Trucker's Coverage Form vs MotorCarrier Coverage · PDF fileMotor Carrier Coverage Form (MCCF) Coverage 1.b.(1) The owner, or any "employee", agent or driverof the...

Post on 06-Mar-2018






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Motor Carrier Coverage Form (MCCF) Coverage

1.b.(1) The owner, or any "employee", agent or driver of the owner, or anyone else from whom youhire or borrow a covered "auto"

Mover's Choice limits exclusion (1) to the owner or anyone else from whom the named insured hires or borrows a ppt auto. The MCCFis more restrictive as it is not limited to excluding ppt autos and it also excludes employees, agents, or drivers of the owner.


1.b.(2) Your "employee" or agent if the covered "auto" is owned by that "employee" or agent or amember of his or her household.

The MCCF exclusion is more restrictive than the Mover's Choice version because the MCCF exclusion is not limited to private passengertype vehicles.

1.b.(4) Anyone other than your "employees", partners (if you are a partnership), members(if you area limited liability company) or a lessee or borrower of a covered "auto" or any of their "employees",while moving property to or from a covered "auto"

1.c The owner of anyone else from whom you hire or borrow a covered "auto" that is a "trailer" whilethe "trailer" is connected to another covered "auto" that is a power unit, or; if not connected, isbeing used exclusively in your business.

Coverage is afforded for anyone from whom the named insured hires or borrows a trailer that is a covered auto, while connected to acovered power unit. The Mover's Choice forms require that the trailer (at the time of loss) is "being used exclusively in your businessas a trucker" and pursuant to the named insured's operating rights. The MCCF requires only that the unconnected trailer is "beingused pursuant to operating rights granted to you by a public authority".

1.d The lessor of a covered "auto" that is not a "trailer" or any "employee", agent or driver of thelessor while the "auto" is leased to you under a written agreement if the written agreement betweenthe lessor and you does not require the lessor to hold you harmless and then only when the leased"auto" is used in your business as a "motor carrier" for hire.

Both of these forms provide the insured status for owner operators who have leased their autos (that are not trailers) to the namedinsured. The Mover's Choice forms apply to the "owner or anyone else from who you hire or borrow" a covered auto, while the MCCFis only applicable to a lessor. The MCCF would not cover the owner of a truck borrowed by the named insured. Simultaneously, theMCCF requires that the auto be leased under a written agreement that does not require the lessor (owner operator) to hold thenamed insured harmless. Movers' Choice forms do not require a written agreement or make coverage conditional upon hold harmlessagreements.

(1) Any "motor carrier" for hire or his or her agents or "employees", other than you and your"employees":(a) If the "motor carrier" is subject to motor carrier insurance requirements and meets them by ameans other than "auto" liability insurance.(b) If the "motor carrier" is not insured for hired "autos" under an "auto" liability insurance form thatinsures on a primary basis the owners of the "autos" and their agents and "employees" while the"autos" are leased to that "motor carrier" and used in his or her business. However, Paragraph (1)above does not apply if you have leased an "auto" to the for hire "motor carrier" under a writtenlease agreement in which you have held that "motor carrier" harmless.

Both forms exclude a trucker or motor carrier, other than the named insured, who uses a method other than liability insurance tomeet motor carrier insurance requirements, or, who does not carry auto liability insurance that covers hired autos with the sameintent as these forms; providing primary coverage to the owner of an auto leased to the named insured.

(2) Any rail, water or air carrier or its "employees" or agents, other than you and your "employees",for a "trailer" if "bodily injury" or "property damage" or a "covered pollution cost or expense" occurswhile the "trailer" is detached from a covered "auto" you are using and: (a) Is being transported bythe carrier; or (b) Is being loaded on or unloaded from any unit of transportation by the carrier

Trucker's Coverage Form vs Motor Carrier Coverage Form

Differences in Who is An Insured

Mover's Choice (CA 0001 & CA 2320)

1.b.(1) The owner or anyone else from whom you or borrow a covered "private passengertype auto"

1.b.(1) This exception does not apply if the covered "auto" is a "trailer" connected to acovered "auto" you own.

1.b.(2) Your "employee" or agent if the covered "auto" is a "private passenger type auto"and is owned by that "employee" or agent or a member of his or her household.

1.b.(4) Anyone other than your "employees", partners (if you are a partnership),members(if you are a limited liability company) or a lessee or borrower of any of their"employees", while moving property to or from a covered "auto"

Section A. 1. c. The owner or anyone else from whom youhire or borrow a covered "auto" that is a"trailer" while the "trailer" is connected toanother covered "auto" that is a power unit,or, if not connected:(1) Is being used exclusively in your businessSection A. 1. c. The owner or anyone else from whom youhire or borrow a covered "auto" that is a"trailer" while the "trailer" is connected toanother covered "auto" that is a power unit,or, if not connected:(1) Is being used exclusively in your businessas a "trucker"; and(2) Is being used pursuant to operating

a. Any "trucker", or his or her agents or "employees", other than you and your"employees":(1) If the "trucker" is subject to motor carrier insurance requirements and meets them bya means other than "auto" liability insurance.(2) If the "trucker" is not insured for hired "autos" under an "auto" liability insurance formthat insures on a primary basis the owners of the "autos" and their agents and"employees" while the "autos" are being used exclusively in the "trucker's" business andpursuant to operating rights granted to the "trucker" by a public authority.

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