Tony Shaddock PhD Professional Learning Association for Learning Support & NSW Department of Education and Communities 19 February 2014 Reasonable Adjustments.

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • Tony Shaddock PhD Professional Learning Association for Learning Support & NSW Department of Education and Communities 19 February 2014 Reasonable Adjustments & Differentiation: Pathways to Successful Learning 2.45-3.15 Preparing for the between-session activity
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  • Planning our between-session activity/initiative 2 The rationale for doing something Ideas about what you might do/trial The rationale for collecting a little data Possible techniques for our between-session activity.
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  • 3 Student outcomes improve when Teachers Have time for extended opportunities to learn Use external expertise Are engaged in the process Challenge their thinking and assumptions (their problematic discourses) Interact in a community of professionals Implement practices that are consistent with policy and trends Are supported by actively involved school leaders. (Timperley et al., 2007, Best Evidence Synthesis)
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  • 4 Data and evidence Its great to be convinced, but it would be even better to be convinced by some evidence. Latour (2005) 4
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  • Data and evidence 5 "However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. Winston Churchill image.php?image=8607&picture=winston- churchill&large=1
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  • 6 How you might do it (1) 6 Use the model of professional practice to try something different or new in regard to Every Student Every Child, particularly in regard to what you have learned in this course so far.
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  • How you might do it (2) 7
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  • Process for doing something 8 Working individually or as part of a group Select a small, feasible initiative or action related to this course Implement your initiative using the general approach outlined in the previous slides On 11 March briefly tell the story about what happened with your initiative just talk; powerpoint; song and dance etc. Be as creative as you like!
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  • What you might do (Example 1) Plan and trial different/new reasonable adjustments for one or more of the students for whom you are responsible and collect some data about what happened OR Plan and trial different/new reasonable adjustments for one or more of the students for whom you are responsible and collect some data about what happened OR Plan & ActReviewRespond 9
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  • What you might do (Example 2) Plan and trial ways of consulting with students or their associates about necessary adjustments and collect some data about what you learned. OR Plan and trial ways of consulting with students or their associates about necessary adjustments and collect some data about what you learned. OR Plan & ActReviewRespond 10
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  • What you might do (Example 3) Reassess adjustments already made for one or more students and then trial, and collect some data about, new adjustments that would be less disruptive and intrusive and no less beneficial. OR Reassess adjustments already made for one or more students and then trial, and collect some data about, new adjustments that would be less disruptive and intrusive and no less beneficial. OR Plan & ActReviewRespond 11
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  • What you might do (Example 4) After reflecting on your responsibilities that involve leadership, promoting quality teaching and/or leading change, trial and collect data about, a strategy to improve your effectiveness in these roles. OR Another relevant action/initiative required in your role. See page of additional ideas. After reflecting on your responsibilities that involve leadership, promoting quality teaching and/or leading change, trial and collect data about, a strategy to improve your effectiveness in these roles. OR Another relevant action/initiative required in your role. See page of additional ideas. Plan & ActReviewRespond 12
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  • Collecting data about your action 1 13 Your diary, reflections, journal Your or your colleagues observations Videos and photography (privacy issues) Information from individual interviews with students, parents, colleagues Results of questionnaires and surveys Group approaches interviews, focus groups
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  • Collecting data about your action 2 14 Numerical ratings, e.g. extent or degree on a 6 point scale, smiley faces, tokens etc Counts - how often, how many, how much, how long, like/dislike etc?) Scores on formal or informal tests
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  • 15 How you might share your experience on 11 March In five minutes or less, outline 1.What your action/initiative involved 2.Why you did it? 3.How you did it? 4.What happened + and - 5.What you learned? 6.Implications, significance next steps? 7.Anything else?
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  • Professional responsibilities 16 Make sure you are free to share and there are no privacy or ethical issues, particularly around the use of video or photographs.
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  • Take-home message 17 Student learning is enhanced when teachers engage with data about teaching and learning Engaging with data is a teaching activity Collecting data about our professional practice can deliver surprises, e.g. /index.html /index.html Practical, collaborative, ongoing, unbiased, data-informed inquiry into our practice helps us develop effective, defensible and sustainable teaching practices for our circumstances Data-informed self-assessment gives us more control over our own development as professionals, strengthens the profession and fosters personal growth Good luck with your engagement with data about an aspect of this course!
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  • For assistance 18 Feel free to contact me at

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