Trucking demo w Spark ML - Paul Hargis - Hortonworks

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Real time processing in HadoopTrucking Company Use Case

Paul Hargis Solutions Engineer, Hortonworks

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Overview of logistics industry scenario Quick overview of streaming architecture on HDP Streaming Demo Integrating Predictive Analytics in streaming scenarios Spark Demo

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Scenario Overview.

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Trucking company w/ large fleet of trucks in Midwest

A truck generates millions of events for a given route; an event could be:

'Normal' events: starting / stopping of the vehicle

‘Violation’ events: speeding, excessive acceleration and breaking, unsafe tail distance

Company uses an application that monitors truck locations and violations from the truck/driver in real-time


Analysts query a broad history to understand if today’s violations are part of a larger problem with specific routes, trucks, or drivers

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Distributed Storage: HDFS

Many Workloads: YARN

Trucking Company’s YARN-enabled Architecture

Stream Processing (Storm)

Inbound Messaging(Kafka)

Real-time Serving (HBase)

Alerts & Events(ActiveMQ)

Real-Time User Interface

One cluster with consistent security, governance & operations


Interactive Query(Hive on Tez)

Truck Sensors

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Demo - Streaming.

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Streaming Demo - High Level Architecture

Distributed Storage: HDFS


Storm Stream Processing

Kakfa Spout


Dangerous Events TableHbase


Truck Events

Active MQ

Monitoring Bolt

Web App

Truck Streaming Data

T(1) T(2) T(N)

Inbound Messaging(Kafka)

Truck Events Topic

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Demo – Analyzing Events with Tableau.

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Analyzing Raw Events – dangerous drivers

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Analyzing Raw Events – dangerous routes

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Analyzing Raw Events – violations by location

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Enriching truck events for analysis with Pig

HDFS Raw Truck EventsWeather Data Sets

Raw Weather Data

HCatalog (Metadata)

Payroll Data

HR & Payroll DBs

Load Raw Truck Events

Clean & Filter

Cleaned Events



Join withHR & weather data


Enriched Events



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Analyzing Enriched Events – noncertified and fatigued drivers more dangerous

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Analyzing Enriched Events – top 3 dangerous routes seem to be driven by fatigued drivers

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Analyzing Enriched Events – foggy weather leads to violations

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Analyzing Enriched Events – but top 3 safest routes are also foggy

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Integrating Predictive Analytics

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CDO’s vision: Build a Predictive Business, not a Reactive one

CDO’s Requirements Offline predictions

Identify investments that will increase safety and reduce company’s liabilities

Real-time predictions Anticipate driver violations before they

happen and take precautionary actions

Data Scientist’s Response ♬ I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life

♬ Verify BI tool trends against TBs of events data

via machine learning Generate predictive models with Spark

MLlib on HDP Plug in Spark models in Storm to predict driver

violations in real-time

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Truck Sensors



Integrate Predictive Analytics in Stream Processing

Stream Processing (Storm)

Inbound Messaging(Kafka)

Interactive Query(Hive on Tez)

Real-time Serving (HBase)

Millions of Enriched Truck Events

Prediction Bolt

Plug Spark model into Storm bolt

Machine Learning(Spark)

Train Spark ML model with millions of truck events

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Streaming Demo - Updated Architecture

Distributed Storage: HDFS


Storm Stream Processing

Kakfa Spout




Truck Events

Active MQ

Monitoring Bolt

Web App

Truck Streaming Data

T(1) T(2) T(N)

Inbound Messaging(Kafka)

Truck Events Topic




Predict violation in real time & alert via MQ

Render Real time predictions on UI

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Building the Predictive Model on HDP

Tableau Explore small subset of events to identify predictive features and make a hypothesis. E.g. hypothesis: “foggy weather causes driver violations”


Identify suitable ML algorithms to train a model – we will use classification algorithms as we have labeled events data


Transform enriched events data to a format that is friendly to Spark MLlib – many ML libs expect training data in a certain format


Train a logistic classification Spark model on YARN, with above events as training input, and iterate to fine tune generated model


Integrate Spark MLlib model in a Storm bolt to predict violations in real time


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Transforming training data for Spark MLlibEnriched Events Data

Event Type Is Driver Certified?

Wage Plan

Hours Driven


Longitude Latitude WeatherFoggy

Weather Rainy

Weather Windy

Normal Yes Hourly 45 2721 -91.3 38.14 No No NoOverspeed No Miles 72 4152 -94.23 37.09 Yes Yes No

… … … … … … … … … …

Spark MLlib Training DataLabel Is Driver

Certified?Wage Plan

Hours Driven



Weather Rainy

Weather Windy

0 1 1 0.45 0.2721 0 0 01 0 0 0.72 0.4152 1 1 0… … … … … … … …

Normal events labeled as 0 and

violation events as 1

Feature scaling applied to hours and miles to improve

algorithm performance

Features with binary values denoted as 0 and 1

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Running Spark ML on YARN

1spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.mllib.BinaryClassification --master yarn-cluster --num-executors 3 --driver-memory 512m --executor-memory 512m --executor-cores 1 truckml.jar --algorithm LR --regType L2 --regParam 1.0 /user/root/truck_training --numIterations 100

Run spark-submit script to launch a Spark job on YARN.

Training data location on HDFS

2 Monitor progress of Spark job in YARN Resource Mgr UI

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Interpreting Spark Logistic Regression Results

Precision: 87.5% Recall: 88%

Top three predictors of violations 1. Foggy Weather 2. Rainy Weather 3. Driver Certification

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Integrating Spark model in Storm

Kafka Spout

Storm Prediction Bolt

Initialize Spark model Parse truck event Enrich event with HBase data Predict violation with model Send Alert if violation predicted

Real-time Serving (HBase)

Active MQ

Ops Center LOB Dashboards

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Recommendations to CDO

Investment recommendations, in order of priority1. Invest in visibility sensors and auto braking systems to deal with foggy conditions2. Invest in slip resistant tires to fight rainy conditions3. Invest in certifying drivers to reduce violation probability

Power of real time predictions 40% reduction in violation rates by predicting high risk situations in real-time and

sending immediate alerts to drivers

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Value of large scale ML on HDP Accelerate time to market/value

Test out multiple ML algorithms against TBs of training data in reasonable time frames

Confirm hypothesis against TBs of training data with confidence We confirmed that fog does impact safety and wage plans do not,

whereas BI tools indicated otherwise

Easily integrate predictive models in data driven apps Run predictive models in Storm or any other app in your enterprise

Run all of the above in a multi-tenant YARN cluster Large scale ML on YARN respects other tenants in an HDP cluster

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Calling Spark from a Storm Bolt The outputs of a logistic regression model are weights and an intercept value:

val algorithm = new LogisticRegressionWithSGD() val model = println(model.weights) println(model.intercept) Weights[-0.40819922025591465,0.06392530395655666,-0.1346227352186122,-0.07188217286407801,0.7277326276521062,0.508779221680863,-0.024689093098281954]Intercept 0.0

The model can then be reconstructed in a Storm bolt with the above weights to make predictions

import org.apache.spark.mllib.classification.LogisticRegressionModel;import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors;………..Vector weights = (Vectors.dense(new double[] <array of weights like above>)LogisticRegressionModel model = new LogisticRegressionModel(weights, 0.0);double prediction = model.predict(<input features>)

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Why Apache Kafka?Open source real-time event stream processing platform that provides fixed, continuous & low latency processing for very high frequency streaming data

• Horizontally scalable like Hadoop• Eg: 3 node cluster can store 5M messages per secondHighly scalable

• Automatically reassigns on failed nodesFault-tolerant

• Supports message acknowledgementsGuarantees delivery

• Producers and consumers exist for many programming languagesLanguage agnostic

• Brand, governance & a large active communityApache project

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Key Capabilities of Storm

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• Extremely high ingest rates – millions of events/secondData Ingest

• Ability to easily plug different processing frameworks• Guaranteed processing – at-least once processing semanticsProcessing

• Ability to persist data to multiple relational and non relational data storesPersistence

• HA, fault tolerance & management supportOperations

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Our preferred solution architecture

HDP 2.x Data Lake

Online Data ProcessingHBase

Real Time Stream Processing




APACHE KAFKAReal-time data feeds


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What is Real Time Event Processing

Real Time Event Processing System

A system that processes the events as they happen and generates real-time information/actions

Requirements• Ingest data at high rate• Process the data while its being collected• Continuously running• Low latency




Components • Collection – Process to collect raw data• Data Flow - Process to Move data • Processing – Process to Analyze data • Delivery – Process to deliver the extracted information

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What is Kafka? APACHE KAFKA

High throughput distributed messaging system

Publish-Subscribe semantics but re-imagined at the implementation level to operate at speed with big data volumes

Kafka Cluster







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Kafka: Anatomy of a TopicPartition 0 Partition 1 Partition 2

0 0 0

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5

6 6 6

7 7 7

8 8 8

9 9 9

10 10

11 11






Partitioning allows topics to scale beyond a single machine/node

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Key Constructs in Apache Storm• Tuples• Streams• Spouts• Bolts• Topology

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Tuples and Streams• What is a Tuple?

– Fundamental data structure in Storm. Is a named list of values that can be of any data type.

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• What is a Stream?– An unbounded sequences of tuples.– Core abstraction in Storm and are what you “process” in Storm

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Spouts• What is a Spout?

– Generates or a source of Streams– E.g.: JMS, Twitter, Log, Kafka Spout– Can spin up multiple instances of a Spout and dynamically adjust as needed

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Bolts• What is a Bolt?

– Processes any number of input streams and produces output streams– Common processing in bolts are functions, aggregations, joins, read/write to data stores, alerting

logic– Can spin up multiple instances of a Bolt and dynamically adjust as needed

• Bolts used in the Use Case:1. HBaseBolt: persisting and counting in Hbase2. HDFSBolt: persisting into HFDS as Avro Files using Flume3. MonitoringBolt: Read from Hbase and create alerts via email and a message to ActiveMQ if the

number of illegal driver incidents exceed a given threshhold.

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Topology• What is a Topology?

– A network of spouts and bolts wired together into a workflow

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