Tricks of the trade: Kinetic Typography

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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Kinetic typography, otherwise known are "moving text", is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular theme, idea or emotion.


What is Kinetic Typography?

o Kinetic typography, otherwise known are "moving text", is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular theme, idea or emotion.


Design programs one can use.

o There are several programs in which kinetic typography videos can be created in. The platform that we will be primarily using today is Adobe After Effects, however programs such as Apple Motion and Adobe Flash can also be used in a similar fashion.

Design programs one can use. Continued

o Adobe After Effects is a program that allows the user to create animations in both 2D, 2.5D and 3D. Through the use of the 3D camera and tracking software the user can easily manipulated a 2D project into a 3D world by changing the camera angle and lighting controls. This program also allows the user to create adjustments layers, similar to the ones created in Adobe Photoshop. Text can be animated along paths, and built in animations can be applied or new ones can be created. Adobe After Effects also allows the user to use other programs in the Adobe Creative Suite and integrate the pieces into After Effects.

Design programs one can use. Continued

o Apple Motion is another option in creating kinetic typography videos. This program provides the user with a wide variety of text editing options. The user can also create vector-based characters for easy manipulation. The Adjust Glyph tool allows the user to create 3D text animation. Cameras can also be added to the project to create a 3D space, allowing control of how the project is framed within the camera view. Built in animations also allow the user to quickly created animated text effects.

Design programs one can use. Continued

o Adobe Flash is another option that could be considered for creating kinetic typography videos. This program provides the user with 3D translation and rotation tools allowing a 2D object to be placed in a 3D space. There are also many animation properties that create lifelike movement to objects and text. Tweens in Flash can be applied directly to the objects, allowing more control over the text. Adobe Flash is another program, like After Effects that allows integration of other programs in Adobe Creative Suite.

2D, 2.5D and 3DWhat is the difference?

o Kinetic typography, like all forms of media uses a set of tools to effectively communicate its intended ideal. The core tool set used by these animator/illustrator(s) is the principal elements of design. Line, shape, direction, size, texture, color and value. In tandem with these elements lie principals which develop design elements further. These principals are balance, gradation, repetition, contrast, harmony, dominance and unity.

2D, 2.5D and 3DWhat is the difference? Continued

o Though these principals and elements of design are exceptionally significant in communicating an intended response, kinetic typography uses a secondary design toolset to further enhance its directive in a more specific manner. The use of space or appearance of space is an extremely important consideration when creating a kinetic typography video. 2D, 2.5D and 3D are all dimensional aspects that can be used to emphasize, illustrate or entertain the viewer, giving depth (figuratively and literally) to each video. 2D is the most basic form of kinetic typography. It uses text in a scrolling fashion, never appearing to have a back or side(s). The use of 2.5D is most commonly used in conjunction with 2D images to bring emphasis and pertinence to an intended word among others in a line or sentence.

2D, 2.5D and 3DWhat is the difference? Continued

o Fundamentally, 2.5D images or texts are no different then traditional 2D characteristics. Both can be completely created within animation programs like After Effects, where as 3D images cannot. 2.5D images are in other words an illusion, not actually containing any form of three dimensions. The camera can be used in these software to allude to the idea that each letter or image has all of its side, appearing to be an object in a three dimensional space. In direct contrast 3D kinetic typographies contain solely objects within a digital space. Each and every part of the video contains a “physical” object within the digital space. This means that no matter how the “camera” is manipulated, the object will appear in a natural state. This form of animation, though far more time consuming is used for variance in aesthetic. Hence the animator if using three dimensional technology is given far more options as to what and how their work can end up.

Colour and Visual Aids….what you should know!

o The use of colour/visual aid is essential for properly conveying one's message through this medium. The integration of let's say colour for example can be used to highlight certain words or phrases thus making it stand out from the rest and really emphasizes what they are trying to get across to the viewer. It can bring another level of emotion to a piece and dictate the way the piece received. For example the use of dark colours potentially could give out the perception that the message is very dark in nature or depressing. Contrary to that, the use of bright colours could suggest a very happy undertone. Same can be said for visual aid whether that be in the form of pictures or clip art etc. It really is all about adding another level of emotion to the piece.

It’s all about TIMING!

o What really makes or brakes something like kinetic typography is timing. Timing is key, it what really brings together the sound, text and visual aid. When to change the angle of the video, to zoom in, at what moment does the picture pop up on screen this is all leads back to how well everything is timed. If everything is out of sync then the piece will be a disoriented and will lose your audience. Even a slight delay can make all the difference and perhaps won't have as profound effect as say something which is nice and crisp and is edited well.


o Font is usually viewed merely as words on a surface. In the world of typography though, font is much more than that. It can do anything from specifying a companies brand to enticing promotional situations. Since kinetic typography is a specific type of typography, font is instrumental within its success. Furthermore font within this art style can convey much more then the words are projecting. If within a video the artist or practitioner wanted to display an irony or sort, they could have a pivotal part of a scene display font in an opposing aesthetic to its coinciding dialogue. Scenes are continually amplifying dialogue or situation within the video with font. Important considerations like these are paramount to a successful kinetic typography video. Artist’s will continue to create new ways of enhancing a spoken statement, and font will within this art form always be a primary directive of concern.


o Design Rhythmic Motion Typography in After Effects

o How To: Make Kinetic Typography

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