
Twitter Marketing Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

With over 645 million members, Twitter is one of the most popular social networks out there. But are you reallymaximising your Twitter marketing efforts?

When used effectively, Twitter can help you promote your content, provide responsive customer service, generateleads, and much more.

In fact, businesses that use Twitter generate twice as many leads than those that don’t. And 42% of companies thatutilise Twitter marketing have acquired a customer through it.

So where do you start? What do you tweet? When do you tweet? There is a lot to understand before leveraging Twittermarketing to it’s full potential.

To help you get up and running with your Twitter marketing, this cheat sheet infographic by James T Noble provides anoverview of the basics.

Here’s a quick recap of the main information in the Twitter marketing infographic:

Need To Know

New Twitter users per day: 135,000

Tweets per day: 58,000,000

Tweets per second: 5700

Best days to tweet: Saturday and Sunday

Percentage of businesses on Twitter: 75%

50 times more likely to trigger a purchase through a recommendation from a trusted friend

Useful Guidelines

Best times to tweet: 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm.

200% more engagement on tweets with images

86% more engagement on tweets with links

22% more responses to question-based tweets

33% of Twitter accounts you follow will follow-back

Twitter No-No’s

Don’t share opt-in pages in your tweets

Don’t simply repeat your advertising slogans

Don’t hard sell our products – people don’t share sales pitches

Don’t just talk about yourself

To generate maximum marketing impact and supercharge your Twitter marketing knowledge, have a read of my articleTop 30 Most Powerful Twitter Tips for Startups.

Infographic courtesy of JamesTNoble.

Are You Maximising Your Twitter Marketing Efforts?

Learning Twitter marketing best practices will provide a solid framework for building your campaigns.

Implementing the best practices into an effective and valuable ongoing strategy is, of course, an entirely different thing.

Are you getting the most out of Twitter?

Have you got a useful Twitter tip to share from your own experiences? It would be great to get your comments below!

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