Top Quark Mass Measurements at Hadron Colliders

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Top Quark Mass Measurements at Hadron Colliders. G. Watts (UW/Seattle, CPPM). For the DZERO, CDF, CMS, and ATLAS collaborations. July 15, 2014. The Top Quark. Just like other Fermions. Except:. The next heaviest quark!. The Mass gives the top quark a special role in the Standard Model. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Top Quark Mass Measurements at Hadron CollidersG. WATTS (UW/SEATTLE, CPPM)

For the DZERO, CDF, CMS, and ATLAS collaborations

July 15, 2014

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

2The Top QuarkJust like other Fermions

Except:π‘šπ‘‘ 40Γ—π‘šπ‘

The next heaviest quark!

The Mass gives the top quark a special role in the Standard Model

β€’ Only fermion which has a significant coupling to the Higgsβ€’ Plays key roll in many important physics processes

β€’ Flavor physics, Electro-weak processesβ€’ It plays a special roll in a number of Beyond the Standard

Model theories as well

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

3The Top MassWe have known almost since it was discovered.

By far the most precisely measured quark mass!

While it behaves like any other quark in the Standard Model, its mass gives it a unique role.

β€’ Only version for which the coupling to the Higgs is importantβ€’ Stability of the SM Higgs

potential at high scalesA consistency check for the

Standard Model!β€’ Shows up in a number of production

loopsβ€’ at the LHC contains a top loopβ€’ Heavy Flavor physics (e.g. )


G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

4Top Mass Is A Precision


Each measurement deserves at least a


I have chosen a few extra results

Current World Average: 173.3 GeV.Known to better than 0.5 %!!

Higgs mass is known to better than 0.3%

Top is easier to discover: at TeV at TeV

No clean easy to see peak l!All final states involve jets

Top is harder to reconstruct:

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille





G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille


Dilepton eventsClean, but low statistics~4%

Lepton + Jet eventsGood compromiseReasonable background~30%

All Hadronic eventsHuge multi-jet background~44%

Top mass has been measured in all decay


𝑑 π‘‘β†’π‘Š+ΒΏπ‘π‘Š βˆ’π‘ΒΏ

Classified by the Ws’ decay

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

7The Tevatron & The LHCThe Tevatron is coming out with its final results

β€’ of data at TeVβ€’ Well understood detectorβ€’ Sophisticated analysis techniques

The LHC is just coming online in the worldβ€’ TeV results well developedβ€’ 8 TeV results just appearingβ€’ Statistics are much better due to the much higher

The much larger statistics will eventually open the door to new measurement techniques.

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

8Extracting from Data

β€’ Does not always give you 4-vectors (neutrinos!)β€’ Detector/Object resolutions (e.g. Jet Energy Scale)β€’ Background contaminationβ€’ Incorrect reconstruction (e.g. bad jet assignment)β€’ Top mass widthβ€’ Etc.

Two common methods to address this:

Matrix Element Uses all the informationComputationally very expensive

Template Method Flexible, subsets the information usedβ€œFairly easy” to implement

Detector gives you 4-vectors. Use Griffiths!

What do we measure? The Pole mass? The MC mass?

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

9The Jet Energy ScaleCommon curse for all methods

β€’ Experiments normally measure in independent control sample.

β€’ Resolution not good enough for a state-of-the-art top mass measurement.

In situ Jet Energy Scale measurement

π‘Šβ†’π‘žπ‘ž β€²Two poorly measured

objectsOne very

well measured


Many techniques will constrain to be as part of the global fitting process.

Global fit over the full sampleβ€’ Scale all jets by a constant

factor to achieve constraint


Flavor Jet Energy Scale

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

10The Matrix Element

ApproachA reverse Monte Carlo

MC Generates

100K events

Distributions of kinematic

variables for all objects

β€œMap of kinematic

phase space”

Turn that aroundGiven a single event in data, how dense a

part of kinematic phase space is it in?

Repeat for all major backgrounds and signal:


G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

11ME – Multiple Steps

ALPGEN + Pythia

Detector Simulation


4 vectors of reconstructed objects

𝑃 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )= 1πœŽπ‘œπ‘π‘ 

𝑑 𝑑 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )βˆ‘π‘–=1


𝑀 𝑖


Sum over all possible jet assignmentsβ€’ Which jet is the first tops?β€’ Which jets belong to the


A weight reflecting the probability of those jet assignmentsβ€’ -tagging


G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

12ME – Multiple Steps

ALPGEN + Pythia

Detector Simulation


4 vectors of reconstructed objects

𝑃 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )= 1πœŽπ‘œπ‘π‘ 

𝑑 𝑑 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )βˆ‘π‘–=1


𝑀 π‘–βˆ«π‘‘πœŒ π‘‘π‘š12𝑑𝑀1

2 π‘‘π‘š22𝑑𝑀 2

2π‘‘πœŒ β„“π‘‘π‘ž1π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž1

𝑦 π‘‘π‘ž2π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž2


10 dimensional integral over phase spaceβ€’ Mass of the tops, W’sβ€’ Directions of the b-quarksβ€’ Lepton and neutrino direction

Note no mention of data 4-vectors yet!

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

13ME – Multiple Steps

ALPGEN + Pythia

Detector Simulation


4 vectors of reconstructed objects

𝑃 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )= 1πœŽπ‘œπ‘π‘ 

𝑑 𝑑 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )βˆ‘π‘–=1


𝑀 π‘–βˆ«π‘‘πœŒ π‘‘π‘š12𝑑𝑀1

2 π‘‘π‘š22𝑑𝑀 2

2π‘‘πœŒ β„“π‘‘π‘ž1π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž1

𝑦 π‘‘π‘ž2π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž2


βˆ‘π‘ π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘œπ‘› π‘“π‘™π‘Žπ‘£π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘  ,𝜈



Sum over incoming parton flavorsAll neutrino solutions

The Leading Order Matrix Elementβ€’ Given all the phase space

parametersβ€’ Weight for the kinematics

valuesβ€’ Uses all available

informationβ€’ At leading order

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

14ME – Multiple Steps

ALPGEN + Pythia

Detector Simulation


4 vectors of reconstructed objects

𝑃 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )= 1πœŽπ‘œπ‘π‘ 

𝑑 𝑑 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )βˆ‘π‘–=1


𝑀 π‘–βˆ«π‘‘πœŒ π‘‘π‘š12𝑑𝑀1

2 π‘‘π‘š22𝑑𝑀 2

2π‘‘πœŒ β„“π‘‘π‘ž1π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž1

𝑦 π‘‘π‘ž2π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž2


βˆ‘π‘ π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘œπ‘› π‘“π‘™π‘Žπ‘£π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘  ,𝜈


|𝔐𝑑 𝑑|2 𝑓 β€² (π‘ž1 ) 𝑓 β€² (π‘ž2 )

√ (πœ‚π›Όπ›½π‘ž1π›Όπ‘ž2𝛽 )2βˆ’π‘šπ‘ž12 π‘šπ‘ž2



Phase Space FactorTransverse

momenta of incoming partons

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

15ME – Multiple Steps

ALPGEN + Pythia

Detector Simulation


4 vectors of reconstructed objects

𝑃 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )= 1πœŽπ‘œπ‘π‘ 

𝑑 𝑑 (π‘šπ‘‘π‘œπ‘ )βˆ‘π‘–=1


𝑀 π‘–βˆ«π‘‘πœŒ π‘‘π‘š12𝑑𝑀1

2 π‘‘π‘š22𝑑𝑀 2

2π‘‘πœŒ β„“π‘‘π‘ž1π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž1

𝑦 π‘‘π‘ž2π‘₯π‘‘π‘ž2


βˆ‘π‘ π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘œπ‘› π‘“π‘™π‘Žπ‘£π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘  ,𝜈


|𝔐𝑑𝑑|2 𝑓 β€² (π‘ž1 ) 𝑓 β€² (π‘ž2 )

√ (πœ‚π›Όπ›½π‘ž1π›Όπ‘ž2𝛽 )2βˆ’π‘šπ‘ž 12 π‘šπ‘ž 2

2Ξ¦6π‘Š (π‘₯ , 𝑦 ;𝜌 , 𝜌 β„“ ,…)

Transfer Functionsβ€’ Given a generated jet with what is the probability DZERO

will reconstruct values x and y?β€’ Detector and reconstruction resolution

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

16DZERO using the ME

MethodIn used at DZERO since Run I



Total error is equivalent to March world average!

3 years of work (old result):

β€’ Use different top mass in the Matrix Elements

β€’ Vary the Jet Energy Scale in the transfer functions

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

17What Did 3 years get?

β€’ Speed (CPU) to allow better MC statsβ€’ X100 increase means MC stats error

drops from ~0.25 GeV to ~0.05 GeV.

β€’ New Jet Energy Scale Calibrationsβ€’ ISR modeling

β€’ Constrain by studies in Drell-Yan data

β€’ General modeling improvements

The variable is sensitive to Z boson recoil ().Gives an experimental bound to ISR mis-modeling

Systematic error on reduced from ~0.25 to 0.06 GeV

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

18Template Method

Using a distribution sensitive to :

Simulated sample at GeV

Simulated sample at GeV

Simulated sample at GeV

Use a likelihood to estimate template


Make it for each sample


Can do in two dimensionβ€’ Jet energy scaleβ€’ Top mass

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

19Top Mass In Dilepton

Events4% of all decays, split into , and .

Very little SM background!

CDF’s basic selection: Observe 520 events, expect 78% purityATLAS’ basic selection: Observe 2913, expect 96% purity

Really excellent top labExcept…

For 2 !!! There are no 4-vectors for the two!!

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

20Template Method

Need distributions that are strongly correlated

with the top massTemplate method to

figure out the top mass

ATLASThe average in the event

Two permutations (take smallest)Avoid the missing resolution

Good separatio

n power

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

21CDF Template Variables

Fully reconstruct the top massProblem: detector measures missing

There are not enough constraints to solve for solution!The weighting method



Grid in the azimuthal anglesβ€’ Fit for the top mass at

each grid location.β€’ Resulting is the template

variable.β€’ Weight by fit .

The fit includes terms for:β€’ All the measurements (2 leptons, two jets, missing )β€’ Top mass and the (constrained) W mass

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

22Statistics Isn’t The

Problem… Broad peak, but decent separation power.

Leading systematic:Jet Energy Scale!

This measurement is statistics limited.Can something be done?

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

23Statistics Isn’t The

Problem… Broad peak, but decent separation power.

Leading systematic:Jet Energy Scale!

This measurement is statistics limited.Can something be done?

CDF creates a second template variable:

GeV β€’ Depends on 4-vector of leptonsβ€’ Direction of jetsβ€’ No Jet Energy Scale, no Missing

And combines the two, optimizing for minimal error𝑀 𝑑

𝑓𝑖𝑑=𝑀 βˆ™π‘šπ‘‘π‘“π‘–π‘‘+ (1βˆ’π‘€ ) βˆ™π‘šπ‘‘


G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

24Dilepton Top Mass

ResultsStandard Template MethodJet Energy Scale isn’t fit: not enough constraints

Statistics already making a big difference here

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

25Top Mass in All Hadronic

Decays (CDF & CMS)44% of all decays. Largest single decay class.

Overwhelmed by SM QCD background!

6 Jets

After CMS requires 6 jets4 jets with GeV5th with GeV6th with GeV

Estimated signal purity is 3%Signal Efficiency is 3.5%!

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

26Improving the Purity

Unique Handles:2 -jets

2 Look for -tagged jetsPerform kinematic fit:β€’ Know β€’ The two are the same2


Mass of the pairs of light quark jets

is the well measured value of 80.4 GeV

Mass of the pairs of light quark jets

free parameters

Every jet permutation is triedMinimum is kept

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

27Improving the Purity

1. Requiring the fit to converge2. Very basic cuts on the

Raise CMS’s purity to 39%

Additional kinematic selection

CMS: CDF: Neural Network

Raise CMS’s purity to 54%CDF has a purity of 57%

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

28Extracting the Mass

π‘šπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘π‘œ π‘šπ‘‘


The Template MethodFit for both Jet Energy Scale and

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

29Lepton + Jets From CMS

Full TeV result: Analysis is very similar to the All-Jets analysis from CMS

Initial selection is > 100K events and 94% pure QCD background is negligible!

A simple kinematic fit to clean up incorrect jet assignments

β€’ Each possible jet assignment gives β€’ Each is weighted by the fit probability

Largest systematic error is the flavor dependent Jet Energy Scale (0.41 GeV)

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille


Field is still rapidly evolving World average submitted in

March CDF dilptons and all-hadronic DZERO matrix element CMS all-hadronic and

lepton+jets What is next?

Tevatron will finish putting out β€œfinal” mass measurements

LHC’s statistics and purity mean it should quickly surpass the Tevatron.

LHC Run 2 projections Other measurements with the

quark mass Top and anti-top have

consistent masses measurements that can

clarify which mass we measure.

Becoming like the W mass…

If you believe BICEP2


G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

31Awaiting the next world


Current World Combination

Tevatron CombinationCMS Combination

Β±0.95 Β±0.76 Β±0.64

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille


Systematic Errors

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

33ATLAS Lepton+Jets Template

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

34ATLAS dilepton 7 TeV CDF dilepton

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille


CDF all jets CMS all jets

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille

36CMS All Jets 7 TeV

G. Watts (UW

/Seattle) FFP 2014 - Marseille


Tevatron Combination

DZERO Lepton+Jets ME

top related