Tunnel lighting Lighting...CIE 88-1990 Guide for the lighting of roads, tunnels and underpasses. BS 5489-2: 2003 Roadlighting Part 2: Code of Practice for the design of road lighting.

Post on 28-Jan-2021






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  • Tunnel lighting

    rodNorth Star Lighting

  • 22


    Introduction 2 - 3

    Tunnel lighting criteria 4 - 5

    Types of tunnel lighting 6 - 9

    Thorn expertise 10

    Controlling tunnel lighting 11

    Product testing 12

    Products 13 - 15

    Case studies 16 - 17

    Applications gallery 18

    International references 19

    As our road networks become more crowded, the use oftunnels and underpasses is expanding, to improve trafficflow, and also to protect local environments fromincreased traffic exposure.

    Within tunnels, where maintenance access can be limited,and where corrosive atmospheric conditions are common,reliable performance of the lighting system is critical, as is the need for absolute minimum maintenanceoperational requirements.

    The objectives of tunnel lightingThe aims of tunnel lighting are:

    • Firstly, to allow traffic to enter, pass through and exit the enclosedsection safely

    • Secondly, to do so without impeding the through-flow of traffic.

    These aims are achieved by the adequate illumination of the tunnelinterior, which allows drivers to quickly adjust to the light within,identify possible obstacles, and negotiate their passage withoutreducing speed.

    These requirements apply during the day when the contrast betweenoutside and inside is significant and at night when it is less, but reversed.

  • 33

  • 2 Threshold zone

    1 Access zone



    Direction of travel


    distance (SD)

    L20 (outside lumin









    Tunnel lighting criteria

    The 5 zones of tunnel lightingCIE guidance (CIE 88-1990),and UK standard (BS5489-2:2003) state that the amount oflight required within a tunnel isdependent on the level of lightoutside and on the point inside thetunnel at which visual adaptationof the user must occur.

    When planning the lighting of a tunnel, there are 5 key areas to consider:

    1 Access zoneNot within the tunnel itself, this is the stretch of road leading toits entrance.

    From this zone, drivers must beable to see into the tunnel inorder to detect possible obstaclesand to drive into the tunnelwithout reducing speed.

    The driver’s capacity to adapt inthe access zone governs the

    the level required in the interiorzone. The reduction stages mustnot exceed a ratio of 1:3 as theyare linked to the capacity of thehuman eye to adapt to theenvironment and, thus, time-related. The end of the transitionzone is reached when theluminance is equal to 3 times the interior level.

    4 Interior zoneThis is the area betweentransition and exit zones, often the longest stretch of tunnel.Lighting levels are linked to thespeed and density of traffic, asoutlined in the table below.

    Luminance to be maintained ininterior zone

    Extra urban, low traffic, low speed (70km/h) 2 to 6cd/m2

    Highway 4 to10cd/m2

    Urban 4 to10cd/m2

    lighting level in the next part ofthe tunnel. One of the methodsused by CIE to calculate visualadaptation is the L20 method,which considers the averageluminance from environment, sky and road in a visual cone of20°, centred on the line of sightof the driver from the beginningof the access zone (see below).

    2 Threshold zoneThis zone is equal in length to the ‘stopping distance’. In the firstpart of this zone, the requiredluminance must remain constantand is linked to the outsideluminance (L20) and trafficconditions. At the end of the zone,the luminance level provided canbe quickly reduced to 40% of the initial value.

    3 Transition zoneOver the distance of thetransition zone, luminance isreduced progressively to reach

    5 Exit zoneThe part of the tunnel betweenthe interior zone and the portal.In this zone, during the day time,the vision of a driver approachingthe exit is influenced bybrightness outside the tunnel.

    The human eye can adapt itselfalmost instantly from low to highlight levels, thus the processesmentioned when entering thetunnel are not reversed.However, reinforced lighting maybe required in some cases wherecontrast is needed in front of orbehind the driver when the exit isnot visible, or when the exit actsas entrance in case of emergencyor maintenance works where partof a twin tunnel may be closed.The length is a maximum 50mand the light level 5 times theinterior zone level.

    2. Temporal adaptation: humaneyes need more time to adaptfrom brightness to darkness thanthe reverse. During this period ofadaptation, the distance travelledis a critical factor.

    Good tunnel lighting allows users to enter, pass through and exit the enclosed section safely and comfortably

    Stopping distance


    20° 10°

    1. Spatial adaptation: the largedifference in luminance betweenthe outside and the inside of thetunnel will impede the vision ofthe driver when he is at theadaptation point (‘A’, opposite).The “Black Hole” phenomenonengenders a feeling of discomfortand insecurity.

    Visual adjustment

    The visual adjustment from highluminance to low luminance whiledriving is not instantaneous. This is because of two disabilityphenomena:

  • 3 Transition zone

    4 Interior zone

    5 Exitzone

    Parting zone

    2 x SD


    luminance) Lin(interior lumin


    Lex(exit luminanc




    Entrance and exit portalsThe entrance portal of the tunnel is the partof the tunnel construction that corresponds tothe beginning of the covered part of the tunnel,or - when open sun-screens are used - to thebeginning of the sun-screens. The exit portalcorresponds to the end of the covered partof the tunnel, or - when open sun-screens areused - to the end of the sun-screens.

    Exit zoneThe exit zone is the part of the tunnel where,during the daytime, the vision of a driverapproaching the exit is predominatelyinfluenced by the brightness outside the

    DefinitionsAccess zone luminance L20The average value of the luminance in a 20°cone of the driver’s visual field from the accesszone and centred on the tunnel entrance.

    Contrast revealing coefficient qcThe ratio between the luminance at the roadsurface and the vertical illuminance Ev at aspecific location in the tunnel qc + L/Ev. Themethod of tunnel lighting may be defined interms of the contrast ratio in two ways:symmetric lighting and counterbeam lighting(see pages 6 - 7).

    tunnel. The exit zone begins at the end of the interior zone. It ends at the tunnel’sexit portal.

    Interior zone luminance (Lin)The average luminance in the interior zonewhich constitutes the background field againstwhich objects will be visible to users.

    Parting zoneThe parting zone is the first part of the openroad directly after the exit. The parting zoneis not a part of the tunnel but it is closelyrelated to the tunnel lighting. It is advisedthat the length of the parting zone equalstwo times the stopping distance. A length of more than 200m is not necessary.

    Stopping point (SP)The position within the access zone on the approach road at a distance equal to the stopping distance (SD) from the tunnel entrance.

    Stopping distance (SD)The theoretical forward distance required bya driver at a given speed in order to stopwhen faced with an unexpected hazard onthe carriageway.

    This takes into account perception andreaction time as well as road surface.

    Threshold zone luminance (Lth)The average luminance in the threshold zone which constitutes the background fieldagainst which objects will be visible to driversin the access zone between the stoppingpoint and adaptation point.

    Traffic flowThe number of vehicles passing a specificpoint in a stated time in stated direction(s).In tunnel design, peak hour traffic, vehiclesper hour per lane, will be used.

    Transition zone luminance (Ltr)The average luminance in the transition zonewhich constitutes the background field againstwhich objects will be visible to drivers.

    Veiling luminanceThe overall luminance veil consisting of the contribution of the transient adaptationand stray light from optical media, from theatmosphere and from the vehicle windscreen.

  • 66

    Tunnel road lighting must provide comfort and safety and maximisethe visual performance of users.

    Types of tunnel lighting

    Symmetrical andasymmetrical lightingUsed generally for transition andinterior zones for long tunnels,and in short tunnels, or lowspeed tunnels for all zones.

    Asymmetrical lighting can alsobe a means of reinforcing theluminance level in one way tunnels.

    Asymmetric counter beam lightingTo reinforce the luminance leveland at the same time accentuatethe negative contrast of potentialobstacles. Counter beam lightingis achieved with asymmetricallight distribution facing into thetraffic flow, both in the directionof the on coming driver and inthe run of the road. The beamstops sharply at the vertical planepassing through the luminaire.No light is directed with the flow of traffic. This generatesnegative contrast and enhancesvisual adaptation.

    Other factorsAs well as the above, furtherfactors must be taken intoconsideration when preparingtunnel lighting. These include theshape of the portal, type anddensity of traffic, traffic signage,contribution of wall luminance,orientation of tunnel, and manyothers. National, European andInternational legislation andguidance sets out minimumstandards for tunnel lighting.

    Relevant legislationCEN TC 169/WG 6

    Technical Report Final Draft 08.2001.

    CIE 88-1990

    Guide for the lighting of roads,tunnels and underpasses.

    BS 5489-2: 2003

    Roadlighting Part 2: Code of Practice for the design of road lighting.

    Typical tunnel lighting arrangements

    No day time lighting 50% of normal threshold zone lighting level normal threshold zone lighting level

    Day time lighting of tunnels for different lengths(CIE-Guide for the lighting of tunnels and underpasses)

    When lighting a tunnel, its length, geometry and immediate environment must be taken into account as well as traffic densities. Differing lightlevels are set for each project, according to the governing standards summarised below:

    Length of tunnel 125m

    Is exit fully visible when viewed from stopping distance in front of tunnel?

    - yes yes no no no yes yes no no no no -

    Is daylight penetration good or poor? - - - good good poor - - good good good poor

    Is wall reflectance high (>0.4) or low (

  • Wall mounting: asymmetric

    al lighting

    Ceiling mounting: aymmetr

    ical counter beam lighting


  • 8

    Tunnel lighting must allow vehicles to enter, pass through and exit theenclosed section safely withoutimpeding the through-flow of traffic.

  • 9

  • 1010

    Thorn expertise - creating the best tunnel lighting and visibility

    Lighting a tunnel is a complexand specialised task. Thorn hasdeveloped dedicated lightingsystems and services to assistplanners from concept toimplementation, managementand servicing.

    While luminance levels are used for accurate theoreticalassessment, in practice,illuminance is more often used.Thorn assessment studies,therefore, are executed usingluminance values, with resultspresented as illuminance values.

    It is commonly accepted in road lighting that, even with themost accurate calculations andmodelling to give the lighting levelsrequired by the most stringentstandards, there is a substantialdifference between what themathematical lighting conditionsare, and what each individualdriver subjectively sees in reality.This is especially true for tunnellighting, where such sharpcontrasts in light levels prevail.

    Thorn in-house visibilitymodelling softwareAt Thorn we have addressed thisproblem head on. Continuousresearch and development hasled to more sophisticated anddetailed understanding of lightingand its effects on vision. Alongwith rapid advances in IT, thishas allowed us to developdedicated in-house softwarewhich combines mathematicalmodels of physiological stimuliwith conventional lightingmodelling parameters to generateresults which are, visually, as wellas mathematically, accuratebeyond alternative visualmodelling techniques.

    Thanks to an impressive numberof variables, our software is aunique and accurate tool. Itverifies the ability of a givenlighting system to meet the visualcriteria set by all national andinternational standards regardingdetection of obstacles on theroad, within the allocated time.

    Helping lighting designersand tunnel usersTaking into account criteria fromthe tunnel exterior and interior,the software generates a table ofvisibility levels (VL) that shows theextreme influence of daylight onthe values of VL on targets in theentrance and threshold zones ofthe tunnel.

    Experiments demonstrate that theminimum Level of Visibility (VL)should have a value equal to orgreater than 7 to ensure detectionof planar or spherical targets.Though in Thorn’s currentcalculations, the target size maynot exactly represent a potentialobstacle in a tunnel, they showthe behaviour of light on real,multifaceted objects whose diffusereflectance can be modified andtherefore they represent a realvisual scenario for tunnel users.

    The design of the lighting systemneeded for a tunnel is the job ofexperienced designers whodefine the scheme, the choice ofthe lighting system, the type andnumber of luminaires and theirappropriate light distribution.Thorn’s visibility software providesinvaluable new input into thedesign of optics for tunnel fittingsmaking it easier for designers to create lighting systems andlight distribution schemes fortunnels that maximise the visualperformance and comfort of users.

    Thorn visibility modelling software indicates the ‘real’ visibility of objects asperceived by the tunnel user, as well as the mathematically calculated levelsrequired to meet the relevant standards.

    Thorn software measures anticipated light falling on a series of facets, in order to calculate luminance gradients on target objects.

    Our development programmesemploy specialised software tohelp develop highly engineeredoptics, to optimise lightingsystems, and to allow ourlighting engineers to providemaximum safety and comfort for tunnel users.

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    Controlling tunnel lighting

    For the critical approach areasand interiors of tunnels, closecontrol of light levels is essential.Levels of light outside the tunnel,time of day, speed and densityof traffic, all influence the lightingrequirements within. We offerfully integrated control systems to meet this demand.

    Computer software

    assesses camera

    data and issues

    instructions to combox

    External camera

    monitors light

    levels and traffic

    flow in real time

    Stopping distance

    Combox issues commands

    to individual luminaires

    according to pre-set criteria

    PLC manages electrical network

    and operates camera

    Light fittings switched

    on/off or dimmed

    DSI and DALI controls for fluorescent lamps• Digital dimming for HF gears operating

    fluorescent lamps• Unique cabling

    Benefits• Group management• Extendible installation• Capability to interface DSI and DALI

    controls with analogue 1 - 10V command on existing installations

    • Ease of installation thanks to non-polarisedcommand wires

    • Enhanced safety of operation as signalsnot subjected to interference

    Power switch controls for HID lamps• Manual or automated power reduction

    for HS lamps

    Benefits• Ease of installation as integrated in

    control gear• Cost efficient options• Suitable for threshold and central zones

    Power line controls for HID lamps• Automated but re-programmable controls• Detailed feedback on supply, status logs,

    dates, times and burning hours

    Benefits• Group management• Individual control and monitoring• Upgradable installation• Possible remote access option via

    central server• Capacity to interface the system

    with data base• Low installation and operation costs• Reduced maintenance schedules

    Thorn tunnel lighting controlThorn offers a comprehensiverange of tunnel luminairesparalleled by an advanced, highlyinnovative control system which isadapted to tunnel applications:

    • From basic to technologicallyadvanced, highly innovative systems

    • Fluorescent and HID lamp solutions

    • Integration of up to date gear options

    • Easy to install and operate systems

    • Cost efficient systems

    • Optimisation of safety conditions

    From simple standard on/offoperation, to complex stepdimming or security networks,Thorn provides the bestprofessional assistance inadvising and offering the rightsystem to meet the requirement.


  • 12

    Tough luminaires for tough environments

    In any given tunnel environment,there may be moisture, salts,sulphur pollutants, exhaust fumesconsisting of hydrocarbons andorganics, fuels and oils, soot,dust and strong washingdetergents from jet cleaning.

    Furthermore, analysis of watersamples identifies the followingcompounds: toluene, sulphate,zinc, sulphide, molybdenum,cadmium, beryllium and mercury.


    Clearly some of these compoundsare the result of corrosion products.Sodium chloride and otherchlorides used for road de-icingcan add to the chemical cocktail.

    Depending on the region (marine atmospheres or longmountain tunnels, for instance),these chemical combinations canresult in the presence of sulphuricor nitric acid!

    Salts, sulphur pollutants, exhaust fumes consisting of hydrocarbons and organics in tunnels can result in the presence of sulphuric or nitric acid.

    Optic design

    Photometric measurement

    Corrosion testing

    Assembly and quality control

    Impact resistance testing

    Water ingress protection testing Gear testing

    Luminaires installed in suchenvironments can get rapidlycontaminated. There is no rainfall to wash away thedeposits that settle, condense or get splashed on their surfaces.Regular maintenance canalleviate the conditions, but, in general, this is usuallyimpractical due to the logistics ofaccess, tunnel closure and cost.

    In such hostile environments, it isvital to choose designs and

    materials that create luminaireswhose function and effectivenesswill not be compromised.

    Thorn’s tunnel luminaire rangesare designed to withstand ‘tunnellife’ and are made of the highestquality materials, integrating thelatest developments in terms ofingress protection, shock andvibration resistance as well as arange of features to facilitateease of access and maintenance.

  • 1313

    • Dedicated to FDH 49W lamps

    • 4 long closing plates

    • Slim lightweight profile

    • Axial or lateral surface mounting

    ApplicationsSymmetrical and asymmetric light distribution.Suitable for urban tunnels,underpasses and galleries.

    EquipmentLouvres, dimming devices,mounting brackets supplied tomeet project requirements.

    LampsMax. 2x49W T16 (FDH) Linearfluorescent. Cap: G5

    Materials/FinishHousing - powder coatedgalvanised steel with anodisedaluminium locking plates, orstainless steel with anodisedpowder coated locking bars.Enclosure – 4mm thick toughened flat glass.Reflector in 99.8% purealuminium.

    StandardsDesigned to comply withEN60598-1/IEC598-1 andEN60598-2-3/IEC598-2-3Class I Electrical IK08/5 Nm



    • Sturdy construction

    • Quick change gear tray design

    • Shallow profile

    • Set of attachments

    ApplicationsIdeal for lighting service or emergency areas.Suitable for traffic, pedestrianand train tunnels.

    EquipmentGlare hoods, wire guards, polemounting brackets.

    LampsMax. 70W HSE-I (SE/I) Highpressure sodium internal ignitor.Cap: E27Min. 70W/Max. 100W HST (ST)High pressure sodium. Cap: E27/E40Max. 110W HSE (SE) High pressure sodium. Cap: E27Min. 70W/Max. 100W HIE (ME)Metal halide.Cap: E27/E40Min. 80W/Max. 125W HME(QE) Mercury. Cap: E27Min. 2x18W/Max. 2x26W TC-D (FSQ) Compact fluorescent.Cap: G 24d-2/G: 24d-3Max. 1x200W A80/m (IAA-80/m) Incandescent.Cap: E27

    Materials/FinishHousing - LM6 marine gradealuminium powder coat finishHinges, locks and fixings -stainless steelEnclosure - borosilicate glass lens.

    StandardsClass 1 Electrical

    IP65/ IP66


    Titan Titus

    Titus - galvanised steel version

    Louvre attachment for light control

    Adjustable mounting bracket

    Easily operated, strong locking bar offers security and ingress protection

    1620 / 49W

    FC 1598 / 49W

    1534 / 49W

    1234 / 54W

    FC 1298 / 54W

    1320 / 54W



    Sturdy one piece bulkhead

    Titan DIP with wire guard

    Titan with glare hood

    Emergency version of Titan






  • 14

    • Lightweight construction

    • Continuous closing clip

    • Front opening without tools

    • Removable gear and easyaccess to lamp andconnections

    EquipmentTerminal block, fuse, cableglands, sockets, cable length,fixing brackets supplied to meetproject requirements.

    Materials/FinishHousing – extruded AIMgSialuminium powder coated 80 micronsHinge and locking bar ofextruded AIMgSi anodisedaluminium.Enclosure – 5mm thick,toughened flat glass.Reflector – 99.8% purealuminium.

    StandardsDesigned to comply withEN60598-1/IEC598-1 andEN60598-2-3/IEC598-2-3Class I ElectricalIK08/5 Nm


    Aluminium Gothard

    7826 series ApplicationsSymmetrical light distribution.For urban tunnels, underpasses,galleries.

    LampsMin. 1x50W/Max. 1x100WHST (ST) High pressure sodium.Cap: E27/E40Min. 35W/Max. 55W LST (LS)Low pressure sodium.Cap: BY22dMin. 42W/Max. 57W TC-TEL(FSMH) Compact fluorescent.Cap: GX24q4/GX24q5

    7823B series Continuous locking bar Counter beam optics Easily accessible gear tray and lamp

    7823B series and 7824B series 7826 series

    760 - 1581338




    7824B series ApplicationsSymmetrical light distribution.For road tunnels, urban tunnels,underpasses, galleries,adaptation and transition zones.

    LampsMin. 1x50W/Max. 2x400WHST (ST) High pressure sodium.Cap: E27/E40Min. 1x250W/Max. 2x400WHIT (MT) Metal halide.Cap: E40Min. 36W/Max. 66W LST-HY(LSE) Low pressure sodium.Cap: BY22dMin. 28W/Max. 54W T16(FDH) Linear fluorescent.Cap: G5Min. 36W/Max. 58W T26 (FD)Linear fluorescent.Cap: G13Min. 55W/Max. 80W TC-SEL(FSDH) Compact fluorescent.Cap: 2G7

    7823B series ApplicationsAsymmetrical light distributionand counter beam.For road tunnels, urban tunnelsAdaptation and transition zones.

    LampsMin. 1x50W/Max. 2x400WHST (ST) High pressure sodium.Cap: E27/E40Min. 1x250W/Max. 2x400WHIT (MT) Metal halide.Cap: E40Min. 36W/Max. 66W LST-HY(LSE) Low pressure sodium.Cap: BY22dMin. 28W/Max. 54W T16(FDH) Linear fluorescent.Cap: G5Min. 36W/Max. 58W T26 (FD)Linear fluorescent.Cap: G13Min. 55W/Max. 80W TC-SEL(FSDH) Compact fluorescent.Cap: 2G7

  • 1515

    • 3 reinforced high strengthclosing clips

    • Front opens without tools

    • Removable gear and easyaccess to lamp and connections

    • Shallow profile

    EquipmentTerminal block, fuse, cableglands, cable length, fixingbrackets supplied to meet project requirements.

    Materials/FinishHousing – stainless steel(EN1.4404) powder coated 80pm.Hinges and locks – stainless steel.Enclosure – 5mm thick toughened flat glass.Reflector – 99.8% purealuminium.

    StandardsDesigned to comply withEN60598-1/IEC598-1 andEN60598-2-3/iEC 598-2-3Class 1 ElectricalIK08/5 Nm


    Steel Gothard (Galvanised or Stainless)

    7828 series ApplicationsSymmetrical light distribution.For road tunnels, urban tunnels,underpasses, adaptation andtransition zones.

    LampsMin. 1x50W/Max. 2x400WHST (ST) High pressure sodium.Cap: E27/E40Min. 36W/Max. 66W LST-HY(LSE) Low pressure sodium.Cap: BY22dMin. 55W/Max. 80W TC-SEL(FSDH) Compact fluorescent.Cap: 2G7Min. 1x250W/Max. 2x400WHIT (MT) Metal halide.Cap: E40

    7830 series ApplicationsSymmetrical light distribution.For road tunnels, urban tunnels,underpasses, adaptation andtransition zones.

    LampsMin. 28W/Max. 54W T16(FDH) Linear fluorescent.Cap: G5Min. 36W/Max. 58W T26 (FD)Linear fluorescent.Cap: G13

    1325 - 1625250


    7827 series ApplicationsAsymmetrical and counter beamlight distribution.For road tunnels, urban tunnels,underpasses, adaptation andtransition zones.

    LampsMin. 1x50W/Max. 2x400WHST (ST) High pressure sodium.Cap: E27/E40Min. 36W/Max. 66W LST-HY(LSE) Low pressure sodium.Cap: BY22dMin. 55W/Max. 80W TC-SEL(FSDH) Compact fluorescent.Cap: 2G7Min. 1x250W/Max. 2x400WHIT (MT) Metal halide.Cap: E40

    755 - 1625332


    One piece enclosure for easy front access7830 series Easily removable gear tray Secure stainless steel clips allow tool-free operation

    7827 series and 7828 series 7830 series

  • 16

    Case study 1Chiptchak Mosquee Tunnel, Turkmenistan

    Threshold zone







    Day time lighting layout

    Transition zoneInterior zone 12m






    Threshold zoneNight time ligh

    ting layout

    Transition zoneInterior zone 12m






    Tunnel typeUrban underpass2 way trafficOne tube

    Technical dataLength: 74mWidth: 24mSpeed limit 80km/h

    Lighting systemAluminium asymmetric GothardWall mounted, tilted 15º

    20x 7823B ST 400W (55klm)10x 7823B ST 250W (33klm)56x 7823B ST 100W (10klm)

    Threshold zone

    20x 7823B ST 400W (55klm)

    10x 7823B ST 250W (33klm)

    56x 7823B ST 100W (10klm)

    Fittings kept lit at night

    Fittings kept lit at night

    Traffic direction

    Daylight penetration

    Plan schematic showing day time lighting layout







    Transition zone

    Threshold zoneTransition zone

    16m 8m 47.5m

    16m47.5m 8m

    Interior zone

    Interior zone

    Traffic direction 12m


    Daylight penetration

  • Thresholdzone


    Exit zoneTransitionzone

    Entrance Exit

    Lane 1

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

    Interior zone

    180m 180m220m 524m

    Night timeAll zones are lit by symmetric fittings.

    Threshold zoneSD = 180m

    Transition zone220m

    Interior zone524m


    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201





    100 40








    252 100%

    0.5 S.D.

    132m 48m

    L th

    t = time in sec.

    t. sec.

    100m0m 200m 300m 400m 500m100km/h

    L tr = L th ( 1.9 + t )-1.4 with L th = 100%

    counter beam asymmetric asymmetric beam

    counter beam asymmetric asymmetric beam

    Technical dataLength: Right tube - 1100m

    Left tube - 1100m

    Speed limit: 100 km/h

    Traffic flow: medium less than1,000 vehicles per hour.

    Stopping distance (SD): 180m on wet road.

    Determination of Lth:Right tube entrance:L20 = 3.500cd/m2

    Left tube entrance:L20 = 5.000cd/m2

    Lighting system: counterbeamand symmetricType of fitting: counterbeam andsymmetric fittings

    k = Lth/L20 = 0.072 for counter beam lighting system and for SD = 180m

    Maintenance factor: 0.70

    Right tube detailsThreshold zoneLth to be maintained: L20 x k =252cd/m2

    Length = 180m = SDThreshold zone 1: 132m Lth =252cd/m2 maintainedThreshold zone 2: 48m Lth = 176 cd/m2 maintained

    Transition zoneThe end of the transition zone isreached when the luminance is 3times the interior luminance level

    As the traffic flow is medium, themaintained level in the interiorzone shall be 10cd/m2 or 4% ofthe threshold zone level.Length = 220m = given by CIE curveTransition zone 1:30m Ltr = 100cd/m2 maintainedTransition zone 2:55m Lth = 58cd/m2 maintainedTransition zone 3:135m Lth = 28cd/m2 maintained

    Interior zoneLength = 524mLin = 10cd/m2 maintained

    Exit zoneLuminance of the exit zone is equal to 5 times the interiorzone luminanceLength = 180mLex = 50cd/m2 maintained

    Case study 2Katerini Tunnel, Greece



    Exit zoneTransitionzone

    Entrance Exit

    Lane 1

    Lane 2

    Lane 3

    Interior zone

    180m 180m220m 524m

    The national motorway, whencompleted, will run across Greecefrom Patras to Evzoni, via Athensand Thessaloniki. Three tunnelsrequiring a full tunnel lightingsystem are constructed in theKaterini area.

    Tunnel descriptionLong motorway tunnel.2 tubes - 3 lanes carriageway.

    Lighting fitting arrangement


    Day time

    Day timeThreshold and transition zones are lit by counter beam fittings. Interior and exit zones are litby symmetric fittings.

    Zones Length(m)

    No offittingsper tube

    Counter beam400W 250W

    Symmetric150W 250W

    Threshold 1 180 276 276Transition 220 104 40 64Interior right 524 256 196* 60Exit 180 86 30* 56

    *common to day time and night time

    Night timeZones Length

    (m)No offittingsper tube

    Counter beam400W 250W

    Symmetric150W 250W

    Threshold 1 180 32 32Transition 220 36 36Interior right 524 88 88Exit 180 30 30

  • 18

  • 19

    International references

    NorwayLerdal Tunnel 1,400 fittings (ST 1x70-400W, LS-E 1x35W, FD 58 W)

    Sweden 3,100 fittings(ST 1x70W. 1x150W, 1x250W, 1x400W, FD 58W HF)

    Iceland 500 fittings(ST 1x250W, LS-E 1x35W)

    Faeroe Islands 150 fittings (ST 1x250W, LS-E 1x35W)

    FranceGometz la Ville 386 fittings(ST 2x70W, 2x250W, 2x400W)

    UKMedway Tunnel 1149 fittings(ST 1x400W, FD 58W HF dimmable)

    CroatiaSopac655 fittings (ST 150/100W, power reduction)

    Greece Taxiarchis Tunnel 1,054 fittings (ST 1x150W, 1x250W 1x400W)

    U.A.E.Kalba Tunnel (Sharjah) 464 fittings (ST 2x250W, 2x400W, 150W+400W, ST 1x150W, 1x250W)

    Hong KongKCRC West Rail CC 1,474 fittings(ST 2x400W, 250W, FD 58W HF2)

    Taiwan 2nd Freeway Part II 10,250 fittings (ST 1x150W, 1x400W)

    SingaporeHolland/ Farrer Road Tunnels 350 fittings (FD 58W HFD)

    BruneiPusar Ulak radial road740 fittings (ST 1x400W, 2x400W428 FD 58W HF)

  • Lighting people and places

    UK Sales desk - Orders/Stock EnquiriesTel: 08701 610 610Fax: 08701 610 611

    Regional Offices & Lighting Design CentresTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711

    South East & London ProjectsSilver Screens, Screen 2, Elstree Way,Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1FETel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.centls@thornlight.com


    South East & South West Wholesale Silver Screens, Screen 2, Elstree Way,Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1FETel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.southl@thornlight.com


    Midlands Projects 11 Galena Close, Tamworth, Staffordshire B77 4ASTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.mids@thornlight.com


    South West Projects 16 Columbus Walk, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, Wales CF10 4TLTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.southw@thornlight.com


    Northern ProjectsThe Towers, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury,Manchester M20 2SETel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.southw@thornlight.com


    Northern & Midlands Wholesale Trading Estate, Spennymoor, Co. Durham DL16 7URTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.northe@thornlight.com


    Scotland Hamilton Business Centre, Caird Park,Hamilton, Lanarkshire ML3 0QBTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.scot@thornlight.com


    Northern Ireland Building 3 Lesley Office Park,393 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 2LSTel: 08701 610 710Fax: 08701 610 711e-mail: quotes.northi@thornlight.com


    Outdoor LightingThe Towers, Wilmslow Road, Didsbury,Manchester M20 2SETel: 0161 445 2719Fax: 0161 448 8015e-mail: quotes.outdoor@thornlight.com


    Airfield LightingSilver Screens, Screen 2, Elstree Way,Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1FETel: 01708 776289Fax: 01708 742322e-mail: airfield@thornlight.comWebsite: www.thornairfield.com

    Ireland320 Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6W Tel: (353) 1 4922 877Fax: (353) 1 4922 724e-mail: enq.dublin@thornlight.com

    International SalesSilver Screens, Screen 2, Elstree Way,Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1FETel: 01708 776284Fax: 01708 741827e-mail: international.sales@thornlight.com

    Thorn Lighting Ltd DubaiAl Shoala Building, Office 301,Block E, PO Box 1200, Deira, Dubai, UAETel: (971) 4 2940181Fax: (971) 4 2948838e-mail: tlluae@emirates.net.ae

    Thorn Gulf LLCAl Shoala Building, Office 301/2,Block E, PO Box 1200, Deira, Dubai, UAETel: (971) 4 2948938Fax: (971) 4 2948838e-mail: thorng@emirates.net.ae

    Spare PartsTel: 0191 301 3131Fax: 0191 301 3038e-mail: spares@thornlight.com

    Technical SupportTel: 0870 600 8111Fax: 0191 301 3907e-mail: technical@thornlight.com

    Brochureline Answering ServiceBrochures on specific products/rangesTel: 01708 776333Fax: 01708 776381e-mail: brochures@thornlight.com

    Other Offices in:Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia,Singapore, Sweden and UAE


    Thorn Lighting is constantly developing and improving its products. All descriptions, illustrations,drawings and specifications in this publication present only general particulars and shall not formpart of any contract. The right is reserved to change specifications without prior notification orpublic announcement. All goods supplied by the company are supplied subject to the company'sGeneral Conditions of Sale, a copy of which is available on request. All measurements are inmillimetres and weights in kilograms unless otherwise stated.

    Publication No: 283(UK) Publication Date: 08/04

    Thorn Lighting Limited

    ISO 9001:2000Reg: 2916/0

    Manufacturing & DistributionMember of The Lighting

    Industry Federation

    rodNorth Star Lighting, Inc.

    rod 2150 Parkes Drive Broadview, IL 60155 Tel: 800-229-4330 Fax: 708-681-4006 website: www.nslights.com

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