
Tourism at work My work experience in Malta

Something about Malta The Republic of Malta is a little island near Sicily, Tunisia and Libya, this country was the land of bees and honey, and the name Malta, given by the Greeks, means exactly “Honey”.

The capital is Valletta and the inahabitants can speak two languages: ●  Maltese ●  English

Both of them are official languages; but there are a lot of people that can speak also Italian and Arabic.

Malta in recent years has became a popular destination thanks to: ●  Warm climate ●  Spectacular sea ●  Architectural and Historical monuments ●  Entertainment

I took part in “Erasmus Plus”, a project that gives a wide range of opportunities, this occasion was given to me by my school and I shared it with 10 classmates; everyone worked in tourist companies, such as hotels or museums. From 10th January to 10th February

Why did I go to Malta?

Some of my friends at work

What about me? It’s not easy to explain where I worked, Popeye Village is the name of my company, and I worked in a village as an animator.

Popeye Village It is a wooden village born to host the “Sweethaven Village Film” in 1980, the story of Popeye and his girlfriend Olive. When the filming of the movie finished this village wasn’t destroyed.. ….It could become a tourist attraction!!

Nowaday it is open all year round with diffents shows and packages, it’s an ideal place for all ages; where everyone can have fun and relax, it is located in a fabulous place

near the sea, Anchor Bay in Mellieha.

There are animators that organize shows, entertainment and much more for all kinds of

customers, from children to adults…. No one can get bored during the time spent around

the village!!

You don’t need a reservation and the price can change according to your age but the entance

ticket alllows you to visit everything.

●  Kid’s play area ●  Cartoon Museum ●  Puppet show ●  Face Painting

Activities to do ●  Live animation

show ●  Boat ride ●  Mini Golf

The customer is the most important person inside the village, his/her needs are the first thing here!

In fact the staff always try to involve the visitors, an example is


The animators give clothes and teach the script to the tourist that becomes a movie star; when the customers-actors are ready the camera tape starts rolling and at the end they will watch their


Everyday I worked with a fantastic team of young people, from 20 to 30 years old, boys and girls from different European countries; Ireland, Slovenia, Bulgaria etc.. I shared my worktime with a delightful staff in a unique landscape.

Everyday I had to change my clothes with unusual ones, I was an inhabitant of “Sweethaven Village” so I had to wear different dresses

I worked as an animator and from morning to afternoon I had to help and do everything; not just my tasks..

My tutor, Cristina, gave me some information and advice about the job and my tasks!

Fortunately during the whole of my traineeship I was with another 3 girls, and we created a “Mignons Crew” because we were young and new in the village!

My Tasks: ●  Dancing ●  Organising games ●  Face Painting ●  Acting ●  Taking Photos ●  Crafts Area I had to plan and organise a lot of games for the children and give information about the village to the customers! I worked for 4 weeks, from Monday to Friday 6 hours per day

What did I learn? This job and this opportunity gave me the possibility to improve my language knowledge, mental agility and problem solving… It’s not easy to speak with people from other countries in other languages. I had to be polite and give immediate infomation and be able to change situations.

Their Evaluation: My tutor Cristina gave me “excellence” evaluations, especially about my quality and quantity of work, my organisation and diligence. “Be happy, be diligent and be part of the team were my main rules!” At the end of my traineeship I had a perfect performance report and I’m proud of me!

The other side of my experience I spent my month in a host family in Pembroke, near St. Julian, this experience was sometimes pleasant and sometimes difficult… The other classmates were alone in the house, but not me, I stayed with my friend Giulia.

The Pleasure During this period I met a lot of girls in my house, from Switzerland, Hungary, Poland etc.. I have established strong friendships with them and each night we spent time together to speak or just laugh.

Difficult: I had some misunderstandings with my “mum” about the food or the time that I could spend in the bathroom, but I spent just a few hours per day at home so everything was tolerable.

Asia and Giulia WENT TO FOOD!!!

Only work? During the weekend I had time off to visit the island and try to have unique experiences that I could remember once back in Italy…. All the time that I spent “free” I spent it with my friends..

Dinner together, good times to speak and relax

We were in Malta but in Italy we have a final exam in June and we couldn’t go to Montenero……

We made an original Superstition Ritual

Time to go out:)

Land of new experiences…...

Trips out of the island or around it Gozo, a little island, that you can reach by ship…

Amazing Vittoriosa

Rabat and Mdina, two pearls built in Arabic Style

Malta or Alaska?? Unfortunately the weather was cold and windy most of the period and we didn’t have the appropriate clothing, we thought that the weather was hot or warmer than in Italy.

What I think about my “ErasmusPlus” I think that it was the best opportunity, Malta is a very important land to me, it was my first longer experience abroad without my family; but it was particularly my first traineeship! Erasmus Plus gives the chance to travel and have new things to try! It’s the best project that I’ve never got to know! This month went so fast that now I can’t remember everything, I would like to visit this island again in the future and I think that everyone should have the occasion to take part in it!

Everything starts but everything ends…. We had to go back to Italy and to our normal life of students!


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