
My Time in Austin’s colony

By Cecily


My Journey

In my journey in Austin’s colony was the best thing because the year were short . I had to in vest 1,000 dollar and they had farming .

My Arrival

The money I had was 1,000 to invest. I had 1 adult one wife and six kids 4 slaves .


In the year 1822 we lost many cattle died.

The year was short for cattle.


At the end of the year 1 I had to pay a lot sufft farming so I had to pay all the sufft like bill and all those sufft and I had 952.00


in the year 1823 I had invest $1004.00 and the lively sank and had some mexican dispute with mexicans over export of cotton.

The lumber was not that good .


the lumber was not that good because not much to building .


in the year 1824 there was a lot of lumber –lots to building.

High demand for beef

Bumper cotton crop and it was a bad year

Colony thrived


It was a bad year for the people the had high demand beef .

so yea it was a bad year .

My town

San Felipe

My conclusion

I was very successful and I was very happy

I really want to go home I was bored


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