
By Shorina Ann

Chuvash State University

What is an interview?

Interview means different thingsThe word interview can stand for different

things. For example a reporter interviews a celebrity for television. This kind of interviews can be one-on-one but usually when it comes to television there are many reporters from different channels.

There are also job interviews where a person has to go through in order to get a job he wants. Job interviews are usually face-to-face interviews and it includes paperwork.

During an interview you can expect to be asked

questions around your educational background,

previous work experiences and questions relating

to your personal characteristics and goals. But

what happens after that? It depends on what

interview style your interviewer prefers. Below are

some of the more common interview styles used.

According to the TopicActual – the questions of

the interviewer is for the

information and reaction.

Biography – the questions

aims to get information

about the experiences

of the person that can


According to MethodsFormal – the time is scheduled for the sake of the


Informal – no specific


According to GoalsUsual – the good example is the search for

the evidences about the witness of the scene.

Traditional – aims to get accurate

information needed for the entertainment of

the people and avoid judgment to the person.

Groupings – this is about the numbers of the

interviewer and interviewee

Job interviews

It is a fact that in many things

even when the goal is the same the paths leading

to it are always different. The same can be said for

any job prospects where there are diverse arrays of

interview styles that seek to select that best for

that particular profile. Employers adopt a variety of

ways to find out if the particular candidate fits the


Must know…That is why a person coming to the interview

shouldn’t expect just to impress the interviewer

with his or her professional successes but must

be prepared to face all the hurdles that the

interviewer places before them. Since, the job

profile is very diverse so it makes little sense if

there is only one type of interview structure.

For example, an interview structure that is

appropriate for a sales representative will be of

little help when the interviewer wants to select,

say, a person in the management role. With

increasing competition in the job market,

different types of interviews have become very

necessary to recruit talents. Read below to know

more on what these different types of interviews


Different Kinds Of Interview

Face-To-Face InterviewThis is a traditional interview and the most

common type. In this interview the candidate and the

interviewer meets face-to-face. The main concept of the interview is to build

rapport with the interviewer and show how the qualifications will benefit their organization.

The interviewee should maintain eye contact, and respond to all the questions of the interviewer.

Panel InterviewA panel interview comprises more than two

members interviewing a person for the hiring. It is most common mode of interview when

hiring at the senior level.The interviewee should try to connect with

each interviewer and the best way to do this is to read the personality of each interviewer. …

…In a panel interview,

the interviewer tries

to gauge the group

management and group presentation skills of the


The interviewee should maintain eye contact

with the person asking the questions but also

seek eye contact with the other members of

the panel.

Phone Interview

Phone interviews are

increasingly used in mass


The interview is conducted

entirely over the phone and

this is very effective in

eliminating any bias that may

arise from the appearance

and manner of the candidate.

Why the phone interview?Phone interview is used to narrow a field of

candidates. That is why candidates should treat

this interview with the same seriousness as a

phone interview.

The candidate should focus on the conversation

and listen to the questions carefully before

answering. In this interview, voice is also a key.

Group Interview

Why group interviews?Group interview is also the best way to

discover any leadership potential among the


The leading candidates who are selected

from the group interview are then taken for

an informal one to one interview.

Stress InterviewThis type of interview is

rare in the present job scenario. It was a very common interview method when selecting for sales position.

Why stress interviews?This interview is an

attempt to see how the

candidates handle

themselves under stress.

So, the interviewer

deliberately assumes a

sarcastic or argumentative

position. The trick for the

interviewee to remain calm

under such a situation.

Stress interview means-Being asked more than one questions at a

time;Being asked further questions without being

allowed adequate time to respond; Being questioned in an interrogatory tone

and voice; Being asked an unrelated bunch of

questions; Having his feelings provoked.

Here’s an example of journalism type interview

Tips on how-to-interviewWork as a reporter can be demanding because of

time constraints and the challenges of interviews.

Interview methods can differ depending on the

interviewee, and it's important to alter your

method as needed. Stay calm and ask follow-up

questions whenever you do not understand

something in an interview.

PreparationThe most important aspect of the interview is

conducting background research. You can't understand the full story without background knowledge. Research can also help you come up with productive questions. Showing that you know about the subject may also make your source respond more positively to you and your questions. Prepare questions to ask and bring pen, paper and a tape recorder with you to the interview. Make an appointment and arrive on time.

Guiding the InterviewIntroduce yourself and explain what you are doing and for whom. Ask the source's name and title and make sure you have the correct spelling. Misspelling a name is an offense worthy of firing at some publications, and may earn you a failing grade if you are a student.

Don’t forget!Maintain eye contact, be friendly and avoid yes-or-no

questions. Also, to keep from influencing a source's

answer, avoid asking biased questions. Take notes and

try to get complete quotes on important subjects. If you

did not hear something, politely ask the source to

repeat it. Also consider the surroundings of the

interview and the source's behavior, as these details

can make your writing more interesting.


The end!Thank you for watching!

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