Tools for gender and livelihood analysis

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Presentation by Jemimah Njuki at the FAO-ILRI Workshop on Integrating Gender in Livestock Projects and Programs, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 22-25 November 2011.


Tools for Livelihood and Gender Analysis

Jemimah NjukiTeam Leader: Poverty, Gender and Impact

FAO-ILRI Workshop on Integrating Gender in Livestock Projects and Programs, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 22-25 November 2011

A ‘short’ list of tools we could discuss…•Agroecosystems Analysis (AEA), Beneficiary Assessment (BA), Development Education Leadership Teams (DELTA), Diagnosis and Design (D&D), Diagnostico Rural Participativo (DRP), Farmer Participatory Research (FPR), Groupe de Recherche et d’Appui pour l’Auto-promotion Paysanne (GRAAP), Methode Active de Recherche et de Planification Participative (MARP), Participatory Analysis and Learning Methods (PALM), Participatory Action Research (PAR), Participatory Research Methodology (PRM), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning (PRAP), Participatory Technology Development (PTD), Participatory Urban Appraisal (PUA), Planning for Real, Process Documentation, Rapid Appraisal (RA), Rapid Assessment for Agricultural Knowledge Systems (RAAKS), Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP), Rapid Assessment Techniques (RAT), Rapid Catchment Analysis (RCA), Rapid Ethnographic Assessment (REA), Rapid Food Security Assessment (RFSA), Rapid Multi-perspective Appraisal (RMA), Rapid Organisational Assessment (ROA), Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Samuhik Brahman (Joint Trek), Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), Story Methodology (SM), Theatre for Development, Training for Transformation, Visualisation in Participatory Programmes (VIPP), Results based management (RBM), Community action plan (CAP), Strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threatsanalysis (SWOT), Force Field Analysis (FFA), Participatory Monitoring and evaluation (PM&E), Process Monitoring (ProM), Participatory Market Research (PMR); Market Opportunity identification (MOI); Enabling Rural Innovation (ERI), Participatory Market Chain Analysis (PMCA)

More is not necessarily better!

Selecting Methods and Tools for data collection

1. Type of information needed2. Degree of participation of stakeholders in

the design, collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of data and findings

3. End use and user of the data (Who will use the data, and for what purpose, relevance of information to different audiences)

4. Level of data accuracy and reliability of findings, type and scale of analysis required

5. Ease of application and requisites for implementation: does the tool require some training, equipment, and special expertise?

6. Scale of application/area coverage (hierarchical levels: plots, farms, farmer/households, groups, communities, micro-watershed

7. Frequency of monitoring and evaluation (Time demand for data collection and analysis)

8. Cost effectiveness (logistics, materials, equipment

9. Feedback: necessity to provide quick feedback to stakeholders

Selective methods…………

Qualitative approaches• Provides interpretive power

– What as well as why• Exploring topics less amenable to survey questions• Express local voice and perceptions

• Qualitative methods are effective at capturing these issues because

– Elaboration, and sometimes several tries and lengthy follow-up and probing, are needed to convey the questions adequately and understand answers

– People do not always tell the truth the first time: Getting candid information often requires time, trust, rapport, triangulation, observation

• Discover unanticipated issues

• Solicit local solutions to problems

Quantitative approaches

• Identifies stratification strategy• Provides community and household

characteristics for sampling• Identifies issues for investigation• Triangulation, confirmation, contradiction• Determines prevalence of qualitative

findings in wider population• Reveals representation of qualitative


Some misconceptions about qualitative approaches

• It is easy to do and cheap, and anyone can do it. “If you can talk to farmers, you can use qualitative approaches

and tools”

• With qualitative tools, all you need is to document the results. No analysis is needed—

”just write up the report, its basic stuff”

• “You don’t need a research design! Just talk to a few farmers and do a few focus group discussions”

• A lack of understanding of the tools and approaches“We are using a PRA tool”

Different types of toolsMapping tools PRA tools Interviews Ethnographic

toolsParticipatory impact diagrams

Diffusion Maps

Before and After resource /asset maps

Social network analysis

Transect Walks

Trend lines

Venn diagrams

Seasonal calendars

Focus Group Discussions

Community meetings

Ranking /Rating/Scoring

Community surveys

Semi-structured interviews

Unstructured d interviews

Key informant interviews

Organizational assessment

Case studies

Innovation Histories

Life Histories

Personal diaries

Mapping Tools

Resource/ asset maps

• From Katosi

Resource /Asset Maps

Before After

Integrating gender in the resource maps

• Two main ways:– Drawing resource maps with men and

women separately

– Using cards /symbols to indicate what resources men and women have access to, ownership of and control over

Calendars / trend lines

CurrentProducto Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov DicCaféYucaMaizFrijolCaña P.PollosHortalizasFrutales

Five Years AgoProducto Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic

CaféYucaMaizFrijolCaña P.PollosHortalizasFrutales


Food Availability Calendar in El Jardin

Gender in Calendars

• Seasonal calendars to indicate activities and use of symbols for who does what activities

• They can be a good way of determining who does what

• Can indicate periods of busy activity /less busy activities during the year and the most appropriate period for project interventions

• Information can also be used to target activities such as training

• Can be drawn separately by men and women

Time allocation calendars

Daily Activity Calendars

• Useful for showing daily time allocation between men and women

• Can be a useful discussion starter for time reallocation, the role of men and women in the household, farm and market

Institutional / Venn diagrams

Name of stakeholder

Type of stakeholder

Their interests /stake

Potential role

Potential impacts on them

Categories of Stakeholders

• Primary stakeholders: the direct beneficiaries or target of the intervention.

• Secondary stakeholders: indirect beneficiaries can be both important and influential; they may be directly involved in the project and are integral to success.

• Supporting stakeholders. These are generally institutional stakeholders, such as NGOs, government research and extension services

• External Stakeholders: Donors

Institutional /Venn diagrams

• Useful for stakeholder analysis

• Mapping of different stakeholders and their interrelationships

• Can be used for both internal and external stakeholders

Network Analysis

• Set of integrated techniques to depict relations among actors and to analyze the social structures that emerge from the recurrence of these relations

• Conducted by collecting relational data organized in matrix form.

• Actors are depicted as nodes, and their relations as lines among pairs of nodes

Network Analysis: Advantages and Disadvantages


• Can be done individually or in groups

• Data /information can be quantified (UCINET)

• Can be done through visual tools (Venn diagrams) or short questionnaire survey


• Limited to evaluation of interactions

• Requires multiple software (UCINET for analysis, Netdraw for network maps)

Participatory Impact Diagramming









Methods of Seed Dissemination

Gift (3kg or less)

Gift (3kg or more)



Neighboring Village


mother brother



Wife’s father


10 km

6 km


4 km


struggling widow



7 km


75 km



Appendix 3b. Technology Diffusion / Social Network Mapping: Simplified Sample from Worka Village



Technology dissemination mapping

PID and Diffusion Maps

• Mainly used for assessing impacts and diffusion of information and technologies

• Diffusion maps can be used in initial analysis to inform what dissemination approaches are most appropriate for different technologies or information

• PID can be sued before interventions to discuss potential impacts /benefits

Pictures; Before and after/ with and without

Mapping tools

Advantages• Can be used with groups

that have low literacy levels

• Very engaging • Easy visual presentation• Can provide massive

amounts of information that combine qualitative as well as simple numbers

• Can be done on paper or on the ground


• Requires close facilitation• Time consuming• Can be dominated by those

that can write (who holds the pen /chalk, stick?)

Prioritizing /Preference Tools

Scoring /Ranking /Rating methods• Useful for identifying important

traits / criteria for organising issues, items by preference

• Used mainly for technology evaluation, ranking of priority options e.g priority household income options, asset preferences

• Can be used to compare preferences across groups e.g men and women

• Useful for understanding key livelihood priorities

Ranking Priority Assets for Men and Women

Ranking, Rating, Scoring

• Ranking: Gives ordered preference

• Rating: Assigns a qualitative value of preference

• Scoring: Assigns a quantitative value

Scoring /ranking /Rating methods


• Can be used with symbols and counters especially with groups with low literacy levels

• Can be done individually or in groups

• Allows for group contribution of list to be ranked /rated and the criteria to use

• Can be easily quantified

Disadvantages• Takes time especially when

community groups identify their own lists and criteria for evaluation

Focus Group Discussions: Description• A group discussion of approximately 6 - 12 persons guided by a

facilitator, during which group members talk freely and spontaneously about a certain topic.

• Its purpose is to obtain in-depth information on concepts, perceptions and ideas of a group

• Can be useful to: – Focus research and develop relevant research hypotheses by

exploring in greater depth the problem to be investigated and its possible causes

– Formulate appropriate questions for more structured, larger scale surveys

– Help understand and solve unexpected problems in interventions– Explore controversial topics

FGDs; Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages• Cost- and time-efficient—

cover more people• Can be a safe space for

discussion of sensitive issues• Early identification of

important issues• Discussions trigger ideas,

recollections, opinions


• Less time to explore and probe

• Inability to triangulate data on individuals/households

• Louder and quieter voices, peer pressure

• No very appropriate for sensitive topics

Page 34

FGDs Analysis: Analysis• Text Analysis

– QDA Miner– Relational themes– Identifying Key themes in FGDs.docx

Semi-structured interviews; Description

• Conducted with a fairly open framework which allow for focused, conversational, two-way communication

• Starts with more general questions or topics. Followed by more specific probing questions

• Not all questions are designed and phrased ahead of time

• Uses an interview guide rather than a set of questions• Used to:

– Obtain specific quantitative and qualitative information from a sample of the population

– Obtain general information relevant to specific issues, (ie: to probe for what is not known)

– Gain a range of insights on specific issues

Semi-structured interviews: Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages• Depth and detail• Rapport• Analytic power: Ability to

relate data to other data at individual, household, and community levels

• No peer pressure

Disadvantages• More time consuming and

costly, so smaller sample sizes

• No trigger and interaction effects of group

Page 37

Analysis• Three stages of analysis

– During and post interview analysis (“follow your nose!”

– Field analysis– Formal analysis

• Communication– Language– Technical expertise

Questionnaire surveys

• Two main types:– Household surveys and individual surveys

• Used to collect more detailed data at household and individual level

• Results subjected to analytical rigour• Sampling procedures, for randomness,

representation etc

Gender in questionnaire surveys

• Disaggregating questions by gender;– Not only male and female headed

households– Intra-household: men and women within

male and female headed households• Asking questions to both men and

women in households;– e.g on Assets, income, Food security

Field implementation issues

• Sample selection– For groups, sample

stratification based on key variables such as gender, socio-economic status

• Representation– For semi-structured and case

study interviews, representation of key interest groups

• Triangulation– Most qualitative tools not

enough by themselves, use of other tools for triangulation

Field implementation issues• Physical set up

– For group discussions, sitting arrangements, venues can influence discussion outcomes

• Discussion guides /interview guides– Semi-structured or unstructured

guides with key issues /questions

• Skills– Good facilitation skills required for

qualitative data collection– Analytic skills

• Recording /documentation

P.Sanginga CIAT-CRS Feb2005

Questions /Discussions

Group Activity

Group Activity 1• Using the Hakuna Matata Case study: Assume you are

the community facilitators in this community and you want to starts a project– Identify all the stakeholders at the external level– Identify the different stakeholders within the

community– For each stakeholder group, identify some of their

constraints to participate (if any)– Briefly describe the strategies that you would use

to ensure their participation

Group Activity

Group Activity 2• Using the Hakuna Matata case study• Indentify an issue you would like to

explore further using one of the tools• Use the tool and fill in the relevant

information / findings

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