
Chapter 5.1:

Europeans Reach the Americas

Columbus Sails to America

•Europeans wanted goods from Asia

•All-water route sought

Christopher Columbus

Columbus Sails to America

• King Ferdinand & Isabella supported expedition

• Hoped Columbus would find a westerly route to Asia

Columbus lands in the New World

Christopher Columbus landed in San Salvador (Hispaniola) on his first


Spanish Conquest in America

• Spanish hope to take control of America

• Wealth & Power

• Spread Christianity

Spanish Conquest in America

Conquistador—soldiers and

adventurers in search of glory, gold, and land

Spanish Conquest in America

•Guns, armor, helmets, muskets, rode horses

•Superior military technology


Cortes Marches Through Mexico

•Hernan Cortes—conqueror of the Aztec empire

Hernan Cortes

Cortes Marches Through Mexico

•1519: Lands in present-day Mexico

•Told of Aztec Empire—made conquering it his goal


Cortes Marches Through Mexico

• Pigs were first brought to America by Spanish explorers

Cortes Marches Through Mexico

Moctezuma II—ruler of

the Aztec Empire

Moctezuma II

Cortes Conquers the Aztec

• Aztecs had lots of gold, silver, & gems

• May 1521: Cortes and allies attack

• August 1521: Aztecs conquered

Cortes Conquers the Aztec

•Cortes builds Mexico City upon the ruins of Tenochtitlan

•Mexico future starting point of exploration of Americas

Spanish Conquest of the Americas

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