Tutor Training #1 Tutor Expectations. Acceptable AVID Tutor Attire Clothes that maintain a professional and appropriate appearance Clothes that are neat,

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Tutor Training #1Tutor Training #1Tutor ExpectationsTutor Expectations

Acceptable AVID Tutor AttireAcceptable AVID Tutor Attire

• Clothes that maintain a professional and appropriate appearance

• Clothes that are neat, clean, and in good repair.• Men need to wear a collared shirt, button up shirt,

or tutor/staff shirt

Rules of Staff Dress CodeRules of Staff Dress Code

• No denim jeans• No cleavage showing – neckline appropriate• No spaghetti straps• No graphic T-shirts• No hats• No shorts• No showing of skin between shirts and

pants/skirts• Wear district issued ID badges• School principal/supervisor discretion on

questionable clothing• Jeans allowed for field trips or casual Friday (if

approved by the AVID Coordinator/Principal) 

Requesting Time OffRequesting Time Off

• When requesting time off, you must fill out the yellow form located in the tutoring room. It must be submitted a minimum of 1 week prior to the dates being requested. The request must be approved before the time off is granted. If you are calling in sick, you need to notify the lead tutor by 7:00 pm the night before.

Time CardsTime Cards

• AVID tutors are to sign in and out daily with Alycia or Debbie in the tutoring room. If you do not check in at the start of your shift, you will be considered late. The time cards are due to Mrs. Garcia no later than 9:00 am on the day that it is due. Failure to turn in a completed time card by the deadline will result in delayed payment for services rendered. It is your responsibility to make sure your time card is accurate. It will be audited weekly.


• AVID tutors who work 1-3 ½ hours per day are not eligible for scheduled breaks. AVID Tutors who work 3.5 hours – 5 hours per day will receive a paid 10 minute (on campus) break during their work hours. AVID tutors who work 5-6 hours per day will receive a paid 10 minute (on campus) break and an unpaid 30 minute “meal break”. Meal breaks do not have to be on campus. (California Labor Code 512)

Training Training

• AVID Tutor training is mandatory. You will be paid for the 8-hour regional training provided by RIMS AVID. The training will be from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. There will be a 45 minute lunch break. Please bring your own lunch or money to purchase lunch from a nearby restaurant. Be sure to record this day’s training on your time card.

Absences Absences

• AVID tutors are expected to adhere to their scheduled campus assignments. The expectation is that the tutors will be on the campus at their scheduled time. If an emergency occurs, the tutor must contact the lead AVID tutor, Alycia Frey, at (951) 345-9136 prior to the scheduled time.

Tardiness Tardiness

• AVID Tutors who are tardy to work may be scheduled for fewer hours in subsequent weeks. Habitual tardiness may result in termination.

Cell Phone/Internet Usage Cell Phone/Internet Usage

• The use of cell phones and internet for personal use is prohibited during the workday (unless you are on a scheduled break). If there is an instructional need for tutors to use cell phones or the internet, it must be approved by the AVID Elective teacher/coordinator.

Language Language

• Foul and offensive language will not be tolerated when on the campus. The words and tone of the AVID tutor should be void of negativity and sarcasm at all times. As a professional, you are to avoid slang and model the usage of proper English.

Suspected Abuse Notification Suspected Abuse Notification

• State law requires any suspected child abuse to be reported. As a mandated reporter, you are expected to fill out the appropriate paperwork to be submitted to Child Protective Services. Also, report any suspected abuse to the AVID Elective Teacher/Coordinator immediately.

Social NetworkingSocial Networking

• AVID tutors are prohibited from fraternizing with the AVID students through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, Snapchat, etc. AVID tutors must maintain professional rapport with the students at all times. You are expected to be friendly with the students, but not be their friend. Hanging out with students in social settings is not appropriate unless it is part of an AVID field trip or AVID sanctioned function.

Tutoring RoomTutoring Room

• AVID tutors are expected to walk around and supervise students in the tutoring room. The only time tutors should be seated is when they are assisting students. Sitting down and waiting for students to come to you is not acceptable. By walking around, you will cut down on disruptive behavior and you be more accessible to the students. Tutors scheduled for after school duty are expected to refill the copy machine with paper and leave the tutoring room clean and organized for the following day.

Tutor ExpectationsTutor Expectations

• Report to the AVID class on time and be prepared to work• Work the hours that you are scheduled to work• Show initiative by doing what needs to be done without waiting to be asked• Be well groomed and dressed appropriately according to the school’s dress code. Keep in mind that the dress code is the minimum standard. Your attire should reflect that you are a professional and would like to be treated as such by students, teachers, and parents

Tutor Expectations ContinuedTutor Expectations Continued

• Treat students, fellow tutors, teachers, staff, and parents with respect• Have good communication skills. You should be willing to ask questions and provide constructive feedback to improve the quality of the AVID program. You should also voice your concerns regarding student achievement or behavior during tutorials. • Be teachable and attend required tutor trainings

Tutor Expectations ContinuedTutor Expectations Continued

• Be familiar with, understand, and adhere to everything in the AVID Tutor Handbook. If you do not understand something, you are expected to ask the AVID elective teacher, lead tutor, or AVID Coordinator for clarification• Know how to take Cornell notes and score them during binder checks• Know how an AVID binder is setup and be able to score them appropriately • Be a good role model

Tutor Expectations ContinuedTutor Expectations Continued

• Actively participate in the tutorial process. Sitting and waiting for students to ask you questions or ask for help is not what you were hired to do. • Refrain from discussing any social behavior that is not instructionally related (i.e. parties, alcohol, skipping class, drugs, weapons, sex, etc.)• Become familiar with the specific routines and expectations of each AVID teacher’s classroom.

Tutor Expectations ContinuedTutor Expectations Continued

• The position of AVID tutor is one year position. You may work more than one year, but you will need to reapply for the position.• Encourage students to use the AVID website to obtain any missing assignments. The website address is www.nbechsavid.weebly.com • If you are working with multiple groups at once, move from group to group to keep tutorials moving.

Tutor Expectations ContinuedTutor Expectations Continued

• If you are in the tutoring room, you must stay on your feet and move about the room unless you are working with a specific student or group of students. • Students are to address you using the title, Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms.• Sign the AVID Tutor Contract before working with students

Discipline Discipline

•As an AVID tutor, you are coaching and facilitating the tutorial group. However, you may not discipline students; this is solely the responsibility of the AVID elective teacher. You may remind students of their responsibilities during tutorials (note-taking, paying attention, participating, etc.); however, if a student is continually disrupting the teaching/learning process, bring it to the attention of the AVID elective teacher immediately. Tutors may not write passes for students.

Teacher Reports Teacher Reports

•At the end of each tutoring day or session, each tutor will spend a few minutes collaborating with the AVID elective teacher. Tutors are to report how the day went: successes, challenges, and concerns about student academic or personal issues, training needs, discipline, etc. This is necessary to nurture the collaborative process between the AVID elective teacher and tutor to brainstorm, design, create, and address solutions to any and all concerns.


•The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), guarantees the confidentiality of students’ grades and information at all times. Student information may only be discussed with the AVID elective teacher for the student, the AVID Coordinator, the AVID Counselor, or the AVID Administrator.

Collaboration Collaboration

•All AVID tutorials are of a collaborative nature. Tutors are not to give students the answers or re-teach the lesson. AVID tutors serve as coaches and facilitators in the tutorial process. Tutors push the thinking of all students to a higher level through inquiry. The tutor encourages students to take three-column notes. The tutor takes three-column notes for the students who are presenting their questions to the group.

Evaluation Evaluation

• AVID tutors may be evaluated throughout the school year. Evaluations may be used to help determine whether or not you will be eligible to be a tutor for the subsequent semester and/or school year.

Questions? Questions?

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