Top1- and Top2-mediated topological transitions at replication forks ...

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Top1- and Top2-mediated topologicaltransitions at replication forks ensurefork progression and stability and preventDNA damage checkpoint activationRodrigo Bermejo,1 Ylli Doksani,1 Thelma Capra,1 Yuki-Mori Katou,2 Hirokazu Tanaka,2

Katsuhiko Shirahige,2,4 and Marco Foiani1,3

1Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC) Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation (IFOM-IEO Campus) andDSBB-Università degli Studi di Milano, 20139 Milan, Italy; 2Laboratory of Genome Structure and Function, Division forGene Research, Center for Biological Resources and Informatics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama City,Kanagawa 226-8501, Japan

DNA topoisomerases solve topological problems during chromosome metabolism. We investigated where andwhen Top1 and Top2 are recruited on replicating chromosomes and how their inactivation affects forkintegrity and DNA damage checkpoint activation. We show that, in the context of replicating chromatin,Top1 and Top2 act within a 600-base-pair (bp) region spanning the moving forks. Top2 exhibits additionalS-phase clusters at specific intergenic loci, mostly containing promoters. TOP1 ablation does not affect forkprogression and stability and does not cause activation of the Rad53 checkpoint kinase. top2 mutantsaccumulate sister chromatid junctions in S phase without affecting fork progression and activate Rad53 at theM–G1 transition. top1 top2 double mutants exhibit fork block and processing and phosphorylation of Rad53and �H2A in S phase. The exonuclease Exo1 influences fork processing and DNA damage checkpointactivation in top1 top2 mutants. Our data are consistent with a coordinated action of Top1 and Top2 incounteracting the accumulation of torsional stress and sister chromatid entanglement at replication forks,thus preventing the diffusion of topological changes along large chromosomal regions. A failure in resolvingfork-related topological constrains during S phase may therefore result in abnormal chromosome transitions,DNA damage checkpoint activation, and chromosome breakage during segregation.

[Keywords: Replication forks; DNA damage checkpoint; chromosome replication; DNA topoisomerases]

Supplemental material is available at

Received March 8, 2007; revised version accepted June 21, 2007.

Chromosome replication is coordinated with transcrip-tion, recombination, chromatin remodeling, cohesion,and checkpoints. Several events can compromise the in-tegrity of replicating chromosomes, such as misincorpo-ration of dNTPs, DNA damage, interference betweenreplication and transcription, and unscheduled recombi-nation processes. Furthermore, the advancement of rep-lication forks generates tremendous topological con-straints that must be solved by DNA topoisomerases,specialized enzymes that act by nicking and closing theDNA strands. A failure to properly coordinate replica-tion fork progression with the topoisomerase-mediatedprocesses that relieve topological constrains may causefork collapse and double-strand break (DSB) formation.

Several studies indicate that DNA topoisomerasescatalyze strand passage reactions, thus changing thelinkage of DNA molecules (Wang 1996; Champoux2001), and can alleviate the topological problems gener-ated during DNA replication (Fig. 1A). Unwinding of theDNA duplex by replicative helicases creates a compen-satory increase in the intertwining of parental strands(Wang 2002; Postow et al. 2004). The mechanical strainthus generated can be converted into helical overwind-ing (positive supercoiling) of the unreplicated portions ofthe DNA ahead of the forks. It has been proposed thatthis mechanical strain can be also transmitted to repli-cated DNA by rotation at the replication fork branchingpoint, thus generating intertwining of the daughter du-plexes (known as precatenates). Accumulation of posi-tive supercoiling thermodynamically counteracts the ac-tion of replicative DNA helicases. The precatenatenodes, if not resolved, would establish a physical linkbetween the sister chromatids that can impede their ac-curate segregation during mitosis (Champoux and Been

Corresponding authors.3E-MAIL; FAX 39-02-5743-03231.4E-MAIL; FAX 81-45-924-5814.Article is online at

GENES & DEVELOPMENT 21:1921–1936 © 2007 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 0890-9369/07; 1921

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Figure 1. Top1 and Top2 localization at replicating chromosome III. (A) Schematic representation of the topological problemsgenerated by advancing replication forks: Positive supercoiling [(+)Sc] at the unreplicated portions of a topological domain is generatedby fork advance; precatenane nodes, at the replicated duplex, arise as a consequence of fork rotation. (B) Top1-3xFlag (CY6838),Top2-3xFlag (CY6839), and BrdU-incorporating (SY2201) cells were released from �-factor-induced G1 block, treated with 0.2 M HUfor 1 h, and processed for ChIP with antibodies specific to the Flag epitopes or BrdU-substituted DNA. Black and yellow histogram barsin the Y-axis show the average signal ratio of loci significantly enriched in the immunoprecipitated fraction along chromosome III inlog2 scale. Black bars correspond to a region represented at higher resolution in the oligonucleotide array, and the histograms aretherefore more compacted. The X-axis shows kilobase units. Positions of ARS elements acting as efficient early-firing replicationorigins on the chromosome are indicated. Red dots correspond to ssDNA-accumulating regions in HU-treated cells (Feng et al. 2006).Blue dots mark the position of potential origins of replication as defined by ORC and MCM protein binding (Wyrick et al. 2001). (C)Magnification of a ∼70-kb region close to the right telomere of chromosome III showing non-origin-related Top2 binding. Thehorizontal bars indicate ORFs.

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1980; Wang 2002; Postow et al. 2004). Topological con-straints generated by the tracking action of the replica-tion machinery are thought to be confined to closed to-pological domains limited by physical barriers that re-strict the diffusion of torsional changes to largerchromosomal regions (Postow et al. 2001, 2004). Themechanisms controlling the architecture of the topologi-cal domains of the chromosomes protect chromatin in-tegrity and prevent unscheduled changes in the tran-scriptional program of the cell (Postow et al. 2004). DNAtopoisomerases have been classified into two differentcategories: type I enzymes, which mediate the transientbreakage of one DNA strand at a time; and type II en-zymes, which generate nicks in both DNA strands.Among the first class, type IB DNA topoisomerases (likebudding yeast Top1) are very efficient in relaxing posi-tively supercoiled naked DNA molecules and could con-tribute to the removal of positive supercoils accumulat-ing at unreplicated regions. Type II enzymes (like yeastTop2) can relax positively overwounded DNA moleculesand could also reduce the torsional stress by resolvingsister chromatid intertwining at precatenate nodes(Postow et al. 2001; Wang 2002). Type II enzymes arealso involved in chromosome condensation and segrega-tion during mitosis (Holm et al. 1985, 1989; Uemura etal. 1987). Type IA enzymes (such as budding yeast Top3)seem to be preferentially implicated in recombinationalDNA repair (Wallis et al. 1989; Zhu et al. 2001), althoughit has been proposed that they could also act in replica-tion termination (Postow et al. 2001; Wang 2002).

The current view assumes that positive supercoilinggenerated by helix unwinding is mainly relaxed by typeIB enzymes, presumably anywhere within the unrepli-cated region of the topological domain (Postow et al.2001; Schvartzman and Stasiak 2004). The contributionof the Type II enzymes to the resolution of topologicalstress during chromosome replication in vivo is lessclear. Yeast cells can replicate DNA without Top1 or intop2 mutants, but not when both Top1 and Top2 func-tions are defective (Brill et al. 1987; Kim and Wang 1989),thus suggesting that, at least in the absence of Top1,Top2 performs an important role in assisting chromo-some replication. Since Top2, in vitro, is not as efficientas Top1 in relaxing supercoils, it has been proposed thatit could cooperate with the removal of torsional stress byresolving precatenates (Postow et al. 2001; Wang 2002).The latter possibility is supported by the finding thattype II enzyme inhibition during plasmid replication inXenopus egg extracts leads to the accumulation of highlylinked replication intermediates (Lucas et al. 2001).These findings suggest that daughter chromatid decat-enation may take place concomitantly with the progres-sion of replication forks. Despite the tremendous effortin trying to elucidate how these important enzymes fa-cilitate the process of DNA synthesis, their exact roles inDNA replication within the eukaryotic chromatin con-text is still elusive.

To investigate how DNA topoisomerases deal withthe topological constrains of replicating chromosomesand their range of action within the topological domains

generated by active replicons, we have analyzed the tim-ing and the sites of recruitment of Top1 and Top2 onchromosomes. We have also investigated how Top1 andTop2 dysfunctions alter the dynamics of replicationforks, and how the DNA damage checkpoint responds tothe resulting topological abnormalities. We show thatwhile both Top1 and Top2 localize in close proximity toreplication forks, Top2 exhibits additional clusters atspecific intergenic loci in unreplicated DNA regions,mostly at promoters. TOP1 ablation does not affect forkprogression and stability and does not lead to activationof the Rad53-dependent DNA damage checkpoint. Con-versely, top2 mutants accumulate during S-phase cruci-form DNA structures tethering sister chromatids, with-out affecting fork progression, and activate Rad53 uponcompletion of mitosis. The simultaneous attenuation ofTop1 and Top2 causes the block of replication forks,their aberrant mass reduction, and the generation ofcheckpoint signals leading to Rad53 activation in Sphase. Ablation of the Exo1 exonuclease counteracts themass reduction of replication intermediates in top1 top2double mutants and delays the accumulation of activeRad53 in top1 top2 cells.

Altogether, our results indicate that Top1 and Top2act coordinately within a 600-base-pair (bp) region span-ning the moving forks to assist their progression andprevent their pathological processing. The fork-confinedaction of Top1 and Top2 would counteract the diffusionof topological changes along large chromosomal regions,thus protecting chromatin integrity, and would preventthe generation of aberrant replication intermediatescausing DNA damage checkpoint activation and, possi-bly, chromosome breakage during segregation.


Top1 and a subpopulation of Top2 localize atchromosomal regions undergoing replication

We have analyzed the chromosomal localization of DNAtopoisomerases by chromatin immunoprecipitation(ChIP) followed by hybridization to a high-density oligo-nucleotide array (Katou et al. 2003, 2006). This methodallows the detection of protein-binding sites on yeastchromosomes at a resolution of at least 600 bp (Katou etal. 2006).

Cells were presynchronized in G1 and then releasedfrom the G1 block in the presence of hydroxyurea (HU)for 1 h to slow down replication fork progression. Wethen analyzed the binding of Top1 and Top2 to chromo-some III (Fig. 1B). Top1 binding was enriched specificallyat those regions containing replication origins that fireefficiently and early during DNA synthesis (ARS305,ARS306, ARS307, ARS309, ARS310, and ARS315) (Po-loumienko et al. 2001; Raghuraman et al. 2001; Feng etal. 2006). We did not detect any specific association ofTop1 at those chromosomal regions that associate withinitiation factors such as ORC and MCM proteins(Wyrick et al. 2001) but either fire late during S phase or

Top1- and Top2-mediated replication fork integrity


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remain dormant (Poloumienko et al. 2001). We foundthat the chromosomal binding of Top2 overlapped theTop1 signal around the same origin regions, althoughadditional clusters were also detected along both chro-mosome arms, preferentially at intergenic regions (Fig.1C). To correlate the chromosomal binding of Top1and Top2 to regions exhibiting ongoing DNA synthesis,we first labeled newly synthesized DNA with BrdU andthen performed ChIP analysis (Katou et al. 2003, 2006).We found that all the regions showing Top1 and Top2binding and containing early replication origins alsoincorporated BrdU (Fig. 1B), thus indicating that theconcomitant chromosomal recruitment of Top1 andTop2 correlates with the sites where DNA synthesis isongoing.

Inactivating mutations in the ARS consensussequences (ACSes) do not affect the Top2 intergenicclusters but prevent the recruitment of Top1 and Top2at the origin regions

To firmly ascertain the specificity of Top1 and Top2binding to replicating regions, and to address whetherthe additional Top2 clusters were depending on replicondynamics, we have analyzed Top1 and Top2 localizationin wild-type cells and in cells bearing either the disrup-tion of ARS607 only (607d) or of all of the described earlyorigins (eod, early origin disrupted) (ARS603.5, ARS605,ARS606, and ARS607) on chromosome VI (Fig. 2; Fried-man et al. 1997). Inactivating mutations in the ACS (Shi-rahige et al. 1993; Yamashita et al. 1997) of the indicatedorigins prevent the recruitment of the ORC complex andorigin firing (K. Shirahige, unpubl.). We found that, as inthe case of chromosome III, Top1 and Top2 concomi-tantly localized around regions containing early replica-tion origins (ARS605, ARS606, and ARS607) in HU-treated wild-type cells (Fig. 2A,B, wt panels). AdditionalTop2 clusters were detected along the chromosome,again preferentially at intergenic locations that did notcontain obvious replication origins. Disruption of theARS607 sequence abolished Top1 and Top2 bindingwithin the ARS607 site and the origin-surrounding re-gions (Fig. 2A,B). We observed the same effect in the eodstrain with disruptions in the ARS607, ARS606, andARS605 origins (Fig. 2A,B). We also found that the abla-tion of early origins did not lead to the recruitment ofTop1 or Top2 to additional chromosomal sites, thus in-dicating that a reduction in the number of replicons doesnot generate novel chromosomal spots requiring Top1 orTop2 activities.

Altogether, these data indicate that Top1 and Top2recruitment at early replicating chromosomal sites de-pends on initiation events occurring at functional ori-gins of replication. We can also conclude that the addi-tional clusters observed in the Top2-binding profile arenot influenced by the size and number of the replicons,as they remain unaltered in the strains lacking the earlyorigins.

Top1 and Top2 associate with the origin regions afterSTART, and their localization is influenced by themovement of replication forks

We then addressed whether the recruitment of Top1 andTop2 at origin-containing regions already occurred inG1. We analyzed chromosome VI, and we did not ob-serve any significant enrichment of Top1 and Top2 atorigin-containing regions and of Top2 at the origin-un-related clusters in cells arrested at START by �-factortreatment (Supplementary Fig. 1). These findings do notrule out the possibility that in G1 cells, at START, eitherTop1 or Top2 stochastically and/or occasionally associ-ate with chromosome VI or other chromosomes to dealwith potential topological problems. However, based onthese results, and on the previous findings that neitherTop1 or Top2 associated with late-firing origins in earlyS phase, our data suggest that these enzymes are notrecruited at replication origins at START or prior to ori-gin unwinding and are unlikely to be part of the prerep-licative complex.

We next analyzed the Top1 and Top2 recruitmentwith respect to the dynamics of the replication forks. Inthe presence of HU, replication forks arising from earlyorigins proceed slowly for several kilobases before stall-ing (Lopes et al. 2001). ChIP analysis of replisome com-ponents showed that the movement of the two forksoutward of the origin split the ChIP signal of fork-asso-ciated proteins into two separate peaks (Katou et al.2003). We thus carried out parallel ChIP analysis ofDpb3, a subunit of the DNA polymerase � (pol�) com-plex, and either Top1 or Top2 in cells experiencing aprolonged treatment with HU following release from aG1 block (Fig. 3A,B). As expected, the signal correspond-ing to Dpb3 was detected in the ARS606 and ARS607regions and was resolved into two well-defined peaks,marking the position of the fraction of Dpb3 associatedwith the two forks that proceeded slowly outwards fromthe origin sites (cf. Supplementary Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).When Top1 and Top2 were analyzed by ChIP in the samecells, we observed a similar bimodal distribution of thecorresponding signals, which was different from the one-peak profile observed at the 1-h time point (Fig. 3A,B; cf.also Supplementary Fig. 2). These findings indicate thatboth topoisomerases bind in close proximity of replica-tion forks and suggest that their movement along thereplicating chromosome is influenced by fork progres-sion. We did not observe a significant change in the dis-tribution of the Top2 origin-unrelated clusters (Fig. 3B).

Top1 and Top2 influence cell cycle progressionand Rad53-dependent checkpoint response

To investigate how Top1 and Top2 influence chromo-some replication, we have analyzed S-phase progression,origin firing, fork movement, and fork integrity in top1,top2, and top1 top2 mutants.

Cells carrying a TOP1 (top1�) deletion, a temperature-sensitive allele of TOP2 (top2-1), or both the top1� andtop2-1 mutations were presynchronized in G1 at the per-

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Figure 2. Top1 and Top2 binding at replicating regions is dependent on efficient origin firing. Top1-10xFlag (A) and Top2-10xFlag (B)cells bearing a wild-type (wt) chromosome VI (CY7179 and CY7315, respectively), disrupted ARS607 (CY7363 and CY6379), ormutations in all early origins (shaded in blue) (CY7366 and CY7372) were released from �-factor-induced G1 block, treated with 0.2M HU for 1 h, and processed for ChIP with antibodies specific to the Flag epitopes. Blue histogram bars in the Y-axis show the averagesignal ratio of loci significantly enriched in the immunoprecipitated fraction along chromosome VI in log2 scale. The X-axis showskilobase units. Positions of all ARS elements acting as replication origins on the chromosome and the CEN sequence are indicated.Blue asterisks indicate the mutated ARSs.

Top1- and Top2-mediated replication fork integrity


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Figure 3. Top1 and Top2 colocalize with Dbp3 at replication forks. Top1-10xFlag/Dpb3-3xHA (A) and Top2-10xFlag/Dpb3-3xHA (B)cells (CY7340 and CY7343 strains, respectively) were released from �-factor-induced G1 block and treated with 0.2 M HU for 2 h;cultures were then split and processed for ChIP with antibodies specific to either Flag or HA epitopes. Blue histogram bars in the Y-axisshow the average signal ratio of loci significantly enriched in the immunoprecipitated fraction along chromosome VI in log2 scale. TheX-axis shows kilobase units. Positions of all ARS sequences acting as replication origins on the chromosome and CEN sequence areindicated. The bottom panels show Top1/Top2 (after 1- and 2-h HU treatment) and Dpb3 (after 2-h HU treatment) clusters surroundingARS607 element in detail. Blue horizontal bars represent ORFs. Asterisks indicate the position of tRNA genes.

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missive temperature for the top2-1 mutation and thenreleased into S phase at the restrictive temperature. Weanalyzed the transition from G1 into S phase by FACS(fluorescence-activated cell sorting) analysis, whichmeasures the bulk of DNA synthesis, and by examiningthe bud-emergence profile, which is a late G1 event. Wefound that the FACS and budding profiles of top1� cellswere undistinguishable from the ones of wild-type cells(Fig. 4A; data not shown). top2-1 mutants passed throughthe G1–S boundary and completed S phase with kineticssimilar to wild-type cells but, following the completionof the first cell cycle, progressively accumulated unbud-ded cells with a 1C DNA content (Fig. 4A; data notshown). In agreement with previous observations (Gotoand Wang 1985; Brill et al. 1987), top1� top2-1 mutantsfailed to proceed through S phase and accumulated in G1with unbudded cells and a 1C DNA content (Fig. 4A;data not shown). A gradual shift toward 2C DNA contentwas observed in top1� top2-1 arrested cells. This effect ismost likely due to the persistence of mitochondrialDNA replication, as it was not observed in �0 derivativesof top1� top2-1 mutants (data not shown). Mutants de-fective in DNA replication often delay or arrest cell cycleprogression due to the accumulation of DNA lesionsthat cause the activation of the Mec1/Rad53 DNA dam-age checkpoint response (Hartwell and Weinert 1989).Checkpoint activation ultimately delays cell cycle pro-gression. We therefore addressed whether the cell cycleabnormalities of top2-1 and of top1� top2-1 mutantswere caused by checkpoint activation by measuring thephosphorylation state of the Rad53 protein kinase.

Cycling wild-type and top1� cells did not exhibit anycheckpoint activation (Fig. 4A). Conversely, top2-1 mu-tants progressively showed a high level of phosphory-lated Rad53 when cells with a 1C DNA content startedto accumulate in the second cell cycle. We did not ob-serve phosphorylated Rad53 in top1� top2-1 cells re-leased from G1 at the restrictive temperature; further,the same mutant cells, when shifted back at the permis-sive temperature, were able to complete S phase withoutactivating the checkpoint (data not shown).

We conclude that top2-1 cells, following the incuba-tion at the restrictive temperature, activate the DNAdamage checkpoint response at the M–G1 transition.

Top1 and Top2 are required for replication forkprogression and stability

We then addressed whether the relative amount and thequality of the replication intermediates arising at a spe-cific origin of replication during the initial steps of DNAsynthesis were affected by mutations in the TOP1 and/orTOP2 genes. Origin firing generates intermediates thaton two-dimensional (2D) gels migrate as a bubble arc,containing forks proceeding bidirectionally, and large Ymolecules, resulting from forks migrating asymmetri-cally outside of the origin fragment (Friedman andBrewer 1995). Cruciform DNA structures can be also vi-sualized by 2D gels (Brewer and Fangman 1988). Differ-ent types of X-shaped molecules can migrate on 2D gels

as cruciform structures (Schwacha and Kleckner 1994)and have been implicated in various processes such asDNA recombination, sister chromatid cohesion, and rep-lication-coupled repair processes (Zou and Rothstein1997; Benard et al. 2001; Segurado et al. 2002; Lopes et al.2003; Liberi et al. 2005; Robinson et al. 2007).

Wild-type, top1�, top2-1, and top1� top2-1 cells werepresynchronized in G1 and released at the restrictivetemperature for the top2-1 mutation in the presence ofHU to enrich for replication intermediates. Under theseconditions, wild-type cells fire only a subset of early ori-gins, and forks proceed for short tracts (Lopes et al. 2001;Katou et al. 2003; Feng et al. 2006). We analyzed thereplication intermediates arising at ARS305, which is anefficient origin of replication that fires early during Sphase (Lopes et al. 2001; Poloumienko et al. 2001; Rag-huraman et al. 2001). We found that wild-type, top1�,and top2-1 cells accumulated bubbles, Y structures, andX-shaped molecules (Fig. 4B), thus indicating thatARS305 was fired in these genetic backgrounds. How-ever, we noticed that while the relative distribution ofthe different species of replication intermediates wascomparable in wild-type and top1� cells, in top2-1 mu-tants, we found an accumulation of X-shaped intermedi-ates (Fig. 4B; Supplementary Fig. 3). The accumulation ofthese cruciform structures in top2-1 cells did not dependon the presence of HU, as it could be observed also whencells were released at the restrictive temperature with-out HU (Supplementary Fig. 3). top1� top2-1 mutantsdid not accumulate replication intermediates underthese conditions, thus implicating that ARS305 was notfired in this background. The inability of top1� top2-1cells to fire ARS305 is likely a consequence of the failureto complete the G1 phase of the cell cycle. We thenanalyzed the requirement of these topoisomerases spe-cifically for replication progression. Wild-type, top1�,top2-1, and top1� top2-1 mutants were presynchronizedin G1, released at the permissive temperature for 30 minto allow entry into S phase and origin firing, and thenshifted at the restrictive temperature for the top2-1 mu-tation. FACS analysis showed that wild-type, top1�, andtop2-1 cells were able to complete the first cell cycleunder these conditions, although top1� and top2-1 mu-tants exhibited a slight delay in traversing the G1–Sboundary (Fig. 4C). Further, top2-1 mutants accumulatedcells with a 1C DNA content at the second cell cycle(Fig. 4C, 75-min time point). top1� top2-1 mutants un-der these conditions were able to bud and enter S phase(data not shown) but failed to complete replication andarrested with a near 1C DNA content (Fig. 4C). We havealso analyzed, in the same experiment, the Rad53 and�H2A phosphorylation state, which correlates with thepresence of DNA breaks (Lydall and Whitehall 2005; Vi-danes et al. 2005). top2-1 mutants accumulated phos-phorylated Rad53 and �H2A ∼15 min after G1 cellsstarted to increase (Fig. 4C, 90-min time point; data notshown). top1� top2-1 mutants already showed phos-phorylated Rad53 and �H2A during S phase 45 min afterthe shift at the restrictive temperature. This result, to-gether with the previous finding that top1� top2-1 mu-

Top1- and Top2-mediated replication fork integrity


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Figure 4. Effect of Top1 and/or Top2 activity attenuation on chromosomal replication and checkpoint activation. (A) Wild-type(SY359), top1� (CY2279), top2-1 (SY2183), and top1 �top2-1 (CY7039) cells were arrested in G1 by �-factor treatment at permissivetemperature and then released into fresh medium at 37°C. Samples were collected at the indicated time points for FACS analysis andTCA protein precipitation and further immunodetection of Rad53 protein using antibodies recognizing the protein backbone (EL7) orthe phosphorylated epitopes only (F9). (B) Wild-type, top1�, top2-1, and top1� top2-1 cells were arrested in G1 and released into freshmedium containing 0.2 M HU at 37°C. Samples were collected after 2 h, genomic DNA was extracted, and replication intermediates(RI) were analyzed by 2D gel electrophoresis using a probe specific to ARS305 region. (C) Wild-type, top1�, top2-1, and top1� top2-1cells were arrested in G1, released into fresh medium for 30 min at 25°C, and then transferred to 37°C prewarmed medium. Sampleswere collected at the indicated time points for FACS analysis, TCA protein precipitation, and immunodetection of Rad53 andS129-phosphorylated H2A proteins.

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tants experiencing a G1 block at the restrictive tempera-ture do not activate Rad53, suggests that Top1 and Top2likely cooperate not only to facilitate the completion ofS phase but also to prevent the formation of chromosomebreaks and intra-S checkpoint activation.

To further characterize the roles of Top1 and Top2during fork elongation, we analyzed the replication in-termediates by 2D gel using the experimental conditionsdescribed in Figure 4C. In particular, we followed thefate of those forks that arise at ARS305 and progressivelyinvade adjacent chromosomal regions. Thirty minutesafter release from the G1 block, wild-type cells accumu-lated bubbles, large Y molecules, and X intermediates atthe ARS305 region, thus indicating that the origin hadfired (Fig. 5A; Supplementary Fig. 3). At the same timepoint, a fraction of the forks arising from the ARS305origin have already invaded the chromosomal regions A,B, and C and, few of them, also region D (SupplementaryFig. 4). Following the shift at the restrictive temperature,at 60 min from the G1 release, most of the cells havereached G2 as shown by FACS analysis (SupplementaryFig. 4). Accordingly, very few cells, perhaps representingeither daughter cells that entered S phase late or cellsexperiencing already the second cell cycle, showed rep-lication intermediates at the ARS305 region but not atthe flanking fragments. At 120 min, a fraction of cellsthat went through cell division experienced a new roundof replication as judged by FACS. This is consistent withthe 2D gel analysis showing that these cells accumulatedintermediates at the ARS305, A, and C regions. At 180min, the culture was mostly asynchronous, and a frac-tion of cells exhibited replication intermediates at theARS305 and A regions. We therefore conclude that theseexperimental conditions allowed wild-type cells to expe-rience at least two rounds of origin firing and normalfork progression.

We then analyzed top1� top2-1 mutants. At 30 minafter release from G1 at the permissive temperature, the2D gel profile of top1� top2-1 mutants was similar to theone of wild-type cells, thus indicating that forks pro-ceeded normally (Fig. 5A; Supplementary Fig. 4). FACSanalysis showed that, following the shift at the restric-tive temperature, top1� top2-1 cells were unable to com-plete the bulk of DNA synthesis. 2D gels showed thatthe relative amount of the replication intermediates vi-sualized at regions ARS305, A, B, C, and D remainedcomparable throughout the shift at the restrictive tem-perature. Moreover, when we measured the relativeamount of the different replication intermediates at theARS305 region, we found that, with time, the relativepercentage of bubbles decreased, while the small Ys in-creased (Fig. 5A). The progressive accumulation of smallYs correlates with checkpoint activation (Fig. 5A). Theaccumulation of small Ys and checkpoint signals intop1� top2-1 mutants is diagnostic of progressive forkdegeneration that might cause the erosion and the reduc-tion in mass of the Y intermediates (Lopes et al. 2001;Cotta-Ramusino et al. 2005). We therefore conclude that,in top1� top2-1 mutants, replication fork progressionand stability were impaired.

Genetic pathways influencing fork stabilityand checkpoint activation in top1� top2-1 mutants

The previous set of data indicates that top1� top2-1 mu-tants at the restrictive temperature exhibit a block infork progression, associated with the mass reduction ofreplication intermediates, and activation of the DNAdamage checkpoint response.

We then tested whether the mass reduction of the Yintermediates was mediated by the Exo1 exonuclease, asin the case of checkpoint-defective cells (Cotta-Ra-musino et al. 2005). We found that the ablation of EXO1in top1� top2-1 mutant cells counteracts the accumula-tion of small Y intermediates (Fig. 5B). A possible inter-pretation of this result is that Exo1 mediates the erosionof nascent chains at the forks, thus leading to the forma-tion of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) regions, as in thecase of rad53 mutants (Lopes et al. 2001; Cotta-Ra-musino et al. 2005). If that is the case, a logical expecta-tion is that the ablation of EXO1 in top1� top2-1 mu-tants should also affect Rad53 activation through thereduction of ssDNA-mediated checkpoint signals (Zouand Elledge 2003; Lucca et al. 2004). We found that intop1� top2-1 exo1� mutants, compared with top1� top2-1cells, Rad53 phosphorylation was significantly delayed al-though not abolished (Fig. 5C). We therefore conclude thatfork stability and checkpoint activation in top1� top2-1cells are influenced by the presence of Exo1.

Rad53-dependent checkpoint activation in response toreplication stress causing fork stalling is mediated byMrc1, while Rad9 seems to be dispensable under theseconditions (Paulovich et al. 1997; Pellicioli et al. 1999;Alcasabas et al. 2001; Pan et al. 2006). Rad9, however, isneeded for checkpoint activation in response to intra-SDNA damage (Paulovich et al. 1997; Pellicioli et al.1999) and DNA breaks and for the formation of Rad53foci (Lisby et al. 2004). Stalled forks are thought to acti-vate the checkpoint by generating ssDNA at the fork, asin the case of HU-treated cells (Branzei and Foiani 2005).Checkpoint activation in response to intra-S DNA dam-age is likely mediated by ssDNA generated at collapsedforks, by gaps arising when forks replicate across DNAlesions, or by DNA breaks (Branzei and Foiani 2005). Wetherefore tested whether the checkpoint response in-duced in top1� top2 mutants was dependent on the Mrc1or on the Rad9 subpathways. top1� top2-1, top1� top2-1rad9�, and top1� top2-1 mrc1� mutants were shifted atthe restrictive temperature after a 30-min preincubationat the permissive temperature in S phase. FACS analysisshowed that the top1� top2-1, top1� top2-1 rad9�, andtop1� top2-1 mrc1� mutants exhibited cells with a DNAcontent close to 1C throughout the incubation at therestrictive temperature (Fig. 6A). We obtained the sameresult in top1� top2-1 rad53-K227A mutants (data notshown). Thus, the inability of top1� top2-1 cells to com-plete the bulk of replication does not depend on Rad9,Mrc1, or Rad53. We then analyzed the Rad53 phosphory-lation state in the same experiments (Fig. 6A). In bothtop1� top2-1 and top1� top2-1 mrc1� mutants, phos-phorylated Rad53 accumulated following the shift at the

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Figure 5. Aberrant replication intermediates accumulate in top1 top2 mutants. (A) Wild-type (SY359) and top1�top2-1 (CY7039) cellswere arrested in G1, released into fresh medium for 30 min at 25°C, and then transferred to 37°C prewarmed medium. Samples werecollected at the indicated time points, and genomic DNA was extracted. Replication intermediates were analyzed by 2D gel electro-phoresis with ARS305 probe. Black and white arrowheads indicate bubble and small-Y arcs, respectively, in arrested �top1 top2-1 cells.TCA protein precipitation of the same samples and immunodetection of Rad53 protein with EL7 antibodies are shown. (B) top1�

top2-1 (CY7039) and top1� top2-1 exo1� (CY8002) cells where arrested in G1, released into fresh medium for 30 min at 25°C, and thentransferred to 37°C prewarmed medium. Samples were collected at the indicated time points, and genomic DNA was extracted.Replication intermediates were analyzed by 2D gel electrophoresis with ARS305 probe. A schematic representation of replicationintermediates (RIs) and small Ys arising at ARS305 region is shown. (C) top1� top2-1 and top1� top2-1 exo1� cells were arrested inG1, released into fresh medium for 30 min at 25°C, and then transferred to 37°C prewarmed medium. Samples were collected at theindicated time points for FACS analysis, TCA protein precipitation, and immunodetection of Rad53 with EL7 and F9 antibodies.Quantization of the abundance of Rad53-phosphorylated species detected by F9 antibody immunoblot is shown.

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restrictive temperature with similar kinetics. Con-versely, a dramatic decrease of Rad53 phosphorylationwas observed in top1� top2-1 rad9� cells. A possibleinterpretation for this result is that in top1� top2-1 mu-tants, the progressive degeneration of the forks causesaccumulation of intra-S DNA damage that is channeledinto a Rad9-mediated signaling. Hence, the signalingpathway leading to checkpoint activation in top1�top2-1 mutants differs from the one of HU-treated cells,which relies on Mrc1 but not on Rad9. The finding thattop1� top2-1 mutants exhibit phosphorylated �H2A sug-gests that these cells accumulate DNA breaks that trig-ger the Rad9–Rad53-dependent checkpoint. We thentested whether the genome damage accumulated intop1� top2-1 mutants at the restrictive temperature waspreventing S-phase completion following a shift back atthe permissive temperature. We found that top1� top2-1cells were still able to complete the bulk of replicationunder these conditions although very slowly, but thenarrested in G2 (Fig. 6B). Furthermore, the slow S-phaseprogression and the G2 arrest correlated with the pres-ence of phosphorylated Rad53 (Fig. 6B). We also foundthat, under the same conditions, top1� top2-1 rad9� andtop1� top2-1 rad53-K227A mutants completed replica-tion faster than top1� top2-1 cells and did not arrest inG2. We therefore conclude that the lesions accumulatedby top1� top2-1 mutants at the restrictive temperaturepersist after the shift back at the permissive temperatureand sustain a Rad9–Rad53-mediated checkpoint re-sponse that causes a cell cycle block in G2. The slowcompletion of S phase in top1� top2-1 mutants underthese conditions may result from the extensive and irre-versible fork degeneration experienced at the restrictivetemperature and from the consequent Rad53-mediated

inhibition of late replicons following the shift back atthe permissive temperature. Rad53 attenuation in thisbackground would cause a faster completion of DNAsynthesis through the unscheduled firing of additionalreplicons (Tercero and Diffley 2001).


Top1 and Top2 associate with replicatingchromosomal regions

Our results, besides emphasizing a fundamental role forTop1 in the process of chromosome replication, demon-strate that Top2 acts directly at replication forks andprovide a high-resolution analysis of Top1 and Top2 dis-tribution on eukaryotic replicating chromosomes. Fur-thermore, we show that unresolved topological con-straints during S phase cause pathological rearrange-ments at the forks, chromosome breaks, DNA damagecheckpoint activation, and, likely, chromosome segrega-tion defects. Based on our data, we conclude that Top1and Top2 bind active replication origins sometime afterSTART, and their association correlates with one of thereplisomes that is assembled at the initial stage of DNAsynthesis after origin unwinding. This is in agreementwith recent data showing that Top1 associates with theARS305 region and copurifies with the GINS–MCMcomplex (Gambus et al. 2006). However, the situation issomehow different in human cells, as recent observa-tions obtained by treating cells with Top1 and Top2 in-hibitors suggest that DNA topoisomerase I interactswith replication origins in M, G1, and G1/S, while DNAtopoisomerase II does so in M and G1 (Abdurashidova etal. 2007). Following origin firing, the localization of Top1

Figure 6. Lack of Top1 and Top2 activityafter replication onset induces persistentRad9-dependent DNA damage checkpointactivation. (A) top1� top2-1 (CY7039),top1� top2-1rad9� (CY7642), and top1�

top2-1mrc1� (CY7701) cells were arrestedin G1, released into fresh medium for 30min at 25°C, and then transferred to 37°Cprewarmed medium. Samples were col-lected at the indicated time points forFACS analysis, TCA protein precipitation,and immunodetection of Rad53 protein.(B) top1� top2-1, top1� top2-1 rad9�, and�top1 top2-1 rad53-K227A (CY7295) cellswere arrested in G1, released into freshmedium for 30 min at 25°C, then trans-ferred for 90 min to 37°C prewarmed me-dium and subsequently back into freshmedium at permissive temperature. Sam-ples were collected at the indicated timepoints for FACS analysis, TCA proteinprecipitation, and immunodetection ofRad53 protein.

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and Top2 is influenced by fork movement. A possibleinterpretation of this result is that Top1 and Top2 mi-grate with the forks in proximity to the replisome–forkcomplexes to resolve the topological problems generatedduring replication elongation (Wang 2002). Furthermore,our data suggest that the topological constraints requir-ing Top1 and Top2 activity arise within an ∼600-bp re-gion spanning the moving fork. It has been suggestedthat the eukaryotic topological domain may extend for15 kb (Poirier and Marko 2002) and that DNA topoisom-erases may act anywhere within the topological domainsto change their linking state (Champoux 2001; Postow etal. 2001; Wang 2002). Our findings rather seem to implythat the action of Top1 and Top2 is coordinated withreplisome progression within small chromosomal re-gions spanning the moving forks. By solving the topo-logical constraints directly at the fork, the cell mightcounteract the diffusion along large chromosomal do-mains of topological changes that otherwise would causechromatin distortions and nucleosome disruption, pos-sibly followed by the deregulation of certain transcrip-tion units.

Origin-unrelated Top2 chromosome localization sites

Unlike Top1, Top2 also localizes at certain intergenicregions. These origin-unrelated Top2 clusters are specifi-cally visualized in S-phase-blocked cells, as they are notdetected in �-factor-arrested cells and differ from theclusters observed in nocodazole-blocked cells (data notshown). However, these Top2 clusters remain unalteredwhen forks move and when the number of replicons isreduced, thus suggesting that their formation is not in-fluenced by replicon dynamics. This is also in agreementwith the finding that specifically the intergenic Top2clusters (but not the origin-related ones) are detectable incdc7 mutants that arrest at the initial stage of S phasedue to limiting DDK activity that prevents origin firing(Supplementary Fig. 5). Top2 has been implicated inchromosome condensation (Uemura et al. 1987; Wang2002) and, in Drosophila, colocalizes with certain con-densing proteins such as the ortholog of the yeast Brn1protein (Lupo et al. 2001). However, we found that theorigin-unrelated Top2 clusters that we observed in HU-treated cells do not overlap with the Brn1-binding sites(our unpublished observations), and neither colocalizeswith condensins, cohesions, nor the Smc5/6 complex(Lengronne et al. 2004; Lindroos et al. 2006), thus sug-gesting that the Top2 intergenic clusters do not reflect aconcerted action of Top2 and the SMC proteins.

An alternative possibility is that, during S phase, Top2is specifically recruited at promoters. This is consistentwith the findings that out of the 18 Top2 origin-unre-lated clusters visualized on chromosome VI, 17 are lo-cated upstream of transcription units, and only one islocated between two genes whose transcription is con-vergent. Furthermore, in 50% of these clusters there is atleast one gene whose expression is regulated in responseto S-phase stress (Jelinsky et al. 2000). This hypothesis isalso in accordance with the observations that Top2 in-

hibitors cause notable changes at or near promoters (Col-lins et al. 2001) and that a critical role for Top2 in en-hancing transcription has been demonstrated at a spe-cific type of promoters (Ju et al. 2006). These clustersremain excluded from the transcription unit, and, there-fore, it is unlikely that they reflect a need for Top2 ac-tivity in the progression of the transcription bubble. Thesimplest explanation is that during transcription initia-tion, Top2 has to deal with the unwinding stresses gener-ated at promoters or in their proximity (Collins et al. 2001).

Eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II is a main compo-nent of the chromosome scaffold (Gasser et al. 1986), andTop2-like activities have been implicated in remodelingchromatin organization both locally and in a global con-text (Varga-Weisz et al. 1997; Ju et al. 2006) and in DNAlooping (Li et al. 1999). In this view, it is possible that theintergenic Top2 clusters have a role in coordinatingchromatin organization with transcription through theformation of chromosome loops containing transcriptionunits. It has been proposed that chromosome loops cre-ate the conditions for high local concentrations of bind-ing sites for transcription factors and chromatin remod-eling proteins that favor the productive interaction be-tween these proteins and promoters (Chambeyron andBickmore 2004 and references therein). However, the in-tergenic Top2 localization specifically observed in cellsarrested in S phase by HU treatment raises the questionas to whether these Top2 clusters play a role only intranscription or whether they also influence chromo-some replication. Transcription factors may regulateDNA replication by facilitating the temporal control ofreplication and transcription during the cell cycle and byintegrating the origin selection with the transcriptionalprogram (Goldman et al. 1984). Furthermore, cells haveevolved specialized replication fork barriers to avoid col-lision between replication forks and transcription at therDNA locus (Brewer and Fangman 1988), and, in general,a lack of coordination between replication and transcrip-tion may lead to dangerous and unscheduled recombina-tion events (Aguilera 2002). A tantalizing possibility isthat the Top2 clusters might be needed to coordinatereplication fork progression with the enhancement oftranscription of certain genes perhaps by insulating,through DNA looping, the transcription units from theincoming replication forks or to ensure that, followingthe passage of the forks, DNA looping may occur atthose regions.

Another possible scenario is that the Top2 intergenicclusters represent Top2-mediated chromosome organiza-tion centers that somehow influence chromosome repli-cation. Intriguingly, in Xenopus embryos, the S-phasenuclei are organized in loops and replicons, and theTop2-dependent resetting of the loop size affects the rep-licon dynamics (Lemaitre et al. 2005).

Replication fork dynamics and checkpoint activationin top2 mutants

At the restrictive temperature, top2-1 and top2-4 (datanot shown) mutants accumulate cruciform molecules at

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the forks, complete chromosome replication, and, aftercell division, progressively accumulate in G1 with anactive checkpoint.

Top2 has been implicated in the resolution of precat-enates (Wang 2002; Postow et al. 2004). Conversely, typeI topoisomerases cannot pass an intact double helixthrough another, unless one of the duplexes containsnicks/gaps or unpaired bubbles (Wang 2002; Postow et al.2004). Since restriction digestion will resolve the cruci-form precatenate structure characterized by the helix–helix juxtaposition into two linear fragments, it is un-likely that the cruciform structures accumulating intop2 cells represent precatenates. However, we cannotrule out the possibility that unresolved precatenatesmight be converted into interlocked cruciform deriva-tives, perhaps through topological transitions even me-diated by type I topoisomerases; these interlocked struc-tures would migrate on a 2D gel like X-shaped mol-ecules.

The accumulation of cruciform junctions behind theforks in top2 mutants does not seem to affect fork pro-gression but might have dramatic consequences for sis-ter chromatid separation, particularly if the X-shapedstructures are interlocked. At least part of the problemsexhibited by top2 mutants during chromosome segrega-tion might be inherited from the previous S phase (Fig.7A): The abnormal accumulation of interlocked cruci-form junctions at the forks during the initial stage of Sphase would cause sister chromatid entangling. The me-chanical stress generated in the attempt to pull apart thesister chromatids that are still topologically linkedwould inevitably lead to chromosome nondisjunctionand/or the generation of chromosome breaks followed by

DNA damage checkpoint activation, as our data alsosuggest. This model implies that the entangled sisterchromatids in top2-1 mutants do not trigger any specificDNA decatenation checkpoint such as the one acting inmammalian cells exposed to the action of Topoisomer-ase II catalytic inhibitors (Downes et al. 1994). The iden-tification of certain top2 mutants that delay the ana-phase onset suggests that a Top2-dependent decatena-tion checkpoint may also act in yeast (Andrews et al.2006). However, it is formally possible that those top2mutants somehow exhibit an allele-specific loss of func-tion of Top2 affecting the anaphase onset. Previous ob-servations support the view that in top2 mutants theattempt to segregate entangled chromatids would causechromosome breaks: First, top2 mutants experiencing Sphase at the restrictive temperature accumulate plas-mids that appear as multiply intertwined catenateddimers (DiNardo et al. 1984); second, cell division in theabsence of Top2 activity leads to nondisjunction andchromosome breakage (Holm et al. 1985, 1989). Our datasuggest that sister chromatid entangling might indeedoccur in early S phase, although we cannot rule out thatinterlocked structures might also form in top2 mutantsat replication termination, especially considering thatprecatenates might also arise at regions where two forksconverge during termination of DNA synthesis (Fig. 7A).The following findings support the previous hypothesis:(1) Delaying anaphase onset in top2 mutants releasedfrom a G1 block at the restrictive temperature by noco-dazole treatment prevents Rad53 activation (data notshown), and (2) Rad53 activation at the M–G1 transitionin top2 mutants at the restrictive temperature occursonly if cells have previously experienced S phase at the

Figure 7. Hypothetical models to explain the chro-mosomal abnormalities that arise in top2 and top1top2 mutants. (A) Schematic representation of thephenotypes observed in top2-1 mutants. Precatenateformation during initiation and/or termination ofDNA replication would require Top2 activity forresolution. Although other possibilities can be en-visaged, it is possible that, in the absence of a fullyfunctional Top2 activity, unscheduled strand pas-sage reactions, perhaps mediated by type I DNA to-poisomerases, may lead to the generation of sisterchromatid interlocking during S phase. Upon ana-phase onset, the mechanical tension generated bythe mitotic spindle (dashed arrows) might force theseparation of the entangled chromatids, leading tothe formation of DNA breaks and DNA damagecheckpoint signals. (B) Schematic representation ofthe phenotypes observed in top1� top2-1 mutants.The topological constrains arising in the double mu-tants cause the block of fork progression. Stalledforks could either suffer DNA breaks, perhaps as aconsequence of fork collapse at nicks, or resection ofnascent chains. Exo1 is likely implicated in the re-section of nascent chains (Cotta-Ramusino et al.2005) and perhaps also in DSB resection togetherwith Mre11 (Nakada et al. 2004). In both cases,RPA–ssDNA filaments could form, leading tocheckpoint activation.

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nonpermissive conditions (data not shown). Hence, it isreasonable to think that at least part of the problemsexhibited by top2 mutants during chromosome segrega-tion can be ascribed to a faulty replication process thatcauses sister chromatid entangling.

Fork abnormalities and checkpoint activation in top1top2 double mutants

We found that the concomitant attenuation of Top1 andTop2 during DNA synthesis causes an immediate blockof fork progression. This block is most likely due to theaccumulation of topological constraints (positive super-coiling) to such high levels that further DNA unwindingby the replicative helicase would be impeded. UnlikeHU-induced fork stalling, the top1 top2 replication blockdoes not activate the Mrc1-dependent checkpoint re-sponse. At least in theory, a failure in resolving the to-pological constraints arising during fork elongationshould counteract the movement of the replicative heli-case, thus preventing the generation of ssDNA regions atthe forks as a result of uncoupling between the helicaseand the DNA polymerases. Hence, the checkpoint sig-nals in top1 top2 mutants might arise through differentmechanisms. At least two, not necessarily mutually ex-clusive, possibilities can be envisaged (Fig. 7B): fork col-lapse followed by DSB formation (Kuzminov 1995), andresection that would generate ssDNA filaments (Pelli-cioli et al. 2001) and/or ssDNA regions resulting fromresection of the newly synthesized strands (Cotta-Ra-musino et al. 2005). Both hypotheses are consistent withour data, as the Rad9 dependency and the phosphoryla-tion of �H2A might account for DNA break formation,while the Exo1-mediated progressive reduction in massof Y intermediates supports the hypothesis that a frac-tion of nascent chains may undergo extensive resectionwith the consequent accumulation of ssDNA and check-point signals. In any case, we can rule out that in top1top2 mutants the checkpoint signals arise due to prema-ture attempts to segregate partially replicated chromo-somes, as nocodazole treatment does not prevent check-point activation (data not shown). Future work will berequired to further investigate the exact mechanismsleading to activation of the DNA damage checkpoint intop1 top2 mutants.

Materials and methods

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and growing conditions

The strains used in this study are isogenic derivatives of W303-1A and are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Cells were grown inYPD at the indicated temperatures. Synchronization in G1 wascarried out by adding 2 µg/mL �−factor. Cells were then releasedinto fresh YPD medium after removal of �−factor.

ChIP-on-chip analysis

S. cerevisiae chromosomes III–V and chromosome VI high-den-sity oligonucleotide microarrays were provided by AffymetrixCustom Express Service (SC3456a520015F, P/N 520015; rik-

DACF, P/N 510,636, respectively). Sequence and position ofoligonucleotides on the microarrays are available from Af-fymetrix. ChIP was carried out as previously described (Katou etal. 2003, 2006): We disrupted 1.5 × 108 cells by Multi-beadsshocker (MB400U, Yasui Kikai) using glass beads. Anti-HAmonoclonal antibody HA.11 (16B12, CRP Inc.) and anti-Flagmonoclonal antibody M2 (Sigma-Aldrich) were used for ChIP.Chromatin-immunprecipitated DNA was purified and ampli-fied by random priming as described (Katou et al. 2003): A totalof 10 µg of amplified DNA was digested with DNaseI to a meansize of 100 bp and purified, and the fragments were end-labeledwith biotin-N6-ddATP. Hybridization, washing, staining, andscanning were performed according to the manufacturer’s in-structions (Affymetrix). Primary data analyses were carried outusing the Affymetrix microarray Suite version 5.0 software toobtain hybridization intensity, fold change value, changeP-value, and detection P-value for each locus. For the discrimi-nation of positive and negative signals for the binding, we com-pared the chromatin-immunprecipitated fraction with the su-pernatant fraction by using three criteria. First, the reliability ofstrength of signal was judged by detection P-value of each locus(P � 0.025). Second, the reliability of binding ratio was judgedby change P-value (P � 0.025). Third, clusters consisting of atleast three contiguous loci that filled the above two criteriawere selected, because it was known that a single site of pro-tein–DNA interaction will result in immunoprecipitation ofDNA fragments that hybridized not only to the locus of theactual binding site but also to its neighbors. For the analyses ofBrdU incorporation, cells were fixed by ice-cold buffer contain-ing 0.1% azide, and then total DNA from 3 × 108 cells was pu-rified. DNA was sheared to 300 bp by sonication, denatured,and mixed with 2 µg of anti-BrdU monoclonal antibody(2B1D5F5H4E2; MBL). Antibody-bound and unbound fractionswere subsequently purified, amplified, labeled, and hybridizedto the DNA chip. Microarray data presented in this study can beobtained from Gene Expression Omnibus with accession num-ber GSE8305.

2D gel analysis of replication intermediates

Total genomic DNA was isolated and digested with EcoRV andHindIII restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs), and 2D gelelectrophoresis was carried out as previously described (Lopes etal. 2003).

FACS analysis

FACS analysis was performed using a Beckton Dickinson fluo-rescence-activated cell analyzer. Cells were fixed and processedas previously described (Pellicioli et al. 1999).

Western blot analysis of Rad53

Preparation of yeast protein extracts from TCA-treated cells,SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, and Western blotting were per-formed as previously described (Pellicioli et al. 1999). For im-munodetection of Rad53 we used two antibodies: EL7, whichrecognizes the Rad53 protein backbone, and F9, which recog-nizes phosphorylated Rad53. The antibodies were produced andcharacterized by A. Pellicioli and the IFOM antibody facility.Phospho-S129 Histone H2A polyclonal antibodies (Abcam)were used to score �H2A phosphorylation.


We thank J. Diffley for discussions and for sharing unpublishedobservations; all members of our laboratories for helpful discus-sions; D. Branzei, M. Lopes, and G. Liberi for critical reading of

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the manuscript; R. Rothstein and E. Schwob for providing yeaststrains; A. Pellicioli for EL7 and F9 antibodies; and R. Jossen forassistance in producing yeast strains. This work was supportedby grants form the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Can-cro, Association for International Cancer Research and, par-tially, from European Union, Telethon-Italy, and the ItalianMinistry of Education to M.F., and Grant-in-Aid for ScientificResearch to K.S.


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  Rodrigo Bermejo, Ylli Doksani, Thelma Capra, et al.   checkpoint activationensure fork progression and stability and prevent DNA damage Top1- and Top2-mediated topological transitions at replication forks




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