U n i t 5 L e s s o n 1 : I n t r o d u c t i o n t o F r ...

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Unit 5 Lesson 1: Introduction to Front Office Services  

 Table of Contents 


Introduction 2 

Essential Questions 3 

Reach our Goals! 3 

Springboard 4 

Learn about It! 5 The Front Office 5 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies 7 Business Idea Generation 10 

Check Up 15 

Skill Enhancer 17 

Did You Know? 20 

Wrap Up 21 

Introspect: Self-Evaluation 22 

Bibliography 23 

Glossary 25     

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 GRADE 7/8  

   Introduction to Front Office Services Introduction 

 Figure No.1 Front Office 

 Every business establishment with multiple departments needs a front office to receive guests                         or visitors. For instance, in a hotel, the front office performs all the tasks related to processing                                 reservations, registering and keeping track of guests. The responsibility of the front office staff                           includes clerical, hospitality, and customer care.  This lesson is intended to help you be successful in a front office services career as you                                 recognize the essential personal entrepreneurial competencies. Also, through identifying the                   strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in front office management, you can                     generate business ideas that will help improve the operations of any multi-departmental                       business enterprise.  

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  Essential Questions  


Reach our Goals!  

In this lesson, you should be able to:  

● recognize the Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies needed in Front Office Services; and 

● generate a business idea that relates a career choice in Front Office Services. 


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Lights, Camera, Action!  

Divide the class into 5 groups. Each group is assigned to think and present a                             scenario in the front desk of any establishment. Each team is given 10 minutes                           to plan and encouraged to be creative as they use available resources inside                         the classroom.  

   Answer the following questions:  1. What would be the attitude that the professional front office staff should possess? 


2. Why is it important to have a great attitude when working in the front office? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   

3. If you will be given a chance to work as a front office manager, how will you be able to                                       show a great working attitude to your colleagues? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________         


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 Learn about It! 

 Some establishments need the service of the front office department. As the name implies,                           the front office workers usually are the first people to interact with the guests. The first                               impression of an establishment, like a hotel, relies on them. Thus, it is vital for the front office                                   employees to create a welcoming yet a professional image.  

The Front Office  The basic front office in a hotel is composed of the following positions:  1. Front Office Manager  This person is responsible in estimating the volume of future reservations; preparing for busy                           seasons; organizing all departmental functions so that they operate efficiently, and                     maintaining a close check at all times on occupied and available rooms and confirm                           reservations.   2. Assistant Managers  This position is typical in larger hotels. They are always assigned on the lobby floor to act as                                   troubleshooters and ambassadors of goodwill for the improvement of guest relations. Their                       duties include the following:  

● handle guests’ complaints and assist in solving minor problems and any emergencies                       that may occur; 

● helping guests make reservations at hotels in other cities; ● changing guests’ rooms as requested; ● notifying the security department of disorderly or undesirable individuals spotted                   

around the hotel; and ● helping to register guests quickly or discreetly when required. 

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Overall, assistant managers make sure that the front office operations are functioning                       properly, and that the guests are satisfied and comfortable with the service.  3. Clerks  The front office clerks perform various duties including the mechanical processing of                       reservations, sale, and registration of rooms, furnishing guest keys or key cards, and handling                           complaints about rooms or other accommodations. Also, they also receive and forward mail,                         give information about guests registered or expected if permitted, and provide information                       about room rates and times of departure. Generally, the front office clerks consist of: 

a. Room clerks - give the room information and manage all the functions of guest                           registration. 

b. Reservation clerks - acknowledge and make reservations by phone, letter, fax, or e-mail.                         In small hotels, the owner-manager may handle the duties of the front office with or                             without an assistant. 

 In small hotels, the owner-manager may handle the duties of the front office with or without                               an assistant.   4. Concierge  Not all hotels have a hospitality department. In smaller hotels, clerks, assistant managers, or                           other employees who come in contact with guests perform the duties of this department. This                             department is usually present in large commercial and resort hotels. Their common duties                         include the following:  

● arranging special requests, such as obtaining theater tickets, securing reservations at                     popular restaurants, or arranging sightseeing tours; 

● providing guests with information about the tourist spots in the area; ● providing special services, like a babysitter, companions, and personal maid services. 


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 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies 

 Entrepreneurial competencies pertain to the essential attributes and characteristics that an                     individual must carry in order to manage and organize the chosen business venture. These                           characteristics are also needed to perform duties in the front office department, and to give                             great services to the customers. Let us look at some qualities that the front office staff must                                 have. 

Opportunity-seeking The front office employees are not required to sell something to the customers directly. But,                             in order to help the hotel increase its sales, they need to be comfortable and seek opportunity                                 in promoting specific hotel products and services. For instance, they can encourage guests to                           upgrade their rooms into more luxurious and expensive rooms.  

Persistence Front office employees must possess persistence as they are the first person guests bring                           their problems to. The problems may exist in this field such as a guest whose reserved room                                 is not wheelchair accessible as requested, or an unexpected medical emergency. Thus,                       resolving the problem is part of their job. Promptly responding to challenges can give a good                               experience for the guests, and the hotel can earn a good review. 

 Fulfilling Commitments An entrepreneur or a professional excels in performing a specific job and aims to give what is                                 best or what was promised to the customers. In the case of the employees in the front office                                   department, they are willing to go above and beyond their job descriptions to satisfy the                             guests.    Demand for quality and efficiency This quality has something to do in setting time and quality standards on a specific task. The                                 entrepreneurs or professionals must ensure quality work within a given schedule. Moreover,                       front office employees perform different functions, such as making appointments, and taking                       and relaying messages while still completing clerical tasks on time. Therefore, this skill is                           essential among the people working in the front office. 

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 Risk-taking  This characteristic is the most common competency among successful entrepreneurs.                   Entrepreneurs must be aware of the potential risk in the chosen business venture. For that                             reason, they are expected to take action in preventing the identified risk. In addition, being a risk-taker requires you to make the right decision. For instance, if there                               are unusual problems or unusual guest requests, you must be wise and intelligent in making a                               quick decision. Also, make a diplomatic approach and satisfy guest with a pleasant                         arrangement when the guest has come with a confirmed reservation, yet all rooms are                           booked. 

 Goal-seeking When generating business, an entrepreneur must set meaningful goals and measurable                     short-term objectives. The set goals are the foundation of the chosen business. In short, this                             has something to do on you want for your business. Furthermore, if you are working in the                                 front office, your goal is to make the guests satisfy and happy.  Information-seeking The front office personnel must be knowledgeable about the local area and with the needs of                               the customers. Guests usually approach the front office when they have questions about the                           hotel's area. For the case of front office managers, they have to know everything about their competitors                             to identify specific items for improvement in their operations. Therefore, they can help the                           establishment to increase sales.  Organization  Front office employees are expected to be multitasking. Being organized allows them to                         perform multiple tasks. They also need to maintain the neatness of their working area to leave                               a good impression. They need to have a system in place to find contact details or files.  Communication Front office employees know that communication skills are vital in excelling their job. Their                           duty is to provide accurate information about the business to customers; thus, they need to                             have the skills in managing tricky calls, dealing with demanding guests, sending explicit                         

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messages to the appropriate recipient either in person or in writing via email. Moreover, they must possess the ability to engage with the guests and have meaningful                           conversations.  Independence and Self-confidence Front office employees must have the ability to work independently because there are times                           you are alone in the workplace and you don’t have anyone to consult at neighboring                             workstations. Further, this also calls for the ability to think fast and come up with creative                               solutions to different problems.  


Try It!  Let us apply now what you learned from this section. 

 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies  

The Front Office Crossword Puzzle       


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2. making a wise decision 3. ability to engage with the guests and have meaningful conversations 4. willing to go above and beyond their job descriptions 5. ensuring quality work within a given schedule 

DOWN 1. ability to resolve problems 


 Business Idea Generation 

Front office career does not end in being an employee in a hotel. Working in the hotel industry                                   allows you to explore other opportunities like owning a business which is related to your                             career in front office. Having experience in the field will be a benefit to generate business                               ideas.  However, owning a business is both challenging and rewarding. There are several factors to                           consider for your business' success, such as the type of target customers, potential                         competitors, suppliers, trends and technologies. Understanding these factors is important as                     each influence almost every aspect of the business. Like, a change in customers' taste may                             switch the demand in the market for a particular product, comparatively. Hence, when                         starting a business, it is necessary to understand first the business environment. Business                         environment refers to the factors that affect the functioning of a business venture including                           economy, customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, and government policies. 

 ● Economy includes the factors such as inflation, employment, income, and wealth that                       

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influence the buying behavior of consumers or other establishments, e.g. if the                       consumers lose their jobs, they will spend less on recreation, gifts, and luxury goods. 

● Employees are also essential factors in business' success. If you are not alone in                           running a business, you might need to consider the capabilities of your staff. As an                             entrepreneur, you have to make sure the excellent working relationship of your                       employees because a single conflict might ruin a good business. 

● Suppliers have a significant effect on your business cost. Therefore, you have to make                           a good deal and negotiation with them. 

● Competitors are also important to consider in running a business especially if the type                           of business is not unique. 

● Government Policies can have a high impact on your business. You also have to                           consider the necessary documents like permit and certificate to operate when starting                       a business.  

Starting with the Idea  An excellent way to generate ideas is through Idea-Generating Questions. These questions                       can serve as a checklist for possibilities. In using this, you have to start with a particular item                                   that can be a big help in the operations of the front office and think about ways to expand it. 

 ● What else can it be used for (without any changes)?  ● What could be used instead? What else is like this? ● How could it be modified for a new use? ● What if it was larger/ thicker/ heavier/ stronger? ● What if it was smaller/ thinner/ lighter/ shorter? ● How might it be rearranged/ reversed? 


Other Uses of an Umbrella 

What else can it be used for (without any                 changes)?  

Possible answer- to dig holes 

What could be used instead? What else is like                  a newspaper held over your head 

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How could it be modified for a new use?  add a flashlight to the handle for people who go out on dark, rainy nights 

What if it was larger/ thicker/ heavier/             stronger? 

make it double size to cover two people 

What if it was smaller/ thinner/ lighter/             shorter? 

make it small enough to fold up and fit inside a purse 

How might it be rearranged/ reversed?  turn it upside down  

 Points of View  You will need to consider different points of view from the people who are involved in your                                 business idea. The feedback will allow you to make a complete list of the factors,                             consequences, and options included.  For example, if employees of a furniture company were developing a front desk table with                             organizers from used plastic, it would be to their advantage to consider the following points of                               view:  ❏ Front Office Clerk: Interested with the organizers included in the front desk table, and                           

concerned about the durability. ❏ Front Office Manager: Wants more information about the design of the table like the                           

color. Worries if the design complements the hotel ambiance. ❏ The Hotel: Demands complete information about the production costs ❏ Hotel Guest: Concerned about the quality service of the front office staff with the help                             

of the organizers provided. 


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 SWOT Analysis  Using a SWOT analysis helps to analyze the products, services, and the market of a business. It                                 is used to determine the best way to achieve future growth. The term SWOT stands for                               Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  SWOT analysis is a tool used when deciding the most appropriate business idea.It guides an                             entrepreneur in determining the possible challenges and benefits of each idea, and                       identifying the factors that directly influence the business. Also, when in trouble in business,                           using SWOT analysis helps in making decisions and taking priorities.  

Strengths  Weaknesses 

These are the positive features of an organization or a business idea which will help in achieving the objectives and be an advantage over similar business ventures. Either you sell better quality product or service, or accessible location to a majority of the customers  

These are the hindrances in achieving the business objectives. Also, these are the issues which will be harmful to other businesses as well such as insufficient staffing, limitations in advertising, poor location or costly supplies. 

Opportunities  Threats 

These include exciting trends, possible investors and excellent opportunities for your business idea, such as the demand for the product or service due to tourism or the promotion of social enterprise or environmental-friendly products. 

These are the obstacles that you might encounter in running your own business. For example, having a simple business idea will encourage other entrepreneurs to build a similar business venture, which will then result in a lesser profit. It could also be a changing pattern of buying goods and services like people are more likely to purchase products and services online. 

 Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that you can control while                         opportunities and threats are external factors that you cannot control but can be somewhat                           manageable. 

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Try It!  Let us apply now what you learned from this section.  

Idea Generation   

Think of an object that will help increase the productivity of the front office department. Use the table below. 

Name of the Object: ________________________________ 

What else can it be used for (without any changes)?    

What could be used instead? What else is like this?   

How could it be adapted or modified for a new use?   

What if it was larger/ thicker/ heavier/ stronger?   

What if it was smaller/ thinner/ lighter/ shorter?   

How might it be rearranged/ reversed?   

 Rubrics: Criteria  5  3  1 

identified key aspects of the object 

clearly identified most of the key aspects of the object 

identified some important aspects of the object 

identified one aspect of the object 

generated ideas to improve the object 

developed a range of appropriate and creative ideas 

developed a range of ideas, some of which are creative 

developed only one idea 

clearly and effectively communicated the design ideas using 

clearly communicated the design ideas using 

communicated the design ideas using the technique, with a 

communicated the design ideas by answering one 

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the Idea-Generating Questions 

the Idea-Generating Questions 

missing relevant information 

question from the technique 




 Check Up  

 Read and analyze first the instructions given and answer the following assessment. Write your                           answers in your notebook.  

 A. Recall the important concepts from the lesson by matching the duties to the                           appropriate Front Office Staff.  

Duties  Front Office Staff 

1. providing personal maid services  A. assistant managers 

2. furnishing guest keys  B. clerks 

3. estimating the volume of future reservations 

C. concierge 

4. solving minor problems on the lobby floor 

D. managers 

5. arranging sightseeing tours   

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 B. Identification. Identify what is being asked on each item. Choose your answer from                           the pool of words below.  

efficiency  SWOT analysis 

fulfilling commitments 

economy  idea-generating questions 

  _____________1. A trait of a front office that aims to satisfy the customers. 

_____________2. This skill is necessary in order for the front office staffs to deliver quality                             

service despite the multiple tasks assigned to them. 

_____________3. This is used as a guide in determining the possible challenges and                         

benefits of each business idea. 

_____________4. It is used to generate business ideas properly. 

_____________5. This factor such as inflation rate is always considered in starting and                         

managing a business. 


  C. Read and analyze each question below. Please give a direct and concise answer.  

1. The points of view from the people involved in business is necessary in idea generation.                             Discuss the possible reason for this idea. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  

2. Why are communication skills important in the front office service? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 


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3. Front office staffs are required to be an information-seeking personnel. How will they                         show this trait? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

 4. How will you show persistence when working as front office staff? 


5. Why is independence part of the competencies of front office clerks? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


Skill Enhancer  

Do the Pitch!

Goal: To create a detailed business proposal related to the career in Front Office using SWOT                               Analysis  Role: You are going to start your career as an entrepreneur after being exposed in Front                               Office Services and build a team of five including yourself.   Audience: Students who want to engage themselves in business that will improve a front                           office service of a hotel or any establishment.  Situation: Your team will brainstorm and list three business ideas, that might help increase                           the productivity of the Front Office. In order to decide what business idea is appropriate                             among the three listed, you will use the SWOT analysis on each idea. Through the strengths,                               weaknesses, opportunities, and threats identified, you will discuss the advantages and                     

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disadvantages of each.  Performance/ Product: Do this task using the given format below. After doing the written                           output, each team is asked to make a presentation and do a 5-minute pitch in front of the                                   class. This performance task will be evaluated using a rubric.   


Business idea:  







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Criteria  Below Expectation 

1 point 

Needs Improvement 

3 points 

Successful Performance 

4 points 

Exemplary Performance 

5 points 

The content of the       SWOT 

SWOT Analysis contains less than 2 points for each part. There is no explanation given for each point. 

SWOT Analysis contains 3 points for each part. An explanation is given for each point. 

SWOT Analysis contains 4 points for each part. A clear explanation is given for each point. 

SWOT Analysis contains more than 5 points for each part. A clear explanation is given for each point. 

Business Knowledge (based on the chosen business idea) 

The team demonstrates little knowledge of the business. Advantages and disadvantages of having that business are not discussed.  

The team demonstrates limited knowledge of the business. The team discusses only the advantage of the business. 

The team demonstrates full knowledge and discusses the advantages and disadvantages that the business has. 

The team demonstrates full knowledge and discusses clearly all of the advantages and disadvantages. 

Presentation  The team did not present their business idea and just submitted their written output. 

The team did not explain the elements of their business idea and just read the slides prepared. 

The team did a clear and concise presentation. However, they did not discuss how each element affects 

The team did a clear and concise presentation. They discuss how each element affects the current 

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the current business.  


Use of time in presenting the business idea. 

The team presents the business idea for a minute or less.  

The team presents the business idea for two minutes or less than three minutes  

The team presents the business idea for more than three minutes or less than four minutes.  

The team makes full use of 5-minute time limit in presenting their chosen business idea. 


Did You Know? 

According to research, average pay for a Front Office Manager in the Philippines is PHP                             510,000 per year. A front office manager must keep all departments in a hotel well balanced                               and in coordination with one another.  


Figure no. 2 The Front Office Manager  https://www.payscale.com/research/PH/Job=Front_Office_Manager/Salary 


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  Wrap Up 

 The front office employees are the first person to interact with the guests. Thus, it is important for them to show the following attributes and skills at all times in order to leave a good impression to the guests.  



Opportunity-seeking Persistence 

Fulfilling Commitments Demand for Quality and Efficiency 

Risk-taking Goal-seeking 

Information-seeking Communication 

Independence and Self-confidence  

Business environment refers to the factors that influence the functioning of the business.  

Business Environment 

Economy Employees Suppliers 

Competitors Government Policies 


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● Generating ideas is easy to perform through answering the following questions. 

Idea-Generating Questions 

● What else can it be used for (without any changes)?  ● What could be used instead? What else is like this? ● How could it be adapted or modified for a new use? ● What if it was larger/ thicker/ heavier/ stronger? ● What if it was smaller/ thinner/ lighter/ shorter? ● How might it be rearranged/ reversed? 

 Points of view are important in generating ideas to create a more complete list of business factors, consequences and options involved.   


Introspect: Self-Evaluation     How confident are you with your acquired skills from the lesson. Put a check (/) on the corresponding descriptor.  


Very confident  Fairly confident  Not very confident 

Not at all confident 

I can list the personal entrepreneurial competencies needed in dressmaking 


I can assess my personal entrepreneurial competencies and determine my 


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qualities which need to be improved. 

I can generate an appropriate business idea through using of SWOT analysis comprehensively 




Henkin, Shepard. 2006. Opportunities in hotel and motel careers. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.  Bueza, Haydee C., et al. 2014. Home Economics- Front Office Service: Learner’s Material. Philippines: DepEd-IMCS.   Goman, Carol. 2000. Creativity in Business, Revised Edition: A Practical Guide for Creative Thinking. United States of America: Von Hoffman Graphics.  Abbott, Peter and Lewry, Sue. 1999. Front Office: Procedures, social skills, yield and management. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.  Hougaard, Soren. 2004. The Business Idea: The Early Stages of Entrepreneurship. Berlin: Springer.   International Labor Organization. 2015. Generate Your Business Idea. Geneva: ILO Publications.  BusinessDictionary.”Economic environment. Accessed January 24, 2019. 


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analysis - the process of investigating the ideas and the underlying factors that influence the business   business - an establishment which aims to provide or sell products or services   commitment - an act of giving full time and effort in putting a business  competency - ability to perform a given task successfully and efficiently  confidence - an attribute in which entrepreneur shows free from doubt when starting the business  customer - someone who buys and uses a particular product or service  efficiency - creating a quality output within a given schedule   entrepreneur - someone who possess positive qualities in performing entrepreneurial activities  entrepreneurship - a set of activities to perform in building and managing a business  PECs - Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies  risk - possible exposure to danger  

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