly efficient. This feature, when combined with the aqueous traceenrichment abilities and extreme selectivity, allows for ultra trace analysis.

Intended Use:

This invention can be used in a variety of ways. Instrumentation is compatiblewith collection of field samples on C-18 cartridges that can then be transported to the

laboratory for analysis. The C-18 cartridge fits into simple instrumentation that can

conveniently be placed at a variety of locations (e.g., permanent or transient laboratories,hotels, embassies, and covert analysis locations). Alternatively, the on-line instrument

can be assembled in a field-portable format that will allow continuous analysis ofaqueous streams. This instrument can be used for the analysis of the aqueous

microsurface layer that is reported to concentrate some organic compounds over the bulk

solution concentration [1,2]. In this format, the instrument starts with a water fractionthat already has an enhanced organic content for further concentration of the C-18

cartridge. Selective capture of the target from this complex mixture on the MIP will

allow for very low detection limits. These capabilities are of high interest to intelligenceand armed forces communities. In addition, this instrument imparts novel environmental

monitoring capabilities for early threat detection related to national and homelandsecurity.

Current State-of-the-art and Approach:

It is known that the half-acid esters can be preconcentrated on reversed-phase andion-exchange chromatographic sorbents. The experimental work described below will utilize

D. 5

trace enrichment on a reversed-phase sorbent. MIPs specific toward the methylphosphonichalf-acid esters have been described in the literature [3]; however, these polymers have notbeen prepared using advanced suspension polymerization techniques described below [4].The preparation techniques described here offer the significant advantages of producingmonodisperse spherical macroporous particles that have more desirable chromatographicproperties compared to the irregular bulk cast polymer materials that are usually used.

MIPs typically operate at peak efficiency in organic solvents, not in aqueoussolutions. This invention incorporates MIPs in the analysis train by combining an initialnonselective trace enrichment from water using a C-18 sorbent followed by a solventexchange to an organic solvent with subsequent transfer and selective capture of the target onthe MIP phase. In order to effectively accomplish this analysis, all water must be removedfrom the nonselective C-18 phase with a stream of dry gas before the target is transferred tothe MIP. Acetonitrile is the mobile phase used for transferring components from thenonselective phase to the MIP in the proof-of principle experiments presented below. MIPsare capable of very selectively retaining the target species from acetonitrile while the rest ofthe matrix components are diverted to waste. To detect the target compound, an aqueous- oralcohol-containing mobile phase is used to elute the half-acid ester from the MIP andtransport the analyte to a detector. Due to the high selectivity of the MIP, it is anticipated thecompound will be pure enough to be taken directly to a detector for quantification of thecompound of interest. Detection can be based on a variety of methods that include, but arenot limited to, conductivity, potentiometry, or electrochemical detection. In the case ofelectrochemical detection, the ester bond must be cleaved by a phosphonate or phosphateester hydrolase with subsequent electrochemical detection of the resulting alcohol.

Synthesis of Polymers:

For each MIP that was prepared, a control polymer was made in parallel at the sametime using the same reagents. The difference between the control and the MIP was that thecontrol reaction mixture lacked the template and, therefore, the resulting control polymercannot be imprinted. Since both the control and the MIP contain the same polymer matrix,any differences in analyte interaction should be due to the presence of the imprint on theMIP.


D. 6

Most of the reagents required for syntheses were obtained from Aldrich: 1)trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate, 2) pinacolyl methylphosphonate (PMP), 3)chloroform, 4) 2,2'-azobisisobutrylnitrile (AIBN), 4) basic alumina, Brockmann activityI, 150 mesh, 5) perfluoro(methylcyclohexane) (PMC), and 6) methacrylic acid 99%.Two specialty chemicals were required and were procured as follows: 1) polyfluoro-acrylate (PFAC-1), #007207 from Oakwood Products, West Columbia, SC, USA, and 2)poly(ethyleneglycol 1000 monomethyl ether monomethacrylate, #16666 fromPolysciences Inc., Warrington, PA, USA.

This study required the use of compounds that were produced by custom organicsynthesis at PNNL. The G-series half-acid esters [isopropyl methylphosphonate (IMP)and cyclohexyl methylphosphonate (CMP)] were produced as described by Mong et al.[5]. For MIP synthesis, a special surfactant was synthesized that, when added to thereaction mixture, allowed control of the sorbent particle diameter. Surfactant synthesiswas accomplished by a modification of the method of Mayes and Mosbach [4] thatreflects use of products that are readily available in the United States. Towards this end,10.0 ml chloroform, 0.38 g acroyl PEG 1000 MME, 24 mg AIBN, 4 g acroyl PFA-1,were placed in a tube, purged with nitrogen, and sealed. The reaction was heated at 60°Cfor 48 hrs, the solvent removed by a stream of dry nitrogen, and the product placed underhouse vacuum (100 mtorr) for 1 week.

MIP and Contol Synthesis:

Polymers were synthesized according to methods described by Mayes andMosbach [4]. Inhibitors were removed from all reagents immediately before use.Ethanol stabilizer and monomethyl ether hydroquinone inhibitor were removed fromchloroform and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate, respectively, by passing over basicalumina. Hydroquinone inhibitor was removed from methacrylic acid by vacuumdistillation. The control reaction mixture consisted of 11.4 mg surfactant, 0.400 g ofmethacrylic acid (4.65 mmoles), 1.57 g of trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (14.7mmoles), 20 mg of 2,2'-azobisisobutyronitrile (0.122 mmoles), 4.6 g of chloroform, and20.0 ml of PMC. The MIP reaction mixtures contained 1.16 mmoles of the templatemolecule [IMP, PMP, CMP, or the bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate] in addition tothe control polymer starting materials listed above. Control sorbent preparation wasperformed at the same time, with the same reagents, and under the same conditions as the

D. 7

MIP polymers. Independent experiments determined that 11.4 mg of surfactant added tothe above reaction mixtures resulted in particles that were approximately 12 µm indiameter.

The polymerization reaction involved initial stirring at 2000 RPM for 5 min toform a stable emulsion followed by purging with nitrogen for 5 min. Polymerization thenoccurred by irradiating with UV light while stirring at 500 RPM for 3 hrs. The reactionwas stopped at this point, the beads were isolated by filtration and washed extensivelywith acetone.

HPLC columns:

Sorbent material was sent to Higgins Analytical (Mountain View, CA, USA) forpacking into 37 x 3.0 mm stainless steel HPLC cartridges. For testing, cartridges werefitted into Hewlett-Packard cartridge holders (part number 820311-001, Palo Alto, CA,USA) after machining and threading a substitute stainless steel cylindrical sheath of theappropriate length. For capturing the target organics from aqueous solution,commercially available cartridges (37 x 3.0 mm) packed with reversed-phase (df =10 µm)C-18 packing were used.

Initial Studies:

For initial studies, PMP was analyzed by HPLC. A PMP standard (23.4 µl of a5mg/ml solution of PMP in acetonitrile) was introduced through a Rheodyne (Model7125, Alltech, Deerfield, IL) injection valve to the MIP or the corresponding controlcolumn. Acetonitrile (100%) was delivered at 1.0 ml/min as the mobile phase using anIntelligent pump (Model 301-S, Japan). Elution of compounds for the MIP column wasmonitored by a BioRad Refractive Index Monitor (Model 1755, Foster City, CA, USA).Fractions corresponding to 4.0 ml of acetonitrile were collected, evaporated, derivatizedwith diazomethane, and analyzed by capillary GC on a Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series IIgas chromatograph after diluting to a total volume of 10.0 ml with pentane. For theseGC studies, a valve fitted with a 20-µl sample loop delivered sample injections to a 15 mx 250 µm i.d. non-polar deactivated retention gap (Supelco, Bellefante, PA, USA) thatwas connected to a 15 m x 250 µm i.d. XTI-5 separation capillary column (Supelco, df =1.0 µm) using press-fit column connector. Helium head pressure was adjusted to achievea linear velocity of 30 cm/sec. Injections were accomplished by switching the helium

D. 8

carrier gas through the sample loop for 75 seconds before returning to the loop by-passposition. The temperature program was initiated upon return of the recorder pen to theon-scale position after elution of the solvent peak. After an initial 2 min hold at 40°C, thecolumn was programmed at a linear 6°C/min linear ramp to a final temperature of 225°C.The final temperature was held for 15 min before the column was cycled to its originaltemperature.

Results show that relative to a 100% PMP control sample, initial 4 min HPLCfractions from the control sorbent and the PMP-specific MIP contained 98.0% and 27.5%of the target compound, respectively. Therefore, selective retention on the MIP is clearlyachieved with practically all the PMP that was introduced to the system (72.5%) beingselectively retained on the PMP-specific MIP column.

Additional HPLC experiments were conducted with bis(2-ethylhexyl)hydrogenphosphate. Comparison between the bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate-specific MIP and control show that this compound is selectively retained on thiscompound-specific MIP over the control sorbent. These studies were based solely onrefractive index detection and were not verified by capillary GC as was done for the PMPstudies described above.

Further experiments utilized the PMP-specific MIP sorbent incorporated withinthe on-line instrumental format. These studies are further described below.

Instrument design and evaluation:

Figure 1 shows the instrument diagram. For analysis, valve 1 can deliver eitherinjections (for standards) or aqueous solution to the reversed phase C-18 cartridge at a flowof about 1.0 ml/min. The reversed-phase cartridge will enrich hydrophobic components frominjections or aqueous streams, including the half-acid alkyl esters of methylphosphonic andphosphoric acids. Once the organics from the sample have been captured (anywhere from 10to 100 ml), valve 1 is switched to allow a flow of dry gas (at 20 psi) to pass through the C-18cartridge for 5 min. Valve 2 is then switched to back flush the captured organic componentsoff the dry C-18 cartridge with acetonitrile and transport to the MIP. The target componentis selectively captured by the MIP from the acetonitrile mobile phase while the rest of theorganics originally captured by the C-18 cartridge pass through the MIP cartridge and arediverted to waste. Four min is allowed for the transfer of the target compound to the MIP.

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This amount of time allows complete wetting of the dry C-18 phase, removal of bubbles fromthe system, and adequate time for the matrix interferences to pass through the MIP. Finallyvalve 3 is switched to elute the half-acid ester from the MIP and transport to the conductivitydetector. A valve timing sequence is included in Table 1 for operation of the instrument asdescribed above. The experimental parameters have not been optimized (sorbent bed size,mobile phase flow rates, times at each valve position) and it is possible that differentconditions would lead to enhanced performance.

A series of chromatograms are included to show proof-of-principle operation of thisinstrument. Figure 2 represents a water injection blank. The large peak that occurs at about8.0 min is due to bubbles arriving at the conductivity detector from introduction ofacetonitrile into the dry C-18 cartridge. This peak appears in all chromatograms regardlessof whether the target analyte is present or not. The rise in baseline at 13 min is due to arrivalof the aqueous MIP elution mobile phase at the detector. The baseline offset is due to thedifference in background conductivity between acetonitrile and water.

Figures 3 through 5 present chromatograms of PMP standards analyzed with thePMP-specific MIP installed on the system. These chromatograms correspond to injections of234 µg, 117 µg, and 23.4 µg of PMP for Figures 2, 3, and 4, respectively. On-lineexperiments were not conducted with the bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogenphosphate-specific MIPbut it is assumed similar results would be obtained.

Extensions of Invention:

This invention describes a general approach for exploiting the enormous selectivity ofMIP sorbents for analyzing organic species in aqueous samples. All that is needed to addressdifferent compounds is to insert the appropriate MIP sorbent into the system. One couldexploit the ability of MIPs to recognize chemical structures similar to the template. Thiscross reactivity is advantageous when trying to capture a class of structurally relatedcompounds, or when performing ultra trace analysis where residual template bleed from theMIP may be problematic. To capture a number of different target signatures, a mixed sorbentbed containing all the relevant MIP phases could be used. The advantage of the describedinstrument over more traditional methods is directly related to the high MIP selectivity thatallows extremely large analysis volumes which, in turn, makes possible achievement of verylow detection limits.

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Studies presented here focus on nonselective concentration using C-18 or the relatedrestricted-access material (RAM) phases. Other sorbents may be used for nonselectivecapture; however, compatibility must be maintained between the nonselective stage, the MIPstage, and the detector. Selective capture on the MIP is most conveniently accomplishedfrom an organic solvent. In the instrument described in this invention, compatibility ismaintained by removing water from the C-18 before transferring analyte to the MIP withacetonitrile. Although ion-exchange would be useful for initially capturing half-acid esters,the salt or acid mobile phases used to elute these resins would not promoting selectivecapture on the MIP.

Funding Support and Division of Intellectual Property:

These intellectual property (IP) concepts were developed entirely through DOE

funding. Specific project support for this IP was partly through the Imprinted Mediaproject (F52301) funded by internal laboratory-level Laboratory Directed Research and

Development funds (50%) as well as through the Ultraselective Sorbents (F45028) NA-22 project (50%). Scott D. Harvey is the Principal Investigator of both these projects and

is the sole contributor to the development of this IP.

Concept Origin Information:

Concept origin can be traced to demonstration portion for the Homeland SecurityInitiative. A portion of this demonstration features the analysis of aqueous solutions forthe hydrolysis products of the G-series nerve agents. The specific instrument concept forachieving this analysis, along with the initial experimental results included in thisinvention report, were first detailed in an e-mail and FAX to Bob W. Wright on June 16,2004. On June 23, the same FAX was sent to Michael Lind and an additional PowerPointfile was forwarded to Bob Wright and Michael Lind. The same data related in thesememos and PowerPoint files are presented in the Tables and Figures contained in thisinvention report.

D. 11


1. J. Chi, G.-L. Huang, X. Lu, D.-G. Ma, and Y. Wang, DEHP enrichment in thesurface microlayer of a small eutrophic lake, Water Research, 37:4657-4662 (2003).

2. C. Guitart, N. Garcia-Flor, J. Dachs, J.M. Bayona, and J. Albaiges, Evaluation ofsampling devices for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surfacemicrolayer coastal waters, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48:961-968 (2004).

3. M. Zi-Hui and L. Quin, Determination of degradation products of nerve agents in humanserum by solid phase extraction using molecularly imprinted polymer, Anal. Chim. Acta,435, 121-127 (2001).

4. A.G. Mayes and K. Mosbach, Molecularly imprinted polymer beads: Suspensionpolymerization using a liquid perfluorocarbon as the dispersing phase, Anal. Chem.,68:3769-3774 (1996).

5. G.M. Mong, S.D. Harvey, and J.A. Campbell, Simplified Synthesis and Purification ofthe G-Series Nerve Agent Hydrolysis Products: Cyclohexyl Methylphosphonic Acidand Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, submitted (May2004).

D. 12

Pump #2 for acetonitrile

1 2



20 psi

Pump #1 water forinjection valve, or surface microlayer input C-18



Conductivity detector


Pump #3 water to elute MIP

Figure 1. Instrument diagram detail showing the specific valving arrangement.

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Figure 2. Chromatogram resulting from the injection of a water blank. The peak at 8min is due to bubbles arriving at the detector from elution of the dry C-18 sorbent. Thebaseline offset at 13 min corresponds to the difference in background conductivitybetween acetonitrile and water.

Figure 3. Chromatogram resulting from an injection of 234 µg PMP.

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Figure 4. Chromatogram resulting from an injection of 117 µg PMP.

Figure 5. Chromatogram resulting from an injection of 23.4 µg PMP.

D. 15

Table 1. Valve position and timing sequence to accomplish principal steps in the analysis.

Valve Number/


Valve 1 Valve 2 Valve 3

Load water sample (2min)

Position A Position B Positions B

He purge to dry C-18(5min)

Position B Position B Position B

ACN back flush of C-18and transfer to MIP (4min)

Position B Position A Position B

Elution of half-acid esterfrom MIP and transfer todetector

Position B Position A Position A

top related