Total Quality Management in Construction Projects · Quality of construction depends mainly upon the control of construction, which is the primary responsibility of contractor. Quality

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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Quality Tool to Achieve

Excellence in Construction

Projects By

Dr. Abdul Razzak Rumane © 2018 by Rumane

Topics to be Discussed

1. Overview of Quality 2. Quality Definition 3. Categories of Quality Tools 4. Construction Projects 5. Construction Quality 6. Development of Construction Project 7. Quality Tools for Construction Projects

Overview of Quality

Quality is a universal phenomenon, which has been a matter of great concern throughout the recorded history of human kind.

It was always the determination of builders and makers of the products to ensure that their products meet the customer’s desire.

Those were the days where products were of “Customized nature”.

Quality Definition

What is Quality? Quality has different meanings to different people. American Society for Quality (ASQ) glossary defines

quality as: A subjective term for which, each person has his or her

own definition. In technical usage, quality can have two meanings: 1. The characteristics of a product or service that bear on its

ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. 2. A product or service free of deficiencies.

Quality Definition

It further states that it is: Based on customers perceptions of a products design and

how well the design matches the original specifications. The ability of a product and service to satisfy stated or

implied needs. Achieved by conforming to established requirements

within an organization.”

Categories of Quality Tools (TABLE 1)

Categories Serial Number

Classic Quality Tools 1 Management and Planning Tools 2 Process Analysis Tool 3 Process Improvement Tools 4 Innovation and Creative Tools 5 Lean Tools 6 Cost of Quality 7 Quality Function Deployment 8 Six Sigma 9 Triz 10

Classic Quality Tools (TABLE 2)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Cause and Effect Diagram To identify possible and effects in the process

Tool 2 Check Sheet To provide record of quality. How often it occurs?

Tool 3 Control Chart A device in statistical process control to determine whether the process is stable

Tool 4 Flow Chart Used for graphical representation of process in sequential order

Tool 5 Histogram Graphs used to display frequency of various ranges of value of a quantity

Tool 6 Pareto chart Used to identify the most significant cause or problem

Tool 7 Pie chart Used to show classes or group of data in proportion to the whole set of data

Classic Quality Tools (TABLE 2)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 8 Run chart Used to show measurement against time in a

graphical manner with a reference line to show average of data

Tool 9 Scatter diagram To determine whether there is a correlation between two factors

Tool 10 Stratification Used to show pattern of data collected from different sources

Management and Planning Tools (TABLE 3)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Activity Network Diagram Used when scheduling or monitoring task is

lengthy or complex and has schedule constraints

Tool 2 Affinity Diagram Used to organize large group of items into smaller categories that are easier to understand and deal with

Tool 3 Interrelationship diagraph Used to show logical relationship between ideas, process, cause and effects

Tool 4 Matrix diagram Used to analyze correlations between two or more group of information

Tool 5 Prioritization matrix Used to choose one or two options which have important criteria from several options

Tool 6 Process decision diagram Used to help contingency plan

Tool 7 Tree diagram Used to breakdown or stratify ideas in progressively more detailed steps

Process Analysis Tools (TABLE 4)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Benchmarking To identify best practices in the industry and

improve the process or project

Tool 2 Cause and Effect To identify possible cause and its effect on the process

Tool 3 Cost of quality To identify hidden or indirect cost affecting the overall cost of product/project

Tool 4 Critical to quality To identify quality feature or characteristics most important to the client

Tool 5 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

To identify and classify failure according to their effects

Tool 6 5 Why Analysis Used to analyze and solve the problem where the root cause is unknown

Process Analysis Tools (TABLE 4)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 7 5W2H The questions used to understand why the

thing happens the way they do

Tool 8 Process mapping/Flow charting It is technique used for designing, analyzing, and communication work process

Process Improvement Tools (TABLE 5)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Root cause analysis To identify root causes that caused the

problems to occur

Tool 2 PDCA cycle Used to plan for improvement followed by putting into action

Tool 3 SIPOC analysis Used to identify supplier-input-process-output-customer relationship

Tool 4 Six Sigma DMAIC Used as analytic tool for improvement

Tool 5 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

To identify and classify failures according to effect and prevent or reduce failure

Tool 6 Statistical process control Used to study how the process changes over a time

Innovation and Creative Tools (TABLE 6)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Brainstorming Used to generate multiple ideas

Tool 2 Delphi technique Used to get ideas from select group of people

Tool 3 5W2H The questions used to understand why the things happen the way they do

Tool 4 Mind mapping Use to create a visual representation of many issues that can help get more understanding of the situation

Tool 5 Nominal group technique Used to enhance brainstorming by ranking the most useful ideas

Tool 6 Six Sigma DMADV Used primarily for invention and innovation of modified or new product, services , or process

Tool 7 Triz Used to provide systematic methods and tools for analysis and innovative problem solving

Lean Tools (TABLE 7)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 1 Cellular design A self contained unit dedicated to perform all

the operational requirements to accomplish sequential processing

Tool 2 Concurrent engineering It is used for product cycle reduction time. It is systematic approach for creating a product design that simultaneously consider all elements of product life cycle

Tool 3 5-S Used to eliminate waste that results from improper organization of work area

Tool 4 Just in time (JIT) Used to improve inventory levels, improve cash flow and reduce space requirements for storage of material

Tool 5 Kanban Used to signal that more material is required to be ordered. It is used to eliminate waste from inventory

Lean Tools (TABLE 7)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 6 Kaizan Used to continually eliminating waste from

manufacturing process by combining collective talent of company

Tool 7 Mistake proofing Used to eliminate opportunity for error by detecting the potential source of error

Tool 8 Out sourcing It is contracting out certain works, processes, services to specialists in the disciplined area

Tool 9 Poka-Yoke Used to detect abnormality or error and fix or correct the error and take action to prevent the error

Tool 10 Single minute exchange of die (SMED)

Used to reduce setup time for exchange over to new process

Tool 11 Value stream mapping Used to establish flow of material or information and eliminating waste and adding value

Lean Tools (TABLE 7)

Sr. No. Name of Quality Tool Usage Tool 12 Visual Management It addresses both visual display and control. It

exposes waste elimination/prevention

Tool 13 Waste reduction It focuses on reducing waste

Construction Project

What is Construction Project? Construction is translating Owner’s goals and objectives,

by the contractor, to build the facility as stipulated in the contract documents, plans, specifications within budget and on schedule.

Construction projects are custom oriented and custom design having specific requirements set by the customer/owner to be completed within finite duration and assigned budget.

No two projects are alike.

Construction Projects

• Building and Commercial, traditional A/E type of construction projects accounts for an estimated 25% of the annual construction volume.

• Building construction is labor intensive endeavor. Every construction project has some elements that are unique.

• No two construction or R & D projects are alike. • Though it is clear that projects are usually more routine,

than research and development projects, some degree of customization is a characteristic of the projects.

Construction Projects

• Construction projects comprised of a cross section of many different participants. These participants are both influence and depend on each other in addition to “other players” involved in the construction process.

• These participants are both influenced by and depend on each other in addition to “others players” involved in the construction process.

Construction Project

The quality management of manufactured products is performed by the manufacturer’s own team and has control over all the activities of the product life cycle, whereas construction projects have diversity of interaction and relationship between owners, architects/engineers, and contractors.

Therefore, the construction projects have become more complex and technical and extensive efforts are required to reduce rework and costs associated with time, materials, and engineering.

Construction Project

This can be brought about by applying various quality procedures and principles at different phases and stages of construction projects to conveniently manage the projects through each activity and improve the control and planning of the construction project.

Figure QCP.1 illustrates Traditional Construction Project Organization.

Owner/Client has direct relationship (line of authority) with contractor and design consultant whereas design consultant and contractor have functional relationship.

Traditional Construction Project Organization (FIGURE 1)

Owner/Client Project Manager

In house staff Speciality Consultant


Professional Design Team Leader Design Disciplines

Design Sub consultants

Constructor Construction Manager/

Superintendant Sub contractors


Construction Project

Construction projects are executed based on predetermined set of goals and objectives. Under traditional construction projects, the owner heads the team, designating as a project manager.

The project manager is a person / member of the owner’s staff or independently hired person/firm who has overall or principal responsibility for the management of the project as a whole.

Construction Projects

Every project has elements that are unique. It is always the owner’s desire that his project should be

unique and better. To a great extent, each project has to be designed and

built to serve a specified need. Construction projects have involvement of many

participants comprising Owner, Designer, Contractor and many other professionals from construction related industries.

Each of these participants is involved to implement quality in construction projects.

Construction Quality

What is Construction Quality? The definition of quality for construction projects is

different to that of manufacturing or services industries as the product is not repetitive, but unique piece of work with specific requirements.

Quality in construction project is not only the quality of product and equipment used in the construction of facility, it is the total management approach to complete the facility.

Construction Quality

Quality of construction depends mainly upon the control of construction, which is the primary responsibility of contractor.

Quality in manufacturing passes through series of processes. Material and labor are input through a series of process out of which a product is obtained. The output is monitored by inspection and testing at various stages of production.

Construction Quality

Any nonconforming product identified is either repaired, reworked or scrapped and proper steps are taken to eliminate problem causes.

Statistical process control methods are used to reduce the variability and to increase the efficiency of process.

In construction projects, the scenario is not the same. If any thing goes wrong, the nonconforming work is very difficult to rectify and remedial action are sometimes not possible.

Construction Quality

Quality of construction is more difficult to define. First of all, the product is usually not a repetitive unit but

a unique piece of work with specific characteristics. Secondly, the needs to be satisfied include not only those

of client but also the expectations of the community into which the completed building will integrate.

The construction delivery time and cost of project are also important characteristics of quality.

Construction Quality

Based on above quality of construction projects can be defined as:

Construction Project quality is fulfillment of owner’s needs as per defined scope of works within a specified schedule and budget to satisfy owner’s/user’s requirements.

Construction Quality

The phenomenon of these three components can be called as “Construction Quality Trilogy” and is illustrated in Figure QCP.2 OR Construction Quality. These are;

1. Defined scope 2. Schedule 3. Budget

Construction Project Trilogy (Construction Quality) (FIGURE 2)

Defined Scope

Schedule Budget


Development of Construction Projects

Construction project development has three major elements. These are;

Study Design Construction As the project develops, more information and

specifications are developed.

Quality Tools for Construction Projects

There are several types of tools, techniques, methods, in practice, which are used as quality improvement tools and have variety of applications in manufacturing and process industry.

However all of these tools are not used in construction projects due to the nature of construction projects which are customized and non repetitive.

Applicable Tools (Study Stage)

Study Stage Some of the Tools which are useful for application during

Study Stage are as follows; Innovation and Creative Tools 5W2H (TABLE 8) Brainstorming (FIGURE 3) Delphi Techniques (FIGURE 4)


Serial Number

5W2H Related Analyzing Questions

1 Why New project

2 What What advantage it will have over other similar projects

3 Who Who will be the customer for this project

4 Where Where can we find market for the project

5 When When the project will be ready for use

6 How many How many such projects are in the market

7 How much How much market share we will have by this project

Brainstorming (FIGURE 3)

Identify Team


Select Team


Define the Problem or

Issue to Team


Circulate Problem

Statement (Facilitator)

Explain Brainstorming

Rules ( Facilitator)

General Ideas (Team


Record Ideas Modify Ideas

Evaluate Ideas

Select Idea(s)

Implement Idea(s)

Point Scale Criteria

Highest Score

On White Board or Flip Chart

Checklist or Any other technique No

criticism Free

Flow of Ideas

Freewheel Thinking

Large Quantity of Ideas

Variety of


Delphi Technique (FIGURE 4)

Identify/Select Subject Matter

Identify Team Members

having Expertise/Knowledge of the


Select Team Members/ Panel of Experts

Circulate Questions to Team


Response from Team Members

Summarize Response Accept

Idea(s) Proceed with the Idea(s)/Solution

Check for



Re-circulate Feedback/ Answers to


Check for



Accept Idea(s)

Proceed with the Idea(s)/ Solution




Applicable Tools (Design Stage)

Design Stage Some of the Tools which are useful for application during

Design Stage are as follows; Innovative and Creative Tools DMADV (FIGURE 5)

Process Improvement PDCA (FIGURE 6)

Lean Tools Mistake Proofing (TABLE 9)

Fundamental Objectives of DMADV (FIGURE 5)

1 Define—What is important?

Define the project goals and customer deliverables

2 Measure—What is needed?

Measure and determine customer needs and specifications

3 Analyze—How we fulfill?

Analyze process options and prioritize based on capabilities to satisfy customer requirements

4 Design—How we build it?

Design detailed process (es) capable of satisfying customer requirements

5 Verify—How do we know it will work?

Verify design performance capability

PDCA during Design(FIGURE 6)

• (Develop Design) • Develop Design

Drawings • Develop Specifications • Coordinate with Other

Trades • Prepare Contract


• (Review) • Compliance to Client

Needs/Requirements • Check for Project Schedule • Check for Project Budget • Check for Conflict with Other

Trades • Compliance to Regulatory

Requirements, Standards, Codes • Check for Constructability • Check for Environmental


• (Establish Scope) • Establish Owner’s

Requirements • Establish Standards, Codes • Establish Project Schedule • Establish Project Budget

• (Implement Comments) • Implement Review comments

(if any) • Take Corrective Action(if

required) • OR • Release Documents for




Mistake Proofing (TABLE 9)

Serial Number

Items Points to be Considered to Avoid Mistakes

1 Information 1. Terms of Reference (TOR)

2. Client’s preferred requirements matrix

3. Data collection

4. Regulatory requirements 5. Codes and Standards 6. Historical Data 7. Organizational requirements

Mistake Proofing (TABLE 9)-Contd

Serial Number

Items Points to be Considered to Avoid Mistakes

2 Mismanagement 1. Compare production with actual requirements 2. Interdisciplinary coordination

3. Application of different codes and Standards 4. Drawing size of different trades/specialist consultant (s)

3 Omission 1. Review and check design with TOR

2. Review and check design with client requirements 3. Review and check design with Regulatory requirements

Mistake Proofing (TABLE 9)-Contd

Serial Number

Items Points to be Considered to Avoid Mistakes

3 Omission

4. Review and check design with Codes and Standards 5. Check for all required documents

4 Selection 1. Qualified team members

2. Available material

3. Installation method

Applicable Tools (Construction Stage)

Construction Stage Some of the Tools which are useful for application during

Construction Stage are as follows; Management and Planning Tool Networking Arrow Diagram (FIGURE 7)

Process Analysis Tool Root Cause Analysis Diagram (FIGURE 8)

Process Improvement Tool PDCA (FIGURE 9)

Classic Quality Tools Process for Checklist (FIGURE 10)

Networking Arrow Diagram (FIGURE 7)






Compaction Waterproofing


Reinforcement Installation of Utilities

Concrete Casting

Root Cause Analysis for Bad Concrete (FIGURE 8)

Improper Supervision

Improper Pouring Temperature Insufficient Curing

Non-continuity in Casting Weather Dusty, Rainy




Cement Aggregate Calibration

Water Admixtures

Design Mix

Manpower Method Environment


Incompetent Labour

Material Measurement


PDCA during Execution (FIGURE 9)

• Follow Approved Shop Drawings

• Use Approved Materials • Follow Method Statement • Follow Manufacturer’s


• Check for All Non Conformities • Check Work Executed as per Approved

Shop Drawings • Check Approved Material Installed • Check Functionality of Installed


• Prepare Shop Drawings • Submit Materials • Get Shop Drawings Approved • Get Materials Approved

• Corrective Action • Prevent Defect from Re




Process for Checklist (FIGURE 10)

Approved shop drawing/ Approved composite drawing

Preparation of Related


Site Co-


Quality Check by Contractor

Submit Checklist

Inspection by


Approved Material

Proceed Next Activity

Functional Relationship


Not Approved




Dr. Abdul Razzak Rumane

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