Topic 21: The Second World War Topic 22: The Home Front During The War.

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Topic 21: The Second World WarTopic 22: The Home Front During The War

Political Philosophies

1. Democracy – a system of government in which the people have the power to rule, either directly or indirectly through their elected officials

2. Capitalism – an economic system in which private individuals and corporations own and operate most means of production

Political Philosophies

3. Socialism – belief that the means of production capital, land, raw materials, factories should be owned and controlled by society

4. Communism – a society without class distinctions or private property. Goal is equality.

Road To WWII

Totalitarian regimes gain power in Europe 1920s-1930s

Totalitarianism – total control over every aspect of citizen’s lives

- a form of dictatorship


Political philosophy based on extreme nationalism and single party system

Like communism, state has absolute authority

Unlike communism, defends private property and social classes

Very conservative, very traditional. Women should stay at home and have

babies, men should be MEN.

Totalitarian Rulers

1. Benito Mussolini – (Italy) fascist 2. Adolf Hitler – (Germany) gains power

1933 3. Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union

(Communist) 4.Japanese Military dictatorship 1930s-

conservative, but not truly fascist. Primary focus is on industrializing Japan and building their military strength to take over China and southeastern Asia.

Anti-Comintern Pact, 1937 Alliance formed: Germany, Italy,

Japan Pledge to oppose international


Nazi- Soviet Pact, 1939

Stalin (U.S.S.R.) Signs non-aggression pact with Hitler (Germany)

“You don’t attack me, I won’t attack you…”

Hitler Takes Over 1.Rhineland, 1936

Steel-producing region between Germany & France

2. Austria 1938-share language and culture with Germany

3. Sudentenland 1938- German-speaking

part of Czechoslovakia

These areas willingly joined with Nazi Germany due to shared culture and history.Hitler was originally from Austria.Britain and France at this time adopt apolicy of containment (also called a policy ofappeasement) in which they let him keep what he has already taken ifHe agrees not to take any more.

Hitler Invaded… Poland-Sept. 1st,

1939 1st aggressive

military action by Germany

Great Britain & France declare war on Germany Clearly, containment

did not work.

WWII officially begins

Why Didn’t Anyone Stop Hitler Prior To Sept. 1st 1939? The “Appeasement” Policy: Allowing aggressors to have what

they want… in the hope they will demand no more

2 Sides

ALLIES: 1. Great Britain 2. France 3. U.S. (joins 1941) 4. Soviet Union

(joins 1941 after Hitler betrays his non-aggression pact with Stalin)

AXIS POWERS: 1. Germany 2. Italy 3. Japan

(1940) Meanwhile, Hitler… Invades and conquers Northern Europe

Denmark, Norway 1940

And Conquered France!

Germans attack May 10, 1940

France surrenders June 22, 1940

Defeat of France shocks the world Armed French

Resistance fighters harass Germans the entire time they control France.

Battle of Britain Great Britain attacked by areal bombing raids

Aug. 1940-Blitz 1 night 70,000 fire bombs dropped by German

Luftwaffe on London (airforce) Massive destruction Great Britain Defeats Germans …barely.

Courage and resolution of British air force saves them, at great cost.

Battle of Britain, 1940 Winston Churchill asked American

President Franklin Roosevelt for help “Cash & Carry Policy” enacted:

Britain and allies can purchase military goods from US for cash.

US went into period of isolationism after WWI and was still trying to stay out of the war in 1940..

In reality, US is supporting Britain with arms and supplies.

American “Neutrality” 1939 Neutrality Act of 1939 U.S. neutrality in name, not in deed. Allowed for sale of American

weapons/ supplies to European allies on a “Cash-and-Carry” basis

“Destroyers for Bases” Deal, 1940

U.S. provided Britain with older naval ships (50)

In return, U.S. gained rights to establish military bases in British held Caribbean islands

American President FDR

Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for 3rd term (1940)

Won 54% of popular vote

“better a third term than a third rater”

Roosevelt’s Address to Congress (1940)

To Protect “4 Freedoms”

1. Freedom of Speech

2. Freedom of Religion

3. Freedom from Want

4. Freedom from Fear

Atlantic Charter (Churchill & FDR), 1941

1. Self determination of people

2. Free trade 3. disarmament The Cornerstones

of a world free of fascism

Operation Barbarossa, 1941 Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded USSR! Biggest German invasion of the war! Hitler sent almost 4 million troops to USSR expecting a

quick, easy defeat. He did not send enough food or medical supplies because they expected to easily defeat USSR and take their stuff. To make matters worse, German troops often outran their own supply lines as they battled through the USSR rapidly.

And then winter began… Hitler’s troops froze and starved, and were forced to make a

grueling retreat.

Holocaust 1941 – extermination

of Jews, people of color, Roma & Sinti (Gypsies), Catholics, homosexuals, communists, Poles, Soviet POWs, disabled people

Gestapo = secret police arrest opponents of Hitler

Concentration Camps

1942- transported to concentration camps

6 million Jews Killed, around 5 Million Non- Jews Killed

Concentration Camps

Persecution of Gypsies

Roma People From various

parts of Europe 250,000 –

500,000 Die in the Holocaust


1. Conquered Manchuria 1931

2. Invaded China 1937

Rape of Nanking- 200,000 Chinese citizens killed

3. Invaded Indo-China (Vietnam)

Tripartite Pact

1940 An Alliance between Germany, Japan, Italy

President Roosevelt, In response to Japanese Aggression… Froze Japanese

assets in U.S. Restricted oil

exports to Japan Placed embargo

on sale of scrap iron to Japan Hurt Japan’s ability

to continue industrialization.

Japan’s Reaction

General Hideki Tojo planned secret attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

December 7, 1941-the “day that will live in infamy”

Japanese planes attacked American fleet

2,400 die 1,200 wounded


8 Battleships sunk, including the U.S.S. Arizona

10 other ships damaged

200 planes destroyed

Why Pearl Harbor?

Key American military base in the Pacific

Dec. 8 : President Roosevelt declared war on Japan

Dec. 11: Germany & Italy declared war on U.S.

Pearl Harbor…

“Yesterday, December 7th,1941, a date which will live in infamy” - FDR

Executive Order 9066

Feb 19, 1942 100,000 people of Japanese descent

(Nisei)on West Coast & in Hawaii removed

from homes. Possessions seized. Placed in “relocation camps” More than 60% were U.S. citizens 1/3 under the age of 19

Korematsu vs. United States (1944) RE: Japanese Internment Supreme Court decided that in times

of war, the curbing of civil rights is justified.

1988 U.S. government formally apologized paid surviving families $20,000

Japanese Internment Camps




Santa Anita Racetrack Assembly Center

Economic Impact of War in U.S. 1. War Industry/ Defense Jobs 8 million people moved West of the

Mississippi 1940-1950 African Americans Moved West 2. “Bracero Program” 1942-

200,000 Mexican farm workers recruited to work in fields (temporarily)

Economic Impact of the war The end of the Great Depression Defense jobs American factories bombarded the

enemy with the production of weapons, goods, supplies

Native American “Code Talkers”

Every military branch used Native American “code talkers” to encode & decipher secret messages using Native Am. Languages, primarily Navajo.

“Rosie the Riveter”

Recruitment campaign

women in defense/ “male” jobs:

Toolmakers, machinists, crane operators, shipyard workers, weapons manufacturing

6 million entered workforce

260,000 Additional Women Joined…

Signed up for… 1.Women’s

Army Corp (WACs)

2.Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES)

260,000 Additional Women Joined… 3.Women’s

Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFs)

Female pilots Team of 28 Transported

soldiers, light aircraft

260,000 Additional Women Joined…

4. U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps

20 nursing schools in the country

Government paid training

“Rosie” at Work…

Wartime Migrations

Wartime jobs caused population shifts, just as it did in WWI.

California grew by 2 million

1.6 million African Americans moved west and north

Naval Battles, 1942

Battles in the Pacific

1. Battle of Coral Sea (May)

2. Battle of Midway (June)


Japanese suicide bombers

Crashed into American aircraft carriers in the Pacific

Operation Overlord– “D-DAY”-June 6, 1944 (watch video)

Turning point in war 176,000 Allied

Soldiers British, Canadian,

American Troops 600 warships;

10,000 aircraft Landed in…

Normandy, France


Launched “amphibious” offensive against German army

June 6, 1944 Allies won –

Germans forced to retreat August. 25

And… Allies Liberated Paris, France!

Battle of the Bulge- December, 1944

Allied Forces continue towards Belgium

Faced defensive attack by German forces

Allies in Germany

British & American Air force bombed urban centers


Battle of the Bulge

“A crucial German shortage of fuel and the gallantry of American troops fighting in the frozen forests of the Ardennes proved fatal to Hitler’s ambition to snatch, if not victory, at least a draw with the Allies in the west. Lieutenant General George S. Patton’s remarkable feat of turning the Third Army ninety degrees from Lorraine to relieve the besieged town of Bastogne was the key to thwarting the German counteroffensive. The Battle of the Bulge was the costliest action ever fought by the U.S. Army, which suffered over 100,000 casualties.”- History Channel

Yalta Conference, Feb. 1945Meet to discuss the end of the war in Europe. “The Big Three”

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S.)

2. Winston Churchill (G.B.),

3. Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union)

Yalta Conference, 1945

THE Big Three Decide: to divide Germany into 4 Zones:

Soviets will control east U.S., Great Britain, France will control

western Germany Berlin, Germany = joint occupation Germany to pay $20 billion in war


Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Died suddenly April, 1945

V.P. Harry Truman

sworn in as President

May, 1945

Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945

Nazis surrendered May 7, 1945 Was the war over? NO! Japan did not surrender

Manhattan Project American President

Harry S. Truman ADVISED to use the top secret “Manhattan project”

Surprise! Truman didn’t know about Manhattan Project until FDR died!

To drop a nuke or not? Why? To prevent a costly ground war in Japan.

Atomic Bomb $2 billion top secret American experiment First A-bomb tested July 16, 1945, in NM.

Scientists like J. Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, Chien-Shiung Wu all worked on the secret project, which began when fleeing German scientists (many of them Jewish) advised FDR that Hitler was attempting to build an A-bomb.

Truman’s Choice

Orders military to drop A-Bomb on Japan if they don’t surrender by August 3.

Moral debates ensue

August 6, 1945 - Hiroshima B-29 bomber

airplane called Enola Gay Dropped 5 ton uranium bomb (“Little Boy”) on Hiroshima, Japan

80,000 people killed

60,000 more died of radiation poisoning by the end of the year

August 9, 1945 - Nagasaki

Second bomb dropped (“ Fat man”) on Nagasaki, Japan

Another 60,000 people die

Japan surrenders September 2, 1945

Spring, 1945

Allies liberated Concentration Camps

WWII Aftermath…

60 million people died, half are civilians (Holocaust, Atomic bomb, bombing of cities)

Crimes against humanity and genocide enter vocabulary – refers to atrocities committed by Nazis

US & USSR establish themselves as superpowers

Formation of United Nations

Formation in 1948 of Israel

Marshall Plan-US rebuilds Germany

Nuremberg Trials

More about…

Effects on American Life

Increase in productivity

Full employment End of Great


Effects on American Life

New Technologies:radar, computers, electronics, rockets, atomic energy

Effects on American Life

Opportunities for women, minorities

Desegregation of armed forces AFTER the war

Women earned 2/3rd of male pay

Effects on American Life

G.I. Bill : “Servicemen’s

Readjustment Act”-

College scholarships, home loans, small business loans for returning vets

Wartime Race Riots in the U.S. Summer 1943 : Race riots in Detroit, Baltimore, and Los Angeles

1. Riots in Detroit

June 20th- June 21st, 1943

Plan to build public housing for African-Americans in “white neighborhood” caused protests/riots.

Police brutality 6,000 Federal

Troops called in 30 dead

2. Zoot Suit Riots, Los Angeles June, 1943 Navy sailors

stationed in L.A. & Long Beach VS Mexican-American “Zoot Suiters”

2. Riots in Los AngelesMob of servicemen on leave in LA went to East LA looking for “Zoot Suiters” to attack, turned into a 10-day race riot between Hispanics and whites.

Zoot Suit Riots

Riots ended when

military declared downtown L.A.

“out of bounds” for servicemen.

As A Result of WWII…

Impact on our Modern World…

1. Two World Powers Emerge

United StatesVs.United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR)

Cold War begins, pitting capitalist US against communistUSSR.Arms raceNuclear arms raceBrinkmanship

2. Marshall Plan is Established 1948 “Economic

Recovery Act” U.S. Plan to re-build +

re-construct European countries.

Western Europe accepts help = growth & prosperity

Eastern Europe does not- dominated by USSR & become communist satellite states.

3. United Nations is Formed Founded 1945 Focus: 1. international

law 2. international

security 3.economic

development 4. social progress 5. human rights

4. The Nation of Israel

UN Partition Plan Divides Palestine

into Jewish & Arab

states Conflict remains

to this day

5. Eventually Leads to Berlin WallBerlin, Germany

divided amongst Allies

Soviet Union demands removal of Westerners from Berlin

Builds wall 1961 East Germans cut

off from rest of the world

Berlin Wall Falls ,1989

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