Trailer & Poster Analysis: The Romance of Loneliness

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Product Analysis


The Romance Of Loneliness

- Independent production companies above title.

- Actors names below title (not very well known)

Conventional for independent.

- Mostly black and white with pops or red (boots & telephone box)

and orange.

- Woman on chair in colour.

- Unclear handwritten font (reflects identity theme of finding oneself and makes it more personal), some letters lower case and some capital. Clearly shows rough film style.

- Woman in a chair blatantly depicts loneliness (comedy).

- Opens with prod. Company logo.

- Banjo/guitar strumming western country soundtrack creates comedic effect as it cuts to the woman with a run down car seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

- Audience left to guess who, where, what and why with first establishing shot.

- Independent comedy drama genre established from first shot.

- Cuts between shots like these. Photo (left) and short take of the arrival of a woman (bottom)

- Similar in framing, the colours and general image/setting are the same. (Naturally lit wide shots)

- Fragmented but carry the same theme and story.

- Balloons show the childlike nature of friends and growing up/coming of age. (Nostalgia)

- Woman arriving blends into colours of frame and appears swallowed by surroundings. Lower down centre frame makes her looks new/finding herself/vulnerability.

- Contrasting short take and snap shot/photo edited together again but very different.

- Intimate/friendly feelings stirred, pinks/whites/soft lighting. Women look similar. (Centre frame in wide shot)

- Similar image again both wide shots.

- (Below) Women look separated, bleak colours, age difference representing different times but same themes

- Edited in a way that mimics remembering a memory and contrasts in loneliness and friendship again.

- Careful framing that makes the overall trailer flow cohesively.

- Difference in soft/low key and harsh but natural lighting throughout the trailer.

- Difference in lighting again showing a difference in time period or different relationships.

- Naturalistic way of marginalising different relationships.

- Mix between handwritten/ink and capital block letters.

- Actors underlined keeping handwritten personal feel to the trailer. (Letter to the audience)

- Ending with release info. (Too vague for our film however)

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