Turducken: An artificial world for studying interscale artificial evolution

Post on 22-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Turducken: An artificial world for studying inter scale artificial evolution


    Turducken: An artificial world for studying inter-scale

    artificial evolution

    Erik Pukinskis


    The goal of this project is to design an ALife system that has a good chance of

    supporting open-ended evolution and to do so as simply as possible. This will

    hopefully lead to better understanding of what open-ended evolution is and how it

    happens. This paper presents a detailed specification of a system which was designed

    in order to support tighly coupled multi-scale evolutionary activity and encourage its



    Previous work, presented in my seminar paperIncreasing Complexity in Artificial

    Life Systems,explored several definitions of complexity and ALife research that made

    some claims about complexity. It also made four guesses about ways to create ALife

    systems that would increase in complexity over time:

    1. Use intrinsic fitness and replication functions

    2. Create an artificial physics with forces of different strengths

    3. Choose the scale of the world in the replication carefully. Replication should

    happen on a super-atomic scale (>= 1 order of magnitude larger than atoms)

    and the world should be at least 3 (?) orders of magnitude larger than the scale

    of replication.

    4. Creatures should be built of component systems

    The current work, then, tries to put some of these into practice. As it turns out, its

    very difficult to define complexity and to work with it experimentally, so Im

    focusing on a less abstract goal: an create an ALife system that supports tightly

    coupled evolutionary activity at multiple scales, where large scale structures are built

    out of the smaller scale structures. An example of this in biology is cells and

    organisms. Cells are evolving within organisms, and organisms are evolving their

    composition of cells. The holy grail of this project would be to see larger scaleactivity emerge from small: organisms evolving out of a population of cells.

    The method being employed is to specify a candidate model in pictures and words,

    and then engage in thought experiments about how it would play out, how much

    computational power would be required, and its potential for meeting the goal of

    multi-scale evolution. This has led to a design specification for an ALife system

    which can now be built and experimented with.

    Choice points in the design process

    Just as important as the specification itself are the motivations behind its properties.

    Almost all properties of the model present a tradeoffs between richness andsimplicity. I constantly fought a desire to make the model more and more like the

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    physical substrate of the biological world: molecules with complex interactions

    emerging from their structure. But the goal is not to replicate the natural world, but to

    replicate its properties of complexity and evolutionary activity across scales, and so

    made great effort to get the model down to the bear bones that would meet my goal.

    There were four major insights that came out of the design process.Physics with multi-scale forces is not important

    While it does seem true that some of the complexity that happens at a small scale

    (cellular and below) seems to arise from the fact that the physics at that scale is so

    varied, the fact that there is such complexity above the cellular level, and indeed much

    complexity in structures built entirely of cells, it seems like it would be reasonable to

    start with something like cells as the bottom of the pyramid.

    That is as deep as the analogy gets something like. The point is not to duplicate

    their behavior, but rather to create objects that might play a vaguely similar role in

    larger-scale structures.Intrinsicness is a continuum

    Another one of the major insights that arose from considering a wide range of

    possible designs is that intrinsicness of fitness and replication is not a binary property.

    A purely extrinsic replication, for example, would simply pull organisms out of a

    world, copy them, and place them back in the world, based on an external clock. A

    slightly more intrinsic replication scenario would be to put a button in the world that

    organisms could push that would replicate them. Then, the hand of god would come

    and create a copy. More intrinsic still would be if body parts could be duplicated with

    a supernatural machine, but that organisms needed to use their own power to assemble

    them. This continuum continues all the way to the point where the entire replication

    process takes place in the world, and is subject to all the same selective pressures that

    the organisms themselves are.

    This insight led me to place several buttons in the environment that allow fairly

    limited replication to occur for free. In Turducken, this is basically manifested in the

    COPY actuator, which nodes can use to copy a range of classifiers from their

    memories into other nodes. This means you can get a simple node that self-replicates

    for free. But larger structures require a more complex process which is the subject

    of most of the rest of the paper.

    The nice thing about having a largely intrinsic replication process like this is thatfitness and replication functions can be entirely done away with. Whether an organism

    survives and propagates depends only on whether the organism survives and

    propagates. With typical classifier systems, replication and fitness are handled

    extrinsically by functions crafted by the developer.

    Why is this important? Because intrinsic fitness and replication are an absolute

    requirement for organisms to emerge into fitness and replication niches created by

    other populations of organisms, and this is a key requirement for multi-scale

    organisms. In the real world, a cells fitness is determined by the structure of the

    organism, and an organisms fitness is determined by the structure of the cell, both of

    which are constantly evolving. Intrinsic fitness and replication give us a fighting

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    chance at replicating this phenomena.

    Information is impetus for growth

    A third major insight came from looking at Hollands classifier systems (Booker,

    Goldberg, Holland, 1989). Classifier systems are collections of input-output rules.

    They are presented encoded information from an external source, and the informationis matched against the entire body of rules. If the information matches any rules input

    pattern, that rule either activates some kind of actuator, or puts out another message

    for the other classifiers to consume. The classifiers that get the most work are selected

    for by an external fitness function and are allowed to remain in the system, and are

    also used to create mutated copies. Classifier systems are a fertile medium, in that

    they seem to be able to implement almost anything. Long chains of classifiers can

    emerge, with classifiers deeper in the chains consuming more and more refined

    information. This suggests a kind of open-ended complexity, with more and more

    abstract information being used.

    Indeed, this might be a good incentive for organisms growing large in the real world.

    In order to be able to process information on larger and larger scales, organisms

    would need to grow larger and more complex. It is because of this insight that drove

    me to base Turduckens information processing capabilities on classifier systems.

    Departure from classifier systems

    Early work on this project focused on creating an artificial physics that could support

    multi-scale evolution. However in the light of my personal discovery of classifier

    systems, I was faced with a choice: do I abandon the artificial physics and start

    working entirely in classifier systems? Or should I integrate some of the key

    properties of classifier systems into my artificial physics? I ended up choosing thelatter mostly for one particular reason:

    Classifier systems have a distinct, independent inside and outside. The inside is

    controlled by a genetic algorithm, and the outside is controlled by a third party,

    although it might be influenced by the behavior of the classifier system, as mitigated

    by the classifier systems body, which is off in the black box of the environment. In

    contrast, what I wanted for Turducken was a situation in which life processes

    provided the environments for each other and apply selective pressures to each other.

    This kind of happens in classifier systems, but in the end the fitness depends on an

    external process. In essence, by embodying classifiers in the way I do, I allow them to

    mutually define their own fitness landscapes.

    The Model

    This model is named Turducken, after the kitchy practice of stuffing a turkey with a

    chicken and then jamming the entire thing into a duck and roasting it. It is hoped that

    the model outlined here will yield a similarly satisfying nesting of organisms, albeit a

    nesting of a very different kind.

    Turducken is a virtual world populated primarily with nodes (Figure 1), atomic

    particles which float around in a soup. Nodes have no real boundaries or substance, in

    that two nodes can occupy the same location and can easily pass through one another.

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    Figure 1: A single node

    One strategy employed in Turducken to provide an incentive for organisms to exploit

    niches at multiple scales is to create an information-rich environment which is made

    up of organisms themselves. It oes this by embodying properties similar to one of the

    simplest-possible information environments that has been proven to support

    evolutionary activity: John Hollands classifier system. (FIXME: Citation)

    In a typical classifier system, information comes from the outside in the form of

    character strings representing sensory input. These strings are then broadcast to a

    set of classifiers, which have two parts: a pattern that may or may not match some

    sensory input, and an actuator that emits some output signal or broadcasts another

    message back to the classifier set.For example, a light detector might generate a string: 11111 that represents a bright

    light. A classifier with the pattern 1???? would match that string, and emit an output

    signal for the organism to close its eyes. Another classifier that matches strings that

    look like 1?1?1 might broadcast another message 10001 back to the classifier set,

    which would, also activate the first classifier, causing the eye close actuator to be

    activated again.

    Turducken creates a similar situation, with some small but important modifications.

    First, messages come not from the outside world, but from the nodes themselves. This

    allows life to truly provide a foundation for life, and ensure that nodes responding to

    messages from other life forms intrinsic to the world are selected for, instead of nodes

    that respond well to some extrinsic input. The simplest form of broadcasting is simply

    for a node to emit a string (Figure 2) that reaches all nodes in its local area, with a

    probability inversely proportional to distance.

    Figure 2: Message source

    These simple nodes then provide a backdrop for bootstrapping more complex

    behaviors. Nodes with movement classifiers (Figure 3) listen for messages of a certain

    form, and then move in response to matches. A node could have several classifiers all

    pertaining to different directions of movement (up, down, left right).

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    Figure 3: Message-driven movement rule

    Classifier systems can yield complicated structures of dependency, with chains of

    classifiers feeding into each other, but in order to have tightly-coupled classifiers,

    each classifier needs to encode information about the other classifiers to which it is

    coupled. This makes it harder to have tight-coupling across scales, because both thelarge and small scale must be aware of each other.

    This is why Turducken includes a concept of space, motion and several other

    constraints that are hard-coded outside of the classifiers. These constraints create an

    environment in which classifiers can be coupled, even in exclusively ways, without

    having to encode this coupling in their input/output patterns. As described, nodes have

    position and motion, but a third property of these classifier bodies is bonds. (Figure


    Figure 4: Three bonded nodes

    Nodes can bond with other nodes by using the BOND actuator. This actuator

    essentially offers a bond conditionally on matching a certain message pattern. So a

    node which offers a ???? bond will match any other bond-offering node, whereas a

    node offering a 1011 bond will only match generalizations of that string.

    The bonding process is shown in Figure 5. Any two nodes in close proximity withmatching bonds offered automatically bond together. Both nodes can then break the

    bond with a corresponding BREAK actuator.

    Figure 5: The mechanism for node bonding (steps 1-4) and bond breaking (step 5).

    Once nodes have been bonded together, they can move as a group with a rubber-

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    band effect. One node can move, and the others will be dragged behind it. (Figure 6)

    In addition, bonded nodes can send private messages to one another via a MESSAGE

    actuator. (Figure 7)

    Figure 6: Movement of bonded nodes.

    Figure 7: Private communication between bonded nodes.

    Detailed specifications for the different actuators and their diagramatic representations


    MOVE(x, y)

    Causes the node to try to move x steps horizontally and y steps vertically. The node

    may or may not actually move, depending on the stress on its bonds.

    The only new actuator used here is the COPY actuator, which erases all of the

    classifiers in a bonded node and then copies a subset of the current nodes classifiers

    over it.

    The next step is to describe how the behavior of the + node might be implemented in a

    turducken structure. Ideally, the structure would have some generic set of machinery

    and then a string of nodes that contained the actual instructions carried out by +.

    BOND(bond_id, pattern, message)

    Where bond_id is a number to use as a label for the bond, pattern is the pattern that

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    needs to be matched by the other node which is offering a bond, and message is the

    message to broadcast when the bond is formed. If the bond_id is left blank, a bond

    will be formed with no ID, and if the message is left blank, no message will be


    BCAST(message)Broadcasts messages to nearby nodes. The message strength would fall-off at

    longer distances, meaning the probability of reception would decrease. Therefore a

    large array of nodes could reliably hear fainter messages.

    MSG(bond_id, message)

    Sends a message to the single node that is connected on bond_id.

    COPY(first_classifier, last_classifier, bond_id)

    Copies the invoking nodes classifiers to the node connected on bond_id. Only in the

    numerical range provided are copied.


    Breaks the bond with the given bond_id.

    Intrinsic Fitness and Replication

    There are many ways to self-replicate, and parasites often exploit highly creative

    reproductive niches, but a good starting point for self-replication is to break the

    process down into three tasks: describing the activity of building an organism,

    describing the mechanism by which a blueprint is decoded into that activity, and

    describing the mechanism by which the blueprint gets copied.

    Lets start by examining a mechanism by which structures in Turducken might be



    A simple self-replicating structure in Turducken is complicated enough that it needs

    to be looked at in parts. To do this, we will assume temporarily that we already have a

    nettwork of nodes (represented by the + node) which can carry out a sequence of

    actions. Later on well describe how the + node could be implemented. Figure 8

    details the steps that would be required to build the simplest multi-node structure.

    Despite the fact that the target structure is relatively simple (A-B), quite a few stepsare required, and a good bit of overhead. It turns out, it would be relatively simple to

    write up a set of classifiers for a node that would do what + does. It would be a lot of

    classifiers, but it would be doable. However, we couldnt simply work those out and

    be done, because it that approach wouldnt really work for large-scale objects. Youd

    have to have millions of classifiers in one node, and nodes are meant to be simple,

    largely atomic information processors. In order to have a large-scale replication

    process we need to be able to store the blueprints in a chain of nodes.

    The next step is therefore to describe how the behavior of the + node might be

    implemented with a structure that reads a chain of nodes.

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    Figure 8: Structure building with a god node (the +).

    First + Implementation

    My first crack at this was to a string of command nodes (A,B,C) and then a sort of

    playhead node (~) which would tell a command node to write an instruction to the +

    node and then send a message to + to tell it to carry out the command. The ~ and the

    command node would then work together to move the + and the ~ on to the next

    command node.

    This entire process is depicted in figure 9. The system depicted will wait for a

    message to come from nearby, because this is sometimes required by the specification

    for +. Advancing to the next step without waiting for a message simply requires

    adding the actions from ~s [P create] classifier to its [START create] classifier.

    The classifiers required for this behavior are shown below:

    A and B:

    1. M -> COPY(6,7,2)


    2. Q -> MSG(2,T)

    MSG(0,S)3. S -> BOND(1,R,V)

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    -> BOND(2,U,W)

    4. V -> BREAK(1)

    5. W -> BREAK(2)

    6. N -> [do something* create]

    BCAST(P) [or let the structure being built broadcast P create]

    7. T -> BOND( ,U)


    1. START -> MSG(0,M)

    2. P -> BOND(1,R)


    3. W -> MSG(1,M)

    Note that classifier 6 in the command node could be anything. Its simply whatever

    action + is supposed to carry out at that moment. This classifier is the only one that

    varies from node A to B to C, and is really the blueprint information.

    Figure 9: Initial implementation of + node with genetic chain

    There are a few known bugs with this implemention. Classifier 3 in ~ waits for the

    W message, signifying one of the bonds in step 7 being made, but really it should

    wait for the V message too. This could be done trivially with an extra classifier and

    a way to store state. State storage is described in section FIXME below.In addition, ~s bond to node A is bond 0, but when it bonds to node B it has to use a

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    new bond: bond 1. That means the classifiers that worked with A will no longer work.

    This could probably be fixed by breaking the bond with A before forming the bond

    with B.

    This still has no mechanism for copying the A-B-C chain, which would need to be

    automated somehow. A mechanism for this is described in the Copying theblueprint section below. The real problem, though, is that this setup is awfully

    complicated, and it requires a LOT of procedural information to be duplicated and

    stored in the A-B-C chain. Ideally that chain would contain only the raw instructions

    to be carried out by +. A structure that is much closer to this level is described in the

    following section.

    Second + Implementation

    Figure 10: Second + implementation

    After thinking through the initial implementation of +, it seemed like the same

    behavior could be accomplished much more simply. My second strategy was to have

    the A-B-C nodes just send an encoded command to the + node and have the + nodedecode it and carry it out. This process, depicted in figure 10 required fewer nodes,

    however it requires + to have a large number of classifiers for decoding the

    commands. Below are the classifiers required for processing the A-B-C sequence,

    along with a sample of a few of the decoding classifiers:

    A,B,C, etc:

    1. P -> MSG(0,[encoded command create])



    2. N -> BOND(0,M,P)

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    1. Q -> BOND( ,M)

    MOVE?,? -> MOVE(\1,\2)

    BOND?,?,? -> BOND(\1,\2,\3)

    BCAST? -> BCAST(\1)


    Note that Ive introduced a new feature here in the classifiers, which is the actual

    content of blocks of ?s can be referenced in the actuator part of the classifier with an

    escaped number.

    More ?s would likely have to be used to be able to use longer messages. Or perhaps a

    * operator should be introduced so that ?* would match a string of any length.


    In order to have the + node wait for a certain message before proceeding, we need

    some way to store state. This is pretty trivial, but it requires two nodes. (Figure 11)The first node contains both states of the second node, and the second node essentially

    asks the first node to rewrite it in order to change state.

    Figure 11: Storing state

    Waiting for messages with the second implementation

    Our original implementation of + described how the + could have an instruction that

    would wait for a message before it executed. This doesnt automatically work in the

    new system, because we need a way to prevent the message from having an effect

    until that piece of the genetic code is activated. This is why we needed a way to

    store state, and the mechanism described for storing state provides us with our


    Figure 12 depicts a node tuple (S and B) which has an ON state and an OFF state, andonly responds to a message when in the ON state. The ON state responds to a

    message, and the OFF state doesnt. The mechanism pictured is basically the same as

    the one in figure 10, except with a few extra classifiers for changing state.

    This situation still has a few bugs. Likely, the mechanism should change the state

    back to OFF after advancing to the next node (C, not pictured). However, it can

    change the state to off in just the same way it changed it to ON, by S copying Bs new

    state onto it. There is no need to belabor the process.

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    Figure 12: Second + implementation, with waiting

    Copying the blueprint

    The last big unexplained component of a self-reproducing Turducken structure is the

    replication of the genetic code, in this case, the A-B-C- chain of nodes. Figure 13

    depicts a piece of a rather buggy replication process, but its a starting point. The X

    node grabs a free floating node and programs it to try to bond to A. X then tells A to

    bond to the free floating node (now programmed as Y) and A does so. A then copies

    its code onto Y, turning it into a clone, while X releases A and swings around to bind

    to B. A essentially tells B that X is ready for it and B offers a bond to X.

    There are several bugs in this process. First, it fails to copy the S (state) nodes, usedfor waiting in during the construction process, which are described above. This is a

    tricky issue, but perhaps it could be solved by having the state nodes be part of the

    chain, rather than offshoots of it. The second major bug in this copying process is that

    it doesnt really describe how the copied nodes come to be bonded to each other.

    Obviously in the next few (unpictured) steps X would have to tell the new Y node and

    the A node to bond to each other.

    The trouble with all of that is that it just puts a lot of complexity into the A-B-C

    nodes. And that just seems less than ideal from the perspective of a computer

    scientist. But if it works, and its enough to get the process of adaptation started,

    maybe its fine.

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    Figure 13: Copying the blueprint


    The same major criticisms of this project remain from the beginning of the quarter.

    Its based on intuition. Theres no data to prove anything. Theres not even really avery good argument about why it ought to work. In fact, I myself have little

    confidence that it will work. But it is a much more detailed picture of my intentions

    than I had three and a half months ago. And most usefully it allows me to see flaws in

    my thinking I couldnt really see before.

    And it provides a platform on which to actually test some of my hypotheses. So thats

    progress. Still, bugs remain in the self-replication process described here. And its not

    clear that any kind of evolutionary activity would happen in a population of these,

    especially given that theres no energy being transacted, only information, which

    doesnt leave a lot of incentive to evolve.

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    Still, parasites could easily be introduced that would attack these larger structures, and

    that might provide enough selective pressure to evolve competetive mechanisms that

    would then provide a medium for further competition. Id certainly like to give it a


    ReferencesLB Booker, DE Goldberg, JH Holland (1989) Classifier systems and genetic

    algorithms. Artificial intelligence [0004-3702 create] Booker yr:1989 vol:40 iss:1-3


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