Typing class ppt

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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Presentation seeks to show how learning to touch type is like the Karate Kid learning Kung Fu.... a great deal of disciplined practice leads to automaticity.


“Everything is Kung Fu”–Mr. Han


Why is learning to touch-type an important skill?• Speed—will save YOU time.• Accuracy.• Become a better speller.• Classes will require you to type

reports and papers. • Online timed tests require you to

write.• Job requirement.• Other ideas? Share…

Practice, practice, practice... Click on picture

…makes Perfect.Click on picture

“How we put on jacket,How we take off jacket, How we treat people, Everything is Kung Fu.”

•Discuss with your neighbor how learning to type is like Kung Fu.•Share

“How we put on jacket, how we take off jacket…everything is Kung Fu.”

Enter the room (3-5 min)• In an orderly way….• Get name tag and go to your workstation.• Record data in your agenda, then place personal items under your

chair.• Log on and begin your assignments.

During work time• Work quietly. Raise your hand for assistance.

End of class (last 5-8 minutes)• If you have worked hard, you may choose an activity from the

reinforcement menu (fun stuff) for 5 minutes.• Organize your area, log off.• Return your name card. Push in your chair. Gather your personal items.• Exit quietly.

“How we treat each other is Kung Fu.”

We will create a positive learning environment for everyone through mutual respect and hard work.

Discuss with your neighbor what that means.


Remember. Always Honor your Sensei!

Credits• You Tube Video links• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= T10ycFr770g

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= T10ycFr770g

Images• http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/


• http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Admin/BkFill/Default_image_group/2010/7/28/1280338017244/The-Karate-Kid-004.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/jul/28/the-karate-kid-review&h=276&w=460&sz=35&tbnid=9OIxb_eaQbRyoM:&tbnh=56&tbnw=94&zoom=1&usg=__ez8nwdps36x6QNBnL4hLLMwf5kY=&docid=1eyaUD2u3WqueM&sa=X&ei=ZIjwUcrtNYXBqwGT3oDoBQ&ved=0CGEQ9QEwDw&dur=417

• http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://themoviemash.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/The-Karate-Kid.jpg&imgrefurl=http://themoviemash.com/2010/06/matts-review-the-karate-kid-remake-is-one-of-the-years-best/&h=423&w=640&sz=77&tbnid=TOeWr8YU-03mEM:&tbnh=62&tbnw=94&zoom=1&usg=__rMOr0dx10gj079cY71VgjQVPSB0=&docid=2lECtNBX_Qf0tM&sa=X&ei=ZIjwUcrtNYXBqwGT3oDoBQ&ved=0CGQQ9QEwEA&dur=571

Quotes from Mr. Hon on The Karate Kid

Power Point created by Karen Alley for Keyboarding class at White Station Middle School, Shelby County Schools. Memphis, TN.

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