
Traveli.coReverse booking tool

Finding a best travel deal

Too many offers around

PriceBooking problemRoom availability

Ran out of timeCould not find what looking for

Need more info

38% of travel planning is now done online

OTA Growth Rate of 18%

$408.000.000.000 (2013)

Place you inquiry

Wait for offerChoose the best option

which YOU likeClose the deal

Travel agencies get


Travel agencies

place the offer

1 token 1 bid €

Travel agencies buys tokens in order to place an offer and

bid for customer


AlexFinancial Ninja

&Algorithm Guy

LazaU/X kickass Design guy

SpasaCode everything


IvanGetting Things Done

Milos LalicFounder of www.putovanja.infoMentor &Adviser

5 of us:

Traveled on 6 continents

Visited around 70 countries in the world (40%)

Visited more than 120 different cities

Coded more than 17520h

Designed more than 4380h

5 of us want to:

Get into an accelerator for 3 months

Network network network

To acquire as much customer as possible

Build an MVP during 3 months @traveli_co

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