Post on 21-Jan-2023






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Weaflicr To-monwr. Probably fair and cooler. LAST EDmON.

O 'r f

N U M B E R 5 ,143 N E W A R K , N . J ., T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 3, 1 9 0 0 .— S IX T E E N P A G E S . T W O C E N T S

3 ■


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Alta le firteA H a t la ftk i ig l a s leea h H e r e l a i l T h a t B r i M f H

taiportat Victorj.

required « t th«lr pr«««tit poiU, but h« de- rlarpi ITiat th« are «alnlnff «TMtvictortea. JDd that Kurupean |int«re«tktlofi la only « queatloo of daya.'*

Bpamaer WUklnoon, commentttif upon the fotepclnc leitera, aajt:

"They ahow that the inllltary retouroea oC th* Boara are atraltened. The aoeray have DO raeerve of men. Thai being the oaae. we can only with that the BrUlah advance ahould begin. The tntereata of the Kinplra and dtianrlal reaaona demand that tha war ihould be concluded aa tpeedlly ta poaalble."




C o r r e «w *p 4 * a t D eelarea tk a l < h «F re e ld e a t wf the T ran a v a a l U Aala- ! ■ ■ f o r Terata — O taa ra l A o h e r la

R evw rta ■ § ■ « « » « « b y O eaera l H a n -

illo w —t>«tailB o f Ula O p e ra t lM a , C r lU e a B e lla v a that B ae r L la a fa

T l i r a a t » a «4 «

LONDON, May 1—Friofi became buoy* ant on the Block Exchange to>day, after a dull opening. Thia waa due to a variety of fumora, all, however, requiring conflrma* lion, iDcludtng an Important Srltlah vic­tory In South Africa, the death of «^«ai- dent Kruger and the relief of Uafeklog.

According to a correapondent of The Dally Telegraph with Lord Roberta. Pieei* dent Kruger la again aaklng peace verme.

The War Office baa received the foliow< Ing report from Lord Roberta, under dale of Bloemfontein, May 2»

"General HamUion met with couatder able aucoeaa yeaierday. and drove the enemy out of the atrung poiltlon they had taken up at Houtnek, with comparatively email loaa to ua. The Boera dlapereed lo aeverat dlrectlona, mainly to the cuat and north, leaving twenty-alx prlaonera in our handa. Including one commandant and alxteea other wounded men.

B r i lU l i T a k e a Reef."General Hamilton la now In camp at

Jacpberuat. Aa the men naeded real ufter fighting Mven out of the laat ten daye. ordered them to halt for to-day. (ieiieral Bfoadwood’a brigade of cavalry arrived upon the acena In time to afford vultmble asaletance by ihreaienlng the eneiny’a rear.

"Durinf the aftecnoort General Ian flam- llton waa joined by General Bruce Hum:!- tOD'a brigade of Infantry.

'*Tbe enemy admit having twelve killed and forty wounded yeaterday. Among the former waa Laeutenant Gunther, a Ger­man officer belonging to the Flfty-flfih Regiment, end among the latter waa Max- tmufT, (he Rutalan commander of the For­eign Legion. Twenty-one out of fifty-two of the cnemy'a caiualtlea occurred among the membera of that legion. Two French­men were among the killed.

"General Hamilton apeaka In high terma of the good aervlce performed by the Eighth Hueaara, under Colonel Clowea, and made up Into a regiment of Lancera which came Into General Broadwood'a grl- gade and aealated In making the Boerv va*. cate their poalUon. The final atroke to the enemy’a rout wet given by the Qor- dona and two rompanlee of the Bhropihira Llghl Infantry, who cheered loudly when they got within Pm yerds of (he poalUon.

"iCltehener'a Horae la lUo ipoken of In terms of pralae."

B o e r C catre T h rea le aed .Lord Roberta's lateal dlapatch throws no

light on the object and poulbllltlM of the exteni^lve operations In the neighborhood of ThHba N*Chu. One military critic be- llevea the Inference la Justified that Lord Roberta's auceeaaful attack at Houtnek threeiena the Boer centre and puu the Btitlah In a favorable poalUon to crush the Boer left, which la atlll facing Gen­eral Rundle at Thaba N'Chu, or their right, which la eomewhere between Brand- fort and Wlnburg.

General Ian Hamflten'a suoceae at Hmil- net elldta little enthueliim. aa the erttlea unanimously pointed out some time ago that the policy of the Boera would be one of alow retirement.

M a fek lag A ll W ell April :H>. Colonel Baden-Powell reported ofllclally

from Mafrklng, uT)der date of April 90, that all was well there. He adds;

'Thirteen native women tried to get away during the night of April U. The en­emy opend fire on them and killed nine and wounded two. 1 wrote to Bnyman, pointing out that he ahella the native BtadL, which la full of women and chil­dren, and that when they are trying to escape by day the Boera have captured and floggt^ them and aent them back, and by night they ahoot them down, pretend­ing to miatake them for night attacka. Bnyman has not replied. The proportton of killed and .wounded above apeaka for Uaelf,**

Other newa from Mafeklng details the careful saving of the provlaloni.^and says there are diminished rations for 9,0W aoula within the beleaguered town.

The Amdrlcan hbapltal ahlp Maine, after having been Inspected fay Lady Randolph Churchill and othera of the committee, aelled front Southampton for the Gape to­day.


W ants I# k X w About A lleged Boarding e f the Sen W lirh

Porlagwese Territory.LONDON. May 1 - lt hat been learned

fay a repreaenlatlve of the Asioctaled Preeo that United States Ambaaaador Choate has aiked Lord SutUbury for ex- plsTiatlona as to the atlefe<l abuse of In­ternational right In the case of the Amer- Icen ship Sea Witch, which, according to the etatemenl of her coinmHnder, Captain Howe, was boarded by the British war­ship Waap within the three mile limit of Foitugueie territory In Kaat Afrlcau

The American AmbaMsdar'a communi­cation to the British Frvmler hardly amounts to a protest, and serloua compli­cations are not likely to ensue. The case as transmitted by Secreiary Hay to Lon­don consists of the (!aptaln's allegation that while the Sea Witch was off Delagoa Bay he signalled to the Wes|) which was palrolllng, and the Wasp sent a boat to her.

The Captain of the Boa Witch complains

Fierce F^ht at Leanbaaai, k h u u j , Vbere Foar Aiaericaas V e n


Three DeaK^atic Clerks Wm S U ; aad C oaptra lk r Will Not Itaove



Ilw iiior Ihnt H la Iw llm atea H av a 9fwt H e a rd frwiw K tia i lw r a L «te tw Dw- rcn ab a r^ A B r l l e f that lie W a a l l a la

by k avagea W h i le ICvadlag Hla

F a raaan i^ leaera l Credence Gtven

Attack aa T w e lfth Warder'# Deniaa* raey Leads Feesldrat W aldraa, Hla Friend, ta Refer lo Goaslp Akaal Ike A lleged Dtaln>a1iy la tka Paal aa the Part o f Some o f Hla Cal* leagaea—W illiam Torppey Gala a Plaaa.

H M O * I « U 1 1 1 1 1 * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * ■ > ♦ * * ♦ > * * * * * * * * ■



Thar Tall #1 OhMkliiK ■iltl.k !■ «•> U H t . InO letlac C a H M *n h l«

I.OMW .~Ke.»tiiK Braad-ta ri Clear.

FRETORZA) May I —An offlclal war bulletin luuwl h.ra laporU that on April AH tb « FHS«fal. captur.4 nine priaoner. and ten horeee eeatw i^ of Theba N’Chu and that on April p) a Britlih mounted corpa apeaiad near Brendtort. The ITed- eimle atUcked them on two ildee and the . ntIrwL Two p'ed.r.l. war. wounded and eleven pHamere were taken.

Another aocount, eeml'Oltlclal, o( thit aKatr laye that the Wekkerstroom and Krmelo ooomendoea h,4' a aklrmlib with the BrIUah near Brandfort. After a abarp fidbl eleven prteooere were takan and nineteen Brlti,h were left dead on the fleld, Inoludlna Capteln Uddy.' A few Fedanle were wounded.

The heavy bombaidment by the BriUeh' baa beea raaomed at Fourteen Streama.

The correapondent of Reutvr'i Telearam Afency In the Boer camp at Brthdroft wlrea that whmi the BHtlali appeared ten nllea edit o f Brandfort Qeneral Da- ■any ordered a charge by HO Boera. who drova then baok to their Intreoehmanu. Tlw Federal* found four dead on the fleld and took aerenteen prisonen, moatly wounded, indodlnf Uentenant Cnuw.

Later in the 'afternoon Qeneral S la vey learned that the Bdtleh had forced thetr way tw|wity mitee cu t of Brandfort and awrow mllaa iMrtb of the Hodder M vir. With BO men Oelaray Ht out In purault o f the Brltiah, who numbered IJOO. The toTctm met In the open oountry. n a h ^ enftthenMot followed and the Brltiah re> tired, ha the Boen had a haavy d.->y they were not pumied. The FederaU had lire men wounded. ,

Ah AMMleaD hab been arreeted In con. neothm with tha BowMa axplwlon.

CArtlllg l E t e FiO l MO.iBtaim caa ip la lM d mt ihipmmvmmt,

K r a «a * Shawad that A ll fBrwaa . Ara KawOjped.

IXINOOM, liay A-Tbe Bloamfontaln eorratpoadut at Tha Mwmlai Boat, dale- craphlaB Vueaday, taya:

"W t oaptured two lotfiwatinf lot- A : Tho nrai, wbleh la from Bteyh to

Botha, eomplalna of tha nevloct Of tha da, fanoa of Kroooatad by cammandta therab who a n daanibtd aa oocupled |n lootOig tto- -.dgm aw^M aa a r llP U b itn r ih# FraaM t a buiwhera. Btara aoatiudea by da* cHhihf ta W Natotmllla far tha lartlty df A a F rn d U m unltaa a tuerhntaa it civan of tba Tnnaavaai’i intaniian to pip»- tact Krooaiiad. --

‘The iaeond la m letttr ftmn K nu d* to m eotuBahdant i t Fmirtaaii Itna iM . Krugm' TMdatwa tb*t It le Impoaolbla ta aCM tha ratafoibamenta th. eonraumdut

Id tp . atheo alt qw> Federal foraaa are

thsl the visit rcitentfalcd a warlike board­ing |*arty an<) that his munift^si wip ex* amlned against his will when palpably within neutral waters. I f the latjer stats- ment Is true a serious offence has been committed by the Wasp, which will call for an ample aptftogy from Great Britain.

But It Is polnitKl iiui (hut the fact that the Sea Witch signalled the Wasp hafors tha warship notlciMl her Invests tha case with a cu^ous uncertRiniy. Apparently both Ur Chosle and 1/ord Salisbury are Inclined to bellave thnt there Is some mis­take, perhaps on both sides.

Ifl The meanllfue, ifae Incident does not interfere In (he sllshtest with the diplo­matic cordislity exlstina between the rep­resentatives of (he two nations Interested.

The American ship Sea Witch left Walo- KM> December 9, nml arrlvetl at Delagua Bay February 12. She sailed Uarch 1 for Port Natal {Durban) and arrived there Uarch D.

BOERS p r e p a r k : f o r d e f e m c b .

Seail la g P rov is ion s to the l,yd lcobaeg Dlstrlei-*-||a|ldiitB F o r llS e a llo o s .LONDON, May 3.—The Lourenio Msr-

quea correspondent of The Dally Mall, tel­egraphing yesterday, says:

"A French steamer has arrived with ter thousand bags of coffee and ten thousand bags of sugar, consigned to a syndicate which la buying for the Pretoria Govern­ment. Four more ftt»amera. with similar consignments, are expected , this month. It is evklent that the Tranavaai Intends making a long resistance.

"The Boers have begun conitnictlng fortlficatlona at Lydcnluirg, where they continue storing provisions, There Is aUo evidence of an Intention to connect the disused Selatl Railway, running north­west from Komatl Poort. with Lyden- burg, to destroy the Netherlsjids Railway as a last rsiort and to hold the Drakens­berg range as an eastern barrier, with Lydenberg as headquarters. I f this plan should be adopted, the campaign would be­come exceedingly dlfflcuU,

"The Portuguese authorities here ob­jected to H. Jd. 8. Forte using her search­lights, and they next objected to night patrols. ,Consequently, the cruiser now steams outside the harbor nightly to avoid a posalfale repetition of the Maine dlsastor."


Sweden's King flays He Has No Sympntliy tor Boers.

XX)NIX)N, May am entirely onthe British side In thla war In South Africa/' said the King of Sweden and Norway, now on a visit to this country. In an interview to-day. "You may make U quite clear that 1 have no sympathy whatever with the Boers, end 1 will tell you why. 1 find it difficuit to understand cither the principles of a rellgon which is apparenlty a monopoly of the burghers of the two Btates. or of ihe pollticai man­ifestations of a Government which seems to have refused most of the reforma sug­gested by the British, and which dosed Us negotlxUons by invading British terri­tory.

"Xh my opinion the KngUsh-speaklng racca are the exact oppoelte of the Boers, because they are among (he beat colonli- ers of the world when savage and unclr- lllxed terrltorlea have to be recUtraed. No greater proof of this could have been given than the splendid outburst of loyalty at home and the heroism In the fleld which every British colony has so unanimoualy displayed. That is the good which has come to Great Britain out of tha evU which any war brings In its train, and that will be her compensation for tha many dlsappolnlmenta she has suffered hither­to/*

------ s-----klPLING ON LOST BATTLBS.

m ist! sL &*■:

■agUikd's fJnpreparednese Ma4« Boor TIotorlea Possible*

’ LONDON, May 1-The Dally Chronlela pubtlabei thla morning an Interview with Rudyard Kipling. When asked to what ha attributed the British mlllUry un- preparedness. he replied:

''Mainly to the great Brltiah public, who have nsyer takpn the army seriously, and who have thua unconscloutly en­couraged the gyatem of playing at ool- dler; to people who. have objected to rtlle ranisi, because they made a noise or were ddhgeroua to individuals who got In the way; to people who have made aa much fuss about a doaen soldiers going thmufh a farmyard as if a field day were a bean feast, and, consequently, helped to mtlie proper manoeuvres for many TMrs at) lAposilbllUy; and to people who think an officer a cad If he wears ihe Queen's uniform v^en not on actusi duty. ,

"For years wt havs been preparing Ihe way for fitormberg, MagersXonteln. and the rest The result baa been the lose of thousands of live*."

•o e r PrleoMere Beeape.LOURSNZO MARQUJS8. May t-T h e

Traiich steamer Coralellas picked u p « t esa, oft Table Bay. twelve Boer prisoners, escape from Blmontown. They were In an open boat, with but few provisions. Tha CoratMlaa landed them here, and they have gene on to piretbrla.________^

' ^Bhertft's Mufilarera CaeghLUl^LiEBU Rlr, VI , May j.-Dunalon

and frank Bhaw, father and son, who killed Constable Hoffman a week ago,

len he and othera eought to arrest them _Ar tndr esetM from the Woodstock fan, wsM ovmiaken by a posse to-day. n the fight that tnaoed one of the Shows

was Bonally wounded.

MANILA, May t —A dispatch received hers to-day from Iloilo reports (hat a des­perate fight took place st Ijearnfaanao, In the centre of the Island of I'aniy.

It appears that a reconnolterlng party of the Twetity-eixth Infantry was sur­rounded and that four of the Americana were killed and that sixteen others severe­ly wounded were left on the field. The re­mainder of Ihe soldiers had a narrow es­cape.

The dispatch adds that reinforcements were sent from Hollo as soon as news of the affair waa received, whereupon the Flllptnoa retreated to their mountain stronghold.

Agalnaldn Reported Killed.The belief Is growing lliMt Aguinal-

do was killed fay the Igorottls Thera Is no proof that he has been alive sinro Major Peyton C. March, of the Thlrty-lhlrd Regiment, afaandoned the chafe after (he Filipino leader In the Ban­quet Nlountnlna, and an Insurgent officer who recently surrendered to General Young says (hat the lnturgt*iu General TInlo hnidi this belief.

Tlnlo held regular communication with AgulnaldO until IVcember 2 . lOnce when he has heard nothing from him, und Tlnlo thinks Agulnaldo would find means to communicate with him If alive.

Ravages May Have Mqrdereil lllm. Major March's Information was that

there were only half a doien enldlers with Agulnaldo when he fleU beyond the Bon- toe wllderneu, where the savages are hoatlle tn all strangerx

Friends of Agulnalda's wife asaert (hat she has heard nothing from him since they parted. 8he la In a delicate cnndltion and nearly prostrated with worry. Thersfore she has not been Informed of the death of her child, and thinks It Is with friends at

, Bacoor.

OTIS EEVIEWS WOilLD on 't B e lie v e A gw tnn ldo Is Dead—Be*

lle vea Insmreeettom Is fa b s ta n -tla lly Crnaked—PlllpInoB Ap-

p rerla llB g Peace.MANILA. May L —Oeneral Otia will

probably start for home at (ha end of this week. Tha tranaport Nleade la here awaiting his orders. In view of hla near departure General Otis consented last night to talk for publication. The mili­tary situation was naturally the first topic with which he dealt. He regards the effectual stamping out of the insurrection aa perhape (he moat aubstantlal object ho has accomplished here, lie said:

"You know 1 am rather pessimistic. I am not Inclined to take the aangulne view prevailing In certain quarters, yet 1 bars held the opinion for some time that tbs thing Is entirely over. 1 cannot sea where It la possible for the guerlUaa to effect shy reorganisation, concentrate In any force or accomplish anything aerloui. We have 116 pasta north of Manila and oinety-lour oouth of the city.

''Everywhere the people are giving valu­able Information, and are almost dally dlsdoelng hidden arms and other insur­gent property. The Filipinos who want peace are beginning to appreciate the power of the Americans to protect them, and are giving effective co-operation/'

To the queition, "Do you think the In­surrection could have been avoided by any change In our attitude early in UiKT" Gen­eral Otta replied:

"No; ll was inevitable from the start. When Agulnaldo left Hong Kong and came to Cavite St was with the Intention ot fighting the'Americans. Independence was the Junta's echeme even then.

When questioned as to Agulnaldo's pres­ent whereabouts General OtIa aald; "I think he Is In Isabella Province, with, perhaps. 600 men Many natives say he Is dead, but 1 do not believe that."

Qeneral Otis thinks the time le coming when U will he possible to use native troops to extend the police through the rural distrlcia. He oppooea the present en llitmeitt of Maccabebe cavalry, principal ly because they receive American pay, which, he says, la double what la proper. The Americans are already much disturb­ed by the wage scate, and he fears that this will Increase the trouble. Thg natives make good soldiers and wlH gt> wherever they are led, but they ipuat be watched closely. They must have white officers and be subjected to itrlet dUdpllne.


fluid to Be OeuorallF flaceeiatal a a i Mar toea K atar Baea* del Ton,.

ColoB L'adar M artial Law. KINOSTON, Jamaica, Mar I.—Raw.

brought her. to-flar by th. Brltlth iltam- er Floridian, from Colombia, It^to tha af. fact Ih.t the rabala ar« tattlnf tha ba.t ot the fiflht jn that Rauubllc, and that th .r are momeiitarUy enpacted to enter BociiEi del Toro. -

U le added that no aoldter. belnt avail­able, tne Quvarmneitt haa lent twantjr- nve polloaman to Boca* dal Toro on board a launch baloncliif to tha canal company. The eltuatloti In oonatilarad Mrloui. Colon le under martial law and the crew, of the ehipa In port have haan warned not to co aetaore after dark.

When tha Floridian left Colon, April H, nothing wag known there about lha re parted vaptura of Carjagana by the rebele. '



Traatw Oitdaiwd Vad-r Ana. la A*. llrtBatlaa af lavaaiM - t tha Oa<

lalalaa (*■ ParvMa af D—■tw-Fl-B BallroaB.

W IN D S O R . O n t. . M a y l — C o lo n a lM o ln w a , co m m a n d in g o B c a r o f N o . 1 M U - ______l U f T D l i t f l c t , h t i rM O lv a d In i lr u e U a n * C o u r t ’a J w r y - C h a r M k W . L e v e r in g , W il l f r o m O t u w a to h a v . th o T w e n ty - f lm t B a - ^ W . B a g ta r , D r . C t ta r lw A . a u e b r ta t,

F u r iU d N , S e r t n t k L v s d o n F u a lU a n , M e K a a d ta , D u m t a L’ a m e rw , D r .■aath. Tw*nty-«lath Mlddtead*.. T w e n ty ^ , •nth Lwbtoit 'Sfwmity-Wth Eiginimi' DtHon. laady ttc*.

mug gUpb y i lM m U H IA

1 m a rc h # t t w o b o u fC j t o -Y' r k /T' - . - -

badit o e g w w m i.M *^ dgnrtageht uNglac to Um

tothrmatlofi that MOda ot'FeUUba (hWhd


PoaliBlI Thlakii Ha. FaandOFoaad ( » r Awo4k«r itoy>

J B H 8 B Y q iT Y g M a y t - C h a r l s s J P asbaU . g U o rn a y f p r E d w a rd C lif fo rd , y e s te rd a y a n n o u n ce d t h a t hs w as co ns id ­e r in g t k « a d v ta a h lt lty o f s e c u r in g a s ta y o f e x e c u tio n ln> th a ea se o f i k * m u rde re r, on th e g ro u n d t h a t th o t im e fixed by Jus t lc e L t f ip ta c o t t - ^ n e g t T u e s d a y -d ld no t p e rm it i t io le g a l (e n d a y s ' n o tlc a re q u ire d to be g iv e n t o th e J u ro rs to w ltn e M th e h a n g in g .

T h e J u lie s n a m e d t o w itn e s s th s ha tffi- lo g a r s as fo l lo w s :

f f h e r t t f s J u r y —D r . O t to U . A lbaneslua , E d w a rd M il le r , ^ la u d o B ry a n * D r. Joseph C ra v e n , R e c o rd e r E d w a rd K . f lu n to n , A l ­b e r t A . F roneb g D r . E d w a rd P , f iu f f s L D r. W . J« A r l i t a , P r . R ic h a rd B oh lem . J o h n V . B u rk e , P r . C . E* P u tn a m a n d C h a rle s jMo- B H da .

As the result of a aIpsI. Comptroller Johnsun will not removo any Republican clerka from hli ofH<‘e, hur will the Repub­lican majority of the Incoming Conunon Council depoae Andrew K. Brady. Patrick i , Nulty or John B, Morrli, Democrats, who now hold positions, william Torppey, the present city messenger, will, from May U> serve aa messrngrs for ths Comp­troller's office.

That such a deal had 1>#mi made waa aO' nouni'iNl at a cziucus uf (ha Democratic tnembt ra uf Council Finance Comtnlltee prior lu a meeting of that body held laat (Ugiit. It did not come as much of a our- pns« to thuae who had been fnllowhig the trend of events, hut K was restKmalbia for a till between Fresldenl Waldron and hla colleaguea, aa tho agrt-finieot upset other plans.

A Demand tor Heads, filnee Mr. Johnson w-aB confirmed as

Comptroller thvM hna been much wire­pulling by frmuda of various individuals who were anxious to secure bnrihs la the [Tew official's department. Tha Iohs of tliS Common Council to the lH’m>H'rats made the cumpeiKloti for pusiiiiutis under the Comptroller all the kcetuT, hihI insistent demands wera nAsde for the i.h)IIMca1 heiidi of Charles FL Mackey, Wlihum Rabons and Charles A. Schmidt, Republican clerks. A counter effort was made for tha retention of Mr. Brady aa chief clerk In tha Auditor's office, Mr. Nully as cashier Id tbs Treasurer's office and Mr Murrii as secretary to the AsaeaamenL Cummla- ■ioneri.

While (he friends of Oie "ins" wrre striv­ing to keep them there, the " duir." who wanted to get In, were clamoring for ad* mfsiioti. All along there seems to have existed an understanding (hat former A l­derman Henry Croghan. uf the Twelfth Ward, was to be named fni a olerkiihlp I t . was even hinted (hat Croghan's apiKtlnt- ment waa made a condition to Mr. John­son's confirmation, (>ui those who nre In a poiUlon to know deny thnt (he Hllr»ula- tlon waa as binding as all that. However,It Is said that Mr Johnson felt umler obit* gatlcna to present Mr Croghan's name, but the latter was turned down.

Cbdcws Thonght Advisable. Croghan has been Identified with the

Harrlgan faction of the Twelfth Ward Democracy and oposUion was irmnlfested against him by some Of his jioKtlcal oppo- nems within hie own party. For thla rea­son It was deemed advisable to have a caucus before atlempUrig any changes In open session. Neither of the Repubitean memhera of the committee put In an ap­pearance and the Democrats, Messra Tra- bold. Sippel. Titus, Donnelly and Guinn, conferred In private. Mr. Johnson was with them and his suggestion to appoint Mr. Torppey as messenger met with no op­position.

When the Comptroller suggested Mr. Crofhdn'H name ha did not stipulate whose place the Twelfth Warder was scheduled to take. The discussion did not get to that point either. It Is said, oa ob- Jectlona to Mr. Croghan'a salecllon were entered by Chairman Traboid and Messrs. Titus and Sippel. Mr. Waldron, who Is ex- officio a member of the committee, ar­rived at this Juncture and Mr. Johnson Ap­prised him of the fact that Croghan's name had been submitted and objected to.

What are the objections to the man?*’ Mr. Waldron asked.

Hla Democracy has been questioned," replied Mr. Johnson, "and It Is said that he has been read out of the Democrats party.'

"Mr. Johnson," went on the president, 'would you, as a lawyer, condemn or

convict a man without a hearing?"No. I would not," was the A.'ompirol-

lor’s reply.W aldroR Defewda Crogbau

AVell, (hat IS Jusl What Is i>eitig done in Mr. Croghan's case/' declared Mr. Waldron, " ‘ro begin with, the committee (hat passed upon Mr. Croghan's actions had no authority for Us own atfilona. Mr. Croghan did not appear before it nor was he given a hearing of any kind The action waa taken at 0|e request of faction simply because Mr. Crogl'an was friendly to another factloD, and no proof of disloyalty to hla party was ever shown against him.

We eannot hkip avarythlng that is said about us." oontnlued Mr. W'sldniti, "as our enemies are oa apt to say a» many mean things About us as our frlemls say kind things. Now, In my own case. L have heard It said that I worked against the Democratic Aldormanlc candidate Jn my ward at ths lost stsctlon. and the men la a personal and pollttoal friend of mlna. As to whether the ebargs la true 1 refer you to (ha man htmsalf.

"Why, Mr. Johnson, 1 have heard your own Democracy queatiODed," went on Mr. Waldron, thoroughly aroused. "Even since you wars nomlnatod for your prea- eint poattion and before your confirmation I was told by a man whose word Is well worthy o f ersdsnce that he knew when you were Dot a Democrot. As for you, Alderman TItua, It U common property that you opposed Elvin W. Crane for Governor Hi U88 and voted against Ihe ticket simply, bsicauae of yotir antipathy to Senator Smith, and os you have never denied tbs ailsgallon It la generally ac­cepted os troth. And, Mr. Traboid. I have been told that you were out against I’harles T . Herr when he ran for School Commlslsonsr in the old Thirteenth Word some years olfo. So, you see, gcntlemeh, Mr Crogbsik Li not the only one who'has been assoUtd. and tba evidence Is about the sams tn every case—largely hearsay."

T h * A r ^ m a a t UaaTalltag.The pfeiidant was informed that Torp­

pey had been tiatod for a job, and he do dared that he would not vote to concur in the selsctJon. Torppey and Oroghan. he averred, should itand or fall together.

Mr. Waldron's argument was unavail ing, and he was then told about the deal that had been entered Into w save Demo- ersu on ihe one hand sad Republicans on the other. The Democratic end of Ihe combination was engineered. It le said, by Mr. Tra bo W, Mr. Johnson, Auditor Runyon and Trsosurer Denman, while Alderman Bschaller, leader ot the Republican ma­jority. with some of bis colieagii«;s, is u id to have pledged the new Council to stand by, the bargain.

tn open session the commlitoe ratified Mr. Torppey's section , and fixed bis sal­ary at a year, to date from May 19. Mr. JohniMi said that the new messenger would toe kept busy delivering ossesamont bttls, arrears bills# collecting money and watting upon the counter at buey times in tba ofhee. The action xtt the committee does not hvf* to be concurred in by the COunolL

CfWffihM’s ’IWraHlewRIn ah Interview with a NEWS reporter

after the stesdlng, Mr, Waldron took occa ■ton to give expression to hla feelings re­garding Mf. Oreghan'i turn-down.


Crusade A fa iost the Alleged Disorderly Hooses Is

fiegaa Promptly.


Question ot Closinj; Allesed Dls- rtputable Placet Will Be Dis-

cuised To.morrow Nifbt.

H« (h. .p i.a ln i»«»t M F r f .r . l Judff, In Porto Rico, Und.rrd him• * by FtoaideiYt McKinley, at the beheet of his wlfa.

i 11 m H I H I * * * * I H * * 'l M M * 1 * * * ***■ **•* 1111 *-1 i n * F * * ^

■tnee then (be men have had one or mor« InlervlcwM.

"Now lo-ntfht ll lx ftialed that Croghari waa not ncrepiable f »r ‘iioiUlrttl reaaona.' hut after the raYinii Mr. TrahoJd adTni(t*Yi to me lhal there were iwrenrial ss well as political reaaona for rr<^ghaa'S rejection/*


W a n ta pXO.tHMl l>m n«ac f * r ffivm arka

A lle g e d (o Kase Heen M a d s la

• R^rmfkn A p r i l 1.

WAflHINOTlJN. M.j l.-Bult haa flW In tha Supremi’ I'nurt 0( th. DIatrWt of Columbia by Olaa« n*ol., th. ac- traa.i for DO,nun ,ianiuai*. af.lna l Rav. Thomaa C. Enaion. uaator ol.tha Baatrrn Prrihyt.rlan Churc li of Ihti eltp.

Th, nitorn.ya for Mlaa Nrtheraol, al- l,fl* that Dr, Kimon, In a aarmon pr"«rhe.J April 1 l»»t. aii|illcil »n cpltbcl to Mia. Nath««-

B,v. Mr. Esatim « h, paatorof th, Flral R.formfd fhurch of ihl. city prior to hi. call to K churyc In Son Franclaco. From th. Far \V,.l he »us callwl to hla prMcnt paatorat,, H, huU t hurfl, of th, Flral R,- fonB,rt Church when U wnrahlpp,<l In the old hiilldln* tin Mnrket itrM l. betwcfii Broad and Multwrry utreeta.

Idinc H f . o rw h aii’i turn-aown. _— --------1 .- V7 .. L tor

tnrtdlnt CflMdfl a( aaow paint aloni um Rrirar i t Clair of Drtrolt Rltar, tor tha gnrpaaa of dwtreylD* wnna ot th. rallwap

AnauMMahti hart bMti ao tor eom- ^tta< thal tha hattalloa la praparad far nurchlnit ordera at any tuna. Local' mil- ttaiT auEhorttlat claim that an Invaatoa U: not faara*. tmt t h « tha batlationi Mmad win ba pwMUaad at aoma point oe tba froaUat tor tautoai eearetoae aalr.

liUl ba-.. irtfl»tMna4fa tor tha macntion tba dtractlon of Bherttf RnanUlwr.

In caaa no atay It MCand, tit. flaUaw. « 1II ba araetafl m Monday nlibt

BaM ril Hla OwB Raaaait.Patriek Brannta, al»ty-ooa yaani old.

wbo> l l v t o o n - to o b # a i r a « , , , « a i( O hO riad wlthnttty larcany by J- iJiVan I t o w , of in n tna auaat. In tta * 1000*, Pr^not Poltca court l* ia y ., -Ha « • bald tor tha grand Jury at Ma OWO iwiuaal.

I a n . - A a r .


fitt -aowu fliboTF (rant Itrif hb could ...^ aiika4 n ta t It waib I toW him 1 would like to bar# tormar Aidarman Croghan appolatad a.ia]trk in tha ollpa. Ha aaW ha wotili pama him it ha could, and I bihad hfcttAf h* wau** not atata poaltlrtly that ha w o ^ nana him. aad ha aald -yaa.’ KothlngL traa *dd abaut yaWa for -tha ComptralMda oonllrmattoii, and no prioa af any htp^ waa fhiad> hut Xi^Jhihaaaa' piwAlaad -to-nuoM ;Craghan. 'Tba ntght Johnapn waa ooollpfliad ha lohl no that ha had ua ntoaon t « >Atoanga hla mind, and


Tw o Hay« More May K lepae Before He Derldri on M aking Ju­

dicial ( hanges.dfAWlA] ninntc-h to Ihe NBtVfl,

KHZABETH, Mny 3 —Ouv^rnnr Voor- beee, who is «t Uln offii b In this cily to­day, said this morning that he had not yet decided cn the other Judicial appolnUnenU he Is to make. K « has the matter under consideration and will probably announee his decision in a day or two,

Tho flapreme Court circuit, which was formerly presided over by Chancellor Ma- gle, and which consisted of Somerset, Mor­ris and Siisaex counties, will go to one of (h* Associate Justices. According to the usual practice, this will be determined by the Justices themsehea. When a circuit becomes vacant U Is the custom to give the senior Justice the choice. It la not considered UkeJy that Chief Justice I>epi]e will wish to exchange his present circuit, which consists of Essex County, Each of the Associate Justices will he given a chance to exchange hie circuit, and the new Associate jYistlce will gel whatever circuit remains unaasigtied when It comet his turn.

The matter of adjusting circuits Is g«n erally arrangnJ ngreeahly to all members of the conn, and when there Is a change in tho personnel of the court ll sometimes leads to a voinniary exchange of circuits by the JusM- es The circuits are nt pres­ent dlslributec! os follows:

First district. Justice Ludlow, ('npeMny, Cumberland. Salfm. Atlantic^ Second dla- Irict, Jiislice (Jnrrlson, Olouceeter. ram- den, RurlSnxfoTi; Third district, Jnallce Gummere, Mener. Hunterdon, Warren; Fourth dtstrU t, Justice CoHlna, Middlesex, Monmouth, Fifth dlstrlot, vacant, floraer- oet, Morris, Sussex, Sixth district. Justice Dixon, Dergm, I’aaJMitc: Seventh district. Chief Justice Depue, Essex; Eighth dis­trict, Justice Llpplncoti, Hudson; Ninth district. Justice Van Byckel, Untohr Ocean,


Haarly 3UO n »d l, . K .e o T M .d aad U i, gam b.r May Heaah OPO—Xa

Sarvlvnr In <taa flha fi..BALT LAKF, 1'tah. Itay 1—So far

about 100 bn01,i have b «n r* ;o v ,r « ] from th. Bconeld mine iinil It I. thought that auflldant bodte, jei rMtiatn to bring the lint af dMd n „ r kvi Noboity anl.rt.1n. th. fatntr.t hoi>o that thera 1. a living man In the mine- It 1» now only, a que.- tio.i of leooverlnK the bodle. of lha vlc- ttrha end that cannot ba done for. aev, oral daya. t

Tha fact that tlie ruah'-of alr^ftom the mouth of the main entry ot tfha min. waa aufhclent to blow 'O man .and hla team aero*, th* gulch almobt ^ yard*, wbl f « T . to InOlcale what. force waa exerted within tb« workings'od-tha'tnlne and In tba Immediate vicinity o f th* ex, ploalon. > ‘ ,

The body ot Joaepb Oravci, a Utah oattery man, wa. among thosa, taken out. Ha wax married about tHraa.monthi ago and hi* wife U not yet elghtabn. y « r » ot age. This la but one caM o f many.

It any one man I. to blama for the accident It arlll never be known; tor no man who can tall the atory haa-come out of tha mine alive. Many eld.' coal miners. famlUar with there mln«a,' atat* that they have always been regarded as the aafeat mlna* In the Stale,

These men alio aay that tho company's policy baa always been to spar* nu M' penM tn order to keep the mines In i thoroughly safe condition. At the .coal company's star* everything that the fani' liles of tha dead ara In immediate need o f Is being glrmi out tree of charge, and the store' It belDt kept open day ahd night. . . . .

The relief fund last night amounted to IPiWt and contributions In the ahape of money and pravtalani ara being received from many placat In anil out of the State.

" _ _ _ t i— -M .K latey ToICByapha CaadoleaceA WASH I NOTON, Hay 1—The Prcaldent

■ “ Ir ■ ‘


Aftvr raaxaMlita liVlth Hla W ife He Dvf>lln»a ( • At^epi Jadgs*

ship In F o rt* Rico.flp«N'liil ru«ptol>'h lo Ih* NEMM

EUZAHKTII, May S.^Aficr having prsrtU-nlly made up his mind to accept ths appolntmenl of United fltaipf Jmlgs in Purto HIco which wsi tend^rod to him by Preal(lt»nt McKinley, l>'rxnk Httrgen xt ths laat momftu changed hla mind and lest nl|h( wrote s letter to the Preeldent ds- olfnlng Ihe eppolnlment.

ThU aTinouncement. made by Mr. Bergen to-dsy, wHf s ■urprlss lo hli friends. Even Governor Voorheei late yseterdsy sftsr^ noon thought ths question waa aa good SJ xetiled, but ths faschelor Oiiyernor lallsd to take Into ronslderelloii the pqwsrful Infiuetire wieidsd by Mrs. tiergen» for she It reeily waa who Anelly decided ths met­ier and perauedsd hsr huibend to dscllna the huncr.

Mr. Rerxen asld to the NEWB reporter to-dsy thnt It wss fesr of the tropical cli mate (hat had Influenced hirn to set ss he did In ihr mttUer. His wife And two chll dren were to accompany faitn and the in (ormatluA he secured sboui ths climate during hla recent trip to WiiBhlngton waa not at all aufficient to overcome Mrs, Ber­gen's fesre, as she did not want to Imperil the health of her children.

When .Mr. Bergen wea asked If hli de- cUnatlnn wiiuld leave him irill free to re main In the field as a Uongrcastonsl ss* pirant, h*- quickly replied;

"That had nothing whatever to do with my ai'iliui, fhe reason for which la Just as 1 have ataied. PolKirs did not enter Into the consideration given by ms to (he afi fair."

WASHINGTON, May J.-The letter of Frank Bergen, of Eliiiil>eth. declining the prnff«»r**d Ft-dernl Judg^ahip el Porlo flicu. was recelvetl thla morning hy At tornry-Generel Griggs. Mr. Bergen atste<] that he felt the rieka Involved In (be sc ceplHDce of the poalUon were too grast, A letter atstlng that he had written a dtcll- nation to the Attorney-General wss ra- reived this mnrnlnf by Senator John Keen, who told the NEWS correapondent (hat when he saw Mr. Bergen yesterday he aeemed disposed to accept ths appoint ment.

inofes Freflsstisl .lflSs dgsrau Att 'dssiafih—

May 3,(ah.

«4«dsy sent t^e fpn<rwln|r tsi^rsm to the Qovsroor of Uuhi "Kxteutivs Mansion. Wsshlngton, '■Oortmor Wtils. flsit Lsks City,

'*1 dwrfrs to express « r Intense'Igrrow upon learning of the to r i bis colTmliy which has occurrsd st I woiMld. and my dssp syttpalhy wtQi tbs wives, cfaiUdren AM mtnm of the unloittinsts vkUms <3t thb. swwoston, / .

H oK ^LB Y ,* '................. t - — .... ..........

'mwa'ywi wjM>l BilniiB* *e i» the Bslitr lMot. I s i j^ . m MsitM SLilew prises; mlea Hfln.

iMOlW'L'' ffluis, Ho.:


W a te r Satd to Be R w sbiM c D ow n ths

F latte R iv e r mnd M k s ly «u Do

Much U n m n es .DBK\'T:it. rol.. May 8.—The DenverWa

ter Company a new dam In Flatte Canyon, shout twenty-five miles from here, t>roHe (his morning, rcinaxlng a billion gnllons of water atnred In the reservoir.

The flood will reach Denver about noon to-day. U la tu-t expseted (u do any dam Sgf> here, hut may cause trouble for TATich men and (he railroads In the eeetprn part of the Stalf-. where the river la nlrendy out of Its banka ih soms places. The rlvvr has risen four feet at LUtleton. twelve miles from l>nvi-r, at l l o'clock.

No Inconvenience will result In (hla city from the breaking of tbs dam, as the wa­ter company'^ atorngo system emhrncee other reservoirs which ara ample to sup- plj all needs of the city,

Ths L'aetln'ood dam, St the head pf Cherry Crrek. i« leaking bsdty, and il Is believed thnt ll will give way eoun.


On* o f Ik * P roprietors at Ike Plaew at tme P laaa fltrret fl*ataared to Ik* PrB ll»a llarTfl aad Ik * O fker, W ko le In a k le I d Fay a F lac. la Also <’*wiai1t(ed—Tk* H *ae* O rd*r« •d CToesd—Tko Olker Raid Mad* at IM flaseex ATsamt ky fl*e*nd P r** e la n OAerra.

NO 8EPIY FROM T ilM EY.Ambaeeadors .tnewer tk * Porte's

Note Rrgarding laerrase * f Dn- ttes—The liidemnflir t|weB|loii«

CONBTANTLNoFLE.May 8.~The Porte hsH nc' Ftffi to tho Alhsrlca'h note regarding itie rhdemnity claims,

Th* AmbaWATYdorH rn«*t yesterday end de­cided to reply to ihe Forte's note of April i& regarding the liicrcane of duties, as fol­lows:

'‘The EmbHS8l»*K unto the Forts'a decla- riuiun (hut ii doca nut inieiui to Introduce any unilateral mcoMure nnd will hasten to Inform their Govi-riTments of *h1s. The Ambassadors hav*- dcc-Uled to maks thsJr CA>nsent to art lH'-rcaea conditional on the removal of the fltmses In ths matter of chsmicsl snalyHlH, the supprrMlon of warehouse duties and the abolition of the etlpulatlon whcretiy articles not specified In ths (arlffa may be Interdicted, ronfis- cated or destroyed. The Arnbassadors have dacided to make the payment of In­demnities to for« lgners s separate ques­tion and to deal therewith st S later date/’

NO SALE OF DANISH ISLAND!Kregollallona W Itk the Hi>U«g Ita te i

Bald t* Have Be*a Broke ■ Gft.

LONIJON. May 1,—The negoUstloni bB- tweeti Denmark and tho United Rtstsa rtlsllve to the purchase of the Danish West Indies, according to the Cofwn- hsgen correspondent of The Dally Mall, have been definitely l»rokcn off.

W e «a *s «a r * « » d flalargays ar* ■geelai Real ffistat* Days la tk* B B W k . _______

DROADf AY i C RAIDED.M a n a g e r C n n s ld ln e a » d T w o P n g l-

llsfs A rrosIcd^Pa l on the B*at for « Tost Case.

NEW YOBKs May 3.-Po11ce Inspector Thompson raided the Broadway Athletic Club this afternoon and Manager George Consldlne and two pugilists were arrested. The Igtlsr are "K id " Thomai and James Heywdod.

The charge U eonductliyt s boxing qon- test vri|ihQ(i kj^poiiea'lJfft*?. U on M l^ sdvstiti^ In ths morninf ne'wdpapsrt tfasi he would conduct a boxing contest be­tween the two pugilists named st the Brogdwar Alhl^'tlc Club for a test caw. Tite- arrests resulted when h « eadesvsrsd lo cgny out this promts*-

An allegetl disorderly house at 800 Flitia airsft. said to 1»e conducted by Jacob Hatt and t'harlea Ktaenfaerg, and known as tho

Atlantic Garden," was raided by (h j First iTeolnct police early this morning, and eleven people, besides (he proprietors, were arrested. The Second Prsclncl pollc* raided an alleged disorderly houss at 88 Sussex avenue issi night and mads geysrsl arrests.

Jacob Hail was arraigneil befoi^ Judt* Fort yssurday in the Quarter BeiBlons Uourt on a chart* of aeaault, preferred by Alice IVirothy. a concert hell singer. flheatlegeGi that Hatt struck heron March 11 because she refuseil to obey certain or­ders. Hstl was held In ball. Friends final* ly procured bondsmen and ha was rs- leased.

Bpecini Interest attaches to these raids In view of Judge Depus'i charge to (ha Grand Jurors on Tuesday, tn which hs rs- fertod to the of disorderly hnuMce in this city end ciritfclsad tha police,

ro lio * Bowed t « Hawt*The Fulic* Commissioners will meet (o*

morrow night, when, it Is ssld, th* ques­tion of closing up sil suen placet will bg considered.

Chief HoppSL with the four precinct Captains and President Drown, of lha Po^ Ilea Doerd, held s cutilerencs In the Chief's office ihls morning. There the subjects spoken of In Judge Depue's chsrg* wsra conatdsrrd. Chief Hopper said that It was "up to him" end (he Captains now to close out these places, and ns promised tu see that the work of reform did nut lag. Mr. Brown elated that the commissioners would Inveadguu ths mailer to pise* tha rawponslMltty for ths alleged "open" chsr-N aettr of the city In certain dlstrleti.

Wkst Preaident Browa Says."Some atstementi have been made/' acid

Mr. Brown, "to ths effect that proprlsiora of coffee houses pay for 'protection/ That Is. that the police are bribed 'not to sea' when the plac* Is conducted Immorally, While I do not believe (hat there Is any ground for ih* chariCi yet we will sift It to the bottom, und It will go hard wUh any one against whom such allegallona are proved. As for our evidence, we shall not leave a stone uniumed to get It,"

According to M r Brown, probably no decisive aclton will be taken at tho meal­ing to-ffiormw night. An his (erm a« a Comnilssloner expires on Monday Mr. Brown says he thinks It would be wise to wall until his successor Is appointed before laklng final sicps.

"I will, however, call the attention of tho prcs»*nt hoard to the ni?cessliy for an InvestlgHeloii." said tho president, ' and advine (hat they wait until my successor Is appolYitcd. If the present board began one, the around would have to l>e gone alt over again,"

The riRiiie Nlreet Uoiil,In the riiM on the "Atlsnilc Oardon."

which Is a sort of nmeert hall and Grleti- tal parlor, ih.i pr^prleiors and eleven peo­ple were arreaiod, wa stoied above. Roundsman tVmnell and Falrolmcn Da­vid Fox end Idblo went t>i the place s Ixyui 5 o'clock thla morning nnd took all who were there Into cuai'xly, locking them 111 the First Frerinct I'nllre Btnllon. The prlaimera deacrlhed ihrm?A«dvfa a« Jacob Hull, twenly-cighi years f>ld, t.'harles Klnenherg. twenty-thrtM* ycnrn old, ami Mrs. Jennie Kls^iibcrg. twoniy-iwo years old. of m Fhne alre+ t. Lulu Hlrcet, twen- ty-oiu yf^ars old. of 3J Market Hireel. Jen- ' nlo Slpler, twenty j-eara old, of Bank e(r»-etJ-:va Hill, nineteen years old, of

t.’entrnl avenue; Mamie Kelly, twenty- two yenra old, uf 61 Fair street. Lulu t'ar- nell, elghreen years old, of ifr'Hamilton* strrrt; Tl^jnas lUssell, eighteen yenra old, of 15 Morns snd Fssex Hatlroail avenue; ■ Hami'in Hadley, twenty years old, of 4d Bank n(reei; George Vincent, thirty years old, of Hi Went Thlrly-fourih street. New York, and Alfred N. Ransom, (wenty- sevcti >svts idd, **f Jersey t'lly, the lest named figuring as a cnmfdalnant.

jlatt was sentem-ed (o ninety daya in the |»enltentlary and Klsenberg was fined ^ and costs and ordereil to close the place up. Both men were locked up. tSttenberg not being uhle to pay.

GlHoer UwM-id's Tesllitifinr. Fstrulman Duvld testified that ha had

betti trying to secunLSvMeRoe against the place for several on Captain Cor­bitt's orders, lie had been tn (here aev- eroj times, he saui, and lest night saw enough (0 convince him that a raid should be made. He saw mm and woman in the wine room and Turkish parlor, and from the cYAnverssilon was convinced as to the character of the piece. He went from the saloon, telephoned for several officers and with their sssistsnce arrested' all who were In the building.

All the witnesses were exsminsd, end, with the exception of Mamie Kelly, aald tha place was a respectable one, Ths wom­en said they were employed ss waitresses and were given a share uf the wine sales they made to men customers. The Kelly woman testified that the place wss a dis­orderly house, and (hat the proprietors of Ihe resort knew (he character of the women who frequenlcd It. —

“ Whv are such places ss this licensed? asked Judge Lambert of Captain Corbitt.

" I t was an ordinary saloon when tha license was granted," said the Caplajn, "but these people have made the ptkc* what it Is.”

Tha P lace Daserlbsd.The Kelly women said the piece was

divided Into soversl aiartments, such as wine looms end Qrlental p v lo f ’ bymeans of « » « ! ■ Hsu. when «stlf)-ln*. M l* that he never s**,«nyth ln« * ' “ '** *^'|* on, snd th .l the dIvIrion Into apsrtoihnto was-only busman screen*.

*riB fOlnx trf tell tho truth about tW# Blatter* aald Eisenber*.'‘ ■-ee.W l^a In my I>1»» drinking

for iC m w t ' l i s r ‘the Court.

-•rrii,’- answered Elsenberg. ___"Well. h . wa. only following ht* ordna

to grt axMooce.*' repUefl th« JWf«- “ David wa. drinking ther* i« .t lugm,

and KoUfld.»i*« Connell c ^ fk t Wm « t

................M W iid MreM. rm M <fbK with win,. Tl*., h le fl F. 1L-M4T.

•moimn pt T iM 'Tm p fliwhys i-M V . (Contiaiiiad m Nlirik fugu l

«C H D U IE OVSTSkimm FOiD.ftf iUm '/ournxrm

A a fC M d Ovwr III* A e llim « r l>H»- mhmih la R v lrt t-

iB eC ? aa »#A .

Ipiclal Lil*p*lcli to Uk« N B W i.K L IZA B B T H . Huy l . - 0 * w n \ J. W «dU

■Oh D rak « U i t n lfht ordtr«d from hit m id rA c f Alderman OoorfO A> Ford, okalrman of tho ComrolitM on fllro«t« and Parks.

Ths trouble between the two men aroso over opposition msde by Aldermen Kord to ap iroprle lln i any money to b iin i to Kliaabeth from Washinfion ihe two cnn- non for the soldiers' plot at Evcrarepn Cemetsry, whlrh ConArrsimen Fowler and Mayor Mack offered to sa<»ure fur the city. General Drake wee furious over Mr. Ford's action, end »h»*n the Alderman called leal night at the Genciars house to akplaJn h b position to the com* mitiees from the tJrand Army posts, who were meellng there, General Drake thun­dered out;

“ What right have you, sir, to come to this meetlnc?"

Hefore the astonished AliJermsn could faply. the Aery llUle commander of the Veteran Zouaves seised Mr. Ford hy the ehuulder, pushed him out and slammed the door In hie fore

“I would have thrashed him," snld Hcn- eial Drake lo-dn3^ In relating the lnc'ld«'nl. "had he dared to again try to enter my hnuae.**

Alderman Ford vaa seen (o-day and a1- mtttod that General Drake ordered him away from his door, hut denhd that he pushsd him out. Mr. Ford Is ths !><’mo- rrsilc lender in the I'ltv rm imil, anil the Incident has caused a stir In p^ditlcul ami mihiary circles

As a result of Iasi night's meeting, the Mo}>oaed celehratlon hv the Velrrun ^ u a v e s and tlraml Army |M>sta on Me- Borlal Da^, In connection with the plai < Ing of (he cannon In (he aonihTH' plot nl Rvsrgreen renietcry. has heen shaiidoncd. Ths joint rommlllees remained In session until 10:10 o'cloi'k last night dla<‘iitalng (ha sllualloii, and dnslly ileclded (n give up th* celehratlon. BeversI memhers of the committee witnessed the etcltlng en­counter lielwsen Genera) Drake and A l­derman Ford. General Drake weighs lf» pounds and is slity -th r*« yaari old, while Alderman Ford walghs over 300 and Is about foriy>nve.

IliQAL K S T A T B F O ll t A L B -O t T OF TO W N ,

Avowdwla*IJiTH Mir, !m OP within .W (*■ Tsm sIS

snd NewsrS trolley, on MllJer, i enipe t un* ninshsni. I'swsk sv* and Jerwv »ts.; i-ri;-* for rvn 7i Kssi to iftnn. lou ftost;‘it tn 1T iySlwi tot* oa I'sMBlu mV*.. MiiUSA. St l-ks) iiulrw St

It. Miid^KJt’S B'P'iii;T«l. 2M hum H.. Oranst.


Irvlawtwn.U.Fl till lJnJ»n me.. iU'p«nlle W-K-dls^n plJ

aftill4: vslue (jutts cmih. ths* tt.M'iS A irj Hirktl.HOtlKE K'>r Mie. house. D

U>1 with vishk.WRBKR'R flsk^)-.

Pfinm* snrt hmUi. I.M.L'iin In-julrs

iHVtNftTOK- a-roofn huum* snd 4 lotn f r m Iv.SJI hlo'la isree sn<t smmll fruit, s rsr« uhan**-

HKYU Psrk sv*.

Bprlngfle ld .HnitliiK .S\'k:. IVii OMun 1-.u*e. mu'i* .

clSM o.nrtmxn. '£i N> rr« Inn-1, ill un<lir vmll'in, Imrif (••in ifi l {•uihulldlns*. T

PTOIIIBt. O F F ItB fc-rO n iR t , •T A B L M i. IITC..--------- - --

•TOW*. W Broad. «<» psr Broad at.: hall, il*

10 odW-na. e f j Itpcsid si., sinfis Of *n suits; W floor, 4T« Hrusd it ; sl*«sni Iocs linos far 4w* tort, dsmlsii. mlUlnsry snd dnasaaklog. In- quira Waahington st- __________________iTnRK sn4 I rooms to ls4: ITI Boyd st, j iut(-

able for saloon or grocery slops, will altar (a suK lenaMSv Apply AZ WllHam st.HTORC-Oood comsr «tors (o 1*(.

roe. Bleaker at. I Inquira In rearIM Flan*.

dTORie la let, M i Kprlnffleld sva. (tow for bat and sboa atora.

good kfcs-

flTr>RK and two means. M Urtaga st. .......AH, 9MLKHMAM, 3M Market st.

glORK to let, i l tlum«l st.Ih^TOieN, lit K bb It

raat III

hm a i -d HTOI<Toinc. hi Aprilngfleld sve.; r*nt tlA

irifimm N‘#s«rM o <i. r<isiinoui

nr»’ -rulti mil* 4

hJirtl ri'SiU. h1| bsrssin.1o> r.lloti.

W .4|>y, S. MKAi'lt. m Marks)

t-^ne* 4irawge.011‘jVK MT . KuM oiHugc Mrjdeni nine rr> m

h 'Uae. all imiir'^^niMFie. grignil faul-liO must fee wiM to ('ViXP ««F*i«« M.tltlK 1* PiiTKIliKN, fW Huffwex s^e.. i.sal iirurisc, ntar *1,

WoufU O ran ge ,riMHl'J;i“l‘ gr. -l-spg* corner i-lut. hH) ! fmnt, grand muMTUSln visa, ntni'la

ahaile, a HI stll fielnw rnsl lo quh k buyer.H U lir iK . houih Oraiiffe. K. J


rn ll H M.K ffi-nJ 1-1 ml

J. KNI'illT

liwke H upa lc iiag ,to cliwr eaute, W Srrea r,f arsier^

. ale> orhar IsmU on the lake. W. Attorney. k2V I’tudentlal.

hilt'l’ with Ugbi povtr for mfi. puriKwea; rent liTi Ferry st.

TIIItKi: HTORY brick fsotory. B3 pruen st..UK ludlng tve bHek taoemani* or atorelwii^

m rear; pivri Slr*at; iiiquiie m Firr , ,r. Market st

wTB ■ refit PVjO perFirtmta a la*. Co.. TM Uroad si..


m cin AT.. ST«-rieaasat fra fumMitd; hsat, g u sad balk

aleevs rooBU

HtOH AT., 4IA-Furwlfk*d roam for hausakeep. (ng. ar a fsatteopa.

MRQM aacodd-story front roam, with Hot sad raid a^tsr; all iiurpyeweats: canvaslest to

two R. R. dapMs; aultaaie for two fanilvnien or man and wife, t l Parkhurst *i.

M RO K franc hedroeWi, ntaely furalahad. wtth gas SIKI SM of haik; ceairaily loialad, Ad-

itrsaa Cantral. Ikti 4T, Nswi office.LAKQA from nwNR. rurnlabeil.

■aniitmen prefayraij private.or small mw, 3Ti Bread st.

LARGE, drea* f

plesaatil rooms to let; furnished... Il-ja TO, News office.

l/>iniAHr-»V AT.. SO—Kewly furnlshtd single and doiK'le ronme all laipravemeots.

NbW ST., 'Nicaly furnished room; sir 1iti. provemefite. reference.

NEWToN hT,, 00—flreond floor, newly furnlsh< ed fr> nl

HA NUT • BHOtKItB.»T. a». 41 lIRtlXli: IT.. MKWARK. !«. J


*n« (b , only pi,.'. «• « • ' •‘Holly P.nn.ylvonl, HOM E A

Pair bay geldlnas, 15 d, extra high gfsce^l actors, step In three minutes: fsaiiss# of (An Jeeis. an ideal pair leas l^ n^*a>r bay geldings. hand* eiira high, sll-

movers; extra



PLl■:Ay^NT fwrnliihad front slcove r<»onii bath, heat, g sr near Roaavllle Btatlow sod trolley.

VJ Houth llMh st.

TO LK T -'^ stem and cellar and 12 rooma;all Inufrovemeatii Ik LTInton si. Inquire In

slMte. IT II. KUWARD, n ('linten si.

T(F l.l-rr ATI aai BTi Droad entire 4-*lorr l.ri< h building, Panr Centril sir,; Ions lease.

KRa NK WiflUOtlN. 300 Market it.

TO I.KT 4 etilli and wsgnn sHeil Inquirs 11 fUOff *(-. w. J. DMCKICH'H shop.___________

a l'O H K i, O F ri€ B B ,OUT o r

K T r.» TO LHT* T O M A ,

HIGH ICK001# O lR I . i MAY IT H IK B *

sa Coai-

H lilkw rn .kIM.I.IH'HN Iliitlnewi property. «uiisbl.e tor

«Tiy t.'i*!nrfw, baksf oicn aHai'ht-i). Inquire TOk r(| rinsfleM •(*.

V a llabw rsh .IF l<H-it,nx f-T Hnyllilng In Ilea) E^teic Hnc sea

KK.NT. r(L hmlth *t., V'burgh, Soma hrirsaina.

K e n m f,ll<it KK Mil

|Tm*| *Ii ImI «4<lr ,, nriii 1i.<yd *(.,

I.irsaln klHTMClI. Keemy. ___^

h r 11, RhT.k'I'K FOHl.k b R O l k.

IIKALTM- Mummer *s wall a* winter hom*;hlshe*i grtiimd. bi-twim Nsw Tnrk mid FhllS-

delHil*. on Fenn, It. 11 . mlnules from New­ark. low (are; co»ey, m'>dern cotiagM; sell si low price; lerme to fcu per m<mth. WflU for P*rtlculj^*L D-, "D- K *w office.


llorflKH ami Ion (or «*le. also to rent st For­est Hill, Neeark. hwiiihiest suburt., sd)oin»ns

Branch Bn>ok I*srk, only 1ft qjlnuie# fnim Ur'nd and Market ete.; illustrated book mailed free.

KOREWT mi.J, APWOrTATtON.MT9 ut. Prnapeet are.

HOrSE- femer house, 24U Llncnln *ve.. pear ('■flerei p|.. M rol.nis, all Improwemettts; rent

lan. for Bile, Ift.tSiiiDanM W a a l ( • Re fllielveA

■spaceataa l Day.■pecitl Dtspsich to the NEWS.

MORRrBTOWN. H ay l . - l f arbltrstlun does not step In and prevent It, a novel atrlki is about tn be dtclsred In Murrla- town. The smallest clM s ever (o have trsduAtei from the Morristown High School will be that of 13QU on commence­ment day next month. The graduutei ara the Misses Olive King. Fltiabeih Bmsrt, LJUIan Bowen, OUvs W lUlsm i and Kvetyn Bsnnel). It has elweys been ouatotnery on commencAiient day for (be graduetini clesa (• pnrUclpete In ths eserclaca and Invue thslr friends to wUnsss tntlr ac- compUshmeiitA

Miss Levine Conklin, vlce-prlnclpeJ of tha school, wee wetted ution by the Ova fir l greduetes yeslerdey end were Inform­ed thet owing to the smellnesi of this yeer’s dess no esseyi would b« read ot- redtetlona glvem but thet Insteed theru would bs e leclurs

This Information did not pitaae (he five espectent graduetes. AM ihn girls for •everal months have been herd at work perfecting ihemaclvcs by writing csiayA learning appropriate recitations and pre­paring gredueiing gowns.

*'Wc pretest et lurh irestment," seld Hiss King, eae of the graduates. " I t we cannot epeak and pertlclpeie In the eesr* cisea, we don't want your diplomas,"

Miss ConkUn a d v l ^ tbe ifr le to call upon Buperlntendcnt jJaven end endeavor to get hie aenctlon for them To participate in the oxerctses. Tbs girts agreed to hav- Ing iuperintendent Haven act as arbitra­tor, and piece their case before him to-dey. They vow thet If they are not permlueo tu carry out the customary pro- gramme that no graduates will be In at­tendance on commencement day.

B«>KEVILIiF-For Mlc nr rrnt. modern Ih-u«ci f*>r 3 ramllles, Beiwrsi* hxil end slesm hest;

sit ImprovrmeiHe; North Nimh *1.. n*xr Fourth iv *.: f*nt lUi to IW- Owner. PAUL H- BRANQS, Ufl RoaevlUe sve.TO 1*BT. (IT for esi# on eaey term*. Ittrij f'ssh

and lift mviulhly . 2-fatnll> h“ii«e. 11 room*all lmprr»vrmen(v; l>pihine *\e. HKiYKil. TM Ufo«<1 st . cor. Market, “pen evenings

R E A L E A T A T B FO R B A L B ^ I T V .

AUCTION lA L B - MILMBBAMDt, AaetfosM4a, will skU IMutf.


rlnglteldTl ballding Mai also haasss Ml fOth and list sis., near Hpi avs. fitangSPd pi.), up lo Grove st..* suitable for

Cl sr tws tanlllesi terms sasy, will be made ewa on day of salt. Music at sale.

■UILDBRg. ATTENTION.For sals three IMS m Twenty-flrst st., about

threw hundred feet Irom flouih Oringe sve., all that Is left from thirty-four lots bought under forselaeufe six moaths sio; ebespeet lots in the Bsrfcst: oaly fifteen minutes from centre of city; Ibess lots wars sold thres yesirn ago for ffiOO; slevto saw houses were srucied in the block within a year, present prie* only gzso sack; half mortgage. Inquire TMI Bread at., reom ABAROAINBt Roseville lots and other properilee,

J. A. BERRY, Ins-. Real Estate. 1S3 Market,CHOICE building lots on minton tve,. Spring-

AsM ava and Urovs st.; neighborhood re> l^rlcte^^teo fedM xnd up. Maps tn4 parllcu-

1-ET or for s*le p hou*'': Ifth cash ani fI2 momhiy; 614 Third st . near Hloomfleld ve., tt|i|K>slle Branch llrv^k i’irk- BEYKH, Ttli

Mr^d ■(., cor. Merkel

IIAKKp;v fi>e rwil at Morristown; iorii locstioni -i- rf> ntied up; ektag rant; oven i<a[«rlty, 400

W. CUTLER, Worrletowti.lft*.h*_FltKD

L lllM iK R G O H i TO LE T ,

mr*«>lcR(MjM. Ilm sad third Fridsy tiighis;rent low; servldw lowdi locstiM osntsal. J.

wri*l* * >*ONA Til Vrsad st, __lAiDOg RDOfet TO LET.

A|‘idv t ' NstiOM] iu t * Bank. Broad andMr> hanir- m ._______________________________


t l’AflT Mi;ST»*. SIHb to »!1 Markei *1 T r-'-irns utt'i t’H'!’ all lmpTi>i>mrnis. itram heat.

Inquirr jHtiitor. <in premises.________ _Ah'niH ST. Kl—First flptc, fnur r<poms and

tikif in hiiIc ; rant lit, CtjLLTER AW INAS«. Tl NesblU St.______________ _________AN ■•U-cant n*t; B rooms and hath: every lm<

pr.ivem*nt. rent very low. 7l4 Cllftda are., n**ar Kle ■'>*1 ave. ___

~ Hee thnse fins ntu |S and 110 fiats and houM* Hi W i Bouth Nineisentb at.

KT w<)onf*lPKi-A^rimsntar a l k m o n . STI WSi

. M to an, stklsgton sve.


K FL4T of .1 rtioms. 1st floor, |A 13 Easex st . tusr Orvnf* < t . ___________

AVON I'L fl2Iraprfk'i’menli.

-Rooms to lot. t rooms: 111:

ni HNKr Hf smell fnmih

SI->Fuur rnoma, 2d flnnr, M-BO; BONTOEK. 1B1 lllgh si.

BLANK UT.. two.

1(13—Pufalihed room; sttlikbt* for

I’lfANK *iT., liU~Famlabsd parlur tot on* or two genikmen; gas; hath.

flni TlI u BANOk AVE.. 3W1- Furnished rourn to 1st

I'lrspiaDt rooms for light linue»k*'ipltis*, \‘»>h. L'entrsl, references. I’t Ws'ien pi.

W a I.NTT HT.. IMV—l^Tgf, pleasant, cool room, flrsi fi'»"r; furalsbed for housefeeoping

1st II")!n .M .

WAl-NVT UT..flnnp

gi—Furtilihed room (o Jei; 2il

tft'AUlIKN PI*. ST—Room for genllemeiv, well fiiriiwoed. Improvement*, rs(«renvs required,


WAFUIISrlTON AT., 1*0- T «o very nice fur- nSihe.j rn-ims' second floor, all Impr-ivemenl*

W 4HJIlNiiTt)N AT-, m Pleasant fumishiwt from owjms; sM Improvsments.

WAim hT., ftl-FurnMied front room for twe senitemen or (MMiple.

WKHT PARK small rooms.

IT., g-khirnlshed Urge and

F lB N lf lH E H ROOM1I TO OK T o w n .

L E T -O L T

KAKT iBlANOE—One or two furnished rm-tm to lei with use of tiaih and gas; fine nelsh

bnrhofxl. 4Hl William at.FTHNIAIIED

Eaii to let kH A'lasex sve


FURNIHHED ronm wented for llfhi hi use keeping, central; American or Orman, siaie

lermi. Addrees Room. Roi « . New* ..rfii-e.

srvund ■ciiire. strong.i . h.hd,. tm m.^..

high setnee, ktiH neaks. fast nkc^eta juM tn*

*^l^*ir 'b*y geldiMA iA * htmU high acton, roatl 1(1 miles an hour, tearleae of olijeuia

rhealnut mere 15.3. iierfeci conformsOn, jwrfeci kn'*e and hock action sad step In Ihre* minutes, the beet In America.

geliUSg white potdti, egtrs high. all-sr<Hin<l scltit. bold. fas*. ia«v#r, a sure show

^Thr^alhJ'ie burses will pcuv# blus rihbOft

'*T)Trw *ui*er!» mated Jet black •.esms. Id binds Three Jet bisck ^bf*''**^**!;?*-,

wHit* Veare# team On* liSeuMful ilhctland winy |■e (ec cob. IllrhK-olorsd dsppi* grays.

In Id hands, for en>s» mailngj Bsi roach horses. MHtrd pairs stMl slnsle. ift to Id hands In all ‘'■>l''rs. inn Uuslnese horses. l.tfDl to LbUO poiiTKls. eiiltMliJe for all puri^uses*iHtMliJe for i

\\. rk h"]s*'H to hire Telephone 424.

HOBkKfi AT a u c t io n —-H O B Stt AT p r iv a t e flAIX^

in 1,1.'d HEAD COMMISSION BTAB1J6. tlij and 4P7 Broad st.. Newark. N. J.


Large Auctlos gel* of — llORilKB-HORriES—

FRIDAY, MAT 4. at 10:90 A. M.

Till* sale lAcittdes iretttra, pacers, cubs, n'iiihed pall*, alngl* drivers, family, business, w.irk. 4«preee. draught, farm. Jerety chunfca m Uct. horaea to euit all purpoees.

INI to lid head ef flrsi-claxs horsss always on hanu at private sals or exchsnfe. All hortes eiuJd on two days* trial, and If not as repre­sented purohsat money cheerfully refunded.

Hitren, wgaiaaa and barnese sold on oommls- siun. either at auctloo or private sale.


Teleiihonea W3 and TTfi. HOY A FOX. PropsJ()B. 8. HOT, Auctioneer-

J E MORBHOtTl. Baleemaa.Tfones to hire by the day or weefeL

The best carpet deanlng aiachtnery made. All latest lrnimve|Mis._ This detiartmeni 1* iniharse of Mr. C, B. Cadmus, for c»ver flu years

sMaalag busloess In , Newsrk- Our New Procesi is ihonrugh. destruying alt moths and lar%-ae, rvmoilng all fnreign suMtancea from ths rabrire, raising nap, bright­ening colors. Ouarafitesd not to rip seam*, ahrlu or reU a sarpai or fr«y out raw edgts. cw damage It la snj way.

We eetM and take up your rugs and csrpete,



CHARLKR A. fElCiC. C O U N flE L I/m -A T -LA ^


ctren and v*-lay them throughout (he house, by rompatenl n ^ t etored In siaclal carpet Mor-age ruvme. If desired. Lowest raise,



Note flrsi name "Araoe'’ befnfe e*terlng store.




V F, t‘«K D W ^ ¥ l‘VS :M V n i,D IN g .H ‘ KKCr *ND WABHISOTON rT*.


JAMF.K H. N l’OKNT 0 0 1 'N H IC U n i^ T U ‘ W.

IIOOHI lA-n. Bt!II£IINa.•tw BwoAP r r .____________

t/iANfl netMiited on rest setate. natse. baii4CARPICTB cleaned by . ,

or stea^ What'e the dlffertaoeT Tha moll vspower.

new prorsaa, slectrJcltr_____ ,..c dlffertaoeT Tha mollvs

It's the biachine th*t dom the work.

Insurence prilicles ami all klnis of” linw AR D iproperly, without removal- F......... .Qenerat Prnker, I'ammleel^wter (sf Psedt. Nctsrp

TV* hava the mom perfrot macblns In Ike flisie. At refitting and rsisylag wa has* aM>rs than twenty years' experlen w.

For cheapnaaa and good work a trial will convince you.

Carpet Linings and Furniture Upholstering, HANBON a DlCKSRiON,

opp. C. K. R. Depot. MB BROAD IT. flacoeeso* to

The aiobe Carpet Ctesnl tg Company,» N, J R. n. sve,

Dolh 'phOrMS 41A

PuMIf. MaNUI it.. N.wtrA. y . J- .FIVB TKljnlAND noi.l.ARM In In*" « •»'>*

,ni1 mtiMAs*,. KLOItKNCK M, ROAK, it- lorMV'St'law, Prudential Building,Iflmi.isifl Tti IjOAN «m bond and mortgage la’ urri* to’sult’at Sjwr’rent,. without (H>nus. ED-

- ft IlLACIT eounaellor. 114 PrudenOal.^

iSi).(i00 on hand to loan on bemd and at ft i *nt.; no liotiu*. JT'LH (t Rt P-

IUKCHT. touneslIor-sDLaw, TM Broad s ^

I.V>.onn TO ID.IN st 4 ner cent■----- -- KNIOHt , aMarney end couniWAIaTKR .1 ... ^ •

lor-st'isw. P22 rrudentlal Rullding

end fi par eent..1-


m a d e e a s t b y KAVINd TOUR CARPETS


W, T. JANCOVIUS,k l u c t r ic c a r p e t c l e a n in g w o r k s .

P10 BROAD IT NEAR ORBEK ST. b o t h T H ONF^ 7oT. EflTABUflHFD ISfii- Unth TelepfadCtee 4fll. Established UMfl.

m o n e y to l<wn on bond and wnrtseas, at i per cent.. In sums to eult. JOHN F n A N rtl

CAHILL lawj-^- Wfi Hread nm TO l o a n on hruid and mortgaffs. In

sums loiull. Address Aliornsy. Boa II. N*w* office.fefOVKY TO IJI.'.N »Mi hond and mortgage. In sums to sull. K W. OKERY. WT Broad st.

1.0 ( # .P R R SO ? rA L .







ti.arias organs, horses and wagons or SBoal aay kind (if rersofttl property the eame day you

Ntr'KLY furnished room wanted in privetr fntn- My. tor senlleenan and wife. Addre*e Urinate.

B“ji 4k. Newe office.

Tt4 )i nr three furnished K»>ms or furnlahed Ret wsnied. where meals ran be assured In sam*

hniier. two adulla. Addrees Adults, H«Jk 42. New# offlee.

HKLM**NT a VF,. ltd—4 brlel^t rvnm*. with water In kill (‘cn and good csTlar, rent |T.

BKRGKN .4TITinnlh,

128—Fin* 4-room flat; Ii3 a

KROAUbT. ft<k> Flat of B rooms lo let.

TO LET OR FOR HALE Brick huust, 3UU Fifth are., hear Rrwfvllle ave.; T room* am

bath; steam heat; price luw. Inquire Ell dixiha>s., Roseville.

P A ( 'T » R lB i KOR flAI.R OR TO LE T .

FACTUHT and large railroad siding; Ne’

Tld Broad st., ffawsrlt.

. plot to let or for ssle; ewarfc. 8. D. JACKSON.

H O rSK fl TO LE T .

AT WOODSIDB—Cottage*, |n EALEMON. FIS Washington ava

to 980. JO-

cr)?BT hoqet, Falrmount.neir Thirteenth av*.;A ritoms all Improvem^nls; rrnm June 1.

HUdO OORRKB, Meiropohcan Building, ket and Washington sU


KMMBTT »T., IT—To lei. T rooms and hslh.all Inipro'emdDts; Itnmediktt possesion. GEU.

r. l)oDt>, Hit Broad st.mmalcfl t o L E T -K o, l centre at. 8 rormi.

all Impia,. |4fl: 6 Saybrook Pl.. » loom. Imi'ti., MB; TT South 12th it.. 8 rootns. Jmpla. 120. at Routh I3th et-. B room*, water gas. ete„ tlA; 87 South 13th st., a roams, furnace, wiier, etc.. 118. _HOURB to let. No.

rnoma and bath. Inquire of owner.

IIB nioomfleld Sv*., h»ill ImprutcraentA 931 6U.

144 BELr,RV»,L« W E

HOl'8Ii 10 Ivt. 2li Kesrny il., 12 room*, all Itnprosements: hardw iod fl«n>fT; in

dltlon. V. H. TOMPKINS. Kt HHlevIlle avHO|;rk . d rooms and bath; flrsI-cits* condition,

Itesl IcM'atlnp Stiv Ward; FJU. A. EGGERS, 4JW Suitimer ave.

(.'ODHT NT.. P4 Third floor flat, five rooms and bathnumi ;rriJrov*meAU; hall* and sialrv

rnri-eted. WILLIAM P. FIELD, Prudential Kulldlng.i KS'TltAL AVK., M.—Two pretty unfurnished

ronms wiih all improvsmeitta

I’RAWFOnn STr<H>ms In kt.

48—One or two unfurnished

c h e r r y Cherry i

8T . 1 4 -^v f rooma. Inquire 18

KUZAHKTH -4VK.. 4Ll»*th, sH impr^vemeya.

-Flat, 8 rooms and

FI-^AT. 73a Iftih av*.. near Howard st.: 8 rooms;■ti impro^nncTiis. taqulra BUBCM'I Jewelry

Biore. Hprlpfficld ave,, cor. High et.___________FLAT, A n«cm* end balh; alt ImproTiments;

newly paltered; near 8outh Orange gvs. car; ■ " 2M Fairmouni lid.

FLAT. T room* *nd bath; all Improvements; centrally located. In qu ire ** High at

FLAT' Five rinins: all modern Improvement*, Inquire 4ft Merchant st.. cor. Ferry.__________

F M T to letllfl

......... . rcKims; all improvemenU; rentIIH NorMi fteiond at., lit floor.________

FLAT: alt imprfivemsnta: staan ba*t| Japltor senUe. F. LAUTE. IS Hill at.

FI.iAT-'d rooms and bath: 71 New at. E. LEHMAN, 3fl NSW st.


FLAT Flvw-r"*jm ilai, with Improvements. JiSng *1.. orP*'*Me Elm. ___


FI5RRV ST 233—Four n>onis In corhar house, rent 111.with Improvementa.

FOR rwiwctsMe colored pa^ls. < room* HU ^Mflngfleld av*.



HOrSE—Semi-detached house. 7 foom*: sITlm- pruvemenw. Key Ridge st-. Furm HUl,

Newark.HOt'bfa^S to t«l In every ward pf iha city. ;W. GEBRY, 887 Rrnad st.

llOUBB lo let: corner I4th avs, and floulti 8tk at. Inquire 148 Market at. __________

KDtTflE to 1st, 48 Tlchtfior st.: 10 rooms; all Irnprovementa. _______ ____

gl MMIT 8T., U —To l»i, house, B rnorns; sduUa only; rent ti«, E. E. CRANE. 4U4 Broad si.

TO LET—A desirable brick bouse. 128 Third av*.; P rooms, bath and ail Improvements;

fins street and nslghboThood; near three trolley lines. High flchOQl and Erie Hallrrwd Htalioti: rent moderats. B. E. BOND 4 CO.. TUI Broad at.TO LET-No. 86 Saybrook pi., north side: I-

story and basement and 2-story extenaloQ; all modern Improvetnema; rent t0BU. Apply 7<4 Broad st.. upstairs.

PRIKTIH. 188 Market, room 21_ Tbl HROAl) 8T.E. BOND 4 CO .

r e a l e s t a t e , KIRK INBUHANCKI4OAN8 ON MORTOAOBR.

JU Lira E. 8EITK. TPS Broad st., bought, sold ami rented, Newark *


Reel Eetate, exclisnglng and reongag* loans. HETKR. 7k4 Brewd, cor. Market st,; open ev’i

WALTER W, 8ALTEH, Real EaUts. Mortgage. Monty. 74U Broad it.

D w alllBM g»AT ROBEVILLf —li>-room earner house; steam

hMt; all Improvamanta; lew nrhri for cash or easy payments. Apply any time nn premise* to ownar. JOHN K. DUNN, IS North Iflev* entb sL -V

TO LET—Houm, No. HU Halsey at., U rooms.ill Improvements' |ck-aOun lultabia (or drn-

tlst or physklin. Inquire L A. KEMPF. at fltouienburgh 4 ro.'*, HOt Broad iL______TO I.^T—128 iouib KJeventb at.; ilstached

houxej 10 room*; all iraprovementa, sieHTn heat, rent low. inquire 22l nth ave.. Rnnevlll**

LITTLETON A\'E . H8--Flns flat of six neat rwiroa; splenlld location; rent. HP- Inquire

P3, lAecond floor. __________________m a r k e t BT., 121. 8 to 4 rooms, jaaltorp at

Hamilton at.. 74, 8 and 4 rooma, $8 to 98, Ward nt,. flL 4 nice rooms, gas. Ill- l,awranc* sk., 88,' 3 btes rooms, 16.wk Bl. Francis *1.. 10, 4 nice rooms, 97. liautls st., lift, fl nice rponis. 98^

LOUIS A. FELDER. 800 Broad at.

MARKKT HT.. lOa-Srooni t1,t; hllth. J WARD RUITH t SOS, PruSintlil Bulldlnf.

SU'LBERHY PT.. U12. 5J f lw -T lir f , front or rear I'Vims. or whole floor of fi connecting

rortms. FRANKLIN MAYO. TfiOBroad et.

Mrt.BRRRT BT.. 3fll-Flv* reoms; first floor rent fow. Inquiri in store.

MORRIS AVE.. 71-To l#l. rent |d.

4 rooms; 8d floor;

NF,W ST.. 147. near HIgh-Havsn rooms and bath, all Improvements; In an elegant brick

houee. lirOO OOERKE. Metropolitan Build ing. Market ahrl Wa*hlngtoi sta

NF»W YORK AVF. . AS pej* part: rent III

-rive rooms te 1st: up*


YORK AVK , »)b-Four airy rouin to

NKWTON IT.. l,ft4V-To )*t,room*. tu.

1st floor; 4 light

31fl R E LU evn^K AVE . browflston* house.with 11 rMKiui, all Impi*............. .......... Itft

II Second av*., d room*. Irnpla................... 93<ilin Third ivB., n rcv>mit Impi*.....................I40123 Mt. Pleasant a^e.. u rooms, Imptx..........tU1*1 Ogden st.. 4 ronms.................................. fu2H8 Summer ave,. u ro' m*. alt ttnpts........... S2d_________ r. H, TOMBKIN8. 181 Haltevllie ave.

OiU HARD BY.. 1ft B*cflnd_flOor; Ms ro^S .central locailfiTi. tviLidAM F. FIBLD, Pni

denrlaf Building. ____________ _

B O A H D IN Q .

b o a r d and table board, with ths comfort* of - home. 41 8outh Orange av*.

COURT KT., 101—l,arg» rooms, with hmird, for gentlemani alngle bedi; Improvement*;


COURT fT., 108—fan acrontmndale three a^n- tlemeti, with or without board. Imprevemems.

COURT §T., W —Two large front room*, with board: alin table hoard; all Improvements.

EI.M 8T.. 14 gecofld floor front room for two; *11 icnprovemants,

FURNtiHED Md unfumlehed rooms, einjde and ooans«tlng, wUh hoard, la all cart* of

city. AssociaHnn. 21 Hill el.Ft;iiNisiiMp roocn. with or without board.

23 t'lay at.. 2d bell.

FORBffT HILI4—Furnished rooms, with board: also labia hoard; reasonable ratre, ncur sia*

tlc«. t flpruce pi.

FAIRMOUKT AVE.. 1st, Witt hoard.

ilT—Fu .»1shed rooma t«

HIGH BT., Nicely fumUhed room, without hoard, for two.

HILL BT., 17—Deslrabls rootns, with board; aU Improremewta.

IF want a runabout (ur 186. come and art It, ll'a new and nice; our rubber lira runabout*

at 1170 are ths hast in the market; our gtilflng wagiin is a new dMign aad vary styllan. i»ur siirreya are made wider and new y>sUern and 1 ^ry pretiy and comfurtable; our little, light deiMt eaniage ws have finished In all cokarei one blue painted victoria, with white cloth rrimmlnv, la very handsome; our leather lop hugglss, at 1150, cannot he beat my where; ep ilrr phaetotts, with or without rumble **al, one In blue and whit* cloth and platform • prlnf*, very atyllsh. *425; pneumstlft tlr* run- tiw-iii* of our own make, with high arch axle, irii-e rJ38. We furnish all styles of business WHgnni, both light and heavy, and prlcre low. Th«*beer botlllng wagon, on platform spring*, •fid light delivery wagim* a specially with 11*

i> L Y E R 4 c6 . 2.........YER 4 CO.. 228 Halsey si.

C IIA4 ORUBE.- IBT-MI m a r k e t BT.



4 psasenger wagonetta; Jump seat surrey, cenopy-iufi surrey, sxtrnslon top sufrty, cut under; 2 Pip buggies, 3 top delivery wagOffs, 1 Victoria, I Daytnn wsgun; all In good order:

hare taken the above in exchange and willsla4l> sell them si a genuine bargain. KATDK'8 R<ieev|||* W'ag.ti) Works, Uth and Oranga sts-




at right prica* for good before ordering.

work: f*t witimate



IKKIH POABnKD AND HOUl#K-mi<^KENi PRKTH r e a s o n a b l e .


iCOMMERCIAL photographing;houses,

manufsetqrei. animsls. maps, plana and document! faithfully copied. Ta*. Tl.\2. LT’ DWm Bc KILI'. Photogra­pher, Market and Washington *ts.

DTE CI TTINO AND DIvflKlNINO- ntea and hub* cut of any deecrlptlon. n r«-

rlasf u-rk guaranteed at reasonableFRED J BTtEFFEL 1H> McWhorter st.. New­ark, N. J________ _ __



MICBIOAN HORSEB-ir 1 can sell quick, you may have them at reasonable figurea: tha

longer I fifar the more It will cost you; Lena B., •AlU; Uot-le Josh, 2 18. Cecil WHkea. 2,|k; JOMile ffafley, J.X4: Mollev, 2.E1' McKIniley. no mark, and other fast nwe*. WM. CALRECK. Utr»>, Mich., now at Clinton are.. eor.O*borne terrace.

W ILL recelvl on Hay A. flret- claisi drivers, huainesi end heavy

draught hortse; will *ell at lowest market prleei; trial given; for sala

___________ or exchange. The City Line Bal*Siabl*i, Springfletd ave. and Twenty-flral «t.

M. BTBCHBH. Prop. Tel 482fl.

HALBET HT., 56—Large room on serond floor, with board.


HT., 88—Furnished roonn. with

HALHKV AT., (W—Lgrga front iwm for two.

LAROE fnml rooms, with board; bsih. Call 40 Park pi.

MT PLEIASIAN'T AVE.. Sfifl-Front alcove room with board; terms m^erate.

NELSON PI*.grnileman In private family, with or



NEW ST.. 44 -riaasant room for two gentle­men; gojd table: Improvements; central.

ORCHARD HT.. ]2(k FYcinb rooms, with board; lerma moderate; table board.

ORCHARD BT.- 80-L*rf* hall room: i*oard otKlonal.

front room; al*

PI«AN& BT.. US—Good aceoiamodatkBa for f*w boarders; Improvraent*.

PARK PL,, 56—Double and single rooms, with board; also (able board-

PLEASANT funtlehtd rooms; also table board. 27 rrenklln *1.

PINE 8T-, board.

16—Double and alngl* room, with

HARNBB#. truck, team. eipr**i. grocery, de­livery. buggy, surrey; prices 112 up; collar*

maasured to nu allowance for old harnesa; a visit will cofivlnceyou w* undersell all com- retltora. B. ARET.RB, 7M* Bprlngfleld av*.: 48 Bowery st. Established over 2ft years.WAGON KTTB—First-class wafoneite (ATft tba.h

make; can he nltchMleriona: curtains,

no Weetern . . double; seata from fl to 8 lanterns, etc., complete. — - -BTOEVER'B Hotel. IIS Hsrrlson ave.. KsrrlsDn, N. J.

pel . -complete. Can he seen at

HARNKHS, HARNEB8 HARNESS—KN> **u purehMsd st forced sale, conilitlng of

light driving to heavy truck barneaa; both aln- gf* and double, can be hnught for about 80 e*ats on the dollar. 1H2 Frellnghuysen ave.

a gndd ftfld durable wagon, , BTI----------------

WHERE can I get _cheap? Ot> to A. fffEDENFELn. 210 Cam­

den at., wbo has just what you want; buslne*s wagons of all descriptions-, estinuiss fumUhed for repair work, work warranted.

BTR.4W and faiuy braid hata pres**d over inw all the new spring shaj^*; hat* l^ a h ^ In

from ft to 5 days J. H. HrlNEliAN. 231 Wastl- belween Market and Bank.Ingion ft .

CARPENTER and CABINET-MAKER. »-ouse*, storre, blltiU , saih*s, door* altered a.hd rj-

Mired - «1«* wtnduwa and nlaixas screened. Ad- drees r MAI L!,, 875 ftprlngfiMd av*;__________OVKHAI.L8 fnr ah lTad#s: h:u*. brown hlek-

ory snd white demm». twills and duck; the largest stock stirt beet hne of alies in th* city. MARRY W SMITH. 2W Market sL____________JOBEPH RinF.ll, luccesw to UMAB. WAAG.

flrst-clas" *si>in, H-IO Ural “i . npp. depet. Bouth Drang*- Flrit-clie* wluei, liquors and cigars, _________ _____ .


you want from 110 up. sndjcill n BSil lITJITImnnihly M ym «u, m. y W * Umt If » » «Wish.


rellahla In ths city, rtvlly confldsntUiI.

and,yourla the oldest and 1114..

as our buslnrse Is atrivlly friends need not know about H.

WK HAVE A NEW PLAN, and wlU be pleased to explain our n j* *h ^ t* ' you, as a « are anxlou* to gsi bur ratre fe*imr* the public, knowing they are ih* dheapaat In tn* city

If' you o « , • buline, o» your fu'i'l*“<'* fS huvt u loio ws.h mufiio o.h*r ronujunr, w* our 11 uo tor you wid |lvo r » “Ullowin* you lo puy u» uly » j y ***** c . For ftjnouty too courtMM *PUUV mrnl cill oh





Boonii :4-S3. now AVrnSl BIJ*. in.ur Hulioy uU.AND LET CB EXI’DAI.N OCR SEW F1.AN

of iouiilnu monoy on hxiuoolraW »oioiu. 3*>11) klnj of ohuHol oocuTltlo.. >l O', I.IIEAF- E W rulM una EASIEST TERMS o*»r o m it* th tlio tnibllc. Tou cure »* i » «y umi™i from Bo ond upuurS. and euy 11 MoS in iiaun iSonilrtr InwnlnMiM". from, ooo nionlti lo • vwur'« tliho. uns If you lottlu your uocounl Iw-ioro ID, <lm« ojpiroi you RlJ! touoiw « *>«iwnl

■ ‘ If you gwe a balanc* oa your fur-

BEAI'TD'V your homo • ' . • ' ' " ( ' ' ’'i: Vi?™ ■t.rlhs i)nn. at MEEKER S. 2BS ^ - ^ - 7 / it.L low prlin: o«l>l> d I«i3; otorosof lol. SAH.I.AWN MOWERS rilIH for; ,hirponSn« >nS

,tr. of »>rry aiwTllitlim. .poomi rXoo ■"- -■■So n . ui! c ,repairs o

■ rdwsTC (1ilealffs. K. MAI I'nmmercs at.

C <i MINTH.S* mason and builder, furnaces and rhlmn.y.; MEoHof drop foundation,; ariU,

rrpalrH and widowraHr, ftassrd. *A. Ktnooy at.

JAPANESE ntior malHnca. t llp -------. iv o a idow *hade*; Koraff* fpr furniture. A, BERN-

s enverx and win.

HARDT 4 r 6 ., the upholsterers, 028 Broad at.D. KARL, antique mahogany funiliur* nred*

to order, retiring, scraping and hand pwlsn* ■ ■ flrsKlaM. 3ftft Halaey at.Ing: uplKvlsterer;

CHAB. ORUBE. 2ftT Market it. W « have in stock a good wagonette, coat 12TA when new,

will lell for 9150. will make a gi>od wagon for leashore or mnunl*ln work, with brake. 2ST MsHiet at . Newark.

8ALE'-V>/v siyllih skeleton phaeton in ku‘ ■ *'It eopdltlon, suitable for doctor nr private

■1*0 a aound. kind, bl&ck, 6'year-old norte; stylish and safe for lady to drive. 579 Ortnge 4t.GOOD family horse, sound and kind; good

roadster; fearle** of ri-«di, locomotlvei.trct- le)-S, automohlleii, steam rollers, etc. Apply at the Berkeley Btahlei. Harrison at., Brick Church.

L'NUfN Straw Hat Blesohery; l«Jlre sfrew bw4a iirereed in all the latest shape*. P. FITZ­

PATRICK, 880 Plana et., near Market.OAS and electric fixtures of all klml*. attractive

and rlieaji. LOWY BROS-, manufaeiurers, 9n Lawrence, ce.r. Market at. _____ ____JOHN TRAVKR8, maiop and builder; Jobbing

-------------- ''dievllle.promptly attended to. P 6. Box 243..Bell

accordingly. >. r - - -...................- j >v>.nlture. or have a loan ekiewhere. and And the l.rnii too lilil.. wo will pay It off tor you Ilv> you mor. money If you n«ol R s i lo w « you to i>«y ui un uui* hew IlL lLD lNu AND., IsOAN PLAN, where each payment made pgy» troth |4*1mlpal and charges, and when theJl»5? -gplre*your loan la all paid. There iwthousanda of ti«()pl(* who are temporarily embt^read st times who have never applied for l08n». he- ciuse they do not know of 4 rellahla place Id go. and for rear of being overcharged. . If any M.ihcae will rail and let ua exp^alz^our plan

^ ’ . . . -.** — — {hit our busL(rf liinlng. Ihey will readily l -- ... nem method* are fair and square, aitd iny cure can unfiersiand them. All hualnaaa strktiy eon*, fldcntlal. You can have the money gt one*. Loans made in all suburban place*.




TKHM'k>A*tE8T IN T H t CjTY.


\Ve make loans from llU to I1.W4J im hou^ hold furniture. I'lanus, horse*. w*g»>ns and other iisrwtnkl pruaertj. wlthnut T*nio»al rrum your isi**e«*lfm. You can return Ihe loan In monthly liistaln'ienis. from one to twelve monthi. You oan iiay in full at any lime, and it wi;j only cofi* you for iuch time a* yio have had tha iiyjney.

Uuf past year's eiiier*eiic« ha* oonvincvd ua that (lui method of making loans Is by far the most ;*rsctlval tn the i-liy, and our moUo lg dealing wuh ouf i-ualoraer* la tu give them such treatment as will bring them t»ack, ehnuld t,hoy

CARPETS ct«naa ana 1.W; ^ . bRj. « aphal- J',;*iteraa; Mo; B. V. NOE, Brvad M,.

— If wairting .a .loan. Wa are JaiamM'*'4||M)l'''- l^]sg-to give any Information regarding

HUBEVlLtiS—Private family would like tingle

Sentiemen to board; nicely furnlahed rooms, dress Private, Box 28, News office.

BAYBROOK PL., 4-Fronl room, wUh board. In private fsmlly-

THREE gentlemen oan obtain goad board;homa comforts; modern oonvenknots. Apply

fttU Elm at.WILLIAM 8T., 14, aear Broad—t.4rgs com<

fortabl* room fur two gemternen, with or wlihowl board; reference; prlvaie family.

8TH AVM, 81—Furnished room*, wtlh or with­out boaro; _near p., L and W. Station_______

DItlEPfTAL TKHRAi’E. Fuur nice roqm*.

4T. near Oriental ai,—


A NEW brick houaet 8 mom*; hath; atesm heat;9600 down; $25 monthly. 12T South llth at.:

open flatty and Sunday.flat huUflt; II Tiwifiit;

tniprovements: westerly *ntj city; close in Orange av*, ■ “k e l l r r

BARGAIN l-Two-ftmliyntsj westerly *ntj city; close in :_0Bly tJ.ffOUi on easy Irfm*. PSTER

22 CU^toft at., room 45BARGAIN—A I'family huUM at 1ST Reymgur

ave.4 neir Clinton ave. ('all any tliiie and are It; all Improvements, sifam hrat, etc.

Ft^R bALE-'-ln Roseville, new m <dcru coUsge;choice l<ic»ilor». lU r«xinis, steam heat, ex-

posed plumbing; hSYdwuofl finish; large lot; the owner will »cU at a great barinln, as he s l»hre tn. leave the f-Ity. terma m suit. Jf^HN D. TOPPlN. ()ran|e si., oppoaltr North 7Ui st.FnR b a l k - l2fi Bouth ^tf'v^nth it.; rtelach^d

houae; lu rooms; all Improvcmetus; stsgiu heat, piiL* U>w Hnil ensjt pnyftienis. Inqulr* 221 Rlxlh ave . RoaevlD*.

AT IRVINGTON-Flne large house, all im­provements; two arr^i of ground, larg^ barn

arui r-grrlagc huune amt chlnken house; hTi kind* nf frutt; rent rheaii. Apply W. N- HAPP, H I Market si., Hiy.Hi'^UHK U'ffVTrni hwise on flhamn *vr ipMng.

ton; rent U2 In'julfe of J. <L tVOnTJUTFr-IRVINGTON- 12-room hous*: Inrire gTognil*;

trolley; rent moderate. E, ilKRBY. ftmlih si.!HV|,\i]TON T l let. house; Imi afi.l .-.*li1

Tcm 114 Inquirtf WEBEA’fl BakeryNKW hnusr '

■•kI.I nairr,K HOEROKR.

( l#*i; 7 roums: I'isih, l*«q tiiid I iv1 i-rllar; large inipilreMrookslfla gvc-. Irvlnftnn. N. J,

Ft nNlM||*]H I1019R8 TD L K T -O l T OF TOWN>

ROOMS—Hlx rooms lo 1st, nients, at 1-17 Bouili Hth

Newton it., 2d flot r

with all Imprqve- at. Inquire al 84

ROOMS- Four or five room* to let, with hath, hoi and cold wntrr Inquire |28 Stone st.

ROUMJk'J^r light rooms. With Improvement*, le Isis rent I Id. Inquire 8fi Pacific st. ______

BOOMU*—Twn oi three ro'Ul xlorr. Iftl Mulberry et.

I to let. Inquire In

ROOMS-Tc kt. land at..; |12

i rooma flrgl floor. 15 Row-

BEE thal comfurtrtMe flat for felt at 2ftft Rum­mer H\e ; hn|’f'=* cnjriltl. MYRON ftV.

ftp vrhF. i:m Third *\k.

bTMMEK .\VK menle; reoi I2>

villa ave.

ftTI- Flat. I rooma. Improve- I' H. TOMPKINS, IW Belle-

Bl MMIT HT,. UI ' all Imfvovemenis

<sey second fist uf 5 ruums

FrUNli- HKli umijie fnr rent f»U‘ summer ply i> H n STRAIT, flpert.a. N J


F lH M k lir .n I10V8B1I W ^A^Tet).

SftlAl.l. Nirmili'd Imuir wantsd f"i' i*'i V'Mrr wi l'■lll'n elH'rt. IloX 4l, .Vcv»« .jfll.'

HAILEY* HT.- Twn-slory hrlrk sl >re nn*l dwell­ing: 8 mom*, with linpr<^v«n)eni*. hargAln f< r

ready purchaser; make me hh I'ffiT. fn'iulre 3h| Haleev et.. hvtween fi ind T, evenings.HOI'SE-ll.lOfi buy* a ala-r*'rjni hnuae;

mlnute'a walk from Houtli oranga ave.; garden. RIEBLKR. 873 llth ilH<lU8E-For sale cheap, t(»

rrKim htuae on Orchard si ; ERT KAY, 744 Rroad *i

close an estate, nrli-e ta.fAMi Rtf

HOU8B In- Elm st.. near Mulhem-; *<illnt<!M for boardlng-hiiuse; cheap FRANKLIN

MAYO. 780 Broad *t.HOUSER for sale In »+very wsrd of the clt)-.

W. GERRY. H.37 BroBd •(.ONLY tiffil cash nar<-fiiar> ;

Frederick ji.; price It.lkk);

Eaga at 5 per cem. A. A. racket st.

ft-fsmlly hci-sg* .al*ni‘e nn ionrt> H(.'ftl[}KRT. 12S

ROSX1V1I.LE- E'er eale, elegant modern brick bouMi rscapdijn hall, open fireplace*, steam

heat, electric light, u rooms and bath; open plumbing; hardwood finish; wlU be sold at a great bargain and easy terms- Apply to owner, PAUL H. BRANQH. 83ft Rosevifl* ave.

ROSEVILLE—Uorner honae. T t'>cms and bath* all Improvement*; cabinet mantel*; reception

ball; near three trolley line* and depot, price low. Jfl Dickeraon *t.. enr ftih *t.

WANTI'D ti' Tt-nt. Rfjaevllle or ersugrsmall rtiTnl*hi'd Iiim*n, flat or ,i fiiriil»li*-il

r<v<nts. with uv‘ < r kltrlien. must bv m>j<li-rati-. N'i'irsjti N*-a» it« iN'i. lit Roseville BVe. __

h|'<Mti:4. O F F U KS, LOFTfl. FA<'-rm tiFH , <4TAiii.ii:ti, k t c ., t o

A p|l-Ughte<;l fl.rf r In let; (mwer.uixt hII Improu-u-Knia; sultabb' ('>

nU., iiHsen\cni. with |)oaer. ch'-J H. II. LKKORT. fill .\rUngton si.

slesni h**iit ■ Jrwclb'ni; ,p. Apply

HrttlNOFlKM Hnd huih.

AVK ftbS-Flal in let; 0 tv>m*

8i>l’TM inTII M »2l ‘^-Four room* to let.■fir LET rentrul »ve.. near Bmad it.. Nm.

P Nnri II. finis *\ r<»oms; bath; Impruvemants. FRA.NK WlHJ.Inll.N, 2U8 Market *t.

*B O A E D lR O -O L 'T OF TO W M

Rr/X>MFIELE>-Two Urge fun Ymard ortionali Private family; seiflot locality:

Addraaa ni>.tomfleid. Box 48.


reference required. News ofllca.NDBTH ARLINGTON AV E . 0. East Orange.

loda*homa hoarding-hoUM* for aflults; acootniDO tiotie for fantlamen a apeclally.

l/>NO-TAiLED ehretnut hors* for **le, Tyear* old; IftU high; Phineaa Jone* runabout

and lira** muuntrd hameas; t2Ufi; slira cuiuaderdepot wagon, rhurch.

tlN>. 160 HerriHon it.. Brick

FOR BALE—1 extension lop surrey, I can<»py top surrey. 1 moyer buggy, 1 runabout, 1 set

nf new buggy hame*a. all new. xnd rubber tirad. DR. T. EARLE RUDD. 60 Park st.. Of. ange.10 4BTB sacnn*i-baiid heavy double hamaai.

5 sets ser««id>hand buggir narneas. t ael eeiond-bind roach hantres

ASCHENBACH 4 SONS, 70 Market it.

FOR SALE-Pneumatic lire runabout; high and low wheel solid rubber tire runabout: trap and

surrey: also horse and hsrneaa U2 l4lh ave., cor, Bergen st.GOING, very cheap, wagon* and carriages; all

descriptions, eitrn good surrey*. 9TB and $Ik>; trap, 150 ■ " ■■■ ' ’av*.

AI.HKHT L. TIPLIN. 82.1 Central

r u n a b o u t fnr sale; low wheel rubber tire;neorlv new ; prlve very low; quick sale. 10 lo

12 o'clock, f r a n k AVISUOHK. 300 Market at.

B O A R D W A N T E D .

HORSES—Two horset for sale; suitable for farmer or peddler: aleo two light wsgofts and

heavy g-*prlng wagon. 188 Boyd et.

b o a r d w a n t e d for man and 8-yMr-otd hoy; breakfast and supper for man, with

cere of boy during day; must Ktats iHie* afiff parttculira. Address Home. *Box 77. Nakr* of­fice.

b o a r d and room wanted fnr gentlemaa and wife In vicinity of Newark Aihletlo Clu^s

grounds: $14 per week. Address Bnard, Box tB. News OlRv-

SEB' rubber tire runabouts; Itfbb wheel*; saoond-hand cutunder aurrey phaeton.

81 Oliver at.

TWO*f!EAT canopy lop surrey, -SAMUEli .............

b o a r d w a n t e d by geniteman around Suriagflald av*.. iTth amt 22d >is. Addrsaa

o. V.. Box 54. News office.


GIRL deal re* room and hoard in tltfa with re- spertable private famlly> Addreas City, Boa

S7, Newa olfie*.R(N>M and hoxrd for man. wife and 5-ynr*blfi

bhtld. Addreaa L., Horn 55. News nfllca.

b o a r d w a m t k i m u 't o r t o w m .

TMllKK nl-e r pi ,%U. 1lll|LJ1|*

nms to let at 27 8omer*#t st.; lU Jkft,. Wail Kinney *t.

TWO Isra*- t' )!<pi IngfP'lit

tie. irqt flOOT. OS lUth av*.. near

U (LLIAM .'‘ I I w 11 re* r- M! f:

.',e, Three rrer roortw at )T. and

llOOftiq ro laK'r—OUT OF TOW N*

OKA NGK- I ■ ur l.’» WeliMlrr g>|

ur five rooms; Imprnv-nmcnts,

liRi>Al> HT.. CKd, tii-ar W**i I'erk *1.. li'l floi>r- Tei let 4 tery i;gni large rorjiin. lU'am li*-«verl,

QEO, V. TUTTLE, T4k Broad si,mtOAD HT. *lore lo let -Bloie No. Br.,*d

it to let. Apply to JOSEPH H. MKN.ftOll on ihe i*r»inl*e*.h a r b k r Mh*i|' quire fl.1 flixtn

none In rieIg:.ui>i]|(K><1. avf . rent

FACTOtiV to lei: corner Kitn and Columbia •t*. Inquire W. K. COIlEy, 78 Columljla it.

FlflHT door eloro house In j'iire juntior, ppemli

rear 2111 ftltirkei i.

H.AI.^L'Y FT.-kKur** sn<l iMptemeni in li't, Chcit.ter^uv , Hnisi'y *i., heiapm Mnihit mi l hHiik

sis.; Ml ft. il<*eiv I'HAH. I*. RnSJ«. TiL' Hr nil *1.. r. n TITHWORTH. JnI Mr.-ml SI


A W lim w wiiiilil Ilk* an unfuitilsheil nMim nr iwi . will* viHier, for light hmiaekeeplng. em

plnveil till N>m*

ih‘ day. .^ddress G., Bus 28,

want 8 rcHims; eehtral, rent rmt MR8. ZBHNDER ft4H Wash*

Winiied, three of four nlt-e r-ioms for dd'ilis. gi>od Ideation; reniral preferred. ’* lt<mm. Bo* 40, News ufllce.

I NM HMHIIKD room wanted for lady, dri-hs I!. M., Box 81, News office,

I 'lH M fi lf fa n ROOMfl TO LE T .

9l.8nO; 9800 down. |1C monlhly, buy* new brlrk hovis; 4 room*, hath, heater, all Impta ]T2

Booth Ipth at.; can be seen loy time,


•Ol'T O F

IRVINGTON—For sals or lo let, from May 1, house, 13 rooms, alt Improvements; Chmr>n

gv«., rer.1 of Colt at.; large grounds with ittbla: An* view. E> McNAUGHTtJN, 534 Broad gt.


FJCRH for sale; 4h nvfts on msi-aflam road. be. tawen Morristown and Mt. T*l>nr; nexr'si-hoi?]

■n4rtilroad station; iwxNd nine-roum hou*e and MtbttUdlngf; fine urtiiard fbr chicken or truck farmmay remain oi


nonfthiy will

price 94,5(in: 92^--.mrjTI gsgja

FARM—Two-acre farm, house and h*rn. for afilit; one mile from cars. P. HA UN, Irrlng-

tofi. **•_____________________

F A R M i TO R ENT .B-ACREf«rm<w|th.bou*f barn, poultry hmiees;

aa iMto raad. M. vGiaT. Brookdale.

MibT to let, ;i,i»00 srjiiarc fert. 'M ll>'..r. Ml end t*3 N. J. R R a»e., ni bt 'm thm-

alseiric light, hsnt end [io»cr Inriuded In rent I'd iircmlwii. Adilre** Lufi. |lux M, Nrwi ( f- flee.

•« .'M i.LV fiil'niahed ruomi all imiirnvi<mer.taL priuite Amtrlcan family n»‘ar Hi'oad s«dl

Msrk'* A'ldresa Private, lh>a 27, News otflea.

LO^TS wjth fMiwer snd iienm hest, renct tt WAiflllNGTO.N WILSUN

ATI. \ S'r p ILein-'li n

' AT., 8—Furnished room m let; gen- • houeaheeplng: r'asnn*bia,______

Bo a r d WANTFD—wanted cn siihurba cil Kewarkl. by young lady, mnilsrats board in ivate family, or where there sm nne Of two

other tv^Mere, nnu turnlsh one norn; r*r*k> erpes exchanged. Particular. Box :i6, Njpga of- flo*. _______


WU hevt an elegant stock of high-grade jrt*B08 at resaonable prlcre *nd un easy term*, bar­

gain 91V will buy a fine upright piano with ■tool ant scarf; square pianos. t40. $80, 978. FK A N K U N ’d WAREKOOMS, 21 Fulton >t.AK UPRIDHT PIANO.

|A5 cash, foo InstalmentsGood square piano fflO, reduced from 975- 63 Bprlngfleld a v ^ nesj-wr^Hlgh at.

IF your piano needs polishing, tuning or repair* Ing now la the proper ilim lo haveli done; ftl

so Mtimat*. T s lep l^ * U D. WILLIAM HILL» brxctlcal piano pohaher, 27 New at., ba< iwreu Broad and Haleey sts.g r e a t ptano t^rgalna; Btelnway, baby graoA

Knab*. Ukltkaring and others; in fin* order;...— .---- .. >> VI III |jim uruMj >a good upright only f75: 4 aquares |25 and IN each; fi squai^ |fiO each: 98. 94 monthlr.W A^D, g-B Weft Park.BUT (he bid r*llibl« Decker 4 Ron. establlshsd

1886. If you want a good durable piano, hand■ome figured nuttewmny and walnut rassa; al ways on hand at HILL'S Plano Wareroom*. 27New at.PIANOS; real mahogany or walnut (noi *ulB*d

piano*), Ivory key*, fine tone, with aiool. cover, ullvary; warranted for 5 years; 1100; monthly, |5- Dw South Orange av#., «or. Brue*.

.Mi' ll ST. ftfi-rumlBhcd room fir gentleman; iTKsrp family; 11.25*

LOfeTti lo let nith power; abcui 5,000 s(|. f|.;all or part; every convpnifru.e. Itiqulrr C.

R A D U L im : & SONS CO.. 27U N. J. Ei, H. »ve.LAlinU and «msl1 luftg td» lei.

r-onvenlfitt Iccaihm; low rent, HUFI-*. 104 Market si..

i.U' hT,. 845-Selcvi furnishfd rooms; '\cmentfi; steam heai, rr^rerrmss.


M lo.u i ST.. 427—IMeossnt furnished r'-.-tn, sultabU for iwr. n*'tnlemen.


KRnAD ST.. *mji |1.

5Q8 '-Furnli>hrd ri..;ma; large and

IMti'AD BT.r IN - Neatly furnisheil room.

MAKKKT ST,, ftlo -Fine larxv wlure. f«>|- wlmi*-- sale nr retail business. fOO. 1/ A FELDKR,

pu lirnnd si. .UN NKW YORK .tVK.-ft-itory brlra fu Un y

10 1st, IllaOS. lurge yard, also ;i-stur} ftatim an^ Ivrk'lv’ building 05aT‘*.. j ljyi.iw>yer.‘ Infjulif ‘ ‘^Skj2 Oriiigf

CKNTRB BT., 8.—Newly ruro>hed roomi all ImIiruvementa; J VPos11e_Milltary Park.

i:[.M ST.. 42-PleasHni lurnlshcfl room; 2d fluorti .r lv a i# f a m i l y ____ ______________

LAST PARK 8T.. W Fruiil room 10 1st, board

-ILANE H'f.. Nu, 221—Ilrlck *tnhle and rt'om inr rmc-hman-ur atorags Imms'llsis

|Hisj*fSNlfin. Ai'ply nl Nn 22;i Plane »t.SUHLEHINOEK. 74«-t4« Rreal ft

ROUMH lo let, with power; all Improvements j well llrhl»-i1. No. 24 timifllnot st, Imtulre of

R E A L R B T A T B W A N T E D *

R0U8B~-Waiit to buy smaU house. Address iiiy«r, i n M. Sowf o<Wc«, _____ _

H i Ubw ig gi*. Naw York.

BAIIUKL W. UEERV. 7H.1 DrosU ft fineer ut- premise*. Ts'ephnne N« , [kU

or an*

fiTOHK nr rmlliling; S-fU»ry tirli h. f>leni> of light; a1*n elcaPir: store hiol iw-- 'nfiR, p

West *1., guoil for whokssit- i>r m;iiiMfnctui-lng; IHephone*. REYER TK4 Rrf>a«tst.. rcr. M*rkel,'BTOnr; 102 Market *t.; 20 ft. Uy Ok) ft. in sHey

in rear; building lo ha renio'lelled on May I: ■atlafarlnry leare given. WILLIAM S. FAIR- t.^lIA). 188 Maricst et.

FUKMiBHKI) n>'ft1a______ all Imt^vtments.ilroad *1-. near FInimot fit. Rail

tltft allroad Birllon.

FURNlflHFD ri-Mims. 1st floor; Mrior and bed' .......................M, N<-routn. Aililres* A. R. C., Box w , N ^ s office.

IfKlUtY yr.. lut-;Purniihed room* to !*(, tvU-i or wltboufi bofi-d.

SPECIAL piano sal*.planua at ail prJc«s. V^IBfiNER,

at.; open evening* during sal*.

removal L fill B ro^

LUUIS DUhJRFKL--Tuner and repahsi i ano* and orgabs] repairing a iikoialty;

unlY. I « 'clasB work uniY. Bruet at., cityIE pi'first'

J. HAND KJCNT. of 234 Market st.« tunes gad reitalr* ptanoa and organa Is yours out of

ordar Try him- _ _REMOVAL BALK-

WiaHNER'A 6H during aalS; _ _ _


t2ft upward,II.) opfn cvsnlngfe

MILTON ORL'KT“ Tunlng and repairing. Broad at., near 18 cent atora, 2d fiiyir

PlANO-gSO for aouar* Plami. . A|tply* to fiCHlLLlNQ, 768 South Iftth it. _____


tuning, repairing, COLON, I B --------

poiiablng; low

NEW uprlgtal and equatt ptanoa fur *a>< AlHiig at. >!*,■* Ml 11,11 „ I • “i,


HORBK. 6 years old. nice ixMd mere, rubher- Hr* rimaboui and hkrneti fhekp. UARDBR,

174 ffcgpergflt at. h ,

Bforagg.BTOftAGB—nfSt class building, built cspreMly

Our eiurage; Arst-das* vans; first-class help, at moderate itrlcet: our own van* call; goods pack- e<t. moved and sMs'pefl to *U l»rta of country; don't be mlsl*^. Note the first name. ■•Amo*,*’ and "No. 7ft" Market st. ^

AMOS H. VAN HORN. Ltd. Tel. ftSfl.1>J\V ratra, i>«at (aclllilM. Knickerbocker Flre-

uroof Storage C'g< J<'hn MalHian. pres.. lUO to Usl Arlinaion st.. Newark, Potirively th* only flfst-cla** stoTags warehoua* In th* cBy-BTORAOE- We have a building erected for th*

purpose, gooq. clean. Well llgfited rooms; low rates j t>esi of car* taken of your gocsls, McCURDY 4 (X)., 717 and 7T9 Broad at

J. C*

Ri^fflNEiV C H A N G C i. R EM U V ALB.THE Nawsrk and Boston Wallpaper Co.

tSluUky 4 Miller) wishes W announce that they have removed from 282 Bank sc lo tt) Bpriitgfleld ave., near comer High si.

Vl .kLLPAriCH AND P A P E R H A N O lN a ,

three-fprlng top D.W'IS. 835 Mall) ■(..

KISENHKRC. HKHMA.N 4 UO.UHAfl. KI8ENBERO, the Original Favorite

Painter and IJe 'oralor. formerly at til riprtng- field «ve. wh‘3 always did your work at cheap- eat rati’, ni| always pleased hli cuitumen. begi 10 notify hla iu«tomers snd the public tn geii* teal, that he has no connection with any other Arm beurlng bl* name, but Is now jMsteti with Elsenberg Herman 4 Co., at 5l» Market *i., cur, of ^xne at. We carry Ihs largest assortmcmi ut Wallpaper In the BUts. and we do first-ilaa* paper-hanging. In axid cuialde palming, decoret. Ing. eic.. Kl ine lowest prlc**- Read the follow. Ing; Papering a rootn, uelling, and walla, n . with Ilk psp*** for tl{ papering with l«-ln. bor­der. D : ingrain, 16. *ic.. Including alxlng tm| repairing. TlrslH’taxa workmanship guaranteed. fleiTil i>OBtal or c«H at our «tor* and convince yt#ur*rlf. Open avealngs until 0 o’cltwk. Long Diet 'Phrifie 4«Cft. Newark 'Phone 841. Don't mistake the number—M Market at. ytiurs.KIBKNBRRG. HERMAN A t'lI'O.

■ li AOONS for sale: fine surrey: t’olyer huggy. C> M. n’GUFE'8, fiumnicr and Qloomflcld

FIR8T-ULAB0 covered spring dellretywagon. nearly new, for sale ohesp. inquire ITS Broad

gnu<lJRREY—For sale, cannu> top surrsy. _ cheap. H. W. OlrfVER, foot Clay si.

m kid wagonf and hirntss. CAL- Beech It., Orange Valley. ,

HOR8K u d wagon for sale. KlflTNER. Devfm .. near Bergen sve., Kearny.

HORftRB- Two good work theap, 356 Warren at,

h' rsea for tale

WAQON—(.>■!* light lop delivery wagon for aalt cheap- 128 Walnui at, ______

BUGa¥-96 buys good buggy tr aoJd at once- tM Jaffeiwon at.

BUaOY-fllde-bar tOfi Nkihoii at

top buggy for sals ehaap.

jrjNB rubber-lired runabout fur !ialr. 28 Ailing 6t

EIBENUKRO, tecognlfcd as Newark's best and i, hi-Hi>eat painter aad dscoralor, w'ho always

fia\'s the best satisfaction to his patrons, is-how {w'slrd 3 New St.; flrst-claas papering, paint-

where, Iand ‘wifligg-u. ..........- i - , -our huipln**v method*. L*»ana mads In all euo- urban cltle*.

PEOBLK’B LOA? a n d b r o k e r a g e c o .„

224 Maritet st.8(ftd floor.) Take elev-aior.

DO TOO WANT MOilteYT-Loans secured fur you, from 110 up, on house­

hold guodi. iiUnoB. orgaoa. ate.; y o ^ M v j •, of both twiriey and foods: repayifiattli mads by esay numthly Instalments; a receipt given Idr every dollar paid; our customers ara our bMV advertiser*; lawyers and buslnesa mea .refer, thPlr clients to ua; everything strictly cqnflden-., Usl; no voat iq you If loan is not Diade, ang terms lentsL in-city; loans Ip -sjl suburban

■ :t h e NEWARK LOAN C0-. 32 ACADEMY BT.>

COR, HALdBY. UCENBKD PAWNBROK-ERB, under tha management of STAHL 4 ZELLNER. makes the most liberal advancasw

Kersonal property, such as DIAMONDS* batch es jfcWELRT. nj>TKKH. etc,, fW.*

at the rat* of 24 per rapt. p*r aniwm. At wriium request of .0,ni, our representaiWai

will call at your residence for loans above tea,.




FORE TH E FIRE-*m o n e y Yxj

OOOD KoS' 0!?B TgA R■tt.

— WHY PAT B X d l& lfA ttT BATEaT-r- Tf yon want k kith on Pumlture, Chattels, eW».

from no upward, aud do not frish (o pay exor­bitant rate*, lakt t>rar)g* c r. tp flm RR^ W - Booth Orange 4ve.. - *tyat4uljfc* «

SUDVRlfAN HIX PER CfiNT. LOAN CQ... Hmira: ft A. M.-O P. M.. f>r will efill oD -tMtlda.

Ing, eic., don* at prlees to knock out all other cuniiwtllors; papering a room, oelllng and walls, Inviudlng slilDg and repalrlnf with iMnch bor-inL-lu<lIna slilng — - - . _ . . - .der for 93; a-llh 18-invh borders, 18.110; em­bossed or cartrldg* S*»P«re. 94-50. Bear In mind, ihJ* offer Includes flrsi-class Isbor; our stork i* now and up to date, and we have absolutely no old utisalable designs to work off on uuf trade Writs, call or telephone, end will IM pleased W.f!ye our retimat*; easy terms tn responslbM paft^** lf*requlred; wkllitaper *.-i1d from » u par /oil and up, trimmed and ds*

4 c a . 3 New st.. c(ir Broad. oppMdt* Hahive 4 Lo. a ; open even­ings long dlatanre 'phone 4im. Newark 'phone ItoU. M»y i will ovv^y the en­tire premlfeH 2u New at., Hahne 4 Co. a build­ing. _______________________ADAMB'B Brooklyn ki«* N J - ^

nal walloaiar store, wbloh exists for the last few years In lU Bprlngfleld avr., above the

I . . . . -»■- rWpest and the beet work TO !/)AN In li/TBseh

Nebtark and ktibuVbantowBH on iidOsehiaW fumitur*. In u*e or stor- .

agf. ano other collaterals; Jowwl lernu; bu»ln*e* strictly confidential, LlCOTEN- fiTKlN. ftfih Rroafl si., room 10; houre, 0 to.Pl:. evsninga, after 7;80i at 90 Wldiffe gt-MONEY to loan on huUiohofd furniture, pianos,

organs and penopal property without removal;, parue*, bohp^ahly ■ drefi^iinsnii by instsimetita: businesa cnnfldemiat. m a r t in s . T O r«n tl„ n » r Bro*d. !

jy o Y tM kE kD MONET?—W f («*n mone, #l( household furniture, without removal; * ban

make repiymenta by Inataimeata; aM < builiKia ■ confidcntlaf. The Empire I.okn'Ob.i B fisliMU- — Unm* 'nhAMgvs, I tfk 3032a Home 'Phone,

MONBT l o a n e d s a l a r ie d P I^^LS 'hold - Ing pennanent poetdons with iisipufistble oofi-Ing permanent tMeltlons ---------------------

earns upon their own namss, pitm taecQ il^i easy paymenta- TOLLMAN, 2tt WaililhgtOfi it*

druggist; does the . .In ^ e city; If non dop i beJIevr.^pali jmdi c wvinofe'yburMlf: wt sell paper at factory Pf»ces, from 4c. ■ roll and up; wa aliw do Mperlnf,

roam and up; also palming, kal-from It a 7®*"*

F o r B4ld 4ir E xchange.HORBE—Fast road ur business herse; chunky

bttllti not afraid of anything; stfinds wHht>Ut tying at^ tound; only 940; alsi> « <tery iaai

Kelng horse; will trad for slow horsa with Ha cash. Half-Way House, urer ciinUiU tt.,


HORBBB—Ten head of horses, buslneta driver* gAd werkera; also ■ large aiock of new and

second-hand business wagons, truck*. carrlagM, hsmtsa, Mo,* lo* Prioea: easy term*, 'n ioa. ATCHABON, Central ave., cor. 4th st.

troR BALE or exchange. 12 head of second-hand mules and 1ft horsN, cheap; whsn sold muat

be as repremnitsd or tnoner returned BAM B K ^ y . Bloomfield av*. and " '

f o r f a l b or eoinhange. R) head of horrea, for ill pnrpoasa; Bprii^eldAv^ Hnraa Exchange.

CUAtL HOFF, SOB Bprlngfleld ave.

wrnitnlRg. nlaatsrtda. _«t the .?!carry ihs.WJifgest aalortrnent at designs In the ciiv' mall pmmptly attended; don't mlsa our numbeT^Jw «'e .. above the drug­gist; long dm«ltce isL aiaHA. L. KATZ. Prop,

A L ADAMfi BROOKLYN W A L UFAFBR 00. le.,8t (heir old pUoe^pt baslneM^t h e oRiaiPlpCR (XJ. is at tHWir UKJ lIMEirW Wfc

and n e ^ ^ r e d ^ k e » 4s stated. We are at SB ' ' lafleld aT4 ^he oldest Arm on the "HiDi'

[okLOom out our competitors wa are paper- — Ut paper for $3; oelUng and

Hpriau and toX * S 8 R d '“ 5 t : i i « work Included. ” W*

iSim pglntini. astenlan

are dithat . ^ i^r roll ttt*

W* sell paper at 4o. roll » iK » . '* “

_____________fil gpriitifislJ ava.

Daner ■ room > 0* Mper, hanglni Glided; wo glio do oil kindi of Mtn^ni i deeneatltiff; nTlt-uaxo Work jnsariitteed. \Vi

call •nil MAVlnca yourseli: _o;^0rs by nuilLrlt.

H o n * * . C « » l R « » > W aa tc il.A OOOD Imro., aulMM* (or fimUr ua>: nuit

l » wund ,i« l RwpMtiY In •'•ry w»/,AdjrM * T.. B » l » . N>wi ollIcA____ ______

W sU rSA T O H liD Wnm n>nl*d (or P>o>ura m m c . ('*11 mornlno, or niUlma RHERI.

1IW Mtr)m *t._______________

■ B U IC A L .

" (? r “ *m ii**-*' «> “ I MXo u ^ ta oar olfor (or torrou doUUiir, otrlctfArlAOMls IfBDOtwfunr_____ ___________ P^l ,, -

MooR ^ obr (or ■)) dIoouHS eu liif J* .* * * MEDICAL. IMiT"fSffab. J6 W L i}4

promptly attendofl to* * r<rfl «VJMIT iaiaR. fil Bprlnglltld

we Mil paper at 4o. per number.. «LllT!SKY 4ave. tet. 8B43.

ODR llM of wallpaper fgr the seam !■ now c(^tdets. We can oupply you with a foo i

per roll. A postal card <hm^r-hang-

1^ - M t t l M or kalsomlning will receive “ I B roti. Rl^lol., Mjiuctmom

attmliaL H U B T ii ia a .

NEWARK, April U , ..................J of th* siockhotdert't

T. W. DEVOE 4 C. T. HATKOHWDB OThe annual meeting <

will be held al tbs office of Ike j New Jersey Rillroad avenue, /

Mi^NDATo MAT *for elcctlpD uf (llrivtors

Wilt open from 12 M. to J P. .QEO. A. UBTSIL-


CONBUMEBfi' CUAL CO,. — t iNewark. N. May 1, I M

BLECWeN J fO T Ica •Tho lumtul im oRm i t Ik* oteckkoHlw* atjM*.

coiapany *111 bo W O >1 thoD_onoo la r

PATENT8-KREDERICK C. PRAENTZSU luoocnor lo CmikpUill A Co,.

ODOBB SUIUaLNO.MM BROAp I T. ____, Boobio *< Apa a .

WH. H O A V n E U ). i lL - 'n i i^ o ,

< I

STEIN 4 BLAU,. lUfl-HW Bprlngfleld ave-

ST. -k!Siti.s?.oV&*•oil >1 txnow. prioao, Oor wofit 1. our b « l ■uorfnio^^ Sivo u* » ojilvin'* ymjr.Srir D » ’l f » »0 l Ih* n »™ - A. SOHRNIbim. U I

d R. ttou i:

druygists' |j»rlat Ml tsnf-fay ifiel

ihg andiper a room with nice d: all kinds i»f

iWrclaag work guaHmiti . . the fg iv^ m the ciry. call or send \,»Bi4.'*Uljen)U bv « re—

and (rad«marki ptoeured lo the UnUed SM te j ,

B . 'P.ITEBTB-DRAKB a CO., ■otlctior*. ootatr

Bro*d and olirkot oti.: 3U roir*' oiptrInM*:. Will t , *t oBicf «nv tron lu JUM* tocMpt of

R R A L H H T A T S r o s , M | . S . , v

I « i5W 9» T_ ^and ludOtsWire:

iREE.N hr., I tiMMU. nlct l.i

M'-Nles large fu.'nlehril.

IMlJiKoV 8T., 332 Nicely funilsh-i, llghi hnufii'lteerlng; all lmprovMiit,nre.

-Nicely (urniahed rooms: Im- l>fc>vsm»'nlei renlrali’rsr

HAUIKY HT.. 4B-rrsferenee.

HAloHEY ST., ftl-fArte, nicely funilahsd roorat all cunveniences; genlisnsvi.

t h e undersigord.' compuetng the Jaw firgi-^ Mayes 4 Isimbert. beg la amiouiSoc that tha

rtim ha* fllwiolvsd hv mutual conaent. Mr, Hat-ea «il1 cnntlau* the inwetlee of lew tn the .kMii-vs now ocMtipled by (h* firm In th# pruden- ;lsl BulldlnR, Tflft Dreed ei. Mr, l.*ambeft and Mr. Hiewari -lav# opensil law ofRcfii at Roams :u to 85 m the Telepneflc Building, Nn. idO Mar, ket at., Newark, under th* Arm name iff i4m-b .n A r f - . « .n , HOWARD w . h a t e ,.


BROWN'! <;a PAUUEB cure men In a few days:

Mar 1, 1M8.

^ h , PUiii.DlC-rAMDU MgrTropaihlst. tsaatf all dlMteeu

by ftectrlcHyjlSaulldllop h**#. 111 Halsey st * * 5 ----------------------------- - ■

WIUiC3lR«-*Ratrlspn wallpam >; we paper lafr-mktd room for for kouM pattUbi, kaiaomifi-

S t t W T O S i 7 B .P : IT HaTOR : HEIGHTS I

' SM<**

ftSHUJIS B V S t t T l .

S U M M E R R E S 0 R T 5 .LKJN r IJIVJ .US. THE BHlp'^-Knitrialn- meni by L i W of the Admiral Hogg* As

un tHiion 4rf Naval Yeterana. to he held at hes4< — «d si.i

$S.OO Down, $1.00 Per Wi8k.snap m O m ier Nanrarii. NawfitR'Oreaier Nam Co, tfarlw a\

B P R lH O r fE L D . R* J*4, 11)00; fa1 tSMon by J.

quarter*, •oa flrdad st.I Ftirtay evening, Ma> . >...^ ‘ **riiW ^ lU by Nava! ReMriea;, reel

ibbltt. I K « f » f r K t t S n x t b ' M W V tlR K W A n . l I KW VOHK hVII KW VIIHH T W raU N KKW tO IIK ^ O E IlN A EkW T--------------r i i l t lK PRr.HH

NoE x t r a C h a r g e * .

MEYER'E iumim rwen. ■pHnffltM. tt> J.t •Ac«ll,ni p u c f«r M>1' rl**> *nd raiDlIp flul-

!**•: *viirinat boH4«t« lAlUai rtMMHbl*

BBOPBNtNa~«*»H rt ^tlpnweii an* lUip ai-ttilnia. t o f t f tVednoday UKI Mlitfi

unld tarllitr Kpim. M lk * B*«aa. tr. i, c. BiUTmaAti, Rnpruurr-

____ A vart loeiiinitifrocaivsd und Idm ittwiforfU

'iMIffaliMffi. Ad'MapM-

»■ ’(. *A e<ff> “ >

rmttm. > » ■ * « l

• V*— — • » » i i

IP fiiS if n w T

» o a ^ y u j f « n HdiUMiin, W * «w l 'W n w r

O ao% Hooin f ,

■ S T - S f :

i P i ^ i w ._ w » fT »B N . A o m nnutlvu.

Build-. . BSIaM. ttoch Bacbanc*h » cguMco.

O R A N a B -KvHUaa N tw i B n n c b om c«, O r tn n

NdttoMl B u k BulkUac, H a ls luatt. TtiUphon* fli.

R B W A H k -Holibaufr'a D ru o io r * . oorntr Broad

aad Mark*t airaata.Ooodatll A Co., 41T Broad J. 0. Bli r,

n. I m I

atrtai. F a n r akroat.


i a T r a s r & » r w £ :itia 8 ter*.

rmumi i H f hir-

. .MMl M d KAfliM A. I'ruyil kid MMHtaraC th# niWd i f* —

fuMral fnai ttt«■MtiTM kid ... .

a s £ s , ' f t w r « o omwoi JPWL M ««aa»tuu norHaab »■■■■lU r lb u I A. M., u M. O.. ---------- _u -------

rvfoko t»f hw•Sta'i Okard. oh m aaulMi will fc* fn

i aianawt la thr tVauitry vl tha tivir ra.

T h s im 'hud , aa*<l I auatha

C. B. Duncan. iM Elm atroot.K. Braltbut H BallavUla OTtnua.

R yron W . llu ria , IM Third avabua B. dohiKMar lU BlootnSdId a

_ eornar ^ a n ld t atrodt.aablatton and CbMtar

ltd CautralJr.,

O. tAcka avM uw.

Jawph EUanbarfor,artnua. __

HHehcock'a Waat End Phannacjr, Bav- auth atraot aad toath Oraiida ava-

cSariaa r Htllar. pharmaalat, l lB Broad alraat, comar Parkhum t

John B. Eoalar, RoaaTlIla and tevratb avanuaa, oppoalta dapot. TawpbonaM l.

R H. Laird, d m u la t , a in ta a avanua and Moamoutb atraoL ,

Oao. W . K ln«. IM Bnunal atraat (coal odica).

A?l«v H * Main atraat naar Brick Church nation .

W . H. Plmnlay, Baal Oranga Btallon. tt. N. W lldnan, naaradaalar, M Main

atraat.■OUTH O B A N O B -

Itobart Laalla, Boulta Oranca avanua.O H A V O B 'V A L L B T - ,

J. J. Bpallman, H ighland Avanua Bta< tion.

IR V IM O T O K -P. A. Wara, Room t, W hiltakar BtUd-

tog. PNtofflca Block.

***^^H . Otran, offlca. PoaloMoa Building.H IL T O M -

P. A . WWara, Boydan a*anua.llO H T C riJ jlB -

} a ^ Rudanaay, nawadaalar. ■prlogatraat, o p p ^ ta dapot.

I O N -Ooodmaii, HI Harrlaon aaaaua.

^^^^ i^T laod , Johnaton avanua, oppoalta


Hicblaad avanua. rrank M. Palardy, drugpat,

Grant and Cantral avonuaa.B L Q O M F II^ D -

Oaiiock A Co., m Qlanwood avanua.■UMMIT-

N a ra rd B. Kally. Ban ; • “ " ■Ilaailn P. Holmaa, atatlonar.


A R L I IW T O N - C. H. sSnc,

Oraanwood Laka

i . . .

new i iUnda oppoflti Depot.

■ipikiOOMKOT-^Oe tlk« Iklrd Im u q i ,

D< a » i Hatt Canro>Oil I day*.

RvlAtlVM iiO frlMuli Ilf ikM fimtly kf« U>- wu*d U |]M hukkril on Friday, May 4, at 1 p, V., rm«a Ala paranta' rritdiUrt. 41t Walnut ktrMl. lBtarm*At In th« Camatary o| llie Holy lapulHkra.

VBUBCKK-Ofii Wadnt^iy, Hay X Carl W. Kt>^ka, iakkv^ huinand >iC CatAartna Sbbkcfea (nat BabranaK agtd to yaan 11 moniha. *

RthMlvaa and fiiantH, alao iM MuHelaaa' Vilofi of Nawark. tha Mialctan*' rnlk4> uC Naw Tctrii. anti tha OaiansHatfar, K. I'. V. No. S. ara raapfrtfalty Invlfad t > auand |Aa tunaral on Batur<l«y. May ^ at I P. M-. front hta lata rraMatica, No. U wiRotnrry atraat. IntariBafii In Falrmo^tni Can.atary.

H1NDKNL.AMI -^uddanly. on Wadnaaday, Mar 8, IHU). Oaoi^ lUmtanlana. Sr. Morad huatand of tha laia Marla T. Hlndaolanfr aa«d T4 yaara.

RaMtli'aa. frianda, and inrmban of tba Turn* varaiD Vorwaarta. ara raata 'ifully luvUad to attaail tba fkinaril from hta fata taal ilant'a, 800 Walnut atrart, utt Sunday, Hay t, at 3J0 r. M. Inlarmmt at Falrmnilit Camatary,

JACKfK)N-Oti May X Iton, William, balovad rblM of Rirhard and Klltn Jackaon. afvd 1 mMilha ami 31 diya. .

TUIattvaa aod frianda art kindly fnvlitd w altand tka funeral from tha parertia’ rail' danea, No. I33t South alrrtt, on Friday. Hay 4, a< t P. U. imermaht In the C'aintttry ot the Holy Htpuk-kre.

PBRla-Cti April Kl, Robert Peal, tied 44 yeara. Funaral aarvlcta will ba btid on Thurvdaya

Hay S. at 8 P. H.. at f . EncHhitm A Son'a undmaklfic aaiablUKmtni. li liamburt piart. tnttrmaiU In Woodland Omttrry

PATTERPON-On May »r iWO. at her late raal* danrt. Sbi Naw itreat, Sophie, helos-ed wlfr of Oeona PitteraoD mat Itamahaf),24 yaaru.

Kotka o t funaral heraaftar.SAVAQR—A( W'aat Oartta, on May 1, HWO.

William Aural, only rklld of William W and Salma Savaca. aeed 1 yaar 4 tnoniha.

Fifiaral from naranta' raaldanra, Aabland art* nut, Weal Oranaa, on Thuraday. Hay ^ 1900. at 3 P. M. Iniermani at Roaadala l*aitiatery.

WlUJCT-On iha 3d Inat.. Jaaala, balovid wlfa of ^ohn J. Wllltyi ifid 8& yaara.

Tba lannadlata ralanvaa will nwat at bar lata raaklenea, romar Ckaatnut and Halat^ atraefi, Keamy, on Friday. May 4» at 1:10 P. M. Funaral aarvicaa will he bald a] araea H. K. (Church, Kaamy avanua. at I P. M. Frlanda of tba fimllv art raapactfilly iDviied. tniarmeiu at Arllntion L>metai7

VORTH^S MIND.LAMBDA Mdbth'a Mind lllgb llaaa of RaQulam

«UI ba oflerad fur iba rapoaa of tba aim of tba l«U Mary* Iwmb, at iba CUurcb i<f tba Holy Croaa, Kamaon, on Friday, May 4, at f A. M. Ralatlvaa and frlepda art kindly lavlied to Attend

i lB T l i a kA vvrtiM m u ala t *• lA vA uIm u IA ba raualvuA b a f u *I B M

T ra b a lu a t a A v a r l la la g l b tha M B W B •aat ha p ra p a lg . k a a a aaaa ta w i l l

b a ap aav A (a r aaah.B a a iv a r l la a B ia a l w i l l h a ra a a lv a A

a v a r Ih a ta la p b a a # auaapt lh aaa aaat h r a a tb a r la a g agaa ig ,

A a a w a ta la aUvavtlaam aata ava h a a l f a r <w a w aaka aaA a ra lh a a Aa< a t r a ra g . I f a a p a lb a r A lap aa lt lo a la AaatreA Ib a a ilc a abaa lA ba a a lM a A .

l i O N -i « l i A. Watara, nawadcalcf, D„and W . R. R. Btatlon.

■ T O W N - ,C. Muehmort, nawadaalar, McAlpIn

Blcck.BABKIXO ' B ID O B -

Charlaa lhafar.b l i b x Bb t h -

P. E. N c f ^ atatloncr, M Broat atraat.

* * H .^ Ih )< » r a . n Cherry atraat. C A L O W E L L -

E r EAttarlll. Bloomflald avanua.

T. L ift irU r dru n lst, P iiak le l‘ ' sFinuir AM r Chdstnut itreetr




HAS in ib Y R D FROM 210 MAfUCRT fT. TO 971 BROAD *T.r nor. HarabklL

Both Taiaphoeea 181.W. C. * V. 8. QOLLEl,

URD1RTAKER8 AND EltB.iLiMRM ’Pbone 138. Ofllee. 12 Brldga at (naar Brosfl)jR M. SXIHNBR. Uideruker aid aiBbilBar,

Nn. 114 Clinton ava. Teleyhoni ia04n.



lxrn iCrCT10 !la

Dailfnara and Haaufaciurara of ENTS, MAUSOLaHUMS AND 0* AU ckMETkHY WORK, ft ..

gchaalB.I aCKOOL.rOK T t lE .T U lU -

' gliOR'


OppMltr niirtnc* u> Ui. P:mwbi CwmIwt.

F a ND T T l^ 'W T lN a .AUO TEUm UPHT

884a84tTimd at. "bant and moit --------and BKm tborotu^ and pricileal coiiwf

Bfond at.r Mnwark. Vf. J, fanenwy

kiatnietloi. Hi elaaa

Eiir payawnta. Rcgliter any___ work. Individual intlnicilon.■aac^ SoacUl nttaotUm slven la otndama. Writ# or etU for Oonaft ralapbonan: Naw York and Naw Jar*


c e n tr a l AVE-. cx)R. l ir a tT.

CtfMBTeRJRB,ARUNQTON CSUETKHY-pldtjreaqua baauty

ot modam peak plantinf, with careful aaaov afamani of beat cemeiery ayiiem. Arllkftoo can iMva Broad at. at Clay at. Ofilcaa, 848 Broid at and at aemalery, Arlington, N, J.

Telepbonan: Naw York i{ j l lo ScJviJh NOW OPRIC i t VERT LOW,Kll -NOW

a COL«MAN. Praaldanta l l actu al BUIINSSS^

NEWARK BUSINESS COLLBG& CoTa Broad and Matkal ita,

' W . ^ . WINNER. PRINCIPAL.If yne ara in dauM aa to the proper courat for - V ^ n(,j tuDi (iiM nnttar ovtr

I-in. If ysnr bandwrlOnc la /unaatliraetory san .Mb — ----------- - - ------

P R B ^ L r T iq W S _

HAIUNQ A OSTER, pen artlatk menMriata, tHtiznomala. 814 Broadway. New York: IT4

Bummer iVa., city.


yourwa can lalp you. If you Wf can build too ap. Xf; iiMiuan«ia t,il« aha... _eboloa. Tba ayktem la rishti tha Inatniefton Iborcnith, and tba teaehara kind, mnaiderata aid palMtaklng There la alwaya a demand for adacated efftca help. Band fer catalotw.

'ott are, what

ryou want lo hMvtma an bould the lebool of your


WOOD'S COLLEOB. itrs Broad at. Newark. N. J.

toaclalllta ar* Bualnaae Siudita, Sborl- band. Typawritina and Practical Engllhh. 837 poaltMjA filed by iha College during 1898.

The aalarlea for Rniahed aiudenti ara from I* la III par week, Stadenta nany enter at any Hma durtag tba year, Send for <*aralnau<t-

S. r. WOOD. Frartdent.

NEWARK a c a d e m y -S. A. FARRAND. Head Uealer.

WILSON FARRAND. Aaaoointe Haatar. Tboroo«h praparatloo for any eoUene or etlan'

tiSa aebooL or foe bualnew Ufa. Primary depart toant Catalosua on application.THE NEWARK SEMINART-Mlea WbUmort^a

Boardtac aao Day School for Uirls, Mrt and 881 Sraad etc Nawark. K, J.: thorough and pro* gyimihra mathoda: Ilbrafy, TtLaratory. gymtia* Nam: Primary and innaernrtan DeparimehtM. CafttSeaia adalt« to wel'.ealay. Reowena tburf* ^ y« Saptambar 88. Ctrcpiara.

TOWNSEND'S Boarding and Day ScbMl• ^ .

tborougb prtparailOB for collage, prima aeadtmic der--------------------- - - -----------

ria, M Park vl,. laa Sepiaiaber IH:aparailOB for collage, primary and •l^menta: Iperlal oouma; kinder* Ulam on asplfeatloB.: elrruii I appl


D im s. TEACHERS OF DANCING, ^ t r a l kve., Newark, Nv>l>1 EVKIT TtlKSDAY KViutINa. , k LkMONg tty «r nMlni; wlltl

tko-atap guaramaad In 4 private leaaofiat lad method: lady aaoiataar

.^ 4 DAVIS HALL, newly decorated, eau ba aadafad for <pr|vaie raaaptioniL weddlnga. card ■arwd or other aaolal avanta. For tarma, droti- MM and hifdrnmtion. apply or iddreaa THE DAyiS SqypOL of DaiwSnt. S Central ava__OUDB Walt! and two-atep guaranteed In alt

privkia iHiowa, 14: -fan» aiaga and ballet ISalfig, II a laaaon. PROF. B. BERRY. Ulaok

^ ~ I _____________guaranteed to 4 private aaalaUnL is Crawford

W eb ir, It a iaa.„.- ____________fWbca HaiL 4^ and 44S C^oad at.

and two-atap

W % r H, PHILPOT grty .Uimfonirv . 44 dfobd Rulldftig,

tfort&arly room

Lr b rM R***LANOPAOES a aaaea Lp EnglUK

itanan and Spaniib; 13.78____ te tarma far.miVM* laaonne.made. Ref.: Biaaop Jy»rtt, Dr. Draw TbeoL Coltage, ata YlLPOT^ROSEN'raAll PH, O. ifonarv of Church ok Itagtaad),

MV Broad at

SpAHlRRj Franoh. German, by taacAwr gradi aiid In ipaln, Ffnnea and Germany; trial la m ffaa, Addraaa LamrtktPra. Boi T3, NayLaaguagaa.

I laa' Nawe

HALF-i QUR lataona In SvaaMnta. lAdy Taa^

alnglngra a ^ t i

and pliooi 144 WIlRktt

e. FORMAN SMITH, taabber of ptano and ar Eki, Na. Si Wakewan ATa„ atar Seeoed ava-

RANIO. mka|^lo.'-g«Uar and vloHa liurnM* tkm. A. j/w ier— -------BIDT, ISS Summit at.

I fe S r t liu K T pR sw F ltliiR . WEEKLY PAYMENTS.

Laan tba aaaiaat, plalimt ayatetn of abort fcasd at BGWDEN’i R lleg f. t f OeaUw atFBIVATB aMia Pmnuta ahorthga^ day or even.

Inf. M »S A lic B H A L U Itt Waablaifoa at

' SltMEtlmm,AMT^tTOKE. dramatia nudio: Inatniotlon ta

aotiif for Udlto aad gaotleKken: pupUa ikor- aitoif w taachP far uit aiaga. puIjmC. _^ t fo m ar pMlot: aatwtaiaara fumtaba<r R1 Broad at

Asm Sasil* OmllssriRt* S t«E i«ii.itudloa: alaa

. m -

p h r e n o l o g y ulla you wbat n . _you can ba and what you ehauld do. Call ai

FOWLER A WELLS Ca. phrenologMa, H BanballSlel at., New York,

W 4 W M P - M 4 IJW .-u-u- jxrh------—WHRELWfUOHT. valmi bfockMUk and belpat _ ^ a i «d . ar-iS U Hia et. ___YOUNG HAN *Mtt#d, comifetent I# take cherga

of oSkMi mutt be thoroughly akperlencad in routine work, eteta full partleulara. Addraaa uISp*. Ban a . Nawe afSca. _ .TOUNU toliired man wealed to wofit In riub

houa*. Inaelre Ciimer Llruola and Arlingtui nse.. Wfbjdelda.


• A. Seateki^ raann wnnta two watti rhambenMtd, country h«A*ii eook. emell

ly. for city: girla, light an I gewaral houaa- wuak: waiaa 111 «H. IlK UK »u , 84 Oder it.

AGENTS—Wanted, local end trevalllns ag«nq> to take ordere and deliver Hurkeye ^'apor Hath

Cabtnaia: tboaa raimblr of aamlng from lib to ItBO D*r mmitb praferrHl; ihla ceMsal baa been largely a.lvtrtteed; Ite menu ara wall uodar* eiood by iha publk and Induread by all Madiitg phytlelanB; wa fumieh irtni*d igattar traai eiart ym right and luy liberal aommlaainna .................... .. ' M c fR K r ^ '-------------

WOMAN wanted to call «i hoioa <mo» ■ week. 10 olean aad prraa g*nl]eniaB*i c!otblng.

Apply No. 28 13th ova. _______

A.—too girla wanted; cfv'k*. leundUiMi. houiw- workera. woilrewea. lolurea gtrle. Ti Cantra


MOI^ENKOPF A kKBRY. It* Parr it,.

APPRENTIUKS and Iniprovera wanted.M. M. NEW IIJk lb Mc'Ktaley ava.


MRS , Bait

AGENTS*^W'anted, a bright yiHins naan ta every otiy and town, to taka agaacr foe our

lataet novelty; big pmAia lo the right bm s , PTNCHON A CO.. Hanford, ronn.

HOOK POLDKUa 4llrli winted; aepaHHired book foldtra. KNDlHtUN A SON. 843 Broad

Bl'TTON HOLE MAKER!! it codt, OEO. WHITMAN, lao Market at. ________

a g e n t s wanted the right mei. tt I

l| at oncpi; good South Orange art.

a n InlaUlgent man In the Orangaa. BldMW- Saldv Hoatelair. Caldwell. Hllthum. ta kam

our tuilnwaa with view tt pmmotloa; ligSl mau ean make gnoo future noaition for Wmoalt Apply Manager, room 18. S3 Main it . Orangi;

C<X)K-Wanted, comiwient ■: 4i, no plain trimllif: referenr* required. Apply

>atwean IKIO A. U , 43 Nunh Ariingtan ava.

COOK-Wanted, a reliable German girl aa and laundraM. HRS. U w. m o b U vER. to

rraoman at., near Ferry aiA GOOD talker and huatler ran get a rhanea la

work into a good butineea that will pay from to.Otih to tft.tkkra year; muat give flret-cliM vwf* trani'oa. original, Don H. New* olAea.

reference re<|uirad. 40

A JOn PRESS feadar and an omce boy waktadl At referenra required. HORmfl, 1T8 llalaar

at., T O'clock Friday morning.

COOK—Flret-claaa cock J^rk pi. __ __________ _

CHAMHKHMAID- Wanted competent fham- biTmaid and waltreoa: Iwat raferencat. 148

Arltn^on ava., Eaat Orange. _

STARCHVX-’WMdaC umaMiat eeHar. euff.oAirt eurcliar. Aptdy at aara. Howie Laandry

Cto.. IflS Walnut ei.. Mwatctalr.





II. D. p a r m k ij e r a CO..

^ M IL f .t tR ST. AND RA(I«HOa D AVE-___pay; atrady III Uarekall

. . j a s g g g '• p e « a T t > N iT M

TAlUmESSKS wanted: goch]work KRlATELIJiR A HICK,

it.i oppoeUeVolumbla Theatre.

WOMEN wanted. ADOl.PH SAMI Ki;S mg ahop. SprtngAeM ave. and litvlngr'm at.

WOMEN wanted fnr pkeMni ouulda wofh. Call rteim 8T. 32 Clinton at . Neeatk.

wanted to do waablng.

A . - im i«ya aalomi. Mrwar, near faetnwtaw.__l i i biijmjgeueary, rorwar. with living rooma, If* M y a^trhar abap. old mablUiUd.

I baya cigar and candy oiora; levaatlgida.I buya M r ^ ahop, Bread at-, tt yr*- eat.I iwye aakK«. antire h>iuaa. nu owngag*.I buya metaurent. Broad el . bargeln.

rklikbuyt milllrkatv, dry and raaey Swoda. 1.809 buya hear botiUng bua., 80>t weekly,

CR< KHEIM A DUNN. Plana and William ala.

r, IIAKERT and gntcery for oale; flna double ■tom wRh a rnoma attached; two brreaa. two igima. carriage and alelgh; raat HU; price

121 VaPcT el.. Orenga. N. J.GOOD paylug reauurant for aale; auUabla

"fw man at>d wife, or iwu paftnera; eatab- Itaked 4 year*, trial liven, prlca 1280 Addreaa Heetaumm, Hoe tt. Newt oAkw.BICtCLK ret*air bualneea for eale; ftna location;

C' iiy Ilf work; reaeon for gelling, ownar haa ^■Inem which fully iMi'Uldef hU ilmav

full rartK'Ulara given nn inquiring. Addreaa Hepalfitii. Ik>e 4*. Newa oA'ia.

AT NEWARK GRAIN AND HAT <4lN 1IR41AD 8T. tnear p.. Lt

T H ^ onk : PRICE c a s hOftAtN -Heavy. HHind, cloiaa,aK^^

Same vela, with t'um mlctura............ ftl-httre qua.ltjr yellow corn tU2 tba.}..1.08 1 ‘rarkeil corn, pure matU. pure food ,,..91llran i40>. JlKl'ai................... ..IS, 1.90Mldimn».Nci.l I80'a.l0fra,108’a>89. tt 1 90 Wheat, choir*, oaund, 140: acH>rv*liad. .i.aO

I IA Y -.................

ul Bran^ MIdill

. -N(w I iJnKMhy, (arf*\Nu, 1 tlrgo'hy, 4, balee.....Kerellant No. I. large ar a Nli’t. ndl chiver, amall...m trle, atnall kd .........Cut hay, S8» r>'a alrgw, 81


Hhlpmasia mada tn all raiirnads M Hot dallafu lv . . . . . ........... .... ........ ____________________

nf 8e. per bag and Sc. per 100 os balit. Special Itiurea ah iruckloada. Wrtta

aa abnui anything in tha hualnaaa.Mall irirdere. Bidh Telapkowaa.

, eitewhar* wa charge for tollvar*

WASHINtK-Woman 234 Jemrr av*.



AGENTS wanted to aetl the aii teetnar osav pender. alou ladlea' leather Pelta. enttraly

new; letaat I*artp1an deeigne. quick mla*. goodoimmlaeion. J. PtlLUTT. 3(> till Lida pl^



A TODNO MAN wanted tn wait on lalda aid make bimoelf ugaful around aaloun. 338 KuL

berry et. __________

CHAMHKHMAID and waltrept wanted; refer* once require. 40 l*erk pi

CHAMHKHMAID and waltrcM, with rafaranct, 7U lltgh at.

pfX}K'KKKPEH and general a.,ilPtant at OMCf for club: stale age; huatneoa eepaft*

Mice, rWeraticea and lalary detired. Adnra X. T. Z., Boa 81. Newi oflice

eaniod CRGCHBT hamlp; eaperlenced on plain iw ^ atltrh Hcnuea. iieady wurk; beat pay. MONT

OOMKIIT. IdU Howard at.

BOT wanted, about 14 yaare of aaK to wall on door and do hiHieaworh; must be ahl# to

read and wrtta. Apply at ntica to 81 Clavalaid at.. Orange.

’COMf'Bl'ENT cook and Uundraaa. coforadj mutt have good reference 73 t'llntoi ava.

CANVABSERS-Ught, tileoeant work; taitw; free ouifli. IS Mevhanlc al.

K X P I.O V lIK N 'r W A <T R I>—l lA L « f c _

A.—A.—Driver*, clerk*, uw'ful taen. porteri, male help free tu emidoyera Germaii'Amerl-

can Agency. 90 t edar at. Tel. llMlt,

OOlXWfTOR—Tviung man; ci.cilrnt haMU: T yMtfa‘ ekMrieAA'e: tboi\>uaiil) urquainted with

Newark ana luburbe; refermi *■ and bond. Ad* dree* K.. |hii 2», K*waCOACHMAN—A young man wants puiltlog aa

coachman: 1*e«i u( ref^ren. *.»; a yaara .|i* last plan*. AddreM JOHN ilKHNHARUT, SM Sprlngdeld avr.. lop floor.

BARIliUt SHOP; old eateliUahed; Ihrta abaira: Ad rhaara for right party; oa areoant «*f

■teknaMi y. iH'lll’tl. 133 N rty at., city.URASS foundry for tale; doing a good ^Ineaa ;

good reaaiini for oHIinf. Addreaa Fouadry, licit 18, Newi ogive. _ _____BRKAD raute for eale In anuthani part of

Newark. TOWNSKND, lOT FbeUnghuyaan

CARP TO SAlAUlN'KRKPKRS.Having had many applimtloiui for aapx^

firotn tartiea dealrlng to purvhaae, | have da* cldeil to add the Mle of M^uona, aa a a«w brwch, to mv pree*ni butlneaa. Stloon*k*apera dealrlng to acfl will do well to tvoafar with me. aa my eetenelve a«'uuamunce and ei*K rlenca acquired during -’fl yeara' activity In

a real relate and Inauranc* hualneaa will b* valua to Chem in egectinj a aale, and my

CHARGE BEING A MODERATE COMMIS­SION IN TIIK KVKNT OF A HALE ONLT, rVif further infnrmalhm apply to lAM'lS A FR1J>KH. real raiaie and inturance agent, 8uo broad at., room 12

1*; Swic i r f i x

A PIANO and parlor furultura far oata;la.'ge upright grand piano, alaboratalp a

lateaf Aaolgn. voat ale moniha ago HB.with makar'a warranfo* aad afooi/alti

-------- mahogany parlor suit with Mcwanivxld okalru. richly oarved and Inlaid. aovavM ailk danvaak, eight plM-«a. with Udy'a parkw writing deek; all mad« order alx monthe i ~~ cool wTo: price SW. “Newi ufllC*.

IIU. beaulirui

AddreiarCWBLU Boa• T

A COMPL»:t B Una af Iroao, planta,----- ---------- . . I I . _Ur and Mva 1 hi eean aar

vUiee. etc., buy d’rectl; agenia' i>roAia; aioek can

. lay; no order tm largw^or 'cM Aa. MOMU, W it) It. iSt Rininf'

Held ave., Boa IW. Irvington, N. j.

____ kind! of tverirreena,ornamental, from n inchca

hodging and tu 1 (let in

height: Ihla monlb Ihe heat time to plani Iham. CHAS. KOMH.

Wilt at, and NiirlMfleld a*e„ Boa IBO. tnn^lea. N.

CORNER grivery and candy afof* for aale, doing good liUNinea*. near (our achooli; wt^la

house 3 room*, tl3 a month; no reaoni refuaei]; must Iw tedd on account bualneM. t'WIt 234 Warren at.

able offer of Other

big :

COACHMAN deflrea poeltlon, culored miP; un< lagtnei its. A A deratnnda hla buaineea thurmighly; r*f*cwnc«a.

18 Mniden lane.COACIIUAN-Colorrd man deairc* iHustloa ka

cuachnian, good referem f 434 llrial at.

_ _____ __________ i>t*c* all Suedup; rent IM. near comer Martlet an<l Waeh'

CHANCE for rMtautant man.

lU'HMRHT. ttt Market at.outfit ft>f

BOT—Wanted, a boy who umleraiandi thagrocery liualneoi and can huaiD for trada; -------------

tan* care of Iwrea. Addreaa W. W., Dot fit, Inglon at.. Fiat Orange. Kewa offlc*.

DRESSHAKKR-Comiwnlenl dreeamaktr want­ed. Call at MRS. PeRILLAHTi'H, 18a Waih-

DOT-Wanted, airoog boy lo help In mill: iMo a gnod window frama miktr. Apply lo F. r .

RUSHEI4L. 40 Crawford at.________________ _BOY wanted In drugator*; muat apeak Germaij

raferencee require. Apply W. A. SAUL, fill 8outh Orange ava. ____ ^BOT wanted who haa had office etperUmea;

about IS or IT yeara. Apply CROCKER' WHEELER CO.BOT wanted In drug aiore: over 14 veara at

age; glva referenc**. K. H. C., M. Nawa office.BOY wanted to Iram barber trade, - na with

tome ggperioaiea prafarrad- J18 Howard ai

BOT-Stout boy. about IK wanted. ti> work •farm, Addreaa M. ORAi, Chatham. N. J.

DRESSMAKINO-Wenled, eiperienced Mtlrl basda. 14 Eaat Kinney it. Apply between 8

aid S o'clock. _DRCffSMAKiNO-SkIrt hand*, waist trtmmera

and waltl hands wanted- BEST A CO.. Dto Broad at. ___________EXPERIENCED watot and iklrt hands, Im-

provera and apprentice, wanted, I4LLE. CE- 1/ n A BOURGBOTTE. 4h OrthaM .At.

PERIENCED panteri wanted on hanMiai Idle froata houainga. etc. Iluhber and Ceilu*

laid Harwegg Mfg. CO . a^Ferry at.■XFERIENCED il*fve hand* wanted; nlao

n*lp«rv onwajata and aklria MHE.hCHOVBR.

DRUG CLERK. Junior, with eipertabOf and good reference, would like g poaittai. A l-

dreoi Junior, Boi B2, New* ufflce. _ _ _ _ _ _ENGINEER- Hellibl* vi.d eip#rlen4X*d enginacr

wanta employ meni; 30 yrgr*' last pMiw, Ad- dreaa Engineer, Boi 84, Ne«a off1c?e.

*«nt work oi form.

I Main at.. Saat omsge.

FARM tIANp#-Two men tIK Elm at. _____

MANl'FACTCREHlC llnM wanted ta ..tall trade In ITuvldenrc and Doatoil. Addrwta

Hfg., l*oX 42. News rdtlrr. _________ __SMELTER—Gold and illver *mel1ar. roUar. oa<

•latant to plater, aanli pnaUion, M MarshalloC_____ _ ___ __________THE AUVERTlflKH Hti. with » yairk* ien*

araJ bualneaa eipcflenre, rhlefliy offlca yt^***' dMlre* employment; wage* no ohjioct J/ ®JP‘ uorlunlty for aJvanceu^eni. AddTMS rllKL* DON. ~

roMPlJCTK photographic gallery outfit for aale. Inquire of F. A, Bi'HUETK 211*214

Mulberry M. _____________^FOR SALK-Flrat-claas pnvlwcf market, doing

cash buataeaa, cheap; rar* chanca. Market, Bni 88, News office.

(IRiH'ERY, tobaccn. clgara and coafeotlonerr ilora, near ochool. for sale: no opponitloii;

alcknoM r*afim of aelllng. Adartii C.. flog M, News oflk-e.___________

atora few Ml« rcknaoa. Apply it

a l l aorta and a im fruit, abod*. onianaiUl trees vine*. ahrubWry; halting i apaclilty.

Nawarh Nursery. I'Untoa and Saymour avoai ground must be cleared for bulldtogtl ^dma early for bargains. diRc*. 848 Bergen al.

a l l latest dealgna. gas and sMetrleat fliluraa, cw any ap*clalty in nraaa; old work reflnlabed

oaual to naw. Call or eand poaUI, Brooklyn Goa Flttura Co.. 40 Mechanln at,

A.-Barcatna In gaa fla lu ^ ^ hretkals. glnb^ vlMS>ealIncan*

algns; open evening*.lamps, at n*w atom: Ijteat. d>* ning*. tfi rriaea at.; taL lOaiA.

GRGCBHY end confecilcnery cheap; reason fiw aeiUng, afe

818 High et.. cily.

ORot'ERT--Hmall grocery atora for oal* with Axtuiwa. >19 Hank el,

MILK ROUTS for aale; 890 quarts; wagon, ti botm. two seta of alngl* harn»aa. 181 NorfolkM.OFW»RTlNITT -Hakionkeepera—14 Inventod In

‘ ' ire nvachln# will Rear 189 How>

one penny-m-aM moving picture wkschln# will earn money for you; inveatltota.

a l l kinds cnab regtiters bought, sold i id fW* (Wired it I Gre*n at., naar Broad M.

BlTTTmi in Cartar's nlrilglit g li i ; Mrt gets atroni or bod laale; 1, 1 and S-IK altaa

Order 0/ J. J. CARTER, 84 Bleackarat

RUTCUER ftiiuraa for aal*; only i w m ttlB In ua*. Flaiuroi, Bon 41, Nawa one*. _

RROilLERS foP aaM, from t ta 4 pmindg fo i- *4dr»a< A. BU X-'K, Irvington,

ROATI«OAD of freak flak, dlrwot from RtrlUa Bay. Clay irt. ^fWg*^_________________

b r a h m a rooitar and bana for Sil*. 8ST Elm■t. __________

COWS, oowi. eowa; will reoaiva tqlurdnyi May ft, thirty bead of cholc* fraah cows and aprlng-

ara. whtoh ar* ttr aala or •ichang* at tte fow- eat marhai price*, al G U f LE W lff S aublan. 4tf isth ave.

r?r advancemefti. &3. Newa ulTlcc

DOT wanted to lamrn blcyela macMnlet'a trwd*. FOTH imOE. 14 Park at.. Orange.

BOY wanted; on* y^Fa eip*rl*nc* at wagon pamilTig. 18 Day et.. Orange.

BOT waniad. about 18, to work In butcher atora. Cal! 148 Fafry *t-

e x a m in e r wanted with some experttftM, for tnfinta* wear. L U. DKttT CO., Orong*

aad High aU._____________________

FORILADT, aaperlenoed. wanted for m*n*a and ladlH' kata; steady wages. Aimly la own

writing to Hatter, Bog 8T. N e w office.

T tPSW R lTE R and ai*rH>trit»her would Ilk* p*rm*naiTt poclllon; acrurate and gwicfc. Ad-

draoa Accurntr l*. g . |u>k XN. Irvington, N . J.

YOUNO colored man wania place U u^ful man. coachinan. gardener or butttoworker;

good referencra. H . iWn 1. NeWa ottc*.GIRLf) wanttd to work on aewtng


machlnia;MMdy work; good pay. KRIfltELTJ?R

ihall *t., Of^Naitt* ColumbiaBOT for groe*nr store. 817 Hulbeiry at.

RICE, 70 Thoalra.

TOUKG MAN. 82,elperlenced packer

filark. Addreea SMITH

wants t>oeiMoi> «t anything; d aealaiqnt ablpplng

31M lieimoil iV*.

b a r b e r wanted at once; steady )ok.CHARLES PAYNE, 288 Warhlnglon ava.,


and ihort boura, Addreaa C. B office.

flrat-claaa barber; g<iod pay Hoi 44, News

GIRL-Toung gin 10 cook, woah and iron; 0Ml*t with cleaning: 4 In family. Cali with reitr*

once. 81 South Arlington ave.. Eoei Grange

GIRLS—Ififl gtria wanted: ptegdy emidoyment;light work; good wages. Call 794 Hrusd it..

*d floor back. fllll*-Eddy Mkg Co._____________

YOUNG married man, no chlldron, wntH4 like poolllon aa porter. ]anti<ir or coiohtnan; trf'

W, a . t » Warren at.

OPTICA!.. IniatheMi neag Brood and Market tor ■ala; a bargain and opportunity oeldom

found. AddreM optical. Boa 8. Ntwa office.

PARTNEU wlih tt-OOn capital; a good, clean roanufacitirlng bualntaa; an o^riun lty fi>r

young man to ream g md trad*, the asm* tlmt abaring the {iroflla; plant all aatabllehed- wanta doubling nn account of ordara. Addreaa Klectric,Boi K , N ew rdfle*. _______ ^

PRINTING nfflc* for sale at your own c«ak jirire. fair bualricM; year‘4 Irate; fullr

equipped; three Gordon preuea. steam cutler, S cabinet* type, muat be told by May 19; h linker* fur I'hicago. 811 Washingtrm at ___



YOUNG M.tN wania pornhm oa garifoner and to care for Iwiraee; W*i erferencaa* Addreaa

Bog 222. Souih Orange. __________

BARBER wanted at 300 Market, cor. Ward «L FRET.____________________

BOAT BUILDER or good handy rqrpenter wanted. Cryaial I..ake Hotel, Wret orang^

BRICK LATERS-Wanted. W bTlcklayera, a Stale Reformatory, Rahway. N. J.

Bl'TCHER—Young butcher wanted-at.

for polUhlng ellver nn\*e1tlea irk: mwt nave ciiierlence.

YOUNG MAN would atort; eiperlenced clerk

Naara ofBce.GIRUi wasted

and pree* workDIFFANY ft COm 2B Congreea »t __ _________GiRLft wanted oa toy torpertoee, M. NEVER. ____

rear pf Marina Englna Company. Centre *t. D M P LO * M R NT brid^, Ha IT t o c o . ___________________________

tike anualtoo In grocery Addreaa R.. Boi to.

PAHTNKIl wanted, having |8(Ml; muat b« huatlM*; will invaat aam* amount, grand

cham'e A d il^ * Partwer, Boi 48. New* i>fflca.PARTNER Flrat-cloM plumber wanted, mual

he able 10 flgure oi^lana and hav* C890 ciuiti. Mg KUiabeth av*.. ISliabetb.

W \ NT R D ^ B t t A M IS .

STEAM LAUNDRY, fully equipped, a proflublq - : Addreaa




W n M a n ln t , 111: It jrAi-d* lAfnln, H ; SI yard* velvet hall, 47.90. tt WMUam at-FOR BALR-Totmg pup*, doff*. Scotah aallloa.

clear breed, fetbar* and mntkera bav* padD rrw*. MU I'entral av*., N e w a r k .____________

FOR SALE cheap, on* oak lunch caaa and ccia wooden ahuUOT gcreen. 244 Itth gya.

FINE vtrhMv lara* panay pJaatia liJS par kitodred. ROHEItT GUJVEIt, 478 Ifttb «t., naaf

I4tb ava. __


CANVASSER wanted; one with nperiaoct In Instalment buslneu; ateady work and g t ^ >y to th* right man. Apply by letter, RICHTENTRITT. Plainfield. N. J.STp?

c a n v a s s e r wanted for ret*]] milk Addreaa HUh. Box 80, News office


CARPENTERS—Wanted, carpenters; 80 good wogM 28.76. 8 boura. Apply **Th*

I. Jones at.. East (Irangs.irlmmers;

Print." Main at.,

PROF. PRITCHARD, phrrnuloglat and other eciencea. 878 Brood at., room 4; open avenlnga.

W A N T E D .

1 PAT high raah prices for gent*' caatofl c'-olh- ing of sTl dcecrlptiona; drop poiml and | will

call St your rtsldmee.CHABLEft CAHN.

Box 2.rNews office.

A.-h-a .">A.—D eata* castoff clothing; by oelllrig direct lo the dealer, you ‘aave pedJlert' pruflt.

Aeod poalal to I. MADANSKT, 2 and 2^ Canal at., oae door from Broad it.WANTED^HIgbeat prlcea paid for all kinds

of genta' cast-off clothing. Kindly send a postal card to JOE BSCKKK. 342 W Kinney ■t.. near Charlton et., and 1 will cail Cor order.CASH BUYER—1 pay high price* for old fur­

niture. carpet* abd^ clothing. Please sand poaial to GBINSTEIN, 228 Weal Kinney at., and 1 will call at your miftmea.GtCNTS' coat-off clothing bought; hlgheat

piice* raid. Kindly send a poatat card :o 8 LEVY, M CotDinerce at., aca i wlH call for orderNO one ran t»y you

Id gold, silver. dl*A«.... and r^lca than VERRlETl

ilglMW prio* for your \ia jewelry, antlquea

3TU Broad it.

s a f e s -Wanted, two oecond-hand ■afea: large and

medium sit*. M. ft D-. TOO Broad #L_________CONSULT m before breaking up houaekeepiMj

w* buy content# of bouae*. flats ind.aiorat for lib. to MarkM i t

W ILL buy old buUdlngi, to tear down, or taken down bv coitraet. FHKU NIEBUHR. TIO

Bprtngflalu i v * 4 ____________ ________ _________h ig h e s t pricaa paid for old fu-n1iur*.

postal to DENBURY, 233 Court *1.. win call.

Send and 1

KACRlNEft^Wonted. owl slot macbln«a; otifo lowest prfo*. Addreia Machine. Boa 9. Nawa

office.P A W TICKETB-Oold,

Wire, bontbt apot cash private.too*^ plated

" f.

CARPENTERS-fl flrat-clts* men wantto.ADOLPH VOQRL. Park and Ashland av*

Weal Orange. ______ ___________CARPENTERS—Two good carpenleri w“ t_5d

at (N. J.CARPENTERS wanted. 4 and 9 Avenue A. near

Emmet at.UtKIPERS-Two coopers wanted; good hesdefa

preferred. Nawark IJme and Clement Co., foot of Rridge at. ________________DRl’G CI.J2RK wanted; competent fonlor; not

afraid of work; experienced on fountain; itate •iperlence and aala^ required: refsrctice*.Wcefflelrl Pharmacy, weaifletd. N. J-

GIHLft wonted to learn hat trimming; aieady work and go^ pay whan learned. Comer 6th

ave. ar>d 8th ai ______ ______________________GIRL—Wanted, a German girt to take care of

child OfMl asatai in light houoework. Inquire to Emmet at.OIRLS wanted for preea and novelty work.

Apply at Warren at. eniranca, WHITEHEAD ft HDA0_TO._^_........ ...........GIRLS—Small girla to cut out adfibroldery and

on buttons. JOSEPH ft BONDI. r,2 Brnome a t . _______________________GIRL wanted. 14, to help at hentaework and

tak* care of child at araabove. Apply 48U M*r. ket at.________ _ _______________________GIRL wanted to operate boaom machine. Supe­

rior Laundry. M North 19th at., Koet Grange.

GIHLR wonteil to sew buttons on ahlria. liURaTEJN. 38-40 Crawford gt. _ ____

GLItL to BMlat with bouaework; aleep home. Orange at. ______

COOK—German woman wanlg plane Oi cook;willing to ro to coumrv, will asalat with wash­

ing and Ironing. (?all JNO. PRECEk Mfl Elm■1. ________ . __________ODOK—Flrat-claes Swedtah rook wlahsi altua-

tlow In private family, or as bousekeepert wage* 628. Ring 2d hell. 19714 Plan* at.

i a n U 4 I I A t i l l J . mbuelne**; lurlra |SCO; unPa pari cash:

at nnrr, S|<rin| Valley Btaam ijsundry. Spring J Valley, N- Y.

GENTLEMAN'S nsw fu'ddroM oral Oid vast* 98; coat WU. H.. Hoi to. News oflic*._______

SAIiTiON-For *Bl« rhoap. flnit-c aga cornog Icon, with p>iol table and ahuRleboard. Ad*

dree* J. if.. Roi 18. Newa office.

BAIAION for aale. In good locatllr In Orongi, Bok BM, Orange Valley, ‘

OENTLKMAN’S sack suit, Newi office.

94.78. Dirk. Bok

Addreaa Salo<»n.

<XX>X—A German gir) wiihea a poelllon oa Aral oloaa cook and laundr*'**; good raferenee. Ap

ply by malt. WM. LF.AUY, 2IS Aritw atWoman waftia sUuaTlon. coedt,

N. J.

no rraaonable offer rtfuaid.

COOK work; city or country


or nurse.

.. boiis«< 848 iHans

Slrl want* rltuath T8 Hal*ey at

uatlof, m . id floor.


GERMAN girl wanted; Lafayeue at.

about 17 y a ll. 17

DAY'S W'ORK—Ynung cn1nr*d woman wanta dmy'a work; waihing or cleanlfif. SO Warren

•I.______________________ .DAY'S WORK—Young colored Woman wanii

any kind of work by the day. T6 Itoydeh at.

DAY'S WORK Woman want* day'* work Aral part of we«»k. IM .\< adrmy •(.

DAY'S WiiRK wsntH; wuHliIng. Ironing, clean­ing. 84 West Klnnny at. _______________

SAIA>ON for Bale: ifi Avenue

WANTED—fly a man who bga a wMe acquaint' *|K**, an agency for • good laundry. Addrsaa

R. b.. lk>i Uk. News office.

91,0to-I know of a stock fmm which 918 (o a day can be modo and w1*h 10 meat piHy

or number lo form pool of |WU to H.UUD; ----' handle your own money; thia Is a rare rhabedi partleulara al Interview only. fiiperlentMt Bok II, Newa office.

ICE HOX-For aale cheau, firot-olOM loO boki outside measurement, hH feet high. T fset

wide, 18 feel deep; suitable for saloon or butrher builneia. tall at STOBVER'I HotoL lift Hanivon ava., Harriaop, N. J. _LADIES' kid button, TSo. i kdlaa' kid kboaa,

lac* or huttiw, l l ; ladlea" fin* kid. Mbs or button, 91.16; Itdlea' aampl* ki^ ahoea, 91.18; ladiea* kid calf, laced. 11-40; men's flne lacu ahoea, 91; men'a buff calf, laced, 91.lA; mens bulldog tan and black, laoad, 9l-fi0; boyF Lacid ahoai,ll- men’s patani leathers, 91.88. WH. J. McKlNNRT, STO Plane at. near WIUIaiH it.

h :n c h -rik)IiI legged


DRUGGIST wsmed: lunlor clerk; one apeak* German preferred. Addreea C-. Box 88. Kewg

d r iv e r —Young man wanted Id funiMur* etora, oe driver. IMfi Kerry *l.

DISHWASHER wanted. ■I.

EXHERIli^CED hand* on gllver noveltleatRood oolderen. 8(1 Arllnilon si., second floor,

AH. J i>EYERH________________________EXPEHIENCRD man wanted In washroom of

laundry. HASBROITK. lS-2» Reaver at.FARM HAND wanted on truck farm; gotxl

wogee- Apply at BETZ'S ealoon. cor. Ellaa* beth and Walpofi are*., Park View.FARM HAND; one cow; horees;, good, bomei

■teady )ob. Ap^y D. VAN. Stanley, N. 3.

HOrSEWORK—Wanted competent woman for general hou*ework; family of oeven, muat l)<

gttod cook: no washing; wage* |in i»r month, ihlte preferred. Apply P2 North Arlington ave.,

Ka*t On.nge.HOl'HEWORK"A white glrj for houaework;

fair c!)Uk: moat w*ah1« done out; reference*; 91H. &n Carnegie ave.. Eoat Urange: leave car Arlington gvc.: ca rfa r^^d .

HOrSEWORK—Olrl 10 a*"lst with general Realaurant. 9 Wlllltra bouaework. or a young girl for I'ghi hmire-

wiirk. Apply Friday morning, do HUuusn at., Eodt Orange.

FIRHT'C'LAHS dreaamaker, g'>od atyle and fltler, wlehe* dally engagement*, A. L , Mui

New* ulflce. • ___llilTHKKKERKR

Want* r*«siili

I'NT.KItH Mr. Horco call* *1 111 H.m at., rltv within thirty days, for bicycle, said blcrcl*

will tw mild lo i»Hy chargee, June I. liNai. tmooVRR A STKvENH. rmprlsiora, 141 Elm «t., NewarktlKNTLEMAN 4if '2! wiehes to correatKind with

■ MraoMvr lady of mean*; objeci matrimony. (' H. U., Itox tki, Newa offlee.

FXX'niHSS for oal*: three ^ Kerry uihlqa. one griddle, small

muiiten: very ch*ip; 18 to 18 o'clock. FRANK WISIJOHN, 509 Market at. ________ _LEAVE your order# for MRS- Cl'LI^v:

home-mad* TNcead. oaka* and pits at 384 kei at., f<iTiner!y 83 William *1. _________


FEBDER-A feeder wanted for cylinder prtaa work. Apple at THE W. K. BHURTS CO.,

S4T Broad at. ________f ir s t -c l a s s drill pr«a* hand* wanted, i . _.

TOWNSEND ft CO., Ou Orang* it.. BloomflaM, N. J.GROCERY CLERK wanted. Call Friday.

VINCENT'S, 390 Main at.. Orange,

GOOD coatmaker and bushelmoa woateft READY, 29U Main al., Orangt.

GARDENER-Young man wanted u gardener.780 Clinton iv»._________________________

HARNESS flttera wanted. 34 Mochanlc at. ____

Eagle Wtaker Co,.

HOUSEWORK—American or German*American girl or woman wanted for general liouiewurk

■ntalJ family; good wagea. W North Seventh at.HOrSKWORK-rnmpetent girl wanted for

general housework. 81 Lincoln av«. Take Woodalde car>, get off Cheater gve.

HOUREWOKK-A mldd>-aged American Bngllih woman; family of two aduHi,

North 9th St-, after fi P. M.HOUSEWORK—Reliable woman for general

bouiewnrk: faroliy of 8; 912 per month. Apply mornHigi, 3h5 Noeth Tth *t. ^ _______ __

HOUSEWORK—A mlddlv-aged German weman wanted for general h<nioawork with a widowed

lady, ird Hunfordiott st.

HOUSEWORK-Neat, capable girl f">r tiniii work: muat be good plain cook anJ laundrrao,

87 Bomb 9th at. ________________________

h o u s e w o r k —W onted, a competent girl for genemt housework; ao woahlng. Apply at 37

ThM a v * . __________________________lOUBEWORK—Young while or colored girl to oaglal with houMWOto; sleep home. JZo Wash­

ington at. _____

__ KIderty American widowiinm oe houaekeepw for widower or

amaii family. H. H. K., ZlO Cmimlen al.H«'ir.«KWORK-German-Amerlrari girl wlahra

aliuatlon with good family, inquire llS Maine

LArNDHESR—FIrM-claaa laundreoa W'lUld go out by the day, beat references. 82 Van

Buren it.' Nt'RHN—Middle-aged woman wlahe* to go oul

fturaing, r^mrineiiienl or liking care of an In­valid, exp*rlenceU- MHti. SMITH. IbS Rarrlay ■t, _________NI'IISK Girl. It, wlahea place lo mind ona

bahy. MH Soul h 121 h at ______________________RESPhK'TAKLR German woman wants wneh-

ing and Imning out; aiao cleaning. Addreaa H., 'log 88. Newa tiflloe.BTENOORAI'HER-Young ledy desires poaltlon

atenographer In office. Addrse* Iteglnosr, Boa IH>, News offlre.

WANTED—A gcKHl home for a faithful wmeh dog, very kimi and fund gf children. Jnqulr*

lU i oicage ai.

U lD T -i MrrL;lj .till. Ml; cn« HO. N,w. Bo* 07, New* offue.

NEWARK JHH’LTRY SUPPLY CO.—Young chlPke, I5f’, eai li. |l 80 n*r dot., IJO

l>er lia«'. uer Fldeliiy chick fottd chk* when first hatched; N for fowls, It !Ui |.er Ital ibi.. delivered; grit shell, H r . ; suEd'Iks Of all kind*. 388 Hkrksi ai. ibeiuw 1’. R. H.)

for young P. 8. scratch food

typswTiter dralres poaL Addreaa bteno, ftog 39.

STENOGRAPHER and tlon; accurate, quick.

Nowa ____________TWO iliiars wish iliuntltma: one as chamber­

maid and walireHs, the other oa cook; goodreference, t'all lu i Monmntith at.WASIItNO—German woman wania washing ta

do. 8Wl South Orange ave.


B aa lae se F rraoaftia ,"DENTISTRY.”

Tha Shining Light of Wisdom will tell all those whoa* (eatli

'ne*«t repairing not !n delay whan they con have Ihem rtlled or extracted without pahi. fltricily hlgh-giadc denial work at mod- erata prices.

Kilracllng free when acti ar* ordered.Beta of i*-eth frfjra.................................. 98'|12Bridge work........................................ 18 touthGold crown*....,................................. 98 to 97Gold milnga............................................IIAlloy ..........................................................78oKxtrgrtJng, with gas..................... flOcEslractlng with our aclenllflc method, ab-

aolutely palnleaa, no after results............ tlflct'ompllrileil raaea requiring oclentlBc dental

Burgeiy restwclfully auliclted. l^Ldy aUendant,

DR. S. LOUOKTON,Dental Surgeon,

19 Cedar street. Ifourg; fl lo 3. Sunday, 8 to 18.

raa and electric fliturea it ctuferi* prices, I/IWY manu-

facturera of gs* and electrlQ fliturea, 88 Law*

NEW ilealgTH of ga niaflufacturera* prices,

rwnce, cornir of Market at.OYSTERS, Hama and flth at wholesale and rs-

Ull. KJNGgToN'8. 92 Park in., opp. Broad St. and Centre Mirket. Roth telaphonsa._______

PATRONl'/.H home trade; Dorach aho* for wrar and ^'omfori: rsaannab^* prices. WM.

WKi^miKU, 184 Markst at., near Rfnad.rUlKDNS-li'Jinlng pigeon* f«>r sale; 20 mal*d

pgira. Apply .148 Main at-. East Oranga. N. J.PfORfiNfl-Homing

North Hecnnd at.pigeons for aaJSi No. ITT

HEFBlGKRATtmS and !ce_ chesta anrimem. BANlSTRlt ft

Market at.

, .......... large aa-rOLLARD, 3M-80I

OLD OOliI^ ollvar aad M^elry bought. TIN. TBS droad iL. over J, wlm ft BcmY

ESTIUAYB wikted for contract patntlhg « ( tter»> 118 Mulbarry gt.



Entlra flilurtf ed flnf-<lasa reauuratkt

M, J. O'CONNOR, a u c t io n e e r ,

will tall OB the premtsea, 713 Broad at. M 18 ft.

M., Friday. May 4.

Thf sola wUi tmclude Coffee UrDo, llarhfo-toi''TuUlirers. L Forlakte Oven. Bnunhall Range sn

in s u r a n c e - W anted a ynoag mow who boa had experlaiict n indttstrlftl In-

aurance, but who may be daptodod upon as above the ordinary Inaaranoa man; ai,K rmanent poaltloa and good pay vHll

offered to atich a IflftA. AddrOM,. With raferencea. InauronMi Box 41, News of- flge.

HOUSEWORK—Oanpan W'onan wanted fnr sen, era! houaswoills lefetences raquired. l.'l c ourt

at.MOrgRWOnK-ft young German

■1st at Uousawark aoa mind baby.rirl to a*' to High lU

1N8UB.4NCE-Wanted, good Indostrlal tnaur- ance wen to qualify

HOUbI iWORK—Girl wanted to do general houaewoTk; atnall family, .cai) >T 9th ave.

ance wen to qualify .for aagMOnla. APpty -................ 44. i » Mgrttrt at

LIVBk tactive roung colored min wogtad tt moke hUaestf gsnfrally uaoful kbotit houis

and office, must nv* with hla poranta and fur- nlah aatlafactory city refertficeo, sAddraoi, giv­ing plo^ of laat ewptoymiBt. Awtlva, Box 27, Haws of3oe.U F E INSURANCE men In Nawark, Orange.

Bloomfield and Blltabeth ran make a deelr- able contract lyr ralUfkr wpon F L lN N ft ADAMS, room 37. 18 CHatoa i t . Newark.

Range and Brallw. Silverware, TableS(*am Table, Tgblaa, <^lrs. ..............

Linen, lorgi Frencn Plata .Mirror*. CuUarTt CMaa and Qlaaawara, rte.; 3 Htorm. I>uin^a ltera; In fact, ava^yihlag needed to furnM a

!t-cla*s rrataurant. ■W, W. RBID, AUCTIDNBER.

Will aetl to-i»OfTow (Frldffy), May 4. com- neiBotng at 10:30 A. M., at his new salet-

room, tS Aoademy st„ near WosbftiifoD.

large oaMU'tmefit of Hooiehoid Good*, from iW ira breaking up houatfkeepinf. including al* moat evarythlfig In that lln*. loo numerous U mention.

Sal* Domidenoq* 1049 sharp. .

mlo atw. ____ „ j eltaalsL.

f t Ml Haaiint ay..ort>tt otudenPa ■, P, r f i i 4 J u £ m p .

t « t T A K D F O l'K D .

It; ----------

___ tntwHB cor. M«1‘____HaBlItoa, Cotumtol,un nvM, with • t*w Ulla ID

iwwwe, n »M r iiAiim wrlu ta Lo,t. Ban M,

ddM H r rttum ot hmm t ODlU,. whiM hnut. wltar — ^—' uonlD®. C . ;


______ __ whiw I

LOM M la IM o M h n urinneah. Ju>T » U«p ' «lDb, ■« n n M rm r ',, 9m Hlv, m

---------- - Mr, or c M *r Brohl HdthlnaMDi trt.

.... HI wthb, ■« I

____ Ifareh,*!*'

L inTjtariwt It , u

. D'JlailriU*


: nha^

tc iL Reward Kith

ORHAT AUCTION lA U e « ( Iwn cirlMlb H (rMh oiw, and ■prlD«*nL ood >ik « lot u

honn. Alfln, Pm d MIv u Id ______ ___ „ ,Dl®n-brtA HoIHUoa. Jormyt, DurDUM. . . . —

picjn, th* cow, AM......... JrnwjT, Dur-

ib*y * v «n i « Id weltht■ a P ArnHIi . _______ .l.HKI to I.HD HCD: All JrtooA DAIMI h* ** Mpro-n tiA ar Dumr raniMlDd. H i , Honil,;, Hay T,

I H M., M a or shiiM, atSAJJLIITABt.Gil.

___________ an-gn^rinaafia ava.ADCTIOH lA l J —An rnitwIaaBml pl«l»** l » «

o m DM jFOar la D. 1.. AOItr'i loan uiKa, (nmarlir m b H Tin H tan JtoM, « i i Harut M., win te toM Iw lb, rfawarb Auction On.,in UultMrry at. Tunoar. May S- IWd- •> >«A. U. 1^ ardor of


■ A c a m s T r o n m a l a


- * ' 1 Bnllt.jlloltid.

_ . j r . Cut 10 o » ^ , Codlina Bollora, Pmnsa. Sbafllao, Han«*t*

Pulloroi .Hnr aad iMOnd-baML ■

■na asAicn.His wr.Spsclal MheblOMT Drained M i

Niwonfljflgwlr wot* Boll dtora

rO UB^ttU f englttt fotba. Labors* g«*T‘TMn* gttom enfina, 4-norte Baxlvr porraMt

boiler 88d csifttlge. aLhi. tlnner'e roll*: cry kfld foMi bought, sold gtidi exohtngrd. zil Rgnktt. ______^nRiT>Cl«AM •cfew-cuUlnr laUi*; . _enitlngiii|j||^wii4liigm*#htofo with

giro pipe- with dlaa eoto* CUA8. BEN*

i Swamodi

Egar oorlibf a®-



LIGHT porter. Apply GBO. WBtTIIAN. toHor,ISD Market at


TRADERS' EXCHANGE. 88 CUNTON BT.UD D LE 'AG ED m«a, out of woriL ooh aaettra

ployment, on tolary and eomiAlsikm* Ad- I Htiatler, Box 8K frNew# offioa.

MAN wanted who iinderatatvta putting on Bar- bedtne bronai tffeett on flgureo, Addreaa

Brons*. Box 81, New# ofBce _____

MAN wanted to milk oowt. avag,. Kaaoty*

Rearay and B*rg*n

MESSENGERS wuted: moot b* U yaara ol^Apply Nawark Dlatrlot Telegraph Co.. ISI

Market tt.PiUNTER warned; youflf man preffarred* Aw jpfy lb 0. XIRST^BR^ batwoen 8 and 7 P.

wnued, Orang* Carnoga

Swiim « . wid 3tKh'iv*M on* block from

>^ngfl*ldjiye,, Irvington. - • ___PAINTER—Flrat-c^aa carriaga pointer i^ b a ^ o a n aiflpe and flnlifo -

; ave., C^ngw.pAlKTER—Wagnci and oflirMiie painter sranted

at «<m*. Inquire of WM. C. ARST ft CO.. ElKAbgth. K. J .. ________________.P A ]N T E t l»^ r e e good palnura wanted at

98,1)8 for nine bonri. S. 7> PALMER, Bdr- tMldorilJa, K, L ,

" S j O T f A fBa|.avlU, ara. ________

PAIHTVii-Cantadr painttr ICV rounaa^h ara

wabtad. UMliiln

rLDOBIR—A flivt-claH .pttinilMr « l r : a«o4 wua® AM r IMl adarnoM, ®RaNK A-

gOOKMro, > Vallay r ^ . WaH 0^a«a.wamM Id Mil taa,. wItaH and

h Mm m mall gtoeon lo iha oUr oC Hrwarh MM vkla^, lot a laraa Ifaw Toth lni|x>rtlB| fcovaa. AMrawt, alrlBt act, MlMMlitv. nlrr-

SAIdRillAN. 1m l or travemng :9tt month expOni*. Nrry Nkroicy 0 » , Rookerter, N.Ta

s i s s g » :

........... 'W M v n e a l

machliiiai_ aWnwS'^ ftvM Mralllaa,

W M ra o *^

HODSEWOBK- wor'i) can ■)<

•A German'girl for light hnuae- •p pt -hotB*. 28T Flan* sL '

h o u s e w o r k —BxperfoiJOOd girl wanted general houieworit,. Ito 8d at.. Roseville.

HOUSEWORK—Ppoteaiam girl to aaalet with housework; no woahlng. 283 North 7ih si.

HOUSEWORK—Girl wanted for general house­work; German preferred. 4IT Kaiocy *^____

HOUSEWORK—Wonted, girt fhr general hou**.. work; no waahikg. 4M Clinton ave.aOUSKWOBK,r?W8ittad. xoung German girl for

houaewofk. STllCSt 88 James it,____HOU0EWOBK—Girl wanted for general house*

work; eleCT hwhe. 'EM Plane i L _______HOl'SBWORE-atrl wanted for general house-

work. SMITH, to Taylor at, ______ _HOUSEWORK—Cotored girl wanted for light

huUMWorkr Oill 88 New at.

HOUSRWORK^Irl for general housework; refereneaa. tt Jahnaon are.

UOUSEWORK-Oood coc^; oraUt with general housework, 8T Franklin a t . _____________

HOUSEWOM-Girl for gtiwroi housework: washing. TI North 8th *t, ___

HOI'HE WORK—Competent gtri In farnDy of three adulta. ttStirlltiy gt.

HOI^SBWORK—Girl wanted for grarral houae- worit. 88 South Tenth at

HOUSEWORK—A young girl lo ooslat In houos- work. 18^ Brrintnali pL _

..Mftand |ao ..940 and l.'M) , |40 ami toil

940 J ■ ■Bpringfleld. Viar*; aumiUMi ci.SW: UaUimT.

i year*' guaranis, Ulft; whetla ooid oa eaay

WHEELS—1>*rg«*t and cbeapsal afore In cUy.M bu M , foatoat whc«l buUt......... 9to. 960. WO

DaqrionHyrocuae .Remltifton Andrar


payment*: '98 ahup-worn wAssji, tIB, 9B>: 'tt used wheelg. I l l tin. Il».

XX tire*, guaranteed. 9t.M{ Inner tObra. Bfir.: Hartford Urea, tTAi.*; Mornra coaster, ld.2fi> W yoos ftooiler, taVntJ; act « t wheel*, tS.fiCi; odlwmabl* bar*, ttc.: r-'^-.lrtpn In all brai> >>ra; frames cut down, rvmitdkilsd liOO Style. 19.60: rima trued, 8flc.; Urea vulosninada A Staarn* dotinle^lamond tamUm, In good condUUm. I2A. A BonM* combination, 9tt, MERBERT AUS' TIN, n Orange at., two blookg from Bread; 14 Main aL, W'rat Orange.

Ex p e r ie n c e d wheelmen ohoos* *'r a m -BLERS." beosure they b an fon* and *tyl«,

oa well Si all other gra^ potnts which go to moke up wheela uf the vera blftkoat grade. The latest modela of "HAMRLEn" bicycle* ara tha very beat wh« eta <>•» tha market fo-day. ^ * y wear and laat. "IDEALS'* aad "FnATH- ERSTONRS," 935 up, ea«y pavmsnts; flne r*> MlHsftl *1*0 a few flne aecoMMufod wheel*, N R T ^ ilK CYCLE m . 900 Brood gt„ comer Oresfi at.


Ar* yoj troubled wUh thqmT Do you want la get cured of them *i <»nc* without I'AIN or DE­TENTION from lU HINRSilT No op«ra1|aD a*c »■aary whm thi* remedy Ig used.

HAMBKHGEIt'd PILE DRIVER has c u f^ ihcuiande In thi* dty alone, and will ours you quickly and al tmall coei. ALL DRUCiGISTS nSJ.t. IT PRICE 35 CENTfl.


NewsrK,_N. J,_

CALORINB-If your tefth are aenittlv* you will

k ouRer no i>ain In havIM them flU«d if ' CaloHn* <* uaed. ll dsos away with

all pain and ■ufferlng Ilk* magic, and makra th* m>eraiit>n a plmure. Fully indoroed by ail ^ hn have triad It.

DH. Cl. M. MKllRITX Dentlri,uroad sL, Newark, N . J.

AMERICAN PKRrUMEg,The equal of the l»eei Kiench makas St half

the coat. Send 25 or Ai> oenta On ftsippal for a atmple boUla of vIolH. roa* or tlly. with ln> ■tructloft* how to get the

PERFUMKS U ITHODT COST.Bent by mail, any addreae. by tM-American

Ftrfum# Co.. B CLinion «t.. N'«-»rti, W, J.

"IT DON'T HURT",o bAv, tt»th MirxiiM w((h my felHi- llflo Dental Wondef. He|a, 98. 98, 910,

----- --- DJI. iDL|ADWJNr ~bui irnoAb ST,

at 8o. perJ-H N. J.

bNOW HALU9. SNOW BALLS.Big miin^y in. ihe anow ball liuaineaa for ator*-

ke«]>era. Fagio annw ball ayrup la lh« only pen* fecitr pure unadulterated anow twll ayrup made for machines. Information regarding anow U li r.uilU* and guppllca, drop ua a poa* to1 tor our aaleamsn to call.


IHO N. J. R. R. AVE. flsnw HAIiI.S. SNOW PALLi.

18,000 FRET nf new gardan hoae ^ool. CHAD. IIE.VISI’ H A IION,

R, R. ave. __

How sslio ld Uoods ftntl Fw ra ltw gt.BABTWAIHIIAGK fr.f aale; oJmoat new; coat

»4B;j*lI] aeil Ilf., I'tt Academy at.BUREAU, washtland and aewlng machine for

aale chaaix 22 Nniili 7tb at.DOMESTIC oewlng machine; good a* n*w; ft»t

toU; boa ail attachmenuip only lift Audrt*# Muat fl*ll. Ho* BT. New* offlre. _________ENTIRE «snUnis of el«iant 12-roqm hbilsq; par.

lor, dlDlng and bedroom furnlshlnga; sorpatA ruga, lac* curtain*, feather plllowi. mlrrora pkturaa. hoski. allverware. hrlc-a.-brac. upright pfgnn. •'"'v-Sk;. aquare uiaffP. HO;, a lot of fln*

“ ''^S’ MARKirr « .


n H ttr V*Bt. I » oiBrntN. m . t n « . cn In itiin n i* nr dlncmint for cub. N,w,rh MtnU tor HARTPDRfi ami GOODRICH Tim . EiKfro O tt lAmp, If. If. Ilatinrr ®1*,tHn Lime Mvtrytbinr for * blnrcir. W M rM lt and rtUil

COCKBURN * IfKDF.niltU. M l B m d *t

HDEUMATIAU In tvrry form piMltlydr turrd by HAmoo', Itliromitiln MUturr; tntrMOl,!* rlfrf ,nit j»rin»nrtn .lire riurtntNrd; ,■ » * .

botll, convltiPM. Writ, r. if, HauMti. IM Sth ,vr.. W.T., for p«mithlri.. bob[ by >11 dnutut,.

RIIPTItREil riWa rsAl] th# br*i

for ll.w T ro<i(Ul,r tirlc, Ifl. _ RANflON IiHIJfl



po ll HAI.E—Idrtr. hot rarb and kinbr*llA •I»ni1. 7 fl. « In. hy 10 fl. « In , snd IbrM

nak inintele with mirror*, ft ft. by fl ft. fl In.I thaee article*, richly carveil In r>*g, were mids to order by A. N. tlalchell, ar»d are b* good aa new. altwi a ffn* rollecilOn-of rare foreign and domeailn bird*, either wltn flnelv rarv*d rnahngany caae, or without, collected by tha late Mr i’. V. S. H>h)#eyall. Apply to MR- HHAIIU, Ridgewood road, bppoatie Baker at.,MapUwwjd. r ^

FOR flALK- Cme 5 ft. by 8 ft. mtmr with gold frame; tme a1g>plare heavy nSk be<lr.fOni

■uJt; hair malirea* and iprlng*. Inquire ttli Thomas it.

^'^U, i ll; nak chamber aulV. tit; dti* i<R mlafl* parpqti: vgrv cheap. 8B TVHilam at._________ ^FOR flALy>-W fine mlaflt rarpeU, 10 Urge

ruga, Unoleum and mailing at half price, is make room. “

HALB-*<’tK)k itove'. ».flO: pluah parlor flinr ■ " ■" ‘

•JA William at.

W1 sell 1900 model fully guarontead hlgti-grad* blcselc* and gundrle* retail ai wbsUtoie prlcea

—Rsosloff gtandard 940 and tfiO whsalo, Iralmtr tirra. 30 and 82 Iba.. and up: Fowler.9318b! lUhaoil, IM-'NI; also our Ofiaalal fully

‘ ^ EoaSo n ■guorastsqd Bto wheel ' pricaa.wbfldeaals i

. 921: all goofla raun atU J, W lillTII. » WUUlRI (Lbiryri-r, tl3.Mj tn t . '« Fu

IIOCRBWORX—A yw nf flrl lo u ft,t li >m,ll finlly. H Morth llth «■

IIOU«RWOIUC-Towi( alrl wtntod tor ilcht hoUMVor®. M ®*iTv It,

HOCaEWORK-awinAn firl fM tm m \ lwm»-w o r lL i lC u ip M m L _____________________

HOV8EWORK-4trMii (Irl to do ll(ht Iw u h - woft. M Nriwft pi.

IKPSOVBRR W W T R D : ONLY OIRL8 W IIH^ “ 0 . ^ R M J T M ’---------------------- “

h m C u b CERFF,INO TO

P!,T. ......TRAD® NEED AP- — HIOH BT.

UAUNDRUB-WantH, In prWMo funny. Uni- cMh lAutMlrtM. by dny or w «k ; only m int,

womon with M M n o a nood Apply, loiandran. Bo» F. H ,w» otic*, Ontnie,HIL.UNER-KxHTl*nr>id nllllnrr nnt,d, VIIB

A. BCHAAFTi U Bouth Qtwt< *y«.NURBC—Wont, f«1l>bl*i(trl *■ nOrM ichtjd fti

yonnii on* wtltliK (b onl.t with niutitn work and wdtlna: irfrimuo. CnII or (ddma dll WMk durln® Ay, ■ N. Idth-it.. R. Oiui*.

HliM IE-roiuit tin Imatfd u ourH. M Onnt

H8AT «5or*d w o iM B ^r Bmnmlt: anujl ool.IM*; *11 l■pt•v•■»Btas two tdnit*: t il: t*y*

ptdd, iBddl** IM Morth Ttk M.OFKRAtOlUM,


' went *11 ywr rniBo.->

■mumam giwuinhpWiiK uuv ivewB 'jmn. .<- .

(nlQ. WHlUKAir. IM

f**l-ClUiI RdWwB

r s s a v - r * . ’

INDCRGARMEN'r 00..i Gray st*i near Broad sL ^

krutsfl on eOBvas bloUiltii:^ --- - >— |y

w**k ly>__ .re j N i i w ^


' ® a ? b

wofttsfl ra floe pantSp ^ 44 Oraaa «L (rasr),

«ai isdlM' **U t uratBf


__ ra folkwiera oW guwRsiuid* A isiflcu

140 COLUMBUH - -ladles' modaw: we have purrhaoed from the

Columbu* Dlcyel* Co., of * Oetural ave., their enlirt stoolTkiid wlU sell at ab<ys'* prkw oa eioeb looU; Morrow maater Urea, saddle*, lampa. belle, tic. pricra. L. A WURTH. 3fl \Vnt1am at.

FINE PORTRAIT PHOTOORAPHS— My reputation for copying old pla>

lure* li Ub^ioelied; * p ^ a im « tsltphont—Tt*>2. flt,IllLL H flTUDlOdOld Cradjt Syatem Bujldlra- _

LADIKS—Confldaotlal ireatmaat fogoonflnemanl CBseg; 2ft year*' experl**me; doctors In attexko

once: children adopt'd, take Cllmra ave, car, aouth. W. M-. 1 » Badger ave., oof. Madison.

e a g l e BlCYCLEBl- A wheel wltn S good reputalinnt ESgW rMd

racer. Ift^XagM road whee; iSfl; s p e^ l iguu blcyeJ** tSii soma bargalna In aecond^h*^ bi* oyeW GEO. KOUflAUD,

202 Mariui M,b e f o r e purahaalng, ggamlne my 1980 Stsarns . . . -------

nt, ttt.38; the l*rge«treral

14 and M Cratnl av*.

and Bavwto Mqrpias! tbt flneat lln* Is tba mtp; mi, ttott; the l*rge«t and mral pom* Ir shop In the State. J. w. POINIe R* ........ , formerly KldrMjga Bley^

ibiiig Strarnt, ivi*

DON*T forget to have your pirnica at V* prlot OB long Heidelberg Wood*: aenrt and hrttis, W; plftwuod. N. J. All oar* connect for M«W#lb*rg.

at wlfoimpai* N. J. ^ __________________• i7p 'k RFI.I:OUII lialr, w.rM d*jtreNd

forever by electricity. MADAME B. WEST*EBVK1.T. a ll Wi.blntton it.________,

DR KVBHETT P, CmmTRIOHT will iwnnv* lo M Folion *1.. M*y 1- Hour*, until 10 A.

M .;a i « 4 P . U . : ‘l 10 8 P M.__________________LQWT DROg.. manufocluref* of gas and elec-

ule fllfufas, 88 Lqwrenoe, ror. Market sL

rURNlTURK for sale; rafrigeralora, 92; Iron btoH, brail trimmed. 9L76; eateaaion teblea,

93: oak sideboard*, IT.ftff; folding bed*, 94; other furiiltura and carpet*. KANTOR, fl2 Market It*

FURNITURE-For aale, «11k *h4 pluah parlor oult very cheap. M Bouth Hth at.

GCFlD Wlllcoic ft Glhb* machine for aale; prioa tt. 99 Central ave.. Orange, N. J.__ _

LATEST atyle lilnfera, l>onieitici. New ‘ Homei and Wheeler ft Wllaon ma- 'ohlnra for cash or easy paymenii: old

machinw taken in trade: »end me tal; try one freie of charge; allghiijr

ooM*d macbincM, from tt up; guaranteed for i « year*. llalaey a t ._________________THE furnliura, carpets, rug*, plclur^

brae and other Interior flulng* of th* pnvais reatdance. Jilgh *1 . wlU* In co n ^ u M ^ of the departure ' offered oi private 18 o'clock “

reatdance. ftW^ High *l., wm* m conawiunw of the departure cif tha family for E^ope. M qfferad oi private aale every evefting, from 7 Is

oppuriunlly to eeoura and high grade hMM

nie Co*

DIVORCES ipradlliaprfieured without publicity: idvioe Ire*. 82 Cilniou at.* room Ito. _____

every__ ______ an-excellentbargeliui In nearly new fumlahlnga.__________

b ic y c l e s —Rleycleo-Tour choir* of 60 wheefo 5 (tlfferent males; all guaranty. tlT eodi:

good for this week eniy. BumltiM. ona*liyf prlca: open evening*- RAT CYCLE CO., i n Broad. U floor.

MATMtBSSKB made ovtr at r< WILI^AMS, 108 Emmet at.

BICTCLEJ—FW sal». lady’s blcy<-'l*' Ih perfoet ardor; hardly .. . , —

too; can be aean any time. 112 Carnegie aye,, Eiet Orange. .

Columbia' cMln uaed; prlo4

BOATLOAD of fresh flah, direct from Raritan Bay. Clay tt. bridge. ■__________ __


THREE-PIECE bedroom set; wire mattresi. aL moat new; worth ttft; for 9^* ttt flauth Htb

our bone*. R- B. *c, _______________ . allgktlFsoiled; Dimieetlca from tft fo 91ft. tvltk

BU NEW drop-head machlneo,1 soiled; Donieetlca from Ifi fo i guarantee for flve year*; New Home. 418; old ones taken fit


BICYCLE—Lady's hlgk-grade whreti condition, for n le ehrap.

Sumrelt at.. 84 Anor,C l .



Irer-JahHOB. (hiulroti ind RflltM*A. lU d1 K )W , *H HATriKTi „ * . ,

k.RBUANCE r » « f with •»l*a*t«i MU'*.. !»■H. M T O W .J M H j r r ^ «va,. )|*rTtonn..

B ic irC iJt-W r -•»»*iteB; UP- lnql»)f* *M'

SICTCIJI ioT Ml*, H ; to o t ltA m . . Call ISl

u u r i morel* for **l*l' not t n t *«n01(lnn.U4 Ollntoii *vt.

U d T 'I «b * « li fw 4 ■■ B ««t 116. R A R U N b itleu r «rt r «*, • . .

W H B B U -ror M)W « o l ' » wb*i(l *I<**1>.Wuree pL_____________ .

FIBRCB Mcrct* (M- atl^ilhcUi. U4 «l)> iv*-. «lir. _____ ■__' "

P a r l a i a a r ■ x a ^ O M f* - .

■y u> -

RENDVAL-Taytor’* DreracuHlng attd MlUlflery Whool, after May 1, will b*

located at ftT9 Broad Mt., tor. C t iM I ate., th* largrat achool of the kind )<t

-th* itata! you are thoroughly laufht ^lidfoe' tailoring. French dreiimaking

and millinery; Individual initrucUoni dr*»Tn*lL|iit *ml minintnf

flp*a tty tnt *v*iil^. _ MART g. 1.TNCH.

aw aa i iMiKir niienu. rut (e n****r*j;^ i7 U Y R T CHAWutr, m an tt »l.

m DROP-CABINBT n r* •irl*In u*r 3 nmatlir; inuit b* *oltI. bHBA. 32*

Rnlaey m, ' _

TTFcw rltaira a a # la F p l l * * .TTPBWRITBBK iwuihi, iol4 MihMijJ. r*.

(alr*0.-HACKET, sSo Or»n** TYPRWRITBRII Tinted or *oM on w**Wt pH*

mini, at BOWDKN'8, M Cntr* »t.*. . ......... ......... .'W atohra , J a * r a l r n ■!*«•

ON WMklT pAymrnt*. Kn* ai»moml.. w a jo ^- Watch afappIlr.C*.. gr*i*ia*w l*»*. N*w

c o X i T w ^ o .

riair*! iw l*. from '!» Mja*Mt»*(H*ed. I* , , .1 Waemagton st*. i»**r tiSfoid irt.4


° S S S ^ ’SSrm t!‘^ B-W up- **!■■ VOOR*

Advertiii«inent« .Received

Toe Late for ClaaBlflcatton Will ite yoond on Page ft*

Fa.saxs Place is era yuto

tty ooai h§ will ber*r beeaus* k* kjra

lain t e c iw ibfl good gualtty ^i4e M r ---- “

__ ____ __ - aiw WM-fln* UaU write or lelePhnoe* , . ...

Harriwu., yalwjwo* "B «trl«cp ".m >., ........

Inv*-' neigla. prOMlhLySu Bfcd for trie ieesa i^tey. w l 1 .. .ohMitraBd hat’d gjifl make* a totid* wtlafacwF“ ........... . *-lePl4

»a i M Will M kiiawf

[MUty iMto «al la ftoipttUafaeOTp

COAjL you want th* beat i

- v i - i ' - .‘T

•i V"

IC T K S S A t ieS T E l F M T U T .y^r

h i


iiOEBEL’S ASSASSINS c M t iiia l T « t i M V W v m Ufu4kg

m A h H CMpHdt? « f Ce^

U i i Snpects.

MlSSINi h f l e an o w n i h m w e d it

Telia et Merger Talk Balara tka Om*t Ur ika Msa Wfca la Ma> |le«*4 la Hara kaaarak «ka Waaaaa—ipaaktnk at tka riaaa Wkeara ika tkol Waa rirak—ka- vara Croaa-aiaMlaallaaa.

I’BANKrOIlT, Ky.. Mur l-W , 11. Cul- Uin, llM «krk uf Aiiillturaf maiaSwaanay, aliu I* umler Indlflnimt aa accaaaorr lo ilta nMJrt'T uf Uo«l*al, want oa tha witnaaa alanil In Mb unn bahalf In (Ik haarliic ot ttia Muilon for ball In hla cnia ytatardar aliamaun, and lava anma aanaatlnnal laitlmony.

CuUon'a laatimnnr (ollowad altar iha malloDa for ball In tha caaaa at Huwera, Karla Toulaar. Whlttahar ami rumba bad barn ovarrulad. Thar ultarad no avi danca In au|i|wrt ol thalr motlana lor balL

Judja Cantrlll bald that aa tha tndlot- ■lant rbar^ad a oaplloj oltanca. ilia da landantt wata not antlllad to bail. An •rdar waa aniarad trinilarrlnf tha pmta* outlona agalnit Ibam to Oaorgalown lor trial on a changa nl ranua

Culten aald ha had navar conapirad with anr ol Ihn datandama or anr oaa alaa to WII Ooabal. 11a did not know dun Uoldan and bad known Whittaker only ainca lha aaaaaalnation.

"1 had Ulka with powara and Tayloriboot bringing man to fniiklnr-. Taylor rantad wltnaaaaa from daofcaon County

batera lha Cgnraaatng Board, fia aald: •Oft about twanty-flva.' I htil anothor talk wllk Powara, Cacti, Darldaon, How­ard and otkara.

TMtooy Talka Akaiat Mwrdor."Hanry Touiaay told ma Qotbal would

ka kUlad. 1 toM biM that tl Huat not ba dona. 1 toM Oorartier Bradley what Tout gay aaM. and Btadlay aald: 'My Ood. tbia Mual hot ba dona!' Toutaa'/ aitarward aald tbara waa nothing In It”

WItnaaa aald on tho day altar tha to aaialkaUon he waa with Jim Howard In tha Itaia Houn yard. Howard calM hla attanUon to a p lm ot paper poatad in a window.

"Wall, what of thair’ I aihid,"Ob, you hart aanaa anough to und»r-

ataad. haraa't your* waa Uoward'i reply. Mowardtban took out ot hla pechata anna lUa bullaU aad alao aoma lorty-llva platol oartrldcaa. Howard aald: "Don't aali any nora foot quaatlona.”

"Maory Toulaar, atlar (ha aiiaaalnt- Uotk aakad na wbart 1 waa on tha day ol Um ntirdaf. 1 Wi4 biro ibat 1 wra In

Prnaaaa M'lUoa, at “ l^pn'a WHO.'* rnaloaaai Taklag: Haaap nnB

Jaraalry la Kdncola Child.PHILADELPHIA. May l-Prainua WII-

aon, tba leading chorut girl ot Anna Hald'a "Papa’i Wife" Company, and one ot tha pratlloat glrla In tha ahow, waa givan a haarlng In lha Central ■lallun I>o- llea Court to-day and waa hrld In tWO ball lor trill charged with ilaaling 1341 in caah and Jawalry worth *1,«0 from Mra Charlrt Hlgalow, a manbar at tha cornpaoy and wifa ot tha coanadlan ot that nama.

Mlaa Wllaon wai arrnted afwr tha per- tonaaiwa laat nigbl and aha aprnt tha night In a cell at tha City Mall. Dalacllvea laatinad at tha haarlng to-day that aba roada a full conliaalon ana reatored all ol tha iawrtry end monay with tba airaptlun ol HA Mlaa Wllaon aald aha itola baeauit aha baa a child that aha wanu to aducata. Tha mlaalng l» , aha told tha detactivra. waa aant to New York to pay a roonlh'i board lur thia child.

Mra. btgalnw want oa tha atand and IdentlHed tha jawalry. cunaiatlng of llva diamond rlnga, a pair of dlanmnd aar- rlaga and a diamond brooch, gba waa lollowad by Chartaa Hlgalow, her huaband, who pleaded lor elemoncy for tha dla- graced girl, laying aha had bean piinithrd anough for her offtnea. The meglitrata da- trrmlnh^ navartheleaa. to bold Mlaa Wtl- eon for trial. It la not bellavid, however, that tha caia will ba beard ol again,

Mlaa Wllaon whilt in lha dock wept con- ilin lly and aaainrd ovtrcomo with grief


Marat M l C a u U e r t i - r r ic e Lk Ptates ■ n t l a SM8 a f t a re n w eat

• I U 7 h U .

a « l am k aa Hwt tt roar ha road t r rggen& dT the Ml


The gum Oaroandad ky ilea l Caro- paalaa tar Thalr Prolaailva Arroar Will Ba Agaaad la, bnt ■ Lawar Bid MaalBaMkAa fee that far Other Vei> aril—DlagAta Orar (ha Clark Cnaa.

and aharoa

H iM L A I S M T AT ES-JENE lA H K CBallat Dig Hoi Hit Ika Mark aad tka

latradrr ICaraiag.-gaa»rat Arraalad.

JKHBET CITY, Hay 1-A burglar antar- td iba houaa ot ai-Judga Albert Dayton by a baarment window thIa morning. Hr. Dayton hrard him and atiriad (or the baaamant.

Mr. Dayton waa at tha middle ol tba italri. whan there waa a llaih and report ot a revolver. Two mori abota followed In quick aucoaailon. Mono o( tba buUata hit Mr. Dayton, but ho ratraattd to a front window on tha Aral door and gave an alarm. Immediately attar tha firing tba burglar aacapad at tha baaamant aiU' daw with a aatchol ha had filled with allvarwara. In hla baalt ba left hla darby hat and a cult.

Two boura later pollct ofllcart arraalad a man at Montgomery atraat and Bergen avenue, which la aeveral blocka (rom Day- lon'a houaa. Thia man won a boy'a cap, toM cantndletory alirlaa and gave a Ra- tltloua addreaa, Ha waa held tor iiim - InaltoD,

M IL L B B M C iT P A Y B L A C K i lU T H .

the Hobah^lliir. ?ogtroy aaVmd Me It wouM do for him to lay ha waa thanarltb me. I told Toutaay I waa afraid ba waa going to gat into troobla, alw Ibat anint IWwcia wanted U aaa him.

"Bohans bad mlaaad hla nfio and told ma that ha ballavad Touttty had U. I told Um ha had batter aaa Bobaria''

Bthar Daroaglag Taallroaar,Tha witnaai toM ot another convarta-

tloa with Toutaay, who came with Bur- tpn, at Backlnrldga County. "Tootear aald bi bad the graataat acbaaaa yat; thatCIca- bal aaaU ba ahot from tha iaenury ot ■uta’i oglea and nobody would over knew «be did IL"

Wltiwaa gostad t ^ t hi bad a eonvena- tlan with Mlaa ■aUlt Jaekaon In which ha MAgt gtataaiatita damaging to hlmaalt. "At n aiallng In Powan'a onea I pra- aldag. ang the qowtlon ol provUltig hoard­ing pinaaa fat non teat wt (a aanaa waa dti- n Him II B. B. Burton pulled out s hand­ful » ( onrtrldgM and aald: 'A taw ol thaaa turnad looaa In tba propor ^ e a would aaon aattia tbla eeniaai.'• “flsiah Powan aald that If any anch lAlk aa that waa to bo Indulgod In he would laava the maatlng."

‘ . At tha eonctualon uf court yaaurday an-^vimor Brown called atlantlon to lha that that Wharton Gotdaii, who la under IndicUnent, la not under arreit, while oth an an In jalL Commonwaallli'a Atiomay

I'oala ml tha tlaalda Laaaa m la lt ■ (H nekanaaek .

HACKEN8ACIC. May A-Jihn B. Millar, the uncla of Oaorga J. Oauid, waa datandant yaatarday tn a ault baton Judge Zabrliklt at thia place.

The Mlllan have a handaome tnoome end live In lha old Joa JaRiraeii man alei near Bldgawood.

Two yaan ago Mr. HiUcf aent phaeton to be npalrad to AJhiyt A. De­von. a blaehamlth. of Rldgawood. Do. von patohed up the phaeton and neat In a bill (er IH. Mr. Millar oRorMI to pay $ta.

In Ita day the phaeton waa valuable, Mr. Millar (aitllM yaaterday, "but waa not worth t » whan I aaait It to tha ahop. To think that the Uacharalth Bays ha put Ml worth ol rasalra on. It! But I am willing to pay It all eaoapt tha Hi ha chargaa (or a now top."

tawyor Bart made certain itatamanti regarding tha arrangemanu Into which tha Mlllan entered with Davora. White ba Bpoka Mra. Millar exolalroad: "Youan not tolling tba truth; that la a Ha!'

Thia I* not tha flrat timo you have called a lawyer a liar In tU i court join," retorted Hr. Hart.A law yoan ago Hn. HIHor, diaplaaaed

by aomethlng Proaeculor A. D. Camp­bell aald In tha aama court-room, called him a liar.

Judge Zabriakle decided lor tba black' amlth.

PmnkUn italad that ek hla reeojunimd^ tion -ng biBlf! AdMlM ^Bd-badB laauegagalnOY fopan,4wh| « iM a « Mitp'a er% denoa ant f i t f^ lm g lila d l liinAnliy.

W. U. cu t on naamad hla teaumony la the Ooebel murder Invoatlgatlon to-day. Ha atated that Qovernor Taylor author­ised tha wltnaaa to give Youtaey any atnounl ot money doalted It ho would leavo Ktntucky.

At a cunteranca In I-exlngton the Sun­day halora Oovernor tloetwl waa ahot It waa dertdHl, ha aald. that Rapreaontallva Banry Barry, who had baan unaoated a taw daya before, ahould go to the Kouae ol Bapreaanlatlvea nekt morning and taka hla aaat and nfuaa to give ft up.

Van Hater, hla opponent, Waa to ba In lome way pnveniad from going to tha ball that rooming.

Caleb Poanta, who waa at the confer- dnet, telephoned to Oovernor Taylor at VTanklort two or throe tlmoa In regard to tho .cootcrance.

On croaa-eaamlnatlon Culton aald ha did not know of any Hat of gtata Saoatori or Kapnaantativaa who wart to ba put out Ol the way.

On redirect aaamlnatlan CuUon aald that Bargaant-at-Ama Malay aigned the aub- poanaa tor witneaaea tor Oovernor Tay- Ipr to taatUy batoralbaOubarnatorlal Con- teat Coramittae, and authorlaad Culton to daputlM good men to tha varloua countlea to aarra them.

Culton aald he did not know where Pow- ere or Ymluy w r » when the ahot that

-Allied Chl^Mrwhrmld. During the laat talk ha had wltB .Youtaey the latler aald the plait to UII doabat had been abandon-


Paarth Baglaaent Makaa a Doag ■hawing nag Hreelvaa Mrdalu.

kpaclal Dltpttcb In tb» NKWB.JEKSRY c it y , May t —Eully «.5» apec.

Aaloaa wltncaaed an fnleraatlng review ol ^he Tourth Regiinant. If. H. N. J.. laat evening at the Armory. The review waa tendered Governor Vuorheea. who ra- celvad a warm welcome. With tha Gov­ernor were General Bird W. Spencer. Ganaral Howard, Major Waliaca and Brig­adier-General P. F. Waoaar. Colonel Robert O. Smith waa In epmmand ol tha regiment, and over ffiiO men were on the floor.

Alter the review, the Oovernor preaent- ed tha New Jeraey National Guard trophy, which waa won by ihe Fourth at Sea Girt laat aummer (or euperlor ahooting. The Governor aleo preeenttd the Govarnor'a champion marktman'a medal to Captain W. F. Whltteinore. tha memhara' match medal to Major Lohman, and a number ol long-anrvice medata. At tha conclusion ot the ryvlaw Oovamor Voorhaaa and tala trianda ware given a reoaptlon by Colonel Smith *nd alalt, ^

Cullon bad bmn aakeddiy Taylor to aa- carialn vrhat the arltneaeea in the contaat knew, bacauea he was a lawyer. To (he proatcutlfin Culton aald he had told more BOW on tha atand than ha had to any per- ■on axoapt hla father. Hla teailmony then andad.

. ladnelrlal Comialaaiaa plana.WASHINGTON, May l-T h a Induatrlal

Commliaion to-day bogan oonalderatlon ol Ita rtport on traneporlatloii. On May 7 the report on general labor oohditlona will ba dlacuaaed. The taking of (oatlmony will be reaumed neat Wednaaday. whan H. R. Fuller, a repreacntatlva ol railroad labor organtaallone. will ba hoard. On the fol­lowing day B. F. Konoady. ol Inlanap. oUa, will teelify In reikrd to oriaTUart labor. It Iv probabla that the grealte par ot tha week healnning May It wilt be de­voted to an Inveatlgarton ol the beet augtr Induatry. Prolreaor Wylie, ot the Depart­ment of Agriculture, wUI “* the flroi wit- neaa heard on thia aubjact.

WASHINGTON, May t.-Tha Senata Commlttea on Naval AITalra reported the Naval Appropriation bill to-day. Tha bill ae rriwrtad earrlea |M,lM,ttl, an In^aaa Otrr the Hauoa MU Ot H,ULtM. The prib liwl liH'reaMa are: Naval Academy at

Aiiimpulla, U.Ni.M: pubUc works at navy rardi, HH,taa; Qathman gUn equipment, KW.iini; uesan surveys IM.MII. Tba Senate airtiik out tha provlalon appropriating tiai.iio tor anartabclea In tha Island poa- scartona.

The provlalMM raUtIng to amor ap- priatri the KHAM* carried In tba Houaa bill tnr tha purghaaa of armor, directs lha Mpi'ti'iery ol lha Navy to pay not akcaad- log MU par ton tor armor for the Maine, Ohio and Hlaaourl, and to contract for nihrr vrtaela at Mti per ton, and It It can- noi 1)1 purchased at that plica he Is to arquirt a alts and tract an armor plate plant to coat not more than KWO.ON, ol which aunt H.MAM la made tmmadlately available.

Another provlao la that no eontracU for armor (or veeiala provtdsd In the preeent art shall ba made at a price blgher than HOD per ton.

Ry another amendment the Prealdent ii luihoiiaed to purchaae from Spain the floating dock In Havana harbor at and tPi.aoO la allowed tor tranaterring the dock to such h point ag may ba deter- mined upon. ^

Civil iarvlsa ReaolotloB.A reaolullon, raquaatlng tba Civil Bar-

vice Cnminltaiait to supply the Senate with Infnrmailoo eonoaming the violalloti at tha Civil Sorvica law tn UN, waa adopted.

The Benete (hen agreed to a motion by Mr. lloer to taka up tha reaolutlon de­claring that W. A. Clarh waa not duly elected to the Senate from the State ol Montana, and thtni In nccordanca wlili Hr. Iloar'a further suggeitlon. poaiponed farther coniideratlon ot tha lubject until one week Irnm to-day.

Belore this hgrscmant waa reached (bare was a apiritad controversy over some icmarks nutda ^ Hr. Chandler yea- lerday. Hr. Bacon tooh encaptlcn to the (act that Mr. Chandler had aald ha had heard It etated that there waa a purpose tn delay the coniideratlon of the raeolullon In aaflir (d prevent tha Oovernor ol Montana making an tppoIntMont ot « Sanator to succeed Mr. Clsrii In ease the seat now ec- oupM by him ahooM be declared vacant.

The (act. Mr, Baoon aald, that Ur. Chandler hod tthtod that be had beard thia talk outelde ot tho Senata Chamber did not relieve It from tta objactlonable character, for ha oonld loe no motive for the ■tatraent of tha Sanator from New Hampehlre unlcoa aoroa Implication ol Benatora waa Intesdod.

As tor himself he cOUM not aay what hll own action would ba on tha Clark reaolu- tlon. Ma regarded klmoalt aa a Judge lil­ting In that cam and ha would, ha added, claim the right to Invaatlgata It thorough­ly before entering judgment.Ttit Between gtawart gnS Ckaadler.

Mr. Chandler aald that hla remarks re gardlng a deeire to delay tba conildera tion ol the resolution had not bean called out by anything that Hr. Bacon had eiil but that ha hid had aapectal ralarencs to Mr. Btensrt'i threat "to road In (ha Sen ate. If not given time to read out of It, the (eatimony taken by Iba commlttea."

"Threatened?" iild Mr. Stewart,"threat, ened to do what?"

Threatened," Mr. Chandler replied, “ that If any attempt waa mads to ruth the Clark reaolutlon the three volumeg of tea­ilmony would be read for tb# purpose ot delay." ,

Mr. Stewart aald he had made no ruch elatement u a threat; but be bad said, and he would repeat, that It time woe not Alven to read the testimony outside the Senate chamber, tlma would be liken to read It In the chamber. The case tliould be conaldeCed deliberately and decently, and especially In view ot the tact' tlidt much ot the teailmony was Irrelevant It was not unreasonable to ask for time for Inveatlgstlor.

I don't propose to be lectured," he con­tinued. "I don't like It, and I particulerly don't like It from tha man who haa gath­ered up alt aorta of hearsay matter and printed It as teailmony”

"When the Senator nttacka me or the commlttH over which I preside," retorted Mr, Chindler, "he will get a lecture from me." To thie Mr. Stewart replied: '"Well, you'll gat a lecture from me on tha Irrel­evant icandal you've put Into the toitl- mony presented here."

This closed the Incident.The Senate then passed lha Houaa bill

for tha amendment of tbs Caniua law. The bill waa amended ao as to provide for DM additional compensation to canaua euper- vlaora.

Tbe Army Appropriation WII being Uken up, Mr. Pettigrew contlnuod bla crttirlam of tba treatment ol tha vqlantear eoldlere In Ihe PWllppInee. He rokfl a number ot letters from mem hero of the South Da kota Regiment complaining of their treat­ment there.

irsgat toanaga aad graatagt dapik BOW. In aw, and ikaU ba aiipi lladwlib all Biraarory locfci and 'othar appU- ancoa to moat tka neeaaaltlta ot vaosala poaatag troro Oraytown to Breto; and tha Saetatary ot War thall alao coBatmet aucb oafs and ooronodlaua harbora at tba termini nf said canal, and aurk provlalooa for dafanca aa may ba nooastary tor Iba aafaty and prolacHon of aald canal and harbora. •

■arvaya (o Ba Made."Saciloh i-That lha PreaMant ahalt

cauaa auch lurvayo at may ba nacasaary for aald canal aad harbora and In tha con­struction of tha Mras ihall employ such persona as he may daam nacaaaary.

"Section (—That tn tha ekcavatlon and eonatrurtlon of aald caoal tha San Joan River and Lake Nicaragua, or such parts nl rach aa may bo made avtilabla, shall ba uaad.

"Serilon l-That In any negotlatlnna with tbe Biaiea of Coata Rica or Nic­aragua tha PreaMant may bava, tba Preal* drnt la authorlaad to guarantaa to said Slslea tha uaa of aald caoal and harbora, upon auch terms as may ba agreed upon for all vesaala owned by aald Btataa or by citlarna iheracrt.

"Section t—That lha aum ot DAtUtMt la hereby appropclatad out of any monay la the Treaaury not otherwlaa afipropriatad. Inward lha project herein coatamplatad, and tha fiacratary of War la furtbar htri- by tiithnrlaed to enter Into a contract or coniracia for materials and work that may tje deemed nacasaary (or the proper escavatlon, conairuction, completion and defence of aald canal, to ba paid for aa ap- proprlsllona may from time to tlma ba herraftrr madt, not to axcaad In the ag- gregslr IIIC.IN.fiH.

Sfsctsli barFtMs f aBtf SstBrSsji, 951 and 953 BRO AD ST.


CENTS pw IS. tor tiw I PiMSt IUm thot Is cursd, •wssSaiid tsa>

I Aor, tho

lorCENTS M r lb AbsioliHyy tbs


a l la

Waldorf flan.tbiA wsflk. Tbat A b I I c I s m a g t s s * flovor so sooinblo.

W a ld o r f Booou, lO a. lb .Bailay'a Sugar Ctuad Hams, lie. Ib. Armour's Htkr Siloed Ham, Ma.can. Anuourb Star Slkod Baoon, OSa. can. t'nrtloa Bkot.' Bimod Chickao. SOa. can. Cnritoo Bisa.' Btaiad Chickea, ia,*l<.

CUM.iV a ld o r l F o llo d I fa m in T o o g u e , l i e .

can.W a ld o r f P o tte d C h k ’kon o r T u rk e y . iAe.

ca ll.

Oowr Crejt Butter, I Ih. prlnti, JSc. Pereewr* imported (Aibembert, 24c.

boX"SocIfU d o Roquefort Cbeoe, 4 Ie, lb. Fancy Full Cream Cbeo*. IBc. ib. Foky OU Enf litb Cbcesi, 2>c. lb. WbRo U bW PosBvt SeHter.lorco

(lo M Jsro, 20c,; omoll. 12c.

Cslifoinis Claret.

CENTS lor os. Olasa Jar

A p p l e J e l l y i•bsolutoly p u r s and boma-nuMls, 2 for 2Sc. All oAbor vorlotlos 22c. Jar.

ROB ROY {KTJltf jif"^Rob Roy Oroogo Marmalade, lie. jar.

White U M *White rbatrloa. Sliced Peachea nr

Pealed Aprioota. w , eon. Umoa Qlag PaAclisa. Apticg^ Paan OtjNKfc CKar- rlea,S0r.ran. WiiteUaihPtacbea,Igg or (Itge PlumA Me, can.Orchard Queen

Im a n homh aiLL.|

te lt le ra Moot C o lt fv a ta lA a d F iv e Vaova B o lo tw G e tt in g T itle ,

WAHIIlNaTON, May L~Boon attar tha Houts mat to-gay It went Into commlttta ol the whola to consider the Free Homne bill. The bill provides frea homatteads on public land! (or actual and bonallda sat- Itere. and provldoa that Ihe Government •hall ramuaarato Indian trlbaa (er money due them on landa palantad to settlers and par any daflcleucy to agricultural col­leges 11 tha annual galea ol public landi ahould prove Insufllotent to meat tha pay­ments. Hr. Kddy (Minn.), in charge of the bill, male (ht opening argumani In favor of the bill.

Mr. Kddy aald all party platlorma had devil rod In favor of tba btlL

Mr Flynn (Okla.j, In advocating the bill, said It woi a rolataka to auppoaa that It gave lha sattlera thalr homaa tree. They wnuld have to rtilda upon thalr laods and cultivate them (or llva years balora secur­ing title.

Mr. Maddox (Oa.) opposed tha bill. He aald It would cost tha Government tU,- 8H.M4.

The bill was paaacd by tha House with­out division.

Coflw Salesand IMtaoion, good (Jonaa ata raafoao- bla prioa.

tlnii (0 our bottling ol t.'Taieta and ZIn- fandsls. Weron only aay perfect wlnelaud pe rfe c l b o t t l l i ig .

Old Uqvt Java, Me- Ib. UonuliM / * - ■■ Javat '

CaUlomla Table Clareta, ».** doi. qta. iTutta Brand Zlnlandm. 0,711 doc. qM.

all», Me. Ib.

atrlW 4.M Joiilqta, dadoc. AM dot. qta.

» paper.Maaqaat Wadtra, 1 Ik. kasM, lie. MbIIIm Walara, 1 Ik, keaM, lie, ■aaTOtiro Walkrs, 1 Ik. konaa, lie, Maaqaia amhaaa. I Ik, kaiea, tOc, Ckaaaa WaJkra, 1 Ib. kaxaa, lie. tikoaia gtnwa. 1 Ik. koiea, lie,Oaldin flaia OiaekaTO, Ida. Ik.

^ N ^ lb c r o a g g C jio w .G l ie rk ln a a n d M iie d

^jta LaMl tanp, lua. bot-w|j»opbet!5 i......_sqre. Me. to .

abel Hayonnalia. Me. to .

t'abmel Barton A ('•uSmanY U KullqlTnirt

Kiill ol. Cbarry r-nrdlal, t M to ,I’lgl Itodaman A lexY Aprloot tkandy,

t.asbot,(ioudarman ft WoorUY Canadian Hyt,

leMaHtuirt'a Herring In Tomato Bauoa, l*a-

M i l , 1 for Me. ■Btralarla Hhrtmpa, largo nana tdw,

•mall IMpuy Sardinaa, 10c. can: 3 for Mw

" udinea. green iHiic*. Mo.

Gold Heal htlced Plaaapplt. tda. roa. Republic Grated Pineapple. 10c. nan. Bluborrlea, *' Hudson's," Its, can.■lb. OM Crab Applro, Ms. oan.White Lobsl Gallea A»pdaa. Ida. daro

WWte Ubel Oatitdawl breaklaM cereal, Ida. paMr: 'DM daiM.

RiiwonY ]I Braakfaat Food, lie, paper. HajlY Prspared Brown Brsad Hlxton,

■IbTlIOXH MS.Entire Wbaat

todlnea, giwn Ihhc< Ulan Barataca, rad buier. '

Hygela Milling Co,*a FInnr. Ilt-lb. bMiTdSa.

Hygala HUUng Co.'i Pastry FtoW, lUdb.b w . dtoWhile Labi) Graham Flour, Alh, I



Awarded gMO Kaeh.■paeral DKpalch to" (hi NEWB.

EfUEABETH. May l.- ln the tlniqn

, Jersey tkntral’a Banvlasi Trala. ■pevial Dlepatch lo the KBWU.

1'LAINFIELD, May k -The heavt- train over hauled on thaCenIfkl Railroad uf New Jersey paiaod through Plainfield last sp'cloek t » »tea t of an Ira

County Court last evening Fileraena Caraf and bar daughter Unrie, euqh p( NAum sued tka North leraaY Mrekr'ftaHway Company for M.1KM dumagra for injuries sustained In a collialon on Klliabeth avs- nu* on Nnvsmher 1 1*38, were awarded by a jury HW nplecc. The Jury waa out three boura. The plnlntlffa run a bakery In this city, and the mother waa laid up a couple of monthn.

Coal fo r Rasala. *PHILADELPHIA, May 3.~Tha British

steamship Accomac has been chartered to load 1.600 tons of anlhrsclts coal at Phils- dalphia for Cronstadt, Rusels, at the rate of aavrnteen shillings a ton. This charter callt for June shipment and will he Ihe

, firet of a large qiianlUy of coa ljlist Is About to ho ehtpned porta In the Baltic.

I'clock as roteti o f an Im- * K M « n n h a big freight

. , W'fFha train waapuiled ai a speed of nearly twenty-five miles an hour, "rha m ill wai made up of lutv-threc Ilf lha largaatcooaljpnndolaa, wedithlng abotll flftoen tWM'Mcliranddihlng abotll flftOOD tdWMc!

Ta Gat Caasaa a f Cklatse.WABHINOTOK, May 1,-U haa been

found very dllDcult heretofore (or ceneus enumaraton to obtain tba correct datea of birth, etc., aa given by Chinese In answer to questlooi on the ceneua enumeration arhadulea, na the Chlneoe calendar does not oorraqpond to that In uie In this counlry. In order to facilitate the work ol tho onumaratopa a table baa been prs- parrd at the Canaua Bureau showing tha relation of datea In the Chinese calendar to ihooo ot tho Gregorian calendar (or the laat KB yoara. These tables will be fur­nished to all enumerators who work among Ihe Chinese.

Mlrhardaea Inveatlgstlou.■WABHINOTON, May k-The Henate

ComiBttaa on Printing has begun Its investigatlon of the charges made sgslnat Ropruoentatlva RIchanTton. of Tennes-

la oonectlon with the publication of "Tba Heaaagea and Fapera ot the Praat- dants of the United Sfalea." The com- mlltea heard Mr. RIehardion's itatrmant, which waa mad* In privslA

Broadway and llth Street.

pBaasaatle Tabs harvlea la Aeoaia.WASHINGTON. May k-The Benala

Commlttea on Poatoffleea and Post Hoadfl hWrd arguments of ex-Senator Fadlknorto-day In favor of having an appmpria.- tlon of t),H0,a(B Inaerted Tn the poitAmcobill to contlnua and extend the pneumatlo tube service In the large cities.

■eeretary Root III.WABHINOTON, May X-8ecretyy

Root Is atm confined to hla house with A severe cold contracted on hie recent vlelt to Boston and New York, but Is belter and probably will be able to re­sume his omclsl duttaa In a few daye.

MimY iOMIICE 18 jaSEV.


Members » ( R iva l Gypsy Telbea, Ihe Bride froaa gavrarh. Wedded

at Aahary Park.A8BURY PARK, May >.-Ther« was n

tinge ol the romantic about the marriage in this city Monday night ot Thorasa Qw- tello. of Eliubeth, and Mlai Emms Bmlib, of Newark. Costello la thirty-one yrars ol age, and hla bride la ten years his Ju­nior. It.lo said that they eloped In order to get married.

They belong to rival Irihea of gypalea, Coitello being a member of the Romany Rye band ol Ellxabeth, while hla bride batonga to the Corrt tribe of Newark. She la a handaome brunette girl, while he la a strong, well-built specimen ot tbe gypsy fraternity. They were unable to find a clergyman, owing to the Uteneea of tba hour, and wera finally directed to tba real- denca of Juetlca J. K. Morton.

Tbat oIBclal had retired, but upon mak­ing tbMr errand known the coapla were •howa to hie bedroom, and, altbougb It waa near midnight, ha pronouooed tbe worda tbat made thrm man and wife, and they departed happy. Costello and hla brlda left (or Waahington, D. C.

Iteroa F ixed an ■ ( A H eetlwc Laat b igh t a t tba Cwroaan C a u a lL

PoWBd Ordlnnnea and Otbat Mattara.

The Vallaburgta Common Council met laat night and decided upon the fellowtag Iteme lor tbe tax ordinance: For etreet lighting, tk*M; Are purposee, UN; police. MM: roada, t6W; Incldentala, MW; Board ol Health, tW ; poor, ttN; aatarleo. JLiBO: Intereat account, ll.KB.

An ordinance waa Introduced on flrat : raadlng providing (or the eppolntaent o l a poundkeoper and anothtr providing pen- alltaa to ba Impoecd for all anlnuli brought to the pound. This ordinanet pro- vldea thkj a fine of M alkali be impoaed (or any horaaa, aheap, swine, goati or cattle found at large In the borough and (bat the person uklng such snlmali to tha pound ahalt receive a fee ol $1-

Moat bat tmprlaan Gcaac.Tha ordinance alao provides lor the Im-

poelng o f a fine ot tl lor every gooaa im­pounded, and a fee ot twenty-five centa to the peraon who makee a goose a priaonar.

Tha ordinance pravldei, llkewlie, that all animaia or fowl ptaead In tha pound shall be kept lor five daya, apd alter that a deecrlptlon Ot them advertleed for three daya After that la done tbe poundkeeper may latl bit prioonfr to ths highest bidurr.

The Water Commlttea reported In favor of making the price for water In the bor­ough thirty centa per LOW gallona, and where a cuatomei^iea over H.0M gaUant a year lha pries oGlll be twenly-llva cants per l.OM gallons. Tbe report was received, but wae not concurred In.

On motion by Mr. Aechrnhacb It was decided to borrow the sum of li.ow In an­ticipation of tsiea. On Mr. Etchenfelder's motion It was agreed to appropriate D6 for the purchase of article* for the Fire Department. Mr, Eschenfelder also re­ported that the culverts In the Columbia Helghta section ol ihe borough were bad­ly In need of cleaning, and he hoped that the Council would take some action In tbe matter. William Seville stated that be had cleaned out the culvert# fronting hla property, and he considered it fair that the borough should defray the expenie. He agreed with Mr. Eochenlelder that there was a number ol culverta in the section referred to which should be cleaned.

H E N ’ S U N D E R W E A R .iRMHir WVlBWta

tiilapm.rri4»j M<l tiAarAayi

Imported* fine Lisle Thread Underwear,— plain white, sheer open work weave,— cool and porous.

8hlrts with silk fronts.Long or short sleeves.

Drawers with selMronts, —reinforced.

$1.00 each.Volaa aLSB.

FlneFrenoh Merino Under* wear,-n a t u r a 1 color,— ganze weight. Shirts with self-fronts,—French necks, —long or short sleeves. Drawers self-flnlshedr-re*

Pearl battens.InfoTced.

$1.25.Yala* SLTi.




car>ryiiia forty loni ovnMd .a.uunaldcrcd a aucevss by lha ufiti-iala ol th»raail. — ---------—I-

Tho Alabaata Naariwg Copspletiun.WAHlUNOTON.May k-^-;aptaln Brown-

nun, who la tuparvlofni tlis work on ths bBtiic.hjp Alsbanif. at ih« Cramp Bhip- y»rd, Philadelphia, hat made n report to the Navy Departmtat, ahowlng that the work 1* progreailng In a highly satlalac- lury maimer. Ho aaya that (ho vessel prubably will be ready for her preliminary sea trial June 10. aad that, except for painting and flnlahliig up, *he wtll bo pre-

iMmlHIwlon at tha con- ,,-ov'ded

Ktrates her ara-gnln^ qUaHHea-

pared to an lino cor------ .rlualon of tb»i trial pTov ded It deroon-

Anolher JlYreph Vlutlm hnes.NEW YOIIK, May k—Jaraes It. How*.

Jr.. *on of Regtoler James R. Howe, through hl> father, has brought suit sgslnat tho Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad Company to recover taa.OUl dam­ages for Injuries received In Ih# fatal cotillion near Patarson, N. J., on Novem- ber a.

Charged Hllh Mealing Brak* Valros,■peclel m.yoich io the niBt K.NEWH.

May 1—Frank SlcClunkeyl.uotrh

'ELIZAHKTH. . and Christian Bchober were nrreaied hy the Kllashelh pnllc* lo-dsy, charged with.......... .......... .......... ......... irge .stealing bras* vslrs* ou^ul 'WMlfn^hoiisabrakes Oil cars ot the Jersey ntraT, Ths ihlsvei tarried away ovar. DM worth ol brass and crippled many oari. The rail-

aulborittei will appear against thero«F]

FORSYTHE WAISTSCorrect Summer Styles

prlfiQRflr* lo-morrow Sr polke rourt. Both prleonFTi ar« younf m«n. They were caiitlU $t the plRCf of Klchtel Deroea, » Junk aeaker. cm the New Point roiid tn the- - ----------- -- XU-I- ■

For KteRsner. Out ntc, iR)]fi HAAt horB, Mouii'

Uih. Muiirulnv, Trovel*

M W b«lviGt will reveal isiitle* In deaign

ij aia rial, odd t Mnga


•0 maiiy woiu«n

iu 0 V • r y HMMMlEh] e

iMh') n tl b I e

trialr?!.Fo o t b ^ ^

waan «ti]


not of selling part ot thoir plunder ■a

nchool Prlselpal PaUU, HurtBORDENTOWN. May 3,-Mra. Ixnilia

Hollembadc fllty-elght years old, prlncl-■ ■ voLrtouejuv*!,- aat--, LT,’ '- -.-'■si' •i

i»al of tha f^ rfo low n rubik Bc hool.lurad m a runaway acdilent yea*

P - . fRtaUy Ifdu tFr<Tft}>> wl,v.v— ,.hUa rfrlvlng from K®r homa the ichooT the home bat ame frlghteneiJ. and In her efforU to control the anlmnlMra. Honprobaek ateared It Into tt renter. The carrlate waa amaahed *<0 ptecttiv __the woman waa found lylnf uncoirthcloua


Her arm. three riba and her collar bone are broken, berirtea Internal Injuriea.


f»q uumtioA,

FhUlutii*Oar Oenulne Heateli

NMime With Want*, e^ r patloriB*.sjrr"* $3.50

Mora Frleita OS on PllBrIroagc.NEW YORK, May 3,-The Right Rev J

A, Forest, Bliliop orBar, Asitunio, and five grlobtsi Very Ha' ’ _sph Lefebvre,

Provincial Visitor of the Gbiat* Million- urlea. Lowell, Maas.; Monslgfior . Fereii, Johhatawn, P«., and about twelve other

leata anlled tO|day on the ateamer La retagne eu rdute to nom*.o” L ;, «to

making tbe "Holy Y'var" pIlgrljnMe and to attend the canonisation or. Jean liap. tlete da It Balle, .founder Of the order ot Chrlallan Rrcihera.

Y ltiaragua M easw rq ^kaeelves auh V o ire—Ohly T h lr «ir -*Y « W em hera

W ere AgAlaat >(-WABHINOTON, May 1—The House yes-

Urday, at the concluainn ol. lha moat stormy debsie ot tba present assslon ol Congrea,, psiaed tha Nicaragua Canal bill by the overwhelming vote ol tb 3S. All altemitts to retain In tha bill the lan­guage of ihe original bill lor the fordfica- tlon ol the canal ^nd to atlll (uriber ■irenglhen the lenButga on that line uers Miked and the victory ot Mr, Hepburn and the cummlttea wai qomplete,

A motion to recummlt tho bill with In- elrucllons to report back another hill, leaving the eelectJon at the route lo the President, was burled under an adverse roalorlty of « to ItL

Men 'Wka Vwted Ks.The 1.111 was than psiaed 'I'he an­

nouncement waa raealved with a whirl­wind of applause from tbe floor and gal­leries rhusa who voted nay were; Ache- son (flep., Pa.); Adame (Rep , !'*.); Uur- toii (Rep., Ohio); Cannon (R#p,. III.); caproii I Hep., R, I.); Clark (Dt-m,, Mo.)! Cooney U>em„ Me.); Cowherd (Denu, Mo.l; Cox (Dem..- Tenn.); Daliell (Rep., Pu.l: He Armond (Dem.. Mo.>; Denny (Deni., Md.): Ddtigberty CDcm.. Mo.): Fleming IDam.. Ga ): Flelcher 1R*p„Mliin.l; Gaston (Dem.. Pa.); GllieU (Rep., M; Graham (Rep.. P « ) ; Hiu (Rep., Ill 1: King (Dam., Utah); Lawrence (Bep„ •Mate ); latslar <Dem„ Ga.); Levy (Dam.. N. T.); Littauer (Rep.. N. Y.); Llttlafleld itiep., Me.): HcUall (Rep., Mass.); Neville il'iip., Neb.); Rhea (Dem,, K y ); Rucker (Hem., Mo.)( Shafrotb (Bl), Col.); BprWa iRep., Male.); Stewart (Rep,, wie.); Tal- heri (Dem., S> C.): Thayer (Dem., Uoi*.); Vandiver (Dent., Mo.)-3i.

Tex I B( the Bill.Ths text of the bill Is as follows "Re It eSkoted, etc., That the Frerideal

of the UnlUd BUtes be and Is hereby au- ihorlaad to acquire from the Btalea ot Costa Blok, and Nicaragua (or and In be- half of tha United Btates, conUol ot auch portion of territory now^ belonging

R n w a w a r . a i e y o le t 'e l l l a U n a n d F igh t M ake Thlage LlwqlY.

Speetsl Dtisatch to (b, NEIV8.MATAWAN, May 3.-A horao bltcHed

to an open wagon dashed up Main ptrMt laat algbt and atruck the buggy ot chartaa Hcllwalne near tbe Matawsui

o iL emaablDg tt badly. Tha horaa kepf^n Ita way up Main aireet, frighten. Ing b ^ c llita and drivers until It waa 'finally naught.

Then a bicycle collialon occurrad be- twaan William Cook and Prank Simp- ion. who were riding rapidly In oppoatta dlTMtlooi- Cook Was brulaed and attf- (ertd R hamotrhage.

Later a fight occurred near tha OaatraJ Raltroad Depot.- James—Mariiaa- vraa badly cut about ths head and faoa ttoa being atruck with a coupling pin, Jaroaa Sullivan and Michael Uornially word also badly vaed up aa a rtsuu of thh ru tn^a


■ a -Ovoapook Creek Give* i p ikB . ipalwa o f Deamla Sweenay*

ENGLEWOOD, May 3-T!i* bo4r o f another victim of tha beailng accident by which three young mambers ot the Second Reglmaot, N. O. N. J.. were drowoad In Ovarpack Creek on Sunday was found to­day, It waa that of Dennis Bweeney, aged twenty-three years.

The body of l-awrence Qidgley. tha third victim of tha accident, has not yet tnan found.


Takes Charge e ( Agalre * ( S teekiea Mamafactarlng C em pnay .

Vice-Chancellor Emery yeeterday after­noon advieed the sppolntme^ of former Judge Frederick P. Guild as* receiver of the Stockton Manufacturing Company, and one of tha first official acts of Chan­cellor Magle was lo approve the recom­mendation. Th* application was made by McGee ft Bedls, ot Jarroy City, oa bahalf ot Dr. Chsrlea S Stockton, ot thia city, prealdent of the conesm. which, U ta al­leged, la Insolvent. The ItabillUes are aald to be t(7,0W, with oaaeta amounting to W.OM.

Tbe Stockion Manufacturing Company wfa originally tha Warwick f t Stockton Manufacturing Co. It waa orfantaad In 18(8, after Ita foundar, Oaorga T. YYar- wlck, had aevered hla connection with It.

The company ban Ha plant at New Jer­sey Railroad avenua and Hamilton sireat. It produces bicycle part* and otbar roatal goods. Ita principal asiet la tha factory aUa and building, wblek mtm valued at IM.M0-. receiver gave bond* Tor HkON, qfisll- fled Immediately and tdbk ohorgs to-day.



F in a l Sasaluaa • ( the I la lta a Magtlat Mloqlonary Aaeeelatlak.

The second annual convention ol-. the Italian Baptist Mlaalantr*'"'AaBOclatlon closed last evening at the Italian Baplltt Church, 17 ML Pleasant avanu*. Yeater- day's axerrloes began ai 8:10 o'cloek In the morning," Ttuvr A.~ Daninrt iiading the Beripture. The affairs of tha aaaoolaUon werq dl8cuo*sd .and Blgnor C. Cerrtta and the^pastor, Her. A. Dl Domenloa, detlvar- ed addregMs. In thO afternoon Rev. Jf. De .carlo and Rdv. O. Bocogeclo apoke. Tha feature ot the evening service wae an address by Rev. A. Turnbull, aacr*. tary of tha Home Mlaslcn Boclety of Maw York-

At the annual election Rev. QlulepM Boccaccio wai chosen prealdent, Rav. B. Barrecchl*. secretary, and Rav, A Dar- eorl, treasurer. The imaurar reported that tha finincaa were in a aatlafactarr condition

Bait Ora ago Cltlaoaa Foal that tfc* City CaoBOll DeaAloek Mast

Bo B n k ca .If the E i(t Drang* City Council Is un­

able Lo agree upon a choice for chairman It la probable that the matter will be taken Into the courts by the cltlnns uf East Orange, with tha request that a chairman he appointed. Under juat whet law thli will b* done ha* not been de­cided, but lawyers are Investigating the queetion, end It Is claimed that there la a statute bearing on the case.

Thera apparently i i little posalblllty ot the deadlock being broken at ta-nlghl'a adjourned meeting of tho City Council. Both Bides are still firm. The supportera of Captain John H. Palmer, the Council­man from Ihe Second Ward, exprea* their determination lo atlck by bim to the end. and Ihe four adherents of Councilman Thomas W, Jackion. of the Fourth Ward, are equally determined not to desert their choice (or chairmen. Captain Palmer's friendi are willing. It Is sold, that s com­promise candidate should be lelectod, but thli proposition has been rejected by tbe supporter* of Mr. Jackson. The latter's friends say that they ars willing to stick by biro tor q yeqr, If necessary. Than la an entir* abM od of- any lll-feellBg be- twaen Captain Palnmr or Mr. Jackson or between their raapeollv* aupporteri.

FeelUagi wf Ika CHIoene.Many citlscn* declare that Irreapectlv*

of tb* peroonkl ambition of any peraon It Is eaaanUst tbat tbe city bnilnesa aboukl b* transacted. I t 1* time that the Board of Asatasor* to t to work and lavlad thetr aaseasoientA but they cannot make aa as- seesment until tbey know what amount la to be raload by UxaGon. The Ux ordi­nance has not even been Introduced In blank amount In tbe Counoll, and It la ab­solutely necossary Uiat the ordinance af­ter being Introduced ihall b* advertised for a week before It can b* passed by tb* Council. Than ar* other mattera of Im- portinca to come before the new Coun­cil. The psy-rotix fpr the varlinu idty d*- pertoaenta were paaaed by the old Coun­cil. ao that tbe city employes or* not In- conventonoad by tba deadlock.

Efforts are being made to-day for a compTomlaa, bnt H 1* not bellsved that they will he attended with aay more suc- oesi than the former ^orts.

200 DremeR. Broadcloth, Homespiui, ChoTlot and S o T fre .

Eton or “M*ii” Coata,— llnod with Silk.

Latest model Sklrta.Colors:—bine, brown, Ox­

ford and light grey, tan and black.


TtiOM iiattaBrgtAkemfMm tho stock*Y*iM ««LO O M a k

>vert Cloth Suita, — fln- lahed with ititehed tatin •trapB.

Flare gore Skirts,—dou- ble>breMted Eton CiMts.

Colon:-—Beige, t^i, light and dark Oxford, Iron grey, brown and blue.


JAMES MoCBEEBt * CO., Broadway and llth SL,

New York.

BIX m o n t h * f v r w i f b -b b a t u ig .


Hnerlao* Aftalra,Bernard Cumminga, ot John scrMt. Har-

a ig k t Vwwthfwl Tkleve* Arrested.

rtaon, white repairing a fence at th* corner o f Grant and Bearing avenue* yeiteiday afternoon, bad hla left hand painfully cut

gptclal Ulopsirii to the NKWU.ELIZABB^H, May I.—A roundup of

roulhful ihlevea was mad# h#r# last night jy the police and to-day eight priaonsrs. Whoa* ages range from eleven to ilxteen years, were arraigned In pollq* court. They were Jacob Kern. Thome* Bulllvaji, Frank Leonard, John Naglr. Frank Data, Cleveland Bmitn. John Higgln* end John Dolbler. They broke Into a vacant factory

isring avenues y iih............, le ft " ...................with a plaoa of tin.

^ p u ty County Reglatrr Cbarlae W. Roths raport* fifty deaths In Horriaon, Kearny and Koat Nawark during th*month of Aprih

xr '.ha ndealon^by th; Redempioriit Fathers In the Church of the Holy Crooe for the man of th* pariah, wUch ImM d last Sunday, will cloee on Sunday uipii The aervie* last night waa attended ~

quantity ot braea faucete and oiher arti- clc* which they tried to dlipo** of to Junk dealers. They were all hehl In $m ball each to await th* Grand Juiy'a action.

lu ge cbngragatlon. The oennon was da- Ilvaiefi by Rev. FatheY Hulhall, hia aub- Ject bsJng "Judgment.. At both the t x Aject being "Judgment. — — - - . — , lo 'c lo o k maa***^*?"4;y_^th* attanduio* *wo* large. On* ot the (* th »s will hav* to leave to-morrow night for Boatan.

Itejoyable ACufe at the Heegltnl Ub ' dee Aasgtoc* wf the Owlld,

A reoeptldii and l)tnV ‘ 'n.,.VRT« gtYUD. at Bt. Barnabea'a Hospital yeiterday attST' noon undtr ihoAUaploe* of tl)« Bt. Barns, bas’d GiilM and th* s litsn In cholg* ot lha tnitltutlon. Th* decorations wer* ex- trenmly pretty, being entirely In pink. The candelabra, wltb their pink ohadat. ware ■urrs^ed by sldattr* of pink carnal lone, and there were aeveral vase* of camailoni about th* roamA A magnificent bunch of American B«a“ ‘ Y ^oaea wo* also displayed.!

The membera o f the guild received at the tebi* Mr*. C. M. Sanderson poured coffee and Mra Charles H Harrison poured tea. Mrs Henry Hayward eervad lemonada, Kveg th* bon-bon* wer* pink, and tb* china u*ed tb* daintleat ot pink,

Th* prooeid* of th* tax ar* lo be used tor tb* bahaflt et the hoapiul.

WeaUlsUI aisB NeBvbr,The nay w am " RUl Bo o v « th* Wwt-

flGd *M Wlbrotath B tm t Railway line to .m o r^ lJ™ Y day boa been o h a t^^^ThT^HatboML CongT#f*Uon*l' and ■ 3 ."A «g * lS a h ir - i> c l )^ ot WaatfleM y R n S g ii Oudr annual exeurahm to Aa-

* '$ g ' ] lB g S l^ L w u * of th* 'VFeitfltld

S?r « A m *H ««X Will be th* main at- S lrtjjS , MtSSriThy mambari of the

Hr*. JaB* Arro*Bt,of Aeadeitly- BteBBtsK • loa ta lu BbbIb W bbbA .

Mrs. Jane Armont, foriy-llv* yaare old. ot in Acsdemir gtroot was haookad dowa by a bteydtat, Nathantal Baldwin, of Eaton place. Bait Orange,, aa ah* 'Waa orossing Broad strMt, a t Cedar, atMUt t e'cloek Uat night. Bh« auttalned a to iar* ■calp wound and wa* ukan to htt twroa tn a cab.

Baldwin waa arraated by Fatrolauu BmtlA Ha was paroled at tb* Klret Pre­cinct Police Station to awatt th* r**ult of Mrs. Arment’a tnjurie*.

ACalM at FWlaJMft, •A pratty boro* woBdUig was oaltbtaM

laat night at th* tmmo of Mr. sadWrs, ’John H. iteVena, of 7N »*^ n °t.*Y *aua

"Whaa thMy^thragWro^ll* M w

H. g * R ega le r R e ta ru lo Fraaoa,NEW YORK, May X-M. Henri de Reg-

Bier, th* French poet, wno (or the pasttwo months hoaiectured at the princ|^unlverslttea on French literature, to.^ay tor France. M. de Hegnlar wa* the lecturer for the third annual course of lectures of the Cercle Francels de L'Unl- verslte Harvard. He lectured aleo at PrlDceloa. Columbia and other education­al Inititutlon*.

A Sweseaefal ReBaptlaaA reoeptlon and dano*

Gie boolut ball pUyan «TouiCfaui


Young Men's urch

Boelsty ot

was given by [f Bt. Aloyalu*


________ Bt;, at the club houtw, M7

(treat, lost nlihL Th* affair prorad . siMoaaa. Theoano* music waa tumiobad

Orchaatra: ’Th* floor raai wa* MlBhoUa C. IJeht*nb(n**r. ani

Braman ar* anticipating hav tna a aOM Gm* t " th* n**r ftttur*. Last -” ^ *^ ilg h t they eavad th* honi* of

- - ™ PandaUcM Caacaiy and in grsUtuda for

,h. w m irg iioTu ot th* membera ot tb* tna “ E E - Tuesday the Count***

IM with ten eases of chsm- ITTThla Um flroman eonatoar l ^ riS foandatlon for a good Um*.

m ay huatl* and l » l a law

PlalnfielA Btivena

lomaa P, GaCS O, M c K * H « y . ,

lloa Clara A. I I O a

. In m an ia f* . to . of Rarttam w lUv. * maid of hinto wu lanay, ot. Cotumbig

t o ! r Th* haat man w M ^Attar

bald.Th* ROOM of Haslth of North Ptalnfleld

LoutflBBa Farchaae CtatennlaL

Wash .like. Iwantlful qatert- ftK A A•nani.alleb**.............. .iTTHT...



8«S BROADWAV, NEW YORK.W AUt * Mod* to Gnlar oeYUUHt VottM.

Ham id’s Valrtnlty Crrw. CAMimiDOB, Mai*.. May »,-A « a r*.

suit of th* trial races on the (.'harlas. River yeoteriUy tb* following men havfi; been retained for the Harvard-Univer-

Hf ' -ally, crew; Htgglnaan, Bols, Evans, _Bm' ory. Tilton. Wood, H. Bancroft. Q. RaP' croft, ijadd, Ooodall, Hinllng. McCtmneilpitxgaratd, Lawrence, Sheaf, Biddle, Bul­lard. Henderson, Shenbmh, Burtoa and Martin.

UriW iS- « • *W-»aiaar*j ux-vv^ iero*waip*aa«

..'oita Moa and Nlcsraguf a* may bo de- alrabhi aaA necepeary, on which to exca* vata, construct and proteot a eanal ot such dtpthjuid capacity a*.i)M 'h* auffi- cleaf far t « movement* ot nlpa of ihe^ gffMigt.tonBaae apd diaugat how m ula | from ■■l»trtm;'TiwlrVir.yytMPB'wi loeChrio- btan'Bea. via Lsh* Nlearagua to Brats, en th* Paclfli^ Qi'esn; and such aum aa may b* nreearory to aecura such coptrol la horetay appropriated out of any money In the Treaaury not otbarwlio appropri-

•^™- -it(ba »--Th*t whaa the Proaldent haa id full control ever th* territory In

:lon 1 rafarred to, he ahalt direct the Riertlary of War to ozoavat* and don- struct a canal sod watarway from .a polni on lha ihor* of th* Caribbean Sea near -Greytown by w a f o f lAke Nicaragua, to a point near Breto on the padflo Ocean. Such ctnfil thall be of sufficient capacity

WASHINGTON, MSy t.-The epecUl IlouB* Oommittee on th* Centennial ot th<____ , , _______ ____of theLouisiana .Purchase, which It Is propoaoB to commetnorate by an International

■ ml* In 1803, held a tneel- look no final acthn on

rla*,' gfipwira*-— - -—*•

asdatamt* w n*


lisnssn a ^ « ; > r r o

inagor_____ id h tid tt and Bugtns cowmltt** con- nra, cbalnaan;

Ro**nf*ldar, illy, WHltom


arm hav* I t* tn* -

t^hlsht at th* o ^ n ^Bociewpt the Ihonftr-

fDfwU nn f wtll


Ta Ray JeEereaa Davis'* Olg Beas*.'OPELIKA, Ala., Mey 8.—Th* fltata con­

vention of the Daughters ot the Coafed- trscy ho* voted tolmy the old Jeffetapn Davie home at Hontgomsry, known pa the "White Houin of tb* ConfedeiYcy.'nRra, John A. KIriwtrtok, of Montgomtry, w m electad president.......................

Brtllth West Caanl lantree,WABHINOTON. May L-Th* BrlHth

Ambaaaador ha* applied to th* staro )t>a- partmant for the extradition o f Chntnt lAUliwc, who la under srrett In C! on a oharg* of peoalng bogu* d Canada.

Nggyaiwra DIB Nat BtHlta,ig

World end JoimiaV.whlBO take place to-day, ha* ap through. Th* aay thay *1" 'that they fiftiallB J»* . per bunSjmifBr tnitead dTSlity caqt*. th* i

Chartpa G. Rndlcott W ^

T r o month*. Ha.wi nd^waa ^prn

Jaroos RMt taa* 8* th * P *alt*R tfftp r by J a g g * Larohaat*

Jome* R ltt ot 71 Eighth avenue, ehart*d ■ with beetlng his wltA was aeot to 'tha penitentiary for six month* by Joda* Lambert In tb* Becond Preotutt PoUc*'- Court to-gay. Mr*. Rltt teetlBad that her husband hod com* taoaw tn *n Intoxicated condUlon and had struck her thr** U «w t on th* aid* of tb* h«ad with hi* fiat Bh* alto charged him with cht«lnf her about m iTcoro and thnatening her.

Rltt dented the charge. He claimed that hll wife had tried to bum him with an iron, and that when he piaventsd her troii doing so hot heed struck agalnit a aronttl.

------------------- q----------- ------


■ama on MartL wnoon, aad th*J ot IT to I t

• ^ t h e ' l^otyiigbj

T* iPtmAead__ meeUng df

the City the rtq iiiiB ^ a fund to be l ~ sufferera from

, "wh*'!

tlone to a ttiM Mayor's ofllo*.,the otty.



** O n e ’ • S u m m e r

le p i t j Sheriffs A t la d e i by ibe R iottu E ap te jc i « f the O rfo ii Cep-

per Worts.


M v .ra l • l la k t l. Hart D ariasthe ■ ■ r llta a IrrlmaiBB*. ka« No Oaa fa r la a a l. Ia jara4—T a , M ,a D rivaa troa i the I'laat Attar a ttakbara HralBtaaaa, la Whlak W an aa a a * Chtlrtraa JalarA.

dreMnarJa't b*7<Hullmlt,1tT0« will onl]T l « l tu put out carera! eltau*- In f or djr^Bi work ou four Uwt •MMu'i irowM. W « (le llfh t in dsallui with tho thin aad datatjr fab ik t—partuM 'oauM It 'i hardar to do. We etll, It fou eanaot.


PU N S i r TIC ones CLUE


A U M H a lM i^ T ra ies C e a K l H d Bretberhood of Carpnters i t

W ir - M m l i L



tpeclal Diififttch tc tb« N'RWH.BAYONNE. May l.-Th « labor altuatlon

At the Orford Copper Work*, Cunatable Hook, aaauined a frave aspect for a time last evenlri*. and uertoua trouble waa im­minent. One ■ertmmaff occurred between the dlMailetlfd men and the police, reiult- Inf In a number of broken heade and eome bloodahed on both uldee. The isollce were forced 10 ehooi, but uacd iheh* flrearmii merel> in Intlnildate and aimed too hlsh to hit,

All !h€ croployeea etriklna are forelgn- « r*i comprlaing I’olei. Slava and Hunga- rlana. They quit work luddenly Tueaday, Without notice to the oWIcere of the com­pany and with no organlaailoii. The men congregated about the worka, roaming ■ulknly In and out and refualng to permit any permon to work. Superintendent Moffett asked for police protection and a number of polk-e ofheera were kept In the aurka all Tueeday night. Thle force waa Increased yeaterday to about twenty-flve n»en, Chief of Police John B. McNeill taking peiwonal charge.

Mayor Seymour wciU lo the worka yea­terday and addriaaed the men, urging them to appoint proper curomllteea for the purpoae of affecting an amicable aei' tlement of the trouble, but (he men aul- lenly refuaed to llaten to anything abort of aurrrnder by the company. All day the men rcMined In and out of the worka. bickering now and then wlih the police and their rankM gradually awelllng Trouble waa feared and Sheriff Carl Kuempler waa notilied. He responded with a force of aixty dcpuUea.

Lined Lfs Agwinst Depatlea. President Thompaon, of the company,

was audreaalnc the men In the worka. and had Juit been urging them to go home and go to bed ao aa to avoid trou­ble when a warning about from the gates announced the appearance of the Sherirra force. Every man In the works ran to the gate and lined up for a con­test, but were driven back by the police. Many picked up pieces of slag and bars of Iron and showed fight, but were over­powered.

Headed by Sheriff Ruempler tod Under IherlfT John Heavey, the deputies marched over the sand hllla to ths works irmed with batotia They were followed by a crowd of women and chtldren, the famlllea of the workman, and escort^ by Ihelr jeer* and hoota, oftentlBies accom panted by a volley of small atones and other missiles. At the gats a aumber .of women sought to prevent the deputies from entering the yard, and pulled at them, screeching and howling. Both the aien and their famlllea were tinder the im presslon that tbs new arrivals were men brought there to take tbeir places In ths srcrki, and accordingly became angry and Icsperate. Peace was maintained, but re­lations were strained, and the situation was grave.

It was decided that the men should be put out of the works and kept away until a seUlement should be reached. The police And deputies accordingly lined up together Hong (he Kill von Kull end of the yard, :are being taken to have all the workmen n front of them, and headed by President rhonapsoni Sheriff Ruempler, Msyor Sey­mour and Chief McNeill, ths force ad- /anced. urging the men to go out. Every Dook and corner of every building was icarched and every man waa slowly driven CO the gate.

F le d YE'heil Officers F ired .Everything went along peaceably until

the gate was reached, when the men, Im bued with the falae Idea that the utiurpers were driving them totally out of the works ind beyond all possible means of protec lion, became desperate and turned on the officers and battled desperately to re-enter the works. Tons of slag lying Just outside the gate gave them ample ammunition, tnd In a moment the sir waa full of dying jilsBlles which rained down on the police and deputlea, rattling upon the frame buildings and shattering windows. The bfficers battled valiantly for some time, attempting to drive hack ths' men with thbir chibs and facing the ugly shower Dravely, battering heads wherever show- ng. It was five to one against them, how-

.Dver, and when the volleys of slag and wicks wera augmented by Iron bars, the >mcers pulled tkelr rsvolvera*. and, aiming nigh above the of the angry throng,llicharged svwrtl Voll«y«. The effect was magical, the rioters dlaappearlng snd samplng at a sdfe diktance tway upon the land hills. Several of the police were hit oy the slag, but none was liijursd.

James Dltk^ a bystander, was struck •>y a piece of slag, and his head was se- irerely cut. His wound was dressed and

was taken to M i home on East Twon-1 :y-second street.The men returned In a short time, but

were not allowed to enter the works,which were surrounded by the officers. They lung around until dark, several times; retting Into embn'o broils With the polica; iT deputies, but making no concerted a t- ; :empt to do anything more than Jeer and | ihout.The police and deputies guarded ths

vorke all nlghtAhe Job being made doubly jncomfortable by the rain. A number of .he police officers were on duty continu­ously from Tuesday evening without reat ind with Insufficient nourlahment.

P re p a r e d to C a l l Oat T roops .Kver/ttii|ng continued quiet and peace-

Able during t^e night and this morning, ^ e men were alt dlacharged by the com- Mny R i^w ere ordered to appear at the iffice fdr tbeir money. The polios and leputles lljMd up on the way to the office tnd the men were brought up In batches )f ten. were paid off and were escorted 4utalcle th« worka by ^e-pollce,^ ^. U was «tated at tha works to-day that Company t, Fourth Rsglmant, N. G. N. I., had been ordered to be In readlneas 0 prbused to tha works at abort notice n case of trouble. Mayor Seymour com- Bunlcaled with Captain Jaiilea QatchsI M t nlghl and also with Oovemor Vobr-

bees, apprising them of the situation. The matter was tn1ke<l over st ihe Jersey City Armory last night by rohmeDdmilb, Ad­jutant Stryker and Oovi-rnor Voorhees. No ordem w«Te Issued, but (he men were warned to be In resdlness.

Tits trouble will resuli Jn great loss to the Osfonl i ‘app«‘r <*omt»an>. \Vhen the men stopped work tons of copper were In (he furnaces. This wss nut run off and li now cold In the furnaces, entailing a loss of about M .cKio in money snd prob­ably six weeka In time The furnaces win have tg Ih> taken apart to get the copiter out and then rebuilt The works may not start up for five or ala werks In oonse- uuencf

Tho T ito u rgan isa tlooB d o o r r s l aad , • • ■ llesoUp Many Mem A ro Ordorod to 4 i i l i W «irk . N fU lio r W U lilm g t * R reogm ls* the O ther—Omo ComCor- emco F a lls to keemro lotllomaoiit* Th e tltom tlon Mnrh Camipllemtog.


H rllr t .d lAa l Krtr. l«rk B w A aaa aad Ollier Hoads M ill A gree tm Cem*

.aniun—Htalas mt Other Lines.

HUKKAIA), N. V , .Mh>' 2.—The railroad


strike Is considered prsi’tlcally setUsd. It Is understood ihnt the Nickel riate has agreed to abide by the action of the New York Centfsl, and U Is believed that the Erie, Lackawanna, Lehigh, and Wesiern New York add Pennsylvania will acquiesce In (he urrutigetnent. Uuperlnlendent A. M. Waltt, ot the New York Cenirsl. Is quoted as follows ou the action of the men In accepting the agreement condi­tionally:

■1 hoi>e to see some of the representa­tives of the men to-day and have a talk with them. Of course we will wait a rea­sonable lime, but we're not going to wait forever. 1 do not think It reasonable to Infonvenlenre the New York Central on account of the attitude of other roads. Buch action would discourage ua from taking the Initiative In the future. Fos slbly they could not get wurd tent around among tbs men In time to have them at work to-day. but It seemed to be the sen tlment of the cAinferrees that word would be passed around In time lo have the men go to work to-morruw’. j should be sur­prised and dl sap [Minted If there sho«ild be any radical departure from tbe underatoed arrangement whereby the members were lo be at work by Friday morning.*'

Commissioner of Arbitration Webster, after a conference with members of ihs Car Repairers' Executive Committee to­day, said:

Attitadc of ih* Vgplows Hoads,‘'There haa been ho change In the situ­

ation since Iasi night. We are arranging now to have a conference with represents lives of the rouds on which the car re palrers have no( efTn-ied a settlement. We hope that It can take place this afternoon. It will probably be held at the Brosel House.'*

Buperlnietuient \‘an Allen, of Ihe Lehigh Valley, said in res|K>nae to a question aa to what his road would do:

*'Our employes are not oh Strike, and t am not In a position to say what may be done about a proposition Which la not be­fore us offlolftlly."

Superintendent Canfield, of the I>acka- wanna car repair shops, answered a sim­ilar question in similar terms. " I believe," Slid he, **we are disposed to be as fair as any one else. "

Superintendent Charles Turner, of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg, spoke In a similar vein.

As yet the proimsltlon has not been formally laid before these or other roads.

The concessions made by the New York Central will. It is said, mean tlilO.OOO a year added to the expenses of the road at this end of the State, ss compared with what they Were prior to March ifi.

It wag stated at noon that the Central's men would return to work to-morrow morning.The superintendents of the roads where

the freight handlers are out have signi­fied their wlllIngnesB to meet committees of the strikers and a conference la being arranged.

A hitch has developed In the proposed meeting between the railway officials and the Executive Committee of the Car Re­pairers* Aaaoclatlon scheduled for 2 o*clock. It is slated that the euperlntend- ents of the res()ect1ve Hoes refuse to go Into a Joint conference, and that « number of separate conferences have been ar­ranged so that each road ewn deal with Us own employes.


HHII.ADKLPHIA. May |.-Aa a m ult of the action last night of tha Allied Building Trades Cuum'U in rsfusing to recognise the Uroilu-rhoiHl of Carpenters, the latter agreed tu work on buildings re­gardless of whether imlon or non-union men are employed ihETPou so long as tbeir union Is recognised

In retallsUon. (he AlUt;d llullding Trades Council ihls morulnK nrdered out alt Its men wherever Bro(herhuA>d of Carpenters men are working. Sei reury Allen, of the Building Trades Council. «aya that In con- sequence of this order ui>out 13.OW sddl* Uonal men quit work after I o'clock this morning. This rnnk -s abuLU iB.OttJ men em­ployed In the building trades now on strike In this city.

This morning’s order arrecta ths Exposi­tion Hulldhif, where hundreds of men srs at work prepariiAg (he sirmlurs for ths Republican national conveiulon.

One conference this morning bsiwetn ihe represeniailves of the Hrotherhood of Carpenters and ths Building Trsdes Council failed to effect a eettlemenl of ths dlfterences. Another conference will bs held later In the day.

aitwslluw Compllraied.This morning's acthui tnuu-rlally com­

plicates the strike sltuslbut. as In many Instances employers who had signed ths Si-ale of the Allied Bulldlhg Trades Coun­cil and also the Hrolhcrhcod of Carpen­ters* scale have been forced to suspend Q|Yeratlon because of the order from ths Trades Council hendquariers.

The admitted efforts of ilie Allied Build­ing Trades Council from now on, unless the coming conference will cfteri a RsUle- ment. will be directed toward the disrup­tion of the Brotherhood of Carpentert. In addition to carrying on tho fight against employe refusing to sign the agreement for higher wsges snd shorter hours.

Becreury Allen, of the Allied Council, said lo-day that the action fif (he Brother­hood ol Carpenters here wa» similar to Iti action In Chicago, and that Us apparent purpose In withholding from affiliation with the council was almpiy to acquire ths support of the latter until the brotherhood had gGdned Its ends, after which ll pro* posed to ffialniain its separate organlta- Uon.

Among the thirty-eight trades rompow mg the council are two orgamiatlons of carpenters, the Philadelphia Carpenters Association and the Amalgamated tiodety of Carpenters.

T h e F igh t R etw eew Vnlopa.The council's agvnts to-day were Induc­

ing (ho Brotherhood of t'arpenters' men to drop their union and Join either of the other two at a nominal Initiation fee of twenty-five cents, after which they might continue work, provided no Brotherhood of Carpenters' men or nun-union men were engag^ on the same operations. During the early hours of the day reports from the council's agents said that many men were Joining the carpenters' organisations allied with the council.

Beyond the statement given out by Bust ncM Agent Holt, the Brotherhood of Car­penters' leaders will make no statement regarding the situation or the number of men composing their orianisallon, but ll Is known there are several thousand mem­bers of tho order here. Holt said;

It Is discouraging to have to take the step we do, but this organisation cannot be used aa a cat's paw to draw the chest­nuts of other unions out of the fire. We appealed to some of the other unions to Insist upon the eight-hour work day and not to be too Insistent upon wages which may be considered exorbitant.

Joseph B. Allen, secretary of the Allied Building Trades Council, said:

It Is unfortunate that we are compelled to take this position, but we have no alternative. Wo have carpenters In our organisation who are paying their dues, and also who demand protection. They must be protected. Our whole movement Is summed up In one cxprssslon. 'One for all, and all for one. We sink or swim to­gether. One building trade cannot main­tain the eight-hour work day unless all gel it. I do hope the brotherhood will llaten to reason. It has forced our hand."

OrvRHfMiU*M Rh (h « Oranges H klek U *gM im MuBlrlpal

C w a 4 lll«a s .Ths Civic* Club of (h* Oranges, a new

organisation, having for Ua objoct tha Im­provement of municipal condltlnna. held a masting last night and dlacussed a num­ber of Interesting subjects. The club hat a membership of thirty-flv*, all of whom ar* Interested In ths betterment of civic life.

Key. Adolph HuMler, pastor of the Or* ante 0we«}»n1>4YrgiHn Church. It ptesident of the club, uhd Ferdinand Knolhofl Is Its recording secr^iufy. Vincent Brede Is corresponding scctvtary and Roy Hopping Is treasurer. Mr. Hgeder Was president of a similar Institution In Vineland, which la two years accompJiahtH) a great deal of gtHHi. TJie Viufland urganlaatlon sue- c-eeded la aecurliig the InlroducUon uf a seweraga system and did a great deal of work In aruuslnit u hvuith)' sentiment la ftt\(Rf of municipal improvements.

The Oivtcs t'Ujb tif ths Oranges will study niunlelpul roiidlilotis outside of the Urnngts. and after this study will take up needed reformi and endeavor to sscurs thsir aciuinpllshmi’ni. Ths widening of sidewalks on hiipurtunt thoroughfares la one of the problemn that will be taken up at an early date. The renumbering of houees In ordt-r lo se< ure uniformity and avoid ilupllrailuii Ih iiiiolhcr aubjecl that will be (uktiii up. I'li^lghtly and obnoxious bill boards and sign boards will also be considered and hu effort msds to nave Ihem rumiived

The club will cn-oia-raie la all work for the Improvemeni of the condition of ths liciKpls of the city. Mii<-h as that of ths Bureau tif AssgritKed t'haritles and (he Orunga Valley Huilul ftcHlemenl. The work of theeo oraaiitsitlons has already been laid before ihe clvlrs by A W. Mc- Dougall, (he secretury of the bureau, and Charles H. Warner, the head worker at the settlement.

A library uf municipal reports la being formed and copies of the annual state­ments of governliiR hodlei, as well ss works on civics, wUl tiv included In II.

At (he mcellng last night there was a discussion of the new Frobatlon law passed by the Lcglslaiure at the instance of Judge Fori, and tho uplnhm was expressed that there Is need of a prubatlcm officer In Ihe Oranges

The epilepllc co|i>ny which has been formed in this Siikc wils also discussed and a committee was itfli'<ied to villi the colony and reppn ui»in n hr the cluh. On ihts commIKed arc lltv Mr Roeder, Mr. Knolhofl. Mr. becite, Diivid Miller and Stephen McL'rky.


Caevsn to

**Greit Oaks, From Little Acorns Grow/'

A sbt^e microbe conteins ifu germ of the most nutig-nent msUdtes. The blood is the means by which microbes 'ere sent on 'their deadly mts~ sion. Small at ftrst, the mi­crobe soon becomes a giant. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the arch enemy of all germs of whatever nature. Its small doses master these microbes by dissolving sndpasskgthem off as refuse of the system.

W M S u itM -"/ A*w h$4tS m s U f* v ^ s a ff t r tS

H v '•(fiV pom hudteht. I htmt U im H oe fif Sstm ^tiSU snd m w w «S w v s s ^ " M tt. OtHk LsnOm. tU tUm , Jfe.

S IW IHIMUS I W - " j y Ihsxts iaoeh o f

Wgf ( f t * urn. a SCAfateMwort, JStwirA Vdtks. K T.

tk u m m --H e ik H M d 'i Simms, ftts f i r ncoMta* m d In bt$ thsn cm n m d k T v t iip t f fm ^ s a r id ,” A m d iX tm O , B tn ftr, P s

Not • Valon H odearrlcr KBe or W ork In the Clty^-Cois-

stwntly Petro lim g.Whatever laborer: belonging io either

Protective Union No. I or No. 2 were at work yesterday are not working to-day, according to the reports made at the headquarters of the strikers at 37 Mar­ket street this morning. There were a few who were on Jobs on the outskirts of tho city who thought that, even though lliey kept on working, they would not be found out by other men in their union, But the district was ao thoroughly can­vassed that It is now said thwi. cot a member of the union js at work.

At several places where there were Ital­ians working, the four Italian > walking delegates of the union have succeeded Ifl calling the men off. The comhoittee of delegatsi. eighteen of whom went out to patrobihs city this morning, reported this afternoon that practically no maipn work waa being done. All the members of the laborers' union arc hodcarrters- and not ordinary diggers, who have no union and who recelvs about 11.30 a day. The ma- Bong* helper* are striking for thirty cents an hour for eight hours' work, thras conts more than they have been receiving.. BlLtbfiiflld flLf .th.e week there will m e - tlcally be no painters' etrlke'^ag only a score of men are not at work now,


CQwfldeaew Bxpregsed by Mew W he lle v e l<«tt tk * Ltidisky 9hiiga«

The striking hatters who have left the three factories of Nathan A David Lu- dtiky. managed by William Ludlsky, said this morning that the condition of the strike Is rite same as it was yesterday. They said that Ludlsky's factorUi on Wickllffe and Kent streets remain cloaed, hficauae he cannot obtain men to All the orders he hae on hand, and that there are but two men working In the Scott street factory. ^

Max Hand, the representative of the Na- ttonal Union, who is conducting the strike, is positive that Mr. Ludlsky cannot ohuin raoiL and ritat be must make an arrange­ment with the strikers. He added that no further overture* will be made to Mr. Ludlsky, end that any movement ha^ng for its object the aattletneni of the atrlke must come from Irini.

W E A T H E R C O N D I T I O N SWABHINarON, M»y l-W « th e r confll.

Uont Md gmwiral foracut:T l » Bortlitm d«pr«i*lon h «» r»on*d

tb* middi* St. Ij»wr«ncB V»Hey. “ • Muthern eu», a tu r rMchlm the SoiMb CWollna cout, Wrned eberply td northward, end it ceniret thle morning on the eouthern New Jereey eoeet.

There here been ebowere iro«. the middle lilMleelppi VeU«y end upper I ^ e region etetwerd, end numeroue tUunder* ■ torme In the Soulh. There were e ^ ■ howeri Wetoeedey In Beetem Cojoreae. Tempereturee here feUen « to » degree* from the leke region eouthweetwerd, end ere Oom t t o l i degree* below the netmel. Oenerel end In meny pleoee heevy troet ocourrtd Ih the upper leke region. North- weet end Central W eet Weniinge ot theee Irggt* were Iteued Wedmwdey morn

SOU thaS ilte i.* n S 4 'rid«y ttU weelher.l* Iniu- ceUd generdliy «cn of the Mleriulppl Hirer end In the •opthweet. ' l t efttl be eooler to-night in thejOhio VeHtiy, Alien. He end Ouif Stcteei witb *en*»|il f w i from the Ohio Valley northeeetwerd throngh the lower Lake region into Went- era New England.

On Che Atlahtto eneet the wind* will he verltbit, becomiM f ^ h weel to aorth- weeterly during Jmdey night.

The fr.llowlng h tery praelpiuuon tin Inehet) we* reported during the pent twrqiy-CeUr hoiUW! Cep* Hettereii, LIE

gpriag flH d Ichoni Hoard U an lln vaa S evera l u f I'hose ho T a n gb t

l.a ii \emt.The Springfirlij Boanl gf Educatlan, at

Us meeting last nighi, rcMfixeii applies- tlona for reappolntmpiu frum ihe present corps of teachers in the igwnshtp schools Blvln B. Ketchum whs re-engaged as •uperlntendeui at a salary of Psiil for ten months. Miss Madeleine whs re-engafod as teacher of the third and fourih gram­mar departments at a saUr)- uf ft&u and Hiss Cliffle Ludlow as irttrher in the Branch Mills primary school hi LfiTi,

The engagements of MIhh t'ora F. Weaver and Miss Adelaide Dalton, ths present Instructors In the primary and kindergarten departments, were laid ovsr. A meeting of the Teachers' Commlltee of Ihs board will probably be held Monday

^nlght to consider the matter, and they will ret^ori to a si^cial mevilns of the Board of Educatlun to be he ld next Wednesday nlghl. No other apiillraUuns hav® been made for the posUlunH

Fredeiii'kDelnerwasre-vngugi.-<l as Jani­tor for the school snd town hull ut a •alary of lift a month. This Is an inrreass of E per month over (he amiomi paid last year. The bosrd instructed District Clerk Skkley to have tho school census taken.

------------ -------- ----------O tttllkA ^C E kOT AHEkDED,

C o a l M iners W in la E n ro pe ,WASHINGTON. May 3.—In a recent let­

ter to the State Departmenl, Consul Hughes at Coburg records the practical termination of the strike among the coal miners In the provinces of Bohemia. Si­lesia and Moravia, Northern Austria and in Saxony. Gcrtnany. Terms offered bythe mine owners have proved satisfactory to a msjorlo of the striker*,, although itIs sold that 9.000 of the 24,Wi men who originally went out on the strike, are still holding out for greater cdncesBlona.

Bosmakers 0 « Out.b a y 'C IT Y , Mich., May I. —Four hun­

dred boxmskers and helpers in seven factorlen in this city went on strike this morning In pursutnea to action taken lastnight by their dnioti. The men want an advvance In wagoa from ten to fifteen p< cent., which the manufacturers declineto gram. Thfee factories are running few machines with non-union help. oi will eventually have to shut down unless differences are settled.


Ualaa May Be Iwdleled.CHICAGO, May A—It svas stated to-dny

that a _tviM bllJ hat been voted against

L garprise at the Meetltis of gouth Orange Trustees.

An adjourned regular meeting of the South Orange Village Board of Trustees was held last night when (he ordinance amending the village fire department urdl- nanre w« h brought up for final pasHuge indi was killed by the following vote: For. Messrs Weeks, Campbell and Farns­worth; against, Messrs. Sinclair^ Mead uiid Taylor. Four voles are neres.Hary to pass ordlnanres. It waa understood ihHl Trus­tee Taylor would surely vote for the pass­age of the ordinance and when, he said "No" his friends In the board appeared greatly surprised. After voting In the negative, however, Mr. Taylor made no effort to explain his vote.

The ordinance In question provided for certain changes In the present ordinance to the effect that the Chief Hud AsHislatu Chiefs be elected every (wo years and not hold office permanently. One faction of the firemen favored the panaage of the or dlnaiice and another faclloti was oppoaed to It.

The trusleea also decided to appoint an assistant driver for the village fire depart­ment. John J. Farrell, a member of Hbsa Company No. 2. received the appointment. Futrlck J. Bkeffington was appointed a chnncemaii on the police force and It was voied to have ],600 copies uf the village charter, up to date, primed in pamphlet form. The printing of I.WW roples of the village ordlnancea In pamphlet form was Also authorised.

The report of the Board of Assessment* In regard to the opening of Randuliih place WHS confirmed and consideration of a re­port from the aame body for the opening uf Turreii avenue was laid over utUll the regular meeting on May 3t. Resolutions were passed authotixing (he Rireet Com­mittee to award contracts for grading, curbing, macadamising. p IrcIok guusring And laying aldewalks In HHndoiph place. Rtid to complete (he mAcadamlsIng of Mountain House road.

The president and clerk were auth jrlsed lu sign a note for 12.000 In anildpatioti of (Hxea.

that A true diu naa been voted against George V. GubMna. president pf the Brick* Isyern and Btonemaeona' Union, by the Grand Jury <m evidence prdwnted that he was concerned lo an assault on non-unlnn men at 381 West Randolph street on AprilM. The spsclfic oharfs was conspiracy totnette rtef;------ — • *■ — * ------



EMPLOYERS LOOK OUT.A* In Fttod Doublwl the Wacy..

The vn.hR.ier of * ovtR.n large puhii. cation, who deproeatea the um of hla name In publlo, baa exparleacod a curioua change In hit feneral character by reason of a chanfa In th« cel la of hla brain, brouiht about by a ebanca In food and hla experlenea la Icterratins, aa (Iven In hla owo worda;

"Up to a abort time agn, [ waa atwaya known, both (o myaelt and frienda, a. a very mild sort of Indlrtdual, obeyln* lit­erally the Boiiptura Injunction to 'turn the other cheek,’ and let people run over me fenerally, with e apirit ot thankful- neaa that 1 waa permitted to be alive.

"A lont laat fall I changed my diet, Icav- l » l oft colfee antlrely and taking up Poatum Food Conea and Qrape-Nuta breaktaat food. I had tearnad that thcH artlclee both conlalned the fine parilclai ot pboaphate ot potaah and albumen that natura usea to build tha rray matter la tha brain and nerve centrea, ao I deter­mined to aae what eltect they would hav* on me.

"It was I not Ions before I diicovered that t bad changed In a moat remarkable manner. My old mottMr wrote me that titer* wea a graat deal more 'tpunk' in my latter* than ah* ever eaw before. 1 be­gan to vtgoroutly ‘kick’ at any tnjuidoa. I am about InatUutIng a criminal llbat tuit agalnat a party who auppoaed I would atand anything. I send a dish bach that I* not Cooked right, about three time* * weeh. On the thlrtyllral of December laet I demanded double wage* for the coming year aqd found I had backbone enough to IgW down It 1 didn't get It— and t got I t I get clean abeet* twice a week now. they used to take the upper ■beet and put ll under onca a week.ineM will be elwwers to-night In New _________ - ......................

England and H^ieeiptlt WHvoti ,<W*...ol gr- -*■- — t^n^*^.th* by|l»Hiddl* Atlantic tod th tm to « r t^ ; ‘ h a v j b e f ^ Mt faC 'era in porti^^^ « y tM M

GIvsb Daikiagra In HisAcalost tks Kr|« RuaiL

Th« Jury In the Circuit t.'ouri lii the case of Alfrsd He Griggs against the Eric Rail­road • .qmpany lajs. HR«rtio<mgave x^srdict for |8,0b6 I Avar of ths plaintiff. The suit was brought to recover dwmages for Injuries said to hmvs t>een sustained by ths plaintiff by falling through a de- fectlvs plank at the North Newark Sta­tion o f tbs Qreeix^ood Lake Ballroad on August \i, U97.

The case was tried at the last term of court and a verdict for 12,000 damsgos waa rendered. This verdict was, upon motion of the dsfendants, set aside by Justice Child and a new trial ordered.

Affnlvs m Hahwmy*Over 100 men ara at work on the West-

field and Rahway trolley road, rushing It rapidly from Rahway westward, li Is ex­pected to have can running to Blood- good'a by next week, to Plcton by June 1 end Westfield by June 16. There Ih to be a iboroughfure forty feet wide each aide of the traoke between the two cUles. There are separate gangs of men working In the swampy dfstnet, atst west of Plcton, making connection with the Rahwuy di- vlson.

A Edward Woodruff, one of Rshway's

Bromlnent lawyers and cUtrns, Ih ill for tie firat Urns in twenty-five years.Mlaa Morris, of Perth Amboy, a mis

stonary Just returned from India for a ear's vasatton, will addre s the Harvest and Mlsilotiary Society of the Second reshyterlan Church, Kahway, Tuesday .tsrnpon nextT. W. Voorhls, of Coromsree street, Rah*

way, has rented the Jacques avenue retil- * ■ “ F, W. Stllltnandenoe pra^rty of Mrs. F. 'Rev, 1^, and Mrs. J. A. Liggett, of Hah

wajr, are passing the week at Spring

8lx of Rahway's society young women walked to Ws«tffeld and return Monday,a dIstaRo* of five miles each way.

-■ o f r - *-

Wawi Tewr Furs Put Away?

BEEt ir r a ir

cold stiXMe litr e . Tuc (*niy sureway to twe* ter\e tbrm.

WUMiC&TtATitnDi rAnuoooo^K)U5tintitw.

Ktady ftr V'our

Awsliifs? RS es*

liniale nti<1 show yitu wliat good, low itrUfflw ttrk w« till.

5thDay30thAiiiiiversaryBargainSalei p IR S T glance over the Friday story, full of bargain sweetness, and then

spare time to run in and let us introduce you personally to some of the most meritorious money-savings of tlie sale whose tremendously good

and seasonable offerings have helped so many.

A 50c. Shirt Waist Surprise.Not at all ihe kind of Shirt Waist you’d look ter even here at this won­

derfully tiulf price. The cloth is a particularly roo<1 percale with stylish French back, tucked vertically, frentwith i i tucks. Havaderestripes running up and down, finiahed off with fine pearl buttous. For Anniversary week only yours a t .........................................................

“Quarter Off” l_ace Curtain Sale.About a hundred [>airs o f liandsome Irish Point Lace

Curtains, hut only one jiair of pattern. Prices $i.(>S to $13.95, all at sjiecial sale of 25 percent Discount Off Marked Prices.

Housekeepers’ Anniversary Sale News.Very excellent money-savings iu high-grade housefurnishiiigs are features cf this week. Among others the following are ol special present interest :

A n n iv e r s a r y Sum m er C u rtain sRoll A n n iversary M a ttin g .-T A O J i loiiaanil U '" l .J ,\ jQ iHiiilili', fpi’k. li.ati, fpul aii'l •ra'Hg,

KU.rKtiir, ll tn-nethe l.f«t tiial- 1.11.11 li,v.CH«n lid . waMin anil

H<.1I »i.rih niU, DY jaril tOr.. ur«i ,»r.l mil. l.»s.

N ottingham C u rta in s .

4 8 c 1.25

Wtvrih Uk' A pair.......

Wtirtli ll.i'in H pair


Wt»riU |3.T6a pair

Worth 760. s iwir.........

Worth 11.76 ip.ilr-.

Worth gi.Ma pair-.

Worth$ t*p « lr .....

Anniverstry Table Covers.A yard f iiiXPS fancr Ik^nlinrovers, fri tiff Oil, :t(K’ . value.

Taikfsiry ( over*, I Htiuaif, rcgiiUr 7Jlc. value.


yardsKjuarte rep;uhir 7lic. value.

Tapeury Cover*. 2 yard* aquAre, rejfuUr |i.75 value.

Ta|»f‘i‘ lry Coven. SiS yards square, refulsr I7.;UV vtltie.

2 /\/\ Wry lUtnly Eii()wfi*ke in all l l l l xrw i,t«thtr cotuhinatloiis,

IMumt qut'Htlon rt>gnlsr Is........... quttHtlon rt>gnlsr IsN<ll«Tt. Hitrt'ial price this week fnr only X.OU |Hiir.

A n n iv e rs a ry Yard Oooda.iA a l in l iH t io i i Figured Iienlni; ISO*

iiuiklvty:scli)rli Ik-iiiimH for Hihv tMtveriag and ilrai'iTiea: tic. uniillty.

A n n iv e rs a ry Hair M attressei.biKH'jally till, inatlnw. all pnj*900 ^'»nlh . inrrii-nn bafr, msdtwo parlH. «j| f bwq tlrsiwn pariH. only

uiwmI. OiH>d (‘f-ffular value at |U. prlt'C this week

Grand Finish “Her Majesty’s” Special Salef’ l." You'll


We make one tlnid rnyal cleaniuce of i|iecl*t sal* e f t^orseU of “ tier Ma|etty'l." p leaw to remember lhal every «s l* ror'et It abiolutely perfect- Imlh In conilriic- tloo and stvle and Iml for iriitlng aollInK, linger rubbing or the like woidd lie lell- log at llie uaual regular price*. Now and now only while thi* beianc* liata your chance of Ei.TS to *4.0« “ Her Majeely a ' Coreeti, any one o f them........................

« a, we a* e ______ - . 1 - mOaft Ol(iuhloDible ombrellr Itouucea. ere regular maaellpm. Till* week, epei lal

ANNIVERSARY UMBRELLAS-|f^77'dleNrueular ll.nn and Umbrellae, thI, week

,j,.iie. ..... ...............Hue unimi lelTeU. eiiM and I (T A(asofl. Htet‘1 rods, imrutfon framf**, DStiiral, f ouuo. fur?*, silver trihuiiud liaTi-

( A 30th Annlveraary Corset Cover*—S|iecial r « l l.adtei’ Coraet Covera. made o f good quality lUC muslin, trimme.1 vtitb embroidery, wortli l.V.

May Biillerlek r*i(«trn*

Now It«i»cl7,L S. PLAUT & CO., 701 to 721 Broad St., New ark M»jr

Hutl#rlek I PiiitI leal Iona.

SIRM OHIAI. DAY fK I.K B H A T IO A . I gViP9wWww 9fWfm9w W W W w w w w v w w

The banket ball team o l the Vail and Dean* ■ehool at Bllsabetb bee cent to the 4 ^ * cC Rahway (or’coaenar" (or (heir team. There It to be

a natch game coon between the teame p( the two cluln. ------ ----- - ' *been

H rBtoi


can get abinit w rtim i| and; to top It all, a * ^perfectly well. * new World' ha# been opened to a * and I fcaow exgiiUy where the ohanc* has con**-. fw « . It has come becaua* I hav* boen eaiRf a (Odd and drink that have chanced my whole brain end body. Too eeo «* * Ihit letter, bm don't ueo tor neme, (or obvious reetoM."

Orapo-Nut* breakfett (ood and Poetum Pood Coffee ara kept by all ftrat-oUe* grocera and ara i»a*d by naarly all drat* ctaae ptopl*. ,

The “ caacber" baa not

'ra Diary atllner and eon, Richard, ot .^nway, will tall (or Oermanr on Jlatur-

day, to ranaui until Auauet Mr. Oellner will probably vitt the Fniis Expo whlio away. _______

•iHrtwKEoid nad MlllhavinTho nentbiy neeUnt o( the Ladle*' Be-

j t o v i ^ * — j o n n * ^ : 5, ^ h ths. K-.v«or .etnin CWireletw^. wsh.

yeetetSy afternoon in the ohurcbparlora. A m u d waa by Mr*. 8 O. Will-

S s m a w r

f'^laborat^ Frrparatloi** Haileb| Irvinxton CHlat'iiaa

The annual Memorial Day celebration In irvlngtnn ihia year promlaes to be much moro elaborate than celebrations of prevlouB years. Tho commluee which was appointed from (he Irvington Vet­erans' A*-*oc1atlon to prepare for tha event met last night In Tax Collector Merton H.Owen 8 olfice In the Town Mall and diflCUHsed plana. The cnramMtee which WAS appointed to wait on the Town Council to sak that an allowance be made lo flefray tho expense* «>f the cele­bration reported that ilOO had been ap- pruprlAtfd.

it wi»a (leclile«l lo J>eglti the celebra­tion with H street parade find the aerre* tary was inatruol^ to Invite th* local pAtrloile orKanlsatlons and the public school chUilren to participate The mem­bers of I he Town Council imd the Board of Educailmi will occupy fiiTrlngea In (he parade. The siart will be made from the Town Mali hi 2:80 o'clock ond the Hns of march win be up West Climnii avenue to Centre Hirc«t. through Cemti: siresl to Springfield avenue; lo Bharoji avenue: to Clinton nvcMue; to Union a\cnup, and to Ihe Clinton Cemetery, where tlie M. A. R, ooldlera' griivca will be decorated.

A dlnnrr will be served to ilie marchers in Masorih Hall after the pnrailc by C. 8. Harrison circle. Ladles of the M. A. R. George B A«lama was appolnicit to se­cure speHktTs for the memorial sHrx'lcea to b. held In iho evening at ihe Christian Church The local clergymen im<l town offldals lin'*' been Invited to take part In the mcmoriul services. John ilardham and Edwori] MattalHe were Hppnlified as A commlitvc i[) engage musti-. Thomas 8. Oabo»'np w/ifl given charge of the ar- rangemfMits fnr the church ilcroraMon.i and Lemuel Smith wa« appointed in se­cure flagH Hud I'Hgalla for the marchers.

Bedroom Specials!rOR TWO DAYS ONLY.


Justice HusI flaw to Htiniaiilty.To ihp KiiUor f ih» NRWS.

1 lake tiu* liberty ,of asking you lo give •pKce In y'nur journal to these few Hoeswith reference la *VlayoT SeyttioTjr’sY prtf

Sort'd efforts In ht;half at "Btarving In- I s . "It strikes me Hint the pracllcsl way Of

........................... ‘.to “assisting In ihe «llA(rlbutloa of the iicces' aarles ot life Kj ihe Inhabltantw of thut un' fortunate Ifimi Is to bring sufficient pres- aure to bear Mpim the British Governnicn,t, which usurpM tin' rovenus* of India, 'which ar* prutiatilv cTi'irmous, to give to these poor people whiiisoever they require In the crisis now up'lJ ilinm. ws have number­less pOf>r In our own country,our own 8tu(e and our own city, and If Our cltlxens wi1) do all In Ihelr power to old these needy poor, then there will h* nothing wanting on their part, and ihers wlLl be only one way out of ihe Indian difficulty, vis.: bringing moral frvrre to bear on Great Britain to do her duty by h«r colony, In­dia,

The Queen's Im orne Is about IZS.OOOaday, and anybody know's that a large amount or good can be done with this amount. Let victoria approprluie hIx months' income to the banoflt of Iridta, and ooe what a mar­vellous amount or Kuud It will do. Let her, also, spare iif)mc of her tnoney, that portion of It whk’h Koes (o ths prosecution of wars, and the mqulsitlon of land, for

in her own colonlcH. nefore England put her standard upon (he soil of fair India, (ho inhabitants hod the fulness of plenty, but since they have l»<ome dependents ofthe British Kmplrv. ihcir *•---- - ‘---been rapid and sicudy. Now,•1st any country in such a policy? Shall we couhtenance the acqulKltlon of g terri­tory, the usurping t»f tiH profits, and at the ssmo time the sisr\'Htlon of Its natives? No. Our honorable Mnyor wilt find himself doing whit, while undoubtedly a char* Itable act In tho main, Is a rather unjuatl-finble act when we conHldr'r the fact that the owner of India hiiH smple means for subduing ths pangs of rnmine, and yet will not do so so long as others wlU taka the burden from her

1, therefore, would sugg 'st that the Mayor and his committee forward roqui to England reminding hrr of her obilL_ tlotis In this ard similar mnnere. Kf shewill fuirvi her duty to thr* best of her «bll Ity in this respect, neither Indian, African nor any other of her suhjects will* suffer. If shd will not. wberefort! should ws do so? ' JOHN F JUNIOR.

CIRPETSIND MITTIIG.I.,riia kdrio* Cvell .. 25c

Tor yard-

lOc. P E R YARD • • • M ATTINQ

DOLLAR CARPETS.Fur the parlor the lines of Carpets we .r — ..—J md

Iaril sellipk (ir (1 on i«f y*rd., Uldand lined, a.* FjtTaoraiiiarr vajun. rlielurgo iwle'ae are eiiiuyliiaon ifiem dem-

. . .otiHlriitea tlieir popufarlle'.

For I F2J.OO vilut thrM- plec* CKamt'rr Suit. Thii $ult1i(u»r»iitfeJ mbt joUd oak, not ash or rtni linished

to look Hkt oak. The mirror is i French bevelled shaped plate 20x2i inches. The dresser i lir^e site, four drawers, l« o top drawers, swell front and a lar|;c wtsh- aiand. The case work and general finish Is fuaranteed.

Hair Mattresses.trvlh., made in he*t tlrklng.-- 5.48

Feathers.Bi'Hi LIvd per lb....... 58g

fREFRIGERAlORS,Ours Is the line that

(orce I hem lo tlie Ironl.leads.


! • « • € * « « ' « « * * • • « > • • • • • • W * * * * * * * * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

\WTRAE&C0 \ d i a m o n d s\ 787BraJSl,cor.Ceilar. i * ' = = =

o In p urchasin g D iam onds and other precious stones It Is best to bu y of those h a v in g long experience an d unquestioned

reputation . olor So. J Nut. Btrtt Ml»a1 Hovnor NiU vfltfi No i 84.40. El even Barrels Hard Drj KlndUiUJ Viool*

hw p.fhish, bun. StOT* q* ebeSlQUU

U.OO per too.

S. TRIMMER & CO.Corner Lafayette St.


Both ’ Phones 3>4 .

loOary toetoty, nprirUd on o f that ortanfiatltin Rev. William Hoppauah,

outline of the

jb* OMm^ition ,gf tlM t,..^

Use miat

tor, **vo aa ____ ___' ■ Conferenn*. held

tliera was muale


«v*nlD8, Uaur

ntsyTho*MHW8 kk* received from A. Rip. rl. of Blppa

A M / - '

part, ot BIppart A Co., B slarahall atreet, pin IvOUb Pamlne Fund. The con*tnwulonTina oeen turned ovcj to Rev. E. O, McFarland, of th* B«thany rreabyter- lin Church.

Sooth Ornnjre Affair*.A H)ah has waa run Over on the Lncka-

____ Rattraad at. South Oran*e yeatar-dmy a'rternoon and a number u( letterswere badly cut up.

' the ---------•Hfferera p? India. ,wHI l « held In Tern-

he Intereai ot the (amlnnA meeting In Iffepera or In----- . -

Sannce Hall. South Orange, Sunday after- eon. A collection will he taken up and ad- reases will be made.

*— of -Division No. S, was held last

A ruular meeting of -I A. Q. IL , of South Orange,

- - ■ward D_ Shepard and .familymoved Into their newly aequlred house Rarraond avenue. Smith Orange. The house vanted by Mr. Shepard, located InSouth Orange avenue, la now owned l,y Dr. H. A. Pulaford, who will lake posoeutonwith M* (amity In * few weeks.

Wsdaeselar* e i* « tMtardays ar* Spoalai Beal BaUUa Days la Iks NBWS. ;

Sent to J a il f « » T t ilr iy Uaya,Peter Rcyner, of llfl> iValniit sireCl, who

attempted lo ccimmlt eulclde Iasi Mon-day,tilght by .drinking Inudaaum. wM ralgneri In Un- Thlrll Precinct I’oHc* Court yeslcrday.’ IHo waa arresieJ (lira charj* of <Uaordev!y eorwluct TufiH a v. as It was^Ol OIBOrUVri.v Aumiwxv *.fvsred he might makf'enrl hln llfP. Judge Si’kalK commitlwl Reiner to jkll for ihVty days without Snosn^hnt W^might he Itiven *sober up. a a he had been drlnking jieavlll^



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M B W A M t. M. i .(B M n d M U it F a i le B «M H (i » d - «M

JM b«n < l*y t in im to »«y pul o<I OnmoM, K m iin . K k b jf , Su s ib K, jU rUkj Hontctolii Btoom&ild lU Mi(b-MkrUk,

Mr, ot Sln^

canton to

potanipitoiM, fin dolkn t Ut, canto a mooliii pcataifc fnt~ coptos, two cento. Dalimwl bp Mawa^ ton canto a naak.

O n U a ^ adro tiaainanli, l a amt Cato a liiM, agato

AdaartiiHnnto ader beadi afi Walad, Ta Lai, Tm Sak, ParanaJ, ale., ooa cant a wnd, hatacbaiti than lacatoaach toantua.


THUHtltJAlf. WAV *. I»W

H O W JCNTICE IK DEI.AVRP.For thi* Mvanlh lima a day hia baan

flaed for the paartitlon of Kdward CIllTonl. cunvtcled In ihe Hiidion County i-ouria v ( Iha mutdar of Wtlltam 0 tVatlaon on March I, UM. CIIITord wai convtcird on June U rolloaulnc and aantanrad to ba hancad. Blnca than Ma caaa haa baan ba- fora tha Euprama Court and Court of Er- iw a of thla Stata and tha Circuit and Bu- prana courta of tha United Btataa, In a train affort to hara tha conviction act •aide. Ha haa boan onca reprieved by the Oovemor, danlad tha light of an Inqul. sltlon ot lunacy by the lata Chancellor McOlll, and refuaad clemency by the Board of rardona. He haa been declared Mna by a coramlaalon of eaperta appoint •d by lha courta, baa been three tlmea ra fuaad a writ of habeaa corpua by the United Statca Circuit Court, and haa three Umee appealed lo tha United Btatea 8u prrne Court, only to have the appeal de­nied each lima. Mia counael now declarta that ha will again make application for a writ of habeaa corflua, witb a aubaeeiuant aniaa) If It la again refuacd, and that un- dar tha Fadaral law ha may continue thla IndaflnUaly, thua forever preventing the axacutlon ot tha aentanca.

Tha eontcntlon of Clifford'a counael la baaed on a dactolon of Judge Lacotnba In tha United Butea Dliliict Court tor New York. I d thla daelalon Judge Lacombe de- etoraa that undar aecttona Ttl and TM of tha United Btataa Ravtoad Btalutea aucb an appeal la an abaolule right. “Thla." ha gayt, raterrlng to the caaa then before him, *'to lha aeoasd application lo Ihto court for a writ of habpaa.«orpua,hy thU patltloncr under tha aama conviction.• • • Whether thla to the aacond or tha twanty-aacond application, however, to Imnutartal. Uiidar the atalutea aa they aland It teema to ba left for tha petitioner alone to determine not only how many Umaa ha will apply for the writ and whether he wilt appeal from ita denial, but atoo how often he will by auch appeal Invoke tha operation of aecthm TM, Ro' vlaed United Btatea Btatutea. which pro- vldaa that until final judgment thereon any proceeding agalnat hit paraon under Htala guthortty ahall be null and void.

Aaamning thla to ba the law, It only Dacaaaary for a paraon coBVlctad of a capital oEanoa under State lawa to a i‘ aart that auch conviction to In violalion of lha Conatitutlon and autulea ot tha United Btatea In order to poet pone execu- Uun of the lantenca Indeflnilely. It only neede that ha ahull ba abla to amploy counael to keep up a conatanl aucceaalon of appUcitloni and appeal!.

Unqueatlonably, however, to thua Invoke tha power of the Federal lawa Cor no other purpoaa than ao delay tbo.Prooc** e^ the State ociurta la an abuaa of lit authority which waa never contemplated by Ihe fraraera of Ihe act. It la Intolerable that the admtnlatratUm of juatice may be thua ebatrualed and the decreea of (he Biate court! rendared nugatory. There muet be Boma method by which the latter may pro­tect themaelvaa and enforce their aen- tancea. Froaecutor Erwin, In moving for aantenca agalnat CIlEord on Tueaday •uggaated tliat tha lattar'a counael, by hla peralatcnt and dilatory proce^lnga. had been gullly of contempt of court, and had made hlmaelf amenable to punlahment. Juatliw Uppincott, In fixing the day of ex­ecution. declined to puaa upon thla point, but wild the Court would give It grave coneldvratlon later. In the event of the prlionrr'a counerl carrying out hla threat to again appeal to the United Btatea courta there will be much apeculatlon ai to Juatice Llpplncott'e probable action.

In iho gaanatlma. It la wall that lha puto> lie ahould know juat what It meana.

Tha Homeatend bill ot llti was pgaaed When Ihe netlon owned ah almost un- bnuiidad domain, which, however rich In potency, waa a wlldernaea without rall- roada or ipectal altraclton to any but the hardlcat and moat aelt-rtenylng settler* Tn Induce Immigration and in build up communKlca In a howling wlldcrpeaa pr«- aftife|>ll*alt aa the wlaeat poHcy. tVUh this dnd In view the act gave prnapectlve aettlera Ho acres ot land, valued at UK per acre, or eighty arrea. valued at I! M per acre, at Ihe nominal fee of from H lo IPi. ex.viied to recoup the rxpenac of Ihe land ofllcea, contingent only on an occu nation of file year*. Thla dlaiioaed ol landa greater In ureu than Ihe ihlrlecn original Butea, fur which hundreda of mJIIInna of dollara had Ijeen iwid to Kratice, Hpaln, Ut'Xlco und to Indian tribea. Under the latl Dumi'd head ulono Ihe puyineni of the United Hiate* reached IIOH.HO.'JIW from to P«i. Hut the landa purchaaad from Ihe Indian tiibea during iha laal llfiaen yaara are no! aubject to homeatead entry on the anma terma and coudltlona aa other pub­lic landa. Under thla mw |>oUcy. aa, for example, Iti Ihe caaa of the Oklahoma Territory and that acquired from the Bloui In the two Oakolaa. homealead ael- llera have been required to pay from fifty cenli lo 13 SO per acre, according lo loca­tion.

What li now proposed to b* dims under tha pending bill la lo throw open 10 ael- tlara within the aubatanllsl terms of the Homeatead bill ot 1*M all the landa more recently ceded to the United BUlee aa aalei agent by Ibe Indiana, tboae pur- chaied Duliight by the nation from ihe aboriginal owners, and all auch aa mny be acquired In tha fulura. The expense lo Ihe Government under the first two heade haa been eetlmaied at not far from W.- OOO.Wl, What tha la*l Ham will be timo only can prove. All these lande have been mada far more valuable than those origi­nally contemplated by the Homralead act They have become In great measure at- tractive poaaeaaloni for actual purchasers, and are marketable In the same sense at real estate In .New York or Chicago la

Tbt iwmllni blU. If wUi dl*pon*of iMh (nimfiim tiRUomil proiMfrty for prietkfclly nolhlnir fven whUe *i>ocl and doRlrkble MUirr*. tUher now or In th« Mrly futur*. tr* Ukely to a fair prlt:* for 11. It will |0 further than thla It wUI comppi Ih* United Btatea to pay back what 11 haa already received aelltera, for the Uw la rairoacUve. and will force Ihe aovemmeiU to remit all the unpaid IniitBlmenta. many of which are in ar- rear*. All the land which the Government

acquire In lh« future a* public do­main within the limitB of this continent. It la underelood, will paa* under the aaroe ealefory. The wladom and juatice of aocb OTirfeneroua policy ia open to aerloua qufftlon.

Wfthowt d ^ y .^ n d tha iu a of laappropriated for thie purpoae. Authority U alao given him to Inaure to NIcarafuo and Covta IHca the uee of tha canal and Ita harbora on aiieh terme aa may be nr- fotlated. A clauae In am Ion I pre*ciib«?a that the Becretary of War ehall “ alao con- eiruct inch aafe and commodloua h>irbora at thb tfrmlnaia of aatd canal and nuib

d f ^ ^ e aa may be netmearyfor&<ic daA^l| protection of aald canal aikd harbom.^' tt Will be noticed that the voicue form of thla declaration, Bubatltuted [ftr the nrlgtnal dewnrliht iiutemtint of iiu liuiy iHdicy, laavea the door ot>eii either

tu'Cfjrdlugly ae It rnay be deemed tlixlrMldc to conairue It under the preenurc of futuie t'fitndlilona. It mlcht be made lO OMUM Ihe right to furtify and defend AjiuUivt the paeMge of hcMille ihiire In llm«* of uar. U r tt could 1»« aajiumed to Unply < nly the right of police prolecllon, inhfi'rcnt in all auCb enUriirleea.

Ailde fri»m thla feature, which la far kn» olfjefi'tionabka however, than the prt* mary ihallenge to the world'a oppoaltloti, the Iht-pi featnrea which provoke crltlclaro are iwir. The bill utterly Ignore* the work, Lhe dianiiy and Ihe utility of the recent comnil!<»U<u eapreaaty appointed to make an exiiauiiilve eltidy of rnutei, and which. It In iiDdHreiood. haa a report now In prepiiMli'in The other objectionable feat­ure hiut II Mimllar beating. The original conrrii.Bimt hna expired and hai not been renewed, unkaa a apeculallve grant lo the Kyre-friiiR eyndlcate can be io conatrued. The prc«fnt hill Involvea, then, a haughty Intimation to Nicaragua and Coata lUca that whiit thla country chooaei theM two Rmall reputiMre miiet iwallow, nllly-wlUy. No doubt they will do but It le a vtola^ Mon hf the comity of natlona notw1th> •tending

The lionise Commltlee on Military Af felr* pnipfiiMC* to change the law bearing on the commutation of military tranepor tatlon. which Ih a curieua eurvlvat of the paRi. It dates bnek ir> the early part of Ihe century, when military men In travel- ling hnd to go a-foot or a-horaeback. Dia- charged oflli-»*rn and men were then allow ­ed one day’s pay end ratlona for each twenty in I lea of iravel to thetr homee or plecea AT entering the eervlce. In the cane of a Major-General, for example, the travel from Weehlngton to New York, which costs KSn. would Involve the pay­ment of It iB prnpoaed to aboUahthis anachroTilMm. which hai been a nice little army i»prqulalte In Ua way. and nllow four cema a mile for the dlatance travelled, without regard to rank. Moet army offleerH will not kick at thlp. hut they would like anme other dlscrepanclea of the pHy Kystem aliO equallied on the Hide of JuHlIoe. which would count on the nppoMte side

H a rq w la * da t^ as te a a r 'a R a l ly C «i» - I r t b a lla i i at F «a t , l^letloii and

laegeadi fra ia Ik e U v e a

aC the KakllllyaKmperor William, after being on the

throne of PruHsla for Iwetve year*, haa at length declilk'd lo have himaeif crowned Mfl King of Uniaela. at Koenlgalterg That n< Mhould have delayed hla coronation ao long may t^ aeerlbed to the ho(te, now fm airaltd, to the effect that he might have hlmaelf crowned as Kmiwror uf Germany, and llkewtae by reaeou of the apprebenalon that If he cauard hlmaelf to be merely crowned aa King of I ’ruaala. hr* would (hereby eirtphaals* and call at- leiiliun to whal In hla \tyvm would be ihe unfHilatalde fact that, alrlctly apeaklng, he la only King of Pruaala, and that hie title of Ocrmaii Kmperor la a mt^re or leaa honorary dignity conferred upon him aa Prtwident uf Ihe confederation of German •overelgns. who theoretically are not hla vaaaala. hut hla alllea and hla e<iuala.

Hli declaiou (o have hlmedf crowned next winter aa King of rruaata, U aacrH»ed to the luflueijce of hla conaurt. and like- wlae to the impresaton common among the jieople of moimrchlal rountrlf'H of the tJid World, th.ii n Hiiverelgn la not h full flcfitgcd mouAFsli or Inveatert with the ■eml-aacn-d atlrlbute* of the aunoliitcd uf the l.,4)ril until he hai hceti crowned it iH undi-rsbHK] that the Kmi>eror will adopt the HdRU' prcjccdure aa that which waa folliiwed on the occaalon uf hla gmnd- fathcr’a coronation at Koenlgaherg In IWt. That 111 to aay. he wlU crown hlmaelf In lieu of iwing crowned. Old h-mj^ror Will­iam with hla own hand* took Ihe |*niaMlan Crown from the altar and placed It on hla head, rxdalming aa be did »>:

■ Mindful that the crown cornea only from Ood, I have by my coronation at the Holy AllHr manlfeated to Him that I have received U in all humility at Hla handa." Then he KlgnaJled lo hla conaort to ap­proach, and aa ahe knelt before him at the altar etepa he placed ihc aaine crown lightly nn her head, held II there fur a moment, and then replaced It on the altar The coronation of old Emperor William h» King of i'ruHHia coat about .000,oou, which he paid out of hla privy purse It Ik ex- IHFcled thfit the coronation of hla griind- aon, the t)rcuent Kalaer, will coat at lehHt three tlmea that aum. <jld Kn»|»eror Will- lam’e cifrimHllona at Kuenlgeherg 0lmont brought ttlumi a mlnlalerlrtl crleia.

Joy lo Rnvrr. *Thera U >dy In and about Dovar. It haa

apread around the town Ilka tha perfume of early roaea In a hothouae* Invading every nook and comer and lialng trium­phant over dull car*. Tha demand for It la great, hut the aupply la apparently In- rxhauHilble, and If any one remalna under a cloud of miaery U will be hla own fault* for a threatened calamity haa been avert­ed. and for a time at leaat happlpeaa of tho breat unadulterated brand fa wdthlD the grasp of all. Tha proof of that la to be found In the following announcement i-CK’enlty puMlahed In the Dover Index.

“Bo many nf our way behind aubaertbert have )Ml4l up a goodly portion of (belr Indebtedn^M and aaked for a Utile more time to M|ijare up altogether,that we have concluded 10 extend the period before wa ■top ju-ndlng them the paper and giving thiir act ovinia to a Juatice for collection."

AN HOtlOR W ORTH ILY BRgTOWKD.Tho promotion nf Juatice David A. t>e-

pue lo the Chief Juatlceahlp of the Su­preme Court of New Jersey la a lUttng and merited recognition of hla eminent •crvlcea on the bench which he haa adorned for thirty-four yeara. Chief Jua­tice Depue'a reputation aa a Jurlat la not confined to Ma own Slate. In every court In the Union. Including the United BUtea Supreme Court, hla oplnlnna carry the weight of authorUy. In thla rcapect the added htinora of the Chief JuatU eahlp can­not Increaae hli fame. Inileed, It la an open question whelher In apiiotnUng Chief Juatice l>e|mo Governor Voorheea ha# mora honored the man or the office.

Nowhere will the promotion afford more graimcatlon than In Easex County, where for ao many yesra the new Chief Juatice has presided In the courts. Here aa no­where else the venerable Jurlat la knoWn and hla high quatlUea as a Judge and a man arc appiYclated. In the legal annals of the county hla name atanda pre-emi­nent, and none will deny the beneflclAi influence which he haa exerted- Jt la to be hoped that the courts of thla county may long continue to reap the advantage of hla preaence aa their presiding officer.

The call of Mnyor Seymour for the for' matiun of a relief committee to organise the rakaing of funds to feed the starving mllllonn of India ia on* which should evoke prompt reHponse. It Is one of the appalling entaatrophes of the century, and aiiriiasfiea ail the hnrrora which India. proUffc in Much mlsrortunss, has ever suf­fered. Every week Mf»emt to add freeh stringency lo the Kltuatton. No matter what the efforts of tho British Govern­ment can do. It Is claimed that the need will not be svbatHntlaMy relieved for the next «lx months. In the meantime min- lona of men will die, The American heart han slwsyN beaten with warm and broth­erly sympathy for Huch a terrible crleiK, li ahould not be cold now nor hesitate to give nf lhe abundance wtlh which the land 1» hleHHcd- Newark will scarcely lag tifhlnd her Hlster dlles In reppondlng to a despair so dire and apparently unman­ageable.

A C L R U IC A L MAVOH*A good deni of comment has been

PRIfiB R U R A L R A IL D B L IV R R Y *Kvtdently free rural mall delivery hat

^ s s e d beyond the experimental stage, to become a permanent factor of the gov- •rnmsntal jerries* Iti oddltloni to the Wastsrn* Mjddle and Southern dls- trtotii already establtshed, an Kaatern dlatrlut, embracing the New England States, together with New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, has jUHt been provided for, under t^e aupervUInn of K. H Hathaway* chief special agent of the FosSofllce Department. Seven atfioclal agents under Mm will Immediately go through the district and organise the servtos oa sapsdUtoualy as potalble.

This lx p^ilTy lng news to the hi. country, wttlch has long been convinced of the necassfty of a better mail service for rural eonmuultlea and has demon­strated Its practicability by making the free rural dallvary ■nlf-Muaialnlns Wherever It has been tried. Congress has reflected the opinion of the people by making on appropriation for the service amounting to $1,760,000, Instead of the 11,600,000 that was aaked by the First As- slat&nt PoBlmaster-Oeneral. A h appro­priations are usually acaled down rather than Increuaed In the Jlouac, the demon­stration of the utility and popularity of the system appearH to be complete.

Tho farmer pays bis proportionate share of taxes for the auptKi>ri of the Government. HIk iKcupAtlon is one of the most Important of the nation's In­dustries. Tho nPcesHity of speedy and prompt communication with commercial centrea, already ap]>aront, la bccnminA more pronoumeil with the development of latter-day coiidUkonw. Free rural mall delivery In not only ronx’enletil bul iieccsMary to the modern ngrlculturlst. It Is no iesH so to the muillcuitc of busl- nesH bouses that deni with him. Ita ea- tabJIshment all over the country marks B distinct advance In both bUHlnenn and social relations.

a roused! throughout Ihe Btste by the fssi that Murriaiown has Just elected a clergg- man'as Mayor. The gentlemab In qtiea- tlnn. a Rsv. Mr Fox. retired from the put' pit several years ago, and. according to all accounts, has ever l>een an active and progressive cillsent keenly alive lo the lH*st Intcreits of the community In which he has lived and always a stanch advo­cate of whatever Is reputable tn munici­pal affairs. It is difficult to discover any source of asionlHhmenl In his election, un­less ll be that real (lineas has actually been recognised by Ihe politicians.

A/lergyman Is preauniably s man of In­telligence- Ills vocation calls for h care­ful stu(^ybf all HocUl and municipal prob­lems, especially thoae which have n moral hHpect. lb th ? exercise of Ms ordinary duties, he iB brought Into the most Jnll’ mate and conrideiulal relations with hu­manity, griMbff fi view of the hidden mo­tives which Hcluate the world such as la obtained by no one else, with the possible exception of the physician or lawyer. Beyond thl«. as (he chief officer of a church, he mutu ncoessarily acquire a Xood deal of Ii,4iiiiess and « t « u live a hu­rt . wotira theiwfbre*' that .*5r.

Once more a Monmouth County Grand Jury has had forcibly Impressed upon Its sttentlon the obvious duty of Indicting the proprietors of the Long Branch gambling clubs. Justice Collins In again calling at­tention lo (he existence of these resorts reflei'icNt severely upon Ihe failure of the last Grand Jury to follow the Uourt's In­structions, and declared that It was mon- Htrous that when ijipwspapcra and maga­zines arc filled with accounts of the ffa* grunt vIolHtloiiBof the law at l*ong Branch, Monmouth Grand Juries should be Inac­tive. He asnerled that the law had been violated unbtushingly. and Inatructed the .Grand Jury that It should not wait for formal c<itnplslnts, but make an Investiga­tion on Ita own account, In all of which Judge Heisley, who sat bcidde him on the bench, and who aa rroaecutor exhibited such masterly Inactivity In bringing tha gamblers to Justice, no doubt coincided.

Nfi'lthcr his elder brother. King Fred­erick William IV.. oor hla father, King Frederick William 111. hart been crowm'd In fart, coronations were not usual wlih the Kings nf Prussia, the Inauguration whose reapt*cUve reigns was Hlgimllted by what was known as a “ huldigutig ‘ <vr act of homage. That Is to say. the grcni nobles and the principal corporate btHlIes of the kingdom, as well as all the chief offlrlals. civil as Well as military, as- aemhled. some at Koenlgshurg. and some at Berlin, to do homage and swear fealty to the new King.

The “huldlgung" was regarded as h birthright by old Emperor Willlum. and when In IBfll he bec.-ime King by hla de mented brother's death, he demneided (hai the 'huldlgung " ahould take place To this his ministers declined to eonHcnt They pointed out to him that since bin elder brother’s “huldlgung," Prussia had been endowed with a full-fledgad constl lutlon and a parliamentary form of g'»v ernmeni, recognising the principle of popular rights, and of the obligations of the Frown to the people. The ttme-hnn- ored oath of homage was, they explained, altogether out of keeping with the posl- tlfin created thr«niKh tVussla’e conversion Into a conslltiillonal monarchy.

In fact, the oath In question would have Iwpn equivalent to a renunciation of the popular rights acqulrnl under the con­stitution. and a full recognition of the most absolute autocracy of the monarch, Sooner than be a party to the “huldl- gung," they* the mlnlRters, would resign Accordingly, h compeomlie was found In the i-nronailon without tho ''huldlgung.' both houses of the xNatlonal !*eglsliilure attending the coronation In a b«>dy to em- ]>haslie the constUutlrmal character of the event that was taking place.

The present Kaiser has neither re­ceived any “ huldlgung" nor has he been crowned. Indeed, the Inauguration of his reign WHS slgnallxed by two or three rather senBallonal proclamatlona. and by his addrealng the Reichstag, and the Prussian IjamUag. In hip palace, to which they had been Hummoued for th^ purptrse s4b hearing from his own Ups the alms which he Intemled to pursue.

"F ish Food'* fo r B ro lo fl.On« uf (he 6lorr1a County disciples of

isank W.'iKon has taken his "pen In hand ' lu forth the fact that "Nature is Hpri'ruiliut heraelf," That Is startling In- forrnxUun, but (he writer goes further and cxplaUiH (bul the "wild ducks and geeifi huvv t.ikin poBseoslon of Ihe surface aatrr’ and that "the ffahes are moving alH»ut nnti4-eii on the bottoms below." Just how hv dlMCovered that If the Ashes are uiiHc m IS left to the Imagination of the reader, and ths sorrowing writer goea on In words that Indicate a lachrymal con­dition to deplore the scarcity of “white AUckerH/' Pathetically he aaka; “ But now wlicru are IheyT" Such queatlona properly belong In the conundrum variety, and per­haps It IS for that reason that ths Morrla County mnn saves hls readers from pui- illnK oviT It. Hs answers hls query lb ihiH f tvhion:

' Killier all gone* or too much law pre- vcnia tht'se Ane Ash food from auatstnlng till' brains of our people and there seems a pracllca) decline of useful laws on out llMh for all. Api>arentty our commlHalnnera have been giving thought to a few sport- tug hahermen* with the pay they are r«- cvlvlhg from our State. Would It not be r.ilr to Lhe many mouths of uur working ciilzunH to try the propagation of white jiUi'kiTH and catAsh, with a few aunffsh to ,M(l children to learn to be flsh-hookera."

|i mny be Inferred from that luminous MiHii iuvnt that "our working clilaeiia" are frriiks and that In their case nature "Kiiifad hei^elf" too far, particularly In fh(‘ illHirlhutlon of mouths, hut such la not iht- fud. The trouble la due to "too much liiw. ' ll presents “Ash food from sua- lalning the brains of our people,'’ and wlii'H some good Hamarltan asks for Us rcpuil he will doubtleaa exhibit the Morris Cuuniy writer os “ a horrible example."

Buying Nowmeans saving money

Jllloilcaf lOBa.Mi'dlcfll men and scientists genpraily will

hi‘ iiuercHted In the discovery of a new cAusv of Intoxication, l l bears the Ho- hokr-n trademark, having been disouvered by a woman In that city who recently told Hecnrdtr Stanton all about It. She was arraigned as a prisoner and by way of de­fence, Hhe explained that at the time of her arrest she was “drunk with vUllsny. The technical name for It Is not known*


What is known aa the Free Humes hill has been made the spci-lal ontar for to-day in the House of RepreMcntatlves. As the main provisions o( tlj lK -mt-asure have twice passed thu Senate within four Veers i l wUlv.bfi favorable aptlon by

teas. The platforms of the three parties-^ Republican* Democratic and Pojiuilst—Jn VM IhdorstNl ths prlnalpln on whioh ihe b II reals lu raison d’etre* nsmety, that c* givlnff fhe people* who might desire It* f we hornet out of the national domain as far aa possible alike 94 id Immediate pos- sesoleiis And whtUut'ar may accrue Ip the futui'o by extinction of liullati title. This ' ‘od ouptaiidum" pU-dge naturally embar* rassei opposition* apeclally as such a policy becomes a.parly shuttlecock again on the eve of another rresJdi'iitlal elecilbn.' But,

Fox nm only (lOMaesses a c^r*<sUr. but I has tti-niilrrd a training which amply Jus- tlflcs the Utile revolution In Morrlstuw'n by which he has been made the Mayor In spite of the urnal adverse m»Jnr^liy, It Ik HKfe to predict, too, that If he exrrcIsrH the same fearless Independence ftiid regard for the public weal that has chnrai lorixed hla conduct while on Ihe Ex- olfc Hoanl. no one will regret Morrts- hiwn'H experiment.

MC.\|{ACU:A c a n a l b il l PAtIHEA t i ik HOl'eK.

It has been well underHlood for aeveral woeJtK that the Nlo::4rHgua Canal bill would pans the Mouse hs u matter pf election (ncdcs. If for no other reoaon. No other public (lUi'Ktlon liiis* perhaps, so strong h hold on the feeling of the nation without regard to party, Neither party mb repro- senU'd In the House, which is that cham­ber nearest 10 the heart and sense of lh*> great public, snd U supposod (0 he Its most Mcnaitlve register, could afford to miss the opporiunlly to express Its re- ppnuMe to s moKl wddcly diffused senll- ment. As a question of practical pollUcs It may he rcaaonabty Inferred from nu­merous latent tndicadons* that many voted for ll whOH© Innermost conviction favors delay. The tickling of imviular sen­timent, n feeling InAated with the pride of aelf-nfscrtlon, thus Insured, lhe ulH- mate respithslblllty could be left with Ihi Senate. Thai body, It l« umlcrsloorl* Is, rm the whole, dlapostHl to the policy of "festlna lenlp" In ihlH affair. ,

Th4 form In which (he blli sHd thrmiKh the House with a goodly majority cjf cutii-

... ' ,ijy ami'jnletifroirt-liH in*lginal dcAant form, and does not of nccesalty commit the nation; to the-

A Chicago CoiigrcBsmaii does not wish to be behind Miss Helen Gould In “bantering the caprlesfl of fate." She designed to honor the “ Eternal Mancullne" In her "Hall Of Fame" under the guardianship of the University of New York. Mr. Foster has.eiperged from obscurity by proposing a hill “ to cKtRbllHh a pantheon for IHus- irloua women at ^ ‘aKhi^gton* D, C. and to appoint cominlhsluneri therefor." Whelher Mr. Fosler H name will bu In­scribed or not In the Now York temple, he is determined to he remembered and ad­mired by American women a i the very Don Quixote of champlonahlp* Mr. Fos­ter's preamble Lh uniquely eloquent and dhowH how nobly he can wrestle with the highest po.' lbliiicK of rhetoric.

Coronations are rather an anathronlKm nowadays. Queen Victoria, the Cxar and the King of FniUigal have been solemnly crowned, while Emperor Francis Joseph has only been crowned aR K^ng of Hun­gary, and that after he had been Bome mneleen years on the throne. Neither King I>eoi>ol(1 nor (he young Queen of Holland, nor King Humbert, nor yet tho young King nf Spain, have been crowned; and the Kings of WurtenihtTg* Saxony, Itavarta* Denmark and Sweden are in the name jK)sltlon, as Im also the King of Greece. The only King who ever wears hls crown 1« King Oscar, who dona it to open Parliament, and then perchen it at the hark of hls head tn an excefiniingly rakish and undignified manner. The iwo moat famous crowns In Europe are undoubtedly thone of KlllK Humbert and of Emperor Frnncia Joaeph. The latter'a Hungarian crown originally belonged lo Bt. Stephen of Hungary, and la more valuable aa a relic o f a sacred as well aa historical I'hHracter than aa a Jewel.

The same may he said of King Hum- brri'K vow n . the ao-callcd Iron Crown of the ancient Kings of L^imhardy, uonslat Ing of a broad band of goltl, which serves as a frame or background (0 a long curved piece of Iron, exceedingly ancient, and which is asserted to he one of the nails ueed to fasten the Founder of Chiis« llun^y to the Croaa on the hill of Gol- Rotha. Emperor William has a Ane crown SR King of Frussla, which was first used by the father of King Frederick the Great. But he haa no Insignia whatsoever UR German Emperor, the anr1«“nt crown, the orb, the sceptre and other Insignia nf (he former Etnperorn of Germany be­ing In the poasesston of Em(>eror Francla Joaeph, and comprised among the crown jewels o f the Imperial House of Haps- burg. ^

M irac le fCxpeeled*Among the items recently published In

the Hunterdon Gasetle under the head of “ New Germantown," was one of more than ordinary Inlereat. Here it is;

“Some of our early gardeners have had their lima bean poles planted for several days, but they do not seem to have RI>routod any yet, Monday's April showers may start them to grow .“

It would he Interesting to Know whether the bean polea or the "early gardeners" are axpected to sprout. If they have not sprouted "any yet" already, little iblnga Ilka April showers wont do much good. A a a la Hie “ K I«a lH S “ B n s-

The “klRHlng" bug, like Hanquo's ghost, will not down.f l l was Interred In the graveyard of mS.'ths last year by one of the Government's bug experts, but it has hurst Its cerement and once more It la doing buslneas at the same old aland. In other words, ll haa resumed operations at (he nrlglnAl base of supplies upon the fruitful Ups of some free sllverlte or the mouth of A fAlr charmer. Its latest victim U MIrr Bessie Hay, of Hammonton, who

'a gifted elocutionist and socially prom Inent.' l l Is recorded that "she was great-

urpriaed on awaking Sunday morning Ip discover that her under Up was swollen to twice Its normal slxe and giving her pain." Naturally she was surprised to dlHcovcr that U gave her pain, bul her a«- toiilHhment afforded her no relief, and so remedies were applied to the swollen Up. A search of the room “revealed a Urge kissing bug of the species which spread such terror over the country last sum- mer," and “ the Insect waa killed.’’ That would bfl Joyful news, bul It Is asserted that “(here are others,” and the chances are that the man with too much Up will •ontiiiuc 10 make boarders at summer re­

sorts shudder as of yore.

General Wood ami hecr^i« ,oot agreeIhAt H majurliy of the American traop« may bv Hrtfely wjihdra^wn from Cuba. The movement will hcgtri as soon as the com­ing local electluriH are past. It seems that the UiHetmir-Gfilit*]at looks on all the lute (.’ul>an ebullUlons as pure froth and Hputter. Then:' In always one aafeguard. H :s only a nliori dlHtanca to Cuba, and troops UAH he Rent IhefS rapidly If they ahould be neeiird. Perhaps, too. ihe ab- eeiice of mlhtjiry HurvelllanC'e and the contidcnce tIujH displayed will In Itself have A soothing effect on the noisy folk who make ihe inoHl political clatler.

However JiiMi may b© the plea mflde In a communlcailpiii published elsewhere that U Is the duty of England to care fi»r the starving millions nf India, the dictates of eonimon hiimanlly revolt at the auggew- Ibm Ibnt Ihereforc the people of the I ’nlleil Stutcj! should reprens their clwirlt- able InsllnelH and withhold relief. As wey argue ihiit beqause a fachcr refuaei to ftu])]i(,Ti hlH children the c<immunlty should permit them to Htars'e. The ne- gU'i t of ihelr natural protectors in all Ihe more icaapa why generous hearts the world o\ er ehouM respond tn the wall that fumes from the people of India

Thecc t!) an Impresalon lu dlplomAllc clr- cl«-a D'.er the world that when Mr. Orls- viTi: g-dfl through with those umlcnhleoiiid “hiuhly autlsfactory" Interviews with Altolii) Hamid he will have more knoWh editi' uf the Turk and leas confidence In himself than ho p RtHesscH ul present.

' Ii/Mj<»s 'd«Cedti^

.!«;h;)rui«a count

theory Umt the^marftltne canal, whenbtult* must l>« regarded as a fact uf mlh- tat^poRsvsmkgi. Tho glat nf its provlulona

The tlatncg lu,w hilt when the up that five tnUHon d o l l A r s ' U haa brought l^Lo tho treasury during the year (hey are not Inclined to very harsh ciitt*


may'bo briefly cumniarlseil. The Nica­ragua route, an hitherto surveyed, Ir julopted without reference lu other ponni- blllty, and (he ITesklent Is Authorised I'u acquire control from Kloaragua and CorIa RIca over *uch territory as may be nerded. With the sucepES of thla negotiation he Ih authorized to l>egln preliminary work

CaptAlni Chadwick has been reprimand­ed* but to this date he does not appear to havg Btmwik any Iticlltiallofi to npologlxe to the al>sent Admiral.

Talking ceremouy^fthat kind has' ju»r'fieen “taking place at Fnnstaiitinople. In accordanre with the Invariable custom at tkkbegimiinp of the great Mohammedan f^ tv a i of Balrami In commemoration of Abrehum'H RHcrlflce of faaac. The Sultan holds the oeremony of “ huldlgung." “ balBe main*" nr homage* At the Dolma Bagtche rsbice, ilie pageant hfi>!ng one of singular brliltanry. It takes place In the early morning In the Throne Room, a combination of European and Oriental architecture, with gFGlcrlcR all around, that on the left of the ihrnne be­ing occupied by foreign envoys and disttn- gtilshed visitors, the one to the right by the ladles of the Imperial acrasMo. and that facing Ihe throne by the Sultan's private band. The throne on which the Sultan takes hls place Is a tawdry-looking gilt armchair, quite out of place. The Sul­tan wears an undrrss military' uniform. After a prayer by one of the ccrleRiABtlcs preaent, the filing past tho thrrme in strict order of precedence takes place.

Those paying their homage to the Sultan do hot kiss bis hand* but merely nn em­broidered scarf attachefl tn the arm of (he throne, and which fa handed to ihem for the purpose by Marshal Fuad PaKha, who thla year has taken the place In the cere* mony formerly filled by the late OsTnan Pasha* the victor of Plevna.

iitnien the religious offtclals enter the throne room, however* headed by the Sheik IB lalnm, and by the delegate of the Oran^ Sherlf of Mecca, the Sheik being arrays In flowing white robee. the Bul tan Hoes from hls throne and advances to meet him. Then the voice of the Muestin rings out, calling the people to prayer, Btlenco reigns while the Kultan nud the B^elk offer up a silent prayer At Ur ter mlnatlon a frl-ndly struggle Inviirtahly takes place between (he Sultan nm! the Sheik, each attempting to kISB the hem of the other's garment. At last the Sultan gives way and aIIowr tho* Sheik to kiss the skirt of hla uniform, nn ac-l nf homage which Is thereupon performed by all (he other ecclesiastics ^foxc tAhdul Hafned

.resumes hla place on hls throne.* ‘ Thermo Is only ope Christian Prince of the blood who hfti ever taken pact In this ceremony, and klaaed, not the hem of the SultHn's coat, but the embroidered scart fnatened to the arm of the tawdry-lonking chair that constitutes tha throne. Ha ts Prince Ferdthand of Bulgaria, who now aspires to marry Into the family of that upright, honest and well-moanlnx young monarch, Nicholas of Hussla.


You cannot do better than visit us now— if you have any idea at all of getting a Piano, be it ever so remote. W e think it will be worth your while to investigate values anyway, and are rath­er confident that you w ill decide to purchase when you understand the saving that buying now w ill

secure for you.T he Alterations and Rebuilding cause much

lower prices than you w ill be able to secure later. Each Piano has a new tag with the reduced price

in plain figures.When you call don't forget to examine the

.E O L IA N and P IA N O L A in Parlor " C ,”

second floor.



657-659 BROAD ST.

Real rieritalwavB wh» In the long run, n« matter what the object of the contest The real meriU Ot the Prallt-Bharing Ufe Insurance poUcles issued by The Prudential are demon­strated by their universal popularity among: the insur­ing public.


r r s - u THE PRUDENTIALJOHN F. DRYDEN. Pr«ld»nt. EDGAR B. WARD. M Vto«-Pr«fc utd Oo uim LLESLIE D. trARD. Vloe-Freiid«nt. FORREST F. DRYDEN, SHntolT.

How Much You Can Afford to Pay for a

K lfd frum l- r o !r e n ta r .Junt fl. Boon HB A m!n pret" Into public

life prople begin lo talk about him. Sev­eral day! ago i ’ roBfculor Alfred Elmer Mills, ot llnrrlH I'ounty, Went to one of the BUburbe to Inveattgate a poleonln* caee and people fled from him In terror. It waa aatd that he was -loaded With lubpoenai."


' - oa ftARSItAU; eWRT Wb IYHsniNaTON sraara./

io'20'ao*uq!^^MiTiMEeSeTuemi&vf rmoTMaklRa • .

TI16 8xuio0iaftil EngllBli Dvaxoai*

SAVED ”7 SEA.THEATREEMPIRE * ! , , » . a .

To-al(ht, F rid a j and ttaturdar,



W e have small secon d -h an d Squares at th e lo w price o f $ 2 5 .0 0 . T h e y w il l d o n ice ly fo r beginners. B e tter ones at $ 5 0 .0 0 , $ 7 5 .0 0 and $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 .

U F * R lO H O r S .S ligh tly used, a t ........................ $ 1 0 0 .0 0N e w . . . ................. $ 1 5 0 to $ 5 0 0 .0 0

Terms to Sait Yoar Circumstioces.

“BRADBURY,”f a c t o r y w a r b r o o m s ,

F. G. SMITH, Mfr..B r o a d ( S t .

4,4. m m 1 1 1 1 1 * 4 * t-H

iiSteinway, Weber, Sohmer, :: Dflierson, Krakaaer! -

M A f l N M S E V E R Y D A Y . ^Neat week—Ermlnte and Merry War,-

I / J A L D M R N N ' ^A U T f i i » :

Ctoin, April 30.Hala,i»OB.*T«c»„Thui«etBgt*

M A J E S T I C B U R L E 8Q U E R 8 .K yn n rtH iic o k e w .

Week of May T—Al Beavra'a Big Iionble Oa.


Loat w«ek of tho rtffular Miaton. CharlM Frolmikn preBeuta

Iq Clyde Kitaji'e Huc«MBful American drama, ■ABtlAEA FIltETCHTK.

U B C CnsmtCRY T K ^ T H K .WaobuigWitii Near Market 8t*

O. R. Ke«,,B A^mr iUltIMQVUfr* Mgr.

Tliip weeTt, Matinee* Wudnwday and feilarday.thoBinhteiit Romantic Actor*

Sr. Siliert B. Saatell. ‘r. nBOT »• noBWH* pany Prekentlng LoatoNalhal’a AdaptMlunol D-Knney'a

HOiniAUB. Neat WOBk—A Secret WarrantWarrant.

lEllBI TBUTtE -SPECULMonday Afternoon, May 14,

We are off from Broad street. This enables I :; us to sell a betUr make Plano—one that is world ;: wide in repuUtlon—than Broad street dealers.

Why pay from $50 to $ 100 more for an Inferior; : I make whan you can buy direct from our ware-; ■ ‘ rooma a Plano which has a reputation?

6 1eooxxcl>ti.e irxcft F l a i x o * .ii Steinway, Chickering, Knabe and Others.;;; uprights at - $ 7 5"Uprights at - 100: I Uprights at - ISO; Uprights* $ 5 monthly.

Uprights at • $1901Squares at * 25Squares at - 35Squares. $3 monthly.

6-8. West Park Street*•; S* A* W ARD9 Nesr Public Ubfsqi' ' i l l I I I I T H i n 1

Mathushek & Son Pianos.

Prevlou* toaalllne l « Eumpe, May lA Prlitof, $1.00, Sl'.SO. SJ.OO BBO I2 *««

Beau now on atolo at bo* ofilce.


FIMB BIDIMtU UPRLO** “ »• ! BQUAB* PIANOB. u r a w a i FIAKO *90. |»Be l»»«* ln ,B »U aa# ,ear«d la «i, «»B .

Uiw. »d n e «l ■ » » . ' 1 Atoo -there, * U «U I V r ^ . ir

R O I > 0 W B J ' T O W N I * R I O I © S .

W O Q p jK tSracial


Brigham H. RobBrtc appaara to b« hav* Inf luck In Utah than h« did inWanhington, The Jury haa dliagreed* ..

T he ffa tv ra l lA frvon eo .From the N «w York World.

“W'e don't bear you attig nowadays, M lii Mpd«!1ni>.“

My phyxlclan hex atrictly forbidden me

cleanse, p urify and beuntify the Bkitt, k eep in g it fresh healthy, yonng and nfttnral

to practice.**»“D(oea ho live In your nelghhorhoodT'*

If they don't accomplieh kW (he IJoctor, No matter *h «i blfnt^b, er elfertlor of itw elila yeo

WOODBURT. J » WiiPt W . ! « • » Teik.

t ' J^'4athushek & Son Piano Co,r*/S p r in t f ie ld A ve .t n e a r H ig h S t * (h e B a i l=

K a e o r M v o t h U n • * Wtotoa*".FromThe Cbtoa*« Tlinee-Heratd.

The houH ww burnlni. People outilde W .R yellbw to them w W ? or it would

r a S S w 's ia - i r a s ; ' .ly inio hto { f '»* him know thatahe would aee throoih him « l>' anawer bar tmlr. atm aald.


he tailed to

V ^ it'a on aUtolittL-* lie replied, for ^ had IMM maiTtod W * F*»re ■>** •“ *led WOBH B.

Aa Ito Jtol,toto**a Oedto*.From Ueebaa'a Monthly. .

There to n myatenr conoernlnt the orlita ■ ■ le cedBT ~ 'o f ’the jlM neae cedar. Perhapa It to a rel-

•hye o j-tlie j^n t redwood, tree, pt the P »olBo coaat. fl«o* bow did It get to Japan! The Japan.*, cedar Cryptomerla Jt^nl- ca, aommmon in Japan*.* tardetta, hai naiM Been found In a wIM atate.;Aa to the ofiM-ot ao many our gardao eyer- greana Bfioutht from Japan under naton- toal aamea, it to ■majMcted of hetolB* torn of SMBathtoc elaa. Tbara to a atnldni re- aambUhee -between toe to ‘ or our mammoth eequoU.


K E W A R l fG N W S , THURSDitT# MAY 8. 10QQ,




Bu m Cmittee iw c iB i M s le 1m n4 ii tfea Sm



s m FOl lUNICirAL BUlLDOifi.

A m W a t t in g fay A

D a fla lt * A r ra a s e iu e a l W Itk C a a a fT

A a t b o r l l lM H * fo r « Dyterantnlatf W fc y r * lo L «e « t y P ro p M c d Ctty

• c r a e t w a - J « 4 v * K lrk p H t r t «A

Waata No liaayyyaaarjr Dctar—Pr p a «e d W » r k fo r M a k la a U b r a y y

K a a d r f a r O eeap aao r,

R«eomm«ndatloni for the UauaAca of H«BM,000 city bonds wpre mad# by tha rinanoo CoramlUee of the Common Coun­cil nt a meeting held last night. All but KOtUO of the amount were asked for by the City Hall Commission and the 160.000 La wanted by the Free Public Library trus­tee! to decorate, furnish and equip the new library building. Both recommcnda- tiona will be Utd before the Common Caundl to-morrow night.

The requeat of the City Hall Commlselon had been referred lo the committee by the Council, to which it had originally been preeented. The commleelonera adopted a reeolution oertlfylnf that the money was tipeded, and atlpulatlng that the amount of bonda aiked for should be leaued and sold for th# purpose of raising ntooe^ to pur- chaae land and to erect thereon a new City Hall. The law under which the com- miaaloD acts provides that the bonda shall not be sold for lees than par and accrued Intereet. and ahalt bear not more than four per ceot. intereet per annum. The eecuii- tiea. It M pn^KHied. shall mature in thirty year*.

'Wh^.Cmmmkimmlmmttrn W uCeA.The iHletoent was made last night that

the codBlMloneni desired the authorisa­tion a o u a t they could issue the bonda In aumi and at titnee to ault the needa of the underiaklnt. the Idea being to not Is­sue any of the securltlea and make them Intereet bearing before the money should kM needed. Thla proposition did not meet with the favor of tho commltteeTnen. how­ever as It was said that It would be bet­ter to aetl the whole issue while the mar­ket Is ae favorable ss It Is et present.

Auditor Runyan remarked that a better price could be obtained if the whole ksaue was eeld at once than if the city attempt­ed to dlapoee of the securities in inatal mentg. Ue added that the city would have to issue something like $4,000,000 of bonds wllhln tb« next eighteen months, and that It might be well to take advantage of the present condition of the money market. As for the funds lying Idle. Mr. Runyon said that the commlasioQ would have power to loan money to the city on teropoearr bonds and charge Interest for Ha uae.

llaes foe the Mooey.It la not at all likely that the City Hall

Commission will Interpose objections JLo the Issuance of all the bonds at onee. though some of the members felt that It might be better tq raise the funda aa Etted- ed. As for the uses to which It la proposed to put the money, (fudge Andrew Kirkpat­rick. chalrtnan of the commission, to-^ay said:

“Though we have not determined to purchase any particular site, we felt that we should not go ahead without having the fuel to run the machine. As to the selection of a site, we cannot go ahead until we settle wUh the County .Building Commission whether both buildings are to be erected ofi eontlguoua plots. I f the County Comralsfllon feels that It should put the new building on the site of the present Coorthouae, why, of course, we cannot go with them. However, we may have that question settled this week.

’Personally,” continued the Judge, "I don't want to let the summer go by with­out accomplUhlng something, and t be­lieve In getting the building under way as quickly as possible.”

T h e F ree L ib r a ry B e a d s .The bonds asked for by the Free library

Trustees were authoiriaed by an aei -paei ed by the test Legltlature Bankfn A Itef- logg, of Philadelphia, the architects who designed the building, have submitted a number of recommendations as to what la required to put the building tn proper trim for occupancy. The Hat Includes the following; Additional reserve boiler, mo- salo celling for main hall, thermostats, pipe covering, exhaust fans and blowars, lamps, desk lights and Axturee. eleratori and book liftSj carving over front en­trance, paving and curbing, decorating and tinting walla abalving for children's room and lor fiction, biographical, refer­ence and offleial catalogue Tooma

In the aggregate the Items asked for would, tt l i asUmated, o<mt more than 160,000. but as soon as the Common Coun­cil shall auihoiiia the bond Issue the trustees will ask for bids and complete the building to the bast advantage wHb the funds available. It la hoped to bs able to open the library to the public by the middle of Novem l^ at the latest.



------- —•larteA b r law atae W ith toventM tt

CSAts. I t Baa A a g »a a la d G r«atly» flvwwih a t tha “TaUafe.**

A 'Tackonlng" was bald at iha meeting at the Rsecue Home. U Spring atraet* lapk night to see what the peopla had Ashe ^ Ih their "talants." It waa aa ItilaresUig matting, being tha outgrowth of ona held on April t At that time Myron W. Morse, a worker for the Interests of the home, called for a collection among the knmatee. He did not expect much money, he eald, but If the men thought they could afford to five anything, they could do so, and It would be thankfully received. Out of over 100 Inmates at the meeting the sum of seventeen cents wsa obiaitied^two flvt- eent pieces and seven pennies.

&lr. Morse then put In operation a scheme which was unique and has proved to be successful.

*T am not going to keep the money,” ha said, "but 1 am going to give it out to you and you shall Invest It. 1 will keep this csnt myself and see how It will grow, and I will not ask anybody for any money.”

So Mr. Morse kept the cent and showed Jt to a msn vjust to see If U would grow.” He did not ssk for any money directly, but. as he said himself, one miin declared lhat he “came so near H there was no fun in It.”

The Cent Grew.At any rate, the cent did grow It waxed

Into dollars and then Into tens, aa Mr. Morse explained the history of It to the people he met. *’U was given by » very poor msn.” he would ssy. ” We want to ee« It grow. '

The other eight pieces of coin in that col­lection of seventeen cents were given out among t^o people who attended the meet­ing on April L Those who received them were; Mrs. A. B. Qllbert, of Chestnut street, Kearny; Mrs. M. L. Robinson, of 169 Qsrslde street; Mre. Q. A. Blmmons. wife of the superintendent of the home; Mrs. Spaeth Robbins, of Bloomfield; C. G. Truesdell, of 3tS Clifton avenue; Mrs. A. K. Davidson, of Roseville; JCvangeltst William Bruce, of New York, and David Banderson, of Morristown.

The meeting last night was called for receiving reports about the way the '*ial- •nts” had grown. Mr. Morse's, by the way. up to yesterday afternoon, had grown some thirty-five hundred fold. His was a marvellgunly profitable cent.

The Reported Iwereasoe.The following report as to how the tal­

ents had grown were received lest sight: Mrs. Robinson, |f>.50; Mrs. Simmons, $185; C. O. Trusdell. T5 cents, and Mr. Mores. U6.60. The other five who had some of the original collection did not report.

It Is proposed to make the seventeen cente originally contributed by the In­mates a nucleus far a building fund and with tbe collection of M which was taken up last night, the fund now amounts to $6678.

On a motion by an tnmato of ths home the following committee was appointed to take obarge of the fund; Rev. Louie Bhreve Oeborne, of Trinity Church; Super­intendent Oearge A. Brnimons. W .il. BalV Myron W. Morse and F. A. Dfor. .

During the meeting the Jewkll 14^ft^eiV gave an exhibition of sleight-af-kand irorit and an Instrumental trio, compost of F. Poole. H. Weliennegger and B. M. Truee- dell, played several selections

--------------- e---------------

LOOKING OVERThe line of stylish S p riiiK S u lU we are showing; this season Is

positively a pkasuie to lovers of fine dress. Such a magnificent assortment of high class novelties in F a n c y W o rsted s. C h eviots, C a s s lm e n s and 5e r ( t s have never been offered heretofore. Cut in all the latest fashion p late s ty le s , superbly tailored, elegantly finished.

Do not think because all our garments have a custom made appear­ance that you pay any more than for the ordinary clothing that b offered by the trade without these extras.

Htore C loses O O 'c lo c k (E x cep t S a tu rd a y s ).

GEO_ _ _The Broad and Market St. Clothiers.

eaS iT '



A t t . r H r., L a * BaO Lett Bar B oa i.I t W a* Bablwe a t J .w a lr r

aad Sllvar.As tn . rMUlt ot a .uppond K h «n . to

X«t l ln . WlUlsm H. Laff to IWT. iMT r* at W Bltoboi .tTHt, Burt Or- sngA r « t . r d s r a islti.d sd- mittsnea to tb. house sod stole oon.ldu'- sbl. bootr. Incliidtnc iswelrr and sIItws wsfs valonl st |KA,

Ifr. Lrus o m 4 houw In Bast Orante, wbicb Is tor m t , sod yMterdar 4 man called at hli realdence and aiked Ure. Lull It the houee aes rented. When ebe npUed In the nexative the man aald that a woman Uvlnt at 4U UtUeton avenue, Newartt, bad been looklnc at the hrmie and would probabljr maka armnxainents to take It It Bra. LuB called on bar.

The stnuwer laid that tha woman who lived tn Littleton avenue waa In a hurry to nuke arreniementi tor movtnf. and that It would ba mceea»nr tor Xirs. Lutt to call on her at onoe.

Attae the wan went away lire. L ti* pre­pared' to CO to Newark. H u found no one at tha number flvcn who had bean looktnt for a bouea, and, mwpeotlilx that aome at­tempt at fobMiT at her home misht he made, hurried back to Eaat Onnee.

When ehe reached her h«na ahe found that In her tbeenee the place had been robbed. Kntrance wmi effected by cuttint the (le ie In a rear window.

Oimiio X. B . 0. A. Debate.The remdar monthly meetlnp ot the Or-

anse T. K C. A. WM held laiit n^ht, A darate on tho eublect. “RM lved, Thet lyuett Are Contrary to the Beet Intereiti ot the Country,” waa held. Thoae arsulns In the efflrmaUve were James McNulty, OeOTte P, Olcott, Jr., and Herlen A. Prstt, slso sll membere of the DeltA Kpellon Literary Society of the Eaat Qnnse High School, cIsBi of 1900. Thoae taking the op- poalte view were the tallowing members of the T. H. C A.i Aioert B. Knowlton, Robert Armetrong and s. f . Bremen.

ENTERPRISEO d u rless, lu s ta n ts o e o u s B lu e

F b iin e O li C o o k S to ve .

RbTk n iB a o v a k t a o b s .. • perfect odqrleea blue llanM ef

llsilUng, Kiualto Uwt B^ueee by any O u B s ^ Burner.

•w, petfereled tubee or other frail paija ttat nil) wear cut In time.'

ao ifniiUe thet no iMVtmctlea. are re. eu'red (o npeteO'It with beet reeulle. .

*osatnict«l lbe< ItjeorJW lT'’’'

The W4 He Dfinmonil Co.,» 8 r t a H 6 t S L . K e w « i t ,N . I . .

la itte l Cwaespl wf tb* O r*a g « Cborel Clab D elighted a Large

Aadleac*.The Orange Choral Club, the latMt ao-

quleitlon to the muticol organlaaQonj of the Orengee. gave iu Initial eoooert laei night In Commonwealth HoH, East Or­ange, before a lerge and faehloiiable aodl- eaee. The club w m diDseteA b]F-flegner Kidde and the programme erae moAbup of •electione by claeslcal composete. The eo- loliti w«re Mlee Marla Vtctorta Torrilhon. ptanlit; Leo 8chulU, *ceUlet, and Hugh E. WllUami, baritone.

The chorui, while not a large one, wee well balanced, and interpreted ItJ eelec- UoM in a manner both eatlBfa<tory and artietlc. Roeder'e ' ‘Hymn of Pan” wee one of the eelecCloos In which It exeelied. the eolo being tokdn by Mr. WUllame. The chorae also eang Mendeliaohn'e 'Spring Song:” 'T o the Bimeklne,'' by B^umatin; ”0. Golden Jgn?Mn; **Autumn,” by Qrechszi^ctfT *T%iEr Scarlet Sarafan.” a Russian folksong, and "Spring I>ellght.” by Cesar CuL

The eolo planlit, Mloe Torrilhon. delight­ed the audience by ber fine technique and her compoaltlons gave her ample oporlun- Ity to dlepley her veraatlUty. Her firet number wte an Improvloation by Mmo- ^ w e ll and on etude de Cboml- node. Aa on encore she gave on tmpromp tu by Chopin. She also gave Lleet’e Rhap- icdle No. B In a capable manner. The 'cel­list. Mr. Scbults, was one ot the beet per- formere on that Instrument who has ever been heo^ at an Orange ooiioerL Pop­p a s "Elfintani" wee a seleqtlQn In which he particularly excelled, 'arid ^ an en core he gave another beautiful composl tlon on the A and D stringa. Barrel's

, Adagio and Oolterroann'e “Cantilena' were bis other numbers, both of which were rendered In a most artletlo manner.

The club wee accompanied on tbe piano by Qutseppt Dlnellt. organist « f the First PresbyteriaD Church of OrsnfA.The aUge was arranged with handsome rugs and beautiful palms, and at the close ot tbe concert the membere of the club presented Mr. Eldde with a handsome sterling sil­ver loving cop.

The active members of the club are the following; Klee Laura Bowere. Miss Ma< bel Bowere, F. G. Boston. Walter B, BrsW' er. WlUlam R. Brttion. 8. T. Braman, Mlse Ada Cadrauo. Stewart F. Campbell. E. 0. Carr, Miss May Cutting, U. D. Cutting. Miss M. DHlon. Mies Genevieve DlUon. Mre. John Rlker Dltmare. Frank Fenwick, Miss Gould. Miss Gerhard, Frank N. Hay- tev. Russell Lane. H. E. Lynke. John B, Falne Miss Alice Pulsford, Miss Bersle Russell Mra Edwin D. Ruggl^s, Jr.. Miss Bcott. Hiss Josephine Scott, Miss Gertrude Btetson. Miss Florence Sutherland. Miss Marion Sutherland. George H. •myth, Jr,, William O, Staples, S. L. Swasey, George Van Cleve, Mra Tor Van Pyk, H- A. Wood and Mies Agnes Zlmmermann.

“V " ' ' •• m id GOLDEN l e g e n d .. ___ -.A #

A irotwbteMwalestEvcnt'AtAwdltorlwiei Lwa< KIghl.

lfullcl4De end mue1c-lgv?ra In Newerk are under heavy obtlgatloda to the ffehu- bwt Vocal Society tor a preeentatlon of Sulllvane oratorio, ‘The Golden Legend," that waa reflly remarkable for He gen­eral excellence. I t wae Tendered at Krue- ger"! Auditorium. Ot the oratorio Iteelf tt need only ba aald that It le one ot the beet effort! of Ite great oorapoeer. Thli meane that It la one of the moet charm­ing ot modem compoeltlone, rich In or- cheitral color and vocal effects to por­tray the action and emotlone which abound In Longfelldw’a Immortal poem. The orcheetral poeelblUtlei are eepeclally noteworthy and'ai Interpreted lael ntgh( by the large oraheetra of the New York l^Uharmonlc Society, were a' revelation to even the lovara of Sullivan,'« muelo. No fault la to be found with the eololete; Clementine DeVere, ae Elele, wae at her beat. B*lorenca Mnlford-IIunt lent a deep ricli cunlratto voice, admirably con­trolled, to an Interpretation of Ursula. Jafnee H. McKinley captivated the au- dience with a tenor voice of rare ewaet- neee and power and Lewie WUliame, bar­itone, did not disappoint tbe moet partial ot fala adoiiren. I l ie oborue wae eepecl­ally good, showing every evidence of that rigid training and repeated reheareal ab- aolntsly nsoeesary tb tl^ adequate pro­duction o f BO formidable a work.

It only remains to add that Mr. Rueeell, to whom, doubtleaa, the stioeeM ot. tbe occasion la largaly aaocibable, wielded the baton In a way that wblded eolo,

'Chorua, and orcheetra Into unity. Takm altOMtber. It le doubtful II Newark bae been favored with a mualaal entertainment during tbe season that le at an comparable with that of the Schu­bert Vocal Bsdety laat night.

■ 4 ' ' ' 'A iW i c t WD. •

Jew ellev le F i t t y « f Reeatr* fUM St«|»M Gwwie*

Eugene ^elloon, iri^>prtetor of a jewclif etpre on 0|)ringaeld avenue, was cenrioted MM yeeterdoy afternoon Iti the C<mn of Quarter Bextiono, Judge Fort preefdJng; of reoriving atolen property. It was riiafg* eA In tbe Indictment th«j^ he^l^ufplit tn>m Jotin Fuchs, a boy flfteeq-.'yeajre old* meriy employed by BohultSe Letse # Co.« of McWhorter streei. gold tb tli* valiu of which had bben itolen by the boy from Bcbulti, Leles A Co, The prin­cipal wltneie against Nelteon wag the boy Fuchs, who had mode a oonfeestoQ,

Faebe was to-day sent to Um Befomt •cbeoL

H err Sveth'e M *ih »d « end Soeae ot Ilia B xp rrl*P **s W ith Wtld Ktseela.

From ths London Olyobe."Stalking” e Hon trAliifr fur ihr purpoee

of an Interview Is no cany’ nuLtier. Ths modpsty of the Hon tumvr Im Ntmosi pro­verbial. Have not ths nrtittic wags of America end our own rnuniry niustrated thla fram time to tlnu* In muny a witty eket<%—the main motlvo trlng in one pic­ture the heroic demeanor of ihe terroilier of tbe king of beasts In the Hims' cage, and as a comic contrast his rrestfallen de- meenor In the privacy of hlff own parilcu-' lar domestic circle? This dofs not apply, however, 10 Herr Seeth, who in a man In every sense, both lit the physlcsl and men­tal meaning of the word- Our wholesale trainer of lions, a very muscular man ot six feel one and one-half Inches In height, and some seventeen stone odd In weight, at first entirely declined to be interviewed. And In this condition of mind u man of Herr Seeth's stamp Is very (jlfficult to deal wUb. However, with the help uf the press rsbreientatlve of the hlppoUrume, 1 ran him nearly, literally npeaklng. to earth by the devious passages that run under this magnificent building, end disoovt>r»'d per­haps the greatest Hon tamer (hut rver ex­isted In the privacy of hla dresHlnx-ruom.

He was reclining In hia ciialr In liie eeny manner of an athlete. Ilia greeting was of the cheery type, "What da ^uu want me for? What can I tell you? 1 hnve nut my birth certificate vrteh me ” And the great Herr regarded me In (juisili'al fash­ion from under hln eyelids ami thoroughly enjoyed my discomfiture. ” l know what you are going to ask me. Well, my agv Is thirty-alx and 1 wan liorti In lh#> village of Kollmar. in the province of Holstein, and have Just three mlnutps to dross myself In,”

'One fact I should like to know." I mur­mured. ” Tou ere the (Tret trainer of Ilona that we have «ver seen turn h1s b&ck on a lion-"

The massive frame of Herr Beeth shook with merriment. "Ah, my friend, the secret le to find out on which animal you can turn your back with safety. 1 do not show my back to every one of my twenty- one Hons- When my animals growl and paw at me, do they mean U* Kometlmes they do,'* remarked Herr Seeth, enigmati­cally, "and aometlmea they don't. When­ever they do drop their paws on me, you will notice that I never move. They are the htg cats of the feline apeclcfl. and their habits are almost Identical- You try to move quickly, and at once they xincover their claws. And a scratch from a Hon le no light matUr.

‘1 carry two whips. There Is a good reason for this. One hand is always dta engaged, and the Whip ia U2<ed in a per­suasive manner. 1 assure you that per­suasion enters more into the busineas of Hon taming than force. I have not the sllghteet fear of one of my animals, have ray accidents, but any Injuries are generally given in a playful spirit AU ray Hone ere from Abyssinia, and mostly are presents from the Emperor Menellk, with whom I am an especial favorite- On account of my skill In dealing with Hons he presented me with an armlet of gold Mt with precious Jewelo. It represents an order equivalent to your Knight of the Garter, and Is only prMonted to the most redoubtable of his warriors, and has to be returned to him at their death-

“ Lion hunting is my favorite sport. Some few years ago, during the visit ot Mr. Harrington, the Britieh representa­

t iv e , I went out In company with a couple f? gentlemen on a lion hunt, but for three days we did not even catch sight of one. Abyaeinta will always be a nursery, owing to their being regarded as a most eacred animal; and on certain ground, especially a mountain situated some twenty miles from Adis, it le death to the sacrilegious slayer of lions.

" I always christen my Hone. Their names are I*eo. Waldemar, Pasha. Lul, Sultan, Abdullah, Menellk. ]lg, Grass- maehts, Kalnas, Maohts, Wladirair. Mua- tapho, Romeo, lllshet. Kasper, Negua, Emir. Patti. Nattl, Frank and Baron. They are all males. The last two men­tioned are fresh arrivals, and Frank Is the young kitten which at the end of the performance I carry out en my shouldera. It la a very expensive buainese to carry on, and the transit of my Hons, In the three large cages, to my next engage­ment will cost me a little bill of 600 sov­ereigns. X value ray show at £f),000.

" t have had many adventures with my Hons. The most serious, as well as the most comical, hAppt ned in Paris In a grand spectacular performance called 'Nero.' It was a scene in which ths early martyrs were supposed to be tom to pieces by lions. A ll the martyrs were stuffed but myself. One of the Hons took a mean advantage of this fact, and one particular night strolled up to me, ohiffed at my right leg and grabbed iA.gmegt qora- est fashion by Me iatre- below the knee. 1 persuaded*riite lAlMal. t||at he had made a mistake, and 1 must' say he hoe been a model of good behavior ever ■lace the short dlscusston over that par­ticular episode.”


A Cbroule State « f “ All Oal” la A ll the Shop*.

Julian Ralph tn leondun Mall.I know nuw just whnt occurred when

the lleautiful Youth kissed the sleeping Princess and woke htT and all the peo­ple In tha Palnce who hud gone to sleep, years and years before, in the middle of a Virginia reel.

Says the Princess: “ Hcautlful Youth,please fetch mo niy pony.'*

Says he; "Dear Prim-ess, the servants are cooking him tu muke soup for the servants-there being iiu other meat In the plnce."

Says the Queen-Mother "Maid, I must ^ v e a new pair of stm'klngM."

Says the Maid: "W e hHln’t had any BtocklngH here since we wrnt lo steep last century. The ants has ute cm all up. mum."

The way I came to kjinw these Inter­esting detiiils, which arc not tn the fairy histories. Is lhat 1 am In the pulace of the Empress Kimberley, the Queen of Diamonds, who was klsucd by the Beau­tiful Youth, General French, and woke up after a four months' slccit

“A whiskey and soda.” nays I to a myrmidon at the club.

"Ain't had no whiskey fnr eight weeks," says he.

"Milk for my coffee. ' s,iyfi i.*The regnlitn hus the only milk (here

Is,” says he. ''likewise lots of jam-and they wont give ll up '

1 finish ray rarel nnd buy n rlgar."Give me a match." I snvs "There's n candle," Gif m**rrhatit of

tobacco remnrks. "The matchsH run out in November.”

A city relieved after a slcgi- in a queer place. There never were so few horses In the streets of any modern town as are to be seen here. The people have eaten them; also the donkeys, whlcli they de­clare to be far preferable to horses and mulei» which are stringy and dry and lough.

The dogs consist of bones and a tongue hanging out. They look hke iht* frames of dogs In pfoci*sa of constructiun.

The Daily Malls in the cliih reudlng- room are dated September 21, St. jy. Tint magailnea are those ot July and August of the closing year of the last cemury.

The ahopn arc opc*n, but the cb'rkn have grown to be ns automatic an the I'm-koos In a German clock. Instead of '‘Cuckoo! cuckoo!” they keep on r»-mark- ing, "AH out. mn'am," "A ll out. wlr, " In reference to whatever Is asked for by the occasional cuatorner.

No water runs in the wBsh-banlnR or bathtubs, no electricity, ayarklea In the street lamps, nothing appears to be niii- ural and in working order, except the ne­groes in the streets, and 1 am told that a troop of them Is down with the scurvy.

The Kimberley people will not like me to rep<yrt that the town does not seem to be much damagHd by the Boer shells, hut that le what I think.

Here and there you see a hole through a wall or the end of a building knock*d out, but I don't believe more than twenty buildings are damaged, though thousands of shells fell In the strefts.

During three months and three weeks the people went about as usual, growing more and more accustomed to the smaller shrnpnel shells, but during the last week, when the Boers began (o shoot KlO-pound shells at them, the case was different, From Sunday until Friday of the last Week the women and children sought shel­ter lu the diamond mines.

What g mockery that seems—to hflve endless superabundant .wealth under their very feet and at their'fingers' enda, and not be able to buy an hour of peace or safety. It was aa If Fortunatua found himself and his purse at sea In an open rowboat and offered a million to the winds If they would sell him a biscuit.

Total eclipse o f th * oaa ocears lo May. Itloscrated *p *e la l arttcl*, de- ■oriblag this wondcrrnl astro- boibIcbI phcaomcnoa* 1b Satarday's NEWS,



BpnBeom*it Meeroeliawtii l « th « W 'orld oa V l«w la N «w York .

From the New York' Matt and Express.Ths handsomest* largest and costliest

pipe in the world, which wax made at a coat of $3,000, Is noWjOn exhibition In the show Windows at a prominent Broadway dealer in smoker's-offeorie y < * $ ■

The length of. this j^ofable pipe la thirty- thfee inches and Its gUnt bowl* cut from a solid block of meerschaum,'represetile In elaborate carved, work tbe dlocovery of America by Columbus, while the steni and mouthpiece are wrought out of the purest amber.

The Columbus pipe can prove its title to an honorable pedigree in genuine South Carolina meerschaum, while Its beauties easily dtatanoe the celebrated products of Ruhlla In Thuringia, Germany* long the headquarters of artistic effects in pipes, whence over six hundred thousand are sent out annually.

The stem shows the conventfonsl out- Hnes* but the bowl is uniquely handsome. It Is of alabaster whiteness and carved ex­quisitely by hand with fifteen human fig­ures about four Inches In height, a deer or two, halt a doien trees In thick foliage and a variety ot smgU accessoriee, The great discoverer is seen sword In hand leading hit little band of followers on to the soil of America. One kneels on the ground baorlpf a cross, others have oars or weap­ons of war* and all are pressing forward 'wlfh eager Interest. Back of them Is a miniature tropical thicket conuintng In­dians. In making this pipe the moist ma­terial In the rough was scraped. In order to re$DOve any reddish tinge. Then it was dried* scraped again and finally polished With wax. Jt was now ready for curving. This beliag done by hand consumed two montha' time. When tbe carving was com­pleted tbe bowl was treated with gloss pa­per and Cnitch rushpi* and after being boiled tn wax was subjected to a prolonged fioHshlng process with bone ish and chalk, which brought out Its lustre.

Upon Its completion tbe pipe was sent to the World's Fair In Chicago, where it was awarded the first prise. « good medal.

It I f fitting that the king of plpedoin should be the product of Uncle Barn's do- mfwlOM* the home of tobacco. Probably*

- ■'CompositeNHntth » drubbingivpliewt to enjoy the magnificent clotuls of purple In delicate whirle and iptreo would ascend from Its beautiful big bowl



T 0=M0R R0W ANOTHER BARGAIN FR ID A Y-A Friday of more than usual activity— for even u.s, who are accustomed to at­

tracting big crowds of buyers on this day of the week. W e have been exceptionally careful in selecting the items for this occasion— naming new and extraordinary low prices, giving values which are bound to bring to our store thousands of our old customers who appreciate what we mean when we say “ bargain,” together, with countless scores of new faces which have probably never before entered our doors, or have never availed themselves of the many splendid chances for money saving in buying some of our

GREATER FRIDAY BARGAINS.In order to keep other dcalens from purchasing these goods iu large

lots we restrict the right to limit the quantity of each article to any buyer.

Velvet Ribbons,mil}-.-4 and

{iPHt qnalitl^^ ~

I9cKiMkniiff in liLirkWitllllll-OIIP «if TAK- Vllino .'7i lo ,'Vii On Ml* KrliUj duly, largain *1...............


Window ShadesA-i)trli ftiiign,d colohi In ihn iot.lliiii

Jr;id**»|iit-ay)i m H* ni ;VR'. Mt’lb H i ^ hi Mil* hrrp «h ll«i lot letlft / l i *


Fancy 0ini?hams iVe'n.*I the new___ . ami

t i]orinii)R“ iMnk himI white—blur and whitr- irruy und wliitr—Uveiiflrr ami wlilir and nitinv other pretty tnun- l>lmi(iuiia riiMv rut dilTrrent dwilgna-

li r a T yWOVfiH


thr m:irkot. < rrlaLnly * gieat j iMirgafn hrre *1. yurtl.

rqvial lo any inr ivmhIi giMtdsqn Z 1 »■ uaC


t- indretnn ti» tiyi* i>rt“>rhi tiru^ Ihla MMi-

N e w Rich and l*frtull-n e w UlillltlCa^ (jeaUtith am]I

Id {Tundi

mlnr rttmliiniitli'iih many dlflon'iii Mr foi'la: r r Inn

1 ]iHtlka dulM and

id tlguri'd or-

mMr at m . NHhl MjirkMldoWii aa a fivMl Vrlday nfr*r(ngal..

‘d «of pit-i-oa

6 k

i»or iht' I'l'Knliir nrirr In 6Ac. ytl (kn* of inr Iv at valitet yet

Cotton Covertsnow imn'Ii In (ir>tiiiii9ti tor bicych'aiul cmtiiiK y«klrix iluMiUHlity whU'}i now

rradily m t.'*!*. yard. Th* J I _ jirirr rhangenl for Friday uatj l i t

T a f ft f le C;|L-^uat 5 merr idrt’pa | l a l l C i n O llR thla BSiim K'*uda. , whiidi f«H>k ten wt'ii lent Friday- or

fHSbt lihu'k iiml nii extra hravy quaiity mtrrHntpd purr fiilk—rtnurni-

— ^ S cofirrtMlfDr !■ rhlaj. ...... ...

Bed Spreads-S'r» ij:,ie"''i:i1rifli MiirMPilh-a dcMignr, ft differrtit IwRtirrmt iii r|ii>* lot-wpread* r lilrh »tr rvnUTrluiip iit $|.Oi>eat'li. m f \ - 4:*ri»luly « Rrr»l f'rtitoy bar- / U F gain, at .................................. ■ »

While Aprons-f?‘l*,V, mfrom a i 'Hid iniality lawn. finlHiivd witli H *-incli upi'p hem, jKirkri and wido M rings,n real good'ilk’.vulM I C ^ not mon' than ito a buyrr. A great PrUlny hnrgHlu ml,.......

Muslin Qowns-J,;,f,’;?''m":gfMKl Mmutt.i'kar mualln ur cambrii', cut full luiil ^une high JJH'k wlyka. yukca of l iusinra of nvr tuoka, oim'Ii- wt>rk inHortiiiii, rmbroldt'^ry rjiifHr at neck and hlrcvoa. 11 rrel gi»od Tftc. night gown. «>o Mir* »e t more ihan !i to o buyer* Kritlay ee lye t.............................. .

Corset Coversftoaniff fallrd and ndg*a ixaind-—ffiroN fnnu yi t«' +4 iho rngnlar prii-o Q Ific. mofo than ;i to a buyer—M great Friday bargain at -eorli.

afiso A few ninrcH of 4a-inrli Cr \ery nir*

Turkish Towelswith drmlde warp, with red In 1 yard long ami mhn'hea wido. than mo*t houMXMl] at tar., not Z 1 ^ ini>rr lhHn4 to aiMiy(<r. A grret Krblay twirgaln at................. V - V

T g h l^ n g m g c k illvfr bh i iiml lE U lC U E m » K » Miiu’hPK w Idr*. ft ginxl, li^rtvy quality In fl different drnignu, iir'vrr wdd aay- ivhtTC lM‘for* for itMMthnn 2n<‘. _vjini Thtatirir* poaltlvrlyfor / ^ iC FriiUy only.............................

Linen Napkins, 'CIdrar'liod Hatlu dniirnnk, hnavy iind nf fiiif wravo, frtuii all dr«ftHing. a Hjdoinlhl sahu* at $.Mii) ilozen and half *idd hiulicr. not morel piX tiiftii 4f» «lorcn In ihlM )<it. i o g « I lu-nnirrow titarkf'd ii|>*c'lal at

Atlantic A Muslin,dll' U'M iinhlearhrd cottotm m the unirkHt — tiio loguInT pri«‘* ftr P ^

I yaril. Here Friday In 3 to A- yard Irngtha at, yard...........

I I T ie s the meet fanh', lonthle kind* of WI inen'ft NerkwfHr at preMitl* of fine

ivdnt d* KHprit net, with fancy fttn- linildcrpd mid^ In crrain,white or but­ler colom, gradeii wnrtli up to 4m . each. Your rholee her* aaa great Friday Ikmrgaln at,

Black Brilliantinerich liinimup) liniah and elcine w'eave, thegraile whIHi alwaya aelia At Vh*. yard. Marked aiieeial aa a great Friday bargain at..

New Challiea'Mirtiiient Inohidefi iilHtut xi difierent iMdorltign neftt nhd pretty figur*H and floral dettigna mont Im ium i rt*- l*UI IhUnuftllty ni .Va .yard. A f ~ \ C very apetdal Friday Iwrgato mt *

i Fabric Gloves‘ " ----- ......... '— in Ih*



-98 innhsiridv.of iiii'e

"wi 114 nij

12 k

Lace Striped Pique,Mur'S pretlii'Mt whlto niHlrri:i1’4 for w iiiKts ynki*N and cliiMmi'!* dji'hnea - >i very line qiiiillty |Mueit_lv«l)i Wnrih l'.V. yard. A plerra marked down 1 prire fiir Frltlay ■ (......................

Extension Rods i};;;,”,,...'!”.?:very qiinllty—adjit!d tmy piixewliidoif, the tl^g. prlco Irit'. eftch m On anle while let laalft, » areMt burgalD* a t................ ................ ■

Women’s WrapperscIndCH cnmbrlci, {lerralefi, law nn and M>im' ri»niielett6R.Mmie ueiitly triin'ed, Otiiem pliilu, all well niftdo wANlmhln giHHii*, wrftpperft whicliAell regular at tMM*. to I f yoti are foriunataIn aeciirlng jaur ala* heir, thev are eertaisly a big 1»ar>Salhe.t ................................

4-button or JerMiy lengthn and in the Wet tan iio^Ii'n and grav ahadre nml A regular ftO*. kind, aa a D'rlilay Itargaln at, p a ir .................................

Outing Shirtswoven I'hevloi with double etllchad tlikt fellod M»ftma-liiiAid ^Nillar gatii- ereil yi ke bark-nil gtioti deniratil* HtyJea- ill fact u rt'gumr mr. fthirt In nl) ftlrea. A great Friday llargalii at.....

or Nil woolhtiin*-

Curtain Lace,folored ftvrira-iill \ery nire gfHMU- the nirtain lace in tlm N/ittinKhani weavoH Hell at lot lUHlA

-quftUtleH whhh alwn tafi‘. yard-

here At.“ Oil Hale 7c

Separate SkirlsHpun-nuido with iheHlyllHli flar** IkiI- tom. lieiuled with three rtias id hlfti'k Niitin ffirftiw -nicely lined—in nil

IriHleud (jf the rcgitliir ^ Pd\

ririre. here ■« A great F'rtdily A kikrgaiinftt.......................... w v

Lawn TuckingPAtlcniH—ft c<imblnn1i(iii of tnvklng and eoiitlnuoUH ruwB nf lace ln»<'rtloii —very fine ftheer qimlitieH which al- wuynwrll rcftdlly at nh.-. yurd ■5 0 ^ - oneof the ffrentcat vahicNiif the *eaw>h herti for Friday nl yd

29c2 Hosiery Bargains.


CtiHdrea^a Extra Fine It1h> bawl r<Ht*n Ht»ae. real "Hmuft' do rf'b la i k dye. doublo hecln and tocH. Inipstricd to rc>laii at tmir.........................

Alfto U'oniea'H IlfruiatlerT'Hlark f.'otion Itoae, n cry finef ruago Kichclieu rlbU'H. npheed loelH and tm'H, u Hnn'klMg no

otliur liniiM' In Newark will matcli fur Icm than 'iTn'. pair* theoe gradea for Friday only...-

Silk Parasols,ittAd* Up r>ti IteMi Ijiiported Faragon framcN, coinplcrc witii carved el>oiiy liAiidlrH. the grad* naitally oold at gl.lD. Ihta priee ^e lilve iT * a s a and oiilr i tv e Duyer. for / Friday only..........* ................. ■

^ t l l f hriivy leatiiercttn

leather CorncTN, Improved apring Wkofui cutohns. in all tho bent Nirea. lb*regUlHr price Markerf ^ Pdownaa a great Friday Har- i gain a t.................................... i U V

Of p a fr in t leiithcr, with

I cloth toiAutiil riuk M>left,!n Hircft/kC) l l i to worth $lTft tit l-'ifi:

Children's Shoes B) lo 11, woj'lli ui

Tan Shoes 1 If good Tirl kid, bul- toll or lace, niane to

look well atid yat to Iw durft{)le,| In nIz h m to reg,, at l,;$9,idzaHNfto It, rog. 8t.‘JB,at 98c

2T/c *D am 'd Straus Com p ant/.

W H 4 T '* IK A NAM E.


I » e » r l * l g tw illed .Vrom the Buffalo Neire.

' jtar'onner.'' Mid the iMiJioeinen wtao/bad arrated him, "he waa eo drunk he didn't kobw where he wae golnf." ^

" I waen’t," proteeted the priMaat’. “ He w4S. pefonner."" t w e e n V pereWed the priaoner.Jiht have had a ......................

rtv—but I wain ________"Tou weren'tT' guertad the Magistrate. “ No, i wasn't. X man ain’t drunk, I long aa he oan hold on to tbe Mrto

might have had a few drtnka-twenty ormtgiihir WBln't drunk."

aa long aa tie - ___whan > e ’a. Irtug down. If tu


Q u iet Atceaeie th a t fladd en ly ( 'h a n g * to R a g in g T u rren te .

From Thf Fortnightly Review.South Africa la a curious country, full

of cllmfitlc and toi>ographlcal aurprlaf®. The wrilcr'B flrit experience of a Bouih African river In flood occurred ou the bankfl of the Fish River, when, euddcnly a trickling stream of water, meHtideiing like a thread between tall krnmzeH or cIlfTfl. waft changed and replaced by a rushing »wtrl of water leaping up foot by foot to the height o f thirty feet. To a gtrangpr the banka of a torrentliil South African river appear abnorniHlly high, eiperlaEly if he has,only obtained hlM Uleaa b f a river-god who* like old Fmher Thames, 1» carefully curbed and rcHtraln- ed In H fiat, alluvial country, and tluwn gendy among pasturee and menij4iws.

Three African river banka ,a>e like Jiuge trcncht’d furrow* Tnterflccting the veldt, and marked by a thicker growth of mlmoHHs and wlllowa* iho haunt. It may be, of bunhbUck and guinea fowl rned an ft defence In warfare, theeo InuikH nnd krontiea are Ideal placen. The very UU' certainty, too* te to when auch a river ub the Tugeia may be In flood l« embarraws- Ing to the attacking party. Far up In the Drakcniiburg a thunderatorm may have tak^n place* and Ffhat thcae Booth African thundenttornlq ape la reslixed only by thoae who ha 've 'b fen caught in them, They are'Hke great cloudbiifflte, when the pent-up broodlpg beat of ffic veldt neems to culminate In a aupreme oonviilHlrm of nature. Sometltne* there la a haltHlorm. and the whirl o f the tenipeat ia Incrcmu^i by the rush through the air of sharp Ico- laden mcaaengere which atrip thn lenvpH of the m lm ou tree* bare, penetrate the fleshy leavea of the prickly pear, nnd pierce through the corrugated iron roofs like bullets. I f caught In the open veldt, (he rider had beet take off hia saddle and protect hla head and face by holding it over them for'protectlon.

But the after effect o f the atorm ta Roon manifest along the countleaa runnela and "Bluita”' o f the hllla and sloping ground. They are filled at once with water on every aide* and* in a million w&y», ayRtem of sw ift surface drainage cumpN Into operation. T ributary upon trihutary haetena to the main channel, and preaent- ly a yoHoif flood—R perfect "Taurlformla Aufidus”*'' Is going seaward. The Tugcia 1b in flood, but you may not have known or Been a single thunder cloud where you are, and the oole pretnonltory aign of the avalanche le the echoing rush beard far up the kloofe. It Is a maixlni in South A f ­rican travelling that If you come to a river you cross It at on|;e If you can. and "out- span” the furthef aide. For In the very Interval o f a meal the sweep of the waters may come and the channel be impaesable. Ths water subetfies quickly* as it Is gath> ered not from the slow end regular action iof sprlnga or fountain* or even from the •gradual melting of Alpine snows* but al- nloflt entirely trem sudden rains*

T he HeilBW 0 f BlwiieTS* Vo le««e From the K a n u s City Independent.

In most of the principal singem the voice comtMse extends to two or three octavee. Bomo good voices do not tend quite to two octaves, while others exceed three octaves. The lowest female note Is an o e U t^ *'* h igher than tho lowest note o f the male voice, and (he femkle's highest note la about an octava

^ le ^ T a k e u together, OiS la about fouroctaves, the -eblef'^dlxerence residing In the pUciL and idso In the tone.

The dlffsrMtoes between tbe respeUve Volees tn m ^ m and foaaiaa la chiefly itt tone and $iot so much pUoh* alnce baiHos can eomettnies attain very high notes, ino oohfraltoe a m ' eotiieiiin« rtva aotvanos In the height of- tlieinote* they ran take. But on comparing tbs Umbrs or tone of these volcea singing the same note, tha difference is seen to be very marked.

The recognised com psw of modern stngers may be given oe follows: High soprano, from F to F In alt; dramanc sopranos* C to high C ; messo sopranos, low G to A ; contrsttos* low S to Fr tenon, B to high O ; boHtM M * G to O; bMOOs, D to H

A ll Thee*, hot the Mlitress ■* Coaldn*t See It,

From Lippi ncoii's.We telephoned lo the Intelligence ofnre

for a cook. Ar Annie waa the only name given on her coi’d from the offici*, we In­quired her Buniftine.

Annlf*," I aald. ' what Is the rest of your name?”

‘Thrti la H." ’ ■’fl* reply.Yes.” I conllnucd, " I know your name

la Annie, but Annie whatT"That Is U* I lell you, mtsaua," »hc Raid

with a broftd nmlle."You have (wo numes surely,".! InslHtcd,

‘a firRt name nnd a second name. Nuw. what is your m-i ond name?''

Oh, mlRRus.” exclaimed with B<imc impatience, "t y*>u that Is ll.”

With rifting lilspleARure* thinking nhe Van trifling, i very decidedly; "Your name is Annie v Iihi?”

Oh." she crl' il. ciUbiislaatlcally, "I am 00 glad jou know ' 1 link you will nevin* know, Yes. (hnl 1r it!”

For a whllH 1 In silent despair, tho girl eyeing nu* \«nii a rueful counlcnAnec. Finally a happy ihuught struck m*.

Annie,” I Askrii, very mildly* "what la your father's

Michael*" w« h ihc doleful reply,Michael what' ” I almoat gasped. fecL

Ing that 1 was Ruddenty becoming a par- rot.

But like the cirmal "Nevermore" of Poe's "Raven, " ‘'hiuh the echo, "That la i t r

A sudden tliuminiUton! Perhaps mine is the doll bruin.

"What do you put on your father's Ici- terv?” 1 next Inti-rrogated.

"That la whftt 1 muftt put or he would not fg l thorn." wur the sobbing resj^nne.

Unwilling to Kls'<‘ up lifter sum ^ trial of patlerntt on both hidre* I asked gently: "How do you Hpcll It

Slowly came the ftulullon of the enisma— "W-a-c-h-t.” __________

A Jerserm en tn t uba. Read the account by a Newark man o f tbe Im - nrovements being wrunght In ihc Peart o f tbe AntllleR Iti the KEtVS oi» SalurdnF.

-------------- ■ -------------SWALLOWED THE JACK.

Old Pete*a W ay o f l*r*venClng H is Opp>on«B|*a Wlniilittf n( Poker*

From the Lew AngelcH Times.Borne time ago r puny of seven or

eight left Paris, Henry rouniy, Tenn.* for (i big fish and hunt on the Tennessee Hirer. Among them wah Colonel Matt Kinney, formerly a menib*-r of the Ixegls- latiire and extenHlvcIy known in the State aft n genial companion, ilc was a great lowr of "seven up," nnd. for want bf better amuaemetit the first night out, proposed his favorite game. No one In the party volunteered to play save Peto, th< old negro cook, with whom, as a last rcftorl. the Colonel con»«nlcd to play. The rest of the party went to bed and left them at It on a log.

About 13 o'clock one of the party, Major Mallory, happened to wake up and heard the Colonel say:

"Fete, you bad that Jack; what did yott db with U?”

"Clar to goodness* Massa Unit, I haln't got ll.”

"Yes you have,” repljed Kinney; "lake off your clothes; 1 know you have ll! Off with that eoatf Roll up ihosJ sleeves-'' - 1 ,

Pete did so, but no Jack came to view. The Colonel then took up the deck to Hoe If all four JackH were there.

"Ciar to goodness* Uossa BBjktt' l<Jack ain't In de decki lt*s looa out. It warn't there.”

Next morning Major Mallory and old Pete being alone* down the river* too Major asked him where the Jack was. "VYcih boss.” idys Pete, "you «ee from Jo way Massa Malt was leodln* I knowed he woe fwine lo ketch It. so l.twaltowed itf”

A t camp that night the Joke was told by Mallory and was followed by a big laugh. Kinney, with his elbows on his knees, musing before the fire* remarked:

knowid he hod H about blra some­where.”


:: if You Take the TroubleYou’ll Change Your Mind About Going Elsewhere.

390 t o 396Springfield Ave.

Cor. F a lr iiio u iit Avo.

To Inveitixa te Thoae <>aen. Mine Uarsain* " (o r To>nftht, Friday and Saturday

! . W'e now M‘ll l{['GH. To intrwiure wo tif- : i frr ■‘UKVKIl.'ilHI.K HMVKNA O O n

iit............ « 7 0 C‘ ► tVlSlHiAV Sll \MKS. ill Dry GcxjdjiMore,

Ijice Curtain I irpurliiiPnt;I'lalu Hlirttlt-ft. wiuth 19cKhadcft tviiU friUKC, wuith O O ^

40c.. at ....... e lBO ie't fr * Wi!iclri\\ Flsturt ft at all tlinre. m .F.AniKU MK.\N D R A W - O f C ^

KlIS. duuhJc vvorth:i>c.* iit » O C

Bo^'8 ' H l'S l'FM lERfi.grlp hock* woven endft, wire hucktcK, regular Iftc,, st, re ^ pair..................... ............................ V V

CFLLCl.O in WATHK Fm>OP COI. LAKkS, Mtaiuhtig nr lurti-down,our 11.............................. . . .

HI.A(-K biOCKrt. full RcftmleM, 9 1 ^ 1fl no icftiigc, Wurth i.V.. at. pair..... 1

l.AIHKH'HK.I/r HO.HK HCPPORTER.S, | nil I'olorK* hrfia'ftrlcd AAlecii belt, 4 g P ^ wnrtli'31k'., N]»c('iai........................ l O w !


Reductions in Our Cloak Department.*' l a r L 'p f f i - l.iullch’ Jacknts of blark clay (llaKonal, tan covfrt r*r broadduth. I , * A ja v ivw L s Hi'lf iuiil meri'erized linlugH, wern ir.-Wi tu $g,R8, miui'rd g

87c ^

49c t

.» price-■* Siy*'s 4'o I'i. Navy or HrJ Hci-frpft, hriilil trlnmioj, were

All-wool Mii:nH l|4>vlnl ItrefcrR, ftrtlior I'oiliirw, plain nll-wDol cloth toniHtcIi, fancy liraM iriiiAicd. were iujw............ ^ ............................

irdd lot Camhrici WrapperR* urre iMc. IuWrappersExlrft ftiyo DH)*SS SKtUTS, a

black Hergo; wr>rMi f.HJii. at..... I m9 0, Kxlra ftlze SlllHT \YAISTH, g » 0 ^, , Wurth Fk-.. a t ..........................w V C

I.1.WJI m iin r IV ilsTn , Krennh tucked Inu’k.dcliirliiiMcrulliuw;

•I Wurth 7fk‘ .. i-pcciiil ..................H'lyft’ himI (ilrb' lilack KNIT-

' ' TFIli llriSK, M-auilcM fet't, pair.

;; Irish Point Table Scarfs• I work: worth It.", tu tl/je cudi, npeolal....


Kxlra Rire liiHBKD V R H T 8 * a g -^ 'tap*«J neck 1 worth at........... '

Extra Hi;.n I.ADIKH' llOhE* h l^k c;r \ halbriggftu; regular'.tL'K'.,lit, piiir .............

(:OfJ.AR FHOTKCTOH8. white |ISW'II, IftCft P<JgC............................

IT.Alh Hli.K KHUhiNS. Nos. ft 'R(h1 7; wurth 10c. yard, at........... '

— Marinfftclurcr'HiM'Ty

ftamplo line, enihroldi'rrul and op«u 79c

A f e JOSEPH, 390 to 3 6 Springficid Avenue. fT 4*


Semethinis About the f'rasire I'svd In I'Jiis and Otiirr Laiids.

From ChftmbcrH'H JuiirnHl,U would bi' hav.iirdouH to conjecture

whsi the fit-ftt wick conftinted nf; hut when we corntj to ronsldcr the Irnn lamn or ''enisle" we know that the wick com­monly lifted was,the pitch of the ruah, which gathered nnd partially strli^ped of lift outer greon covering, cut Into proper lengths* drie<l* and tied up Into htinillea. ready for use. The iron Inmii was ham­mered out of one pici'e uf iron. In a alone mould. This wjib Uftiially d:.rae by the blacksmith, and the moulds are Htlll to bo seen In museunis, In (be hands of private collectors* and no doubt at «ome of the country blacksmltbs' Hhoi>s. They ere of ,one uniform shape, wUh sutne slight vaiirtles.

The lamp consists of two cups, one sus­pended above and inside the other. The suspender is so fixMl end notched ns to enable the upper cup, which holds the oH end w1ck* to be ^ i f t ^ to .keep th^*t» cdfistenfly in conlnCT w k K the wKk. Tne

fup );{atehee the drip of the oli*' which can be easily replaced In tho ui>per cup XfY HYtlngsIt off until the ofl is poured into It The upper cup has sometimes a movable ltd.

Thepe Is e rcmsrkablo res jiiiblAnce not only between'tbe Iron crusles in this coun­try, but to those on the continent and In EgypL They preserve the same general shape* but differ In the material form In which they are made. Th- Pompeian lamps, or at least some of them, might be described ae three crusles In on*- The cup of the lamp Is the ssm > but ll has pro­vision lor three lights. The oil used In the Scotch lamps was of the coarsest kind- On the west eoairt the oil used was, and Is silU* fish OIL Tha maMlal lor wicks 1PM ra^bldb

A fi.a iifT iw osiio rg c h e a t .

P la y e d Curds an the gnljhath, b e l f;uuldn*t fitnnd W h is t lin g .

From the Cleveliind Leader.A commercial travelling man tended at

Edinburgh, Soolland. one Saturday night* too lute to go out of town for Sunday. The next day ho found that there wua actually no form of amusement In thu whole city to aftftlftt him In whiling sway the day. He went to the proprietor of the hotel to see if he could suggest a way Of passing (he remainder of ihe day.

The landlord look.pity ou the utranger and took him to one of the rooms in (he house In which a number of Scotchmen were playing a game called "Nap," which 1ft a sort of modifleation of "loven-up." They wMe playing for a shtllfng a point. ftO that thp game waa a pretty stiff one. The Rtranger got Into the game, and play­ed very cautiously* for he wus quite sure (hat the plnyera* or, at least, some uf them* were chcutlng. One aotemn-faced Scot hu waft eftpcclaky aura he caught cheating a irumber of times. He began

.F- - .agrant tune*^he Scot who had been chenting aroae from the tahle'and Ihrew down the cards.

■'WhoIJs (he matter?" the other player# eaked.

*Tm gangin' awa',” the Scot a..Aw * glaring at the stranger. "I 'll pley re»d#

' 1 on tbs 8ab-^wl* nu mon" -....-

(hat whuR^e

W a l l I > a p e r ,^HOLM iU I.K AffO HKTAli.

Pifatiii*, Pipefhaottoe 1 ^ TSSfStS* bwist pOsIWe prico coniibteit wm doM walk and dean mftfhafliq.

C H A R L E S ST O PP E R .IM aAitlHHa. H«,O iaaiaA«a

i - m





QuMlreuial Stateaeit I c c m m I s A M iskiag; T iae L n i l i r R d in

to Tkree^ear Pastaratci


l.lqm>r P . i t . r Ha* G a (a*4In TrrMeiidOtoto KA>rea—iD rp lo m K\-

la trsee o f A r n r Mtovrltopapud I> lv « r r * l«a*nra R h «p ld Ba MaraRirlMttaiil^^IttoMQr H « » l i TheraV ill i Be l l a h ew Biahopa aad Hi«1 r i v e M i l l Be n rt lre d *

a IIK ’AOO, May 3 - ’The inlefenl of Ihfl dalegRU-a to thn Melhodjat Oeneral f'oii- fcrencp to-'day was cenirvU lii th** rriitl' Inf of Ihe Blahop'a quHilrteriiiiHl a<MrcHt by HlNtuip K. G. Andrewa. The Hildrcaa. whlf'h waa prepared ul ft riut’nl im*etlii(C of the Hoard of ltlaho[iH in lncHHhHUK>>lia. hiin called for by Ur. Frank M. Hrlaiol. HUhop Amlrewa wu» f lv n i Hoae attenliun. and when the apictHlora fnlhrred ffiirn tha report Ihtol. while the rmitUry had Iti- creaard foitrtren fold durltif <he [mat hun­dred yeara, the Meihudlat Kplacnpal Church had deveioht’it nlnety'neviMt fold, (hr> applauded enthuaiaaik'nlly

The Hlahop'a addreaa atuU'd that lha Church will not ibundim Ua |M)iliior4 on the liquor queaUnn. Un (he contrary, "arouaed and Indlunanl at the nffrfaakdiN of the liquor power, at Ihe InetcijaablA mltaarrlafe of (he AntHCanteen law. nml •t the new t>ertla in which (hr nation li Involvlnf 1(1 new poaaeaainna, It will imn> mon and pledge all our tnlnlBtera and peo* pie to a more daterminad atrugfle agoinai Ihla enormoua evil/'

M wrrlaK* awd D ivo rce Proila luna,Aa to marriage and divorce* the addreae

continued: "In the preaeiue nf ihla evilthe Church cannot allow Ita ruk>a on tha iubjeci of divorce and remarriage to be In any raa« Inoperative and void. If nened be, (he Church law ba amaiided to mofft perfectly expreii the New Teeta* nent rula of marriage. Hut hy the voice of Ita public aaaemhllea* by Ita pnlplta, and by (he Judicloua axerdae of discipline, the Church ahould keep llaelf pure* and iild the civil law and the practlcea of aociety to become pure.

'*Cloaely aaaoclftted with theae evlla la the popular paaalnn for utiwholeaome, coarae and debauching attiuaementa. Who­ever walchea the dally preaa cannot mlaa the evidence of ahameful degradation In the theatre, concert and dance hall, and on the'racecourae. Ami the tendency to graat execaa, atao. In other compHratlvely Innocent forma of amuaementa cannot ea* cape attention.

*The aerlouaneaa of life ae«me largely forgotten* Ita npportunltlee of uaefulne«a unoccupied, the vigilance nereaanry for rlghteouantea relaxed, and the love of the paaalng wt^M gaining In maaterfulneai. It la not to he wondered at that every earn- eat age haa tended to reprobate all amuae- menta, aa Incompatible with the Chriadan Itta*

P le a sw rc a a d Tlw ie Llm li***Experlence hue shown that If la tm-

poaalble to Impoae on you thoughtful and taunatura Chrlattana a law which many B aalntly aoul* of thoughtful choice, im- potea on Itaelf. The attempt to enforce abaolute atMtenalon fn»m recreative Amuaemehli raacta toward unreframed In­dulgence. A dlarrlmlnaflon between thr admlaalble and the Inadmlaalblo li, there­fore. imperative. Bu great la the danger to apintuai life that we auggeat that It would bt profitable to plaee atnong th« aprclal advtcrea of the dladpllne a brief but cogent atatement of the perila which attach to many amuaementa, of the evlJi Inaeparable from oihera, and of ihu i»r1n- clplea by which the Chrlatlan abould regu­late hla choice among and hia uac of them/'

The addreaa recommenda either the abo­lition of the time limit on paatoralea* or a return to the old three-year limit rule.

W h in the buatncaa aeaalon gut under way twenty alternatea wore acuted In place of abam t delcfgteai

John H. Claaell. Norihweat Indiana Cnn- fcrancer then made a motion, modifying a former action and directing that the Com­mittee on Beundarlea be formed with the provlalon o f the rulea of the dladpUne,

U te dlaclpltne provldca that thin com­mittee ahall be rompoaed of one mlnlaler from each conference and prealrled over by a BUhop. I>r. J. U. Buckley prnteated agalnat the adoption of ihla motion and •ubatltuted another giving the committee an equal number of lay and of clerical dtlegatea.

Pr. B uck lty 'i motion wax carried un­der auapenalon of the rulea*

A committee waa apifolnted (o Inveatl- gate the caae of Caleb Hutterworth. of Camden. N . J.. aa hla right lo a aeat waa queatluned yeaterduy.

Then the conference came to the ^ tu c r of forming the atnndlng committeca. Thu tUt of conferencea was called and each handed In Ha nomlnatlonii for the four­teen cummltteea. . SecrelHry Monroe an­nounced that It would take him eeverni Iwura to arrange the list of names h\ proper order and accordingly U was agreed that the rommlueea ahouhl meet later In (he day for organlaatlon. This had been acciimpllahed, u ten<mlnu(u recess wax ukem

Fallowing the rereai the quRdrlcnnla! addreaaea of ihe Rlahot>a were read.

When Blahop Andrawa coni’liuJed hla reading the session adjourned.

A report that at an Informal meeting of leadhw t maiWhaTa o f >he Committee on EpUcopacy last night It was agreed that five Blahona he retired and six new ones elected, wna, In regard (r> the first Item, denied by Bishop Merrill ihla morn­ing. Those ainted In the rumor for rellre- ment were lilshopH Merrill, Foes, An­drews, liu rat nnd Walden

Rev. John Hamiley, of ('amdeh, N. J , and five others yesterday objected to (he seating o f Lay Delegate f'aleh Rutter- worth, g,merchant o f Camden. They con­tended ha was not a member, of iha.Quar- terly Conference, which suru him to the General Conference.« and thprefore was not a properly elected dclegme A com- onlttee of fifteen will consider hU cose.

D e w e y In v ited to A ffm d *^Vhll« (ha roll waa being called at ihc

open ing'u f Uit sesslmi yeslerday ttierf waa soma laughter when a resignation was handed in from a Wisconsin dele- gatej W'ho explained (hat he had no! seen a church In three years, and illil aoi believe himself enthlcd to the rights of the meeting

Admiral Dewey and his wife w«>rc glv^n an Invitation to visit the conference at

HvesmATiKi asT im b


rtlx toho sre NmutiM the most active In ih» ' *i!enera] Conference.

i. huffh. U waa ruriiurvd lu-d-iy that H^^h.«ll Hurat niiglii be retired by

Bill im Cover <ko ProBlac o f tko tto ta Bohool io r Glrla Fx«aaot«4

b iiB ABBtovad,

TRENTON* May E-Ct«Tk Charlock* of iha legislative comnltteo which tnveatl- gaiad the chargea of mlamanagement atthe Slate Industrial Bohooi for OIrls. ye« tarday presantad to Oovemor Voorheas th« bill fur Iha Invaatlgatlon, wbloh amounta to tS.tQOL This Inctudea tha ata* nographt r's fees, the salary of Mr. Char­lock and all other expenses. The bill was approved by tha Governor anil the State romplrutler. Tha I#eg1alslurH approprl' ated Id cover -the expenses of thecopfimlilea.

In s|)«akinf Of tha work of the commlt- tea yesterday. Governor Vourhees ex- prassi-d tha opinion that It la pot iha func­tion of tha committee* in tta report, to make any recommamlutlona or auggealoni

to the management of the school, but merely to submit the evidence that was taken during tha Investigation.

Tbu Governor la not yet prepared to an- •tounca the appointment of a new Board of Truiteos. and until h i doe« so tha pres* (*nt board will continue to manage the in­stitution-


Iheir convenience, but the Admfrul re- plie<l that hla lima waa so taken up w’lth prior engagHTnciita It would ba tmposalbia to do Btl.

All pans of the g!ol>e are represented in ihe ronferen<’c Kvury contlncni, (he Islands of the Paqinc and every aona from the equatorial parts of Africa and Aela to tha Arctic reglnns, have all sent dele­gates. In all cllmea Meth'xllam Is report ed to ba progressing, and tha delegates speak with pride of the develi>pmenta of Ihs yhurch In fflr-uway territories.

found ihftl the pastor of that church, Hev M Ynung. wsa present as a delegate Hev. Mr Vmmg ficcepted the banner and made H hrk-f address of thanks The amnunt rnisrfi by the leagua of his church was 11,172 j"


XX «j II

Ntawark Delegates*Tha delogatea from the Newark Coivfar-

enca are aa follows:Uegular—Dr H. II. Doherty, of Jersey

City, and Oscar JelTury, of Wsshinginn. N. J.; alienialeB, George R. Backus, of Jersey City, and H. F Kdiall. of Newark

iToviaional—Fostmaaler James L. llaye, of Central Church, Newark: Dr It. K. ('arroll, o f Ftalnndd. and W. R liaach, of Jersey City.

AFRICAN METHODISTS MEET.U ra era l t 'o a fe re n ce In W aahluartoa. fIttO IMeleBwtea P resen t— T o F le e tRlahoBa a a d rh a n ge f ir g a a lo Law *W A B H IN G T O N . May 3 -T h e General

Conference of A. M. K Zion Church Is In session hare. Bishop Lomax, of Charlotte. N. . presiding The ojM*nlng sermbn was dfllvarad by Bishop Hood, of Falr- vllle, N. C Aditrusm's of welcome ware made by Commissioner Hoas ami olhere. Tha following srrreiaTies, repre- aentlng Episcopal dUlricts, ware elected:

T. It. H ill. New ilavi'n. Conn., T. A. Wuathlngton. Monignmery, Ala.; J. M McMullen. Harrlahiirg. Fa ; W. A. Black- well, Jjincaatar, a. V : W Ft. Kanderson, AahovUia* N. C.; E. D Wtishingtoii,Grady, Ala., anil G. 11. Tlpt<m. Mobile, Ala.

Thera are dclugatua at tha confer- anca, repreaantlng every Blata In thw I'nlon. Africa, Bermuda and St. t'hrla- (ophar lilanda Bishop Small, the repre- aentatlva of (he i’hur'‘h In Porto Rk-o. CuhH and the Hawatlarv Islands, also la present The moat Important laglaiatlon to come hefura thu body In Ihe eiaetlon of JtiahutHi and Ihn cniisldcyatton of a pro- (tosad change In tha organic law of iho Church.

Tha conferan<*c rcpre»cnla a memberahlt* of over half a million. A letter from Pres­ident McKinley wqs read, in which he yc- grettad his Inability to be prasent at (ha opening cxerclsua and expressing the hops thal ho might bo able to utu<nd some future sasaion.

att's X usH lgrp o f the D iocese of New J e rse y Meets.

TUKNToN'. May i.—The Woman's An*. Ill.irv tu Hiu Board o f Missions r'.>r ibc F,plsrii[iiil Diorasa of New Jersey hi Id IG uinnod mu'-ilng In (his city yesterday and <'lc4'li‘il the following olTlcars lo s<‘rve for (he >4-it pTcsldant, Mra. fl. A. Clark, vk'c-pr<*)>ldeh(s, Domastic Misainns, .Mr H A t lark; Foralgn Mlsslrma. Mrs. Thinniii H White; Indian Mlsalons. Mrs. B. E Ik'itlchur; Ffeedmcn Missions. Mrs. Charles M btcwsrd; Mexiran MissJntis, Mra. Wihinm B. Abbey: Dlo4:esiiu Mis­sions. Mm K, </. Orica; Junior AuxIHiiry, M ibb Hurriet Townsend; Missionary Li­brary. Mrs. F 8. Conover; corTasp4>ndlng eecrciary. upper division, Mrs ('hftrh'i J. Taggari. lurrespondlng ae4Teiary, lower division. MIkk Mary T. Kmgdon; Itbrarlan, upper (UviMoii, Miss Lucia K. Ciiilln; librarian, biwer division. Miss A. D- Kel­ley; tri'ap<ir4T. Mlsa laat^el Twee4l>; sec- rclary, Mrs. rhnrlaa J. Tuggan.

At Ihe Hiiggeatlon of Rev. Dr. Joties n apwlal npi>roprlHiloti o f 1100 was set apart for ih • eeirtbllshment Of ft room In the new misNloii building ns ft memorial to Dr W T. Langford, formerly gatieral aacreiary of Hie iMJiird

In (he rcmllJig of the several reports ll was sh4)wn that tha mission contimu-il on a sound nnanclftl basis, and that the el- foriK of the women had In the last year been vvrj fruitfur

kr timl Congressman Jones detegataa-at- Inrge In (he national convention.

laws Dainocrali and MlJver.l*KH M UINK 8, iu , May S.—The D* m'»-

rriiib rttate convention (or tha ele4'ili>n >>( <l*'l<g.«ii-s-iit-llirgo to Kansas CU> wus < iitSed u» 4irder In ihe Auditorium iooIh;, ttv Stale t'htolrman (ieorge A Huffmaii, uOo in(r4i4luie4j Jeremiah it. Sullivan, <)f I'nstiai, aa temporary i*halrm*ui. A hghi IX ImpeiHlIng over the money plank <>f itu- pluilurm. Una faction wanted n mild r»- .itnimrtdon of the Chicago platform only while Knothar, le<l by John 8 Murphy, li’-

(<'ij on II d ill met pronuuncem4;?nt fnr Iti 10 1.

p u rm er T ren to n N ew apa iie r Man D la - nilaaed fro m A rm y Moy lla

H eln atn ird .

W ASHINGTON. May J -F irs t LP o (♦•nsnt Clayton J. Hatley, of the Twenty- seventh Infantry, and a former Trent4>n newspaper man. who wmi dismissed fr«>m (ha army by Oaneral Otis iipf>n convlcikm by court-martial, may gal a relnataie- ment-

A t tha Inatanca of tha ftecretary o f War. Ju<lte-AdV(jcate-CJenefal Ijleb4T will make

special repijri tn Iha case of Maj4ir George W. Klrkman, of iha Forty-nimh Volunteer Infantry, who was dlsmlHscd from ihe army by General U ll» without submitting the case lo the rresldent upon conviction by court-martial. The report vill ulao have u bearing upon the case

Ilf Lieutenant Bailey, as the same legK) principle Is Involved In each of them.

The report will treat on the right and power o f Qenerul Otis to illsmlss the ofTl cers without reference to the l ‘resld«iU as (Jornmunder-ln-i'Kicf of the army

It is admitted lhat aiich power Is enn ferred on Geiierais commanding armies In the fluid In time of wur, but U Is contend­ed lhat no auch condition ex1ate4i in ihe case o f M a ^ r Klrkham at the time of the ngensaa a lle f«4 to have been committed

■-f r o m GtlAM*

A in ^ rlran Popa lla fe .•MU.STGUWKJtY. All*. May 3 -I.uh-

ijiun forty delegates, representing six u1 (Iu* slxty-slx counties of Alsbamii, as- sunihlrd In this city In resiMinse to ihe chII of Chairman G. B Crowe for a Hiute convention of the Fopullsi party, tin at ■ count of the small attendance, no nomlna- Ilona for State 4iffi4‘ers were made. P*k'ven ibdegates to the nntionaL ronvehllon in rSnrInnatt wen* elected. They were In­structed to vote onl> for known Midtlle-uf- Ihe-Uoad Pupullsia.

In d ia n a F ro h Ih U In n T icket.lN D lA N A i*O L18 . Ihd , May 3 -Indiana

Prohibitionists have nomlnateit (he fnl- lowlng ticket: Governor, (.'huries Eck-hart. Auburn; I*leu(enant-Oovern4>r. Hob- ert Clark* Oakianil County; Secretary of fliBlp. K. E. Pretlow, Thorntown, Au­ditor, M. G- McKlnx»*y* Clinton r4mnly; Treasurer. Edwin Hiatt. Henry Coun- Iv; Attorney-General. M. H. KfftUSft, Peru; Judges of the Supreme C4turt. First District. « ’ B. Kesengcr. Vincennes: Fourth District, James Graham, Fort Waym*.

t'n iiim eiiiiirate K rn m en trn l tiM incIl.NKW VOKK, May L —The s|v<*<'lal ner-

vice ki l•l•mmem4^^ata the ckiw of ilir' ka'ijmeriicnl rt'cf«'renca and lo bring be* loro the buslnesa men of (he down-lowu district the "Mensage of the Cfmforcnce. ' w is held to-iliiy in Trin ity Chun h. In Brnadway

Thu 4-lujrrh w«ti filled wKh bu«1nuss jnen. mlnlsUera, nilenmnaries and a grcnl in.iiiy young hueincss W4>mun. The s-t v Iio* wtiH np*‘(ied hv Highi Hev. Henry ‘ V r-nier. Blsho[J of New York, and nn widresH waa mvde hy ".’anon k;4lwards. uf Exeter L'liihcilraL -Knglancl

Nuiiitnated for Congress.ALBION. Mk’h.. May 3.—i ’onKr4'ssman

Washington Gardner has been unanimous­ly renominftied here by Ihe Third Congres- aionni Dlstrlci Republican Convention. George E House. 4»r Rutile Cre4*k, and E N. Uingley. or Kalatnaxoo. were electeddelegates to the National r4>nventlon.

A8HLAND. K i.. May 3.-The Kepi cans of the Ninth Congresslonul district

AND, Ky.

renominated Samupl J hy acclam.'nlon

May 3.-The Rppubll-n.Pugh for Congress

C. E , MIHM(l3iAltY L B A G IB *

T ilf I tk T tn i IN N KJlU AftK i.

D e lesa tes to H eform ed C'hnrrh Gaik-* er tn g W e lro m e il to Hew ilransw tck^

ttpSi-lsl Dlsl^atch tu ths NKWH,NKW BRL'NHWICK, .May 3.—A most un­

usual concession was mtide tu the 4jele- gftles of (he (*bVlatlan Endeavor Mlsaion- ary L<‘ttgue of the Reformed Church fu America (hla morning, when ihey visited (he Theological Seminary and Butgers College, and were given the freedom of every building of each Institution, even be­ing Invited Into (he rrcIlatlon-roomH. The Opening seaalor. this morning was held in (he cbat»el of the Theological fiemlnary, wllh Profeasor E. 8. Sihcnck* o f the sem­inary faculty, presiding.

Hav. Samuel W. Wuudbrldge, the Dean of the facutly* an4i one of the most venur- able divines of ihu Church, wul.'Oini’d the delegates* after which Hev. H. A. Kin- ports* seiTclary of ihe New Y'ork biiite Chrlatlaii Endeavor Union, and Ht.v. John G. Oebhard, rorreai»ondlng aei'rvLiry ot the Board of Eilucatipn, delivered jul- dreases, A uonferenoa for workers, k-d by Rav* A. L- Warnaliult, of the bemlnary, was foUow-uti by a reception lo ihe iJele- gatea by the faculty and itudenta u( the seminary.

The prpaidcnl a apnual ftddrcHN nill be Ihe feuiurc o f (he afternoon se!4»l4>n.whii h vdll bo follnwisl by (he ele4-tUiii nf ofllc»*rn. The convention will be brought to a cloae this evening with a devoilonnl aer\ii'e in tlie First Reformed Church. folloW4‘d by a reccpilon (o Hie didegales by the Christian En(l4»H\nr sodedea o f the clly.

!*ftBt night the church was lilled in over- fltiwliig at iho iliinv" ’ aensirin,lull by llev Dr f ffc#*.. , l-JI? of JeraoyU'lDV pieKlduhi of the Bonn! of DomesHc MIskIoti? lt4‘V- Dr. C. IT. Ihtol, corrospond- Inif s4-«'reuir.v of the Board of Doin4*sr1c MbHKlnii!*. Itui Hev. Winium HtiM Wmiani- HOii, vk'c-prosldcnl o f the f ’hilsllup Mirt* slobary Lciigiie 4>f Phlttulclphift. ikdlvcretl iuldrt-sAiiA upon d4>meatlc mlHSlons

Thun fuUowrd one of Ihu most Inti-n-.-*!* Ing fu-miius of (ho conV4>ntlon -ihc prus- mladon nf Ihi* banner to the league hav­ing ra1i?ik'il (he largest sum for thu work- Thp burmer weni tu the league nf the Re- rnruu'd cluircii ul Zeelfturl, Mich . an<1 whon Ihe flimounccment was m:i4le It was

M nllcra Are kittoolhed O ver and (he t'onteat ICa4led

LINCOLN. Neb. May 3.—Thia tickol Whs nomintud here ypsterduy hy the Re­publicans: For (Jovurnor, Charles 11.Dietrich, of Haptlngs: for Lkutemint-Governor, K. IV Biivage, o f Custer; for 8p4TC(«ry of tRatP. Gc4»rgc W, Marsh, of Fnlls CMty; for Treasurer, Wllllatii 8iupf- fer* f)f Cuming; for Auditor, Charier Weston, of flhcrldaii; for Attnrney-Gen- erftl* Frank N i ’rout, of 0 «g c : delegates- al-lnrge to the nailiXiul cunvenHoii, Ed­ward R4*sewaler. Senator John M. Thurs­ton, John H. Mrl'lay, John A Ehrhardi; nltiTnatcM-Ht-iarge, Norris Brown. Mr. 8rj4KlgraHrt, H C. Baird, Charles Kaley; Prealiiuntlttl electors. John 1. Nesbitt, H. B. Wlndom, Edward Hoyce, L. W. Haig, R. F. Davlclaun. Ja4ub L. Jacobson, John L. K4*nnetly and Jolin L, Lftnd4*r. Kvery- luuly was vindicated With two excepR'^Tis thu fliale ticket was nominated by hccIr- muiloh. The contest over delegates-nt- large, centring In the fight made 4vn I ’ nlt- ed 8tatea Renalor Thuraton, caused In­tense excitement while tha roll whs Ijelng I’lillpd. But when itii* result o f (he ballot­ing ahowMl (hat h(»th the Senator and Ed­itor Roa4.'‘watur. win* headed the nnH- Thurston miivumunt, had been elected, rlip C4mventloii gav4 Itself up to the wlldusi of 4’heering

The platform adopted Indorsed (he flnflii- rlal leglftlHiloii of the party and declared that, ''W lillf w> Hre unalterably 44ppo»ud (0 ImperlaUsm ami mtlUaiiam as practlsol by Europ4!'Mn nntlnns. wa are willing (45 hc- capt all the Jiglilmnte results of Honor- ible warfare and we assume the tmrduns

o f governing nml Holding territory "Deciariilloim wore made In favor of a

largK nsvy and in opposition to a lAT p■ standing army In (Ime Of peace.


Bnonton U em oera la 3fontlDste*Dispatch 10 1H« NEK'^.

liUKiNTUN. May 3--T h e Boonlon Demn- crate hekl th4*lr prlmarv Iasi night In ihe opera h4»upe anu pul in n^imlnullon the ftflHvwlng ticket to be voted for nt ihe iharlur election to de heM on Baturday: Mavor, J Al4ien Oavlonl; Clerk. Abram V. 'Doremus, Comicllmen. John Barrett. WlMIfim C. fluiman, James Cunmlnghum. Edward I*. Looker

8T A T IS T IC 9

Papw latloB (Mil—Te lep h on e 9e r^ lc eInatM lteil—44,819 In Treaanrir*

WABHINGTON. May 3.—Aaalstant Sec­retary Hacked has received an Interest lag report from Captain Leary* Naval Governor of Guam, dated March 10, giving dclBlIi o f the population and flnftnclal con- dliion of the laiand

It nppears from this report that the total popujatlon Is a,64T. o f which number 3.128 are males over seven years of age; 3.G80 are females over seven years, and 1,863 are children under the age of seven. Three fourths o f the people live In the district of Agana and four-flftha of ihls number are In the city of Agana. which has a pop ulatlon of 6,345. The next most populous vUlagea are Asan, with 266 InhabUanta Tepungan. with 200 Inhabitatiia. Anigua, with 148; Slnahana, with ]44; Carolinaa, with ninety. The population Hy districts Is given aa follows:

Agiit, 744; Bumay. 566. Tnata. 126. Merixo, 451. and Tnarahan, ilh. These Ilgurea show a alight pppp4^n4lerance of females over males among (he natives.

According to Governor Leary, there was 32.171 In Mexican coin In the local treasury July l, 1890. The receipts from that date to January 1, 1900, were 19.415, and the expenditures during the same period w‘ere 36.767, leaving in the local rensury January 1, 34,819 In Mexiesa cur­

rency.The Governor reports that the evaporat­

ing plant recently entabll^heil Is In ex cellent condition, that a sieam sawmill has been erected and Is ready for work and that a successful telephone system in operation between Fill and Agana. The officers o f the stallon ship Yosemlte are making a topographical survey of the Isl' and, and are represented to be In good health and spirits.


Ita lia n B arb er R e lieved 4fi H ave An* no j ed Many ttllaab e lh W oinea*

Hiwclsl [UapBliH 10 the NKWtt.ELIZABETH , May 3.-For several

m4inihs women walking the strecta at EllxabethfKJrt have been badly scared by a mynterloiiR individual who would steal up behind them and violently pinch them* then running away. Numeroiia complaints were made to the police, but the officers seemed unable to enptura "Jack the Fincher," as the unknown was called.

Lust night H woman met Officer McNa­mara and inforraed him that she had been followed on High street and severely pinched hy a man who had afterward run away, but not before aha secured good look at him. From her description the policeman shortly afterward picked lip Jatne. Roth, an Italian Jourpsyman barber* twenly-flve years old* tnar- rlt'd, who resldea on 8outh Fifth street. He was loitering In the shade of a housA Bt (he lime and trfed to escape wh4»i3 the nffleer espied him Ho put up a stout ri'HlRiance when seised, and the policeman was forced to use bla club to bring him Into Bul>miss1on.

The fellow fully answers the description given by savernl wumun of the pincher, and a dosen of them will confront him to­morrow at police couri, where he will be arraigned, He refuses to talk.


Cobalt and HU W ife HrunHed A jter Thirteen Yrora,


COFFEEh a s been passed upon by critical co d ee-d rln k ers as superior to other b r a n d S '-h en ce it ’ s the leading coffee to -d ay . These dealers sell it. O ther se lle rs ' nam es w ere published in n o n d a y ’s, T u esd ay’ s and W e d n esd a y ’s papers.





SIXTEF.N n l AVK.NCE. CHAS. m i ' e:l i .e k .


d W , I .E R * S E ! f t / *

I o b m a n ’ ^ I mJc IcC T c o .,t-1ei.PESHINE AVENUE.


C. FISCHER..'.,*. Warren,











H. BERNER, Irii,

' i * l l-

NonitnatiTB knnllnvv fo r P rea ld ra l and 44l<t|ita « P lu tfo rm .

HO(’ K JflI.A.ND 11!., May S.-Thu I'nltud GHrl.‘4lliin pfiri; umlonal convention uluxrd lam night wHH the nomination tif lipv. fl. Swiilhiw. nf Harriahurg. T'*i . fnr Pruxliluiii iiiiil Juhn G.W oolley.of i ‘ lilciigii. for Vlo»>-pruNiil.-nt. Th « enilrc acNnioji in- day wft}. ituT-iiuti lo tha p4\'paraHon of a pliiifMrin wlJrh. att nnally du-cliirca thill ihc time b ** arrived whuu tiui (‘ turniii |irlTii lpl**«4 o f JubiIck, in**rcy jind love. HM un. jnpUfled In the life nml h’arh- Ings Ilf Ji-iiiiN f'tirlat, should he utTihod|(>d In lliu I'oTiwiUullun o f (he nalloii find up- plle<l ll! ifimrulp form to every fiim'tinn of gu'k* riiTHi'nt. The piatferm furlHur dc- rhiTF'H for Ih*' adoption Of a NVHluni of IpKiHlitiliiM known a* the liiith ilhe and ruf*;rumliim. together with a pruponlotmle ri-pr('NuniiiU(iii anti Imperative mamlute, i1u4/ai'u>i I’m political, BOclu! nml utomiinlc C4piiili(\ nf Ihe aexej*; condemns mob vliiltmr iind outragea: declan’s ngaluRt war aii'i il< niamls arbllrHimn of imUoTUil ami 1ni7innilonftl dlapulcw; fUviaruH for ImnoLilaP Hhoiltlon o f ih* nmnufanuro and Mh' of Intoxicating liquors uh a bev- ♦•nig**, iiumiinda (he enarimeni of inwa pr.ihihuing Ihc sale o f tohirco to minora: rluTnanriH dully reading of tlie lUhle In pul liu '1,'holn and Institution i of ivsrnlng '•Millr 'lli d hy the Slate: durlnn’M for Gov* rriim«’iii ownership of public iiilhHus. find for thu ulection of Rreeidunt. 'l^e-P^e^^L d*-ni nml rnlied Stales Honaiors by direct vo(f- id ibe people.


IL F.,KB!;MWjEliE, 711

A. Ha UIER, !«».

2d.I. 10*.I'NAM.ISS.



I frank BDlof.ANN.iij A. H. .H(R. sunn,/, w.- n I.. I’HII.U1>IM.III.

' STKUUESTKEET l.l.«l.l'KKDMMEH. IM.1 r, F, M ILf-ERji:,


SlIMMKfe a v e n u e M.OOSKIBK.JSl.■' ■ J8BAUM.F. NUS:______.1. iIULIURBI.■I.F. McLAOAN, » l ’.


W « O lT « Y o u BftOk Y o u r H o n ey I f th e C offee Isn ’t K tg h t.


Huikiklilleana M rr l In l> e (ro l(—M aar ('sn d ld illea f 4»r (io v r rn o r .

IiKTHOlT, Mich. Mny 3—Harmony suinivd 1(1 be the distinctive fuatura when iiiu U4*publk-an Staiu Conveinion met attioun (n-day.

( 'iiiiverBatlon anumg (He i>Ik crowd «>f d«'li‘Kate« and csnOidHieM during the morn- tiiK turned mort' 4ipon Up; chances of the Mg hatch of cftndlilHirM (or Governor and oijHjrHiate officers than utioii the work of (o-flay'a cunveiiilun. namely, election of doU’gatPB al iHrgu and a State comndtlec,

■ , '/ reaoiuHoim,n waa .na.. Interest In the

nominating cnnvrnihin, to he held later* will be ifemurpleiia The Republican lead- era believe that a iiomiimtloa in Michigan will be e<f«ilv«'f4*fn, practicRliy, to an elec­tion.

kpeulal Dltip«i’:;h to Ihe NKU t'.JERSFV t:iTY . Way ;i.-Lcvl B, Cohen,

of Scranton, Pa., and Sarah Sands, o f this city, who were divorced ihlrtean years ago, were remarried y4'j<i4'rday afternoon by Justice of tho Peacf^ James K . Mur­phy at tils office at NEntt'i mid ICrie atreats. The gruom gave hla agu thlrty-aeven years and (he bride said she had Just l>asae<l her thirty-tUth tdrllKlny.

Jualtce Murphy H’ariied from the biidegtooTn that hla parunu had bIttoHy opposed hla Drat marriage bf-cause o f the fact that ho was an urtliodox Jew and Mlaa Sands a Catholic. THu relatives of Mlsa Sands were equally av4>rae to her marrying a Jew, but the two, heedless ck ihe obstacIPB placed in (Htdr wayf.oon‘ traded a civil murrlugc In I'lttslon, ,Pa. Differences developed In the course of time and Anally a divorce was secured. For several yeara the couple saw noth' ing of each other and In (he Interval both Mlaa RamlN* and Mr ('olien’S pS' rents died. Some time >igo (he couple met and deddi’d (u be remarried.

Moned a Baaavdger Train*apeuial DlBpatuh tn the NEWS.

LONG BRANL’H. May 3-Conductor Mulftjrd's train, which left t'ornmunipaw 4>n the Jersey Central Rallruiul fur Polni Pleasant at s:43 this morning, was atonei while pausing under the BaUlmoie anti Ohio RaUroao bridge south of Klisabeth avenue. A Stone was hurlefl thruugh a window where a woman sat, who boarded the tram at Blixabethivirt fnr Perth Am­boy She escapefi being struck by the stone and broken window glattH, but thebroken glass felt heavily ui^m a uuckai containing a valuable vase, whichhad lying pieces.

upon the seat* biu-aklng it to

Boer Delegalea f*a»Te for New Totk.ROTTERDAM* May S.~Thc Boer dele­

gates were warmly greeted lu-day they drove to the quay and boarded tha ntenmer Maasdam, o f the Holland-Amer' iuah Line, bound for New York. Dr Levda* the diplomatic agent of the Trann vflftl* will accompany thi‘ party " Boiilogne-aur-Mef. ^

J n d s iu en t A ga fn a t lIH nota Hoad,NKW YORK, May L-^A Judgment fpr

387,51)3 waa obtained lo-day in tha Bu- prenie Court against the Fanrift, Decatur and KvanavlUe Railroad Company of IIU-nola lt\ favor o f Marcus TAjtygi^rm aft as­signed H.^L^Nlrn^a A-Co. toK

O’Neill’s.Great Sale of

Fine French FlowersA t L e s s t h a n C o s t

o f D u t ie s !

50,000 Bunches!Including all the Latest and Choicest Noveltief,

lOc., 25c. and 48c. each.Sixth Ave.. 20th to 21st St., N. Y.

O'Neill’s.Two Great Bargains in

Women’s SuitsAt One Price!

HEN TAILORED SUITS of Venetian with jaunty Jacket, back seanwstrarrfj ancl neatly stitched, Skirt is the new flare J shape, entire suit lined with Taflfet........................... dAlso, 25


COVERT CLOTH SUITS, new Eton Jacket, with stitched taffeta band around collar, cuffs and reveres;Skirt has the new flounce effect; also with stitchedtaffeta band, percaline lined...........................

Separate Dress S k irts ,

w orth 7.50, for

They are made of Genuine Bannockburn Suitinifs, have the new inverted Plait, are Percaline lined and bound with Velvetine, They are without doubt the Greatest Bargains in town.Exceptional V alu e tn S ilk Shirt W a is ts — „ .All the newest ideas in Plaitings and Cordings



6fh Avenue, 20th to 2!st Street, New York.

A rm y Urdara,WAflIUNGTON, May 3.-MftJor WilliamUorguto, aurgeon, haa bran r ’llevrd from

duty aa chlt f aurgeon. Deparlmeni ofrgetHavana and IMnar del Bio, and ordered lo report to the ('nmmandlng General, Di­vision of Cuba, for aaalgnment to duty.

Major G. S. Cartwright, Quartermaster.United Statea Volunteers, at Matanxas, haa been ordered to Havana for duty as Chief Quarlermaster, Department of Hav- ani and Plnar del Hlo.

Major Stephen W. Groibeck. Judge Ad­vocate, hue been relieved from du(y In the Depnrtment of California, and ordered to Manila for asalgnmeni to duty, relieving Major John A. Hull, Judge Advocate* United Statea Volunteera. who la trans­ferred to duty In the Department of Cali­fornia.

Wataon « a the W ay Home.WASHINGTON, May 3.-The Ilagnhip

Baltimore, with Rear-Admiral Wutaon aboard, has arrived at Kobe. Japan, en route to the Untied Statea. The Glacier has sailed from Sydney for Brisbane. The Adams hBR arrived at Banta Crui. The Buftalo, with a crew of landsmen aboard, haa Balleil from Hampton Roada for Fayal on a training cruise. The Porter and the Dupont h«iv4* sailed from New York for Newport. The tori>edo boat Gwlnn at An

polls has been ordered to Newport and will aall June 11. 'The achool ship flt.Mary's has sailed from New York on a training crulB4*, which will take her to Bouthampton. Havre. Gibraltar and Ma­deira* returning to New York about Oc­tober IS.

M ore t'om iiitaenry Sersean ia ,WASHINGTON', May 3.-The President

has approved n recommendation of the Secretary of War (hat the authorised number 4sf Commissary Befgeanta In the arm^ be Increaaed from ISS to 200*

An in te re s lln g je r a e y lan d m a rk . I l lu s lr a le d s y e r la l sfor]^ la A a la r-day 's Issue o f the IVR\VS.

K earny and Arllairton,John MeSherry. who gave several 4]lfter-

ent places as hU home* .wax arrested Ituit (night by Officer Slncock. of Kearny, wno thougnt he was acting In a auspicious manner Recorder Krebs to-day sent him to the Hudson County Jail for ninety days for vagrancy.

John Carlonia, an Italian, was arrested for rag idrking eorly this morning by James Hanldn, of Duke street* Kearny. CartonU was locked up.

Kearny Council No. m. Knighta of Co­lumbus, metcast night arid conferr^^ the drat degree on six candidates.

Copritone Lodge No. UT, F. and A. M of Kearny* will meet to-night to confer ihe Master Mason's degree on one candi­date. A treasurer will alao He elected In place of the late John Creltfhion.

The annual meeting of me Democratic Rxecuttve Committee of Hast Newark will be held at Ihe Borough Hall JMonday



Klgi . .ned. Alfred Senior has

ifl. -John Kay has l>een plecicd a member of

bland Hose Company Nu. 4 of Kear- rvslgned us a

member of the company.The senior grade of ine .............

Ing claps ana the St. Paul Hinging class.Arlington sing-

of New York, gave a Joint concert, under the direction of Robert Wnrnork, of Ar­lington. at the parish house uf Ht. Paul’sChurch, a Vesey itcoet, New York City, last night. A number of the residents of


ArUngton attended the eonc4TiThe Daughters of Rebekeh of Arlington

will give a "Dinner HoHahle" next Wednesday night at their lodgeroom in paternity Hall.

The women of the Arlington Methodist Church will hold their annual flower sale Oft Tuesday. May IS.

Prom the ftnanclal report of the First Preabyierlan Church of Arlington for the past year It appears that the sum of $&,Z12 has been raised during the year. The’ money has been disbursed as follows; Ex penees* 14,400; home missions, 3352; for­eign mlsjdons, 32UU; miscellaneous chari­ties* CNO.

During the past three weeks twenty famlilea from New York and Brooklyn have taken their residence in Arlington.

The ChrtitTan iflndeavor Society o f theArlington PresbyteiiaD Church will hold an "animal soefaT on Tue^*y_evenlnf

W e don’t often use that word “ bargain.” It means someth inig when we do.

Several lots of Young Men’s and Children’s Suits arc low, so we drop prices to a “ way down” level in order that the goods m ay find new owners very, very quickly. There are just about enough of the following to last a day or two.

107 Young Hen’s Suits, 8.50that were $12 and $10,

Soft, velour-faced fancy casaimere, ‘ fine all-w ool mixed chevioti and worsteds and blue wide w ale diagonals. Some of the coats have silk facings. N ot the slightest detail has been neglected that w ould add to their w earing quality, appearance and style. S iie a 14 to 19 ye?rs. T h e larger sites w ill fit sm all meu.

110 Chlldrep'a Vestee 2.75Suits, were $4, $5, $6,

Every suit made from pure wool— fancy cassim eres and ch evio ts-*jd ark( m edium and ligh t colorings. , Collars and shields handsom ely embroidered w ith fine silk soutache. O rig­inal prices were a third less than others asked lor same grade of goods; hence an unusual saving. S izes 3 to 8 years.

BO YS B IK E SU IT S— A lot of these' suits (8 to i f i yea rs), are reduced from % ,$ o and $4 to forknock-about w ear. " .

Stoutenburgh’s,797-805 BROAD STREET, CLOTHING ROW.

C je a mW e are now offering bargains in the B icycle line that have neVer

before been heard of in the city, or any other city. N ot cheap bargain- counter kind, but good, serviceable, new , high-grade B icycles at prices w hich cannot be equalled. O ur prices, w hile they la tt , ere as follows :

fu r H ryau -NORFOLK. \a.. May 3.—ThL* Domo-

cratlc Btutv ronvomlon adJourneU al mi<l- nlfht last night nf(er reaffirming ihe Chi­cago iilatform of 1S90, indoralng Bryan for renomlnatlof( for iha Pra«lilen4.y. making the call for a C4>natltu|lonal convention a party affair, ami Indoralft* »th« propoalllop to Hubmlt (ho revised Conitltutlou to (b« people fnr ratlfloathin or rejection. John L. Jeffers and Judge WlUtam H. Mann were xelecied $■ eleciors-at-large and

money advanced In lS8l..

MlDfog Compaajr laeorponiredsDOVKR. Deh. May 1—Certifleatea of in-

t’orporatlon Were tiled here lo-day for Iho Cape Nome. Alaaka. Mining and Drifdg- Ing Company of New York CUy. capital

and the Alert Manufactoritig

_ -- . -jgat the home of F» C. Platt, 210 Beech atreet, Arllftltton- ' „ w. .. *.*

’ ‘Fhyllli. the Farmer’a Daughter*” will bo^waoented by the aenlor jprade of the Waiffioek finging daaa In Hallnext Thunday nlgbt. Mlaa Helen Baxter,

A "poim dwcltblfi" w »» beta !• » { ttlihi under «h* sn^cee ot the Ijffle * AM Bo- clety ot the^retJBeptlet Church ot llnztoii » t the teetdence ot Mn. H. W. Cmwfonl. at Keaniy and Stuvveeant ave- nuee. A mu&al and lUetary entertain­ment wai rendered.

SpalilRig Ricor. iBodd 322, Mill Insii, at $35.00 S|isMiii|r Roadster, model 922, Meek flidsh, 30.00 CiewM Ricer, modM 57, - - * * 30.00 Grewidnl Ledies’, modM 54, pee eml Meek, 20.00

JUVENILES.Beys' Grawfoid 26-ieeh Wheels,. - rdih’.finwfofd 26-ioch Whsels, - Boys’ Ciewford 20*iiiEh Wheels,

: 20.00- 20.00- II

Obmpany o f New York Ctiy.'fn manufao-’ and I “ 'ture And oell the hammock bk^^la

saddle, capital | .<Ki0.

Hnroed to Death al Bonrire, PATERSON, May I.—Mamie Baloman,

two yearn and ten moftthe old. died at the General Hoapirni at 11 o'clock last evening

are mnight, th e >rtow lng

the lyoetini will

apL.„ __________ , ___ , ______from the effect of burn* received whlU playing about a bonflre in the yard at tha

„ rear of her home, at 31 Crowa itreol, yea* Senators Dnnlcl and Marlin, Governor Ty- j Lerday afternoon.

Seamy ave- ' ) proMQled

lombara of t: ”Boagb Dig-

imah iSafl^*ani &e- . Bot<[|er” - k l la Van-

. and *^1*4™**.Murphy and 'HeCabc. BJIIF rMlu (^ImaF, HIM HeQoldrleK U lia ly and Mlaa Ksnny. P. J. CphnplF wll manate tha prodttaitoaa.

I f you w ant to ride a Spaldtug Chainleaa, 1899 model, every bit as good as the 1900 model, you can have oue at $45.00.

Besides these bargains in Bicycles* w e w ill offer from now on bar­gain s in several departm ents at unheard of prices, ,

moDu M auri. . Ooldriek. ■ay, M lu

5k. " M v la ’a>u M. Quinn,






' T H S 2 V 1 S W 0 l » O I R O f 7 X ; « A T l O J W « a « 4 0 O OO A ILY FOB T B > N O R ta OP MABOH.


NEWARK EVENING NEWS. THURSDAY. MAY 3, 1900.'' ■" . ' ...... .


<Contlnu.d tro n FIrtt P a .*-)


F I tn YEAIS IT M i m

th§ chtrccter of th « wom«n who ctino Into th« mloon.

The P ro p r ie to r * SentrurM l.H tU wfttf irntenced lo Ihreo monthi

In th« penUfnilary wlhtoul th« al- trrnaUve of pnylnf a line, l i t of­fered to pay any amount rafhrr than go to Jatl, but thla waa not ai lowed. KUenlierg w a* made to proinl** that the plsi’t would be eniircly eJoned up and on that condition alono wae allowed the prlvHi'g^ nf paying n |TjO line. He de­murred at having to cloae up, aaylDg that all hU money waa Invcatt d (here.

"It makea no dlfferrpi'e." amid JuJge l.,amibert, ’‘either you cioaa up or go to the penitentiary. The^e vile placea muai go, and we'll begin with you. I want iheaelotin entirely done awny with and not a penny’* worth of buJilneaa done there any more by you people or any one etae who dtten not conduct a reepectable plnce. Underatand now, n i line you and the place rouat be cioatd."

Klaenberg aatd a* noon aa he could get hi* flue paid he would aell out the aal*>on.

EtaenherK wan not atala to pay hla tine and wa« committed.

Olhftr P rIao B c ra D lao h a rgcd .Judge l^m bert dlacnarged the other

prieoucra with a warning that If arreated again they would be heavily dealt with.

Captain Corhllt autd that Juat u* »oon a* evidence could be obtained other iuapect- ed disorderly houiRea would be roidrd. Chief Hopper, too. Haya that there U to be no cesautlon of the work until every dl*- orderly houHC I* closed up-

"W e arc collecting evidence every day." he laid, "and will do the work aa thor­oughly aa W€ know how. The Police Com- mltalonera have Isaued Inatructloni that there is m be no let up and we, that la, (he Caplaiiis and myaeif, will follow these In- atrueiioni."

T h « 8 « a « * s A s o n a e R m l4 .A complaint of theft ntade by Ji»ieph

Malla. An ItalUn, o f 324 Bank ntreet, against Laura Cuatin, colored, of fo 8us> ■eg avenue, led to a police raid on the woman'a home early last night. Bcsldoi tha accuaed live colored men and one while woman, Agnes Turner, were arrested and charged with dlaorderly conduct. The Turner woman Is iwenly-two years old and had a room In the Sussex avenue house. She enyi a colored man with whom she lived left her last August. Mella was held In Jail all last night as a wltnesa-

Tbe other prlsonera aald they were Jerry Abener, thirty-four years old. of 3 Crane atreeti W ^ te r Franklin, twenty-one years old, of 268 Prince street: Charlea Brooas, thirty-eight years old, o f 9 Newark street, rear; Frederick Mead, twenty years old. 68 Sussex avenue, and Daniel Hedden, forty-flve years old, 16 Lock atreet.

In the Second Precinct Police Court thli rtiornlng Malta told Judge Lambert that (he Castin woman stole aeventy-flve cenia from him while he w as calling upon her.

Detective Fallon then preferred more aerloua complaints against the women prisoners. The Court found them guilty and sentenced them lo the penitentiary for sixty days each. The men were pa roled, after promising to appear in court aa witnesses lo the caae of James Stack house, colored, the reputed leasee of the house. Policeman were sent out to find Biackhouae and his wife.

ESSEX TMOF TO lAlCI.W i l l Ow la | « C a m s wf T w o B fld g o a

O ver N igh t Swtwrdwr u d R e* tw rw 8 oil d o r*

The Essex Troop Is to have a two days* practice march with full campaign equip­ment on Baturday and Sunday. Orders No. 8, notifying the troopers to be on hand came out on Tuesday. The march will be to Two Bridges, at Mountain View, and the troop will return on Sunday.

The troopers will agaemble at the Armory early Saturday morning. "Soots and Saddles" will be sounded by Trum­peter JL|nmy Dougall « t B;46 o'clock and assembly at I o'clock.

The troop w|U eaJly fprtb in light narcit. Ing o r te with poncM^ cantaent and orar- coata and Itetlgue anlfonniv Noaebaga are to be oarried lor the horses. The only arms the troop eaery wAU be the ptstoL

The troop may be ordered to the State camp at Sea Qirt from July 7 to 11, and It may possibly be ordered from the armory en July 4* Corporals Hurtson, Van Rensaelaer and Roome. who have been elected Sergeants, have received their warrants for the higher ofBce. all having paesed tbelr examloatlona Lance Cor­porate Burgees and Tepper have been war- reated Corporals.


D Iep a te O ver tk r O w avrek lp a f tka R v la k a rd t B ap resi Cenpam y B e*

eaased la Cliaar*r|r casa ibevar

The hearing In the contest between for­mer Freeholder Henry fl. Reinhardt and hie brother, Ouslav F- Rt'lubsrdt, over the ownership and conduct of Uelnhard^ E x­press Company, was renewed, after nu­merous delays, this afternoon before Vice- Chancellor Emery. In Chsiicerj’ Cham- l»efp. The original prtHeedlnga last year were Instituted by Henry ItelnhanU In the form o f an appUcutlon for an Injunction to restrain his brother from dlaiHining nV the biMlneas. pending a heuriuK A<n an action for the appulntmeiit of a rerelvar. Those proceedings resulted In a viriury for Gus­tav Hi-lnhsrdl, the Injunction being de­nied.

l.juer Chandler W. Hiker liMcame the rr»mplanliiat s coutiael. A numih ago Mr. niker hied a HupplemeiituI bill, (he 4»bject of which w'Hs alinllHr to \iw tlrxi. It was on ihtit that the case Lame up to-day for a hearing.

Mr. Ulkt'r announced at the outset thnl h»- hud pretmreil adidivliM answering thost‘ tiled by the: ilili-niituu and served ln«>m on Corra N. \N'llll>tmii. Lounael for Gustav Reinhardt.

‘ lan'i -hnt a little Irn'guJHr?*' asked Mr. Williams,

•Mr. Rlker cxiilulned thiif he ihought he would HO gain ittnc, and added: "The uA- davits are new matter."

"Pneumatic, did you say?" put In James R. Howell, representing SVllkluHOp, Gad­dis A Cu. *

"N ot at all." declared Mr. Rlker; "new matter. 1 said "

Wilklnaun, Gaddla A Co. hold a I2.W0 mortgage on the bualne**. given by Gus­tav Reinhardt.

The trouble that h*d lo the present snd pnst llUgiition tN-gan prior to deptetltber, 1KW, when Gustav and lltnry Reinhardt were partners. Henry then withdrew from tht' firm and Gustiiv continual io conduct the buelnt'SH on his own account. Guatav flclnhardt aayi that the iiartnership ha* never been renewed. The other says It has been renewed by vcriiaf understanding. Last October Henry Uclnhardl made a note for 11.000 to Gusiav Rrlnluirdt. A t Us maturity, it Is said (hat he failed to meet It, and Gustav Reinhardt foreclosed a mortgage on Henry's share In the busi­ness, which, It Ih •4Hld, had been given as security for the bmn.

Henry Reinhardt maintained that tht foreclosure was lIlcKul and was rendered so by hla broihtT H actions, l ie allege* that the notices of the foreclosure sale, which the law retiuirca lo be posted, were lo in down a l the Ineiiinec of Ouslav Beln hardt. By way of lAhowlng why the note had not been paid Henry Reinhardt point' ed out that his umlcxriHndlng that th« partnertihlp W'hh <'>!niltiuc(l was suOlcUnt reason for the and furthermoreexplain* tjiat wh<‘n the note became due he was dengemusty lit at hla cottage In 8<'wajren and could not attend to It.

It was argued by Gustav Reinhardt that the admitted fact that his brother was al (he time a bankrupt was Bufflclent to make Henry Reinhardt's claim to equal rights In the partnership "beyond comi»<h*nslon."

Henry Reinhardt, It l« said, now admlU that he made a mlBtnke In claiming an equal partnership hi the huelnesa when the former application was made for a re celver. He now declares. In the supple mental bill, that (tu^iav, at that time, had no Interest In the husines*, and still ha* none, being, he asHcn*. only an employe o f his. Henry Reinhardt *ayi that at the time o f a dissolutlnn sale Qualav Rein­hardt surrendered hi* partnership right* to him. Subsequently. Henry Reinhardt says, hla brother was hired by him as an employe.

CouQsel began the reading tonSay of eighty odd aflldnvliii and counter aOl- davlts. The original contentions over the posting and destroying of notices o f Oub- tave Reinhardt’ s foreclosure were re­verted to and denied. On behalf of Henry Reinhardt, It was further declared that during the recent period when he ha* had nothing to do with the business. Qua tav Reinhardt has not attended to its management, the result o f which ha* been. Henry Reinhardt avers, a material loss o f patronage.

In depoaltion* presented hy Ouatavs RelnbardVa counsel It was alleged that horse* used when Henry Helnhardt had charge o f the business were so ill-fed and maltreated that numerous flnes were Im posed for cruelty to animals, and that some o f the beasts died from neglect and starvation.

Tfaeae allegations Wire'den lad in fu ll In affidavits submitted on behalf o f Henry Reinhardt, which further asserted that Guatav Reinhardt had employed animals such aa Henry had been accused of using. H e alleges that Gustav Reinhardt's em ployeg have lately been repeatedly ar reated and fined for the oifences.

R e ee rd o f Q e a e m l M o o A rtS o r , W k o

Roe B t tm L e ft l a C o M M a n i

In Ik * PblllwpiBO**By the return from (be Philippines of

Major-GenerHi Otis there la left In com­mand Major-Gvneral Arthur MacArthur, H e is expected to end the war, to pacify the Filipinos snd cstahllsh peace through­out the archipelago.

Up to the lime of General Lawton's death General MacArthur w as third In rank, so while ho and I,awtnn had the chief tllrecthin of rlie field operations he was not free to utluj>t hts own plan of campaign. But now as Governor-General of the Island* and communder of all the fort'ea he ha* a fn-t> hand and may use his awn methods to tiring the FUlplnos tu terms.

It li now about forty >curs that General MacArthur has twi'o (UhMiig the battles of I'ncle Sum Hi huim- aud dbrgsd, yet he Is iiui an old nmn. 'itto Hcvret of this la that be Ix-gim when he whs elghieon. He t* not a U'ent lh>lnt muii. He learned tac­tics ami BiraU'ffy lui ihc battlelleld, and he studied evtiiutton^ mi imriolu grounds torn by shot and slull hii age when the average ciuioi Is cihluK the entrance exAimlnatlons wus h:4<liiiir a regiment Into battles. Mi* ho>hi<'>>i was spent iu Mllwaukt-c, when* hl» f.iHu-r whs a Judge, And It WHS thvro that ilic uurlm'ak Of the Civil W*i.‘ hrc<l hln luun with military umblUun.

By close attention in •ll.inlee's Tac- tlcH,” then' the munu i| nf Hie United Statss Army, young .\Ui.\nhur mastered the Intrlcuclfti i»f Infant rv ilrlll. and on the organisirilon of Mn- Twmtty-tourth Wiaconaln Kegiment, whuu wus known in

W a m a a W lio Ma^la C h a r ( a A s a la a tPo llaaB taa ■ t iek laa la la O aa iad r .DatMtlva Tyler arretted Harr Hufilnt,

etherwlae known aa H n . Hary Clark, at her home. !16 Bank atreet, thla mornini. The woman la held at poHoe haadauartera aa a wltnea, tor tha trial o ( FeUceman William Blicklai, e f the Second Freetnct, atalnet whom fhe haa lodced a lerloui charie.

■tickle, hai keen lutrended during tha put two w,aeki awaltthK trial baforfthe Police Board. After Mlaa Hunlna^ad made her allesatlona SUcklea wee or­dered before tha board. She refuaed lo appear and could tikt be found. The trial had to be poatpon«4 and *lnce then de- teotlvee have bben aearchirtf for the wK- nen. Stlcklw will ba arral<nad loma timethb week. It 1, aald. ___

---------------a--------------- -MABRIKD


n, m v is a T o if .

STANBAIP oil EAISES f AliES,SfOOO Mf>ii Abom f N ew Y o rk B eo e tv *

Iw o r e u e a fro m F ive to P lfteo w

F o r Coat—TJnie R edaotiow .NEW YORK. May l.-KmpIoye8 of the

Standard Oil Company In WlUiamsburg sod Oraanpolnt and liong Island City, to tha number of fully 6.000, to-day received an unaxpected advance In their wages and a reduction of one hour la their working time.

Tha Increase of wages Is from five to fifteen per oent. and affects laborers, Bre­men, llgbt«r-men, watchmen, etlU-men, packara, tin box makers, cooper* and pipemen employed In the various works o f the company.

G B IK lB T -A G R fPPA L B T T B R 9 ,

J « * « p k P a r k e r kays the t a v lo n * K e v e r W ro t e ftacb N oaaaaa*.

XiONDON, May L-Preaching In the City Temple to-day, the Rev. Dr, Joseph Parker, referring lo the alleged Christ Agrippa tnanuscripts, said be undertook to say Christ had never written "such In­conceivable nonsense."


(he Union Army as the "M ilwaukee’' regi­ment, he hecKme one of lie drill maaters, although holding no ofTlclat rank. So well equipped did he prove himself for thla work that on the departure of the regi­ment for the front many of It* nfUcen and men jieiltloned the Governor of the Stale lo appoint him Adjutant of the regi­ment- The request W'as Rfanicd, and (he boy nf eighteen went to the war as a regl- mentfll Adjutant with the rank of First Lieutenant.

The Twenty-fourth Wlsronsln W'ss In the thickest of Bherldan's fight al Mione River, and on that occasion It was commanded by the Major of the regltijeni. aewlsled by Adjutant MacArthur. The Twenty-fourth Inst half It* men, but MacArthur came through without a scratch, and his daring work made him the hero of the regiment Jrpm that time forward.

H e next dlailnguliihed hltnaelf at the bat tie of Missionary Ridge. Carried forward by an Impuise similar to that seen at (he slonning of Ban Juan hill, MacArthur'* regiment swarmed up height* where the Confederate guns were most actlva The men had almost reached the crest when there came a moment of indecision and confusion. No one knew Just which way to go. Then the color bearer was shot

In telling the story a Milwaukee veter­an recently paid: "W hen our flag went down there was nothing whatever to rally our line upon, ond then (he boy Adjutant made the second hit of his career In the Twenty-fourth. He seised the staff and waved Hie flag for a moment as a elgnal to rally on the center, then darted forward In the very crest and Into a battery, the leader of the whole line, the foremost of sixty battle flags then moving up the slope” For this ho was given a. medal of honor.

Major MacArthur. although only twen­ty, commanded the decimated regiment at the battle o f Keneaaw Mountain and throughout the remainder of the year IBM, until he won new laurels and received a serious wound at the battle of Frank­lin, A * IJeutanant Colonel be led the regi­ment during the remainder of lU career and was mustered out wUh it at the end of the war. In ISfiB.

MacArthur entered the Regular Arm y as a First Lieutenant and was promoted al­most Inwnedtately to bo the youngest Captain in the service. For nearly twenty years Captain MacArthur served with various regiments In the W eal and South­west. participating in several Indian cam­paigns.

In 1889 be became a Major and Assistant Adjutant General, He remained in the Ad- Jutant General's office until the outbreak of the Spanish War, having been promoted Lieutenant-Colonel In the meantime. He was then appointed a Brigadier General of volunteers and was sent to Manila with the first detachment of troopa to the Phil­ippine*.

There with his brigade he captured at a single blow the town and bridges of Malste, which wa» the most Important step leading up to (he surrander of Manila. Since that time his naiiM has been men­tioned constantly In the dispatchea from Manila, and hla work In carrying the campaign against Genaral Luna to a auc- cessful conclusion made him a Major Gen­eral of the line, tha youngest In the army. —Lieutenant H. R. Qaban,


Her Majasty A lw ays Taaghrt to Coo* etdao H o ro a lf a lo li lo f^ a s C b lld ,

From the IjOndon Dally N e# «,It may be tniereatlng to rerall Queen

Victoria’s attitude in the early (days of her reign toward h «r soldier*, e f whom ah* once said: "N oble fellow*, I fa «t as If they were my own children: my hessrt beats for ihem M for my nearest and deareel.** The Queen has never rorgoiten tliat tha Is a soldier’s child; asd when preeunting colon on one occasion to the Hcoxs Fusilier Guards she said: " I have associated with your nglm pm from aifj earliest in­fancy, as my dear father was/jmur Colonel. He was proud of his profesakei, snd I wss slway* litight to I'onsider norjielf a sot tiler's child.' When *n Infsot in arms her Majesty was present at n review at Houns­low Heath, to (he no liitle qmnoyance of (he Prince Rvgeni, who *a l^ "That Infant 1* too young to be brought 3mo public." The fsKhful attendant of her early child­hood w s* ai* old soldier, w bo’had been her faihiT’s hoiJ>guard. In h<r youth ihe Quivit heard ihe Huku of Wellington ■poken of v.lth hated (irenih, and on his death she *pt>ke of him as "uur Immortalhi'lg."

In the earliest years ofj t t t r reign the Queen was accustomed lo review her troop* moimicd on * criargsr dreised In military* costume, as a porlsalt of her In the (leil number of The Laclj'a Realm, lo whltdi we are InrleliieJ fop theio early reminiscences of her MsJo*tj|i,showa Tw o months after her sccesskm,, mounted on a gray charger, she wore a trim btua cloth coat and skin with h W ar on tha breast ami a roviml cap, with a |H«*k ofnamented with a deep gobUband. In reviewing for the first lime (he lli.>uielia>ld troops at Windsor.

],Bter on the Queen waasdressed In long habit with h tu iaw a^Jackei and a Urge hat urnsmenied ^ t h military plumes. At •om« levleuei In Hyde Park (he Queen wa* In a ilght fittlng bodice ahd her form encircled v.ith a bandolier, while In reviewing ihv tnficip* on their re­turn from the i'rlmea. h«ir Majesty wore a hahlt of fine scarlet cloih. the ooUar of which was embroidered t^iculd and sliver with the dr\ li'cs of a KieliTMarehal; across (he left shoulder wus tb^ blue ribbon of the Garter, while a brCUlant star gleamed on her breast, and fhoih'ned round her waist was a crimsor^ am) gold net sgsh fringed with gold lasseiw Her hat waa of black felt, with a roundcrown ornamented with sti offleer's plumo luf red and whta feathers. The Queen on that memor. able OK'cssbm a splendid rhestnut horse.

lit old lime*. to<», til* Queen delighted to stay at the I'avllgon st Aldershot, where she often rerrtvwl crowned heads and dlsilngulsbed sobBkin. her altling-room window she cbmmsvkded a view of the long valley strotiAng from Caeaajr's camp, and could witnofm the evoluUona of the troops with eu»c. Her Majesty subscribed llbernUy toward ihe Ibroe churches, numerous w’ho<»ls, rsadtdg- rooms, hospital snd theatre at Aldershot, and In every effurt Lo Jisprnve the condl tlon of the private aoMler ube has taken (he keenest personxl ’Ipiercat. The first death warrant she wum called on to sign was that nf a criminal who had formerly been In the army. "A re there on extenuat Ing circumstances?" askcii the Queen of the Minister, snd tlm reply wa* that he was once reported for gBJlaTi( action in the field. "Ah. th*'n, he Jus f«iight for his country tn the field," wold the Qiicen, and at one* joyfully wr<Jb* the word "Uar- doned" across the wrarnant.

It will thus be sewn that the Queen's Intense peraonal aympighy with her sol­diers in the field nowi and with their wive* and children, I* only the cnnllnua- tlon of a settled pnitoy, smich hah ebnrso- leriaed her whole Ufa, W ^lle In ihe piping times of peace (he common soldier has. nave by nursemaids, been held In IIm Iq es­teem by hlB felloww, the eMImnilon In which ha has been held by his sovereign has atw'ays been a high one. Fnr his In tere*(s and romforwi *Tie has been at all times concerned: snd the devoted loyalty which Inspires aJl ranks, from the Field Marsha] to the dnigiiner boy. is caused by a thorough apppeclstlnn and rci i'tgni tlon flf a long-rnntlnoied and never waver­ing devotion on the part of their h»inved sovereign to eoldlerg connldered by her as

; specially her own chfWHsen.

A N E W fiP .lPE IL ,

The N atch lto rh ex^ 'U M lo n " P rin ted ou W a i lg n p g r In 1HU3.

From Leslie's Weel^y,The greatest hardahlps of war *rs al

W'ays realised by G n people whose home* and other pasacssloDS are Included wUhin the area of actual Jmstllllles, For theae there are not only Uha suffering and be reavement s'hich come (rum (be casual ties of bstlle, but also the losses, prtva tlooB and other haodehipB going wirh the ruin and devasiatio* caused by the hosUle and contending fdtre*—ibo invasion of homes and the dfloiplllng of property. We are reminded of thee« things hy a unlq and valuable account of (he condition of affairs in tha Southern Btates during lha Civil W ar whMh a friend has placed In our hands.

U Is a country neovspaper printed on a strip of highly doqorated wallpaper. The newspaper Is the Nktchltoche* Union, of Natchitoches, La*., dated November 1861. It appears M m (he leading para graph on the edkoslBl page, In which the editor apologises ft>r having "come again before his rea d ea w Uh "an Illustrated edl tlon/' ihat this ww* not the first issue of The Vrion with a ^w)atlpaper backing. The "lllunlratlons," which consist of rosebud design* In high cedors, are certainly very striking, alth<n]gh| they have no obvious connection with \he text, which Is far from being roae-ctjlored In ton© and senU merit.

C M K m m x im .B a r ly n#c liik *s O w lw g * • H eaviness

la L e a v a r i e s l«ater.N ew Y e rk C e a i r a l 's nk i»,

NEW YORK. May A-Ths hcaviuc** of American slock* In London csusnl soma decHnes at ihs opening of (hr stix'k mar­ket here, but prices showeit si nu* rti'ovrry fntm the losses Incurred in l.omlon. The Iron stock* wore genrralty ttroni, Ten­nessee Coal rising IH. New York t'cntnil rose ncsrly a |K»lnl on the Mtticment of tbs threatened labor difficult) Hugar aft­er running off IS, ret'ovrrvil to last night’s level, A number of ratlrcmd s1>m ks showed ■mall gsln*.

A general ailvance m»M^d after Ihe hesitating opening, sentiment bring In­fluenced by (he rise In Hogar. Brooklyn TrsnsU and MetPipolllan dtrrel Rallwiy. Railway* wer» more pr>im1ii» nt than of lute, and some of the liading Kiorks rose

p4iilnl. Goixt stipjMirt w,m I'Xtcnded lo the metal •t<K'ks, shbh were recently under ]»resHvire, tiotubiv Hepuhllc Bteel arut Tennessee L'o*t.

The room traders eo|r] the coalers on Ihg publlahetl report <if auppori lo be extended to the new real rtmile lu tin* independent opcrativTs. Rcadtiix and Ontariosnd Wcsiern were must .Kllve and headed !hc declines A drop .*f i*j |n Missouri Facjfic aud a decline to a point below yes­terday’s close In hccentusted the heaviness of (he llsi U»ng Island ranff lo *3 and rreoven-d i>. M>, and Union

Bog preferred adviiior,j potnts. TheUmd m.irket wow doll and lower.

Tho Sled sliti'Kn elHTpii,-t! illghtly, but Sugar fell a iMilui- in-tow the lowest. The geiicrnl nmrket w.i* stiiKnani.

Helling of rtug^r t|#-T'roeeed R (o ItS^. but, 0* no avrnpathi'ilc effect was perceiv­ed on the geiieral ni nkci, the l>esrs look Ihelr stuck. IlfllnK S j>tar to R484. Eicept for vK'CHidonal flin tuouone of an Hghth or en lo the rallrootlH, (here vra* little to fndlcaie that they w r f dealt In at all.

The *leel stiM k* wi-n* m drmsnd, Bleel and wlro rlalng \o and ther* wss re­covery at oUuT puirus lit A very dull mar­ket. The citrping wmn dull end Irregular, snd net changes wvre for ih* most part sroall.

flhpIMKl.lHMi l> A S PH .iLT .

T be h a t io a s l t <iuipany In c a rg o ra ls st Oder Xew Jersey L a w * .

TRENTGN, May S-'l'he Nsflnnsl As­phalt Uompany, with un authorised cap- Ual of lle.OOO.tNW, was incorporated here to­day to mine ami In asphalt and cement.

Of Ihe I'wpUiii k, one-third 1« pre­ferred with sis r«-r cent cumulailvn iltvi- dandv. The Incurporwiofa nrs Wandcll P. Rice. Jsmes .M irr.iv Mllchell, George M Hanford, IN-ri \' II Hnimt'Sge and Ansel L. White, all of New Vork.

PIANOLA RECITAL.T U - fUiDiil- liu ■(

tn r t M 111- kiusutliiii of t l.-• I t mu>ld*im It n ilwon Ihelr uiM|it*li- tied «nndr>emeni.

la the PtoAlalom M arket,NEW YuKK. Miiy 3.—Flour, receipts

16.016 barrels; .{.mil pkgs.; fitnir HndWestern, quieter and rather sasy In lone, but no lower.

Wheal, recclpl?!. |N2,i»2S hn.; saica, 1.31'f,- 060 bu.; dud and l-iwer this morning b*-- esusd of bearish (HMre. a brewk In corn and tocAl reallsitig. Muv. 71 S-18^9-U, July, 7l|u®7-18. Heniemhrr. J-18.

Rye dull; Htate. rekn:,7 r I f New Vork car lots; No. 2 WcRiern. f o b sfinat

Corn, recel|)t,*«. bu.; ask*. ITiMnwbu ; active snd dr>r|ih*dly lower ae a result of IJquIdaiioii, fntlouing weakness abroad snd H break ar i'hliago; Usv.July. H. [.ieinb«r, 4W46Q

OalM, rciMijiiN. lA'infi hy.. dull and weak' er* track white,

Beef doll Pork easyLard—Weak, prime. Western alcam.

€.22 .Butter-Itere(|>r- fTT:! pkga.; firm. Stale

dttlr)’, Jobis'j, Si.i(i- erramery. Western crcflm#’fv. IK'-fiJO; factory, UKrH’i

rhppHP Ree l (pin. fi.KW pkg* : weakfancy large whlu-. fam ^ large r(jlnr«ed, runry small white, fancysmall colnred,

E g « —UcrrJit;-. pkl*.; firm, fttateand PeimaylvanlH fit mark, niuragMWVstern ai murk. regular packing Acmark. 12^3; Hnuthern al mark, IHrlliQ.

Pugar-Raw'. Tltni. refined, *tcady, Ufiffee- NumliJiil Molasses .nly.

**lt u u foniihing

to Mc thi» IMtk dt- vice at work cxe. cutin j the nurter.

p ic tn o f piinofofte IMcrelurc with i dcx(trtty, cJeemei* •nd vriocily which no pleyec. however jr te L c jn ipproach.

"Every one who wither to hur «Imo- Mely faultlcu, free from any lUnd of nervouancsi piano playln j thould buy a Pianola.

‘Ht ii perfection.” I. J. PADEREWJKI.

To-morrow. Friday, May 4, at 3 P. M.

Adnissioi C M F lin e iU r ; I* AILThe (’anota )i nukine pUyeri of peo­

ple who, Uckiof mutial trilmne. never expected toex^'erlencelhe pleasure of producinc muilc (or thtmselve&.

II Is increaxini Ihe repertoire oi inu- leur and profeastonil planlsU hv nuktne the entire literature ol the piano Instantly ivalkthle without study and without practice.

It looks like t small cabinet. It has email felt.covered lini;ers that rest on (he kevt o l the piano and, operated by pneumatic power, strike the keys with a pllaiil. yieUiniE and sympathetic touch that is almost identical with that of the human lingers.

When not In use (he Pianola may be easily rolled awiv from the piano and moved to another part ot the room.

P R O O R A W rIhudent............. Feu Follet. Op. ib, Nft. 6

Fiamila.ItMtlalP.........................('mil mini Ion iu li

.-btidlwll <>Trhei4tretie.Hejvekiiii.................. \ alw la'iite.Op. in

Plauiitn.t'hopm...... . •■. 'N'.H'iuriie, Up. a, .^o. a

Ptanola.Ktihemitein Kionnieiud ((atruw

d’ailiBii OrrheMretle.I.Lxrt.... — Khnmmlle llov,rTiuim. No. 6


TIim Plsnoln U not elinplya mevliianlral tiialruinMit, _ It l iu tHMlbllltlM (l* I t tE Ikeffo rlx wlili-li «p. tMUl lu HtlMlo 1*111- iwr-mentt.

"It is really won­

derful I can free­

ly My the Piaiwii

j iv u me m o r e

plcawre than I have

had from IhouMitdt

of lo-caRcd treab

of pianiatlc effod.

" I have heard a

jrcat many muikal

inventlona, but the

Pianola la the tint

which hai a rtaaon

for exutin|."


LAUTER CO.. 657-659 Broad Street

gEI IR IT IR g . 1 !«VBfTM BKTg. K Y l . lE C lH lT lK g, IffVBSTMBN'Tt, BTC.


C a p i t a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Surplus and Undivided Profits . * ,

$ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

$1,104,445.20-M.l.tlVV.S IN I'KIiK.S'L'ON dally bulaoce, of 11,000 or over, aubjeiTt to check

at xlght, aud tntuaacli a vpneral hauklog bualnaaa..\l TIIOKI/^KI) IM I.AW to act ax Kiccutor, TruMiw, Adminlxtrater,

(lunrdiaii, .kaeignte, rtncrlvei', and In all Judiciary capacitlea, both under court and irrr.uiiKl ainiointmeiil.

'I \KKS KXT'IRK (.'H.Mtt.K of Iteal and rerional K-taie*.liKNT'S MAKKb ANI> etorei valuablei tn well-guiirded Biirjlar and fire ­

proof \ aulU.(trA lt.W T K K H T l IT KN of Heal Ketata lhrou({liout New .lersey..Vcti ite Tnittee under Murl|CB,(e, ItegUtrar aud 'J'ranefer .kgeula o l Slocka aud

Bunds of t orporntloDx.C>15‘ F ' I C 1 5 W » i

rZ A I. U. M ct'A ItTK lt............................................................. l>ri>aMrnt.rOHN F. 1)IIVI>FN.......................................................Vice-President•IKItO.MF T A Y L O It................. Ud Vicr-l'rcKlticnt nntl TriutO fltcepF ftF IfK IttC K W. KGNEIl-........................Secretary and Treasurer

i J i w i i O X o t e e e ,dOHN F. DliVDEN,Ja m e s w , Al e x a n d e r ,JAM ES H. MYDE,LESLIE D. WARD, THOMAS N. McCa r t e r , EDOAR B. WARD, WILLIAM SCHEERER. SCHUYLER B. JACKSON,

UZAL H. McCa r ter .


Y n w n P e o p le P lao n eA T h e ir O era W c d d la n .

MIm Emma Retnhard, o( t a Elchteeotb avenue, and Maator Theobald, of ! l Mag­nolia atreet, were married last night by Bacorder Jamea a. Haylleld, ot Irvtna- ton. John W. Theobold, a brother of the groom, and Ifn . John W. Theobald were the wttneeeee to the marriage.

It !• aald that the young people decided to be married Without the knowledge of the tarlde'i parenta, on account pt their ■uppoaed oppealUon Id the matclL When the bride's parent! were Informed ot their daughter'i wedding, It la underatood that they gave their daughter and her huaband their bleaaing.

Oerm aw Aam lveeH tey C e le h n t le a ,The celebration at the twenty-Sfth an-

tilvcraary of the Second German Baptist Church, al Niagara and Paterson etreetiL win end to-nighC. Addreasei were deliv­ered at t o’clock last night by Rev, H. C. Baum, ot Pilgrim Church, Jeriey City, and Mlaa L, P. Brganainger, g mualonary. Tc-nlghr arin be devoted to the church and the neighboring churchea. Rev. M, Trumpp, of .Bouth Brooklyn, founder of the Bwond Qerman Baptlel Chureta, and Rev, M'llllam BebauffT of thla city, will maka addreaaaa. Ur. Bchauff waa for- marly paator ot the church, but la now retired from activo labor. The jmlnta In Mr. Trumpp'a addreaa will be the atnig- gle that he and the congregation had to oraala a aucceaaful church.

P m at le n l L e a w a l a B a taay .The "natun olaaa” of the Normal and

Training School went by apcclal trolley tp UemTock Falla thla morning to moka a practical atudy or botany. Mlaa Agnaa Lutlmr, tha teacher of that branedb wia In rharga.' Beveral houra were spent amotig the ahruba and planta and the atu- dentg claadflad them undor (be dlreetlon ol t w r teaohar and oWalned many apee- Imeni. The young women took their

on the trip,-------------- ----------------

AuadrlMin PeaMaleocl'e'Bweloly,WABHINQTON, M AY A--T|M American

ProctMoglo Bt^ety mM Raoa yesterday. Prialdant Macbewa delivered an addreat on proctology and outlined the hlatory af the develepment^f the npeelalty. Dre. Bert, S r ^ l t ln j^ ; Straua, Bt. Louta;

of Phlikdelphia Galt, of Newadelphla Galt Dayton, O . i ___u; Pennington and

Tw li; JtvaB.ayaf Dayton^ O. i _ J®tfaahvllle, raa# paperi

S a ».'».-T v W .(aj r...ew ^ A W H t tp W fe n t la P *ra a !■***■■»^ LIAIA/Teniy May Sa vis Gslvsiiton.—Tb*

Ifi^conmerol*! elrtiln to^ ^ y Is tfi* -trixi ahiimitmt o f 909 t ^ s o f flour by a

itm m n from Ban Francisco lo

Chlitii Greets tbs Kaiser.BERLIN, May 3,-The seml-oUfictai

North Oermsa Gaiette publishes to-day the followint: "The Chlnt'se Mlnlstsr hH received a telegram to the effect that the Dowaner Empress and the Emperor are aendina a congrsluisiory letter nnd preMoI on the occssl '*'Prince’s bln!.^lay. The Mi'nffc "*iiflUr Rl*o been Instructed to transmll (he very^cor- dial conrratulfttloTis of tholr Chinese MsJ- eetles, expmsine (he wish ihst a Jo^ aad happy nlRn ivtll he the lot o f the

isiTfrouJr.'i.v t f t » oInherit the full aptendor of the throne of hla illuatrloua forefathers, and (hat every­thing may thrive with him according lo hla aealrea," ______ ___________

Mlaa Brenoaky’a CoBdltlim.The condition of Mary Brotmaky. the

young woman who waa Injured Sunday night by being alruck by tha fender of a Bergen atreet car and partially carried and dragged nearly a block cn Sprmgneld avenue, la very aerioua. Last night she had a hemorrhage, caused, it la aa l^ by the Internal Injuriai she received from tha accident. Mlaa Bronoaky la twenty- three year, old and la eDiployert a* a do- meatio In the family of I. Hauaman, at lai B^ngflald avenue. Bhe la being at­tended by Dr. DIeftenbach.

1j9Mm la d o te e t far Vlee-Prealdent,WORCESTER, Maas., May 3.-Thc Third

Dtatrict Republican Congreaalonel conven- tlon waa held here to-day. M. J. WhlttalL of Worceater, and George B. Marble, of Webater, were elected delegatea lo the national convention. John B, Lantja^r, Woroeater, and Bllaa M. Whecloek, of U*- bridge, were choaan aUernatea. Secretary John D. Long waa Indoraad aa the choice of the dlatrlcl for Vlce-Prcaldrnt.

HoveaieBt of Naamera,GLABOOW. May t-Arrived-Anchorla,

from New York.LIVERPOOL, May l-Arrlvcd-Teu-

tontc, from New York; Michigan, from BoeKm; New England, from Soeton.

NAPLES. May L-^rrlvedi-Callfonile, from New York. . ,

G LA^m W , May L~i^rlved: State ot Nebraama, trom New York.

Carpewter Strike at Beading.RBAplNO. Pa , May 3.-The ea rp e^ ft '

strike here u atn atandatlll. Ot the Mty a 800 carpenters about SOO are at work to­day and MS are etill out. Both ..Idea aha firm. Borne contractore are awAlUhg ?•- velopmenta before they, aign ^hw uslda


fitokr* D iTsrn Oraat«daNEW YORK. May 3a--Just1c« Blschoff,

in lha Hupremd Court, ysstsrdsy. signed the decree granting to Hlta Hemsndes de Alba Stoke* h dlvorus''from her husbund, W. E- D- Stokes. Before signing the de­cree, however, Justice Blschoff struck out the paragraph, svbfch gave Mrs. Bloke* tl? .^ a year alimony. As it now stands Mrs. Btoke* can go into court and apply for an sllowanoa for tDaltUenstice. Mr. Btoke* would have the right to op­pose the granting of a sum which ne ronnidcred cxccmIyp. and after hearing bMfc fix th|,.amount. a _ a;, #

'W o m a a K i l ls H e r H Iv a LCHirAGO. May 8,—Mies Emma Stels

was shot and Inetintlv klUed this after­noon hy Mrfl.-aVlbert Holst, at the Istter’* home. Mr*. Holst sent for Mlsl Hteix nml after accusing her of having broken up ihe Mol*t home, fired two shot*, both taking effect. Mrs, HoTet was arrested.

TO-DAY'S PBCES ON ’CflANOE.The range of tt^day'a price* for ihe more

Active Htocks of the New York meirketaa furnlBhed by Pq|At A, Fitgg, broker*, 7t# Broad eireet, below:

Open-Hlgh'Low-Ctos- Lug. e*t. i'it. tng.

Am. Cotton OH Qxk.* 35*4 5SS Am. 8. ft W, Co...a 39 4(Hi'4Am. 8. & W. Co* pr. 77 77’mAm. 8ugar........ 115‘4Am Tobacco-..H-aa*. hWAm. Tin 25Alrh ...............^.4.. 2ir\Atih,* pr........... (iiAaB. «t D............. S3H. A O., ffl’iBrooklyn R- W








im ,10320

Hur ft Q u incy,^ .123U i^^k 1 ''U(Ihc*. ft. OhlOe..4,a4.. V.. c. c, ft B t . - i ie - . Col. ?'uel ft Iron Oo.

H. V. ft T ..........C.. H. V. ft T.f,

m i40SS>4m\i






Con. W4HCr>nt. Tobacco* 2!<=!i 30U ,Del. ft HudsonL.,,... 1H% IH\ 114n.. L. ft mPen. ft R. t9-Don. ft R. G-, pTA... 6SQErie ......sea.a-.-,.----- l2VjErie,. 1st



h-rie. 1st p r . , e . Federal (SoeL^......

C I T S N £ W 8 N O T E S .lahC-.... n>a




29T4 HIr. iivZ


, bu ti^ae Party at parkviaw,A plawioi.' - M t i f « « » gWan la

Mra. Rebart ftc&uira ISat night at her home, U Udaar avanut, parkHaw, CHn-

. Oarman___ _ „ „ _________ ___^ Ya f t A via ktoltaodih which haa raaullag ^ 1? thalloilr brink m m much cheapri thui

tha Chilian aimie, which w|il probahv laal to igtpoTtot traiMaa^lqiia. ^

' i Rap andail h r Trial.On fa cem|laliir' o f aaaault and battery

mada by'Jacob Nawbotioa, o f S Holland atiaati In tho BMOnd PraoM t m ice Court to-day. Peter Yavaga, of « Clinton atreet, jM i a l ig n e d knd (wtundad for trial on

im tirirnahli). There waa danolU i giantT flia tm bring ted by P- HcOulib

Mlaa Mar Konite. ^

IWrtg Oablwri Makan Mrlka « a Erim BU FFALO . May l - F o r ty «h loa t-«»a k -

ara o f tM Eria have atruck bfearae thay Ware aaked to do the a w of alrtkara.

The FMgae at aaahla.BU AKIN , May I.-Three eaaei Of ba-

bODlo p l a ^ and one deaUl fr im ib i dloeagt M * ropoKed bant■y

Rabhl joeeph Leucht will deliver a lee- ture at the Waihlngton Street Temple to. morrow night on "The Problem of Life.'

The Hebrew Ladlea' Bewing Circle will give a "charity whlat" at Davla'a, M3 Broad atreet, to-morrow afternoon at 2il5 o'clock.

The Board of Managrra ot the Women and Chlldron'a Hoapltal held their regulFir monthly bualneaa meeting yeaterday and traniacted routine bualneaa.

At the bualneaa meeting of the com­mittee of the Newark Orphan Aaylum Ae- aociatlon thla morning It waa decided to grant permlaalon tn two children to enter the aaylum and to live children to leave.

Mra. Mary Petty, of JM Warreri atreet, complained at the Fourth Precinct Police Station thla morning that aome one had Btolen from her home a allver watch valued at H-W.

Felliino Dl Matteo, of 11 Oaralde atreet, brought a thlrteen-day-old baby to the City Hoapltal u few daya ago to be treat­ed, Yeaterday morning the baby died from aathenla. Aa tha Dl Mattvoa art poor the city will bury the child.

Alt entertainment will be given at m Broad atreet to-morrow night by tha Wonun‘a Auxiliary ot the Admiral Bogga Aaaoclatlon of Naval Vaterana. An eihb billon drill will he given by the Naval H«- aervaa under command of Ueutanaot Thomaa Goldlngay, to be followed by a Varied prograntmef-yv,

le Nuraery Cdmmitiea of the Craay

255?’^ 1lSa>' * U » ; aho the «m on Oavta eatate: M from HlOa thrah Wallace, atx pounda of maat from David Dreyfuaa, fruit oak. and toya fromMra. Sbemrd D a ^ .

Aa Informal reception will be given Rev., Dr. Warren L, Boagland,, the newly ap­pointed prealdmg Elder of the Newark Diairict Epworth League, In at. Panl’a Methbdlat Epiacopal Church to-nlghh. Rev, Hr. rroat will make the opening ad- drese, and E. W. Cooper, preaident ot the aoeleiy, will reipond. A mualeal pro­gramme will follow. Ofllcere of all the leoguva In the dialriei have been invited and alao the paatora of tha varioua chitrchea

lafii*, iM M S7i,JHi

Federal Steel, j>i>,.. lien. Klee. Cat,Kan. A Teg., luiuls. A Naal Man. ('on. ...Met. at. R y . , , ) M Mo. Paclflc,,. — , 581.N,il. I-ead Cm,....... flhtN. J. Central ..........IISV,N. y. C en tra l.......... iw i IMiSNorfolk A m B t . . . . Bt; Bik Norfolk A Wee.t, pr. TWvNorthern Padric ... 57^ 6SH North. Pactfle, pr... 75 75^Ont. A W eatern...... S<i 2Z>«Pennaylvanln .........139% I3(rncidc H alU .......... 3311, 33’iPeopla'a Gua,,.......... Mg'. 104Reading .................. ISN, 18%Reading, let. p r.... t8<4 58%Rock Island.,^........ 107% HBJiSt. Loula a w . , pr. f9%St. Paul................. 118.Rnulham Pacific . .Southern Raffaray.. i3 Southern B y ., pr....Tern. C. A I r o n ......Tegaa At Paetde......Union Pacing .........Union Paetlkt', pr....U. 8. Leatbw ...........U. 8. Leather, pr...U. 8. Ruhbeit..........Wabaah, pr........... .Weatern Unftei Tel..Wh. A L. b TJd. pr..

— •-■■‘ -IpFH ecs *2 B ond*.




18%mip iSS’i


iVi‘ K'i21%

I34>i; 134 37 .1714.7!>Vj





Open-Hlfh-Low-Cloi- tnff. «at. sate Inx.

A., T. A 8 .fi'.,i(dL , H 84 ML U »A. , T. A B ’ F. to.... IDOL lOOL IIWS IMj;B. A O. to-............ lOMk lOUtl 1 »L lOM,Centarl Geqrgta Sa.. ’ MS MS MS MLOheaa, A < ^ 4Sa.. M » M «

R,J. A V . to....... 107SCon. T ^ .7 ie , .M »S ® i»N. J. Oantatol e, to.. IMi New, P^fe.;ila..U:®117' Nor. PhcljE. Ida..... «?1


107S m ij

132S l j i " lw ii kpl « i i

m j mSt. 1.. im—,. ■ —Bt. L. 4 8 , W. 3da.. a Uukm j W f l c to .,,. W S Stan. lL.-fh T- AkA.. 71 Wabaah dahenturea

C h lea 8 * M4ga>>ii aaiai prwvtodea M a rk e t.'fhe fo llhritng table alvea .toe range of

IgTicaa ( w ^ f e <%iuag6 iT i "

ContOA yara' Bi

aftp W' ' aajjf 1D4S IMS IMS -71 71 71« S » S 81%.

daa Cbluagd Frovtalon and Gnun to-day la ranertrd by 0. P.

okar, U4 Market eireet. Law-

W h e a W a lrA ......Corn, .......Data. J ito _ .......Pork.; Jafr^Mfi. Lard, JiMgF A**ea»e»

Open-Hlfb-Low-Cloa- fng. ^ eat. 1

V . ' , ^ 1 1 ifiJd flu T W • » 117

On IIh' ( oH im Kx«*]isnve.NEW YDUK. M.iy 3.—The codon nj*rk<'t

nppticrl Mfdiiy. with ]jrlve* Uni-liutigwl in 3 point* lilKh4>r nn>i nintlnuM qu1t«> firm ill 10114* ull Lhf (oivhnfxv on i|*hl co ‘■ llllrt nfvl dk-mniid fur The Fumnirr jrnmlliH, Ih i- dT fhh'My for ffircign ucroilnt. Thu rMhlum*WM nvrTiiKnl up ( iuHIhJiI)-, wherea* Hiu(ourNf fndjr#*j» In Ijvrrpool wnn pottif- what iJl <a|ipr>ltitliifT. Thie fflvt wkn nir rc tlmn (>n'ii4*i l«> }8ul<‘!d <8f H.U Ri (ihIhji |hii codfiii at Wfll-^ijHiiilnf^fl prlcad. The »ui-prlnmg hjmiI fla-niaml Jfi! t'l rumors of In creasHil iritiiu In clolbn In Eiiropr

Hntihh) bull s|Mfoi]tHth>U Wuh ofiFolUHlIy rlici'ki'fl on 11v' looul cK'bHiiX'’'. huWa S’Fr. tij'oftlOai rFjwirts nf s^nerslly gourl wi-aili- FT rtm'JlMohN ihrouNfhoui (hp b^lt. “I'bt* prlvait; rrijp advlof* stuicd that pUmihir WHS pr(»nn‘Mlii»f rapidly In the more fav- nrod seriliirijd, whltf In Ihe rpcrntly flnofli'd liisirlcis ilu* w'Hter wah flfiwiiiR off at m Biidrifaoinrj' ruu*. Th»' forward rnovemFitt of the nlj 4,rt«p WHS frtlr. Tin* irartH was mixed In its opinions nnd held off fur Ad- dithmal infot matloti about the xrowlnx <rot>.

The noon market ffir cotirm W'hs dull itnd fetitiireleaA, Drlre* wpre about unchanxod fr«'m ilie openlni? fl fures. Upiil cotton steady.

M osem ent o f ( oHuiieNBW OltliKANH, May 1.—HerrtlHry

Rasters N(-w (.JrJcHnB C'otton Exchange ststemenl, Juet iHsucd, covith the monlmy movemetu to iho rinse of April. The lotuj for April Wits ?77,L.*97. Against (19,900 tHsl year. The movement from the first o f Hrp- tember to A|t U 3t> dhows rtirlins at all United Btntrs j aarts, 6,362.0&7. axsInHl T.IKl,* 207 last year, net overlHfid rallroadA across the MIsHlssIppl, Ohio and Potomac rivers, 1.105,'o;}. against 1 . 1 9 7 ,Northern splnnera liYf k during April 3t>,^ hales, agHlriHi Iff.iai last year and H*3,602 the year heforr Ih.hi Foreign export..8 for the first eiglit in'Mitbs o f the si'hsou have been 5.2r»ft,M: tinlea, showing a dorreaae under last sHosott o f l,23o.3S3. Iinlndlng stock* Icfi -'vpf at port* and Inlrrlor towns from rlu- previous fieason and the number of l>nfrs o f the current crop brought lnifi !*1ghl during the eight monibs. ihf' Nuppiy hna been 5*,lH9.i8i, against l'),::4.:;25 last year.

(isles May Rasign.N EW Yo r k . May 3.—Ile|M»ris »rv cur-

l^nt In ^V.ifl ‘*ir»*et to-fiay IhHf John W Oates will n-riiKii from the I'huIrmunHhlp o f the Fiimril of [►Irectora of the Ami'rlrHii Steel and WUf Company nt ihe udjonmed meeting next Mmulay. Mr. ♦u i orfi-ing to Iheflc nnnftss, 1* In jioor henlih arwl intends (o niake a prolonged stay ahroad. Counsel for -Mr tJales have arranged for

■ a hearing ncxi H.uurday of G. A. Lamb a altegaltonH ih:d Mr. Gates has made fnlse ststementa rfiruerntng steel and wire a f­fairs. The > 'iHiige from the date pre­viously fixed, May 14. Mf- Oates's lawyers say, was made bernuse Mr. Oates wishes to sail for Europe

.. ■ B -----Xf- . ■Treasu ry ffA fc fti«s i(* '

W ASRiNtUl'i'N- May i —To-day's atale- ment of the Tre-i^urs haUnees In the gfti* «rs l fund exid'j''l5'‘‘ of Iho ll& gnld reaervi’ in Uj*' division o f reilemiulnn. showa; AvallHhP* < awh baJance. |145.2w,1‘72.

Sold, |7l<,' o.:dl- '•Rver ,19.113,488. Ujilicd titeg notes. |Ulrs^.dl3; Tr^hsiirV nfues

o f IMO, I72&.749, fiatintial bank notes. tr>. 242.(lM; total re<-eipts this day. tl.tUd.Hti, total receipts thi« moDih, It.fiftt.fShi: lotal receipt* tills year. tntal ex*pendltures this day. $1.9^000; total ex­penditures tlili« month. S6,97$,000; total «;x- pendllures ihi’ m at. $4l1),841,978; depnslis In national banks.

........* ■ -— ■Big Iron I'laril for Jarsey CHy.

JERSEY crTV . M iy 3--Th© Bnefld Irnti Works Cnmpnny of l,oulsv]lle, ky.. Is erecting works nt rh** foot of Pine arreei, thla city. The hulldhig when completed, w llW over s d ty ljln«‘k. and will, be 100 feat hlgha The tompHny'* agent, Louis R. Stagg. says that nn- work will be hur­ried as much as pnsKlble, and that iht company experts in furnish material for the conatructlon of tho New York under­ground railway.

Cgttitiil in r r fg s e i l in kft.IHHMHMK TRENTON, May 3.-Amended articles

were filed with the gviTHiary of State ye** terday incorporating the National Starch (Tompany. with a cHpltal of I .SfiOfOOO. The company was tneorpomted about two works ago with a c-a p HuI o f 1100,000. The arildes empower the comi^ tpy to manu- fiicture ana deal In sinrvh and all by­products.

To BrMt gfaminoMi Axe llantiI'lTTBBURG, Fa., May 3. ^Tbe Ameri­

can Axe and Tool Compariy h** purchaied ihlrty-elght acres o f river frontage at Glansport. near here, and will oivct there- on a 1500,000 plant the inrgeat of lu kind ever built. It la Intended (n ccnlrallxe the plRntfl of the combine at this point. The works will employ 1,000 men HUd will be In operation before the end of the year,

Reve lp ta awft BSapcndllareaiW ABHINGTON, May 3.-Netlnnal hank-

notea received to-day fo r redemption, |87ft- 8^; Oovernmeht recripts; From internal revenue,. 1898,190; CKatoms, |t>83.67H; mltcel-

ekpendlturcM, |l.97u,000.

More Clou fise Europr,NBW YORK, May 8,-Anolher mlUlon

dollars was taken from the Bub-TresMury to-day for shipment on the trausiiurt Crook to Porto Rico. T Iu amount was made up of gold, paper currency, sliver and minor coin.

- ------------- ....................Barrie Keeps Oat e f FulSatnani*

LONDON. May l . - ^ r John Bstty TttkSt vlce<8preHident o f Ihe^RoyHl Coi-| li^ie o f Physicians o f Edinburgh, hits boen elected to repreaoni the Universities o f Edinburgh and Bi. Andrew* in the House o f Commons without opp^nitlon. JspMe M. Barrie, the nevaHaL having decided not to conteat the seat, I

: V I < > X I 3 Y M A r » E >BT I> i;i'O S(TlM l V O t'K SAVISfJS IN TIIK

S E C U R IT Y S A V IN G S B A N K .The Bank has paid 3 % interest on A L L amounts depos­

ited since its orfranization in 1B84.Its management is wise, conservative and economical.

« r o * a A a n e U .S l .K Y U .H r t O . l f t t S i i r i i l i t o , » t O a , H M l . 7 7 .lnlrre*( lirgliis from (h r fir»i thrMiduy* o ( «M4 h monlh,

I V I A I V r iV O K l « W .wVI, VKsTFlt «. It VTTIN, I’ rr*. 1,0(1 ** |,e;i,*INfJ. V. Pr»*». S IH VARP **r4e;rHr Tr*t*IOKFPII M‘ I'I I ’MH .litMKS .V, AKHl'UKI K- J FIt.ANKJ.iN HdiT.flNUAR H. Vlol'KKllNiK (H'Vni IN 'l'**'THU-MA.'I W, t'KIMlKS. ilKNJAMl.V A 'llU IlKKnl.n, .M. D

Say, Fellow Citizen,think o f this qaeitton, •• What

win be the condition of that Lite

itttaraace Concern llftaen or

thirty yeari hence?" Had you

thought of that? Doea not an old

and tried Company like the

Mutual Benefit aflord the beat

chance tor permauancy and can

you aflord to put Life Inaurance

. money Inaplace that la leaa aafe ?

Stephen S. Day, DIat. Agent, No.

776 Broad Street.

IWSUHE Yoiin home in ths

(M E R I C A NInsurance Co., ot Newark.

airvng BRil Liberal,

DIRblCTORfiiC*hnr>N A. Llfhthtpa, Ldwud A. Campb*l1._J*r/mls1i liak*r. KIlM O. Loramua l\'1lllam OarX. Ororie W. Kftrhsm. J*m«B A-

J. Il»rl)rrt PallaDtlA*. Cf^org* B> Ss'alB.John 0. K. ritnsTi Fhl]«mon L Hoadltya W. CuBpball CUHL

ELIAS O. DOKEMLie, PrFtldsnL Jsi, H. WorrtFn. k*c. C. A, Ltfhthtv*,V -pr«* C, J-Eioudlnsvr. Tr^sa- P. U Huadlar. ft*«.A.0



$ 30,000 HPSOH COUITT G IS CO/SFtrut .>lortjfit|t<‘ r c r Cent.

F illj-Vctir Bond!),iJi )■: imu. ,

tOl'POVa 3UIV IM* NlirrMBlClt.I'Hl' K ''N Al'I'UCATION. .

Th#- fail that tJi- •“‘iniliisa of this cmnpflny srr JsriFly in '*f lii fixed ohsrges. m-riiifilnx iniarFYi. inaheii (hear buna* sr **• l#rlallv wnf*- on-l lnvMlm<»nr

EDWIN R. CASE,|1i'hI>t ill IIiiikIkhihI lAtoukH,

Xn. t M'., JKKHEY f^JTV.Fwr 2«» (fsr* ruary arid Traaaurtr uf Th*

People ■ Gnahsht i ■ oT Jrroty City.Newark OHIce, 810 Broid Street.

Htolh 'I'hunrs TOO.

POST & FLACC,.aitu.uvi* Ilf tti» Nfw 'k’ork Stovk Exc-.itiiN-

A in u HaluluKa ffew Y o rk . b r a n c h O F R t O K t


'i'clapbone 1<KL


Dickinson, Grumnion« t C O .v

MvmlH>rt o f I he Now Vork Mooli F.iohvn«e.

to Wall St„ New York.DKAJICII O K YICE l

751 Broad St„ Newark, N. J.Telephone I26Z.

t 'r lv e le W ire lo N ew Y a rk .


For Conservative Investment.VIHtlUK *t (o fi p6-i r»n(. u^J^HIrrh*M* pric«eOutTif-towiTtluH iitid Tm llny mmiisruMandt)ir4r MriHirltirs Ivniglil Htid wild, with art an- lurtiif Ruiiwlctlgn (if tli#*1r rarnmK rapacity.

Mild CorrMtijl/M-Rl SrruPlli»'fi rtciill ijuntrd upplicotitm.

EDW IN R.CASE,Dulif in ^ InfiitmiRt. Sio|HUai,

ItiHinihr /ftpduller Hnll'IufBV\a I A(oB(g<nncry W .a-ftRvFY C’lTY* ?4.J.

Hotli Trlofiltonea 731-N S W A R K O F F IC E :

«1 « BKUAUfH l'. Iloih Triet'hoo.l 709


H 04 B roa tl f*t-. B ru atlw n y>KW.41iK, .VKW yoK K

Pusi Mful itrlla Bpjck* sn4 Bumla on New lurk and rhtia4*lpli»a AlxcTtshsm. sUher for caah or t’d msrxln-snij Grain a no I’roviakiOi on cb*«sa« Board ot Trtdr. Prlvxt# wlr#s to Nsw York, Phliadalphls and Cbtcaso. T*l IfW. Roomi I OBd 4. W-, Bresd at. L A. BUTIJvR. Usoagsr.


1 jitisH Stciii!,760 B ro a d S t r e e L

W . H. kHITH.

el IMarif York.iW TORK. ’' M Kniwl Agn '' NP'

llW »rM H lvr>T , ‘ 'S 'InvMtineute, laical $ «c iirlttee,

New ark office, aoo BROAb st .TelepKane 61S, Belli ton>|«nlet.

' ■ YDWAHO B. HUMKY^ M M alw .


W . B . S M IT H & CO .,sriM 'K m w K K iw .


Bell rhoee 37S. Horn" KM.

I37(itolKBiiildioj.Tale ho. «944e

All New Jersey Securities,l o c a l 1N V I«TM E N T BONUS.

Quotsilona fumlsbad on application. EliMbftb. PatoTsoai. CUr. traawa tad

grunawlek 84cur1llsw d*an in.

i:aioh!lahp(l IS90. Tfisphnn* 03*.

(ecuitti rtuor.'YroB4,l.»iVJ»W*


Boniht M l«M f « UMh « (■ l*erwl».-_, Frivat* wtrM cwisctlng with oorroipoadsata

la Kfw York. Pbiiad«iDhia and Ckidagw ,

HE JVeWS. J1 >0 5 2





t a f r c n h e Serrket Ic U at the Fint rrahyttfia C M If Mn »

I k U T U i A fta n M .


lU v . D r . *■ * • T k liCatf, ••• W «fc*r. • !

■ I» • • • « • • • !■V aB cra lM B Ia* B « lw » »a 0 » r i « » » * ■aB * » « l e a a i - R » » » l a * l « » « P a «i»«i k r ihm D lr «e l* r * a l Ike Tkeelea lea l • m la a r r '^ k t * ' '* * '* * B loeetielB C c a e le r r .

Tke fimeml of Her. Dr. Cherln Ku*rne K ook, late preeMenl of the Uermen Theo- to«toal flemmery of Newerh, w »» held ‘ hli afternoon at * : » o'clock from the Flrit PrMbrterteu Church In Bloomfleld. ol tehleb he wee once a paaior. The church v e i crewdco with manjr triende of the dead eter*rn*en.

There were menr beaullfut floral oOer- Inte, and the funeral addreaiee ewro der Hrered hr aereral of the aaeoclalea of the deceaaed durlna hla rellaloui and educa­tional work.

Durlna the aerrlce the iiudente of the collate aana "Aileep in Jeeue." while the Cuartette front the aemlnary rendered"Jeaua. Hr Lord." .......

The pallbeerere were william Klletken. rerdinand Kohler, William Barter. Au- tuat Junt. Henry Herie and Charlea F. N. Voacelln. Bev. Dr. David B. Fraaer. of the ^rat Preabyterlan Church of thli city, dellrarad lha Aral funeral addreta. Amoni other Ihlnfa he eald:

Dr. Fraaer’e Addreaa."My worda muit needi he lew beceuee

my heart U full. The trlef, which la un- apaakabla. la vaatly treatar than that which can be amboAled In terma of human apaech. Heat lova ilrlkea deeper depttd than doei mere admiration, end the tlllle flower that love laye upon the eaeket or departed frlendahlp la a richer dreorelton than la the Jewelled coronet. The worn that I am to epenk la on "* " ' ' idlrectora. I prefer that they ehould apeak for themaelvea. At a meetlni held y « - terday action waa taken end I wai m- etnicted to draw It up in form ana Irani- mit It to tha aorrowint family of our friend. I accepted the appointment and o b c ^ tha inetructlone under the aweet conviction that Ihe meaaa«e It conveya would mean mora to them In my o r . but bold handwritin*. than It would If it were profeaatonalty eofroaaed on vellum. It aa tollowa:

The Dtreotora* Tribute." Tha Board of Dlrectora of the Ocr-

man Theoloflcal Bchooi of Newark havlnl . learned with profound aorrow that IM

Rev. Charlei Kmene Knoa. D- parted thia Ufa at Pul"‘ J’ '* * " '! * ' !;.• .7 :

mlnutea thla tribute of alfecllon and re- aneel to one who for twenly-eeven yrera w the honored. Influential and belovedpreeldent o f our tnilHiitlon. ___

“ •Dr Knox wae born at Knoaboro, N.V December *T. im He waa *raduated frira Hamilton CoUe«e .'JSJ* 5t^nidn ThdoloflcftJ Btm*nary In llw. helna Ucenaed by the Preebytery of New York In U ». *>®Dutch Church et Utica, N. Y„ a a atatM auDDly for three yeera He waa ordained and Inatalled pallor of the Ftrit Churcln BmornOeld, N. J-. ‘ n >•«. which he eerved

h. waa inatalled aa pfealdeitl and p?o"e,5« “ ‘ th*i oJrmttT Tt.eolo.lca1S maai rtf N#wAfk In JSTS. Dr. Kn<ijc wsi

of thli bonrtl« d wai inituentlat In drafUn* the plan

' “ ^•F^olS'u'tnMPtlon he waa flfe'Hv *"‘ laraated In the work of the echool. Before he i a . eUted it. prc.ldent, he planned tor the endowment of the eame vial tin. paatora and churchea to Iniereat <1'™ *" ihia work In 1S7> Dr. Knox waa elected preaident and profeiaor of bomlletlca church government and U.V Since ihMi he devoted all hla time Ulenta and to perfect the work o f Ihe tnatltutlon. He wae a ^acholarly .entleman, a wtae and careful counaellor, a conaclentloua and lovln.

*” "*^After an lUne'ia of a yearia duration h« h »i f«ll*n »*!eep: be from hie lA bora, hut hla worka follow him.

" 'To hla atrlchen wife and children thla board lender! heartfelt and alncere eym- pathy. ron.ratulatea them on their rich legacy of a huaband'a and fat her'a mem­ory and prayera. and commenda lham to the lovln. cere of that merciful and aym- pathlaln. Saviour In whom the huaband

A and father trualed and to whom he, If Uv- In.. would direct them aa an evor-preaent help In trouble.’

Contlnuln.. Dr, Fraaer aald:The f a l l Herded,

"Uoubtleaa It waa a radical revolution In hla life when, al the call of duty. Ur. Knox Hepped out of the P int Church. Bloomfleld, pulpit to aaaumo the direction of an enterpriao which then had no local habitation and icarceiy a name. But he heeded the call nnd to that work twenly- eevrn of the beat yeara of hla life haa been Hven Indeed. Ihe tnetltutlon become hla life, hie one thought, and to It he haa given a. meaeure of aeal and conaecratlon and d^otlon and aaertflee that cannot be eetlmated even by thoie m,oat intimate­ly Hcqiialnted with seminary attain. Tho magnitude and perplexity ol lha laok

^ e r e known only to him and meaaurably bo hla family.

•■But, while not knowing all, every mem­ber of our director, will tiear willing tea- timony to the patient devotion of Dr. Knox: to hla broad sympathy, to hli un­failing optomlim and to hla generous aelf- abnegation, made ao quietly and ao nnoe- tentatlouely that comparatively few knew of (ila real herbiam pro^

Importance of tfie wofft In whleh'illf wax' engaged, and of which be was the repre­sentative head. tVe nil knew ho waa hear­ing heavy hurdena; wo helped him oa beat we could, but despite the help tho burdens ■flnally wore him out, an^ to-day we' who have been wont to rely upon hla Judgment

eipreaa with Intenia emotion the B>y of Chtial and coapalonablp.

OkaataBtly HogefwI."A marked charaeiertelle of our beloved

preeldent waa hla conataut hopetulneaa and buoyancy. He rarely » * 'J* 'J*'? aide of any dlfllcult problem, with tenao- liy of purpoaa he planned, prayed and worked for tha aecompllahment of hil Ideal. He ilweye waa aggreaalve. •••■»■• had projecla and rould not aaally be die- hearten^ white eodewvoring to carry them to a lucaeaaful laiue.

*‘Oyf O TTfiftw Institution boenms nii li's work. Hla adminlatrative ability waa great. Hie poiltton waa a peculiar and difliruti one. aa be actually waa a go -w tween for Amerlcani and Oermaoi. Be­fore Amertcene he waa obliged to defend Qermen pecultarltlee end before Oermani It waa hla task to show lha bright tide of American w ty i of thinking. And. al­though he waa never bareh In the Judg­ment of German or American peeullart- tlee, he wai obliged to atand many a rm buff. But he Invariably remained cnurieoua, calm and deliberate.

"He certainly did not apeak an unkind word to me, that 1 can recall, during the flve yeara of our Joint lahori here In Bloomfleld. , ,

"He alwayi. furthermore, remained in touch with alt gradiistei. IJke a father you could see him planning for the young men struggling to erect or foster German mltalona. whether In the large cUlea of the Baal or In aparaely aettled towna of the Far Writ.

Alwacnl Ihe Beet Preof."Our elumnl are the beat proof of the

great lit* work which he and Dr Setliert did In the lait twenty-five yeera of the closing century. If you became aware of the noble aelf-ierriflclng aplrlt developed within thoie old walla of this town; If you hnew what grand characteri have already been formnl there, you would agree With me that Dr Knot hie done a great and abiding work for time and eternity for the German and American churchea.

Bev. Arnold W. Flemar, of the Hopktni Street German Preabyterlan Church, Brooklyn, waa to have delivered an ad­dreaa for tha alumni, but ha waa unable to he preeent. Rev. Jullua H. Wolfe, of the Third (lermen Church, of thla city, ipoka a few word. In hit etead. After the cere- monlea the funeral cortege went to Ihe Bloomfleld Cemetery, whore the Interment took place


I 'g p la lB C e rb lt t O b jecta « • > R eaaaval

• t a M h a r M » l « e m w » » ’e Peam ll*Oahea Baalie Bh v B ABsIra-


"Charlart dagr," le ld young H rx Tot- kina, " I w ^n t you to promlaa a a aoma-


Chief of Polte* Hopper and Captain Cor­bitt, of tha PIral Precinct, wera both at tha meeting of the Kxclee CommlMlontrl l i lt night, and at tha Captaln'a rmueil ao application for a renawtl of a llcenae made by Bather Iletnemann, of Ml Market atreet, waa laid over for ona week. Tho Captain gave no reaaon tor hie roQueai, but It wae eiptalned later that the woman waa not aa mindful of tha law'i require­ment! or tha ordcri of tha pollca regard­ing doling on Saturday, uight, aa aha mlaht be.

An application from Thomaa J. McNally for a llcenae for a new place at 19 Fre- llnghuyaen avenue waa rejected outright ut the auggratlon Of Coromlaaloner Uard- iirr, who declared Ihet the locellon wei too neat the Mtller Street School and that object Iona to tho pnpoaed aaloon had been matte by ownera of property In the neigh­borhood.

T o* Maay Saloeaa.Dr Henry J. Auderion once more op­

posed Ihe granting of a llcenae to William Keer for a saloon at M Urange street. The doctor a.ild be had no objertluni to Mr. Kcer pcrsuiialljr. but that there were too many salooni In the neighborhood, ten be­ing located on Orange itreel, btlween Broad and High itrecte. In reeponte to a queatiim the phyatetan aald that he did nut think Keer would conduct a dltorderly place. The llcenae waa granted unanl- moiiily

AlJerman-elect F. V. Baunach, of the Fourteenth Ward, applied for a tranafer from 17« to 171 South Oranga avenue, hut as a complaint had been lodged two weeks ago against the granting of e llcenea to aniilher iierion for that eddreei, the ap­plication wni laid ovar.

After the meeting wae adjourned Charles P Gillen called to make a com­plaint aialnat Peter Deotiard, of 4 Rall- riied pluce. Gillen told City Clerk Con­nelly that iMnard waa conducting a aa­loon wllhout a llcenae, the permit to carry on the tualneaa at that place having been Itiued I" another pereon and waa never treniferreil. Mr. Connelly told Mr. Gillen to put hla complaint In writing and aub- mlt It In lime for next week'a meeting.

To-day .Mr Gillen eubrallted x formal complaint, and It waa forwarded to Preel dent Carroll

thing."What dp you want nowT""I want »au to proBlie that, you will

taka aorne Btw medicine i beve.bought. I notice that - whehivar the racea conw to town you ei'e always conplalnlng about

Laat year you aald youryour lyitaw . . .ayatem wenq wrong, and It coat jtou ItO. Bo■ fDirui »»■ ■arra a> w.%ew- —— t--—'I think you <<ught to taka lonteihlng right away and aag'a doctor bllla."—Waahington Star. 1

Rav, Mr. (dgodnuin—"Are you aware. Hr, Ihet you are on the downward path f

Soikley—",lhay, la l aoT Thaih good. I wash frald illehby I might ba on the Wey to get sent uii."-Chicago TImea-Herald.

‘ — )i:<—"My son liftaarnlng to be an electrician."Well. 1 agippoia he know, pretty well

what to do wy ihle lime."■Oh. no; heMan't half through yet learn­

ing iho thlnie be muetn't do."—Chicago Itecord. |

He (deacrlllng hta"iourneylngi)-’ 'Then, leaving GIhraStaii I made my way to Aui- tralla, and tipni'lhera I went to tha dia­mond mlnea ~9n South Africa, where I made my for tune. Then—do you follow

<(30 M i n u t e s i n H a v a n a . ”

me, Mlaa Crjmlsltt** l¥iShe twith a v l«ld btuah)-'To the world'i

and. Mr. Hookiiworthy."—Chicago Trib­une. ^

"He layt hmiVver took a penny for hit vote." aeld tbih pitaCtIcel politician.

"He eaye tru,|^"'»aniwfreil Senator Sorg­hum. "I've kfligvn tlmee to ha hard, butigv----- --- --------------- —I never eaw the May when votea were aell-


Cnreaer’a Jm»r Beterea V erd le l ta Ceae e f tinknewa Womaa SeereltF

BarleS—Chicago Polltletaa |B> walvad—Three Arrestu

Bapccled.NKW YORK, May l . -A i the result of

an autopsy on the liody of the young woman known aa Mary Smith, which waa exhumed yesterday, Aialitanl Diairict- Altoroey Blumenihal to-day declared that ahe had been murdered.

Conalderabte eecrecy iiirroiindi tho oaae. The young woman, whuee real name the auihoritlee decline to moke public, died laat week In a flat and the body wax taken ffom the room, et 1 o'clock In the tnbmiflg and quietly burled. Tho Coroner’e Juiy eat from 11 o'clock teat night until & o'clock inia morning. , ^

Mr. Blumenthal said; "We have definite ly fixed the guilt of three pereone, end 1 expect to have their arreati accompllehed within forty-eight houra."

He added that the women wae of eomo ■ocla) etandlng. but declined abeolutely to give her real name or any Information about her. Della Howard, a domealic In tho employ of a Mrs. Keraten, haa been aent lo the Houie of Detention aa a wll- neae. Mri. Keraten la charged with com­muting a criminal operation, and the po­lice are now looking for her.

Mr Blumenihal aald that the man In thla caae la a prominent Clilcogo potlllclao. . a, ..I_ a X,. _ fw.vewx rtkit rtf

g givree a eiwev aaiw ssaewa* sa-a--— ---Ing for a cent ap eca In hla neighborhood.’ —Waihlngton Sllir.

" t suppoae," ube raid at tha breakfaat table, "ihat yo h know lomethtng about the ojien door PB||cy-** ,

Me nodded. f"Am I right Ini believing that you eon-

alder It extreme hydralrableT' the itked. Again he neddildR-Nevertbeleea.'Vehe went on, " I detlre

lo atata that It vTlIt he euipended In thlaX-____— mxHmev Fwexnm ihm rtlsiK


houae unleta you tget aw iy from the Club earlier than hati been

“ Preferencia” on a cigar is equivalent to “ Sterling” on silven bestqualityandvalue. T h ey cost the consumer no more than ihferior cigars offered at same price.

Nb Aelloa Tahew a l the M aralag Bea- elae on Ihe Bchciac o f Bd-

ward r . C ragla.Bpeclal Dlspst-ii to tha NBWU.

JKHSKY CITY, May B-When Ihe New Jersey lUparlen Commlaalon met thie noon Ihe .New Jerray Central Railroad Company. Mungo J, Currie and other riparian ownera In Jweey City were on hand to participate in the hearing on Kdward F Crngln'e application for per­mission to build an artificial Island In New York Bay between Liberty and Ellle lelande. Amaal Thornton waa on hand to advocats'lhe grant.

The matter waa again laid over tem­porarily on a report by Oeorga L. Hecoid, counsel of the commlaalon, lo the effect that he had not yet heard from Attorney- General Grey as to the legaJIty ut the pio- posed grant.

Tho propoalilon may be further dlscueaed .t thli afternoon's eeaeldn.Ixwyer Oscar Keen, for tho Balboch

Smelting Company, asked tho board to te- conetder Its detertninallon to chargo |1S per loot for riparian rights at tno foot of Clay street, .Newark. Mr. Keen said Ihe price Is too high. The board reserved decision. ^

your cuatom."—Chicago Post.

— ; ;f—“Dollarworth ( w |id haa leketi up ertt-

"Not a bad p lc tu ^ air: the peripective, now, is very Bne. r

Mahlsllck-"BatUt If lacking In one Im­portant element b There ^le no ehlaro »r\jro." \

I>ollorworlh-“Olf, Is that all! I'll get him to pul some In. lo probably won't add much to the plrice, end If It does I don't care. I Rka^the picture,"—Boston

IOC. and upward. A t high-class dealers.

Trad* » w«a>x.-rivn> c i nxxi a rtn HndiOB S t, New Y o A .guppUed by} ®ENNETT, SLOAN ± CO.. ji«gtribaiea Apr Nurth’n N. j.


llilB CMK IB M ^tU»g«Maa.iix .. i'. »• sg— -and that tho woman was from out of this city.

Some lettera poilmarked Chicago and addressed to "M ils Maggie Bruce," cetno to tho houM wh«r® “Ml«a Hmith*' dlM, •nd wer« tprit to tho De«d LfUer Offle*. For lhf»e le ttm the Dlstrkl-AttorneF mede *n ■ppUceilon and thfy may w TtttA At the Inqueit to-day.

The body la now In the recelvinf vault at the cemelery aweltlnif !dent!flcatlon.



G o vr/K w en l Ib b s* F h ra lc lah a* L I"

o »p e «e -v A tt«o k A w t l-V lv l"■c«tloia Bills

W i l l l l i i k « ie v e rA l fttopa the W a r *

Later lo Oo to Mom*pbta.

CHICAGO, May S.-Admiral Dewey, hla wife, and the party accompanying him. left Chicago at t o'clock thli morning, In their Baltimore and Ohio apeclal train for fli. lAJUte, From this city to Bl. Louis the Admlrafa train will travel over the Chicago and Alton Railroad. At Jack- aonvllle, which will be reached at 1 : »ihle afternon, a atop of about three hourewill be made. Here (he boro ol Manila Bay will be the guest of honor at the State encampment of ihe O. A. B.

A l Jackeonvlllo elaborate preparations have been m.ide to receive Admiral Dewey. Aa soon aa poralble after hla arrival tho parade will aiapt and will be reviewed by him. Buildings along tha tine of march have been lavlahly decor-

'"*Fri>m Bt. Louis the Admiral's special ireln wUl go to Memphis over the Hit- nola Central; from Memphis to Nash­ville ovei the I.nulsville and Nashville and from Naehvllle lo Knoxville over the Chattanooga and St. Louie. Knoxville will be reached Friday, May 11- From Knoxville the Admiral goea to Washing­ton over the Southern.

WASHINGTON, May J.—The Legisla­tive Committee of Ihe American Medical Association, consisting of Dr. H. L, E. Johnson, of Washington, chairman; Dr. William H. Welch, of Johns Hopkins Uni­versity of Baltimore, and Dr. William L. Rodman, of Phlladelphlt. Is meeting here Id conjunction with representatives of medical aoclelleS to confer on various medical matters. Including those pending before Congress.

The conference approved the Spooner Senate bill, creating a public health de­partment to be presided over by a Cabinet officer. Its action «IU *«> reported to the American Medical Association for tha In­dorsement of that body. Tho conference attacked Iho Antl-VlvlseCtlon bill now be­fore congress.

A movement alio was Inaugurated for the ahoUllon of Ihe various State laws pro­hibiting physicians having Hcenies to practise In one State to d . so In another. TTie enactment of a national measure per­mitting regularly licensed physicians to follow their profession anywhera In the United Btalea was advocated.

Tranacrlpt.I, sD —

"You look a w f l l alek.' old man. FlI telephona out to yOur bouaa that you are coming home earl r-"

"Oh. no! Don't Ipt my .wife know." "But. why notr' J■■She haa been t tying to got me home

early for a monthJ lo mdve some furnl- tu re ."-L lte . ’

— 1 il ''Dear .vat” aha .raid, " I wonder wtiat

haa beoorae of' tk a t hotiatbold Journal."He didn't ray a rword,"There waa aitotbur rscetpt In It that I

wanted to try."He amtled, for tdaw-h* waa assured that

he had dona wlaelji when ba burned It up. Even a good-nraW^Md man may grow weary ol having ei[wrimenta tried upon him.—Chicago PoNl.

Firat Boy“ ''My -[iii^a alek."Second Boy^"Vfha.t’a tha matter with

himr- ^First, Boy—"Thawffoclor rays he's got

two buckles on hl^iungs."—Philadelphia Record.

"You know Jack iA Ita-Jsckaon married a wealthy gjti.whoaajfriandi gave her 700 brldar presents?" 1

"Yea, what of It?"’"He’s started a depg rtment alore."—Chi­

cago Record. '

"Auntie thought wai dreadful be­cause I went to the d| ntlat on Sundsy.''

"But she let you IRI?""Oh, yes; when I tqld her I thought It

would be worse to o t iy home and let my toothache dance all j day."-Philadelphia Bulletin. '

]fred—"Sorry to le^you alek. old man! How long do you expsict to lie In bed?"

"Well, about ■ flve feet ten, aa near's I can te lt"—Philadelphia Bulletin.

Wife—"I'm tired to ilealh. Been having the baby's picture take n by Instantaneous process

“ It costs no more to smoke the


O u M oiiun W arshoaia Is the reliable hied that glrei yon A L L the aervice It promlaea. works wondera. cleaDsaa iharoogh lj—w e ll a l l ftor orders.

Carpel aeaalagT 0 « r -New Pnweta*

works w oaden . cleaDan ih a ro o g h ij-w o u a n mr o^err.

A P S T IO N AND A DECISION__^ Tt’ a n iir lo ir eznenSCS

— not the '*quBst!on'' whether or no yon bay of the ‘•caali itorea” —you ihould buy tare.theitor# ralU

.... — __sW._ axml LrauR gortASDS AR

of the ttpoalled

I t ’ s our low expenses that m akes our prices so lo w dec is iou is our iavor.

*'CMa —yuu Buwwiw MX*/ — - ------. - -• r credit at priees a lw ays below the ao-cUiW and care fu l bu y in g

for cash'■cMh atorei.’’ 9S ***"frigerator, la r g e pevel mirror.lined drawer lorsilver—worth 110.

An Antique e-foot Oak Kitensinn Table, 5 legs, -worth $'■

For this in Whitt Knamelled Drtf^r —iK vel edsr* for—well eftivea. Value 113.

A |5 White Edatq- elled Bed, value 16. -----------

- a. * " i ; r } n r . ^ r a C h r t o M lA l ' i n x .Katlmntes given fbr Ihe complete fnra ..yg" before cDtarlng oton.

Has maple frame and rattan aeat. 80c. usually.

Note Aral natuo

To Reviao Am erirax Phnnneopoota.WASHINGTON. May 3.—The eighth de­

cennial convention for tho purpose of rjs- vlslng the United States pharraaoopoela met here yesterdsy. I rofeisor Horatio C. Wood, of tho Unlverilly of Ponnaylvanla.

"’ The^legates present Included represen- tsMvei of all the Stale medical iocletlei.


■Win Speak at Amtlv.eW ir*' •< L *ek - ■ iranna V. M. C. A.

8p«clMt IMiPAtah loHOBOKEN, May 3.-The tenth annlver

aary of the otKaoIxatlon of the Lacka- wiinna Ilallroad deimrtiaent of tho Y. M C. A, will Iw celebrated In the leclure- room In Ihe tf'rmlnal depot tn thl* cUy to-nl|hi. The occaelon will b« a notable one, fur In tho Hot of thoae who will de­liver addreSBea Admiral- J. N. Philip,

VjjAtBJUj^nlvbf the.natty Brook

end follow hla coimaelaaN did the pronhet In the olden time or>hnK, Fether.


my Fflther, the chariot of lerael Rtid the horaemen thereof!' The directors, hewit- clered, etnrme<l, stupelled at Ihelr ptreet loaa, aak you to unite In Ihelr prayer"

Dr. FraaeR* alto Indicated the tiroreaa by which Dr. Knox removed hla finjertlona to the German work and Indicated lhat hla oociipany of the vice-preatdency was due hie dnaire to help Dr. Knox.

ReTx Mrs '% 'ebrr'e R rm arke .Pxev. Henry J. Weber, of iho Thenloxlna)

SerainAry and a member of ihe faculty, followed Rev. Dr. Fraaer. He look for hla text "The God of all yrace. Who hath called ua unto Hla eternal Rlory by Christ JeauA." Contlnulnf. he aalu:

"Chrtat, onr Saviour and Maater, waa the centre of Ihe reilfloua Ufa and work o f our deoeaaed prenldent. We, aa faculty and atudenta of the German TheoloRloal School of Newark, keenly feel and deeply mourn the Ioib o f Dr. Knox. Day by day w a have remembered, durlnir the paat echool year, our wonted lf»ader In our praypra. W e knew he looked for tbem,

"Our preeldent never bejran a leriure In the theoloKlcal deparimetu before bowinif with his claaa In prayer, and thus he, who aa head of the school was obllaed above all other teachers to constantly deal with financial problem*, taught un effoo- tlvely that In spiritual life, aroa'lh tn imaco was his hlRheat aim, even In the dally routine of work.

**We knew of his union and communion with ChflBt, our Redeemer; we knew of tits deep concern for the real advance* mant of the cause of Christ among un and 'through -us. . and, therefore, hl» Tiiiiraday evening ‘'addresses always atirred and stimulated mir Inward life HU kindness of heart shone out'eSl his brlfhti cheerful eyes'snd our sludents often admired hts fairness and aquare- ftaaa In tnsrka of merit or demerit; he waa aapecUlly careful not to be unjust

* toward the less-gifted hut faithful plodder. He endeavored to walk with jM Q i In all hie work. Among our Ger- idM hymna he enjoyed above all tha iiract words of a Moravian Bishop, which

'lyii.The Admiral will arrive here In hU

barge »h*jrlly after 7 o’clock and will be met at the dock by a committee, which will escort him to the leclurt-rotfin. where ho will meet the members of Uw auoL-ta* lion I'hn oihiT ap^akera will be: W . H. Truesijah*. the president d l the Lacka- wHnna; C. H. Ketcham. the division su­perintendent; C. J. Hicks, secretary of the liitunmtlonal Committee, and Donald Me* Ooll, the Stale secretary. Membership tickets will be recognised for passuge on trains coming to Hoboken^

"H'usbau(l-"HoW liuaff dW It ,YVlfs—"About (our Ihoura."—New Yorx


"1 see those frlenfls^if yours, the Hurt.

-------- a ** A’ WS —-----

AMOS H. VAN HORN, yii 73 K J * "• " ‘ FllleJ. DeUverisa Fra*. Frivato DeUrarr ’ffagau Sent o « Beqarat. Telsphoas HM.CUalogwa Ftra. Ms!


lers, have their nameattn the pa^rIS-E'tntereated In aoelal

tanves OI su oiaxsT- auxnAa'xera* medical colleges and coUegra o( p h ^ a c y In the Unltrt Stales. The cOtnrelHe* ap-In the unueo otuirs. i utj Dolnled at the convention of 1«W to draft d plan for revising the phtrmawpoela adopted In that year made III

aald the lady who topics. ^

'^Have they, lndeedl?7'' responded « i i s Cayenne, languidly. didn't kn»w the delinquent tax lt*t m d been published aKAlnl"*Waahlngton x5ur.

—Cholly—“ How did youj catch that doosid

Pweddy—“ Baw Jove^l when I slahted downtown this mawntiwr I picked up one of my golf sticks, tjy ^mistake.It was mv wlntah ganej|don i y know. — Chicago Tribune. ^

"I suppoee your dawf^hler acquired a great deal of manner |fri>ni her foreign experiences?'' -

"Ohs ito; she lo ii all her manner and brought home a lot airs."—Chicago Record.

Its report

n i E IN THE OIL FtELRS.G r r * t D a iP * * * Ilo n a fcF F lnusai

■ p ra n d ln g from B tn alaV F o ras ls .T o w n N ea r ly W Ip a d Ont.

BRADFORD, I'a , .May *.-The woods ar* ablate In all directions tMoughoul McKean County and (ha northern ollflelda. The oil producing Inlerata are seriously damaged by Ihe tires. Fully fltty oil-well rigs, with their boll* housee. tank-houses.


“ Sato*." Whleli O aa

stestn boxes nd oil tanks, insny of^lhe

A L B E R T T IL T D B A D .

President Nllk Assoelnllon ot A n cr- Icn Passes’Jhswny.

NEW YORK, May 3.—Albert Till, presi­dent and treasurer of the Phoenix 811k Manufacturing Company, snd president of Iho Hllk Association ot America, died yes­terday at his homo *t No. 6 Ksst Sixty- seventh street. He was fifty-nine years old, and was n native o f Boston. In 1M9 Mr. T ill became a partner In his f it her's eILk business. On the desih of his father he succeeded lo the management of thecompany-

sir. TIB was married In l!7l to b daugti- .er of Wllllom H. Reynor, of thla city. Surviving him are hli widow, a daughter end three sons. He wae a member ot the Metropolitan Club. Ihe Riding and Driv­ing Club, tho Republican Club, the Sub­urban Club, the Loloo Club, tho New York Athletic Club and the Hamilton club In Paterson, where ho formerly lived. He waa vice-president of Ihe Mer­chants' Central Club and president of the l.ake Hopatcong Club at Arlington. N. J,. where he had n summer home.

i'hartsi A. CltHver.NEW YORK, May S.-Ch«rloi A. Cheev

■i«ain i>y»r9 Biiu wi* x*si.»-» sw.s—.„ - - ----latter conlaffilhg petrdllUnl. hlVo M*h destroyed.

The Ore now burning In tho vicinity of Bingham end Simpson, In this county, threatens to destroy many more before morning. j

Glen Haxel was nearly m ' iM •'Y flames from Ihe woods last ntgllji but the flre-flghling brigade flniilly susfceeded In saving the place. Th* lumber town of Granero was also badly scorched yester­day, and Immense quantities of lumber piled there were destroyed.

Hundreds of men are fighting the flemes, but If rain does not soon fall the allusilon will become most serious. The woods are extremely dry and In some places the flames burn "so fleroely that they sweep higher than tho treo lops.

Immense quantities of valuable llmher have been destroyed on the stump. No such forest fires have heretofore been ex­perience In Northern Pennsylvania.

E arly M *raIaBM «a r a i le d .H Ag>preelatfl .

From iho New Orioan* rimes-D«moc*«L >( lauding my mscklng bird the

other day,"“ remarked a lawyer of this city, "when a friend ' t 4 mlae Jtegan to ouse the entire mocklnf Bird race with * volubility born convtct| on. I demand­ed an explanation, and he “ui” *'red:

" 'It's this way; 1 nave, a little gallery St the side of my bedrqoro, and every morning about § o’clock a gray devil of a bird came and iquattes nRiwii on the rail* Log-and fw one hour K 'W -U '" 'a Kiund which I had hestrd some •<■=»-*[ think ■ It must have two n In a night- roare-a eickenlng., bloo*-c4Jfdltng soujid, broken by an occasional ti'twp like the Srip of « alligator Wltlf New Ortraho

" 'The sounds, as I said.I eesmed JgmB- Isr to mo, but 1 could niit place them until the other day I wM awaiting my turn St the dentist’s. All] al once from the open door of the iterating room came the voice olt my mocl.Ing bird, but now I realise that tho (wise wae mode by the busier taking the JilDo off of soma one's blscupedsl nerve. Every now'Olrt then the patient would let out a yell, which told me where my blfd had chosen the model for hl^ floriture. 'On Inveitti** tion 1 learned that a dontlat had occuptod the houra 1 was living In! and that he had kept a caged mocking bird In hli workroom. The creature m«Ht have dl»d.

A M lsa to a a ry 's P lolm re o f H ta L it t le H ot—H a b ile o f N o llv e s .

From Ihe Preabyterlan Banner.Rev. David A. Carson, a graduate of tho

Union Mtsslonary Training institute. Brooklyn, gives an Interesting picture ot hli AWcan home:

“ My room In a neat Uttls hut of niu4 and tha tell. Is twelve by fourteen feet* Th© Wd Is consiruoted wUh branches, boles being; augured 4n posts for the sides abd ebda'lD be-inserlsd. The supi>ort for th© grass mattress la lof leather thongs laced across both ways, thus holding all aacur©s

"My chair Is the same. The table and wash stand are of branches with reed mat topa. There are no boards The desk la the - same, with the Inside case of my steamer-trunk for a top, very good.

"The windows are of while clotty tacked to a frame which can be opened right back : and fastened ib the wall. Htt^es for doors and windows are of skin. No ojAts or rugs are used on the floor, as they har­bor Insects/’ „ 4. w jk.

Mr. .Oaraon Is a member of the inaut- trial Mission of Ihe Fhll-Afrtcan Liber­ators' League^ located at Lbicoln* on thejT. ... _ .a . * .S.-S-A.I— lliua-

the Af-

E . H E Y M T t N ,' T H ^ » H O I © M A N ,

S l S ' S S O i S p i r i n i e f i o l d ArvGm

We Are Leadinginthe S h oe fraternity o f the d ty ,

style, price and quality. R em em ber we are buy ing our goods from manu* facturcra in large quantities for cash only and thereby saving fo r our cus­tomers at 20 pet cent.NOTE these itens beliw, they wOl sell

qnlck. fe r F rh U j © d S it ird ay j•IWI ■ l-JX.XWX* — - —w raf'oqs^i' ■ito'J tW - to U o f^ w l tiwt« t ia .MfStuRlra « l LsOrailag clean to Work:

and'it's' spIrH now returns'Jfo haunt Us ana ks _ p ,„ib iyqthe birdfonnsr prison, caped.'"

There Is practically no routtao here. The unexpected most always happens. Here Is one day out of many varieura. We rise with the sun, (:3t A. M., have pri­vate devotions from 6 to 0:NI. then break- fsst, after which the rani's horn Is blown for native roll-call.

"Our superintendent seats himself .out­side his house, the essoclnte worhera. six of us, stand beside him while he rattles off ijfe names to which the people ehout 'Amo'

.^personal pror-"R e then asks ui how many helpers we

need in our vsrioue departmente. We be­gin tO calculate and he calls those qual- tnra lor certain kinds ot work, when there Is 4 ’terrible barking down In tho valley and' a ehrioklng like lhat ot a child.

"flhrery mall with s hlaeir or white ikin (black always flratt runs to Investigate, snd there le a line deer at bay with three wild dogs barking at It. They see tho rush bf people, and Jealous of their prey pounce on him and tear him llmh. from limb In a twinkling, so strong are their mouths and shoulders.

"The rush ot nsllyes on the poor dead beast Is more lerriftc, !t would seem, than that of : the dogs. They cut him up, indif­ferent Bl to whether they have a rib or a steak or the tail or an ear. then march op the hill, blow up tho log fires snd feral till Alt Is finished.

"The ooneequence le, no work that day— a df y’s pay le gladly forfeited tor such a tre if." . „ ;

5Qc. Geflt’s sad Boji’ Tennis OifotdUn, rfbbet sole, «i*“ 27c

S2.S0 ladies’ Vki Kid Shoes, Good- ycM writf button snd 1.88

$3 Gen*' VW rad Calf ^ A A S b ^ black snd Ira, eot|.... fas*t*t

U . T - y j$2 Boji’ Shorn, only


lace$2 Ladle*’ V ld Kid Shoes, I i O ce snd button, “ dy............ I . T U

$2 Lsdiet' Fine Vld KM Thiil Ox­ford Ties, f le x ^ W dtt-1 A A

a, fflr 2 d s » muT I iT T tferent styles,

$1 SO Niaes’ Tan and Black Sheer,

a“ 179c

2 days only

Black snd Tan Vld

u < g j f ' l o l l , P »c . j6 to « ,

I Ms; ^ o T s is c k rad Tsh Shoe^ .Mock, dies 6 to 8, 7 -3 -

■ 1 , l U V

$1,25,,.------------------------Kid Oiffltd "nti, hmd-eewed, A 7 - kldlined, C toE E , on ly .-.- F f V

eeniiu* gos* *****1 ® ’’ ’

U)CvT^ Shoe Polish Conbiiistian. box M . -iOtlWi * o r .bottle.-.--- .......... ......... . 'sc

B>*» l S - a S * 0 S p r l r u g f i e l d A v - e .



l i c k V P PORKSTis

IBUam nB c D ew e T im ber soB tk Jeveer-

BRlDGETONr fleree fom tAre haa been raging elnce tail night In the woods between CedarvlUe and Centre Grove. Thousande of acre* of valuable oak and pine have been reduced to ashes and the luss will be enormous. The reel- denca ot John Hammond was saved only by the most strenuous efforts ut the peo­ple ot CcdArvIlle, who fought the flames during Ihe entire pighl. , . - .

Snakes rabbits. Ilsards and other dent- sens of tho woods were driven Into the roads by the flemes. nnd U was almost Im* possible to 'wmlk vrithout stepping upon them.

wsmrawerasW H Ite .NBW8 hr L. II- D.

rsrjw lun iv, may 0.—c.iiai er died of heart disease yesterday al the age ot forty-eight. Mr. c'heever was not­ed for hla Inventions In the fleld of elec-ed for nia inventions m too ih-io o. y -.- trlcal Bclence and organls^ the varioua Bub-telei>hono' companlea In New s^ra Htate, and erected nnd owned the flrsi tclephont^lnejn. New .York Qf#. H ran fronj h lsT 'onkw iiS *■house ■ o r E. SVADlokerson, •%! Vtmv,- f fourth street. He afterward, for Ihe pur- *poee of damoulrating the coininarclal | value of the telephone connected hla of­fice In The Tribune Building with the American Inetltiile Fair. Over this wire could be heard the plnylng o f the band at the fair. The remarKabTe part of Mr. Cheever’a life was the fact that he was from Infancy parslycvfl from hla waist

g r e a t p i c t i i b b .

“ The S v o le t io " o f a Kirk |e God, * r the Tela


» • -O n flaltahle t * r SIght-weeIng elgaesi b y ■ London Msraista.

From the London Times.The Paris Biposltlon la lo ojt tract Amer-

leans In large numbers. It Us said that every berth on every liner la itivvired from America to Kuropo up to AlApiat. This means a good thing for our tram metrop­olis. aa Amdflf»Tt ladles for tka last see- erat seasons have shqwn o grooving favor toward It. Q^lte •• much Amertosn

o q r

C K ld « « o

IN t u b w r o n g h o u n b .

la to# Yanrs Old To-day.NEW YORK. May 3,-Mrs. EllndS Bon

ner Hunt, a colored woman, who Uvea In 'Kavenawood. Long laland, with her grand­daughter, Mrs- Elenors Cannon, la cele- UMtlnx lo-dsy the IttSth anniversary of her

T jlu(p., was luirn In Virginia, where she spent m o a t^ bra life. Htr father W»s a fuU-hlqo<f?d nejro xh^ nirithwi> wee e white women. 0n© clenns tu wnemtar a visit px'd by General Lafey- elle^o-her native village, Prince George, Dlnwlddircounty. Va, She enjoys very good- health. ‘ '

money haa hesit epent^In^i^nllon of late

from Infancy tiarsl5-.^u ....... ..... .......Wbat Shall Ufa Hava ior Dassertl 2?oTnd%"nVh%7?o''f,e'’' c «to place by an < attendant. He never weighed more than seventy pounds.

JahB B. Treeland.This qoeetlon arises In the family every

f l u . L e t US answer It to-day. Try Jell-0, ^ f le U c t w s and healthful dessert. Pre­pared In two Klnntea. No bollingl ao bek- Jngl simply odd belling water and eel to OOOL Flavora-Lem on, Orange. Raep. bopry and Btrasrhorry- 0 «t * paokogs at iraur groccf a tp-doy. M ou .

Bperbal Dlinti'li lolhe NKW0. _ .BOONTON. Mey 8.—John

one of the oldest reeWenta of Olen View, flve miles from Boonton, died e l nil home on T\iMdsy, nfler s short lllnees, »|#a seventy-nine years. The funeral will be held to-morrow sfiernoon nt 1 o clocR,

■ f 0 Bkaed on the F a l1utles>

lorn from the Palisades ot W o ^rock wss Icilff yes­

terday ofternoon to o’*ke &D0D j blocks. It wss the Its kinditTm lny V « r * ” ln ThTrYtrinlVy:'IV took nUce nt quarry of Tepper ft Two k«ws of powder snd Ststy pounds of dynsmlie were exploded. * tremor from Ihe blest wss felt for sbout

. Miira /tonm ihdi fluxrry.

years as In Parts, and this season It Is highly probsbls that more'shDppIng will be done here then In the French capiUl by traniallanllc vlsltora. Thei'cteavy U i- Btfon ofi clothee add Jewelry t purchased here arpved-a' bs? 10 sq c|i Ubcnl h o m e -W n lv ^ \ is »^ t^ 7,3 Aaraa*" can «Hsen*sito .,.jert'lS;^ • . .(hsmselves wHh BUH, when tlx y coma lo Europe monty mutt he spent, and tsAS- tlim may rgmsln an atterthoi ght.

The exhlWktun lA It Is raid, lb be the means of tieBailng women fwwl the thrOII of the long' sweeping eklrt. lewdera ol fashion have. 3t la lUted, raheltofl ogolngt a choice between two evlli, .one. coyryltig during tho heat and burden ot Mn exblH- lion day a weight of luperiluotislmaterial; the other trolling this same welglil behind with the almost certain result,jit nerve- harrowing trrads upon It An UBhlbltion dreoo has'boon specially crostefl, hg, par- heps, our greatest Londonmodule, which le to c o m i^ emartnew and alefMtnee with ■ultabUliy. M l .

____ Wonsan PFhn by HI stale*W a s the G aset o f n B tro n ger .

From.the Chicago Tlmes-Herald.A certain Mrs. Bobroy, of tho North

Bldo, waa much gratlAed to receive an In­vitation to a reception .to be given by her old friend, Mrs. Msretir.

I ’hO'afternoon arrived and Mrs. Bobroy proceeded to the reeldenco of Mre. Mar- etar on Pralrlo avenue. She was sur- prteed to find four receptions being held on bhe block.

Bh« entered a palatial mansion, sod A tu r . removing wraps and so forth was announced and received by the hoeiess. Bhe-.Uiobgbt her friend had changed greatly hut as they hod not met for some years, she let that pass In the hurty and siotlement, -Bhe marvelled much to find the house.and furnUhlngs so

HOVDON’B ________Fenr foe (he BAlely o f the Mnater-

pleeo in th e C o m ed le F ran en lo .From the London Telegraph.

When the farm ing new. ^ th» t^m- edle FraiMxllto Are spread with eltmtrio rapidity through Fjria the Arst cry was "Is tha *vytalra’ of Houdon safe? This matterDtodO'tof Ffsneh eighteenth-century ~.!uni!Sewhloh was the crowning fea-

foyer, U sport from lU Imrivsnrai miauty and character, a hind of r a f f i w ^ f h o u t which the Ctomedle F ^ S w C o u ld never ba deemed whollyUraHTmSo “ t rarve. to lerall tho .polb-. ^ 1. !5 raa aged Bago of Forney In his

of tto comedle, since it bears I ' S ' i i T o t W. soImBntty-in^which ‘ ..if that of Voualfo'a drath.

body wrapped In the fold* of S « « n ‘ 1 r ifto d with tS. brradth and

nvfloii ■culpture, U dead: but bitter, mochln,

m f., ih ^ l^ »n d the face, with Its froes-

l!ra’a ^ * l> y Itn P*n i«ual Interrogation. '^'f3 T u no groatet master work ot por- i.^ * !f.n o iu ra tb an this, whether of Its

dlsAstor tho world wouldh.v?*hfd*W*coDtonl Itself with tho ro- have had to ^

J— w_ALa-s -Bhl f 'IsItAoarasR

From Our Nets*7 Honrs Ont ot f ittr. ,

Apa«*»»BJersey Weikfish, Ib-- Flounden, lb - ..- .. ..Haddock, lb.............See Dus............. .Eels, 3)4 lbs...........CodStmks,4 1bs.....Salmon, 21bs..........Nortb River Roe Shad, foeh, SOc. and 1LoTfe Milt Stad, e a c h . Te. to-:Hurd Crabi. doira..-- Lobaters, lb . . . . . i * . . .Mackerel, 3 IbS..........

Oyslera and Ckmo.

• pgfltBddA.b*

Asirary Park Fisk Co.114 M ulberry St.,


much to find the houso ann rurnismngs so nave ^ made bylugurtous, bnt concluded that Mr. Maratar (pr that enlightenedmust be prospering. and Mjttera. Cathortns

jStor portakhig of daintily served re- - , .dftlntlly BiQ ^oqublntencei,

—■■ T’*’ • A *• ,In the dreislng-reom another guest ^marhMi how >*"• 'Arid then exclaimed: "This Is Mrs. Mar-

•‘J^5rby'yei"‘ I^ M a «r.,*.Bobfoy.’& , y r a W th*''m .ld . "This

RobreS' and tho hfherjguost s t ^ aghast when they rra|l«Jl'dhey had b ^ partaking of tha h ^ t r i l t y "adera of Chicago donned their wraps and

They found Mti. Ifara tara upon in- oulry. and paid thslrlira. Bobroy hob boon laughing la her tioovo ovtr Ini' sbldhl AdvoBittfO.

II. of Burai*.

A BinlAXd FkoAora***-.

*\“ ” 'm?‘ ‘A «*T o r lE r ra 5 ::S ^ ra tho tall h.^VJ^no n o H c^ n . Harry Otaham. who handram pUoted women

mara oFvshlflka al Twenty-, and FHth

tr flW Bretdwxy •qwafls, 1* b ln to rd a T lto W ^ ^fav!Jrita*trtrit*«f hlx*l* to le*" across tho tJhlS^to ra the ohalk. Men of ordl-

bo. Ho la an •«>*»* P W « -

-T h e B vo In tloA o t n H lo do G ofl^A* t k * T on In oaraA tlo n a o t V lo h i^ * * W vitton o x e la s lv o ly to r AatoM lhy'a R B W 8 b y B l la a h * (^ A . lU o t l, A . Mo Io B .D .


in in iTs. H e n r t tr k ^ t r c n in g .Pffl 11 til IS.


l a a r i • ( Warfci ! ( a k n iispect tie U catiM e f tie FtalsytTaaia

le a d Alleratleas.


r * 0 * « «h t H a q a ln d W id th • ( « h *

X*t* K a llro n d F la e c • l in t * HaT a k e * OB H aTera l M a a a ta e to r lc i

A h a tt ia a a a lh a E a a ta r ir l>*aa •<

tha P ra a a a t R a ilro a d P laaa a a d

CoM Biare lat B l r a a t _ T h a ■ Ita a lla a f

■ c f la la a d .

Uambart of the Board of Worka who Ritda a penonal examination Teaterday of thoM portluna of Railroad placa and Con- narclal atraet which the Pennijdtraiila Railroad Cotnpanv wanta vacated that It may atralfhten Ita tracka, aeemad con- vlncad, when tha Inaisectlon ended, that the propoaed chantea of tha atraet gradea, aapeclally at tha Uarkat atraet croaalnii, ware to ha of a far more Ufly nature Oian bad been heretofore expected.

The ordtnancea providing for the vaca­tion of tha aectlona of the etreete Involved and for the opening of the propoied new afreet, lo tie celled Railroad place, have been ordered to a third reading by Iho Board of Worka, An amendment edupled at the aecond reading of the ordinance to Vaoatc, binda the railroad company to uae the land It deetrei to acquire only tor the purpoaea of an elevated atructure.

Thit reetrlctlon la not at all to the rail­road company'! liking, In eplte of the fact tM t the company tn the peat hae cften profaiaed to deplore Ita Inability >o ele­vate Ua tracka, on ;iccount of an alleged refugal on the part of the Central Rail­road to ralae to the neceauty height He bridge which epana them. The preaent track elevation plan provide! that thfi bridge aball tie elevated ten feat htore than at pretent

Erneat Adam, Rnglneer of the Depart­ment ef Btreete and Bewere, accompanied tha Board of Worka commtaeionera yea Terdty on their tour of Inapecllonl Ex plana tlona aa to the propoaed changea wen duly made and the mapa carried by Mr. Adam were frequently conaulted. The iituaUon la thte:

Bllcea OR B n lld lB ga .To itralghten Ita traSke between the

Balaatc River and Market Street Station, under extating condltlone, the roadbed of the Pentibylvonla Rntiroed must be ehift M lo far eait of lit prevent line that only a narrow itrlp of the prevent Rallrovd place and Commercial vtreet would be left. This vtrlp, It Iv contemplited, tv to form a part of the proponed new vtreet, which le to be called Railroad piece, and ix to be Ihlrty-nve feet wWo. To get that width, the eldea of the buildings of arv eral manutacturera and one saloon build­ing Bbuttlng on the easterly hue of the prevent Railroad place and Commercial street—three blocks—must be sliced oil from top to bottom to varying dlinenelonv.

Under this plan the cut Into the Wheaton building, at Market smet and Railroad place, would be seventeen feet; that Into the Currier buildings, twenty-three feet and twenty-six feet three Inches respec­tively; Into HaussHng'a saloon building, forty-elx feet four Inches, and Into the structure north of the Morris Canal, thirty-three feel six Inches. The options on these buildings which the railroad com­pany holds expire on Juno 1.

The ordinances iirovide that all this work be done at the rallrnid company's expense and under the supervision or in­spection of the city's englnesr. The com­pany Is also to pay for the removal and relaying of the granite block and cobble­stone pavement end eewere, including the relocation of the public bridge over the canal, so that the bridge will conform to the grade and. lines of the .proposed new itfeel, and for the roetoratlon of (he In­tersecting streets.

T h e CwaamiBy’s A lttlBde.Iq the matter of track elevation the

Fenltiylvanla Railroad Company's repre- aentatives have explained to Iho city of- Bciale the company's attitude as follows;

"The undertaead clearance of our bridges at street crossings Is In your control. It all depends upon how much of a cut at the Market street crossing will bs toler­ated. The under side of our bridge there will bs twenty-four feet shove city datum, nie rail level being two feet higher."

If the city Insists on thirteen feet clear­ance at the Market street crossing It will be necessary to lower the curb at the Wheaton Building corner two feet three tnehee and at the Palace Hotel corner one foot ten Inches.

To get an under clearance of twelve feet gt the Commerce street croseing the curb there must also bs depressed two feet three Inches. On the proposed new street, at a distance of about 100 feet south of South Canal street, a depression of three feet two Inches will be required. There the rallroed company's plans provide for an opening forty-flve feet wide under Us tracks In llsu of the Bouth Canal street croaslnt, which would be closed.

The present rate of grade at the Com­merce street approaches Is four feet In 100: at South Canal street ten feet In 100. The prospective rate of grade in the new otraerfor the 100 feet stretch between the planned opening under the tracks to the Bouth Oknal street corner will be Ave feet six Inches.

Nr. Ba llard Barpriaed.CommlaslDner Ballard, who Is the cau­

cus selsctlon for president of the Incoming Board of Works, expressed atnasement gt ths amount of the required depreealon of the Market street crossing. Aside from

,the obstacle that confronts the Pennsyl- . vanIa Railroad In the Central Railroad'*■' - |g| I M a'^^vwefC-dw « A*

r«lW fX|WI'g<>rBC*"'4|f# “ JlTIIUW -TalBlxr' planned without being obllg^ to abandon . Us freight yard, lust south of Iti Market street station.

The changes In grade that will be re­quired In street approaches to crossings

■ fsvs Ihe commissioners much concern. Ag the cOMitilsklonCrs merely wgnted to famitlarlie tbemaelves mors thoroughly with ths plaiu, no action was taken yes­terday.


« «V o VMtlier t * It*t 'h a reh Iran i E a r a M * *

g H a r k « i Ur m. H «c«p ilo ii,R*v. J. P. Pm ISs pAiitor of St. Joha*«

Cftthohc Church, on Mulborry itroots who hnt been nboent frutn bla chorg* for oboui m y m bceauM of itl-hefilth, lo ox* l*ected to arrive from Earoi>e next Sua day. A reception le to be given him by hla jiarlehlohera at 8i. John'a. N a if on Monday night. A mceUna lu make ar rangementi for the reception will bo held to<nlfht at that plaoe.

Paul V'. Flynn la chairman of the Coin' inittoe of Arrangement* for the recep' tlon. and Mile* F. Qutnn le the aecrettry. Admluton to the reception will li by card onlys a* the aeathig caimcUy of the hall la limited, reroone wluhlng to at­tend will have to make applkailon at to­night'* meeting.

H I* H ra ll l i lM p ro f«d s Father Poela had becir * aunerer from

atomach trouble for aome Urn* prevlou* to hi* going away. He hoped that a atay In Southern France would benefit him. According to letter* recently rocalvoda Father Po«la haa recuperated, and to anxloua to reaum* hla paitoral duttaa*

While In Europe Father Poet* atayod for aome time at the home of hi* parent! in Holland. Ha alao made a trip to the Holy Land and Egypt, where he travelled with Blihop Wlgger, of the Newark dlo* C**e, who U alao expected to arrive her* ■oon.

Father Poela aalled from Holland on the ateatnahlp RoUerdam, which la due to ar­rive in New York harbor on Sunday morn­ing. The ateamer wilt tie up ut the Ho* boken dock*, and a large delegation of Father Poeia*a Newark paiiehloncra ex­pect to be on hand to greet him.

Rev. Dr. ^oaeph P. A. M. McCormick ha* been acting paator at St. John'aChurch during Father Poela'a absence, and Father A. M. Murphy haa been hla asaiatant- Dur­ing Father McCormick'* term he haa held very lucceeaful miaaleni, one for men and one for women.

There I* eome talk of Father McCormick going to Rome to study.

•*» IR E A L E S T A T E TftANiF|BRV*

The deed* which were recorded With Iho County Register on Wed ie*day wore ai foUowa:

NEWARK.Btampa.|1 fit^Mahel C. Tucker and WlllltlOs

her husband, to Emily Bllen Martin, n e cor Mulberry andLsafayeiie aiB., jtxlM ............. |1

6 60—John B. Swam et ux to Chris­tina Buehicr et als. n F cor Clinton ave and Chadwickpi. 12&X1S0......... 6,000

I OO John B. Bwuln et ala to Nath­an D. B. Fish, w s Broad st 45 n fr Clark at. recorded BM. 7».................................. 1

1 00—Ellxabeth Beyer und Frans J*. her husband, to Leonard Handermnnii. e a Peshlne ave too ji fr Bigelow at. Z5x105 ......................................... 1

S4 OO—Ebenexer C Hay et ux to Loula QroBF. n n Market i t A w fr Calvin Baldwin, 14x

tta iU N Gria w D e g

Mato* the feed ■wwidkim a*d whoieaoaw

huthand. to John Townsend, Orang«» w a Cogan ave, lUO.

Edgar Coeyman et ux to Mary H. Mkr- thla, Belleville, n a Academy at, S3.SOO.

Kate 8. Flske and John M., her hue- band. to Joseph W. Piske, Ka*t Orang*. w a Waahtnglon et. I1.40».

Joseph van Vleck et ux in Mutual Ufk Inaurance Company of New York, IlMtt- clalr, cor Church at and cor Culeb Mar- UDg ia ,m

CONTBACTfl.Francla Gilbert, owner, 1*2 William

atrtwt. East Orange. N. J.. with Fred B. Hasaeiman. for all the work, 12.000; F r^ R, Haastlmnn. architect.

Emanuel Bchlota, owner, 17 nnd II W'**t Park atreel, city, with Edward J. Oakleys for carpenter work. t5.kj2; William P> Field, civil engineer

John MeniH. owner. 27R LWlngiton atfeet. city, with Pettr H. Melsd, for car­penter. maicn, painting Hnd plumbing work. 11,070.

Albert A. SaundeTi. owner, noriheaat comer of Tenth street and Twelfth avw- nue, city, with L, C. Becker Ik Uroa., for carpenter and other work, .636; C. F. ii5lcnaTn, architect.


119 00—Richard DcnblKb to Louie

Orosa, n * Market at, a w cor Calvin Buldwin. 14x180., 1

1 00—David Feteru to Harvey M.Passmore, w s Chadwick ave,s74 a fr Madison ave, 26xm ...................................... 1

lOO—Sarah Doll iind Herm^ J., her huflbsnd. lo C^vld Peters, w s Chadwick ave 74 * fr Madison uve, 25x100. 1

SO -Kate E. Morris and John B., her husband, to Juliana Qati- wlix. a e cor Warren and South Tenth hts, 22x100....... 1

2 Ob—Lillian Lemsssenu und Theo­dore F., her husband, lo Henry (1. J.a ma*>ena, a w cor Ira House'». 23x103......... 2,000

1 0b-Rcl1uble Loan and Improve­ment Co. to Nettle H. Umh- achelden, e s South 9th st 42S n fr llih av. i^xlOu.............. 1

2 00—Patrick O'Brien el ala loNicholas O'Brien, e a Madi­son 1J9 n fr Lafayette at,28x105 ................................. 2,000

f BO—Patrick Callan to Annie Junes. ■ w COT James and Boyden st*. 3Ux69; a * James at E w fr Boyden, 15x67....... 1

4 SO^Thomas J. Joims et Ux fb'Tkl-lick Callan, * w cor Jamea anil Boyden it*. 20x69; s a Jntnea at JO w fr Boyden,l£xt7 ................................. 1

SO—John N. Fle< k et ux lo Will­iam F. Taylor, t e cor Chest­nut and Adams *t«. 29x7t: * a Chestnut 2U e fr Adam* at,62x105 ................................. 1

TOWaNSBlPB.6 DO—George dpoUlawood et ux to

Ruth B. Overton, Montclair, w a Mudiwm av 90 n fr Dra­per lerruce, 85x300........ I

J 5b—Warren Vreeland et ux to Clarence J. Markham. Franklin, w a Prospect at and n w cor Frederick Clem­ent*, 100x150........................ 1

5 00—Esther M, Nevlne and Thom­as. her husband, to Elisa­beth J. N. SchUsder, Or­ange. « * Oakwuod av cor Rev, James 8. Hush, 137x245. I

1 60—John 8. Parker et ux to Min­nie Parker. West Orange, e . a Valley way. n w cor Bram-ball rd. Mx5W.................... 1,606

t Ob-Clara W'ard Carter and WllU iaiB D.f her husband, to Bar* alllal H. Higgins. Bloomflajd, a e cor Orchard at and fitlie-vllle av, mt26................a 1

27 00—Addison H. J o -y aeph Van Vleck, Moltalalr,' cen Church *t at cor Galab Martin. 100x365; cen Church at, w i Dr. J. J. H, Love, lUx 263 ................................... . 88,173

2 00-John P. Dexhelmer et ux tmFrancla J. Arend, trusteai: Orange, e s N Centre it 236 fr

,^ a rk av, SxlQO..................■^■ia*y M. Barretl, trusiae,

ala to Clara IngersoU Ooiin,East Orange, w s Prospoct at S86ki fr WlTllaid at, 77xln..s

W h a t la D o in g at Owe T h eatre * a a d W h a t I* U o la g to Hr Bone.

Men Centmry Theatre.Robert Mantell la not losinx hi* grasp

upon the good will of the public any more than he Is losing his wonderful iKJwer as a romantic actor. HI* Monbars hs* been a revelation to the Iheatre-g-iing public. Fstfons of the Neu Century are therefore eagerly looking forward to m xt week, when he is to appear !n "A Becrei War­rant," a play admirably aduptnl to hla talents.

B oiw lra T h eatre .The Wilbur Opera Company Is still at­

tracting Urge audience* and delighting them as well The "Bohemian 4tlrl" will hold the stage during the b«lKni, s of the week. The very popular speclaliles. "The Olrl With th* Auburn Lotks" nnd "The Fall of Babylon," are to be replaced by others next week, which la th ' conriudlng week of the present engsgemenl. The oi»ras will be 'Two Vagrants" and "Mer­ry War."

N e w a rk T h sa tre ,Charming Julia Marlowe and her very

ahle company still delight Urge audiences with "Barbara Frietchle." und will con^ Unue lo do ao for the balance of the week. Although Mis* Marlowe's engagement ‘vlooea the formal season. Manuger Otto- lengul has arranged for Curse Payton aivl Eeet Reed, with a capable company, who will begin wbftl Is expected to be a long engagement next Mundiiy. Popular prices will rule.

C o lam b la Theatre.'Saved From the Sen." prcKented by the

Columbia Stuck Company, is doing a good bualneas. aa was to have been expected. Next week "H a n i Klrkc ‘ will teat the capabilities of theTompany and doubtless attract large audiences.

Waldmaan^a Opera Hoaac.The return engagement of Irwin's Ma­

jestic Burleaqiiers haa not diminished their popularity with the lovers of vaudeville. They will give place next week to the Al Eeevea Company, which, according to thu bills, will furnish "one solid week ol laughter."



fm waM .


Oar Orange castomers w il l save time by traos- ferr iog at Roseville to the car that passes onr doors.


^xm asm iK^M

ComeinthemorningBtiaiBeDtq N m i Bfood Street.

gueats of Mr*. George SiKittlawooda, of Cleveland street, Orunge.

Ronald Grant, the organlft of Oraca Church, East Orange, will resume hi* place at the organ of that church D*Xi Sunday after a stay of six woeka In A t­lantic City, where he ims been recuperat­ing ft om an attack of grip.

Dr. B. Graven, of Main and Mul-ford aireeta, Hast lirange, haa gone to Nova Si'Otla for a month's vacation.

Lewi* E. Hayward has resigned aa aee- retary of the Lincoln Club of Sait Or­ange, and Arthur L. Felsenheld ha* been chosen to succeed him

Hev. John P. Callaghan, rector of the Church of Our laady Help of Chrlallan*. East Orange, has returned from Florida, where he has been for the peat two months. Hla health I* comilderably Im­proved by hU vacation.

Mlaa Bentley, Instrih-ior In Enfllah and literature, and Mias Loomis. Inalnictor In French In tha East Orange High RchnnI, have accepted positions In the High School at Harif<ird, Conn.

R. B. Overstreet, of New "york, has been engaged as bass in the choir of the Flrai Presbyterian Church. Orunge. succe*dlng E, B. Martindeli, who will sing this year In New York.

A regular meeting of the Primary Teachers' Union of the oranges was held at the Orange Y. M. C- A this afternoon.

The West Orange Town Council will meet to-nlghl. The mcfiitig will be called to order at 7 o'clock, an hour earlier than the usual time.

The New Jersey FlurlcuHural Society held a regular monthly mvetlng in Linda- ley’s Hall. 240 Main sirert OrHUgc. laat night. The subject fur (lIsruMSlon was "Strawberries."

The Haydn Orchestra held U» last he- hearaal of the season Ihsi night In Deck­er’s H%11, Main street. Orange The Dead Match froHL gaul was pluyt'd as a me­morial to two memtiers of the orchestra who died during the past yeur. They were Q. J. UcFadden and E. P. Hredt

A vaudeville entertainment under the auspice* o f Branch 344. Natlnnal Associa­tion of Letter-carriers, of Khsi Oranga, will be given In Orange Music Itsll to­night. The Mecklems, muslcsl expert*, of East Orange, and the Frank Cushman Vaudeville Cnmiiany will furnish the en­tertainment.

Mrs. 8. Katharine Krueh died ycstmlay al the residence of her eon. Professor Chirrle* F. Kroeh. 328 Central avenue, Or­ange, at Ihe age of elghty-lwn yours. The cause of her death was old age 8he had lived a retire<l life for tome time. The fu­neral services will be held lo-murrow afternoon at the residence of Profi»ssor Kroeh and will be conducted by Hev. Dr, Anthony Schuyler and Rev. Alexander sMann, of Grace Church, Orange.

Housekeepers’ Morning Sale.W e have made these morning sales popular by offering the most desirable goods at

prices that cannot be met anywhere in tlie trade. A pretence is sometimes made elsewhere, but housekeepers reeogniw the “ sickling ” at once, and all the more appreciate the open, genuine character of our offers.

N O T E — This sale is from 8 to 12 A. M. Friday only, .and no mail or telephone orders will be recognized for the goods at these prices :

Glassware.Crockery.T h e E a r l y P a t r o n s G e t t h e P l u m s .

1,684 Decorated Bakers, Bowls and Nap­pies, worth from 19c. to 39c. each, mark- C « ed at IOC. Special, each.............................

1,000 Mugs or Brush Vases, decorated, worth from 15c. 1049c. each, marked at IOC. Special, e a ch ................................... ....

150 Decorated Cake Plates, every one per­fect worth 29c. to 49c. each. Special, . l f | ^ e a c h ................................................................

45 Decorated Slop Jars,worth $2.98,1 A A marked at $1.49, Special, e a c h . . .

These gfxKls are all perfect. Prices will be withdrawn sharply at I 2 o’clock, noon.

Opaline Sugar Bowls, regular 29c., 1 sp ecia l........................................ I G v

Opaline Vinegar Cruets, regular

Opaline Butter Dishes, regular | Q ^39c., sp e c ia l.................................................

Opaliue Berry Dishes, regular | A ^

Opaline Cream Pitchers, regulars p e c ia l.....................................................I f iiL

Opaline Decanters, regular 43c.,sp e c ia l...............................................................L L \ t

Opaline Table Sets, regular 89c. JQ r* set, special, s e t ............................. ..... . .

Keery plew af th* itiov* 1* warranted [lei faol—qualltj la not reduced to meet pricea. Ke([ular prloea w ill prerall alter I'i, uoofi. ItAH K K ACO..

2 3 c.


2 3 c.

P e r c a le 6c. Y dOne case of .^6-inch Percale, fast

colors, tight grounds ia shirting and wrapper designs, loc. value for , . . . . . . . . U U

Dress GinghamsTwo cases 34- inch Dress Ging­

hams in plaida, stripes and checks, newest spring colorings, ohered "special” elsewhere st 15c. yard, our price . . .

Complexion Cream................................This well known toilet requisite

Th* funeral of Mra. Caroline Rosa C.ra- js.JuStly popular, for it kocpS the ham. « r ire OMveland Btt*ab-^»r«nar. WBS - . r f _ m ‘nVrferl enndttfnn " I t ia hold IhUuitternoon. Mr*. Graham aaa a ™ periect COnnUIOn. U »

healing, soothing, cooling, whiten­ing and re6iiiiig. It is the best thing known tu cure chapped skin on hands or face. In one night it will make the roughest skin smooth. For burns, old or new sores, bruises, inflammation or irri­tated skin, from any cause, it acts like magic. It is simply grand. Regular Ji.oo size, perj a r ............................................

S Iran K er In ll i l lo n W o u ld Not T e ll W I 10 W o n o d o d H im .

k well dreaueil stranRer walked Into John Duff’s aatooQ, at the corner of Boy-

; dfn and 8j>ringe«lrt avenue*. HlUon* oliout U o'clock last nlsht with blood streaminff from a wound In hla face, and asked for the nearest hospital. Some one In the place asked the man whether he ttad had a fall and he anawared:

"No, it waa a bullet,” 'Several asked him how he got the

wound, but he would answer no further question. Matthew Dempsey look the man to Tack’s dru* aluro. Mr. Tack saw that the blood came from a flesh wound in Ihe right cheek. It wan not a serious one. and the drugjf1"t told the man to go to IrvlTifton and'have U drcBsed by a phy- alciati. The person would not give his name and ignored all queatlona as to how the alleged shooting occurred. 11% stopped the flow with a handkerchief and got on a car which wa* going to Irvington. No physician could be found In Irvington this morning who had attended tha man. and U la probable that he stayed onthecar and came to Newark. A careful inquiry In Hilton was made this morning by a NEWS reporter.but no one could be found who bad ^eard any shooting or knew anything about the man.

The stranger was of medium height, about forty years of age and was dressed In a Nght check suit. He waa smooth shaven.

--------------- ...a ,..—1,


Quakeresfi. She did active work In a num­ber of societies of which she was a mom- ber. Including the Orange W. C. T. I', and the Woman's Club of Orange, ghe be­longed to the latter organisation for twen­ty-seven yearH. Mrs. Graham was seven- ty-flve years old.

A meeting of the Hoard of Dlrectora of the East Orange Free Public Library was held last night at the City Mati, but owing to Ihe ahaence of * quorum It was Impnn- Hlbie to trunaact any buNtnesn. The Miih- Bcrlptlnns ao far made toward the fund required lo purchase a site fur the library which is to be built by Andrew Carnegie, amount to about tlfi.OffO.

1b W om an's Kealm.The Woman's I'lub, of Orange, heid Us

Hnal meeting of the year at Union Hall yesterday nfiernoon, the president. Mrs. Field, presiding. The regular hualueas of the msetlng waa followed by a number of piano sclectlonR by Mr*. F. H. Bhepard. They were: "!m Walds.” Gade; "Mahr* Chen.” Gade and the "Awakening of Spring," Haberbler. Mrs. Hailey rend pajier on "Animal Intelligence," which was followed by another piano nolo by Mrs. 8hepa.n1. A discussion of Mr*. Ralley'rt paper followed. "HlologicaJ Study; Itu Values and Methods." a thoughtful paper by Dr. Emfiy BlAckw>»ll, of New York, closed the programme. The names of those appointed sk chairmen of the severjil departments for the coming year art' aa follows: IJteraiure, MlsaBoylan; art* Mlaa Bryant; science, Mrs. Bradley: economica, Mrs. fiextun; current events, Mrs. Kroeh: house and home, Mrs. King; introduction, Mrs, Van Onaabeek.

85cMen’s Neckwear

Superb collection of choice col­orings and styles in English Squares, Imperials, Puffs, Four- in-Hauds,Tecksand Prince i O ^ of Wales Ties...................... t O U


Hbrse SheetsWe offer a fine

a s s o r t meat of Stable Sheets in plain and check flannels, outing c l o t h s , lintns,

cotton twills, ducks, burlaps, etc,, at prices ranging upwards — from .................................. I d U

Horse Blankets250 Fancy Road Blankets in

check and plaid outing cloths and serges, $1,75 value f o r .............................

Lap RobesSplendid assortment of Carriage

Lap Robes, In plain and fancy linens, momie cloths, plain ladies' cloth, serges, covert cloth, etc., in dark green, fancy mixtures, plaids and checks, at the lowest 'T C /- prices, commencing at. , . £ tO ^

Negligee ShirtsMen’s Madras Negligee Shirts,

separate cuffs, new Qfi/-*designs............................... y O C

Jersey SweatersMen's fine worsted Jersey Sweat­

ers, solid and combination | A D of colors, upward from. . . l a V O

Hair Tonic.Mme. Yale’s Hair Tonic, not a

wash, not a dye, not a greasy or sticky formation, but a scientifi­cally prepared food or nourither of the hair follicles and nervea, Q g _ reg. ti.o o aize, per bottle . U U v

DentacuraThe most delicious dentiffree

made, and the only one officially indorted by the State Dental As­sociation. A sure cute for sore, bleeding or spongy gurai, price per tube . . . .

HammocksThe genuine Mexican Ham.

mocks, length 12 feet 6 inches, sold all over for $1.00, our price................ ...

Croquet SetsEight balls, eight mallets, ten

arches,two stakes,in a sub- stantial wooden box, for • 0 1 v

Dotted SwissOne hundred pieces 36-inch

Dotted Swiss, valne la.'ac. yard, for ..............................

Tapestry500 yards 50-inch Satin Russe

Tapestry,in choice of S col- y C p ors, regular 45c. yard, for £tDKf



7 'k


W—Kaymond D. Blglo et ut t<r ■ ■ Montclair, i f

B a llev ill* Bsa F a n a t H ill.Min Eleanor Morgan, of Pompton, N.

J., It vlaltinf her couilrt, Mtaa Mary ntepfeeno, of Mato atreat, Bellerllla,

tn* nuplla o ( at. Patar'a Parochial Bcliool at Ballavllla art reheanlna for their annual e^Ibltlan. which win be held at nrochlal Hall In the latter .part of Juaa. '

Tha Paul Werner 8p«elally TrOttli* will

f ive a concert t t the Foraet Hill Ueder- MM Hall on May K>. A A n » tin enter- tatmra will h* M lu Eleanor uavlni, Mlu

Bertha Breucanar, Meaari. Sohmanh and .Werner au4 Prateemr Struck.

The Wedneaday Afternoon Club held a aoolal yeatarday aftemoan at tha raai- i*n «* o tlfr* . Oora Bltera, ot lAke etrwt, Benat. Hill. Mlaa May Roiierea. of Naw Tork CIWk gava m r w u aoloa, Mlaa Beau- ■asnt. o f Niewark, gava atTeral r a ^ n a i and .Oeerga Davla, of Newark, apoka on "^araeterlatlca of the Flllpiiioa.^

The funeral of Mri. 'Alheri 8. Hubbard,

Jerome Sigler, a Wildwood av 926 w frGrove at, lOxfS...........

1 Ed—Joeiah M. Hitchcock et ux to Harry B. Bedford et ux, try- Ington, a e a Cummlnge at, HI p7r Wtlttam Fagan. miM...

JS-Cfementtna Mayer to WllUam J f LSM . Xaat Orange, n w cor A Arlington av andChaitnot ft, UxlOS....... . 1

I 50-at^hen M. Smith to David S.- Walton, Eaat Orange, w aBhapa^ av, EfxlSS............... h ill

Tba.rtvenue atampa on real eitaie traat' fen indtcata tha actual value of tha prop, arty, tha rata beliit H per |i.<W.

m o r -t o a o e s .The following nortgaces were recorded

In the County Heglttar'a odlce yeitatday: CITT.

GbrIaUana Buahler at a) to John B. Swain, n w cor Clinton and Chadwick avae, 13,000.

Jacob Hoeixel, Jr, et ux to Charlaa Hoelicl, a w oor Ferry at and Cortland pi.

A rxw m ent H ea rd Y ca ta rdn y In nn Ao- b a ry F *r lx Smlt.

After hearing argumente yeaterdey In a ault brought by Mra. Mary E. Green, of Aabury Park, agelnat Mia. Flora Scott for the apecifle performance of a contract to purebtae a cottage on Third avenue, that place, Vice-Chancellor Stevena reaerved dqclvlon.

The contract tn question was made tax June, the price agreed upon being I7.3EO. Mra. Scott refused ultimately to take the

1 property. She claimed that ahe waa given I X ..-a— - - —

A aw ■Vd-'waJ®- “’■R ••aald to hava ahowed that It waa MOO. On aeoount of the reported discrepancy Mra. Scott alleged fraudulent mltrepreMntation and alao contended that a bakery next dgor waa a nulaanoa and datrlmental tn the value of the pretnlaea. both conten- tidna were denied by th* complainant.

e v e r y b o d y g o e s to HAHNE & CO.’S BIG STORE.


WALI.rAPEB—FMtoJT prlMi; J.tWii »mp1*i l&UO pattpm*: Msd postal for lamplfii and •*-

timate; flrnt-claa* work only. A. KRIKOER, palmpr and pap*rhanaereColumbla«t ,W.Oranf«.

BK’VClrB&—Pl*rc*e Spauldlnf, Crawford. Buf.falo, Hf’at prlG«*f l»*at l«rm«; i^palrlnK. thor-

ourh and prompt; tundri^ ot rvery d iiTlptlon, C. F DAraPWlN A CO., 200 ut., OriDf*.REMOVAL—Mrs. M. If. NEWELL, dn^^nmak-

rr. lAift of 3 Railroad place, Eaet i>rHhKe, fives nutlea |o bar patrons that the fiat re­moved to if) McKinley ave,, Esse Orame'" _____

flUEKMAN'S COALit hot stuttr tn It atM aes; No. J nut * ipecttltv. W. A. FREEMAN, formerly A. P. Pierson, pjemon’s aUay. Otaag*.EAGLE126. worth Mstn tit

bicTef**, nu '


wortti $mi mod^model


rirer, 140. D.


W'E sell tha only i Utn* Not. 2 nut cosi In tbs. _ —- _Oranfes; on>7 tATb p*r ton;butS)s in uny stov*.

AUSTIN A fiONa, Bprlns su. West Ul ang*.

apAUIaDlNO fOOda . floves and musaloa. MoQUI

bsUs, bsie, miti, R^'B. 1ST Main *L

I^oles fro m Brnsardaw tlln*At the dedlraiory servlcsw of the new

Catholic church at HemardavlDe yestor- day. the paaiur. Kcv. Joseph A. Hynn, re­quested, previous tu the oflertory. money to build a rectory. The coiifreKstlon re­sponded in n most liberal manner, the amouni raised being 14.000,

F. P. Olcoti. of Hound Top Farm, and president of the C erlra i Trust t’ompany of New York, ha* purchased | of Qeorgo Wright the divelling-houae and large cor­ner lot odJolnluK the new Catholli’ church grounds, in llernardivltle. The land will Be leased as the site for the Catholic rec­tory.

A serious runaway accident occurred at Bernardavliu* ytsierday* George B. Post, Jr.. wttA driven to the ratlroad staiion by his cuAchmun Immediately after Mr. Post had allghteil ut tha sUtton the horse bo- came frlghientMt, upsettipg and breaking the wagon. The animal wo* caught and the w a ^ n rcpulred enough to allow of its kefng driven lufnie.- A its r reaching the stable the coachrTmii hitched the horse lo another wagon In order to drive him until h « had him under control, The animul. however, still ]irnved ugly, and about a mile from humf' ran away agAln. throwing the coachman to the ground and compleir:- ly demolishing ihe vehicle. The URconiclou* when found. He was sevff^f^ Injiured. one Ug being broken In three place*. A hurry cal! to A ll Soul* Hos- p lu h a l Morristown, was tioatUy respond­ed to and (he patient wall removed there­upon examination it was found that-an operation would be neccMary to aave the man's life.


lA P m O N S IN H IE OKilNiES.

who died tuddanly la x Saturday idght. ana bald staatorday afternoon at the real- ^haoe of her moth^, Mrt' M an Smith, of

Ss^'Sf ^^t k:-rcS- o lM ated The IntOrmant waa at Oraen-

Naedlawork Guild will give an eiMbRlon and aodable to-morrow " ’i**!. North End HalL Ih * prooeeda wfll bt devoted to eharttfble purpoaea .

.Compaliy No, C o f the Bellevine Plra Depanmaot,. will have tUSnnual elecuon of oSloaff to-ntitat at the ohn atraet* htiaabouae.

II I. I, .Sf. S la p lie a ’a B a n a lt C a w a e rt .'

A ooheart waa g i r a loat night tw the £l IJdfman Bvan-

■•■Iva] Uurch tn % e d U ^ a t the ooe. ,of HiRibnrg p la^ and '

g f Hack.*\apaiNb JSew* * Wttaw


S fB dE u , BOTiaiS.

Charlea Hoelsel et ux to Guatavua A. ttteharde. a a Faiyy at, tMO.

lamia Groat at ux to Anna B. Hay, two tracu a a Market at. mow.

Claua J. Millar x ux to John K. Bald­win, w • High at. n.00S .

Aaron Lloyd at ux to Harriet A. Dlck- araon, exec, w a Second et, tl.OOO.

Same to uma, W a S ^ n d at, H.ITO. _ Charlea L Ingraham at ux to Mary B.

Luke, e e Naim pi, lt,W(k Nettle H. Umbachaldan and Theodore,

her buabaad, to Reliable Loan and Im- pravemant Co. a a South Ninth at, (lOO.

Loula Groate et ux W Qatman Sarinsa Bank, two traeta n a HarlMt at, t3D.tW.

Bertha Becker end WUHofs K., her ttua- band, to Charlea- Groel. n w cor Camden at aad-ilxteenUl ave, tt.llW.

Jran Buhl et ux to F i^erick D. Stout* anburgh h ak w a JallUf ave, _

Joto Ihun at ux to Fourtaenlh l*hrtl SutUUtt ^ Loan Aiaortatlon, e a Hill-

" i r l ^ S . Mack and William, her h i » ' b a iA te Guatavua.A. Rluhardi, n a Elm

ThSdore tlm^hetden « t ux to Blch- atd H. BaU,.j a South Ninth at, tt,000: ^

Carolina Mlxallu et al to Frank C, a cor Cotta** X and Mulberry

**’ ' ' TOWNSHIPS.Ruth H.Overton and Frank C., her bua-

band-to Goorge i^ttlawSode,. Hontomlr, w aMadlaon ave, good,

Charlae II. ICxmy tq Mutual L to In- ■vranM Co, Boat O rugt, If w a proolwet

" k U b a t t V. and Jullua W,,’.lar huaband, to MvUrB. ,0 «e in^ (hVh% oor Oakwood ava and oor Rev. Jamfa % Buah, K.Wt.

Hannan M. FeeethM et ux to (teaua 'Valley Buildliif and Lean Aaeodatlon, 'W M Orange, a a Taliay rood, lU W

Marry K B a d fe r t at ux to iffrtngton Building and Loan Aaaodatmn, ^ M n g .

I A ^ ^ b l ^ U

um Aihagtmi ava,

,s ;«r i8g f1

I * / .

The atandlng Cammltteea a f the Be- pBhUeaia Glab o f Beat Oranga.

Brtala.aM Peraaaala.BtamUnf commltteea ot tha Rapubilean

Club of Boat Orange have been aelected Ol followa: Houae Committee. William p. Gllbertt chXrman; Henry C. Albert, Erank M, Rennet, Eugene H. BreaGtrr, Edward S. Crain, Georg* Borer, Charie* W. Haberle. George W. Herkerl, Henry A- Hottenrotb, H. Everett Jfills, Runael R Palmer, Samuel T. Vartan, Plnanoe Commlttaa. Mareut Mitchell, chalnnani Bkiward B, Bruen, William F. Etherington. FoltUeal CoramUlae, Lewie fi. Harkn, chxrman; H, J. W. Cooke, .Rohm W- Hawkeaworth, Alexander B. Uorrtaon, Sandt 0. Oloott, WiltUm O. Tbemaa, Daxld S. Watten. Hemberahlp Committee, Colonel Georie P. Oloott, ebalman; Oaoar H. Condit, George B. Mint. Library Committee. Edward O. Stanley, cbalmMn: Henry B. Jepaon, Oeorgt C. Miller.

Th* membera of Miller'* Military Band o f Otong* baU tbair aecond annual re­caption In th* Highland Pnrk AudUortum laat night. Th* aSaIr waa largely at­tended end waa a aucceaa. Georg* P. Halaey wea door managx and hla aa- aiatanta were Joaaph H lllx and Edward HoOlyae. Tha folawlAg eompoaed tte re- caption eoumtUee: H. Swrt», M. Brmi- nan, John .Pavia, M, aUUrttn, W. Wllkln-

*’^ 5 3 G 5 J S « ^ l * ' ‘tWfa*Bl*d iMt 'Waaww orange, te

M m lwpll* of Baton ^ h * Orange. The andlae^ waan large anOiRiraeiatlva oh*. . • .

Th* Stawfeann String Quartatlb ■tv* on Intaaaatlng oonoart qt Bfrital Hall, f l » Main atraet. Owng*. ^ I fU l - ,^

Thn mao'* m aa t^ at the Orang*. T.M. O. A. MXt.Bwidny *»*n ihn i ^ h * -nddraaed hy Ah* Bnv. AmbraaasWhlH xSraeariw itor df -tW F im COBgrtga- thmal Church of W at OrmuBh

Mr*. Frank F, Ford, of gag har dfeughUr, Mr*, WlUlha H.

of PhiiodM^aa, whg fom w iy B IS-IT MeBt umiin* Q tu g g , ., ,^

'■Art wvwa.j—aw-ZB«>lj v-R—**- -. V lNCfif^a 290 Main »t.

r u b RER o i ai) Aoeriptioiu; ordtrstaken *t liOwyOgl'B. tiawtds s t t f . _______


F i r s t 'C l a s s E o te rta io m e D tby the

Mailcml Ezpirta of Easl Onuage, and ths ,


TkiwUSIc. R e sen d S u b 75c .m l 11.PftWBtdB bgMlIt of Sick Fund of

Bnucli 444, NaUonal AfBoclatlon of Lettgr (ipnlBra of Caat Orans*.

I X O W J g l O K ) IJust pe^elved aa abtfadaneo of fleh

..Mo•li paduM hi leg.

ajni Mqheaev....... .............................t.lOe

fl!lS'toe d ^ li la i id Flonnden, le.i i'toe .............. WH*

flue AtgePnafa Mwskerel.each.......... ToiS tn U i i e Shretrabury Eeb, lOo.

’or.t............... »•<foigat o«c faihoiu Rook tort Cod Aab.


lb; kfor.i,. Don't f

. Nii

■ i.t''X :

FISH I FlSHt If Very PlestifulA -t

Elnallaakorel-.-,-........... . t 9Fnah 8^. Sb, tO Iba. for. -SSotMM Ifate'fhadtidBdlt ............PiMh ObAMi. 4«. tO(...SS«fkaib tbf. for-.SSoLgfftSog MuA oBch e «*.BbBg band ha • SOeShwfldit lto« Pd'4'* a ‘ " ‘.’ ^.SanaoBtbh'efA 0 0Kitm IfoflUhhi 0M f«r»e3lhB

b . '“

Morrlatowa M ptlon .-Tt—. .um' .■■‘ iwteA-tiL the. Morrla- v »v la A c * I .J the auTt of Bifcbiw Agalnx the Board of Street and Water L'ommljiloner* ot New­ark were taken to New Foundiand to-day to Inapebt the mill iirnpefiy of th* pleln- tlE, who le ailing to raoovar damagea, claiming that hy ihe dlvamhm of the wa­ter In jOac atrenm. on the banka ot which hla nUU [a located, he hag lUtthtned Con- aldxable Unandal loin.

Mayor Quayle and Chief of Police Hollo­way, of Morristown, were kimt busy ywa- terdty tlatenlng m the rompialhl* of nu- merott* atoreheepers who are looking for mlaaing Xgna. bfcyele raqka, barber pole* alu|n Hiat, atrayct or stolen wothSen Image of an Indian which acted w .a iM n for a Speedwell avenue tonacronlat. It la aald that all the missing property fnmtahed fuel tor the big election honflr* held tn Ihe park election night.

Th* principal tunic of eonveraatlon in Morristown yesferdny waa the.mrprtslng result of th* election. In polltual oireles the aueatlon that la tielng dlowaed I* will the liemocrallc majority In tlM Board of Aldemen take advantage of the pwee- dent oaiabllahed by a former ttepufalloan mejority tn the hoard during a former term of Mayor Quayle and appoint ita own committee*, ignoring .Mayortelect Fox. The ganaral opinion prevails that tueh ac­tion wUf b* taken when the new boaril or- ganlaH next month. *,

The Morristown African Athletic Aapo- alatlon will hold a cakewalk end reeetRlpn In McAlton Hall. Speedwell avehu* ride, to-night.

*----------~ “prom Hnwterdon County Towwa.

The Fulper Pottery Company w ill'* a warehoua* at Jlemlnkton «*66 fax

Hlrem Pauley will erect a '*<>■» hrlek bulldlnk oppoelle I-eke’s HQb Flemington. Th* new bui'dlng will living apartmamt and a atanroora on Sret floor a Bat on the M™ti<l .

A snappiog Rtrtla weighing thlrty-#r» pound* waa o a p lq ^ In tne South B r ^ h of the Raritan Itlvx , near h lemlngtoti

^'rhB'''K’trl:p!S5c^’M#mortal * tRlngoea haa loot hod new ntained glmm windowaput In and tbeadIBce re-caiy*t*6La

The following rtneera were elected et a tneetlng of th* gmtx* held at Centra B f lW , On Monday: P iw - dent. Dr. L. 8. CntDar; aecrelary, pr. O. H. 8|irou1, r f I^ I^ U ^ n ;.

LHlyTlJr: i6' H?lSSfo3f, (giuram W. Wll-

- Mhw|it*d‘ at H rghBriW b .Apolhej; of.tho U b M w will *1*0 be

Big: Shad !Large Roe Shad , . 20c

Large Buck Shad . I Oc

Codfish Steak . . . 8c

Whgje Cod . . . . 6c

Weak F ish ........... 4c

Herring, 3c.,10lbs. for 25c

H. Horns,5111 lei I SBiggjjr , aalrt lllir*]l MM XX j * SnL. -Jo - ttil iLViyiulhe-^ry St-115 -

Bloomfield aad Maatclalr.The caHe of JoKcph R. WHafleld, a mtm-

b « of (he AnU-8.ilr>on Lciifuc of Hloom- fl ld, ugalnat Kdward SchwjTdt and Alra. Maritarei Hlcwari, who arc rharaed with vlolattna ihv czcltw ordinance In not rcmovlnK th ? scri'ena frnm thrlr wlndotv* on Sunday, wltl come up for trial In iho police station to-inorrow rournlna.

Kdlth »nd Jaannettd Gullck» of Waxhlnaton. N. J., are vialiins MIns Edna Bowlby, In Montclair.

Th f UapiiNi Voun* People's Union of Caldwrll crlehrnted li ie twelfth annlver- aary « f Hh nrKHnUatlon In (he Caldwell Bupttat Chun h laat night. An lnt4*rr»Ung musical and lltt-rary programmi' wuh ren­dered. It waN followed py an arlr)ri'H» by Rev. OhtirivN H. Dodd, o f the pt*d(JlG .Me- morlal ItaiMlMi Churchi Newaric.

The aiimvcrJHry of th« Womeii’H Auxil­iary of thi* .MimtHair Toung Alcn'M ChrlH- tl'an Aasoclaiitm will ba oalebratcd In the parlors of thf- uKHoclatlon from 3 to £ o'clock on Mii>' Pa

In the Klrs»t DifsbyterJan Church, Monl- dair. laat nljzhi. Dr. O. K. Arlnon, of Corea, dellvcr«'il iin addreaa, u

The Bloomfi' Id Kxempt Firemen'^ Ah«o- etation IftHt nlKhi rh-ctsd these deloK tcH to the State convi'iiDon at Dover; ThomiiN E. Hayee, ^llhum L. Johnaon, Krunk ^*juneTt WJlJiijm it. Raab and Peter A. Wade.

The ladles of ilo' rhurch of ih « Barred Heart, Bloomdrld. conducted a auccesaful euchre party in I'nlon Hall Utat night for the benefit of the i hurch. Gtiaats from oil part* of the coijDiy u-tiended the alTttlr. There were fl/iy jirlzcN. the ftrat, an onya table, which wnn won by lrfi*e Julia Dun- igan; thg Hcconil a locking chair,waa won hy MIh*i Aimn pslley^ the thirdtriae a plrlurc

Halllnan; (ho hfiii prtxc, h allver tray, by Jamea LTowe; th« Nlxth, & picture, hy Mlsa Teresa yulim; ihe seventh, a wine set. by JameH rnihui The affair netted a good aum in thr tr>-j<«ury of tha church.

The Olen RldK ' thla morning ar-realed a vouna l>ny named Johnston on n charge of ateaUnR milk Hbttlek frOfh houaea at that pipin' The lad had leveral boUlca lu hU pfiNsi-NNlnu ivheu arrested. H « will have a In urlng before Recorder Bmlth to-night

Mr. «hd Mri . D. M. Sawyer, of Mont­clair, will give II rfinptlon at their home neat Tuesday nluhi.

lrvlittf(**ii and U I U o p .Irvlngtiin Coiuull. Junior Order of

United AtnerlCHn .Mechatilcitg cEdehmleil It* fifth annlverNftry with an anterlaln- merU and tiHnee In the Irvington Town Hall laat niKht. The programme wa* opened with an ovcrlurc by the Dennlaon Brqthera, uficr which there w ve piano aelictloiiH by I'hiirleK Howard, aonga by "AT' Rice arul KclertlonH on the phono­graph b^John Jubert and Walter Bckert. Councillor Frank H. Sharp made a brief addrea*. in which he welcomed th* aiical* and told of the work acconipllahed !yhy the

mmrpcouncil during the laat year. Mr. aatd (hat forty younn men had Joined the council alnca the prevtoua anniveraury c«l- abration, and stated that it waa in a flour- tahlng condition- Prerterlck B. ( amp a Ort^eatra furniahed dance music and re- frdahmenta were aerv^l. The committao In charge conalatcd of Benjamin Camp, George Bomalne, Morris Alien, August BhetlTck and Frederick WUaon. ,

The Valley V'lew Kuchre Club concluded its winter aeaaon laat night with a recep­tion and dance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ti. Smith. During the evening tlii guaata were entertained with song* by Henry B. Bmlth, WwtHon W- Crane and other*- Brofeasor M. A. Kiaalfng furnlsh- ed tfiUBlc and at midnight a supper was idrved. The houae waa elaborately oeco- rh t^ with potted plants and the national colors.

The first of a aeries of cottage prayer-

YVVCKOrrv KEAMANB M BENBD1€1A Jlg7 Broadway, New York.


IBeetlhga to be held under the aujptce* ot th* Chrtatlan Endeavor Society or the Ir- Ttngton Reformed Church will take place

at Flemlnx-tM lIik l nnothCT to vm jrt alonx th* Belaware ’The teachemuT^e ewmty have aunamliM the requir- *4 amount, w k and GkaW wlea are now

t S ^ i paator at the Flejn- limton W p a a tm » «| r w U aTaxumiiaiMxt Sunmy oDth* nlrlorr ol awTaaptiata- ^

A * taaoPMttng j r n a r UirntnanxM. n iiia ln iteX agaalal a t « » f Ml M a x - g«jr*a taow* wf fh * NEWS.

Saturday night at the home of John Xxirtt on Union avenue, Irving B, Harrl-

. — feed th* meeting, . ,A meeting o f ihe iTirtngton Boeril Of

Health will be Held to-night In the Town Mall. V .

A cottage prayer-meeting #aa held laai night under the au*plo**“oT the parkview tlhlonlKItiiDa at the home of R. S, Bald­win.

Prtd* of Irvington Counoil, Daughter* o f Uberty, will celebrate Ita annlvemry In tn* Town Hall to-night. Thar* will be an entartalnment, during whtcIratereopU- con view* wlU be ahown and a donoe will foiiair.

Th* Hilton Field Club and the Hilton

"‘l^a Irvington Debtaehx Club held a meeting laat night in It* room* at i(Mlng> SekI and WaatCUnton tvanuan.

Aay gaina yoo clicNMt yoa «on kaap yoar blood cool and your EMrraaacaadjbjOrlDklospiaotyof |

HIRESR ootb eer

a FbTNlt* Tamgjracrt Pvtak.A W «iWl Welw * iilleM.WiM* tw HM «r tnmium$ oAnl

CIM Ocuin I. will M-, HAinU.fA

HEADACHE?Try Lew lf* HowilerA never'fiH 8 o , i


L E W I T ' S D R U G S T O R E vjM SUcesT. UwK, h* mHi dMp,

' » v

l a

mmm n e w s .I ^ i p n ^ S m b Prabes i f M

I c a S M fcr i i m t i f f iM f - S iy i

lb b Toiperate.


| !«a lh A lB O il W ire * F a w llrM atla r ■ • • f . * • 1'It, CUaieB*—F a s . K l l la . *•••*r s a « C roH laa Near Baltliaara. -H arvar. Mas W la i Bat aad Baea DasFita KaiharraHlBB Ealaa.c*.

i^aa t^B treat BrookDa Drldaa for

Th# annual banquet ot the New Vorfc tJOBiNiaiidery uf the Military Order of ihi Boral t.eflon. which » a i held la*t nltlil at Delmonleti'e, wue made notable by two addreaaee. Thete addretaei were delivered At a repiaeentutlvc American and a repre* aentative Enfllehman. and the nature of tlH aubjecti upon which they dwell In- treated their remark* with unutuul liii- portaoee and Intereai, particularly at tlilt tine.vfitatiep Poller eloquently ami turolbly

dtfended ifiu United Btatea tuldler* now IB the Phllipplnet from the attack* which bava been tnede In aome riuaritr* upon their dobrlety and peraonul I'baracler^ lUar-Adnalral Henderaoii, of lha UrtUeh JiBry, ta tha reaUh of vltll* to Weal Velnt. Annapolli ynd Ih* Naval Var Col- laca. bdmitled wllh uailur-llk*irankneta that tlia naval and military edu- Oatlonal Initliuilon* of Kmland were not to be oompired with ihoeo of title country,

tn ble addreei Biyhop Puuer aald.* **l MW * ffcBt rntiuy under ■

ftiiny condlMo/iii **• ■* fr#iiimanr r»l»tlon»e bul » did not »o« ou« of tthem any»h*iB of whom 1 had h' the iUihtMt difreo lo bt If itottoh upon the mailer of the reporled In- Mmpennea of tha American *uldler in the PblUppInee It It becaoae there tie* ^*h much miireprenniatlon In rtford to It.beltave It can be dimonatraiod that the r ^ r d of tbe army In referd lo temper once le of a lhorou*hly creditable cliar-

*'li Biy aon ahould coma lo me and eai be propoaed to marry a youni creole woman wllh eeven children 1 would cal Mm a rreajl eee. But If be came t o me and ■aid be had already contracted *11011 e marrleh# I would atlll try to euilaln Inti­mate relatione wttit him- No. gentlemen. T ta t we hwe 4o«f het e*tabllahcd M*idoeb a relaUbn a* ? * * ' U.n’’ teuree « natihoaf t mottMtnatton if wr

qiava UB our roeponlrtMItim beoauee wq llm

'.Ift tfad oourb* of hii iotoirki Adfolml

* * " l 'b l « * b * w ' lalely t * '» H Vour Navni Acadtniy at AnnapoUe, r f “ . *•‘'1'®' Academy at Weat Potnl, aiM your Naval ■War College at Nawport, and 1 * '« e to aav lba» we *ib»o i » dtiMlwMoM J«; *»“^ eom iiT that wUI eumpara iMU tbom1 tell you we cannot do unyiblug like it ui boma."

BtHBIBD BT M i*. <jpUWFb,.*laN14».

H o a r r D a v ie . * « " *r ia lB , B a a i o U le i 'e F a w o ra l.

Tiuougb the benelWjenou of Mtee Helen U. Oould and tbe llrelo** energy of lira Ueorge L. BulUvan, a aoldler killed In the ■tiaeu of New Tork waa aav*d from belna burled In I'olter-e Ptotd.,

He wee Htnry Bavla. formerly a privet r In the Infentry. He woe knock^ down by a truck a week ego laii roeml.y »nd auelalned a fracluta of ihe *kull and d *d reverat h^ute Uier. Mra. Sullivan ca led on aeverat Wall atreet broken and aeked them for contrlbulloni. One of them atib- acrlbed H# 10 head the paper, but the ll*t did not grow, ,

Mra. BulIVvan thought of one who 1* known evurywbere ae the friend of the aoldler. Bhe went to the telephone end called up Mlaa Oould at her home on P’ lllh avenua . ^

Mr*. Sullivan briefly related the dr- cumetencea. Mlye Oould aev« dtrectkmi that pavH have a aoUlliri funeral.


rm w m aa la Carrie# Aerar Poar Memkere la Tevalwa O ari,

Within tbf epeoe of twelve daya three eliitere end one brother of e Brooklyn family have died, and the only eurvlvlng atater ti lying critically 111 with pneu­monia. UUi Anna Brown, forty-four yaara old. of Bait New Tork avenue, we* taken III wlUt pqcuBian)|i Bhe died on April n end wea burled on April za.

On tbe day of bar death her eliter, Mri. ■Uaabeth rerguaon, forty-three year* old, who lived a block away, waa takeb 111 end died from pneumonia an April !C. Mr*. Fergueon wae burled April 27. Cherlee Brown, forly-alx yeara old. brother of Mlee Anna Brawn and U|f. Perfueoa.wbu lived at the Eaat Wew Vdrk avenue bouse, waa attacked with pneumonia on the day of Ure. Farguion’e degtb. He died on Monday and wee fauHM Tueeday.

During tbe funeral of Charlea Brown, the eldeet eliur, Mlie Margaret Brown, eixty'dve yean old, wae 111 upatalr*. be Ing unable to leave her bed, Bhe bed been taken. 111 on Monday, when her brother died, end waa worn out from nunlng her aletera end brother. Soon after the body of het brothw we# taken tram-IAo boote ebe aald to her niece, U lu Sarah MeOralh who waa attendlttg her. '1 catiH bear lo live without qhem. -My bean l* broken.” Half an hour later ebe wae dead.

The only auVvtviDi aleter, Mta* Sarah Brown, forty-flee yaara old, bae been 111 with pneumonia for eeveral daya and her condition I* pronounced critical,

-e------CANAle.BOATB N fTINO U l CHKW.

byW lfo a f ‘ tu > p «k le D laoip llaai"f Coaii,

Oaptaln BUI Brow,n, of the canal-boet May B, Clemen*, got a lummuna from Maglitrata Deu*!,^ Tuesday (pr hi* wife,

' abciani boat 'end wouldh’ f ' l i t 'Mm: ‘ 'aboard ualeea be brought eome money

with him. The aklpper Inclosed the eum- mona tn an envelope before he went down to the foot of Weal Forty-eliih etr«t. Mew York, whore the Clemen# waa moor­ed. Having gone thmngh Ihn petltmlner- lee of a truce he eahibtied the envelope.

Mre. Brown witn't inclined to let Ur Brown aboard. She did, however, deign lo look loeldo the envelope, which, welghtci down by a piece of coal, the Captain Inam-d on tha deck, Bhe read It white the Cap- tain smiled.

They were both In llio West Fifty-fourth Street Court yeilerdtiy The Captain aai In one corner recure In tho preaence of the law. Mre. Brown aat up In front wllh her ehouldel* squared. When the case was cillsd the Captain said hit wife threaten- ed to kill him If he ihowed himaelf on (bat boat without money.

Hagisirste Deuel advised them to make peace. "Qo back to the boat and don't quarrel,” eeld he.

The pair had started for the door when the Captain was struck with a thought.

"Bay, Judge,'' be exclaimed, “how abbut my clothee. She wont let me have them.”

" I f you don't bring eomo money with you," put In Mra. Brown. " I ’ ll break yqur head when you come aboard"

The Magietrate then ordered the Captain to awear to a complaint and Mrs, Brown ■wae lined 110 on the ehnrge of disorderly conduct She didn’t have the money and was locked up.


F lm 8R< cclafAcws.

Prospectus of the Siegel-Cooper Co.CO-OPERATIVE STORES, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO.

Frofit-Sharing with our Patrons. Co-operation with our Employees.


desired----------- , -----„ -,under the laws of the State of New 385,000 shares 6 per cent, cumulative Slock of $50.00 par value

with a capital stock of $34,000,000. ^ of which ** Commonerred Stock of $50.00 par value, and $9,750,000.00 into 195.00° shares Common

rovides that, after full dividend;

S J u 'bfapp^ioM d^ S paS'^oS^^ie^bLis^f^^ the Preferred Stock and amount on

To^Wty put the plan ofO H ^ r a t i o n ^ 7

with its employees. | j ,000,000,00 of tho Com- m<hi Stock has been placed in trust, tlid annual divtdoodi of which w ill be distributed smong such einployces as have been or may hweafter be w ith the Now York or Chicago establishment

' fbr i period of three years during their satisfac- tory continuance in the eervfco of tho new Com-

^ a V! I J __ _ S — __1 t I IwM aknw* l l aAdl«h#1 fl tTp in y ; ouch dividends w ill also be continued and to employees for l i ^ who, after ten years

o f service with the new Comoany, become inca­pacitated for further employirieni, thereby prarti-M lly providing a pensionpetemployees in their old age

fund for faithful

owners having no desire to sell out, but intending to remain with the business; they 'will therefore not part with any more stock than they believe ’ necessary to fu lly carry out their plans for co­operation and profit-sharing, as previously stated.

The owners confidently believe that, by in- augnrating the liberal policy above outlined towards their employees, they w ill in return be fcwarded by more faithful service, and courteous attention to patrons, the result ®f which must be beneficial to the new Company as well as aug­ment the continued good w ill e f the public.

over, we allude w ith pride lo the fact that the Chicago establishment has since its iticeptioa paid millions o f dollars in dividend* to$ t* atock- holdcrs, and that the New York establishment, while only in its fourth year, is not on ly doing a larger business than the Chicago store, but is also on a most profitable dividend-paying basis. W e can also say for the benefit o f gubecribers, that the net earnlofs o f our two establishments for the past year were largely In eaceM of tho amount required to pay the dividend* on e ll the Preferred Stock o f tho new Company.


To carry out the plan of Profit-Sharingit i* proposed by the present owners, who the owners of all tbe stock o f the nev/ Company, to offer to the public through the undersigned, 300,000 shares (fu lly paid and non-assessable) of the 6 per cent, cumulative Preferred Stock at par, upon which the fu ll 6 per cent, dividend must always be paid before the Common Stock receives any dividend whatever, the Preferred Stock also having a prior right to all the assets o f the Company,

In order to give double assurance to the general public, whom it is desired lo interest as Stockholders (instead o f Speculators) and who may not be fully conversant with such invest- ments, the money required to pay dividends on said J0o,ooo shares hM been set aside and w ill retAaltt on deposit with the Central Trust Company of New York, and the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank o f Chicago, respectively, to secure tb « dividend* e f « per cent, per annum, payable 5 per cent, eemi-annually, for a period o f five years, f . u n t i l July ist, 1905, on all Buch Preferred Stock as may be allotted in their respective territories, and each Certificate of Stock so allotted w ill have an endorsement by ■aid Trust Companies, respectively, to that effect. W e thereby offer, we believe, not only an absolutely aafe 6 per cent, investment, but one which w ill yrithout question yield consider­ably more.

Furthermore, It can be calculated to a certaintythat with many thousands of new stockholders exerting their peiaonal Inllosime toward the suc­cess and welfare o f the business, larger patronage and correspondingly greater earnings for the new Company w ill bu assured. It is from the increased benefits and material advaniages which these changed conditions ere expected to bring about, that the present owners feel confident o f better pro rata remuneration on the stock which they retain, and in a measure justifies them in parting with any portion o f their interests in anestablished and exceptionally profitable business

S IEGEL-COOPER CO. Co-operative

There will be no change in management,and the same men who thirteen year* ago started the original Siegel, Cooper & Co.Chicago (and later its sister-store In N ew York) and who have achieved a success almost without parallel in modern retailing, have pledged them- S^ves to continue in the management o f the business o f the new Company the same as in the past, and they w ill deposit with the Central Trust Company o f New York, a ll o f their stock holdings for a term of years to secure such pledge.

TheStores will take posseaaion Monday, July ad, ipoo, of the two great department stores o f Skgel-Cooper Co., New York, and Siegel, Cooper & Co., Chicago, in their cntii'cty, covering a floor space of over thirty acres, w ith their millions of dollars' worth of Merchandise, Store Fixtures, D elivery Plants (consisting o f many hundreds o f Horses, Wagons, etc.). Machinery, extensive Stable Properties, and all the appurtenances required for the complete operation of the two stores,^ and also ita PaUtlal Fireproof Store Bulldins and Real Estate In New York City, which alone repre­sents an asset o f many millions o f dollars, free of all encumbrances or indebtedness whatsoever,

that the Siegel-Cooper Co. (Co-ojwrative

Subscriptions for the 300,000 shares of the Preferred 5tockw ill be received in person, or by mail, on blank forma provided fo r that purpose, b y the Central Trust Company, 54 W all Street, N ew York, and Siegel-Cooper Co., New York and Chicago, beginning at 10 a. m. Monday, M ay 7th, 1900, and will continue for a period o f Ona W atk ; the right, however, i* reserved to close BubscripUons tiMn one dav's notice in the N ew York and


Under no circumstances will anyof tho Preferred Stock not so allotted, nor any of the Common Stock, be sold, the present

Stores, New York and Chicago) w ill start Us career w'*hout owing a single dollar.' For the good and sufficient reason o f not

wishing to divulge the details o f our business to our competitors, we present no balance sheet for publication. W e do not however, desire to ask our patrons or the public to rely exclusively on our representations, and, therefore, lha money required haf been set *»ide and w ill remain on deposit with the above-named Trust Companies to absolutely secure the dividends on-^11 the Preferred Stock to be allotted as stated. "^More-

uMn one day'u —_ «Chicago daily papers. The above T n w t Com. pany, for the convenience o f our patrons and tho public, w ill receive subscrijrtion* at the Siegel-Cooper Co. store in New Yqrk, o r at its own office, 54 W all Street. A ll aubacriptiona must be accampanied by money, chad^ order o f draft, payable to the Central Tm st Company o f N ew York, to the amount o f so per cent, of such suliscription (e q i* l to ||0,00 per share), fo r which proper receipt* w ill b * given by said Trust Company. Notice w ill be mven as soon a* practicable of the number o f share* allotted to each subscriber, and the balance due must be paid to said Tm st Company on or before July Sth, 1900, upon the d e l iv e r by said Tm st Company of t^e stock allotted.


k-1 w all a visw ol exteaiHag lha haaents el ew



finc/ottd pfMM find S~ _____ .Mag 20 ptr M0 t itnt paym$at apoa<nalaa**a«l _ ____

of tbt Co. {Co-opmOvo Stont, Ntw(TW is rnawHs a* *•>*«»

York aed CMcafo), tarakant ef fAa P n ta m i Stockwklcktl»nt>y«ltKrtkt.PPdpromlMtoRkrtotk0C.ntr»l Trait CtMpMT of Hoyr Yortr. ot Up OtHoP. 04 WpU

Stropi, tkP bplpoeo tfiM on pkprpp ot tkt Ptoek p/loittd to mo oa or botOn Jo(r Otk, mo.




^Mlwie,Tt i i propOBod ta Bllet tha • * » * la th* (Oiloavlag erdar, aamely:



R es p e c tfu H y t

BOAltO OF ;«a^ lot jainiw^|M •** <s*t!5***

K T S . la

MsalM 10 iwatra Mock In tW.*!*?; onsiiHir at • . '*

To aM sakKriPtless V** *T e a N B akw riptloatto f » w a i

T o all eabflcrlptloa* lo r thfBO I

■od to cootfnao Id tha boom o fSsr f w h rfO r

dcriptioaa aatN ih* eotlro 'Ce**** bMQ allottod.

ns. BAs «m ba oStnri‘Kcaali mantrir ladwaf?

ttS*5nd»r <K« aasM,^ <k*ptrwiwl .••utrttt■choolkouaM sad addlilon,;mik. a 101*1 **tl«aai» sw '^^'““ '1,!kll

le • toini ............. . -,,*«,... of tiK W«1t cwvortn# Sr

1..A- a— I.4S.0T— -*J|J vtatllttl

FOBS Klt-LSD AT A__________ CnOlfRINO,Thrca CAIIdren and Friand flttaek

millionaire In hli o »o ritht. from Naw York, and anotlior much-inonoyod man. felar Gerry, also '01, the son ol Elbridte T. Oeiry. ot New York City.

It happens thst Perry has a good optn- Irm of hi* own iprlnllng power* and that 0<rry doci noi ihare Ihlg with htm. E *p1>’ In February they got into a discuaelon over ihli point, and from It then grew the

enuugh tn pul an ordinary man through a year at culleie-

Jl'M PE D FKOM b b o o k l y n b h id o b .


Near Baltlmere.A wagon containing flve person* was

■tfuck by an express train at Orangeville lust outside of Baltimore, tact night, wttli the result that four were killed and ono badly Injured. ^

The party were returning from a flihln* trip, and the fathet. -who was drjvina an- 4*q9«l«d t a r r j r Wwh ahead of «

now famous Oorry-Perry wager.ulf

■blftlnf engine. In dolpc *o he r « . 1-

Yowi, >au' aiontwde the' tracks, while Henry L. KKna and two of tha children war# pttobed Into a ditch. A aearch waa lAada for tha fourth body without avail. Tha train than proceeded. When apl pronoHlnf tbe olty the mlaelng body waa found on tha cowcatcher. Tha dead are' Henry L KUne. thlrty-nlx years old; Shnroa Bobman. Slaysman's ata^ugh- ter, ifad oUran yaarai Ida Blaynman and AlasAbdar BUtyanutn, aged ten and algbt yean raapoaUrtly. Btayemati will ra- cover. j

o r HAKVABD. W O *

■ M M Dceirfte ■whwnNUHfhi« eadee IhsevH ea h r * Cat leairas.

■ a m i r s eedal elretes a n all agog to­l a r over the het betoeea H. P. Petry, ’■-

Perry bet Gerry that he could run from the door of the Hotel Touralne to the corner of Commonwealth and Massachu- sette avenues In lea* than itlno minute*. The race against time waa run oft last evening at » i» . Perry came Into town in tn "auto." neatly dreaaed In a flannel •ult and allpper*. ; ^

All the nrternoiw diligent smell haft had been dealing out handbill* throughout the

- —-"ealth avenue, an- .-i.. .e t i f , the fly In* wonder,

runs lo-nlght Wawh Commonwealth av. eiiue at for the wild' race ot the mil­lionaire aprlntar. Money make# the world go, but Perry will try to beat tha world."

Parry atood qt tha comer of Boyliton and lYemont atraeta clad In a long ton coat and got the *lfoal to atari from ih i occupant of a amart-look- tng rtf nearby. Down Boyliton atreet and acroM through Arilhgion ha ran In fine from, followed by a ohaer- Ing, lawrlng mob ot ■tudenta. Aa ha tuntad tnto Oammonwaaltn avanua be net- tl«d dnim late a aUady awtnglng MH/ n.

parry began td stiurl toe aoen, itna tail Marty ceef Mat tbe raea, tor ha was w a ^ anod paraapiUy u he «U*w wltWn M yards of fha ftnlsb. lMt he kept hte deet and etaggared neyos* tbe Mna In I « » * - irtae and 1 haeottda, tbarahy winMug

Main Dees It fo Dte.

Another leap from the Brooklyn Bridge Into the Eaat River ilde, ond perhkp* lino the sea. of death was made yaiter- dey afternoon b l * person named

TUlVm^JplS^arii* braved (ha^hk wHh* pftrachiil, wJitch'.Wae ibada by i.Jtoriyrightd itSlt

Ha laother A~ Hotsfor J.a Jen lt» at JM West Forty-elBiSfcStrset,and It ■ «# .with him J iat

™"**'Pop,’ ” h* said one day,

“ $ h ^ w5***nhiaee ttilkedo v * w » * ‘ «»F»**'**-B#tot«=dparaohuu.


T » * a

John F. Be tsford, a- Pop" ha* a,*on. -w,— oab driver, and he acted s i ■"^ obscurity of the cab Mddara about Bryant’# waist, and.wlsh

unltr wfthtn almost thirty feel ot tha water, When It opened and whlrlelsnd, to a modernta extent, broke the foroe ot the fall. Simultaneously with' the Impact of the modern Icania, there were three faint reports. 'Three of the bladders burst. Bryant aank. and tor at Icaat tour seoonds nothing waa seen of him

More than a thousand pereoni stood trsnsflxad with dread The Jumper was picked up by the crew of the Quarantine tug Katherine Franrteco, and landed at Fter A. He was taken to—the Hudson Street House ot Relief.

It was found that his clothe* wer* pad­ded, which served the double purpose ot decreaatng thb shook of sinking the water and making hi* death by,drowning ex* tmnely probable ' ,

When asked why he Jumped, Bryant Raid "For fun."

Bryant's akin took on a b ulsh hue, and he becgmal«bbnarld)(a/-'Fhe feared lawYtlghi that tile man's i*Raril[»iP W recovery were email. He ts a prisenar. charged with mtemptlng auletde.


g« 9

•Id, (or'bHt-ai'aad nBtllslIns "o'k uuj*>Miiirtlr » , » « « # and £il-oiher clasa ei work. Ho 1 ^ 1 or -Mmalsao f f " awn ihell wind* lb* worit 00 tny a»»* lhaOIM Kbdol bulldlAS. . . _ . Tiri-arMifril

bulldlnfk m»jF b# i i th*of thi irruTim* fitmtd In *^punaMMnt* scbo<rt bulminc n«s<l SffVptcAeniionn fot h«tin f •Toflt ST nil rt*b< fit tn* oflSw of thfln«*r. J. M. JYr. fi* l^wr*nc* atfnfit*I*«irk. K. J.

iShfiJcl, Alb*rt thllUl-. b » fuiamer

'ViwiPBtw. MlBiIng sail rooflni work.

' “ Siog W wm t'la 'ieg w"®'

‘nmblnfffind vnnllinUni wgr*.SISl itrevt. ^ h 2 5 »r* l,.r*eT."Art i PetW. joem *•«**<*•

iUtMlag. " • " ‘ IJ'.Ki,end paip*Lsd^??£^^

Gbiai *nd norii.woriaI p a lp 'isd '

t htw^ as‘ci'wiills"Tsr'

Si& V '*i-'ssina s « w

•f CdSiKnilMi of th< city of N w e t * iiyr no

nekeulmem,cumpUt tbfi fifiin* o« Ofi v n r* llMI.

De«ra or BOUClUun r »^ v - .w. ^rlitil 10 fiocjpt or ^ lny^4*-

posnlN for tbo tbo

ef ifi, Besid ef Educsileo^ ^ ■T.wwimww■ocitUrr-

JOHOlXyj o r BArt

tut Mayor H i* ark.

VVEDHyinAT. mat a. JM®;,, „ aI?c'«k ^ l T ’ l « “ ? r iv tn fo n S a

tioni nod contr*^ spm4 slrMt,Borrie. Borough Intineet, TST BtoaU aireet-' ‘iS im c ilio i. sod form, for bidding s r f olbe'

> W '


'‘? % o '’i'Iaw'*ye"d* **pwu‘%ve'n»nt on elk

'" fir illSS l'T w n.w curb ett on eonctete three

" f MO lfo,‘.'r f « " eid c « b T « . l on oohcrele.

.wtrin-locb b «d .lOG IItim) iMt th ««- pfi on eofKtrsi#.

Cortirmcioff to bid sLiova litcn*-

prick for »«ch of thfi

WIU.1AM h k a^ y .Boroufh Clrrtt.

Diitpfl Eakt N. J._.


April IT. irM).borouo^ ^ of bast n k w a ^ - ^ j

ne.1*d Wilf5i‘v«.rvJd''bMi.. Hkyer,nd couKVTw tbV MToush of e i t Newark,

“ WEDNESDAY. M.tY R, fioft ”In ihe council chember, ,}L,*o'clock P. U., for 'be peri"* of JbUd from kvenuk to CfinirsI tYtau^ wnnbriok er htock on a ewierste (be «dJu»i)ni fil'd rk**ulni of th*•iiie fn fcccortfktic* with fig; Jf*;ttoitt »od contract ^Horrl«. |Jor<Hi#h Enil»«*r* TBl Rrotd fitrfiki,

find form* ffir bMfliM 9ihnrmforniktion ffio ^ fit tbk SuSellgivlils Borri*. T67 Brok4 tlrttL, corwr jwac*'?fhe Slror^sod 'counoil ef the .iwoueh ft ■Alt SkWkrtt to lhk®Mlv*k theAoetM or Fijoot fifty wf abo^ work »■ lft*y 4fifim Isofil *or th*'"TbeVoiiowlim le sbMt the

’ ■|'ii.liril.eTi“ »Wntid*'i"ny*rli^^^


'^ l ln m l feet of p e v “ rt« tlstfion-iocb coratig, fiot on 0011®CTWtn*2 efiteb bnilD hefidi rsndluktfiA.

T fMnhols bead* rfldjufited.CoTitTtcior* 10 Wd * prlco fot aaob of fcb*

«tev* Item*.



Dsiri v . i r s ; » r k ; nT i .. Anrll IT, IMO^

'^£2£f p M ? W ° 5 S - v j d a. ib. . ,r -n ^ '% o e , iwill twel^oHvenMenih d*r of May, 180< knd oyeneaIhe Mveaioeoiti dfiY imBEMdlntely ihcrenfi-.-. ,


the um* will ^ji’loSl^y* omee, nthl


rj ihm iisifwIlMire Ofnee. nno «*•* --tbldiWi ftfwr if** ** * ^live doklcro ^oh. wUh'i(wrttflVd ^ k


riS r™ ot« tlwi he will for Ih, .ork " ,bis

.....The right I*

and to walije m»F n


SIEGEL-COOPER " C a(CsrtipsratlM Stsfss, NSW YsrttW fi

Hoaplul, where ha died later In the aven- Ihf. _ '

MBDAL t o a BOV LIFE 8AVER.- Commodora Allen R. Lype, corotnaodant ot the Oneida Lake Volunteer U fa Sav­ing corps, ha* received a gold medal from tha Volunteer Ltfa Saving Corps tor transmission to Frank 8. Anthony, the elevan-year-old SM of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Anthony, ot OneWa. N. Y. Tha An­thony hoy saved a fellow playmatUi Noble amltli, gwslve yaara aid. from drowning.

WhM ! ) » ' iBsdfi-wag. shown to youngAnth” i f ^ , .K . , ,

“ Aw ga*. what did they do that for? Tha kid waq glttlii* wet and 1 Juat helped Im qut,'.'

D E P . t f ’T V ATto«>ray-o?:*lh .RAL COYNE ’ ia|AD.-J4ftn

h a t. .. conpaiflf

_____ la tbfi

orncs^tiS?*^® -- ttr THE

s*!SGsJh<«fPS tbi J^jiwriier'in ooiBiIlaii'’it^ ireM S i'a r il^ praiilred and eamplaa May

guat^»y*Tsr&'ri‘i ' W :I, ,1. t b . ^

" ---------the Naw Tfork rid# ofthe conveyance at

**BtTam "proceeded •“ IS lamith roadway, S ihak, and, balancing Winaell, P W ^ parnchulo over hi# head and leaped from

**Th^Mbmfln whipped op j j ' * ’JJ'J* K j irtod la eiKS**, Ha waa captured by Fo- tlsoman Blshi«, ,

Bryant w w t (town liVa * J**®'did not aecomnllshparartMta

Thp anytltlnt


iiiM haan litaurrd by d naify In New York tor D.MdIM. T m *** wonrtum on tha pcMcy la ask* W ^

Gha Igrgaat annual premium ever any Hto Inmrqnc# company

amrM. It .M ciniinad. 'In tha __wnvB F IR S A DYNAMITE CART*

iiTOrtE-Wtth g moMli Pattfd,^ oW. o« W rit ilxty-nlntft

awusMlia ogrtrtSga whloh had bean flrand ™ T5^ny to a vE U n t lot near h y „ J ^ iifitoeemogitkeM wafw aUndtog arvUnd

l & t a n S n u t ^ The dynamitajra- tOTBP. hurting the boy*

!■ wmMda im l* itohM vh iu i^ About them. fS m rw p v not aartonsly injura*.

AN FOUND DEXd ! ----- slghtp ptHfo

i,’ OSSiSS;'^% M 5at ITSnSU'U^imraSe*


ot Ike of parihf WAtyRLT


tsadn&djlael eSMM lying on


this moi

B loyo lla t K i l le d In CoHleton In Xaev Y'arlt-

Eugene Molloy. aaventben yenrt old; of #M Eaat Ona Hundred and Twentv-fltst. ■treat, and Haurloa Myar, nineteen, of ■ ■ Third avenue,Npw Tork,wcre riding blcy- c1« up Third avanue laat night whan, at One Hundred and Nineteenth Btnet,liai- loy aurtad aaatwhile Myar atartad (O' go In the (rthar direction. Tha two man ool- Uded,,pn4 Myar waa thrown agalhat an •lavatad raJlroad pillar. Ha waa picked up tmosMOlotia and aant to tha Harlom

diphtherls. The-^-w. *— »baui thirty-eight yeas# of age, » brother of lha County Judge of LtvIngatM CoMty, and a member of the mw flrin of HObbard.

A Ka«toh..of Oenraa*. N. Y.Coyne <

SON OP GEORGE BOKBR DEAD— Geoiwa Bokar, only aon of the lata M|nto- tar to Rueila, Qsorif H- Ih* poat,died at hla home In Fblladelphlg ya ^ rrday, altar an lllnesa laatln* nearlyji yrar.1—V- . . . .*na T m a m ^ flt *h#' rtllade|phlp_ Clu|», o f which ha was at one It


„ „ „ ______ tma 'eacretary **dmamber ot tbp Board af, O o V e w * ' ,

p a t s t h e DARGBST'-l-IFB Ffilf- ■ tU U .-Frank M. Paavov, o f MinnaagolU.


rnr^rii vadXSt (Mm IM hit own Sd ik .

city.MiroH A lD liO * »T M IL tlO S A IH E *.-

In tM ahnMl W w t «*•

donation ofWho waa diaotad preiWent rt toe B w rt W, Tni.isea at the annual tiHattng, and J.

Morga#. Chiefly through tolainatltutiOT ira^Wa to HquMtto

In'lndabtadndM ««

to ta l May. I acrihliraf mwB.

r»S“laf tMa'ann MMvu'Jw npeolni a rt la lo .

Oak'VS. Y*wh;^^^‘'?'l' iH ft. Ftooriog Vi.


■wSSsYon ammfliouMBdlyL|,j|«« — ry.".g> Mi *»«*• T#» toP'lwPUMriskaMMboMo. , '

rwm » CmiS Pk Fob» OflflSw •

060 . H. VAN EMBURde . 4M B m « id (N g» Otmplf



j M j t f W A i i k n M w a , t h u k s d a t , m a y a . 1900.


L a ife M i E itkoiaK ic C n w i A p f i a i -a H n t Mcftacit AlUetes at the

G t j A r a e r j Last Nijlrt.



TWO f o u r s lE C O iis WERE n o i B i

T . A. OadirM«iik« III* Tw ftiltr* ■•••M N^w York, VikM Ltifrvr Mmtka far Ik r Flttr^rarel M vk Kara aaA fa r Mark ll«ra -*TkaMtla M tim r t'aartrr Harr a Kaaiai

Th« tpfint immra of ihr Fhat Krtfimmi took pltc» at Ihe I'Hy Annory Uai niffat and wera vrr>- aucrvHaful. Fraturaa of ihr occsafoh wrrr the UrrakUtf <ff two world'ii rroordw by F. A. UiittenKmk. o f th« Twonty-arcutid New York ^rffment an«l tha KalCkrrbcK’krr Alhlrllr Club. The rytnta In which (hr rrrordn went were tho 6tty*y*rd atf-k race and the ality- >ard aack race. The record for (he for* mer waj eighl aeeonda, but Onderdouk made tt aeven and onr*half. and he I'llpped a quarter uf a aecoiid off the world'a record of nine aeronda for the latter. Ur, Onderdoitk waa to have ftren an exhibition quarter-mlie run. but de elded IH»1 to. He waa aplked In tha Forty aeventh Replment xatdei In New York and Ikouvht he had beat not make (he quarbar>m11e run laat nlfht.

Tha sanea were the hrai to be held tha Annot'y and the tirat cum1ucte«l by (he eeflroant )n any place fur (en yearn.

•corluf on (he baala of live polnia for flratj three polnta for iWL-undi one point for third, rotnpany 1) made (he laraeat nupibey of polnta eighteen, ('omttany K waa aacond with hfteen.

A Large .%(teailaaee.The apaclouB Armory waa crowded to

tha doora, the atienilnnce being fully 2.7W. The apectatora were very etuhu- alaittc and gave liberal apptauae to the contMtxnta. The regimental aihletea have bean training for the eventa for over a Inanth. and the reaulta laat night were aatllfhclory. The potato race, the three- legged race and the quarter>mlle handicap were alt faal. Hut the feature <>f the evanlng, outalde of Ur. Onderdonk'a ex htbitlon, waa the mile relay courier race, which waa W'on by Jenklna, of Company B. The basket ball game waa fair, con aldeiiAg that the men had only alx weeke of praollce. Voap‘e Flret Regiment Band Tendered lively alra during the evening, Following are the aummarlea:

The ftBMMarlea.lieventy* Jive-Yard Daeh'«p'lr»t heat

w#B by W. ICngelhard. Company o. 214 yafdi: A. Jenklna. B, acratch. aecond Tlnie-4 aecond a. Second heat won by C. Conrad. I; T. Ritl, D. three yards, aecond. Tlina-V^ aec-onda. Final won by v. Con iad> I. three yardti; T. Rltt, D, three yards, aecond: A. Jenklna. B, scratch, third Time—SH aeconda.

Potato Race—Won by W. Fngelhard, (3 second, C J, Bchillti. H. Time 1 minute 4SW aeconda.

Mile Handicap—Won by J. J, l.»awrence F.. acratch; J. Nagle,, K. 9D yards, acoond; F. T. Lower. H, yards, third. Time. 1 mlnutea II aeconda.

Hurdle Raco—Won by A. Jenkins, H: W Sngelhard. O, aecond. Time, 22 aeconda.

Three-Legged Race~-Won by T. Quinn and A. Jenkine, B; & Balevere and B. F. Day. H, aecond. Time, 10 aeconda.

Quarter Mile Handicap—Won by J. J I^wrence, F. acratch; T. Rltt. D, 2w yards second; T. Quinn, B. 15 yards, third Time, Wt4 seconds.

Half Mile Handicap Run-Won by J. J. Lawrence, F, scratch. James Nagel. E. 23 yards, aecond; E. Balevere. H, third. Time, 2 minutes aeconda.

ObalHcle Race—First heat—W'on by' M Heidi. H; M. Hewitt. B. aecond. Time. J mlnutca 21 seconds, flerond heat—\\'on by I ’ . Conrad. I; A. Borton, I, aecond. Time. 2 mlmitea ft(Vi aeconda. Final —W'on by A. Horton. I; C. Conrad. 1. second; M. Stldl. third. Time, I minute SSti necotida.

Mile Relay Courier Race—Won by A. .Tenklns,^: ff. ^*«gle. B. second. W . H. Van NutsV, L. Inlrrt. Time, 4 minuted


• A ..



k i

m m

This Lirc“f< lUTtUest When made of wood colored "drap satinetrimmed with muussHtne itupllcn>lous.

, Ing bolero Is of Ivory satin duchew

I :

Tbc shoulder collar cnverlnx ___Itrchess edged with delicate HIac silk eml'rr>ldcry and

th<iMstefully ,


narrow mous.-'t-linc plait. The white mouasellne cravat haa fringed f-nds. and aited A large antique buckle ornaments the broad lllau col­

ored velvet girdle


L WiH* ■! BfMkal Ball.I. baR game resulted In a vtc-

54V* seconds.iM ip a B rThe baaket

tory for (he team of Company L over that of Company D by a score of H 10 3.

The winnera of the events were pre- tented with handsome prixea.

The offlclals of ihe gamea were; Ref­eree. Jamea Reilly. Institute A. C.; Judges, Frederick A. Relmer, Orange A. C.; I.Arry Prentlft, Newark Academy; Claude Lau- terman. Battery A; Lieutenant C. A. Gaa- aer. N. O. K. J. (retired); starter. John r . O'Hara. lostimie A. C.; chief acorer, Ueutenant W. H. Camfleld. Company B; aaslataftts. Sergeant-Major George H. Melpher and First Bergesnt Charles W. Beardsley, Company B; clerk of course. Lieutenant J. H. McMahon: aaslalantclerk of courae, Sergeant-Major M. C. Munn; announcer. Captain 0. Runyon, Company D; timere. Sergeant W. G. Schuaael. Company B. and George J. Xallar

PHYSICIABS BLKCT CPFICISHS.ItaMwMweopwtkle tw c le ty Hnida

Fwrtr-alxth Awwiial M ectlvg.The New Jeraey State Homoeopathic So­

ciety held Ita forty-sixth annual meeting In this city on Tueaday and elected offl- cera for the enauing year. Dr. Wallace McOaorge, of Camden, was re-elected prealdtnt. The.other oAlcera chosen were: VLce-prealdenla. Dr. B. H. B. Bleght, New­ark; X>r. Herbert Richards, Grange; Dr. J. F- Ackarmaa. AabuiV Park; correapond- tng lecratary, Dr. F, C. Bunn, Orange; re­cording aecrelari*, Dr^4aMv » ran*ton; treaaurer, Dr. F. 9. Carpenter, New- afk; deniora. Dr. Anna I]..fGrlfflths.' Cam-' den; Dr. T. Y, Klnne. Patereon; Dr. M. F. Middleton, fSamden: Dr. B. H. B, flieght. Newark, and Dr. Armln UbeUcker, of Morristown.

Dr. HcOeorge delivered hfa annual ad­dress In which he ciitlclaed the last Legla- .lalurs for defeating blits which provided

athtc institution for

Kren k V. H ill, o f %riTnrk, Appo in ted as One o f Ike Wemhera Uy

G overn or Vunrheea.

TRENTON. May 3 —Gi*vfrnor Voorhecs ><*sierday announced Uic appolntmeiu of the Public Library Commission provided for by MR net of the last Legislature.

The appointees are Dr. Ernest C. Rich­ardson, of I’ rlnceton; Mohps Taylor P>ue of Prlncelon; William Kimball, of Pas­saic: Frank P. Hill, of Newark, and Rev. Everett T Tomlinson, of Ellxabeth.

All (he appolniees are well known In library flrclea throughout ihe State. Dr Hlchardaon Is librarian of Prlncetop rnl* versity. and It waa mflnly through hia elTort.s. together with those of Mr. Pyne and Mr. Kimball, that the bill providing for the commission waa pnased by ihe Legislature. Mr. Pyne, who Is the wealthiest man in Prlncetop, la presi­dent of the New Jeraey Library Commis­sion. of which Mr. Kimball la vice-presi­dent.

Mr. Hill la librarian of the Newark Public Library. Rev. kir. Tomlinson la the author of "A Jersey Boy In (he Revolution," "Boys of Old Monmouth" and oMier atorlee. He la ac lose per­sonal friend of Governor Voerheeii.

The newly appointed commlaalon will be called together by Dr. Richardson, when 11 will organise by the election of a president and secretary.

It will bo the function of the cemmln- alon to advise and aid towns and smaHer cities In the State In forming public libraries. The law creating, the commis­sion allows 9500 for the expenses and also provides that the State shkll give 910(1 (o any city desirous of estabflshlng public library; provided, however, that It shall first raise (hat amount for the purpose. No appropnaiJon waa made this year, ao that nothing can )>e done In this direction this year. The comoils- slon, however, will organise and wW do what work It can without expense.

There are In the State only 129 . towns and cities having a population of over ffiO whieL s»c«S.ot already nuppUed with public llbvarlis so that the expense to the State for aiding In the estgbtlsh- mept of libraries would not amAtint to more than 912.000 or IM.Ooii

SCHOOL ^ L D S E N 'S EIIffilTS.EntrrtalK iarat mt the Brafc Htfcet

,.f»r • BtMe (lci^.)eoD*tnic in.mution »<"•' .. -»■ « am-lm..tbf InMne. .tl#-mdire.» th# !T " i. ; " . ' ' .ben dlKmMd the potnt. brought out by Dt. HcQhorg* ind hi* vlow* were Indoreed by reholulton.

Or. W. F. Becg«. ot thi* city, made en ■ddrem on the lUbject: "Our Bchool Chll- dr*n’* Jiyei.” "The Treatment o£ Ueaein" wa* the eubject ot an addrea* by Dr. E. f*.HcOeorge, ot WoodMown, and a paper on eurgery -wag read by Dr. F. C, Bunn, ot Orange, Dr. C. B. Holme*, of Rahway, cbmuented generally on homoeopathic phyHelan*. Dr. J. K. Hu|holland, o f thiacltyi mad* an addreaa on "Hotea on Prac> tlca" and Or. Oaear L>. Orumbecht, ot Ht. Holly, on "Indlcmona tor a Few Rem«'

tQ Digevfi^ v r r r rtiTAtrcBig.

ml tra d o W IU Ognaldea thagfiMoot Host Wcdaaadair.

' A i the neat ri«uter meeting o f (he Board ot Trada to b* he|d on ngat .Wedttaiday eveitlag tha mataber* «tu dtaeuaa tha auh> Hct; "l4ie Financial Condition o f tbc City aqd Ite Future Prdepecta.** FOritiar CdWpIrtniar John B. aibatm will proaant a ■tataigant ot tha otty'a Rnanolal condition.

In order to have « good attendance at tN mei^ng 'B dlntwr h*a been arrange to r., lUia will ha aarved In DavU'a parlor* at l : » o'Dloolc aiid tha mambera wUI pro- raid trom that fitaee to tim Dia*tlng>rooai. C. E. Toang and Uoaa* Flaut hava been aolMttd aa a ZHnnar ConmUtea.

‘ I Q e e n k l o e s ”clBtBt cloifcgg, fra s t

w om ca ’ i and babiM*

daindM to< worfcnga’B

roughest dirti«*L

[.Jwtthoat i& ttfji * t tba ^bhcfc- w

boanl. It contaltig

•dd , but leaks ent th *

„d i it— ttlwi Md/ Akth a

Tty it aext wuh^day. All fm o K i. Only 10^ aboula

t araeU and h i

tereatlna Diaplay of Work.An entertainment under the matlig*-

ment of tho Bruce Street Public School WB* given laat night In the Bruce' Street Preabyitrlan Chapel. A lsr*e and appre­ciative audience Waa preavut. The miter talnment waa followed by an exhibit of work In the Mhool building. The epeclat featurea of the evening were the humoT- ouB and dramatlo eelocitone nt Hla* ho- ratta Tappon Greene, of the Lyceum Star Company of York, and the tiopfana aolo* by Hlaa Carrie 3. Doll. Mr. Balcom, the baritone, wa. unable to be preaent, and Hla* Doll kindly contented to All ht* number, which *he did admirably.

Her voloe wa* clear and aweel, and h*r ■election* wen eioellent. Mlaa Greene wa* charming, and her rendUlon of Fleld'a child poema aplendld. H(. Blseell, priri- elpal uf tha' achool.; axtanded en urgent Invitation lo th* parenca of the pupil* and the friend* of the achdO to eitmlne the work on exhibition.

"TbI* work 1* not repreaentative ot *11 the' nccompilihment* of the elilldreD," *ald Hr. Biuga "ThIa t* the buiy. work, and In which the children are occupied when not In the clan*,reciting."

Hr. Blietll w«nt on to tay thatallhougta It I* eonaMered a eontewilan of weaknead on the part of a teacher to leeli advice from the'parent* of her ichotare, yet •totbera ktiow their children be.t, and a pMiaant talk belwaen teacher and parenia couM have only a benettclal reiult ta alt ooDcemad.

The work on exhlbitlm created coneld- erabte aurpriae and comment by It* exoel- Ignoe. In Ui* work done In tho kinder-' gartan and In that done In the hlglKr cta*aea I* thown ^ matt eareful etudy ot , tdrlti and detail. |Tha ehtldren Work with crayon*, with briiab and. Ink, with paint and with aclanbr* and paper. The work of tha flrat-year chlldnen, fpe»h from qie klndet^rtes, l« eapeclally. lnt«eaUti|f, ^Jlila work ta all repmantatlvd of ■ - ....... '

: n r - wB*1ttnai.u,. • vA fin a y ;Baatar llllaa, ehlokona and rabbit* ahow tha work done In April, and bird* and huda and blotaoma are aigna of apring. On the whole, the work ot the children I* remark- k ^ axact and Intelmttng.

Tha ohle*g at thia entariainmank and aablhlt waa to add tp tha Bmce School fund, for tha ornamentation ut tha tnttrlor of tho building. Tha Work of Hr. Blaaeli and hi* tMhbera it to b# com- nwndad, tor they have tugoeeded In trah*- formlitg a celidor that wg« oriflnally bafa and davold of aH daooratlon. Into g place of baiuty and raflneiBant. where lb« chll.

MADE CBAItES AGAINST ' COMMISSIONED BVDD.Ki-p^holiler T r o s e l l . « r Msdlson, (ih-

Jpcts li» M^lhodS ^s-k lng C'ou« (rx v ls fo r M opftdanilc laKRoads,

S(ifclB) ]>jitMitA'h i<> ihpMORRISTOWN, Mh.v 3 - A t r merdng

uf the Morris County llonrd o f FrfeholU- rrs ypstorday, Frpeh<>lder Troxrll, of Mad­ison, caused a'sensation by HPsrnluns hr mad(> during a dlHcusHloii which arose conopmlnx the niu< adamlzInR of certain ruad» uTuier the State Aid law,

Frevhohler lloiixjand. of Rockaway, In- irodiiced a resnlutlon rnlllng for the ad- \ertl>*iTiK for bids for ihe conatrucllon of macadam roads recently Approved by State Road Commissioner Rudd. It haa been customary for thf* board lo approve apecIflcfttlonA for this kind o f work, which were subsequently sent to M r Budd for his approval. These proceedings appar­ently do not find favor with Freeholder Troxell, who Aceused Mr. Budd of trans­acting alTaIra In an underhanded manner, and went so far an to state that It was his belief that outside parties derive con­siderable profit as a result o f the decisions aa to what roads are to be macadamised.

" It is an easy matter for Budd to aubstl- tule other roads than those selected by Ihh board," continued (he speaker, "and 1 am sure other roads have been so sub­stituted. 1 think If Rudd Is to have power over this uoird lo such an extent, we had all better resign. We arc sent here by the taxpayem to perform this work, not Budd. I understand ihai not iong ago certain prominent resJdenia o f Morris Couiily called upon Mr. Budd, and U looks to me as If certain Influences have been brought to bear concerning roads that emanate from pot-house politicians."

Commlsaloiteir B xd il D efended .Freeholder Fancher defended the Btate

Road Commissioner and stated that the Freeholder from Madison was laboring under a mlaapprehensloh.

"Oh, no"' replied Mr. Troxell; " I have the names o f the roads that have been changed.'’

Mr. Troxell then referred to (he myste­rious disappearance o f certain papers be­longing to (he board, but at this point the sqbject was dropped.

Another Important matter (hat cstne 6:rr 'for a lively discussion waa the constanf^ ittcreaslng expense o f the maintenance ot the county's insane wards at the Slate Hospital at Morris Plains. Figures were produced to show that while the number Of county patients provided for since 1899 has not Increased, the cost has, to the e ^ jn t nr *13^. --seated..«Jwt iti#v /mk... a'^achpatient.

Freeholder Hoailand recommended that the nouTity construct and maintain Its own asylum. Counsellor Rathburn thereupon 'tendered sn opinion stating that the county authorities, under the State law. had no legal power to maintain a county institution for the Insane.

The appropiiatlons gsked for the coming fiscal 5 esr, and which'were referred to the Finance Committee, as follows: Court­house ind Jail, 919.000 lunacy. 929.000; Almshouse. 9£liOOO; printing gnd electlnoe, 912,000; brldfex, 938,149.45; offleets^ salaries, tliOQU.

The board will meet next Wednesday to select Its Director and various other of­ficers.

l*a r f* quanittlss of bluefish are being cgughl off Caps May PoUit* ^

WlUlam Jones, sixty yesfw old, t lum­ber meiTheni o f Hsrkensscli. was taken siMldenly lit In Whitehall streaLNew ¥i>rkv yesurdsy. sfler a llih lloa from a ferry- bosta and dlled si ihe IfudBon Btreet Hos­pital soon afterward.

William Benset coinmUied suicide at Trenton ycMerilay bv drowning himself. He hAtl been on a priRrsrted spree and hla w ife and. four rhlldrep had been 4>bM#sd tu leave him becauMS o f hlS failure to pru^r)^' ptANvIde for them.

A fter « (Hal lasilng for six days W al­ler Em^rorin ami his wife, AKce. Sivl (pHr son, W'alier. Ji,. were scq^kHlcd uf srm»n. Iher CetMT cKgriOd with byrnlnx tht lr home in CR'tan CUy Ihsi geptemlwr lo (he IngGtfriiHF.

Mayor Huos, uf Jer>>ev (^ ly . yt ftsndxv Msnt n letter to the Hoard s f Flnatics advising immeMllaie urtlott In tHo plan to secure a imrk fur (he knawn ■■■‘L ItiU Italy." The lUyur sirongly advO- ('sIsN beginning work nt lUice Slid rom- plating (he linprovetncut ihls summer.

Dr. Jsdin RttK-ktni) Fiough. a retired physlclun and polliu-lun of Kwing. » suburb o f TreiUun, w :ih sertouaty Injured by his horse rumilng uwiiy y#*slerday. He Win ihrowii from ttu* i‘nrr)age and bus- laliied an injury ai (tie tuise o f (he hmln. Dr Hough In wdl kioMAii In New VA rk' nd l*hlltatleUAhl4 In ihv former city he « a tneiulx-r nf rnlvcrsiiy (*liib and the

droller Club. Hr iirsi il’ird medicine muny vears ago In Rhll.ul(-lphlii

.leri'i Wilhuniv. i^ who says hts iorne Is In New Yorl*. received a blow III the hf*ad wlDi ,i kiin-edgml hatchet ‘urly yenterday inorulng while attempting (O' break 1u(<> the t'oii-Ai' of J(din Have-itock. near Fon I... Refort (he burg-inr recuvecMd ri»iiJ>« lonum-HS ^l»^'estlK•k fomid a )Milli‘einHU iiml WIlUamH WAS Itlkeil to (he 1tHCkell'-:o k Hotpilal. lie Is •low In Ihe HHckenx.t. k iitll. The dnclors OGV the blow WamHiI bine klUeil a white miiu

Lawyer item pie uuU rr»d »‘vU‘k l*«« werf at (he Kliite HuUf«e s , tiefore Hov-eriior V'oorbeA's. aranlna fur a reprieve o f (he oentouce of Kr.oicKio .-ybbaUo. who has iH'eit seiiiehATtl in haiig ou May 10 at Camden for the minder nf lieAttro l)efeo LSi‘ ssbi that he ri'preAieuied the Kalian ('unsul ai RhllHtlelplii.i am' His Kalian Ambnvsudor at \S'iiHhlugion Sevsral Italian iwK'leiies In I'iitbidrlphlu have In- tefrsted themseh-eH lii ibe case Ab- bstto and suy that ilo*v will fight for his release to the Ihmi rt-Huri The Governor look tlu' rane umler iNcment.

Vice-Chancellor p iim . In (’’hanceryOhainl>era. J^Tsey ( ‘ liv. M-mi r*lJiy Aip|M>llU-ed ('Imrles HohUo'rg i h «-i \at fur (he prop­erly at Wl Avenue 1>. R.mirmr. )>endlng the selttemiuK of Hh* A|iie»‘ ilon o f owner­ship ijf (he |»roi>cr(y. ttarnh A. lassco, o f W rit lirighton, Mialt-n iBinnil. holds mortgagi^ of tl.ftOO mi :he pioperiy, the title to w^hlcb U clHlme'i hv Bltnaon W. ;>man, who WHS A'ngHn*‘iJ m her Aiatighter. Mrs. iBssn alleges thrit tIh> engagement IftHted but uhe day atol iuoken her daughter, Zeman. s*h»- iilb'ge:*. Insert ed a fraudulent relefiHc c1:a'h*p In (he mort­gage. Vlce-t’hancellor I ’ liiuy adjounied the hearing lo May Zl.

Is fte o lo sa Jeraeru ieii.Folsmw Issued lo JersHvnun. reported

for the NEtVB by Drake & ('o . solicilors o f patents, rH)nier Hroml and Market streets; Fire fxllngnlsher. A. J Allen, Hoboken; braiding mai'hlnc, T. Armltl, C lifton; elecincai resistance, a W', B^rreaford, Wes.tfldd; Htreuhcr f-ir woven wire bed sprbuts. J. M. Hundy, AtbmHc City; Ink wa»II and pen rack, F- A rbutm- ers. Vineland; rotary printing prenn. J. L. Firm, Jeri*ey f'lty ; doicrgent, C ll l''ltch, Jersey City; machine for twisting in warp threads In luutnn A* Gusa, t.uki' lew;, making milk siigar. F. \V- H. Graelf, Rutherford; dubbv fi>r looms, y. A. Haenk'hen.RHfcrvon: slopperor closing cap for bottlea, H Hay. Buiuttilt; bininnhole sowing and cutting machlUF. j, 1' liuKah, Jersey CUy (« paicntsi; dob()>, F. Ki-ssel- ringv Bierlingi warping and l^MimlPK ma­chine, W. C Keyworth. Ratersnn. hat (Hiunclng mHciilne. G. F. Larkin, Nt'wark; iiRltCHthtg Instrument. A. Llpplnrott, Newark; dyer’ s whrK, A. Martin, Rssea-ie; box or satchel caich. F J*. Miller, New­ark; potato harvester, C 8. Nash, New- iiiH; numbering miichiur, J. M. Rein­hardt. Newark, wrench. B. Whaw. Dor­chester, sash lurk. t,'. F. Btein, Bayonno; machine for cutting rubber sealing rmga for jats. etc., J. K, ThfAjnp. Trenton;

eriro-msgneilc cnil. R. V'ajley J<*rsey I'lty ; tdesignsi badge, A. J Kell, N<-wHrk. t»a<ige, or stmllar articles, M. iv Myers, AlJanUc CHy. ^

Bed BaDk Briars.The Coroner’ s Inquesi !n the case nf

William Rmlih, of A llam lc Highlands. th«‘ lineman who was ^hocked to death by a live Wire last Saturday, waa held yesterday. The Jury did nut censure (he electric light company

The funeral of Joseph \V, Child, o f Red Bunk, who died Tuesday, was held this afternoon l(t Grace Methodist Kplsco|>al ('hurch. The service wan conducted by Rev. Wright Kckeraley, pastor o f the church. Mr. Child belonged! to the Free Masons uni Odd Fcllowa lodges and Royal Arcanum and waa a charter mem­ber uf Nanalnk Hook and Ladder ('om- pany, find the iwcletlea were largely rep­resented at the futierHi.

John Valleau, an old resident o f Red Bank, died yesterday afternoon at hla home on Herbert street.

A pftUlon Is being (Irctlbited against tho removal o f the Red Bank postofflee from Its preaent location to the new batik building on Broad street. The change, it is j ald. was suggested by the posioffice inspector, and It is not believed ihat the petition will have any effect. The bank ppojde say the Oovemtnent offlclals have already signed a ten-year leaae uf Ihefr building.

Mr, and Mrs, William II. Fowler, nf Red Bank, wll! celebrate the fortieth an- nlversun' o f their wedding next Monday night. They formerly lived at Englewood, moving to Red Bank about five years ago.

The Monmouth Boat Club cleared about 9175 by the minstrel performance In the Red Hank Opera House on Monday night.

Charles O. Dennis, for the paai eighteen years proprietor of the Weal End Hotel Hi Red Bank, has moved to Yonkers. The hotel lR now In charge of Garrett Rogera, w'ho has been in Mr. Dennla'ii cmplo)' for j.hc last four years,J _ tTofcen wftM caught

at Heabrlgbt last Monday by George Matihewfl, o f Red Bank. Th»' bird had

scvldenlly been shol. Mr. Mutihcws will preaent It to the Huaeum of Naiurnl H is­tory of New York.

1 Wonderful Values!!MEN’S SPRING TROUSERS,

$ 1 .4 8 , $ 1 .9 8 , $ 2 .4 8 , $ 2 .9 8 .You can't buy lo m e th in g fo r n o th in g ; y o u can ’ t get a d o lla r fo r f if ty cents unless

j ,the do llar ’s p lugged f y o u can ’ t bu y 95.00 T ro u s e rs for $1.29, and you can ’ t buy honest goods for less th an th e N A T I O N A L ’S prices.

TO-MORROW AND SATURDAYW il l be the effort o f the season. T h is Sa le o f T ro u s e rs w U l dem onstrate the p o w er of price. li va lu e stands ace h igh in you r judgm ent, then w e w il l expect to see you .

$Z00 Men’s Spring Trousers,

SpecUl Frhtay and Saturday,

1.48. 1.98.$4.00 Men’s

5prlng Trousers,Spaclal Friday and Saturday,

$3.00 Men's Spring Trousers,

SpecM Friday and Saturday,

$5.00 Men’s Spring Trousers,

Spaclat Friday and Saturday,

2.48. 2.98.Y o u can 't help f in d in g just w h a t y o u w a n t am on g the hundreds o f S n app y

S p r in g Patterns w e h a ve p laced on sale. Y o u w il l see a fe w o f the styles in our M a rk e t Street W in d o w .


SIX u o m SAViita s io b x s . "ih'wjcts t b s c B s a m T ,”

m a r k e t a n d W a s h i n g t o n s v r e e t s

n<faoi'*Ki> TroaUr

* W4T8H.a


-............J .MUA MHBT.

A J a r a a y w a s In ChAa. R ead the ■ M a n a t hy a N a w a r lc a ia a .a f th « im- p r a n a ia a t a h e la * w r a a a l i t l a th « F caV l ml the A a t ll ic a In tha NEWS on t a t a rd a y . / r" f -- - --------

l l a r i c d te D e a th h r a T ra in .TBBMTOH, Hay A.^ehB Vaa Variak, a

lather of Fhlladelilhia, wa* atniok anu kilted by a train near Princeton Junction yeiterday. He wa* riding on an eaatbound rralflit train when he *teoped off direct­ly In front of a nouthbound teat oxpres*. HI* body wa* hurlad with terrlflc force * dlatatice of Uf feet. He ilruclt a po*t by the ride of the railroad with loch violence that the Imprint of hla foot and a nail In the ahoe waa clearly Imprinted In thew«od._ , ____ _ -

I jlrtp ara i with ctati and ydrt- r* ntaat«M*«w ta asiat.

Powdan I f tatantM apart. Poardata U «tavtea apart.

kouff. i|da,iU». irkam.

■“ TdoRfa. « * » -^ rgm arYa do* tn tar Oat dfrat'

WMt.)llaMtaaatlaR Baa dlwatatiM. g a " • “ ta n alwa BaadIrtctloRa.

Itawr-Pewdap every fe w itaort.___JM dntia --m M ar«**iy to w iw m .il«r s BfSfiir-W tadiw Pewdef ta O n te i'

atad Water. */CMpIatedtaMitaw ta amry pwkaea.

. Uia nitiurtal .ja iu t,8 t«*a rtlM | ..

m i *‘S o b a rs eaaitanHfron taWT erwn aevarefapfawISlta lam m ltta «aa

wblel oeal tar

powdai^wbleh otdtaa

Oscr tlir ibpw Fm nrh lae (■ranted al Fm u Ic.

PATKR80N. .M ly IL-Juatlcu DIxnn yaa- grttulcil n writ nf wrllnrarl (v-

slriilnlnK thi: I’ lUiciw’ TA'xtfr Company of Pujunifr from iMOceedlng to hulld works HTul Hijp|ii\ that dty with water. The orili'r w -i Kniriled on the uppllcHtliiTi of tho k.iii-mck Ift’atiT Companyhriff ibc Duiuli o atvr Power and Land CMmpnny.

Thia action I?" ‘ miHiir lo (ho move mmlo In thH cily n-n utly by the E»«t Jcrei-y \N'alpr Cnnipii'^v itgalnst the Ptopfe'a Water ( ’orDpHi.v, which htnl oecnreil h frnruhlai' ifi aink urieMUn wells anO aup- ]>|y PfllcTHfin wllh wntcT. The writ grtttiled vt'stenlfly ts returnable In (ho Boprcinc Cimri In June. Il rt'quIreK ihi* ritv <'b'rk i>r I’aflfair to produce h cfEpy of the fraiif hlac granted tt) the ' ‘itln iim‘ Water Conii'ai^y. * *'* ' rwiulre.n ihe corporation to aohmit teallniony to «how caiisc whv the franchlov granted by the

, Cornmoti t\)um:ll Khould not f«' set HoJdc ' oh Illegal, In view of n pretioua 4-dritP»ci made by the city with another rompKiiy.

----- • '' ----: ^VIFE III A YD KlLLFD*

Slattfiii .igenl Hill struck by ■ T m laal Trem ley Polot*

RLIZARETH, MHy..T-WHllam ploj’cd by (hfi Jeravy Central, was inataiit' ly killed la^l evening M Tremley Pqint. where he had been atsthn agent ntHirty (Nlxtecn yeara. He croHoed the track to place K mallbug on the p<jhi for a north* hmmd nriHll train, and was remmlng to the Htailon after the train panaed, when hr waa airuik by the Lakewofxi Expreas from New York, going sonlii Hla body wan toneod upward nf nlxty f<‘M ftnd fell on (he opiKislte track. The bai-k of lilH's ftkull WHK (niAhed and his■ehoulder was broken.

Hlil lived over the station, and from the Window 4)f hrr room hSu wiT>- ! aw the train strike him. Hs waa foriy-elx years old.


MoBmottth Couoty Notes.Mian Ida Johnson, a school lencbrr liv­

ing at Locust Grove, near Middletown, re­cently returoed from the island of Ja­maica. brlnrtxig hftio#. her J-WO mOF-

aa petN. T fie XmlfAlla are i^ ig I Norta of trtpks by their mlatrean caption lx to b« held In honor of the pels, to which wilt be lnv4ted the school chil­dren In Miss Johnson's charge.

Mrs. AlleQi Mrs. George l.fewle, Willlant MaKhewB and the two children, who were occupants of a carrlsge to which wa« at­tached X runaway horse on the Keanaburg road Tueaday evening, are all rc^coverlng' from thg efftets of the accident. Matthews sustained x broken leg while the others vYere cut and bruised.

Miss Elia Vanderveer. of Freehold, will sail this OMHtth for Europe to be gone four months, 'flba will visit England, France, Italy and-Gsrmany.

An ^pUcatlon was recently made for a pustofflea at Neptune, near Avon. U was refused on account of a postoffl4‘e being situated within a mile of each aide of the piaee.

Several tturifeon have been caught this week by the flabermen in Raritan Bay. This spsoles o f fieh are sosree In these waters at this season of the year.

The drought Is beginning to tell upon the grasi.^erop in Monmouth County. GrisB Koa sralrr tn general does not look as well as ten days ago. L'nlesa ruin cnRiea enthlh a few days' time the hay cropi VIlLha^vary skort In thIaJieollon this year.

The Jr. O. V, A, M. has fixed August 1« as the date and Asbury Park as the place for Its ennuhl outing and parade. It wilt be styjjid American Iw y. _

W il l AdAmsaa io rta t Prourraa C l«b .EugeAd V* Brewster, of Brooklyn* will

epeax at the meeting of the Social Prog­ress Ol^b on the night of May It, at 8 o'etoek. There iriil be no meeting of the club tQ-norrow, Mr Brewster wae form­erly a supporter of Bryan, end waa chair­man at the *'Doltar Dinner” In New York in 1898. tie a^w thinks that Mr. Bryan Is not radical enough In his views to meet the ^mands of the Umes, and has (declar­ed' hraiMlf In favor or the candidacy of Eugene V. Debip the nnWitee of tnt Soolat Demooraeyi for President. Mr Brewster will speak on the problem of the tnista The public ta tnvltsd* The club meets at U8 Miiskat atroot. .

k i l l e d hv a WHEBLWOVIAff.

Lout Oinfrrtl o f Her Illry rie and Ainivk » Yoang Mau,

A T L A N T li- II inHLANDS. May 3-W ilt - lam Oermmi, u young man of ihia nlai-e, WAS on the Shr<-wabury bridge ort Sunday night when hi* a young woman'come tearing down rto* ateep'approach on a bi­cycle. She liiul lost control of the ma­chine.

German kciI vloae lo the rail he Could, but Ihe Noung woman’s bend siruvk against hla no v. knocklnjg: him down A violent honiorrhfige st the nooe followed and German dli>d Tuesday night. The young woman n'llr off without giving her name.



•414}!: . ;

H o b * f o r iM O orfb loo QoaaBt*A coitcsrt under the sfts^^es (rf

Homs for Incurables will M Slv Tu*ad*)r nISHt, May t, at Aaaoriatlaa HalL

iDcra of lo t Board ot Hanasor* ‘trao tha « Mttcr

r ’ J,- ■. ■'

ttaa ven on

.. ^ _ ......- , . ____ an HadThe nwiabera of lo t Board ot H i are amriotia to ral*t fond* tn eolaihomo. In order th*C ttiay may be ____able to idoelta many worthy dailente for whom at,praaant'there I* no room In the hoaplUI*. Walt known mv*iotan* have been aeeinrad for the oonoert, tncludtnt Hlaa Bril Hawkaa, conDalto;'Hln Emma Cohn, rionn; Herbert Sfnock, tenor: Dr. Carl B, ’DuSi. baaa. and Henry Hall punehtae, piano; .

, Staam af'UtBIwi.No bavaraca of recent yearn haa mat

wllb auob nronoun^ anooeac with the aeneral public aa Bhtek and Tan, "Th* Amtttoan Porter"—(U noawrity helns duo' u> II* triM merit, BtleiorBottllna CaW' pany, Newark, whrinalt daatara,—Aov.

.■Reater* I Reit W ith P a la l HJfcFl — ' lliiriiia * Gaarrel.f o r t w o r t h . T c*., M ay.8,- a meflaCe

report recclvprl lirre ta*t nlKht aive* !n.- formatlnn of h noadrtiple klttlna *t Quanah. Two of ilie men are I.ufc and Cage Beach, Ijiit Hi.' niime* o f Ihr oihera arc not know linre.

The Irnubic orIcSnated over * grant leaae. The men mei on 4h* public thor­oughfare ami opeiii .l n fuilllade w llli Wlri- cheatera, accorrllnr m Indennlte new* re­ceived here, cattle men.

All four were prominent

l.ahe*r Wrecked.M A R Q U ETTK , .Mlrlv. Mey 1 -T h e flr»t

wreck of the spasiM] on (hs G rsat Lak fs ooouTVsd- ysstsixlay off fitUHftatd Rock, about twenty roilM wvat. Ths schooner ITRllonin, ore iBriFii, sprung a leak anri went down, but h«r crew pi; wastsksn off by the nXMmf'T Drsks, which had the Halloran In tow. The vssasi was owned by Corrlgun. McKinney A Co., « f Clcvslandr and was buuml from .Two H a r ­bors to Connesut.

krsiakod « kegro In fflsMMigl.LIBERTY? Mo.. iMuy 3.-Henry Dar-

loy. A liagro, was lynched In the Court­house yard here Just before midnight bv a mob of masked men. 'I'ho negro was arrested Ip Excelsior Hiirings on day* ch a rM with having brutally as­saulted Mian Vera Armstrong, a wxJiress employed In a hotel. Oiirley was etn- pUiyed as a porter. The mob came from Kxusislor .Bprings on horHeback*


T h e h o u seh o ld i f l s i i i f e c t a f l tA ll M prtaw . cdoriM S ; po 1M . ssfo ssd iMttiiUr■tmyt (on) odors mnC chotalcalty wutroHzcf diMUO-fcroodtag nottor.

tiapeef *lly preimted to meet th* dally *«ni. tary Met of tnt inrefaJ hona»lwri>«*; for pur. llyfiw ihe waata pipes, w ^ ohneta, eldkf neeapOoHretc.i fw nprlnlrilnp abouti (heuei

(tablea »iu all suaplislou* pl%qe* .yrlieie

Ertlle* ofily/'by dnintata — — .— _ demrUnetit th ta eilti

y Umurr B. li$M

O pen ing «ir Ik e A an iin l ^eislOM^Tke Reports Henit.

N K W yoR K . May l - l i i (he W sidorf- AKiiidu rhd eighteenth sniduU 9|ksaloii uf Ihe i'ri>prlelary Asawlatlnn of AmvrlcA WHS lH-«un yealerday. Rn-HUieiit V . Moil n Free, uf Huffalo, (JeMv« rfil the opening j Ailclroiu The bunlurnfi of tliF morning ■'*«- sioti ctJiiMlHied In the re4 »*pili>u of delegate* fnmj the National WholFFale l>ruiglstK' .^iijsficliitioii and the iN'ahoiir*l Association nf Rf'tiill r>ruggls1s The rnporlfl of the sc<Tftiiry. Joseph laemlug. and thi* ireas- nrer, II. R. Hanling. were mad, and show- ril the HSHOtdstiun (0 br Id a nourishing cOndHh’u. The rt ptjrt ^ III*- I ’ommlltve on 1‘uhllcatinn hy Thf'mas F. Mnlii was also fUfsanti'd.

Tlu* Miei'lal featun* of the acssluti was the report of the ('ommiMei- on Tradf- m.trks l«y H. L. Ivrnmcr, of linhunii Min­eral Kiirlntry, Itnl, whhli showt'd the Lnlled fitJitcs has iMUanLed 10 Ote lilahcst poMlll(Ut ill JiirlKprudence on the subject uf tradf-marks, At Ihe artenirwin FcsBlun (he report «if the ('oTmnKtoe on LcKlsIa- tion, of which (V K. Ih- W ilt, of ChlcHgu. is chairman, was dlhrusscd at lenath. The repiirt of the rommlltoe on AdverlSslna. A- Frossy Morrison, of New York, chiilr- man. wus also cnnsldcrcd. A. H. Iiear<ls- ley, of Klkhart, Ind*, iJreaenled the tvi>ovi of the i^oroinUtsc ofi'rrHiisporiallon.

C d K G ItE M nt* |VH V M ((.\V t.

O m rers K leH ed al the Xeaslnn hr Ihe kretlona.

W A SH ING TO N* May 3.—Conslltuenl s(u|4*(lcs of (ho American Oongrrsa of Physicians and iurgeona to-dny eleclcd Ihe -fnlUiwlng olflcfit.

AmericHh Neurological Assoclallon; PreKldeni. Df. O. L. Walloii, Boston, Mass.; vlc.-presldent. Dr. I'hnrlps W.. Burr, rhlliiilclptlI^;-jwerotftry Jind ircas. urer. Dr. onietne M. liararoond. New York.

AmcrlcHn Gynaecological H(M*1c(y, Pres- Ideni, Dr. K Yau D eW arker. of ftyrucuse* N. Y .; vlrc‘pr 's1dcnta, U r. J. K .Icwett, o f Brooklyn, ahd Dri Robert A. Miiiircy, of Meinpiila; srcrelgry, Ur. J. Kiddle Onffe, of NciiV York: treasurer. Dr. J. M. n*lijy. uf rhils<l'dphla,

American Climatological AssorlaMnn: President. Dr. K. H. Babcock, of ‘ ‘hi- cago; \ Ice-iircsM'-nts, D r Peale. of N'*w York, and !>r l/jingmead, o f Boston; sec­retary and ircfsjturer, Dr. Guy HliiMfiaic. of rhlJadelphljj

l).\? fO E RO l^ T l'M A K M .

L a e k k w a m ia Kiiirin4*er -B ad ly lltirn- #d |»y mn K ap loa lon .

HpertsI DIsjjho'Ii fi>'1i N’KWS.BBLV1DKKK. May .T*-Th« aceunuilH-

llori o f gas in iJo- D 1*. A W , tuniicls be­tween Bcraniou iiiid \N iishlngton* .N. J., has twice wldiln h few days nearly caused the cleaih of railroftd men. The last 'case wae that of Engineer BKlen- bonder. of Horant-oi. who w as burned by an exploaioo of koh while paslilg .throughlhv» Manunkachonk niiirml.

The train bcciimc siaUed In the tunnel and an explosl-ai -K gHs follows^l. which severely burtod the engineer about the head, face and hands. 'I'he company Is iHMv corKemplnilug a schems Ihal will force Ihe gas from the tunnel through an aperaturc m he made In the roof that will ektund lo (he open air.

M.4HK rH la o i^ E A W IT H A LAfifiUa

R oh ilsM an ’e ( l a e e r ^ r lh u A n f T a k la g ■ Man Jnlii l aaloily.

IlfiHuKLN. Muy 8- ■ Aleaiarnlro Rubertl, of WueliHwkvn Heights, who vvaa arreaied six frectis Mgo (III a chnrgu of rmbeaxllug tisu and waa reictasrd oh halt. furnUhefl hy ItiiiMTl Dragord. waa iKSsonl yesterday when |*»*ivjng his ffonn’ , hy his Imndatnaii, and roart'hdd to the ^Vcai Hoboken Police i tutlon, where lie was locked up. Hr was aftcrw.ird (ransfdrrcd to the Hudicm L'uunty Jail.

Dragoid UecUu'i'd that gave himas Hciurlty (or the biul ligtid a mortgagu on a pU-44' o£ prupcriy which was found to he foiunli-d In arioilD-i man's name, am! iliat h i ' I k'IIuvi (I Full Hubert! wap pro• tHirlpfi til Joivu town LTiigonl accorrllugly, whKciJ with u I'li'il I'f co(M‘ ami took Uu- ln-nl prNriri*T, hi «l!•. «•r lo i»r(VfHi the pop- slhli- foifclluM* nf I h*' hull Iwiinl.

ABSOLUTEsra iT Y .Genuine


Must Osar SIpnstura of

tm lUntaaM* Wi


Grirenao4>«]B liMlIcInaeMi* Roasheil,J1CK8P-2Y FITV, .May 3.—Judge Blair, in

the Hudson CmiTifv Court of Oan«-rHl fies* •Ions, quashed vrMl»‘rday the Indictments agEilnst (jit* oftlccra of the Western Union Telegraph thimpany. charging them with aiding gTi'cii-goodi* swlmllera. Chief of Police MiirphN, on whose complaint the Indiclmi'iitH wVre found, inaleted that the green-gondri ^^wlndlers were atdert by the re fu sa lo f Manager Hertholf to notify the police when green-goods telegfim c were recelviMl or to disclose the contents of the telegrams. Henaiora McDermott, for the company, said K was Imnoaelble for Mr. Bfrtholf (o distinguish between goods and Icglilmate telegrams.

tunteet Over n ForltiHe.IIACK K NBACK . May 3.-Bfverul law­

yers were engaged In the Orphana' Court yoaterday In a contest over the will of James Barbey. a retired merchant, who died In Englewood at few days ago, leav* Ing an estate valued at |3W).iWfl. Wlillain A Barbey, a New York slock; broker, and fila alJter. Mr*. LliJIan B. Taylor, filed a Caveat alleging menial Incompetence and undue Influence detrimental to their in- tereats. Howard D. Terhune, cashier of the Hackensack Bank, was appointed ad- Rilniatrator, pending a declaUm In the vun- tcat.

Colareil Mlnlaler Hefased Hoilii*TRENTO N, May 1 -R rv . I. L, Burton*

pM tor o f the Union Baptist ChPTph (col-tfrod) was walking through the town with A friand yeatettlay and.trn ^ '

la fountain for refrea^ent*. Th* ‘ rtty Iriri Clark Raid *ho could not *«rva.' ~' b«cau(d Ir «B4 acainat nraen, fb aatt

a . to cohind' pecaona.. Xb« prMnMT iWA.'Mfd finally domanilad a dnnlikmam Af no ii*j.. Tba XU'..*—''t It waa ot no uao.

............ lilat uacalnl

roRaiAt&oia n u a ia iM it i. maiuMtina F o r ra R n m v ii. riiteoH tT iM T iH t r e n m i w s u i .niaiteciMPUitMl

UBJfXi MyTliSIfSM—SfiBSl* _


s TERNBERG’230-2J4 Market St. s

Need Clothes?You do? Can't get them because you ’re short of cash? That need not bother you 1

Come Here!W e ’ll let you choose from a tremendous assortment, fit you properly, give you complete satisfaction in every way, trust you and

Let You Pay on Easy Terms.

.tliia will Inalat upon hla rirht* ano rim

........... ■ lit thi ■ - ■ 'aoda

B Ik Rnfta on the D a ta w a re .nela) Dtuatch to th* NBWH.BBLVluliRK. Hay I.—Thora la a flno ■ freahot in the Delaware KIver at

and a treat quantl'y uf lumber la ted tn market. Andrew Vottor.

and ri«a tadad b*te (or the Pandaylnnla l i l lr ta d Cbmaany T k * .a «»U »r n tu ,taua-Sm VtaTu t a l jM . .... I

3 « O F * “


C e f i t sJYARD

Oallad (ity and. pallnrad.i r N a t lV - * d r ^ 8 4 e B t i . L IV I L I . I







1 1'lJUttMr W > A D a t lM w i l C 4 « fa w l « iv ’ ‘ *‘ A « U a u m y e ip tr lM K t,'

*< R a lil ig U it D ead ," >“ i M ad R U t.* * Btc.



Bt Joaa'.'ii A. M.

iwrJi In wniithlr^ In 1M2. IiIh f«th*r txtna UXii'i IJrhttold. In w Ikmii- (tart, at L’hantv Iluuw, h<? bc»an the Iook frl«nttt)il(i ♦Itb Siwli-. Ilf «hUh Tiiiii'K-trav wrItH OB rharmlnalt'^

"O lck tb» I'linrtiT Hii'i.a Kn«n-.Iior. (joiuraclpd tMi'h an admlcaiUin l.i ttia year* o f hi* ehtMliiMul mwl m jln aJ ii faithfully IhrouRh lili lit*. Thr.iuah lha aehool and Ihroutli the w.irld, whlihiran- aytr hla atrana* fortune hit ttita i rrlna, wayward, affectionate crcatiir.'. Jii**i)h Addteo'i wan ulwaya hla hrud lioy Addt* non wrtw hi* excreta**. .\i1.1l«.in dirt hi* beat theme*. He ran im Artitlxiin'* me*- aaa**i fatard far him nmt lituikeil hi* ilnaa: to he to .Toe'* cnniiinny wh* Hl. k'* •realrat pleaaure, and he tonic a aermon or eantna from ht» moiitiur with the mo«t batincilrat reverence, acqulracenro aiicl al- fatOon."

From the Chartor lloiiaa A.tdlrnn rm**ed to Oxford, at the a*e o f fifteen, rt1*tln> ■alihetf aa a boy tcholBr. ill* rrahletice at Oatord a* atudrnt, acholar *nrt fcllnw laat- oO ton yearm; In fact, he rttil not rr*lan ht* ftllowablp until nil. Hurlna lit* univer- alty cartor ha attracted the attentlnn of Hmtaou, afterward K*r1 of ttatifnx. hy tncHeatlnt In pooma that he wrote hi* ml- m m tlon for W h lf leailer* and doctrine*. M onU iu diaauortert him from enterina the ClMrcb and induced htm to fit hlm.rclf fur

prrceilln® century *how* two eatremea. That of •rholara like Mltton. wrttln* for ■rhoiarr, wa* baaed on the l * t ln model and waa rh «rarl*rl«*d by Ion*. Involved and comprehetialve aenloncc*. That of the louriinl1»ta, *hn*c number areally in- crca*iil loword the ctoae of the century. w * » coiir*.', lolloqulal and Intenllonully ■rtiivrnly. 11 1» carliatiired tn The Tatlcr fill KiptemlaT 2*. UW. from which a acn- lin e* or Iw * *411 aerve to llluatrat*;

■■ 'T|* *ald the French King will hnm- l>iMial' n* ii*en, which canac* many aiwc- ulntlono. The Jack* und othera uf that til.tnpy ere very upplrh and *lcrt upon't. u* wiu may act by their ph lii'a ."

A.liltM.n'* |iro*o t* free from *cholnet|.| clem, bill In liccomlna puintlnr It remnln* purv. H lo"i " no dianity hy Ita almpllclty.

"In Adiltaoii'a liunil*," aoya ihehlatnrlau cireni. "Ihl* leipiilar wrltlna bccamv n imrl Ilf llii riiniri', While It preeerved the free inoveiiient o f thu .lelter-wrlter. the anyeiy anil brlakncaa o f chat. It obeyed the hiw* of literary art ami waa ahaped and kuldcd by a »eii*o of literary beauty. It* humor, luo. became a auhtler and moro i iciHlalie Ihina tnatead o f the mere wit of Ihl- c.iffee-bouae, men found Ihrm- •clva* *ml11nir with n humorlat who came nearer than any man before or alnce to the humor lit 8hakc»tieatc. It waa thu* that AArtlaon liecaine ihe typical repreaentallve o f the revolution which paaaacl in hla day over Knalteii literature."

SIR I 0 lER DB COVBRLBV.By t ii*ai.K« .Mr McCLUNma, Fh. 1).

Addlaim and Btecio bullded areater than they knew. U waa rrrtatniy Impneklhlt for Ihoaa two e*aayl*l*. from their point- of view, fully to underatand Ihe latent force* oenlred Ih that new projdcl about 111 be 1*au»d in the column* of The Spec­tator. ' For our point of vlrw we can ex-


_________ pTOcurlna a pw ielon 'forAddlaorir UanU fu sent him to irAvel In■tAtaamfisahlp.

Frince, Ita ly and Holland. Ho remained abroad three yeari afudylnit iwlltical In- atltiiUona, mecttni famoua men o f lettera

abaerrina tha manner* and taaie* of !tba poopla* be vlalted. The chief Itlernry itoaulta o f hit travel* were a mutrlcal let: itrr t* Hallfex '-tu whfrb the «xpr«iaea de- llaht at ■ndlAk (bbnkelf tq .'ptuce* made dear to him by hie atmUee In ibaiGlu**lca— and tbe famoua hymn hmlnnluK:

"When all Ihy mercle*. 0 my (lod.My rlalna aoul aurveya,

T ra n ip e rt^ with the view I m lost In wonder, love and pralae."

Thie tdlflBa to the memory Hke the llnea o f another hymn of h,l*. written of the Bfaiiit

"Forever olnahw aa eh llie.' The b a ^ that made tie la divine.':^

hc- ho Ic* [

Addleon'a work aa an r**nyt*t nppearrrt to tbe Tatler. Bpcctntor, Oiiardlan ami ('reebolder, perlodlcala which followed one aDoUwr In rapid euccetilon during the year* from 1709 lo 1719. The Bpeclator eohtalne bla beet work. The drat miin- ber wee leeued March 1, 1711, nnd the pa- lyeg appeared aa-ery week day. f t w a * eag­erly read et'the clnh* .anfl-colfce tlhh***. aa well a* In the humea, end when the canya wera colleeted Into volume* numer- otia edition* werie nece*e*ry lo aupply the demand. Neerly (me-tridf o f The Bpeclator paper* were wrlltan hy Addl*on. The var­iety of toplce trented I* very great, hut the profeaaed purpoae of oil Ihe eaeay* wa* to Improra the pbbllo tiate. In make literature aUftietlve.'*to Inatruct while tn- tertainint. "to bring jihlloaophy out o f cleaela and llbrarlea to fw eil In i-luhe and coffee hoaaea." Party polUIca waa ex­cluded. The dralBpectaior *ay»; " I never .eapnuaed any party with violence, and am reaolved tooliterveAn exact neuirnlUy be­tween Whige and Torlc*. untc*« I ahall ho forcM to declare myaclf by the hoallUtlc*<4 «At>ll>V.«lAa. 1» » ‘ all the part* of yny fife a*'n"ffln*et-mT, - which la thu character that I Intend to prnerve In thia paper."

The Spectator hoped "to hnniah vice ami Ignorance out nl the lerrllorle* of tireiil Britain;" It a lucked with gnud-hunniml eitire the inllior vice* and fullir* o f the time and made I hem rlilli-ulou*. 'I'o Wolili-fl readwaHhcSpeclainr gave tho Dral hcurly recognition accorded them In the hlatory o f our llleralure. It hroughl a new hitcr- e*l Into Iheir Uvea hy It* mtmiie obs.-mi- tlona on mannora and quiet ridicule of ex­travagant fathlon* Adillsmi's huniornu* ■atire la aeen at It i boat In the deecrlp- tkm* o f HIr Hogcr de Covcrley, the typi­cal country gentieman of the time. In Ihe portralta of sir Roger and ihe vtlicr meni- bara o f the famou* .-lul. coni.-inp..- rary life la pratty completely dc*ciibed. Taliie find* In theae »ketcnc* th« begin- filng o f the reuUatlc novel which appear.-d fuU-forrtwd before Hie clghtoeinh century W u 'h a if over. The crilh-nl paper* in The Bpoctator are chararlertxod by great mod­eration o f Judgment. the moral e»*ny* pul forward a rea*onable and cheerful view .if duty, and Ihe Inlluence uf Imth la plainly to creata * »*nt1mciit ogatnai narrowiic** and rancor In the dl*cu**lnti of aubject* OB which men are likely to differ moat Vtrengly. It haa heeti aahl that Adrtlaon'* graateot work wa* * work of reconcilia­tion. Macaulay refer* to thl* when he *p«ak* o f Addl*on a* "the great aullrlat wbo alone knew how tn n*e ridicule with­out abuaing It; who. without innu-tlug u wound, effected a greui aocliii reform, and who rocontllad wit and virtue after a long and dtaaolrouf «eparatlon, .luring whii-h WU had been led aalray by prolllgaey amt virtue by fanallelam." The Bpectulnr did nat apeak In denunclatlnn o f Ipioleranre^ It Jpread abroad a vplrlt o f uibatiliy and good humor, iualead. Jl created a healthy and aenalble public opinion on matter* of ra j^on , llteraturn und life. Tin- mlHlaka It aoiiMtlme* made o f nanumlnif that A.dillf

■ aM antartalned no Intenae convlctibna hC|'I '.lRl^'li ! I<~ ■a'we-Vw.--t, he

piaMrwh/Tkd Spectator waa glvfn In the world In March, n il. We eun underniand why the half-century preceding the reign o f Rueen Anne rranlted In the great polll- leal alruggle between two radically op- ]io*ed iMirlle*, one dcalrtng government by coitHlIluilonal method*, the other gov- erimient hy an akowlute -monafeht ttnF ■why Ihe perlodicaj HPder AUCh condition* became a poweffuf wcapotf In'the hand* o f party leadera. •'Wercan alao unravel the aoclal fabric and' windy the Influence of the political alruggle* on the nnclal life of the time*. W e know that puny »plrtt, yea. hatred, ran high, SiH-lety waa actual- iv at war. Torlc* attacked the Whig*; the Galabllabed Church, the dlpaanter; the moderate Torte*, the non-JurOWadf't*** Caihollca were hated by all Suhhrcllgloua and pollllcal anlmoaltlei CkUied aoclal dlvlaloti*. and It waa neceaaary <or aomethlng to alep In and reainn with and ridicule ouch an Impoaalhto alate o f ao- clety. Th li waa The Spectator. Thl* all-

Ji.nis utt'riJTSN.

I a h i ^ e f art than urgumchti -in ttoge dicUoD by which to em


n ^ odeil wun thr Sir Kotf^r('ovtTli'y Tho*«j paptr^ aorvfld'Ui^ wKv of Anne In that oapiM^tyiiht’Y hfrvtMl ull tlm<' In a much h»*hrr <le nrrp, Thry confnlnwi Ihe kInOty

iho novfl of lUe elfhleeuth ctfO't\iry,

Tlif Hppi'uuor wft!< Rierted uf e dlitlnc- Mvi'ly lltfiHry perUKllcuI. eml H iiiloptpO a <ll)‘ ihvrilv ijcrwuiial i<u»e. Aroiiml "Mr.

Imaiflnary inomUcrB ffirmcil ih«‘mF«»lvFF Into e club, ami It w#t« th(Hr daily reftecliuikH and HCtlohR met ivero bf Imparlotl In a tete-»'tele faiih- lon ro (ho inibllc. ThlB pemonel iutlmucy Ih (ho kcyuot<? of (he tllermry lane of the )iniriiftl. Thlw uotr 1« struck with Ihe very hrai Brttelo on “The ftperlalor'F Account of lllmKelf." nnd K 1» pounded In (he fpc- ojid eontrlbiitlou where Steele de<crtbe« “Sir Hom r ami the Club.**

The HIr Koger de Coverley pnpera. thirty-lhree In number, do not form a novel, according to the accepted definition of the wi>rd; but they do contain many quailtiee th«t « f 1erw ird, in the work of KlchnrdFon, In 1740* became the dcfinlt* charncterletlcs of the fUll-fledirrKl novel. ThJp norlvM of eaFayn, while poiweMlng all the (ralta of the ew ay, gradually utifolda tho life, habite and envlronmonu of Sir Hoffcr. a iKiraonage ttctlUoua. yei Incor­porating the cairily rm>gnlii'(l characterla. lira of a country knight, AFBoclHtcd with ihls familiar figure are other leaner 11k - ureii, dellcuitely. yet deftnUely, traced, such W ill Wimble ciiid Will lloney- (oinh. Moreover. Ihia character akotch U not without a plan. It la devnld of plot, na the word In employed In defining the novel. The plan li» almplc enough. It la UF unnoce»Nary to the clNtracttrliAtlon »n the jracery of ecaffoldluiK Ih to Michael A iikcIo*n exception of the Blhllcai acenea. Sir-RoiferTr^reHence In the club, hit hounehnld. hft. anceetora, nelffhborN, coun

: try life, etc., are ao many neparaia van are-«24>plrted the munnere

K'opjrrhihted)I never m «l w iili 4 youns woman who

CKred mor* r»v ^piHuu-ntK-ea ih»n DorU UeuumoJitg Who WM an helrfaa In a amall way and htd b«en ipolU from rhlldhood KuNlldloua W U not Uw word for U. and thoufh aha hiid hnd many oRera o f roar- riage. belnf t fdnefkl faVOrite lA the cuiiniy. Fhc w u ve itln s on toward thirty before ithe aceoptad any o f them*

t. who hpdkemt b v '^ e d k a l nttendani Mnr« hep know huw nulck-ly ihe tirod ot a new doU ur a lempttnc to il w *» ecareely aiirprlaed when ehe found acme fault With all the young men who worahlpped at her ahtine.

had known me ao long that Fhe ( mvi* m«* a good deal e l her cohAdencef ami umd to Nay. laughingly:

“ Jl 1m dreadful to BuppuM that love cau tM‘ an llhiNliih which ihould be In any way dfMroyed b> marriage. Yet It eeeinN lo tin iluki Nooner or later all lllualona ar«dCMiroyctl *■

“Oh,’ ’ I nniwered, Uughing at ber In reiiini " Y mu w ill always fmmage lo flnt a ermk In Ihe chlna-^ne man e hohc 1$ tcH> iluiiiltiadnK. another has a mouth to* wPb i( In always china, you know.’ ’

Kor K had been an old ^ok« between u UiHi Hh«'. would be as valuable as a auclloiietr In appraising the value of blue ch!n*i

“ Horne women llva fo r China, you know and you un* uiie of them." bnd been, I must l onfeM. a hackneyed joke with me. ifon dM mIo’ 'AtiM Of novalSg the conduct and »einim»-M(H of an ugly heroine would neverhHVr bren Lnterastlng to her. Every­thing hud t«i b<*i«ullfuU she nurruundsd her*. If with lovely things, With pleasant BceiUH uhJ everything delightful to ths ■enses.

I confcHM I thought It 4 pUy when James CgJwjn. who had hltborto neglected wom­en or iffstw l them with a general 1m- panlslliy of coldness. fsU vehemently In love wllh l)4irlN HeuuOlont, and I thought It a Ntlll arriiter pity when 1 hcani that he hart given up his ambtflcins for her ^ake I could scarcbly believe It, since when 1 hnd Fern Wm but a few months before the object o f hla existence had secfficd lo be to eat hla Way to Ihe Bnr. and try to do his bbal to reach the wool- Mik- As he WHS a roan o f sufllclent aWI- Uy, and hsd an uncle who was a Judge, to say nnihing of snllcUor friends who would he likely 10 supply him with brtefa, Ih li seemed lo be u ppisihlllty, and [ pitied htm when f heard that for the ankS of plrasltig MInm Eeaumont hs had deter- I mined to give up all Wa prospects and

I 10 live upon ber |»roperly. In faei. he i }tHd fallen, JJkr riyases' rompanlona might have done, under ths spell o f the sirens. T1ot having taken th « precaution to atop

' hiR rarw with wax.j For Doris Reaiimont'i atlKudei were

gmceful, her voice was muKlcal, and the ! aweetneas of the perfgmea in her beautl- I fully decoraiefl rooms w srt apt to steal I In a subtle way through the tenFeu and to I tflke possession of a m th almost against • his will.

When 1 saw CoTWyil 4 short lime sfler- ! ward. I doutiied hoW the thing would end,I for I knew that though for the time he

might have t>een yielding to a kind gf Ins- Nitude Which was not S*Uhout pleniurahle sehsatToT^. there wsS tdd much latent energy In his dlspOFlficrn ^of him to be any womsn'F puppet long.

During the beaiillful summer evening* which followed their majrrlige. the roses bloomed abundantly Ih thS cool depth* of the fragrant gtir^en, and the Hlars looked down upon the lovers In the ■Hence o f ihe mild, soft, clear nights. For A time PoflF Whh contented wMh loving her huNhgnrt and trusting him s* she hart never before Irusted any Other man, and liien aha begsu to l>e fu tU im ia ak usttal. Hhe would tiek h»<r*Hf If she were anv happier to-day, for Instance, than Fhe was yesterday. Hhe had found out that her htlshaTiii liked turnips siid mnngolrt wurxeiR better than siulnsd g1sp(a nnd tifonaes. and prefarm l to read Darwin awd Carlyle instead o f Tennyson or Hwln- hums.

He w onlrt come In splushed and dlirep- ntahlc from tong country walks, and look an Interest In beetles and caierpillurN and other loathsome vrawlliuc Ihliigx. He did nol know a Titian friem a Oreuse. though ha raved a gitod deal uhout snow moun­tains. And he lai|gh»>d ut the time wasred <on monlcurt, refusing lo pracMee It him­self, thottgh he silll admired his wife's finger*, which were nol only lieautlfully modelled, but slightly roseate and waxep.

Already her piece o f pcrfecilon. her haudRome hiiHbainl, was proving to he of Hriimmagen china, or like (he deceptive blue glasN vase for which little Ronamund In Miss Kdgewor(h% Story had sighed. He who wag piigiled by her womanish fan- cbHi, Itied tp st(fl1$'|its these to her health.

waeps atout nothing; at this mo­ment she luves mo," he thought, "but to­morrow—a halrin breadth of dIRerencs of opinion or taste will separate us; are all women like that-?"

The thraldom wns oppressive; he began In kick over the traces. A thin outer soft Uf society 1>elllcte always adhered (o hef. and now that U was the sea*on she began to sigh a fter London. He longed for mountain elttnblfig. l i aeemert to him that nothing short o f the air o f the moun­tains could blow away the unhealthy vs- pom which, manlike, lie hated. He admit­ted unwillingly. "1 should lotho Hyde Park, kid glovei anil tight boot*. It's all very well for women who make their ncrUF so prstty> but men like lo be out in the «lr.*-* ‘

“ Thero Is nothing like a little change, a separation'for tf whort I admittedfrom my profekslonal exiwrience. "You will come btick freshly to each other."

And so It waa arranged that she was to *(mnd R few week* vinlting some friends ill London, while he Joined some bachelor friend* In monntsliirllmblng. When they met ■'"“ ''V# probably be less dls-pn*ed to be cnpllons. und he more Inclined (0 humor all hnr whims.

The srasou had been a wet (\ne, pnd there were more avalanches than uiual, Re (hi4 most unfortunately, a fter Colwyn and his friends had been for-Soifie time at Orlndelw'utrt, cntRstrophe occurred which rntahfd Hcrloiis consequences, though it wan scarcely important enough

I to l>e even mopliimcd In the newflpnper*. I Lforget ^ b o th er iii^y Were intending io

the H'etterhorn b—bui miyhow (hey 'were ovtrfwhelined by an avAlamhe, Nobody WSS* kUled, and the' accident was In *nmo way ludlcrouR. since the men, who were Mwalksd completely by the snow, were thrown out o f it nr emerged frum U In time to recover ihclr brvuth. The W'.'dder was that (hey wero not suffucatfi). ihoiigh tluy Were carried some hundrcil* of feet* put it wah iiu question of digging thorn out, since In the jerk which came at (be snrt o f the cutaii- trciphe one man's bssd was Jotted oul, and ha pulled at the, legs of hi* com­panions, whose rpei were sticking out. Ail w'crc raoru ur leat bnitsod and bleeding, bul Culwyn won ths only one who had ■tietalned some injurts*. He hud beer, holdlDg lip bis Ice age When the avulauchs caught him und ths j;ginsequence was that the Ice Hgc had repSatSiliy come Inlu col­lision with UiM fac04 he irasidng It tight­ly during a period o f unconsciousness.

Ilia nose imd tisf^'hrqfcaU- and hts lippep lip hull lieen bfidly cUl.‘ While from ths ferehead to Lhs chin thS ftrsh hud bean torn open and w m heft Jagged and btesd- Ink-

"My dear f a l i o - M i d on* of hli com­panions. "U makes pRS'shudde^ lo look

There Is only one

ion and hla !«**'■

posM, Thers half been .more I ofioi/gn esnirmrersy on rH |he subjects which Ad-

icruched wItR evident caltnncR* InTha ffpecUtor* There w« m ntN d o f a rea- p lis ffwin fierce contention, nnd AddUon^* prWM came a* 4 rcHer The riohc of the

TRTGRAIN-Ol TRT GRAIN-0}Ask n w Oreser to-dar (Q ahnw you a jwckage

S()0RAlX-O. (he n*w tooil drink (list lik*« ib« liM s ef n Wss, The ehllrttOM may drink U wlih- «M te|ucr OM wall *• tb« adult. All who Wy it, W t It* W AIK-O bs* (bat ricb teal brown ot AlasM sv Java, bat it Is mode from purs grains, tm i ths aMM dpHcais •tcmach rsoelvtii h wnh- ««Rf' dii( MS* *x (|w pric» oPcogoo. lie. ggd tft

..---- •gags. Buld by aU Kiussrs*

of the map anAhlR rural surrtiundlnga, Sir Huger-In Wndnn. furthermore, pre

you. 1 nm ufrstd can be, dons'to restorr your prisUns Tisauly.’ ’

FSnlH the manners o f -the ngnlnst the perapeciJvs o f city life, a riO T ^w iitcr has the <tp|K>r(unlty o f conirastlff< country with city life. HIr Hogcr In tiondon means a ncrlSH o f views o f London's show pLsces In Ibo tflst century—to wit, WsBimlnsier Abbey, the theatre, Vauxhall, etc. And {Ills plan comalned otio further episods that painted many n render bssldes Dr* Jobnson^Addkion hart to kill Sir Roger 'That nobody else might tmirder him." In I his simple exposition o f a noble char­acter Was hidden , thS' aeM. frdm wht4R7 should spring ine mighHest produrt that tltemtufs has ever known—the novel. It was the Immediate begetter o f Richardson end Fielding: (he ancestcf of plcltst|«» Thackeray and Gggrgsi

l i *

Colwjtu laughed; he had cared IIUIs Abom bis looki« mud at Omt moment while he WHS eongratulaling himself on his marvellous ekeSpe, It did not occur to him tu reflect hOW the alteration In hi* nppfurance ralght affevl* Die hapiilnets o f hla life. 4 •' *. - . ...

Tin- aervlcM o f « Swiss surgeon wsire spri'illly ascursd; who s*^wed up the lips, plasiercd the face, and tried In vain to set Ihe now. To do Cotwyn Juallce, Jie m «d« cffortM to be pbodlent, atm even remained Forne days In had*‘but the SwIm ddctor al- wnvs complained that he found It In vain to inalsi on hla keeping still, and that thf tosHlngs to and fro of a man who slept

frnin iMltic ao SDccoaafttl an optrattoD aa It might otlwfwleB have been. ,

Meantabila Mm ro(wyB.,.whO;Ii*4-1i*aB -------------- ----------------mijjaajjuVJ!l' f

D h L y o n ^PiaFgqT

AN ElieANT TdilET UllMI.( M l iy p a o ^ o t w f ln m u r tJ groTW M Q B iic tiirW N

enjoying bsratif with a round of balls and t&Mtrsa in Loodotu had rstumsd to their lltiln country house tn Psvonshirs, qplts Iricl^n^ to make hstielf efegrtnlrtg to her husks imL

But ( was sent for In a burry after ho fiVgt iwyseoted klmielf. HI# i l t e ^ ip-

, poaranof having given k^f mtffh i, ohork ^tluit sho was taken withw violent lit of hjsterirs

‘Dun'tict him come near rael" ahe cried, when i was lakon up ts see her in her Iwdeaom. can't bear It; 1 can't lw«r U;It ruts me wifh horror; you must keep him away." *

t tried to make her understsml that such a poaUlun was quite unreasonable, and that the ouleinn vows tbit she had taken up<m herself could not b* put aslije fur a jpere accident or an altered Uce,

"You yuuneir might have hud smallpox or you mlxhi have l>*en burnt, and he would have cared ss much for you. You must rememljer (hat what you undertook WHS 'for better, for worse,' “ was one of my very ordinary and hackneyed srgu- menis, which, of course, had iiu elTtct at all upon her."

Bhe had quite forgotten her dignity In her uutburat of hurrur, but 1 s a w that (he liurror was unfeigned, and that she could hardly camrol It. The affertlon Cur her liUMt>and which had always been easily chilled, und to a certain extent undevelop­ed, teemed now lo hsva vsnlshcd alto­gether. Humetimes she would put a sirens upon herself and try for a few minutes to overcome her feelings, but Ibe effurt was too grent for her, Hhe was Invariably taken wUh shivering fit* and utiHcks w'hlch luriKMl her hot and cold wlienevtT he tried to approach her.

The curious thing was that Colwyn. knowing how much she worshipped b^muty, had been so little prepared for this crisis. The poor fellow had really believed (hat his wife would have been at thank­ful as he was for his narrow escape fruin death, and—attaching little Importance to hli own handsome looks—had taken It as u matter of course when he was told ihat he had lost (hem. l^rst of nil, he had hoped that the change of feeling In his wife would wear off after a lime, or could be treated like a woman's caprice. But af­ter weeks had passed he began tr> surier as keenly ss she did. Her glance of aver­sion and her avoidance strurk him to the heurt, snd he needed nobody lo tell him that the very Look of him made her shiver.

Her attempts to control herself were cerlAlnly nol auecesaful, since It Is record­ed that on ona occasion, even In (he pres­ence of a Bsrvant. when he came close (u her to arrant# a cuahlon for her on a sofa ehe cried out: **00 4way! go away! 1 can not bear iti'*

He sent the gtrl out of Ihe room before he remonatrated. Through the graclous- neas of bis manner theta had latterly Iwen an undercurrent of restraint, und he was able lo ristralu himself still us h(* ■aid:

"1 have been hoping against hO(>e that' you might remember U was your duty (o }>ehave to me differently. But now t think 1 had bettor lake you at your word and go. If your conscience werti to awake It might not be any better. Heaven prenerve me from a mere consclenllous nfTectb>n;1 don't want any uphill love. And I hHve my profession—a profeMslun whk-h 1 waa a foul to aurrender for your sake."

She felt the deserved reproach un>J let the noudgstea of her passion u|>eii. It waa nut her fault* she told him. that liSs pres- rnca inspired her wUh dread. Why. oh wbyt fgr.the sake pf a foolish pustlmr, which did no one any gmoi and eu4lanKt*red live# for nothing, hud he pluced this har­rier between them? When the floodgnteH wer* once open she could not siuy her wrath, but added that, though she would uiway^ be faithful to the memory uf their love, ho law cunld oblige her to live with him as he was ul present. Then ahe col­lapsed into on# of her attacks of ahiver- lug and shaking which were ho far physi­cal that It was ImtiOSslLilc to reason with her about them. The passion bad pasned, bul It had left a sw’ell behind.

"You are not yourself," lu* said. In a cold, hard tune, us hv wetii out Into (he garden. "But I make excusi's for you. Blnce I have had a good stare at myself In (he looking-glass I liegln to understand ll. 1 used nol (o trouble lo look In the gl^tS I dk) JkOlfl eUeV# It mattered su mtich." ' ^

Then he smiled fainilv-an acute ob­server might have said a llllle contempiu* iiuafy—as he passed oul through tho French windows.

He did (i»t look round him. Spring fiow- ePs and summer ruses Would never blumn for him tn the old setise again. In (he sud­den devastation Diat had come Into h(s life everything seemed to him ragged, ruaiy and faded. There was a breath of autumn in the air und rain was driaiting* which Increasad to a soft downfall. He did not even hear the drops paltering down cm the yellowing leaves aa be devastated (he hedges with his atlck and stamped tmirderoualy on the toartstouia which had taken the place of mushrooms

When, about half an hour afterward, he was shown Into my ronHuUIng-room, 1 saw that he. too, was not himself. It wbb not only the strange new ugliness which, to my eyea, had nothing repuDIve about It, but B look of deapair In the expresaloti of the face.

He sBjd: " I ahAtt go sbroafi Immediately and perhaps lead a wandering life for a year or two, and then I m^v Tetiirn to my prufeaslon, but 1 shall never come back to this place again."

It wBi no use to reason with him. H# WAS absolutely determined, ds hard as a stone and quite Inflexible. Ik* had even made up hla mind never u> rciurn again to nis wife. 1 was, therefore, much surprised when he burst In upon me on the following day, not only excited but elated.

"Doctor/* he said, tmlntlns to a paper which he held tn his hand, "load this and tell me what you think of it "

l.'nder other clrcumstanceH I should have laughed, for It was a ncwspiii>er cutting, purporting to give an nccount of a new operation performed by an American sur­geon who had devoted several your# to tho dcUcate work of iransformhig (he earn, mouths and noses of padetitM who object­ed to the features with which nature had endow^ them. The process by which 4 turned-up nose was to be mude long, or an

Jpi^ere described at ' rertgth and. f&VbrYnl a consiu^Hbie araounv of lortur# in the aittlng of curtilage and sewIRg together the polnis of junction.

"rght** I *Bld, ''why dill you bring this etuff to m(i? There is no saying what quacka mSY not nttempt. bui you can't expect a fellow of my age ami experience t<>— I

' ijuack or no quack." he exclnlmed, ’*l'm off to-tno!ToW to Chicago. 1 go to week tho ■orvlcea of that man."

1 looked up In some surprise. “ I should have thought you would have more sense," 1 cried. "What, do you mean to have A noae-vice composed of two thlit, tlat, aeml^clrculBT bars of iron, with Screws that can he tightened und all tbe rest of It applied to your— "

Then 1 ceased Joking. The Idea might be ridiculous, but I BUddeuly perceived a(l that t( fnvblvert for htm. He would do auythHii, even If K amounted to absurdity tor the srinnlng of that womuii's affecUon*

And he had hla retort:"You said you could do nothlnK- You

ExigHsh doctor# rarely attempt anything orIgiTial: it generally comes iirai from abroad." ,

I was more angry than aver wllh the ladYi and did not mince maitern when J informed her a few day# afterward:

"He has taken you at you^wutd. H « hat It fi you forever." ^

<*Where has h# gone?*’ Bhe aaktnl.And 1 thought ahe changed color a little

when 1 replied, grufRy;*"To China or Jupan for aught I can tell

you."1 did not mean to lei her know the exact

place, atm heaa that he wita going to be vivisected for her sweet sake: bul I kepi within my directions as I added; "He may remain abroad for some years. Meanwhile you can communtcat# with him through your lawyer, and 1 have promised to keep him Informed u« to ths state of your health."

>»J know you mean to blame me," she said, tha great laart .walling up into her eye#* "You cannot blame me more than blanba-hiMMlf* I can asture. you 1 could so* ; J>rtw»pitaw r aMHtId lutvt ■rown accurttii^ed to' IL He nnd not tuivo made ll y-arn."

"VVe cannot ao over tbe old gmund afaln. I have lifflidv to give tny mei- ■agt."jrt anflweced. coldly.

From that time ahe lived like a bird that rematna In lu cage and will nol fly oul though tha door It always open. Evidently she pined In the pretty little nest, though it had been fltted up with exprees regard Cor her own etyle and complexion.

When I found her illent and tad 1 could ttot.plty her, and wondered If ehe ever re­membered her own probing tpsechtM. .

"Oood Heavens!" I used to aay to my* self, "to think of any women treating aman Who loved bar like thatl "

I waa anxiout and angry about him a* the Ume.paasgd. The operation wbloh ti«


“ Columbia’ ’ is the best Sc. cigar ever offered to the smoking public. A single trial will demon­strate U s worth. Sold by leading dealers.

Trade .upylled by JOHN » . MILLBB. Newark, N. J.

rteavribed would be a llekltth one. Ery»lp- irtas might be set up by It. end eome- time* 1 blamed myself for the re*pon»l- blllty I had Incurred by not telling him that the proposal wa* as atrocloue’ a* It was absurd*

other metier* In my buiy life had pul It oul o( roy head, when one day. quito imexpectedly. a stranger, os I took him t. be. walked Into my room*.

1 did not recognise him at flret, tor, though he wa* atlll a remarkable look­ing man, ho boro very little reeemhlancr to the Jamr* Colwyn who had captivated the youthful fancy of Dorla Beaumont and had been as beautiful a* an Aiwllo,

He was now d!*tlngul*hed looking, and though he apiwareKl to he many year*older than he reaJly was, It wao almost Impos­sible to trace any remain* of the dlsflg- uroment which had so aljenated hi* wife. In fact, had U not been for the vole* f might have been posited about hi* Iden­tity. There wa* no trace, tor Instance, of the ga*h on the nose. It wa*. perhap*. more what Is called the Conqueror's nose, the fracture having been ao skillfully managed that It wa" slightly higher In the Iwlrtge, giving him a more dominating If not more haughty appearance. A* to 111* mouth, ll wa* more dlfltcult fur me to Judge of the operator's skill. »lnce Jarae*, who had Iwfore been clean shaven, had how grown a becoming mustache, which hoppened to be sevcrul shade* lighter than hlH dark lirown hair. But I could see that an ugly wound at one corner ot the ll|i* hJ.l now entirely disappeared. It w;i* perhap* owing to the hipse of time thof Ihe mark* on Ihe eheeh* and fore­head could no longer be reeoghlied. The man hlmaelf neemed lo la- uttered, as If

1 there hud been a sort uf litntu* In hi* life, clurlng which he had reconsidered thing* and liod reailjiieted them lor the better,1 rememtiered that during our last Inler- vl.-w, when hi" whole being Imd been seething uml boiling In a state of fermen­tation, owing to Ihe wrong" which had been Inflicted uiHui him. 1 hud been obliged to make nil apiieal; 'T>ear obi fellow, for heaven'" Bake don’t give way like that. ■ ami he had atIHwered weakly. ■ Il H uf no use; 1 am doomed. 1 mum at any rate go Into exile. '

But iiohody would have thought of apoMiroidilxliig the newcomer with hi.* dlgtilhed presence hy the nnme of ''Dear old fellow !'' or adjuring him not to give

A* soon as we approached the subject of hi* wife, I found that he wa* no longer paaslve. but Inclined to be aggressive. He deelared that he had no wish to make himself known at once, that he Intend.^ to go to l.ondyn and we what progre*" he could make In hla profe*"lon, and that af- l.?rwnril, when he had made hi* mark. It would be lime enough to Intrude upon her.

i i * > * * *.* i k k k k A A A i * * * A i A i k A A k i i a a j akaAkk iLaa AS 4>1

Prepare for Summer Lighting

and let us helpyou do it.

We Wire On instalments

and do it well for little money.

Free Service Connections Free Lamp Renewals

and low rates for current.

Peoples Light aod Power Co.


V t T t T T T ’r T T T T T f f TTTTTTTTT

COR. B U M O ttT .W E .& W .m N iyA couple of year" had passed away, and

James Colwyn wa* beginning lo eucceed.He had worked day and night, had hern forlnnnlc in otduining a brief, owing to the nines* ot a Junior, which he hart man­aged wllh singular succes*. He waa talked of a* one of Ihe rising men, and It wa* anld Unit he meant to eontpBt the neighboring borough at the next election. Meanwhile he had anaumed the name nt Edward Di'ltnar, the name of hi" grand­father on the malernal side, and hi* wife remained tn comidete Ignorance of hi* re­appearance. A* lime passed, she drooped and lo*t her heaUh. l.elng attacked when ahe wa* In a weak state tvlth inflamma­tion ot the lungs, and laa-omlng for a lIHIe While aertoiisly 111. When *he recovered It ! was necessary In cut off her beautiful hair. She herself alluded to her loae of complexion and declared that she was pre­maturely nged when she looked Into her mirror and saw that she waa pale and faded.

"It la like a retrlhntive fate, doctor," she Bald to me one day. and I noticed that her eyes sought the photograph of her

^bvaband ■■ " '-“ ‘ w which had been taken ,^ oo ii atu. , Jrrlage, and which h„

a1wa.vs occupivrf an Important place on her bedroom mantelplcre. "But you know I could not help It. If It were all to come over again I believe 1 should do the eame.It ts lmpo*slbla for me to explhlii how ab­solutely he terrified m e"

Aflei Ihat having once lirnhen the lee, »he alluded more conatanlly to her trou­ble, asking me If 1 did nol think It odd that neither ahe nor her lawyer ever heard from htm.

Perhaps If he were to come back," the whispered one day In a voice which wa* weak through her lllneas, "I might get rAtonclled. I am older, you know, and growing plain myself, and perhaps I should not he *0 foolish as 1 wax"

Her clasped hands trembled a* they lay thin and helpleaa on her hip. and her fascinated eye* wandered again to the photograph of her huaband on the man­telpiece. I wa* fearful of the extreme ten­sion of feeling, and I took the opiiortunl- ty pt Haying that she could now pay a Visit to her friends In fA>ndon. VWhat waa the good,” I argued, "o f her lingering In a house which 'was like 'a pretty gilded and decorated cage, when even the birds bad thetr companions."

I wrote at the same time to Colwyn and told him that there was now a good open­ing for him, alnce. for the flrai lime. I im­agined that he might ■uccesstully earry out hla project of gslllng Introduced to hi* wife, and calling upon her as It he were a perfect stranger.

Her visit was not a long one. She came hurrylhg home and aent for me at once, t *aw when I obeyed her eummons that something unusual had happened. She waa excited and her eyes glittered, while the color had returned to her faea

"D » C *»r," she said to me. In her trem­bling voice, "did James ever tell you Ihat he hod aiiy relatione? I knew that he had no brother*, but had he, for Instance, a cousin? A man not so handsome as he wa*. but eomehow very striking, with my hmiband's dark-blue * y ^ ^ oooa* on- ally. now and then. Just hU iB e of vote*?

**' better tnroonifl hom^ror tjle rtswsbimw* wa* *(iould hardly bear U, n»d l don't'want to^ be like a grasa wMow, Junketing about without my huaband."

I went home and wrot* a letter to catch that nlghl'e post. "Com* home; *h* ha* (alien In love with you over again.


Steam Pipe and Flttinjcs, aa well as



C O O K IN G KIDNEYS(Copyrighted.)

Kidneys might hr a more popular dish mere 0fJ.eo wuferly prepared,

r o - vo f lm . they niiisi perfectlo" fresh. If not, they have an odor and a peculiar "tang" that the unfortunate eater never forgets, and which causes him te feel an aversion for kidney* henceforth and for­ever. Carp *hould *1*0 be exercised In re. moving all bits of fat and gristle. lAtst o;all, cook the kidney* In a ravory way am spare no pains to make them appetlaing.

Brown Blew ot KIdneyi-Bpllt the kid- ney*. wash them, drain and cut Into amall pieces of uniform six* .' Pour cold waUr over ihfiBB Btifi Mt At tii# Bid# of thfl range, where they will come slowly to a boll. Just before the boiling poliit t» reached turn off the hot water, eubstUul* cold, and bring I® the boll. Drain the kldneye and keep them hot while you cook together « lablespoonful ot browned flour and the earn* quantity of butter. When these are Wended pour upon them two aeant teacup* of aaUrtJ b o lU « water, and atlr until thick and smooth. Now ffld Halt and MPP«». * teaapoonfu! of kitchen bouquet, the same quantUy of Worcealor- ehln *aue*, * half-te*apoonful of lemon Juice and * tableapoonful of currant Jelly, Turn the kWney* Into this and itlr until

I Masoflic EoUeins. II PINS, *


Society PIbb of Alt KlflCs.IDaudukl. Quid.

Most Compiet* and Assortad Atock of Lodffl BmMama In tha

City, All at Bottom Prlca«.

Savory Kldntye-akln and slice thro* pair* of lamha’ kidney*. Cut Into halvo* fourtsen canned mushroom*. Beat to- #«th#r a cup of 4nd a naif oup oEthe liquor from * oan of muphroom*. Cook together tn • Skueopan a UWespoon. each, of biittof AB*® brownad flour, and when the** bubble pour upon them the bouillon and mushroom liquor. Blir to a Ihtek sauce and add « teaapoonful of Worcea- teroblre sauce, the same quantity of to­mato caUttP, a. half teaspoonful of onion

» l t W taste and * dash of paprika Now stir io the mushroom* and allcsd kidney*. Cook for live minutes alter the boll ta re«h*d, a t^ n g conetantly. ,

Fried Kldneyo-Cut throe poire ot lambs' kidneys Into halvo*. Pry otjht thin sllca*

B E E C H iU i fW IP tVIM

of bacon until done^reraovj^from fln and keep hot wWt* you th* halved kldneya in the h*con fa t "Cook s ^ l y for t « minute*. tui#t|lf

sauoa and tbe »m e qu*ntity of caUup Into tha gravy l * « * " u e, Put crurtl*** altos* » f toaated bread on p platter, l.ythe aravy over tb «i» anfi criBpslice* of bMon about tf|* odge of tho plat-

‘ *Brol!id KI4n*f*-«,u ‘ ,<'•>« S ''" * ’'* thick ello**. M*lt * H t«* butUf ijnd aUr Into It a aalupoonfui of musurd and a daah of lemon Juice- Dtp Mch allce of kidney In thla, foU In ctaclmr dust and ast aside until this coating ayttSM- b * « hour win b* lun* onough. Broil onamau tsWlij>n,«v«*_k c>wr f l ^ tu ra ^oftan tu t ik* dJiJ?''^rv*

He Aurnhaminfir,224 Spliffidi Afio Cir. I mgm SL

C O A I aNut. Stove and l^g. U M per ton. gTJO

’ ’ M ’« J W o n ' “ k » worth M

par t<4',•OM wmih of stanme with each ton,

.. m . P ^ n tAv4.Dfdr9put#poital.

P STM M U CO..Lo&ff Dlfitanc# l%oii«4Set.Di

MEIER’S “ '9™j A w » - o c i !riikiR

liE H AbB OpOD A « NBtr.

J o t . M e ie r ’t S o n otMII MANKtT STNSSr.

f i

lor tinting th* llpi

” "mnted to

'"& 1.For ipi*


i t B f e i v a ^ B v f e i w ’i d ^ l i H A Y ■ a :iM tts s s s s s s s B n H d M tts s s S is :

-P- rr* f

V I C I O U S H I T T i O

B Y T H E N E W A R K S .

E M r;th ii{ f t w S i i { k i I l f , m 1 t i l

U ca li Wfai, IS U S, f n a

J cn e j Cttj.


m u L E n njzzLES t i e y is it o is .

an vhtrh piny kt toucbad ■ i^onar « « tht neUlInf (Mtun. Tht t«an :

AU.BNTOWN.R. IB. R .a A. B,- .. I r I I 1

m tj «. f ................... , . . r. IDMabant/, fb ......... 1

>MpbBim** Dttebnnty, i.

•dry.■Dt/, n ...

) p«l«Hanly, 1. 1lb .......A ............. I

:::iTotal* ....................... a U • » U 4

BCRAMTU.V.. n. IB. F.O. A. B.

Kcrpiuaii, I. f ............... 1 1 < 0 1j. O'Brtan, •. ••..... . 1 2 1 4 1BehalRcr, r. f ................ I 1 1 0 1Knox, c. t., lb ,.,.,........ 1 1 3 « 1Hclniyr*, th ............... 0 p w 0 tDohtrty, Ml................. 1 1 1 t 0P. O'BrUn, B i .............. t 1 ft 0 0K n w ln . V. I .................. i : i i ftToft, e..........................1

, Ultler, n....................... iMlllcrirli, ................fl

T b ry Caald Kat Polva HI* DallTaxr ,feal Pltebar Wnn Jaa*W kat l r w l » ’ » Man itmmmtto L ik a - “ H<” 1.044 i.*o4 . In Poona- SIntt lb * Pphor* ^ Olbar Atlaotin l.(‘*ca< Cootoato.

Total* It 18 N . U

The Newnrk bnae tiatl team * «v » an •xlilhtilon of aluxntnii the bMl In *ba p*n » at Bbtiottni Park ywiardny altarooon. wtlli the Jeriey City Club, A i a retull tht home team won haml* doon, tht fltul ■core helm 11 to I.

Ktener, who iittched for Iho vltitora, wo* "eaiy'’ for Irwln'a mtti. whilt Mltl«t. who dfil the (wlrllnp lor th* lotalA h*W till opponent* iuf* at *v«ry *U|« of th* conteal.

••HI'' Ladd. Newark* lanky left Italdtr. had lot* of fun with tha atkk durln* th* (■me. M* (Ot *vtrythln( on tli* batllnf ralendar from a homa run to a alnde. The home fun wa» tho raault of a clean drtva ortr the left field blaaeher*.

B it Conroy, Newark* Ural haaaman. alao (Ot four hill. Ona of thtm waa fur th* entlr* elrrolt, when he aeni the hall *allln( over laft Held and outalda tha (round*. Th* other hit* were *11 otean •Indo*. Uurphy. Klopt, Ueuiia and Nlckalla alao uiwd th* a*h wall. '

The (ama wt* fairly wall played on hath aid**, but there war* no brlUlant featurea.

tn th* op*Dln( lnt>lii( Murphy, tor New­ark, led off with an out, Uattatn to Ber- ryhlll. Ladd followed with a amtih to I*n Held for two baaet. Klopt alnded and Conroy mad* a tour-luuMer, arorln* titr#* ra**. Waltari want out on atrlke*, but NIektUa bit aafaly to rlpbt. A pltehad halt aiTuek .Noyea tn tha aid* and when Rattkm lat Hernia* hot one (O by, Nlukalla r|B homa from aecoiid baae. Ulllett end- ad the lnnln( with a fly to Rhortall.

Anothtr run want Nawark* way In tha Bfcond tnnln(. Murphy and Ladd *ln(lad In auccaaalon and on Conroy* out to caii- tfa flald tha fonnar acorad.

In tha naventh Ladd aant out a thraa- tiM (er to rtaht cantra and Conroy aant bW acroii tha plat* with a aafe ona to

*Ona nan out Whan winntaS run wai aeored.Allantown ..... O f t O I f t l o l O 1—U■crantun ........4 1 t U l l u O 0 b~U

Two-hnaa hlta-Knoi 1, McMaiiui. Throe-ba«a hlla-»Doherli, Miller. Henry, Kerwln. Hberlflc* hit—Toll, dtolern bnaa* —Perkuaon 1, Kuhn. MeManun Left on baace—Allantown II. Scranton It. Btrurk out—Waal, (moot. Kuhn. Doubla play— J>oh*rty lo Sfclmyre. Flint baae on error* —Allentown 7, leranton 3. Flrat ban an ball*-OB Wept t. off Miller 4. off Kennedy 4. Hit by pitched ball*—SchefHcr, Toft, Knox. Tim*—Two houra and ftfty-ftv* mln- utea, Vtnplr^Phalan.

BtaelPW, 1*1 Wllkephun.d.Coatly errora at critical point* and a

bad break-up In tha aevenih Innln* coat Wllkeabarra a (ante at Klmlra yaatarday afternoon. Up to then ih« vlallora kept well up with tha (ame. with pertiapa a ihada the better of the Heldln*. Mayor Klood, of Klmlra, pitched th* drat ball over the plate. Altendunca, 7(10. The acora:

forty Ilia. IM p liw -lir.hour and ___ , _______Schnaidar. Attandanca i lllft,

Coluaifcia broka har lon( airln* at da- taau yaatarday anerooon at ColuMbta nafal by baatlnf Trinity tn a laaaily playad (am * of m 11. T te victory of th* local unlvaraity wai almoat antlraly due to Ih* Sn* box work et Hareua, who let th* Trinity calM(tan* down with a ain(l* hit, Th* acora:



M m b K Aanataioa* aa M M at WhMl 4fea JBw aadlaa W ill B*.

Burrell. »>......Bouthard, lb.,..Havana, r. 1.....Mareu*. p.......K*blar. c .........Bale*, e. f.Brown, I. t.....Armatron*. lb. Ooodinan. a. a.

T ota l*.........TRINITY.

B.Fiske. Jb........ ..............9Hendnrson. s. S...... . iQlatrbruok, c. .............. 0Vaitch, r. f,.. .............. 9Brown. 1- f ree Goodrich, lb.*

.............. 1

.............. tlBrtohAin, p... BgiTainy, sb...

.............. 0a.............U

Fftck, c. f ..... .............. 1)

IB. P.O. A. E. l i l t1 l i 1

I n d

IB. P.O. A.

tta t *U itZaaM S owe Aall Ptawta ineHati

a ' E w a ?K M m m m UilHr

itet Ml Oi’ Unk CM* « ■ «Mi

Im M m Am m tSmm, Al ul 4piffi«ti.

I i 4v|im irrllfL it.. fWlA. Tt to '

. v s

r t ^ t (laid.Sva runa were aluaBed out by the New

arka in tha ninth. Murphy alnded and IdHid made hla homa run. An error by Conlay and ilndaa by Conroy, Nickel!* and Noyea added the other three UMla*.

iaraay C ity* Sral run waa acored In the 'faurth Innln* whan Hern'hlll (ot niiat on Uurphy* pour throw. McQuIn* hit for two baaea acorad th* runner.

Bhortall waa hit by a pitebed ball In the aixth and acored on Haley* alnd* and Kaanar* out to rt(ht fleld. tVelabocker allKlad In tho ninth and crooaed tha plat* on a paaaed ball and Batum * aafe rap over ahort. Tha acora:


Totala .................. .2 I M ITColumbia — ..... 0 'I i' ft 1 1 ft 1Trinity .............. ft u u Q l l II (I 0--I

Two-baaa hita—Burrell ai>d Southard. Blruek out—By Mamie 1. hy ItrKhara 1. Baea on balla—Off llrialiain. 1. HU by dtphad ball—By .Mamm. 1. Time—On* ipur and fifty mlnutee.At Phltadalphla:

H H CPennayl'la... « I 2 A 2 I 3 4 • - ! « II i Byracuar U.. 4 O O 0 l ii 2 u ft- 7 II 10

B*tterle*-l.eary. Laytuii and Ftavall; Coalello and Gillen.

At Worceatar:R.H.E.

HolyCroaa... 0 ft ft 2 I ii i> 2 '- ft 11 ' Manhattan... U O u u u f t u l ft—1 T 4

Ratterlea—Carney and Bri'mian; Ferry and A(new.

At New Brunawick:


Har^rlYi 3b, .4.............. I 1 1 4D^t), 2b........ ..............4 3 3 ieQrtnt* c. f---.. ..............a 0 t 9Dottmus. lb.. ..... ........ 2 4 It 0Gruvr>, 1. r..... 1 2 0Hmlth. a. s...e ............. 1 t 1 3Jnhrtsof!, r, f-. .............. 1 3 f 0Arcorsinl. C... McDqufttli p..

.............. 2

.............. 2I1



Totals ....... .. ..........15 19 17 ii

New York U. 1 ft 1 ft 2Kut(*ra.......ft 1 2 ft u

Hallerlea—Ta.vlur and p ill* and Werin.

At Ainbarat;

R.H.E. 1 S 1 ft-11 10 4 1 II 0 4-10 IT I.Mui'lnlock; Ra-

Wllllaina.. nn*

Nichol, c. Katcham, Stratton, Oolllflowar, Clymer, a. Nyea, lb... Burna. lb.. Meaaltl, G. M a(«t, p.. Uould, p...

Totala .....Klmlra ......Wllketbarre


f .......I. 1....

r. f . . . lb...

.1 0 0

1.. 0 .. 0 .. 1 .. 1.. u .. 1,. 1 .. ft


.. « 0 ft


0 0 0Amharat.... ■. 0 0 ft

Ilatterlea—Bant ai more and Prlddy.

At Lawrancaville:

Princeton F. 0 1 0 0 ft IJiw’vllle... I 1 4 0 D

Batterlaa—Amell and Weatarvelt and Baialay.

At Bathlehem:

0 0 ( 0 1 ft 0 ft Edwardi

R.H.E. ft I

o-d ft fti; Ruaa-

R.H.S. 4 ( ft ft-14 14 T0 2 ft » -U U 7 Mo'lure: Cook,

M a r t h a l l & B a l l JHarBhal) ft Ball

R e a d y « t o » W e a r W t i l p o m l ^ | Q L i v e r y S u i t s

Lehl(h......... 1 1Lafayatta.... 0 0

Batterlea—Kelly, ard and Knl(ht.

At Waahlii(ton:

B .H .EO o o n i i f t - f t T f t0 1 4 0 0 2 ft-ft I Bellera and Lilly; How-

10 ST1 0 I 0 1


Murphy. 2b............Ladd, I. f .............Kiopf, a. a............Conroy, lb.............Mfalteri. c. f . ......Nlckalla, r. t .........

aoyai, Sb.. •n*mli.

Millet, p


IB. P.O, A. 2 4 14 12 2

ft 1 ft I t 0

tvelabecker, Battam. lb. Vtaneaux, e. .. B^ry l

..................12 17 27 IIJKHSKY CITY.

R. IBc. f ........


yhlll, lb .......McGuire, I. f ......Bhortell, 2b.........Haley, r. f....,.....t'onley, a. a........." ^ ' T f * i n : i r i T v r __________

Tolala ...................... S ft 24Newark ........... ft 1 0 0 0 1 ft i *-12Jaraay taty-.-c.-- O f t f t l f t l f t O l - l

Two-haae hit*—Ladd, Mamie, McGuire. Thrae-baae hita—Ladd, Battam. Home

C runs—Ladd, Conroy. Stolen baaaa—Mur- l>hy. Cimroy, Noyes. Bemta. Laft on baaea —Nawark, ft: Jaraay Cttr. ift. Struck out —Waltaf*, 2; Nlckala, MoQulre. GbuMa play—Mhrnbr and Conroy. FIrat baae on balla—OS Hlllat 1, oR Ueoner 2. Hit by pitched balla—Noyaa, Nickel)*, Bhortell. Wild pitch—Keener, Paaaed ball—Vl(- naaux. TImo-Two hour*. Umplfe—Mor- (sn.

Good Gama at Pbtladalphla.Tha Reading Club dafeaied the Athletic*

at Philadelphia yaatarday afternoon in a hotly contaated and well played game by tha acora of ft to ft.

Beveral brilliant bits ot Saldlng were re­corded, a one-handed' catch ot a foul fly by Sohlnoal being th* feature. The work ot Ftald* at first waa particularly nottce- aMa. He aoceptad fourteen chances with­out an arror and made several great picK- uDf dt low-thrown balls. At tha bat Dug- gloaby and Fleming, for the Athleiica, and Beaumont, for Reading, carried oS tha honorw

The Alhlatie* scored In but two Inning*. A twa* on balla to Jacklltach and a triple to centra gave tbam ona In tha second and tIMy tallied four In ftfia aevanth on ilnglea by Duggleiby, Fleming, Bchoch ond Flald* and a fumble by Conroy.

Reading acorad ona In the aecond. Croai forced BMumont at aecond and moved up whan Conroy waa hit on ■the head. Fox otngled and Croaa acored. Three .more wtM added In th* third. Lawrence waa hit op the head by a pitebed ball and had to. ratlra, O'Neil taking hla place. A single by Tht*. Beaumont'* double and a paMed ball did the work. The vlaltora got tbelr last .two tuna In th* Mventh on a baa* on ball*; a alngl* by Fox and Amea'a doable. The score;

A t h l e t i c .R. IB. P.O, A "-F ly in g , c. t...

Kelgier, a. a..... ...ahoch. lb ................nehts. lb........ .ygeklliiich, 0..

1.. I .. 1 .. 0 .. 1 .. ft .. ft . . » .. 1Duggleiby, p..

•Ounsun ................


Lawrenct, e. t .............. 1*O'Nefl. e. ( .................... ft

^ ^m on i, lb .,..,........ . I

S U 27 IS

IB. P.O. A B. ft 0 O '

roaft, a. a....................ilonroy, ib............. .......1

pting, ib .K ...................... fttnea, p.:....»ii.*......... ftTotals . . . V . . . .......ft I n IT t■Batted for 'Whiting In the ninth Inning.

A lh ie ilc .....A - . . t l f t * 0 D 4 « f t - Cluadlng......... 0 1 ft 0 0 A 1 0 t .^ i

Two-beae hits—Bcaumoni, Am'

Bhoch and Ftelfa; — —— on balla-

b4 iliehcd binia^-lAfttreno*,~i}bnroy?^ iMtll-Jacklltach., Time—Two Hour*. ptt»—Herderaon.

Ftayert iSlt OpH at Gaia*...AllentoWh *nd MorAr.ton 'met at Allan-

towtn yeaterday (or the Brat time and Mergnton woo out In a tep-lnnlng game, llmplfa Phalail put P.' O'Brien and Ken- nedy out of th* gam*, and In * tilt with Doherty be (all or was puahed bvar. Scran- ton won on conaseuUve hitting with on* MM out. Jim DgleSintyta aeoop of a liner

« ft-11 ft t - 1

Two-bea* hlla—Grove, Johnap^l, Botte- bus, Nichol, Meealtt, Krtcham. 'Three-b*** hIt—HcDougal. sarrlflce hit*—Dean, Grant 2. Accoritni. Hegeriy. Stolen bases —Hagerty. Accoralbl, Dean 1. McDougil, Bottenua 2, Clymer. [.eft on base*—Smith 2, Johnaon, Accorilnl, Bottenua I, Hag- erty. Dean, Colllflower, Stratton. Struck out—Meealtt. Burn*. CHmar, Ketcham. Double plays—Smith lo Dean to Boltenue. Magee to Nyce. Flrai baa* on arrora—El­mir* I, Wllkesbarre I. First baa* on balls —Oft Magee i. off MeUougal 1. Hit by

£110)1*0 ball—By Magee 1, by Oquid 2, by [cDougal I. Passed ball—Accorilnl. Time—TWO hour* and thirty minutet.


P.O. lOOft 1.00ft .»7 33t


.000National League results;At Brooklyn;

Georgetown__ 1Carlisle Ind'ns. 0

Batterieo- and Pleroe.

ft 1 3 0 ft ft

White and


2 •-17 18 10 ft 0 ft- 0 10 I

t'rinston: Leroy

Newark High keheol Wins.The Nawark High BcIkhiI defeated (he

Newark Academy 17 to 1 yesterday after­noon In a New Jersey Imerachoiostlo l.eague game on the South Orange F. C. grounds. A big crowd of sch.ait boys and glrla were present and "rooted" enthual- aatlcally for t ) » l r favorites. The score:


Glrtanner, 2b............... 2 u u uPollard, 1. f .................. 2 2 I 0Vreeland, p..................

Reading .........w .

... 8h.«

Jeranton ........ .......... .... 1 0Nawark ..... . .... 3 1Allentown ..... .. .. 1 tWllkesbarre ... ......... .see 1 2Jerasy City....* 2uimtrA ........... ...r 1 2Athletics ....... .... 0 1

Waring, _ ......Chandler, c .....Bigelow, lb.....Inglln, lb .........Campbell, r f-. De wolf, c. t...



R.H.E. 1-10 14 1 0 - ft 7 ft

Boston ...... I f t l ft 1 f t f t f tBrooklyn ... 1 0 4 ft ft 0 0 ft

Batteries—Dlneen and Sullivan; Kltson, Howell and McGuire.

At New York: .Philadelphia . 0 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0-7 IB 2 New York.... 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-5 9 2

Batteries—Platt, Donohue end McFar­land: Hawley and fiowerman.

At Pittsburg:Ptttshur* . 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 - « 9 I SI. Louis... 1 0 0 0 0 9 3 1 1 0 - 6 10 1

Batteries—Leaver end Zimmer; Young and cyiJonnor. ■ •

- ------a------


Frlweetna Made B m n , bat Won from Carnello-Yale aa4 CQlamhla

Rath Vletprloaa-dlthae tlanies. The Tigers met Cornell on the diamond

at Princeton yeslerday afternoon and won neatly and completely, though the Itha­cans ran up a slight score In .the sixth Inning. Princeton took Corneirs nerve In the opening, for Bole was as wild as a March hare. His first offlcUl act waa to ■end a few of the Tigers to flrat on wild balla In the Initial part of the game, and the Orange and Black playen were con­stantly wheeling around th* bases and flying home through the early Innings,

The Cornell boys were ahlntng marka for Bcott. Through eight Innings of the game they stacked up against tha young Tiger sophomore pitcher with poor auccesa. Ha did hot use cannon ball speed, but brought a wMe out curve Into play along with a tAiiloUilng alow ball, which was usually wall controlled. The Cornell batsman seemed so wrought-up that they often fanned the air or hit at poor ones.

Th* Princeton Indeld intercepted aoma sharp drive* by magnificent atop*. Tha maroon and white batters hammered the ball often In hot style, but quick throw* shut oft aome apparently safe hits.

Comall tried to take a atitt brace In the ninth, and It gave the Tiger rooters cause to grow nervous. Tha bases were full without any one out, and Scott had a rather hard time of tt. He ifullad the Inning out of the fire with nothing woria than a alngla run. The score;


Newton, 1. f . . .......... ..

gSifer&n;-Brown. «. ...................Lyon* c. f.s..............Pattcrioi), .....underig r. f..4.eC08UiU0,ft

rotnini. c. f. ........^Immeroitfiie 2b.......Schl^^vr, 1. f ..........BrumhAlI, 2b and p.,Younv, c ............. .McOojr, p. and lb.... nrakfi, lb and 2b...Hlprbfe. 2b...............Booraem, r. f .........

................ IT n aACADEMY.

H.. i\. u , fl

... rt

... 0

... 1

... 0

... I)

. . . 0

... 1



IN 2 l(i 0 0


Tatttli ..........Hlffh School....,Academy .........

ThrM>>ba«« hlt»—WarlnF. Ingtln, McCoy Saorlflce hll«—Poliarri, Chandler i!. Ue Wolf. Zlmmeroiftit. Drbke. Stolen btiau- Poilard 2, Waring, CampbeS 2. Comlna Hlgble. Left on bu^s^Newarlc H. 8. I Academy 4. Struck, out—By Vrv^land 1 by McCoy 3, by Bramhall 0. Double plaj' —Do Wolf to Bigelow. Booraem to Drake P in t baee on errors—Newark H. B. A Acadamy 0. riret base on balla—On Me Coy 3. off Bramhatt 1, off Vreeland 1 Hit by pitched balla—Vvarlng. Campbell Bramhall. Hlgbie. Wild pitch—Vreeland, 1. Paaaed ball—Young. Umptr^VraO' lands

o o s s i p W Y h e

( i O L F G R E E N S .

YardM’s f oofcrfiil Eiiihitioi m th« Djker Nea4ow Lists Testerdaj.

Defeats Law Easilj.

who had been forced to play th* odd all through. Then came th* break. Vardon seemed to take on suddenly a aurprialug streak, and from that time on Law w «i nnwhrr^ The latler failed to bring oR hla drive from the seventh tae, and b* followed that by lopiilng hla maatil* ap­proach. Ha overplich.d hit fourth, and felled to go down on the neil, and Vgrdon got the hols at ft to 7. Th* ninth waa halved In 4, which l.ft ihe Dyke? Hoadow men 2 up at Ihe end of itala round With . total of 28 to^Vsrdou'a 31.The Enailahmnii lu-gsn the second round

by topping his drive and (tiling to carry the hill. For hli secimd he choaft *n Iron, and waa again short, ftieanwhlls Low who who had made a perfect drive (ltd ^rassey, wet on the grenn tn 1 10 Vtrdon'i

and won th* hole at ft to ft. making him again > up with hut 8 to go. But It was lust hero that Vardon began to optn up hla ahuuldera u> such good afloct that of these eight he won elx and halved tha other two, turning th* UWei and Icevtitg tha score I up.

In the afternoon the two eat at It again, and In spits of the Kngllahman’a load, a good many hoped to see the boM* man closa up tha gap and forge out thtad. Var­don promptly let himself out for another run of seven holes, which completaly d*- ■tfoyad th* Interest In th* match a* 4 match, but left It s i keen at avar In hla work aa an exhibitor. The flrat and fourth holaa war* the only ones ha did n«t win on th* third rouiHl, and even theae ha holvod. ■o that the match play ended on th* (wan ly-a<venlh green with the Kngllahmaa th* victor by 10 up end ft to go. Tb« re­maining round was played out. however, Vardon winning four, helving thro*, and losing Ihe reel, making him 13 up as a result of the day's play. The cords;Vardon ... 4 4 I 4 ft 4 ft 4 4-ML o w ........ 4 3 4 4 4 4 >7 4 4-MVardon ... ft 1 1 4 4 ft ft 4 S-I7-T*Low ........ ft 4 4 I ft ft ft I ft—ift-41Vardon ... f t l i f t t t f t g 4-MLow ....... ft 4 ft 4 E*7 I 4 i-4tVardon ... 4 4 4 4 4 ft ft 4 4-87-71-141L o w ........ft 1 4 4 4 4 ft 4 ft-M-ift-dti

•Approximated.After the thatch It was announced that

the Uorrta County Golf Club had ar­ranged to have Vardon appear there on hi* return from England. The date set for the exhibition li Beptemtvr 13. fl waa said that George Low and one other prof**- olonal to b* decided on later, will be asked to meat Vardon, Ihe latter to |plty tha boat ball of (he two. Vardon hie accepted the offer, with tha proviso that the match shall not be lea sthan thlriy-kli hules.

Th* Yountakah Country Club'a golf courta at Nutley Is being put In shape for tha cotnpetttlona which will begin early next month. The links airrady show the effecta of skilful handling under the cere of John Hoebens. the club'* profcsslonaL Th* courta la rolled every day and th* bare apota have bean seeded. The putting green* are In fairly good condition.

Hoebens last week broke Marc Mi­chael's record of I I for the course, doing It In 80. From present Indications th* record will be lowered still further. Th* club membership 1* rapidly nearing th* 400 limit.

The schedule for Ihe season now being arranged will Include meml>ere' weekly and monthly handicaps, match play con teals between members end visiting cracks, and special women'a handicapi. The latter will be a feature of the play this year.


Michael B e g lu Active Tcalnlag, hat H'411 Hot Ride in (.'onpetltlon I'a,

(II Heat Noafh—Taylor's Case.Jimmy Michael has commenced hard

training. He has moved hla racing whaela and pacing machine* to Charlta River track, Cambrldgeport, and aa a praltra- Inary work-out did live miles behind hla pacing machine. Michael Is riding well, and "Doc" Morrow, who will train him this year, says that tn ali weeks he wnl have him moving as fast as ever. Michael has received numerous challenges for match races since the announcement of his return to the track. He says he Will not pay any attention to them at present, but devote all of hli time to getting Int* ahape. lie will, In ell probability, ride an exhibition at Montreal on May 24, hut will nof ride In competljlon till (he mlddl* of June.

O f an ail-wool Un whipcorit, correct tti every detail, Ltnei of sizes are so complete as to am re perfeA fit fo r men of every build — whether slender, medium or stout.

Also rndy-to-wMf Orggi Hvirtn In the blut tnd gr*m clcdht.

Livery leciiftorlts of every tort—ih* M ) crown htl or tqutr* top derby, boots, |bva, IlKn, neettwetr.

• n a r s h a l l & B a l l " , S r807 to Broad Street

risNMITLAfANlA HAIUlUAD-Oa and *RW .April a, IWHA iraiss will Ihv* HsiIh i nwaa* gu.lM, Mawork, as fciluss:

4 ftJS A M. fllst Msll. dsliir. taWItag ta wo Uuffst Farlsr Cars .'Hw Vota i* rmakiwg. I rittaberg IS Chlciga. ills tttm mt *:^A .*'4 . IWaft Uot, tolly, for PlittMug

tiW L'la^lsiiAf l*:*f A M. Ptatwylranta UsUta*. tollr.

foUaiaa Compartmini, dlHpiag. Itiolng. (ilsk- og and Obaarveilon Cara For ChlcAgu, cUvs- ItoA Tolaao. CloolusU. ladbuoftolla. Loals- vllls, at. Loula. r ,I:M P. M. Chicago and H. Lm Is ^ rya a tolly. Far NashvUla ivls Claclanall sBJLdils-

J.*‘4iae*J>e*‘*i Ctilcagii. g<. IahO. f r r r p . it. rW hh Yapraas. tolly. For

For loitdo. excrptiaiurtoy, _ f a;n P. M, BsstaweMm gsprsas. doily. For itatura, Akreo, Clavtland. Cltolanoil. U>hli-

llla Indlanaisilia (t. Uuls...*.,*J* >* ¥-„.Pa*ina kjipnaa tolly.

fah*r at 4 In Ih* flrsi lioat «n4l Ruxi and Bradley ai I and I In ilie second boat- These joined Ihe freshmsn crew ta a half- mil* brush, Ihe flrst vsrsliy winning by a length from th* second boat,

-----r* - -WELD F IR IT 4 HKW WOK.

Hnrvard 'Vatally lo n* CfeiwnB ipnM Resnil of Haea.

Ilirvtrd'a graded crews of the Newell ■nd Weld but clulw raced down gtraiim yesterday aflerno.m i.r-er ths mil# end ■•vsn-alghihs rourse on the Cbsrlet RlTtr, tha first Wild crew winning, sritk Ih* flrat Newell second. The secondl NoWall was third and oecund Wald foiurih. Th* roo* was ona of tha best ever rowed ba- twoan th* clubs nnd, brok* nU gtoriou* rseords by maklns the dlateaeo la ntn* minutes and Iweniy sscunda. baatlog th* fmhman rwmrd of last spring hy on* aecond

This race really amnunl* to th* OM das* reoa, and It will clrK-rmlaa lb* 'varally eight. Two rlghla will Iw aalociod Imme­diately, one at earh rlub from thO Ural two crews, and then will begin Uw general shaking up fur the ihial hunt. Bofore th* raoet (hera'wu hardly any doubt that th* Nawetl Aral troiild win th* ntoo, bul the way the Wald rrew turned out boa put up Donovan's ■Itek ss a rooeh, Vail has worked hard with the NewaU ano. (fthd J. J. (harrow has given then oonUdarabl* altanllon, and In this way a groat deal nt enmity was ens.-ndrred, but Ih* result was a lUrprise all round.


At Hew Hnvea Heady ta r ta lnadny’ i Uamrs With Vn|*.

Nine lithe track athleUo, reprasantlng tbs University of Caltfanils,' orrlved at N*w Haven yeslerday oftORiOon. A l­though they did not reaeb th* city till nearly 4 o'clock, they waol Obofwg to Ih* clubhouse at the Tats iMd. whsr* thsy daposited their luggsgt end took an hour'* light practice on the track.

Flew, the Ehivlllc cast obompton hsm- m*r-lhrowsr, gavr the Yolo gpoctators at tbs practice i shock liy hurlUig tha ham­mer Iftft tael, desplis Ihe feet that he waa last off B Hlesplng rar aftar o four-day ride. Captain Drum, of th* California leom. aniiounreil the fullowlng oflrlal ap- tria* for Ihe games with Y *l* Saturday: W. P. Drum, IIP. 300 and 44ft yard dash**; J. D, Hoffman, jumps and pDia vault; A. Flaw, hammrr and shot; C. R. Broughton, broad Jump, up-yard dash; Ray Wuoleey, ■hot put, 1111-yard hurdle; Roy Service, on* mile run. hurdles: Chorlaa MossT, hslfl mile run: Anthony Csdogan, sprints; tyr- rel liemlen, hurdles,


NERVITA PILLSiE*eitoto Vidwllew t.utod VlsMw jggiJ As II. IItlmtatv Vttitlljr.lsAMt VLfor «nA Mm Ii« «4 s

Cton Jmfamncf, Lom nr Mffttorr.nmu oldlswei ftll

!\ham or « io«m tni ■AtocrMloik A m tm iM la OtoA b lO «dliiilUkr, nrtfiir# iho

flow to p « l « rhr*ki at»4 twiiim iki»ir«oT I'outn. dv rail) for. ftor hnt fl

ftil VMttat T

eoP IL L H

6 0CTS.

boMilir OieMi with oar huikalitr>|m te ewrv or rofUndth* moaor |)alil> w co|iY our Uukina fufiiMilafl

M erY itiT iiH e ts e*t ia snm vL(Vsuaiw LsstU iMMift* Rmlll.

yasUltsir (uargntsod nirs tor Last ol Riwsr, Vliltoiila l^retu. UioniiioSae AiaxlA Iftsmoi piesimlo*. HtslerlA rue li<anlir, Ponlyili ■MotharltottUiof Ktesislss Uh ^ Tokoesx M oBer Llqaer. Rt mall Ig plala loakaio •VJWe box. with *st baakoEt* gwantotr* bead lo eors lo M days o* rsflsad■lOMyiMld. Addrasa

N K R V I T A M K Ift lC A l, CO..alatoaaad doeksns Ha., CHICAGO. ILL tmcaot Drag 0^ gn-en Rroad M.. K*wKb,H J.

Q f l A r f l 8 f E O IF IO M E D IO IN KIB A ig M A U ThilMl TEAM gu m

m iM lw a ll

t t i i ia v s cItofMWMIh

dot Ibiloo U * M>•! a«t/s

toiMs M Lmk*Dl«ow*, fito u

OslY y r . u ^ w Y u p ,nm fltoi iwifl M wt twmmmikm,r» tol pRMfktole WklU «• M*ll« W toW

fM.„ Elftolfll to

M til 'W levrtrl el tM w w f

n i i|At m BtsaiN ., im iu , a. rDw tftewiit ef rewHHietoei TeOe* WNW**eel|i^Per ssla ky Chari** Holahtuir,dru(|<sL Btohd

•nf MeikM tlrMtOi

■ m n ufttw* Mher i fesySMUiet

(■rk»f weeelefl

eai Is Ik u w l

RUPTURE GUIr. M .c.A.Koiot.

The physical director of the Y. M. U. A. iffWt a nersiinim and iiw I at work arranging for the anmul gym- . I m le iK K * th* noKni

noeUc exhibition to be given on wednea- Isdy fn autoSsnee for laOlss

Wblnery, cT..

Totals .......



................. 7 3 M U 4PRINCETON.

R, IB. P.O. A E.Burks, r. f . . ...................1 1Ktelliweildat, I h . . 2 1Meter, a. a...,............ I 2Pearaoti. lb .............. 1 IK aterfa .........................1 9Hutching*. 1. f ................1 9Hutchinson, lb.,.—.........0 9Watkins, c . t ......... ........ 1 1Scott, .................. 2 1

Totals ....................... 11 8 17Cornell............... ft 6 0 0 ft 6 0Princeton........... 4 2 1 I 1 u 0

Three-base hits—Meier and Bole, flee Uta—Kafor snd Hutchinson, --bueo-Strittwender, Meter, Pearacn.ltofer, M u tin g* , WotkllH and Bcott. Left on basoQi! lY lnCeton I. Oomell 11. ■' lr*t b**e on errors—Prtneaton 8, Cornell ft. Double

- - Hob-

0 I Ift ft 0 Ift 1

1ft 1 -7 1 e-11

cri- itolen

______ ballo-By Scott 8, bypltcbee—Bcott l. Bole I. Pasa-

aarson. BaBoles. W t y , -------------------*d ballo-WMniry t Time-Two hours. Umpire—Mr. Blfn^on.

On the Ykl* diamond yesterday after­noon the Brown University nln^ that whipped Harvard last Batnrdsy In a sen- ■sttonal game at Cambridge, was defeat­ed by Tale by the eoore of 5 to L Brown got the lead tn th* flrst Inning, and up to the fifth It looked as If It would repeat It* trick of lu t Botuntay. Y i lt had cun- ha behind thk boL but Owven, th* otuutfe 'pitcher, was In the box. Bcore:


Qutnbr,' ........ 1BarWeli, c. ( ....... 1Camp, *. ........ ft_ J

0 ft

wuiuVOlL T. a . 4...,«■ vtinhA, 0..4................Brown,, lb ................... .flhaipe, lb.Ouentoey, 1.1.,...,

1 I 6 »1 s 7 00 1 ft 00 4 1 ft4 1 p *1 11 1 02 0 ft •0 1 1 fta •t 1*^ 1)

Harry Vardon, th* world's champion golfer, gave at ihe Dyker Meadow Hnka yesterday what la conaldered to be (he most wonderful exhibition of Ihe game that has ever twen aeen In this country His opponent was George Low, the Club'i professional. who la one ot the beat play ars herasboui. but In the thlrty-slx-hole match Low was beaten 10 up and 8 to play The bye holes being played out, the match ended with the acor* 12 up.-Those who saw the match yesterday luarvalled at Vardon'a parfact form, and wondered at the strength ot hla drives and the accuracy of hi* approaches. He haa been deflned a a an "automatic golf ms chin*," and 'he seemed to fit the deocrlp- tlon. it was tha largest "galiary" ever seen on a links In this vicinity.

The record for Dyker Meadow's thirty- six holes had bean 161 and tha nine-hole record 38, all mads by profeaslanals, while tha amateur mark for eighteen holea waa 81, nw"'«nlfy F, yfr Meiv«t»* .Vardon made hla roiin^ In Ifl.'irr, o , M m m l n g fu, ' Hj and 37, a total ot 14). IftqWa aggregutca were 38, 43, 4ft and M, the total being Ut,

To begin the match Low bad tha honor, and sent a grouhd bail over the hill beyond the flrat tee. Vardon gave a alight pull to hla drive, and th* ball found a heavy lie at the cdt* Of the puud. Under a local rut* he was peimUted to drop back, and from th* new, position 'he reached tlia green with hla elaak. Low chose hla bras- ■ey tor th* Bocond, and with a mashle pitch waa practlcall)- dead, Vardon failed lo go down on hla third, and iha hole was halved In A Qn the second Vardon again pulled Into the rough graaa at the side of tha course, and, though he made the green on th* odd. Low was so close on the like that the hole waa easily won by the latter at 8 to 4.

11 was rather an unexpected beginning, and even W illi* Norton, who was caddy­ing for Vardon, seemed to thinlf Low would moke a grand light of It. The Dyker Meadow members wefa JubilanL and gave Imw every encouragement. In the gsllary of hi* supporter* were a num­ber of weli-known players, Including H. M. Marriman, Findlay 8. Douglaa, John Reid, C. 8. Macdonald, A M. Robbins. Norman B. Dike, J. L. Taylor, Bruce Price. W. A. Fntnam, Daniel Cbauncey, A. L. Norris 4uid Jaipsr Lynch. Thetr applause '■earned to have a stimulating tireot on Low, for o f the first six holes Vardon did not win a single, one.

On the third green Low laid Vardon a atymi* which the latter fallod to jump, and that mad* Low's stock go booming again. On tbs fourth Vardon misasd a two-yard put (or a 1, and the hole waa halvad in A From th# flfth Low waa fif­teen yards short of hi* oppanant, but Var­don overran the green and struck the (atiee that guards Its iwar. He had to pltah theoddtaftar which be missed hi* put and Low won again, this time at 4. to ft, Th* Dyker Meaflow man wae now ft up. The Mxth was halved In a lucky 4 by I^w ,

Miijor Taylor'i case has not been settled fliuilly by the Executive Uummliu-e of th* A. K. C. U. Tha discuealon went on Tuat- day smung the members. The Ksatera mrmbera bellava that they will win th* men from California over and that tht ftnnl notion will tn unanimous. One proxy Is lucking yet fi jm an Eastern man. Tho committee believes this to ba un Important step In Its history, and there Is no wlab to disrupt the union. The Executive Com­mittee la empowered to act, bul prefer! 13 do eo with the approval of all the union men. There Is not tha slightest doubt now, however, that Taylor will race ihls year In America,"aa he Is conversant with th* probable result of this meeting, and has expressed his Intention to psy the IBOft fine proposed without a protest.

Kenneth Bklnner, th* Boston motor cy­clist, will leave on the Luca'nia Saturday for Paris. Bklnner Is not at all astlafled with tha outcome of hla recent race with Wridgeway at 'Wpodsld* Park. WrMgs- way alao loaves for. Europa flaturdsy, but will return In Baptember, and has prom­ised. a ratuifl match with Bklnner

------ a------

orrose w u n g show.

dfly nlfht, May 14, In AMoclatlon Hall. T N proframm^ will IfK'ludf 'ichool ea* •ratMa and duRihbi l] dflll, window lump- inf, Indian club drtIL a das dnil and ■roiiptnfa on tbe bor«w-«h by tht boy& Tht m*n will iM rform Oil tht hoHionlid and parallel barv, clofllnf with pynimlda. Tbtr« will bt an pxhlblflon df tuck and foil rpnclnr, fnllowrd by Indian club twlnrlng by Meta Haton and Kaynlond Bmltn. At ihr rioaa of thn vahtbitlon th annual priiai will b« award^ and ra- freahmeiiti will ba aarrad-

Percy H- Long led the maatlnf held Monday night Iti lower hall. The topic was “Tlrowth In Graca."

The Young Men'a rongrasa hHd a wall* atiandad masting Iasi Saturday night, with B. C. Molt In tha chair. Tha an> nual banquat will ba held un June f In Davis'I priors.

The Ijadlas' Auxiliary SiK-lely of the T. M. C- A. win give the next luncheon on Thursday, Mny 10, in tha larga parlora of tha association. Mrs. J. M. Smith Ja' tha chairman of tha committea having the luncbaon In charge.

T^a classes In panmanshlp, book'kaep* Ing and free hand drawing will ba oon* tlnuad during tha month or May.

At tha aasstoh of the Conversational Bible Class tO'inoiTow Saerfi^ary Coassns will conduct the "QuosUoh Drtwer" and j. M. Cobb Will speak oh the leaaon topic, 'The Message of John the Baptist to Jesus." At the ctoae of the session a rtieeUng of ihe tn*n ser ’ing on coramUT tees will be held and light refreshments will be served by the Recspilon Commit-

‘ *?hr May number of the Huyn' Herald haa Just been circulated, Tha flrat page Ib llluatrateil with a snap ahul of a parly of boya on a trtmp, which was taken by Frank Btoecker, ot tlie Gating Commit­tee. The othrr pages announce the tec- turea, outlngx. maattnga. Bible cl■ka*^ gymnoBlum I'xhlbltlon and other eragt* to " ...........

'ill* intiimveg ktoAtb' True, i. ttw’In rtiweilrt that n Worn wiih abfa) night BnC dsr, os It reiailiB ihi rust< the hart'.i tx»rcla« or eBY-reBt iirata

' t and t(wly curt lit. -iBiali.

kind (or PMUblatIMFBOVBD XLAttTlC 'TRt'** OOn

Iflg Broadway. 1 doors brlns WanallUar, Vow York Clly.

BLOOD POISONK i^ ThroaLfltnpleH.C'oypert 'oiored

nom. Ciceri in lrKambg?Wrli^CUOll RKMKDY

CO,o3&UMM<»nlcTemple,(-‘Q!eatii,11).,(<>rproafi ofenrss. Capital Mu,sou. We solicit the most obetlnaia cases. We have cured the worst oases In i2 to as days, ion-page Free.


It. .^ulx. laUla

i - Ji>*m *3o*Ii 'V't'lfi!, Raaia,'CievtlanA .m at toiurtor.

WAIKIMOTON and TUB 0011 TH..For Bsaixaun. Wuhlnsiun and tha (.Hilh,

........ .... lUnItad Kasraaa, Pull-

h' prwa. tolly, f n t Kotovltla. gaily,

CoMMSIs fur

12J7 sight, daily.NortoiS tad Wmoth Railway. y«r Itonskls

•nd K.w Orlaaiu, 3:M I'. H. tolly. Alaailt O M Uaa. SinrMt. »:7t A. H. aa*ChHapeska and tmis Railway. Expmai. 1:21

A. M. wwk diyi. B:M p. H. tolly. ^Point Loaifurt aad Nartulk. X.frWa. ft:!! warii-layt sod S:t7 P. H. tolly.

Tws Pullman VcstlbuW» Pirlor ('an, VasU'* ut« raairtigvr Ciiachfi srtI I»n1ns far).

Acwnmodatlon. 1 t.» A- if. l 8-tM and l i t ! /. M. ftunday. Ritimi, 12.47. <1:49, 9:58. 9:2T,

:M A. 5:U, 4:24. «:M,T. S ^ . ^ . h anil P. id. A®.

commuiUilon, f:W K M.Pot Twaton, 12;*f^|:49. I:UO, T:M. T:8«. |;i7.

;5T ilu u, Umitsi gapraaa.• .5s.

vunnar, u:tv, a M. h:7Y

Tnr Atlantic t’ lty. Through Hug« Pi ahlncfl C(

1.: I2:4T 1

•:4 7 .4'ltr. through Bs«

PfwwM Trains, Huffat Parlor Cars, Paasingsrfn«ch aM iWhlnsfl Coach. lOifA A. M snd

5 *xt»r«is, J l j e A . j i i1:2ft. 9:44 P. U- \ 12:41 nlsM, Wstk-dsjrt.4ars. fl:49 A M.; I2:4T alghl.

For Atlagtis city via DalfUftUlt, ft.44 A. U .: 1:W aft_________dava; «:4U A. U. and 4;M P. U.

r«^r Cb|w ilty- JCijimu, f w T ^ W i aichl. waak'^ayi, fluadarp, l2:4T

prints twi tha Naw 'lUltroad, — .............lunday. htarase.

m-w A a., iM.if sight.' Atlagtia City via Dslawsea Hivar grldfs

f;M_P. M. wa®*

. .. J2;4.inta tvn tha N*w fork aad Ioom iTSWcl . 9 . » A. 1:15. 4;U8. B:SB F If. 0.1 10:15 A. U, awl 9;4l P M * St

......... for OeasA Qreva ar Aabvrp FSft sfluiidsy.a r Boakou, without ehshga, lt:4i F. !!■■

.•day*. 9;hfl P. M. dally.Por firaoklyn. N. T.—All through trsllw aMH

nact tt Jaraay CUy with boata ol "PaMtyhrsatft AflhfS.' k


fl:M. B:6T, «;15, B:Sfl,11:09. li:lT. ifiM A. mT:

1 Ifl. 1 :U. 3.UT, rSU. l:OT. a:ll. . 4:55, 5:1Il 9:25. 5:49, A T , TrOfl. 7:19, T;24. 1:09. A:2o. 9:

14 P. M. ___9:42. 9419, 9:59.

‘ A, M.; l l ftT.•nd li;OT night.- - - 9,«r 10:01

. 1*!^! trais*, 14:44,

W F.tlM ,

. . t:an. aioa, 6 .~

J:M. a:ll. g:84. s:^. B:aft.:ui> eight.

, Rlllahrill and Rthway, g:ll, T:0ft. Tt{{. :tf. I:ak a:2D. iu:il2, lj:80 A. M.: 1:99, 1:M,

_ f ri. 1:2!.. S;4g, j ; « , t : » . ftdXI, h:W. l ig . 8:48. SkT, SM, l:0«. «:I8, 4:t3, ei4*. T:()T. 7:ik i:OI, 8.4« »:«i. 19147. l|:81 t K , l|:4T niglu. kunday. a:4t. X:|H, t:84. 10:1k

i k ' I S :Imn,ta:t4L 11 « I*. M., and IS:4T ntfhl. JM

fUiaWth wly. 9:67 A. B.; U:80. ftdg tod |:Hpi wee4i-4lsya.

']>& New nruMwtrb. 9:4fl. T:0ft 4 :^» and II :SO A. U., 12:95, l:|d. t:|T. •l2C lifliL 9:416, 5-tS, 5;5T. k'V. T:M. 9:22. 5:M and - r. k ,.12:47 night, flunda*. *i49. |:W,

and in:Ml A. H : 12:96, Jft. 5 :». T:l«.

rtrb. 9:4ft. 7 ;^. .......... ... K.. 12:95. hid,4;2(L :<I6, 5-29, 5;5T. k'V. T:M. 9:22. • in r. k.. J2;4T night. lund#y, h.i 9:M and in:Ml A. H : 12:26, 1;9:55 and 9M P. M.; 12:41 night.

Kfir l,*uiWtril1». Phiriiwhurg. ■aatem and IWIvld«>rt. B llf 11:96 AaMTi i M ^mtkHVIlls•ToJ' f£r ?,n rr , W r i "Rraarh, via Honmouih June:loo, f:B8, 1t:8n A. M : 4 ilili.l’ . ti. wMt-toT>. For FTMkold only. ll;oe P.Tl.'Wn k.toya 'T ' .torn oaly o* solloa lo agente

Pnr rwetlisr Iftfsrmstlon^ tlmaiabK- Tick* ets for all iwlMS cm tha pacmaylvanla ftsllroad snd rnMAiOftlona, Pulln^ acoommodatloni etc., at No. fig proad siraat, or Uchet offlss. MsrMtPtraet Station.J. p. in Ti’HINflfvN.

O neffsl Mwsgar.

ftqS eamfoTt.IftHive

For riainflild, i:4fl

J n. w<x»T>.Oen. Pseaengar A fh t

Re Ot* J4g^ JKHftCV-AMbrs. fielukvalr, insuring clsttUntM 'iRNtiiMe l9 afreet Nov. 1$7 tSM:

rd /any Rtraat itallonat ___ 6-911 !*!«»*

FiW goniarvtisy, ai a:io, tlss, aMm, viim;. wiv*. lOitf A. M ; Tlkft. T;iia, i.li5, 2r«n. 2:M, 4:t% 4 44. 5;ii4 5:26, 5:45, 6:l(j, T:U. S:5U, 9:So, II P, M, Buodapa. 7:19, V.W. 10:4ia A. M.j 1:10. 2i4V. 4:06 6 !«*J «). 9:09. Jo fS P. U. ^

For rirmlllgtsL T:9|1. S:0S A W.. 4:40.i : » P. M |Mn«rys, T:I5 A. kf.. 4:U6 P. M.

For stations ts Kish ilrldga, connaeUng I - sULtlons un HkitABrloff branch and Lska Ko*

“ ■Ta|ft4 ...................9.15K\(h'iirid^^'cortnaeiing for

■ branch and Laka Ko* raSlapt f'hniFr and LAfta flopat-

9:09 A. M i 4:441 P. U. Buadiya. 1:10 P. a. far (lerman vatici’. FlatHlara and K^nvll,

For statluni ')n main IlM N«w Jersey Ontrai plvlalona, Eaiton. livthleham and Allvniean, flSD, Sid A- M. (12:00. to Eaitonj. 1:65. 4:49 l5;45 and 7:9b, to IUalon> P. M. 5un4lay« (7:15 A. N., ta ICMWnj, 1:10. 5:40 P H. . „ ,

For Msuch rhunk, 7:90. 9:09 A. U.\ 1:15, 4>4I> P. 11. ftundayi. I-.IO. 5:40 P. M. .

For Wtlkasbarrt. PiUitun and ftcranton. 5t05 A. tf.- 1:25 P. U.

BLOOD POISONli ttu( iJlaaaie ss earth, yrl tha aaaiaat tacura“ WHKN yOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. llany hsvt pimplea. isjta cm Ihe akin, sortia la the mouth, ulcen, falling hair, bune haUu. ciUrrh.mnodon’ l kn owlt la BLU^D Call snd gat BROWN’g HLOOD crRBvKlOO

bottle; Ufta one nonlb. Bold St Hahk'a ». NUrark. H. J.

NkWa PK AND £U2(ABrrH PRANOli Trains leave Jtroarl Bireat Blfttlon for EJltS- p(h vid BuaMla. 91 6:15, 6:5(1. T!jKi,.f [M. f M , ;08. k:|6,T0.08. 10:46, lliM A. If.: I|r05. I-Jl,

6:19.■flliOl 6':'40'

11 6U.lunda^Vl'T: :/■

Kr h Uf

leftGAL NOTICallABtEK’S BALK UF LAND'^In Chancery iif

New Jeraay—Ilalwean Pairick J. lloi'nlgRn. comblilnsnix and Kdwsrd Joaeph Nonuirr and l^vld W. Wright. defandama. On hill for [>ar- tliJon.

Nolle* Ie hereby given that. In ijuriuance of a decree made by (ba iThancellnr of iha Htata of New Jersey In (he aboie aniKled caiiae. Iiear* Ing data (he eighth day of Novamtier. elghiecn hiwdrt and filnety-mloe. 1. J'laeph I* Munn. ona •ortha Kpeulai liadtena of the (’nurt of I’harw'ery of New Jersey, wilt vaodua, 10 the high<


For Tramlay and Ksat Wahway, ^15. 16)5* 10:06 A. I f . ; I'JM. 9— ~ e>Maba fftrill» m. mm - • :r m..

S:t6; *':w; 6:W.7l:fti|():«i A, u..i4.;0ft.P. M'.

Jd-; 1:96 i:66. 4:W, St'fO, 5:46, 6:19, ^50. 0-69P Id Bundsya, 9;0fl, |0:0(V A. M.: 4l05 r. H> ^Tot Perth Ambwf. (i.Jl5, SriK 9:« . 9 ^ .U-.h A. M.\ 1:96, 8;fW. 4:52, 4:4(. ^4S. 6^9. N:5U. 11‘55 P. U. Xundaya, 9:o5, 10:05 A. M.j

Agamic Hlghl— ; i:M , 4;

I, U-; 4:01iUtke

.uHie lu nale ■( publlo ghaat bidder. <■« Wedneaday,

tha ititaenlh dav of lisg btx( at the hour

or the present moittlla The regular Hessloi) of the Youths' 0o-

ctxL Bible ('laaa. with C. R. Bcott 56 tsachfr, wbk held lu t night. The "Seven Ltost BaylngH of ChrlBt" was Ihe HubjaiJt, wnd seven members of the clssa tofrti port. The same subjoot wlil ba eonsldsrsfl OF the three classss on Mturduy ofUr* noon lU 2-1 hnd 2 o’eitNku WliUsm j, Dorn. T. M VniY DuFoi tnd*Alfred F-. Oiimm will ronduct Vhi cloises.

Uonry W. \‘un Deroofa who stiendeif the Ions of the Beumralofti Oonferenott report to the WortMrg* Tralrilng (?Uss It Boys' UepartBitnt on Sandsy morn­

ing st 9 o'clock- . KdWtord A. Osborne wHjt f iB a paper on "ln(ll4*s Roal Man sna' Womwa and (he UMhftr will syeak btisAy on mianlons.

The regular boys' mostlng will be t to-morrow afti^rnoon %t 4:15 o'dlocki wfclch ■

D'clock is (ha aitam'i'iii. <>n IhS ii¥ anUI, kRd hetrlnariFr iki^rlbH.

iguiar. the WBte snd pr«ml««a iVwrIb* In aSId flerree. id-wU.: All (hat Iract Of

paroa] of Ian 1 and jiramlMa harrinafirr dntcrlb* ad. aliuaie in ih« city of Newark, In the county of Ksaea and Ktittr of NaW Jeney:

iJeglahWi Ml a point 1B the wfatcrly line of UUlcIdh avpnuF whara UM.iime ii iiiiorMFclmi by the aouth ly lirta of navcnih av^ufj '^Ti4W Waat»rlv along tha auuthtrly Unfl of Bleyemh svenus '-Be hundred frei; ihcnca goutbrriy parallel wlih LUtleion avenue iwimty- •v4 feet: (hi-nrc MiHerly penUlsI wlih Klrvcnth SVanUe gne huridrid faet to tht wtilrriy lln of LiKtlloh avFnuF. ihcnca northerly alona Um«-

setnue to ch« poitii or piss# of hefinnina-....................., - Biifi pijr of ihB dc-in an undivided

__ .. said |ir*Tmla«B.Togethar wiiii snfs sod app

.i)4inflTif iir In QU-ffl under hand

hslf yaai iwt prSinlaM ao If ail and atngu

ton set__ . . . .Inelttdtfig the relate by tha Dun

fan w t navid w. Wright, Id oat'btR of said iiremlaea.

Togethar wiiii *\\ and singular, tha hprixiitH- fnanfs sod appuri‘*oances the aald premiaea

■PpaiTalnlng I Inis slavenlh day of

antk Hlghlanda. via Matswan,>1:82 A. H : 1 jftft , *•'day*. 8:05 A, ; 4:06 P- M. . - *»for FVtehotd. 6:99. H:S2 A. If.l 1;9». 4:40.

Hank, 1.8t>pg Tiranch. Dcean Or^*i eir (d:15 tu Re<l Utnk <»ly). 6:88 Jlank nnlyl, II ;9j| A. M.: (1:99 ^ ftnly> 44:ra to Hank nnl , 4:40. 6J9 P M- flutulayi. ,x,'*vl ta Gc*xa QTav*, *:0fi tlO-Oli. R,a Bank univjv tt,: 4;fta F. M,

TOR LAKEWtiOD.S:8lt A. M : l:M. t:M P. K- kunfttTi. 10 0**TlSiii Blvar Barn«ml Pnrk ailft Rarntant. *:SS A. M,; l.BH 4 ;« P. H. SunCavi. lOiftJ*Vor Allaallc City. Vlnatanfl anft Drldgatnn. 1:88 P. TOBK. , „

ratim tin.a.l Sirmt Bt«£Ml-At ft:». « : » .*■40 7 «e. 7:20, 7it«. 8:0O. i : » . 8:4ft Otoi, »:20, 8:40,' lft:txi. tft;3U- lft:to. Ifto l, ItYO. tl:4ft A. I f ' 12‘0b k , I2:3(i. lilO, 2:0t\ 2'.Sn. S;nh.Pib. t:(W. 4:**. ft ftft. ft Fi7:OI>: T:jr>. 7:W1. T:!,S. W-pIV l0:4ft- I'P. If.' 12:40 nlfhi. Aunday*. 7:M. 6:W, 6 10:00. 11:00 A. M : 12: .ir'ii ciF 6:00, 4:00.'5:00. 6:«l. tinO, 6:00, 9:00.U;06. 12:00 P. M .: t2;«0 night,TOR PIIILADFIxrHT.4, IlAlxTlUORF AND

WA HHl NGTON. , 1 1 ^ J. -

1:90, 2:00. |0:06.

For Trenlon

B rllev lllg Mcalilenfg W ill T rr ( « Fv*-veat (fe* Am atear BxKlblltoii Set

UOWR l* r Mar SI <* SS.The amateur boxing totimamenl which

It waa proposed to hold at Ballavllla Hall Heltevllla, on May !L 18 and M, will not come oK without vEgorout opposlton, It la ■lid, among regldanta of that township.

Charia* M, Bmtlh, who Uvea In IVashlng. ton avanu*. directly cppoolta Ballevlll* Hall, dacloras that tha show will not take pise* It he etn prevent It. He ho* noti­fied th* BMIevIllc Townahlp Commltte* that he Will time Ih* metleV before th* Grand Jury If the townthlp authoritle* do not prevent the ohow.

Mr. flmlth oar* that he has no objection, peraonally, to an exhibition of boxing, but holdi that an UDd**trabl* *ltineiit drawn to the place by such aflalra, and he (ear* that disorder may resutt Other reo- IdetiU of th* locality will co-operate with hm to prevent th* exhlUdon.

The last txAtlng show held at Belleville Hall over two rear* ago wa* raided by former Bhcrlff Doremu* and a force of conslaUea. It was a benefit for the late Charley Norton, of iM* citr. who wo* at one tlm* lightweight champion.


will be held . . . . . J o'clock, at

:h time Lew F. CRmh Will apeak on ly Camera My U (« ," .-Ghwllatlnl hl«

remorka with ihe camera platea. devel- oDwa, etc. Rarred moole and reading* urm be rendered by the graphophonc,

(Therlea R. Bcott and Louie A. Hmsel- ■payer spoke at th* boy*' meeting In the A,f*r*on y. M. C. A loM iynaay and E. A. Ogbornc siiog at bMR the boyr slid

m'B me'**” "" " *■ ' ‘“ ''^••ofttmon. 7b* Man s ./.fweYor Chrlitlan

/erkm will hold It* a n n ^ •raalon next Junday morning from ^ to IP o'clock, (h* to ]^ iielng "I'nrlst'* (Mvorastlon With On* who lAivcB Him but ftMeeanaairea Hla 'llaslon." Bacretary CoMen* will teach

%ie7(ound Table will meat tn tha afiar- .nocm, taitnnini at 2;4ft otafook. "Tha Life o f Prayer" will hr the to M oad George Dnnafaee will lead. Th* •ym ^ n ira man i Bible riag* will be conducted to-ntght by E. U. Mott. The Yoke FeUpfla' Bible Training Class will meet at ,|dg o'clock and the general serretary wUI taaeh Ih* Feawm on ."Salvation Not by Work*." A t the me^e mansmeetlng, to b* held In Afaectatinn Hell from 4 to ft o'clock. Rev, WT H, Morgan, pastor of Ib* Central Hethoditt Bplscopal t-^urch, wBt apeak to men and Mrs. I, CorrM ,^ fe * l. *0- prano OMolat. will sing. The i . M. C- A. «rt|b*nra will play.

NO IWOI FOR BOmto ine bridge ot the nose.

Iniert I t b t ie noatrll* and r*H*

OATARKH* ? w follow the** dUMcttons Bl bed Ume,

It work* ovar night.Get* In threudh tlla pore*.

ApHi. nlnsiMn nunirpi]

anti rhllaiiHukla.' 6:16 ■■ ■ ■ TrAnl4ift», w'",

(I2;n6. *X4>dibt

No. TH-I Kri-iaSThcxMia j. IxlntHU. RulkltQTt

3 l . » imUn n .

ChSTIVPry.‘ k. J.

(tia ijmIN CHANCariV OK NEW JCRlEY-BM»<-«)

AugSlU U, Hfrlng^r afld'otkara, ootnrilEln' antt, SlVS Msry N>*aT«7r anj othtra, dafRnnshM. (JU l»l1i CDf pAflKliin. MtAiFr's asltot land.

H* Yinua of a il«<-r>'i< In (h« Cnurl of I'tiancd y of NiW Jarwy maidfMn thv abova aisled raiiaa, iMsrfnK dst« trip Rpcnn'l ilay of April, ninai»m hu&dr^ 1> 0amu ] K. AYrrs. ona of tha ftiwclsl UasCan Jif aald ofuri.-wm agpuaa fortss a. al

Kubllc* vendue. ii 'Ilf I iiUMIftriujia in fhe fiiy ot lawsrli, l*>aai N«*w Jartay, on Frldav,

tka slavtntb das of 5f4>‘. ninataan Bundrrd, at two o ctock In ii)* Rr' rnEx'in. alt that trad of ISnd grid pramlif*! Ritiinir, lying ifid-bslnf in tha r lty or Nawark. tn rhp county of Paaag «nd Slate of Naw .li-rTtH)-. and mora pariloularlydi^rlbad Sa fi}lt4iN4*i:

Beginning in (hr riiiHiRPh'llna of Newark itpoet ml aiiuint two iiuruiini and aiiiViAva fsat Snuth- arly fram iha a'nnh'rly llnr 4>f Warren street; ihanoa runnlni ■■‘■nu ihe line 4if Nawark atrtat iKhah twaniyrlTve itf-arFi R and (nrty-flva mlnutea wan nftaan feet, thmie aoulheaaierty at rlghl atiglaa to Nawark Airept une hundred f«eC, more or laaa, (n the line -if ianda late of Jama* B«ar> ing, (Mreasad, tkii < e ii|f>Ttg aalil Scaring'* line nnrth twanly-alx dearee* east flftaan faat to tha lirto ot otkar land* of Btld Kanry lhattcawMtarly |h a linn ai right anglat to Newark airaat sfortaald one hundred fast to tha plaoa ot bwlnnhig, Halm kmfwn M (he agutherly half of lo( Nds f> on hlcK'k 3 on a map of Iota of rha A. W. Cory prtij*r»v: logather wl(h all and atfitutar, tha naradUftiiianta and appurtatianoaa to tha said pratnleaa Mlunglng, or In snywiaa

bhlV*aHSV*V,''7‘l*i'ia:mr*ir« T;rol™»- '. . ^ *fTar inrtli A, M.: tl2;Wl *

lal. 1:66. 6;W. 4:4>4 (earept Trai___ .I1:M r Wl ..Siindajj. _9:05.

laXcaiK* oV....... .... 'M(•irept Trafiton ,

•lyparialniRg. ^wsrk. N. J April 9. 1900.

6AMUBL 1. AYfUtfl, Hpairial Ksitar tn (Jhsscsry.

Jullm Rupprflcht. Hollultof _________ (412 00)IN CHJ NCERY OF KKW JCRflKY^Td David

Famtitin. Hy virtt a of an wdar af fha Court of enShkary of New Jeraay, miidc Ml (hs day of fits dst« heraor. In a oauaa whtfain Th* Wtah- iMton Itelldtng atid Isoan ABafnlatlon of Naw* SM, N. Jar U comriilnant, nnil you and otharsgre' defoManta* you ara raj.ulred blaadi anawar or damur to (h« hll) of aal

F lfftt 'VRVftltF fM Aiid!■ to

Columblto er«WB tiad nsny 1mithii*On th« Hudfton Rlvsr FMlsriAF. Tht flfgt

'varsHy bMts vftFfl ths spis- U1 contstUnu, at two haU-mlls brusbss snd 5 mllft tmoft w*re roWtd by th m Tht first *T5nltf wai tnhftn tlirsa »U *g op th« .rlv«r for prtiUnlitary work and m«t the Mcond'tMiiftn.thft raturti iTIatto abovt thm ' ' 'th t main raoft M u *

tktf « f«irv gpf ttm

Gets In throuih tns p< LooMHi and disapJvsi Hesis; tlmyg InlMfnna

to scp«ar, 1C (

ms lion.rid youraelf of ib*

_ with eoi*., and freely.the DOitrilo, (a r*it

In the choking

You hr..Dreatb*

should.Breath* from th* top to th* bottom of

your ^

MAftONV ily tte. a bog-

itlifylng, tfjl.

_____ F OLIVEfl cool*'■ f Cheap lnvest«Mt|i^

_______ ______ - - Com-lamani on ct heton the elghieentta dsy of

t, or the said 1)111 will ba token es against you. The slid bill le filed to

. m mortgsge made by Heyoien H. Her aod wife to eald sesoolatlon, (luted Feb-

nury IT. 18*7. on lands in ihe city of Newirk, Sssex Conaiy. Ne— Jereey. and you ere made a toftndanl liecsuss you are the owner end holisr at a inarigage ouvering the ume prem- leiis deeCriheq Ui cvmnlelneni s paid mortgage.

fto'.icilor for Complainant.T7| Brciad itraat,

Nawark, N, J.195.90)




T H l HOARD OF AftgRklHlIKN'rfl tV lilO N g r T.AXE&-C1TT HALU

OTica- a f p k a l

tha Lrgliltiura AsaaHinant and Ra-

.11 sit as a Court of Aptraal in ft Ctiy Halle from th* third

y to ApHI th Iha thud Wednasda] A>«snr daye frana » o'clock A* ftfttoti PftfH«6 esa ascartton iha ai 'Ctora^-astouv A U* will glass*,,—. _u -..s. e_ UmaHo anierlalo and

OOUR' v Scaordsnoa ^TtiJa ftcsta Mmitoft K

l(V:Vl6 (racist Tr^nlnn) A PhlladHphlaJ. 6;W,

A. S^-: l:lK 4;ft6, 0;O6^P.F'lr Tialllmnra and WMMh nirt'UV 6; ^ l

U !t2 A M-: l:*®- 6:4M, 5:46. tl:65 P. M.iundiVi 10-«6. H:35 A. M.: 1:|0. 6 :02. 6:40'V S r Mfk#lA hnggaga rhFrha. alMi'Ing car ^ ration. Mm'-lal'laa. call at Hr****! nt f'Hv Ttckat Ofnee. tH2 kiHrk'‘t ilraet.

J'\T''riU>¥l'AilREN, II. P, nxI.ritviV.Orn RiiprrlnlFnd*Til rflanATiaFr' Arweiii.


•DmUv vAi'Ciit Hujjiliiy- tuhfr iralni dally 7'26 A M- Local htr Eaalon. ^ ,6'36 A. M. For Huffalo. Niagara Fall* and

Vt'rnt. and principal l-icai Dlijlujj far*- t-onnKl* for coal branenet.

‘ ■‘BLAOJt DIAMOND E IP H m "HarulMi*|Ti#M( irtlo in the VrurW, U»n lt«d lu abating cai'uclly. lJua Huffakj tl:M cun-Aai'ting with through Hiwpt-ra lu ^trolt and r'tiLf'aMu Dining Car service a la carta.‘"l-so end-l-at l'. M Ki)f Wllkeeberre. toren- ion, c-rjrtl branchfa and inUFrmrdlale points

5;46 P. M- Jjcical. for Maurh Chunk.S 'S P M. Chlctgri Vaatlbu'.a ymlti^.

Through 61*<*['lng Cars to 4’hlcago and J^ruftlo. 6:2U P. U- l^poiftKlun biprtaa for Huffaio and

' ft*^to* . M. l'*or Iihaca, llnth^atar, Buffalo and Wrai. Hla^lng ( ’an in Chicago.*Tk)uth Plain 6 ^ and HouhiJ Iirooa **j*>[e s w t aund.y, Ul:0* A. M ; 4 :« . 0:46 enJ 1ft AU

*’ 'Tleh4le and Pullmen e.Tnmrantotlnni « Pmnsyivania llattroad fttatioit. 769 and 799^ N ^ V ^ ’rri'nsf^r Co. will (‘•II for •nd ehaek

from hotfl nr raaldence througn U dtatTntdon.


ItitWARK ARU yATKBUOR. e Newerli for Peierean, B ;«. 7 ;«, * • « . a. M .: 13:ft», J:'a. B:41, 4:ft«, 6 .«.I:ft«, 8;1U. lt(:8l P. M.. end 18:»J A- " re. 8:S« A. M ; 3:87. 8:47. T;U«. « ; »*

Petereon to Newark—Leavt Pelerton lor Mew' *ra7 »;M. «:1S. a:4t), 7;lB, 7:48, »:*», ftjof. W H.srk,

A. „9;19.M.i 6'?

' ftundayf. 7:27, b:56.:93*

li:03 A.

NirWABK a n d ' N tW T O ^ - rJtwark (Newark to ^ «w Wrk)'*-5e05,

ft-45 7;2l4t:4fl. 9:2t. 9:45, 9:M, 1bi60, ll.W A, t ; l l4 f 2:48, 4:07, 8 7 : 0 7 , »:ft7, ft.;W, H i *

'LftWve Naw Chtm^r* ttw*l C N « T «kto Nawark)—9:4ft, V;15. 8:06, 9:45. 44iJW A* Rj-* I°to, ” Ift. i:83. »:*(■ I ®10:0il 1 * ^ P. M- flnndeye. »:0O A, M.: 1.0ft riflT'ft .ft), 8:00. 10:«0 P. U . ...........

A M. o .

Hfto jiaviy 8:14 P.

tlVketi. biggig*, cI


Chu H- Sw-

estlo^ tlinataWf*. esH st C lt/T»k*t Of- fl^ a^a atraate Telaphoh* 96. •(

'f t t r h t t u n n w iu v a iM

Friday Bargain Demonstration.A BOUNTIFUL harvKt of good things garnered from Newark's largest assortmeati and offered

at prices which distinguish them as among the greatest bargains shown here or anywhere this season. It is by all odds the most important of recent one-day sales, and that you may not

let the opportunity slip, we wish to caution you against delay if you’Ve a use for any of the fol­lowing. We wish to remind you, too, of the

Manufacturers’ Surplus Garment Stock Sale,The most remarkable output of the year and surpassing in value giving any mid>season event

ever known in the State, Half and less than half prices constitute argument that leti tJert deal­ers find hard to combat. Better sec us about your garment needs at once— to-morrow If powlble— certainly not later than Saturday.

Yeitks' i M f Im s e r s .Of Mimllljr flievloUn

plain lif Unijf !wll«ni»-11j|ht..............mjf .......... .. - --and dark lit in!• yftarn—will Ht Amall atylbilily rtti httinv—atnMuily worth from fci.iifl


SMtck Lk c C iru i is .A handnomo tinned p«tU*rijH

in Madrio^ Irinh Pniiit hihI.#*|n ♦‘ttfH’tfi — l « ’k itilcli

.dgfw—1«» Inrli^ wide — 34 yardfl I0111 * noiia Wurth Imm* th«n $\M per pair- At........................

■m mw —U9C retm es Narked Dewa.

A largeMWiflment of prrMv

J iffal and Ntrlpe dealgna ami|- ‘ '■dainty f'offVinifa * » iimlm*

wldc'- jiuixl value atthtreg. hrh-e yard—«pMla1

alue 1MlsfCat

B a iit j New b re a k s .A vKt.traigtia-llght ai.., . ih o r l lengtiie -

Be^s’ N Idd j Satt Extra.Plain blue i»r prelty init<‘d

rUtthu -- large nailnr iMillNr. neatly trlnimed—all w nil t \- tra ve*«t(a—*li«H 3 inKyf'Kl'b—

Willi Hi rung aaniliandH — tapfid M*aiiiN —regu la r $. .An m i;'.ua vahidW—H|af'L la t .................

1.69Ih itc Castile Soap

And Ptire Olive Oil Hoap in eight ounce eakea—liiHlratl of the regular i^ioe m* lier l alie -while It !aal«—npedalat.......................

ScBest Packng C iapbor.harge Imixch of Oriental

,iig nintphop—aolrt regu-l.arg

partili. .....larly fiw hk.iN rbQ: - very H p e c I a while It Im»i »at.....-...............

B a js ' N e M j Spri>S Saits.K «ef.r And dnulilc-brnAid^d

« t I<w mnde of rlievtut . 1x11‘AMlnier. )n n«w pAll.rim: Aljaplntn blnv—.U n n to 14 yeAr.—p#nt»


—worth SMS—At

ritliUAtiBjit.iAlitioWAtot 1 Q XlmlldA-tA|«d ACAHIA 1 A ^ v l

Diiaer Set Bargaia.I id piecea—heat Kngllah jKir

celala—pattern three itoleini • MUip loreen-were A i \ C


Paiited TMIet Sets.f4ii hottiM, rniiili

and liriuli WAV. puff l>ni,tiAlr. Iilti IMX And piiipAT t \ 0At";'.' s;Mr9oC,r4>g.H.t»“ At...r. ..■•

worth irto. P ff r»rd cIaI w hn . skthey—ipeclai wl.....Bates SeerMckers.

BMt dUAllty And WArrAtitod tAAl color rnuutui louvtjw-' IIAAt Itrtp. uff.K-f.-tMulAJ wbw tifi'. P«r yArd AOd •pcciAl 8‘Jcat......

Lawas aad Biaitkt-ThU neveet de.

«>r darkalgue on either light or dark groatifln ■ regularly | \ 1 _

V U te Yictaria Lawas.Hlion U)iKth. of

Snr Ahrwt quAlity-i. „wltA-rafi’IV **•“■ . .

at.................. .

FiM Satii Daaask.BlMrhed MAtC«rlunl

to IbcUm wWO-*I t * i » —BiiCAt quAlli -worth tf*rjArd—ipitclAl At...............


Ladies* Sample Waists..Ex a c t l y thm hAndrtd imUj Shirt WaM i aiAde of fine

white Uwnt diintQiJpmqcd with tsjeks; elw AO ueorl- « jOf,pfr»lwin,Ul til im in the' IM-ihould be, end would t from $1 to $2—on i tber hilt,

b tacks; IyieeM,-Wtplentt. circumituieei tell f>w

Soot fatten lAblei TiUty while

Special at Each.

Boys' Saad l i e e f u t a ,Made of g < ^ quality eher-

ini imd ruaknere-nea*'aod Iren 4 to uiinklilepar ................. ..

double ailicKed waitilundH-uped aeama .29cAll-over Eakrsidery.

- -ir.inify mwnd — r, uiilArr> worth

■ if I*«[ie('iar at->

In A VAilfty of haiidanme t.|«o « « k pAttaniA,Alii>> inrk- hig. with Iaob tnAtrtkme- iiBci! for waJMi And Atetovci- rrguUr vaIua He,'T', *»•1 Ul rrlilnyai .......... S9cMefl's Nigfct Slirt Eitra.

\l-MiHlfiw for bqya-made of ufitHl inusIlTUi with plain orIni ......... . . .

iwr>md inuslln_ .......... .rum y frunU neatly embroid­ered lull m liictifj Inrig Mold regularh

Mea's Negflcee Skirts.llada <1

pencale l!rol j|n Nyok |i IrolU'iii fttpad of the

s iM long- Set 'letached

price <3ie.wi’ialii..•aalenpeeii

Bojs’OvenB lar|^

Scarfs a « l Pillow S k a s ittrarfi i and ik rwrda iM f- .

■haina « luatkM aquira-vpan work deeigna-Home allghtly sgdlwK-reg. / U / ^

Tea Set BNlictioi.>tecM of Hgbt-weigy

•rki'Au MCfiaitbuiwed

Am.iihpjH-f'UMl All ■etlUliAt were IS.M—APApIa I At


Savci Piece Berry Sets.

, , stvur.. WAbiut flaiM^-t' ‘• m e : t ft. piiAt,kfl. iinaiiOtlR.MxTAnd niT ft. — t o ld .vM'ywhere f.w » i ‘. ,


r’'-SxT.69cLakes' U t le Hosiery.

l2cAll riee llm t Hm

ihread HfPrklgfgla’ith •ioiM ktiia% yMn —regnia r m a d a 301'. glMidAat............. ..............

Bowl and lix wiuwt tn jnaiclj—fronted pirwed glara*

s slc? if^t-sisasctiAl At.

Mea’s la p a te d Socks.Kpirndid

thread halfu a llty Hide

m KemiH-

U \f \'tI!1 !

Phenomenal Silk Selling.H A L F the price fof which tbeee nlin finith Foulerdi went • * intended W retiil, ind without enepbon gr»leet nawMAvine tilk chttvct we’vA biArd of UuA Apring. A ta-muWTiATine tak chine, wt’vi niArd of tluA epnng. lietv of ehetoe detifM, including poUu d « , AtripM ind •ciclle— niTT And white ce bleck end white eSecti— wBl not ' -aU em eb dttitible for either ikiltli oe full cstiumc*—

idid vilue kt 59c.— during Fridej only

S p e c i a l -29c. P e r Y a r d * r

S k H Liaiag SpcctaLBUk flnlAhrd vw lfly iuit-

ableforakbuand jM'ket Hu* kog—3C Itttheawlde 1 ^ 1 ^

TE i Z i Clu te ...................

Clattes f r i a i e r Offer.Guaranteed f»>r live yeaiaw-

ai thatany parta hrnkeii with: time repUi'nd fre« /kO of eharge-ntgulAi; \ U | k e « ‘h-aiMH'lal a t ......................

Trinned Hat Seosatioa.About forty tiAiidoometrliii.

■ mod from our rrgiriAr lioea nod rquil to *7 Hud iRkluda - ul...............


Mad. uf good an ility bine I A|nBn fnnta aikidenim with i

aualiMider atnpA—mkde luen'a nrcrillA^nf. | uttrly w'ortq Me. per


pkit a)>aHAf to-mor. row it '

SllA-nt- mSM.per / t r * to-mor. M l / V

MetY MeriM lIiBerwear.tlmy merino 'ihirta itid

drowera to mitoh — ahirte-made with French neoka

M«Atl Imtwnft-fuUymiAaeted -worthpkr emment-wpeeSl | - 7 v Frill ly At.............., j k .

I i ^ a i i Stair Carpets.Homo III I wiwd aud oilmni

Ul heavy dttiuask qttality- wqith £iom 3Bt»j 4fiT. par yard^W^. ilw^y laMk^poolal at........

luau quaJity—

i->219cBest Mostaito N g t i i { .X ltri Hus qiiility net—All

dorl buck—double ■ uai , riplWWita'Arda wide u ^ •olea Aiid heela- in- l - u e p —eAnlu lerea-H pe- u f k / vfteudb ( flicltSt>eA|i|l l t / V * w F . a c i d l y und

wiille It liate it-

Extraordinary Glove Event.T H E detaile of how, when end what we got them would ' mike 1 long ftory, lo we’U cut it out end come ki the point At once. Hot miny of them, but bnguint of a kind ]rou’ll never forget If fortunate enough to eecute one, two or iulf-e-dofen piiri from the lot. New ipring Huda of pearl, gn ; and meat i i luode oicliAmoii—two-cUip atrlea— ” Ad- let " mike—worth 98c.—while thej- lut

Special at i49c. Per Pair,

Bis H aam ck Cbaice. I O pafK Vikdew Shades.Mexlraii graiw hAtnmgehit.

made svf strong i.xird — fuli Jeugth and wmih-* A£kL. wnThsila :«0i>ound«—regular 7ft'. each-- T t x V speLdai a1..............

Kxtra quality opaque wIili Htmog Hprliig rollere ^nd ma ineh ffeep fancy fringe--*11 ohhmsr- wvirtli LUel'lWkfth­at ....... ..............

29cRemarkable Shoe CombinationA COLLECTION of milchloj velne at legultr pricei, hut

going to-morrow at'a figure that will nttpriae the trade.

wmiki2.95Oal Meal Saucers.

Fine deecimtod china wlthhenvyglltwIgrH- q ApUudld VAlnw At im\ Xr* Hurh apocial while V J V they laat a t ...........

Good Water Coolers.AVIII Itidd UgiillniiH tiictdy

iaiiatined — gHlv«iiirodviated frtiH'ptH—uKu ally

Ltdlgg* wShMt ot dtmgola kid in, button t f ^ —iues 23 and 3 ;,- r im lM ,$ U 0 : lJ ilit*VOJ(f0rd» in eilha blmk or turi-imnrmnd toe* and —tan ahidei in button or lacing atylei--«nting heele—siici 11 to 2-regulii $1.25; Children'* S llO «»—made of vk-i kid with clMh lop*—button kikd —h*n|l lAWed turned soles— . «ze* 4 to 8-^tegidit $1.25 ; Mcfl’ t BhOMr-satin calf lacing kinds with don^a kid ton—dtei 10 and 11 only— tegular $1.50; Boys' Shoe* m nbn calf and tan lacing ityles—eiaee 12 to 5 'j--regultr $1.25 ind $1.50-FtidtjM)nly


Qotk R en aa itiA quantity of rnld wldtha

Aud lengthH. _ -------- 400. grad# atXOe.e nw. gradk atIftc. aud 3b- gtadu I2c

Cip, Saicer aad Plate.Of Ihiu KiiaJi sli porpelalii-

Miiairti arsiund rlm i — allpt«r«N perfiM’iular prirepet-wpiMMiklat............

reg.|v«r I5c

H^ood Carpet Hassadii,_jAbout tliri-x hundred in the .Ml—well iiunlx jiiid w/\ WOely Ihatiuj -rrgu-' I I J / v l»r prior r.-. riich— 1Kpeclnl Fruluv lU--..

Inported Hair Brushes.hardWfMiel harkH- iilj

Ladies’ Bibbed Vests.Wbitn veMs hi low

alylew with n**rtVfftnvy edging - Hilk iHi»fd - reguliir Ifk’, g rm le — 8iaH.‘iul tU>->' ............


8cChildren’s Cotton Hose.\ flno rlM^d Koamleioi

rh'iy with douldi' knop*- kIzvm g to n - rt'gnhirly worth 1>V'. KiH'i'ial at........... —

H-SH \ Ik-

8icAll SiHt Ribbons,

faiwyA lul of Him i|ualily rihhoris iir tli«' Jl-hi'-h g ^ widih-dight and tlurk 11 mp

Ss- w<krth l!H', I v f v- lU .........

colorliii(ler yarn

New Fancy Ribbons.In Ik viiri4<ly of laitenl

teruH — prelly e-olrkr- iiigft ami I'omlnoa- lliMiH- worth 3.*ito:ipc„ per yard“ HiM‘vlul m -


17cStraw Mattitts Special.


19cAtk exreirtirmally

gradd of fancy ('IthtA Wtatthig ill nil |xipu- lar rohnu- rtgulnr

|»er yunl-*Bl..... .

Heavy Smyrna Rugs.WiKvlkiii


UrlHt1fM--ij HhdrviguUt m-

rw- • -ii>r.

Best Camphor Marbles.Put Up Id Htrohg pnBietHvard

bckxaii—aamall lot only —mold regularly fivr 5c.

Ukv. ftw.......7

'■____ __________ A


3cBamboo Porch Screen Time.Size







3 9 c4 9 c6 9 c

Size 8x10 at 89c

Size 10x8 a v89c Size 9x 12at ),25

Rand-made Doilies.F!,lomi nr H4|iiiiro UrtukiHsiim'o

iiml hitlH'iilM-rg do!7 ;tii liHi/,fs-Kold

n'KiilarJv -'trjM'i i4t..... . 15cPretty Lace Boilies.

Hand hiudn Keiinlssnnc. Hiid mttriiInTgkinds g in S *lwl r Inch sirrs I I I / ’

rgulur JUc. ea ch -1 W dial

Pretty Silk Laces.Aikd hiiii.JhigN In ChAmilly

giitl oflifi- MylfH—a 4u6 g\ hn'he»- wiilf - vftluem 11/^ f ig ^ io r . to rale, per


HeiUMlllrlietl kitH. wliilti fir inlored bord- erM all flint {'olnuH-reg' u1«tIv wnrtli eaoh^ u hilc rlo‘ v hiM at.......

with3cGood Farasnl C»ver&


rolka Dot Calicoes.hki o»ly-’‘fa«t blackA Mioill hki only—fMt blac

Bi-'iMiiiiv V reggjulywnrih tH'r y lw — ■%.»/hiic,-i:ii Friday AuO 0 , 2 t»hil

ulur ^pedlal At

Great Carpet Sale Echo.X H R E F . bargains tkkeii at tandoTO from i Slock ovnflowing* With tarn vbIiim.With r»re vbIum.

A X n iN S TE R CARPETS-Smilh^tnoNke-I Kplendid line of dalgns knd bequtiful colorngf


Kxtra iiiixhty till woolkiniN hetkvlly fringed

‘10HUc ;n;3i7'J m<‘heM- regular |irice emcli—HfHmhkl hI •

regular price $1.10 per ]T4rd—ipoci*l fo* Fri- \ 69cI day only at.................................................... !! W OOL V E LV E T CARPETS —Uncacclled |

(or wear and no handsomer pallons or colors in 1 ^\ any grade—regulaJ everywhere price $1,00 pa j j yard—Friday ortly.......................................... J! BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS-Best five

frame quality in Whitall's or the Hartford make —our regular price $1,35 per yard- very special for Friday only............................................. J

P n re E ll i i Doilies.

89cDleacAed Utica Muslin.

W E M flllB sTOKi w m

UUNECtT IftWe sell through]

t our own itorea j dhreci from (aeto-l ytowearerAtonel

Fpraf ft. whtoh, wUtil Jour large huslneaa.l JenAblea u* to pro-' rduca A higher gradel

Pihoe for $3.50 than caqV >be had «1m where. Our

TtnodernAlylae AreappredAtedt Fby young men everywhere,

Fa fit guarmnteedL

-------------- - » • • • flalW»tliSS,fir$3.5t.i

I Why do we make end Mil morC:I $3.50 shoea than any other twoi 1 manufacturer* in the U. S.?i^I Because they are the best,j


,765 Broad St.W.T. fl*n*Ui,M|v.

H IIB R IF r*! SALES*(it on* hundrMl f*»t; tJiwvc Houtlivviirri) In H lln parmllfl wItK the wpwt tine of TterfC'n li*ent]r*nve feet; thence loulheait rlv t" Ih* line of Berpen »tr*et «n(huflOreil tHnnee northevterly tlofig the«t»i line r>r Lt«rM*n MTMt twenty-flve feci to the pier** t>r

[leini tot No. MS In block N on h map of 5Xi> (ivrn*'«l hjF Wqt^ofi WhlUlMey. locHtcii et KHwilinme Htlfhia, la MItl towi>abl|i <if Ciln- l/n, lutvrvffl bmreh. 1W'.2. bjr TUviJ Toung. C. E , "f NewHit., N. J,. and flind for rect«ra in the liPfflnter'H onlc* (ft Swatx County, N- J March. !>«*. ^

Dated April 19. IMO. e.w 4-VinTL’K, ghehfT.Ol n i Roalngir. BoltcttPTH. liKISQ)

A Deluge of Bargains!k Perfect Torreat of Imineiise Yalaes Ready, for Econoniical Shoppers Friday.

EVENT 1— B ergilii Friday No. 5>.

fChMieery A'-IUT.) liHKRIFrO BAUO-Iki C^newry of New Jereey

• Nth 3.—R«tw««n UMldUi H. Outlerm. C4im> hifeinenl. end David N. Force et «!.. defend&nti. Ft. fe., for Mlt of mottcued premlee .

Hv virtue of Ibe ibove eteted wril of Hen rHi lBH. t'k me I eheM eigo^ f'>r utebv I'Ubllo vendue, xt the Cjurihoupt In NewerN.I tueedey. the IWHiiy-eerond dey of M*y r»eti.

HI iw/i o'cliKk P, M.. *11 ihel irtel or ^rrel .-f land and prtmWti iUuete. l/lnr and ^ins In the townahip of Belleville. Kaaex County. New ■JfTimy. . , .* *

lk«Klnninr at a pofnt In the weaterly elde -.fHrlKhion atreet diatem. Muuthweetrrly twu iiiin dred «nd Iblrty-dve fret and ninety one hundrt^lha i»r e fn«A frimi an angle In (he Ytrn;erly al'le of LtHthton elreat funned by the InierHei tlnti of the cuurae of a«Ul wealerly itde of Hrt«h. i./n ■ireet running north two tlegreea four nim- utea eibHt end the rourae uf aelil etdi> uf Itrixt' ton atreei running north ihlrijr-eeven ilegr»‘eii elflueea mlnutra weal; aald dletancea La m«*ar)iir- »il (1> on m courae aoulh two deifeee f"ur mm- ut«a wiwt one hundred and forty-ala fai t ami rifty-ilx ooe'hundredtha of a foot along Oie weaterlir aid# nf HrlRhlon atreet: (3) tm a fonrae auOlh MVen degteea alx mliuitea went eiRhty-nlnp feel and ihJrty'four vtne-hundredtha of a fiMit. ellll nioiif agld wetierly aide of Urtghtun etreet: thence W-north im^degreea w « i une hundred and aetentyvflve feat: thanra ri> aoqth foriy-lwu tlagreee flfty'dve mlnutea weal twemy-flie feet: thenoe (3) aotith hfty degreaa eeat one hiindre*! ami nlnely-l«n fact ao-f (Winty-nine orw hun- dreiltha ot 4i fsiot. mure nr leea. to (he veaierly aide Kit Brighton air»^l. ihence I4| north twelve J*-gr»ee ihfrty-one inlhuiew east nineteen feel atkd awk'gnly'alKbi one-hunUrediha of a fia.>t 10 an engW'. thence (5) north aeven degree* Hr cnlnutM Mat eight feet end etghty-elght one- hundredlha (»r a foot tu Uke point or place of b « toning, . .

fselng a part of the same premlaea conveyed lo .the Mid Ernallne A. AiJama by deed dated May 4. and recorded In D 31 ofliMflfl for Reeea I'viunty, on pagra 5d!l and 5U7.

bated April, 16. IWMi. _OBORGE VIHTUK, Bhcrlff.

OllUgher A Hicharda, HoUcltur*, ____ tll4.16)




EVENT 2—Continuation of the •■ Unioading" Sate ot 5 prtnf Merchandtse.

EVENT S—Oreat Sale ot the J. Miller Stock Ladiea’ Oartnents at less than halt.

EVENT 4—Sale of OoldberK & Salamon’s Surplus Clothing Stock at 90c. on the dollar.

That's the aggressive bargain fashion In which Qoerke’a will greet you on Friday.

BoDcbss of Flofers and Folli|s—popple*.VIdletii. roMA, hTATinths, rf*lAfe*, pc_ _

lil*c**inf every known tiower, am u I 2fKO mil UMid for___ for

l>urv»lQ 3cw

____ . . jnnwnbtiiii'hra thkt hgve Ihwii

HeroretlOn. Choice,KrivlikTUDtrlminod S tra i H a ts -,^ J £ ;“ ’; „ »(hrren or two ODiorH. all kinda of plain, rnugb and fancy straw, moiiie worth m 11)1 to40r., Hllwhtly (dinp woni. / PItargAln ^'rlday............................

All tlia new weawea andStraw Braid p(ipulsroiiiurs,we will ^i.lsiT yArds im »le. While It A C

lisrgaln Prldsy, tier y*rd........

Trimnied Hats —As a special Induce* meikt we will add to our

reKkklar line, which la really worth $4, :i number of hata caiiled from varluiia liigto'T mii^d nnen of which we hare too many or a kind. Just to equallre ^ tlic fitnrk we will give you choice Z . l l l l H.irgain Friday at.................... • • W

Children's Trimnied.Batstilt* lot, all haiidsoiutily trimmed with allk mull,chlfToo, quills, wings, tlow-(• k mil vui ijuziin, rr um», ntiw- ^ ^

iills », buckltw, elc., worth / !\C BP to »i. TBWBAin Frldey *

Children’s Le|horn Flats ta.!'fd-'','T^il liriiiiSs 37ic. value. I. . .<w>ed

Kurgain Friday

Screen Doors Rednced for F rida; Onl;- Itrsi qUAllty pAfi.ted wire, i pAnels, 4-incli stytes Andlock mil, WAliintstAlned,

rfi, ft., worth up to * t A _i'nnitively only for Burffain Fri- Q V C

elKUlft. Sk«ft.«,Uft.8»lft.«.P ft. lOlAft.rfi, ;i ft, 'I ' ■<l*y

Biocted Tin Dlslipan8“ ',5 ^S ,){"^ l** 'regular 19c.. ouly one to a coa- /

r. SargaiD rrldar

ladles’ S U r t r f l ' , , tucked OAmbrfoODifwolte ruffle. All lencthn, full



Steel Enamelled Tea KettlesplM,ttoins,«nAinell*it4;ovors, 3 quart. I V Cutually 3*c. BargAin Friday.........

heavy willoi OTAl

29cWash B ash ets-ltU * ' -ttu...I.iund, full Alie, worth t*c, liAln Friday......................

Pallor B r o o m s -M d’ ^ iliu d , m efull sljre, regular 4W-. briKiin. Har-


widths, worth BOu. each Frldsy........................

Inlants' C in s i^ , * f;*3 «eu , ^ .3^51ffnp embrolde^ •wu* and lawns, full ruche, wide etringt, all elies. worth sue. each. Bargain Frfd*y--

Hen’s H e « l i ^ S h i r t s * i5f.t'iS?calfik, 5-plT laundered collare and cuffs at tachfld, noublA yokes, gathered backi* extra full Ikodiea, all sizes, worth We. to Tfie. each* Bargain rn- ^ 7 ^ day' .....................................Ladles' C hem lsesi!ir»iZ '"it> ri“ » ^with lace loaertlon and emhrmd- f jry. W4»rth Mo. Bargain Fri- lV j(^

L a fc 'D r i ie r s '-? . :„ ? i rfelled seams, handsomely trimmed with

i W ‘ 2 S crhite der-

sey and Swlia ribbed*

lull Bi/o, rvsuigain Friday./

“ RnsUe lin in gs ’’ - " w C h r i u u ' " ' *newest colon, heretofore lOr, gain Friday-

Bar- 5cDress Plaid BemnanU-li.'S^dth^.lili;:hitiatiou of colorings, three tu aeven

lia, worth l4c. yard. Baryaunl teiaBtlui, gain Friday. 7cCotert Cloths the-Superior quality, ______

choice Hliikdea uf A ] ^y a CBurbrown, gray, blue or green,

gain Friday................ - . . .

Fancy Cloth Mlitnres~^t‘r'o'l,g'"‘J*jfirm, gray, brown, blue and green Mur coinlinationa: suitable for nep- l A _ arateekirts.bieyele suits, etc. :29c. | v C value. Bargain Friday................ a ^ v

L a m s and D ln lU is -^ i^ ^ rtl^ l.’ b'^SSin all the new iuinmer shades aiKl latestdesIgDs, specially priced. Bar- j l lT gain Friday.............................

(Oiancery A 139.>BKEHIFF’B gAldK” ln Ch*nuery of

My. No. 2. Uelwt» Ti Lillian R. GulleirM. complalnsiil, and !>avld N. Force «l al.. dafand- anlB. Fk fa-* fijr aula of moiisacad pranUaaH.

By virtue of tbf above stated writ of flsri faejaa, lo me dIrt'Cfad, I shall expoae for tala by

lace 1nM4<rtl(« and embroidery^ sizes. Worth 39c. to 60c. pa' gain Friday.*..................

Ladlos’ V e s t !-S »/ C d "s“wahaped Itodles, low oeck. s}ee%'elL__ .. abort sleuves, taped neck atid armi, all slzeffl, worth t?ic. each. Bargain f|C Friday..............................................

Ken's Balbriggut Shirts and D rifd rs—o f cunihfd f^ p t ia n yaru, noft and pll- abl*. uv6rlock seams, peart buttoned, tliorunvhly well made, i ll i l i » * #• worth to 39C, eacli. BarKAlu | n C Friday............................................ * * ' ' '

Bojs’ , Hisses’ and Chlldrea's Dnder-« * * * - ■ » white and ecru, K*uie, merino wuwl „u(] Jeney rtblped, ve*U. pant# and drawers, pearl buttoned and over- t / k _ l « k seams, all sfiei, worth SSc. to I I I C j»c. each, C r e t in Friday............

Ladles’ Dongola Kid S h o e s^b '^o ^ ;

Lnich Cloths,hsudspn tkordoni woith ?9o. 4 V C------ ,»rae reiBargain Frldj

Beiing 811k7(!i:y.Slr.U5c.«RS: 3 cBai«*ln Friday......... — ..............

coin or cqinnmn wng^toes,^ all 1.00■ix6S, regularly $1.90. ........peclally fur Bargain Friday tu

Hisses’ Floe Dongida Kid ShoesBntluti only^ Bizee 13 to 3,,regular

\_k1iHl. ketlurpd for liigaTn 50cFriday to

Ladies' Lisle GloYes-.\?ksufct- only*

^backi^fun length, all sizes. 12cr*alii Friday

Ladles’ French Shoe Dressingan, ton. bollle, Q Q

Q\ 2 a CPine Pearl Battons-„*‘,e.kimHamask i l T S V t ?

temi. warranted faat colon, 69 ^lnche« wide, worth 3Dc. Z | CBargain Friday..................... — • ^

“ — >eat redGerman Linen Towelling boi^en, £extra heavy, IR aiKhei wide* Wk^h 9 C

Bargain Frtiip-

Hacbine C a t t o n - « f e « 7 „ ‘3 ? Cspool. *0. kind. BarKaiu Friday..... • * ' '

Veliet Rem nantel‘* a d '’‘'t^ ,rtS : | call oolor*. barvaln Friday. A fhr..... * *

Black Taffeta


' '

all pu r*-tiiiarantaed ailk, rich Instrqu

fast black, regular IPc. qualttj. p y C

I9cBargain Friday.

Cream D am ask -«* »^ ,a? f!J iiiM inche* wide, worth iSc. Bargain Friday........................................

B lM C h e d lisU n -J S lih f '^ il.S fto Innsdale mnslln.worth K. yard. fflaC Bargain Friday...........................

PlUof C ases-«L3S^^.‘u rS r*tS it t «* .gualUy mnallu, soft nnlsh, deep hems, aiig X iu , ironed ready lor 0 1

Bargain O 2 Clems, aiie 96x*ll, _ ___

worth JJjc- to Wc.

Pure, clean and clear, f g(xM _B,lie bundle,Cotton B a t s _ _ _ _ _

wigth lOc, Bargain FYlday.

Unhieached 8heols-i5f^f,““4“ 8f!j,4mftde of Andraiicoggln and Lot^wood inunlln, Tkx yards* himd tom« ^ A ^iroued ana d «^ hemmed, worth. u^feenn eoc. Bargain Friday

Bnehanan's Table Dildothquality,aonlepaiieriwcuihnc. yi. _______not over e yda. to a ijtiatomer.

None to XhemlerSi

tluarantoedthe b a i t

49 inchei wide* dozeni of hand'.every wanted oolor.____ itedL

‘Bamln FrldsTi 13lcShirting CaUco-JSi3 ili^“ a::d“ " " " ‘“

‘ , atrlpea and ohe^j..... . .. .. saoluteljr fast colon

kU d lard 7c. qual. Bargain Fridayolutely OhC

9c. Bargain trtday.............

DnWeached H i i n - d l ' r *weight, warranted perfectly dear,

ipliKtapie Gc. quality*Bargain Friday..... ....................

Not over 10 yarda to a caatoiuer.



Domet Flannel branSiu'iT Inches w l^ .lung nap. One aoft tinlsb, worth * 3 - Sc. to inc. yard, not over lo yards 4 d .C ‘ ’ l*v... awws


I' (' ' I f l <1 11 f I f '

O 11 I' ' I f I

to a customer. Bargain Friday.

me Shades 5r*‘Sd^£ii?r71in"S'*T.haudsomely___artsliornrulleriandtlituresooin- tn .,.

| lete.3Se. tofne. values. Bargain t y Q

Brassols Carnets-Por K rX y 'you choice of our splendid III

iclal leader r we give

...... _ . _ line of He.,___ jlsCarpeM, embracing ail the newleslgn* and rich colorings,made, reA

uM and lined /ir^ Bargain / l l c Friday at..................................

Reed R o c le rs -ff lf““ r aTear^KfiSmaple frame. At $4J»they ate j i f f a bargain. Reduced speolal for o . 4 oBargain Friday to.................... a / * ™HtMtltMC-For Friday we time ■UliVoava iQ you unreserved i ' choice of every 99 mqtttew iti 4 . the hoOM. bargikiQ Friday...*^Irish Point Lace C «ta ln s-,^ *s j, '’‘ ^ tslgiUL sHlstic RQOogh to A £(he nnent homes, worth 9A0Q*Bargain Friday at, per pair.....

i>t|l>Uu vendufB, u( (hr Cuurthoure in Newark, od Ti . . . -------------ueoday* the twenty-oeroiid day of May neaU at two o’clock R M., all that trad or p>fc*3 of Und and premitea altuaie, lying and being In (he tuwnahly uf Belleville, GoMa County, New Jerwy:

HpfflmitnK at a point In (ht weatrrly aid* of Drlahiun atreei dlatatit aouthweateriy one hun- dTFHi and oevanty-Mla feet and thlrtyvfour on«- huridredthf of a fuoi from an angle In tha weateriy aid* of Brighton atreet furmed by Ih* intenecllon of the course of Mid weateriy sideof lirlgbtDii itTeet, running norih two degreea four imnutre eaat and the couree of aald aide ofBrighton afreet running north thltiy-neven dc greea ^ghteen mlputee we*t; atld dlatetkM laShteen inlpi--- .. - ----- -

(I) on a four*e «uuth two degree* four mlnuiei went one hundred and luriy-ali feet and ri^'-eia une-hundredthe of a foot along the weMterly aide of Brighton aireet: < *) on a roume oouth erven degree* eiE mlnutei wett twenty-nine feet and aeveniy-elght one-hun- rlfpihhe of a foot; thence (11 north fifty degreei weHi one hundred and forty feet: Ihericc iZf fcruih forty-two degreei fifty-five mlnutee weal twenty-five feet; thence t3) *iuth fifty d*gr**a p*Nt one hundred Rind fifty-aeven feet and flve- (eoih* of n foot to the weeterly Hide of Brighton Rtreet' thence (41 north seven degreei ala diln* uiek eaat twenty-nine feet And M>>entyw*l^t .■lie hundredlhi of a f.>oi lo tiiF iiulni or p lm uf tieglnnlng. Being a lean of the aaina prem- lee* I'unveyOd to th* aald Einellne a . Adama by ■tee.] dated Uay 4. 18U8. ami ri -orited in Book 1, .'ll of Deed* of Kaaea t’uimty un jiogea 60*1 uiKl TjO?.

Hilled April Ifl. 19(J0.(JKOROK VlftTl'K. Sheriff,

nnllagher A Rlcharda. . ■•IUItor$ (>12.90)

Sale of Surplus Stock of

SpriflsaadSumaierQotliiBgGoldberg d: Salomon, 468 Broadway,

Ladies’ fianilkercliiefi ^

(Chancery A - UW.)ftllKRlFF’g BALE—Jn t'hantery of New J«ro«y

Between Mnrria J. UrvreUeek, cumplalnatit, and Thomaa Ksevoy et al., defriidami. yi. fa., f.T Bale of mortgaged premleei.

Hy virtu* of the above auie.i writ of fleet faiia*, to me directed. 1 elull expuHO fur oat* by public vendue, at the ( ’uunhuuse In New* ork. on Tueoday. the eighth duy uf May next, uL two o'clock P. U.. ail that (raci nr parcel of luiid and premiSM eituaie. lylrig and balng In the cKy of Newark, K«He< CT.iomy. New Jeraey, and deaigiukted on t ** ‘■ "iditta .Iota b*" longing to fV*derk-k H. Smith and CharlM Ailing. RitMte In the jrifth WariJ ef (he olty of Newark* N*w Jereey. dated Murch. 1M31. mad*by Lunn it Thompeon, aufveyurn. and recorded

ll<>ok N-7 of l>eedR for Keitex (bounty, —aid map aa lot number tblrty-on*

In _ . lUnck A of tail

llpglnnlng on (he weeierlv Bid** of Magaain* etreet at a potut aeven bumlrfd imd elghty-Oli* feet and filro Inches diatani in a Roulnerlv dt'

rtlon from the aouthweglerly vunier of Mag'izin* and Ferry atreete; th^no n> runnlni

• FurbiihN I'l rrlaffflS—jiiarterttfu’i ' i ' ■ ■■ISHl. 'Lduo (u-uuirroH

ilicy hut at-,I*

Victorii U iw i lUrgaia.M '" •Minlfricnof sxt.r» qibd-

it> lanfftha**- % 9foil 4(k ini‘h*9 wliie— 1 1 / ^ vM'i tli front lAC.toMc. 1 1 v l i-r v.ihl apoclai at--

Bkached H iA Towels.'t .'*\|(tt Sibe aufl lion-

I ’ H '-iiili fnweia—WllJftMl fm•‘uulurly vrorlh K»r.

■ h -nil ttls .Bpet'iullidf lliey Im I At • •

Linea F iiid Datsask.

along iiagiain* street oouth lhlrt>- .lexret am llfleen mmul** ™ *l iwetuy-fivi* f,vet (25 ft ‘ thence (4) aouth flfly-nine rtee Ma and fori

vniinutsa west on* Jn/m. two fl ift? ft.j, mor* or lea*; thence (3) mnrth thirty

\degreea and fifteen tninutea nf>at iWfnty-flv*f w (25 f l j ! thence (4) north fifty-nine degn. nnd fortV'ffve minute* eant one hiiti<lreil and two feet (ICv ftOi more or lea*, to .M&gaxine itreet

tf beginning. — ---------am] place of beginning. Relng ihe oamE prrm* lo(>* eonvered to the ottld Thomaw I>voy by K’rf'deriok }f- ^mlth and wife by deed bearing even dale herewith.

U&(*d Abni 2.i iatcQ a. OKORflK VlKTfE. Sheriff.John J, ^ubbell. BollcHor.____________ {>12.80)

(Chancery A—in.)'"fl BA.LK—In ('lianverv of New Jeroey

. A « i l tOWSlllllg Ilf giMx) I’ riii quuii>y'*l7 jnehox m >uilf''rflgnlif.Vftliin Hi’I'l'T yurd—flieclal wlilh*It ifiHtg at.*,'/,:**.....

With haiiMfnh^ciilori'd bur- ib-Ts—redtblMaiMl gobl. alNU ntaiii im te-rriii r il — largs alw '■ mtu-i N'. each'-^pcclai ut,

idil, pa.OC

A kilof sxtr/t lii'iivv miiKllti —35im;he»wltU* -rim t h r e a d - rfiitiliiil wortii 1 . per viird —whti« it Iah(h ill

vvmuKlUi W fa.,fnrfi"■ ^1 Jvk Hr vlrUnC Jt

rL Bam berger & Co., M arket and Halsey S ts . L

HIlgRIPf----------- i -—HelvMefl 1h Newq^AI-Ire [nstiranoe com-

iiany, complainani. ar^Tn-anriB lliiiien «( al., defendims^ ri. fa., for sale of mm igiigeit pram-

By v1r«w#- of the above itatml writ of ficr] faclag, to me directed, 1 ihatl extuse for eale by tiublli; .VCfldut. ot the rourthoiiee in Newark, un Tueaday, the fifteenth dny of Miiy next, at 2 o'clock r, M-. ah (bat traei or i>Aire] of land linu promkaea allunlo, lying tn.1 heing in tli* city of Newark. &wex (,’ounty. New .lerxey;

luglnaing In the anuthea»terlv tomer of Moufton atreei five hundred and fifty feet from Uamburg place aa the aame was oiiglnally laid out on a map of the Hod hard firhmldt pruperty* and from thenre running ouuth fifiy-elght and

half .'iegrecH went alonji oalil Kouhioh air«*( thence ooutn thirty ilegrees and

ifiutea eeat eevcnty-elght feet i.i the line -w*. w - prjjperiy: thence along ibe eame north 9fty*Mgnt and a half degree* eaat Ibirty feet; Uv*nce north ijilfty degree* and fifty minute*

thiTiy ft tUly Mn « aato r

w**t aoTentr-elghl feet to (he plare of hfigln-— . - - .* nhr- - - - •plug- Helng lot No, 7H on the nbove nieotlohed and the aeme prcmloei conveyed m bYancIa

t fllD ^ by L*tl Bnuthard and wife by dr«i re^^ord^ In Botdc 1 14 of Deedi fi*r Kmpe Coun- h's on page fikft.

1/ ifewark? N. J-. April », UiOO.' tlkOBOE YIRTL’K, Bherlff.

Whitehead A Comlli. BullcItnrR. t49-00)(Chancery A—ISS.)

BtfCRIFF'S ItALEl—In'Chancery of New Jeraey v-^ iwiwn Hamue} Iiotighly end ale., complain-

anl*, and Iteila Ort l and ale,, defendant!, K fa.,,fnreele of nimrtgaged premise*.

Hy vlrnje of (he above ntiletl writ of fi*r* faclM, to Ml* directed, 1 shall expnee for eate bf publK.Vtpdne, al the ( ’ourthmjoe in Newark, on TueHday, the fifth day of June next* at two o'dw’k K H., All Ihat tract or parcel of land

X. Y., are makeri o f Qrstclaii clotblaff. Thej have doted oat to ui their entire •urplus atook of Men'i and Boys' Sprlof and Sarnmer Garmenta. The purchase Involved a goodly sum ot money and tha liberal dlacoutt that we received to In­duce us to buy 10 large a stock places us In favorable shape to quote you the very lowest prices that were ever named oit-equil qualities. The sale begins Fri­day at 8 :30 A. M.

M en 's SutU , high grade cheviots and caaslmeres, all the popular colorings, and plain blue and black chev­iots, tplcmlldly made and nicely trimmed, sizes A g A 34 to 44, made by Goldberg & Salo.n«n toretsll A A l tal BIO.OO and 112.00. TbSi sale........................

M en s ’ It liie S e r g e S u its , a rich color, guarantaed perfectly fudeless, nicely lined and trimmed, all f> sizes, correct lU, made by Goldberg & Salomon A y f tto retail at 812.S0. Thia la le ...........................

M e n ’s S p r in g O v e r c o a ts , all wool Covert cloth, medium aoil light aliades, box style, made by a C | \ Goldberg ,t Salumon to retail at $3.60. 'tillsBale............................................... ..................... . ■

M en s ’ Pu iita o f Cusimerea and Worateda, hair­line stripes, checks, plslds, etc. 'fh * latest paG Q A , . * terns-and colorings. Made by Goldberg 4t 8al0- q W CinoD to retail al 81.50. This sale. .......................

Y o iit l ia ’ L o n g Pau tis Su tta In blue and black Cheviots, fancy tVorateds and, Cssslmarei. -Double- breasted veats. Handsomely made, lined with n n good quality Italian cloth. Made by Goldberg W Aft Salomon to retail at $7.60. 'Thia sale........

Boyg* 3 -p ic ce Su ita , In Worsteds, Caftlmerea and Cheviots, bloose aud vestee style*, .1 to 8 year*, haml- somely braided and tlnished, a Tam O’Shanter Cap to match; same snlta In reefer style, sizes 8 to 16, w with Golf (,'ap to match, made by Goldberg & I A A Salomon to retail at $2.50, Choice thli sale.. . .^ Boys’ 3 -p lec^ l^iilta . In blue aad black Cheviot*

fancy Woratedi, sizes "8 to 1$, splendlijly .ffl A n tailored snd (Inely lined; made by Goldberg f t Salomon to retsll at $6,00. This sale. ■....

A Mad Rush for the J. M iller Stock.

Almost before the announcement ot this great sale appeared tn the evening papers we were besieged by a great throng of buyers anzioas to secure th w phenomenal bargains, and tht prosper It that the crowds w ill incretse as sooB as the facts are knewn. These garmenti at nearly one-third of Mllter'e regular prices are

This U itock:

Bpriiic enlta, __ ____ladles' cloth, mixed cbeTiols. etc., bo: all styles, short Jackets silk lined price $7.w, our price.....

MooDinental Bariaios.but a brief Ktume ot the

Ladies’ of good qaxUtr homMmui. Jaeto.* box plaited akiria,

M lller’a regulai’


Lakdisi’ and Mlaaei* Bnlta, of Aue grade homeapan* Venetftuii eovert, etc.-aume haodaomely braided, others beattti-

lUlar ookora. reffularlr soldfully an»liqu^, al! the pqpi br Miller atgii-CO, o «r price

il.aited at iris, ^ g Q



>f fine Imported i t - '■ ’ji

elaboraiol'y appVlqued‘ 'or‘ breided,’‘*ome witE’ MedTof colisn, 11 the new plait! and are either apidiqued or fa fa o

Ladles’ Hnperb SprlBi Costamw. o f _______ ______ ____cloth, Venetian and homespun, every deeirable oolor. iackets silk lined throughout, skirts lined with fine grade petcalinc Ktofl, tight fitting, ny front or double breaete^, .and eltne

^ a ld t^mined . tlie acme of alyl—-------------- . , -lal leader Miller sold these sulta at |lS.oo, our price.

id irlinjn.ef <he_ acme oritylUbmllorlng :'i«1t spec- 9.98fc a few

1.89Jaelret*,* complete new line that only reached Newark afew

days since. Nobby Hprlng dacketa in lateat sbtqie*; black, tan, brown, mode.etc.; lined with ailk through­out; aold by Miller at IS.0I), our price

fiklTta-fipleudld aaaortment of dreai novettlea,. figured btiitiantmi

if Mieses'_________ _______ — jlliantme, ehand bound, all the desirable colors

Kktrtatlne,it..--..-;»* Miller at $t.7S.

Sklrta rell ille

-A big lot of {dtdie*'Bkirta In figured .;t«t dreMnoveltiei. nicely Amabed; eoh

f ik lr t i-8|>leud_ld aaaortment novelties,

lined and 'A lrts ,a t

. .. 1“ **'**•■ pic., well mada. ^liUer’a *1J0

„ ,......... aX79cWrappers — A complete uew pummer Hae o i Pflftsate

Wrapper*. haudMine klpht and dark oolorinfft Imd lataM pat- teniB, httod waist Hnlug, shoulder capes, Dicely trim* xns(i In braid, full sweepTall sizes. M lltn 's •l.M I h QWrappers ............................

lIMffl MIC.......* • . . .B oys ’ W h ite L a w n B lo u s e W a t s t A

large aaliu collars handsomely embroidered, very latest nnd dressiest style, F r t^ y and Saturday..

Boys’ Linen C iu l) Pants,a lot of odds and ends , wh i t e they last

Itoye’ KneePanU, mixed cheviots, pat­ent w a i s t bBlids, nicely made, Friday


imya'Waah fialta, ot good quality ging­ham. not a la ijem on tll

“ iSc.8c,Men’s Pearl Alpines,

Latest shapes, light or dark baud, silk binding; tegular >1.40 bats, Friday,


Vatata — A 1 l«w n Waiata, tadtrimmed with em ,„ ...........lors and cuffs. Miller a $l.*s

lot ef {.JtdiM' fikirta In.figured brill

■29c.;-white and bine-whlta <

some elaborately /r/i^ err ane os, tanmtered ool- Q y Q

Waiata—in pretty Percale and HadiSM fabrlos, all olotine*. stripe,, checks and fleutea, taandered col

andcuns,new French back. H iller’sasc. Waists■liars i

17 biff 11n« o f id qna foki

Miller’s Stock of Corsets at About 30c. on the Dollar.

Three lou , each a magnificent bar-

ibraoea^^ch !®tk.'“ ..l*B^^lng*’*

"R. ft (i..” *W. B.." -'H. ft H.” ' ft N,” ft D.'” ‘'Xhom*on’s Ql etc., all sliea, style*, colors and .ImproTement are these c o r ^ . g f v M lU*}^rlce $1 to Ii, onr price while

Hove e v e r y new

LOT a—Me. OoseeU at We., Inctni ' ■r makes, all heavily

hooka, some ofi hooks, luinnier _ Mfller’a *«c.

suip.mer net,^||^double side bam ooutU, h‘ b e p ,0 trimmed, all sizes,a t..-:.....................................

LOT $—We. Ooiaet* at SBc, N „ " "Leader," " 8. C..” and white or gray, iummer net aMoralnitl corset* In the Iff price................................

T H E Q O E R K E CO.,■ ffl • • ♦ ♦ ♦ » • » * * * * * - ^ * j

1 5 9 -1 6 7 H A R K E T S T R E E T .

gH H K trr ’B ■AUn»:n« U or WO* to bt

l iiS VSSrrtly cotSyad lo AvfUatv* B. BttTt by Aiitbonr Q. h™*’’".wlav ffli Hfflht anil** to DlVlNii

SH BRIFF '* fiA V ** ’,

anit prrttilo** alfual*, lytnff arid bclnt In th* city............................... Nr- * — •n( N'rwarli. Eaoeit Countyi New Jera*y: liMlriOJAff In til* p«Mlefly line of KrFdirich, TMi at 'point tw^ hundr«d and a*v*nty flv*

fwt ftnm the comer fotmad by th*intrro*L’|ioii w th* Mme with ih» vuutherly IlM or UarHiel Jt^L. fri;tm th#ncr ninnlni ratlftix parnlCil xm f Mm%tX otrcct on* hundred fim and tbanc.* •ootbrrly parell*! wllfrFrcfirifii^t'.atreet fifty f*«t: thwi** wwtoriy

' i>araitt1 Hnrkr1> Mtrret one hundr*d'‘f**l*1 and one t^qp t/' a&j<% line of Ftedtrlok nnd

« l y « d at r ia h ^ w l" '» * f’ o

a:K S t .M erest*’ M m raw el N.earh by

Daud VIRTUX.Kdward H. Coll*, ilolloltof.

HHKRIFF'BftThancpry A—lifl.)

!;#HEIUP’F'fl RALK -In Ch«Hcery nf New Jer- jwy. No. 1. iletwcen Ifilhan II. Oullerreic.

^Ce^plalnaHti and f>avldi N. iFcrcp ei al„ dH«Jtfldaniat Fi fa.* for Ml* of inorlKaitd ^ la *

virtue of ob'jv* *lat*d writ of fieri edta* lo m« dlreclkd, I ehall rxp*w« for'Mto publlo vendue, at lb* I'ourthouM lu New*

k. on TuMday, th« iwenty ioviwd day ot my D*it* M( iwo o'clock F- oJ^hat iract ~*rr*l of land and jpremlaM iHuai*, fylnffrjgt parr«i of land and jpremlf

^n<r twlnir in th* townamp « f Vatlevlll*. Ewvt jllAfhvnty, r>w ileroeir:

liMina at a point in the w*ei*rly aid* ofktfm aircft dlatani «nuihw*iterir one h(in-

b'huI ifitl and Afty-aia lyne-hundredih*(yofn an anil* In Mid wreterly aid* of

‘ ■ iirret HriiMd tok th* tnwateiltia uf

citurre of Mid «lde of Arlkhlon alrrec, run­ning north two il'eiyri'Oi four minute* ra*t and Ifia ouoro* ot aald ride of Uriffhton: atreei-run- ninx (lorih (hlrry-MVon d*fr*M elffh^een mlii- utna we*t; thente (i) north fifty naarva w**t one iiiindrpil*ana twenty-two «nd flv*-tenXhh fe*tnh*fww ra)'MUth fortV-two d«Kreea fifty- fl$'* Yfiirnitdil wefi tvomy'flve-fMls Viani rOouth f i r t y ^ iw i e**UoiljB lianilredb’iMi *feet to iha,westerlyNhrac* <4) twemy-mlae f*of

. iC!h*ncery A^llft*)flALlC—ln Chancery of N*4 J*ri*v

v,w3pKWHti iri'V Thlriernth Ward Nulldbif and Loan AoMclatlon of the cUy of Newark, N. J.. fofiipl^ant, and Anna lilochdlt * l tii.. dfT.end- fmti. Fl..ra.t fcr ulc of mortittf*a priwftiaea.

vltliM ul 111* above italiV writ « ( fieri, w mo (ilrectM, I ahall eaito** <aTe bya*..n,4kMI At I t-B. , ■'rt,,*., I*. VLtAWa.vendue, al the CouribouM In Newark.'on

■ ■ ' M af ,keat,.ay (be iieenty-fifcond day of p-q-'clock P . ................... .lock P. M*. ill that tract 4>r patool oi

oremlee* nltMt*. lyrnf and In>T of Clinton* Xm*s Countr* MtwdredVti* of a foot to th* wUif' or place of be-

Being a part of (he firtt tract'la aSlnnltiffet ' ■ieed from Annl* K. Adam* and hupl

Emetine A. AdHfbi, dated May 4, 181 trelcd April IH, IfkW.

nlBOROE VltlTUB, Bherlff.Qailafher. A

l l„ ________ ______ _______ ______ .. -^1n*fflh)iltix a t * tKiint « lh« WMl Une « I ’W -

■ireet *even hundrM and a*v«n|ywflv»ffen L-....... .. _... ..roar one-hundredtha fe*l Muthwaatarly f

nil Iaoutbweat ooraer ot Hawthorn* av«nu*X

M itreet: ruanini tb**** northweetoriir .|n a jya^ r l^ t* w ^ ^

on apremil eireuloj


Oicar Nauhdortt.

ileewi.Cxinveye uton br*id»c wnrk* N. j „

of K«w JarCOO|e


f-baaony A -U L

‘ 155; -irtMi ^ th* ab®''* •■•■« ot **rt

»nSno ™ » l» CoUrtb«<i«*ln N*W*tk. jhuISr tbi tw™*r-s«»0 “t } « y

m t T u ^ “ c lo c h ^ .V . »■' that iraot «innl*** altsat*. lying and............ k m i County.

N.w J«r»«y!


wuk th* |i*ltb(irw

lln. at Poartb rtO and Mv-

htarterly, fromth f tiMwly


• lU B ii i r m i $ A u » .

WMt DM hWayad teat to th. .aid tin* at Fegrtli atr«*t aad th* p la « o( battnaiag.

la th* taesnd jdac* Ifco Hcand n*rv!i. hwrtn. nliig m th* asatarly Un of Poarth .irMt, at a point tb*r«ia distant on* hundred and alnOte- four fMl Ihie* tneh« nonhtrlr rmn th* northwly lint ot th* Mowia u d Xnlea Halt. road; th*n« running along th.-lln* « ( trolutb .tieat north twtniy.Hvtn**a otgbMO nlnutH t in ilaiMn test; thme* m th u ty - two d«gt*u torty-two mbiotti tan u d paas-ihg thnittah the o*ntr* of th. Wrtltlon wall dlrldlag IB* houu itandtng «a tb* lot hmlnrdaKrtbid from on* adiotnln* aa th. iwrtb « * handled t.«ti thtnc MUth tw*nty-MV*n'd*-gmB eigbtnn mlnuM w*n slxtna rttt,.dnd lliMioe worth *|xtyHW« --------- — ----------Ults vest, and paSali tbs panltlow wall #vljai tbf Jo

torty-two wiln- tbrongh th* osntra of

Rh hoaa* .landingtiom tb. on. ad-lot

ift iwwMir •)»*' tt* piu}*irtd f*«t u iRid

of btffla*

tOdOrVIRTUB. 8b*rlt.

dieittfri: , * '**'^

tka shave itatiMt fUnrt

tap*. Atih. llftnnlh ^

kouery of New Jiin.............. ............... _Bls’-jM(irerKi« Coia|p«nir

of Newark. oMtoltlaaai. wm im J* > *»: riMi* at al.q n*iia4afltk> ^

XC] ttiiiSHiprs u '

Myf’-'iMwoen___________ . fa.* fttr *01*

mortiuad prenilich.'By ^ u « oinittvL---- ----- -- ---

Caciw. .to ia*,ffi*dct*a» * •h»» by m]HSrv*nd(Mi 01 th* CogrtlMiM* on^««tarr th* tw«Bty-a«3eiid day of Mayiw^at tweTtrotoek K M .* tract or iof land ao^ ‘prorntm aHkou, lylDw and bem in tb* cHf of Haw«rlt.lhia*ii 0 ^ t r » num

in Urt third ptW» th*Jbk* B4r»l' btgtnnlnf In tb* e*st*rtr lUM ot r - — -------- * ------ *

kSa S i JKSalhWtwt nonli t w « i y ; « m _

■u ______Fourth itnM at a pblattheteto dlitanC. M o hoirfred and t«n feat thrd*IncbM nortbariy t»m th* nmb*rly tin* o( lh« Horrti sod t t m nallroad; thn>« runnlhg•long th. lln* at FsarUi stmt north d'Xn.ty- i*v«C s^rtu atghtMn ntnaiM m t itghia-ii

IhStnolnff M tb* Bstui sM* m 'zhvMmi *inri


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