UAS Magazine - Quarter 2

Post on 27-Jul-2016






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Payloads: Cameras, Sensors, Gimbals


Q2 2016

Payload providers, products enhance the industry Page 14


www.UASmagazine.comPrinted in USA

ANDEngineers, Surveyors Explain

Worth of UAVsPage 22

Plus How Established Manufacturers

Target New CustomersPage 12

Contact Todd Jones 925.917.1804 For RED UAS/K-9 SAR Team Membership 3


ON THE COVER: Riegl USA has created a platform specifically to carry its unique LiDAR payloads. PHOTO: RIEGL USA

FEATURES14 PAYLOADUAV Sensor SensibilityFor unmanned aircraft systems of all shapes and sizes, advances in sensors and cameras are allowing UAVs to capture higher volumes of better data. By Patrick C. Miller

04 EDITOR’S NOTEA UAV Sensor’s WorthBy Luke Geiver

06 UAS NEWSTechnology ConnectionBy UAS Magazine staff

07 UAS NEWSFAA Reauthorization Bill Could Change Future of UAS IndustryBy UAS Magazine staff


29 Arizona Regional Economic Development Foundation

26 Broadcast Microwave Services, Inc.

11 HITEC/Multiplex USA

19 Cyclops Technologies, Inc.

27 Maverick Drone Systems

2 RED Consultants, Inc.

32 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

21 Arizona UAS Summit & Expo 2016

31 UAS Summit & Expo 2016

5 UAV-America, LLC

20 Unmanned Applications Institute, International

22 OPERATIONSUAS: The Must-Have Survey ToolWhether used as a tool within an existing firm or as part of a service package offered by a UAS entity, UAV work in the field has led all engineering and surveying end users to the same conclusion. By Ann Bailey

Department12 MANUFACTURING & DISTRIBUTIONTargeting New UAS ClientsProven UAS developers and manufacturers explain their push to expand into the civilian commercial market by educating potential clients. By Luke Geiver


Last October, our team visited the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s National Air Security Op­erations Center at Grand Forks (North Dakota) Air Force Base to learn about the team’s efforts to per­form beyond visual line­of­sight opera tions utiliz­ing its General Atomics MQ­9 Predator B. We spoke with David Fulcher, deputy director of the northern border facility. Following the visit, we produced a story on CBP’s BVLOS work, but as you’ll see in this issue, our visit yielded more valuable information than we initially posted. (More on that in a second).

To uncover the offerings and role of sensors and cameras within the unmanned aircraft systems industry, we spoke with payload developers offer-ing product to every size of UAS flying today. In the article, “UAV Sensor Sensibility,” by Staff Writer and Photographer Patrick C. Miller, Fulcher offered what I

would argue is the most important quote to take away from the story on sensors. Using lighter, smarter and more capable sensors housed on UAVs has an undeniable value for every party linked to the sensor. “We can start to develop patterns to allocate resourc-es,” Fulcher said, when asked about CBP’s use of high-end sensors with its Predator-B flights.

Sensors today are not only better than those used only two years ago, they are get-ting smaller and more powerful every quarter. From laser and radar offerings such as LiDAR to bird-noise mimicking one-off packages, sensors are giving end-users reliable, actionable data to truly utilize in budgeting purposes of all kinds. In some ways, as the effectiveness of the sensor package on the UAV goes, so goes the continued growth of the industry. As Fulcher says, “The ‘S’ in UAS is a system, so the aircraft itself is only part of the system.”

Those who have used unmanned aircraft vehicles and sensor packages for engineer-ing or surveying purposes know more than anyone how effective UAS can be in the field. For Staff Writer Ann Bailey’s look into engineering and surveying as the end-use application of UAVs, she started with a simple question for all of her sources. Does your entity use UAVs as a tool in your engineering and surveying service package, or, does your entity perform engineering and surveying as part of your UAS service offer-ings? Bailey’s story offers perspective from multiple entities that answered that question differently. But, no matter how they answered, the conclusion for every source in the story was the same. UAS used for engineering and surveying cases offers an undeniable benefit. In essence, practically every engineering or surveying job in the future could use UAS. And that’s not even what’s most exciting about the industry to date. We are past hypothetical scenarios and onto real-world use cases showing UAS in the field for en-gineering and surveying situations. In many instances, we could substitute several other end-use applications that are in action today with engineering and surveying.

As always check out our website for the most relevant, original and in-depth cover-age on all things UAS or find us at a UAS-related event to talk shop.

A UAV Sensor’s Worth


Luke GeiverEditor, UAS


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Technology Connection These UAVs have been upgraded or redesigned with unique technology, like soaring birds, insects or manned aviation staples. The clear-cut solution for unmanned aircraft vehi-

cles—and other aircraft operating in the same air space—has always been through the use of an ADS-B receiver. Used on large aircraft, the ADS-B allows the user to sense where it is relative to other aircraft, as well as transmit its own location coordinates to other aircraft. ADS-B receiv-ers are typically too large to place on a sUAV, however.

Through its agreement with UAvionix, Trace Intel-ligent Solutions will soon offer its multi rotor UAVs with a scaled-down ADS-B suitable for sUAV’s. Draganfly, a subsidariy of Trace purchased by the company in 2015, will use the Ping ADS-B. The Ping weighs only 6 grams and can detect commercial aircraft on 1090MHz within a 100-mile radius in real time. The system also transmits its position, heading and altitude to other Ping-enabled drones without relying on a connection to the Internet or cellular networks.

Trace has also tapped into the best of the security camera market. Through an agreement with ImmerVi-sion, Draganflyer will also add an amplified, wide-angle 360 degree camera to its UAV. The lens will reduce the time required for aerial scans because of its wide field of view. The camera is currently used in several other image-dependent industries, including defense, security, robotics, communications and automotive.

The Manned Ping

Inspired by the abilities of insects, Flyability UAS has created a platform capable of surviving collisions. Based in Switzerland, the team first began the design of its system after monitoring the ability of insects to tolerate colli-sions and continue flying after impact with an undetected object. The research efforts helped the team arrive at a UAV platform design that relies on an outer shroud shield. Due to the outer grid protecting the vital power, sensor and flight components, Flyability’s UAVs can fly in tight spaces and harsh environ-ments.

The unique UAV linked to the properties of an insect is being used for industrial inspections inside power plants or tanks too dangerous for humans. The system has also been deployed to inspect glacier cravasses.

“We were, unfortunately, at a too-early stage of development during the earthquakes in Nepal, but our product is now robust enough to be deployed in a situation where it can add value to rescue teams,” said Patrick Thevoz, founder and CEO.

Inspired By Insects

BETTER ANGLES: Using a 360 degree camera, this sUAV can capture wider angle images similar to that of the world's best security cameras. PHOTO: TRACE INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS.

DIRTY, DANGEROUS OR DIFFICULT: Protected by an outer casing, Flyability's sUAV can operate in difficult environments where collisions and encounters with structures are likely to happen in the same way certain insects do. PHOTO: FLYABILITY UAS 7


Algorithms designed to find rising air thermal pockets are helping fixed-wing unmanned aircraft vehicles soar like birds. A collaborative research effort between the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Pennsylvania State University’s Air Vehicle Intelligence and Autonomy Lab is helping unmanned aircraft vehicle operators conduct 2.5-mile flights despite carrying a battery with only enough power to sustain four minutes of motor time.

During a two-week trial peri-od last year, a team of researchers performed 23 flights in restricted airspace at Phillips Army Airfield. The flights were conducted using fixed-wing sailplanes at altitudes

of roughly 3,300 feet. The average duration for each flight was ap-proximately five hours, according to NRL.

To maximize flight time with a limited power source, the NRL’s UAV was outfitted with NRL’s automonous soaring algorithm it calls Automonous Locator of Thermals “ALOFT.” PSU’s UAV was equipped with a different algorithm called AutoSOAR, also developed by NRL.

Dan Edwards, solar-soaring program aerospace engineer and principal investigator from NRL, said the autonomous soaring algo-rithms search for naturally occur-ring areas of rising air or thermals. During the testing procedures,

researchers used information from each UAV to acquire a more accurate assessment of the local atmospheric conditions. Based on the atmospheric data acquired from both UAVs, a map was integrated into the autonomous flight plans of each to guide them towards strong lift activity condi-tions. The technique is similar, Edwards says, to that used by a flock of birds.

Each UAV recorded multi-hour flights with minimal power usage due to the soaring strat-egy. NRL’s UAV recorded a 5.3 hour flight that only required the motor-driven propeller to run for 27 minutes.

In the future, the researchers

intend to assess ways to reduce the separation distance between the two aircraft so that each can soar in the same thermal altitude. Solar power sources could also be considered to power the UAVs.

Soaring Birds

IT'S A BIRD: To increase the endurance of the unmanned sail plane platform, researchers have installed a system that looks for air thermals which make gliding for longer an easier feat. PHOTO: UAS MAGAZINE




Currently, all UAS operators intent on operating for commercial purposes must apply for a section 333 exemption, regardless of end-use desire.


Although the FAA created six UAS test sites across the U.S., not every site has received similar funding levels or activity levels, in part, due to the FAA’s hands-off approach to the test site scheme.


To fly beyond visual line of sight, UAVs will need sense-and-avoid technology.


Although the FAA can grant certificates of authorization to public entities, there is no difference between a first responder using a UAV and a school research program.


Through its pathfinder program, the FAA is currently researching a counter-UAV technology to be used near airports.


Emergency responders across the country are not all educated on the benefits of UAVs.


In late 2015, FAA created a registration task force that developed a registration process for all sUAVs.


NASA is currently leading the research efforts on creating a UAS traffic management system. According to NASA, the project will take at least three years.

With the release of the Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill

Shuster, R-Pa., the framework could be in place for a new, revised path forward for the regulatory side of the UAS industry. The bill offers several changes to the opera-

tional approach the FAA can or should utilize, including several changes to its UAS priorities.

FAA Reauthorization Bill Could Change Future of UAS Industry



The FAA is not responsible for dealing with privacy-related issues with UAS, only safety. 9


In early spring this year, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiated several measures aimed at speeding up the commercial exemption process and broadening the conditions under which commercial unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) can operate.

FAA eases commercial UAS rules, releases encounter data and forecast

NEW DATA ON UAS ENCOUNTERSThe FAA also released data on 582 possible UAS encounters reported by pilots, air traffic controllers and citizens between Aug. 22, 2015, and Jan. 31, 2016. A preliminary analysis of the new data by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College showed slightly more than a third of the incidents could be classed as “close encounters”—incidents that present a level of potential hazard.“The rate of reported incidents continues to be higher than in previous years,” according to the analysis. “This period saw over three times as many incidents as the same period of the previous year.”

The agency released a forecast of projected UAS sales, noting that by 2020, the combined number of commercial and hobbyist drones are expected to rise from 2.5 million to 7 million. Sales of small hobbyist drones could grow from 1.9 million in 2016 to 4.3 million by 2020. Commercial drone sales are expected to increase from 600,000 to 2.7 million over the next four years.

MICRO UAS RULES: The FAA formed a committee for rulemaking on micro UAS to consider a more flexible, performance-based approach for the class. What It Means:Rather than focusing on a weight class for micro UAS, a performance-based standard would determine which drones were safe to fly over crowds, taking into consideration human injury thresholds, hazard and risk assessment methodologies and acceptable levels of risk for those uninvolved in the operation.

OPERATIONAL ALTITUDE INCREASED: The ceiling of operations for authorized Section 333 holders and government aircraft operators was raised from 200 feet to 400 feet. Need To Remember: This does not apply to restricted airspace and other areas—such as major cities—where the FAA prohibits UAS operations.

LIST OF APPROVED UAS: The FAA released a list of 1,120 UAS previously approved by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation under Section 333 exemptions.What It Means: This change means that Section 333 holders don’t have to file an amendment to their exemption if they add a UAS that’s on the list.

ONLINE REGISTRATION EXPANDED: Small UAS owners used for commercial, public and other non-model aircraft operations will be able to use its new, streamlined, web-based registration process. What It Means: The new process is expected to significantly speed up registration for a $5 the, the same amount model aircraft owners pay.



Timing Growth of the Consumer UAV MarketNew York-based ABI Research, a technology market

intelligence firm, analysed the revenue and unit growth po-tential for sUAVs over the next 10 years. “Overall, growth in the consumer drone sector will remain strong, spurred by the creation of new-use cases and the adoption of the technological advancements generated by well-funded market leaders,” ABI said.

“Lower-priced products with cutting-edge features, sensors, and software will be available,” according to ABI. “New UAV platforms will shift from customized designs to more open platforms and allow developers to create software add-ons that will prolong the interest people have in them.”



In 2015, there was $4.9 million in consumer drone sales. By 2025, drone sales will increase by at least 30.4 percent. Toy and hobbyist drone shipments totaled 30 percent of all consumer drones sold.

By 2016, toy and hobbyist drone sales will surpass prosumer revenue.

From 2019 onward, consumer UAVs with at least one camera can expect higher shipments than those without any camera. These cameras will be used for more than photo and video pur-poses, including machine-vision apps such as motion tracking, obstacle avoidance and other advanced functions.

By 2025, consumer drones will exceed 90 million units or $4.6 billion in revenue.

North Dakota Delegation VisitsLarge-UAS Vendor Elbit in Israel

To cement its relationship with an Israeli-based large unmanned aircraft vehicle manufacturer and operator, a group of North Dakota delegates traveled to Israel in January. “This was really an effort from North Dakota’s perspective—the Grand Forks (N.D.) Economic Development Corp., the Department of Commerce and the governor’s office—to go to Elbit and cement the relationship and show that the state really supports UAS activity,” said Dean Gorder, North Dakota Trade Office executive director.

Elbit systems, listed as one of the top five vendors in the global UAS market by London-based research firm Technavio, is slated to work with North Dakota State University and the Northern Plains UAS Test Site on a project to fly a large UAV capable of high-altitude and multi-hour endurance for precision agriculture research, to collect data and monitor chemically resistant weeds, crop stands and nutrient deficiencies. Elbit will fly its Hermes 450.

“Elbit gave us a significant amount of time and access to very senior-level executives,” Gorder said. “We were able to lay out our vision for the future for the UAS industry in North Dakota. Elbit was very much in agreement with what the state of North Dakota was discussing.”

NORTHERN PLAINS-ISRAEL CONNECTION: North Dakota's Agriculture Commissioner Dough Goehring (left) and Lieutenant Governor Drew Wrigley stand in front of the large UAV made by Elbit Systems that will be used in North Dakota for precision ag research. PHOTO: NORTH DAKOTA TRADE OFFICE

Robotic Skies Forms To Repair And Maintain UASBrad Hayden, president and CEO of

Nevada-based unmanned aircraft systems company Robotic Skies, wants to fix the UAS industry. After growing up and working in the avionics repair sector, Hayden has started a UAS service offering he calls “un-sexy.” The company’s current mission is to help service and maintain UAVs for commercial service providers or end-users.

“When UAS businesses start coming online—which is starting to happen now—

they’re realizing that they have a big need for warranty program management, field support and other services,” he said. “I determined that UAS was going to require very similar field support in a turn-key fashion to UAS manufacturers.”

Robotic Skies is currently focused on high-end, commercial systems. The team is certified to work on manned aircraft and UAS, according to Hayden. In addition to his family background in avionics repair, Hayden also

has experience running a nationwide manned aviation repair and maintenance network that currently numbers more than 100. Although the Nevada company will work in the region, Hayden will model his UAS maintenance busi-ness after the nationwide entity.

“We’re maintenance professionals. We have a tremendous competitive advantage with our network because we literally have decades of manned aviation best practices that we can draw on to services this new market,” he said.

MAINTENANCE MESSAGE: Based in Nevada, Robotic Skies will perform warranty repairs and other service work on high-end, commercial unmanned aircraft systems. PHOTO: ROBOTIC SKIES

MAKING SERVICE SEXY: Although Robotic Skies President Brad Hayden knows maintenance services aren’t considered sexy within the UAS industry, he is excited for the opportunity to utilize previous manned aviation experience to serve new UAS clients. PHOTO: ROBOTIC SKIES



From its 350­acre Maryland test flight plot, UAV Solutions can fly an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for nearly any type of client. Formed in 2006, the company established itself as a proven developer and manufac-turer for military, defense and government-related clientele. But, as the global emergence of the public commercial UAS in-dustry continues, UAVS is now a prime example of a UAS en-tity that is expanding and work-

ing to reach the civilian com-mercial end-user.

UAVS has a 60,000-square-foot facility for its 45-member team. The facility includes a machine shop, electronics and wiring room and full compos-ite creation room allowing the team to create many parts in-house. “We are essentially a one-stop shop,” says William Davidson, CEO and chief en-gineer. “We can go all the way from design and prototyping to manufacturing and produc-tion.”

Davidson believes the abil-ity to take a UAV idea from concept to flight could be a major element of its civilian commercial success. “There are a lot of personal drones that are right on the edge of com-mercialization and that area is very saturated,” he says. “There is a space for companies like ours to tailor a system to more specific requirements.” To date, UAVS has built a range of UAV platforms, from one pound to 800 pounds.

The route to economic success begins with commercial end-users in need of more than what a personal drone can pro-vide, Davidson says. Utilizing its experience designing and tai-loring UAS to individual client needs will help the Maryland firm achieve its civilian client needs, he also says. The only

real hurdle, Davidson explains, is helping its potential commer-cial clients know about its vast capabilities.

Dan Erdberg, president of Drone Aviation Corp., a Florida-based, tethered-drone developer that spun-out from an aerospace technology, engi-neering and manufacturing firm that serves the military and in-formation gathering sectors, is also working to educate his po-tential clients.

The company has created a tethered platform system that includes a unique deploy-ment set-up and tethered cord covered in Kevlar. The system can fly to heights of 400 feet (roughly a 40-story building). Deployed from a hard-sided case, the tether can send power and communication to the in-air drone and receive critical

READY FOR THE LONG FLIGHT: Drone Aviation Corp.'s tethered drone can stay in the air for several hours, hovering in place to capture data and send it to a ground control station. PHOTO: DRONE AVIATION CORP.

Targeting New UAS ClientsBy Luke Geiver 13


information back through the same tether. “Our unit can stay in the air for hours and hours,” Erdberg says. “We can also fly a lot heavier airframes.”

Despite its unique offer-ings, Erdberg says his potential civilian commercial clients are still not in tune with the advan-tages of a tethered platform for certain situations. To help showcase DAC’s tethered plat-form capabilities, Erdberg has formed a partnership with Sky-fire, a UAV consulting firm that serves emergency responders. “We thought they would be a great partner to get our product into the hands of first respond-ers,” he says. Erdberg has also held discussions with first re-sponder groups in Florida and Georgia.

Davidson’s team is con-stantly reaching out to U.S.-

based commercial end-users. In some cases, showing what they have to offer clients at the 350-acre site in Maryland. Over the past year, most UAVS clients have been focused on univer-sity research, agriculture efforts or infrastructure monitoring.

Like DAC, Davidson’s team isn’t forgetting about its origin in the UAS industry. The company is also applying lessons learned from its civil-ian commercial customers to its military and defense focus. “The military has very good systems that they have been us-ing for the last decade but they come at a cost,” he says.

Many of its civilian UAVs are now equipped to meet the same needs of its military cli-ents, but they cost less than the military is accustomed to. UAVS has finalized a supply agree-

ment this year with the Depart-ment of the Army for Romania. The agreement will give Roma-nia four Phoenix 30 Quad Ro-tor UAS, including electro-op-tical infrared stabilized cameras and sensors, a ground control system and applicable spares along with ground support equipment. The government of

Bulgaria has also used UAVS’ systems. “Originally, we were completely defense focused,” Davidson says.

Author: Luke GeiverEditor, UAS Magazinelgeiver@bbiinternational.com701-738-4944

CONNECTED TO THE COMMERCIAL USER: After working with the U.S. Department of Defense and other military-based clients on other unmanned tethered products, DAC is now targeting new clients that need a long endurance platform. PHOTO: DRONE AVIATION CORP.

CUSTOM UAV BUILDERS: From its 60,000-square-foot facility in Maryland, UAV Solutions can manufacturer parts or platforms for clients. PHOTO: UAV SOLUTIONS

BUILT FOR THE BIG-TIME: UAV Solutions is building sUAVs for more robust commercial applications and government clients around the world. PHOTO: UAV SOLUTIONS

‘Originally, we were completely defense focused,’

-William Davidson, CEO, UAV Solutions




As sensors and payloads have become smaller, lighter and more capable, UAS of all sizes, and their users, have benefited.By Patrick C. Miller


SENSING DANGER: LeddarTech, a Canadian supplier of detection and ranging systems, brought its expertise in designing sensors for automotive manufacturers to the UAS world. Its light-pulsing technology enables UAVs to automatically remain a safe distance from structures and objects. PHOTO: LEDDARTECH

From thousands of feet in the sky to a hundred feet off the ground, the sensors and payloads carried by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) of all sizes to gather data and complete missions are what make them far more than planes with­out pilots.

The ability to lighten and miniaturize electronics while providing a high degree of accuracy and precision for a multitude of applications ranging from surveying to surveillance to sense-and-avoid means that UAS are becoming more capable every day.

FLIR Systems Inc. and RIEGL USA Inc. both offer versions of their sensors for the small UAS (sUAS) market.

“People in UAS have wanted thermal imaging for years,” says David Lee, marketing manager for FLIR Systems which makes sensors that see heat rather than light. In May last year, FLIR released its Vue sensor for sUAS operators. It was followed more recently with the improved Vue Pro, which offers onboard recording and in-flight control.

Two years ago, RIEGL introduced its VUX1 LiDAR sensor that was small enough and light enough to mount on an unmanned system while remaining well under the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 55-pount limit for sUAS. James Van Rens, RIEGL USA CEO, says the LiDAR system which sends out small pulses of laser light to generate 3D maps is accurate to within two millimeters at low level and a few centimeters up to 25,000 feet in altitude.


BIRD BRAIN: A new payload for Aerial Technology International's AgBOT UAV enables it to mimic the calls and flight patterns of predatory birds to scare off nuisance birds that destroy farm crops.PHOTO: AERIAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL


Headquartered in Wilson-ville, Oregon, FLIR has been in business since 1978 and is the world’s largest manufacturer of thermal imaging sensors. Until last year, Lee says the public was probably most likely to see images on the TV show “Cops” shot from police helicopters equipped with FLIR sensors.

The early FLIR systems were large and heavy because they had a small number of detectors that had to scan very fast, requiring cryogenic cooling. Today, Lee says FLIR uses uncooled sensors with its Lepton long-wave imag-ing technology, which enables the sensors to be lighter, but more complex. With only two moving parts, Lee says they can run con-tinuously for years without failure. According to FLIR, their cameras are ten times less expensive than traditional thermal cameras.

Some of the most common applications for FLIR sensors in-clude search and rescue, firefight-ing, precision agriculture, secu-rity surveying and inspections of roofs, cell towers, substations and power lines.

“We’re getting the third di-mension into the mix and see-ing things from above,” Lee says.

“The main reason to put a FLIR sensor on a UAS is to position a sensor in 3D space.”

He estimates that 95 per-cent of FLIR’s customers have a specific problem they’re trying to solve or business opportunity in mind when they purchase a ther-mal imaging sensor.

For example, one customer is looking to start a business inspect-ing solar panels. Another is using FLIR sensors to check whether irrigation systems on golf courses are operating properly and yet an-other is looking at sugar beet piles to make certain the stored crops aren’t fermenting, which is visible as generated heat.

“The people who continu-ally surprise me are our customers and the innovative ways they find to use our sensor,” Lee says.

According to Van Rens, the advantage of LiDAR is not only its precision, but also its ability to take accurate measurements in adverse environments and com-plex urban areas. In addition, it can map through vegetation and water-absorbed soils.

Using LiDAR-equipped UAS to inspect electrical trans-mission towers and power lines enables them to perform a task

that can be dangerous for manned helicopters.

“This application is one that a lot of power line companies and people involved in transmission industry are interested in having UAVs do,” he says.

Referring to a LiDAR image of an electrical transmission line, Van Rens pointed out the areas in which an electrical utility could gain valuable information, which included trees encroaching on the right of way, sagging power lines and the connecting guide wire at the tower tops which can show overall system stability.

RIEGL has adopted a some-what different approach from other sensor manufacturers by de-veloping and selling its own UAS platform, the RiCOPTER.

“Our customers told us they didn’t want to put an expensive sensor up in the air on a hand-made system,” Van Rens says. “RIEGL came out with its own turnkey system to give people confidence.”

Designed for professional surveying missions, RIEGL’s oc-tocopter is equipped with an inte-grated VUX-1 LiDAR sensor, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), a global navigation satellite sys-

tem (GNSS) and can also carry two additional digital cameras if needed.

While demonstrating the RiCOPTER at a radio-controlled aircraft show, Van Rems says a hush fell over the crowd as the UAS took off because it sounds like no other unmanned aircraft. He describes it as a multi-purpose tool capable of carrying a variety of sensors to reliably perform such applications as construction, road and railroad surveying, corri-dor mapping, pipeline inspections and precision agriculture.

One of the sensor trucks of the large UAS world is the General Atomics MQ-9 Predator B flown by U.S. Customs and Border Pro-tection (CBP) from the National Air Security Operations Center (NASOC) at the Grand Forks (North Dakota) Air Force Base. The agency also flies the Predator B along the Mexican border from sites in Sierra Vista, California, and Corpus Christi, Texas.

“The ‘S’ in UAS is a system, so the aircraft itself is only part of the system,” says David Fulcher, deputy director of the northern border facility.

A former U.S. Navy aviator who now flies manned aircraft 17

and the Predator B—known as the Reaper by the U.S. Air Force—for CBP, Fulcher explains that more than any other aspect of this large UAS, it’s the sensors that provide the greatest asset to law enforcement.

“It’s an aerial surveillance platform,” Fulcher explains. “It carries the electro-optical and in-frared camera system, as well as a ground radar system.”

Fully loaded, a Predator B can weigh up to 10,000 pounds. Designed for endurance, not speed, the UAV can remain air-borne for more than 30 hours flying near its service ceiling of 50,000 feet. However, Fulcher says CBP’s certificate of authori-zation (COA) with the FAA limits the Predators’ altitude to between 18,000 and 28,000 feet. The COA allows the agency to fly up to 100 miles south of the Canadian border in an area stretching from Washington State to Michigan.

Although the sensor systems on the Predator make it well suit-ed for patrolling low-population areas, Fulcher says there’s a mis-conception that the UAS operates as an all-seeing eye in the sky. To catch smugglers and those trying to enter the U.S. illegally, it’s first necessary to determine where to look.

Noting that all the sensors

deployed on the CBP’s Preda-tor UAS are also deployed on its manned aircraft, Fulcher says, “The radar systems predomi-nantly cue the camera. The cam-eras are pretty small with a narrow field of view. So you have to know what you’re looking for in order to be able to see it on the camera.

“It can’t do wide-area collec-tion at the same time,” he contin-ues. “When you point and focus the camera, you can pick out things like a group of smugglers coming across the border. You can tell how many there are. You can tell that they’re carrying back-packs.”

But what the cameras can’t do is differentiate between a male and a female, identify a particular make or model of vehicle or read a license plate.

“There’s a lot of discussion about UAS technology, but aerial surveillance is not a new technol-ogy,” Fulcher says. “We’ve used radars and cameras in law en-forcement for decades now. The new technology is the fact that there’s nobody on the aircraft and it has increased endurance.”

One of CPB’s latest sensors is called VaDER (Vehicle and Dismount Exploitation Radar). Originally developed by Northrup Grumman’s Electronic Systems for the military, it uses synthetic

aperture radar which is capable of seeing tire tracks and footprints. It is not yet in use along the Cana-dian border.

“One of the key features of synthetic aperture radar is that ev-ery pixel is very precisely located based on the way the radar gener-ates the image,” Fulcher says.

He describes the process of “cuing up data” to deter-mine where Border Patrol agents should search for clues by heli-copter or on foot.

“We can take a picture, go back and take another picture later of the same thing and run a computer algorithm to determine what has changed in those two pictures,” Fulcher says. “We can

start to develop patterns to allo-cate resources.

“Smugglers tend to use the same routes until they’re caught,” he explains. “Movement is one of the keys to smuggling that we try to exploit with the radars. The ground moving target radar is installed on all of our Predators, which can pick up vehicle traffic. In the areas that there is smug-gling, we can pick up the vehicles, the direction of travel, and the size and speed of the vehicle as its moving.”

The objective is to stay ahead of drug smugglers—who Fulcher says are becoming increasingly sophisticated—by pushing sensor detection beyond the borders and

‘We can take a picture, go back and take another picture later of the same thing and run a computer algorithm to determine what has changed in those two pictures. We can start to develop patterns to allocate resources’-David Fulcher, deputy director of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection National Air Security Operations Center


EYE IN THE SKY: The U.S. Customs and Border Protection National Air Security Operations Center at Grand Forks, North Dakota, flies the General Atomics Predator B, equipped with electro-optical sensors and ground radar. Max Ratermann is director of air operations at the facility.PHOTO: UAS MAGAZINE



intercept them before entering the U.S.

“We use all these pieces of equipment to accomplish our missions,” he says. “Predomi-nantly, our mission set is border security.”

In the realm of sUAS sen-sors and payloads, necessity can become the mother of invention. When Stephen Burtt, CEO of Aerial Technology International (ATI), took the company’s UAS to precision agriculture shows to demonstrate them to farmers they were impressed. However, one question frequently came up: Can you use them to scare off birds?

“I must have heard this ques-tion a hundred times at one trade show,” he recalls. “It started as a joke and became more real as more people asked for it.”

Based in Wilsonville, Or-egon, ATI began working three years ago with the agriculture in-dustry of the state’s Willamette Valley. Burtt discovered that farmers were quite serious about the nuisance of birds decimating such high-value crops as grapes and blueberries.

Ground-based sound sys-tems have long been available to farmers, but Burtt says they eventually lose their effectiveness as the birds become accustomed to their locations. Another solu-tion is having a falconer bring in a predatory bird to fly over fields. It works, but at $800 an hour, it’s an expensive way to frighten birds, Burtt notes.

Early this year, ATI intro-duced the Raptor Module for its line of AgBOT UAS, a sonic emitter payload that enables the aircraft not only to mimic the calls of 20 different birds of prey, but also duplicates their flight pat-terns.

“The response has been overwhelming,” Burtt says. “The people who have wanted this are ecstatic. Farmers have been spending millions of dollars on different deterrents. I have a feel-ing this will be a valuable tool in the bag.”

ATI’s experience in preci-sion ag has taught the company a valuable lesson in trying to meet the market’s needs. The ability to switch out sensors and payloads in the AgBOT UAS to accom-plish a variety of missions pro-vides farmers with a flexible and useful tool, Burtt says.

For example, Burtt says the company originally attempted to support a wide variety of sensors and platforms that sometimes didn’t work well together. Now they outsourced their sensor and data analytics to Micasense Inc.

“Our mission now is to pro-vide support and training,” Burtt explains. “We deal with each client personally and give them enough training to be successful.”

UAS sensors aren’t always re-lated to gathering data and images.

In the case of LeddarTech, a Ca-nadian supplier of detection and ranging systems in Quebec City, Quebec, their sensor technologies use light pulses to provide naviga-tion and collision avoidance capa-bilities to sUAS.

“This enables drone op-erators to execute precise flight missions while protecting their equipment and making it safer for people on the ground,” says Mi-

chael Poulin, LeddarTech’s direc-tor of product management.

“We commercialize modules developers can integrate into their products and systems,” he adds. “We have services to develop custom solutions by integrating circuits into core components de-velopers can use.”

Some of the company’s cus-tomers are using its sensors as al-timeters for automated landings,

YOUR LIDAR EYES: Using UAS equipped with the RIEGL VUX-1 LiDAR sensor, the electric utility industry sees this application as a viable replacement for manned helicopters normally used for this purpose. PHOTO: RIEGL USA

SEE THE HEAT: FLIR Systems Inc., the world's largest manufacturer of thermal imaging systems, followed up its 2015 Vue sensor for small UAS with the Vue Pro. PHOTO: FLIR SYSTEMS 19


as well as terrain-following flight operations and collision avoid-ance. Poulin says that for struc-tural inspection applications, the sensor enables the UAS to main-tain a constant distance from the structure by creating a detection bubble around the drone.

The key is a signal process-ing core within LeddarTech’s integrated circuits, which means the drone itself doesn’t need to handle much of the processing load, according to Poulin. Some of these same technologies are being used for automotive ap-plications developed by Led-darTech and are currently in use with major auto manufacturers.

“We’re planning to be more visible in the UAS market,” Pou-lin says. “We want to be a sig-nificant player in sense-and-avoid solutions for the drone market.”

Fulcher sees improvements in sensors as a bright spot in moving UAS technology for-ward.

“As the sensor systems con-tinue to improve faster than the aircraft, we no longer have to change the aircraft to change sen-sor systems,” he concludes.

Author: Patrick C. MillerStaff Writer, UAS Magazinepmiller@bbiinternational.com701-738-4923

BUILT FOR BUSINESS: RIEGL'S RiCopter was purpose-built for the company to provide a stable, reliable UAS platform on which to mount the VUX-1 LiDAR sensor, as well as two additional high-definition RGB cameras.PHOTO: RIEGL USA

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Sky Skopes is the first FAA approved UAS operations, and services, company in North Dakota providing unique and actionable aerial data.

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EdgeData equips enterprises to capture and leverage data to grow profits and market share, protect cash flow, track compliance, and make data-driven decisions.

EdgeData serves the wind energy market with BladeEdge, an application for management of efficiency, return on investment decisions for repairs /upgrades and the information to contribute to life extension decisions.


7-9 2016





Engineers, surveyors and UAS entities explain the real-life work case for UAVs from experience gained in the field. By Ann Bailey

WORLD WORK: Aberdeen, Scotland-based Cyberhawk does UAS survey work for customers across the world.PHOTO: CYBERHAWK AERIAL

UAS: The Must-HaveSurvey Tool

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are the newest supplemental tool for many established engineering and surveying firms. For numerous startup UAS entities, performing engineering and surveying ser-vices represents a clear path to economic feasibility. We spoke with established engineering and surveying firms and UAS companies to highlight how each are operating—and benefiting at— their respec-tive organizations with UAS.

Experienced UAS SurveyorUtah entrepreneur Dave Terry’s model airplane hobby propelled

him toward a UAS surveying business.Terry, owner of Silverhawk Aerial Imaging in Ogden, started his

business in 2014 after flying model airplanes for 20 years, he says. “I saw the value and power of it and that’s what drove me to do it

as a business,” Terry says. Silverhawk Aerial Imaging primarily conducts data acquisition for

industrial companies, using a UAS mounted with a camera to take vid-eo and still images of land, buildings and infrastructure. Clients include engineering firms, developers and the mining industry.

Silverhawk Aerial Imaging uses numerous UAS platforms for sur-veying, including several DJI platforms. “We will have a client that has a pipeline they need inspected or they will want us to run a thermal camera over the pipeline to determine the leak,” Terry says.

UAS has the edge over full surveying because it can capture im-ages more quickly and safely, he adds. For example, a UAS can replace a cherry picker normally used to survey a building to determine the


location of heat loss. Sensors on a UAS can determine the heat vari-ance from the air.

Terry believes he has built a solid reputation in Utah and the mountain west by being on what he calls the cutting edge. “We’re pushing the envelope in terms of products and services. We’re developing the market in some ways,” Terry says.

Meanwhile, his company has developed relationships with oth-ers in the UAS industry and with federal agencies. The company is a member of the Mountain West Unmanned Systems Alliance, a partnership with Rocky Moun-tain Unmanned Systems, Utah State University and the Utah Film Commission. The goal of the alli-ance is to make Utah a hub for the commercial development, testing and use of UAS.

Silverhawk Aerial Imaging is working with officials with Hill

Air Force near Ogden to gain per-mission to fly in the military’s air space.

In addition to its relationship-building efforts, Terry says the team is working to educate the re-gion on UAS.

“I feel we do a pretty good job at educating customers about what is out there and what is hap-pening with the company,” he says.

Terry believes that surveying with UAS has the potential to de-velop into a vibrant industry. One of the biggest challenges for po-tential UAS companies is that they need to get a pilot’s license to fly UAS, Terry says, adding that Sil-verhawk Aerial Imaging has two pilots besides him.

“There are a lot of obstacles right now, but I think if those bar-riers to entry come down more people will get into it,” he says

Preflight Startup In Fargo, N.D., Joey Schmit,

is tackling the barrier of obtaining a pilot’s license. While he is waiting for the FAA to approve the 333 exemption he applied for in Octo-ber 2015, Schmit is taking classes to get his private pilot’s license and also will be hiring employees, get-ting his business’ paperwork in or-der and forging relationships with potential clients

Schmit wants Flight Pros LLC UAS surveying business to be ready for take-off once the FAA approves his company’s 333 exemption. Schmit is gathering a fleet of UAS, including four multi-rotors he plans to use to survey for real estate companies and engi-neering firms when his exemption is approved.

“I have been upgrading as I go and trying to get the best fleet of drones,” Schmit says.

A professional disc golfer,

who has played 200 courses around the world, Schmit says he got frustrated playing on some of the oddly designed fairways. He owns Frolfware disc golf course, in Fargo, and began using a UAS to videotape courses so disc golf-ers would know what to expect when they came to play his course.

He believes the timing is right for UAS surveying.

“We’re looking at doing vir-tual surveys. That is a very power-ful tool for engineering firms and construction companies to see before and after with the drone.”

Schmit’s dream UAS machine would be one that takes high qual-ity raw photos and images and an unmanned aircraft that has virtual take-off and glides like a helicop-ter, he says.

“The cohesive package is what we’re looking for,” Schmit adds.

Schmit is confident that when the FAA approves his com-pany’s 333 exemption, his business will see economic success quickly.

“Once I get my paperwork in order and am flying legally, there will be job opportunities immedi-ately,” he says

Adding The UAS Option

Matt Schrader, vice president of Hanson Professional Services, based in Springfield, Illinois, sees using UAS as a logical next step in innovation for the 62-year old company. Hanson serves clients across the U.S. and lends support to their overseas projects.

“Not only are we an engineer-ing company, we are an applied sciences company, so we’ve got a lot of environmental folks we’re surveying for,” he says. Schrader believes that Hanson Professional Service Inc. will eventually offer


EYE FROM THE SKY: Cyberhawk says UAS surveying provides highly detailed and accurate geospatial data with the added benefit of aerial imagery, providing a rich source of actionable data.PHOTO: CYBERHAWK AERIAL 25

APPROACH TO THE JOB: Dave Terry, owner of Silverhawk Aerial Imaging in Ogden, Utah, has developed a solid reputation with customers by forging relationships with private companies and the federal government. PHOTO: SILVERHAWK AERIAL IMAGING


utility companies UAS surveying services.

Using UAS to survey allows the team to provide its clients with bigger pictures and more imme-diacy, Schrader says. For example, when heavy flooding hit Missouri this past winter, the company was able to take pictures of the dam-age to creek banks.

“Some of the sites we origi-nally did with the UAS had scour and eroding done to them,” Schrader says. Using the UAS to survey quickly could show clients that damage.

“You can have near real-time imagery of the sites,” Schrader says.

While Hanson Professional Services’ main focus will continue to be on traditional surveying, us-ing UAS provides the company with another option to offer its customers, he says.

“We’re using it as another tool for us. We’re not an aerial im-aging company or aerial mapping company so we are just using it to supplement our own capabilities,”

Schrader says, adding that could change in the future if there is in-creased demand for UAS survey-ing from the company’s clients

Brookfield, Wisconsin-based R.A. Smith National Inc. is also supplementing its service offer-ings with UAS. The civil engineer-ing and structural engineering and survey firm was granted a 333 exemption and certificate of authorization from the FAA in the spring of 2015 and has been surveying with UAS since, says Jon Chapman, R.A. Smith National Inc. 3D laser scanning manager .

According to Chapman, R.A. Smith National Inc., founded in the 1920s, is perceived as a main-stay in the market, making it im-portant to stay on top of the in-dustry’s technological advances.

“When we started seeing this technology come out in trade magazines and heard whispers in

the marketplace, it really intrigued us. With the considerably small up-front investment needed to get our feet wet, we thought it was a no-brainer,” he says.

So far, most of the compa-ny’s surveying has been volumet-ric, Chapman says. Clients include land developers and rural building contractors who operate quarries.

Because of the specifications of the company’s 333 exemption, it has had to decline some types of jobs, Chapman said.

“You have to be very careful not to step outside the boundaries of the exemption,” he says.

Across the Atlantic Ocean in Aberdeen, Scotland, Cyberhawk has surveyed with UAS since 2008. The company operates UAS to conduct land surveys and inspections in the utilities, infra-structure and oil and gas sectors across the world, according to the

company. The company’s online portal, iHAWK, provides an easy-to-use browser-based platform to disseminate survey and inspection data without the need for addi-tional software.

Cyberhawk uses its UAS to conduct aerial surveys that include oil refineries, electricity substa-tions, chimney stacks and offshore and onshore wind turbines.

Cyberhawk, which operates overseas from its European loca-tion, gains approval to fly with its clients relevant aviation authori-ties. In the United Kingdon, Cy-berhawk has approval to operate under the Congested Area Opera-tions Safety Case.

“We utilize multi-rotor and fixed-wing platforms to provide detailed surveys and inspection data to our clients in a wide va-riety of industrial settings,” the company told UAS Magazine via

‘There are a lot of obstacles right now, but I think if those barriers to entry come down more people will get into it’

-Dave Terry, owner of Silverhawk Aerial Imaging in Ogden, Utah



email. “With over 13,000 in individual flights to our name, we offer unmatched experience and technical knowledge to our clients.”

The company’s reputation within the UAS industry and its track record results in return customers, Cyberhawk believes. Meanwhile, the company presents at industry conferences and uses social media and its company website to promote its expertise and services.

Rapid deployment and data acquisition are major benefits for any Cyberhawk client, as well as companies seeking accurate data at an eco-nomical price, the company says.

Surveying sites from the air reduces the time on-site and the need to access all areas of the site on foot, and that has obvious health and safety benefits, Cyberhawk points out. UAS surveying provides highly detailed and ac-curate geospatial data with the added benefit of aerial imagery, which provides a rich source of actionable data. UAS surveys can acquire data in areas that aren’t readily accessible on foot, such as tidal, marshy or hazardous areas.

The ability to fly lower than manned air-craft many times results in obtaining higher quality data than surveying with manned air-craft, says Ryan Darling, a pilot for Darling Geomatics in Tucson, Arizona. Darling Geo-matics, which began doing UAS surveying in April 2015, takes images for flood control dis-tricts, state parks and for ranchers and the min-ing industry.

“Typically, we can deliver quicker and it’s cheaper in most cases,” Darling says. However, the size of the project his company can do is limited to one or two square miles. The project limitations didn’t stop the team from joining the growing UAS surveying world, however. The company’s UAS surveys so far have been in Arizona, but it is willing to travel to other states if it is cost-effective to do the survey project, Darling says.

“As soon as we could get an exemption from the FAA, we got an unmanned aerial sys-tem.”

Author: Ann BaileyStaff Writer, UAS Magazineabailey@bbiinternational.com701-738-4976

REALIZED DATA: Darling Geomatics in Tucson, Arizona, takes images for flood control districts, state parks and for ranchers and the mining industry.PHOTO: DARLING GEOMATICS

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The Future For UAS And Arizona

Arizona is home to more than 1,200 aerospace companies and ranks fifth in the U.S. for aerospace employment. Thanks to the state’s work through the Aerospace Arizona Association in representing aerospace enti-ties and educating policy makers at the federal, state, county and local levels, the state could soon become known as “the premier destination for aerospace innova-tors,” including unmanned air-craft systems companies.

As the state continues its support and commitment to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), the Arizona Regional Economic Development Foundation (AREDF) believes the state’s role in the national UAS industry is becom-ing clear to regional and national startups, aerospace majors and decision makers.

Mignonne Hollis, executive director for AREDF and founder of Aerospace Arizona, helped form Aerospace Arizona to serve as a proactive advocate of the inter-ests of the aerospace industry in order to accomplish the enact-ment of responsible legislation and public policy that promotes the economically viable, socially and environmentally responsible development of the industry. The work of Hollis is paying off. The state has its own UAS test site and is home to several UAS firms ranging from startups to large UAV and aerospace brands.

Home to Fort Huachuca, the

largest UAS training center in the world at more than 350,000 square feet, Arizona is well posi-tioned to enhance and expand industry efforts today and well into the future for small, medium or large operations focused on every type or size of UAS, Hollis says. Arizona offers more flying days than any other location in the U.S. and 6 world-class aero-space educational facilities. The tax-friendly climate and regulatory environment combined with the state’s favorable cost of doing business helps to set the state apart from others working to grow its UAS presence.

While Aerospace Arizona works to expand and enhance aerospace and UAS activity in the region, AREDF can focus on three key areas: economic influ-ence, local business development and regional industry develop-ment. “We provide feedback to Arizona legislators on a variety of economic topics,” Hollis says. “We hold positions on influential state and national economic development councils and initia-tives,” adding that the association “focuses on long-term results that are in the best interest of the [UAS] industry.”

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FLIGHT OPTIONS: Both large UAV and small UAV operations have multiple opportunities to perform test flights or commercial services in Arizona. PHOTO: ARIZONA REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION

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