Traditional Chinese Medicine versus Western Medicine

Post on 15-Jan-2017



Health & Medicine



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Dr.Jenny Chen 陈瑞莹�

Traditional Chinese medical doctor

Acupuncture Doctor

Doctors & Herbalists Health Center �

• PhD in Acupuncture �Shanghai University of

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction •  TCM originated from B.C 100.Its a

holistic therapy used by Chinese for thousands years. It is influenced by the philosophy from the ancient Chinese.

•  TCM is the science dealing with human physiology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. It summed up the experience of the Chinese people struggling against diseases through long term clinical practice and turn it into a unique, integral system of medical theory.

起於先秦、秦、漢時代,受中國古代哲學思想影響, 經過長期累積的醫療經驗,發展成獨特的醫療方法。



the cause of sickness:�

the flow of qi and blood are blocked,

yin and yang lost balance

ways to correct the imbalances in qi�

acupuncture(针灸), herbal medicine,

massage, diets, taiji or qigong�

East – Life nurturing West--Lohas

• The respond to nature of human 天人相應

• The relationship of body and spirit 形神關係

• Balace of yin and yang 阳平阴秘

• Using natural ways for treatments


•  Lifestyles •  Health food, body-

spirit-mind growth 健康饮食与生活、身心灵探索与个人成长

•  Sustainability •  Environmental protection

1.Follow the nature顺应自然 • People live between heaven and earth, are

impacted by cosmic movement such as season change, environment movement, and living conditions.

• Day and night, temperature and humidity changes have an important impact on the human body.


• 24 solar terms二十四节气

2.Nourish body and spirit 形神共养 • Traditional Chinese Regimen encourage that

people should learn to nourish both body and spirit. 养生学主张不但要“养形”,更要“养神

• Nourish body means keep our blood and qi, organs, limbs, features heath. Body is the carrier of spirit, one must has good physical fitness then mental health. “养形”主要是指脏腑、气血、肢体、五官、九窍等形体摄养。形乃神之宅,故只有形体完备,才有正常的精神产生。

Static and dynamic combinations动静结合

•  动与静是相对而言,人到中老年,动静适宜,动静过与不及,都会影响身体;运动量太少则达不到锻炼的,起不到健身的作用;太多则超过了耐受的限度,反而会使身体因过劳而受损。

•  动和静是相反相成的两个方面,要防病、益寿延年,就必须心体互用,劳逸结合,动静并施,不可偏废。

3.Using natural ways for treatments


• Disease prevention, health preservation. 治未病(养生学)预防疾病的发生,提早治疗

• Chinese people have tried to keep health and prevent disease and research the way or do exercises for life-prolonging for thousands years, thus gained abundant experiences in the practice in China. During the long history, health preservation is the soul of Chinese treasure culture.

4.Health preservation and prolonging ways

Balace of yin and yang

1.Mental life nurturing精神养生法 �

In ancient Taoist texts, wu wei (无为)is associated with water through its yielding nature. Water is soft and weak, it is noted, but it can move earth and carve stone.

emotions respond to environmental stimulation . Keeping a favorable emotion and facing the life optimistically are indispensable cultivation, and it is the main factor of good health and longevity as well. �

2.Exercise nurturing运动养生 �Qi-gong relies on breathing techniques to direct the qi to different parts of the body. The relationship among Qi Gong, acupuncture, and massage (Tui Na) are quite close, as they are all based on the same theory.

•  Taoist and Buddhist priests introduced the importance of cultivating the Dantian (inner elixir)丹田

•  Another form of therapeutic exercise is tai-ji, in which the person moves through a series of 24–64 movements that require a relaxed body and correct rhythmic breathing. Many Chinese practice tai-ji as a form of preventive medicine. �



3.Dietary & Medicinal nurturing饮食养生�

Increase the good Qi and to avoid the violation of bad Qi.

提高正气的抗病能力,防止病邪的侵害。 Natural herbs: Chinese herbal chicken

soup, Chinese herb tea 药膳食补、青草茶



4.Environmental nurturing环境养生�

•  Chinese people always stress the harmonious relations between human and nature.

• The Chinese ancient art Feng Shui( geomantic omen 风水) is a theory and art, aiming at looking for a good environment for prolonging life and promoting health.



• with the scientific concept 风水 的科学观

•  Feng Shui is a systemic theory for designing and constructing buildings which includes geography, ecology, architecture, ethics and aesthetics.

•  Feng Shui, the place we choose to live or work should satisfy not only the basic material requirements but also the mental needs, and sometimes should even conform with folk customs in order to keep both body and mind health.



5.Sexual intercourse nurturing 房事养生�

• Yin-yang is the law of nature, the ancient Chinese people thought of nature and themselves from the aspect of yin and yang, and the oriental philosophy considers that male and female, yin and yang, heaven and earth are in the union. The way of yin-yang is the core of sexual love and it is the main need in human life.



• The harmonious and moderated sexual life will make one happy, improve health and prolong life.

The competitive advantage of TCM中医的优势

• Restore and adjust the balance inside our body with a holistic way

•  整体调节人体功能失衡状态

•  use paten identification as the diagnostic methods 辨“证”求“本”的诊断方法

•  Explore the potential of human body by good Qi, all treatments are followed by self-regulating, self-repair principles


• Medical concept: the Chinese medicine believe that medicine is a kind of harmony between man and nature, a integrated medical model looking for ecological balance.

•  医学观上,中医认为医学是一种天人合一的、大生态的综合医学模式。

The restriction of west medicine

• Those “incurable disease”, and ”diagnosis can’t be confirmed by any examinations ”

• Such as “dizzy” ,”fatigue” ,”palpitation” ”,”insomnia ”,”fever for un know reason”, or some people who get drug allergies from side effect, or drug-resistant.



low back pain , allergies and asthma, arthritis, gastrointestinal diseases, depression ,irregular menstruation

The most popular treatments are massage ,acupuncture, medical herbs or spinal therapy.


Complementary and Alternative medicine

• NIH established 17 CAM research centers in some famous universities in USA. There are more than 200 NIH-funded researches in progress.

Specialist diseases, including pain, cancer, stroke and aging, pediatrics, gynecology, heart disease and so on are focused on the efficacy and safety of clinical research.



1602,West Zhongsan R (Hong well plaza)

  Special at curing :Allergies, Rhinitis, Headache, Asthma, Arthritis, Aastro-intestinal diseases, , Insomnia, Irregular menstruation, Low back pain, Atiff neck, lose weight by acupuncture, ankle/wrist wench

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