Topic based resource Global Citizenship

Post on 19-Mar-2022






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Topic based resource

Global Citizenship

Lower Key Stage 2

Background information

More than ever before we are all linked to people and the environment in the rest of the world. Modern

technology allows us to easily communicate with other people all over the world at the press of a button.

We are connected by the food we eat, the clothes we wear and products we choose to buy. Transport

means we can travel around the world on holiday, for work, to visit family and friends.

Learning to be responsible global citizens requires children to understand the need to consider the impact

that their choices will have on the environment and people around the world and how their actions can

make a difference. The world feels like it is getting smaller, yet there is still enormous disparity between

wealthy countries and those in the developing world. It is vital that we present a balanced view to children

of how the world works, how they fit into it and that there are similarities and differences between

themselves and children all over the globe.

Climate perspective

Climate change is the change in weather patterns

across the world, contributed to by human

activities such as deforestation and burning fossil

fuels. These result in the release of carbon

dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the

earth’s atmosphere. Scientists believe that these

activities are contributing to global warming.

Climate change is already having an impact on

the lives of children globally, disproportionally of

those in less economically developed countries,

affecting their food security, access to water,

clean air, education and healthcare. The effects

of changing weather patterns are causing rising

sea levels, flooding, drought, water pollution, all

of which are putting children’s health and

wellbeing, and ultimately their future at risk.

We have a global responsibility to help future

generations to care for and protect the natural

environment and to understand the challenges of

climate change through education.

“No one will protect what they don’t care about;

and no one will care about what they have never

experienced,” David Attenborough.

Orienteering Lower Key Stage 2

Carbon Footprint

This activity involves children thinking about the everyday choices we can all make to help tackle climate

change. Our carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide gas released into the earth’s atmosphere

as a result of our daily actions. Children will develop map reading skills, team work and problem solving

whilst moving around the school grounds to find the clues.

Materials needed:

• Carbon Footprint Orienteering Cards – enlarged and printed or written on individual whiteboards

• Pegs/string

• Clear plastic wallets (to put cards in if raining)

• Map or aerial view of school grounds or area per group marked with numbers to show where clues are positioned. The children could make their own map in a prior session.

• Scrap paper numbered

• Pencils/pens

• Clipboards

• Tarpaulin or old double bed sheet

Step 1

Peg the clues out around the area you want to use as shown on the map of your school grounds.

Step 2 Talk about what a carbon footprint is and how we can make a difference to the amount of carbon released into the earth’s atmosphere by the choices we make. Ask children to think of examples of how they might use energy and resources, do they know of any ways to save energy or make sustainable, environmentally friendlier choices about resources? Divide the children into teams, working with an adult for support where necessary, explain that their clues are hidden around the school grounds and that they will need to use the map to find them. Orientate the map so the children can follow the direction they can see on the paper and identify key features such as buildings, trees, play equipment.

Step 3

Give each group a different number to find each time. When they find the card they must read the statements, decide which option represents the most environmentally friendly choice and write down the letter next to that statement beside the corresponding number on their scrap paper.

Step 4 The teams should return to the start after finding each clue to be given their next number until each team have found all the clues. They should then have 7 letters to make a word. The word is CLIMATE *If the children have not selected the correct statement they will not have all the right letters to make the word and may need some help.

Step 5 Collect all the clue cards and talk about which statement option was correct and why, identifying and discussing any misconceptions.

Follow up - Penguins on an iceberg game

Spread a tarpaulin or an old sheet out on the ground and have children (a group at a time) stand on the top. They are penguins on an iceberg so should waddle around with feet together and arms by their sides. Select a small number of children to be killer whales to ‘swim’ around the iceberg waiting for a snack. The penguins should try to stay on the iceberg at all times or risk being eaten by a killer whale in the water.

The iceberg is melting because of global warming caused by carbon being released into the atmosphere, so the group must work as a team to fold the tarpaulin in half without anyone stepping off into the ‘water’. Once they have completed the task they can waddle around again. The iceberg is still melting so they need to fold the tarpaulin again until they are huddled together and some fall off as there isn’t enough space. Discuss the fact that our actions and choices as humans can have an impact on the natural environment, e.g. how quickly the icebergs will melt, so we should try to make good choices and not waste energy and resources if possible. * It is important to stress that children do not always have a say in the choices that are made in their home or family, but that even the small things we can do all add up to make a difference.

Curriculum Links

Areas of Learning and Experience - Science and Technology

Statement of what matters:

Being curious and searching for answers is essential to understanding and predicting phenomena

The world around us is full of living things which depend on each other for survival

Areas of Learning and Experience - Humanities

Statement of what matters:

Enquiry, exploration and investigation inspire curiosity about the world, its past, present and future.

Our natural world is diverse and dynamic, influenced by processes and human actions.

Human societies are complex and diverse, and shaped by human actions and beliefs.

Informed, self-aware citizens engage with the challenges and opportunities that face humanity and are

able to take considered and ethical action

Next steps and other ideas

• Carry out melting ice investigation

• Calculate carbon footprint at

• Find out more about the impact of global warming on humans

• Research how different species or habitats are being affected by climate change

• Be a Climate Action Superhero

You are cleaning your teeth you should

try to ...

…switch the tap off when you’ve finished


…switch the tap off when you aren’t

using the water C

You live near school, but you are always

running late you should try to...

...plan to get up earlier in time to walk or

scoot A

...go in the car or take a taxi, it’s only a

short journey S

You are leaving the room and no-one is

in it you should try to...

...leave the light on so it’s not dark when

you come back O

...switch the light off while the room is

empty M

You are cold at home you should try to...

...put the heating on and turn it up high

to get you warm quickly N

...put on a jumper or an extra layer of

clothes to help your body stay warmer E

You are helping to wash your clothes

you should try to ...

...hang them on the washing line or an

airer T

...put them in the tumble drier on the

fastest setting to dry them as quickly as

possible J

You are going out for the day you should

try to ...

...fill up a water bottle at home and take

it with you L a bottle of water while you are out

so you don’t have to carry it all day H

1 2

6 5

4 3

You have food scraps left over after

helping to prepare a meal you should try


...put it in the food waste collection bin

or garden compost if you can’t use it for

anything else I

...throw it in the bin straight away R


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