Post on 18-Mar-2016






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WHEREIN THE SON OF MAN COMETH” (Matt 25:13) Is this verse only referring

to the coming of the Son in the last days or should we be ever prepared to

leave this earth individually; day or night; I asked my self as I stood in shock

after hearing the sudden death news of Donna Jean Braman. I still can’t believe

she’s gone. I met this child of God when I decided to create a voice for

shepherds on the internet.

She volunteer her services to helping me build the Bugle since most of the

friends I asked at the time did not believe in what I was doing or simply wanted

some kind of compensation. We both knew absolutely nothing about building a

web page; talk less about how to build an e-zine. We prayed and decided to

follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit.



5:24 AM me: I see you are up. Can you comment on the work I am doing


5:26 AM To God Be The Glory

5:30 AM Are you there?

Can't see your answer

5:34 AM Can you tell me if you can see my question or what I am writing

I can't see your answer

5:35 AM should I call ? 5 minutes

5:40 AM Donna: Yes I'm here!

5:41 AM me: Great

Paul just wrote and told me he entered the site

Donna: Yes, I love the new look, the title is wonderful and the face lift

5:42 AM me: Good you also have to go over the material. We want quality


Donna: I see you had a stressful event this morning, but the Holy got you

through it didn't he?

me: I have started adding photos tooo


5:43 AM we need a good work from a youth/ teen age counselor

Donna: Yes, I need to change a couple of mispellings I saw!

5:44 AM me: Great You also did not edit the opening page.

Check it add and subtract

Donna: I had a problem registering, it said I completed and to click on email

for confirmation but I never got a confirmation email so what do you think, I

should be registered

5:45 AM me: yes the conformation might be in your junk mail

Donna: Oh, I will check that out, you're so right!

me: I am here

5:46 AM Donna: Did you like the Jentezen article?

5:47 AM me: It is so good. I love it and when over it twice. It was like talking

about a family member or even your twin brother

Donna: Hill Song Ministries has the most known work for youth in the US

5:48 AM me: So muich is in that expression and it has already drawn remùarks

from those viewing today.

I will have not opened the link yet but a few people did drop by.

Donna: Oh that is so great, I hope they're good remarks!

5:49 AM me: Well we neeed to get in touch with them

5:50 AM yes they said your two articles were great and touich them a lot

Donna: Yes, it is very important to communicate with your fans, that's why I

have 750 because I try to email everybody that comments on my devotionals

and articles!

5:51 AM me: Good we will put up a chat box here maybe even a video chat if I

can find the way

5:52 AM Donna: I don't know why I am so excited about this magazine, it's just

a Holy Spirit pull on me. I love your drive and passion to do this!

me: When need to put the link to each ministry we highlight

5:53 AM Donna: Hey, if you found the way to set this e-magazine up today by

yourself surely you handle a chat box!

me: I am too . I have never work on something like this before and the man

helping me could not speak english.

He open the first one and left.

5:54 AM Donna: Yes, that is right and we will do that tomorrow as soon as I

figure out how to go on and edit or even sign up right!

me: I was so fustrated. I began to pray, cry and try and here I am

I have to find a way to work on the log in form too

Donna: Well you did a great job with just you and the Holy Spirit!

5:55 AM me: It took paul a long time to get in.

God is so good. He has a divine purpose for this.

Donna: Yes, I could feel your stress through the computer and I said to myself,

Lord help him to enter THE REST!

5:56 AM me: About fifty of my friends and fans are mad because I did not give

the the link yet but we are yet half of the way

5:58 AM Donna: Yes, I can understand that especially after we've talked about

it for nearly a month now, but everybody will get an invite to it my connects and

yours and many others!

me: I do believe if we do this right in a shorty time people will want us to

highlight their work but then it will be God time to work on them

5:59 AM Oh yes I know the pull will be great and there will be a lot of work

answering and counseloring

6:00 AM Paul wants me to change one of HIs poems . He is sending others

Donna: We will get so many backgrounds, denominations, flukes as well as

righteous shepherds and yes we will get so many requests to highlight their

ministries and so forth and yes, that when we pray and let the Holy Spirit guide


6:01 AM me: He has a large following too.


Donna: Yes, I liked his poetry!

me: He does great work.

6:02 AM He mail me His bok but it can't open

6:03 AM I do not know why you send your in pdf fomat and it opens and his


I had to copied it.

Maybe I can give his address to you and he send it to you and than you send it

to me.

6:04 AM Donna: It may be that the pdf file he is typing on is not set up for your

server to receive, tell him to type them on word pad

me: Paul Dextraze <

6:05 AM I will tell him to send your address . We have been on this a week or

two now

Donna: It actually would be better if all the writers were on the same word

format, and later we will do that and it will make the look of the articles uniform

just like in a physical magazine.

6:06 AM me: yes

Donna: Yes, send me his email address so he can also tell me how to get


me: you are right

6:07 AM Donna: And photos would be great on each writer.

6:08 AM There are a lot of little details to be done that will make it all come

together and we will iron out all of this in time.

me: I try puttint there I do not know why It 's not coming out but I will have to

find a way

6:09 AM Donna: The photo have to been uploaded from a pdf or filed


6:10 AM me: I uploaded each photo and the page said uploaded completed.

6:11 AM You have to get in first and I will add you to administration

that way you can edit, and make changes

6:12 AM Donna: My husband just came home and he's looking in here seeing

some excitement illuminating from me. He has watched this thing take shape as

I wrote and edited your material. He's a wonderful husband, works at a

pharmecutical here and they work long hours most days. He is very supportive

of my ministry work and a good Christian man!

Yes, I believe I have to have a password as administration to edit.

6:13 AM me: let me try and enter the settings and dis able the forms for now.

Please say HI and tell Him I am grateful to know you both

you are a great inspriration to the work of God

Donna: I need to start edit in the morning at 6:00 when I get up so I'll be

emailing you!

6:14 AM me: Tell him I appreciate all the work you both are doing and I know

God is on our side.

6:15 AM Please go and get him his meal and rest now. Yes . it will be well in

Jesus Name.

I am so happy to know you both

Donna: Well, God is good isn't he Bishop? I can't wait to see all of it come

together and I pray that I will just be a blessing to many and uplift them in the


6:16 AM My husband said thank you very much!

me: I just drop a note to Paul telling him to send you the work.

Donna: Okay, that's great!

me: Amen

6:17 AM We must praise the Lord for we are accomplishing what the original

Apostles diod in unity and the Holy Spirit came down

many were saved and healed

Good Night to you both . God's Blessing

6:18 AM You have to upgrade your google talk

6:19 AM Donna: I know, I know! I see a new season and all those seeds we

planted and the long wait and now the HARVEST! Did you know how popular

you are on face book? It is because of all those months of seed planting!

me: Yes

Donna: Good nite!

me: God is so good.

6:20 AM I was so proud when people started calling for this work today

more then fifty . I was proud of God

He works in a special way

6:21 AM Yes Good Nite


show details 1/27/10

3:27 PM Donna: Your editor is awake and raring to work for the Lord today

Bishop, no time for sleep! I notice we have a 12 hour time difference, is that


me: Yes

Great to see you

3:28 PM I am trying to go over it and make recommended changes and additions

3:30 PM Donna: Great, I am emailing Paul as we speak to format him!

3:31 PM me: He send me some in word that opened I am trying to see if I can

get it in. 7 minutes

3:38 PM me: Are you going through .

Donna: I also need to type set headings in a uniform font and center them in


3:39 PM I'll open the site now and see.

me: ok

3:42 PM Donna: It's telling me the module user is disabled when I tried to login



Donna: yes

3:43 PM me: OK




Donna: okay, I'll leave the chat open and just let me know!

3:45 PM We are in the "Rest" today so we have all day to figure things out, the

Holy Spirit is with us!

3:46 PM me: YES


3:49 PM Donna: okay

me: IS IT OK 7 minutes

3:57 PM me: DID IT WORK ?

4:02 PM Donna: Yes I'm in but I don't see how I can get in as an editor, I'm

listed as a user and not administration



4:12 PM me: try again

4:13 PM Donna: ok

me: try logging in to control panel 5 minutes

4:19 PM me: are you there

4:21 PM

pass : fav1963_or

try entering through that link 5 minutes

4:27 PM Donna: okay, I'll try the admin web


Donna: yes

I'm trying on the email you just gave me

me: OK

4:32 PM Donna: ok, it took me to the administration login, but I need the


me: fav1963_or

4:33 PM or jk20ma10_2000

Donna: okay I'll go and try that now. 6 minutes

4:39 PM Donna: not allowing either password!

4:40 PM jk20ma10_2000 Is this right?

me: YES


Donna: fav1963_ Is this right?


4:42 PM Donna: ok


4:47 PM fav1963_or


Donna: when I entered jk20ma10_2000 pop up said, IP temporarity blocked

me: i made an error

4:48 PM Donna: ok, once more I'll try fav1963_or

me: ok

4:50 PM Donna: It is telling me the IP address is temporarily blocked.

4:51 PM me: I do not know why

let me check the settings again 6 minutes

4:57 PM Donna: send me the site email of admin again I forgot to paste that to

my url

4:59 PM me: 7 minutes

5:06 PM me: can you seek advice from other site builders to help us get you into


5:09 PM Donna: I don't know any sight builders I'm afraid, but I should be able

to enter with the same password you use. which one do you use to post and edit?

5:13 PM me: fav1963_or takes me to the control panel. I select page mangement

and start adding the pages.

I have not edited yet.

5:14 PM If you open the control panel tell me

5:15 PM Donna: ok

5:18 PM me: I do not see you on line

did you registrister?

5:20 PM You have to log in before gaining access

5:21 PM Donna: Well, Glory! I'm in the editor panel! Thank you Holy Spirit,

Bishop, I know he is with us for we could do none of this on our own. Now I

will play with the menus of the editor and get a feel for navigation!


5:23 PM look at page editor

5:24 PM Donna: I'm going to take a break and have lunch with my sweet

husband, and I'll talk to you later today! Praise God, and the mighty hosts of

heaven. I'm sure you will have a list of things for me later today! God is with us!

me: To God be the Glory.

5:25 PM I am happy for the break through

God is with us.


These messages were sent while you were offline.

12:01 AM Donna: I got some questions on some of the articles to ask you!

The Cherry Stoltz poems are good also, I'll fix that page as soon as I get a

photo of her!

12:02 AM Gilson Levi, no, no, no,

12:03 AM I like the lee Goodall story told by the missionary, however we have

a same issue of copyright, I'll email him to see if he has that missionary's name.

12:04 AM I need to know who are the writers of The Story of The Soul and

How Can God use Me - In the condition I am in? no name are on these stories.

12:05 AM Great article by Jeff Godsown!


26 minutes

4:59 AM Donna: I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I've been

trying to upload Joel's sermon and I'm having a problem getting it to upload, on

the format it's on. But I am going to keep trying, its running off the bottom of

the page into the gray area instead of accepting it all. But I'm really tired from

tonight, so I will get back on it early tomorrow morning.

me: Ok

5:00 AM Did you see the suggestions I send you?

5:01 AM Donna: Yes, I will do these changes the last thing when I go through a

final check on everything, now the youth page I thought we were going to do

stories that showed ministries what the youth are doing around the world. or is it

going to be articles for advice to the youth.

me: Joel sould be put with the shepherds or youth session

5:02 AM I don't think He qualify in age to be with Billy

5:03 AM Donna: I don't how to move articles from category to category, I

haven't learned how to move articles around like that after I have posted them in

a heading.

5:04 AM me: Ok

You can do that from page mangement

5:05 AM with the page editor

Donna: This is one of the most difficult editor set ups I've ever seen, so much

of my time has been learning to load stuff, manuever around the editor stuff.

5:06 AM me: Experience the is worthwhile

5:07 AM You have learn a lot in a few days that it take others months to learn

Donna: Well, I have taken a look at how to do that and I haven't figured it out

yet, but if you know how to do it then go ahead and do it. That's why the last

three articles are lumped together in that last heading, because I don't know how

to recreate those subgroups by moving an article from one group to another

without having to reconstruct each page site and that would be a lot of work.

5:08 AM me: Ok I will try to do them tomorrow morning mine time.

5:09 AM Donna: Okay, what about the youth page and its purpose!

5:10 AM me: I thought you said you had a work

5:11 AM Donna: Well I do but you just told me to name the page youth advice,

and my article is highlighting a youth program and what differernt churches are

doing with the youth.

me: Ok but will the pictures move along if I change the page

It means creating a new page

5:12 AM ok it can be change

I did not know that

Donna: No, this article would not fit under a page name of youth advice,

because it is written for ministries to get ideas of what to provide for the youth.


should cover it

Donna: Yes, that would work.

5:14 AM me: I want to know if I copy a page will the picture show?

5:16 AM Donna: You mean if you copy something to put on the site?

me: To rearrange it I have to transfer some pages

5:17 AM Donna: No, everything will have to be uploaded again, so you see the

problem here with rearranging things. Each site page would have to be redone.

me: only a few

5:18 AM Donna: I don't have the time to do this with my schedule this week.

I thought we were almost done with this edition but I'm hearing you say you

want to rearrange the lay out of the magazine.

5:19 AM me: if yoou want to add joel until a headline go to page editor . you

will see an addition mark . click the one near the main head line and enter the


5:20 AM Donna: I'm having a problem entering his document, for some reason

it is not uploading right. I've got to figure out why, some formats won't transfer,

this is why I wanted articles to be sent to me from word text.

5:21 AM me: I was trying to tell you how to rearrange those pages that are out

side of the topics

5:24 AM I donot think they are more than three

5:25 AM Donna: I think I have figured out what the real problem is here, that

you want to go in and change things after I have spent an enormous amount of

time to do this work. Because you couldn't convince me with all your

manipulation, the magazine is yours Bishop do what you want with it. You don't

need me anymore! The truth has arrived! I wish you luck!

me: Oh no

5:26 AM I do not want to go in

I dare not do that please do not misunderstand me.

You ask a question I was only sharibng an idea

5:27 AM Sorry you misunderstyand me.

You work is quality and I could not achieve what you have

5:28 AM Please forgive me if you misunderstood me.

I dare not go in . I was only giving you a suggestion






“How are you? I've heard some good things about the magazine from people on line. I am so happy for you because I know how important getting the truth of the gospel out is for you. I do have happy feelings about a lot of our interactions, they were very funny at times, however stressful it was. It was a huge undertaking and I knew God had not called me away from what he had assigned me to as a teacher and speaker in churches and my own writings. I do support you in your ministry and I pray you support me still in my ministry. I actually miss talking to you. I love you my brother in Christ!”

“Hey Bishop, great edition, you have done a great job and I am very proud of you. Does the site register how many reads are on each page? That would mean you will get a an analysis of who your popular writers and subjects are right? This magazine is going to be very exciting to follow, and I'm pushing it on my face book! God bless you my brother in Christ. Oh, I just got hired as a Christian writer with the Raleigh Examiner, and I'll be writing for my area Christian articles. I have to write 3 articles a week, so I will be passing some along to you.” DONNA On 03/19/11 7:50 AM, Bishop Steven Liberty Sr wrote: -------------------- I would like to invite you to join my group on LinkedIn. -Bishop Steven

On 03/19/11 10:49 AM, Donna Braman wrote: -------------------- Thanks for the connect and I really liked the new format for the magazine, and good writers on there. I was very saddened to learn Joyce Bennett has passed away. Blessings to you Bishop and keep up the good work!

On 03/25/11 5:40 AM, Bishop Steven Liberty Sr wrote:


It is a blessing to always have your messages in the magazine. They make a

major impact on our readers. Yes, I am indeed sadden by Joyce death but we

knew it was coming almost six months before it happened. She resigned herself

to her fate and try to do all she could before the time to set the record straight.

That was why she work so hard building a memorable footprints she could

leave behind her. It sadden her a lot that her children were not like her and it is

our prayer that they pick up the zeal later. Please always send updates on

Believers Ministry for us to published. I am also going to have a corner for our

Jewish Brothers and Sisters to write about Israel, etc. Like I always say; it is for a

Divine purpose that God brought us together! Greet your family and Pastor for



Thank you Bishop for the message, and I loved hearing about Joyce, I just

remember her being a great prayer warrior on your prayer line. She certainly

left her mark on those who knew her. She was a very loving person to others

indeed. You have been a rich blessing to me Bishop and we do touch lives

together. I may have never become the prayer warrior I am today had it not

been for our relationship, prayer got in my spirit, glory! love you Bishop and

send my regards to your beautiful wife. And I need for you to pray about

something for me, I am putting things into motion to bring Iram Rasheed to the

US, I met her on your prayer line, and I love her so much and her pastor as well.

She is a very gifted girl and the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me about her

for a year now, there will be hurdles but G-d is going to give her her miracle,

freedom to serve him around the world. She is a gifted interpreter and has

begun to interpret at crusades and revivals for international ministers who go

there. Blessings Bishop, and I pray for strength and endurance for you to be

able to run your last mile home. Its soon my brother, and what a glorious day

that will be and all these souls we are so connected to spiritually and in our

hearts will be together, and I'm gonna live on Praise Lane and Worship Ave. lol,

love you, Donna

Donna was simply a great woman and together we did a lot of great work for

the LORD. Together we move to establishing the prayer line on NING and she

took over the session on Israel and serve as an administrator. When I couldn’t

keep up to the bills of NING and the prayer line had to be shelved and moved

over to Face Book ; she remain and established the Believers Ministry Prayer

line. She was now fill of the urge to pray for the peace of Israel and the needs

of others. Little did I know that God had other plans for her? Her departure for

home was a huge blow and I am yet to recover from its shock. We are to

always be prepared for indeed no one knows the hour of their departure or the

coming of the LORD.


6, 2010

Believers Ministry Prayer Line

Donna Braman

Blow The Trumpets Of Zion

I've had the people devastated by an earth quake in Haiti and Chili in my prayers today and as I've been praying the Holy Spirit has put a vivid image in my heart and mind. We had a heavy hearted prayer intercessory Friday night and prayed fervently and cried out for revelation and for our nation to come back to righteous living, a revival for our hearts to turn back to God. Our Pastor, Jerry Nelson cried a heart breaking cry for Christ's church body. The darkness in this world surrounds us, and we need more than ever to come together in one spirit and pray for anointing, and empowerment to finish Christ's work. The church is changing before our very eyes. We discernment more than ever.

I was meditating today on what Jesus said about John the Baptist. He said, "I tell you that Elijah has already come. John prepared the way for Christ. That Elijah spirit is heavy on us. It's not about shouting and receiving our blessings. It's about us teachers and ministers preparing the way for the great meeting in the air when he will snatch us up in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus' prophecy of the end time is at your door. He's standing outside his church knocking to come in.

Pray today for our churches to unit in the spirit of Elijah. Let our hearts become overwhelmed for Him. Let us build an altar and lay our worldly mess on it. It's dark, as dark as pitch black, people can not see the light. Pray for righteousness and coming back into covenant so our flames will be bright enough for the lost world to see. Pray for a fresh anointing and strengthening to finish the race. We're almost home church, don't grow weary of nay sayers, persecutions, and sin among us, but let our love for Him overwhelm us so we run our last mile home.

In the Jewish wedding, the groomsmen blow the trumpet and run through the streets shouting, "the groom is coming, wake up, the groom is almost at your door, get the bride adorned. Let us get faithful again, let us stay fresh with fine linen and precious jewels, with our oil lamps full. The Groom is coming for that unblemished bride. The earth is groaning with labor pains for the hour has come to fulfill His promise to us….

I have decided to honor this great Minister of God with this

work which will highlight most of her messages received or

published by the Shepherds Magazine! The Jewish session of

this magazine will be named in her honor and those who are

Jews or Jewish Christians can have a space to publish their

work there; remembering that Donna stood for the peace of

Israel through prayers! Donna will be remembered by us as

a Lioness of God; bold and fearless in dispensing the truth.

The Nation of Israel has indeed miss a pillar and if I ever

have the chance to visit that Nation one day ; I will plant a

flower or tree on her behalf . I know she is with God and if

possible praying for us all. THIS TRIBUTE IS TO DONNA BUT THE




Donna jean barman left a set of foot prints in the lives of

many who came in contact with her and guarded jealously

the light she bore and the love she share with her family

and friends! Rest dear sister rest in the arms of the

almighty for you will always live in our hearts !

Donna is a minister of education. She holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies. She teaches seminars, speaks at women's groups and churches on subjects concerning the end time church. She is currently working on her Masters of Divinity at Foundation Theological Institute and is ordained by the Foundation's Fellowship. She also is a newspaper columnist and enjoys writing God's word to help develop and mature Christians. She is president of Believers Ministry, Inc., a 501c that is an outreach ministry that calls for the return to covenant of the church and the teaching of biblical principles. If you would like to have these teachings brought to your church or have Rev. Braman as a guest speaker you can request that in an email below.

You can see more of Rev. Donna Braman's teachings at: or at:


Forget not your covenant.

Do not walk in the counsel of the wicked

or join in with sinners,

for they are like chaff that the wind blows away

and they will not stand in the assembly of the righteous.

The Lord watches over the way of the righteous,

but the way of the wicked will perish.

Woe unto the man who once walked in covenant

but soon forgets where his strength came from.

The people in the bible are what makes the bible and if you took the

characters out of the bible it would be a skeleton. God intended for us to learn

about him through these characters. Just like the church, we need people,

because we learn from each other. Sometimes its good lessons and sometimes

its lessons that teach us our boundaries with God. Sampson is one of those

people in the bible that we can learn much through.

I'm going to teach you something about Sampson today. He was strong. He

was a judge. But all that he could have been never materialized. He was the

strongest man that ever lived. He should have been referred to as the greatest

judge of Israel but sin cut him short of that destiny.

Sampson walked a perfect pattern of sin and God had blessed him. Judges

13:24. What attracted him to sin? The enticement of the world. He went

down into the town and he saw Delilah in Timmi. He went back and told his

parents of this beautiful woman. His father said to him, "Is there not any

other woman among our people that you have to go to these Philistines to get


Sampson was a strong man in God, but he forgot that and became bent on

what was in the world. He had been directly touched by God, yet it meant

nothing to him after he met Delilah. He said, "for she pleases me well," and

he took her as his wife.

Young people, you don't have to go to the devil's people to find a spouse. But

Sampson took Delilah, stepping out of God's will. She represents the world.

Sampson wanted her even though she was promised to another.

Sampson was smart and he should have become great. He didn't think about

what his acts were going to do to the nation of Israel. Delilah was a pagan,

morals were nothing to her. Sampson was about to fall into the abyss.

There's nothing more important than who you marry.

Sampson had forgotten where his strength came from and the devil was

setting a trap for him. Sampson's strength became his problem. Sometimes

it's not your weakness that gets you in trouble, but your strength. Especially

when you come to believe it is through your own power that you can operate.

You watch your weaknesses all the time but the devil can move in on your

strength and cause you to miss God.

Preachers, don't ever get up in the pulpit and think that your gift is of your

own self. You must humbly pray for anointing every time you step behind the

pulpit and depend on Him for your delivery to the people. Because I can tell

you now that without anointing you can only touch the people's minds but if

you preach with anointing you can pierce their soul and heart. Never glory in

yourself, because you are what you are because of Him. Once you lose

position with the Lord you will fall.

Look at Judges 15:15 and see Sampson's protection. Sampson took a jaw

bone of an ass and slew a man. Do you use all your protection? Some are

great preachers that don't prepare. We have great singers but uncommitted.

We have great writers but choose to write of their own knowledge. We need

to use our gifts God has given us and be committed and prepare when we use

those gifts to serve Him. Most serve themselves and that is why we see gifted

people still in lack and can't see the blessing upon them. It is a dangerous

thing to be once enlightened by God and then turn from Him.

Sampson fell because he didn't listen to his parents or God. He went his own

way. He was anointed but he allowed the devil to cause him to fall. He was

moving in all the wrong directions led by his desire to partake of the world.

He went and slept with a harlot. The people said, Oh here he comes the

strong one, and they began to plan on how to kill him the next day as he lay in

his sin with the harlot.

Sampson frequented places that could only cause him to fall one day. He

climbed a mountain top to show the enemy his strength, but sin has a

downward spiral. How could Sampson have this anointing and why?

Because God has a covenant with you. But Satan is after that covenant you

have with the Lord to get you to break it. Sampson's covenant was marked

through his long hair.

If you're not living right, and have anointing, don't brag because you're on

your way down. Take some notes here because you'll see they won't stay in

ministry long. You see, the devil is a pusher. You think a drug dealer is a

pusher? They are nothing compared to the devil pushing on a called man by

God that takes his eye off the Lord.

What takes us into sin like that? One step at a time. It doesn't happen over

night. This is what happens to God's people. They think they can get away

with it because after all, they are so gifted and too important to fall. Take a

look back into recent history at the famous ministers that have fallen. But, to

be sure, your sins will find you out.

Don't dance with the devil because soon you will lie down with him, and don't

ever allow him a ride because if you do, he'll take over the driving. You thinks

Sampson would have learned. The world represents the flesh sin and Delilah

represented the devil, the tempter. She was a clever woman. He hung around

her too long. The enemy had hold of her.

The enemy didn't know where Sampson's strength was. That's the way the

devil does us, he keeps on until he finds out where your strength comes from

and he will attack that. If you dabble with the devil he will get you. Delilah

was beautiful, voluptuous, and sensuous. She starts to pick Sampson's mind,

"If you really love me you would tell me where your strength comes from."

She lied to him, and she duped him. You would think Sampson had learned

but he went back one more time. She said again, "If you loved me, you would

tell me all. Where does your strength come from?" Each time he speaks to

her she gets closer to his strength, his anointing, his hair and his covenant

with God.

Delilah represents three things:

1. World

2. flesh

3. devil -tempter

Make no mistake about it, the devil wants to destroy you. Finally, Sampson

told Delilah all, "It's my hair," and he went on to say, "and if I shaved it I

would lose my strength." He told the devil all of his heart. That night she

bound him while he slept, in the enemy's camp. She called for a man to come

and shave his head.

After she began to afflict him he lost his strength. He cried out to God, "Oh

God you are always with me." But when you break your covenant God is no

longer with you. Sampson should have been a champion but he played. He

was a judge but the Philistine's reduced him to an animal. They made him

like a mule to grain their mill. Around and around in a circle grinding and

grinding. He became a grinder at the devil's mills.

Sampson was well dressed man, and they took his image and his strength to

become a nobody. He asked God for forgiveness, "Give me one more chance.

Remember me Lord."

God will forgive you. Sampson said to God, "I don't ask for my eyesight back

but just one more time to have my strength and anointing."

The devil dismembers you but God puts you back together. That's what the

criminal asked Jesus beside him on Calvary, "Jesus, remember me." This

mighty man, Sampson cries out, "Oh god remember me."

Sampson said to the lad that led him around and around, "lead me to the

pillars in the city." This event came fast and swift and destroyed the enemy's

camp. God's champion was blind now. He calls upon God as he starts

pushing the pillars. There were 3,000 men that died that day when the pillars

that Sampson pushed down collapsed the city.

Sin's payday had come and Sampson died with them that day. He will go to

heaven but he stands before God with all his works burned up. Is that the way

you want to stand before God one day? Sampson went down in history as the

Strong Loser.

The Prophetic Preacher

By Donna Braman

I had the opportunity to hear the Rev. Jeffrey Brown give a

testimony and preach at a revival in Wilson, North Carolina in

2007. He took his shoes off and stepped up into the pulpit. He had

my attention. I walked away that day my mind forever changed

about healing power and I knew I would never allow people,

limitations or circumstances to stop me from reaching the potential

God gives to all of us.

He began by saying, “I have to tell you right from the start that

people have planned my funeral six times. I’ve had cancer and

recurring cancer. One morning after I was healed from all this I

felt my throat and a big lump had formed. Back I went to the

surgical room again.”

This preacher continued on coming down into the midst of the

people in his sock feet with an unbelievable strength of voice while

his frail lanky body showed the visible scars of the numerous battles

for his life.

“The devil thought he had shut me up with this last surgery,” he

said twisting up his mouth in a determined, rebuking manner.

“During the surgery my vocal cords were damaged and

separated,” he said with finality.

He thought about the surgeon for a second, smiled and said, “I

had this Iraqi doctor and he came in my hospital room the next

morning with his charts and notes to try to explain to me why I

would never speak again. But he didn’t know people had already

prayed for my healing once again and I had spoken to my wife that

morning. I just let him talk on and after he was finished telling me I

would never preach again, I looked at him and said, is that right?”

Well if I was the devil I would shutter when this man got up on

his feet to speak because when he pointed his finger at you a

supernatural knowledge was released from him onto you in a

prophetic affirmation.

Now I’m here to tell you that this preacher did not know anybody

that day with the exception of the pastor and one deacon, yet he

spoke the truth over about eight people’s lives. He looked at one

man and said, “God has a protective shield over you, I don’t know

what you do or if your job is dangerous but you got a hedge around


We all looked at each other because the man he was speaking to

was in law enforcement.

Then he looks at another and says, “You’re called to a ministry.”

That man had recently rededicated his life and is a gifted singer and


He told one young lady that she would preach to thousands. That

young lady preached at our church a few weeks ago.

I sat stunned and remembering Jeff Brown's prophecy over her.

She said she was more stunned than anybody over that prophecy

that day.

He asks an elderly lady what her daughter’s name was and she

says, Marie. He said, “she’s got grace in her life.” That daughter’s

little six year old girl’s name is Grace.

He points his finger at me on the second night of the revival and

says, “You got power in your tongue. I see a garment on you with

bells on the hem. I am now a speaker and minister of education.

The first night he was in the middle of his sermon and suddenly

he looks up in the choir loft and points at my husband and tells him

to come down. He looks at me in the congregation and said, "This

is your husband isn't it?" Well I was crying by then because my

husband and I had just gotten married a month earlier. Still crying

and overwhelmed by this man's discernment he wrapped an

anointed cloth around both of our wrists and said, "You have a

covenant and you two are going to the promise land."

What this preacher didn't know was that in this Jubilee Year that

I was a Jubilee birth. It was my season. God had moved me

geographically to Wilson, North Carolina. I remember saying, Lord

has anything good ever come out of Wilson? God had changed my

name, and my husband had nicknamed me Hepzabah. Two months

after this revival God opened a door for me to go back to school

where I earned my degree in biblical studies.

Prophecy is not complicated. You are either anointed for it or

you're not. In bible times if your prophecy didn't come about you

would be killed. If someone prophecies over you make sure it is

confirmed by two or more.

Rev. Brown has went on to be with the Lord, but he touched so

many people's lives and his words still linger in our lives today. God

had allowed a thorn in his side but then it was that weakness in him

that made the glory of God so pronounced in him.

According to the signs of the times, we are in the last days!

I hope all is going well with you Bishop. Heaven is real and hell is

real and judgment IS TO COME! You're gonna like this article Bishop. I

get so tired of soft messages, when people all around us are

perishing. People need to be scared, and scared out of their wits, and

rush to the altar before its too late. Love you, Donna Braman

Paul said brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those

who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no

hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe

that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

For this we say unto you, for those of us who remain alive in the

Lord will not prevent those who are asleep to stop them from

coming up from those graves." 1 Thessalonians 4:13.

For the Lord himself will descend with a shout, with the voice of the

arch angel with a trumpet sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise

first. Those who remain alive shall be caught up together in the

clouds to meet the Lord.

The word rapture is not in the bible but the word caught-up is. We

are going to be caught up, so don't lose sight of his return. Oh let

us have the light of the word in our churches. I hope that in bringing

some scripture in this teaching that it will give you comfort and joy,

and a heart as a Christian.

When you lose your vision of the Lord's coming you lose your way

through the wilderness of life. When you lose your vision of the

Lord's coming, you begin to live on a carnal, flesh level. You begin

to get caught up in the things that are going on around you in


If we knew that Jesus could come at any time or moment and we

knew we must come face to face then every Christian would say, I

must be a better Christian. They would admit that they need to live a

better life because I can sense that the coming of the Lord is at


We live in a troubled world and in troubled times. Look at the

problems we're having today right here in America. We've got an oil

spill that our government has not been able to stop and will be

unlikely to have a recourse on the damage done to the earth. We

have economic problems, set backs, cut backs, and bailouts. We

are in perilous times like the Apostle Paul preached. We're in the

last days and the world system is being set up at this very moment

for the Anti-Christ. The world doesn't have any idea what's going

on. But I'm telling you, there is no man that can fix it.

The signs of the times show that we are in the prophetic days of the

end. So we had better make our calling and election sure. Jesus

said, I'll build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail

against it. Don't lose sight of his return!

The Apostle Paul labeled this hour that we're living in as perilous

times. But there is a day that he is coming to deliver his church

from it all. He's coming for a glorious, triumphant, victorious

church; a church without blemish, spot or wrinkle, or any such

thing. It's going to be a holy church. It's not going to be a prosperity

church. What's going to bring in the end time harvest is the gospel

of Jesus Christ and ministers that will stand up and proclaim, Thus

saith the Lord.

That same Jesus that died on the cross is coming. The same Jesus

that rose from the dead is coming. That same Jesus is coming back

for his bride, the church. Those who have been washed in the blood

of the lamb is who he is coming for, and those who are looking for

his glorious return. Look at Hebrews 9:28.

Some people think that the true church will have to go through the

tribulation but the bible says, God has not appointed us unto wrath

but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. The true

church's appointment is to glory. Our destination is heaven. When

Christ appears, guess what, we're going to disappear. When he

comes we're going to leave this place, to a city that has no night. It

will be a city which has a foundation and whose builder and maker

is God.

This is the blessed hope for the church. This is why we're looking

for him. Because we know this world is not our home. We're just

pilgrims and strangers passing through, sojourning here. One

fellow said to my Pastor, do you believe in aliens? I liked his

answer. He said, I sure do, cause I'm one of them. I am an

ambassador from the glory world and I'm on a mission for my Lord

and Savior, Jesus Christ to preach his word. Titus 2:13.

Think about it, right now Christ is in heaven and the Holy Ghost is

at work here on earth. There are two groups of people in this world.

You are either saved or you're lost. It's just that simple. Jesus is

either your Lord or he's not. You are either righteous or you're not.

You are either holy or you are unholy. You are either ready to meet

him or you're not.

You're either a servant of God or you belong to the devil. There is

no in between.Bob Dylan sang a song once called 'You got to serve

somebody." When the Lord snatched me out of darkness and

transferred me into light I know who I was going to serve from then

on. It was like the song, "It was a great thing that he did for me."

I'm telling you how Christ did it, how he took all of that mess out of

me; how he transformed my life after he flushed the filth out of my

system. I don't know, but I fell in love with him at that moment and

I've been in love with him ever since.

The bible says, to set your affections on things above, not on things

of this world. For when he appears then shall we appear with him in

glory. Don't lose sight of his return.

The next prophetic thing to occur on God's calendar is the coming

of the Lord for his church. First of all, when he comes there's going

to be three great sounds. There's going to be a shout first, and it's

going to be a mighty shout of victory and power.

Jesus stood at Lazarus' tomb one day and he cried, "Come forth."

Lazarus was dead but guess what, he heard the voice of the Master,

and he came forth out of that tomb. When Jesus descends with a

shout, it will pierce the graves and penetrate the depths of the sea.

It will be heard by every saint on this earth.

The bible says our body will be fashioned like unto his glorious

body. The body with it's aches and pains will be gone and we'll

have a brand new body. Secondly, there's going to be the voice of

the arch angel. Think about this, Jesus will be leading a heavenly

host of angels. Then thousand upon ten thousand upon ten

thousands of angelic beings.

You know, nothing can be around our Lord in heaven that does not

reverence him and I believe the angels that surround him worship

him day and night. I believe they gather around him on the Sabbath

and say, lets go to the earthly church and have a great camp

meeting down there. They've got some people over there at that

church that likes to worship, sing and praise to me!

You know there's some churches that if Jesus was to show up the

people wouldn't even know that he had even come. I got something

for my Lord, a Holy Spirit filled, fire packed gospel, and I'm going to

hold on to it no matter who don't like it. I'm going to keep my sight

on the things of God and on the coming of the Lord.

Thirdly, there's going to be the trumpet sound. Then we will see the

appearing of our Lord. The bible says the Lord himself will descend

from heaven. It's a promise, John 14:3.

Jesus loves his church! He gave himself for it. He looks upon the

intent of the heart and he knows our lying down and when we

rise. The eyes of the Lord is running to and fro across the earth to

show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect on


Jesus is coming back just like he left, with his disciples at the Mt. of

Olives. This same Jesus that was taken up before you will come

again in a like manner as you saw him go into heaven. He left on a

cloud and he's coming back on a cloud. He left with the arch angel

and he's coming back with an arch angel. He left in power and he's

coming back in power. He left in glory and he's coming back in

glory. Those that are looking for him shall see him appear the

second time, without sin unto salvation.

Aren't you glad you are saved! If you are not fall on your knees with

a contrite heart and ask his forgiveness and he will cover you in his

blood. Throw your anchor out for Christ and he will pull you into his

marvelous light.

The heavens are going to burst open and Jesus will appear in mid

air, suspended between heaven and earth. Jesus was once before

suspended between heaven and earth. Cruel men hung him upon

an old rugged cross yet Jesus loved them and he cried out from

that cross, father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Matthew 11:28.

He loved us so much he said, "all you who are heavy ladened, come

unto me and I will give you rest." For the joy that was set before

him, he endured the cross because he knew we would come. He

tells us, now go out and bring them in so that my house will be full.

He's going to fill up that glory world. He is enlarging it all the time

but God is going to have a people in glory land and it's going to be

the saints that loved him and overcame. That joy fills him, and his

heart is filled with anticipation to be with his bride as he hovers

between heaven and earth. He can't wait to see the joy that fills us

at his presence.

It's going to be a reunion the world will never forget! So don't lose

sight of his return!

Let me tell you what's going to happen on this earth when he

comes. I'll give it to you straight from the word. The dead that were

not saved, their grave will not open. They will sleep on in their

graves. Those who have done good will come forth. Those who

have done evil will go to a damnation. The bible says, blessed and

holy is he that has part in the first resurrection but those who die

without Christ are not blessed and holy.

The lost in their graves will sleep in the grave for another 1,000

years. Then the great tribulation period comes. They will be raised

and brought before the great white throne judgment. Their fate is a

lake of fire and hell damnation. It's a time when all lost sinners will

be judged and those who rejected Jesus Christ. Those in the

church who didn't obey the gospel and Christ will not make it

either. Wealth nor good works alone will not save you from this


The fearful, the liars, thieves, abominable sexual deviants,

sorcerers, adulterers will all have flames of fire upon them in the

judgment. Those whose names are not written in the book of life

will be at the great white throne judgment.

This will be a final judgment, from its verdict there will be absolutely

no appeal. The bible tells us plainly that those whose name is not

found in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire and

brimstone for eternity. This is the sword of death. Your body is

dead and your soul and your spirit has no life to ever experience

joy. You will pray to die but can't. The sounds and the smells will

torture your mind and senses forever.

This is the second death. This is what the devil has in store for you

that listen to him and follow after sin of the flesh and mind and evil

hidden in your hearts. The devil is a tempter because he knows we

are weak in the flesh, but Christ's blood gives us power to give that

up so we can overcome.

Hell is a place of darkness, a place of weeping, wailing and

gnashing of teeth. Suffering night and day forever, and ever and

ever. This is a biblical truth, that all men without Christ are

appointed unto death and that afterward unto judgment. Sinners

don't have to leave this world without Christ. Backsliders in the

church don't have to leave this world in that condition.

Never lose sight of what Christ has done for you or forget his

promise of return. It is those that are expecting him and looking for

him that will see him. Today is the day of salvation. You better work

out your salvation with fear and trembling. John said, blessed are

the dead who die in Christ. John 3:2, Col. 3:4.

This is why I sing and shout because I know he is soon to come and

I rejoice in his sanctuary. Are you living in his light and living holy

for him night and day? Resist the devil! Draw night to Christ and

righteousness will come and the devil will flee, for he will fear you

with the anointing of Christ on you.

Seven Steps To Having Victory And Dominion Over Your Enemy

The scriptures that I'm going to give you today reveal that we are in

a complicated war and the battle is with the devil. Ephesians 6:12

tells us,"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against

principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of

this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly


There is a spirit realm right above our heads, and until you can get

some discernment of the spiritual realm you will never gain

dominion. The devil is the prince of the air, and he operates in the

dark and we need to recognize who we are fighting. You will need to

know the weakness and power of your enemy in order to gain

dominion over him.

The key to these principles are knowing who you are and then

letting the devil know who you are. Decide that this year you are not

going to be like a lot of Christians that come up against attacks and

all they can do is plead with the Lord to make it all better. You have

weapons and YOU are going to have use them. But first, you must

know just what Jesus Christ's power is and what He accomplished

for you already and take dominion of the power He has given the

church. Here are the principles outlined for you:

1. Recognize Your Source Of Dominion

Paul prayed a prayer in Ephesians where he asked for us to have

wisdom and discernment because he knew we had to know this to

have victory and dominion. We have to understand the exceeding

great power we have through Jesus Christ. Jesus took the

dominion from Satan and turned and gave the keys to the church.

Now keys are made to lock and unlock things, so you have the

power to bind and to loose situations in your life.

Let's take a look at the power given to Christ in Ephesians 1:19-23,

"may you have the spirit of understanding and your eyes be

enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling,

what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and

what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who

believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He

worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him

at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality

and power and might and dominion, and above every name that is

named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And

He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all

things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills

all in all."

You can see from this scripture that the power and source of your

dominion comes directly from heaven. It comes through Jesus

Christ. You make Him Lord of your life and learn these principles

and you'll get dominion. It does not come through human ability but

a spiritual power. We are a people of dominion. As you study the

word of G-d you'll see where Paul gives us these principles.

2. Learn The Effective Use Of Your Weapons

Just as the conflict is spiritual so our weapons are spiritual also.

We have prayer and we have the sword of the spirit. We need for

our prayer to be fervent and you'll never have effective, fervent

prayer until you tap into the Holy Spirit for He anoints you to pray.

He gives you that quickening spirit and words come to you to pray,

and sometimes all you can do is just groan from your spirit and

guess what, He prays for you then.

Faith is a mighty weapon too and the power of calling on His name

is mighty. When you can get this in your spirit you will be able to

make demons shutter when you begin to pray the prayer of

command in Jesus' name. 2 Corinthians 10:3 says, "For though we

walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the

weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in G-d for pulling

down strongholds, and casting down arguments and every high

thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of G-d."

You have an enemy and he's trying to stop you from getting your

inheritance. Cast the devils high thoughts down. Everyone that is

going to walk in dominion must know the WORD. It should come

out of your mouth when you're attacked by the devil. Jesus has a

two edged sword on His tongue, and He used that when dealing

with devils. The word of G-d must be hidden in your heart so that

when an attack comes you can use that double edged sword. It will

cause exploits from you. Get to know His word.

People that walk in dominion are people of the word and prayer.

Prayer is the most talked about subject but the least done in the

church. It baffles me that people in church won't pray. They want a

good sermon only. But prayer moves the hand of G-d. It amazes me

how little preachers pray. How few call the people in unity to pray at

the altar, or call for a prayer intercession night. If you go to a

church with prayer you are blessed because where there is no

prayer there is no spiritual power. If you've got a praying pastor or

praying people in your church you better cling to their coat tail.

You don't have to come to church to try to out pray everyone, you

can come and just groan when you're burdened and the Holy Spirit

will do the rest. Prayer is the power that accomplishes things when

nothing else will. Faith gives you dominion and a person with faith

walks with G-d.

Where do you get faith? Romans 10:17 tells us, "So then faith

comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of G-d." The word

cannot build faith in you until you learn to abide in it. Jesus tells us

this in John 15:7, "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,

you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."

3. Recognize Your Relationship To The Body Of Christ

The Body of Christ is a divine relationship with Jesus Christ.

Christ's body is a living, moving entity. Stay close to the church.

Colossians 1:18 says, "And He is the head of the body, the church,

who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things

He may have the preeminence."

Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against His church.

Follow His commands and pay your tithe and the devil will never

prevail. G-d said to prove Him on this. It will cause blessings to flow

because you're a part of His body. Do you need healing or a

miracle, then get the body to praying for you. The people should be

worshiping him through prayer and praise, they should be pulling

praise out of the preacher. Are you a dead church or are you a

church alive in Him?

Look at Ephesians 2:5, "even when we were dead in trespasses,

made us alive together with Christ and raised us up together in the

heavenly places in Christ Jesus." He has raised us up together and

we sit in heavenly places! Jesus shows you your position in Him

here. We are in Him and He is in us. We are also seated together.

We are to reign as priests and kings before His throne. We're in the

world but not of this world.

Stay with me now, cause I'm going to show you your position in

faith and prayer here. Look at Hebrews 7:24, "But He, because He

continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore, He

is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to G-d through

Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." Jesus is

seated on the throne and He intercesses (prays) for us.

You have a partnership with Christ that intercedes. Romans 8:34

says, "Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and

furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of G-d, who

also makes intercession for us." Christ, the exalted Lord is praying,

the Holy Spirit is praying.

Romans 8:26-27 says, "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our

weaknesses, For we do not know what we pray for as we ought, but

the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which

cannot be uttered.. Now He who searches the hearts knows what

the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the

saints according to the will of G-d."

The Holy Spirit is praying, Jesus is praying, and we are to pray.

Don't quit and don't faint. Christ is wanting for the church to join

Him in prayer. The church has more programs and is more

organized than ever before with the greatest preachers on sermons,

but we have missed the thing that brings the power. My G-d, bring

some people up in the church that will pray!

The average Christian prays 4 minutes a day and it goes something

like this, Lord, thank you for this food...

You can change the world with prayer, you can change your church

and family with prayer. All things are possible for those who

believe. Paul was afraid the church wouldn't understand this. In

Ephesians 1:17-18 he says, "That the G-d of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and

revelation in the knowledge of Him, that you may know what is the

hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His

inheritance in the saints."

Paul overwhelms us when he says we are seated with Christ.

Ephesians 2:5 says, "Even when we were dead in trespasses, made

us alive together with Christ (by His grace) and raised us up

together to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

We are raised in the newness of light and this is the mystery the

church needs to grasp. G-d ordained that the church should pray.

That's dominion!

4. Identify Your Enemy

How can you win a battle if you don't know who you are fighting?

The devil is subtle. With our thought processes we go, where did G-

d come from? There is nothing greater than getting your prayers

answered. Spend time in prayer and get some answered prayers

and you will know where G-d comes from then.

Have enough faith that you start saying, I will not be denied. Be like

Elijah, don't give up. If you don't have enough faith in your prayer

life yet, go find you some Elijah prayer warriors that know how to

pray it through. Don't give up. G-d will connect your situation with a

prayer warrior. He will put them in front of you and the one's who

are tuned in to the spirit will know they need to pray for you and

your situation. Your prayer is what determines whether or not you

will prevail. We need to learn to pray as a nation. We need to learn

to pray for family and one another in the body of Christ.

I have two family members I hadn't talk to in a while and recently

communication was opened up and they expressed desperate

prayer needs for children in the family. I was not even aware of

these needs. These needs require intercessory prayer. The Holy

Spirit brought this before me because He knows I am about to

embark upon a 40 day fast and prayer for others. I'll not let the devil

win for I will take a mighty stand and beat this giant that is coming

against my family.

You'll never have victory if you don't learn to identify your enemy.

It's not your husband, nor your employer, nor people in your

church, but it is the devil that you are dealing with not people. John

10:10 says, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and

to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may

have it more abundantly."

Christ wants us to have dominion. In this verse your enemy is

identified and your benefactor. Battles are not natural, they are

spiritual. We want to try to battle them by world principles but the

devil will laugh in your face and keep you in fear and in turmoil.

Take your weapons out and show him who you are. You see, the

spiritual laws are more powerful than natural laws. Jesus spoke (the

sword of the spirit) to the storm and it ceased.

Your enemy is the enemy to G-d. That's why the battle is not yours

in the natural, but it is G-d's. Know the weakness of your enemy.

David killed a giant because he understood Goliath's weakness,

that he served wooden gods and he cursed David's G-d, which

meant death to the giant. So David already knew that and because

of it that G-d would deliver the enemy into his hand. David killed off

an evil seed by knowing who he was in G-d.

The devil IS limited. The devil was completely defeated by Jesus.

Any believer can resist the devil and he has to leave. James 4:7

says, "Therefore submit to G-d. Resist the devil and he will flee

from you." Draw nigh to G-d and He will draw nigh to you. Get the

Holy Ghost and get suited up and let your tongue go to praying

some of these scriptures and I promise you that the devil will be no

match for this dominion.

We must remind the devil that he is defeated, that Jesus already

won the battle, and that truth and knowledge of His word gives you

the victory. Colossians 2:15 says, "Having disarmed principalities

and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over

them in it. Jesus dragged Satan through the corridors of hell and

every demon in hell saw it, and they will see His power in you too if

you exert it. Jesus triumphed over Satan and gave the power to the

church. Well, glory!

Demons fear and tremble before spiritual power. Someone who

walks in dominion takes authority over the devil and sits in the rest

of Christ. Speak to the devil and let him know who you are. Luke

10:19 says, "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents

and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing

shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this,

that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your

name is written in heaven." (by which you have this power)

The Greek word Exusia means power and the Greek word for

Dumas means power over everything. G-d is omnipotence.You have

the Dumas of G-d and the power to use His name.

6. Stay Battle Ready

Stay in the blood, the devil tries to get us away from our covenant.

He knows your weaknesses and he'll come at you through them.

Fortify your weakness with the word of G-d. G-d will turn that

weakness around and make it your strength in Him. Don't ever let

your guard down. You're devil proof so hold on to your weapons

and never lay them down.

Satan will put a booby trap before you. If Satan convicts you, you

can't cast out the devil then. If the devil can put anger in you you'll

not heal the sick. If he gets you confused, you'll not pray and see

manifestations. The devil wants you to stay confused and not battle

ready. So watch for these subtle moves the devil does and you will

begin to recognize your enemy and his plans.

Never take your eyes off Jesus. Don't look at man, they will

disappoint you. Your family will hurt you and friends too, so stay

focused on Christ. Pray! After this manner pray ye, Father who art

in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Go before the Lord with reference

and thankfulness and with a praise on you lips.

7. Rejoice In The Victory

Learn how to use the weapon of praise. Punish the devil with your

praise. G-d inhabits the praises of His people. Make the devil listen

to your praise. You can't think a praise and punish the devil but if

you'll use your voice and speak praise, the devil will have to listen.

Try praising the Lord in the midst of a hard place and see how

quickly you come out of it. Start pressing the devil and punish him,

instead of allowing him to press you. Flip it on him, show him some

real power.

We're not losers church, we are what G-d says we are. We have

what G-d says we have. We have all the promises and the armor

and the praise, and it is all to bring glory to Him. Get some scripture

in you and learn G-d's will.

The Holy Ghost wants us to preach and to pray, not by our might

but by His Spirit. G-d is searching the heart who is praying, and

who is praising Him. He is looking to see who is sold out for Him.

THE ANOINTING OF A MAN Paul said, I'm going to preach the gospel as God has given it to me, and not just to please man. 1 Thess. 2:4. We are to live to please God and that includes how a man runs his home. You are entrusted to the word of God as the head of the home as Jesus is head of the church. Ephesians 5:25, Ephesians 6:4, Heb. 10:25.

Look around, we have a nation that has been compromised. But God has commands concerning the family. I see homes where the woman has taken on the role of head of the home. Believe me, I know this kind of preaching is not popular. But God's word stands whether its in season or out of season by man. This just goes to show you how far off we are in having Godly homes. I'm not giving you my opinion here, I'm giving you God's word on it. What we see in the natural as a real man is not what God's definition of a man as he sees him.

God is the ruler of the family. He's God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He has eight compounded names that shows you how high he is over his creation. He's Raphael, Redeemer, Jehovah, El Shadai, Savior, Lord, Elohim, King of Kings. And of him 1 John 5:7 says, "This is He who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who

bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. And there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." So Jesus tells us in the above scripture Ephesians 5:25 and Ephesians 6:4 how the man is to love his family as Christ loves the church. Wives are to be submissive unto their husbands and that fathers are not to provoke their children. He is trying to tell us how to have a happy, contented family full of blessings and right living.

The world does not determine the foundation of the family, that was already established upon God's creation in the Garden of Eden, and what he establishes does not come in and out of season as societies like to determine it. God did not establish this family unit and its principles for fun, but so that all would go well in the family. His love for the family is not to be matched by anything else that is why our covenant with Christ is so closely linked to the marriage covenant.

If you will get in the word and get up under a preacher that knows the word and is obedient to preaching it, you will get some doctrine that will save your family. God is the one who chose to make the man the head of the home. It is not because he is favored over the woman but because he is the stronger of the two and God has put a great responsibility on him in that role. God holds him responsible for leading his family into the paths of righteousness.

Men evaluate themselves by how good of a provider he is; his income, how smart his children are, and what people say about him. But how God sees him should be the most important, because God is never wrong. People judge your worth by measures that God does not. You may be all these things but they're worthless without

God. You may be good but are you pleasing God or more concerned about self evaluations based on material emphasis and how the world views you?

I'm going to give you some scripture of how man sees himself and how God sees him that you won't soon forget. He gives us this

illustration in Revelation. I'm going to show you how you can not compromise the scripture without consequences with God.

Revelation chapter 2 and 3, says, "These are the things that he has to say who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars." These are the churches and this is what he says. See if you find yourself somewhere in here. To the church of Ephesus (Rev. 2:5), "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil, and you have tested those who say they are apostles and have found them to be liars. You have persevered and not become weary."

Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love and have fallen from my works." How many of us are doing our own works these days and hardly even take the time to praise him anymore but chase after our own dreams.

To the church of Per'gamos he says, "He who has a the sharp two-edged sword, and I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. You hold fast to my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells."

"But I have this against you, because you have there those who hold doctrine of Ba'laam, who taught Ba'lak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel." Do we look the other way when we see sexual immorality among us and not correct it? Do we allow our children to run after idols of this world and pretend like that is okay and acceptable in our homes and in our churches?

To the church of Thy-a-ti'ra, "these things says the Son of God, who

has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass; I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience. and as for your works, the last are more than the first."

"I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce my

servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols." How many of our churches are run by Jezebels who have hurt and caused people to leave the church because there's more sin in the church than in the world?

To the church of Sardis, "These things he says, I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead, but you have a few left that have not defiled their garments."

Have you ever been to a church where when you walk in you feel death is all around spiritually, and the preacher gets up and says a few rehearsed words and you are dismissed so quick that if a lost person was in there he left lost too? That's the kind of church where they need to build an altar and all of them repent.

To the church of Philadelphia, "He who is Holy, He who is true. He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens.You who have little strength. I will make those of Satan come and worship at your feet, and to know that I have loved you. You have persevered and I will keep you from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole earth to test those who dwell on the earth. Overcomers will take their crown and I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God and I will write my name on him."

I see the Christians that are of the church of Philadelphia, they are the ones who have no recognition in the church but are powerful prayer warriors, who open their mouths and declare the word of God over their situations and for others and see manifestation. They know who they are in the Lord and they know the word and use it to move mountains. They seek the Lord and

inquire of him on everything, and they know their weakness and are made strong through His power.

To the church of La-o-di-ceans, "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. You say, I am

rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked."

The word has become dead to them, the heart is numb and they have no recollection of what the Lord did for them so long ago. They don't read the word, nor do they want a preacher full of truth and spirit to shake them alive again. They are full of themselves and think they already know all truth, but discernment of the Spirit eludes them and they reject truth. They couldn't save a cat.

You see, you may be thinking that you are running your church and home in a good way, as you see it, but until you have the word in you on what a righteous church and home is your idea of good could be filthy rags to the Lord.

There is a cost to compromising the word. But if you'll let God do it his way he will do some work on you. There will be a change in your life, you'll be filled with the word, sanctified and blessed. He'll make you flush all the filth out of your home and life. You'll press on to a high mark of the calling of God and you'll be a high priest in your home. You'll be freed because the blood will set you free.

It's not how much tithe you pay, what your position in the church is, or how loud you shout or how pretty you pray, but are you the leader and Pastor of your home first? God has given all man's ears unto his voice to comfort the hungry, to pray for the sick, to give guidance to loved ones you see going astray. This is what a pastor does in the church, are you doing that with your family?

Do you grieve when one stops coming to church? It's not an easy

job to be a pastor. Men, you should be the same in your home. Your wife should be able to come to you with any need. You need to have your family in church. There is a real devil that is trying to destroy your home and your influence in your home.

Your walk with God should be affecting the US culture, not the other way around. Husband's love your wives as Jesus loves the church and gave himself for it. If he loves it so should we. He will wash you with the word and sanctify you. It's like putting you in one of those old wringer washing machines and turning you about this way and that until the stains become white as snow.

If men would take the words of Jesus more seriously and their responsibility as the head of the home as he has given them it would change the church and the nation. We have to love the Lord to the core of our hearts, minds and souls. David stripped down to a linen ephod and danced like a wild man before his Lord.

I'm gonna look old David up when I get to heaven on Praise Ave and Worship Lane. I'm gonna say, come on let me show you my dance. Do you have a dance or song for him in your heart that is bursting out the seams? 2 Samuel 6:14 says, "they began to shout and dance before the Lord."

Michal, David's wife looked down on him and criticized him. She was a compromiser like her Daddy. She had the spirit of her daddy. See how profound we pass on our spirits to our children. 2 Samuel 6:18-19 says, after blessing the people David went to bless his own home. Even after taking care of all the business of Israel and God he didn't forget his own family.

What was it about David, was it killing Goliath, or being anointed King? No, it was his heart. It was after he took care of God's business he turned his heart toward his family. 2 Samuel 6:20. He was balanced in all his ways. Here is a balanced priority order; to God first, to your wife and children, then to the church. God doesn't

want burnt offerings, he wants you. There is nothing better in the whole world than to hear your wife say, thank you for giving me a Godly home. There's nothing better when your children say, I love you daddy, thank you for directing me the right way.

It's okay for man to misunderstand you but God never does misunderstand you because he looks upon the heart. And if you'll look closely at his grievances of the churches you'll see that he is judging the heart of the people and not their works. What grievance would God have against you today as the spiritual leader in your home?

Tell your family, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. That's what Joshua told the people of God when he became their leader. He didn't ask his wife and kids, do you want to go to church today? He understood his role as a leader of the house of God.

You are the one God will hold responsible, not your wife or children. If you know you're not ready to be the leader get under some right teaching by a Godly pastor who is the leader of his home and church that lives by the word and not the whelms of the world. God has anointed you to be the leader of your home.

When Your Heart Is Overwhelmed

by Donna Braman

These articles highlight the reason churches do not see a move of God and Christians stay in lack. I think they will fit your e-magazine perfect. Let me know if you need anything else on this. In His Love, Donna

Lovest Thou Me In John 21:15-17, Jesus asked Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Jesus is asking us the same thing today, Do you love me more than the things in the world? Then feed my sheep. Do you love me more than you do your business? Then feed my lambs. Do you love me more than your own life? Then feed my sheep. There is a significance and revelation to why Jesus says this three times. Before you are at the end of this teaching you will know why Jesus did this and it is a message from him for this end generation church. In Revelation 3:20-22, we see Jesus standing outside His church wanting to come in. A church He purchased with His own blood. I hope you are listening today because Jesus is speaking to His church. He that hath an ear let him hear what the Lord is saying to His church. If you will overcome, you can sit at my throne. Jesus is coming for His church; a holy, virgin bride. It is not the time to hold onto to sin or to backslide or to continue being a part of the carnal minded fellowship.

There is a reason there has been a falling away in the church. This event is scriptural for the end times. Preachers are giving up the pulpits like God didn't call them into a life time appointment. God needs a people that will love him forever and not for just a season. There is a luke-warm Laodicean spirit in the church today. For those who have the new spirit Jesus talks about in Revelation let us press forward because God is moving on His church. He promised us the former and latter rain. This end time pouring out of His spirit is going to be greater than at Pentecost in Acts. I see Christians today desiring a renewed relationship with the Lord. They want His joy and His presence. God's thoughts are on us and the whole world, and He is searching hearts to see whose heart is perfect for Him. There are Christians who have been silent for a season that we see now springing up to return to their first love. They want to love God with all their heart, mind and soul. They want real prayer time. They want to hear and read His word. They are taking the time to get into their private prayer chambers to talk and commune with God. For some, it is in the car or while jogging, for me, I perch myself up in my recliner first thing every morning to read and pray and talk to my heavenly Father. I meditate on him throughout the day. I come into His presence in the cool of the evening to sit at His feet, because my heart is fixed on him. We've got to get a thirst for him. Well, I can tell you He blew my skirt up. For others, they know about Him and think they know how to run His church but they have no relationship with Him, nor do they know His ways, desires or heart. We are experiencing in the church a departing and a coming

together simultaneously. It is what the bible refers to as the separation of the wheat and tares. People are tired of worldly events in the church. We've put things in the sanctuary that He never wanted to be put there, worldly speech, making money, movies, parties until it looks more like an entertainment center. We want the presence of God in our midst not a worldly fellowship.

Do you love me Peter? Do you love me more than these things? Then feed my sheep! Stop holding grudges against people in the church, stop gossiping and back biting. We have forgotten that Jesus' whole ministry is supposed to be about forgiveness, yet we hold such unforgiveness in our hearts for each other. If you have an issue with a brother or sister, now is the time to run to them , not to right the wrong they did to you but to ask forgiveness for your unforgiving heart. Three times Peter denied Jesus and when questioned by Jesus we see Peter's heart begin to breakdown into an repentant state. Jesus then reached out and forgave him and blessed him, and he will do the same for you. Jesus took care of His flock's natural needs. He fed them, then He filled their spirits and gained their hearts. We don't know how to gain other's hearts because we're too busy holding on to works without faith, or working to promote our selves and personal gain. Fishing was all Peter knew. It was his living. Jesus said, Do you love me more than these? He's talking about his bank account, his new car, his new home and his business that gains him all of these things. Jesus is asking Peter, Do you love me enough to leave all that? We're living in a Laodicean era, and they are leaving the church because they don't want holiness and truth that is coming back. God will hold this backsliding church generation accountable. He says to resist this spirit of division and hardened heart. Jesus was requiring three things of Peter. Let nothing of this world grip you but God. If you backslide a mile then you've got a long

way to come back, but Peter came all the way back. Jesus said, I'm going to give you the grace and power to walk righteous with me, and as Peter was praying the power fell upon him. Peter did come back and Jesus made him a great man of God. We've got get that passionate love for Him into our hearts.

Has God done some great things for you? He sure has me, and that's why I praise him. I get lost in worshiping Him because I love Him for what he's done for my life. You see, we don't preach right in the church. We don't teach right. We have to stop loving the ministry and love HIM for what he's done for us. Are you proclaiming His glory on your life? By the power of your testimony they will overcome. Yet, we sit back in the pews and don't proclaim nothing he has done that might help a hurting or lost soul in your midst. God is asking the same thing to us today that He did Peter. Love Me more than anything! Did you know it's possible to fall in love with the work of the Lord and not love Him? This is what Jesus meant when he said, I did not come to bring peace but division. He is distinguishing who is righteous and who is not by their love for Him. There can be nothing that takes priority over loving Him. A seductive spirit has come upon His church, and you have to find the balance with Jesus or you will be lured away by this dividing, seducing spirit. Get His word and truth in you so you won't be deceived. Are we trying to please God or man? Too many preachers want to lace their pockets. God will meet your needs, get away from the "me" thing. It's not about you. Jesus says, seek my Kingdom first and everything else will be added unto you. We've got to find balance in these matters with Christ's church. Unless you eat of His body and drink of His blood you can't walk with Him, and You Will Fall Away. Where is your heart today? A man examines his heart by the word.

What are your treasures? Is He your song? Is He your breath and your every heart beat? If you backslide you'll have to crucify Him all over again. You can come back, Peter did, because Jesus mirrored his heart to him. God makes us do things we don't want to do so we can come into

balance with Him. He will balance your dreams and desires. It is a Pastor's job to preach the truth of the word so you can become right and balanced with God. Jesus is coming for an unblemished bride. That's why I know the spirit of the church is changing, because Jesus says it's going to happen. Peter, do you love me more than these? You'll have to ask yourself these questions that Jesus asked of Peter. Is is the work you're doing, or is it the call of HIM ON YOU? Why has He called you? If you can't get this revelation then you'll never surrender. Mark 3:14 Jesus called us to be with him, in our closet chambers, in our hearts, in our minds to send forth to teach and preach. We have it all today, ipods, youtubes, television, sports, secular activity, and we have money. That's the problem in this church age, that those goods have us. Those things are what grips our hearts, not Jesus. Those things are what is stopping us from spending time with Jesus. Can you get a prayer answered? Can you come to the throne of Grace? Do people say of you, Oh he is righteous, he can get prayers answered? We need some radical preachers that can get prayers passed the clouds and speak the truth of God's word without caring what the people approve of. Next time you go to the altar find someone else to pray over instead of for your own needs. We need effectual, fervent prayer for each other. Our hearts have become overwhelmed by everything except Jesus. Spend some time with the Master and you will get a revelation of what the Master is doing. Don't be like the church of Ephesus. It started out right, but it fell back. These men in the church of Ephesus were followers of John

the Baptist and they began to follow Jesus. They had a passion for Christ but something happened, they lost their gifts, the Holy Spirit. They started to do things their own way. When we go our own way the devil takes over the church. We can not embrace the world and the church. We must die to the worldly church age and reemerge as the new spirit of Christ's end time church.

Listen to what Jesus said to the church of Ephesus. Rev. 2:4, You have left your first love. There's something in your life you are putting before me. Many of today's churches are a lot like Peter. They've denied Jesus their time, talent, and fellowship. Well, we then whine, it wasn't intentional, but take heed to Luke 21:34, If you're a minister or teacher you are a watchman on the wall. God called you to speak and preach the truth and to warn the people. Jesus is the Lord of His Sanctuary and His spirit cries out, build for me a sanctuary where the hearts are overwhelmed for me. This teaching was taken from my notes on a sermon of the Rev. Jerry Nelson at Westmoreland PHC with my commentary added. To order the sermon in it's fullest content on CD or DVD you can request that by going to the church web site, or by emailing me at: To see more of Believers Ministry articles and teachings go to To have me as a guest speaker at your church or womens group to speak on these teachings please contact me at the above email address.

Our God Comes For Our Sake And Will Not Be Silent


Hope to see the new edition soon here! You're doing a great job! I'm very proud of all the new things you've added. God bless my brother in Christ! God has not promised that you will never go through battles. What he promises is that he will go through them with you. We go through all kinds of different circumstances and things are always changing for us, but God never changes, nor does his word. In a story told in l Kings 20:4-8, you are going to see how God wins ours battles and how the devil tries to defeat you in your valleys.

This is the story of Ben-Hadad, King of Aram. He sends word to Ahab, King of Israel, that he is coming to take all his silver and gold. King Ahab relents and sends word back saying, "Just as you say, my lord the king. I and all I have are yours." King Ben-Hadad sends another message to Ahab saying, "oh but I will take all that you have, your gold and silver, your wives and your children. I will seize everything you value and carry it away." Ben-Hadad is a picture of the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devil is never satisfied with taking only one thing from you, but he wants it all, your spouse, your money, and your children. We become Ahabs when we agree to let the devil have anything. Like many of us, Ahab didn't stand up and say no, you won't take anything I have. Rather, he consented to giving the devil some of what he wanted. Don't ever think that the devil will stop at one thing. If he can't get one child he will go for another one of your children. Start praying for a hedge around all of your children and marriage and your finances. This story shows the relentlessness of the devil here that got Ahab trapped in his web. Anything that brings joy and happiness is what the devil is after. The devil says, "Ah, and after I get through with your marriage and children and take your money too, there will be nothing left. Where will your God be then?" Don't believe those lies. We serve the El Shadai. You will come out at the top if you will walk with him and get his word in your spirit. It's always the devil's work when things go wrong in your marriage,

with your children and when your finances fail. This is the nature of the devil, so you can't flirt with sin and the or get distracted with worldly pleasure he's going to move in your home. So go on and tell the devil that you are blessed and he can't have your children, your marriage or your job or home. Sit your children

down and tell them who they are in the Lord, because they will be out of your house one day and they will need these truths in them. When the devil gets through with any situation there's nothing left when we consent to give him a portion of anything we have. He leaves our situation with our children and our spouses full of contention if we back down like Ahab did. This story of Ahab was not put in the bible to entertain us, but to teach us something about not allowing the enemy to take from us and to give us a picture of how the devil operates. It is to teach you how to get armored up for the battle to win the war against the devil. What I like about King David is that he never gave the devil an inch to take anything from him. He never backed down like Ahab did. Now a battle ensued with Ahab and Ben-hadad. It took place on a mountain. You can have mountain top experiences. You're on top of world and nothing can defeat you. But it is in the valley where the devil will try to position you for the kill. The army if Ben-hadad gathered together and said, "We know why they defeated us, because they serve the God of the mountain. So, let's get them in the valley where their God is no longer with them." You see the devil knows that it is in trials and fire that our faith falters when things are not going well. Some Christians can only serve God when things are going right and as soon as a trial comes they cave in like Ahab. The enemy wants you to think God will only be there for you when things are good. But God's presence in very real in our valleys and that is the

time when we have to stand our ground of who we are in him and submit to his power and will to deliver us. God will give us a word if we will tune our ear to him. God has a word for us in every situation you find yourself. Sometimes he gives you that word through an anointed person. Tune that spiritual ear because when that word comes you got to

act on it. Here's the kind of word I'm talking about in l Kings 20. Aram decides to wait another year and attack again when the Israelites are no longer on top of the hills but are down in a valley where he thinks their God will not be with them. Well, when he insulted God, that put the Israelites in a good position. So, the prophet came to Ahab and he told him, God is angry at how Ben-hadad, the Syrian king has insulted him. "God will deliver him and his armies into your hands, and they will know that he is the Lord wherever his people are." He's the God of the mountain and he's the God of the valley too. So, have a spiritual ear, for when your enemy attacks your God or insults him he will allow you to defeat that enemy. God allowed the Israelites to inflict a hundred thousand casualties on the people of Aramean in a single day. In the end Ben-hadad is begging for his life, "Oh please let me live." Sometimes you can get a blessing when someone insults you and your God. When the enemy touches the honor of God and his word, they are in trouble. God gets angry when he's insulted. He gave Jesus the name above all names. So when you wear that name you are blessed. There's not enough devils in hell to take your blessings when you're under the blood. Walk in the path of holiness and do all that Jesus commands us to do and no devil will have any power over you. How many times has the devil trapped you in a valley? The king said, "So lets catch them in the valley then we can overtake them."

That's pretty much what the devil says about us, "I'll get your children, your spouse your finances and your health when you come into the valley weakened. When he comes at you like that you say to him, I bear the name of Jesus. I'm an heir and joint heir to the King of Kings, and the Lion

of Judah. My God will deliver you into my hands, cause he's the God of the mountain and he's the God in my valleys. Continues in a second article about how King David got a prophetic word to fight the enemy. God Of The Mountain And God Of The Valley-Part ll God will fight your battles for you, but you've got to get a word and get armored up spiritually. Don't try to take on the devil in your own power. When King David took up those five smooth stones he knew something. He had a word from God. He probably said, oh yes, now I'll just go ahead and give the Lord a praise and a thank you, thank you. It was David's worship that caused him to win his battles. Giants lived in the Valley of Referum. That valley is symbolic of our gigantic problems, and if you live long enough you'll come into the valley of giants, against something mightier and greater than you are. Hide his word in your heart, so when these things come you'll be armored for the battle. It takes prayer to win battles and some folks in the church don't want to pray the price. You've got to get a listening ear to hear from God. When you're facing a giant you need to hear an anointed word. David bowed and prayed, "God I need to hear a word from you." Let's take a look at what ll Samuel 5:19 says, "So David inquired of the Lord, "Shall I go and attack the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?" It's a doubtless thing to hear from God. When you

get a doubtless word from God you will have to act on that word. Stand up with everything inside of you and rise to do what God tells you to do. See, you are the redeemed and God will win through you.

I want to show you something here about David and the five smooth stones. Goliath walked back and forth and defied the God of Israel. For forty days in a row he would come to the valley where all the men were in hiding and taunt them and their God. Now, if you ever take the honor of God, you are in trouble. And you are in a great position when your enemy does that. These blasphemies coming from Goliath disturbed David while the Israelite army did nothing about this giant defiling his God. David stood up and said, "God will deliver Goliath into my hand." How did he know this? Well, lets go back to the decree God had given Moses concerning this. Leviticus 24:16 says,"anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death. He must be stoned to death." While the Israelites were in hiding David got this word from God. He knew God's decree for the outcome of Goliath. He wasn't counting on his skill with a sling shot, but what God's word said to him. Maybe you haven't gotten a word yet in your situation, but God is the God of mountain and the God of the valley and he is with you wherever you are. David renamed that valley Bel Perizm, which means in Hebrew, breakthrough. Stand up with some doubtless faith and God will master your breakthrough too. Get a word, get alone and seek him with prayer and reading his word. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to you. Isaiah 46:10 says, "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come." Sometimes God's Kingdom is an upside down Kingdom that gets inverted. He's already declared the end from the beginning. All you

have to do is walk by faith. We say, show me and I will believe, but God says, believe me first and then I will show you. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Let the poor say that I am rich, and the sick say that I am well. You don't gain by giving, but by serving. The greatest servant will be the lowly servant

to all. This is an inverted truth and opposite of the way the world operates. My point is that if the devil goes far enough like Goliath did, you will see God flip it upside down. Your battle has already been won, just stick with the Lord. I know the giant is big, the enemy is real coming at you, but rename your valley and watch God move. You can't get to the next mountain top until you learn to trust him in this battle and to praise him through it with faith. If you'll keep the devil in his place you can whip him. Keep him in the air, for he's the prince of the air and the lord of the flies, don't let him in your ground. You have hope in your valleys, there is a way out and God's word assures us of that, so go ahead and master your breakthrough today. No weapon formed against you will prosper, Thus Saith The Lord. Remember l Kings 20:28, "The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, "This is what the Lord says: 'Because the Arameans think the Lord is a God of the hills and not a God of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord.'" Complete series: http://calledtobeanintercessor.blogspot Prayer Line: Devotionals:

The Hidden Hindrances To Answered Prayer BY


These articles highlight the reason churches do not see a move of God and Christians stay in lack. I think they will fit your e-magazine perfect. Let me know if you need anything else on this. In His Love, Donna In the first article on Hindrances to Answered Prayer, I discussed the four

obvious reasons why God will not answer prayers. Here, I am going to be

discussing the other four hidden reasons God's hear is not tuned to us.

The worldly church has become such a part of our tradition that most of us

don't even realize that we put blocks up from God hearing us. God delights in

us when we talk to Him without trying to cover up our contaminated hearts.

David was willing for God to search his heart and correct it. God delighted in

that desire because his motive was pure. In Psalm 139, he said God has

searched him and knows his heart. He knows everything we think, speak and

our motives. It is beyond our comprehension, because otherwise we wouldn't

keep trying to hide our hearts from him and allow it to go astray. Where ever

you go and when ever you lie down that heart is still exposed to God.

God doesn't judge our flesh or our weak minds, but he looks closely at what is

in the heart, especially those things that we work hard to cover up and will

defend with much anger if exposed. It took a prophet to show David the part of

his heart that he had tried to hide from God that caused God to turn a deaf ear

to him. And even the prophet approached him in the disguise of a made up

person that had stolen a poor man's best sheep. Truth was revealed to David

and he learned that nothing is hidden from God concerning us. He then

pursued that pure heart that eventually captured God's own heart. But how

many of us are willing to allow God to correct our hearts so that we will be

pleasing to him?

You see, the mind cannot be fully renewed without the heart getting right first.

With that in mind we're going to take a look at the things in our hearts that

cause God's ear to turn from us. You are going to be awakened by a truth

here that the church has been afraid to tell you, and it's going to change your

mind about some things and pull down the veil that has hindered you from

getting your prayers answered. You see, a lot of churches aren't concerned

about God answering your prayers, they are more concerned about not losing

members and tithers and keeping up the act of playing church.

We left off in the first article with hindrance number four and so we'll pick up

from there.

5. Adolatry (Ezekiel 14:3)

The human heart is desperately evil. Man has a nature that will gravitate to

evil if we don't keep a check on what we allow our hearts to seek through the

flesh. What are idols? I think a lot of people don't truly know otherwise their

house and life wouldn't be so full of them. The bible tells us to not put any

God's before him. God said the people have set up idols in their hearts. God

tells us that if we reserve iniquity in our hearts then He won't hear you.

We don't have to go and bow down to golden calves. God is talking about

idols we set up in our hearts. Materialism and sex have become America's

Goddesses. If you don't believe me, turn on the television and watch a few


The devil has three hooks to put idolatry in your heart; the flesh, pride and the

eye. He used this method on Eve and he tried to use it on Jesus. Americans

are like the Israelites when they got sold into Babylon. They stayed there so

long and became merchants and had money and they didn't want to come

back to their promised land and covenant with God again.

Jesus tells us in Mathew 13:22 that the cares of this world will choke the word

out of you. That means to steal the truth from you. I see a lot of this going on

in the churches I minister at that are carnal minded and all they want to do is

give you a bunch of hype and tell you your breakthrough is coming this

season. Well, I don't know what season they are talking about because God is

clear as to His seasons of the former and latter rains and his appointed times

to bless us and for us to come before Him. The Gospel is not a Gospel of just

prosperity but it is the good news and how to have eternal life, how to be

pleasing to God and live abundantly through living spiritual principles.

Prosperity follows you only when you are blessed by your obedience to live the

way God calls us to live. Real prosperity by God is given to bless others and

does not rule you nor is it obtained to line your own pockets. 1 Timothy 6:5

warns us of such preachers as it says, Perverse disputings of men of corrupt

minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is Godliness: from such

men withdraw thyself. He is proud and knows nothing of how to lead you into

prosperity or abundant living. When we see rich preachers fall, that is no

wonder to me, because they take your money and lead you not to the truth of

righteousness wherefore all prosperity come forth. Godly living brings favor,

not a $100 check to some ministry. I'll give you a quick formula for

prosperity, quit your drunking, smoking, gambling and eating at the finest

restaurants and you'll have plenty of extra money to help some poor widow or

orphan or a bag of potatoes to the soup kitchen and you'll get your favor from

God. That's how you get your barns filled at HIS appointed seasons.

We get so tied up on temporal blessings but God is interested in blessing our

whole life and to give us eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, the love of money is

the root of all evil. What do you think God means when He says to flea

something. He don't mean look back, think about it, dabble in it, walk away

slowly, but to run for your life as fast as you can. Narrow is the gate to

prosperity and favor and wide is the road to the crowd that will pull you into

deception and steal God's blessing from you.

I'll give you a quick lesson how to handle money in the biblical truth. You pay

10% to the church for it's upkeep, the church that feeds you spiritually and

helps you grow and mature in the Lord. You give a love gift at God's

appointed time to the poor, orphans, widows, prisoners and to your minister as

a thank offering. Don't you be deceived, you don't buy anything from God.

Now if you want to sow seed to a ministry and I think that is biblical to do

that, but you better make sure it is sown in good soil or you will not reap a

harvest from it. Ask yourself these questions before you give to rich

ministries; do they save souls, do they nurture and teach the truth of God's

word or is the money spent on more hype t.v. sermons, conventions,

entertainment for Christians, trips to Israel, planes, $2,000 suits, $10,000 dog

houses and $500 dollar hairdos. We have become a generation of lazy

preachers, that do not shepherd anymore but desire to stand behind a glass

pulpit, mislead you to get more money so they can continue to be fat and feed

you grand standing witty words that is not anointed or of the Lord. They are

running scared because they see the people want truth brought back and some

of them are trying to go that direction but the anointing like Jeremiah, Jonah

and Peter and many more in the bible is not there, because image is what they

are trying to hold on too. God is shaking up His church and He sifting

through the carnal minded to separate the wheat from the tares, and he is

giving us discernment to men's motives and a desire to covenant with him


Now I am not referring to ministers that buy t.v. time to broadcast their

sermons from their church pulpits. I'm referring to networks and preachers

who have no congregation and hundreds of ministries that are on the internet

that are not even ordained by man much less the Lord that point you to their

web sites to ask for donations.

There is a lot more to prosperity than money. Prosperity also includes health,

stable families, your job, peace, joy and confidence and faith in God and favor

that empowers you against enemy. Prosperity in seeking personal gain is not

Godly. I'm going to give you some scripture here that shows what an anointed

ministry is.

A minister will live in His Oath He has entered into with the Lord and let no

man cause him to stray from that oath. See Paul's oath in Acts 18:18.

6. Uncertainty or Doubt or Lack of Faith

If you're going to get answers, you must believe in your heart and you must

confess it in your mouth.

Churches have perverted the real Gospel and the pentecostal power of the

Holy Spirit. That's why we don't see miracles, healings and moves of God, or

answered prayer among us. Search you hearts as to why you want to cast

down the power that Jesus gives to us. Search our hearts Oh God so we don't

hide your truth or have doubt or lack of faith in you. Help us Lord not to just

teach things that are a selfish motivation in us that results in lack of faith of

the people we serve. We say we can move mountains with our tongues but let

a crisis come to a Christian and watch him sink to doubt, uncertainty and

outright disbelief. We can't just speak the word but we have to believe in our

hearts. Mark 11:23

God is going to have a clean church and one with certainty of who He is. He's

going to do exceedingly, abundantly more than most Christians can even

imagine. But he wants righteous thinking and worship and prayer from our

hearts and not hyped up lip service. Get down at the altar on prayer

intercessory night and cry out to him from your bellies. James 1:6-8 says, but

let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of

the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he

shall receive anything from the Lord, for the lowly is exalted by the Lord. See

also 1John 4:1.

Are you double minded? Do you change when God doesn't answer you right

away? Keep thanking Him, keep praising Him. Sometimes that's all it takes

is to show God our desires and intents through persistence. God answers us

when we cry to Him day and night. His ear is attuned to need. Keep you heart

fixed and your mind consistent with His word and don't let anything move you

from your foundation. Further reading: James 4:23, 1John 3:21.

7. Wrong Motives

When Peter and John was sent forth to Samaria to preach in Acts 8:17-23, the

preachers there saw that as they laid their hands on some, that they received

the Holy Ghost. And when Simon a preacher there, saw that through laying

on of hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered the Apostles money, saying,

give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the

Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, thy money perish with thee, because

thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou

hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for there heart is not right in the sight

of God, for you have the bond of iniquity on you.

If there is gain or benefit in it for you, you can be sure that God is not in it.

Jesus said, seek ye His Kingdom first and everything else will be added unto

you. Let go of temporal desires, it is those little foxes that come to destroy the

vine.1John 5:14 says, and this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if

we ask anything according to His will, he heareth us. Now most people get the

first part of this verse, but we forget that what we ask for must be in His will.

When we are lined up with His word and walk the path He leads us to, then

favor falls upon you, and no weapon formed against you can prosper.

8. Being Inconsiderate Of The Poor

Look at Proverbs 21:1-3, Whosoever stoppeth up his ears at the cry of the

poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. What needy person

have you attended to this past year? Did any elderly person in a nursing home

get a fruit basket or prayer from you? Did some fatherless child get a pair of

tennis shoes from you or did you take the time to take a child to bible school?

Did you donate any food to any shelter or give a bag of potatoes to a soup

kitchen? Did you go and comfort a neighbor that lost her husband this year?

Being inconsiderate to such needy will cause your own blessings to not be

answered. We turn a deaf eye and ear to hungry bellies and sick elderly and a

blind eye to damaged children across town. A hardened heart toward others in

need will stop your blessings. Proverbs 19:17 says, when you give to the poor

you're lending to the Lord.

If you've done all these things God has asked us to do and still your prayer

hasn't been answered don't be discouraged, it could be just a delay until God's

timing or until you've passed a test or trial to strengthen you in the Lord.

Remember the bigger request the longer some times God will make you wait

for it, like Abraham had to wait until His faith had been perfected so he could

pass the test when he finally got His prayer request which was Isaac. so don't

confuse a delay with a no.

The most powerful hindrance I see today in answered prayer in the church is

hardened hearts. In Hosea 5:15 God says, I will go and return to my place till

they acknowledge their offense toward me and seek my face: in their affliction

they will seek me early. If you don't get offended by the truth of God's word,

like the religious establishment was offended by Jesus' words, then you will

see blessings come and abundance and prosperity come and God will hear you

when you call on His name from your heart.


It's time for the church body to get serious about church. We need a spiritual awakening in this nation and we can have it! We've seen it in the history of the church. We can turn this nation around. Rev. 3:18 says, "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich: and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye slave, that you may see." When G-d looks at the church in general, he sees this type of church. We need a fresh touch of Christ's fire! We're in the last days. G-d has promised to pour out his spirit upon his sons and daughters. We need fire and we need sanctification. Sanctification has been dropped in the church today. It seems like everybody is saved but they're breaking G-d's laws everyday. The third largest mission field is in the US. We have a lot of work to do. He's called us to the kingdom for such a time as this. We don't need boring services or hyped up feel good messages. We need a word that will grip the church and a fire that's in us and for us to see signs and wonders. This country needs a fresh touch.

A touch of fire will refine you and fuel you. We're more pleasure seekers than seekers of G-d. It will only happen when the church cries out and begins to pray. An element of holiness is what brought about the fire of Azuza Street. Then that fire spread to Dunn, NC and those people there were set on fire for G-d, and Pentecost came alive. This nation is in trouble. Israel is in trouble. G-d remembers His people. He sent Mose up on a mountain and He came to him in a burning bush but the bush was not consumed. G-d is consuming fire that does not blow out by the change of wind. G-d touches His people so much that His glory goes before us. What do you think would happen if we saw the congregation go to the altar and weep in their hearts for our nation? We need healing with some fresh fire so the world will see it. G-d told us not to put any other gods before us. We've put grace in the midst of pornography, lying and drunkenness in the church. The Lord says, dethrone this type of thing in my church. They will seek me and not the world! G-d sends his fire to awaken people. 1 Kings 18:21. Elijah, the great prophet brought fire! G-d is saying the same thing to the church today. Elijah told the false preachers to call their god? Let us see him manifest. Elijah said, Maybe he's on a journey, or just sleeping. They didn't have an answer for Elijah. We've got people mocking G-d like that today. G-d will bring judgment on them too. Elijah said, go ahead, call your gods a little louder. They did but there was no answer. Elijah started to build an

altar, and burned out all the iniquities of the people. We need some people willing to come to prayer intercessory and pray for this nation. Elijah cried out, "I'm living in an unclean nation." G-d wants to touch us and purify us and make us a peculiar people. One that will build a fire. Isaiah 6:6 says, Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said, "Behold this has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged." Then the Lord said, who will go for me with fire on his tongue for me? That fire was so hot that the angel couldn't even touch it. G-d said, who shall I send? Isaiah said, "Send me Lord". Isaiah's message was a message of hope. There is that same message today. There's not other ways to get to heaven as we hear on national t.v. and behind the pulpit from some. When I looked last in G-d's word it reads only one way; one G-d and one Savior, and his name is Jesus Christ. He is the only way to the father and to heaven. There is only one message, the preaching of the cross. How do we know the power of the cross? Because his light touched me and when it did light and darkness clashed and I was born again. Where are our witnesses of the cross today? People can lose sight of their vision. It can happen in the church. Isaiah ran through the streets preaching, they shall be touched and washed white as snow!

When we have the blood on us we are drawn to G-d. We're drawn to the fire and anointing. I want to see G-d's church rise up and become the glorious church without blemish. Isaiah's message was one of holiness. Let's look at the weeping prophet Jeremiah. He purposed in his heart to never preach again when he saw the sin of his nation. Jeremiah 20:9 says,"I will not make mention of him, nor speak anymore in His name." But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was wearing of holding it back, and I could not. Jeremiah had a fire in him and he had to preach it to Israel because they needed a spiritual awakening. That fire will burn out corruption. It will heal you and give you power to not sin. The world has its eyes on the Anti-Christ but I'm looking for the King. My heart is set upon Him. I'm looking for Him, but till he comes I'm going to preach the fire. Stop bringing idols into the Lord's house. Get into the word of G-d, and say, I want to be free. The Lord said, If you will turn to me and pray, set your heart upon me, then I will visit you with my spirit. The true splendor of Solomon's Temple was not the gold, but that G-d's presence was there with a people that worshiped Him. Oh G-d send us fresh fire!. Take us back to our Judeo-Christian roots. Let us stand up and say to the devil, no you can't have our church. What was his purpose of that fire in Solomon's Temple? It means approval. G-d was pleased with the sacrifice. He confirmed his pleasing by His presence. The power of G-d was so full that the

priest couldn't stand before it. G-d send this power to us now in the church! Let us fall prostate before the Lord! Judgment begins first in the House of the Lord. We don't need revival. We need a spiritual awakening where G-d is pleased with our sacrifices. A lot of people don't want the fire because they'll have to conform to His righteousness and get rid of their worldly ways. But if the church gets to praying it will come whether they like it or not. 1 John 1:7. Most people, by the time they leave church on Sunday will need cleansing again. Because our thought patterns are on the pleasures of this world and are ungodly. The blood constantly has to cleanse us, but G-d is looking not for hype, but his presence comes from prayer and consecration. You get this kind of fire, and you will shut down the crack houses, cause the whole community will hear about it. The fire purifies and refines us. G-d has not changed his ways. What he said to Solomon Temple still stands today. 2 Chronicles 7:14. G-d is not talking to Buddha, or to Confucius, those who are confused. He is talking to his church today! Oh, we wish there was something we could do for G-d. We wonder, what is it G-d you want me to do in the church? Prayer, he wants us to offer prayer and not just going to church to get our own blessings. Fire consumes us for service. Conform us Lord to your will. Purify and refine us and let the fire consume us to serve. Let us have a burning passion for one thing, to serve you until you come for your

church. Oh but many of us have a passion for golf, the t.v., or our friends. Jesus loved His church, he gave himself to it in service and sacrifice. How much do you love HIM? Am I talking to the church? No, Jesus is talking to His church. Its time for the saints to stand and take their position. He will heal our land then!


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