Top 5 Toxic Body Care Ingredients And How To Avoid Them

Post on 07-Jan-2017






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◦It is reported that almost 90 percent of the cosmetics and skincare ingredients in the US haven’t been evaluated for safety by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review.

◦The truth is no one is dropping dead for using mascara, but with many people applying over 10 different products on their skin everyday it is only fair to provide a safe set of ingredients. Here some of the top 5 ingredients that could be really toxic when used in your body care products.

◦Hydroquinone: This one is used to lighten the skin. It was banned in the US and rated the most toxic by many professional skincare products reviews. It is highly carcinogenic and has been connected to reproductive toxicity for a very long time now.

◦The Mercury: This is another ingredient that’s found in some mascaras and eye drops. Mercury is a strong allergen that impairs the development of the brain and can have very fatal results if over consumed. So avoid any products that have mercury.

◦Oxybenzone: This is typically an active ingredient in chemical sunscreens. It accumulates in the fatty tissues and can cause very severe allergies, cellular damage, low birth weight, and hormone disruptions. If you have a sensitive skin, think twice before using Oxybenzone.

◦Phthalates: Phthalates is often present in many fragrances, perfumes, deodorants, and lotions. It was banned in the kid’s toys in the EU. Phthalates is linked to endocrine disruptions, and also the damage of kidney, liver, and lungs among other organs. ◦Triclosan: This is found in antibacterial products, hand sanitizers, and some deodorants brands. It is linked to cancer, endocrine disruptions, and could have many other dire effects. Triclosan will be a no go zone for anyone who is notoriously allergic.

How To Avoid Them◦In order to avoid the use of any of these top five toxic body care ingredients you can always do the following things. ◦First before settling down on the use of any skincare product ensure that you read the instruction of use thoroughly. Check on the cover for ingredients and determine that none of these listed top five toxic ingredients form part of active ingredients. ◦Apart from that you should often read user reviews before buying any skin care products. Be it a sunscreen, Instant Wrinkle Reducer, mascara, sebum, moisturizers, or masks, always find out what the users say first before indulging into its use.

◦Learn how to test before use. Whether you have a sensitive skin or not teach yourself the virtue of testing a product before you use it. For instance if you are using a new facial cream, lotion, or oil test it on a small section of your skin to see how it reacts.

You can also ask around. The people you can talk to include your loved ones, friends, and your skin doctor. You never can tell who else has walked down that road unless you take your time to find out from them. Trust me you will be thankful you did.

◦Look out for their ratings too. Apart from the user reviews, there are professional websites that will collect data, analyze product reviews, and rate a product. Find out how your product of choice fairs among the rest before starting on their use.

Conclusion ◦It could seem like much to do right now, but trust me it isn’t when you will be enjoying that glow of a supple safe skin once you have used

the right Instant Wrinkle Reducer.

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