Trinity Kings World Leadership:*A King Who Could Do No Wrong*

Post on 14-Apr-2017



Leadership & Management



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TruNITY KINGS WORLD LEADERSHIP"Ambassador of Leadership for the World"

Proverbs 13;17 says, A faithful ambassador is health.

t1* ]osiah

became king of ludah at age eight, following the murder of his wicked father

r; (2 Kin. 2L:23-26). Yet unlike his father, the Bible says losiah 'did what was right in the .- ,l otiuf, became king of ludah at age eight, following the murder of his wicked father

i.l (2 Kin. 2L:23-26). Yet unlike his father, the Bible says losiah 'did what was right in the .

ight of the Lon4 and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to

& the.right hand or to the left" (22:2). losiahb inner circle must have included righteous men ,oo* and women-no doubt including his mother; ledidah-who nurtured losiah in fre ways jsEr

ffi ofGod. I

H losiah respected the role of spiritual leaders. He maintained a teachable spirit, desiring I

ffi to hear the words of God. He listened to scriptural rebuke and responded witfr Orofennesr I

ffi realizing how far from God3 Law his people had stmyed. losiah3 reign brought about the I l

ffi restoration of the temple, and his godly influence helped reduce the effects of decades of I

X evil leadership" losiah, God's servant, passionately pursued the things of God rather than I

,m personal prestige. .;

i !i:ii.,T i ' God rewaide-d fosiah by allowing him to live in peace. He died in battte, uut n.r., r.w3;,]the devastation poised to sweep over his nation. Scripture devotes two entire chapters to

,..',,:i:,,1;l; ;:;"' his life and influence, compared with barely a sentence for the many wicked leaders. Unlike$losiah, their lives were like chaff blown away by the wind.

Teola Patillo Sr. Ceola Patillo feola Patittiolr.

Tenell H. Patills

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